Newspaper Page Text
'P -mm piyfflnr.r Tivnvrxn tvr,nxr:rATt may 18, isos. ;' H -i II unroot nn 1 branch l " l?hit ho tccl.nlo.ll3 .tylcd ' n ." P7..-inJ M ho throw dovvn Mi - L "cone,! ImklnhN chair ho i. ""itSS. 'l.ik Uo I""'"1" "' "S I that ilnnw a bimlncM I" .. Vftl. too obtm-'icly ilovir lr- i.toton UmI trltlci ho wm r "Smntcnl t I" ll fwUciiM nnil " SllSbiifowniUJ l'J"C " rfconlcn.nal.ou. ho rwlo at them lh all lil km m"1 fOT 'I1'1' wlapn""'''';''ll,"iorI"" 5,ionl I1'1 them iiifiin nu 1 i liawitU mortal woumla. .Man n ?flMf author, taking u; n ilunn iS col of Tlu Cumor from tho " ,T?"Bn,vkwiflilHWoedlioul, KjreKli""'1 tcathinc fontf-niH " Si cniil nittltisii". euili mtrtihw -v-ten aJ h'l chwiI him to hy 15 Sa tho pur with InmUliu wci 4imi. r'o 'wow "' w1"' H SniaWhmrt to inirii liU untnrtM A Smrt hom I'''" nl"l t0 '"-1 Uint for teilnwWast, lunchoon, tea, dinner M S oiIr wiro hcnoLfoiib ax i. ,&no folk might think that tlu ro 'S a H tho low exeunt) for lit) wvii-' ' flfbthat Jiiat then (li-nrgo Charl 1 Jj,,niwrK,wcro'""kDBIKrtic Ltlr bright In men way lib lwt WtiatiroK.rouiiaiKr, ITioCcnwr, J mi in Miin' om' A ll o net 1.1 1 dhi hvl Jnt lio n incepted l.y AWrfins Doliii ' ki luwo mid , nunaccr of th fcnnt Omnium Uiratcr and J mUnla) liu own Ikmiu nnil lutonsl 0 rtlo hail tonlldixl to lim, on KlnR tfndcrly ns! ii on ll do nibject ,liat Ju" ,ja ,icr fl $ Ttitoinonlh of tho )ir nnd that Tjtiilay win her fnvurlto day of 'J tUvreelc i, CbnsMirhijr nlL tlilujfiPlliorurore, 'S wno might ay tint ho ou-ht to ' lira l.n Uwhr to tho uiitlior of ! '-Srarcil Hiart," but tho higher our " (ttiia with tho moro a ht d wo jilv, nh 1 It wuih , wUr Wcmva tlio in in (loorRo C'Jnrl ton was In a p.irtictillil blight nnd Li?iiioi1 that tho i-ritic Ocoiko Ctarlton vim jmrlluilnrly "fit," nnd - coiiacqucuth lurllcularly nurciloM totttoliandtwalllo n Tholwol. aaithinpmiM, camolio I fuiv hint nt an iinunky, nn-l in tnith Kami HuirU'voi n J fjolwli feeble liuhy etory, with f ctlK-rcal Imputflbloliiroluo and wild, ricUiMn, OroL nrolUcil him com 1 jj, c, forced it jatloiuuiid llatcd Mjlc foiwd a!oh of llfoj cliauittw M.o notlilnc, nnd ho lire rcd acconlinbl) to glu it, inhU - nlna ly ijuolid hrao, "a ulatiiiK " Nc cr ai author Hiycd uiolo mi rd IcHly . IliU itorj,"sail Charlton 'inn I ' nioro uuiLid dogTcg tln nny wo ' can nincralicr, BCtim to liinu licen nrftdn for tho omu inirixwc-of flwvin what tho author cannot do Can an) out iufonn iih why it in that j thovrltiri (i..o tho mark) who , bare not orcu t!io t dent to detferilo J f vcrjilar occurauccH w itli u touch i of humor or of pathos, to draw u j cominouibco clnrnctcr wltli tolcr- . tlhtrutLfulncM, nroKcninilly thoo waoundritalco to thou luilifolulta Dott traflu aspeet nnd tho human liinrt in ita Btonuiet, moat p.uHlou atonorklngul 'HurIi Kilts' In u nm cuhiio cognomen liut wo doubt if jtlie ont inOM.ulli.0 litcmiyciuncr ncrptrntrated quite nomiieh folly ii lai between tho mnuta covci ipnnHnl with allghlly fcorchol cartA of tho work beforo ns 'Tho licb of Rcttlcmon who writo with ea' hao, Binco 1'oiou day, bcoj Riplcmcntcd by an equall) laiRC mob of 1 idles who write, nl isl with oeaprcatci caw, nnd It In nuiou'i ft rcnVj of thceo, wo fancy, that tlaUhor of "faenred He irts' U to te 1 found1 i 'For hnmc, Clnrltonl' wo fancy I (clioriiAof funlnino o!cm cryinji 'it jou tuitct tho lmolt to bo from m oman a hand, ba o j on tho heal t to rot It upl You, n gallant, no do otcd to u bO popular u wiuilM of names I" Ah, liut Ho his hU nnaner ready for j ou '2ouhcnw, my deir plrliil No lain is moro dciotod to women than Ii but when) uu comu licforu mo as tovclihts jou onto to Iw women u I when I i)Uo my critical scnlinl la hand I ccao to bo n man oj tz ona' Intnluco gnllantiy and tbiv lrjr Into tho nrta and thoro is an md of all honent cnticiBin-" Anl taking up bin jwn ngnluho towfor tint unrortunato novel "Tho hcio of N.ared Hearts,' rrebably tho most absurd creation that n er wnlkd tho w orld of llctlon -even of ladles' fiction ikwmbkcs, wo re infonne,!, 'diikllng, fateful In MlaUo oyis. Wmt does this me ml llngh nilw'khould lao appended n flofcirj to his w ork 'And u mouth tnt ken lu owner'Bfcocict well' tuU 14 ejitier to iindeiiftaud i .man "nalevldontly lost his toeth " Anlwion to tho bitter cud, flier "and Bneering, with now nnd then uu,p tliarj, tiinwt, ran Uuultous t unUl ho cotieludcd his lovio ituuiciiowonUi " &-anl Ilunrto' i undoubtedly to workt novel of tho feaon-1 mn J1" fruitful of poornoiils. To that "Jl omlncnco1 bin Hugh Kllis'iit "iae.1. niul It s to bo Iio-mxI that, ?a,Jinr bin solf there, ho will kcu fit i, $.Ma lho I"-11 Well ho w leldi 'leant ,np It If tbo follow or pri-nUlchoier It h-U cut up,' 'uttered Charlton, ni bo row from " writing tnblo in l.U Banctum ut j 'o Uuwir a olheo ' 1 must do my atjr its tbowi-etchc.lostfctiiu' over jut lotivoon covers Wocntlesnro ? wrary imlle-cmcn, and it is our dut Taovo on' or 'inn tn" tlio crowd of Umfi '1"1 11'' ,ho nu"u:3 cf And cmcnrlng a fow minutes lator iiuin tnooitico ot lho Ltniior, Ueorgo Cliarlton 1110111.11x1 into a passing h-uiKOrannd wni nhlnlcnl awa to his club If tho j 'aing critlo h id felt nny slight touch of cotupunetlou r girding tho wvero treatment ho bud meted out to llionuthorof Seared lb erts." nnd tbo probable ftenwtwm Willi which tliat literary nipirant would rend tho roviow which woull npi in In tho ei.umo of tw o or thrco dij s, tho fueling did not n main long w itli him, mid ho had (pilto forgotti n It when as thonveiilng woimoii, hj found hiinwlf in benutj s elrelo I roudl gay " nt a smill and e irly' at liiillertluBlicMm tt was an iinpi 1 1( ntlnus nlTnir, but verj plciuant-iniuieiul hunting (a dUtnictloii, bo it oUeniil vvhlcliin sumo drawing roomi tsn mottwlso nnd nisarj ono), n llttlo carict dmco nnd n su ier At ono hour iu.t midnight UcorgoClnrltnnanl id finiieeo w i ro tu!i,n n tender fnro well in the hull It nasiidinieult bulncs-i;irtiiig Tivu (undbjii bid been said nnd tho sixth wus uuw In progress. "Is mj boy veiy tlrcdl Has bo liccn w orklng v e ry cry hard toeliy I ' How tulornblo hhu was hu thought. In her crimson rillt f roek, with it tupinro cut loilieo nnd short slcoroii her nubuni hair curling round her' broiv nnd LnotUil nt tbo Imck of her he id tho dimples coming mid going iubcrfilr elueki. lei llttlo lniiiU nieliiiig iipvvanl to turn up tho col lir of bis ovireoat as a defenso ngiiiiist tho nlL,lit wind "Has my boy been woiklng .cry, vciy hnjil todiyl' ' lolonbly hnnl, my sweet Ocrtlo Iliivotomnkumy way, )im know " "Aihi how w ell nre you unking it, .you denr, clever o! 1 boy, wli it with jour pliyiind writing for tho lions II rn Hnvojimbocnwi-itlngnrtl elea today, Ucirgu)" 'Wbatdcci ii llttlo fairy Ilka jou euro to know tiowsjMii rs and urtielcsl Your titttocurly bend was nover meant to think of nil) thing but lovo nnd ltbwosP "Kiij but rcolly, lovo tbo cully IirvI lay ngniiikt his shoulder now nnd tbo rosy mouth was just .t freo ngnlii for sjie'eth "1 do take tbo greatest Intirost In oui work (leorgc" In n iu)etcrious whisper, "sujimo I wcru to tell on n llttlo seeietr "And-sui poso." In n 111 o injsterl ous nlilsinr, tint I wcro to tell tiu n llttlo secret! I think 1 can guess tho gist ot lioth llttlo scciets-thnt wo lovo cull other 1 "Yes, dinr (leorfo, but ItJiouIuVt havocilleil that u heeret, lieiaumj wo inehkuow tint well dont wol Jly Hxret is ouo that ) ou don t know ono that shares in) heait and my thoughts w lth ) ou ouo that would hurprisojou ei) inueli mid that If )ou know it, would, I till ll , do nvviiy with )our notion that 1 nm n hill), emi I) llttlo thing " "'My notion that jou nro a sill), enijity littla thingi' Mv ilailiug chill, what nro )ou talking oft 1 think jolt tlio bivccUtt we man 1 overmetl' 'It U icrydoarof joutoraj fo, bat I fancied ) ou thought mo just u httlo no, I wont sny it again, if it Vexes voui I will nmfrnr mH uu rajiugtuu u juii Kiiuw inn fccrct of mlno it woidd iwrlups tiUmo mo to n higher plico not iujour lovo, deir, but In jour in jour I shall liavo to say esteem, though that Is not rjuito tho word I w mt" "Aul what Is this rraiul i-ccret! Tho llttlo woman hasuot hrouli iteh ing plots to overthrow tlid govem ment, I l.opot" bho did not liccil bis Jcstlngwords Ilir htad was rahed aiul sho vias looking nt him with n bright, oanict lookt her lips opened, then sho shook lu r eurlsnud higbed '.No 1 hnv en t thocourago to tell ou tonight, ,cr bnii tho next timo I sco ) ou I thall hnvu summed up enough It is so lito now wo must part " A mlniito hter Geoigo Chirlton waswnlklug nwuj down tho street lighting ti i.ttni "Uttlo w eh 1 ' ho muttered Blie was moro enrhintlng thanuvirtiv night I Whatlstliiswonihrfulsocict ofbcrsl1 Tlicn,nftirniusoi 'Tlie hlen of horKvying I thought btrn silly, empty llttlo thlngl bho is whit n woman hhoull lw pretty, bright, nmhllonnd with taMotoilrcm her channliig liguro to pcrfn-tlon No finnlo cenluj-es for me, th inks," sail Cliarlton, pulling nt his dgar 'I may bu bclilud thq spirit of the ago In tn) lug so but 1 doll t lil.u 'em A woman has no biisiiici with fcnlua, nnd I don t ndmiro it in her nny more than I do othei accidental masculine qualities u Kiss loice, foriiutnnce, oi a Iwanl lly Jove I' with u chuclilo ' I tupiwco my llfo wouldn't bo worth n moment sjiiirebiso It I mndo publio theso sentiments nt u meeting of tho shrieking slsteihood " . . x It w ns two or thrco da)s lforc Gcorgo Cliarlton saw his Is trothed ngiln When that timo hail darHcd ho called In Nugent Gardens ono ovinhig with Komu tickets for it con rort IIo was shown Into the draw lug room vvhero bo was joined, b) Ids proKiwctivotuothir-li! law, ' I don t know win tliei Hi i tlo will bo nblo to tco J oil," mid tbo lattel who lookesl troubled ' SomethiiM has upsQt bi r sadly today mid sl.o bin 'been shut up In her own room foi hours " Chnrlton cxprej oil much concern nnd soiro v ' Jin) I not 1 now what It Is that has grieved hei 1 ' ho sal 1 ' I nm not suro whether I um nt Ulierty to tell )ou," rojoinel Mi-s." Holmes. ' TirliaiM bIio w 111 tell j on herself if sho feels fit to nmij out nnd I nm certain, George, that If ou enn giv o tho poor child nny comfort j on will I w 1U go nnd tell her ihut j ou aro hero " Left ntono in tho room George Clnrlton paced up nnd down ouco or twice, somevv lilt disquieted to hinr of his pretty Geitioa sul mood nnd wondering what tho eauio of her awttatlcm inlaht lnv l'reseiilly thero was n f outstep ou tho stairs outs do tbo rustlo of a drissnt tlo door, nnd sho literal Klio woro n ten gown her lwnnj curls wcro piwhed back parti) from her brow, lur thwiks wcio whlto, lierojes heav) nnd discolored Willi long vciplng bho enmo lustil) tic roes tho loom enmo into tbenrms redy to recclvo hei nnd then her tears burst out again Oh, Georgel oh, Georgol Help mo to licnr it, dear I Mj heart is brekinT lly every trrder won! nnd caress ho strov o to soothe her nnd nt luigth, whin hi 1 eonviilslvo soba beoiluiin llttlo iUlctor. ho said, ' Won t Hi) lit tlo girl tell mu thu cnuso of her sol" rowi" And In lroken wonls, InteniirtM bymniij npltcoaicobni.d gap, sho began t(iFik: ' Yon rememlier tint 1 told j on ' sol) sob ' tint I had a secret Tlio secret was thntlluid written n' sob Fob' hnd w rltten n' ob ' a n novel" sob sob sele ' Itbas been a dream to mo ' sob "n castla in tho nir for months" sob sob ' I thoui lit It was so-so rood I so so lover' and that when It ap lcarcd nnd every opo was prallng it jou would lio so so proud ot mo ns will ns fund of mot Ami now now oh, tho dreadful review I fcbo pressed her ejes to her lours shoulder, nnd her voico was lo-t in u ttonu of sobs, ami 1 which tbo vonlt "Tlio Censor' and "cruel vv retch'" nlono wcpj nudlble Chnrlton held her from him sud deul) an 1 looked Into her foes1, nnd his unusu il jmllor nud trngio nsjs'ct itll-hteiieil nwny her solnl lliitl. ill) bat vv as j our nov 1 1 nilhsl ' bo sal 1, ' ami whit nimo did ) on write uud ri ' It was oilleJ 'Soared Sonrcil Heaits,' nnd I wrote under thu n inio of 'Hugh Hugh nils I'" ' Cheat heavensl ' ha e janilateil in lolurtirll) 'Wliy wnsntltoldl' Howould bivo given nnj thing to rcenll thowoids, but the) wirouuti it was too Into Gcrtlo drew her arm away from its iwltlon around hi shoulder, stepiwl Inch n jmco or two, throve lmel. tho culls from her brow , looked it him vv Itli Hashing e es and checks that had suddeilv grown criniMiu ' Wasit jou who wrote' that sh imn fully cmel rovlcwt Ye I wo It was It Is jour haul that has dealt tnu tlio must ngonl7lug blow I hnv o ovti felt. It is ) oil who halo torn down mv ciutlu in tho ulr. It is jou who, with jour wicked, mocking, unjust ' 'Geiiio sieiro mo I On myknccj Insk for imidoii Consider, love, thit I lu 1 no idea who 'Hugh I lbs' vvils" Consldcrl No, tir, I will liott" ilnthii.g away with nu angry hnnl tho tears that would como "That U but u fresh Insult Tliat moms that li id j ou know u I w ns tho nuthur of 'Seared HmrU' jou would luvn concealed jour real opinion jour i pltcful, nmllcloai, unjust, nil opin ion I Tut n million critics, vv ith nil their spito nnd malleo und Injustice, though tl oy could hurt me, could net shako m f ilth in my own iiv iral 'Seared Heirts'lsngooil novi II" sob sob ' and n w ell w ritteu nov el 'sob sob ' and n Miy Interest Inguoull' sob sob sob "And I mean to wnto heaps of others. Tlierol' ' Gerllo, on do not menu lo loavo mo in nngerl' foi sho was muling ton iid tbo door ' Yes, I do mean to leiv o ) ou and forovcrl ou nro not tho Gcorgu Cliarlton whom I bnvolovcil tint I cauio to for comfort mpurter of mi hour ngo ou nro it en. el, inoe k lug, conceited, utti rly un lbjerning man, with whom I hnv o nothing in common I If, nsn woman to iiinn, I could hnvo nny weak thoughts of forgiveness of injuries ns novelist lo critic I niuimpl-cablol' Thero w 13 11 niuso as sho drew n ring from her ' engaged ' linger, n Hash of l.hht ns tbo diamonds wint 11) Ing through tho uir and fell nt Chariton's feet. Trem tonight wo mo strangers," eho said -mid left hiin And thoy were, euro cnoiifchi which shows that tho court 0 of tmo love, troublesomo to keep smooth under tlio most favorablo conditions, Is leirtieularly upt to ge t out of order in tho enso of n fair uov elUt nud 11 witty joung critic. Gertlo Is married now to a good, rosy going iiinn, of 110 great Intel leetuil nttnunncnts, who is very proul of hijpritty, ngivenblowifo, nnd tikes her literary talents on trust frho Is nn Inclofntlgnblo novelist 'Scared Hearts' has nlready hid sovcnl suecebbors, nil toasting tho dlstingubihin charaetcristlcsi of that mnftcrpicco, ono or two oven rather moro no " And when theso novels como up for J idgment licforu tho caustic j oung ci Hie of Tlio Censor, ho gives them n "si iting," did )oh nskt Ah, uol lliero is n llttlo lomhnio left, hero und tlcro, oven in theso stnv ing, inechauical dajs. And vihcn thoso feeble, roolish, Ikishy Btorles romo licforo him, Geoi-go Cluulton remcniliers how once, while a soft arm duiicd his neck and ntcnivwot faco lay ou Ids breast, 11 llttlo v oieo soblieili 'Oh, Uoorgol ob, Gnorgol help mo to lieir it, duirl alj heart is broken I 'nnd, as ho cannot 1 rnlso Uiciu, ho Ikissos them byiuslieuco Mr Jnnins A. Bptirgcon who baa been appelated toBiiieeid Ids trotlicr nt the London TnUrnaclo, has for solas time been iissi'itmit minister thero, an I lues gnliiod thu nl ntatlon of being an excel lent basinets man. 500 Reward T W r will pir tbo iboto irwiril for tar ens Dt I lvr Cui. p.mut, liltpi) u sicL llenatcl r, liilllllin U-)lmin I r I utlleticl wa tusiiot curs w lliHtiiaVriitUbtf 1 itt ill I, irSm m a reel odi r lr j r uipllc I Hllb ltr r. lor.ll l.itUII, .,,1 Mte lalfc-fl-iuilh ll n Bur-r IJ iitoj earitboie', h ctnu luwira ci rount'rf-ili nm mn Ugiit, lltKCIUIrtiiaulllx JUIINON lltvir Co., U m i ii Uam stitel, Sill Ll to Cilf "German Syrup" Ilcrclsnu incident from the South Mississippi, written In April.iSoo, Just after the Gtirpe hai isitcd that country. " 1 am a fjnncr, ons of those tv lo have to rise catly end work late. At the beginning of last Winter I wan on n trip to the City ofVicksburg,M!s.i.1whcrcIgotvell drenched in a shower of rain. I went home and was soon after seized with n dry, hacking cough. Tbl grew worcn every clay, until I bid to seek relief. 1 consultcdBr. Dixon v., ho has since died, nud he told me to get a bottle of Hoschcc'a German Syrup. Meantime uiy couch grew worse nnd vvorati'l then IhcGnppc cacie nlo ig and I caught tliat also cry severely. My condition then compelled me to do something. I Eot twobottlcsof German b)rup. I egan using them, nud before takiuif much of the secojJ bottle, I was. entirely clear of the Cough that had hung to me so Ion;;, the Grippe, and all lu bid effects. I felt tip-top and have felt that way ever since." rrTERj.nni.L31Jr.,Ca)iiza, nines Co , lllsa. O ' VM- d Tl'lAT&CBSKC U hmm'i pTj? t Pacl:ctl in ?hi0$m Patent Cloth y?"-5-' J Pouches anil ' NSglnFoll.. , A LAUhCRY SOAPjRJIE AhD SAMTAI.Y DUSKY D1AH0HD TAR SOAP. liatlilFUL, AGRiEAClE, CLEAIttlNQ. Cufti CtitppitIU!idi einJ DurstZt9u s 2 l. J-i i , f g iti 4 CD '' IS YEARS IN SALT LAKE ; Ki . Vi.Nv n, , X3ii a vr. xzxcbcxxxvra, Mloroicoplo snd Anilvlloil Phtilclin. Mas niAOtiesu is stLi HRK iiar SIsLteaa Jtnt ftj II wonqritii) tBlj kblUhcdrurv li I " t INcle I In mt tltna ruv IU aclenllll!) prmrlp (-uwli rli I U I ruts Md of th n irriM ops rkbl Mm i uUrt lb pnmtrr ru a d iluciitt taitSttl staflCftlmrf Tstliartor u rarol tliom tAdOtCftluof S.rpi im)l pfn xnil t lutir! nr.lmi m 's.tlra, I'rntlrntli nd w II lollfll rilo llunditj I.uiibu tor vctsulta under bit trialraoot Men wb i tn nrtliftou nhtuvor rauio ni TJ.'H". ouno on MiDouE-aaco, lha liarlor guarar.ta lu rcalora uu lo 1 f 4I11I kn I in or r All Iba delicti dUokata or wo intaarnnaBaollr cured IJverauilltldiiarlonplallllsnd til rUraea J,i,j,0""J Tatnweru u'iuiuo Haul. S.IU..U. in. ' ' "' mm ANOTlIKIl Cl!ffl! In I'rlccA at mm. 60c. Carpets now 40c. 75c. Carpets for - GOc. ; GLOVLS. SI Black Kids for 60c. S1.50 White Kids, 75c. LADIES' Flh'E FERC1LB ilSTS. S1.25 Grado nov - SI. SI Vaists for - 75c. MEN'S SUITS. $6.00 Reduced to $4.00. $11.00 Suits to - $8.00. Men's Stiff Hats. NLW and :oriiiv. $2.00, price now $1.50. $1.00 Felt Hats for GOc. . ; BOB TIDE REDUCTMS AT wssm. f StarlorseMs (1 Pollshod or Bluod. ;"j n Lni nitt ty r. a U httr tut St MHii, tedairiu4 tn (in ttatfd j& f Lrtu wm kei akti ;sj ltir btt tor ethic UNION HORScilAlL CO., W Ohicngo, 111. li BatT rw aiti it i. o h i .urp g UkCM ItO&RI O II TTf), Q K IEOMtKT IrtliJtnt ht unj in TAYLOR, H0MNEY,: ARMSTRONG CO., VtkLlHt N oLUAlBER!o Sash, Doors, Hoaldlajs, Etc, lUuliiff tlt nutl Yrtl. Omi Utock tr r. I". IWhoI.HnU Litk lit, tfttH orn toxsrr. umascr un.nnstvrr Ttlrpbc jul AiU Mauntr EBOT- Ad !rrt i currcranlenc t 3(l, JOJA 104 , houlb icutt lttlrtl DeseretJiemsCompany PIONEER - OF THE WEST. C3TADLISIICD IBOO. Bookbinding and Paper Ruling .! Ut 111 muilllll .V AliSTRACTS, couxtv worn:, . hum: hooks, .ItXl IIKCUITICB - COUNTY BLANKS. r,ic iccMinED oi Arrucu lot gCW'V TAn HOARD linrl Gost Qrrdo of Mnlorlals Uaoil to mako our work. Uurablr , 'ALL WORK GUABAfaTCCD. DO YOU WEAR HOSIERY? ffl MrtiAie hut llrrfltril nn Axrnl'i f tnr of MAmplcB, comprlilnx Ljj 'UlBH ui nnr In of 1 1100 iljrln I mllr', Ml.e. ClillJrfu'n unit Oenllf- Wk Im1B nitn'i IIOSK. Kami ivlll tin pi irrj on into nt nliaut IIAI.V iolli I 'S'B III (ll'I.Ml I'ltlCIC. lUvo romplrlci(ork(iti,IIOK4-lilUlylcl, iiirlB I rlrr , clr. Liiii into fan tuonry an Strnw Clooitl, llojft' Cloth ItEEiilB lux. Hry llooile, (Irorrrlri. tie 1'rtrpB loiv n tb" fHinrit S-JclDflH IJrOurlernill Cpot I iKli. Mull onlrrs lollcllcil lm!li2H BARHBS, LEWIS & CO,, 16 Mainji lij M ifr 0M Sill wWmcmNffL ft 1 m Ym&Aiwtm ill 'WfAtt0f! 111 , wire;&auzeoor!2&, H 'ron 9ale dy - Jt ( JMaBil? Z. C. M. I. Solo Agents in Snlt Lake City. MubI JAMES-SPENCER-BATEMENCO. IB 1 .Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters mm i. mrjAziJino xrr wSn LLBt? wj riumlhy itatnial, Pumpi, Pipt and iTIinji, Btcan WO if(J Heating Supphci, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gatvaa- ifflni MMll pn tied Irtnx Cornice, Guttcrinj, Etc. 'jig Wm -v CAnDEN HOSE AND LAWN SPlllNKLERS KHwlk S J No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. HSU J "CORTICELLI." v WKsM ROPE5SILK, q MWWm r Wash, Embroidciy Silk, iMu i A v mm I '! I II $ H At- i'll B S 8 "0 w III B (h Vjtlf f--e IH "JtcJi, In the aaj b nl, M jlHilWlS fr Viii lui iXi ijijak-.', .irotjtit itmfl ui 'xVnlivK i- T.3 tlllcn ttnaJ, Hal ci'ir ono laliil ) " flUwilt' H O ftiumtaftiWIli k . " filWllfl R! C. II. SAMPSON, AconS. w 'IfflSH-J .,, -,-.. -J