Newspaper Page Text
rasiffijyc UBCTsn yiiws; wbdviwdat. may .. .81,2. t $ mWM nBWOUTEUIHTunV. r.ialllr tl.IM.-M'""""' .Ci.-J'rodi.c., " ,ir,um Bllli,lhtl4montl.MUwn 1 Jollier, whli. altenJIu. to l..r "?, ,,, ll little 0" .prcl.. MllHlh.MUMon itch and '"ueed IB,m"M,m "h TiIhtr. TLI. In Hi. find lh. Jd loJr .tH.utlw.WccH. f ,. Ihr l.ou Iloetlo; down .null li tie? nd til. f Jol.r..oiiirr.aHr "S.V k.tln maelilneiT I. njer i i. iut Into ormtioii here. Out Su'u'cowUlt.nilloltlK. Tb..ll.w. ',ir,.odi..ulberrlr. itf. tut fOM ' ISwAwlrjlBDlDROII tl.U ljl0.l. Mother fruit., ruiuro pnot are ' .. I tlilit. All wo tired now i. n, '.fi ltd VnitU rallrw I, . lift o K" nclnx our "'lr 1ml i S? hr northern mown ptodiiota We !jj.iTe(...')n.oiunllj) .bout ten tin room lend, on an eT.rege, than E,rep.rljrutlll..d;rorou w nr, ;Jlo about tn llior. the liumlcf L"lrn tht now occupy tlio rauutrf. Out w.trt .urr'y ha. twu brltrt tl.U -itnll.." lot ni.oy I...I, tm with Inner .ttrntlon there I. plenty for !?! tor nDU,t of ,a iM. aow. The laclllli pf , country arr, yt. u.rdly 'tier, b" bMn hundred, of .err. pf ireplc.1 hull. I UiW out tbl ii. . .del., thoit. who or eeekln loIurtOooiMtovlilt till, locality nntl reiabettney lixentm .crn urrt. Halt Hivtii Vailed, A. T. My llh.lsDl bEQlEL TO A FAMILY HOW. Iheiil'eof A Xl'0fll M.n Atlemjita Suicide lijIaUnif Horplilne. lait .TeDlng the llce were c.llrd gpooto.triMt)Oitlni: mm n.mrd WINoa, ud nil wife on a chart;, ol dl.tacbloic lb. ict, tb.y b.Tliig eu. rated In e family quarrel. bond. od ibu.eecurejtuelr liberty. Abiut two hour. afterwarde a tr o cBoon meiaa,. recelred t Ii. wilce eUltoa .Utluc tint Ilia hid attimpted .ulcld. by Ukln( u.ol. pl.ln. It U "Id h.t J pnyelclan wi . iuniraanrd and that the would I e.ul clJewaiMonout of Hie lo l.lMlrd Ut. t "II lulrl tru.tilltllt lli. miller nd c.noot I umrd to tfclk. Ull.ln "Id tli.tMt.. Wlli (ii . boiom frlrnd of lluby lilno, tin wou.u wb. ccinnilllcd .ulcldo ly rhootloc two lk .no nd th.t tbe two frl.ndi k.d a compl to ill titlh.r but tk.t lb. (ornuM'i cout.n failed. (curt Noloi. In lh. Third Dl.trlct coutt yrttrr. diy ft.r.90n, Xlchol.. Urortbrck wuccnTlclrdoi ilnr.. of .dult-ty wllh Kite llouli. will bo .ird on tbe S9IU ln.t. Joh.lllcbinlwo, tho m.n who uuXrl Ad.rui, th. colored, wMttkr. brfor.Commlulourr Gren m.o ynlrrd.y .ftrtD0OHt uudrr a wtrrtnt, )l..d fullty .nd w. dud $1 i.dcoaU. Till. cu. .toie out of the tMDi.lloa" which w.a rtporl.J Id Tetrd.y'ff tus(.nd which resulted I. Police CitllcerUrten belus held tJ the (t.nd Jury', .ctlon. Lottie Lrozler h.. filed . eupplrm.n. Utjr nutl.lnt In tier dlrorce lull illicit her huib.nd Urorge V Inner. To. laiill clothloc .loro of II, Wribtrc, on Secon I rlouth Htrret, h.a btea for the nu or (ltd uo, lltli. Init.uce of H.iuuel Koho, of Miln aitr.l. Deputy HhrrltT L.ooti Hm.tu. at pieseut In ch.riie of the HUbllihutent. BuiIdm I. brt.kluit ow In alt thu court.. J.tou Ibo United rit.Iei Com. rul..onere .rw h.vlnr . nulling tliu. Th. ch.tK. .(.Init I:. 0. Crouch, . I fjrat .ilou, hu beau dl.mtoed on mrtlon of tb .uliUbt proiccutlDg itursey. IrrlRillou Comnitnr. Tlio rieavur Hirer Irritation com. Iicy bu IlleJ article, ol Incorporation with the Terrltorl.l areretary. The etjectof tbe oooip.ny I. to narry on lid conducttho builnea. of approj rial. ' In? water, and buyUK aud nlllng iter rlgtitt, bulMlnj dam. and niiu, acquiring right, of w.y for dim.,, aiid renrroln, owning and idling land and doing ererythliig co.ntcted wltn a general Irrigation loilneif. Tho general oQlo. I. located .titllfor I, lla.reruounly, aud the In roricr.toraand the number of aulacrll rd for by .re a. folio. i Jiu mO. I'.rder, SOU, IV. J. Kenned), fc.B.H4wyrrai.d V. A. H.wyer.ejcn in, tllcli.el Mon.b.u, CO; A. 1. Foth., U; W.lter llrown, J.n.ea w, lu.g.u, an I Jam.. Fanner, Jr., ..ihlO.harr.,1), W. Illckui.u, Hlch. rdMorrla, MrU.rryand Henry tmirwo, each 3 Hurra. Dcalli of llrs. MaiDtll. of Mra. S.xwell, widow t the lata a.n.r.l tl.iw.ll, who wii 'ftmrrly United Htotei Ibl. Territory, died In tbl. city at 0 3) Lit "enlrg. She w the a.ughter of r, 8. U aad Mary Woodward Brragur, and waa forty-three ol a(. .t the time of her d.ulae. fll.e J.ianlnr.lld for many yr.ra. The ftltV"1 w" cultur.d l.dy.n.1 "'cnly rnict.d, and m.ay frlrnda !". mourn her drath. I'unrr.l (Thur.7 belJ l 3 "1 ,omo,r,w Keallj ttUhni k .r, PoiT.""0'11 n or William T. onu, of Latunatcr, I. Irlnir In u aeri VtX throulu 'k"2. St h? Ji" nc,ln- WUllo fondling a Wrtie. . r?wor flow "I"" ' Int. In- lift ?",m"nr ' ? "' '' W I ; Unipl, v,l,, h bHt rof uaolj Tl.o thri...""! "rtoiMly III ,d I. now GETTINQ ALONQ WITH ONE SERVANT If.m Vnm yrnxmn U. Abl- to rnt I I" U mtr lrludt nn n Uh Hi lwofrkmlt wfh ntt tn uu tfnni h tiny at l,l I mi imhiuI lAll t hm fttrlnjt lit tbv ctty fork -hoit tiotp fouM iwinMtnl totln doiof of ot r lb Mlirf(irtunchfon 11irr wfriMtlilkuItlr owintf t it.Mi) ctlifr riiKDKniFi! Th oul twwIUi. rtny tl, nxt StoiKlai bu Mi-. Imir wo U,,i two rr Urv inAmtrinAH hr. ntrrr lun--l nnk mi Pnr to I fr o - MumUy U ni t t oul 1 ttUlurujol, hh WAolrtl Mtmthititt Mtrn fur itm tuliM i) mwil llx-rn w ml 1 I mcl, Mirk look. J.Jj.1 Krumbllntt tbal fthe woiiM ,1 itlovl lo Ine tl,o Llttlirn IfiAt (Httln It" will rr. Jonw at once Cora to my Iiuiim " Of cour tlxirurrv rrttioinirfirc im .MrmCmnekwwhfr IrlHilkrjt Imwrt Klil. i l oul I nut ImriLMtm hnw he cmii 1 wrn tlluk of uch n tiling 1 Itrrv hmti Ut It tin otlier Alttrnntlrr liowrvir m tlity wpirnlcil nfur frw mora onli Itliotitlha liutir Wlin ihf tlm arrive nmJ Mm. CrniTj Iut nmtt Icr (rlmli OmrUlt n nrnt IcrkliiKitlrllntlridMrintif wIiIIb atroi drr Sli vrnliown at one in an np Maim kitting roota whrra .Mm Ion loolud as cut in niul unrufllrd nn If tktre wen no U(.tlntt " wiukintta atil wiwhlnr; daft, sii wm wltti Mn (,! ton wliohoit filrrAlynriiu-l Tli Iniirhfoii ft Jiiht plrilllt not tlburtt, Liit comlMliK of ktvrral flxwt up iIIoIim. ltkU take lime, Inelutllim KnutrrMUatfihitinulDri atil uyaur tattlia. Tbuonvulrl waltrvlnotlio taUv, at If lir nvrr .lid anr kin I of w rk Mra.Cr&narrfrtlnulrninfiiAkltiimnnrks Jul , loiijr da ilt iNMtlltrtuull nlun t,n liAhwl lajuk In Irr cUIr vrltli tU finwlloin! "Jlowdo JuuctM irlrr, AInrjr, 1 1 !n o murh with only una glrlf Uu jom put out jour wattling ' Mary Uuftliuil at In r friend lutcunity lbn lNtfitn"Uur cluthrt nro wnfltHl, drkdatid nrlnkln,all ready f irlnnlni In fact, I abouldut It at all urpri'is If, aftrr tlm lunch u1it ar nr'uthvl, Hlfii Ironed tho linndkrrchlrla and npkln My domvFtle an I niywlf are In perfect 1 artnuny, nlmntt at If vro vrtre alitrr WliW tach olhtt, tl e hMlt ! weutk tojjftllirr iuto bo Idpt lor much liouotu ork chu Iw thrown vtt hen two lii tclllKt-nt, Mrll wunmiftrt altoiit maklnna aucoMcf whKltrrr they ham plaum-d I rxplalnnl to HIiMitbe clrmu.Klanr and ihacnUml Icartlly Into all lit nrrtuijit ititMitu, Of coui-m I am vtry furlunnte In I avlnjtiurh a glit, I ut I do think that tou many rlommttra mako work " All ttria Inter atl 1 y tl.U Hme to know irl ere h obtained inch Inlellltt nt htlp, low murh abe iald hfrand uuiny cHhr rjurMlon. U aoi ti Ufmne evldriit tint the v DJttiltig at the JonfV hou w h tro very amkll, duo to many oontrlvnn ot Ita klmt 1 turfed niUtn,wlo wore text frlllaand flounoa. "Tlun" m alit Mil to Mra. Crnne, ' you wouLl nut hite Ufit MtUflwl with thla oil fahloi H way of harlnixaal da, muRlnff. t rofjuittw. and col I int-ata all I laced on the table alone, rhanzloK plate only for tbe dmrrt. TI I maki It my fur cnohlrl tonnltonthe talU. My nlmplo liutlutia ( f Imnpitatlly nre duo dun) tlnm to my tutiii reraldiiicrj In knKUnd, wluni tirn thowralthyaroutlalM with farlcafur company fare than our in Id Me Anirr It Is thu oil 'lory of Diehard worknl American country woman who thli k the muat haio alxklndi of rake for tea the nl if 1 1 the mluMtr la ao unfortunate a to to prrhrnt, and It la Jut thla iultuktu I ha of hofliallty, tof;ttlir with thuwiik It rutaila, Includlnjf vulvar Into of dlpltiy, t. hlch nakra huuwkrrplti auih itdlflJcult 1 lohlcw Jtruoklyu Lagtc "(Hrla Mmiill Larn lu Talk. Oh, ictrl learn to talk) I 1 nte bcn Anions klrla a en at dral, hi fact waa once A fclrl mjnelf, and the foil of talking Id! I oimn peemi o plain tu me t bat I w oul I Ilka to make uiyplrl frkmlaacelt too, I have known w manyclrla, trlttht tlrlf, ho wi re MJItitf thrlr talents Ik bind tmp tyrbattrr and "Joking" with their young M otleiuen frlen U, iiklnjc ) foollnh re tort a and pufnt leu little tpmbia.thatl havewlohed they could aee Ihein-ttvca aa Other M the tu. Ilawrllrtad, If It at meant nrfiualntlng one' aalf at much as t oanlblewlth (he 1m at thntU lu tblawldenwaleellteraryworM, iMMtka, miRazlnca and clean newspaper. Kead tbem critically lie original and flKtit bravely for your opinion, but If your jfHaluenMr detect their unMnhllity retire gracefully Into the tfick(t round Make yourwjtf well Inform rl In all the happinintitand wrltloitt and creallugaof thla llfly Muctrfntli century I Now, glrla, don't you mp, I Juit mean thlai IUt your Ammunition atortnl up ready, but dou t burn your preclouapow I der until cu tau h,t th nilk -'Uo' It DuumU la Auurlran AgrlculturUL list 1atrr llati. ' The efficacy of hot water In Inflamma tory coudlilon ran I ardly bo overrated. To a limited extent It talue baa long Un known. Our moll era nnj prafldmothrr made uaoof the woolen cloth dipped In hotwattrln aonie fonutof Inilimm dl u, Atprctrnt tbeVorthor thtsnuuHly In at moat nit form of alulaftincrally rcco nlzcd by tho metltcal profiatlon. Hot cloth, bQworrr.nru not convenient of nppllcntlou In many crm. They are ai t to wi t tbe clothing and they toon rtiol and require rep uted dlppins T he rubhtr bntf I lu every npcct aupcrlor. Once b-oufiht to tbe roiir temtralurc, the btat la loug ret Alned, It Is neat and lu every way r-wy of application. I rry family in the. country, a well a In the clt) , ihoul 1 have at Ivaat one ready for Auy iniirKoQcy, Vouih'a Companion. r.lrU' NthaoU Notwtthttandliitf all our tOAtloa and the truly rrmarkalle protfro which Amerlcuu achoola have made within tl a poxt fvr ytjart. It la eUdmt that our ay tuns of education are yetauurt'ly Uyond the fornuthe and cirilmriital tage. And In no reptct I tbU iuonlp.unt than lu the current uiultlfarlout Idea cotv c nil tiff tbeeilucntlonof hlrl. WUtare tht ootifllttun and jxawlbllitle of tbe ideal Achotl for girl, and whether, all thing comldrm!, the , rlrate ichool la generally to Ij prrfurrvd to the publh, art. i roblema which nro to bo aol.od only after careful aud Judicious ctmilderatlou Ilorptr a la or Colored (lUaa. Thcro lia Lttti no mote lutcrentlnj doelopiiunt In uiodiru nrchltwluro tlmnthatnliichhu tukrn jlacoiuthe manufacture niul uao vt colored ffla windowi AlthougH h rliaj-j few er atiilntd k1ih uindowt nru uaM than funmrl) tlulr iiuitlity h'ia grtMitlytm pmi'J. 'Hutu 4 it, distinct inovcnietit tow urd tho softer t olora nud more quiet fiirni. iVslgn of flowtr proVAll lu domestic nrchitfctun', whllo ttguroa nro principal!) di,livtil in dituch tn down Piilntwl gljoutwlndoufl, inst&l of tho lead muh, nro In much demand, us well a the drawn slat windows-. Now York TileRiiiu Auctioneer Thli aluablo anttquo nrtUlo of furniluru 1 wQmcn Anno Luulr Clt iitlcman It iloo-ti t look llko It Aactiontcr (unKrtlyM' ) u doubt tuy word 1 tan lnado It Lx'-hanaa, MANUHtS FOR IMC G'RDEN. I Mtrates Hi..t A. I.e. ati.1 Oilier K,ecliw rertlllaera I -..jt.e.l by 0nlnr. No other ln,(1e innnurlal ileinent glvctoihi:Jil'iicr tho o latrtniiltlM I tn l pTMarifatlUu tltAt ho fnd In ntrntpn, op.-lany In tlm form of nliratt) of wln, uysUrHner In Ut IXow to .Make the Harden lu TlwetTeita if thla Mtt . on many jenrden crop I u innrknblo nu 1 1 cbii generally Irfi ole rrisl within n fiw dij' after itaopi lit it hu In the dAtktr follagu and thrift) growth It U readily snluUo and It nltrogt ii U tn tight form for Immediate absorption by (ho roots of plants. Th natural j roews of con crtinit uuavailablv nitroifenont nmt tor into miluUei ttratoelaerr slow In aitly spring In nltiuUm woluvu jut tho olemont of plant tmA nwlod.and Ly applying it In email quantltlca, oa fait a the plantn Lnu utilize. It woenn ttlm uUto thrifty growth of foliage nt a Riimll cot Nitriitoof kh! coutntns nljout lft or 1? per cent, r f ultrou, but this In a mot nolublii form, au that it would not tjoaafe touinltln lirge ipiantillcn nt n time, for what U not nt onco converted into jilont structure will graduill) sink tliroiili tho soil ntid 1m lot The inot ccononilctl nifthinl la th application of not over 10U 1111 1 to ISO pound cr aero, npcatd nt iiitcrraMof nlxjiit two Wfclts. If lumpy, round lino beforo ftp llyinn It. S.ttcrit over tho hronnl wlnm tho fohagy of t In tit a i drr ns It la n pt to ncorch the lotte othcrulo or Hill li Iter, apply J iut beforo or during A ruin, when It will 1m dlfohc-tl an 1 car ried into tho Mint encc. Pjrinkllng over the land in Mlutlon lHkufibt.t gnu nlly lce con enfcut modo of u 11 cati n Kulphata of ammonia It slower, but moro mating In Us ( ffocts, and It can lo upplie 1 In larger quantitita or tn slulo snxACii reu with mtiutm, ltc, ai lAVAUY UrOHN apjllcatlons without fear of lot. It' to ly taLo tho plato of nitrate of iol-i during tho warmer turt of tho sciwmi with gratiflug rohults, an 1 in combina tion with that salt fttonytlmo tho lit ter for Immediate etTtxt, tho former a a moro gra lual sourco of supply. Tho prlcoof anlihateof ommonU la a trirlo lilgher than tlut of nitrate of noda JI u mtnuro, which Is epetlally rii It lu il trogcu, (Irtiner compotes with lo.m, muck, leact, etc, and applio after plowing broalCAit, and stirs into thu surfuco Aoll b iiu-tu of harrow, culti vator and rako. In tho out U tuown 1 grow n on ground tuunured w ith ono ton kt of M9I1 grn lo compUto fertilizer and a good todrminir of lumiPUfttitl hen uiAiiurc, with frctmput but verr light opillcationtof nltratoof tela. aUispinuh, fdl lu tho Usual wgjr with stnblo tomjioaU I u cotton sood iikoI wo hare nnother id troijiUousniuiiurooftiv.iaIAluefortho market garduier, but oa it very little ni predated A ton contain about NO pounds of nitrogen, CO poundt of phos phoric ncid, and 40 iound cf pjtatli When mixed and cumpoited with stable tnanuro It Incnvis tho comparitha nmouiit of nitrogen of thu latter, and therefore It rJcctivemis, Uaidtuor who kotp slot k shuull feed cotton need nicah Jt then gives double return, namely, In liiLrcaio of flih and Lm proviniont of manure Ubere nltrato of soda, on account of dtiUnco from source of sun und tonsetpeut hijli coat, cannot bo until ftdtauUgcouily, cotton aeed meal cau often bo hud at a comparatively low price, and shoull thai bo ued in place of the nitrogen compound IVUsh In any spexrlal form 1 hardly eror m-ilcd for tho crop, on common garden laud, since stable coinpoit and the nerage high gradf complete fertll Ui r supply an abundance, ami often au exress of it, to tlm crop already. A dif ferent thlug It la with pi at) and mutky soils, Thco Lave alreijy un abandunco of the nitrogenou element, although tuottly In Hi ol coial iuatlon, and hemo In an unavailable form. Un the other band the mineral (dement aro scantily supplied Ktablo manure wonld add a comparatively largo amount of nitrogen at great expanse to the alrcnly van store, and but small quauUtk of tho. phorio acl I aud i-atash buch land, for that reason, inn bu made j rod ut tiro In tho cheaost aud quickest w ar by aj pli cation of phosphorlo acid and potash In tlio form of a plain suporphophuo or bonemiul lu combination with wood t Mpollrd. Mamma Yby do jou call that beautiful doll an ' ugly uld thing I ' Littlo Dot (whiswririKJ-fcho's so pretty I is Trald slioU ft aln. UoodN'otts. 1ST IPzT '"", -r,M''"M ' "'" AC MllliCa,la i(MCuk BtllLit. EfmoyALi! WEBB I PEVERYEAE, utu. Dcieret Dakery.eien loihur No. 46 W. FIRST EODTn STDEET, In the Kqultal le lllock, Wbcr. that .111 carry . lull Un. of Dread, ill kind, of Pitlry, Confection' rry and Summer Drlnki. Tory Inrlle .11 thalr ol4 filrem anil tb. ul-llc to call on tbem al tbdr o.w otic, wtere cv erjih.oi will be Ililil.CLASi. FJiMMlBRD :! special Bjmfeo i rt f IjO SALE DAYS. Ojj. bH Ttm romliiE work ullt lie 11 rrm irkablr one In llin ( U T ' wej of Salea, for Hie MKItClllANDIHK oflrrrd laof ll.e t i i"j Jk lMT,nltlil,IIICI i-wrll,n will Irt them a.rk 11 fjl Wj , ) lor tlirt.tarhr.. I.rry Drpitrlt.ifnt lu our Mammoth 2 . KltaMlihotrnt ha. 1 . P if -XMlGHTY t IkflGAINSX- W y fr i 3o UNBlEACIICn SHEETIf.0, 38 Ina. lde. 3c. T p4 r 15c. pair, LADItS1 HOSE, Black full regular ipllced 2 , LJ V ' riMl' "ttl ,n". 150. J rl , f 25c. rich, IADIEV CHirrON LACE BOWS. 35c. I K M i i & PRICES hOli Till!) DiV 0.YL1 a 4 p A Tuosilny, IVItty lT, V W ,-; ' 1-n.nillr.l.fc w. enllaetlal f ' ft I til ' 30. per yard, 30 Inrhr. ldr, RLEACH.O MUSLIN. 30. V k. ffj 25c each CHILDREN S SURAH SILK HATS. 25c. i, fHi ' tl.75 .ch. LAOItS nCUIHE BREASTED BOX COATS, I W K In tan. only. 11.75. Li aj i ) trPJtlCFS toll THIS lMV O.YLV v r H 1 WothiOMliiy,Mny IN, V kj JV l-rnOlalllotrn I , ue mil Tie 111. I. Hard, th. Li. I., J? Jr. Tl l r b iih.nooj. UB.HO. f-i f" , 4c. yard, SEERSUCKERS In Plaid and Strlpea, Fail , . i( k. a 1 f Colore. 4c. ' m A ii 3'.c. each. TURKISH TOWELS. 2.o. W K-l )i 7Sc. LAOIES' BLAZERS, ill Wool Shouldera; In JI. C., Lj f Blickonly. 75o. W" h terl'IlICFS FPU THIS Ihir O.W.J'.-tfri i fi) n ii Tlit.irstly,' JO, V TV u uur Itcaular ltlcea ire hint, lo h. lh lAwcl-lhli Uay tbe i, ff, r- i Wl.;il ertlr It IjfJ fiA . I Sc. yard, DTCSS CINOHAMS, rut Colon. Sc. 1 '-' fTl " 2c. yird, 19 Inch CRASH TOWEUNfi. 2c. 1 ' K. fad t. 100 eioh, CENTS' SILK TIES; .11 Silk. ii lUp i) trvuicFH ion rus tuy o.ta'-wi n r, ) j Altenl ouraetblt diy.l.err Ucrarttnent h.i.peclil Indaceraantl " L,J J U 2o. yard. LAWN tin CSS STYLES. Fait Color. Jo. y Ql tf1 i J 25c each, CENTS' CREAM KNIT SHIRTS and , , r Tt DRAPERS, 23c. A WjJ t 50o. LADIES' CAM1MERE JERSEYS, all Wool. 50o. y? i I i-rnticix Fun mis o.yi.y oi - WW U Sntttrdny, ti-i" Lil, ' W JV ') M.ii.itllaillnTotar,hnorklncll.ellotton.outor I rlfea ' ifl IJJ i J2.90. UDIES' CAPE, 34 In. long, Appllqued Yoke i f e . ' nd Collar. In Tan. and Cray J2 0 J . ' . A 'So yard, BEOFORU UURO DRES3 GOODS, Solid Colore, ' lA Lb H ' 30 Ine. vilde. So A Pj r i 4 I5c. yird, CREAM TABLE LINEN. 15c. " fft t parl'IUCkA FOR THIS DAY O.Yr.y.Sn ' , Tf, wj i frl"OK OSI WTLK We .lal offer 1'i.iUv.Iy Ike' ' taW r UARuMSSewrlurd ui eMi la inly a I T, 4 ' . o to aire ou . U t le of the llundrr l noi r vinuui I(rlinenti. . ('A l V.- - - -". - --JU.--fcr.J' fS F.AUERBACH&BRO. AW IIMEISE VARIETY -47 X (Crf &Sr THINK OF ITI A BABY CARRIAGE ..Jx pit $.i . a .-..- piiiyFUniGo, 1SCU. 189. ;I l.B DeseretNews. a Pioneer Paper of tho Rooky Mountain Country. toIIIH Eisiffl mm raws ll CICHT PAGCS. SCVCN COLUMNS EACH. alllllB iiiciid uvaar rat, ticirr ickdit. W m K fl Han on Kitonslvo nntl IncronfliiR Circulation. fVjH' IS C ikl ill And .. a Niwriirai and APYkitTi.rra Afcoicia uxW Ri? IT-HAS -NO -SUPERIOR. 11 -IT. COLCHHa CONTAt rlUal.BRSE rtiLr. TxirnicApitio nrrnnra. 'sSImShIB beliauii' mill, iTina, IfnraflnS uuul ctimi.i'oinrrcr, bh4wB . ruunui cuiiiiriroriEirr, 3'llffiwi uit'iiitiiti. aiinircLTCRAt. )) 'tglim nait.TrT aii t wUyl noaUTic Ktni "'- wCTfjl DfflE! SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. EIOIIT VAOKS, CKJIIT COLUMNS KAOU. fl ffl&j Publlshotl Every Tuosday and Friday. si , HKI tiA. tni 'mlV JIHtI imesi circulation in utah li And Adjoining Slatei and Territorial of .ny, BBHHm And hi. adr.ntarea irhleh eommead It to all who eannet tfford or .re a.l eT.lV iQauffiBlv ally .llu.ud for Ukln a Dall y paper. It contain, a aommary tt tat ' SBJwJiifilS n 5cm of tbe TTerk, II Deaiaidc and )SfflHT( Telrjraphlr, H lordrn .fern, 'IMfaWMpf Local, Ldltcrlal ArrJOo fBfii UllCfllanMrji, )J VpoiaVaaiplrUfCrntaj IWmBHN akd r. arrar rAMioctaa ruffnMljIi A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL! mHI DESERET WEEKLY II KMtablliihod .Tunu in. 1HT.O. tajllfll Ts putUifiM eTry H ktunliy, s 13 to 40 psf 9 Msilot, sn 1 1 CUnUFTT 1113 JvUH TOUV 01 Till; CllL'UClI, tu t or th lntret!D3 sons Uirougb uflfliHrl which tbe ioi It of this nplon tro now pAslof, .Hl U vrlihout rivsl. Tho volatuts, when aiHBFl!r touDil, T lBRrll INVALUABLE ASA WORK OF REFERENCE. Hul TCRMS FOR THE DAlLYl WH ae Cer.r, One Year 910 VO HSH 1 - al.Monilie SOU VkHwHiJ a Ihrr. lloulha, ..- a.0. -&t SjjSL , TERMS FOR THC SEMI-WECKLYl '' HUfl On. ter, One lill J 2R Hnyn aoiioniti. - i;a 1BH HE terms ron the weeklyi n Hfr oa. Cep7, OneYrar (embraetna Two Volmuea) ts. ruW ' - aia liim.U ..... 1J Wlm ilM Book akd Job Printing Office 1 ii OHa or t Hh9iH The IVIost Complete in the DClestl iit Holoe well .u!rpM with lb Lattbt ahd Put firrtts or Trn aud a VflKUH TkLsscs. sutj othr (Irst-cltsa iuatrlsl. w ar flEQPteif i rtparsJ to do ('H!i!iilt) 'imrnm ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTING in tho BEST STYLES, f iffSf i K. With I'llOMITNLSS ad DWPHTCH, .ud it KEASONASLS "11 Mij ' hates. li'amBli roSirilS Ol' ALL sIZES, from the Smallfit UandMll (o Lhl lrsut BimnoU 1 'frjTO j W. are rfll(J to fdna. 'iflll Jl K : H-PHraSrStJr .TaTaTa-aTaTaT BMItmnnnlTIMI ill j !'! raWVirttfAll iin- - HB