Newspaper Page Text
I'm o prgr.mrr It 1 deseret imm M) (.nerlptlMfita., la . I,W"',",,W: ' lk, matin wMk, port,U .f JtUtirrf F ty """ . I K I)tlttT BUII-WIMIY XtVTl J I ' ' r.Mlih. t'trj Tnlr "" Mr f i Hon prhM, 111 B4...M, rr ,tr. II CO; all nnf, 1 f I UK ILJI, U.IH Koalbi, l palpald u M'H 51 ,f Tilt tiUturT WKKI.Y, vf IIP AIIl.MII.lnauiM,ia.ekMBwt4.MB Ml lfc y,t maw, lpcb! u ft r.a.i frl .ulwa, I J Kff jiiurr iMcfmiiBftiUftftvf(ii.uirl jl E fV1"! "!!? fo ' U I CUT THE CORN. It , lB tcalthaenrB.IUrallawdrllllnf cora, (19 Tbtlmftrclmtotlitraniloortbrfburu I? ftf Abort the rMtUlontnoQlbftcrtc. M MR AB'!futbftbwtowof lit anttrrlDC flftft I ' lUr I labor t.ra from porBlarwpot iorn- r Par ' oal)r coi lb cor0' t' ijt ' TUcatl. court r.wnnd, wlib fi.tal die, -1 lew.4 YIJ. portal, .how lb.!n, Jl I IK And talth.r I. lli.r. born, athwart rorTLw , IBS a btr t-rluc. .Bd all hu r.tlaa. 1 f. Mb thllaplli,rfwlfor.rQnithawladlBahora 3v , flap lonlr cut tb. corn ff ' I H Tea lord rldri ftttt .c.ffitt tho WMtrra .U HK 1 follow tbroafhtbftdatt wllbtbftdtdorrK 7 MM llauroUtohuiborMillrrlrlmuI. h WM Abtmctblamtluponltlabftnitbtrbflftdi ,- fa Mmt D.y1c, br..r.l,illmtarj..adora. l V wD I alf colli, corn. j Mm Tb. nrftt lord tdofbtrdowBtbt)Hlifcf I I'f Mg trlra. j f A IibM B&wotded bobs Bpna li.r lip. 1 Bv Mr A grtrboand guard. tLo wblt.nna cf btr 1 (v Mm '"' ! J Hk IlfrTilTctvtBtmtBtBbniibmBwbcrBltlBBd. I ! H llo proadlr flrl I think I almct luoorn I t It BE lonlr cut Ibb corn. i & HH Tb lord. BcorpMborno from tbt bfttlUOtld, I iB CoroeoBlowIr br.utionbl.batl.rwl.lil.lJi J B lath. 8TBt. of Bloom I. laid. A m Mm Tb iftdr t r br lover u iwimrtdi Kl Um ABdlamrbcftrtdwBlU&oBriMtorBcorB. II I B lonlr cut tb corn. tl V 9mm fcdwardaI.ollB.lo Tooth'. Companion. II I" MR lluoll..- oa an IrC.I. Hoc il i bW ' Air. Corbnllia vim out nliootiiiB In I ' Mh trclaml with Lord Oonnmntovii, il il B? i 1,'1 wc'?'a'' 2M roi"J, unci hU K Sk? Mm i' ' itfjont, wilglilug 810, vihcn Uiey uune i! !f !" IK ' TliowiilldnuwaBUlangprous, oral W1' i every elcp tho aurfneo of tlio mom Mpfii ' H for fifty yards around raw and (rll '5?iF i mm lion win oof tbprwu. Imm ' ' H hudJcnly LordOormnnklotTn I"it MP UK hi feet on n tuft of rrraiM, and down K W lio wont up to liU armpits. 'Die m-i H ajtont hook wllh laughter, wlilclino Jfi' K disturbed tbo tog lio iitood on that It Iwjti gK gnTO way and let Mm In up to lilt Mm-f! tUL annplui. JH',:' IB i A man v,ax Bent to tlio nearrit Hft ' hnaw, a tnllo away, for n rojio, and Hj IV tlio two htavy men, after remaining Dw Ijv In tlio bog for threo-quarteni of an D? ' lirt ' '10Ur' wero nau' out "Forty flvu m ) MjV Yean of Sport" iLslk tJW A lodrrn I'rmbl. W T Now, there wan n certain wiso man BfZ M TThobulModhuiliouiioupontkoiiaud I I H , and tlio ralndenccnilod.ruid tlio Uood ill m l ramo, nnd wind blow, but they bual I )- i 1 ? ' "ot uPn ,lmt bmwc, and It fell not, I ft i Bftl , for It wait in Florida nnd it win ! 1 i ff f oundod upon tho good hard dollar i I r VRr ' of northern tourists, and tho owner "' lift. thereof waxed rich. R ! HD ' And Uioro wan llltowlso a certain K ' f SStJ foollihinan who buildod hh hoiwo S !' V'l upon a roclc in Harlem, and tho taxra rfoH rfM ftn( afoiinmcnui came, and tho Inter fir. 'i Sfld wt "I100 "a raortfrngo fell duo, and Hal ll Jrt-' ' tho contractors on tho next lot blast Hi it ' it4j cd under his walls and loosened thom MS K I IU ao that it fell, and great wiu tho fall BlH,'' IWL thereof. Life, If i QJa ' DldB't Know llll U Motk. Mti Wtv'f 'n'0 ltt' iIr'' Bpurgcon did not al pHR( My' waysrecognizohlsownBermonwurk He i Hj ' Tliat is perhaps not Burprlring con RJff Wti tidering how many rorinons he K ; Mh ' (reached and published durins bin mmi Wfr pastorate. bK'1 W' It is related that ho was traTfllng H ' JF lu Scotland incog , nnd ho hapinnil 9 l ' an to hoar a sermon which moved him K f i ! M- I Without dlscloelng his IdontityMr K V.V! ill 2 bpurgcqn called on tho inluistcrtc IJSti fi J if thank lilui. 'I fear," replleit the Br I ! '( youugman moilestly and with cour B III LiisB'' ngeous candor, "tho most of it win Hi' llsHBE ' taken from a sermon of Mr. Spur H Sit lHauf i geon's." London TitfUlta. BH M iHfl' ' nallroixH l tho Al.iL URtff ,Bn In 1SC0 tliero wcro only ,100 tulle Ej " Wm of ra"n ay in tlio country west of the HBUi. SJj MississlppL Today tho railroad mile Kafiilt it fill ' ago west of tho MUslAtlppI is CJ,CI bHBm! ' Hnli miles. In 1SC0 thero wore only!6 Bffi I Wit miles of railroad west of tho MUwouri ftw' H f "lw0 Cullfon,l:l bonsted 23 milci. Mtt; SaJ and Oregon 3 miles. Today woliare MJnt ; j Wt S3, ISO miles of rallro.ul ifl tlio Btatm Hjjlf ' , ( nnd territories Witt of tho Missoiui. B81B , H' i or 4,615 miles mom than tlio entlif Bill', ;B, railroad mlleago of tho United Stater Bltft in 16C0, Edward llobowutcr's Omaha Hl'r,-! ' KB Addrcas. nHr f ' tfls h Jndco ir iiiBuir. H, f H ; Artist's Slbter Oh, Qeorgo, your HttjlJ H work Is going to to appreciated at HyKtt , H" last) At tho gallery today I heard Hf! I ' mx Ira' I"s'lul X 'ou '""I tho prct Hli ' !l ?' ticst plcturo on oxliibltion. He, ; I Bl' StruRgllng At tint (d(pondcntly)- HSl' ! wm 'rs" tlghup, unfortunately, is no HI.''! i Hf' judgo. Sho admires thit red foccO, Hsf'k I M "g nosed baby ot hoi's. New York mh ' ' H ' Weekly. IB8V M ffl A ppar.t MjrBl.rf. i&lvi ' ' ! Bingo I went to n dry goods storo tffi ' t; 'IS' . tho other day to nettlo my wife's ac- H !. UBi ) ' Munt, and, by joo. do jou know, Kfi.HiJ HI tlio didn't owonceutl W 1,1 iHl i Klugley-Oreat Scottl Whata OL "'? ill ' thomattcrf TO , 9i Bingo Sho had transferred It to M Br ' another storo. Cloak Iloriow, Hi I sTi. : m 'It? h 4s E' 5 "You pavo Illeksn receipt for his ffi H" j bill In full Did ho pay you, Sulpi" ffl ! M! j t 'Oh, no, sir," replied tlio tailor ' I lit 4 i 'buthogao mo so many no ilex m ' llv ' ruws for not paying that 1 liae HI W i .tav id off my own creditors, nnd I H j vl ( thought hu ought to bo rewarded. " ffl ' fit i liarpir's Bazar. "it I i 'tk J I A Nut I'uu.u.l rt,.rlMit. i H ' i I J ' i ' onco aoeompanled a brotlier to K ! I tho dtntlst'si wo remained thero for nioro tlian an hour nnd left with tho Jg tooth in IU placo. It being impossible to iK'nuade him to onduio tho ptin ot having it oxtracted. l'all Mall Gawtto, b bBHBbHHHbL iJmmmmm SALARY INSimANCE. 13 IT A BUSINESS THAT CAN DC CARRIED ON PROFITABLY! A nhj t 1 Allrrtlfi8 O' '' f Allvnlloa la J t U lr Cltll Will II nflitflt tti t'.imi.i.f 5Ior. TtiftR It I)n Hi I mi.ln.o- Tlio Irwurnce bulnrM tiiu mail tacli rapM i"ro(iTM daring Ktcnt )eirithnt poso of writinj risk on almntt every thing under tho tun If 3-011 own n house otitl wotit prottctlon nalMt firo. or a ttcam rngino niul want protection ogalmt Mplfw Jon, it ft pUto rIum win ilow anil want protection Again t tbo iinaU bo who throw itonoi, you bar wily to go to on of a number of cum panlfs. pay jour premium nnd carry awny your policy, Tho btnlnew of writing thcwi rinls hat bn carried on so lane Mint It lu p&Mod tho f iperimtnUl ita?(. Tlio 1 iw cf AVernKoli maintained, nnd tho com piinlei carry! njf inch lines, &t ft general thinjf, annually report pood proMs. Si eittrulYo hai Iho Imuranco Held l come tlmtltwri ahmwt tnipowrible to conclro anjthliiK fnrther forthtfcom panfet to pnarantet. unles It wat lieulth and I appiucu. lerhapf tho very htnt thlnff In lniuranco may In a itcp (n that direction. Rilary lmnranco U poiui thing entirely now and U bcin ex tensiTtly ndrertlftcd. Jf It 1 posniblo to wrltoiachlnsurnnco on rcanonnblo trnna. nhlcli will protect tho cmpltnco and enable tho company Aolnff this builnm to met t ita contract. It tthould Irfcomo highly Ynlonblo to worktiiff iteubln. If, on tho other hand, Jt U itecetnary to impoo inch condition! upon tho lmurol iw will leave nuin.erom loopholen, by w hich tho luyincnt cf io!i cloamay 1h aroldfrl, then thU form of lruaranco lcomoa ralucleaa to any per nou, except thoxo wlio Imuo tho olicy Tlio ftlputatloni under which you may obtain wtlary lmnranco are brittly re cited Mow. It U left to tho render'! Judgmint to decldo whether it would pay him to Jiayo liU nalary guorautetl under anch conditions Tho applitant for n policy mint clvoa complete hiitnry of himself, whether iiiarriml or f Ingle, rlxo of hU family, i al ary per annum, how long In icrvko of emplojcr, whtroetnilorl for ten an Iirovloai to malting application, w lit thor 10 hai chronic dUawo, nnd how iitnch time ho ha lout by illnct during tho pnHTdlngtwThe months. Tho premium Is fifteen dollars per an num whero tho salary Is lens than tl,lVX nnd 1 per cent, of tho salary whero it is equal to or in execs of that sum. Tlio policy co.crsuptriod of twelro month nud guarantees tho inmml his salary for six inontlts after his discharge. It li clalmM that tho puticy Is nmlvalent to n contract with an rinploycr that ho will not discharge the employee except for canse, without feUhigsix imtntlis notice. Tho policy provides that diimLwil shall not lo cuuthhI by or through any willful act or nrgligenco of tho assured Tho asiurcd is compelled to gUo Imme diate notice ot OiMniMal.und munt msko every effort to obtain employment, fail Ing In this tho policy becomes void. When the assnrcd has again secured employment ho mmst notify the com jmny, and he will bo furnlslnxl with blanks upon which to make proof of tho claim, covering the tlmo he was unem ployed If ho U unable to secure em ployment during six months ho muit notify tho company and furnish proofs of lew. Any question as to tho liability ot tho company uay U referred to a board of three arbitrators, one to bo selected by the company, one by tho assured, and thcan two arbitrators will stloct n third Tho deciilou of two of thtw) nibitrators hall bo binding. Tlio policy fttrther provides that 110 suit shall bo b-uught until the expiration of threo montlis from tho day of filing proofs of lorj with tho company, "nor sliall inch suit be brought at nil unless tho same is com menced within six mouths from tho time tho right of action accrues, uny sUtnto of limitation to tho contrary not withstanding," Tho company reserves tho right to cancel tlio policy at any time by rcf uuding a pro rata portion cf tho premium. It becomes an Intorcstint? nucstluntu to what constltntes n willful act or nog llgiiice. It is the experience of thou sands of workmen in Now York that after they ha u bo, n emplo) cA in ouo es tablUbment for jiors perhaps a new foreman or superlnUndent lsintroducvd and the employ eo is discharged. lie has douo his work in a mutiner satUfactory to his old employer, but the new one says he is fncompctcuU This is ciWd ns an illustration of many com, where more than tho Intelligence ot a l'lilla delphlt lawyer would be nettled Uido cldo whether tho company had good nnd sullicicnt grounds for avoiding pajment of tho pdlcy. President Willi un M. Itichards, of tho Fidtlity and Casualty company, when united hU opinion rtgardiug r alary in surance, sail: "I do not HkotocritlciM tho methods of other companies,, which may compete with us even indirectly, but I will say that this sort of insur ance must at j resent bo regarded largely In tho nature of an experiment. You know Mry well that wo will liuuro any thing that, under the law cf average. holds out a hopo of retnni, but wo would not write salary inturarce Judging from the conditions which the policy lroioe, I idiould say that tho com pany Is sufo enough, but 1 cunnot see where much benefit can accrue to the employee. Almost without exception, the class of eini1o)euft who could u ail themselves of this U us of lniuranco ha, 0 contracts with thvir emploj era and thus huto no need for such protection " New York News, luuetutlnn try 1114. lunctuatlon was kuownaud iractlced to some extent by the aucimts. 'Iho originator of the modern sjitem wus Aristophanes, a grammarian cf Alex andria, Hg pt, PhilftdelphiH Pre. Tli Tint Allntloa 10 tfa liar, In that iortion of (lenctad wliLh tells tho stuiy of Joseph, tho f amino, etc, wo find tho f.nt hUtorical nllu nlon to tlio horso, and furthei' on In Holy Writ wo rend of tlio horwu of tho glint nudwlrto Solomon, w hich numbered 40,000-tlmt U, if tho 40, 000 stall for lion uro to u taken 1 m a altorion. bt. LouU IU public. hnowledos of manufac ture. "Thirty yeary experience has enabled vi o pro duce the splendid MASTIFF PLUG CUT. IrruiiLtttAuirA"j5.ou'scwlcr$!.00 AUoTmi, CIItC.CK CCALlItO, (.hlcrtlio. Uo Xu Vlu Voua- nlHtt a.. xwxaa"VXx?.e bono, Msnufscturlnp Optlolam, . ao n.hiioMi.NUdiii ktitrtT Vm I Ihs Attention of ths pubUa to their ! Ivulfeorrcci mtltatxl f djul tg spacucUa lMHU aibb - Vts srU4 gvf aU ear piiCA8V.:itican:3H.riti Thl ws sUIl catrr a Conpltts Lias of Di: :'.::,;' Celebrated Saws, C0,,I,TI1I IM riBT O, C...B rnl, Ur.c. On. Jlnht Tprlshf, Mill. II. nil, II I p. I'.n.l. Trn.a, Prnnlnr. i.inpai.. Ilalrli.r, Colt, Krjliolf, .1., .li. Clrcalar.both Solid A Cblsel Point Tocth And TRIUMPH, r.r r.ll Bl Tr... with. bbJ srs ,IIIb l toiritn mess riMViiiji Al.o a Full (lock ot JlrawiW RASPS lid FILES ali.,. VI. U. ZUK. X. T1I3B Thomson & Taylor Spice Co. Iisportcri ib4 UBBBf.ctartri.t Ub Finest Spiciss fiihvoric hxtrrcts KM0WII TO TH TRIM, rrBprtclori ct Ub rtmooi Ur.Bd of nED V OIIOSS V LYE. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lako, OIIIOA&O. Unlike the Dutch Process Qffik No Alkalies figs Oilier Clipnilciils ffl&KW. IIAKKlt CO.'S f IfPreakfastCocoa Hi I II III ""lr"?'Aof UoiulitI miilLil JLU ' t)tw(t), Arrowrout or . , T ""ffr, lud 11 ittr mors nomlesl, cmIm? Un tho on cn( a cup. It U dflKiuui, tjoariifajcg, anil Bill IT W, SAICEB & CO , Dorchester, Kan. R bMSMW B I 0Mm OMAHA. NIB. Southern Whits Lsad Works OT. XiOUXO, Xtitrmatiurtrt 1 "S'WHITELEAD -j fofy ssm 2 5 rpnr. routiii:iin wmxn lkad -1 1, ra&nuf.ctuHd .ntlrolj from tba j bet ififloej 11: Ijoad ari4 1, nroun 1 la 1 Tare !.ln.ul Oil, buiI bb tba rompau uiBiinfBcturo only NTiucrtY l'uitl.i.r lies biiylm WUt IrfaJ LnnJo.1 "Mouth cm CguipBti;" ars abiolutelj auro of obulnlnga TKiirkLTLr 1' AnucLn. tFor SaU bj All Deiltrs In Wtlta Lead. r.VTO7TNa K1JWSJ MODAY, rAY Tit, 1302. . I MlFllTAKKItS. MiTJUianiD, lift Pioaoor Uo'demker of Utah. irmmthrrrr 4 Vraltr in Jt X.4 Um. COFFINS AND CASKETS. 1H1I I.ln'rfnnlHtnlat.lnt;ktpl rHkiAHtfr o lintnl frtrjhm4 ! Ttl frafh CfJtr$ fnmpttf jilttA r B.dia prtmrtadls tbatxNitnrat Lts Ub w tt out antra tharga. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. &f;;;U"J Ho. 253 E. First Sootli, Via sa4 a half lit eVl tat of Tbsatrs. TSLKrjWAX A. TO, Joseph William Taylor UNDERTAKE!. AMD EMBALMER. Carry tf J Lvfttt atti JTmI Ccmpttt 3X f COFFINS, .-. GASKETS, And UndrtskrrQoods In Utah. nUbM, mtm Jftiult ml tnmtntth JtJmem4 rnctl, Lewtr thmn um trtr eftrtd in t UM, UTS IHJ GRAVES "-JiylS.'.V"- JU nJinfl tt rx, rr Al,U la U twu .1.1k. YU. omen a'id w.bsboou, mbter clomb. No,.. I and 33 WEST TCMrLE STREET. r.O. UuxBJB. IllvtlHIU. ' HB.VI41 " nluukii uuunatrrr, o,o. M.CA,,tfy'. rruUtnl. C.ill.r. C.iho.plKI.IW.KO. Cwbtarplai.imoM zion's n um TRUST COM PASTY, Not. 1 and 3 Cast Tompta Straat $ALTtAKm Crr, VTAIL ESTABLISHED 1A71 iiconrouxTiU) SA d i n ecto n s i WitrotD Wooitcrr, fmUntt tisoatiB Q. Cssauy. Hr trfidtnt F. Hutu, Lorcxch ttaxr, tAvors u Cinxoy, Inirii M. Ltniw, Ilinsn J.(.sxr, Asrua it. Lcsd, Jambs Jack, Mosaku o IHbut, UlOltUI 1.ETV0LSS, T. U, Wanoia. II. P. CXAWSQU. OldMl VKvlntT! Uk la Clah, wllfc tptl Btaattr (ban Mil olhatO cwblaiM. s-Baittr Dtpoiit Boiaa (sr rast Haflnua tpoa!ta In aof un from ItMna taeaiTtrJisdiotrraat allowtS at Spar rant pr anauu.eompouaileilfQUMlniti a jaar C-r rt poadfif Bfiud.and aar lama forwarls4 bT cuaujr dcpiltora carafallj altcadad to. 'UTAH COMMERCIAL ADD Savings Sank, - BJitT LAKE cirr. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - S30.000 GENERAL BANKIUO BUSINESS. Flv. Pr Cenl.lnlereit Paid on Saving, Dtpoiltt, Compounded Four Tlmtt s Yaar. iiicxel .lAvnu srtxra tor site JT Tilt BJICK OH Jit 01 ITS JOISTS. lxx.:uox,o:xt.aa. tiiifcit abiiitkono, r. w. ai.pia.. I Jot B. ItltlUBPI, T. T. rLUBBtOK. Ilour.a IIOBiati, Tao Mr. Jil. Oic.a II. UiJUJt. Italil IIOUI la. U. X. OCHHIBO, DBPBuMionalBanlr; HALT LAUK CITY, CTAir, Pr1d-UD Capital, - SDOO.OOO OO Surplus. - - S8OO.O0O.OO niKi "TOIIBl I. 8. IllLU, irfJ., lloaSS iHAtCUt-M, 14 rtuiUni, , W. Lirti, J. It, Baknks, J.T. IJITLI, J. C.CCUSK. Jiuii ftnisr, ItlHRT nilWOOSBT, . h. ritsr, r, w.jBstsisoi, Usosot RouKir J R-Wiumr, L. .X. rivixmuaw. ll tt ctixa, liithtfr. Recelies Deposits Pajatls oaDennod, aBw.f Stilt Jtrtktmft n A'nr Tori, San fracUt CMcvgo, it. Louti, OamSm, L(t4t Jem.VUdjl C&ntiHtotal CUU. tSCr-Rftfa pcpont Vsalta, sbaalatclr bar aUr ami fm rvf Utii in fit ttr i it B.H.SCHETTLER, WHO lOKS A CENERALVBANKINO BUSINESS AT NO (10 JIAIN STltKKT, tOjpOiUlthlCv cp), .J PAY8 INTCnEST ON DEPOSITS, PI. IBB, rOQB iCCOUliI,. CONWAY CABINET GO'S CIlEDttlTSD Hardwood maittelS Tim but in Tim iroriD. WATSON BROS., 5.'p,,,.Vu,'J1.'o?1iT.1S Aairmltr Hall, Bait Uil CUT, aux.1. i $k if tin wtj$i) w Hott Mitcli y you IMsU Tor Ono Cent I Inni1llTerMifflInpHratiHirwn Ih PUTNAM 1 NAlliandrbaatRrlreudaatiiouDU tomtetnt tn ah bora ahod At you willlnK to aaa tbaehfap Mid mtiMl sM hfaraalhall f(h all Ibolr niRiillVat dlaajTaa tajfi, In oTlr t aa llialwt emit Tba iroaua nf thalr iuat of actors ll HUM I Ilnnt. lb nll roo-a lllntgrta lb troo aad earhv It 19 fttt i In Urar, that altf tba ilolualiafrl and ll hSlt la itriten latath font II la itrtirt Uabia tv Ut, and rain a al um) l haraa. iM pa Atra tirtit nr emtt New tbt l how 7vi can ar tba two or tbrf bnndrJ doIUra jru i wnuM hara to fay tor ftdatvlltorM but jvuwvuld but four cant. Use the Putnam Nail. Itla IUitargtd from tba UlSw-dUhIri. rut-li Mli at a waUlof hvat, by tba artloa rt llaimnirra slona. and tbaii llnmmtr Ttui, the old ri3M procast li (oUaned, which mi hot forging iutt uidsr hicimon, and ramtnei pslnlinj thsin b the thocr, cclJ, without an; clip p'r.f- or tkerlrj hvtt, AKO THE HAIL CASSOT SPLIT. ttil H will eoat oa cm I nor for tach hori (hd I Tt, abort will itr on ltB(r sad jrour rtpabv tlou will ba tbaraby IncrMed. ai t. roil oii; i:nt. Sand for aatnrt tu Tlio Putnam Nail Co., NEl'O.NSKT, IIOSTOX, MASS. I'HOI'I.SSIONAT, RICHARDS & MOYLE, ATT0BNtY3.AT.LAW. Vrtlar.uru.llMr.IW., tia UtlmSlmt, c. " DANimTlIARRINGTO ATTORNtV-AT'tAV. fii 3M 4 3It Cti1iMl9rmtMlg XrtttTfPvh Ulmftc4 D. C. IilCHNOR, attobnev-at-law, 1 10 S il'l tr"t, " JrVralrt , ,. I. J 'til V K it t Oflf. S. W. DARKE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR. Bwttr A;ct. 8U ItU n; T. D. LEWIS, attohncy-at-law. Jbrtu ait 31) . Oiruioa .IUI.ak H1G1IAIID vTvoUiNG ATionncy.AT.LAw. Tln( 7w, rc.i'1.rim, BvUJtrg, vpptitti y r. n i JOHN M. CANNON, ATTOnNtY-AT LAW. roiUl 331 a J Tllnl 1er, CnitMUn J.lf.lwg A. E. PRATT, ATTOBNtY-AT LAW. TMm 6 litest Mdl,,, t a.t UH Cttft "TYSON & PECK." ARCHITECTS AND CNGINCCRS. DR. J THOMAS. SUBOEON OCNTIBT, NO. 10 MAIN ST. JU 9ik fMttmtrtt JneilMttt JM.(,r,rJ J. fl. KEYS OR," DENTIST. r. IH J.l. Stmt "' ' CHARLES M. CANNON, BUPQCON-DCNTIBT. Jtiwmi 406 ud 407 C.ttMitn SvtlJl'g. CAa MRS. M.E.VAN.M.D. Off al rfMra, let TUrt ttr,it Uuri.rman4rM Tilffkcnt A.JJ. hHlljii H Lai U NAlrW Lt t4 f imlanf.1 rr)t rAllIMS TXUTCD BY MAIL. CfWIDCUUl. bi 0 w mitbu piicimmuni cutita ul BElGllTONU'EVIl. REM01'AL! WEBB L FEVERYEAR, of lbs Deierct Bakery. o,)n lathslr bw iusrtcri, No. 46 W. FIRST SOUTH STREET, In III. Kqultablo Jlloc'k, Wttro ibtr lll rrrj mil Ll,, of Dread, all kind, o( Pailry, Confection ery and Sumner Urlnki. Tbrr Ibtiu all lliclr oU vatronl and tti, uullo to call on IbematlLelr new plae,, ttli.ra ,t ll) IUibi will U I IUIT-LLAb,. THE STATE RANK OF HtTuT Corvrr Mali nnd &tut Ttmpte titrrttt, lxilt IaiU o,tyt o,.l...i, - anoo,ooo. aa.Tri.l..., - no,ooo M,r.n j, cuw.rji. ffrt'd.Ytrriu.atov. r,ula, " DI3l3JC'l0lHt JMptr,milb, nia tartan, Wrj It Itnwt, Nanbl 7 rn..,- K lisa llonit . M. ffellcr, lUary A. Uooilij, rB,ia, Comtntrtltt BatxUnff In tt ttt ttrmnehfi Attot Solicited Largt a4 8bh,u THE PEOPLE'S DRDG STORin i JOHNSON, PRATT &C0., H 03 A 0 (MAIN OTBEET. H j HfRMlkSi DROCS, CHEMICALS, Paint Kcllclats, Toilet Articles, Bruih,,, Conbt, rtubb.rQIove,. Su,pender,,,'rte,,of ..runwronou. tlEOANT LINE OF a,an-Ot7,33rjn.V. JOKSTI roRTllt crLlCBItJTED t T IU MirjltATIOXl. Everybody Well Treated by "The Boys." GIvb tlicm a call. THE UUIOH MEAT COMPANY W1M, SEMi THE (I10UKST 3IEATS W M, KINDS AS (HEAP AS AXYIIOIiY IIAIIE 110 !N TIIK (ITY. CAIIE Fill, IIELIYEIIY AXI) (iO()I) ATTEMIOX t'AIII I1Y OIIMOIMI SALESMJ',X. Thl.El'IIO.NE f.. 3STo. 54 E. PIEST SOUTH STUEET aiovoiija ixuAjDQUAii'raiirin, D3lTl017PJZKrC3r BK09 A, 213 H Main Slrrtt, Salt Ltlt ltf risk fj'l T JiT ll..l.,ta J,y,, 0,1,. I, . - iXy R SZPpfcClX W WHOLESALE AND TIETAIL Ul Vl'iU (YK. BlovelM. Tricycle, and V.tocla.d,,. IIjSS&Wt U'&V' I"nl' Ooodl, Tciit,. Hammock, ni XxzNSSd-) IfSst-l Sporllno food, ot aury dncrlptlo,. WfMwiV 'Vm1" 11 Alt Kinds of Sporting and DUil.nj AiViiAi vC llvy Podar, Can,, Fii,.,, .to , ata, OroplJ yi5iJ-rfaJViiitl,'l,' ,l1" NatlonelTT;rltr.enB. 'KrS'r l and b..l. s.nd tor our M CiiT a-inij. . SS5r logu., tre. to all. SOLOMON BROTHERg Tho Most Succossful of all of our 1 I J HOME-.-INDUSTRIES JjL Is tho manufacturo of Doots and Shoos. Jtj, Unoxcollocl by any nro thoso I f of OUR MAKE. f ll'SETIIEHESTOnEITIIFJLlVIM.lTEIII.IlS, U ji Our work Is Jlono by hand and warrantad. J " Wo carry also Comploto Linos of "lJ 8tLadlos' rino Footwoar and , Mon's Clovos. f OLOMON BROTHERO BEING M- A POSITIOI To Hupplr tho wants oi ovory gardener, or any ono who may bo engaged In gardonlng fast now, and nearly everybody is-attoatlon is called to oar stock oi GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND LAWN HOSE, LAWN HOW. ERS AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, All oi the Host IntproTod Hako and Standard Grades. Vi aro prepared to oilor a snail lino oi Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoves And Stock oi CUTLERY at Prices mach nnder tho market. BIO IXVVaEZir.STB XO ItVILVVllSASD COXTHAGTOllS. ' E,C. COFFIN HARDWARE COMPAQ T5!SlHE'CHARTf:pAK. m r V'lH-lTsTCHARn GALORE., )f I 'pArWmE-'&AUZElDOOR.. V ... ano1thf?eeaeri?-A,aid3.ofdee,t"-!:- I -i t . - itoe sa.Xj3d sr . S. C. M. I., Solo AkoiUh iu Salt Lnko City BSmW PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. mmmmTwVi' '3& No ilrlrntl.n from l.iulncu. , nM I" " UHRSfWlJ X OUp.l.nllatliaH.laof c.lomJ ." ' '" T 5? ' " EXAMINATION fBCC. .mik THE 0. E. MILLER COMPANY fsMaraBpWgfeig'rlfe Koran, m KU nnd Ml Conitltnllnn niock, 81 t'u IBBMNaRwJ UW V"ii.tirVL.b"aolluC(.l!u