Newspaper Page Text
H c pkskhkt r,vr,yiycr yi:wst tkidat, .ivxn si, isog. 1 SECOND EDITION. .l DESERET EVENING NEY& n1 H IrlrtbT. Jni.eHI, IBM R I 1,01 A L IlltKVITlKS. R H A nrw isfa In belnp; inoveil Into tho H County botltllngturiay fur lb. me of bli H honor Judge llanrri. yH Tim City Council will hclil a ipeelal &RB ia.aioii tonight to cou.lilor tbo new HH water ra ea adietJulo. I'B Tux Utah limit ami Htatlnnery Com. fjB lienybavothe ifiufrafeif .te.erifiii fur jH JutiolM. An attractive liumuer. - H It wilt li aen by a ill.patcli from H rrsa-atair. Arts, ins, which vs roeelre.1 'm u .asllie seooul eillllon nf tho Nkw p w. going to press, thai Lot friiiillU has ' iCf bamkllleJ by a hs.sjo InJLu. :.n j uttallaaie given. f ; Tllnexpiiiroby the Nrwsof lb. Kit r Untie., mat exists In the tuillce al(Mrl- W IV tittnl lis. csu.eil grrat ennaternallnn , fF anions Iboae who are foully In the 1 ,IM Meantime the tiubllo aro .IB welling to o what step the City louu- l jH Jg ell will uko In the inatier. VaH il TllHl.lsl.rM.Uin.rrBM.will rome ll ,H 'ttt ItefmoJusilio Kesl.r tnmurrew ami will Bl fj " tried b a Jury llile step Attorney : iV T "A rirhnor conaidete absolutely neeea.ary i ', aa be le firmly of the i pinion that Jii.- Bjfat, u tlee Koater Is an strongly blBietllbsl con Wj I vlctlon lisiirololollovi. L Kf ' ; Tim police icandal has aaaumetl inch I W ' Iroportlun. that II la laid that the lily BS w 4 i Colintll will go Into eactutlresisaliilllu V BW Jj under asusptiislon of the rules!" 1 & i L consider what la let to du w llh the nlu- jW J cers agalutt whom aurli lUiiiaa-lag ff,H cbsrgss have been nude the Issl lew day. y'tB , .Hi tine of the city aldermen s.ld today Hint p)B i i wl s.rsrsl rctnovsl. would bo made tBil4 In the Third Dliulct Court Ibli CjBX'ff afl.rmun Joliu HeUr I'mm and gfjHjj ,fm Net hi lrr.ce, executor of Johu Hi 1 1 I'rrece, ueceaeed, brought ault against BlilN Wm. U. Webb, Alice K. WtLbaud MHjW lu; la V, Latclia to rrroTrr the iuui MBafi am ut .3ui.:3 and jt.wi it.c. bHbV1 i!SI tlTely, outwo rtmlwory tiott, with RftSil K lntvrrtt. BjjVA H 1'ruol of jutllcatlon baa been fllrd at$ajlf-.rJ8i In the caeof Harali II. UlUunta. U. eWWMl'-f'HJ '' C'hamterlaln el al. BwawJffiiBS An ouawer tiled Ihli alttrnon In HSSmt1H the tultof Alnoi lljium J'leldlUE VI. L j MBeayB?. Iboinai Mcllroy el al.' m'M CAUGHT AT CHEYENNE. X, Deputy Sberll Bart Returns With an !.! '$J Alleged Embezzler. irlmt? ' x "Lr Is "K TIIU UM r BB ' . tft i. Mranje Mciry (onrrrnlng Ouc (it 'Ai'tim Sf 8tlt Ulea l'ollce Oniccn. !fi B k J During the greater ratt ol lail winter iliKB ; t'B j m,n named II. II. Kbit wat em- J I if J ployed by Sir. Jo.hua Htowart, a milk J,9 ' f I dealer nl Ihla city, to ilellTrr milk. He ll'jBfl9irff $ waalu tliebabltur recilTlnc; tayment tfliiBBnulv 'I Irom the cui'ooiere. on bli niaater'e be- HElaKJS'iJ '1 nlk" bu' naT'I1S failed to account for M M j I eim.thlog like JISU or $173, wai called BBaWrKiJ I ulon 'r ittleruelil. Tllla wai MH,vflt 't I'" mouth of March, and BjJJlBLaMI ""' """' "m alterwarda Iloat FaataWrrlMl klpd. The matter waa reportevl to nUHjIfli Hherlir Dull, and Difuly C'uinniock ffWfvW vraiaetto workuon thecaee. !aaam At wu cliru9ji u 'fe7t thftt a man KjBk' H; correepondlm with tbo tleecrlpllou ol OiiKnBVKf theacouied waa traeellng with Hay- gHPul mond'i clrcua, aa a eort of general i?'''Kj (Si baud, and that lie waa then In n'.-Bti fill Denver, llcceutly tbe cltcue came ,',K, Vr tolhltclly, and one of Mr. Htewart'a ; pV fi aoni, on going to the how,vcrrrd that ''aaBl J lie bad reen Iloit llirrc. itt, Hlewart j ,H' J .r atonceaworo out a warratit for the ?fJH4'f ,J inau'a arrett, and Deputy Hherlt (ft jHofe'' Cummock weatte theclnua to look up iicBWfif 11 the aliened embeltler. It iiiiui, haw. 'igBl!rl 'ii evtr, that In tbe meantime, rjtewart SBBflif jj waa Indlacreet enough to talk with gtjBHn' f the man hlmielf, and when the deputy mjiBff ,?J got upon the grcund Iloet had viu. nilaaV 'lJfl libed. (unuuock met Deiuty Mar niB H HI ''l O. (loodMll and Ulllcer U'llrlen BMBfl I JjR there and aiked them to look out for ErtRaH V fvl llluJ bu' hummock avrre that HHBff Jc u O'llrleu'e aiiawer waa to tbn eUVcl IffieH ir(uu that be need net trouble to find the bhIbH ifc 1al man, thut be bad gone away, and HHH 'itfffl tbatbe(O'lltlen) bad helped lilm to IiSIbB f Jatl get out of the place. igMi Vigy Cummcok atcertalntd later that a ffitwil 1 1 wBS lreoii riembltng iloat had purchased ifjB i SI l''1"' f'oni a local Malur and Hint MS She he wu then traveling lowatileUnden. r.Wi ' ?Sfi The telet.rab or telepbouo waoetto 0 Vlv work Bntl ffer l,0,lt t0 ia rlle "lM" HlS itatlon bare that Hie ttipoied fuglllve floP ItiAl M,kt In uitod, and aiklig If "iJB-'l i. '! 1 " wanted. Hut It Ii "K elaluietl the anwer waa null I tflin f I that the Ogdentnl dale bad no alter- 1 IB' i natlvo but to let tlieirloneri.o. ' Wk' Ui At tu" Hherlfl'a onkn u lew .lj. lij.BjSi I ago, the Inloruiatlou came that lluet I'V, I had turned up In Chejeniiv, and m Bit Mi Ihenie Deputy HlietlO Joe Hurl waa WV BS' U Immediately illiatcbid. When the raf Bf f il 'J cflUer reached that itace the man waa fir, Bl' 'ft I" cuitody. Whru iuntloued lie hit Bi l id net auiwer to tbu name ol Hi'. IB' , 1 Jloet, but admltUd thai he had been P Bft i ' V traveling with llaynnind'a clrcui, Wtil t i' alio that ho knew Mr. Hteaatt, but de- ilk Di j nled ever having woiled for that gtu- Eft IB N Ii tlemau. It Ii eald that hli (tor) ap. n.lB, t '' ! pearudtobea pretty ittaliht one, but I- il i i !l uul" '" llu b"" ",u ny Mr. Htewart iSlnli,! Vr hl Ideutlly (annct bueilabliellel. KlHtU h The deputy only arrived with liU WVin H raptlve this after uou, ami when the HalBli M & NfcreHirler obtained Hih forrnolug PrfMl 5 factiali:3lltluiuplwd It (tah. BlvH( S bind the ball at the ouuty Jail await. wpSJI 8 log Mr. Biewarl'a iirrivnl. .', lr ft j Mr Clmrloa lllrlmn, of Pnrii, hu '' la ifl adopted ijnlto 11 novilnielliol of eiirniiih- Ii rl Ufr ullilng llUcarlinrenoiilodi'dmrloa ' lil 1 Si Hliliun, Imlttttor or Mglitiiignlw for IJpi ' Harden mil llwbuiraiiti " Our jro ttl Mi f.-Mloiml h',ara lu 1 full) otrapkd ! 'vlB uurlng tho mnimer hmmiii llvir) time - HIS vwllt,l Bonrgeol owning a plot of - "JK I J,ra l"'l tuelie imtiri in extent. IniitM hl BRriHil ,Mm 'riidtoiiginlMipiirtr,eimrIwniilion PT' iM toncwili himwlf l.hinil tho rl.wer II H Ita ami oleander tnlu and clmrin thu J yS comnnny lij Imitating tho gloriuui Hllli rjf of the moit iiiehxHutM of or fiatlmed If aonjitcn -Tinipi. ft jgjt vBt -j- a(at 'JB jftsnu BfiBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal A FATAL DUEL. lull I'artlfulari r the I nronnlfr lie- tnn HeMorriand Jlarrr. the Kiiico orriccn W3 A HCBRCIV Mgiilll'anl Mitrmrnt of the Marquli Ii au Aowlalrd l'rcii llrporicr. r?r Teleiraeh to the 111.1 ill 1 1.11 in a ri, A I tench Olllree lalelly II.uimIM Inallahl I'akis, Jiinri'l -Mrji DeMorea la deeply grieve I al the fatal outcome of the duel wild Captain Mayer. He raya tuenmbat wat fought under cun illlliiuitlialouelit to have 1 revelited tbe fatal termination. Mayer be longed to anengliieer wrti, and waa rcgarJedby fnenlia I lllllal.l olll rer. Mater wai a Hebrew and the duel aruee from the riuiark of De Mom that no Jew ought to I e a lueiiK ber of the army. The duel waa fought with awordn. Tho term were that the uuellila were not to uitui to clot fjuartlll and ceaee when one receive 1 a weund 1 lacing him In a :i-elllon In ferior to the auvenary. IV hen Ihe duellita had liken their lulll)he the uiual algnal "Allea" wai given. The Maniule male a direct tnruit which wia parried by C'ataln Mayer. The MiHii;i agalu made a rapid luue, tho eword 1 anlng through Captain Majer'e guard piercing lil body below tiinarniiil. The niattjula Immediately dlieniagcd hie weiKn and lraed laik on hliown erouud. Caitaln Mayer dropped hla word, eiclalmlng, "I am badly lilt," and fell te the ground. TlienuMpili advanced to thu roklrate antagiuht, bendlhguver him, auil Mked,"C'aptaln Mayer, will you allow me II euaks hanJa wllhyouT" Uaplaln Mayer bild out hla hand. The nurgnotu nt ouce atlendtil the wounded nun, who loou wae made DI comfortable al the clr rtiniilahcte itrulltted. he walaril Inatarrlagu and removed to the hoi pllal, where be ill id at 5 o'clock In tbo afiernooo. Captain Mayir lud carefully con cealed from hli relatives all knowledge of the fart that he waa about tl rlghta duel. When the newt of hla eon's deitb was broken te the lather.hla gllef wavixtreme. lie went to the hoe Ital and the body ol hli son wai given Mm. He conveyed the relualnlhome,wbre the dead nian'l mother wai UlitracleJ, When the body wai taken Into tho Itoute, Mruo Mayer threw her arms atout It and covered thu face with klists. rimaUalr Ii deeply regrettnl nt l.toe 1'oljtetlililpie, wheru Can UluMayerheld a trufeiaorihlp. lie was greatly riteemed by his fellow olllcere. He waa a splendid fencer and lis 1 appeared In numerous anaultfal arm. A reprrientatlve ol the Also ilatal Trees bad an Interview wllh Mores today. He expreteed much sorrow for thedeatblof Captain Mayer and added. "I am aware that the au thorities will Iiue a warrant for my nrreit I ut what does It ruettar? The msglitiates will not reveut the prose tutton of thu work we have uuder taken. 1'enonal iiutstlous are uolh I dk; the prlodi lea are all In all. We are but al the beginning of a civil war." flMMAIMK IIEri IIMk He IsUreeletl br rttoniaeiteerralrl. ellellllmia, Munich, Juno St. Illimarck artlv. ed from Vienna at 2 o'clock this morn, lug. Duplte the earllness ol tbe hour, a number of illitlngulihed lltvallaui wete at the railway etitluii to receive Itlin, and he wai welcomed with loud ihrers. The Irrepreulble students, among whom llltmarik lathe very greatrit tort nf a favorite, and firemen, formed a llnealong Ihe route: a crowd numtmrlbg thonjands iloou behind them. As Ihe prince anJ party drove along, the crowd broke i.ut Into wild and long continued cheering. IMrlotlo eongi were taken up by the whole crowd. Tho party atop al Lenbach'e Villa during the ilJ. I allure era I nnil.n lleur, IrfiNuii.v, JuneSI. II. II. I'hllllpi, emu merchant has failed. The lla bllllli.a e 0:3,Wl'; aiietts, )o,W0. Idlle.1 In a lud-lhlr, ltullcJuue SI. At ria.10, on the line of Ihe llologne and Florence rail way, today a large landslide from the mountain overwhelmed the houirs below. Bo far thirty kllloi and wound ed are taken uut. Wasiiinuton, June SI The third larty meii 111 the House thla mornlug preimted adjturumeut till Monday, ratilnp the (olnl of no iuorum, anl adjournment was Inleu till tomorrow. Alur Ihe lonieiilloii. CliICAuu, June SI, tbe city Ii still crowded with intliuitaitlo Democrat!, many uiuilulug over to extend cun gralulatloni to Vlco-l'reeldeutlilCaii. Uldatu Bteveueou. The tonitulUee I) uotlfy Ihe candidates will probably go to lluuard lliy with Congreosman Wilson, of West Virginia, at their head, lo notify Cleveland about July lllb, aud theu to llleomlnglou, Ills., to uotlfy Hleveuiou. A aetillee lla,itel Omaha, NeU, Junu S4 Clinton i:. Dliuu, prlvalo of the Hlxth United ft Ui cavalry, was hanged herethli morning In the stockalu Juit out side of IDuglss county jell for tho murdir ol Corral William Carti r, a member of hli company. The ixicutton wan conductetl by United Hiaies Manlul rilaughler. llixon'i neck wai broken. Ihe condemned man walked tu the siallold uufaller Ingl), Ho died wlihuut making a atitenieut The trap was sjrungh) tlectrlully, Tho killing grow out ol the fact tint Cutter ejrele I from l'orl Niobrara, by the romininduriilicip t In, a colore.! courteisu, with whom Dixon 11 m Intimate. Nearly llriH lied lr llaln. Ciiicauii, Juuo SI - Plil 1 illy and northern Illinois are nearly drowuu bj thocxceutit ralua of the pait three Ua)f. Pile damaire here Is chiefly routined to the lliojluj of l.ullati Many were always dry before Oljetl with water. At (l.lmn, Ollawn, Uorkford and olUir oribiru Illinois towns, itnall rlvori nre awolleu to ralng nwds, Irldus Wbihel nwav. rjflroaJ Ira k II cdedoriovercd witu earth, csu.luj IB total suipenilon of the (raffle. At O.tawn every buMticfli houee In town Iff U eided to the depth of from two to even feet. KleieiKoii Mi.1.1. 1. Ilrrepllnn. CiilCAuu,JureSI. Utneral AJIal 1'.. Hlevene u, the Uuuocrallo uudlJite for the Vlce-I'rtil lenoy, held a recep tion In hli room at the hotel Dili morn IngauJ waivliilc! by a large number of Dimocrata from all parti or the country. The general lu rnilon war that hla noTilnatl in would ndd greatly In the strength of Ihe tkkit, Henry Walters n among other, salt It cauted Illinois tu co Dtiucxiatk. (Jen iral Htevemon Hki reielvod inanv telegrams nf rongratulillous front all art of the country, Including a large number fnmi the nelghii rein lllooin Injton, lllluili. Helelllorhli home hla aficrnooii. U..I.I rie Intone. Xl.w Viikk, June.l The total of collnr.erui forhliiienl tnuurmw Is $tf),lJ, totll till week, ii, IVJ.OIJ Ihe lleineeralleVallnliellninnilllre. ClllCAUj, June.!, TheDemomatlc national committee will meet Utweun tlielutliaii'Jl.'uthof July to orgntilse. It U slid, IHrrlly, l'euna, will not accef t thu chairmanship. Ii.ler.le. on II.. tnlnalln nf .leiUMd. Wasiiinuhi'i, June J4. Henatir Hherman, (Ilep,) UI1I0. I regtrd the tiomlnatbti as a loklcal result ol the muventlin. The resolutluni on illvir ate lubstautlally similar to lUo.o ol the Itotubllcaii plalfurm rirnatorH'ewatl, (Ilep.) Nevada. He regretted that tbe Democratic tarty (as bu would In the caieot any other I arty) ha I nominated a man wbu haJ eiprtseedeo strong oouvlctlon In favor a gold saudarf. "I do not with to criticise) Cleveland's loiltlon at irLsent,"iald tbe Beuator, "I icause be may have changed." The siuator declined lo aiy anything for pjlllcatlon concerning the silver plank III the platform, al he Inten Ji to mtke a speech In IhoHeiiate In A few days, when he will probably dlicuis It. llirllne Nevadi, (Ilep.) thought the ei.rresldmt the weakeit vandldata the Dcinocrn 1 could liava nominated, rim silver lank of tbo platloim un less aatUTaitory than that In the lie publlo.u Ut orm. KenatnrHlioup, Idaho, (Hep.) I am willing to venture the opinion thst all tbe new Btites anJ the 1'sclno 01 a.t will cut thu electoral vetis for liar rlion. lleathurltllFllnllb. I'l.AbSiAri, Arlium, JiineJI I-ct Hmltli, Mormon Ilubop, hi a been killed by Iiatejo I1u1.11. No par llculaia. A 1 ubllc llenerclor llea.l. WlUUiii Toomey, fainlllarlykuown m did IUII 1 uc mpy.dlml at 10JW o'clock l'rl ilay night TI1I1I1 nt 11m win re death tut 1 all the alleilatlng cirrtiumtanci nw slblc Tor fort, tearai.ll 1)111 Toomey 1 ild out tho di ud of tlibi town, limn, woman niul child, without exception, lie 11111 r would any riuimuru tiun for Huso kindly airvlcei, ulivujs reiutln,-uione) iindsiiyiiig, "Its 11 real I It aiuro tu ine an 1 no trouble nt all " Ills Mlfo'a millinery shop supportrd lilm and her cfmifi.rtabl).nnd It sunn lNfnuio LnoMii that oM liiUToomei was rtalyund anxious to coiuont all hours of tho day and night, rain or ihlm , win ttr and summer. TAi make sure tlmt no one would bo laid out without him lie fell Into tbe of keeping can fill ac count of nil tho ikk, ami made lili rounds of Inquiry eath cienlng. 841 erul times, win 11 sick trsoiu wi re not eipciteiltnliiethrongh the nlgtit.idr. Tioniey ( ut tho night watching tho lioe of sIckm-Ks, itllhont regard In Ml health or the weather. Aristotle) (1ml.) Cor. New York Bun. Tuklea II I.ll.r.llj. A man In L. i-Oi, Kngland, looked n jrift horsoln the mouth tho qtlur ilny with prolltable remit.. Tho keeja r t f a skating rink bad ndurtlinl "A great fainy coetcme camlrnl," nnd by way of stimulating the Intention of hli pntroni he tirumiied that Inn wcanr cf tho innet ' urigiuul lOetuino sbould be reiiunlnl MltlianuUlivftliei ilueof ninety dol lars. Tlio man who won llio M nli Ii took Ittiinjenelcr, Mho nild tli tlmcpicco wa unrth only twenty. Tbo w Inner, therefore, p 1M lo Iho courts for redress. The ikallng rink proprietor difnuM ldmielf with the I tin that the giving of tlia prixo watn purilj lulunlnr) uct.nml Iho reel) lent eliuiild not tike tbe gllir'a Kttluiato too lltenlli. Tho judge, howour, tisik 11 ilifferint iKw mul guvo judgment for the 1 lalntllf for ninety ilollurs London Litter. U.H..1 Telre lears. Vacliv Koran and Klizabuth Frederick wero made hnslund and wife by Ju.tLo Dmlel L. Wheeler, of Chicago, Trl lay afternoon ontbe authorit of n marriage cirllllcate Ismeil, 1M1, eloven ) in ago. Tho lit c nun lioro the signa ture of Count) Clerk H I'. C. Klnkkn. Koran ti now forty thno )i ira ol 1. and alio Is two jeura older. Tho obstacle hail kept iart their yearning hunts m ninny cars was tho ctoof an ungry futlur. A )iar a0 tho father llij.und uflir nailing tutllo mouths furproprleteiakotliQ couitunl loicrs weio married 1'xLhimge. t.U. era Iherrr Trie. A (nuHiluii ut to the 1 uluo of n cherry tree luis J u.t bem dccldeil at Medvr lahiiKliiu, In (leruiany. The gromnl whrrion Ibis cherry tree stunili I. ri. qnlnil for thu wldriiliig of a rutin y station ut that phiro. Tho owner of the tree put in u claim for tl0, wbkli ho said una the amount ho obtained learli fur tlw fruit tlio I ni After some spirited contention on Wh st les tho owner souiinlut reluctunlly con sented to accept DIJO. KolliUolie 7el-lung. Miring I. Hire. 'llinnri rouih or spring In Initio Is thus henilil by u Keunelico reieiimiicrt ' Cateri'Hlr'ViereilisroioiT.I lnttviek b) Urolhrr-ln Law McFiulluit robins, in llocki, bj Jurk l'urd), nn I'klngl) by Charles I'ugg irowe lij Brolhir Cur pentiri spirits rruiiipntl li Juuws Tat riikt inch trout bi tlio 1 ditor) 1 nuy willows Ii) Uiu iihoolgUU, ami new sprui-e gum by tlio irhoolmarma." -V manufacturer In New York c it) 1ms rm idly umilo 1 ran umllrnu. c n the paltiniof W Uiigbin' niidlrrns now nt Mount V. mini Tin ) nj pr m h w hut is l 111' .1 tlo cilouial st)le, being tall iiu l si 1 la, with rUiv andbAll fut and null UIU at the tvl. I THnASHINO CHAIN Hhr The Alnerlren I iitll.slnr Thlell Thsl Ite Thre.lilns I asre.t Tlie advent of b iree wer and steam tlira.hlng marhliif. bus lnarly 1 v ry wheiv liw-n slgmilire.1 b) IiirreA.itigenr Unees In getting i.r 1I11 nut ol the straw by rannsrs who am In no hurry to sill should want to iliraali directly after harvest hue alw us be. 11 11 pnxzlu to us. e suiNt it 1- not the farmers who arc hurried. It is tin army of traveling thrashing tmnliiiio owners, each In rmiirliif s Jib When the) get one It Is n signal fur all the farmers In the neighborhood I fi How. At the w ner of tho In-leliiue eodiictivcly elts tho cAae. ' he may not 1 aronnd again until very late. It l Is5ier to thrnah while davs are long id that jobs can rhnil be hnlsheil lu a ilngle day " ". by three ami like irgnments, the dirtiest nml in illmixniTil'li work of thn whole jMirsiiil tha nne that always riiulree the 1 rest labor is 1 ruwdcl Into the hottest wnither Not nnly thi., but tho grain la often Injun.l lcnn.o put out ut llu ilmlf lieloro drying out Wo believe In mie cw w here grain Is cut green tlmt It may tnko sap from tlinlf. If not fr 111 stalk, while drying out lieforo being tliraaheil In the iao of barley tbu Ii n uw.1 weight of l rry from late thriuldn is of great iiiijiur- Wlut )1 gslml by early thraOiing? Hlui) ly the sail u Hon or kn iw I114 how lunch nM hal )!elded,unil Inning a nasty job out ir the way So miny thraili eurly that It Is rare that faruurs get any letter rh ei fur that tint mark cbil On tho 1 mtrary, u this Is the time when thom1 most )risisl fur mom y ure obllge.1 to innrki t their crop, tbo I rke nr this lima Is ant to In del rrsM.l In laoet loojlitli s there is tuo mm licom litlllwi In thrs.hing. If onomachlno owner will not tako the job late, thirn are jdenty 011,1 r who will .MiiuyMiull join may 1 l tier left until cold wi other ami l.i thrashed tt Ith flill llun to pay rutee that thooitmrsof 11111 situ tlirimhlug moihinea areoblfgiil tu clnrge If. si i liellcie, the tendency ninnng 1 aitern farmers Is to grow more fruit and vegitar'i and lees will iiM-cislbtti more hand thrashing in winter. Tills will fiirnl.h wlntir work fur help nectlid In summer. Culture erilar.lH WarteM. In Hi- n port or tlio liortirultiiriitof tho Maiuo experiment station, fort&Ol, CPitalu'nlntelnthecnltiirouf labbagM, ti,uiatoea and gg Innts arc illHiiseeil In thocliltureof cibbages it was found that tho lxwt tciulli were obtaliu.l l Iriii.plaiitlug leieral times. Plants grown In flower-poU 1111 ready to l I'liicitl lu the Held 11 re Istti r tlun tbow gruwn In boxis. It was olnemil tint Mine vark ties of cabbages are uttockcil by Iho lablisge worm iniiili worse thin 1 others. Tho'o lurletk hating flrm, close LhuIs are least Injun.l. Of tho I Ininty arlitles giown, thie recoiu liiimleil furgtmral culttiro aro Jir-tv I Wikifleia, JJruianlik, Kirly bummir nnd Klut Duu-li. Tlio old Uarl) urkls I cniiilemnoil. I The following Is a summary of the cx'K-rimf nte lu tomato culture 1, An I Im-i'rUiit rjiialsltetoBuiiewiful tomato rnllure ii tlutlbo plants lw kept grow lug .Igorou-dti n londltiou luiohing rich soil uinl rreiintnt tilluge. S. Fri.piint trnnaplsntlne mikes slinky planu 3. Otlur tliiiig'Wngeiul, tho larltut.s andproilucti-;iii,-.s or tomatoes lain ill ritt 1 rojrtiim to tlie earllness of settliy In tho iU'M. I. Trimming lanta uflcr a .irt or tin) frnitlindeit iucrruiej tho jlel.l by more than 0110 third. 3. TLu l.t varletlM fur general no apj-iar to l Iguotum, 1'erfii.tlon, Ikiint), Uulden ijuet 11, ami -Kwlbly Prelude. Kgg Uuti ure not extensively grown In Maine, but tlielorivtlei recummended for home uw aro Kjrly Dwarf l'urjln and Harly Lung Tan le. Ilsrve.lli.i Tllm-thy "aj. Farmers dllTer conslJerably In their ldt us nnd 1 rnctke in regard to the pro' r tlmo for rultlrjt tlmotli) for ha) so that tbo best resultsma) bo sicurtd from tha fietllug. Among other trials made at tho Maine station to practically lost this question rourtcen lats wcio used, anil on 0111 hiUof inch plat tho gross wu. tul July I when the timothy w m in lull blouiii, and that on the other half July 29. T'io hay from t.iclt cutting was weighed nt tho time or putting in tho barn an 1 again the fi Hawing April, ana l)ziil, niul its .llgoetlbtllty determined with slu 1 p, tw o animals U ng fed uu 1111 surly cut hay and twootlurs on late cut tiny iluring flieils)s. 11i0)lill per acre of grnsscut Jul) 1 was 4,?!3 jiouiids, an I tlmt cut July 18, B,fil isiuiuIk. Al would l exisTted from ull 1 ri 1 ions anal) sei, tlio early cut buy prouiltobn the mure nitnigcnous an I also the more digest!) le. 1'r wi tho eirlycuthoy 50 1)7 por rent, of tho cr ganlc matter vm illgi-nlid, ami from tho iato cut hay unl) W rs r unt. Of total dlgiitiblo matirlnl tlio lilo cut bay iroieil tocuntnlutliemnie.thobiiii. .its (wr in re Mugi l',irl) tut, Iflii, undlato cut, 2.313 pounds. Tliew figures stanl somewluitlnepiKnltlon to tlione obtain dl from tho trup of 18"1, 11 hero tl.j hrger amount ordlgesttblo maUrlalwa cbt itneil rrom tho curl) cut ha) . Vleiir if term I sourer. Tlio itatl.tlclaii or the United Statu 1ms irrparcl a reirt on tho wages or firm 1 ilur, the result or nine luieillga- linn. In.i.i IGlin n ILlil ..1.1. ...I . irdinf the wage as far Inck as 1810. Tim nport shows monthly rate 1-oth Willi and without board ror the seoiou ot)tnruuil alto b) tho da) lu lurut tluio. tliowe that for ten )enrs wugis h.itebetu nr) unirorm utul well sus tallied lu spite or Animations In prkts or farm products nml that a stead) de maml exists, w ith a -multli e scarcity of farm labor In a largo portion of the coun- "... t un SneVe. Tho conimoii snake is found through, out Europe (mo In Ireland, the Ork lie) i, Hibrllt-s, rihotlsnit libimls and Inland), txttnUug northward lu Sinn dinaiia toMdcgs It alxillnds in blc lly, Mrllnli nml Corku,nul oicurs, ll.oui,li raicly, In Algiers, but lint thrnco di.twanl in Afric i It is round In lr si iiud Mcst.rii blU-riii, nml Aula as fir Luke, and in the Alp at- an ulti tuiloofO.iKWfoit -Quarterl) Iteilow How I., In,,, I.s.ltr. Put n teanpoonf nl uf kerosene In n jilnt or irld stirch nnd the Iron will not tick The tcentwlll soon lussawny H the Iron U iouah, rub It on loapor wax. BIAMIIITS AMlKTIItHIl saw rose irocas Me Toll. Jonlll, o rsr sum V"1' -"' I1 Mese . 'I'V Ksniatrat Iron, u. .. . IIV en Aiaeriesa 'I 1-soaeSi J I seise Mail .. Alshues li HoeA 111 d.... el1 t'leuil I'anls SLI'ssI Altsssa " ietllBflas .... I. fir l. "' w lltasm .. I'l fBtoarxlBe . Nortlif rs 1'MIS aw i rarjro Xli rial rrrrerriil ... Ml i Ws-lsra bslu W SiWtkwcalira lit 1 Omesci.Junlll Otois. WhitleadriCiih TS.Jelr li trn-steirf,llah l.JolrlS lau-Sisiilr, Jolj.ti,. rors-ia.i7.foir 10"). UM-la.b. eiii,iJoiy,s3 nhurt Kit a-Csh, Jall.rjeilr, llarler-so. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. K)U HLK. A-lINDltl jifsiP KT llUflllT, hnrtv new Cml la fjfl tile It pow tn n in wi inirt ? M ii n or iMriun ru f ANiinNTiURp . J ! ( Idork "UIU nf l-rnllrnUurr rno AU IS t 10 fod with 1 ronmM tiu,o TMnl U Apply1 on tT-m.n nf W Third bt. t r" HAtir rAr jokihn c-v 1 )f iockfrl(ilrMiii'Orricc i""Uy ( oo Umft t. r BI l Ut. JBTWInl'L VfillKAT IUHUAIN, II TAKFN At orr. M qniirtfr IU ! t rl ftM I rvumlfti an-HNiBMini bouia ftl ' moil DOW l Will I'iT It ItlTf IIt l on-", M lttnolUrtMJ nithlo n dtya Call from t -in l Ji nv, MtftioIU HtfUM, IU foatti PcmttiJ HiiL I WANT I. P. AllLlNIl 0It III Am ASH TAN I KR (trrcd. AflUt (toMb Tempi A (ii it i. toit uijjmov nonvwonh Uooilt-oftk Uivtil , Apply ttcore WMfl I Ikniti. in Ml k Tirl ulh u VfANTn-l &llM-rNT or7it AHBH ft unl, tlitirr stt, latirjr K Kiltwir ihf ttil lo nflk. CDolfiM If ts-HrrMeil lB(l ti)Trlop. Jol9, frcj, fan f.irifo,ll HI Aiiti;atium tv a iioKuot ftiouno UriT 4. tram hay or rrain tore noiao nilch RDOhJcrt la alf tit.plojinn.1 Dd ffy trvtlmeBte ApplTto U IL, Urtf ftlwp, TUhlnc Wd ANriCt TO NUItK. ACMMH H10M (INK TO Y. H M of art, by t unir ladift Ihin al I.nHts. Atllrcii, llitt jAima lloaajavtt. Union. Ui-th MIST. rAMKV UULU HA ( MS I1KI AMI J Unn ai toe an J t carl , - Intnlar aiwr i ojit rindtr lait Ira at O Ilflllj'a cloth PiCatorty p I b rfwanli-d. SIOM.Y TO A)t I!f UV TO SLir, U IHl'llOVrt) IIPIL rti.. A II r-AlvUlt, aoiaWatHctilloildlPtf, ia!l UiaLiiy.M 3MSM3tAlltA urowha, rncAtiiLii vr i-ki-hautk iinaicvi. X Cvlturctnl H Mutton, aClLirJ nnutb Urtat, Itoow 7 Tallnrult tHoct. JOSKPlt V. WII.HON, Ar.rsT or thk iukat nrartits Uannfactarti-r t a., a ctianni bli real ilnnr It 1.7 !. Mlfi .al rtrrst. 1flplia iM. TaU arofl aitheriMicuniJorHiltilroulli NOTICC. rilllt- UPCTtSDOl- TIILSTOCKIinihMCI 1 t( tko I lab Miiirromiianr la I'oornr'l nnttl lonm.TDva'laj, Jua l-th, isW, ai ttif n.rpf Jlmrt Jack UAa JAULB h JtSMSUfl.Kertlary. VTOlirEIS HlUKIiVlKS" THAT THK AM rcriilar annual mtftlna: ot tha ttoel ttilderaof tba tutvUink or lTiah,e.t fall Laka Ol, will 1 held at ita tanlin bout, rvraar c-f ktam anJ hntitb Tempi airacU in aai I nir. onTuradaj,Julr Ulh. l!3.'. al ' o dock i..m. fl1 merlin, la f.r tht qrp.taol tltvilnf DlraHora it arne lor lb t batilu year, and for tha ttauaartlon of auch lUTtber huaint aa aa war rroperlf romo Iff ra thu rarat n HMItllJl, HLUlf.Caibter. sN71ICIC. rpo thk moLhiiofiipitn or this X Fevltr llfBlor and JU'Un Cotnpanr, a corporation louai tttritt no till ad that lh recnlar animal tntetlnitot tht atorkhnl lra f awl corporation will tn hoi I at ihe metf UflHuliion Ittck and thanivton Shu tr o, fall t ak nir, Irrntorr or I lah, on 1 neadar. ihtj Aili Jv nf JolT. at lb hour of ID .m., for lb purpoat of InclincoiUctfra fur the cnauitif vear ami fur tba tra at action uf aurlt oiher Lua loeta airoar pn perlr cvmn I eton II meet fi lljr order of lio Hoar 1 W.J M ATI K. l-errtll rf II Di 1011 UIMIMIK ntlN(.hltS AMI IIKS, HIM will he urckitrii at tul 1 Ofltra tl tbo Counlj Clrrk Up lo lint July loth far tha tollow.nir lrmo atrlniera, tJ eacht II, 1,1K tt hnd so rret Ion if It) inrbea al tlttoi end, hree hundred lrida lira is lt nvg lorh fafo and inrhre at tho lop end Thei-nuolr reicrfcilbONitht loreladanr and ftll Mda Ut order of tbt tountr Oourt u ALLFN, rierk iKXllllXATIWMlis! I A N CAMtKATIOVOPTIIOPWllOKX I V pertlnieti-htn Ibe iut)I(0 afbnnta of 'a I Lake tountr will t f in lb L'nivrrailr Hail llBxtJofiO 3l.fl and t,rummeoo at 10 a in. Htlli IL AILN, Chatrmai. Hoanjof ri.minrn A0R3IAL ATl'LiaiATSi ANrXAMINATIOv or AirriCASTH 10 eater tLo Lnivmily or LUb aa lvrnlo i nalNorniaU frnm Knit i an IMuuty, win la hLldlalho lnlorur llnilJInjf Jintnl alio -Viu. lUMIi .1. ALLKh, Lhalrroan hoard tf LaatLioera. I Mmt'K In HFrirnr m. to tiif stock haldera ol tho L tali renin) Holwir om I lunribauherowlllUft intciin.Tor tl o htok hulJeMliollat room No. Dvaercl National Hack linlliiinj attt e Janet htn or fait Temple an I mat South alreela tit hall Uko t ity, I ah Territory ot Hit taur or i m..Jm rtb.liriy, i for tho luriKJ ofelacliuy nine ntre'-lrreor . 1 Compaojr lu acrvo tor iho tmulutf rear 1 hla moetlDR N ralte I he onlrr or tho Hoard I n Oncctora uiade Jontl". h. 111 LI. C.IUNt) MJLN(1, JfNIU r KLL1. Very" NOTICE TO CREDIT0R3. rtate of John Ilennloo, Dereaaed. XTOTicriH iieiikhv mwv. MY Tiir. XN, nadenlvM I, AHmtnlitraioM iho K.tMa of Joha Hetinliin, lceartt to tha r red it or or, and a I leraoni Min claim, arahtattbo it id decoaie I, to cxhit it them with the ncfea flrtl iibllratlon of Ihia onilro to tha all a Imtnitlrttrtr ear of WaddeilA A da in a at .lauta! J.. Hr.lK.tHH Mrrrt nait LaktCllj, intberouRtrof Hall Uko, HUti. " luted April Jilt, I-.!. ji.HFiir HAiiKrn ., ... AklLKLH. BLNNION. Adminlktratori of Uo vitaia of John lien n lop, deceased. -j f HOTEL . TEHPLETON Corner Miln and South Tempi, Streets. flppoilte Temple, -SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.-" ALONZO iOUMU, Iaaatr. iviii'mioAii.Bi Satin Finish PHOTOS, I3U.C30 n, Uoaiou. l7 if With a Premium of One Boudoir Picture ASSKS9MKVT !(TICK. ' rirkr niLL mihimi in uxriTtox j of prlnrtpal p1aa of bnilneia, 1'ark cur. Lull Nntirala htffl j inten that at a m ratine tf Iho lizard of Trartxea. hold ob tbo IWI day pf May rf. anaPieaamenlfNo ft) nf tluet i) rent per lb are waa leTled on tho lapilal lock or the ror oration payabl wtihia thirty daya from ll dato htrof, lo I io I rfinlenl, at oa. and to Main ireel,ali Jkt lily, Luh Attyabtch tpon whtch Hill MoitnrBt mar remain nnpall m tho 4lrd darof Jane, lwi, will ) delinnefil and ft teertiaed for aala at t ulioaurtioniandnnlaetamrntUmato bffoto win bt M on tha rrd nay of July. J, to par tho delloqarnl aatteiarnenla, ft aelbir with Iho fol of alrmiinf and i lontoofaalo, (XII II iiV, I realdent, ' lucky Inn tiniri(Compai.y DELINQUENT NOTICE orth I'oitit tnHldatel Irrlrit on Company leOranon of oOro anl prmrlpal plat cf Iti'laeM Nn, ti Cammoreial Mreoi. Salt LakoLtty, t lah -VTOTICr TMHtK AflB DKIINQUrNT y UpnthO follnwlnr dernhajd - rk mn arcotlBlor aieinient No, ft, leTla I upon Iho tlfl day rf May lrt lh aarertl am unta el opiolte tho oatnea or tho reapecUf a tha re hold tra ae rollom, ta wit IwtliA No a,A, catoNu fharea. A'" If J Walk "" i Marjtloll Tftomaon U )a Hot Jaa Thoiupaon ....... It) II o uO lttyl Ti i too J kloatlrk and A. IL I-rrre .. ,,.... tfl to ShVt John lvur-wtt m n It UO Julma Hriimtner If? 13 Uw Naltaallaxon 11) 4 4 0) Vh.l In a'r,r lance with law anl order of hoard or tlirerttfra, tnado on tno 33rd day or Mae tvt,e many haroa or Mrh ittreel of atork aa may m noaaarr will bo eold at II e rompany'-hiH o. No 11 Commercial itrct,lSilt leaheOity tth retrltory, al ptiMioaurtinn an tridjty.JulyJ'nd. IW etthohonrnf 4orlok pin to pay iho ln mueni aeament, to retire with it roite of adTenumir and oi penecaol aalc J Y. WHirKHF.AIi Jr i"ecrelry, ZIoa's BeneOtJolldlDj Society. VOTtCK l tit nyni JItV THAT i tbo annual meellu or thirrhold ere ft i(NB lut-srir Ihilmnu ti iiarr win le bell in the -.(. it, I Moo kaclorr litiiidii c on lueadar. JulvW, lot-Lai lio clock pnt id porpoaea for whlrB aaid mretior la rallrd are Toeltrt ofilerra and d rro t ra f r the rnuiu year i W rereivo tho llnaoeial rep nt ti amend Cci tl n 4, Artlo'M of tb hy.lawa, r inlrtnx aharehollriotOKireiiK mnntka notlr of intention to pay loan at lo amend frartiou I an 1 teriton t or Art elo MM urilho t-y law, tnrrtaeinf tho rato or tnlrreal on loan to a f nd tho by lawa ly authorliibit tha hoard ot direetnra to tor row money and rcnr the jay mem of tho . me with tho Aorirty a to ruritlca an I lotranaari any au bother LoMneaaaa may lawta ly come Loloro aaid meeting ..(.ION. WF.ILA, Socitiary, flalt Lake City, Jun SO, 1M. LEGAL NOTICE. Ir lb ISobalo Court of tho Cooatyot 8&!t Uko, Territory or Lun. la tho mtt-r or tho e imm of Almtra S itbb,dteoaioL "VOTILK I HKItKlir UHKN THAT X Albert T.Wrt i, adtnlnlitrator or tbo eatat ol Aliuira ii Hell, deceaaeti baa rendered forietilonienLat.lo.ello aaldO urt. hla Una aeonot of bta admlniatratmn of aaid otalo au I pMitlon for onal d aintatma of tho rettdao or id ettato a moon tbo t eraona entitle I thereto, and that edneaday.tho toth diy if July A l 1 WauooUofka i itihLourtlIhioofaail ( tho I onnty lonrt llotie,talt Uko City an I County, UUhTerritrr, hal Un duly apiomted ly iho Judoof aaid Court, r ir iho acUlMmuniof al1ae uatand bearing aaid pe litmn lor itlatributlnn, at who It tlmo and i Utt anyperaoa inlereated la eald ealalo may au tear anl abuw any thoroho, why aaid a- Mint ahoult not to aetllid and fcitrutd ai. final distribution made aa prate I for, Dated Juaa Slat, Ifj, a k. Aiirv, Cierk of tbe lrobato Court WADtiKLL X An lut, a tornea lor otaio LEGAL NOtToe. Io tha I'0bae rouri. In anl fur Salt Lako Couatj.lerritoryof Ulah. lath matter o( tha Taut of Henry lajber ae n, dereaied. vroTicr i nriiFiir oikv. that X Anna II Calrort AdmlnUuatrix of theea tao of P"m- laytiriatn deroaiad, hat ran deredfortj.. ouett and Died in aallrjart her Bnol t!Couul or he administration of tald e.uU and aim n for Una) dtitritolion or euutlol tht-relti aad that Turaday, tno It n day of July.lKVJ, at lo uVloik in., at lla Court Itooui of aaid Court, in Hi Coutir t ouri lloute, all Uko t ity and Couoly, Ltah Territory haa heea duly appointed t y iho Jude of aaid court for tho aeluei ienl of aal I ae count, and hearing aaid rut ion ror tii tribuiion.atwblrh itmo aud plarrany leraon lutrreate 1 la aaid eatate may at txar and ahow Cauae, 1( any there b. why aail aerouol abould do b aeitl t and ai v uvo4 end dual diatribu liou made aa t rare I tor, JiatedJaoonth.lirjL, n. X ALLEY, Clerk of tho 1'roUle (-ourt Hy CariTti 1Imhik, Jh., Deputy Clcrt. LEGAL NOTICE. la tl rrohtto four I of lh County of Salt Uko, Territory of Ltah. to the matter of the Latato an !!Clnardianifa.n of llnvhaotiypir, Wary F. I)per, Max Rio M. 7 eraoiktloniOBla J-ji er, Order to ahow raua why Or If r ot Alls of Ileal Kut about t not to made. Tank t, nrrru tiif ouafpiav or tt-aieraoQ anleataloof Urifbani lypar. Uarr r.l)ier,k)BfitloM I jpr and 1 ftwa nia l jr, minora, havlnx Died her peillloa herein, duly va-nfied. trayinir for an order or lour iho real r.uie ot a-iJ minor., for It. a piirptiea ll erem ai forth, it la I ort-l y oi-dored Ihaloitextot klnnt the ward atilall i cr aona lalerntied la tlo eatalo or aal I minor. I pear before tho and lTobate t ouri on Wad I ha Int. day it July, ins, at 10 o'clock in th- fori-noon of aai 1 day, at the Court Itoom 'all IrvUto Court, at tbo tNtmiy lourt louie. lu ibo tlty and county of U.e. ;. rriiory. t bt rauia why an order ah-tul t not bo granted to tho e&iJ guardian, D al mt Wh lo or a i inti'h of Iho real flm of Ihoetid minora, al rlrate aalo aa aball ho aece.tary aud thai a i opy of tit a order t o pub iiv..tyivi-,,rv,,,c"M,T" w,,M " oiaiiirr KTiNtsu Nana a iieweturer rrlntcd and i ublahad in aal 1 rliy and county. Dated Judo StiLbirj ' , u vr. nAiiTcu, . . . IfoUle Jndeo nuiDKI L A Amu a, ftttorneya for Ruardtan. TO bTEAM HEATING AND VENTILAT ING ENGINEERS. 9iltUkk Cirr, JunolMh.IlM. SEALJllUOI03M8)lAltKril"l'KOIO. ala for bcatinc and TfntllMinir" will I refit-d ly tb:Hoard of Fduration of tha city t a t Uko until 10 a m .July bib, isu-i. far l.:.A';.,fi,.,.?,',ii'..,'.l;,y tlun "'m' IJncoin hchooimnutb Ward. Uweil traool to Twentlctb Ward. aabinKtonhrhoolIaMnaltflotb Ward. Jaekaon tfrkool la Sixteenth 1 ard, Wbie h aro arranged lo t heated by lowprea. ure indirect ateau with fan TentilaUoii. rana tobooperMad with electrio luetora. In a Idl tlouanoibauaifantoho plared In attlo. lb ayiiamof Taaulatuiutolvsiroluaed lu earn building muit ho .mme. em to Tcntllate the I'nncipala, Tea here, Itentatlon aud I luak rooma, corrldorp, playrnnma aad watereloaeta, aadproiidoDruuiofeator freah airier vupil perciiaute, each ctaauuom lo romaln Mtu tJf' t111ft..'t.r,r-r1,.rl''1 tni building tV ranreahoitlathoooldett woalhor. Wddera will be rosutn t to furniab romplat plana and iienftraiioniahowloftheirpropuaad yaletnaof Keaiiov and ielilei.ig iho bol ie ri V ,hS lnti ,1n"7' iubnlar. liaad rlroted and brlrk let. Dui lain Laaament to bo made of Ralvaniied trun. NouoderRrouad duct of any kind will bepermttled held ayatem of Tentilatloo aboaM if poaalkl ronforin tothe flueei rorldad for In the Archi leit a plana, built any chancno aro noeaiaarr Ih.y rn.nt is abown m it a't lana. tho ro.t tbtrcot mul bo anted and mrludtd lo tho bid fur the heaiinR aud rentitatmn No i id all lij rnnaldorid unteia accomi a nled by ceniflrd check for S rer cent, of If o 'IV.,".' b.wi1? ' PrUlo to tbo Ireaiurer uf the Hoard til t duration. Plane or ibe huTd na can bo aeon at tbo jn.e or the followlDR arrhitectai or tho Jocoln Hcbo-il huildieg at Uonbeiui. Illrd A I nmdtooi a, Nercauiilo, Hlock. ot iiryant, Uweli and J. aihluRtun School lulldinita at IL KletllnRo, lloooer A hldredRO JUorCt and Jarkaon hcbOo.lui1dli.tro 1 Cornelia. Hooiar Illork.Cllr, iho Hoard will raialnW P.'.wV ot '"""ouniof tliacontrart for tbo lailbful perlormanro tbareot and nutil lh boating and renlilatloir apparatua haa pro an iur tuful aodaatiitaQtory, Wm PflclFc SYSTEM, THE THROUGH CAR LINE. immiKui i,t, nMi .... Je,,,, J , - ". auUL,, f IH. rrsm alt Ei.trra eeisia. rrom nallM-enha, is, , r "" ' elaee r.itfllr.ndCseh.Tl,, ,'' Tree, all ,ilsra roioi. . .'." !iT."C!i:f,",",r,1' u" 1st. 0l ",,,1""ll rrom Juab an I rarcta.' "". J " ' ' llom Tirmlaua ssduiilola'.'.','."" In!'1 InraUT ror in ri.lrra risu . . frt'lM aa I lam,,,,. "" 'I,.. riaicnti ,V" oatsrt,l.c, " '""' "7 aa,r,kcii, ". aV.' Tor all I a.lata eisla aal l.o r. ' II. r J ml , a !,. siaMuVo'rd"'.'.'.'." l ! " rorJeihisdlsurisMiitaeusu .. u, I er llirll.l I .ad Tmaiissa .... 52 f liallr.Suodsr.litfeieil ' .'KM l""" J '"I Uilferl 4, , iur Tiiuiroirirr, is, iiu,,. . ".11. cu aa, ice' I .. a, To." iI,D", i- IncxsHios, ai t uaa't llr "tx. u r. a T aru ll rio mm GnANotS WESTFRIi UUVAvJ SlmrJird Ouija. In meet ( il. Mil. ir.tra atiTURit, Ko,J-rorrrovo CrBd Jonctioaiad ftltpniBta Peat. inM.- o, -rur rroTo.Urand Jnacuoo aal ailpoiota Kaal ...u in., o, -ror I-toto. I a j .on and LurePa i fZ No,f tor Itiaanira i l Pani-eM a a. l-rerOrtenaodWeit . iiaf? jNo.l-orodoaanl IR eoi wiiS5jt! No. Tor Ogdcn and point! tit I ke p a. ARlirgf halt Una Nnel-rrom I ror o. Ureal Jaartioa ndlboLaat -HUaw. fc I-rom lroto tlrand Jaartiua and ihe Taat. . n n, VoT-rnm Iroev, I ayaon and ho aV-rroni HlarhaVand ftiap te"'i'.Bia! NO W-Ti.inOclrnanl (i.? o. 1-rrom Ogden and the ' m. i tnt .No, 4-t torn OtfJeo and tbe Ul. t I. pw, I'alac Bleepera on all thr ui trataa Norhanrca,cloeonBe Itotti, Sifiy. etet an 1 romforl. ' IUhMinire-Nn. i.t.fa tHi. (Ut-Ml It. C IKtUUE. A, t V, KLI1T, J IL BRVXITt Com fcianaitr. Uen kupu cen.1 A r Aft, the Piiacr tiiiiuuiiii mt c 0 1 T T j X. G Oct. AND ALL POINTS ISST. Ksse rs.1 Ti.lilsl. Train will Tln'lt le.V'ra a.4 Ulslal tan, rm.Ktl.I e'la Taru.ikTra na roe uileaal... M.dMi ui all poi.u la s.s Mieh'f.s TSro.ih 8llpra lo 81. lid Miiiih Ita, Willi airaelrnoaactionalgrpoiou la l. a, Uia.aa.l. .so Uaaola rorlkl.l..,,.,,.tT.l.ii.J ail larorniailo.. sriiif si soy .a ., or u ,''- aTAMMAIlll, C.tiill lisl.tsl II 11. MKllls. Ti.r.ll.,tr.ltliiiru. i"iiiii iiiiUtooir T.-..AA..i"'-L' '"'""''" THE FA VOR1TK ROUTE lor All l'olnll rut and .South MISSOURI PACIFIC RilLfflT ONLY (INK CIIANOH Or OAH. DTAII Tl BT LUtlll. ssil U.I ll Bill Iks lafUns .04 1. . I BIOS 1'epol. ILIQANT RCCLININO CHAIPI C", rri. le bol.ln ot rrcalar Mala uiiiu. Tirfr " .erlsili,ll ." A. V. DKKItill. rvimm.rfllal Alllb KIOII r. N KSLEi, OoslFaallaf Slial rrotrill lulls II, SallLUI o, n, 0 TQWNSIND. U.r. AT.i-, KUuli, U.. ,r. jr. Moitsi: .c soys, COAL AND LIMB Cfwntt, If air rtatttr, Ornamttal Unci, fin 11 rie k, nrt-W 'te (for ni tno), Srver lptt Onieo in Main HI Holeb Ilolldlart llritLn. ail, aU I at. illy.tU DH7j7wy TAYLOR Dttsmics to tsronu lit '"';NPA' mo publnuat 1. r.a Uliiil ellliedBllr.bilWfBlb.boariof i1".1"".. 11 in , h.r. h. will atl.iU 10 .11 1 "' "" lor siirltoslloB lor treslmiol. IHIIIIAT lllll AULB 1 HI'ltlAtTT. OIHco: 113 3. Seyonlti Eaat Street. WHITELAW BROS, Oils, Palnls and Chemicals. icrrLisi roa toAP noorri ad i-aihi W" lACTLIlCIU, IIAILHOAIH ssd M MINIMI cnUI'AMKS. R evr. x.ouxa, . Miesourtf. II