Newspaper Page Text
(TestablishedT IYFQ1?Y$ v S j IHlMTM-w TyiTII'Q L TE oldest kewspapeT"! 'I JUNE, 1850. I .1 "'jLlB'jl&;l'J 1 Jli ? JilJx J.1 O ljJivVkJo jrm: rocky'mounta.ngJ ' 1 TRUTH AND LIllUUrY, - ! "" NO. ai7? SATUKDAY, AI'UUST (J. IbOS. SAIJ( I.AKI3 CITY UTAH, TJMmiTOItY VOJaTxXV IttMlt AaillXGTOX NOTES. on lln (.barges or M alien. ' CONOBtSS AOJOURND BINC DIC OtJ'ttloai lo Ilia huliTrraiiirv Bill. Hie l'rcildcnl bees l lawn laikc. SI ltlil lollis tllMllll.'SX. "t "s.r"""'" W aiiiinoton, Aug.8. Mr. Iloatiirr of Loul.lana submitted the majority .perl on Wation'a charges, wlilci. u "ten Mo-pson tfK Farmer,' MIL ante, lubtultled II minority report, miwVtliig from lli views of the ma . ,,7y end exonerating Watson. Ho ouoled from 'I"1 IcHlniony of Alliance meniwraand olhere torn" N com S'tiMln euipo" of tbli (dlnioii') SKlon that Watson's charge, had Ihtlr fouoJ.llon In fact. Al Iho "-Veil-' ImmmIoii III" Senate bill Was allnl rrzulatlnic tho tlmo of lioIUIns terms it the Untied 'l" rll"u 0I H,ulh Iiikots. TUo Beuiilo Joint nrolutlon J,,, t . J ixtondtlig lu tlio King anU Uutenof rjraliiaod lhe descendants ot UlumluilnvltAtlona to las I'tc.rut at lit opening of the Worll'a l'alr. Hie Ihirliorow llll eamo ' "om lh0 Hensteeud llolman trcieuled the ion. hrrnce nwrl on ihu sundry ilvll till, llolrnaasakvilliatthe bill ai flnall) Uriel ui,u ) I totaled -T6-7,UUO. Alt ll JJlW.IWU leas Ihau III" I III ai It euteltOortonaloaud J-1 011,000 uiorc Uiiu It I awed tlio Htiuic. Mr.O'.Nelll of Missouri, author of the I rovlalau In re,-ard li tlio I'lnker Ion amendment, stuuuouily otjtctcd to too coruproiulio suggtsiol ou It. Tin conn romlio, he aahl, was a roller. sMo makeshift. It was a tack-down on tin ut ot tlio 1 louse. Jury Blmpion regarded the rower- tn-o report an u cowardly auireudir of Ins ltc,iresilittUvca of tlio Houeotn lbs arlilocraoy of tlio Honate. After further dlaiusMon tl"" cankrerica n. pur via ngieed to IU9 1 a 1 1, diipuslug otiiiolsilnpirori'latioa 1 111. On motion of McMIIBn a committee wit s fluted lo Join similar com. mlUe from thu Senate to wait upon IIm I'li'HJuit to Inform lilm lliat Cjnsrit. was about to aJJoutn. A meiKe wnt ricelvod from the Ftnile annourulni,' " atrteuient to tl. uiidri clTll a rtrlmlcii l.lll. Titlltakerlaldnelolotlin JIbUaa a . rnoljIWn for flnil mtloum-nrrit at II kV a tonight, auil It u agrotd lo"ti. To i com ultteo appolntoi lo unify the l'ri.ilJnit returned and iiilcd that tlio l'rildent lial iiu ejfuniuuleatlon to make, and the hour if II o'clock hatlnir arrived, tin Brieakrr declared thu Jlouoadourijol without date. 1 Jli: IE.NA1E. At the eTeulnjr tenlou Kenilor TcttlKrew, olialrman of tlio (ju idru Crolinl.UI committer, axlleil up tho reiolutlon to autliorlzn tho eumiultteo or ub coiumltteo to vlilt Chkni;ii dur lux tho nun and Imiutra ai to tlio ciiiendllurool money apprui rlaled Ij Consreii and ka to IhrKemral uiamo mrnt. Mr. CokemoTvd lo amend tho reo lutlou o m tu provldo that tho vlilt I o at the cuenm of tho committee. (Liuchtirj Tho amendment utu mU (in the uil'K relHcroWi renolutlon vrai then aloled. AtO 5 Iho meinnfco from tho Houiu announced that that body had agreod lo tho conference rejioit on th lundry civil bill, llio rt port Mrai there U on laid beforo tho ticuato and aureud lo Homo remarks wcro ruadohy Mad. du, Alll'ou and Cockrcll on the work tlone during ttiu t.ihilon, and At 10L0 tho Vlco-l'retldent's iljiu. Uie to the mJry civil bill wai an. niunced. A reiolutlon for final adjournment t II o'clock tonlgM was rciortoil and IJRtd to, . A oommlttee of two sunators woh poinWd to wait ou the I'riiddcnl and lurormAlm tl at uiiletshu had a fur totrcorotDunliatlon to mako tho tno Motifs Hero ready lu adjourn. lletolutlons of thauksto Vlcvrreel deal Morton weru rrtsiutel ant ilotJ. Then the cominltlco a tainted to wait on thu l'raildeut ro Kited that tho rnvldint had no ur. t tbtr comniunlcatlou lo make, "tend at II o'clock Vice I'leildent Morton made a fanwell api ooh uttir which ho de clared tho neuato adjourned without date, Mrm. Thecommlttcu on ways and means JbroinrhMoMlllln today roadoaiinau. oioui report advuie tothosub Irnsury till. The report is a long document, and dliiuiHn nil the fliaaes of thu 'Utlonlno,coniprehenilvo ityle. It Ctfersthuiiutiliouof couitltutlonallty ii J f loci Mi lo statu tho objections. Iheysrobrletl: II tl aru should la a reduction In tun vsluo of coods a!t r they hud hi en toroj below on tr lint , the uovern. iftiitiuulj lost, irtlio valuo Ininaued toe Kovemruent would netnororIt, aoil the lurlndlctlon of the l- ejiral courU oulJ It lucreasod so as to mako Union Iniliumont cl oi nrt-ilon to uaianile. The bill tends "wards centralization and Inlerfcns "111; InillvlluiUricdoni. Great Hue msllons In currency would follow Its Jinsctmeut. Thu operations of tint bill woulJnotbo couflnodto fornurs but Jiuninen, lumbermen and manufac turers cei crolly wouli complain, until iiovenirui nt fixed a limit to thu twlblehu at 50 er cont to thorn, iiuioon the govirnment would ho omri pit tho functions of citizens and lcndlnBtover tody's tuislnrfis but s own. The limuijuratlon of tho ;,''," oull bo the si. dilator's Ue. liHi Vuld carry HfO.tKW worth J l eat wlih less than $J3 ui)0 In cash r.n, Y "" Kovernniint only I per "' Inleri.t. The km at Incros.o lu V ""ral of olllclsls woiilJ mnko It "iJEJSS.l'1" to-l.lodwi.wnun oprovlilouUiuaiioforiiureju,,, taHMamviKsHsjsjsH lion of many mllllonv lo bo Issued under the bill, and lank wuullhnvn power lo force the destruction of any t art of thu government's money. Ilia Mil Is dnis legislation, and woull be unjust to thu day laborer and uther tollers. I'coi le having n t ar ticular 1 Ind ol troiirty to itri'jfclt could t,et money at 1 jr tent, from the govtrnruent and let It ut thu high i r rule lo other erioni., It Is a violation of tlio (J nslltiitiou, as Is shown by citations In in thu liljlirtl Judicial tribunals In thu Ian I. A cnll was lisued tm.ny for a meeting of Hie .Natlonnl Uonicnlrallon of Dcinncratlo clubs on the 4tlt of Octo ber. 1SW, In .New Votk. fhe Htnatu cintlrmcd thn tiorulnn Hon of riuodoru riheefir la thu lutendent of the Mint at Curtou, ?rvada. l'resldent Harrison left for Loon Lake tonight ou n initial train. (Kill lljlef. lUt'lli ('ITi , H I) , Aug. ' Heve r al have died at Jlnunaii on thu 1 Ik horn, four miles aoulli ol here, of a ttlieaio eiiprosed lu Ut Texas fuver. Ilrennari Is the shlpi log joint for the Hello Pourchu and Cheyeunn rangis, and Hie greatest anilely Is feltamcng the stoikmen. rnrat Vienvrr itiiit I ally. HACitAXk.tTO, Cat , Aug. o.-Oen-era! Weaver, nomlnou of thu I'lbjle's parly, arrived toJa, aciompjt Iiu ly Mrs. Weavirand Mary Lease of Kan sas and othtrs. Wiacr said that coming westward ho noticed thu new party icntimtnt spreartd lo be grow ing morn powerful and thu 1'eti k's arty will go (Ltu the South with grtat m n jib. (Jem rat Wi aver uint from hiruto Ijok Angelia and tlitntu on n lour of thu Houtt em Htalcs. UNKNOWN To HISTOFIV. The Murr of aetlildnl Orate Vtlirre Ilia lial.lM I. tow lu 1 r, ry.lon. Thiyworo boy ami girl togctlur. Like floMirs that row si lu b) i-l lo without nkingwh) or w hen fon tlnsotu ihad nlwir lieen tog, Un r liiurheit and w 1 1 t'igithir till through tlio dro im lap i if Uulr clill.lliol Onu ibi) theyaillled lu n fli 1 1 where tUlslcs i.rcw. "Wlilili ls)imrf iiurllo Ilowir, Mar git neil the Ui) "Vh),lt4tr),iluVt)ou know? The l!s) , and tli xlt.koil ono as sho an aunt c 1. "Ami wlijr ho rpie rlwl further. Iloirtuo tlieylnuo hearts of goll, rlio said, wllch lncins Hint the; nn trim mid faltl.fu " And thru Hit) "ll.i-d of 1.1I11 r thingi, while uieihea 1 the ricn iiu 11 lilwrctl In tho sin mid uilorm hi ning imiit!. .Sxjii afti r frum tho lit tlocottng.on tlo hill Margmt lielrd the tailing of her iiiuie, und thin tht chlldrin mill good night nil I w nt tl dreams wlilili uily chll Inn Thu ) ears rolled ou nnd broiuht thelt changer Tlio boy nn 1 girl wini ic 11 tinlwuinin. Tho rountr) was at war Tho nlr reverberated with tho echoes ol cnrioimdc on hnnitt r. In w hlch omluout jwal of iron tliumUr t very man wIiom blood Van )onug nn 1 strong had hi ml tho calling of his name, Harry hud heard his and ntiswcri I "Hi re" nui) 2Iiirgari t ai ro til They w ero ingng,Hl ni d ) 1 1 sho U11I11 Mm go. Tlio w nldlng di) was lljcd, nml)itihn bmlo hlia go Oh, woiiutn' how snbUino thou art It mointntsitiuli nsthme' W hlcli blood Iw hi ler, will lo tliuiight moat siirtHl ou tho re, kuiilng di) tho rid Wool nl rn n shetl mill I the glor) and the illu ol Ixittlo or wounn's teara thoso col -rl, hi bloml ilri ii of tho lieartnhoil unieit nml I tho common ilatis of ulitinci Wh'ch, I wpiil.r, will 1m tl tiled tit luro howhoglicslisllfo mil din 01 sho who kites her life nn 1 Hi e? The night luforo ho wt nt Harry canu to n) gomlhy. It was soft niul lulin) a-il tho moon was full. Margnnt mil him atthoiottuge door, mid tlicystrollri t igethir in tho men low where thoilalslet grow. hhopiil.el uiul gau hlin ono "Tako this" sho wild, "an I wtar It Harry. Let it bo tlio Mizuili of 0111 sciwmtlmi this llttlo Ilowir which ws liatoloiidtogitlursinioiiurcliiMhooil Ut It lio our (ml Inn In the face ol death if tloulH lied Iw Into to Hit lnit,i,uldeu luiirteil tu our country mm toonoanothir. May God Ik) merciful,' sho irn)cd mil ruled her hiad ol Hurry's shoulder. U toofc tho tfower, hut cottll not rinlr. WlmttUo liny sold, what cli tin y ill 1, Is secret of tho ngrrfiit cloudi an 1 Untied Int I ips. All that w 0 know li Hint they parte I in that stilly liUlit Vit 110 ouos tw tho moon grow jialer nor lu ml tlio uIlnti It thuddcr, nor thu night wind iiiiiiiui not oell sola v, 1 ro lu nrd -so iioln less is tho brraklnp (fuliiiiinn heart, as lmbiltws nnlmi betilnt n tl-i fulling leaf in autumn. Tho days thco da) t which acini ai )ears-irtt 011 mil brought thel clniigin. Harr) was ilind nn I Margunt sloul) i)lug. At flnt howrutiMnil da), mil thin less ofun, mid then foi wiiksthtrocmuo 111 word at all Al last 11 Idler ciiiiui, aulas sho (tneUI n w Illu nil ilnlsy fill iiiwu her 1 ip, bin rtadnsfollonsi ' It Is tho io 1 f battln, tomurrow 111 fliht our lint gn at flkht. I tlirll 1 lnct tho d liny whkli ) uit 1,111 0 mo lu this lit ter win 11 tuini litwl, mi I wear tho letm Holt my henrt If I bo of thosa win stnynjiontliolUIl noino frlmllylnnl 1 1.110W, will speed this litter on tts wa) but if Shu run I no inoro Hor hinds dropped llvtlewl) nt her sides, tlio It ttirdnippi-1, MotlonliM sho baxwl, like ono en trnu el, through tho opin window alien slit) tall alio saw Iho Held where the) had picked tho daUlis lu their chlidhood tho held w luro they ha 1 said goo lb) tho Hill whero thoy should in vi r nui t ugaliii then suddcui) a dark 11 iw, nsof nioonlesa night, fill ou hit Ulou nnd sho swooned auu). Then c.11110 th'o klLKlskl, Hun tho da) s of hopo ot duspiilr, aa 1 llit.ii su l . t death. Ilori,raoli In Iho lllllo clmrcli) i.ul of iho tilhio mid be irs thoso words t iiu, ton urn ciirirnr, ! MAItO till I'VAlMtliD, i Ail.n. I H t Ph ul Ijoii ihiiiiiotlintwa) nml want to seo tho spot iislc s lino one (or LUf tj!molnro daUici trow Nr1 "" MEXICO'S CONDITION. 1 Inanrlat 1 inharrasnirut II ?ia!d lo he Hie Ailtisl Msle of AITslrs. nanoDi kiuino the coun tiiy' pnoopcniTY- Unlirrial Drilllullnu. Ilciiionillnllou In Iho (irirlal Aliiiot litre. I urchin; Linn. 1 Dr Tiirsriiii mttoNswit IN MI1H1. lite llunurlitl ,lMloi, llrsertbed as Irnlarnkle, I'l. 1'AiU, Aug. 6. rte 7iur to morrow will contain u long lutccvlew wltn (Irneral Luis H-tiidoval In which thu Itcvolulloulil kader siouls thu Idea of Icxrut tktily nisnha sarrtst Ing (Juris. Thn nio-t luiiortant fit luro of thvlnliivlew Is the dlicuislou of the Urnnclal condition of IIixlco. He inys tho atlual couultlou of lha lotintry Is ono of financial suit arrais mint, Usncral Din's link otkiowl ctlgoof the government ltd ton ruort gsged future Mexico tolhotxtent cf $.1.1,000,1)00 lor thu t urioe of bullJlllg rallrnuds, and now thisu roads, b tholriiothlant rates, have killed thu niiilt) of tbn country. The Na tlonsl Prrusury has uot money to pay Interest on the tallroad boads for the cuuuuliig ) iar,miit to com r this difllcl nicy It Is irorioied to lloat n losu of 1.0 IWCKW. The institution Is universal in Ihu country. 'Ihu Utinorsllzatlou In 0(11 clal attuor hero Is stirh that last wiek Henor ltonuro, nctnll) uomluatrd minister of Ihu trcsiury, declared officially that $1 OO0,00i) lor annum had teen reiiiouitlrt-l daring slxtttn )ram in which Dial had Icon In iowtr. Hist Is to say, $IJ,uUu7-0U moru than the rallrouJ co t. If the I rontil $.0,0 )0,on0 loan bo not lloated noothir recounts aro Uftbut to take money by furcu from the national liatiks tupiyoutitindlog dtbta or for feit tho iliblr Ihu ritatooficitrias hasalrtad) retched this staguof forc ing a louu from Iho ooi !i. 1 inn 1 mm iiiniiiriis A Ntierlir Uotlntleil. lerl,a,a I nlnlly. lha lleiratl.,e I srnpe. VifAUA.C'al., Aug.6 Orlliorsliad alight Willi tho roller win, held Up the riouthetti l'lclllc train Wednesday night, an I Dilutive Smith an I I)i ulyrilitrlll Witty weru shot. Dioofll. leisgota cliw that Chris Dvans an I John Hautag wiru the rollers, and this cftrri ton elartnl nfttr Ihem. On rosckliig 1. van's r lace, a few miles oul,n-.aiis and Hantsg ijaii od llrt. The tlesj eradoes Ihvn Uedr Witty was brought Into town. Tho news of thu ilioollnrcstin-il greatixcltenientliere, and Immediately olllcirs and clllzeos annul with rillutstarteil for Ihe scene. .Sews lui uit Utn received line that the rollaiis weru sttn northeast of Vl.alU driving rapidly, with the officers half aruliuUhlnd. A I rctlnr of John Hantag was arrested hire today si.d Is cow In Jail, tiherlll Wlti) Is bally wounded and II Is feartd caunot recover. it 1 ri IVAIIllN, Haniluil.yltiFTIiiiMihslnTarlllte, Nays nti tlllleer. Nashua, .S. II. Aug. ? The .'ten Ing Ickyruiih 1 rluts jt letter from Cap Ism A. J'leu Hunt, commanding lat tery 1. ai Honieitead, lu reply to a re ctnttdllotlailn that isrir charging tliatthoiuunhmintof I'rlvate Isms was unjuitiljlngl) cruel, tic. (Jap taluHuntss)it "1'rlvalela.tuswas not tortured In hlaiuuisiimeutb) Coloutl hlrosler, as tusreuslou h) the thuroU did not throw the roiu letu weight ol hli lody ou thoie members. Alter five rainutea' suspension huasktd lor a chew of to bacco lu the same orroyant Imoleut nisnutr which was iharactcrhllo ol his entire conduct in cninp and alpo all through lilsstrvlce on guard. Hu I rcienlly swallowetl the lobicco, nuk ing hlmielf sick, according to his sell coufesitd statement. Atttraard he was letdown from the rldguriula after Unity minutes' uiiiilon, suirerlng from Intiios occasioned by having swallowed Ibe tob.iioo. During the en tiro evening and night alter this tun lihmeut the mau InatcJ the matter Joi sely nn I wado no oomj lalnts " C'aptalu Hunt further says that tho Blstcineut that lam's ixclamal'oil was it thouglitltis onu Is wrong, for when iirntstly roijutsied to withdraw the exclamation he doggajjy and ivrilst eully reluiedtodolt. A Toriin.lo lu Itlnueiola. Maiuhai , Minn , Aug. fi A ton nado luitifcoJuwr tho wtstcrn limits ol this villain this morning. The housu ofT K. (Juuimlngs was smashed to atoms unit the family of seven Injurtit. rim fsllier, ruolhtr and six months old hale were suvtnly hurt and Iho mMlitr and child may not live, Tha heavy truia roof of thu court houie was jlown oil and thn upi or brick work damaged. The feed mill of I'mlHhouk was (artlully wrecked, alio the new house of l.arl McCsudy, the larn of John Gee and the Mirihall Hotel, A iiiimbor of small buildings weru ov, rtnrnnl, trees blown down aud roots lorn oil, llettar,! tlirerett lt,e lite Arrest ol n Sltirilersr, l"Alr. Kuril, Mass, Aug. 8 No poiltlvo clew has been found of the murderer ol Mrs Andrew J. llirlen. Ivo thousand dollars reward la ollered for the arnsl and convlulou of thn murderer, llurden'i oroual estate Is titlmsted at let ten $175,01X1 and $J3ii,U0U. A Ml1- Llzzlu lierduu is said to have made Inquiries at u drug sloro for a certain ersin thlsnlternoou. rheilrugilurk wuitiken before Mus llerdun and he Identllled her. What trauiilrnl Utween Hum Is not known. Ilrial llrllnlnaud llnrneeu. I)NllO, Aug. 4 The rangier cor resioiident of tho limes says that In mi Inlinlew today Ulr Uharlts l.van H111I1I1 denied the rrcent aeuiatlonal rtpotli liiuid by Ihu Aew In rcgurd to uu eucourter between himself and tho Hullau. Hu says his farowt II of the tiulluu WD 0! the mout lordlal descrli- Hon, and Hist the dl loitntlc relsllona littweeu (Inat llrllaln and Mormco linvu not Iten I rolion, and nrgollmlons rrtholrtsty are still tendltg. Mill. Mr Mflnrlni". Kasiimiil, rim., Aug. 6 Tho whhky tru.lwou another victory to day when Lewis II. (In en wis grant ednwiltoriinbtai rorii by Circuit Judge JicLiou. lu thu Uoston Indict inenl caiefl. lllllnl In a lllrt.hlns Matalna hmiA, U, Aug. 6 At a wheat llireihln (two nilks from Hrllna Juhn Day and Henry1 Hherryhock Ueame Involve I In a dlsputu and Day thruit Hherryhock Into the threilier head first, killing hlin at once. Thin John Hbcm hock, a brother of Hie murdirnd man, stabbed Day with a Itchfork till hu killid hliu. John la In Jail. ar.eul.r.nn.lJoln.r. Ht. Iti'.Tfcug. 0 The llrtlher liowlof CartesWrs and Joiners com (leted thecliaugts In their conrtllu Hon loJny, making radical alterations on stvml lnti. It woi decided to submltthe anieuilmsnts to local lodges sicllon by aeitlon for ratification. An -irpflealtuu rue llandsmus. Itoilli.iiKli, X. V., Aug 6 An a 1 1 cation lor mandamus I y tho city attormyiompolllng the board rriurr visors to n 1 oitlon nciordlng to the rt ccutHtate law wst. dtirldod this ruutn lllg. The court holds Hist there ntu lliniualltleelu the aptorllonincnt act sugriM as to the senate aud assembly districts that It Is manifest thu dl.cto. tiouof the legl'lsturu was excisded, and therctoru thu ail Is old, lleall, nr llev, I initk T. totalis. Hi lilsoHl l.u, Mo, Aug, 5 llev. Dr. I Milk r. Ingalls, imldei.t uf Drury Collegu and a bntbtrol ex Binstor lui.alls, died toilay. HIS, LIVER VEICHtO TWO TOMS. A llentlrr atiaili TlialMes t splured lia Hi Cus.t uf Ma.., nitwit. Itlsuboutri Mg llsli tlmtlwillo hut it it it hi j etory. I mvt tho l,h, I took hia ililmnslolM hy nctuil laoiiMur, mint nml I uv the liiir In t.iu itntiiU uf Caie Cud, ub luilutl lij tho llov Jlr. rrcmnnn iu 1SC3, hu mention". Hint in lfKU Prrn iucclown hail 1 tvgulitlnn ivlntitif; to thu cnix iisi ot whale, alinA, hunt 111 nkorul, ott , wlnclinvUtTiil that tlit) lie, tow ill liclow low wnti r luilk, wliltlt wtnilil Imliuito that tlitfuimuim uniiniU ir mi com liiouiHti) lw,hl boino Iitii ofltn i-lro In rainf witttlirt Muiiy nl Hum oi eiiiituriil fur tin fr olL lti lit wlnl 4 yiiMe.1 SU,t4i Mi nml 1- inotniim I(K) lunxlai litiinplmt kn, 1" to SO birrcl ' foaininw. 1, .' or 1, tluUMi, 1 litnvli elmiloi from 1 giillon to 7 or 8 linmlei jwrjiolM', 2 I. illonit, nml n lxutlontl ot tlotjlljli ji ldcil uhout 1 laiTt.lot,iiil Xow m y big il tl 1 w as cnlHd it ah rk, t' ougli ho ww not of llio nun filling or filnml uoecil nritty. Mr. S 11 Atnoutl, n tlUtingiiiiilinl nml jiiicli cul iilitlijnlORlst of l'roUncehnui. ininminicil tho fillIllicrllnrkor f it cliplnnt, nml lonalitiixil it ntro TI111IW1 wiwnlinoet entirely while, Hid n hniulwiniu in fonn iw it mnck p 1 Ho wat cntight In Iff.', innldu of what is cnllttl Long; l'olrit, form in,' nn cult rlKiumlnry of I'nnlneo town Unntlfnl linrbor. Tlio lliht inn 11 hail sprcail their kpuuti Unto fur nitikcrcl nml 1I1U lliriMihulKOt iiitinslwl in Ibelii, m tint ho wan imlhnl tti tho shore, v hero tho tido left him high nml tlry riiingnttlnt timorngjigtil in buslnc iu I'rmimxtown, I wan ln to UU tho monster nml kco him cut up for tho jmriKieo of oxtrait inirhialiir Ilytliowny, nil thoo.l of it shark is lit his llur, whilothnt of iiMhtle, of course itmhin litnh, or hlublnr. I took u 1 nlo nml nit m un4 thissli.irk und foiiuil liln lengtli to bo just Ihiity ono ftit, tliolin niltli of hii tall wiu) Miu 11 Ut, and his t ir cumftrciicolnthotlii(.liit juut ei teen fict Tlioli er of thin shark v. clghftl tw o tom, nmlthU la huw It nun ililcr in!nli Thulrurwa cut in iilitn nml into 11 dory; tho tlur' carrltil 11 ton nml n h tit in w t Ight ho fiilt's thu rower, n has laoon iirtnetl, bringing her ilonu to her ij jur ctreak, tho tlorj' wis twlto loiiletl iIch ji with tills llur, ami so tlio IUU (luitti thought tho weight wan nonr ly threw tuiiH, but to In within Uimula I concluded to nil It two toni, ami so it la rcconhil hi thin MmiloiM chrouiilc Afttr tho oil hail Uimi trliil out I fuuntl that it inwlo hcm linnvU full, niul was wollli ut tint tlmo (Ml Iklfust Ago. Small I,, I er llutlim lllila, ", to isipular opinion tho fenulo thsneiuhnitH of tho l'liiHtnui) hat Mil tiler lot lliiin thwo of tho Ciiilicr," mM Mr William Coopoi, junior mi tuber nt an enlcnuU 0 Now Unglaml shoo fuilorj "Wo iimnu fuctiuv kulieit' iho x almost i'.elu tUil). Wo 111 11 iiin-t email bIhkm in the nnrlhiioit, iiom 1 irgo 011m In tho BOUlhniat, lU AlltlUMU, Mow Mux iiouiiil'ltxiii, 'Iho Cuiolluas, Ah Kini'i Mlsulahlpin, Kuuuta ami No braskn nlwi crib r 11 good many Iaigo klrta Ohio, VIikIiuii KliiIuiK;', Man Inn 1, Indium, llllnoU, Iou.t uutl -Mlmourl buy uieilitini slum "flio 11 tnll tni lo of 1 irgo oltlofi ni qulrcx 111010 KimiU sia 11 in luiniortlon thiiu iloes that of Miiallt r cities ami Nlllngce. htlll Iheio iii 11 (rrent tlit fiitntv in iltln JI.Mtoii pro tmliiiiitly the city of waall footwl women Xoxt In tlio onlei iinmexl coinoHiulfonl Kt I.011U, IuUllU NiW OileuiH, Vw 'ioik ami Dei or l'ullaikijlilu C'nduiuttl, Clil cigo, Pittaburg ami Kilt Iiko City may lo cIumciI a.i big footul." fat I.ouli Ulobo Dtmocrat WIKEI) KIIOM LONDON. Itesult cf (onfeicirrs Iktwrtn tlio Irish Lcai!rs anil tho (Irind (lid Man. a ciunacTCR in thc houuc or COMMONS, Tlio A (Tnli 1 In Afcliaiilitan (ironing tterloui. II10 Indian (,'or crnuieut lutfrkris. Uf Teimspa to tsa list, iiimiuv I'llllllltAI'lla llama llnle lae lrelaiit.-1earltiE lit Slei,ibera.-liralrs lu tsban. I. Int, I-osdov, Aug. a. iCopyrlghl, ISO:', h) u Vulk Assuclaied l'reis. Cull ferenei s betweui thu Irlill leaders and (iladstoiiu have reunited lu suih n Uu griuof mutual coulldrmo as irurnlsts Ktmll) to cxpedlto the advent 01 homo rule In Irelaud. John Dillon toJay ixprtired Hie satlifacllou cf Die liiih tany ot Moi li)'n nppolutniint. He Would say notlilng about (JladstoLti'a home rule bill except that It was likely tu bo ono which I'arnt II would huvo met pl ed, addlr g that they would tako noth ing less, that Irelaril'artpriaintatlou mint buaatullasntift. Itlsixreiledlliat Ihu bill will 111 lulioiluisd.aa soon as tho House re assembles lu January or tally In 1 ibrusty. A "r-L'tlMACIOUa LOUT." Uhen thu Houiu cf Commons ad Jouinel lodu) rll ineiiibtrs :ial Uin swotu In. Ilirik, n laborlte member, with Inorlilt ostenlallou, ualki 1 up the Hour of thu House t lilt his tap 011 until talk d to order I) thu Hpeakrr, whenherelutlantly took It oil. He has already miitilrtd In the Home thu tharaclerof atugunclous lout. IN AtUIIAMbTAI. The sirlous slHou of allalra in Affhanlituti ha Uetlled the Indlin govcriimi lit to send (itueral rilr 1 mkrlct ltolerts, at the In id of n Isriie ik tachn ent, tailed an u'Cirt, but rtally n small arm), to meet the Airier His million will Ut aco.m. lanled I y a olltlral uiient and the main tilect Is to arraugu laus to stiiugthtti itiii Aimer agalmllntirual feuds and floi.luu advances, I he Amur wants morey nnd new arms. rilvnteHlmls alvitts ludlcittt grave inllltarj tniergiinlesluiieulliig, IIIOI'SAMII Uf IllLlllH. 1 nrllslinii n who are ru tusy In Stirling Ann rlta how mohs of work Inuiiionslinuld lai disk with uurl wk atlulrs hole riiouwituds of llkrs asiimbled lu iHahrllRuroad, pruittil id to remote alleged libitruitloits enedd b) the ltonuon Waterworks Comtauy, and did othtr damage. Hie idlicomade 119 a'teni I. toluler fuel. yon J taking tlio mines ef thu ksdiis. IJoirr.l trr.rn lliuualil lu tie Ileal. -Siw VtoiK, Aug. S Ventzurla's co ntu I genual rittled llinn letters tedsy dated July -TMi, from mimbers ol bis family at Carat as, In which Hie) Bay thai arumor licurreut then, which la generally believed, that (Jenral Ctespo, tin, revolutionist, Is dtad, and that (ieuentl Meuloza Is turiulug his (orris lu the ludrlor. oruot the litters asy how or where Crtsu met hUdtalh, A lllll Hill til. lenr I'rt.on. ll-n.rt.l llllls.l ami Kail luliirril. 1 hil, I'a, Aug. U lud wrtck hasjuit oeiiined on thu LaVe Hhore roau at Harbor Creek, Ittwtvrt a as seugir aud freight tralu. Allot the lhyitctaii In this clly have btiu sint tu the sieue of the wreik. Tho wreux occurred as u freight train was taking the iwllcli lo allow the llyer lo im at 11 SOthlsuveulng. llio II) r contl.l. lug of baggage coultloatloii and three steejirscrashid Into the freight lltng Ihu wmkage lu a -June, l.ngliieel Witch a Mriruan J. Iturautr, ol llutlalo, ou ?o 0,were Instantly kllkd. IVu luuieiigtra wire aUu killed out right and many wounded. Tnn rail load clllclala lelu.u any lulormatlori. Till, tltsi. of ir. Ci lvllanh, O., Aug.O. 2 21) a. 111. It Is stated here that tho Lake Snore and Michigan Houthern train ills. I alcbeis maJe thu tollowlng statomint about the wrick! "o. U aiiserigur train duo at Hulls lont I (Js. in. run Into a wreck ut Hnrbor Crtek. The euglueer and lire. man of -No. a were killed, one aeu. Rtrsirlouilylnjtired, one sletilug oar damaitHl aud the bullet car totally wricked, caused by the lireaklngduwn of tho tralu going wi.l, .No. (I runulug Into It." C'LIMUIM) Aug. 8. Xuaddltlouul rarticularsof the Harbor Cmk wreck have been It ctlvid up tu 8 II n. m., though Ihu report of thn train du ratcher, klveit above, la about Uglily, although 1 rcbstly more J aneugers ueroliijtirtd. ' TlialltelrraliillllMla. Ht. I'lTiiunimii, Aug. 6 Cholera continues to lucnase nnd sjrtad lit ltuma. On August Ind tluru wile In lliiitolland Markoir dllrkti ITU new cates and 550 diaths. According lo initial ilu'.MIci tin re were ou Auguil .'ud -1107 caies aud Jd73 deathv. tlie Hash llee.1, tin Jealous Klait Mosoiw, Aug. S A tremendous otisatlouwaa caused tonight at thu grand ballot the otlliirs of HiuCxtr's lluisars, Lltutetiaut 1-ottjvlch shoot ing rrlncti -Nichols tiusbtovlch, it lirolhtrcfllcer, who waswaltxlng with the Jltutenaut'salllancid. Thu j rlute fell dtad, dragging thu woman down wlih htm. lUttovkh thrri How his owulraluiout. ltwaaailear caso of Jialcur). A lloiii.luh, llalll. I,) Btmis, K) Aug. S. At a pic nic ut fall Hollow a regular mountain battle took 1 laoe dsy before yesterday belvteeutwo rtrrilllrolhirsand threo or four Diiikla boys. Many shots wereflrel with diuilyellict. Ono if the 1 1 mil bo)lwiisknlbly butclured, while tvto of tho Daniels boys received datigt rou wounds. Will AnelTlorn Mill itMreor. Naniihi i.r, Tenn , Aug. ( It Is stated here tonight that ex-Altorney-(leneral (Isrlaml will up)lyto Chkf Justice rullt r for a wtllot error In the H.Clay Ling rase. Ills llaril.on llnl Mr a mile. Hahinac, N. V, Aug. 6. The rci-art that Mrs Harrison Is falling Is griatly exaggerated. Ilhu was out for adrlve)ttirdayand todo). lllll o.t llrntrr Nl w llnnimii, Mm., Aug .1. rlio captain of the n.uni )rlit "1 ra Din volo," on which riorialur lllll Is taking au outing, saa thu )aihl will go to limy Csblea tomorrow, wluro Mr. Hill will ineit Mr. ClcvelauJ. A ta. piracy Itlirnietetl. V11 SA,Aug. 3. It la riporled Iu llelgralu that 11 colli) Irac) lias btc0 dincovered oguinit tho l'rlucu ot Monttntgro, who Is vtry unroUlar, and Hut icveral uf tho pl ttrra have tied the country. Illilwell lalimal. Han riiAMin.. Aug. 6. A meet lug of Hit 1'iulill Itloula was htld at Mitlu clltail Hall last lilgl.t fir thu I urpoieof giving (hueral John ltld Mill iibltfltsiion ot his rinmluatlou for thu rreeltlem). A short nottrheilou addrtai was dtlhernl ty Coknel Hit ter ef Ii.dlaio. Utnrral llldwell In reply uavo otaurnncc that bttwoulJ do all 111 his lu fulfill thu trust luilioiidupou him. Suo.lrolo atiu 1 t nklluti ,,( S-. an I IS. n n tagti was IntemiptM 1 lmr. hi riLht hv tliugri-om betnntlngsui'ikul, m. rtmie with the heat nml he hit 1 1 1 1' tki 11 lu his In tel, w '.ero he haa bit 11 lonlini.l to hla laal ever sluno Iho 1 room In iinsilou Is Mr V. 8. I'nwlcr who hnurda at the r.nkrri In tel I n l A short while ngti he ttiu tlunti-il 11 llterv atnhle tn l'at Murlit slrot t, but rollnil ntumt a ivur ago 1th a itituroriablu fortune. Mr l'i wli r i uwldtrair nnciity fko jeora eld, mid has sttirul grown ililllron. A sin rt while tig ) 1., mi t Ml is I.llhe Town-, 11 1 11 )oiuig wiiiniu twiuit Iko )i'.im if ng whilteinpliiy,! b) J, HuiuilA.Si'ii at the gline tuiuitir The nstrtihlp ill 1 11 t la t long till the Ti,iimi'iei tun. iimioi urn!. Mr I ml rrHrliillrtn It mi liia.ohjcitcl tnngk tu the inarrligo and till iirlliln; iu their l,u r til Im nk 01T Hie nml, li '1 h t wiru 1111. 11 tiMiful huweter mil Juno I". tho ,1m Htftirtheiiarrliige.urilvi I. the willing mm In take phi u w 1 r, MI.1 Tuwustlid Ins hoarded for mi nil )tnrs rttr thing was lu n iilliiens nt the time 1 in-illlti-.l tin, gliosis, tho lull! l.t.r m 1 Hie hil iv lutiple lint Kfon tin, time t it the cert 111 nv Mr l'tinler hicame ciry filut iiul wonl I h 11 e fallen but fi r the mil port of onu if the guests. Ho mniii luct eon niou. new, 1111,1 wwattkento thu I.nur liisoliotnl inn turiiage, wheio lo wits put to Isil utal the doctor sitmiiiom 1 Ills nui lltiun wasfomtlnot to 1-mnl 011s, biitlinwAsinlfi'riiigfrom 11 sllklit raan 1 f siinsrnike. Louisville ourier- JlllllUllI In Imptl.annl llrnln.. Allartu Iiius, who was taken to 1111iit reitntl) to sirie n tftu car lei m fir burglarv gnu his iiursoiml if kits tu hi friends itlwtit the Jill I put) Durr) wns n-siriteil with a f 11 sliiillo if tlio llwoiial ihimlt 111:1 1 out uf pu.lcbmri! I,x cnnM am Hi t linn h fit ni ne of the Jul! wind m-. mi 1 Im n 1 irhi t tt nhnint tirfei Hr lb Iminiwislul info from l)i puty Sin rl ilju wlih whlilt he nit up the j 1 lstanl, mil fTiiu made p.tto from 11 mr wilh whlilitustlik Ihoplecea tugcti 1 It it II 1 Icie of worknuiilhlp to l I r 111 1 of Tho grei li t production if Lptx wlillu tonllmd In Jail In re Is a It pnalui -Htm of tho magiiilfetiit Merihants' tl cliniigu bull ling iu (liuiilauijura. Tl o tiitiro orTnfr Is constructed of rii r. On thu In.i.lo of the l.nlMIng nro tlio stairun)- ctc,ciuli jierft-rtiu its 1111. struitiiti Ho iilstiutr tiiuit ltu 110.. stasiHl nf u uiiniory uiticli stronger tlnn most nun art, to n member uury di t II of that litrgestrucluro ftratiuiulir of )tnnt Htiuettriiiucli gtulas lite mill Inwi-.hci1 huliiamudo kid utM if it. I'huulx IhrtI I Tntultlr. ilsesl., Tliowihnoi IMiori down the rker mil lnyarohailug nimble thliiirlng fr mi tho seitls, as usual Til cm u aroiiiultlpl)lng rath r tlmn b-crt uinrj nn I nru cnu.liig i,ri at In sea to tho w 1 Irs While tho anils if tho tin lio regions lullo the n J Illation tf lsjlug slow, itupld aniuuli, hunters 1 tiling Hum Willi chilis, IhiMitii the Malno count nro Iho i,lnllH-t Unmo to U found Thuy will 1.0 in niu' -' of tho snliuou weirs clllur by force 01 vtr.ttebv, and cat all tho tiny wunt Ihiyitni M ry hard 1 1 get n 'hot nt, mi 1 wht 11 101 sink to tho Itottnm. the iimuss thus Lung lost tu thogtiuiier Ono flslur iiutit remarked 011 it recent Haturd i) tint there whs it am ill fertuuo lustoro for tho mini win woaM futoiit n truii that woiilliatih si uls mil lit.I.I 11 em Iho boiliity uiou them il i mi t seem ti tin rt hit of good, luuur(Mt ) Com lucre! tl. .No lltijrr I ir lluleljl.'s loucliall Moo,,. Sir Wulter lhiltihlia luttii homo in Voughall Lonul) totk, which Wlmigul to tlio tiitiiHirJiihiil'cailIuiiieas),M I1 , was put up for sulo by Mosm-a. Hi II, I.nniliy, in Ihu Am Hon mart, To kenhousu jnr.l 'Iho lit,n.o"I a fin stoilmcit of I lizala tl an arthlteeliire. It wna tlmo Hint Sir Wi ItfrWuiolc tholii-ti.lioftilicio In Irelitl n. ret ketl an uiiexiHttitl lmtli from fulllifiil stlvant mill who, nulsoeing the blue xinol 11 1 in, rgoig fnini h fc inn timliio llinn leiiiliiignioiiutl liUlira.l, thoiikht Mr V, nil r wits fulllti5 n ylitlm to sjn 1 1 ineoiis t omhustluii 1111 1 tluvu it imllif illwiittrou hlintnextliigiikh Hu 1 1 II igrntlr 11 Only i.1 'lo was 1 1 1 for thu rruptrtv, whii h wim itiioiilln ly hoii.lit In by tin mull w r, wli nil I h 1 ml I not think ot a Win, rt Id tun ul linn ion likii it for such u ll(,uie. London luiunpu. A YALU.MILB LOAD. ' i1M live tr Udiulrri! to Traniftr Mil 1 ( MI 2IHII011 Dollars Irrois'llie , K fl . foutlrcnl. 'jjtf 11 A OTrtONQ aUAfID ON THC i ' .yM TRAIN. I ijnl H10 furs Conitruflrd or Wroiitjit 1 ,J f'ffl Mtcl, Siii.oinllj llnllct nud I . t l&M lliuih l'roof. I MSM Hv lelrstlchle tits Icwi I . ' J ljj H Hai fiiANCliiOo, Aug. o. The culu ' I ,' 1 ' m from thu United ejistes sub-treasury Iii ' ' IP this cliy which led for Hie ljui last 1 I S li night 011 a riailal tralu of live ears, Is f iffl I rul ally the largest amount of money 1 1 II ever sent across the continent, l.arly SB this morning the train had croned IK the Hlrrrsa and waa moving down llio , L l! grade layond Truckee. Not long agu 1 r S M Itietn was alajut t7l),(IOJ,()Oi) In Hut j , W vaults of Ihu tub treasury and the ti ill mint In this illy. I'rtcl.ely how I I . much of this Is now going uverland l I I , k not known, lhe luppoiltlon Is that ,f the amount Is at kail J.o.OiHi.m ), ; f ,t , 1 Ifly-onu men, nearly all Irom thu t I I ; rellwey mull lervlre, are ou the train LI! ! as guards. Cartaln White of Waih- l Inglou Is In chergi. Thu men are r . ! well ariutd. The gold Is principally i ilornl lu two Union 1'ailtlc cara con- 1 j, . fj strutted r wrought stu I niul auppoitd f 111! lobe bullet an I Ivnib proof. J l'A There Is considerable speculation ai ' , to the government's mollvu In msklng 1. ' 1 ,' this largo shipment ol gold and one ex. 1 I lauatloiilsglenthiitlneotiieiuence 1 , 1 ol heavy renlliatloin on Amerkaii se. 'If t unties held abroad, foreign holders tl 1 i have recently taken much gold clrcu- I 1 f latid lu thu 1 ait and moru is required I , ' 1 lo guard nyalast a Uliturlaruu In the ) I I financial niulllt rlura. I i M'lllvr. MS1II11. f I I Ji Itteltal.laliireer lllelilcan InlUd le ' Jli Hitler. , IIS' Lanmmi, Mich, Aug. 6 Iloth ' J Jj liratuhesottht legislature weru called i rt it lutirdtrlu tpeclsl siislon today tore- ' iJl j a irtlon tho Htatn. 'Iho House after SDLV ' urgaulrlng took a reins until after- i '' i noon. riiuHenatu also took a refers. 1 r,H I I Immedlatily alter a IJiiiiriiment It was I I iH agrttel by both parties 10 aptwlnt a I Ul . ' cimmltlieof thrtulruut each to confer j i. ufluarenporlloiiincnttlll, the mem- 1 B . birabitvlneoiiieltj an uuUarslsudlug ' W ' turiachr niutirmv of lieactatlu pro- P cednn. Nuprcdlitlouscan beluadeas , luthieiikomu !, i When lhe ltiglilaluru rt convened 1 this iifteruoun It wna In Joint srislon 1 'J 'if to itctlvi theKoiernor'suitmagt. tho 1 il u document was brief nud called for un i'lljLli 1 acllou rxce t the reauvillonnient ut I "VB1 ' therejri.entatlvi. and senatt Hal dlr. 1 IMm,Y trktM. Ilolli Houses then adjourned ,51 I mmV ,' llll tonunnw, ' T j fi Jl Kiilslil.leiuplarlemliia le llrnifr ) tj I t I ' Dim 1.11. A ug. 5 riieirelhnltarlei ' ja' f. o( llio unit conclave lo la huld lnr f 4 if , on the Hli, lOlh, and fllh, wllllai f , 1 tj 1' airaneil I y the ritual tomniiltre of ! ' B I 1 , the Krlghta templar, nearly all the ' f meinlteri of which ha7e ulready sr- ' !al rlvni. Tlieord rhi.bcen In a con- r; itsiiislatoofexclkinent for the it ,1 ,' , . lew jean over Iho question of rllual, i.1 '" I and ilk hoped that tho 1 reient gather- Mt, J 1 lugwlllsiicctrd In ellrctlng a per- A 'j inaneut nttlunenl ef the t itillon. ! '; The lert rf lhe sub ooulltilttte, J i I wlilili met an theilittliuf July, wlillu 1 i - ml milted lo lhe lull cjiuniltlte to- ( 1 I I unirrow, and definite action will Iheu 1 1 '" "'"" , t fl I As au ludlcatlon of Hie ifcenointml ,,, v m ' ruih tDiiver,lt Is only nwesiary to jf , 1, sa) that tno railroads have biuu foriml K "I -'j tu 1 ul windows into tiaggtge aud even TB ! 'II box cars, thu turning II. .111 Inlo M ;0 'J ateiiger coaches. I rem ull iiuarkra , 1 j of He United ritaha come messages ej'l 1 ! I 1 ll that ever) eoniinaiidiry will havo ,l ofi 1 ('J more knlglits In linn than nt llrst ex. U J 1 ft Lll Intnl. Two hundred lliouisml m '' " (If slrariaers aro expected lo be here ,1 f lucsday. If t M7J JI Aillalallinnklorl. 'j ; ' t? IaouiHVIIil, Ky, Aug. Slfon. ', J Adlnl L. Httivenson and part), the II 1 Irglilallveiommltlee and a number of j .. f 4 I romlneiitcllliens left early this rniru- 1 ; lug for l'rankfort, where they oiilvid I II ul 11 o'clock, When the train convey- I 1 luglheBtevenioii tarly arrived liny ,1 I, were driven to the rtsldtnreol Lv I") I Uuieruor l'rocloe ICnolt, where lun. . t f ' J 1 chtoit wasitrved. Alter luuihren the I I ' 'I I arty irociudcd to the House of llei re- I Uf j seutitlvtawlierethelrglslatiirehadas. dlij 'I t milled. Mr. hlevemou was Intro- l',ii' ; dureilbyUovernorllroHiiaridlieiiioke . f!'' J lu tart as followit cl I f 1 'lam nut Insensible to the great honor . jou have done me. I apprtclalu tho ,1 . I honor that has been done by the rej re- , j ,. itdtstlve men of my native common- fei wealth. All or Kentuckt's hlilory, i-li I tradition and honor aro as dear torueaa f V 1 , to any of )ou. 1 f I : He then followed with references J I fe.ip ' to Kentucky and the pride of those ' 1 il V , goue out from thu Htute. Hla Ft) If j udoittd Bute was much Indebted IT till i lo Kenluckyfor her contribution of " " ? t reullu who had heled that Htalo , 1 ,, l Its flitt govenor, loth lis pnsent t 1 Si .,1 ij, Uulled HlattsHeiiatora anil n hundred M Ipf . other promliicnt men wire native 1 11' ot ?! Iituluckl.tif. His lelertncu to Lin. .' ', . (I coin's Keuturky binh niidptldewai I ? J filh II applauded, Illinois' near kinship to t' T '(L-J I Keutucky made up the text of most of 1.' :)'" 1 blssicicli. , f. ' J Alter theareech Mr, Hlovenson held ' ' li 1 1 reception mid everybody came lor , "rj iii' ft ward and shook hacefs with the vlsl- illSri T '" ? PihC A I'reatliirletiuil llulllr, r i 'S ! IIkci imnuno, Cat, Aug. fi llev ,1 I j.'l Paul, putiir cf thu Methodist church, , 1 1 j iBllS was kdoy loJud guilty of slandirmil ,j 1 i1!1B,,JI laliehood by njury couiioied of tuelee 1 j; Li tl ,j luimternof Ihu church, anl was tilt. I I ,'yjiufi charged from thu 1 astorate. V itWIl) SlJ Nt, lllllin.lriliiit Isiieilllllit In Itilis. t rffllr Vi Kl Wijt, l'laAug. B.-Icqulry lBV '! fall In tevtal auy llllbua erlu,;xpe. W j 1 ti,' tlllioii trejand to Invalo Cula Irom 1, t ;. thlsiolut. 1 edtral ctllieral ave luett tt I advlstd from Waitilngtou and ure (ak- 1 lug iinnaurts lo fruitralu the pluusatid li prevent tliclr del artuto If utlemplcd, ', 'J Il Wf II XT J,