Newspaper Page Text
! Drsjinrr KVEKixa Kiwst satuhimt. avgi st a, isna. a 1 B fHE BELLBUOY.""' - ' " , II Jr lrlln for rel- T, ".fl. In ' '"' lirU It wlltrtm tltni. Or nUipmd word ct rac. F onbMfn roar f sell ir ' 0, the norm MM l"l '"' ' , To Set cm Ilia ell arte onward in ' n i'ft woa:. . And lb. ilMralH " "' ' " jm iiier ' "d i1" ".' ,'r Sn4 ilia rorkr aloree rriat In f inufileU oadartooe. Cb tkl",",0,",,",f?;f,..,i 111 ih Mia of oearr wallln Outwar I borne nftreealnaijl Vtu oaf lo Naplui a a ctartnif. a r annzonilaTordanillaMln ( AntilltoiiolniarcylwarBlric I lUlllaa aIU luet I ja ll,w lr. .KtlUllMU Tarrr l "d llaaVatl. DASPBEnnlES. r.rlallae W.rllij f Trial- View llardr a.arlalr-l""'"" .ln The- Mpln-y Iim an n lrnntK o" IhealrswUrry-i i!iiilailon unci Ml, If rn.wrljr liamllwl, 111 Int tir KUtrsl txira wlillo llio strawlwrry luitch ought tabor nciuilUnmiiinll). ltlncrlm a. Haul I" mapl" rry cullnru that Imhly tuiitlni 1 i Icclnl. Numlarwl vrf'li d wisrMi's tlutnnr1oiaaaiiiii swat ti tor li tho Kiuim. hero lllus Irat J ami hlili Is n-rwrtM to wttli i jnJ tio to '"K cllnito of Kniisis owl tbir alius wlicrn raflHrry cnltnro is iUtleJoafllth ilii mlty. .Inullwriw ntp itAMva nitrprntr. II lUofi tnroutliocjtrtmoriillii Kith ttl.uli tlioi!ant mule Hjh. TI o Kausia, n clioli o nulling, la nil itirly lim am miunhat naimbllnir floKK. bat thof nilt ti lnwr ami of licltcr color. Ilr f..iror la cxci Unit uwl Ilia fruit firm rnoutlitoslifpucll, OUi rnowTnr.tti s rmi.liVreil worthy tf ik tifo by tho ih imrtiiient jiomoUijrl't ira lllrain. Ultra Lata ami lVrfiilluii. TUa 1 t Dime J iirliliiat(Hl In laconain wl U rilJ to bo n troM Ivtwrxn Cnth- I brt and Turmr u liaiijaomo larry ind jiroiluctnf. though not ao firm ua I IVilcrt Alnoiif tlm tented Urrlni T1ct, bonlu Ran and Uriir nro ronwplc 1 craugoodbliclicapii. ManyBrowini cinaat tho best ml brrrka Cuthbcrt, jfi.-iboro and Hitincl. Pon"t att our raaijX'rT' rona tno r'ue toothcr. liyinai A. Ablmtt a)a tLaticirn feet la ncir iiioukIi to ret mpberry rowa. Geomo T. Tow ell aiya, Donot fcrtllizoraspUrrlia vrtth bam rard inanuro after tho caue bpglit ti bear, but apply wood asbea nul irround bono." Ilaspborrlta riulro igorout t rnntng to Induco largo ) iel 1 of 1 rriei. lo not lot the canca bocomo acraw 1) and bmhy for tho want of n l.n!fi. I'rnito la fall or ctrly aprln,;, as boat sulta our atclal locality. Cummer I).llnC Ilia lra atliir. lieu tho luo) ard It not too old nn I (dq wlahca to proiugatoaomo Inrsfrom ttbyauiamor lajcrlng, It liny lai ilono without tailng tho luu aufllciintly to Injaro It. rays Orchard nul llardea. which glrcs tho following directions fur to dolngi A good cano ahouldbo nllovrod to grow nlonj; tho gronud until about ill fcot long, then nip tho 'int off, which will aoon start tho latirala, theao will bo upright, and whin nfuot Ugh dig n trench four IiilIics deep, lay thoTlnoln tho liotloin, firat cutting off tho tendrils and leaf at tho liaao. Covir with a few luetics of soil and press Ann ly, snd In n few weeks 1111 up tho trcndi level w 1th tho aurfneo of tho groun 1. If tho varloty is a short julntcd one, oicry slh niato lateral should bo bit ken out. If aomo or tho shoots iuvx to t iko tho trad too much, It will bo will tnglio tliam n pinch and throw moro of tho forco Into tho others. Ily fall thtao will bs welt rooted and each shoot will hao lafUciei t roots to pass for n good vt"j not more tlion ten of tlieso ahoul I bo grow n from ono Inc, lion it cr. Iiargrarnt. At a meeting of lown horticulturists a rnmlier prcacnt und n ui.r on tho I threifoU use of oiergrieus as orna- aiati, as thado and us llml.r. IIo laiJi "Wo eeu anruces plantel in front cf houtes, ahuttliu out all tight of tliein from tho load. Tills ii wrong. Trros f Hill class ahonld bo place.1 Uhlml tin) lioara to form a background. In front of the bouao should bo planted only aeh trees ns will bo oruuiucutal nml II1 not hide It from alfcht. Tor ahado a nainberof varieties can lio uscl to slrsntngo. If It bo ilesirciltogrotrn halo treo In tho least lwaalblo tiuto I lint iiorw ny jiino or i Itcli pluo. Kow sstocicrgreim furl link r. If ainsouod Itiiil r Is (lealnd 1 w oul 1 not a It lo uny oilant eurgreens, but If poat timber i dcilrol i hut red cedar uu I tultlvuto Itnellforat leoat two jenrs. At tho "Mot that tlmo tho treoH will bomak li a good, strong growth." lorllmlliirut ,,lra. Look out for tho tent coteri lllir. Mienlhtrolsteiidenc) lo .ab spray "at lie tries. , Tlioold straw berry tool, if too foul to k pt over, ahoul 1 l mown! und I utneil ovrr before turning under lo do. Jtroy Insect peats l'Jow ill i ply nn 1 sow I' turnips or plant with Into cabbage. "Ic a freoh a(iot for tho icw ld. Amem nn Uardi nlng ndvUm tint Imth ci Inoria and n crgrwn hedges bo ahoni Bl toon o the preaent soaaou's growtli w.'lni to hirdeii Tills chechs growth without Injury to tho plains. Th nrrengo dotolcd to tlneynrds thlt ' la Calir onila Is far abort of that of ' r. t'alifonila IVnit (Irovter that thwi who did plant tlms now a marked piefiremofor aomo JI tho r- dlc:s tnriotlva, iianilly tho "UUm or tho Tloinuaon. riucupblo growing In that atato has not ns jet reached anch lmpotuon n to Jusny tho atatctnent that It can bo uiado it suc CHILDIHIN'S COLUMN. An t irlrafil ultli flrnom Stmn. The tKy rloml Uforo ti o nmiittlpirte una mini hll,sir.U lightly uiaon It IU twtfii t!io ttmmli iitxl lififfrr tr iiichliml li beM lhriititf rtniujtli truom tn.f About rlkht f ncliitt lirtia . "Now lin lift tbto two Irftiof utrnwntrtm-j ttilonf, tftui mcli rml. by my f1tiur" La iAltt 1 ili1. w Iho two bit a. Thy wire Midi nbnut two Inelif it i1 Inl In tho ii.hMIr, making In imw the b-u. r 1 liunjf thnit HcnM t he "t rnw ni i-oni mnndctl. (fclr rntl JuU toiicldnu tha in ml 1 1 ".Mulo the tK.lnti Inrlhif ttwnnl I ha renter-J tint a little onlfrM tl Imf Ctxnmmul coutM nntnrnl to Mm tho Htur t hi uu I tl"t pvoplo duti't vririi pro tcL 1 tumfltliefoluta towanJ tho center jxiM the tlnlwt bit Thai n fuimy thliu Urnwnwl BJowly.wluwIjr.M If by (torn? lrrnItlMe luij n!r tliotwollttlo xltitM Lttftorktraw Uunn to tuovu nlonu itlr Miiport. 'ihey unit at nlxjiit the nhiiio rate, their lcg ihm Itijt iiIoiix the tnnntel tltrlr licncln t-nlutctl tunard tho eel ttr of the Mm "Wcll-I-eehret" 8ivly, iteilj,M will tha boy, (Imbed fttxl litiRhlru Ihe two llttlo brnorn Urnw unlkr.l nlt-ituf. WalktUI e,ihty nmcil to iM jut lhAt. If crer till iik'" In thti wurl 1 n nnr ta know Ihlr .!irKo nml move frifwllly tonnMH lhttwo bmotn trNHft ilhl Tl vy Hdttvi 1 uvrnly nloiitr. mt In tl e ct liter, aifl, their olntt touthlu. wx ttltl rorinlri(nlirnniM Tin rol" ctlnl tl c boy, trititnphnntly Helomntl hist lontt Mm, drew It out, ntil the little fytniulil UA erect, mi-le 10 nfiimruitlr by It immuIlUon -liar I"trVouiirt ri.oila. Itiu Illll lUbMt. AUilayT.txInU .all tried nn 1 fntled toculcli lUb, n their futlur LhImM he woull (five tb in flxiKticv fur ench (Mi th.ycaiiKht. lUmat day, honcTer.thu (Mi wcro more llnl, nml iwlntKtmeilAa If they w iro trj ln q amtt allu'a bait. ;x I renlty dhl net n hlto at ht. nnd when he jtrkctl hUrwl to ldaaurrlwa little fUli ixaauu hit lnk It v ring! il w that ho thmicht It luuU t lo iNtln, o ho thnw It b.itk In tho water Ihrlr futhirwAa phnK-l nt their auo rfHs, but moroMthat they Im.l ylirn the llttlo (Mi lulife.ntid ho care Not I tho . pence, which 1 ochtirfullydlrldwl with 2alio. , A UihhI Hummer hm. Pome yrnra alnce, n Nottlnf nmhlr rhryman, in luiitUlnit n Ik. by, paunil In theinliUtof thttMrvlcutoluquirethetinmo ortheliifnnt.tdwhUli thu liiollar, Willi n rf foo lid court vf, h ptletli ' hpdy, fir, If j uu j luv " "Shwlyr npllwl tho mlnUtrr "Then lt'a a Uy nnd ji ii menu hbudraih. ch" -No, pleaw youe ny t reuce, It'a a Klrl - .ml pniy," Ankwl thu IikjuMiUo phv tor. ' 1 ow hit( ptiu-d yon to tall thu cLlM by aiuli a atnuiLC name?" "Why, fclr," Ufcpotiilcd tl o wotnAn, 'If you muit know, our iititno U Ilowcr, ntxl my huthftml aid nt howhokhouhl like her lobo CAlhilbhaily Ucauw? hhmlyllgwir aounds fco prvtty," Un.tcn 1 1t-ltili. Wliat kind of pin rnoko good plcil rip pln. Uli"ii U ninn tboaneetcitt Whcnholi candid (cindlodk Uhyehoulduo think (hatnlocotnotlTO can hturf It iilwaj a Imi nn eniilite-f r. When may wo ent wluhta without bo tng tannlkilaf Whin wo lunch on und vrt-hn. hero tdiould lorrowful people boF To lhACupof f (food Jlope, Why It May llku n blackimltht IV cauaoltUauratkliorr). What perloiltcnU nro alnayt out of hcalthl 'i ho weekly (wiMkly)iiuUfapcra, Tha Jamplug J Icon. ThoRuermn(t.tnuthorlthantWAKhlns tou aro riperlni-nlliiK with a vvntitnbl rarity ml led tho 'Jumping Uati." If itated on u kmootk tablu it keep con untly on tho inuve, Jumping nlout, turn Inc o at Htd jw rforn Iiik all kind of ain ballo trick, iajaxlmnjio. Hcvcralcaurlino contributed to the tl.Tfttl-r.ce of woman' laushtcr, 1J.q chief uuo iwrhnna 1 the habit of drc4 lnjf. lull, free lnuthttr dcimuU upon a pttfert deehmment and cxerclie of tha rtuplratory tniisclca. Con fluid at thce nro by ftt 1 mid w halobnm, latihttr Iwcomc mi IiniOMltllUy.-Jriina -MU!cr lltua twtcd. Itiibker GIoto lurnUli Sllxr. Never clean allur with ruhUr kot on, or In fat t handle dry Mirer with tin in. home chtrukul iiBtil In thu i rt imrnttoit of th rubUr Undhhr HUer nt once, III lalor lut to bold Aallvirrptjon In a rul Ixr RloriM laud nnlattemit lowimrlt, furlt windrow black rather thuu bilkbt .under your woiklchaiuo. JUnsfrou (Kloti In lit Homo. Iho moKt duti.eitiiu 6wir MmUnlor !(, drcaylnix nulmal mat (it 1 tut ho dariferotiH in di tcmiKntiiK rketahlo rnit trr, nnd tho djm iimhI limrtalu tarpit end wall piipir fthdnut tnillar(Uiil uu lUaUHaitt odor dirifltlt to dUtt-t unlci ono U acquainted with tho (act Now ork Ilini., I wonder how many (Voife Ittiow why ttotatm ahonld bu Mxikel li furo coukluif t 'lhoH)Uto, e)erlally If it hn pprou'inl, may ti ntnln an exec of a in Iwjnou i rln tlplecUlHlaolanlne Thll nmowd In koakltiF 'lhu potato 1 HlatvdLotaiitcally to tho idk-UulwIw. rood. m:kvoub ih:iuLiTr. rev T,U,VNESD LM)KUTAHhU3. ZSTIEIISIIM), ttt,3. Joeplj E. JDajIon, Plonocr Uadonakor ol Utah. r- - aait.eSW El. T1( -iIQ "lihllt .fj aCn.ta.7;rrr flni TitJrt (i A1 Xm4 Mttai COFFINS AND CASKETS. lull Mnontmnm InrnUlilntalKiil omalnnllr oil Imml Tt')Ht an I T ' ft CWrr. r. at llf fllr 1. it rti.l a r-ramae I In Uolr N&tarsl tornli tloa w tliout aura rharao. OPEN DAVANP NIOIIT. IXXZJX! Hj. 253 E. First poalb, Ods an J a ha t Llorks rait of Tfatalrs. mrriiovr .. 10. Joseph William'Taylor LTAIl IIUDISU - UKDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Crfft t tvQt taiftitMt Lompttt Sloth qf COFFINS, .-. OASKKTS, And Undertaken' Goods In Utah. iraalilaa.l 'nil ! Immr-'ll I flu d lrbxl,Lvt crthaittnrttttrejtrxlu tla. lOISISBEimSV.V.W,. Jllvrdnijtltil ljp cr MnUlnthtShortttt orilCK i!( WAMRUOII inreit ciJitn. No.2l aid 23 WEST TEMPLC STnEET. .P. ItOt t3J. lajlC, aWt.1 Jtl. I L HUHTLEY'S $10, ?14 and $18 Suits, Kill ii aM oitn-. Wrllfnt CPi DJlWlUfBtl)UUOM Inis'tip!. iJeiof VD40. cir mfiitirrrarnl t lirk tni Uta inuri apniUatU, wmb rwwW nt ttUrarai tr orkUiaMl and ft. Itj' Mill. 7. MO ..( CM. liNTinr all proM ttnctir foe entti and In Inner quant tie titan r otbrr In one line en kllea ua lo oBer miar eh tars una unlp rroMcbable It aoy otlttr tnuit Mi rouli tarhrd in t lain flfurf On prf-a to all. urjr irloado t i all tint it iwJi are not aiutaetory rt1,;,..-..-.. . hit z. iirsTtrrif ro, ttl anal itiS itvtrv bttut? UtKlJQQ ussr wm 4 Surplus Stock. REDUCED PRICES. Hen's & Boys' SUMMER COATS O T CENTS nxTnA cnADns 50c. & $1.00 BIG REDUCTION IN I'llIOK OP Linen nml Alpaca DUSTERS! AND ALL AR: Special Bargains, Turn's HANKS. Deseret National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. rultl np tapllftl, ' -1 Mflo,oonno riuri'tua, - tJoo.oooOg viniioroiiBi I. . lima. IVralaVal llolta Tlimuaa. )l PrUUrX W.W, lllis. J. Ii. llaaaaa, J. T. lllltb J u. CL11.UU. HraHr Dismuoost 1) II. Iisnt, r li Jusaiaos, IlkuRdK luiuasr, J. IL iinau, E. 11. I.Ll.lltlHlS. II S. 1ol(I. tULkr. RtcelJts Deposits Payable 03 D'tcicd, Dtiftitntt fell rtthangt o ne Tmh 5ti TrHcift, LStoiffU fit Ltt, O iKq, Lvmitn awtMtkitWmftrtt tmtietJQlttlit tTtr Safe Depoait aalt j, abtokldy ttr. rUx and Ct uproot IttnUSJ lo 111 ir jar. niLluauUnnliNUrK, UKU. M I Uul Ca.hCinul. ... - tteaoio Cult Sarplm-. .-. m. - UM.OOO MS SS DANK tiiust co.':v, Nos. t nml 3 Cast Tompln Sttoot, Mtr LAkr CITl, llAlt. JTAtLIlllt1673. I-HOOUPOIUTKDlSSS sinriaTonH Wnruiit uouitatrr, I want (itOKuN (. CanauN, M tit.Unt Jotiru r. 8m int, Uh-to tvovr, AKOl II (amiv, laiMaiaU Uutf, llrur.Hj ttKiar, Aaroi II Ilxu, jAuttJaca. LiooiniMi lUatir. ULOauM ItllKMLD, T. 1 I1)UKB, 11 It. cwwioa. OUf.t Niia fUnk lit Kati, nllh itepokhi crrnter lhtt tl oIIivm eum hlHll. ar-faritr Utrour lioiti rnatLxr Vavlait Dcpoilu in any ni.i.i'f ra IIM up, rarflfrdBnillctrreatallwwa'latsI 1 rrcatier nnut0, jiivpou tuled four Cor r otnlteea lollrltcdail aay mtait forwarded hyr iintry dtpotitcta earefully ant mlJ to. UTAH COMMERCIAL mi Savings Bank, SALT J.AKR CITY. Capital, - - $200,000 Surpluo, - - 030,000 GENERAL BANKIMO BUSINESS. Five PsrOent. Interest Paid on Savings Depoills, Compounded Four Times a Year. MlMLMTIXIi hriJIfS I OK "iVU AT THE JIJK 01! ASt Or IIS AUIATS. xixxLsiaTour. rsiiris Aamruoio, 1'. w mam, Uu. Jok 8. 1 iciuutis, T. W, a llksuccic, L-oiivau LoDKhla, Tilua IV Jca-aixu, uca 11. Ilasur, savist, Mclaios, U I, Ccmiiaua y.SGTLER, OENERALVBANKINO BUSINESS A I' KO. (10 JIA1K MTIIKKT. Vpp0liHlh4l9 9p),fHd TAV8 INTCnEST ON obpositc, aiaatssa vacs accorvrs. QCiiSS ti ejj f I f cs ?:$ $ i KL. Ssiifi s c.5:l i rmiASU.'.itr.MUMiiVKt Tbsl ws allll rarrr a Couiltts I l&e of Hobs' GsbW Save, coTtitinxa tt rBTor trm Cut, Drn-r, v Mati Vp right, Mill, ltii. I, lll. I'anvl, Trnou. 1'rniiln.r, ntiinta Hiiteher, t,oU, Itejliole. tc, aUn Circolar.botti Soltd & Cblssl Tclnt Tootb And TI1IUMPII, For rail ns Trara Hh, aa I ara Selllof at tuiien rnicrs n.viin AUo a run stuck at ihair roitn(J RASPS and FILES nliin iai as. a. &x, x. i 'M i QMAHS, liJtSt (v Hon Much will 3011 Uls!c lm Ono Cent I TnriHffrreeefilntrkNiUtaeen Mm, TUTVAM K 1 1, ami nhnfa'aer 1 rnd uauattta lo out ct nf a M.ih bora ii. l t yon 1IIm to ttie ebp eoM-mlll aa-l abfnhlaatU with all lUlr h.inir.U drfdfaa toM, In or lf toaat thai rmi' th rfiMM uf llialr inai.ufactir la acl. tbiw. Iirtell trm-st .IKI.itfflratM th- itoo JUnlMOMtHtof wm In injrtrf. to tbt WWr tb Ml-itttVT.Arv.1 mil tt i HI i. .lnfnlt.t.ith liot It la vtlrmwtr lUbla in apllt, ..1 r iln n -uaWe bont iM w tint a ( fowr ftnt Now tbla la linw rii -i 4t ttt tao nr tbrhcBairwlilinar4 in it J tuta t . 1 1.7 for ft iland licraa, bu you wuullnl tare your wlu Use ilie fufnam Nail. ltd lltl.I ai-feU truiat)betswelilitmii rli, itulloMt a w Ulmr I at, by th Minn of Ilumuiera aluae, aat then lfutaucr Plutetl. Ttiit, Pis old hiid rro:eu U fotlcoed, ki fit hat forging na Is under hirrmen, ind Inner pUtifj Utm bj tho ihotr, cold, ulihcjt an; rt?' pint or ttatsrlng ahi'flief, ND THE KAIL CAIhOT SPLIT. tf t It will euai yutt ont nt taor tot f aeb IVrOOthOdt The twMv,ll uny o Irmar and jwor reftt tlvniwltltMtl t byinr-r . -1. ' am, tnit u m: ifrt Mead for Minptot ti The Putnam Nail Co., M'.l'O.NSKT, UOSION, ilJiS. Unlike tlie Dulcti Process EXo Alkullcs Ollipr Clicni teals lTtiRfi-7 " 'I '" "la iM3' iraiarallrnot (X'S Y. KAKKIt & CO.'S fSpreakfastCocoa m Iim lilt ixhi,inr,,k,nthr,et'm" , JC fBr, aa 1 1 tit tntr -in.kal, ro liny Ut JAmiur it rt er. It l ila'lilooa, tiuurlatilt i, a J CAilUY DIUUTCti Hid lyfsroctra tirritLr. V7, BiKEll & CO , Dorchcitcr, Mail. ttC M Finest Spices FliAVORIJJC HXTfvRCTS IMOWH TO HIE IHIOe. rrertlalera of Ua ramoaa llraaA el RCD V OKOSS V LYE. Michigan Avanuo, Cor. Lako, a xxx o-rt- c- at. I HIG1IAM & AMOTT f 'it prAcmcAias 1 ! PLTJMBEES CAB VITTKUS, '; IJ0W.HRSTSOUTM STREET. . BW.ia. r'aa.a'la. i 1 XllauKiarnutal rrlntod and for Sal at THE DESERET HEWS OFFICE; SALT LAKE CITY. "Uk (K.fW K. MrAV. Ward IWprarVi lUIUf itxlaly lUpnrta 3to iTtmary AtaoelaUnn Jlujjorta . T L. M. X. Jtv. Ittporta . " T,U M I k lUpom, CJart' Ortil , SSC " DirBt)nnm.nli,b(Aknr .Vt.i oll'fl,TU Trlmiry Atkidallan ItVll and lUonrd ll-vta, IUo T L.U t A ItiUajiJ Uajf.f4H.kStll. Ward HrH 1 iN HU 1 v U.0O) 4 V (UH I1L4-1. 1'TtaMtw KMnt Uada (u Odat, ttormnlla' WaU aTU Uto Ub Graefenberg PJLLS. Thoy euro Hoadacho, Dll Ilouanoss.Llvor Complaint anil ImJlKostlon. No'irrlp Ini; or nauso.i. TI1030 PILLS Tono up tho syatom nml rostoro hoalthtothoso Buf forlng from uonoral dolill Ityaml norvotionoss. Sold by all drucBlsts, 20o. por box. Best for Women. GMEFEIBEHG GmHIUGN Cares nil forms of l'Vm-iln coiiipliiiit'S, nuikmsr), ner-von-'iiesa nml Ronural ilclillity. Sold by all ilriiirirlibj. ,1, C. II. I. Uru; Uopt. Hliolculo A;U -, -whzjrzz. J&tczte. f. I ill ' v Hi .'cunGROctnf CLftlRETTE SOAP, T'lidifiQiaCI; J , A HI Sells 11. MAKES WASHING VERY EASY. 1 wdUeight. 'liH XLT,lTeE llli,fi iC3a An crying K :M ' ( U till ( Jr J ' IH 'M'DYN.K.rAIR0ANK &.CO.GT. i.oJio .,(' I I ' ' ' 1 svisiijiiiarrattSfjTmgswrTjaaaTCtttaassis 111 it" 1 ! 3 i Ll A j H Trial WhfasSar rron Iha bal allKI. l III I I H H j 1 U llrl; r. I Jma Hark Kilaar ad Uta. (B I 1 II $ 1 L I Di'eare Hhaumatiatn,In.MaratH)n.ll7lifp 'II j1 L" P-9 !H .IS, lr ll Iwsalss.a or olbar !. R 1 Q B 1 II afa,hrn Flartrkllj will rura yuo anl ' 'a Ul I H fl 1 it Imi'ioh Inlaallh (Ua ad.tha itliatrd lo il 1M, I U H 3 1 i I cd maala.1 loiroiolnii, It I : H n ak. i. Pi 1,11 lJ iff af r ( nr on trial f.eo ' f w DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC' BELT. : ! J I IrRca,t,til,tlOtDdl ialillfd Alt t oitrt" Ttomi aad Hoi Tllttertea, Oala T 4 IK aothlnctotrr Ihvta. Can U reruinttd to mil, aad aaranleet totaatforyeara. A llelt ,, i I ivM and Mailcry cginltn d.ant trouucea a3i lent I tfiri tytoitiork tree tHJimladfl'-e, M j tl IU WriWtotaj (.no wml infamre trt a aad rati tlttlculira, Amnu imalnl Ad J (! H dfc PH. JUDD. OelroU.MIch. t ' A JM JAMES-SPEHCER-BATEMAN CO. f , i i " Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters , JjL UAr,jiuai iiy I I S ml rtumlii.t llaitrial, lhtmp$, lpt and Ftllingt, Stiam I I f I ! lleatinj Suppliu, Tin ond iron Roofing, Oalam- k P? uei Iron Cornite, Qaiitring, Etc. ij I i-v GAtlDEN HOSE AND LAWN 6P11INKI.EB8 j f ,' J " taiaft 3 IS No. 67 S. MAIN .STREET. . -ji'l lr-ivT InLI muiMMVUi-iiLiijuo OTSjsvvii VHS-i Ft l;I Ji"J? . oaveouts- , wi. i' , ra 2s-?: THEYLLIIAVETOPRIUT . lA.T f ff W - SOME MORE. XW, Jt'ZiWSi , "i hi Vl-JT5n.THE LATEST FAD sKW 1 1 1 H ll IStiOTA RICH DAD. W'$W l ! J U J yttrfA SITWAS,IN DAYSOF YORCjA C$V)JM I m $ H 3'1A Buta'maiden FAIR, ISA V!2-l5- MWj Ij !;''. TREunERAnE3rir,''-J r tn'!' fra J.'f..mNOHECAtlHCRCIIARMS W'SI1 ' f il tfi frs"VVr5& OUTSHINE nVfbW . 'Li I !.ll hit r-V-' feSt, AS SHE COOKS WITH SKILL fH OAkI !' I? R IB 'i",5, "-"- v v With its wire gauze door so fine. ! H -k M Ao oin lies u( sjuoOy oos - ''I 'W 0 "Z , S ' J iu;i'iva uo j SLtJ f BEING TS A POSITION' . J jl .' To unpnlr llio wants ol every gardener, or any ono whs J I may be engaged In girdoning Just now, and nearly ATorybody ,L M n is allontion is called to our stock oi m ' ; ' ''I 8 GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND LAWN HOSE, LAWll UOTJ. I !i j! I ERSAND LAWN SPRINKLERS, f !fU i Hi Ut l M '1' ii Uio Most Improved Mako and Standard Grades. Y'e art K, ' "j v n prepared to ollor a small lino cl jji ;!'( ij ''' 111 I 2 m Refrigerators, Ico Cream Freezers, Gasolino Stoves ' fA 1 And Stock of CUTLERY at Fricos much under tbo market, , ! j .' j 9 ( j f . i via iswaiMr.xxB to jivilvzrs axd ' ' ll'H' i COX Til A CTOllS. ' i I h , , t , !; m E. C, COFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY, J $ j . "CORTIOBLU." I 'i'llH 3 . rope silk. g lailS 1 - Wash, Embroidery Silk, Jd! Ml,l;ffl W 4I ! I'll 'j ''? 1 rH Thtie are the 7ic!l, In Hue anil In reJ, M 2 I f I ', Made lor the atnilasil, .ironccit ol UaiaJj J D I 11 I II A Tit ulien thrtaJ, ttat ey'ry cno ill J I u ' I Jw O Was woitty lbs MUU fill Q Cortlin"bum. m 'ij 'II i M C. II. SAMPSON, Acor II '' I-