Newspaper Page Text
I Til iyr.rnrT r.vr.yiyo yrvvst path, day, auuiht f., iwig. a, 1. 1 A DETECTIVE BUREAU rMitm Voted Dom bj iti City Council Last HIJM. niEsi'wnrrnrMKKirr .mvici icltlii. UiliiS of ll-n at 'I Imporlid Illiciini'I.-r'1" s,w ,a..ltarj Mcntirc Pmitil. Th Cr Council lifM fl1l fi,,l K..t Ti-n.,,1. (.U.omHoutl.T..n,l.- to Koti.ll. ultiHln.l. (ton. .l. to Wrrt Tcn.I.I Hl.e-t .ml ic 0.1J Hwlh Httiot (torn Hill, to Wc"lTniilBt'- , , Looll-outtur Mppnl tor ,,ritrt Ml ' "" uttn i.f li.u mil" the lime Ilanl t-y orJI- '""liVmi ruler who were. In attend inrowciM Kicb, Kullaml, Hard. M ran, llotn, ljivtion Kwlnf-.l-vit., n .1.1,. Bln.oi.ill. Wanllaiid, "' At Alter tli luliiutn of 111" pF.tlo.1. ,e..louliad ln itiJ Mid yproTeJ, lb. following (torn tlio oily cuitlmir wturi&d! li"ntlcmcn-Aa contract" for Yln . n-clian now all ut tolio lit bii.I llio ,,,,;." n of vi bit wioih irnm tin ""' .'in t,orlliioflli amiut .lull in ,d,.iu cairml hM n..n.iiii.lftT. wmrJ.Itil'''f'lll' ""I"' lutCMilim Intli liialliir I" "nlor llinll inavoini- I .n. 1-r.l.m .,1 tho ,i.i,.o MriM. .i ii,iiiligiiil fortho rcctloti ol uiei iitmi ami ether iu "ti" "' rro-etit rto inny I remit cl Uforo tin Votkul ilnrfllPiUii. Moun-I movotoUy tli ar ou lb- mill uutll lt lu tin mining. (.'allied. anitaiiy On motion nf HurJiIvy thc.ubill. tU MtllUty OtllllMIHD wiu Uo up. tin third t mo ml mu.h1 conililotiljlo iHbuimIoii, iucUf which mm twnUlog il uti- '"ja'toy'inovi I that the mailer lay ,n until ntxt Tum-liy nl-lit anil Mm Inttrrol uf tli nwlnincf inumo lot tin in-lr.-city thai ihorotn.iitttM iiiullilioiitUiic lli ill.ttlct ai.d ilefl tl. larunhv nwlti ami liouutfi. Thomutl3uwulnton a VJto of 3 "on motion of IlarJy (liuUMiletttas dcllunlaiHlgiiitnlllii Iho body of lh ordinance. ... jllnor amendmenti wot" irailo and Uwulcaiur.nasaed, It atanila ..a M loan A iiiu ton ai n.m.vwrr Fio.illnit n 'i-i.tarloa tor n.lici, kni-bap", mauuru ami f'liu or alttcwalka a il tirtivlillliK ."r pt" ecllon rroni lit lrnn I ntlier hmii.. matter and lur Ihn .i.i,.iil.iii)fulnlit noil and neurit.- ii.eoaltai. c. I. Ill It iirlalnnl lr tin t'lly C unollofhAlt IUi City thil It iliall oo Ihoilutyot m.y ou.icr. lo'io lid ntTiilunt ut uuy and mry tiulUllnij iirpuio( biilm. wlllililtliii Imi.Iiivm lll.irkt dfntll. .1 a lollowl It'illn. liliiU at tho ItrrihtiiU coiner of 1-111 Uo.tand rwutliliitupli net and r..n I mu tlmlico r"l on I . ill il.lM ol r-oulb 'limilo -irnrt in N.ieKl lo.t unit, lliemi noiiili on ew nl ol Nwnd 1...1 Mil lu I lill.l Suillll, tln'uoo r.l Ml I itu lilo of 'I bird w.ulli to I lrl n.t lrcit, Ib.nunot h on emtilJiof Urn Hut mo I i im or Uwimilni: and. ill .ui-ola wr.ltilli "! I IhiuiiiUiv, AIm on limh ldi Inuiplo alm-t fiuiii I trit Wet meut 0. 1 ourll. Wort rtrrrt. 'u lioll. aid of Tlilrd Wort rturt fiom Sutlli 'liiiiilolrict to 'I bird .iutli Mr.eliiidoiHH.llifUlM ilrlrniud Minli-irit rrom llr.l Wort rtrioito Math HkIHihi aud on hlnlli ort ie.ta..d n nttli Went mtirt from ir.i ml. "licit to 1 lltli Miulli licit ind on bolli iklH of flr.t h mill Mnct ftom Tirrt Uert Mrittlo 1 n I. U est alrii .. to tiruvldo or cniun lo le l rovtdfd and itulltlutn In Jite.Mir iuioo to Ik. Vipl and iiroildwl wl.liln til lilinllillni;orUio of liiliim i mt Ullli' tmrl. mill cuter of .unio ma erlil mil lib ha.idlim, or a llro-pioor loli or I tli k Pin Inr ttnolvlim and uo1iIIiik, llli oil. leakniIC, all lalma, aKluilllita and omi r liou-c iinkiiatllilo lubMfl that lilav kiit.lli.llas .11 M I hull Unit (irlluevof I ulneaa. 1 liat eat I reee Oo'loa aliatl lat i mil It.l piouiplly I" u IUIil. and atmll la i acvil ... n I'oaltlou i aally ai ci a.llilo lotliQ .catcimer. It la futllier provlJeil t.nt oroiMftty ownera almll liii.o aldo iKiln trout ottlolrriapicilii flaiea nr Lti.lnt.a awent eaih luor.ilnir, Hun- iloja excel ted, Uforo Urn hour of aa.m, i-v.'Z. A fcpiralnaultlhlo leant alialt Irt provldul for Barliio ind IliiuUt re fie, add Maatl to Ui lioo Iiom liHiknuo nd provltlot Willi Lalnllea. All nwila. it- ( ir tia.ltiitd n.itt ll'ltilil aiilwlauova BUalllai Ian. I lu onaciiill'le auioii l r lLo .MtoliBCr and ciup.lotl dally. Wlini pluwl in fnii.tnf .HiiilMMtlii ahull hu an di'io.ltJ lluro iho linur ol 7 uiidremov.l within tlo prouilioa a,xinaaouiplll Sr a. Wltliln Iho llmllaof Nlnlli Part nil Mtth Wial, iind third N rlmntl btiirntli Houlli, and Iiom Malt lo '1 nmi in.ilat I), mid allot pint 1' hhiiIi I V acll alnit, ami iiiitrttlo tho lmaliii nutrtt'i hirilnbeloio doao.lbnl. llmro ah ill IK- imilliltd and kei.t iy tho our nrr or or ut jut or ei i ry biiliitlnir. a aulial lo leaidlri-orrolilUukaRe, lu whlili aliall la iilotttl-all uathaeanltitiultlreruao Ihat icouinulala III aald luillillnit or preuiUea, aal I reviptarlei ahnll lio euii Irtl initio" than onto ihnlnR (adi kltiatiiuinerandnotlia lluui ouiii ln.HowaikailiitliiK the winter, lu euch ia,a oficncr If ao dlreoteil by the aan Ha.yln.i"tior. N. t Mllilnthollmlta tlo.crlle.1 In lettttju 3, a.hfa and none aliall nil ho ilrpoapi tl or ki 1 1 In lLo winio vewl or reteplaclea Hllh ItirUBonrllfiiililaiiliatante, Ste 4. w!i..tiMiltH, ruhbl.h, aalma or'irhaelialllodeiH.Hlin wl.liln iho litiilla.vacoi t la herelltlitiliiro ihaiflhid Inai Anns. Niclt. Ma lir.rhy .nidi, uuhufiil for any jLr.0.1 ur iiiaona or linn, aitont, (lukor aetvnntof any leraonut llnu to aairpiinlciNialtliiitiauyiif tlm uuttera or dlicbi within aaul tity llniltaany pa4r, arlika, aiouea, itirtt, dual or any other nf my hint or to or nil pi J .pill, ,n, (,r alopa uf 1)11)' 1.1ml In aeyianal.illnlior lliimoultlilu Ihoetlr llllltlaiir Inauoi.i, .liroiv or ilenoait lltHiu an ol tho aldawalka, wlil.ll! tha llmlu of halt Lulo City, an uiiivra, atlcka or otl.orrubl.tah of an Vlnd. fcee, 7. Ku inauuroabull bo allowed lo r .initilalu In liny nllhln tho 1 ndta. dacrllH;d in heilloull, tunny ijiinMliy uraaler llian olio cart load and "mil bt re.noiotl ua ntovl.Utl In the ortlliiance Nic. K. Nonlvtilaoll ahall ho d.-pnllal r bulled on ani nrftulnoa wllhilt llio daarilbcd In 'in Ion J. SiO B, AUoarlMHe. mauiiro, ttltflit oll, aahoa and other ictuao and mlal aliall bo rnuintlloalica dlnitoJ by thu aul. 9 lary in.wlnr, r..vl t. ,1 that all cam an 1 frhl. i for , arryinir an naoi.eoiH or nffpnaWaaubilantta other thun nlubt toll, ahall I and llj-ht ami i tho aldni aliall l ma lo ao bull Into llio load or Ct.ntema that no .n (U aurl. rou tanta ahalt fall, leak or aplll Ihatrrrnn. mid either thoiehlcleanr voa'el rartiod by I. ahall ho ao iorol aa hi ho Inol finalre, provhlad funhoribat tin pan of the onnlmita of anyfrlTV vault reM tmol, except anlHtaniTn nlhir Ihfttt eirro, ahall bo re.iinttl then fn u, nor .hall tlnaaina Im trau.p iri-it tlinniRh an of the alrreta of the , Itr u.ipl tho f moe ahall la. Iian ported h lorain. of an llrtlBllt V0..el or III aurll a lliltlllior 04 ahall praieul i.illiely tho omiifNi of anr hoxloua or n!l.ll,lA odora tharrfnHil.and liyiKiiiidtrnin tho IhMtd of lloalt.i, All dead anllnala ahall I- minuted In ouch a manner that the aliall In. covered from i low during tho pr.ooa of ri mornl. hie. in, No par."., ahall rmply or at tempt to rtnply anVMiilt, prlty, alt. It or (v.mmi1 111 Iho dUlrlol dim'rlhnl In am. tlon a, nxeept pittauant to a there for rornl'l-il from Iho laaird or In allll. fee. II. Any raonor raolia falllOK to comply Willi or who vlolatea any of the provision of the rnreitolnir atctloni ol Ihla onltnitncn almll tw llue.1 In any aunt not leaa than file (eni dollar, nor more thun ono hundred dollarl ((1H01, uod aliall In addition lo eil.ll pnnlabmeiit be l,i--t til tin rilllheraiimof rtvn ilollaraltViyj) for etiry twent 12I) linura of f.ulnro or rrfuaal lo comply will, the laid or dinance. . ,. hee. 15 Tlih ordinance aliall Uko cirn-laii.l lit ill hiree thlny da) a liter I jiaaaagv and approrul. Hlhl'AVlNa nwivamos. ItWM marly lit u'tlotk- when Iho Military ordlmiico waa.lwpoie.1 of nud Iho phvIiu pro4-alIlo Inken up. Morau l.uiulred II Uiah etincl.t raa tiKrllliill.Hhn contract. WoDlland No, It Ii not. Moran Well, 1 letlaluly think It ahoullbt. l.iwaon I aijno with Mr. Mora.. Thofaeorlng of Iniportol innlcrlal lo thoixch.liloi. of tho Uiah duit la iiuluet tocurclilzeiiaaud tux iter. Ilnrdj. Nobjjy Civota tno ruing of homo jrmlurlaiuoio thai, inj lilf. I ex(tclto pay for aomo or Ihla paving tj the exu ut ol n ol money, lint my nithnce with tho Utah cement hi heeu audi that 1 would aaaouu Into tlm ordinary ilu.t ol thu alnelifor a road bad. Tl.oi'llyeiiglnicr wuit ailed una..d laid thai hydraulic rentxit wui the Inndard. fhcro uiro two klndi nf lenient, vlti I'ollUnd rat l'lio former wna su nttlricnl i renitatlon made front n vatl.ty ol ingrnllenta uulfoinily mlxe I md leaird. The latter waa an attlcle L.krn from tho rulnea Iroui varloua alralii. rhero uero filly kludi ol rorllaiidrtniriit? Moranwaiitul lo iniko It Incum U nt to nan Utih material. To tlil tho engineer replied he would feel It hla duly to file n written proteit nitnluatthuiMOOt liny kind of i count until It had I ten Ihoroiighly letted. Moran-Mt. llJ.cmui, klud of cement la tho heat. Mr. Doreniua Aa a profeislonal nun It would hu unfair for mo to amwer Ihatiiu.atlou na I do uot wiul to id voiate theueoof any particular kind, V havo ftrvlvrd aa many aa ten car loada ol 1'orlland cement which wuhatehreuohlUol torejvcl. borne of the Utah matitlal will florid the tut but great ropsrtlou of It will not. Moran lilt not )wlblo to procure enough of It that will: Mr. main cxilalli'il that he waa not a rtpriaenlattvo of any cementcompanyauJ hellitwl In an wrrliulho'iu.allon. tut being pruaa edly Moran liill"NV vor'om Ihatlrally. He did not Iwllove lliat It wnapoadbletogtt In. hatrtla of good cement cult of nahlpiuentot lud of the Utah product. Ijiwpo.i Wo iImiuU certainly uie homo material. r)jiiipl aay that It lita mil I'cin aufllclenlly icated Will, who la going t) tort It fur...; Wo txpeel to Import II lu California, l'i rlluiiJ, Kugland or elaewhrr. Wo Import loo much material. That la the iaueo ol tin hard Until lu llil. city. 1 wonder when tnalprnclloele golug to crate, LUllll.MI. Conahlvrable ilUcuialcu occurred oa thocurhlngriueatlou. Waulluuil ohnl tho (ulliiwliig rrio It.tlou which waa aJoplrdt That Ibn Hty ensllieer and tmanl of public woika ho rei) le.ledt iarrjni:o Iho aiaHMIlcnlloua for el.p-t parlns ao aa to illow iho um of curbing threo feet lu Iruglli. A BtVllMY POtl.Ml TUT. LaMvuu moved to mako tho teit eeToniy laiuude cr tiiuaro Inch In lad of lUdMJlllld. I'olland tlinulit that tho Utah ce ment ehoulj he aa thoroughly lorted ua nny other. To induce tho lo.ncturagu tho tiMi.u product waa poor economy. Id. movid tint nil n.lurcl celui-nt tired ahall bulijuul lu iiuilltj tn tlm tut Iloaoudaie, aua whin mixed with two jutta id tun 1 to olio of ci. cent, and niter having Kelt In tho air ono day ant tit tho water alx day, It ahall aland n toaille atr.ln of twenty iHiuudu pir Kuato Inch, 1,'nrrlod, llilMIl IIIOIII'CTB Mr. Hloli ulliii'l the following t lloai.hivl, Thitlt Im tlm renaeot IhU Coiiuell that all inalorlal moil lu tho idl ing ol ttreo a and lliall ahall ho of homo prnihlole aa far na pnieihihln, in 1 huiiut lilwr ahall lute tho profarenco on allpublloiioik. l'ho n lolutlot. w aa ndoj ted. till. HKTMJ1IV1. OKUIXANCK. Three or lour incltona juit!o tlmultaitroiuly ty illlliTont memheri tualjuur.., hut l.uwhon look the lloor and dnmindiU lha( Ihenrdlualicniri. ntlng a del. ctlvo l.un-au ho taken u, Unrltd. lie cir. r4 thu Jolljulug aniendiucm, which carrledi llo It further ordained by llio City Couflcll that Iho maiahil and rhlifof lHillr-e. ahall hat o llio Miur, utieiinierln Ihelr Judgnliiit 1 lae.anrt, t . call lion tlio lile( of doterlki I a I ir iia.lau.ui t iNo that Ihe thhif of dote, tlvoa aliall hat ,, tho mwer loull iiki llio .iunhal and the chief of j ohco whetiotor iircvMary, fur aaaUlauiu. Lwlng aili! that he win opprd to Iho prol'ti.lilon on general ilucl lea. It would cr.alo.i ami add KilJItloiul itpeoae M Iho city govern, infill', hr.Uea It would tonllkt with . reeunt artaucrmenli. roiluuil wa loi It distinctly under hlood thalli woul I not If an ad Jltluual rxielieo. Hie oily had liulnlalnxd turh n fpne, hut without a head for eouietlnic, Wantlaud wanted to know how mai y Ui le tlvei lh city had, I',.llaild rellud that thorn waa but one leit, ioiiio ol then, had turn ll ohirLoJ nud another had hi-ett emit to In lainlieiillary, (Inughter Jlelrt I inoto that Dili nialtir he referre-l bark lo Ihn city attorney with tin, rxiurtt tint l.uriporl this council I I'a ni-xtlmietlugrBlotlieligallly uf Iheor lluamo. f Kalian I Ihat I) Iho most tldlculoui propi anion a man could ntakn nil thla ifueatl in. rnl ordinance ha.Juntcorre I Iroiulhehatidi of lh ally altornoy; lo ak him now If It H legal reomatohi chllj'a tlay. He la era ployn I hy thla council at ft leal advli ir. If liehaa drawu lip in unlawful miature then for one lira reidy loial I hint lo r.aUn now aul here, Aa rot.ncllinen wltho.natltuvnta to aerva wei cannot allow n man lo make n fool of ua In the maimer Intlnnleii, Het.a 'Jh, you tieid not git hot nbtiut it. ftio Chair waa obllpo I to rap order after which I.awaJ.i Inaltled mat tho ordinance be ptaiirl upon Ha pnaiigo. The Mdc w.a 7 ayraand 0 lima, but elKht vot.a being uercraary for the pu. a Me of my ordinance, It wank dared loat for thu want ol lh Lvcoaairy ma. Jorlty. HMSa' tiii.uu.- ltel-a took ll II i.rlu ordrr lo oftcr n reaoh.llo.i calling, It ii ".Id, lor the n moral of rollre Juitlce Kvaler and the npiadiiluii nt ol Juatioo (ho m hla aur coior. . The motion lo adjourn waa ptnied ao atruogly that ho waa not recogiilxoj, A Juiini"d until Tura liv nlkht. AJll'Hl.MKSlS. Coming tllrarllin. at llio llt'jlro In a car Viiliirr "of.tvnrTB." Tho Kckirt O im Comauy con. iludet. tho eogajemeat I ill .it Willi "Ollvilli," "A MIIIIIT AT Tl.CCIItCUi" Nellie M"llury aiirninted Iho "J(ill will pnienlher etlrrlng duo con.iely " Night at llio C'licti." for tho lint time lu thla oily at iho Thea trr, I'll Jay ami Hslunlay, Augurt ISth itldUlh. Nellie Ml'IIi'11I U-lougato naohojl of mtrrymakeia which elrlo lyforblJatlnicoildoacunalon to vulgar or cotrao 'inillioJi. Wha'over rhe u.idirlakia ano dtia wllh roor li ra rd for Iho moat rigid propriety of her midlinco. "A Night at the Ctti-uahM Jul inouth plot !o con iy the idea that ft lot of peoploweul every day lo n-o What clrcJi life l-e-l.l.ll Iho tc. mala Ilka and then thu) nre glad enough to go homo after n very abort experience. Thu lait uct la playrd lu the Ureadng rooll of the "(IrialntrlhowoiiaUriu" with Mla Mollenry Inlhegulaeof Mile. Kleclra, lueeii ol tho anna, aud tho cluelng I K-tnrx proaanla her riding coaluiur mounted ujion a horaojuat ii thu hai uoiuo from Ihe ring. "tiik iiuari.Eit," which I" to appear in thla city the cur rent leaaou, la now lu ll third year of proaiwrlty ant la likely lo coullour' money for a.mio lime to come. John Kernel,, Oeorge Marion, Hui Mllle. IUrnty Ih-yuul l, John (lllro) aulrladh. Klrhy area low of tho fun makera that will pirouette In "Hie lluitler." Till. I.OVT PA1IAI.ISE. The ritutu of Charlw P'roh.nan'e atock comiuy lu The boat I'aradl.o'' la looked forward t . with much Inter cat. The play a powerful le gon In labor econumlca whloh come allll atrlkltig algniaoinco lu their daya of unpleaaantneaa between capl lal and labor. Mr, l''a aloik oiinpany la ihe youneat ipiattetlo o great luutropolliati organlzallone. Ho renurkibh. hai been Ha autsceaa that In ttlothreoaeaaona of ItiexLteuco It hi teen ueceaiary to prodiico hut thrie pla)a. "Tlio liil I'uruJIae" la hy far batter pliy thin "Men aud Woute. i," a.lil llHllllltti'd 10 be thu Iliad pled In Iho repertory. William Morna, W, H.Crouipton, Orrln John a ,n. Jie. U. Ilnrowa, Cyril Hctt, (llelti. Tyler, Maudu A.Uux, lHt llawklnr, unllho entlio urlglunl can rrturn lor Iwn nlghta, TueaJa) ntu Widuui.Uy, AukUatiaandI7. riiu Una gn" will upon Ha araio 'on Monday, Auguit loth, nt Juliet, Illloola, tho cmntiQuy, which oom prleim twetity-lx people, la now lu actlTu relieareal in Nviv Vork. Two turloadi of at-riiery aud n. chanlcal eireclaara uied lu tho prraouutlou o IhUfimoua l.ival tlr.i'in. "A ailHVT rKATOIIE." Jacob I. 'It aud luia.H. Divlt ar. bllllly euauJ lo tho porfrotlon cl arrangement for the production bf llirlr lilrit veuture, "A Witlimii Mah'h," Tho great lea'uro ol tin, liy I a geuulno plh.-dMvrr la aotlvi cinritlon. Commout ..nnecaaaar). fllAKIWVKAIlR'iJ "rCMl'IHT." A.ioilgliinlfr'itiiro u I iImJiimI In thu mlhirmanci. of HhakifrH-nn'. rv..lpvat,. In a Trench provinclu town recontly. Tho netiiil toiui.l waa projlicej liy llfUou men hlhlcn under tho grrou clolh Hind aeived aa tho aurfilri' of the a i. -nil proiluolng thu swelling of nlu oreau by hotihlng up at. I ilown. Ou ncrount nlu falling od" In Ihn Uix otllco recelgt', the ininagrr liwrrol llui menN wagoa. wheieat they d uldeltoalrlkr. Nixt eeitiln, when tho wind linwhdovtrlheetai'P, u 1 111 lilme. mado ff beam fell on Ihe tmrdi, lh gri. aea remained eulleuly allent riwilluud ruaratnnttl" tho dirrcto. crlwl In d.epilr, "If you promln. t ulve. ua I'lthly centtmea luatoaj o llliy we will." ' No, alxty, not u aou linre." The iiudleucu ahoulvd Willi laughler; the lea remained ruiliu Hvenly cllltloiea?" "Wai ell i eighty." And eighty It had 1 1 be. Than ther. Ingan ft roarlnv aud iwolllnr ol tin tcaitn which (or vigor hai nurcr ln-ai iipialed. rin, remit wiithatiuddenly Ihe green cl tl. buret and tllu hoi la ol fllteeliai.'4reJ on the itngv, lo lh" uprnarlimi delight of, tin- home, Th thealro"alil"afier t.n Ti ifoja S1IEEI" SlICiUINO lOXIIM. hpiucar ( lavreon, Olleri I'rcmlnm or ?.'" for Snrli Ixklbllhui Oilier J'rli-a, The following prini'mna haet, Uen oil, rol for Ihe ajroiiohlug To-iltjiliI I'uli: C. II DuritUroccry cominnyoiln-a a iclal proiilum if $J fjr Iho lull aimpleof hu Ur. (J, II, Durst grocery nompi'iv ofl1! J for tho Lett dliplay of niorlid Irulla. The Weatorn Illll I'oat ng comra" , by 8 W, A.iUrion, manag r, 6(1 a I reinlii.u oTf IA for ho lt iwaiy n tlu heel, ctic.timUuil mod advantige niiuioditc! udvuitlalua;. (Irani llroa.' ldtety Tramfer toiapaiiy otTera preinlum of a for the belt toilr of mali'hod Utah rain i horeea, to weigh not Iim than 1,100 lounJieach, i Tho JalneUncerllalemai, com pany oflera a ilclal premluoi of 10. lu he ti.i J aa the Deeeiet Agllcnllural and Manufacllirlng eoclely Ureni lrll. Hi nicer U.awa ui oirera a premium of ."i for ft competitive aheop (hearing ixhiblllonatthelalroftSI.2, J. It Ieye-mA Co. idler a premium ollii, Ilia puriioie to 14, naniid hy Heiretary Wellr. Colon. 1 1:. elella oflVn. SU additional ifemluinforthoiubject liatnl by H. W. Heara tett eaaay on "llallroadi and UallroftJIng." riiall. lUnwoodey I urnlluro com pany ollrt a tpeclal preniluni ol 115 lor tho heat article, ie wtltlan aul c ntalnlng tho l luggi-ntotia on dinner lallu decoration. The II. Dlnwoodey Kurnltuie com- J any alao oirera n a-clal rimlunl of ID for thu best ilislgn ol celling decotatlou, ll.wlett Ilroa. oRer a aprclal pre inlum of ii gold medal tn tho moat pof mar man lu Utah, to lie declli 1 by I allot by the- fair. WOVCrt A3 LUUtal, IANS. Hie l-in Ihe til ,.t nillna atari l.llj lliail . "Women lourn to llluu liiroo tnoro qulikl) anil tnoro partly tlmn mcu," rahl n riding innatt r t tno n eli.irt tlni" r-ilico. "Why tlmt ahouM in mi lcrii.iioti'xnctly toll, hut in) linprx-a-Jim liuanlna) l.l'll tlmt thoy no rpurv nny tliiuK mora mtdlly than llio upiHMlto .;, iKe.illiIy la iiiimi they pvii nioii) unillviiloJ attention lo wluitoti r lliey nn cngngiil nt Wry clti'ti it Imly will bccuinoa fair riikr villi only i.rtwintv lowon, win niiH u mail nfiFrtviiiti luo or thirty will w.mi Iiuium know Uuf tin. art of ciiillnli(iii nt the i ml limn lio illil nt tho la L-lnnlng r.udrat of till to tcnrli ur.' i liil.Irrn, who fiiui'iilly get u fair niit umt n pii lly giaal.nutiuii of tiding in right ur tun Iiwunna. With riding It it wn.i nh it na with Humming -In 3 until it U Intrnnl wilh much lora iffort nn.l In iiumt nltorwiml forgot ten Tho grow n ienmn nliolin tin ilurvtmal in ilillilhood how to lunii Hi;,) n librea. in iilunvK ut liumu on the I tn I. of until nn uuimiil, tliough ninny , i niw iuivu tlu.Mcal t.iii'o inotintitiij ouo "llio ratwt ilifllctilt i-raon to in Mrtnt in tin. art of ridhig nru tlnw lu. Inn o la-en nt homo in thu middle all tin ir liw, luing lain utens tonml tn rtoron tho pblna 11iry tliink they know, it all, but tho unly thlnjr tin y inula r flninl Ii how lo gnlloii. Of tlio mol of (iintntlon tirvi. r for jmrbt nnJ tho iivinuttiof n tity they hat o ut notion whntuur. Tlioy ara lianlui to tinthtlinn if they lind novcr wil Inn MiiMIu la-forn, lavnttw tlioy have lo la-gill by imli'unilng tuoat of tiny know. In this tilling I) Uko .ltiucing, for uny .lnuting miittci will tell von that tho lutnlcrt mrt ol tho work In to mnko liia tiuplla rt llnnuUli tho roup; Moih ntul ttjlc tVlifdi tin" nro upt to luto piv vloily nciiuirnl It Ii nlmoet Im tioioiblo in tn.uiy taai-8 to induce iiKliritlitaUwho liatu been natal tn riding to eliortcn their ktlrrtiiai nml adopt tlio correct motlic.l for tha DiglUli kailtllp. Of roiimi tlio V.w (rll-li t-tylo of riding la tho only nippr ono fi-om tlio jmhit of view ol fio-hlou. lit i-n tho I'll ncli havo imi it cKwoly. ' It It altvaya nn liniiortnitt tnattti that t Idor ainl horeo wioulil bo enlttil In o.ich other. I'm- example, a nhnrt ami ktout man fnuli it big, roiiml Imr nlnl laust n wry unoomfurtnlilc mount, UtiniHO hla irrlp In tlio tmldla U only from Iho thigh to tho l.mi, win'.1' im tho tall ami thin man linn a giip from thigh lo calf. Accord ingly. tlio latter khuulil lmo thelilg Uallnl unluril, uhllu tho formur hollIil laxtihli- n ktlin nml wpll lill-cl liorao. Cliiico ami ilcgauco lu liJhiR on. to a groat oxli-nt ilc'iionilont on thoiiiilltiiltmlt no amount of train lug will rvnilur n tluln-iy iicition gtiuvfiil on horaulan k or ou foot. In ono w ny w omen an. liattlcr on liorroa limn mitt, la iwiw their olglit la not mi evenly illnlnl uliil. On Iho other liaml. im u iiMmgo nt icaat thirty la.tinila Itiiivicr nml liilo fnalir, hut tin' oriciu Uttit na to gull, A niiiunn tliroilgh theer lg nomui'owillH.uioiiuiikiiilnhor.." -Ni-w Vork I.ttcr V timer I. tif Tailed lllrn. Win u ii natit i. lliilluiiiU'r wnuta to allow libhuln.l fornil Kugllahmnn hi. kiln) ly ' fern n liimimu "ouvrl nuiu'-iu oilur wnnla, "tho innn iiltliu tm) ' Tin I.gouil Kiyn tlmt Ihiiinua n Ho. kit uumiI Dm Kput bdinu'ii who.p I. fully ijitolT tho tail of hla linnet-v hilt hu waa tiding llio through thu country, nn-1 that thoDiitm- giiu-ralion nf Ken! which follow nt vum tnIN like thoru ofhorm-a .! iliu Ilnlo, ,1lwanl VTa hkhonnf I'aton lni-litloiH tho left .-nit, lint git it i-nno tniintlona In tlio iiiuw of tl i- ...noble, jiuvUhniont lI()Ki) Citpgiato ami ilit oflioHbt NiMlh that "for (xtn t) ngu ft alio tiivhii nt Ht. Auguatlno. Dorw-taliyru m n linil tuyloa ovil after Hint." Hut I'tilyiloniH apiillnt It tn Kent Uli nun nt Sliiiinl by IIotlitti-r, "for tutliiigo olY Thotnna Ilockut'a llolo' t,l)li- Olio rniaiuilt HI) that only thw living in Kent nt the titno of tho uireo weio "auiiite-1 with lurgo, ili-a-pliiK In) Ion, liku ImiU-H. their rily la-lug not ko i nfit-uteil "-ht Iuul lleimblle. Ilia llillix le II". A pathetic aiory Mat U-M inonbont two littlo (hIMirn who with their futhor nml mother lit o in Uiko Vlow. Tlio h.iul of tlio f.tuiily liml lavn ton .iiiliKwtn noraliliar at tlioahiiiiool U.itxlma. He i .unci homo lu a soincv nliut ini-rry toiulltlon, nhtii-at tha w ifo enti icil n boii-iiui iiroteit Ono nuril Iwl to nnotlu-r nintiu iiehoit thilci ii lint grrnlu ilomeritio (mill hnil hunt uhui tho onlluatily tnikt houm-holtl Tlio mother left Ihn lio'lou (.-tlipixiit Tho faUi. r ul-o b !t Tlitu llib tno Illll.- n worn nh mo ami. nfitr-)ing out- an other fur awliilt with tenra How nig ruin tho tear lig. tho litih. girl tlnipi-nl upon her knee with tho re mnik, "Dmllur, kui't it nlwitt tlmu for u lo pni) I" Cliicngo I'oat. ltlten J a .lament 1. Xrrr..arr. Onoil jiiilgmnt la ii ry t-nlunliln In the ciiiv of Iwbioa Common aeiuw will ilietute-whether to puikuo tiling Biwlvo cotirey nml choko (ho ehil-1 until it can cry no longer, or n iliiy nf in laterly l.nctlvlty ami let It yell mia-non -Detroit Tilbuiio. I alallr kl.rke.l br a llantlni. t.eo Ihiula, ii )uting eolonal woumn of Huulatilll. Tex, who wilhiward the Imngi.ig of All While on Hellir.lar, falnto.1 when lh- drop Till and died Into that night from the iffia .h of . h.k AGONIZING EGZm A.vful Siiflrlna. I)rl,rn Almost In Mftfl l nortom. Trie. Ciillctirn. Itcllff ImtuMlitr. 1'iitlrfl Currtl In 1 Month.1. I ttttftM with lrSWrrffu, tkfffmi ffffTct!! httb,i1iifiit i. hittil l-fcl frtHd ihrM dcrttor, and tut lutnuinlin In di h4 " V ta in In Ht tt !. nvwtl. -, (KOW UttlttHl Uf I i !( Kft itlM, my WTIt4' "" " twJ n hm V- . I whl.h rtuvi- oh y "Km wnin nr Mf ! J Vjjiv (iat,il kd paatnl wltn j. tf IIm .irkly ilwld I MHt-1 i "? j fIw,p ,!;. mhi w t lltTT nut, tat th llehlti voU Inrrma I)iiitt day lin I It., no Ir.l, I m all !. !, ou. 9 lh hkhttt iif ol neatly ihhn i ittaMtr. Atlhtllinv 1 ttmI .itmil.tCcili HA KkKatoltat tnUkilol tn try Umi. Mtd Orofl-nl lb nf ntthVl r,tt'f,r Jt'Tvt !. Vri4 th UtRCM. ItTltlH AT. !' . "Hi V Ut fMliT, lih (irufHT Judmrrt, my m til it no lm.ronfhty Vol antalyday by d ly, tttitlt lwr lhfr to luuf ttrnir.a' um of IrWm 1 rttrol. Our tnthltur, llr, J II I'arrault. la UafJi, knowaiiwuiJ bta h w 1 vdSyimI .HyoM tnat vrtta tn Him atn) U IU cutllfy U l trull. b( (U UatinorUI K. 1L 01 UMltlLCi;, UuiJaO. Korth UakgU. Cutlcura Resolvent Itv. rw Uluo ) Bill) lDri(Uf Avd ttrraWtcr lUnor llftr.fHlk., 1. 1. mail) , rfeatu. it . I kxl c( all ltamniki atxl iwIwhw i rltintt nu Ultr iTti- t4ltt'.l "hla IM IA ntul !ritlJrt, lUfLi!-, rWat Ui ttvlB of (? tltvr e( diMiVM, RoMrvrrriilKrn 1 rlv,Crilttlia,M ,fOkrt rt Itf-otVIttT, 1 llrkarrxl ly IL. luTfH llhltl J.I U llltMUAL LtltthDtU.TI.tit, UWUa "I low to (nn lMn 1 ." tiptt, tOlihiilntUtWl.RtvJ Uallut i !', itil"4 hit S I U I 1 -" a t. t. I I. H.rv.a1.lfja4l4 rllfl u'ly aliw rurtrd ty li tklua bar. "jJsTkOW'KY BACK MHE8I WM ...V&v'a'Ii I I TU I " rclloml In n iitlnulti ty Ut Yrrt 4 utHiirat .titll Ttlit I'lntrr. WHY THE DESEntrr T.DV3 tKOULt 8C SUBSCRIBED FOR IN mEFtHENCE TO ANY OTHER PAPER. I, It ti the 0rfrn of th Choreh o( Jiti Oht! of lMlordj 81 nU, dJ tb ioUiOfltdl tnctltntn through which thu vltwa4. withe ivl Imtructlona of tit Cbtit-cli Autboiitlst art xpro4eJ, aaj Ctvt.ntothoS.tuK S. It totj alwajri ba rtrllot upon m tA TfWfttltiK or tlcfititllnc tho right A of arerjr quoitlon iropcr tor publlo Journal i ta treat npon. 8. i U tloTOtfJ to tbs I i.ttr enti of tha Tvtrdo.j HlnU anil tifta, from tl lnwp llo tallaulljr tiefrndoj their rlRbtttamt advocatoii tho principles In which lhy blloTj awl overy Ijitter-dajr Saint ahoitld thrreforo fral udr oblltf atloua to da Ui i Mt la liAlpliiir to a titatn It. 4. It la not publMitii for pntilatloti, anj cavdr la boon, but tor tha cothl hlolt It Is eopabla of acoompllahlDsi th profit,!! anthera to dnltiKl from It, bdnjr dtrotoil tu kitfuJlDfr Itdrpbaroof iiaefiiltMaa, and btneCttlntf Ua ya luunllj. 5. Tt It dolntt 1U utraoit to M'abUh 1 uuio lndutrlr, a toon j w hlch ara pa par raaktOtf and typo fiunJlne. aud tlactrotiilng braoohta naoajur7 lo Ihe development and In Ipendenoe of thoromnmnit, but hlch, during tholr Infanojr (which In tut. Territory lltj ho notycl pni led), cano&Iy to carilotl on at a'pocuuUrjr b, 0. TlierolnnadanffdrefanyiolwcrlbT to tho N&wi fitlliijt to gut what ha eub arrlbea for Ihrtnitth fAllamof thu hualn.- and aunpomton of the publication a rwult 1a thn caee of hundred of nevte pipur renturw e, orjr j ear. 7. It le now jrfntodthroufjhoutln new end rptdablo lyjv, ao tlm: ereo the uRiyl trtti pruM It without dilUcullj or dang or to their ejroljr..t, P, Itlifrro from o)Jtvlloneble adnr UictnenU, ao Diet n j antiitnoikl fy.r thai bUUilldren will hav tl.Hr mluda oor rpul from havlnj aoxa-i to lb; In fact, u rtfuaea ihotiHanda uf Tltt,rt worth of tho bent pTln advertUunvnUannualljr. Icuui6 It U UftvntiKl to thu moral anj aptrUnei loktvitU of lu rcedfra InaUwd of to citUrg gtlurtttbtlruxpenie. 9. It lone Ii not rtvulatei by pnbllo opinion uor the hopo of gaining aub ecrUtfiraorel.tiiUoim',ti, H advocu'oe that which 1 right and coulim. that which U wrun riicardtMa of rwiilu, duiuclal or Uhcrwl. 10. 1ft never naueratt) lla reedrnt by ptlmlng ol? columMt, wf aolfpralae tor uovts Heme. It. Tha New. practice no deception and rfftotte to uo b'Oita.;fiira to Imluce poott)toeutwj-lte but on the ooolrary, pnf7riUi(vtbudoutIe own ineriUi aa the pcuple'bapapor,lth a promUoortly Ui do lu littnosi to give Its patron tlio fUll tnlue of tholr money a promue which It lus udcaturcd to filth fully kilutho pt. 13. Incutuluelou, lfi.IjLUer.dySjlot cm altonl to kiibm-r.b for tmly one newi pAir, that paper vhoul 1 bo tho Pratitr? Ntwaj and tr more than one, tho NkWi ihould luvarUbly be tho tlmt. itiwcntmoM nircsi lYr. OMo. 8 Mo. t Mo.. li7y, 110 00 (AOO iW f.0 8i mi- M'ttlli, 8.U1 1.75 LW , ,49 DumiHUtlty, 2.60 1.60 Addrcae all CommonlcaUonj U CUlfi DKRITT NUWS CO, iWi uu cyj, vt B.K. THOMAS II If THE SILK HOUSE Mf w !, !48, ,)(. .IB KAST 1'IItST HOUTlt BTltHIaT. , ;) Ri : summer f :'i!::, I mi i- i " j WM :! 30 DAYS. I: !: ! . V ' 1 1 t- H 5 ! l - jr ! !j Qui' Oi-iniil SUMMKIt. OrKAllAXCr. SA1.U j 't, r'j j in now on nutl will coiuiuiio until Hop- I jjl ? ; teinboi' 11. ISvoi-yihiiiK lit Sum- ) jj, t ; iiioi- UixkIh Miiwt bo OIokci r f ' f ;i Out ThlM Alontli. . jj iiiiTilniiiHlHimiiiiiiiiiiiiim ' ,i j WE'LL SLAUGHTER jjl THE FOLLOWING LINES: . di IB LACES, f! AH KIihIh lilnok riounolngrt Eapoclally. -i B 'Jjl PARASOLS. ,j P. I Tho Kntlt-o Stock will ko. ' M '' 111 EMBIIOIDEEIES, . i.Ml 33ATHING SUITS, t 11 j iHriiiiriimiiiiiiiiiiuiiriiirriTiu Mf;j SUMMER v UlERMfi M Waists and Blouses, ings, Bolts, Collars, ar S'lPirfS Boys' Waists & Knee Tics, Ruchings.Hosiery M m Pants.Laco Curtains Gloves, Mitts, Ribbons, lll'l i 5 lb. Bundles, Chil- Handkerchiefs, Hand- Rtfr I dren's Bonnets and bags, Purses, Towels, '' 1)W ; I ," I! Hi.ti M Llnln tllUll- OnMrln TflNI I I rt rt n fntWnll-W 1' 1 JlTK " 1H ruuo. vv.,.kU wuo. .. a......... V . Ginghams, Challies, Men's and Boys' ' ,i H U I Zephyrs, Lawns, Out- Shirts. it llw I SILKS ' li; Si 'M ifv 1 , & I y -iTan i Shoes -and Slippms.K- , fff I.AI.U' Mtala, auU Ciiii.iiiiu'8 anil Mi.n'i. ' 't! lilt 1 ilzl niSTTl-ll UAHOAlNH lluui ovoi- bot'oi-o In tlio Kffil'ftl' liovf IjIiiok ritivinu: 'Plus Kiiln. Pi I Iffl R.K.THOJ0AS "'jil