Newspaper Page Text
I If . RlVlJl 1 0 DKSEHET EVISNINa NEWSt AVKnyKSDAY, SKPTrUnilTt 7, 3802. liP;! DESERET EVENING NEWS. saaWifl ' ' .' r i1n.,lr, . nMr 7. IJ. Ifi ' Jti LOCAL lli.KV.TMIS. H '8.1 Hi , ! saaaaHftlli 11 Tim Continental Hotel lias undergone V 'Kl i j., a chango of management, Mr. lloartlslcr, M I J. 1 .lie lorcsr proprietor, retlrlne; In faror or ( , I', I W. II. Van Ilorno. saaaaHlii It! Tun loads of " departments of saB ll Jill I streets mid waterworks will wllre.aaii m i! :M) ixhlbltlontaboirlTenon Haiiinlay next saaaal'iil ' r lSr I with n new illtcliiiiK and grading tin- B jt' iy I chlno. LaaC ' lit . ' lill i Tin. llennbllmnt of tho l'lrst precinct staff il'I'iPr' i will meet In llieamitli wlnjccftliol xjw IW 111 r 1 it i eltlon bullillnit on Tuexlar night neit BaBuil Wt . " " Attorney IL 11. Crltclilow anl staff Kl jri other Republicans will address tho meet- H in P i ""-' staff H i lll&i I 1nK directors of tho Onnnertatory of LBm 1 I I'Ut Miislo have msdo arrangements with V If I Jiff 1 ilmuml 11ih.m11 to Rlvo two iqcllals In A st b till costume at their rooms Wednesday Mil ( I 'T' Thursday. September 7 ami S, to coin. V jt It luence at i p, in. HI ' Ita "VLinrrrA orlhe Sloryof Ono Yot U ij pollen" Is tho title of au interesting liook ,3 in by Mario Corelll Ihe ground work of K EH tho etnry Is tho cholera tcoiitgoorXsr Ins . i In 1831 It can bo purchase I at thn storo V ill , ' of tho Utah llook anil Htatlonory com H l I '8. 1""'y HKiI im, "Wnoaro Hid thno greatest men In K J 'Iff' mo lorn hlior r was asLod of a little si ' h clrl at Wonderland u few ovciilnga ago. M'lvl l r'Ue.irgi Washington an 1 l'at Jlnran ami I""" y-" Judgo Itoslor," fiinoconlly answered the f- i9 child, and the audlenco roared with f - ' laughter. stataE.., Hi " 'Hf aComimiy are about to com- HV V l f incncQ their linuso.iolioiio canvass for J i,J lurdimatlon to Iki published In their new t jlS city directory, which will bo Issued in l' Iff Isotcmtrr nut, and will bo tlio most HMtl Wi i rcmplete work or the kind ever lasted V Hi iT I Irom the prs In this Territory, HB It MV Nbarly ono thousand jicpwns went to BB w I , MorEaiiCltylodsyoterlkoUnlonl'aclflc. BB ' tho tart) was ma loop or inemlKtrs of BBlH ttia Tabornai le Choir and their frh mis. BB 0 l)!,, A ipoclal train left this city tor that point BB fi t i'li " llS0 ll,a 'nnrnlnir. Unloltuiiately Blir ' 4)U . quite a number of iwople mlel tho BB i , ill i train anil waro obllcml tu wait until 10 BB I t I o'clock beforo iKRlunlni; their Journe). BB'E ' llu I Tin. Weber county clerk rerclro I llio BBiif e .ilS I fullonlnir letter yeslcnlay rrotu Hnda BB j I rB. Hprlnits, under date orthe sth lntt "lie BB r 'f S'if' aiweted Sir Do you have enr Infants loft BB.l Hi at tho county poor h iuso for any one BBttf a I ' i wIshlOKlouet one? On what terms ilo BBkIli V ' you part w uli thoinf I liaro boon mar- BBlll lit t I rlr.1 a niimbor of years and have no BBM M children. If you hare a toy laby I Bj h Jh would like to eel it. W o havo pic nly to BBnM '& make one a good home and give It a tfood BB i I edueatlpu I'leaso answer aoon and BB A ) ( f Rreatly ol.llf:c." Bl if i A Tol l(f 1 nellth woman named I.lrxlo BK , llserctt called at tliopollro station today BB rt and eald that ten mouthaairo shoramo to BB i I this Territory with a family who ml BH'lt I . ftrsled from rnsland at tha' lime. Her BBl'll il ticket was purchased and paid for by tho BBril I ClfH family, with tho understanding that alio BBlll Sr Li would pay for tho same In work Her BBni i u lmlebtednoas for omlgratlon amounted to BBV' 1 I't). After baring nakl fit) sfaoonmo to BB)i tbo conclusion that sue would seek it situ- BBcil atjon elsowhoro, as her ailnry was not BBIIit ilk asltsfaitory. on leavltig she declared BBrii F that her trunk and wearing appan I worn BBTl I helil incustody. Hhoaoeordlngly wsntol BBX llio parties arrested Mho was Informed BB1 I tl ,1 that tho casn wos n civil ono and anno BBl i tlon or replevin waa tho proper thing. BBfv 'i The matter la now in the hands of all at- iiB' torner. B ;l 4 XoUte. Hr ! All Women residing In Bait take V; II J,, county who feel au Ititruet In llio Bj ' i World's Ir'alr and (Intra to leo tbo HH i women of Utah creditably represented Bi' ' at Hie lame, aro ieiurttei to wctt at K' U , IhoTempleton liotel parloti on Halur- m, f SV ilay the 10th day of September, 1801, at Biro' , 1 o'olock, for tho puriwee of clleUlug rt BBwnL World's I'alr orgauliatlon for said BMI tounty, BBK '! f 11 order of thoTcrrllorlsl Hoard of BBK? It , , liady Mansgers. BB1 i"1 ' 2IKA. F. H. KicllAiiDt, Bl 1 j,i Hay I'ltraTus, 1'rnldcnl. BBV f' ' u Hecri'tsry. Ht 1 Latest Court Xotri. H I Max Qruenberg & Co. trotigbtaultlt) H J the Third District Court this afternoon H , j to recover from Ileury lluhrlng tlio H 1 i sum of $1403 M, Interest and costs. 8. BBJi I 11. l.ewli Is the rlalntltr's attorney. BBb i Judgo auo made the following BBb I orders this alternoon: Huj J, Ii. Hnyder vs. X, (J. Chrlstenseti BBS V et al ; decree of foreolosuro granted, BM ' I A. M. Hinckley vs. same, Hamo BBM f order. BBB'ii ' Halt Lake Valley Loan and Trust BBK - Co. vs. John Jolmsou et al.; default; BB . foreclosure erantcd. BBV, . In tho case of James A. McDotitrtll BBS it ' yr- A. F. Hliperlyit nl , ludgment by BB w consent was given by Judgo Anderson. H' rjfi ''Alter liimluuk" H 1 V' ' Oovernor Tlioniae received tlio Hli , ' following letter today from detecttvo M y tttKort Worth, Texas t 3 , Mr Thomas BBB1 sir I out Working after criminals and BBJ if ytiu haeeiinoy Men outt from Justis BBB i . I'leaso ttonJ me a Dlstrlpthhun of them BBB' I "il I hologram orihcin uiul bat their BBB' is otloroil In- th.m bend moll to 101 BBB! main streit 1 ort VVorlh Texas. BBB) I llesj)(H.tfuly Yours BBB A. r Kriiatsot, B i 1 1 Is to be pre ruined that llio wrlti r of BBB1 this lias a butter knowletigo of human BBB naturu thuu liu has of the J.rjgllih ) language, otherw Ibo ho wuuld nut bo vory successful In apprehending fugl. I Uvea (rout justice. Hi 'Tuiiii .tdes iu Aims." , All who took i art In tho irlzeren- B j illllon of "Comrades In Aiiub" nro H j , rtquestod lo meet In tlio Tabernaolo i I I next Friday, at 7,30 p.iu , to consider H!) i j tie Invllatlon of th I), A, A. M. Hocl- B I1 ety for that cborus to lo sunj at the H i ( Territorial I'alr. Tho subjoined letter BBB j , from Mr. Ooo, D. Vlr xlalus tho i matter! I Hait i.akk rm.Hcpt, B, l0i I Trorissor C J. T hoiiiast I Dwir Sir 1 ho board of directors of llio 1). A. A M hoeloty would ser much llko to bao a rendition of "Colorado In V Arms" by our prlto chorus sumo v en BBBi I InirdiirlugthoOttolier lulr BBBj Ihero nra mtny jeople InourTorrl BBI tory who hao ntrer beard that msgiil BBfi 1 this would glvo them BBfr an o) portuulty or listening to it Mo BBt Hlioutil hue iinio am h exhibition at tho BBI .fair and tho rhonis, which has bv com- BBjC pitltioii curntd the prlto for tlio Ust BBBI i slnglug, ran lilt Uils w sut, BBt Cu" " not work this up and i,ho tho BBBI , ' "tiellt of ) our music to tho people ut the BBBsT TorrltoryT It would form leuiuro of the BBBJ BBJU til eourso tho singers cotill glvo ono or BBBE 1 f I twoinoro selecllons blfcldos tho "Com- BBi ' .1 I radesln Anns 'chorus, but that lsosnccl- BBBf i l I allv desired. BBBf If I VNoeximct your fivoniblo eonsldera. BBBI ,1 Ii ' tlou of tho imitler. Very truly, BBBI 1(1 Klu. 1). 1'iis.h. Asst, beo'y. Hi n' BVaBMVabH' xmPjV TODAY'S TEliEUItAMS. .Senator Slirllijr M. ( nllom Opens the Ittbiiullrnn Caniihlgii Iu llllnol. DRIQHT, rnODTY WCATHCR IN NtW YORK. riiolcra Incrrarlng In llamliurg and in Itimla. Steameri lie- lalnrd. 17 Telcirrspii to the Nxws. in i-Liiiii'Af ritiNcirr r.i. amslurl iillnni irnka un Tarlir anil lliltlkolea. JoUrr. III., Hep'. 7. 3ontor Hliel. ly M. Culloio of I 111 ri Is mailo tlio first aiieecli of tho cauiialgn as the exponent of Ilrpubtlcan iiriticlplra at the ChatAU'iut grouude Ihis nittruoon. riieru was a largu croud In attendance, and the rpetih was much applauded, rhu Urllt question was Hie prlncliat subjictof illscussloiOhe Hetialor sut lug that for o&os the Democrnlla rarty lias diclarej frankly Its illlon on the juration of free train. Tlio Issue Is now fairly luadeup'aml In this cam j sign the two parlies iro to the coun try lo Ulicusi tho iiuealloa upon Its merits. It Is fno trade versus pro tection. After onu bundroi yiars of tar I IT legislation, much of It under Democratic administrations, llio Democrats suddenly discover and drclaru In their rlatform that It Ii unconstitutional to shape tho tarld act eo as lo give jrotcllon to American niAdufactureri, while securing nrces asry rrjviuus to carry on tbo govern, inint. Tho Dttnocratla platform found lieirly commendation from tho American and Kngllsli press ginrrally but would not meet with the apjroval oftbu Ainerloau I ooplo for whom It Is tlio function ot tho American Congress to legislate. HenalorCulloin devoted great length to reviewing tlio benefits that liavu toccrtiud Itom protection to tho wage earners of the United Utatosnud ahowud by comparison liow It had gradually reduced tho cost of living. Alluding to thu tin plate qtiestlou l.o declared thst under protection of the McKlnley bill 111,01(1,000 undaof tin plain bud Uuu pruduied in this country outing the year ending June 30 last. This riautt totally destroyed the po.l tlon of the Demotratlo i arty on this question, as facts are more oient than throllrs. The farmers lomttlmia complained ol prottotlou, but Hie surest tuelhod to advance tbo prlcu of nil farm roducls and iropa Is through n density of labor u as to produce home consumption of American iruducla and the establish ment of new luduilrlis and manulao lories by rulecllon. in ooucluslouHenator Cullom laid a glowing tributoto James Cl. Ulalne as the author of llio system of nclj roulty audiltnounel tho Dsmocrstlo preten sions un that subject. He also ar raigned tbo Democratla party as being according tu their present platform In favor of the abolition of National banks and return to the old Hutu bank system. They would dlsoard the 100 ounl national curreuoy nnd return to the Red dog nnd wild Cat State cur rency. Thu ltepublluau party favors maintaining the present ejitem tinder which no man never lost adolltrby having national bank notes lu Ills pocket. (hnlern lii I'arls. 1'Altis, 8et. 7. Accordlug to the rewrlsof tho rifictof twIlceSO new coses ani 47 deaths from uholura occurred lu this city on Monday ami Tuesdsy, The leellna-or Alarm Nlllllts N)w YolUC, Hit. 7. llio weather Is brighter and frosty, aud everyway more braolng than any day since the cholera made Its apinrAUce In tills I art. Ileru In New I uric all foiling uf alarm has sulsldeJ, us tli work of dialling and uMufectlng goes ou. All ll (III lloarili Nkw Yokic, Bei t. 7. The steamer "Waesland" from Antwerp arrived At Hand) Hook this morning. Hhurepotts all well on board. HiillltnneiKt tortiell. NKt Olll.CAo. Hept. 7. Tho car nival of pugilism lu this city will end Willi the buttle of glanUtoulgliU The day opeui with both Hulllvan au J Cor Ult In aooujlllon highly gratifying to their trainers. Hullivan cannot Imagine the possible euulinKcuoy of ills defeat. Un the Corbutt sldu there h ap areutly iijul oonQdoni.e and en tile ubieu:oof nervous npprelienilou. Arrltal In r lurk or I lie Hsimiliil." IjUAIiANTLtl N, Y Hept. 7. The oil tank "llrllllaut," which nrrhej from Hamburg ou Huuday was lui oct ii ii ml fumlgntud by Dr. Talmadge today and allowed to go up. Tlio steamer "Wyoming," which urrlvid last night, was also boirdol by Dr. Talmauge. Hhe had 1'76 cablu and 853 steerage useeners aboard. Among tho steiraxo paiugoia worn llfly Itusslans. riiu einti(rantl aro liable lo lie detained some time. A Western Union steamer left here this morning tu lay a cable lo t)In Iiurnd which will bo tonuected with tho doctor's olllco.' The "City of Now York" hat ar rlviilatttiurautluo, H'io will prob ably be ilotalned live days. "IVrsIan Monarch" has been cleared and Is ou her way tu her pier. IjNtl.TI AKI 11 tltUINTI'll. lie unsis tosliler nnd I clt i Bliorlnge 111. fll.l. ToitOMO, Oat, Bent. 7. Jas. II Kidd, of Halt Inki, Utah, Is undir am st here at the Instance of n trust oiiiiati), Kidd wui luruurly ciithler uf the I'udahy l'ork 1'iioking Cum t any and levanted ubuut a mouth ago, leaving, It Is allege, a sh r fife or tJ.OUu in Ills born.. It Is understood the risouer's resent inclination Is tu resist extradition priHtudlngs. Ho Is untried uud Is about '-$ yiars of age. in irii n v MINI II, 1 I'.irliins loiiuil In llio llulng or Ills foul, U)SDOV, Bept. 7. A WHiilunlyilei. Illulu puuir nstiiwl James Htewart Uloil suddcnlj yesterday tu Belfast workuotiHu. Amerlcau money nmouiit Inn to $10,000 and twenty shares In mining nompunlrs weru fuund secreted lu the lining of ii cut. No relatives ol the diioj.ed uae as jet Lieu Jo-catcd. Till. Arkansas Tleellnn IiIDI.K ltoon, Ark, Hcpt- 7. Its turns from llfty-thrre oouullet give Ush, Doruooratlo canlllsto for gov emor, a inairlty of W,Mf over both Whipple lltpubllcan, and f'aruahsn, the l'iwle's I'atty candidates Trntrlers In Anuria In he umiteelnl Vn-NA, Hept. 7. The givernnunt lias decree i tint all travelers from Itus l dummy anl I innie shall be trritud as up cted of nnrrylng Inlec tlou while tuny remain lu Austrian territory, Uhllller lleait. IlAMttof KAI.U, N. JI., Hept. 7. John (1. Whllller, the pool, died at 4 30 this murnlng. ,. Whlltler pasrod away pen cfully. Ills nearest relatives and Dr. Diuglas were at Ills boJildo when death came, nn I ho seemed to be conscious ef his surroundings to the last moment. The funeral will take plate at Ameibury, Monday next. sliarxeil Willi url'r. DrsiBoN, Tex., Hpt. 7.-A young man named MoStallln;, nf KortHmlth, Arkansas, has been nrfesteil hero charged wills thu murder ol Ibo wife Dr. Ilnyues lss( spring. Detoctlves clslm to have positive proof of the prisoner's guilt. Mrs. lltyncs was murdered tho same night us two other womtn, the other two being women of III repute. Great mystery surro inded the murJersul the thus. If the right man Isfouul, the detectives will nap a rowarJ. of f WOO orfired by Dr. llaynrs laiiilllnn Is lliillmlslle. ClUAliASTIiSK,Hef-t.7. Ila Burgeon tleiieral Hamilton said this afternoju that he thought iliolern could Ut bjo censfully kept from gettlug lulu New fork. ew nsr In llnitlliiira'. llAlinm (i, Hept. 7. Hewn liun Irid anl two new cases of cholera nccurre 1 lu this city yestirday. Hie deaths numberei Til. Compared with the last olllclal Hgurra, thise returns show an Increase of ZS new cases uud 00 deaths. Itnsslitn Chelsea llelltrns. St. I'm itsuunu, Hept 7. The cholera returns for ri' t. 4th lor the whole empire plsce the iiuuibir of new isies at 4770 aud the ilatli at 3J7J, showing au Increase ol (Mil new casts as cumi arel with the returns of rtslur da). The deaths were exactly the same. In the city of Ht. Petersburg thirty four deaths were reported, lull Is an tucnu'eof fle deaths compare 1 with the) revious day's figures. Mennitnillelatiml. , Ll Wis, Usl , HipU 7, Throe raoro steamers were detained at Federal quarantine at Delaware breakwater mis morning. They are all Hairs which nrrlved from Antwerp with a large number of passengers and freight. Wie steamer "Kate l'nwcett," from Hamburg, Aug. lb, and the sleainer "Kate," Iruiu .Marseillen, and Culha gena, Aug. IU, have also arrivea. NeaillitlliE Illlnks Amrrlen kale. Wahiiinciion, Bt. 7. ActlngHeo retaryrjauldlug said today that the ineasurra Instituted lo keep the cholera out ot tbo countr) havo (roved uul uently HUiceseful and ttiat lie fiw uu riasou to appnhend that the dtiad contagion will obtain fouthold In this country. llecsunx Mnlcable. A Rreatmany piotle who koip beos throw away tho wax produced by thu little Imicti, not knowing It can Lo disposed ol for a consideration. John son, 1'ralt Coiupauy, druggliti, of this city, alvortlze thai they will purchase It, bctiwAXbutngnn nttiolti In wliluh Ihey Heal. It Is ued In tha eitit fur a git at number of radical urjonts. Au 1 ii.irelulr.l I Tlio iKipiilur clown, Auatole Dnrow, Is lodged fur the present, tu tho great sor row c t his Parisian iidiulrers, in n Truii slau tiuUHO uf lUUutiuu Ho was to liue Ik rfonnwl un Tueinla) in n Purls ciruie, villi hit cdmatetl pigs and rats. The ill tl.t and Ills qua Irnimls uo their griiitipularitylu Purls to tlnii Htiulau birth Hut tho juntlcu of Prassli uut nf Ii it red tu Itussbt uud France Is liltuler lug tlio Purii iu folk frum tbo enjoy lnuituf their untliiiutiil drllglils. A eek ttpi Duruir vm on lilsjoume) frum St. Pttersbnrg tu Paris. There vnA it lung delay ou tlio, Itussluu Ueriuan frunth r, and the down irled goudliu luortilly to make tho time puss as ngm ubly n pnshiulQ for tlollt And seiond class ikissiugirsb) giIuiintinprouiptu iiiUrtiilmucut. Unfortunately Ids Jokes tisik tho rliajio of sttcli deprm latury uttaiks uiiun the Ocrriiun enqs ror tlniteuuie nf the ninlieuce famliil Hint ho niuat hare Inlicn leave of bis wits und forgotten that lio wan out of Itnssla ntul not ct lu France llm Uiriuans iero Indignant at Ids uncalled fur Insults to their ruler, vlil(liliil)rulutU) Uiugotup fir Ilia r) nqutht tlo Paris stagt When Dnrnw rti ppni nut of the trulu nt the Fried rli)iHtrniM) station in Ikrllu, lie m luurleously Inforini'd by the Jullco Ilia I ho m oulil hat e to nccoinimtiy them ti tlio Moablt prison on a charge of ' ma Jest itsUlii 11,-mig ' PallMallUaKlto V Uurnlar l.reps a Kafe. On Mini lay Hie burglar who brok lulu Culunel Atthur l'ngita bouse, lu lUlgratewpiare, it few nights ugo. was tlmrgiKl at the Wisduilnstir Iwluo court nnd committed for trial ut the Old llulky, It unwind lu cridencu Hint this prUiner, named Tlmrgnr, nil is knot, lias strmk out n new line lu the liuslness of irinksuuiii hlmo August 1 1st, when lto i nine out of prison, ho lias ruiiteil a mtfu at the Chtncery Inuie Hafe iliioelt In order nu doubt lu nrold all) unpleasant assmlittiuu will) riTiUerauf Hi leu giswls, Wheu eenriliiHl liy the IHilln the safo was found enipt), )et liu iluubt but fur the incident of Oolotnl P igit e a tieirani e nt the moment w litn was taUngMrs Piiget's JVfil, Itwoallnowruntulnilent) of artlilee of lallle Tin re Is somelUing ery iimnslng in thi iicturu of the1 npisiriutU resiieitii 1 Ie mid He ilastt gi utlemau w ho rt ula u life and Is iwiMiiiill) ilMlrtiig lu it lieai) im.ixi hut who Is iu leality a noted burglai llio writers of mulu ilriimnliAeii viritarml to draw m im IKnslUenplit4,i..t. tldm nndet, nftiT ull Hi loldit with inrfeit proprlet) li liinvlit llio mil II n n, au I Hill B Ii s t ill r In llo iinlir uf Hi bilv OitiuMt. Loiulou h Kitaigr. l FnuiT3 tor EXHioiTiori fror.Mor lllleanl's lllrrrllnns f..r I'rs parlna llm I rull In n circular Issued bv Professor ITU rani, of tlio California Wan niilvenil) , nn preisiring fruit fur rxliiliittou nt the Worlds fulr, lhe dirrcirunt wun Pick lho fruit tu iitnip. as Is cunslstent with a rojior oxhlliitlim of Hie alto, surface), texture and color Handle It nsllltlensiKxslliln and without tnncli Ing It with Iheliaiul inn pt as the latter holds n plecer of rmlt w rapping wrr Cut off with (liesira and rerHrotlio fruit with the hand tlius protertel, willmut jaruriirvMiro. Just Isforo plating In tlio presin nllro flnl 1 rinse fmlt with n Jet of ileitrWiter, removing dust mid fungus. Tlio preMrvmllre flul I must bate the sumo ilenslty res H,e Ji Ice f the fmlt which It 0 ileus, uf tho mint spin He (an Instrument obliilnnlil" of wiuruinliers) Killryllo acid Is a lerv em-rgetio pre ren allrp, oven nt the uindcrato rato uf inellfjli of nn imnci to Ihegtllonof water: the ill.olutiim of the arid Is beat iirertodlu uoHlugv liter Dnt for tli.i imriuee of lopg rutin nation it is best to Increase 16 Klnhlllt) by using IK iiuncis tu CMry Hie gallons, dissolv ing tho extra half oum-o by tho cun tlout nildlllon to fie (lolling) water of rtiongh ml soda to maVo It clear and Imnnkiilt remnln so afitr cooling Vlt Is uf tho greatest laiiort.iiico Hint not a partlrle mora sal stula be used Ih in Is Justsufllrieiittadi-nlte Ilia last flako of the ncld Tlie h ast excess of soda will tend toufhu the fruit uud aitotl lu ti 1 ir (ll)cerln or pure whllo sugir made' Into a sirup Is ad led to this solution to, Increaso Its ilensltj to tliat of thu fruit jiiln If lho spindle In the fruit Juice shows 4 degs. six onm m t whllo sugur or gmid cotnnierelal gl.uerln mutt bo mlded for eucli gallon of tho prrwrva tho ilulil wanted, the rale being to add li, unnces uf sugar or ghierlnto tho presenntlte fluid foreaoh degrro tliowu b) Hie sjilndlo In tbo fruit jttlrv (tu bo extracted frum other suuiplis by put sure or stowing na for Jelly linking). Ill" (arms In Arllnrlsl (lanlrnlna True Insto In gardening requires cei lain liarmony lu parts Isiforo tho rflect f tho whole ran bo considered IkmuII fill For instiiiice statuary and ruck charming In iimiiMllon wrltli gardening, lino a depressing (ffeit at nflen plsceil III artlftikil gar (Unlng plants with a formal, artlBelal apiHirniieu uru rurtiuiilnrlv drllghtfnl, mid tbomi are peculiarly approprialo in city gnrileiis, Mr liUnc, Mhnhas done so much to entourage en liirresecd use of rarttttM runlullted 1 lauti, arrunged abedot them A OArn a a irhcx. which was ft mast ri li i e of lieanty as tin n lm uteil, nn 1 of whlihwe oijiend mi illtistnition nt jt appiurcd In a riient Issue of Mceliau' Mutithly. In the saiiio luna orcun a nol'ce of tho Hugo palm, yiUli at an ornaircnt firthefiont dorrs of house with ire- fensions of taste Mechau thinks innnot Is' nrpiticd Thoso nro not common, boennsn It It onl) now and then Hint tuey throw out offrets, b) whleh they cun lsi Increased Tin y grow with ex treme slowness, awl Jet aro long lhcd. There nro siwclrlichs iibont our older citlea that are over n liundriil ) ears, and uru not more tlianrom six In eight feet high Tin) arcliiten-etlugbutaiilcally, thruugli beltig tlio link betttin ferns and imlint, atul are appropriately called tu notion in connection with artificial (,urdinlu- . CORNSTALK AND TOW CARTS. Two (nnlrltsnrrt That Are I'.rit bs Many t t lilanil I ONners. At I Ig I is shown n cornstalk or ensilage cart It Is sixteen to eighteen feit long, w Ith at axlo six feet long Two stmug lied pieces nro lioltod on the under side of tho nxlo close lu the nlicclt, npproiclilng to within r foot of i ach other In front. Hoards are nulled in those each intcrnato ono coming oat flush with the bed pieces, tho othcupro- cnirn ron mt'ttsn counstaiki Jcctlng somo Inches. Two small wide tired wheels nro used In lonlnig one ran null) wulktip Utwcin tho Iwinls M'ltli un iirinful cf stillka nnd put them imjwliero on tlio load Iu using this inrt tho front tud It lifted and fastened tu tlio axle of a tuw cart, shown ut Fig t!. This tow enrt l tlmplynpilrof wheels with nu axlo unltonguo und a seat for tbodrhir. It umbo readily bjlcliwl lo un) lonj uud the horses, will pull more comfortably than willt ordinary whiffle tries. Lung Inland fnrinera will bitch their tuw earlt to heavy loadt on bad fpotsintlK) roads, to road machines or un) thing clue needing a temiiorar) lift Thnnkt nro duo to Itural .New Wrker foi lho foregoing cuts oud descrl) tlous Wo are further told by this uutliuntj A LOVO 1H WD TOW CUIIT. that lii carting si ilka to the Uirn soma firnnrs set a stunt fwlo at tlni front of the w agon with another isilo pin) Ing an the top uf It like un oil fashioned will hti-l. Tin re is a roiie hftp atilio end c t tins lule with which thoy can lilt a lundlo or shock uud awing It Into the wagon Others usothe hay tllngiitor unloading stalks. le LlsitTil. Mm Piuscnlro (to liimn cnffising lml) My nilo It nlTOy, "Pay In mlvuuco " Iliiiilltl-Tlitit good lellintoto Ik) liiekcii nut of my room because joit bud ft Heel to I'uy our jxatl lIuriKr a filial , 1 Iteennl In lmijn rsllnn. Ate '") lemona In sixty iin m This I llioe i inili'limintof rmi Imtof tb e.ilind, wbuitiiuw Ijing flat on lot back na a remit. The fent wna done Uv Oemai! Unverx-igl.wliolltesonl.lberty ' street. He cuntrnctnl a bail i aso ol j rhenuiatitin lie went to a nnml r of j doctor and asked their aid In pulling him throng his Imlhersome ailment. Ho was prescribed for many times but nil the drugs Hint ho could cvntnilcnllr pile into himself seemed to ilfeit no cliangn in his rutidittou He wot ml lined b) friends to try varluua tnt inenla unknown lu the doctor, but which bid accomplished som wutuler fill cnren. Fotnloug time Vnveu ml carried twu raw uUitces In elthi r pints aket. but round Ids dlsnuw ud k t ling worw. Worm biths in re ali) n ouiininded lo him, and he link Hum conl Inuomly until somebody Infotim ,1 hlin that bebad liei-n rerlimsl) inl.tili u and t'tat cold baths wire quite Hie thill? fur rheumatism, au thu i Ictlm tuuk i ol I lmths, which in n short time ntin t i aitse.1 ossification, to bo stoiiied Uils mi callml remedy After liutlng Iriid n nmnlsr of like Irentmenls, )ivi thu recommeiidatlnn of jieopto who i laliuod to l his friend. Unversjigt was told one day tliat lemons taken propel I), would ffect n ielllin and tierninln ut cure of Ids sli kiim Ills Irtfurmnut sold ho wot no dottor, nn I would nut lw une If he could, but Hint he knew u tiling or two ulsmt audi mut ters. His innnni-r was so conrini Ing tliat Ms victim detitmlncl to giro bis advice a little pi-ictire He mmt eat n lemon the first dayulidlncraiee the ilnee, tme em h ilav for thirty duja. cm the thlrth Hi d,iv ho thoiild ent thirty lemons, and from tlnn on lie was lu go baek wurd, dei rnisiug the doso in the same lu nun r us ho liad iidrnimd until nnolhrr thlrt) dnjs niroup, wlitn lie wxmld bo n cured mail. t'nverxagt had always 'heard thai lemons were good for rliemnntlim, nnd this fact made lilm 1 lace more than or illnar) faith In tho now irescjlptlon Ho commenced the tn-ntnieut nix u Mventy da)t ago und, strungu lo sn carrleil It out t tho viry letter. He ate ir lemons In that time, nnd nun tht wonder la that lie is living He li Is-int trended by Hie doctors fur n i'lonun rniiilltlou brought nbotit by the n-c p tlon of ueh nil exlraordlnar) nmoiiti of neli lutuliis s) stem. Cincinnati En qnlrer Han Unnlhrrn I armrrs hell l-esnnls. Tl o American Peuiint union, of Vir glnln nnd North Curullna, is cumiswiil of one delegate from i ach of slxti elrth' MilKilllaiiote in tlio slate of Virginl i and eighteen in North Carolina A presl dent, lico presiilent, secntary, tna nrer, chaplilu, doorkeer ami wlbiut doorkeeper rolislltnle tlieofrlclnl orgaul ration. It meets at will and at tiller ent towns in the peanut belt Iisoli Jeita aro inojierntluii mid lnutmd i n teetiou ngaitist trusts, rings and ipetti luturt. It tnrtlmsed lliroiihh n loin lnlttee iq pointed for the pun"" ) iKki peanut satkA last season und smtil ni itul thou wnd dollars to Its isttroni II establishes the prlte t C iwumit saekt In the suction it oiiratee, It bus e rectiil and liai In fall ot r.i lion seieril faetorli for tluutiliig the prralBtt of the farms. Its goods urn dis tributed lu I'U-n section i f the countr) It lias nccoi'iplltlied ninth ls-uellt for thofurmins, and is likely to grow and Is) still more useful Tho siuTeae of this organlintlnu thont furmert ran cudly co-owrato tu their own nd vuutage Farm and Home. Tho llojr Is st Ihime ?,iw. When the shall of Persia was touring throtigli Kuroi )uee)eirsugnlie was cconiiinileier)r.tierenudnt all times by n llttts lai) win. wns gorgeonsl) nt tired ULd avnt allowed to do Just us he pleusrd. The lw) win not n member m tho lmiH-rlnl famlh , lint Just fortnnah oungster for w hunt tlio slmli had taker an uunccountnblo liking A rrnrt h il como from Ttle.mii that the 1) wj plaj-ing with n rcohcr in the ruyie! dinp near IIiiruju.1 receutl), and at er) close to the shall, win u tbo weapon uecidentall) wint off und tho shah hail the er) narrowest kind of esca;io from su ldi n deutli Tlio lsiy but been sent nwny now New York bun x ja v-x-l-x se incur M Ms reslilenrs In rsrmers wsnl (eptemlier a, tnn-j, eclli Itlsby, brqI71 yosrs, I months sod tl lsY. rastrsl mil 1.0 hell In His Isrmertward taiclisj bnase 00 rrl Isy nsxL IXIKrL Al Ivsn.tnn Wromlcr, Autilit S7, Isats Uvell, Itto or Ftotlsul steil CI fears. LOOK OUT ron the hard book republIcmsi. A Full Rooorcl of tho History Prlnclplos and Policy of tha Ropubllcan Party, with a Ho vlaw of tho Cnroor and Prln clplos of tho Democratic Party. Issued undar the nusplcos of tho Ropubllcan Party of Utah, lloaciy noxt Woclnoaclay. 100 Paguo. rPrice, 25 Cents.m CHURCH- BLANKS Prlntod nnd for Ho! at THE DESERET NEWS OFFICER CALT LAKE CITY. ufct rrort ,. , tv, ir& Wrtl HcjjnrH ,. .,,..,, SA9, RMUf Kooivlr TUps-itU , Ma, TtUphtj AictcUtion llopurtl . .Jt " T L, M L X, Reportt .. , . 4 IMHIA fapotu. I,, K, Kileri1 OvrtittMtM , , , Jtsa, " iihori Unsuuitn4, booki ot (H Mo. iflAW4 FrlBiArj AMuclQoa nnll ftnrl UkoM Dooka, ItJJ. rYlsUU Itol! an 1 It ord IVunkn, 11 M, nl Ktieords 1 qr , I4.U0, 1 ir , UU0 i V WU Hlf I PrlMU nMOfdJ llid W. Ordw, TeMiUW CtNOTsb Ubsltt OrUs Mr. Mary Aten 1 1 Tswlt)iirj? la luffrrfil mitold neonjT from lirsttrii vn .- vrlnsi, lt!i Intrti It li Ins ntiJ burninir tm the recomnjeuaauyii uf a lliXikUuihit t hi. Hood's Sarsaparilla firnl iikmI Hoot i oiite Ointment. 8min tl X ICf M tTIUl I I liBBl. Un lilt eKCilUtlon MM-it nil m i ni 1 1. 1 itirrJ, and ifi. 1 f ujir Ii.(.ti ii4 1 hiTo not tnr mny mbm nto fruiut)lr acquaint witli IU Altrttrnt Vtiow llio tntn t lw true ' J He (iinrrixftsHoN I .;., burg ra Hood 8 Pills n .uwu. con.uptin 8 e.tcHiK i-rittati 'M'UfntHIfc'HittisUrTC'L UANTM. SALESMAN OLNCh IUK I1NT. K tcntiTPlv Uitrlt fulr rommiiaioft II Al mtnn,1 t N BfooBl hr ,Alini.o)n Mipd. IM UM UAXK iCfeTtlllKM WK)D JJ.Iirl frtr iccnrral buaieworkti Ul Unilr till mi 4T torn air rril Livck, or .17 Thifttmih 1-KttfirrcL AMANIOIAKK A (irriOhANItnTi rrirnt a irntwtiirrt IM "r weak, mall rrpitnl rfnuUed Aiir, with aluaii tinufai-iuffr Uox'v vVeitAcion, ilan w i on r" tUAtin is in tmiTnv ami II Nurth Coint ranal fen lUtr .A I ail Ptcontt fto.uli "Im-l 1 eUttWAIll 10 It PALK. mttO 1AIIMB, lONTAlMSO loft AMV X. fror rarticulata R(irio JiMi. UitMi. i Ml io In f I On T00 ACUK ItA.NLI! 1 OJt"AU;. WrilAXLOSKtitr TIlKltaflTIIANCIirS In LUh ntilrh o ..Cur .id rraanntblc itru cr lonltnf rwJ ity I iopr If Tb Ur la fitthwatrirtl run urn U iuaDtm ot Uy A ply la Itai 41, I llrlrjuu, l,tUh ul.H . IrtlK llnM' WAMKI). or to mini m. ATtiow.HifUtNfj OM iJchtniDir llaifr am natiD- J irj W.met, iRticnttru, tin. .!( i flneat ol Jewelry koM at Dvr, on all kiul f n rial witMM. aiTtar or fsicaal. Nu u.iiif a rn railUl l-icrr houae haa vuotit nrctiriplai lag U K 1)1 LM C'i,(oumtua t ia o!CK) iomuauious SIAIKH lllifOiA! rOU Till KUEO lto ot a trhol IIulh) for He iral hool Dialikt looela lvt Lonnly tun termor) wiilli tiruet tihv letmcrii H.i llou'c, (mi clock t in r leiqtcr lltl ISO 1 lanackUtcatvOBtlU bfUroir J lain TonfiaLiirtor nt lho cUVi m tb irrbtu-tr I II II At.clerpp,3 3 anyou Load d-o , NOTICE. rilllCUL VUI I. ULAN WUAI MECTIMI I X or tltu alocatioitlera or thu t ajtlo r. irr and MaDnrtrturlnrto at tho mitiiiany a f l flrti fcf ju .3 ( -, 30 ii ni , ti r lh lection i f nuircra atui a II end audi tttitr vutincia aa may La Ltoiiglit Lcforo the tucaiii tt r lllUuh.Jnaldcut. koticT; ' fllHB tNNUAl Mtl IIMI a Till' .1 ti i kmiltitra of tfa "all Uk- anl loa Aflc 11 ay Mill L I tld ut ii I- N.uth lifupla ft re I "n Ihntt'Us ctu Urr.nil.atl'M.1 lor lh nrpti f clrclina: tllk era for tuu raj car &t.lloru li othtr Latiana latnay Ifiiilr rorao I cfor llu. intfltbt; 1 a OlAluN rrrtriaiy rail IjJin tit), Itah .lujttiiitl, vn, i NOTICE. " i miiLANWAkatrrriMiof iiirnTot h ' i hQlirrati rnu LfHHkT SrnitiiHiAxr I -M ill l-a i eld at tho eon ny a cduv.on Mtur i y. B t C it loclori am. for th J uro i nt I'ltrcioii for tno iiiauinit yrar ti l tu altn 1 1 1 Fnrti otl or bailnvM I may i rouarly u.o llJti tho inctliujt Jt,,,N jn . relftj Sajt Lakatlly, t tah, Annual t, 1JL WOTJcF T Ill-ItnnV (lULN TO TDK STOCK huiurta or lho orlh lomt Uoniniidal i irrigation t m any, lhal the nunaal n.n?l i w of tto atorktsOJilrr of tti aal I cnn,iaiiy wt I I'D h(t 1 it t iriock ft, m .on Won laj, .hn rt lay uf September ril(at tb ullan ifot rail IMa tliy in alirl a lloart t f Uliei t -lorlliaintutt s joir, ami tu adopt a plan r lho ctilltaltlq tlalfibiiton Kill llio of II r Miatrra of tlia at at I alonttlmr lo aiJ ruin tuny, ai 1 to attan i to mdi o ttr Lu -tun i r iainlntt .Ihclntrrcua ot ihn cufiiny u - La LDujht bafore il J W UIIITKIlKAIt, J1L, 1 dit ft ret try ' GUITARS I MANDOLINS fuWiJif 5?.u,!"ji i .7"3 slk5,,"t, , 7 Tn. LekotlUs.. I , Th.iArfon. ' -, Ths Arlon. ..lw,jfa..iTho rto)f "ttoil y Mint.1"! ifta" lis" ittts'it',' cijaaii. S.P.TEASDEL dbiedTboiti APniOOTS, PEAOIICS, APPLES, GROUND CIIERnlES, HIGHEST PRICE PAID S.P.TSASDEL MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY. UNIVJRSITYOPUTAir tpran-Jif (a(l(n.jr (,fj,,errt,) SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Tha JrittermofthB AradeiuiQ yrHr 18-3 91 tt ilotniTrraitv of Utah l I bruin at9a.lL. ktoLdar.hrt (I 191 1 1 a follow mi; rouraea aro oRrt"l I A four yeara'CiaiatcaUourlo. A four yeara cuurao lu lit neril Heir nee. t. A fuuryrara' (.ouiia in letter i Atbrta yitara'founeln Wiuluj ami Sim Inir KoiiiDfcttnjr 0 A four jcari NoroiBl cour 0 (twoyaira' jrrparatory e A three yaara' IWnul couraa (two yet ra irrparatory). , 1 be llrat Are of Ihrae rouriea lead to ilr irreea, loitruciion in kimtary bcianco ami factica A trciaratoiy icliool, Ue.1jne4 in nrrpare atudeuta to uraue any of I be UnnaJiiiy rouraea la print lo enona of Loilt aea OTer Dycaraof tut bludeala are admlllrd without flurjrta for tuition u any ionre ihiy aieprriiartd toi ur lue. flit re ia an at null adtriaii io fee ot ii w) tor rcaidenta of LUb, and 1.a.tXi lor non red drnlit Mudenu may rttflit permlla for reQuced fare a oi r tbo railw at a Ju I tali. lorfuiihrtlninrmaUon a, It to JOSalJtl. ivlM,'llY,S' , iUa Acuocrroiideut, Jf ItAtLROAns. MM PACIFIC ySYSTEi THE TUROUCtl CAR 1IBE ItlKTm: JULT lOUi, la;. " " Dtperitt ioj in, ,, AXIUTK. from si) Ks.lera tolct lw rruai ltults.l-orltsnd sad f.n frsa. lico. .... M, rrom Ink clljranJCsclis Tslls " lo uZ Tnm all rs.tera polstfc..... , , . l-rom Csrbs Vsll., snl UtOts l,li irwia lllltorJ, Knr.ka sad Inl.r " rasduls point ,,. frera Jnsn snd Korsks. ,, 2 iitriUT. sor tn isiUm pemti rerOtdcasoJIoHriosdlsta r-llnle, YuZ tot Unite. 1 ortlsnd, f sn rrsncUco snit Cstle stlej ,, rorrssae alley ssd r.,, cilr , nrallEaitcroioiausnillisoi-iss sito.. ... , ., , tror I urits, Jast, snitMllfcM. ".'.'.'.'. H n ror, Jose sna lateraisdltls llU (Ms rorTossIs snclTiriMsn 11,!; Daily. sen Isrs ss wd. "' " I ii'adi," M"" J"u " u'"rl do sot , ill iltiirr orrnr, uni mv r U.K. IIUKLLT. risnl i,t !'," JspV . II cum, 1'm.arid elen. Her. L.lilcalxsoa-.AasilGiBlMgr ) z. U Uimi. u. t. a r. aitst priocrandb SSrnI wesierh- VV.iriJVO Slindtrd Quijs. utttttlMJi ttmn . Tim uiti In nr rl a ja. isiij trs)r hit lint o.J-rirl'i..o orsuiijui, u., t1 sit pnines L-ut IM.B ho.l-rorlT vo.i.i.o.lJun lioosna sll olnu Eu.t. .. H fis.n. No. r-lorlioro. Isj.on.1 , I -,a. 0 (-rerlliriaslisn"-r,n,"'t7ssll "1P No rorlineTisii'l iMn . He. ' i, Nv.l-rrrnsilsnsndtVrit tlllpa . I or CKiili slid His H ci 1 e s. Na l-riom I iuiu i rsnr Juu i undllsrsit i, 1,.. Nnt-rrom Itoth rsra Jv, n '" o.;-rrori!,lo.a;.,aMO r ' No B-rro"nIUrJbain I W fcW- .So.J-,rrtmoJt,(,JJanj."Mr;1 4l No.t-hoi Uv nan' I t V r . , iu nan im .,, ,n , Ira n orhapkci ctutuiuui. tlon. i-ati, lodanl mi i ii i.niui,i,, kVKiiir, u mesvr ? CD. Latiacer lid. uk Uea.1 A i AiL THIl Uliaci IllllliUtill LHC AND ALL POINTn lAtT. Ktss r.,1 nUl.ul Trims Wll Tlracrt fltnn .o.l liinnr Ct, cu.Mrlln, wis TnrbushTrs n ror slllursutss Mtdlios set sjlpulnn iu IVtteouim ssd illrhlfta. Ttiiojsli tit. otrs lo at rsiil ssd Uitssiii lls. with eirsct r ids tor rulali is isss, rorllowi, ltt!lirrirr.i rrstloatssd sD tsrjrinstloe spplv si kn oo s. or lo laYs'cllf ,,rA,,AI", Ajcal, u .'..,",':,.,i vsmvas r,"M"1 r'- X.lV.tV.HL"-'- I M.ta,..jM TITEFAVOniTUliOUTK lor All I'olnU TmI anl seatk is su M.SS0Dltl PACIFIC ...IM OM.T ONK CIIANOB OK OAIt", UTAH TO T IJJUIS, ssd th.l I. mil u tss Jjjllms sod In, a I aloa Prpcc. CLCOANT HCCLININQ CHAln CAM", Tils lo bold.rt ol i.talsr trsla Ucksls ririU rjrtltlsM,cllmsrd"' V DKIIIIAII, Coinin.rel.l Assnt. ll.CU r MaUtV,r.alrstls.sssl I ro(i..l lltlldiot, SUt Ull U", IL el TOWJiBKNi), a r. s) T. A-s Bl. Lsuli, Lit, And XIG1IT SCHOOL. OPENS SEPT. 12th, 1892. Olllco 100 Wasatch Building. !l,..,li. Urn, line ami all toiumr"al llrnuclios I...mM.silpjsJs.tltJ-. rorisnliulsrsspplrla LLmU.As'fa,Hjja. CwtaBjiMBntefatateaaW; 2..IU0 I.W fa If illltut Cill uaiM.W A. C. FLOHES, C0M1CI0MSTAY AENTE ADUAHAL Custom lions. lln.Uiraii'M"'" mlKlun MiTflil. USilllMlS. - - tSTWHl'Mfi