Newspaper Page Text
Wt 8 I DESERET EVE111HG NEWS, W . . 1 M csr M U'mVimnlt Ud ere ! U Sb arr la Hie resale Have " ' """ flrf lUfculM" !" !( Bft. aieaieetlalttUaala, Bf aarCula toe ad,sru,eoitr.ta mud U aa el 1 1 ? : ! J ' OEXKUAIi tOMKHKNCK OK TIIK ' -ll Mb Y. M. Jl. I. A. Mn Ha? Tnn annual conferenc of the Young L'l ' Rt't Men's Mutual Improvement Assoola. "1 ItSrf tlonicf th. Laller-day Halnti will be M !' held In tin Awembly Hall nd ! mU& Tabernacle, Halt Lake City, Balurday, 1 i HB Bundsy and Monday, June 4th, Mb ' V?Z' nii 0lh ,8W" MM"I1 wl11 com" ' flsHf' l! ' HS and 8 p.m, the great Instrumental end J FB VocI Contests occulting on Saturday 1 I jHF V and Monday evenings. I IB'i Tlio Oeniral and Local Aulhotlllei K ' of the Y. M.M.I. A. are rerouted to ' ' i proraotethelntcreiliofthliconfirenue, ,f , l" V to far aa they are able, that It may be t largely attended and proelutllvooftbo j ' utmost good. A general Invitation Is ixtsnded to J all the people to bo prwent. ! ' i The Union l'aclflc, Dener nd ltlo , , ' Urandf, and Utah Central railway! have adopted half-rate fare for tbe occasion. I WlUOHD WooDBUir, ' 1 Jon. K. HniTir, ' . j Musis TiUTCiirn, I.1 j . (Jeni.Bupeilnlendency Y. M.M.I.A. 'J! J Oko. D. rvrar, Becretary. jl j ' ' HlAOMKNTS. ilk'. B ' ATO.'WonSalurdaynlabtBimeilbiare l',f ' a 1 ( occurred In a bam near tbo I'owcr lluuwi (in fit en Second Ual alreet. Datnago nominal. ffiv I ' A XAllllCAOB llocnan M laaued tbli Kg 0 ' forenoon in (lsorga A. Hmllh aged 2", and rtpv Hi 1 I.ucyK. WoodeulfagedlU, botU of Halt m, j iv. 'trfl ? TuomabHiiiut, Jn., of tble city will MtV 7 1i Iraro for Ban Tranclnoo tonight, where "lr i y lit will anond lb amnmer rnonltie In (U ) aludy at the Art School of llnslgn. V ' HTonlAt' clearing! In the Malt I.ako , ; . clearlnir liou.o arnuunil lo27l,(M), m C Llnl JJ09,a for tha aalua day lail year. Tl.o clcarlim for Iba week aajrf ji JalwIll.vlfl.Ul.aa agalnat l,ly,7lll for 'V , ' ilia tama orlodlatt year, ((I Up lo Hlorday arrnloir, aa from May 'W, I llih, tbe Jkiard of i:Juqllon rarunded PJf I oftbeiiwclalarbool lam ald III l,a "' Mi followii Cbeeka, W, corln at ra- ' S IKstl wlfU and amounting toflimui). Total, . IwliW ' "" beginning to dale, TWO checka, j -i, I lMii 1 i-otarlnir 4103 rvoalpla, and amounllrg lo W III'" i La nKVs I'nur. (!. J. Tliou a rfqulraa a graaltr '!'- llJJI'f; , number of Aral and aeooud Itnoti and ' CJW I firm and ewnnd laa, to take part In . Sg' "Cumradaa In A run," for tlio oilli- J . BR , coming compuUllon. llbtral at tbe ( rMl Taliernacle on Tuetday at UVO p. m It iBjl 1 indent alngara who dailre to Join will it'JelCli plraie alUmd. i .rBSi laiaoliUiaut, a well-known wrller ; "H9H for tbe local proaa, baa engaectl In tbe I 'paTi publication ot a mairatlne wblcb be liaa i iitZmti named TA H'orfd'J JUir Ailitatt. It fi ilHili i baa received Ibe endorvement of the I lllWWi commlialon and many of Ibe leading I unlMKi bualneaa men of tbe cllyj and In conie- tSlSmUml 1 nuinibldlfalr"lollllaIongfeltwant." HflBlaWex r ine Aral number will eppear In tbe early IBimSmiJ i'' l,art ' Jnne. It will bo i M page SliKimWl a magazine. wHiirittWliS f Uamhu heard tbo aeTeral iropoaltlou UiufeuS'Li of contliellng llnpa for tbo trauiM)rtatloii InNVJriWel I uf drlcgatea and othera dMlrouaof attend. lulJcua, lug tbe Territorial DemoeratloconTontlon I MHNmi-L at Cblctgo, tbecomnilttiebaTe made tbe I JtMlvMX Y award to tbe Uuton raclflo and Chicago t(.VAmt and Alton. A apoclal tralu wilt be run l . '1tMu, ' aa may lull tbo convenience of tbe delo. ' hnHBflr intteaand othera ootnpualng tbe party. I L' VflHw '- W- lln. Allalea ouog, J. ll. . H2c Maiden and Joaeph Calne were named ' ' fBI? aa a cotnmltleo fur Hall lAke, to aee all , LHiV , wlm dlra to go. A round trip llgura ,ttH i of J0 ! anuouncod. A programme of -' A w arrangeinenla will be Uaued later, ' .fin i I Tin. bllvar Creek Live Ntock company , H filed arllclea nf IncortMiratlon with 8eo ,JUW f retarr Helli lato on Saturday afternoun. t rHi ibeflfeoftbooomianylafor ntly year 1 BEfl ? y an 1 tbe objei t U to ralvA and iloal In lire ' .1 H I Btoclt. Ibenlacoof builueae will Ihi at 'lBJei Hllter Credit. rblrly-nvo tboutand h , ,X dolUra of the capital atouk baa been paid mMtfjf n LSd brad of cattle of tbo value of I mt'.- il 80i, and J2 hca.1 of horua valuM at VjWmWti 81.040, and other property valued at ! ilaHl 1 i,tx waa eicbanged for abaroa of the r IItBIu' company, 'Ibeonircraof theoorpomllon I (IrflRlrl r Hr0 t'eorge M. 1'ace, l rcaldeutt Atnot I lBiF AlklnMiu, vKe.prcablent William I BlaHr Archibald, acornuryi Uoorge M. Tare, I 8 1KH Jr treasurer, 'I bene, Willi Joua Nelaon, nUtiwMWf , Jamea I'reacotl, Joitph Hatch, Anion C. UB'JlBl' '" uud HlllUtn Mou, couaUlule the I Sg-f Jfieft i board of dlrictora. I I'W I The "lloj" Will (Jo. 1 BjS Jl! TboTuacaroraUemocrataonBaturday r'.i Jl-' afternoon aeleclru; "Don" 1'owera and IP.fiJl1 KrtUW. Klcml, of Ogden, aa llii-lr IBiS delcgatca to attond the Cblgago con M'HiT' vcnllon. MllHf TheallernatcarhoacnareU. 1. Tar. ji IBv Iy aud Joaepli M. C'olieu. ;' fiff. ' I he varloua delegation! (elected tbe I 111 followlngTerrltorlalcentralcoininlltre: A Bf: Halt Lake V. U. Hall, A, Flaber, MB- It. N. Ilaikln, U. II. UJenn, 1. J, ,lv Moran. tl ffifi, ' Bummlt-H. V. Moaby, W. It. Web. fl,H Icr, V. M. Fury, 1'. J. MtLaugulln. I" Weber-J. I). Callahan, I'. A. 1 '. I Whalen, C. J. Currier, F. Jl. Devoto. ! I ifll Bevlcr-a. K. Mount. tW Kmcry H.H. Krlkbaum. I 'fiC' Juab-ll.V.Tone. I'llW? Tooele U. A. Wall. B, ' B Utah II. F. Winer. Vi W, Morgan-Uanlel Wllllami. ILj Ifif On motion of the "Uu,"the Hon, ni llWi ' Wm. M. Ferry wai rccomoiendel lo Ik IB; i, tbo National Doraocratlo oouvenllon it IM' ' " Utati'a rcnreeentatlve ou the ItIii' Zatlouil conimltter. F'T'ifRp Destructive Klootli. f- j Jfti J. U. I'llcher, vlce-tritldeut of Sim- l HT nion'a Hardware Company, In a prl V $ vato letter to H. V. Bean, of tbli city, 1 aayn w "We are having a fearful time bore F. bh high waleri It la dolmr mllllona of ! II dollara worth of damage '1 hero la only I 1 M one railroad hero out of l! bl. Loula, Ul 5 and weareetpecllng that to gnauy hour. yl I It I' tlll raining Tbe coal aupply la as a : i lei-muy einauaieu ana mere it now jl xrtatilangir of tbe walerviorka being j? ' compelled lo abut down. Yod know thai 1 f i ' ineanaallinannfaclurlng oiubllihmenu I !I ll , f W? I "'H '"" lo cl0" down, and In the event I IIP 'Ml I ot llrowehavoiioineanaot nghllngll." 11 if ' , Head tbe above aud Iben congratu. L, lalojourielf that you lire lua leunUv , '!" 'rom the many Oaugera which I threaten dltuatcr to our frlendi Laat. HBb')fiBjMWfifimE-:jjrj)jijefc-. A DAY. IN THE COURTS. Ibe Drls tnd Johnson Cast Uis Been Continued (or tnt Term. as alli (mm or reiUDitr. The .Salt UU Clly llrenlng Compan Imllclrd. 1 lloiufbrraktr "In 111 Cnpi." Urorge J. Coiler'e Ke turn, Lie. One matter and another made thla morning producllvo one In Chief Juitlce Zane'a court, lilt Honor la HIM occupied with criminal luilneM, but lo about a week from now thla will have to give way to tho civil calendar, on which both Judgei will then begin work In earncaL imu.iic tiik u tn. Martin llarrlt, 35, wbohaa retlded In thli city for about a year.anf- whota occupation li that of a teainalor, with drew bla former ilea of not guilty to bouiebreaklng and plead guilty to a chargeof petit larceny, which waa ac cepted by tho proiecullon. Aailatant Dlalrlct Attorney Blephena mentioned aeveral clrcumitancia which he laid Induced him to do thla. A former employer of tbe defendant counael mentioned, ipoke well of liar lit, who It appeared, went on a eprce, I roka Into hit hour! on I'.lghth Boutb while under the Influence of liquor, and wai found drunk underneath tbe bed. Attorney Hamilton, for the defend ant, eald that Harrla' mother lived lu Mlnourl, and wai eutlrely dependent on her eon for a living. About the time that the defendaut got into thli trouble he had arranged to bring liU mother to thli clly. Ho hoped the court would take tbli Into conilderatlon and alao tho act that lit ha J never been accuted ofauycrlmo until now. In reply to tbejudge, defendant aald Lo bad had a bad attack of tbe "rlp," got dlkcouraged because be could liot work, and took to drinking. Had he teen In bu right mind he would not bavcidonnaucha thing at that with which be wai now charged. Judge Zane aentenced him to lm prliuninent In the county Jail for tbreo moathi. AH3I.NT WITXES3I3. David Fltipatrlck li charged with rape, but owing to tbo. aluence of III fee moat material wllnraiel, tbe caae, on imotlon of l'rotecuilng Attorney Htephem, na ordered to atand uver for tbe preacnt. Bhorlly after the noon hour the trial began, Judge I'oweradefondlng. The caae waa tried nl the taut term ot court, when thujury dlaegreel. II, there fore, cornea on now for trial da rioti). The accuied la chariiid with oataulilng an agid woman at the Cactui aaloon. UONK OVEH 1011 THE TgltM. lien W. Urlggi, Jr., and Alexander Jobnton are charged with forgery, and Attorney H. II. !-ewli la retained lor thedcfenie. Wbenlhecaao waacallnd on thla morning thedtfeudant'acoun elaaked for a continuance. He ex. plained that Drlggi went to Tctoc, Idaho, abort lime ago, on bualniet, theunderalandlng then being that be hould comtnunloate wtlb blm wbrn tho datuof the trial waa act, and he would como back. Ho far, however, be bad received no ret ly to bit letter. Mr Urlggi not being here, he woa not ) re pared to go on with the caae Mr.Btcidiena If It la tu be naaied at all I think II had better go over for the term. There are aeveral prlaonen yet lu jail awaiting trial, and I do notare bow we can barJly get through all of theaa by the time the court hat ar ranged to end tho criminal bualncn. Judge Zanc Let tbe caae be contin ued for tbo term, ou motion ot the de fendant. Tbli order applied to Johnion ai well ai Drier. e, AOCUsrDOf rnuunr. doorge II. Jaokeon, (or whom Judge rowereaud Mr. Blraup appearei, wai placed on trial ou a charge of injury. Aaalataut Illatrlct Attorney Blepheni protoculed. Home time ago a mm named AI phouae Mattaw brought an actlou agaluat the Halt Lake City railroad to recover damage! on account of bla ejectment from one of the company'! can by the conductor. Mattiw took a email dog Into ibe car with lilm. and It being a wet and dirty dog and the quadruped belug n nualance to tho i aaaenzeri. the owner waa 'educated to lut the uog ot). Mattaw, It vai alleged, became abualvc, and for tile gonvraf mlalebavlur be Maa tjected. On tbo trial, the defendaut Jackacn wai called at a wltneaa for Mattaw, and iwore that be waa on tbo car at the time nnd wltucaaud the occurrence, lhlawai tho act ef ruiy alleged agalnat lilm, the proaecutlou aeekiug to ahow that Jackaon waa not preieul at all. Thejury acquitted thedefen lant. ADSIIT1EOTO 11A1U In the cue ot the man from l'ark Clly, Tbomai O'Neill, liiJIctcd for voluntary mantlaughtur, aud who It at prtient couflned In tho peulten. trary, Judge l'owen aaked that be lo admllted to ball In the aunt of S100O, which bo thought be would be able to give. Mr. Htepbena laid he had let the caae for trial noit Friday; but Judge l'oweri did not think be could be ready by that time. Judgu .ane Axed the ball at 51000, tbe date of trial to In a mailer of aub lequent arraugtment. ACUIN8T A lUIMVEIIY COUI'ANV, Tharu wai an Indictment nreiented by the grand Jury, late on riilurdiy afternoon, agalnat the Ball Lake City lliewery oonipany, for maintaining a uuttince. '1 c thla Attorney Hall now. on behalf of the defendant!, waived the reading of the Indictment nnd plead notgullly. The alleged nuisance la laid to coualit In the defendant! allowing ilopa, etc., to run over tbo roadway from their brewery. The dale of tbe hearing of the caio,wai not definitely fixed, but June iud waa named by Mr, Htepbeua, MISCM LAKBOCB, In tbe action brought by deutich & Co. agalnat J. M, Keuuody et at., a I motion lor ludgment on the pleading! I wai overruled aud the caae act for healing before Judgu Audtrion ou lJuiioLnd, ' I Tbe motion for a new trial una over. ruled In Ibe caie of A. J.tiiark i. Co. m-sniiTr jyiyiyd Kinvm moNijay. aiat sn, isna. vi. II. 0. Bo Witt, and an exception taken. . . , Tbe man whole name the deputy manbali declined to give on haturday turnioul lo be ll.O. Fleener, bli arrwt having ln brought about through an alleged breach of Ibe peace. The com. plaint bat alnce been withdrawn. In the cue of D. M. Blcclevi.lho JItruld rubllahlng company, Commla. iloner Moyer bu decided that the com. I any la liable for one half the amount ahowntohavo been held by them at the tlmo of the girnlabee, with coata of lull. Mr. I'ol lock baa (Hod an anidavll, In which he clalmi that If the llcrnhl owed him any money at that time It (hould be exempt. Inaamnch aa It wai for "ervlcia itudered, and re quired for tbeiupport ol bli family. I-AIIIXJIUD. On March Slh of the prevent year llmmelt Hand wai lentenced loehtti. tien monthi In the nllentlary for grand lircony. There weroaomeex lenuillng clrcumalanccs In the caw.-, and having taken Into hit con. al leratlon, Acllug Oovernor Belli bu ordeie.1 the mtn'e relcace. THE 11I.UK JAV ARUUMTIT. Tbe argument! In tbe lllue Jay cue, which were liegun 9n Baturday, wero concluded today. Attorney! Ander aonand lleattle talkcl for tbe plalutlll, an J Jlowman mil HenJenon for do fume, tUII THE ILA1M11IM. CommUaWner UreeDinaii thli morn nlng reuderej Judgment In two cntei prevloualy tried In hit court. The flrtt woa In that of H.J1. lllcli(tinlter known a- the I'eople'a l'orwnrdlng Co.) vi. rro-ltrlck Tato. 'I no claim waiforgoojiaold anddellvercl. Hit Honor found for thn tlilntlB In Ilia um of $li.S0, and St). M i-oita. I n the caae of Hlmou llroi. A Duke, va.l)r.F.ll. Harrlaou and wife, tho claim being for wearing apMre!, judg men! waa ;lven fortbeplatnlltli for 00.81 and (9.70 cotU. cjzn.n has conn nACi:. Goorge A. Coiler did not look one of tho hap lent eu I moat contented of men aa ho tat In Die Jeputy tnarabeli' room lu the Waaatch bulldlug thla morning, awaiting appearance before Judgo Anderaon, for arntencc, nt two o'clock. He tried hard to make him. telf agreeable among tbo clrclo uf Ucputlei, occaaloutlly loothtd hlmlilf with a cigar but It waa plain to any one whukuear thegay young Lothario tefore begot Into thu ireevnt airo that hlaiplrlta weron long wiy down. Coxier who wai formerly a railroad aganlat lllngham li a really hand lome-lookiug man, about twenty aeven yean of age, and of excellent education, hli fathtr beluga vraon of good loclnl itaudlng In Ioaa. lteaden of Ibn .N l W9 will remember Cotlcr'e conviction In the Third me tric! Coutt on April 8, on a charge of adultery. While awaiting lenience be wia allowed to go out on ball, but he took the flrat opportunity of iklpjlng away, btedleu uf Ihelou to bli lather, who bad become bli bondiman. He waa, however, arreated In Denver liat Thunday, and about 11.10 thli morn ing arrived herein charge U. B. Mar ihrtl lnman, of Denver. Dlvorcn proceeding! ncalnat htm, Inatllutulby tbewlfc, are now pending. THE .UXT FAIlt. In Ecconraglng MtfMIng of tlio I). 'A. A M. .Vflelj. Atameellng of the dlrectonof tho Deierrt Agricultural and Manufactur ing Society on Haturdiy eoulng, Mr. Curtla l1. Mason prealdlng, a commu nication from the .'ocly .Vounfufn Ag rfcuffurut, by II. W. Bloau, kiklug lo print olllclally tho mattera detlrcd to have made public by the board, and agreeing to aupply Ibe locltly with 1000 or more cople gratultouily, wj referred to theoommllteeon irlntlng. Iaaao I.. Delhi, auihcrlted (ubllaber of the t'fiin urhli luir Aclmate, alio wanted to print the fair notice! and premium llata In connection with UlahAVorld'i Fair mallen to bu pub llalied In hit magailne. lilt petition weut to tho aaine commttteo. Letterifrom lieu It. l.ldredge and A J. l'endleton werarcadand riforred torlupervltora I'arker and Jarr. &lr. l.ldredge wrote on tho ertat chancca for a cattle cxhttlt thla tear. An award olWO, offered In. ISOOby the Deaeret National Hank for the boat dealgn for public fountain, wai madetoJ.Joppenon, Uo;i tho report nf the old committee, oompoied of Oeorgo A. Mian, John Tulll Ige, II, W. ISMaUttand V. M.O. Hllva. A circular waa rtad front the United Rbttee Department of Agriculture, making luggialloni to tbe Territorial horticultural lociely, and ai there wai no iucb loclely In tbli Territory. Ibo departmeatwai referred to thu tcrrl lorlalatatlatlclan. Tho letter from lecretary McDanlol of tbe World'a Fair commlailon, beretofore publlihed, uai reait, and the rinoi parade prooalllon waa left with tbo executlvo committee. Thocallfor premium Hall from the lupervlion brought a report from Mr. I'eleri ou ixiullry, Kea, etc, and one from Mr. Hamburger on mlnerali and women'awork. JUferred toinmium committee. Theotbiriupervltoriwrrelnatructed to report to Aaalatant Becretary 1'yper within ten dayi tbelr llali an I that tho aaelatant aecretary then notify tho premium committee who ahould ropurt theiamo revlieJattho next lneetlug of the board. Tbequeillon of tlio advlnblllly of cataloguing the exhlblti wai referred to the commltteo on printing. KI3IINU TO SALT LAKE. The Hon. John T. laluo (ittl an Inter ilnlo Couimtailon to ltlt llila Illy. In thecoae or the Bait Lake Cham ber of Commerce veraua tbo Union I'aclno and ltlo Clreud rallrcada, Mr. H. W. Bean commuuliatvl with tho Hon. John T. Calne to aaoerlaln H It could not be posalble to get the Inttr itite Cumuli, lion to come to Ball Lake and adjudicate on the matter. Thla morning the corrcipundenco pertaining to the question wai re ceived from Waahlngtonby Mr. Heart. The Hon. W. II. Morrlaon, chair, man of the rouimlaeton, lu reply to tbe Hon, John T, Calne, aaya: "After couaullallon, we are not able to promUe you that tbe coinmiiilon will go cut In Hall Lako to bear tho caae, but aoiuo of ui will go dut bi toon Iaa practicable and take tiatlmooy, and Hun aavo you the vxpenio of aummou Ing wllncaiM a long dtiuuce." ANOTHEK IHIIIIIKIIV CASE. Tito Motley (,'augofTrngrror who Appeared at Hie I'ollce Court Todij. An Individual who gave his namoaa Janice Wllllami and bli occupation ai a waller wai arreated by Dctectlvo l'cklund at S SO thli morning nt the Lincoln Houio ou a charge ol robbcly. He waa taken to tho city Jail nnd li now making tho acqualntaoie uf the crook! therein ion 11 tied. He will be arraigned tomorrow. Little Hobby McDonald, a youth of bard formation, who, If be li not wholly incorrigible, la as nearly to aa poailble, li the conipaelon of thlevci and boboi while aw'Mug urralgumenl for mallcloua mlacblef. A.M. Freeman, Frank Hall, Jamea llcrnard, David Miy, W, F. Ma Idox and I'red Turner, a parly of "break, beam" excunloulati, were taken lioforu Juttlcti Keller today on a charge of leallng u rldo ou the ltlo Urande We-lern. Ilia II nor declared that their tour wai a legitimate ouo and discharged the defendant-. Mike llrntvn and Jamla llutke were fined $Seicb for Uleturblug the ace. Jamea Trembxth forfeited $20 far druukeunciia and a.uult and battery. 1'. W. Hreckley plead guilty to drun kinneai and ulaorJerly conduct, Ben tini e n ai euinded. ltob. L. Thompaon wilt bv called upon lo pay tho penalty of leaving bli team untie I In the alreet, William lteddlntton waa tent up for fifteen daya tor vagrancy. Ho waa a bard character, and aiclety will bo all tbo better oil during hli tntarceratlon. J. It. Montgomery waa niulctid In tbe turn of f 5 for drunkennoai. Fiflglit Uvcrcliatj-es. Tho following litter bai Uoa re celved by Becretary Bean of Ibe Chamber of Commerce: 8ai Fiiavi, May 10, 1S"i2 H. W. Hoari, i:q , Salt f,ike Cllvi Dear Ulr. My attention lint been called to your ault agalnit tbo Union I'acllto railroad company, for ovorebargo on freight!, baecd on tho vlolatlun of that kectlon ot the Inlfntate Commerce law rotative to the 1002 and abort haul clauae. It agreeable to you, 1 would like ytry much to obtain, at my extienae, n copy of tbo complaint or lie Informed ofvour mudo of procedure la tbe matter. I eui aery much Intcrcaled In the matter, and hallwlth tuuoli rc-peot the man who baa and who probably will bring one ot tho largeat rallrooda to tinie and through a Itroce-a of law aud peraonal underatalid ng of tbo "great mie.llnn of Hie hour," compel "greed aod avarice to diagorge," Voura truly, Tlio. 1 iTcir, Ju. lllda wanted fbrexcavallnii for build ing on tbe corner of Hecnnd Boutli and Weal Ten! le Btreeta, For lurllculan apply to F. Auerbacb A Itro. A tliauk-ln lime. KOeallvu May Itnd, thu fat Allan tie l.xpreaa over tho ItlofJraaile Wcat ern will Have Bait l.eke at OU p.m., Inilead of 0.30 ol heretofore, Ihli train will be limited aud will carry n through iloeper to Chlcairo. 'rhu morning train at 8.00 a.m. aleo hai a ileeivr to Chicago. A l-nlnllrte-. There will Le exhibited In thli city for onu week, one ot the largeit mid grandeat lntingi ever put on uxhl bltlon. It It entltltd, "rbe Morning of tbe Crucifixion," and wai fainted ny A. D. M. Cooper, tbe celvbiated figure pointer. Tho picture lilt frit high and 11 feet wide. There aiu M llfe-alxaflgurra. Tbe flnure of Chrlat lialx fcithlgh. Tbe illrciaam moat reallatlo and wonderful. Lovera of art ihould not fall to awe thla grand production. It li on exhibition at lv of I'. Hall, 119 Malnhtreet, aoulh,over tbo Lacoltouie, Admlitlon, centa. Abaulmelr llie Ileal. "I nover bieltute to recommend Cbambtrlalu'a Cough Itemedy aa ab aolutely the beat." lata Mr. F. II. Kemp, aetlatanl bualneia mamger of the vouugelown, Ohio, DaVy Tcfe. i;rani, onoof themoit intluentlal and valuable newipaK.ra In the lluckeyu Bute. Mr. Kemp alio tayi: "I, have found Itateruln cure for the cough uiually folluv.lng an attack nf the 'stilt1', and alwayi ktep n bottloof It lu tlio home." CO cent lottlei for aale by V.. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dA llieatuaaai Caaet. j B. II. Clifford, New Caaael, Wla., wru troubleil with Neuralgia and Illieumallim, bli Stomach waa dis ordered, hli Liver uae alTected to alt alarming dtgree, aipetlto fell away, and bo wai terribly reduced In lleili and alrongtb. Three botthi of Lleo trlo llltlen cured blm. lMHardHiirnherd, Harrltburg, III, bad nrunnlug note onhli leg of eight yean1 itaudlng, Ueod three bottleaof l.lectrlo llltlen and aiven boxei of Ilucklen'i Arnica Halve, and bla legli aound and well. John Hpeakcr, Cat awba. O., had five large Fever aorta on bla leg. doctora aald lie wai In curable. One bottle Jllrctrlo llltlen audonebox Ilucklen'i Arnica Halve cured blm entirely. Bold by A. C. Hmlth A Co'a Drug Btore. KulraucVcxamlnuiloua for Ibe Rchool of MIulb uf Columl la College, Mew York City, will l held at my realdetire, U ginning 1-rlday, Juno 3, UK, at 10 o'clock a in. It. II. Tn-.MU.Ni:, 417 WiatTemploHtreet, B. Ill Nul Nlepl lue leara, Mr. A. Jackeon, an old roaldent of Huak, Texaa, nnd manager of the mag. nlllceut new Hotel at ltuil., inform! ui ho had nut ilei t at night for yiara, exce t In ihort nail, owing tolncci Bant coughing. He woe udvlaed, when very much run down, to try Hallard'a llorrlioucd Hymr, liowaa Immediate ly relieved of bla Cough and bli rut Improved to such a degree that he could sleep loundly all night. Mr. Jackaon itatei: "1 regard llallard'i Horchcund Byrup auperlor to uny Cough Byrup on the market, and lu fnedom from Opium and Morpblno liovu no (ouatliatlon altir tiilug It. For tbli reason uloue I couildet It tbe beat Cough Hyrup In Ibe worll for chlldrtn. My Lunge are now itronger than they have Uen for yeiri. 'Itili Hirupli vry loothlng tu the throat and lunge." Bold by . C, M. I. Drug Deft. lx Bliltlniinl lleiMiblleiiii ,ivaiiMoil, lluneell., Mlim , June T. For the accomodation of those de airing to vlilt Mlnneopolla on tho above occablun the Union l'nclfle will aell ticket! to Mlnnwii oil! and return atone fate for tho round trip. I'r datei of iila and llmltiof tlckiti or any additional Information o ply to p. i:. Ili'ntii, Agent Union loclUo bjatwii, 201 Mulu street. paar intr. The Olrlirnl-.l "'e-inalvala I lled'a" Time llealeii bj llie IlUfllnolun" Tbe Ilurllngton baa iiade another new departure In faal train aeivlce between Denver and Chicago, reduc ing tbo time to twenty eight botirv, lie new train, known aa thn "Chicago if fetal," leave Denver nt 0 a.m. aud arrlvie In Chicago nt S'lS p. ru. the next day, making the run, after do .ductlng one hour for chango from mountain to central time, In twenty. nlnoboun. Tbo time between Denver and Omaha Ij thirteen boun and fort .five mlnulia, and nil tralni, briber Kast or West bound.are vtallbuled through out nnd are made urtpf Ihrougli aleep era, chair care andvdlnera, fitted up with all the modem dealgna and Ixteat Improvement! of tbe l'ullmau Cum fiany. Tlio Ilurllngton baa now Four Fait I'lycral"F. F. F."l l-elween Denvir and Chicago, onu tho queatlon may well le aaked: How can such phe nomenally fait time lo made with no accldint of any cluraclir and with the aafety and rumfort of Hi pwieu gera absolutely mured? The aniwerli found lu Ui excellent roadbed, tupirlor equipment and mo tive power, and In thu perfect ryitttu of lla operating ile'arlmenl and la the. uniform courteay of Iti employe!. He mre your ticket! read "via Hur llngtou route." For further fnrtlcu lir. Inquire of i:, II, Wai.hh:, (lenerel Agent. 80 W. Bccond Houth alreet, Bait Lake Clly, or A. X Ouvrn, City 1'asi. and Ticket Agent, :00 Main atreet, Halt LaU- City. Try a cun of Van Houteu'i Cocoa free nt tho Y..V. M.I. Van Houleh'a Cocoa li cheaper than collce. Onu pound will go ai far aa flvo pcundi of cnllre. If ew Try Thla. It will cost you not'ilnr; and will luroly do you good, If you have n Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chen or Lungs. Dr. Klng'a New Discovery for Comiimptlon, Coughs and Colds It guaranteed lo give relief, or money will bo aid back. BuUerera from La-Urippe found it Just thu tiling and under Itause iiad a apeedy and perfect recovery. Try a iltnf le bottle at our expense aud learu for yuurso'f Just bow good a thing It Is Trial bottlii free at A. C. Hmllh A Cu'a Drug Bloro. Largo ilio 60o. and Jl.Od 8e Van Houten'a Coroa, tbe fimoui cocoa of Kurope, the coming one of America. Free at tbo Z. O. M. I . The Halt (Ueneaa) Mttr.-rjr lornpaay Una lemoved Ha ofllc to lu uur serial III Hugar llnuee Ward. Take the ltafild Tranalt Hlreet Can marked "Calder'a Park, Fureat Dale, or 11th Fast Btrect," I'm I Ofllcc, Hugar, UUb. da TryourMlxeJ l'lckcla. B. L. Fickle Co. laalTralna. Definite arrangement bavu now been made for the new feat train from Han Francisco toChlcago, which will be put ou May !nd ami run via Houthern l'acillc, III Urando West ern, Colorado Midland and A. T. A B. F. roadi. Train will Iravu Ban Fran cisco at 7 a. m., leave Ogden the next day at 6.10 p. ru., leave Colorado Bprlnga the next day atO.Up.rn, arriving at Kansas City the next day at 0.91 p. m. nnd Chicago tbe follow. Ing mornlcg nt VIS a. m. Thla tnln will make Ibn run from Ogden to Chicago In exactly CO boun, and will tthe fabteat train on rceord between Ogden and Chicago via KaniaaClly, Try uur White Onions. B. L. Pickle Co. Hverybody li drinking VanHoulen'a Cocoa at thu Z. C. M. I. now try It, It Is delicious, and don't coat you any thing at the Z. C. M. I. Try our Hone lUdlsli. B. L. I'lcklo Co. If you have not bad a cup of Van Houten'a Cocoa call at tbe grocery de furtment of tbo Z. C. M. 1. Ladtea In charge to lerve you and you can have all you want. i Tho Mountain Ice A Cold Biorago Co. deilreto Inform the public that the ice and Ice pond! referred lo by the Hoard of Health audSniltary Commit. Ire In their report to the Clly Council at Hi session on tho evening uf May loin last, are not thoseot tbe Mountain Ice A Cold Htorage Co., who only atll either artificial Ice mado from dla tlllcd artesian water or Ico gathered In l'arley'a and Cottonwood Canyons. Tbe Ice consuming public may safe ly pntroulze tlio Mountain Ico A handle ico gathered on low lands, in pondi contaminated by seepago from llllli stacMxl on the bsnka or vicinity. fretting doeiviof ilctlroy the diteuH (crntt in impure water. Ice dcUtrioui to ftealtlt U not cheap at any iirite, Bclento In Ibe last few yean hat been tmkliif rapid 1 rogreas lu tho li partrueutof medicine. Our experience iiia shown in that now rrmcdleaaro farinrieflictlve than any old uiiea, and wwdoboarlily recommend to our customers to tone up tbe system ills iprlng with Hitler's Harsairllla and burdock. For sale at Temple l'bar. macy, HO W. SoulU Tomple Bt. 3a Utah Book & Stationery Co 72 Main St., Salt Lako City. "' Toys, Albums, Porlodlcals, School Dooks. Nov,.i. SUppllos for Ofllooa and Archllocts, PuraoJ Society Statlonory, Church antt Standard Works, Qlobo Lottor Flloa, &c DUNCAN M. McALClSTCn, Manngor. f&Sfr CROQUET SETS, HAMMOCKS, ETC, a Wo Invito Inspoctlon of ' " OUR NEW WALL PAPERS And BABY CARRIAGES, At 37 nnd 41 C FIHST SOUTH STREET, Whore can be ooen a Cholco Llna of CARPETS and FURNITURE. Also CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, POLES, otc.otc. NEVE & CHILD. Jlonnl A l.llnin Have removed their Coal Ofllce to 1C0 B. Main Htreet. lelcfboneigj. Ko lira on my hone, uo sir. Files will not bother any bone whe ro Hall er'allarb Wire Liniment liuaed. We defy any one to reduce as good a lini ment fur barb wire cute and old ion. Hialallkemaglo. Forsalo atTemila I'harmacy, 110 W. Boulb Temple Hu lliirllnsleii Itotil'A When going Loat tulect the popular rente, the Ilurllngton, Two dally vei lllule train! from Denver with dluing and chair carinnd 1'ullman aleejrsat lache.), for Chicago, lVorla, Ht. Ixiul., Kama Clly, Bt. Joief b, Atchbun and all folnta east. Alwaya freib I'lcblei from B. L. I'lcklo Co. AeneataU entr.l li, n Mlniil-a. Mr. J. B. Blurtevanl, editor of the Uciuj-aca (Wit.) J'us, aayn "Last night Charuberlaln'a 1'aln Halm cured my wife of neuralgia of the lace and tooth In fifteen minutes. Wo would .not be without It." SO cnt boltlra for sale I y Z. C, M.I. Drug Del t. di A Nireliie,l Ankle. Tbli li n common occurrenco and onu that will lay people up ordinarily 0 to S weeki, yet we will guarnntie Hallatd's Bnow Liniment to cure any casnef siralued ankle lul to It daya if a piled at oucu, and to Immediately telleveall nalu. Bnow Liniment will lureanyoid tore on man or beaat. It wilt heal all Wound! nnd curci Hnrulnssllurns, Bcalda, Hrulavi, Hore Turoat, Hore Cheat, Lame llack,Corm, Hutllons. For llheumatlim. Lumta go, Neuralgia, Contracted Mmclta, It baa no equal. Do not allo-v any other white Liniment toin f ut oil on y ou for Bnow Liniment. There li no other llko ll. Ask tor llAi.i.AUii'n Huw I.IMUI..NT. Hold by Z. C. M. I. Drug Defit. lxx A aeuiiil I lare make netl man. Ale you lllllous, Con-llpaleil or troubled Willi Jaundice, Hick Head ache, Had Taate In Mouth, Foul Hreath, Cuated Tongue, DjsHipila, ludlgtn,tloii, Hot Dry Hkln. 1'aln In Hack and between thu Hhoulders, Chllliand I'ovtr, eto.7 Ifyou have any uf thern lyraplomi, your Liver li out of order and yuur blood li slowly lelng polioued, t4causo your Liver dci'inotact properly. Himiltln will cure any dianrder ol the Liver, Btoni acii or llowela. ll bu no equal ai a Live r Medicine. I'rlce 73 renli. Free trial bottlii at Z.C. M. 1. Drug Deft. , Jrll,M Ilearli Train. On nnd after May 17th the Union 1'aclrlc! will run a iclal train lo Oar. Meld lleach ewsry day, Having Bait I.akn at I'.OO p m and returning leav ing (iarflell Heacli nt 6.00 p.m. Fare for round trip, SO cents. D. li IlVRtrVs General Agent Passenger Dept. llialubeeleln'a lulle, I hitlera null lllaeehtrit Iteiueill la the standard. Its many cures have won Upraise from Malnu to Cailfor nla. I. very family ar.d every Irnvtler should be provided with 11 at all times. No other remedy can take lbs f lacu or do Its work, 2.5 and 60 cent battles, for sale by '.. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dAs TryourHweett'lckles H.L.l'UVleCo leller Than a ai ou ilollle el llleo.1 I'lirlllar. Dr. W. It. Ilvaus, the leading drug glat of Haulord, I lorldn, lays: "I al waya ft el sale In recommvudlng Ht, I'atrick's Fills. I aell more of them than any other pllli I eairy In stock," There are nono better, and ono dcao of them will often do more good than a dollar bottle ol any blood purifier In the market. For tale ly Z. C. M. I. DrugaPept dAa 10 00 lo thlenan ami Ileum,, 1 1 lie I nlou l-aelUe. For the National Democratic Con vention, tn lie held at Chicago, Juno Slit, the Union Taenia will II ex cunlon tlcketa to Chicago nnd return, at the rate of &0.U0. liemember that thla li the shortest line and tbo ipilck. eat lime, and that l'ullmau l'alaco ileepen ar mu through without change. This lithe only Dining Car line. 1). i:. Html kv, (leneral Agent l'anenger Dept, Baking Powder. Cecd lu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standtuxl A Turo Cream of Tartar Ponder. Superior to every other known. Ddldous Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholcsoma I No other baking pov, dcr does such work. xlenul A llrlran Have removed their Coal oniceto ly B. Main Hlreet. Telef bone 180. M Van Houten'a Cocoa free at Z C M. I. grocery de arlmenl. ' M No nourishment In tea or colTes bat plenty In cocoa, eapeclally in Vti Houten'a cocoa, which utlllira In tha lllghelt poialble degree all the Beak, forming elements while develotilna tho flavor and aroma. ' The tiest spring medicine Is a doit tof Ht. latrlek's I'm.. 11" only 1 hyslo but cleanse the Mholssri lem and 1 urlfy the blood. For ulttt Z. C. M. I. Drug Dept. ' r.,V." Jf.0"1.'"'" C'',C0 U ft '! root nich. Weak and Hlrong-miJ. 5 stantl.. Call at Z. C. M. I. and i It-It lulellcloui. m "' Try our Chow Chow. H. iTrickliC Wnunl A llrlltluT Are exclusive age nti for IhocVekrilel Peacock Coalnd Slack, licit , mu, ktt for ste l.n and heat, ron $2000, You can Rot a Spring Suit Mado to Ordor from Provo Cloth at JOHN C. CUTLER & BRO, No. 00 Main Stroot. A. C. HmllhA Co.,Drugli'.i,isili cf lloberti' Hcsferlan Tonic. ' l)r. Hurrows,OculM,AurlitiiiJ0 tlclan. Bfctaeka fitted. CoBaerclil lllock. nii.t 1.1111: riniiiiti'ii acuooL Telegra) by thoroughly Uujhl. Ta lllon IIS.UU I er month; tbree mootti SIOW. livening school at reduce! rates. 72 W. Mecond Houlli btrteL IVtira raby was akk, w gaea ktr Caiforu. V, heo all. waa a ClillJ. alia cried for CasUaie. tVeea BOO tweam 31ia, ahecliilg to Coelat'a U two abl bod CbUihvote! laf a Ileal CeJUru, There li nn need ofany f eraon biln) troubled with that dreaded ilis-aK f'onaumptlop, If thee will uaellallar'i Huts Cure ( ough 'Byrup, It 'a com posid of the latest known rcmeJIes for that particular dlacaseatfd used by thi leJIng prnctlllonenof ourrllr. li sale by Temple l'harnucy, ISO IV, Boutb Temt lo Street. So A liTinlTTieesTeStrTrie. Dr, Uunu'i Improved Liver FHIain nsurncurefur ilek headache, blllloui complaluli, dysfo-jels, Indlgietlon, cnsllveuris, torpid liver, etc. Theu Ills Insure ferfect digestion, cmrel Iho liver and stomach, regulate lbs bowels, purify and enrich tbe blood and make the skin clear. They alat produce p. good appetite, aud lnvlg Imteand strengthen the entlreejelem oy tbelr toulonction. fcoldat 15 cent n Ikix, at Johnson, I'ratt A Co Ha.1 Lake Clly. Ilneklen'a Aenlee Nalva. Tim HrsT HalVH In the worll li Cut, llrulaea, Hores, Ulcern Ball Itbeura, FeverBorw, 'letter, Cbipiel Hanila, Chilblains, Corm and all HUa Lrupllom.nnd positively cures Hies, or no pay required. HiiguarecteodU glveierfeet Mitlsfactlon or money re funded, l'rlce M centa per box. Fir rale by A. C.Bmlth A Co. Are tan Heine lesIT II io, call at 200 Main ilreet, fla't Lako City. Do not forget the niw 'Un ited tralu lorvlco via the ltlo (iranli Wmtern. 'through 1'ullman l'l'"" Bhflng Can to Chicago, wltooul change; Tourist Hleepen, etc. 3HM lone,ll.Allll'l", line Tare fur (tie Itonud Tilp Tho Unlou l'aclflo will tell llckcli la Mluuenpolli nnd return for ono fsniur thu round trip to those desiring to tend the National Republican Conve-' lion which nicela Iuuo7. ForditeaM eale and limits of tlcketi or any ail tlonal Information apply lo D. 1- W' ley, tleneral Agent U. 1. Byatetu, Sil Main street. nlhina IlkeTrjInisH- There li nothing that will 10 qJ1"1 latlifyono of the alue of CbamWf laln'a 1'aln Halm for rbeumatlainaii pi nonal trial, (live it a chance inn ki. how quickly the nalu will " Fur aslo by Z. O. M. I. Drug Dept. 01 llali, (ulotl "' 'euil Ail Imfiorlant leature in n Ouillejr ll lo bavu correct Information ;'?" ty and precinct elllclali, ami J election or iucb III Utah dotinutls" place until Noember next, our ui ictleer Mill not be Issued until m" uucnl to that dale. ,,, 1 It. L li.n: A. Co. leeerlkendllealin. If you are not f.ellug strong " bealtby, try Kloctrlo Hitters. If Urlpfiu" has left you weak anda"J. uaeLhclrloHltten. 1bl!"intiJ;?1a; dlreetlyui) Liver, Blornach arid " neyi, gently aiding thoj; ' ',. perform tbelr funclloni. It yu " ,1 fllclid wll. Hick Headache, jell ' find edy ami (.crmineiit ''?',( taking l.leelrlc llllters. Owl'W'j eonMncejoii that this li tbo ren. w yuu uied Largo tiotllei oulj ' A. C. Buillb A Co's Drug Btore.