Newspaper Page Text
Bf y Monday. t DESERET EVENING NEWS. WjKT rVBUtBIO DAILT WW64TI IlClrfia. ML 3 t''"""; OR ;' THE DESERET HEWS CO. (Kin ciiahum w iniwMr, runon. UHf 1 -I'tnnay, Ma 33, laoj. nu miMicTiiKjTiiOMi nrs. IK' I tlie manner la which ffjf t t elections have been consulted elnce hH J 1 Hi" advent of lli Utah Commission vfrn,,, i, has been referred to, ellhor bjr political n , jiartleeor th press, Ili "Literal" de ' ' fenders of tbe evils oomplalned of, HL j havejumjd tothe reteuo with aatr. BEJEL f tlotit that the fault Ilea lu Hi laws. It fifcf s la now charged that they were "forced BB 1 to work under a taw that a 'Mormon' BflHw legislature had leased, anil which (BR1 i. was Intended to mak ltrglslrara Si-Iii abaolulo despots to register whom they BO. pleased, and to mak It Impossible for Bf M '"T one to b elected to any ofllc i f J except he paid hla regular tlthlug." ftij Trill don Ttrjr wall to throw f'f, "Literal" Uuit In the cjea of tlia y V groundlings, tut It will not tear the f light of Investigation nor the. riddling l 'l of theelsvoof crltlcltm. There Is vry a I little the matter with the lawn. l'or ft tunately they are on record and cannot J t-o belled without exposing tho J A roallgner to tbe effects of hla folly. If , 1 the lawa had teen ndmlnlatered ae V cording to tbelr letter aud tplrll, I merely changing the data of (arsons it who were to act under them aa Con grits Intended, there would have been HNsf conitiarallvely auall cauie of com- M ; lain). It la straight faliehood to H charge the wrongs that bars pie. ft, l vailed to tho lawi that have bteu j, l'crtont were chotsn by the Commie jjri ,,on lo "c- M election cfllccrs jf II who were totally unlit for the H woik and Itt rrtpoiiilbllltlei. Instead mnfj of onloeraundcr bondtlodothelrduty, perions were selected wltbcut any ob- jA Illation either to ths people or to the S j aplntlng tower. They did aa they tf leased, and laughed at lb Commie r tlon andsnteridat the cltlirns whom tl they deprUed of their legal rlghla aa 1 voters. The peraona appointed to act In a j'l'r judicial capacity, to pass on the right of franchise, were not Judicial ofllcera lAJf aa required by taw, and there wot no IgLjj rpeal from tbelr ileclalona aa there 1BM would have been under the law placing aBi 'l1 "lI im-r UXn Ju-'loee of the peace Hf Till selections mad were, In the ma 2R 1 Jorlty of Initancca, of peraona known aR f to be hoetlle to the maitea )nf the cltlxene and obnoxloua tecauao of their extreme anlmoalty and partlunahlp. The excenea, II legalltea and poaltlT outragea that Mfitt risulted from tbla proatltutlon of the Ht I lawa, are In no way chargeable to tho KL 8 lawa tbemtetrea. H.i Nor can II be prored that under the Rjt operatlona of the reglalrallon act of Braf tbla Terrltory,any cltlien waa deprlred IB J of tbe right to Tote becauao he waa not tSBil ft "Mormon," or being n "Mormon" fSMJE that he did not pay tithing or dlacharge iiffyi, aome Church duty, No auch a ciae cai bo cited. It la a tralgbt, dlreot and wilful falto Hg4 hood. The law waa not drtlgned to HTd deprlre any legal voter of hla fraachlae, Hufi but to protect every oltlien In lil law p'.l fulrtgbtaandilvllegea. Andltoper Wl if ated In that way to Jew and Oentlle, v "Mormon" and nntl"Mormou," uutll Biijil perverted and wrongly administered IS K under the auiplcra of the Utah Coin Btfju mUalon. All tbla la ca able of com iHft plete demnnitrntlou and It iaunot be WHg dlaproved, HjU Wo can get along, however, with the IflE Utah Commlulon until Congreaa area HHr flt lo relieve thla Territory from the HBifei lK)ndage In which It llngeri. We HKltl ran bear It a little longer, l'erionally, IBjb; the gentlemen ou that body are men KHX'i ' ktlllly and etandlng. If we had Lf, been allllctrd with bad men of alow I!b1 atrle, wa might bavaaullerrd much HNIJ: worie Indlgnltlia, Three gtntlrmeu HKl ' have bad an eaiy time of II, they are ff well (aid, there lino wonder they de llj' I ' 'ro to keep their placra, and we aeo no Hte nted to nerp and wall at their ronialn. Hft ( ,' '"-' ln nl('u w'h their full pay and. Kf'H leiqultltti. If Un.lo Ham la HK J.'1 willing to pay tbo expenan, Utah HE can run along with the f fj) Commlulon aud Ita regime, well vi enough.uutlltbat literly which li aure 8fit t0 ,om dawna upon time fair vallejra. Hff, u, ' Uuti e me, It la not only the Hj ft depth of lalithood but tho height of Kh fMly, toaaiertlliat the wrongo which R 1 1 many cltliem have cauie to complain KJ ? "'i I" tho deprlval or olatructlon ol si ' their rlghta of frauchle,came through B t' the lawa of Utah. They are the niultof I' lliemaladmlulatratlonofthelawa, and n f Ilia partlian Irlt of the body lent here fftt lo favor the minority and place It II I,l poulhle In political aupremacy over HW Yj tbe majority ol the cltliena. That la Hi N the plain truth and li la uieleaa to deny HM; it wKa iuscuioiu situ: monov ami Hii riMMNTicita. K.b! Til k trade of the Tuicarora "Mb Mla'llj eral'Miogua Urmocrati, on Saturday H W " M'lHe lutgritlvr. l:acli brave H carried a brilliant umbrtlla, iiilnetl lu H f "J. "bite and blue. It Is probable H If that when they atart on the retun B u! Irom Chicago, frrth auuihadri will U H 'R lurchatvdoutlrely of tho color Inl H fj named, appropriate to tho condition of Kf B) tlulrfcellngi.occailoned by their delo. MS l$t getea belug Invited to atayoutoftbe Hfjff convention. The umbrella?, peculiar mX" bataaodgray duiteramakoupaittlk li IngoutflU Therrcourmof the"boM" r to fantaatlcUm and buflwnery ahowa f "u hrpeM. Ho undentanda the ( character of hit following. Ah HllHiliHBillHHKraaaaaaaaak.ab eppeal to commou acme would cause him lo ke hla auppotl. flatulence and that which amarka of tbe gro Irrque and rldlculoue are hla atrongetl cardu The I'owera declination act, In the Tuacarora ronvrntlon, waa In bo.utl fot unison with the street exhibit. It appeared in be a aort of circuit ir formanc with the "boaiV artner ctlng In the capacity of pantaloon. When (he Mlchfgander vrt nomluated lo go lo Chicago, h undo a long apeecb, largely devoted to bla own pralae. Heoltendeicrlbra blmwlf at a aelfoacrlflclng patriot, It la nrcea ary that tbla thould be fiMjuently re Iterated; otherwise tow If any would to, likely lelleve It. Ily constant retention he might poislbly be able to couvlmvhlmaelf on the autject, after tbo manner of the man who, after telling II many limes, actually became convirledto the truth of a atory he hail manufactured. In his apeechea tho Judgo unfortunately makta auto moot that call up etrlklnir facta. Aa an Instance, lie exclaimed: "since I havo been hi Ibis clly I have cndcaored to do my dulr as a cltlien of tbla Itepul llo wllhout fear without favor an! without thought of rsonil ro wan!." Tbla Indicate, to aay Ilia least, that when he carried lliemuulclp-il election of Mill Lake City for the "Liberals," by crooked woik, In IStW, be waa not doing his "duty aa a clllttn of thla lleiubllc." Ills reward for the Job was a check for J10,0O0, which he pocketed with much satisfaction. Hut we bavii diverged from Ihv pa thetic scene of the declination of the nomination of the delegatrshlp lo the National Democratic Con vention. When Mr. I'owera ncared the end of hla long-winded elf eulogy, ho at, ol course, deeply affected, having doubtlraaliad a quantity of emotion on hand for a couple of wtiks,reterved for the occasion. He firmly declined the honor. Thla announcement raleed, aa he knew II would, a storm of pro Irttatlona. A motion waa ut by a devoted umbrella holder to the elTrct Ihal the declination bo not accepted. ..... w.vwk... ustuvi. ..,rs iu uit iro. He waa, of course, greatly excited. Ho li Mr. Powers' partner hence his ex cltement, which had probably, Ilka tbe "boss's" heartfelt emotion, been atored forth occasion. Ho exclaimed ".e a friend of Judge Powers I can its no reason why this convention can refuse to accept the dec." 01 course Mr. lilies was drowned In a bedlam of Iudlau howls and snorts of disapproval, and the motion waa carried with much unanimous vocifer ation. ' Ills barely possible that their may be soma ople In this part of the country who actually believe that Judge rowers did not have blmaslf nominated, or 'did not, at the very least, undirstand that be would be be fore lb convention was held. If euca Iho declination ecuuo waa sufllcleutlr patbello to draw titter tears from the eyca of the most atolo Tuscaroran, while tbe sympathetic apectatora wero Inclined to Join, In order to mako tbe Incident a sort of general snivel. Wa have lo hand a circular an nouncing the approachlog ixodus of thoTuscarora fantaats. It Wars tha stamp of the II. U. V. railway, but srtms to have the earmarks of "boos" I'owera. It gives further evl dence of the manly, hlablr Intellectual aud dlgnlOed character of tho bogus Indian political organization, and wo therefore quote from Ht "1 roin tho mojntalna and Iba valleya or lbs llrasant land of I lab will the mighty luscaroraa take Iho war trail of the Illo Grande Western railway, In tholr Journey toward the rising atui, about the fifteenth day of the moon of slrawbarrlva lo Join tbe gland council of I lie tribes aud mingle in the war dance of the nations In the wigwam of Chicago by the big era water, "On tho march Iho brave i will frost on odab'mln. Ihe strongman, Kirs'. Iml, wlllr-sifurm hit greatest fuels. Hand some Ycuadls'w lll execute hla most beaIIsrlng dances. Kantasoo, the game of plumb atones, will bolp to while away the time. la'goo, the great boaster fevl dentlyO. . 1'owers), will If II his mar velous stories, and Chlblaboa will sine his sweetest songs. All thla will be done. "riio party will taka iho trail ihroogh the cur hunted wondsrland. Ihroogh can yons filled with bear and mountain lions, an 1 rivers thick with brant and beavir. They will seo the Ml.lic -MoUus. "Through Oenvcr's ojcn wlgnama, over Ihe trail of the great llurhngton na tion, tho party pass tho tsrwes of the Omaha'a out upon Hi pralrlrs filled with tbe sunbeams' golden arrows, through meadow thick with bfson. "Il Iho fiale face and IheTuscarora, and li t all trlbos corno with fifty pieces uf wampum, with tholr arrowa made of Jit. ler,wtth theirarrow heads of chalcedony, with ihelr iinws,topews and ponles,wtli tbelr pipoiscs aud Ihelr totems, and Join this greatest of all war partiea "All the braves of the Insurora will Ih. In war paint. All the groitcat modi clno men will beat tho tomtuuis. 'Tho Tutiarora havo dug up Ihe tomahawk. The lire In Ihe peace plpo smoulders. Weudlgoes, cornel 1'uk WudJI.s, comet "Mark your naoioaou birch-bark. On the bark of tho fragrant birch Iroa before onother moon has passed, at Ilia Itpoa ,,f tha ltlo nrandc,ln Halt Iko City, on Iho cornorofthoMalu street trail, let your shine bo notod." Iljubtlesa tbe eoplo along the roulo till get the Idea that a circus company Is approaching the town ahead of tho tent. When tho delegates and their Tuscarora escorts enltr tbe Queen city of the west they will mako quit uti Impression. I'orlunatoly the white aud blue will remove the pro! ability of their being taken for a body of an archists approachlua; the convention building to blow up tha structure about I tho Irdalegates not be admitted. Would It not help their causo lo some drgres If they should (-rrforin the war dance and the "ugh'' act for Ihe delectation of tbe deiegatea nnd visitors from tho various Htstea and Tirrltorlcs. Much an exhibit might lnirie the spectators with Ibo Idra that tbo Tuscarom delegation from Utah belong to a dlghtfled, eedate and tboughttul class, and ought, therefore, to partici pate In the important duly of nomi nating a suitable person for election to tba highest clllco ln the gift of tbo ltepubllc. Notwithstanding tho introduction uf fantasliclsm,ln tbo form of "grotesques aud horribles," In thla movement of bogus Democrats, wo aro at present of 0 Inioti that Iho procession will return from Chicago, Breaking figuratively, with umbrellaa of blue, with Ihelr gray dustrra bedraggled and Ihelr "Uncle Bam" hats tearing such evldcncu of having been sat upon that they VIII closely resemble, antique noncertlnas. Tuiiirrt o iiii. mini; mih. ltv courtesy of Hon. John T. Cnlio wenru In possession of copies of cor respondence Utweeu lb Commission er of tba General Land Ofilce at Wash ington aud tbe Delrgate.ln reference lo the vexed qutatlon of culling timber on tbo public lands. This It of great Importance to Utah, where the opera tions of Ilia timber lats a have proved very oppressive. Delegate Calne has Interested himself illlhrentlv In l-vbstr of the settlers lu districts whero the cutting of Ibis timber Is a necessity, and, aa will bo teen from this corrcs ndsnt.e, has len successful. Tho notion taken will amrd great relief lo many people In thla Territory: Di rAHTVKVT or tii a Ixri mon, lienors! I,aml Oltlce, Washington, I. C , may 17tn, IsOi Hon. John T Calne, House of Itepreseu Utlvos, Washington, 1). C.i Hlr lEeferrlugtojoiir loner of .March 22, IH02, relative In the hardships Imnosod upon tbe soillers In Utah through the da lay of tbla department In acting upon ap plications submitted for penults lo cut publlo limlier under Ihe act of Maich 3, 1S01 (20 Statutes, lci), and to otOco reply thereto of the lolls ultimo, advising you that tba matter ha I been referred to Iho honorable secretary of Ihe Interior, sug gesting for his spproval and Instruction certain measures which It la hoped will afford tba desired relief, I now have the honor to enclose copy of the letter to the honorable secretary referred lo, which has lon returned to this ofilco wilt his ap proval endorsed thereon. In acoordaucowlih tho auggnllontcon tallied In said lelter.whlch are now In tho nalnro of lnstructlons,lhe api llcstlopj lor permits to cut publlo timber now on file In this office will bo acted upon with but little delay. Very respectfully, (Wgned) Thomas If. Caiitbr, Commissioner. (lensral I .and ofilce, Washlugtou, D. C , April 13lb, 1-XI2. Tbe Honorable Bcorelary of Iho Troas nryi Sir I has Iba honor to transmit, herewith: a letter to Ibis oflllce, dated March 22, lw, from Hon. John T. Calne, M. ft, with enclosures, via i poll. Hon dstcd at Iloaver City, Utah, March i, HU, and signed by a number of cltlirnej and, letter without da'a to Iln. .r.,l. T Calno from lllackuer, Hon A Slower., of lloas er City. Those popera relate to tho apilloallona male by said lllacknor, Son A Stewart, and others of Utah Territory, for jier mlu to out limber from pnblld lands under tho act of Marco 3, 1-ui, (W Mats, 1003) and department circulars there under dated May , li and the parties complain of tho very great Incnnvrn lenco and dlsa Ivanlage aurrered by them through Ihe dolayof this department to grant the permits applied for. The ajld act of March, 1, hji, makes It unlait ful to rut and reinoro any thnbor from Ibo publlo Ian It of tbe Hfatea there in named, tho District of Alaska anl tho Territory ol Utah, exott under Ihe authority of Halt department, and th ecltlers In tbo said localities aro therefore obliged lo aulTer groat prls atlon while awaiting action upon tbelr applica tions lo cut Umber or assume tho ohms ot being lolators of tba law by cutting the Umber which Is absolutely nocessary for the malntenruce of Ihelr homes, "Hon. John T, Calne aa a, and this oflloo rooogoius tba fait, that the present administration or tho law aud depart mental rulings thereunder, roforrod to, Impose great hardship to tho rutlro opulallou of Utahand particularly to thou who lite away from tho lines of railroad, a the cost of transporting luxi bor great distances from Ihe rallroTls makes It Impossible fur any of tho act tiers to obtain material oron for the repair of their houses and loncts. ihlnka 'thattheso opls aroontliled lo tcllef, and the (lorariinieut should ellhor out the tlml-cr and sell It to Ihein, or permit tho liilllownrrs to do It.' "Itelatlvo to the situation! above set forth rosr-ectlua: Ihe TorrlMrv nr iTtni, r have to say that similar conditions obtain as will In all tho Wales alTecled by tho sal I act ul March .1, IS II, and I respect, fully submit tba Congress hat Imposed ttryheavyaldltlonal btirdeusupon Ibis oilleo un ler the said act In tin way of examinations at lo proposed forest roser vallout and application! to cut publlo Umber, anil has made no upproprliitlnu for any lnrnascdforto uf agouts, while thoso In the service already had ull Ilia svork Ihey could properly attend to In Investigating alleged fraudulent entiles, timber depro lallons, etc "With tho small lorco at the command of tbla otneo months must elapao heforo many of Ihe applications to. enttlmtr can bo examined in Iho field, and In Iho meantime the bar Whips ritorred to in tho polli'on and Utters herewith, mutt contlnuo to exist. "Thla ofilco reels that thotroublocom I lilntd of In tbo papers heron 1th can ' hardly bv exaggirstiJ, nnd that It Is manifestly unjist that Ihocltlxensof the Territory of Utah and tha Htates ahonld bocompolledto bear such burdens any longer than It possible loavol I. Moro oser, ltttorltnl that tbo progress and bivclopuient or U eouulry are beloa ininieiisurably reurdod by oxltttug clr cu instances. In view, therefori of tbo ficbs and emergencies nf lie rase as above set ft rth, I resp-ctftilu em-rest thai it might bo well when ap)liiitlon are prescnlel In strict aooor lancssrltli the require moms, ofdepirlmentclrculsr of May 3th, ISOI, and It Is shown by tho papers lo the rnllsfatllon of this ofilce that an actual publlo necessity exists In a parllcntnr case, and nu prolns s against tho Issuance of a permit are recttvcd.thot It bo author Ireil lo submit iho papers with permit prepared, to you for consider ation and approval I bavolho honor to respectfully request early Instructions In this mailer. cryrosoctfiilly, (Slgued Tuos, II. CAiivan, 0 Commissioner. Approved, J. W. Noai r, Secret a ry. lNfllllVsiM) rALAMIIILS. Till- continued rains and Hoods In the Kast and fjjutb nro bringing dla astir to many farmers and troublo to the whole nation. Ill ono district alone It Is said that 10,000,000 bushels of wheat are already lost, and over n hundred Hour mllli nflVcted. Thodlt pntchca for two days prut mako n cha ler ol calamity pvrhaiat unnnral Wed in the history of tho country; homes destroyed, Uvea lost, valuable landa rendered worthless, and com plete destruction of cereals and vege tables In large sections of country. 1'rom every point of tho coraaa come repot It of disaster. Cyclones In Texas, storms In Indiana, anow blockadca lu New Ilngland, blight lug frost In Iowa, all ajenvgated by fearful acclJsnU on railroads, In mints, workshop and other places. Tho year 1SW so far has been J rolltlo of calamities and a feeling ot dread lu looking fur troubles to eonio unou tho earth teems to be gradually taking hold of the Inhablltnts thereof. A great crises Is at hand and the proofs ara abundant that wo aro nearlng tho time of "Iho end." roLiniui, ioi.iioi)im.s. IIlmiy Watterwn wrltea a three column letter showing why Cleveland should notbvnjuiluated. Clevelind la likened to Van lluren, and tho situ, allou today almllu to that of 1311 from Iho Democratic standpoint. Mr, Watterson contends that If Van lluren had received Iho nomination ho would havo been defeated, and tho wisdom and sagacity of Ilia liadera of that day wero shown In Iho strategic perform ance) which gav thu nomlnafkm to Jamea K, Polk. It was nt that tlmo that tho two-thirds rule lu Democratic conventions was ado) ted for the special purpous of de feallog Martiu Van Buren. This can dldate was really tho most i-opular man In his party, and ho woull havo bad no trouble In securing abaro ma jority, but with such candidates aa Cass, nnd Ijuclmnsn In tba Hold ale), to obtain two-thirdswas Impossible, It waa then that tbo term "dark hone" came Into use, aud on this occsslon Jamea IC. l'olk proved to be tho sable courstrofdtstliiy, Mr, Watterson goes on to atguo thai Clovrhnd would lie defeated If nomin ated and that a dark hone on thla oc tatlon would betho grand feat. Thla gentleman Is In his way a arnart poll II clan, and lu many respects too smart for Ms psrly. Had he yielded some what to German aud other leador In ISSSI.e might have) hal a dlOerent themoto write upon at present. It It well known that hla "atar-syed god dees" butluess, mil his tarlll ro'orm absolutism did more to defeat Clevo land than any other circumstance connected with tbe campaign of 16S3. In 1S91 I'olk'a gnat opponent waa Heury Clay, onoof the greatett Ameri cans then living. Jamottj. Maine Is takon as the latter-day parallel for Clay, but republicans entertain no such melo-dramatlo forebodings aa those of Mr, Watterson. 'The latest dispatches from 1 latter n political centers ahow that Maine la most likely to bo tho nomtnru at Minneapolis. The general belief It that lie will git the nomination and tbeu tho mntter will he left In hla own handt to accept or decline. Mr. Wntterton aud many of Iho Democratlo chieftains enter tain tbo Idea that Maine will bo tho candidate of his party, and that Inn contest between him and Cleve land, the latter would bedefcatod. On these, premise! Mr. Watterson builds hit prophetic forecast, and Introduces the IB1I eplsojo to show tbo necessity of a dark horso ou the tiresent ocpaslnn. Van Huron waa elected Preildeut In 16V,, defeated In 1810 by I'retldent Htrrlron'a grandfather, and in 1SII re jected at tbe convention. Cleveland waa'elected In lbSl, defeated lu 18S8 by Harrison, henco tho Wntterton theory that the convention thould re. ect him In 1S92. urui utor ami m m roitr ion trim. In bjt monthly weather review for April Director (Salisbury ia that tbe temperature wis ratably three to four dejroes below the normal. A veraged lorlwoiity-tlxtotlo,nsln Utah Terrl lory It wat 1(1.8 degrees. The monthly menu at Ht. Ueorge was SO.I drgreet, tho greatest of any ttatlon. Crouto Crook haH the. lowoit monthly mean, L3 degrees. Tho highest terarra. lure, 7 decrees, oictirred at Moab, ou fAY 2.T. 1802. IbetSlli and SOIh, tbo lowest, II do-Ktei-s at Holdlert Hummlt on Ihe 20th. Tho greatest monthly range, 03 de grees, occurred at Iloavrrisnd alThlt tie, least, 31 degrcea, atHnowvllle. The greatest nmouut of rain fill In the districts traversed by tho Waeatc) from tho north to tho routh of tbe Tcr rltory. Fillnuri. reonrla the greatest amount, S.II Inches; 1'Arowan next, :.03In3htt;Urjeu ltlver the least, 0 10 Inch, In tho valleya very llltlo snow foil. Tarowan had nn ununnl fall for Hit. time of year. Tho weather In general was cloudy and oool, with several light hall, and thunder storms. Light frosts weie frequent, but In Ihe valleys only dam aged allghtly small ftulls and early vrgelab'ts. Krom Cisco V. II. Jeflcra reports high it Inds 071 tho 12th, 0lh nnd 20th. From Deserel Wlllard ltogera reports moro than thonorinal amount of wind. 1'rom Orousi. Crrok II. K. Cooko re iorU cropa moro bsrkssard than In former seasons. William Ilrowu of I.evan reports killing frost un tbo Sth, and hall on theSrd, 17lh and 20th. Henry Grouse of Moab reports sudden changes In temperature for tho month of April, but n very good prospect for abundance of apples, pcais, sachee etc. Itobert Moncur, Ml. Carmet, re forta frost moetly every nig hi. Uoorgo Halet, Itlchfleld rerta apjles and prlcota mostly killed by Irost, .vim ami (uusmTt, An exchange sajs: Oniclal figures show that one lu every seventy. threo Hermans rejoins lu Iho name of Mul ler, so that It w ain't a bad hit which tho Frenchman madaM hen ho began his Iiook of travels In Wllllam'a do mttlu wllh tills tcnloncoi "(lernmny is h country Inhabited by n people called Muller." ' Mris.IIi.Nnv Wpavi n Islbn deputy shcrlll of Uoudlsuds, Kan., aud Jako Wilson la a Kansas desperado who lor a long time has amused himself ovad lug tho authorities and disappointing people In rewards. Tho other day Mrs. Weaver heard that ho was In a certain ttloon. Bhu secured warrant, and going Into the saloon, she tspped hlmon tho shoulder, and while sbo told him ho was under arrest, tllpii Ihe bandcuBe on hie wrlete. Ho was too astonltbed oven to rc ly. Tim Counteia Tolstoi makes to pro fcaalon of tbo religious enthusiasm that sustains her husband In Ills Ilfu of self dentil among Ilia iaianlry. At the tamo tlmo sbo hit shared hit Isolation, furthered his various schemes, brought up nine children, fining tho younger members herself for the life of struggle with which Ihelr father has endowed them. 8bu holda frank vlewa of her husband and hit theories. With tonio humortfaii observes that all her hus band's disciples aro small, blouJe, sickly and homely; all alike at a pair of boots, aud remarks with equal can dor that he changes hit opinions every two years. Ilultblt faculty for clear seeing has not allecled her notions of wifely duty. tbe four ersons shot last Halurday from ambush In a Tennessee feud was one woman. la thla not an Innovation In feud flgbllngt Among tho 1U criminals execute! by lynch law last year were six women, agalust ono Iheyear before. Woman'a nun. cliallonaara to be winning for all Ibo privilege of tbo oj pressing sex. Indeed, Mlts Hruntof North Carolina, daughter of tbe Itev. William Ilrunt, will n-celve tliefsdfl reward offered for ono Ullmore, an outlaw, who entered tho house and made her prepare htm a meal. As bo retired, Miss U, brought him down with buckshot. IniiuslilMoKntrrpilsM. jUafor uiurtt A'cwr. I perceive that considerable Interest Is being arouse I concerning tho neces illy of establishing mauufaulurea In our midst. Aa tbe romoler of the sugar Industry It may bo readily con ceived that I havo given Ibo suljrol of the necessity of Industrial pursuits soma considerable, reflection. While I regard tbla present tlmo as tho most dlfllcult tho Territory his over seen In which to establish any manufacturing Industry, jet I think It Is i-oislble that If a convention were held eonio In dustrlee, amongst tbo great many wo lack, might bo mentioned which would rove feasible and prac ticable. The dllllculty which I seo Is not the lack of Interest, for I know that somo of tho principal lendlug men among us aro thoroughly In earnist ui-on tho question of In dustrial elite r rlsejjneltber Is II the lack ot money, for some of thrsu men con (rol financial reaourcta of aufllclent ex tant to perform what they see ought to bo done, tut tho dllllculty of tho situa tion (as 1 know to my cost, for I havo ust lost ayear'awork through It), Is thu political agitation which allecta ulnicst overy Imrorlant Industry that can lie mentioned. If, however, a con vention were held, tho varlouslnuustrln could t puiied In review and their fiaellllllynuJiraillcablllty discussed, and tbo posslbllltl-a of thuir aucoemlui conduct, ttids pendent of llio political agitation, estimated, and somo might for ibe establish ment of which carltal could aafcly bo Invited. I would auggrst that tho 1). A. ,k M. Hpcltty, It the find It within tho pro vlucoof thelrpowera to do so, or the Baltl.ako Chamber of Commerci , In. vltlng Iho corporation of the Cham, brra ur Hoards of Trudo of other cities take the matter up and call r couvn tlonatsu. cnily a date at woul I al low tulllclent tlmo for nlvuctltlnB and awakening the uercsiury general Interest. I make this suggntlou with tho view that tho lutirist manifested I.) In hebalf of tho goneralgrovilli of Iho principle of ndtictloii and menu, focturo, that Important branch of the financial wer, for tho ts-nelH of tho rerrllory, but If tho benefit soucht for Isshnily local then It would seem ihst the Hall Lake Chamber of Commerce could with propriety laku up the nut ter nnd Ihey should le requested to do SO. AHTIIUH brAlMEll, wn auk iiKAnrjuAirrj-ns lou rr -ratr aiib ooiira- oit aij. SM,iot!nUE,ljlHuIl,toiPi.l On HAVE VISITINO FnllNDS AT MOUSE. VE CAN fin.. YOU WITH AIL KINOO or SU,"- && Portable FooDs.fe-. SAUCES PIOHIO GOODS SAROINtS. VCOETABrTe ' lsl-.Horeeslcr. Caltksn lisvllle I, Tiacl-,1, rw r . ' Asehovr " hose J, trench, I-e r"" ,UJ', " ste, Alaerlr.n, Ame,,'. U 'el. " rtessl, Norwsr. Pes.. ' DKeslIvs Itellsb, " 1 otte I, SmoleJ, IJM" osiiet la lares ,,, Uq.lua. a lilll-I MWi MW e,ra., "sskr sea's , ,, CATSUPS. "ossl, Tslte li dt " llenlnAlillwnrth's Wliols, New tirlssst llo Tip Top, reneli Entrees. It BREAKrAST CE. Ilnrtis llros. nrnasasj nanne Moesar nnic SALAD DRESSINO Slrswbeneei, ssnllouiensCiHoa rarliV)luL MaiLetsnairanted "aspbsnlas llakerst.ais, Itellel - eaclil. KslLurranl, lps llreakrs.l uc. lltsek Ilroma Heel Cvl Uu,d. C. 4 D OOODS. " t"' Cherries, ttiocolalejlala an4 HslleO . JAMS. I lack swu A 111, . Ura-rttrrr. PINEAPPLES MEATS. ?- Ka.rlt,,,. ,,hu loraesllleef. sfsUtrOtu. ItsilCorrsnl, .J,?' rnlppel 'oar or all , rot. Mack Lorrsnl, ?,"".'. l-". " r lltacUrrrr l. '.s ""le,l " CALA- FI,Ulf, p,rlI,Fq "": looqre.sedlltir., Prtlh. ricp.LC.9 lretervfl limtvr '.aacti Tonxne Slrts tri e, ro Cbew, Scolds Marmala.l. lies reel soj all u,.,, n ' Uladllellu, llnJe..rroill,h Goweleniea '". IWis."' "......Pre..,, uZT I slsnts, n rrt10Me... Ci ernes, .."?.?.... Acnenesr. FISH. CanneJ. '"" l;. soups: j;ir,: 5 tal Auencaa t.reeo Turtle. Mruttll.b. aaj Jellies. llcklea Vlock M Cltlne OLIVES. ' Z'".W' T""".' CHEESE, rreaeh KmsT 0"," """. Jil".k. JXnni e-1 llertlag. ll,lM5. ''i.k: l.,,." ,h"v :: vn QlireslnOil laresolOsinc. rt.sti lu, ' y.11 IvIikIm ol PROVISIONS Moder.,..OoodA,,.,,o. Af.ll.adtk Slock b ' ' i-t Lid GOODS HATE TO GO! In IBIIIIIII Aro simply ImmonBo. PorMOTOAY and TUESDAY Only! fi-.0 inrila Cold frrpe d. Chene, ortll $1. ..., l..,-, ,, $llS0. Our Kul I'rhe . ..( I'ljured ( bin. nnd I'ongee Sllbt, .old for Sll!.. , 7l)c.,' 7.V COO I-.....1., la.ett .hade. In toll,, ..,, r,,, , J,,' cr rillCIM, Oiilj see litem For Wednesday and Thursday Only """ourMlerrlee, ,'r,",.", "'l"" 8.'""' .r'S'""r ''" 17 "' ' Above goclt aro ...bje'et lu very alight manufacture,,' i'"lonai'' Msy aro sery choice, In iKiautlrul ,Cslgns an I cul.rliu.-s iBoo,.rd...i2(i,aa, ai,. ,r,t J, Cui,i. c " ,,i !. Mlka regular price llOo.iind 7.'!e ....a Our Hole 1'rlre ,. 300,;eV;!.v ;'":;!' ,:1,:,,,(;,;,nMiru' nr"' '- A" go for . . . 7-o .,.,,. For Friday and Saturday Only. ,M ,t",,gu'.-o.v::!!:;.r7p;,;y,.i;:!l. ur," fw Our Hale I'rlcr, . , . ., r C l?.7'yiVr3Voo,.!'lur..lr0"'''1 l'"'"'y """' '"M '"' ,0 ""' '"' :lOO.ird.lo'ubl. Warp Dress S.frah, worth 81.10. "" " '""' OurHalel'rlee only . - . . 1170 -sJi-Tj A1II3S NowlslliollinlnbuyKiiniiiior Ureas Blllc. at Loss than manufacturers' tost. aIkjto prla-a hold gocnl only for Iho d lye advertised . ' ilf will offer cacli tlaj during the Sals Sjiediit In oolrn firing - Siiiiiiiier Dress (lui.ds. FMWHIBRO