Newspaper Page Text
I ni:sr,nCT rvrxiyn y.y,vsi rrpynsnAT,,arAv is, isng. g" , il'M'IIB A BIG PROTEST Uilut the CltlMS' Street Railway Company. " cOUCIIOU WAMUMI UtTIM. irii. 0 nc Hat r icrlp Kotnllon ( omci !'i. tg 1,. .Marlfl II"'"" I'njut.- ' jil.frllnnioni llntlneM. -H Tin CUT Council met III rritular Jf0Tuf.Jy wtnluftM WlTU.. SjorUMkluinilJIan. 'll.oer f, .ilemlanc. .t toll call Ucuuc m. u ,., M.u, llarty.Mor.u.llorn, ) B,ll,HlmonJI. I.ootluurovr, Iwboii, c.i., i:-. "iir. w"""J '"' ,. , ,. ' 1 Abwal-K"'''. ' i rtRstrrrNT rx-oiirciivn i El city IlelcctlTe llutfti b. OUnn Kill lu 111" lollawlnJ!unoii- rour pf tltlonr Miartful " It iSrt ll' ' re- KJSSr your i"Uon or tl.o lOlli In.t., lo "it tlllon o.Wliut for tlio -ill' "raw.l .n.l return ol ccruin r oallialll.. PJ" f "ld IlWhL ill panted. Tt,v mayor ill & th.t Hie I'M' " trrtjtawatiiot now In lilt Hieilon toJ on motion llio potltlou u -Utilcd lori.flbltetjr. Tliebooril of education atxoil Hint thtCotincllglTo OW) fret ot old rll mJ Iron to It, to be ui.i lu bulldliiK ichool foundation.. Committee on wri and intone with major at.oc!at. ti. Tlio coramlttM. n. filwu power Is.ct. announe. H thai II bad nerned J. W. Donue llaii, ,W. Betr., HeberM. W.H., V.. Jl. A'lcki and V. i IluuuarJ at com. jllln from tht nody Hi" 'lueellon jfrenatulnitUie lreeta. H. 0. Wll.onand other, n.krj for .ilcMlon of water mln. on Kuclld At.DU.. Comniltl.eoiiw.Urworki. TU Hilt bake Mullaulo Co oli.lkrHl rrmllonU ley it. own aldewalk. UommKlroon itreet. J, II. HlckflU, Wendell Hemou, (.u.Ilolnio and other? again a.Ueil Out the work of raring HlatutttMt le jiuil'tl to rat II conii.lellou. Com. t. mHlt.en.lmU. l)r. J. W. T.jlor a'ked lo be .Wowed lo It ito flanging .idewalka In front of bl. rrojrty. Conimllteo en Wllfani WooJrufl ailod rrrul.lon to lay hli on cotuont ilJenalkat wlutetipfntr, Cemrnlttf.onatreet.. J. h. Taj-tor aaked to bo rtlmliur.l D In ttiematurot (..jmuitof wattrtax. lonimltu-c on weUrworke. Annie Httllleetknl lo bo relieved frornieTligwiiermalntax. Commit Ueonaatfttrtuk.. . The laiarJ ol.duc.tton aakel that Hlh South, Ulwetii We.t Tempi. nJ Founri H'ot etrl, U liiiruTed. . Cumnilllreomtrert... To. Uriel mi Young Truit corui any akrd 10 l.llowr4 In l.y ll.owtl tiiv waik ('onimltltM on .trtrt. Huot!. WaRir .tut In a cotnaiiinlrn. tloo ollluit atlenlloii lo u former lellllou. CommlU.-v on watorworka. rolomou llpljriukud to b.aj)Njluted suarj at r.rteT'a canjou rraerrolr. Ummltte.onwateiwork.. ' A Bill IIWI..ST. Vteunlflr.tanltrnni lh. .ut.llo prraa a 1 from llio rucord. of four prtH ee Uttj. ibkl lli.r I. pndinir lforo vuu hu ap ilctilou of one Jospli II W.Mftn for n iilnchl. for Hie o eratlon of . alre.t rillniT orer certain ftlreet. of Ihla eilx. aroonit otli.ra Ihlrd roulli atreol, Vot fTiiDl atreet .ltd Heenlli lUtatriK.1. That In a crncral waT tlio line projected IjrthliappllraDtrun. from the penile!! . Ilirr lino eA.t of lb. city to Uie liner . .nilon ol Wont Temple ami runitli Tern plot tt. We re.polfullT call the alien lion of the Luiinrll to th. . fact ?tbit by far tlm creater prt nf the atri1. rml.rac. I within th. applhatlon n I vtthlntha remriutlou vrbkU liaa tMa.ed K lb. drat rta llriur beforo you, .ru alretiily , v rrll.ytliellniaoroiio .if tlm olhur 1 cotnpanioi, and that Iho publlo la now J mi I. .. 1 ao fr a .lr-o cur acrt ico li concerned by lh. line, now oMrul oa lt.u eim.t. with lh. excel tlnu ot to block. on Win riiiiploalreel,lowlii rrom rlr.t to Third routh, uikhi which Klflco l not rtlvrn, but which la beluK rirldly jmatiul to completion. It I. a 7 nil known f.ct that upon liono of the II tbn oily la tho traltlo aumtltnl Ji to enable two ccunpanUa, paralleling each J HI i ron llio aauie make ex. pen.... IfiU anyKjnt or for any ion IJ.raMe tlli.tanco Iho Iraftlo la dltlded lietwevn tuoconipLtlntrllnea, tMth mitat ba operate! .1 a lo.., .nil tlio prop rty and franchl.o. of both immiMlii elv lieroio. depreciated. It I. tho ulm and iln.lio 'ol ml. oni) any, not only to otKralo It. Ilncaalairont, In.tealofa lox, but to Sire the ubllo the t err lt aervlco that , . unbaglien. If iho linn, or Hie com. jS latit.. now otwrallni under franchtiica " trtnithodly aro (o lo pirallelcd ly couipetlnv line, upon the aame atroet.llio friottilveiof tlm uHupnuy Mill become, m in , ,ii.IMn to oik rat. tba road ao a. lo giro tlio publlollr.t cla .err he, either In tlio way or c utpmuiit w In the aptd or frouuoucy In Iho run. nln or Hie i am an I U.I lo. tlmt, It wjll tmoluipo'tbloror any colnpAuy.o 'rlppua to ucttlato or aell Ita lmnd.,an I Iniha way lliey will UdcprliedoT tho WMllofforolifiioaplUI. It la ro oot lullr tul,mllle,l that In to u corp. or.ilonwutcliiiponthofilthotlraiichl.ia Iron Iho city Im. laltl out at iuiik of Jf nie In the cgulpuu nl and o erailou of alwirle llnealn Ibl.clty.ud wnlch la at L'tt" K11.'0 I,r" "crrlco to lh. fiMlc-.t;.liould not bo hmiired or iV..,11 '"Perty depreciated by the tnntlngof funcfil.-.lo coiiii.illiiir car I'"", iiilr.. lli.nb.adoin.ul for tie .ru from the iiilllc, Woe.pcclally prolMtanalnat IhouraniltiK of any fr.u. ihhe. to permit horn li I. hlr lo ... IJ "J10 .'i' . r'rin to make ll.o nf tlio !?'"" f"',1'" I enellt of tliomty, but aim. Iiy to bold them for apciulatliopurnnoa 1 -for..,u,1)h1(,1,uldj,ri h thJIi.1" "m" w1"'" "" '"' t r Hue. of ' Ji'r WT "lulpprd tilth cleitrlo mo- h.K"! tly"' 1 roblemallcal whether r,,JnJr"'"1,,u wom I " "iie.elul, and 5A C'r":"i prophclcd Iho oulcomo l JwMlodU.ttreu. ltlanowrocwilrl 4 l'1'i"er.rliodl.plawd ' Rtty..?..0 ?1u,prlnc lla'ilnii.'.. lo iilvo uitl cla.a airtl.-. tu tho oily . ouo an.l .. I,r,"c'l'-1 '"it"!. Ill Ita Erowlli and wcpcrit. Our lino, hato b.en ex. rHv'-r,'."1. M"k" malnlaliicd upon d!It?r iV Vr"noUl "ot for any Imme. lha..R.0.a',.0,,,,,y","l none, but In ainii '"'r l"lln or n,o arowih orfhocliy. Jr,,,n..t"l,"rl',',0' I'IK Kol th. J,'.''"" "lal? In llsu otiilvInK lo tlio ".'..'rl',' bf," ,,'0l", " "'" ,""" "fvk i I tt! yi'""lcuUr. Noiouteird llntla. thl. S. f.00""11.1" " H"0.1 lallh to do rim I ,l. $ " ' " I"" """ht to rcfrnlll '""mottiui-.polity In nu-ard locoia- iMtlmrllnnwhiili would render our In. tc.tilicntiinprolluble. "K)our honorable boly .hall eon. elu le thai then Is . prnUble demand r ir another atroet cur ayatem In thl.clly, In addition to tho-.. lu ok ration ami that tlm territory now embraced within th. Irancbl.e. now jendlnir ton It not tulllelemly cotorcuV by tlm line at prwnl c nairitUail, an 1 that Hi,, appll. Ionia malo In iroo.1 fallh and for tho iTtii.JH nl 11,1. pul'V, warutthur tnimil. rnlly a.k lli,.i a prorl.liui bo eml miM in tAo franchl.0 Ibat tho orllon or th,. lino prpocl bylhe.llllcant Mr ttalden, width Itnnl.lloor tho lerrltoiv cotuod bylbellno. of iba mi.lcr.lciiM no tlm toii.tru.teij.and thatthlt pro. l.lou at i lr not only lo that K,rtl. n of tlm,! lino wlttilD tlm rlly limit., hut to that ai(tlun lylntr betweeu audi limit, and ih.penllenlUry Wo roilKVIfully re,ro HUH th it It I. but fair lo tlm und. faincd thai Ihlt pruMaloli lis Inrarled In nuy fratichl.e thai iniy Iki eranlnl Imirderlh.t tlm publli may Im pnileile I aielntl a third at 'cm operated upon atrecta air ly nrnipM which will raault merely In minima conipfll. tlonand to llu dllrluienl mil only ol Iho rorlHiratloua Invulrud but of tbo luhlloludr. Halt l-ako LTIr lUIUoa I I'ompaiir, A. V. McCLliE, 1'iwldeilL Itecelreil and lll.'l. The Jlapll cotuiauy aub. mllltd a.linllar petition. Hie Mayor I am very did to are both (biae companlra expre.aaoinuch Inlnrett In lb. w.llare of th. city. And I want to call llio allenlloo of tlio ouncll lo Ilia fact that both road. Iinvo deadline. In i vuy an of the city, wblih aro obtlructloti. of th. wr.i.1 kind. I do not bclleyalh. romianlua have any rlKlit to u ob.tmct tho atritta, and asm. day I .bill irobally ak that the ob.lrucilona to removed. Of court, any remark I have madn .hould havouo bearliii;ou tho Rrant Int; of ai other frauchlaa. They kro elnitlycalkd out by tho r.markabln zeal for tho publlo welfaro dl.j laytd by Ibete roaua. ftoth iietltlona weto rccetvcil and filed. 11000 IKtt KAI1. Tho Pioneer Library company a.keil that th. Council follow tho ozani le of Iho preceding adralnl.lratinu tudonat lag iltluDii per annum. Itelrrrol lo lb. cltj attorney. Tit c.t I Lit IX1AI). Tho illy attorney eutunllUd Ihu lea.. Iielween Iho city and V. C. Head .V (o., for tbucravel pit n. ar Ihu Warm Binlne... iteferod lo th. mayor with auihnrlty to execute and deliver th.lea.e. Tbo firm will pay the city leu tenia foreacli ami every load of gtavrl taken. ui in i.m ur MAtiiuurn. Tlio clly onKlneer report. I at fol Iowa: tthe work of cradln; Hlate atreflt tietmen .North Templo and th. Capitol ir rou nd a la now Hearing complttlon, I dMire lo call your attention In the llabtlt ty of wa.bouu from iatm and Irrjtlatlon watera which lii running down ihu atop grade at Ihla point, tilllcarry away Ihu looao inateTlal that forma on the mad way bi auiltanexteot at may make theatre! Impattahle To provniil thlt and eat rontciuent expeuwo, I eugiiott lh. ci.n atructfon of cobbloa ono truttera alonir tachatdeorthoatreLt In which the water, can tarauioly Louductod away, Adopted. aAMTAllt I lUTAl'TIOV, Haullary In.poctorHliowell: flentlcmen I woul I re.pectriilly auit ce.t to your bonortbl. body that lb. city atlorn liolnatrucled toilrafl an onlln. inc., oiverimr the followlui; iwilnla, lo win That all pertona lltluir within the ilveill.trlcla ol Nail Like Uly, keiplnf or onwa, .hall make itrouml vault., rivircdXth fireproof material, ao that the tnanuro from Ihe.tiblea may uol b. . lo tho publlo iraxu. l,allon Iholab'oforono wtek, MUHTII IIGM.'!! WATCH MAIMS. Tho clly attorney referred tho rcao. lutlonof HaMy, provldlne forau a, dltlonal aa.e.tunent of thrcu mllla rr Mtiar foot, for the urpo.. of lajln nitlna ou Iho north bontb, with the recommendation that a reeolutlon co crlmi Ihu matter I. t aaaed. AdopU'J. Tho aame nlllclal returned tho pttl. Hon nf William I'uller auJ other. In rtfireiice to the uaa of water lu lh. linker ditch, with lh ttaltueiit that If tho facta were a. reprrtentod, the llllloiienhnJ a right to llio water In imrttton. IteferraJ to Iho nalir matter. tub cnv CT 1 1 m )i Tbo city attorney returned the letlllonol lMnln ltuiliton, atklnrr fur datnaieea tlono to lit. proeriy by enter lui; and le!uit watonntlna on tho ame, aaylmc that lu hit opinion Ihn city waa not liable, nor tho claimant entitled to damage from Ibo clly. Adoited. kotici: el i.irrsnuN. llecorder Htautou advlitil that aide walk iiollto ol Inltntlon, No. 81, con. veylnf lutll .Idea of We.t Temple Btreat, front Holltll Templo lo rlecond Houth Hunt, ha. been ut.l.!iul for twenty dai and atkod for Inttruc tlotit. Ituelvnl and tiled and Iho city attorney lu.tructtd to draft an ordinance covering tho earn. A UTAIIVAVT OOU . The oemmUltoon aanltary rriiult tlonaand iiuarantlne ropreeented that tbu jiool ol atatriiant water near tho Wo Urandn Weatern railway .hopa waa a menace to health, and retom. iiiendcd thnt Ihu health ojminl..loiier ami aanllary tu.peitor be authorized to aicertaln the cauio aud apply lb. proper remedy at uncn Adopted. Till" ICU IMltll MUISAMCE. Tho cominlltfo on aanllary ruin and iiuarantlne In th. matter nf the protfit aialuit the le. pond on Nlnlll Weatatri et.rroommenu that all mattera lierlalnlnE to Ihe.trect I o referred lo the alruel commlttie, and that matter. er lalnlnir to tho vinterand dltchea be re ferred lo tho Initiation and luuul com. mlttev. Adopted. 1 ILKM-n MATT Pits, Thulkoii.ti (.onitiiltti'u recomnirtid cd that Ibo pttltlou of J, I'. I'lercoy for a rtlmtc on llipior IIci'iko bu not granted. Ado l.f. The rommlttco on llCLDaca rccom men led that Jmrph Hmitli bo granted a frio llceluu to lddlt fl.h. Adopted, tu i muter Tin: Kjl'.Mtr. Th. comnillteu on utile grouml. recomraenued that riioraaa Darcy le given Ihu prlvllmu ufoccupylne the houte on riouver H piaro frco of oharge In ooutldt ration thai ho will protect tlio Kjuaru from nmllclou. ileitiuo tlou. Adoted. iii.rNV has no cunt. The city attorney fllwl a lenirthy opinion In which he aald that Hugh U Ulenu, ix-illy detectlvi, had no legal claim aa the $107 all. god lo bo Uuehlmon lack aalary for aervlna I whllo ou tho police force. Adojted. Accompantlng llio abovo waa an opinion from the clly attorney lu which that gentleman elated thai Ibo Mayor halatiaolutu tower to remove and appoint llce oil! cere. oniiN STin-KT on itor. Th. rlly atlorney alio eubniHtetl an trdlnancu (.hanging the width of Ur.uelrcit. In a cunnnunlmtlon the tamo Olllclal atalid Hint the rtreet could 'not I extended In width latlon lo th. ruporly ownera on either aide, on 1 recommended that a .eclal cotiimltteo bo a julnted to llivtallgate tho .iuatiun befor action ou tho ord. uauL. la taken. Adopted. CF.NSl'S llKHiLtTtUV. A molullou wai ollVruil by llel.a providing that a ten.u. of the city bo taken forthwith. C'oninilttae on waj. and meant. TIID PAlSiriT OK 1JIII)VIJ. Iloll cfrerol th. followlugi Hiim.IvmI. Tbal the Imard of publlo wotkalnetlzalo tlm r.orl llialatreet eontrat tola iln not pay t mplovM for work done when earn, la due. Adopted. mnuT attAiita. Clly Attorniy Hugo aubinlttod an ordinance pre.cribing lb. form aud modoof local atata.melitt and frovld Ing for citabll.hlug nnl bringing lo grade nny of tlm .tre el., alleyway., ttc. To the Clly Council It delegate, thepowirlu all.uch work, what pro portion of the cod ahall lie defrayed by local a..e..melit, and provide, that III eviryca.uoiie.hnlf tbu ex4li.. ahall be -aid out ol the alrett or contingent funda. I.ald over until the nexl tegular meeting. NtMCS AU AMUUMTS UK eALAIIlrn. Law.ou oUVred a rcwliillon calling on thu walermatter lu rejiort tbo name. of and the aaltrle. paid each emplou ot hltdtiarttuent, atth.utxt meeting of th. Council, on lh. labia In dillnltily, THIS WAS ALSO TAIII I'D, t.awaou al eubmltteJ a reaolutlon calling upon the tiroiier nOlclala to fur nl.h th. uanirv or the in.jvctore lu the employ of the city. Die Major aalJ that all audi In for. matlon waa on hand In the auditor', onlce. .vani anil Wautland both objected to Iho reaolutlon Tbo vote on lb. adoption of tho reao lutlon wat a lie aud the Mayor caal the deciding vote lu the nogattve, eay lug aa be did ao, btcau.o the Informa tlou de.lred waa ea.lly obtaluabto In other way.. The vote adot ting the reaolutlon ot In refereucu lo the water nikal.r waa then 1 and tu e riaolullou laid on the table. UANTLANU VlOtlMI'LIl, Tho following reaolutlon, with the name of C. C Wautlau i atlachrd,wae by tbo rtcordcrt That tlmcltr riiziiieer l and It heieby In.tructtd lo tlnd nd repoit Iho ettlmai ed rott of anLhorlng the moon, w hen at II. full over Mill lake Clly, to.ave, If lhlc, thopnaVnl cotl of lighting ibo iliybyoloitritity. l.awton t move that tbo retolutlou I o tabled. Wautland (rl.lng and looking curl outly around) Mr, rreahlent, I am not rr.pon.lbl. tor that reaolutlon. 1 have been vlctlmlrid. At Ihla the membtra commeucetl a free enrobe of their rlalblea and Wautland looked glum. Th. Mayor Who Introduced It? The llecorder I do not know, I fouud It among my other aiera ou the table. The Mayor It will bo expunged from the record.. For the remainder of tho evening Wnnllaud .alt little bill looked volume.. For a time ho attributed the author.hlpof the revolution to lllcli or Muran, but thoa. gculleuieu euo irrded lu convincing thtlr victimized fellow .legleletor that 111. ru.tlcioiie wete ungrouuded and b. I. now dolor; aoaie vigorout guea.lug with lul little prn.iectt of arriving at a aatltlactory concluilou. Tin: WAititN riiANCimi: camoupand wat orJerel to bo laid on the table lor one week. Till! WA1KIOIAIN KCIIII'. Itlili'a reaolutlon providing "that city crli hereafter f.tued for atae... roenta on extenalou ot watermalnr, ahall only bo rayab!o to the city trena il ter for water ratea ou the land that wpa a..e..ed for the aald rxtrualone, and that the Irauance of .clip for .aid extin.iou ahall belani'd according ly." Moran moved that the reaolutlon lay ou thetablr until lulled for. Wautland favored the reaolutlon, Hl.oulyllea wat to benefit the clly, and he thought the walcrmalne .lioiiu only bo laid where they can b. u.ed. The city had uo rUIlt to extend the wattrmalnafor thepurfio.e of benefit. Ing real elate dealer., and It dlj not look well forWautlanl lo oppoao the reaolutlon. Water acrlu la lloatlng around at too ou Hie dollar, aud the Inllacrlmlnale utenilon of water malna ahould atop. The olty ba. no tlnht to extend watermalua well 1 wlllpau.c.i Uijullaud Don't I auau on ray ac count, llhh-Well, I will eay that the clly liaa no tight lo extend watrrrlgbta for the 1 vntllt of real oitatu dealer., Wunllrml-I am Kal tho gentle, man baa apoken ao frankly, Horn aald that bo believed that II would bu a good Idia for llio city tu buy all circulating acrli; II could be done lor f.'M.tWO. LawBou The city hu no money to aj ato and thl. acrlp ajatein aboullbe atioll.hid. I am a realiwtate man but willing to admit that the., cxti nalona are maduliilhe tutorial of raaltaiate MAiiIvrr nuvtr. A motion from Wautland requiring that aiuuiiutlteo of three bu n jwilnted to ronfir with the rnajcr aa to the nd. t Lability of e.taMIblUK a public mar kot home waa lutbe vonnullUu ou inurktta. Al 1 ItUl-IIIATIONS weteinatloaa foltiwa, afttr which the Council ailjouruwj for ouo wtek: A r.iu. A Co ,,. i a 70 tL Ulllulliril.ara Lo 31(1 tu&etnruiu Alto.. .,.. . ,. Z1 to ti e mil o 10 MortuAl.rrenaood , M H ..,, loo Hold Mill A 10 .. thl tiO til. li I la ulila am Ir Lo T al Hut, Uutl I lp. W brt. H,MM ,... 1,703 ti rail, rnunorr All t.i .., alio) I fl It tifcy Mouulain Hell 1 ol.ulioua Lo. , fil N.J.r.nlLI'UnJ.,,,. 1 in A.t Hu ill til...... Itl llotunl Iron Uo.M S7W IT U.iloralalivalAlraLoHM ,MM- . 1,10.11 A J, I end) tun HWaMW e 00 ImrW i a i 1' lioic. i ,..... mil gut n Iln , IHtO P-wol. lerw.nlloxlJo II al Irta'. ate mi I tuaJrr 4 lo W U I .... , SilM M.iAnlCo - .... A W CIIMllo""" 1 J I ill Uo ... - j tun A Mnnt.n. ilaelilacrVuomiiaa'. 91 ai ril.rA JJ K.IIT xla".:uZZZ. -. "" 1 1J M nt. .ad ilr..nwool Rw m .... i .1 low M iimlala Klmlrie IHnni anr .. a llalooadrrAMarliiialeii,ay am L.Tinllr,,. .. ..... - Itw ttUh I .ml A Utl Coinpaar .. I W um! he lit" t.'.'.UTr.'. - - ".' w Hfr.MluU1.l1lnKUrtmt.B7.... .... 1 A II orrell K M Hell A Co.. ... J " 11"" it KeaaaicnTrr..'.'..'"".'... " lire ir,.VimVnt'tIl..M- J" NolerACIettnil. l-r."""-.... !'!2 until. ! -" U II lltMIl I' I II l-araaaa .. .. . - M w T'o'vrm.i.nVj'r Z "- If" Ki t.ilfla Hardware w ail r ... nil i'e.,in.lor.ardintl'o.... - . ; 1 1'iBlltioaAM 1 w I. I Kaar'l.V.VMo,"M..,.V.V,'.""V a 00 II. K H.nw.'lV..rl-.'...".."...''. ..... I'M t J leaitl.ltin fj W...tchllrnrl'o -- " " lunnlnelnuAU. . ........ elcrra LumLarCo I.aa T.t Arm.troaf.Jr ti?. . l.a.ii.AL. ..... -"'I I J r MantirAuo - , l.uM.mllli aili M. r .. e 00 W C l'fIrd'"',JJl' "". ,. I p t t.o.i (.,... is V! I I (oniallirila.r.Co . lei It I l.h A Ma-hlnf rj Co - - a 11 Uatt.rtlra. Kl7rli5 '.''.! a6" A I .m.aiAi .. J K.lljVc."!!!.''",',."'...!!. II ao J " Uor.otHon .. IOO ILII U Sl,nwell.77...,..-.V.V.V.V.V to 2 tloimuin aunt tJo lit II W Iteaeh... ,. b .... II 0 at M.rk'a ll,..pllkl ' 11. 11 u ehoi.ii f-1 eimiMaAltit!w?.7-! ' HT Bill It. I) 11 .... IV II oal ll....rlm.ol, 07 1'. Ur -I 01 K. I ehoppa .aH.M 110 LUIIi-ai.lAllilUo. J ' II a. 11.11 "....'."...,.".".'." MarrxlU Urn. . ... I M 7r.iv. Jol, Irintln.Co B II 7y,.l. Joe t'rlnltoz to Z. '" 'IZ. I" 10 J I llnik lu.. too JU Uur,tarAlo . . I Cu.alnfUia A " , II IM itrmiit iiiiiii,aiQacor,v.v..rrr m n tlrralj rntili.bliig Lo,. .... a 10 h.llyA Cu...."".'.'.'.'..""'""" II 00 -.lllACo ..... .... 1110 Total lll.ulti iMtl.l, lAllliS 1 JH'tN. O.SCTINTIt Of Till. aill.NTIU IS SUIT Alltl. luh LULTU'ATIUN. I nxt 111 lljrtlmllitrjl Tl. Jatu la cut un by mountain range., ao that unly ntmut une-lenlh of the wholo areata aultable for cultivation. Tbo land under cultivation lu J an ta about IO.OOO.IXH) acrra, upon the (roducl nf which IU,(XM,(K)i ople mutt be fed. The farmt are very email, the average htlng from ono lo thrieacrea. A ten acre plot la con aldered a large farm. Farming la not regarded by th. Japaneae in th. light of a tclence, but aa an art whoto acotie waa mea u red nut who.. Ilmltitlona wer. conceded longago. Thenietboda of Cultivation, thoeuice.tlon of croa, add even tho kind of machinery u.ej, aru the tame aa they were S,tiiM yeara ago. Yt t no louutry In lb. world pro. ducet ao much r acre aa Japau. The limit of cultivation wat reached long ago, but by a ludlclout u.e of fertilizer, autl a .kill In farming aluto.l Ingenloua the lanie average yield le obtaluablu year after year, Iho Ian I la well tutted to Irrigation, and Ibo water 1. abundant. Molt of the land la made up of plaint, wbo.e .urlacels well drained, lu April tho iroiaarelu a llourlahlog condition, and whtat, barley, rape and corn form the prlucli at 1 art. All the Aella am ( with mathematical prrcla'on. P. ven the eara of corn appear In line at they Lome nub The 11 real, are planted Inningloor doublo rowa, and which ever way they are pliulcd grow In lluaterauf aevejal atema, each clutter being exactly In line. Hred la too valuable to wait, and only rice I. acit tered troalratt. Four or live acrea ot corn are planted tog. ther, Uou rldgta l-qiltldl.Uncea apart Bad Kentrally In row.. Tho Intervening.! acu la for growlug beana, without Injury lo the other croa. Laud la ao valuable that no apace la allowed for gra.a 1 lota. Xowiedanre to lw teen lu any cltheculilvated 1 lutv. i ry Inch ol ground It) ut to tho mod profitable inc. A few narrow path. are made lu the Hilda where ue.ta.aiy, but there nre 110 road., and no rdom for wlimled ehlclea or machine.. The workofcultltntlon It done by hand, aud the toola are mo tela of altnpllclty. The tool uted for cutting barley ur wheat conolibtof aebarp blade plapol at right angle, to the .hatting, which It aln ut lu 0 fict long, The corn la ml M-ry rarefully, to Ibat the adjoining plantaarenot Injured. Ihvre It no room In the rlelda for drying aheavrt, for the ground mu.tleiited Iminedla tely alter harvert for other rroe. The corn ahravo. aro tlid up In buncliia and aecurely faalenod to houte., fence, aul tree., Tbo eara are always phued downward, ao Ibat the mlu may run off. During the harveat teaaoti the tavea and veran daheof every village houte aro alack ed about Willi neat bunllet of grain, that will be beaten outaa aoon at dry. In July tin, Htlija are made reidy for thorite, after being roerly banked up and Irrigated, lllculaaitaplr, but la regarded at a luzury nniong tin. farmer., being utel only on holldaja or in cbjuu.'IIIdci.. Trulna lor inuugni. Theronro tianea when Itacoma projicr to draw tho lino crin 011 faahloua In women' tire., and tho atuto aanltary council of Ilntuary bat drawn It It aomc tliun alnco prohlbltid tlm Muring of long aweeplurf trulna bj women ualkln; In the ktrteta, for tin nnton thut audi train, tproad lnfectloiu dltcnnre. Tho irolitbltlou tvaa obc!!.1 luMcran, In tho IjmI DuttlioT)rr It In tho couutry, and in the Mountain, ant not to man womin wore train, onyhuwr, T ho abort. ( on t nit nt pe aunt iklrtlt th. togtiotluro anions thotnti Jorltyof tlio women, no Itwiui no bard ablpfor them toolieytho order of tho otntu lioaril nf I10.1UI1. Hut in Vknna li vaaillllcrcnt, Tluro tlieladiua only deflttl tho aunltnry couniil uml attei t the fiulilonablo tliorooghfurca with tlnlr flipplngakirli. Then tbo raultar coun cil arpllid to tlio lif.pi riul KOtcrnmoii of Auatro-lluugary for un order prohlb. Ulnar Dieto tr-lui lu tlm si ret la Iho aanllaryioutic'l ct forth that the Iralna awnp up the I'ltli mid tlrut In tlio ttri-cta and romcj It Into tho graudut I rh ulo houiiB lu ttiu city, ou tbu ptrsou ' in iiira-BBBB-i ai or th. Lullei Ihla uu.i and turn cot tain, tlio gi nut of all tho Inftitloi-i tbi cna.. known to man. The niicrolie. Unit bad magnificent opimrtunlty to prmlnco anpldeinlc of any kind of tlo ully all nienb There waa an nl-nulng menaco to tin' publlo health In there trnlnt that up Infection al et cry alt p nnd ct nvi y it evtl) where, therefore tho round! I rated that tlicy might be nt.ill.hcd. RmalliHix auilea, typliut genua tho luta of rbtitumption, tbo poltnneil Milt a com eying microbe, of tlio fuule.1 dlaeaae. kiiowti to man are eono of t.l iimttcta that tlioeo fine Indlee gaiher nml lift over their own .Icllcato akin anl Into tlilr lunga nnd rarryhom. with lliuu to thi lr faudllea Ihehvly who craM t mi mil 11 111 of 1 kin illtea-o htr feet nml nukliHWdl U.fortu. nate. It It tnde, 1 n in. unco to iml lb health, thl train, Hut lauglrvnait Ipt np till naitini .t, A lat'y tllc.1 not long Hiiro from blood jioltonlng got from 0eetutTa lu Inr lm . If to alight a llilng conldrattM death, thin tho rvca tf fatal blool pcltoning will l7mun. l-rrd by tbo thouaand If th's train noarim fatblon ronllnuee. "DBEiDFULSKB DISEASE AlI-lrH m Urll-Kuimn MfrI.nt. lUl,tnttU l.iir....Klrrt.Mo lioiton nml Alllicuictllet Trln rutlrum. lltiTtTril liy the I Int ApUfitt.uri mimI hiitlrrly Lure-t In l'lr tclt 4. Alout tlfbtef nionlbi -j t intll iptttt up I anted on wjr tiklni n rrrn.h.M Uibictici it ItftmAlitiitrr, tbl I cob (Milt I t hjittit m ho l raiicanct.'t It l .nrUi. or tuoriMd tli.i-M, boftnta it tfUflHtblflil montr I art-ucd an nintuirt but llr-J no HI kl tail ii co.rre1 alatiutt taf (rllr tedv Ai nllcrlbft w R1ttloctrrrltlT, tamiDt o I iu-bio. ten lto NiHinutlljr, until tit erm klmii uutn Ourablf. 1 tnticifd totlurta cepoallj ll ntiht,ftn1f irlMo.Honib.. 1 -ii. ll.-l U plrfnwiiliiiln.ftoi.. I l, rm 1f. ttl I wo v)4 bait iMn ARTthin ta 1 rel!T4 ( th llfrithitfajtt,uoa 1 vr l ft ..atTiberof rBtrlift wlibeut ny railfl t wi rriuill to Uf ( UtlLiHt.tbi I di) nomricrtttt nrprU. I ft rcllrtcd i.ttr ibt flt.l irriirftii I uiram i tin m, ctritint r and Ct JttU l(LaLTEr, kccvtamf tu dircctiotii, llftlT rtirf d llul wbftt ft iffirf it wit It tu ftflfr lh icBeri!. I .fttibrfuib 1 cid l iiik Willi tajo invicbft.viirfir Hit "trtnun. ICtHtbUiI,ftftl I wouliJ ranonrinttl H to til the.) wl o fi ttitierlpf trs n tbo latn iltktt tiilih-Miutt-rr-d JOHN T WtlUHr, .OfUbL'JUt llnoTiiKif, nyandmu.Ukb. Cuticurn Resolvent, Tbi nrvT itionit as J film t nriflfr. fttd trot I tf llntsor Meat iiri, laUrtkllr (M tit nit Hit bbiodftf ill liiuritl. fth t tLua rcotov lbtrap)(ti.iLKA. tbaj crrtt FkiQ Cure aftl l iiKlBA fciMlMin ri'im.iU MMn (iriut fl-r, csifrnailr torlti.r tL iln toJ tli tnirt tor lha hfr). car rtry ru ot rvrumjr. litbin. vrtiiiT calraud i .ili J tuiet vi tfatfkla,clafttd blond "lii frjhtr lik, Cunccii, BOai otrt Do t ItaiutvKxr.lItW. lrfrir4tr luiriai Dftuu iHDt.tiBi.icii. Coiromfio)., hftiion -(.Dftfor-llo to Ciu.l. In .!. mi," CI iaxt, UlltntliaUoti, and 100 tc.Umonntat fb I IH'I MBTHE. NAlf aor.n.ii, W.aln... WJS,ll.rkl tgojb. A.lbna. l-lruil.T US?fc2 aa. lanitnai.uon li 2B' nilnele lr lie ullrurn niiif rl"""' elBllle ii r.r AML'HKMKM'-i. saltIiAkb lrnvruil Catil. 0. IICBTOf. ltAKtOKE wtt ir infra" nights: cOMUbrtCixa THURSDAY. MAY 19th, II r tTVBUA MATt.MI Ilrllltant rniuement of tha lu loiutthc I liif-io Actrr aal Cbarmltif Comndicnna, THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVCMNOS, The llutorlcal II ir, iuziiiii,EiiiTOyniissi SATURDU MATIN CE inj EVEMNQ, Tb Iiftttilnic Socielf Cotnaly, lHOntD H A, bUrKHOH COliraitT. I'MCESt tw.. &oc. :;a. u co. tj" tfal of aciU tj lua Tucadftf Salt LakeThkatre Cllta. S. BCtUoy. UlAtiIH. II lu AU If ATMiM takraplcaiur Is IntradurlBi; for lb Drat tiin bora for "J 1, IO-XITO 5 MONDAY, AMY 28. MR, FRANCIS WILSON a iovrjr. Pirectrroni lha Uroailff.r Th.atr., S.w tori 1 rattntiiiK llicir rnoit .uecia.lul oj erf tla, mmttTttmtmmtmttT Tiixa- MERRY MONARCH TttttH-mttttttttttttttttttt diTLttUWIittDitl. IMS TUK ToLetrctnrcdhare with the aama cUborftta cttecta ibat tiuuii'uif brd Ita loci ruo IB .Sew Totk tit, ajSf-Halo f irfti Irirlna idav.Mar W. iprra.flCO IHO.tH'C 3Jt MKdWud 4avoNi)MuNi)i?: cojfiri r. ma I inn, inj. avi:i:k or'xovKinns'M A1TIIICTI0N9 EtrilAOUUINMIV, IOC ADMISSION. IOC, CUITARS I MANDOLINS Th. Lakeaide. I The Anon, a laj"" '""'' tunlf.-.V,:'r''''0''' 1 t jpja,,,,liJrF-K"M",,o,vi "libit 4M tltiririu'lo I 'a."l!aTt"l!tT CklS iP. U.K. THOMAS m M THE SILK HOUSE j& wM '.!(', 2H, .'!(). ..'t'J i:.VST I'JHST SOUTH HTItKKT. SI i'llB ijiiuiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiriiiimiiliini mmm OUll GREAT ANNUAL Ml a fill CSmaE 11 T.. J . n ti i 'tHn, jtHH oTEl BIGGEST ON EECOED!X co.M.MnNor.s i; Si TUESDAY, MAT 17th. JH AX1J r,NDS y.jj K SATURDAY, MAY 21st. ifll TTTTiTi fil ii 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 mTii fTTTt 1 1 1 n 1 1 m 1 1 rTTTTTTTTT HH TUESDAY III We'll Sell PARASOLS and CHILDREN'S tlillffiSi LACE BONNETS and HATS. MlIuBl 1'AUASOI.S, ut 4rj, O.'io,7r3, DSotitttl Sl.'-'S; worth exactly WIsWw' llirou tiling tin-to tirlcoi. !S;illtSit1 CUlIaDKUN'S MIWMX IIAT9 for2.V; worth 7r. , IjftjBjIJ? CIULDKUN'S r..UlROU)i:itY anil LACK HATS for COo, MffSr c woith Sl.'.'S. -lllBl Your Cholco or our liitlro Stook of CUILDItEN'S aSBWI LUi: JIU.NNinS for fiOo, worth from f 1.00 to $2.25. 'ittWaWK WEDNESDAY W We'll Sell EMBROIDERIES,RIBBONS,LACES .iliBkl HANDKERCHIEFS, Etc. ' I1IHI Our Kntlro Ftock or nMIIKOIDr.RIia. r.DaiNGS and Jliri Fl.OUNOIiNOS ut Immeuau Itt'ductlon. 'WMbS milHUNS, Cc, OJo nnd 7 Jo. JmWtM IaADIIJs' HAXDKUHCIIlEre, i)5o, .lflo, fiBo, (Bo nmnSoiicr 'SM tluzili. 'mHHI OitlKNTAIa IACIS 13J0, lOJc, L'Oo and 2Cc; almout nothlna .:lllKI7 lor titi'iti, mraL! Uolj) yomnir to our ULACK SII.IC LACKS tit Speolal iMMb 1 i'rlces. tnJH WOOIi LC'i:S, ro,8Jo nml lUo. fiflrHH ANCY C01TON LAWS, faj, 8Jo nnd lOo. Sr l'ANUY BON.NKT UIBHOXS, nt Cont. fM THURSDAY wk We'll Soil SILKS Cheaper than Silks Imvo KjSI ever been Sold before. W1:E co our SUU MI, nil colons, tit Sfio. LwUbbM l'lUNTKI) CI1IXA S1LKB, Ilmulomo l)uilirri!i, 2Sa lWKN Uur7Co Lino ut' ridUHLI) INDIA, ISc. !xl Our $UT. Llmi of l'iunti:i) INDIA, jSa. WSSoM All our $1.3Afiiitl FANCY SILKS, 7Co. ntnlilBtJ FRIDAY ' W& We'll Sell GLOVES, HOSIERY, PURSES, H HANDBAOS, JEWELRY, Etc., Etc. lii!i LDir,s' kid cLovr.s, esc. iHm! 1 Lot AHimrtwl 1IOSB, 12)o iior rrtir; worth fiomSCo to 60o. I!ibIbb1 LADIUS' HAND lUOSnud l'UHSKS Voiy CUcnii. 'MtlHB L.M)ir.s' lini:n coll a its, nc. , afBlllll (IINCIIIAMH r nml, !c. I&kH LACK (JUIU'AINS Very Clirap. ",ffl9i SATURDAY II We'll S1I n Lino or HI.NTS' NCCKWIJAH, llowti, Teclt ltH and Tour in ll.tmUnturiO! woith front flOo to $10 . ilThB MPaNS' COITON I'LANNKL DltAVi:US,2.'V). Ml.NS' .M.HSr.Y niHIJI'.I) UNl)r.I.Vln'S, 2,V. llKi faJdorcn JIKN'S l-'ANCY IIOaHnt 20; worth ftVi. IfflEK HOYS' SUITS. Rl.iXl mid 6l.SC; n Siiluidld Rirriln. J'.BbII HOYh' STKAW llA'iy, lOo. Iwlflrl BOYS' WAISTS. 2(io,2.V), UOo nnd afo; worth iloulilx. iilWStil LADUY SliU'lTaltS, 1.00 nnd $1.28; worth from $1.00 to ''mMbITi! 11LLU1I1LU JlJlllJJlLliJJlllJlDIII flR fi, K.-TH0M1S. 1 m-'lTll1IIlJra JC'4rZ-t