Newspaper Page Text
h ' I Ij 1L i g DE9EUET KVflNINQ NEWS VHTPAT. SW-TTnum 00, 3802. I L second mm. If Hi DESERET EYENIHG HEWS. Sri Btti' rlil.J. ' Hesilesiilier 30, lJ pfMff LOCAL IHtBVITItS. f'k nilt- TnEflemocratsol 11. 0 rieTenlh ward n Blin, still meet In the old Hard sclioolhouro lm UmUi "l o'elocl tonight. All Interested are Ml! HkL Invited. Kir BFi P Mai on llliui today .ttoedlho wo lf B B, lutlon recently 1 ssscd by llio City Couu Ij ffi rll, providing (or tlis construction or e Hi) HSur wsgnn ro I to Morgan county via City aH Hi Creek an I llardacrshhle eanvons. An ISHI effort will lw motto la pass the measure M 4 HKUl OT6r ln c'lle( eietmtlTO's f0'" IP HBw Ik tliO ahsencrj of AlUnt lllatrlol BlQ'HSli A Homey Htephens from tho Third Ills; K(IaBlT trlet court today h luting l-wn oot-u W-JBtMil- i led with the grand Jury In tlio drawing HQES ol Indictments Assistant County At 1 FaMEi torncy I Ichnor took lili place a prose W ISNEsf cullng aiiornoy, and summed hiinsoll ii PHEr1 admirably. 7 flHS'ii Iouiciimai JlKAnn-nv who l Ih MaKvi chairman of Ihe i-nllef) rommltlro says P 'WaWllrfi thst the thrco vacancies now rihlimmi I IlllKS tlioiollcoforcowllllnsll proUblllly he K Hi at HUM tonight. Al.o that four additional II iNtBbH orllcers will be Klvoit positions, tnaklnir 1 IHaHll ln " "" lncrenso "r 0,cn olUlc" ViffaHKaK oter what aro now employed. l IMWX Weather Forti-ait. S fBPf Tot Utah Fair, cooler In northern I J:9aBw iindrouihemtiorlllons. Han Francisco, I 1 JsflEf C1'' ' "' ln ' H,t' m' W" IHe Itouk. For Women. liaBl "Houie Treatment tor the Diseases HlliKS ' Woman" la the litis of n work writ- aflJaHfiS ten by John A. Millar, aud ubllihl afliWBrK ty Iheauthor, whoie addreie la 1137 HfaaBil OcaryHtreet, Ban Francisco. It la a ImHx n,0,t "celleut work w hlch any Itjtolll- HfMflmK Kent lrsoti can understand nnd aa n atwHnl preliminary itudy for ladle conloni flTlaHkm iihtlct! entering tti 1 rofcselon, aa well lDIUbHS ,or home u'" '' InTnluable. 11 la n vlHHa (fork out of the common way and la SuMEf evidently milieu by n, man of coin. ItnSHHf laou sense. II hRbI Latest I out I N'rwi. UlaWM grand ruah bothlnilJe If aPKl at"i cutilde Judge Au'dcraon'a court BE aHV thli afternoon. It waa made up of from ffl SKI lBOtoSOOleraoni of all nationalities, ill HHi aeeklrgkdmlaalon to cltli'uahl. IMF KX The Jury lu the (. of Joaeph RGaaaaVtl IedK-n-trltd ln JudK Zne'a court ill aRltt tlili mornlni with aahaullhiK an 'leTi n. H HW ytar-old Rlrl were under loik an I UK Ikey wheu the Nfwfl went tiMro... FjfHK lit lookei then liken dlaigreement of TjfW the twclvv. iVaHH Kdward Youne, tried title morning IfcanLaV fo' houaobreaklnf-, waa found Kullty IGlH and i.nt-nced to alt mouths' Imprlaou M&W ment. ilanflai Tlul lclll,u" -''a'r jHW The Territorial I'alr will open at the QwHB l.ipoalllon luildluKonTueaday unit, DJ9HH and continue until October Sth. Tlio MaaHHl dtcoratlonairoralao to L rery attrao nHjj tlfeandHhe condition of theerouula, iBBaaHli jnder the management of Mr. J'.my, (H ta ererythlnK that tan be dealrnl. S'lBBB 'rna tower for Major Htanton'a lllx- rflHBS aaTluK exhibition tunda lire atorlea jiToHHJ hlh. Thodlaplay will take place one IfftaBMB oderuoon and no eTenluir at the fair. HHw rhe price of ft membership ticket la SH $2 which entltlve the bolder to adrula- I FfaaaaH ff9n fff0111111 Mu 1 eater IwBDl many artlclea or animate as Uealrod. OSImI The single admlsalon la fifty cents, itiaHKI children twenty.tWo oenta, and achon .iuHIbH children, when accompauled by their SjHiflB tcaohera, ten cents. .Last ytar the ad. ajlK i minion rato was twenty-llvo cents, HHHR but with all the atteiidauco thu iuaoi.1. iflHjV atloucamo eut $M00 behind. H "J men lie lnsliuctor." JHWjB The October 1st number of Ihlsex- BbHB cellent magailne la out. 1'ollowlng la HH the tablu of contents. I.ikoof L'omo, BjjHW (illustrated); Which Path? The Aa. HH tronomer and Ills Work, John Itlchle, EMHti Jr; Deieret Kunday Hchool Union HKSftp Leafleta Leaaon 30 Duocli and Ills 'lnll. City; A Double lsont Huoweilln, fnlHii Haved from Cholera; l.arly l.lfv of KvlsaWnl (leneral Urant (Illustrated), Toploa of IJUflaaKtf the Times The Cholera Mar. lisli. rlige, The Udltor: I.lltle Willie; fflfMnff Th Jarenlllra MI. The Jure- H0J dttea aa Metalworkers Thu use of iDBlIlf Iron Tho r mains found by theiopIe iIKjBHbI "' I'lnilhl Hie Jaredlte lanxuaRe, yaHK Goorito Iteynolili; ridinetsj Church ltBBaivW Hchool l'apers, lir. Kurl 0. Micier, IlaBuW seneral euptrlntendeut; "lie's (lot mUaaHfOW ''" IteuiemhirMe (A poem), I'.dl itlaKalBW torla) ThouKhta Juvenile suiokura illHiLHl The Inllueuco of tlio Jews, Taking In 1 tcrest; Tor Our Idttlu I'olka A visit Hn to I,cliomen'a Cave, MagRlo Harney SBQHi Th" ''11 I'""10 'id thu Infant IHLra Language Amonir Doge It Pay to be inHEf l'hisaut The Worls 'of Ho J; The IDHWl' Mlraclo of the (lulls (A poem), MHjVV Josephine Hpencer. DUff IHrl) IN' M.W .KALVNI). IHHfls I'lJcrOlloI jiiiiul lilpnian.of liurrlcan HHE( tutl, l'iissra AMay In H IRjvrf lorilgn I.nuil. IBHfiv The following felf explanatory lelc Kk grain waa received In thla city at 1(1 HUTr1 o'olock laat lilght: JWaBKi' Mah 1 nANcmro, HcpU Jt, IS').'. iUm WMI Tresldent IKord oodrutTl nil aWl 1J,lor ,H1 I?"1"" Chlpmin .lied UH IleTr Auitiiat 31st, In Now eulind l'loa.o WmH mm M notify family at American 1 ork. Am fflHl ffeVlli hrlncluj body homo. akaU BiiVii 'tunMAHC.BrANronn. SHiaSI lk J.Iaki., WM IIU Heturnlng mlsslonurloa lu charge of Laflai HHh body. HB9 The remains left Ban I'ranclico last HHnilB night and are expected to reach here BOlHaW 1 tomorrow evening. Tho cause of the antSint sudden and unexpected dtath haa not WUIKflR been learned here as jet and full pnr. 1)11 h tlculara will not be obtalnat le until the HKjf, : arrival of l.ldcraritauford aud llawkea BE ,. with the body. HBk rhe deceased waa about 1 sears of HHKftr Ee ,,,J v"v uorn "lJ "ised at BHaw American l'ork, Utah count), whore HJHSljV 't he always bore au excellent reputation MHKjnt U lie waa a bright jojtig man and had jHHW 1 jromlslng future, Ilia jareuts Hl ' are Wnshburuu and Caroline Chlp- HfflHir man. lie leaves u wife and one child HIBn ' to mourn tile ad demise, The reh BuHOKI tlvea of the dee eased have leen com- LfM flu munlcated with and have inudear I ill 9 In rangements to have the remains lor fin lew ' warded home from thla city for Inter vHm IPS' ment. Thenenaof l.lder Chlpraan's I Ian Rvfw death caused the profouudost eorruw lu I w 4 Lll '' I American l'ork aad tho sympathy ol Jit "'l ! the Halnts everywhere will go out to I I M fl 1 the bereaved wife and parunts. Majixff. A bllUUT ISS10N. The Police IlocLrt llrnrrd tgtln On Short Order Thla Morning. Iluslnesa waa light In the Police cou again today. At ft quarter fast (en the docket was clrarod. The case disposed of were. J. W. Single, drunk, i, A. Hogll mand, drunk, fi', (Jeorge Klein, tamo offense and same tnalty. A warrant was Issued thla morning 'or the arrest of Mrs. BhrKetilallernnd John J.rf, ft courle of Germans risld. Ing en l)esk'a addition, corner of Hecond U'ulaud Tetith Hoillli ttuels. The com lalulug viitntx was also a (lermsn, Ills name waa William Tousrher. He allegee that the acensmj inaile forcible entrance Into his house during his absence and atolu a matttesa lelo'iglng to avomen known na Kosa Dure. The casewlll le Investigated In the Police court tomorrow. JOKINU THE FAItMEfi II Aet1 Tlioitali If I sit lla Had lot 1 ten will, th. II,, I, I Man. Ho wit tit tlio taljlo of n country lioti 1 nnd tttu nnd ntu He liutl drl i n in fruin lils fnnii tlutt tniriiint; to fell a lcxul of now notntooe to tlio liml lonl, wlilch line! Iir-cn ilcinninlcil lij tho summer ljfiiilini llicru linil licenfuino Imuglinij out tlio irit, ami thu laudlonl liml tlinmn in a liotcl illnurr for thu funm r to clinch tlm lmrgTiln 'llio lamllonl lslnil lio lnid mlil all cost 1 furu that illit nir wrw ocr When tlio l-,Itor wiulil out no moro hu IcuntU lmck in Llnilinlr, tilti-l it allslillj ami foun.l tltno to regurj thu city folk about liltn, wIioho ior niiiKtites uru a bouit'u of (imler to iilni "Theo nuw jwtii(ix) of yours nro rwtllont" mbl ouo of tho iirt, oiixiotu to ilraw him out lu eouvcr rallon "Its) it tnrml chiiino to illp;lliciii now," niun uixxl lie "fliuy ro mnull jut nml fow.iu tho hill ItVi naUnu; Koo(l jiotritooB to out them now. In n month llicj llfulll7oi.iul notlitiiK wnkteil," nnJ huMjlieil heuWIy, "hut jott dty folkH li nighty lintiroi dent." "Anil then In tho spring j on il tnl out Luiln N nml hmhcl) of tlium that hail ilKiij oil iu j our ccllAr, una throw them nwaj " miiwcreil n jicrt city Klrl who liml liml to onteml with Hint sort of economy Inforo nt an olhtr fanner a tnblo Tlio fanner hail no rently reply to thil inbo, bo ho looLeel unoaaily nbout for n toothpick: "Tlielninlloiildoosn'tsupply tooth plekn any moro" tuiil tlio fuunj bonnkr, 'kiiu'o tho gueste look to ciltr)iii them nwny with thiin " Tlio funnel looUil at tho funny limit lutruiiiilnglj, nml replieil "Tho llret nowtiuinr with .1 jfent iimiilo Hint i or tamo Into thewi parte, mis tt r, hail tlutt joko in It I'm onto jour city wajn. gentfi, nml I know that it iiin't good ntjlo to pick jour teeth nt tho table ninong hiliea, but I am that worried with lud teeth that I luto todropinynianiicmufter cery iml long enough to get tho ftmy fool out from hetwoon them ot cry lime" t "WJiydout you get a dentlsUa fill them for join asked aniithci. ' bomo jHiiplo tan stand it," ea'd lio, ' but I dnn t u-a how they do It would Ihi no uho for me 1 d rather rulToi the nelie. Trout my colt da) h Inoer could nbldo thu least littlo tliinglictwoi.iiinyt'.eth'' " " ' When I rult trees Need the lire. Ill tcry lino stiuoiia whin thu springs aro bright, fine and mild fruit will duiilitlcM Ml trry well without llielu tcrventloii of Kt-Iio jiliel, nUtl by the sunshine, lelng a mlllclent ngent for tho ilUtrlbuth n of tho pollen, but In cold, wit n uiwiia tho aid of bw In mi lumtlouubl) enniillal to tlio firtlllra tlon of the bli in I y uirrylngtlie HU n not an) u hero ut ha hazard, na the w lud does, tut from bloaaum to blosaom niid nowhere clae. In wit and told weather tho pollen I moro Inclined to adhere to tho blowoms tlinu In fine, warm wiather, nnd thna it la that tho wind fails lu unfavorable fcasima toeocuro that which i an then be obtained only by the help of licca U , tho proper fertlllittlou of the fruit blossom, with the it su.t f a propurtloif i.telj ubundant crop of fruit I woull Unite mi) persons who tuny 1 incri dtiloiia on this jiolnt to Islt in 11 ronfessiHll) bill fruit )inr mi) during August or tho eni ly jnu t of St ptt uiIk t thu lot alltUs in whit h our gr at iiplatlt aro altiutetl. Let them can fully e(v tlio ronntt) lyiig in n radius of two inll from tho Hilary itself, and tin y will that that ill almost enry case llio fpilt Irets are laden with heat) imps, while they will obsmo na thty Tit farther from the lclnit) of tho npl itrj (snpiKMing that notary many Nta are l.tpt in tho country nruiuid) that tho frill? t lupa all adll) .letcrlorato. I am convinced that no Boon aa 1-re 1 1 1 ir nnd f rnlt f irmors begin to reco,r llio t ho Importance or the ono industry in rthitiuu to the other luoro rosiiou tlmeawlllliiin storo for lioth, mid wt hill not only hear of better fruit hni ut.t, lut of larrer returns of bow) also 11 (I Himson'it ' (luldo to Does A lIMInctlr iTet lloterace. A number of trials hme Ihtii mailerf a lcrago luitlcnlarl) iiuiel, whlili might lio turmoil "nut nit ' A f bh Iran ilrtil iinta were crimhcd at a time in u mortar with u pestle, and the liquid from tin in after King atralmd wa ndxi"d Just III o Kiiion Juice, with watti niulmigar Tho rt suiting lieterngo re atmblis ltiroiiado so closely as to be Hiirttl) distinguishable fiolu n, Die riasou win Is -.try tasyto ex llalu, l'onulo iul.1 la the nearest aj I roach tu i itrlo at Id, w lili h git ea Ituic n julte 1U lliivor, knnwii to thetheinlit ln farl thriu Is ur) littlo dllTtrtuto bt t ten them Tabic It Was III, Iter. "I see J on lime nnothir jleeo of ihitalo statuary Alliiu" wild Unroll MtUlliu us liofullouetl his iHtlothed Into tho parlor mid uiinulel) iusptctcd tho new statu "No Harold, dear, this ism) toualu from Dost u 'explained Allt hi, and tho till frimthvo r marl) uioiedu uus Ho u llitvlda ttuoicciatloii.e'" "" TODAY'S 'TbliKMlAsMS. lib; a llrllMi (rulur wn Sent In Hiring Sen. 1h Lnnilen "( hronlili's" 1 xplanatloii. MRS HARHIEON'S CONDITION TODAY. A (.rand Vrmy lelerau Murdered h Actr lorL.-liiaih of a llalerloo Hern. ny lelerraphto lbs News f tAMAIIIW JIlMSrlUH Olien r. fire r Ailslee by i lindun I .r ToitoMw, Bept. lid A cahlo from l.nnuoti to the Tcltyrum has the fol lowing! The hew ,'- here cmi' ment fieely uion Hit attitude Iski u by llio Ottaw h authorities In the ma.ter of the seizure of the anailsu sealers. Tho morning Vtironicla remarks. 'The Canadian mlnlstera find a great ileal to say to the (Jllnwa Joiiinsllala rtgardlng the dispatching to llebrlug eta of the cruiser. It will not to cute! ilacet, rt mind them that In dealing with u h a lovrerlul l.iilofiau jruerns lluisia itlaiiolby any meune the ,att of a dl lomatlsl to s i) all he minks. I be first duly of tho llrltlsli nulstr sent to lierlng Bi'u Is to rescue the distltutc scalers, llcirlsnl la not Intended; If It had been, a solitary cruiser would not by any tntans have been cboeeu a tho sole fotca sent to sea by the llrltlsli kOirrmiieut. lord llo-eleiry Is clear IV content loader t a more reasonable course, that of awaiting the exlaua tlons from Ht. Petersburg. f llarsl-on llrlshl eet lirer'nl. VAellIMriiLN,Het. SO. Mrs. liar, rlion lesttd well last tight, and was bright aud thterful this morning. I mil Hiit.lrr. Ntw YoHk, 8e t. ft'). Prank Poul en, aliiaud Army vtterau, was brut ally It alt n to death In an ui)crroom on ilesttr street late last ulglil. When discovered Hit re wnu evlueeces of a a fearful struggle. In the vic tim's band was n lock ol au turn hair, evidently torn from the I 1of thesisasslu. Later a man be .... d to be tho murderer was arresti d. He carried an ax with which the dud waairolably committed. The name of the murderer Is Prank W. Kohl, lie haa been fully Identified aa the man sou running away from the scene of the crime und somu of Paulsen's Jewilry was found on him. ilo resisted arrcal with un ux, tlesrli.1,,1 III r tort. Nl-tt YoiiK,He t. SO. Qiover Clove lanu arrived ironi lluzzards Hay this morning and was droen nt nice to Victoria Hotel win re he will remain during tho slay, the duration of whit h la not known. He received by .'00 opleal the pier, lie will probably consult with the Dtnocrallotuuuagera during the day, Among the early callers wire W. II. (tract, who held a brief conference with thu ex President. A VtnlrHo.. llrrtil Jtl ULlr-, Be;t. Ml. Utntral Carl Mutter, the last surviving (Jcrruau t Ulcer who took tart In the battle of Waterloo, olid today, lu Hanover, aged l9. other HerntiU lo-iere.l. VuuJAttltS, Ky., Belt. SO. Motiuette yesterday lowered thu tuur year-old stallion record, trotting a mile in S Hi. Wichita Kansas, Hept. SO. On Line yisleiday lowered two year-old lacing lecord lot! 13.. lliolere lit 11 lr.. Odessa, Bept. 3D. It Is otllclallj announced that cbulera Is prevalent here. In thu last week ten cases and four deaths werurecordeJ, llmlrln In llntre. IlAMtr, Bept. .10 Blx deaths of cholera occured yesterday, ahunlugku Increase it four. A llrrl. Ion lulaiiirutt out Dr.lrr. Ban I HANCftv, Be) t. 30. Judge Itoss, of the Ui.lttd ritates district court, baa decided that the McKinley act tlltrnot repeal the act of 1661, gram lug the right if drawback of seventy flvu cents on the ton on Imported bi tuminous coal, afterward used for fuel on American steam eseels engaged In the coasting trade. The dtcltlon will result In the payment of two hundrtid tin usand uotlare to theetal dealera In this tlty, who, since the asssge of the act have becu deprived of the druw back on all coal sold to American etcamshlis. A itiinrNitllne lleciitatliiii. BlDMIA,MoBe)l. SO. Under the Bute, law tho city cou ml I haa Instruct td the Pacific J x; resa Comjuny to re move ley otid tho city llmlla all ew York consignments for Texas lit id here in quarantine for disinfection, aud not to detain here ln the futuru such cm slguineuts. All Old lelKllleiiewrd. Lemmiton, Mo., Bept SO Harry Plattenburg and Janus McDnireli re newtd their old feud last night. Plat tenburg killed McDowt II and danger cusly wounded Policeman Uray. Nuniiuieiil lleillretrd. MliumiACi;, . II., Bept. SO, A monument to Matthew Thornton, one of the algners of the Declaration of In deendcuce, has becu dedicated hero. Ilinleraliillemlilirir. Hamiiui ti, Be t. SO. The ofllrlal re jott jlaci a the number of deaths from cholera yesterday at ill, an increase of 8, and uuwtasesat IS, u decrease of II. Au Ateoiiiilur sties l'lnklic. Panama, Be; t. SO. Owing to tho ap icuracce of cholera In ev York the closure of the Atlantic ports of Colum. bla against vtesels arriving from in feeted countries baa lieeu extended to all vessels sailing from all AtlanUo i oils of the Unlit d Hlate- sub seipieut to the Uth. Tho United states mall stianishlp "Nevtjiorl" which ealle I from iew York arrhed this morning and was udmltted, will not aall on her huiutward voysge be fore the third roi as sho will wait to tare up all the Incoming finsseugus and Inlght Irom the Pitclflo Cmut. After Its tit i arturo uu more ccmmunl cation will be uttd with thu outside 1 1 rt during thu prevalence of cholt ra I his Is considered aba lult ly nic.s-ai) , nsthero Is n means of tttaUllehlug imurantluv. the Ilritish aud.rrencu ministers have irottsted. llm 1 loyal Mall ateainshlp, ' Mrto," which ar rlvetl at Havmslln tiler Die crt wasclostnl to forrlgn vissiIn waa not duly ordered out of pott, but the order was iruphoslicd by thien volleys of bullela from file of soldiers. Tiie shots fell short of tho veirnl, rliss very fortunately for the shooters. Tin amrvi or The lai.eelenre "1 Lrarneil lleeteea imhll.l.r.l IlmilN, 8ept. JO. Profesaor Iliimif, of Lipeiidorfer host Hal, Hamburg, hssrepirted his exirience II Hie trtaliuebtof dOirOcholeiniaU enta, nnd dtclsres that all vaunted remedies are useless, Including salol eresol, cretwotc, lactio acid and hydro clilorloacld.IiJictedsuIruutlaacidHnd morphia, aa suggested by American doctors, hei a'ou found of un avail, but In mild ease un Injection of laniiln was succeia ul. I'rofeasor Itumpf con elJdea that all n rthods aiiiilhg merely nt the dlilulietloii of the Inttstluea fall, and that rtnudlis must hu sought which remove the i holt rale I at till from thulntestlnes. He mentions hut baths, hot collie, tea, wine, cham pagne, and ratnphor as utcful In crii real cases. He aids that an Injection of a solution of common salt cured 13 per cent, cf tatlvutr. Professor Kit b. of Zurich, who has leeu treating patients In Hamburg wltlie Injection" if n lluld obtalnel through the culture of the clfolir. bacillus, tlafts that after tho injection of thu fluid tholinipiralureof ihuta tlent soon brcomta normal and several Ajiarenlly liojliea cases recjveled under this treatment. W rial tarda WaSIIIMituN, Bept. SO. The Haw return otal rard will I e i laced on sale at all putonires October ISth. i IJnbrrualiirlnl llllllrillli. Ottawa, Bept. SO. The rumored iliniiulty I etween (lovernor Bhulfx of Manitoba and the Ottawa government over the fdrmcr refusing to sign cer tain ordtrs In council rasaed by the government, Is bronlenlng, aud Is likely to itsull lu the Lieutenant (lovernor follnwlug the example of (lovernor Angers In dismissing the ministry. Ilarrnwlnu; Heraes Iiionwoou. Mich., Beit. SO. Two thuusaul miners worked all night taking turns In Ihu .Notrle Iron mine, seeklug to rescue the eleven men burled In tho shaft by the fall of ground yealerda). Late nt night alg nala were given and anewered on an Iron lllur which extends down Into the drill win in the men are entombs d, showing that at Jeoat aomo of them are till alive. Thu scents about tin mouth ol the It uru most harrowing. A llll I Ire. ClIIOACio, Be t. TO. A fire In tho Nickel Piatt freight yards thla morn lug dtatroyed folly loadtd cars, which, with contents, aru valued nt (100,000. Jitniea tori, rll Aiitln. l'msmn.u, Beit, SO. Thomas Mc Caffrey, the brother of Domlnlck Me. ( airrey, has deitlteil Jjlh) as a for ft It If James C C uibelt cannot make good the assertion that lie could knock Uiulntck out In four rounds. Mc Callrey says the forfeit Is for ft bet of f 5(100, and the contest tan take lace at tnu Manhaltin Club or Madison Buuarti six weeks alter tile signing of tho aitlclrn. I Ur Naula I r. Klalrmrnl. Honor., Htpt. SO. The Atchison, Toieks A. rianta Fe statement for Au gust shows an iuoressu of $Ji;,LM) In the suri lue. Holler l.,lilon. Dutiois. Pa , riot t. 3,) riio Irtl'er of thu engine on the Hullslo, llochister A. Pittal urg rovl exploded this morn lug, blowing the engiutcr and II re man to fragments. A Hhrrlll nenrlril illicit by llebksra UtlTIIIIII, O. T., bejt. SO. It Is repirltd that HheilflNlppvll of Cowley ooiinty, Knmai, wan killed by roblnia who rolled thu bank at Dexter, wfallu pursuing them In Osago county. ll,lrr liiaerlU. lllliiA l'UTII, Bet. SO. It Is re. iorted that cholera haa Irokcn out lu a Bervlan village across the Danube li.,iil,llei.ii. A.lloiirn. Coiumma, b. C, Bept. SO. The Itepubliiun Btate convention ad lourbedat 5 a. m. after much discus sion over small matturi. A full sit of i lectors was nominate J, The platform declares that with free ballot and fair count the Hlate will le; Republican by 10,000 votes; condemns the Democracy of the Htate for defeating thu will of the tuple by forco nnd fraud; declarea the registra tion and election laws of the rotate nullify a Keiiblhan f rm of govern ment, Italia with satisfaction the words of aymputhy In the Republican plat form of ISvw Yolk; ask) that oilier Btiles tiiku a like action Willi a view of making the national sentiment In 1 reak up such laws. II waa decided not to putatltket ln the field It-cause, aa the resolution stutoj.tho )te ubllcun votcra aru disfranchised. IIAIIUklk All! N HICK'S sarr roax arocxa rest York. Sent. 3"ta, bqod. Mar Silver I Teik enlist . SI. lions- or fiaiutsuon ,, -J leouions Il'l OS UAU. N 111 laeificaa 7 1 Isrlfloslail so Atelnii n SS Uoek IslstJ 711 , Oeatrsl I suflo Its nufaal ACuiaba 87 . UurliniloB V", Tsistla-ine.. 11 Kin tirsada .. is tlnmal aeidd...,. 1 , Nortbsrn facifls Ihi. raroriirtss .41 Irererrsd 00 tysiisra Uaioa M' rlortlittisloiu . II , i IC's Carrianti Paint and all kinds of lltaly.Mliid Paint nt Utah Paint A. Oil Co., Ill 1'. I IrstBoulh Bt, cod Jfuw Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, It you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, I'heiit or Lutik Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Coldt Is gunrenteed to give relief, or money will bo laid 1 ack. Hullerers from La Orippo found It Just tho thing aud under Its use bad a soiedy an I perfect recovery. Try satuj le bottle at cur expomo and learn for yourself lust how good a thing It la. Trial bottlta free at A. C. rimlth A Co's Ding Btore. Large eize COo. and CI 00 THK NKW UIII.K OK 1IIUKK. One penin I of gooil leef costs as liuteh at Ihitn 1 oiiiiiIh ol Quaker Oats One pound uf Quaker 0us makes as much musclu as three pouuda of lief, le 11 woryn trying t i f Hi. J a. Andrrmn Of Seott hie Pa a eel r in of Uio nth Tenn. iii i aiansultitariertieeli Suffered Every Mlnuto rrotnll rnnilkslnrylt ui lei eatarrh la tin 1 1 1 rl nante, n I Ultire In hit stomacll. Imrltliah nl .rrmtJ HUr Irn.l SUrp wns rr-li in, I In Iti, in r lint lie srreiwl inn Ul I loan lii li I o tt ntlebeit. llnSJ1i Hood's Sai-sapaiiila an t Hon 1 1 1 II t till pie niop- a od tlisn crsrjr tiling el s n it t u II er Ml m ill, iirrerat lo mit mifinoi . niiirstog.tlloi-Js. Hooos Pills n m b.,r,i.7ji.n,i 11. Uru .1.1 r,n hi Utr. L.. JjiU,. UANTKII. A miti. to nrii" with iiousewoiik Apilret&7N rirst Fasteireet VIOM'A TO U)A. AllllVML IAIITT II MI1IP MONF1 W loin. Np ui ueee.ssrr ax ante or Oe laef r ,",.!. em r lr I n , uta It. BUirwood. Tv Main nireei, Nail lake Lll NOTICE, rpitr anvual MirTivo or thk 1 inekholiters rl Itie mlt Ward Co op Kiote III Imi br I J l Itirlr lies nt, n tlnmlsT, lirtolirir loih, si Iim p tn , in I ssr Hie Mnsntlall rport, lha clerllon of lilreclorsksil ferieelrsnisriioner snr mher bunncsstliat majr lawfollr u ma I rrora His Ineetlua' AllblllllALti IHkKUAlllx.eecielsrr Er.(luO.H.Biii,si5 ?lt tVtCily (inict tod Itciiilouc u; Mrtt North Btrem. frtt it t9 t ?.M tj lAtll IAV IIMK'Uf K, II, K., (Oraluile of Nattontil Kchol & of frrktorr. Ihll., II L),hrlal Inktrm it, at llarrri 1 nicr.Mjtwn.ur Khuoli, CmUri-1v, Alau TrlCIJk-Il til k.UW IITIOS, umsiiiTr rxiiiEnniov, I ...bKULClLIUnr. MudlAltonm lUlobllltulloa to lid I or, j)Ui lr?t, Mtt IM lij- rtiffiytmrnu m it for afternoou ftnil ctta Ing rtfitaU tiilfttuniucnU tx NOTICE. jtoticb is i!Eriir(irv that - a tntitlitf of the iloTkl.oUom of IOH A CO nPKNATt K Ml RLAK1ILK llll iltiui will Ui I rll n i!c Icnilutiom tho a'toi-jr. vu Koutri 1 en.- lo fttrv tt, t tncf n Kit Tf L It ami I lrt I aat ftrnU, H lictty, cuUciinctJr.), OrlobrrSlh Url, tit noon, for thr urfM of lfinturo von, Umtltciioiicf oiCrtft aad dire tnr for thtciMtiiiiic ycr,nl fortU Iranita tlon of lu-h otlicr lalnn ai uy lit trouttht beforo tt t mtetlnn TOW rittil It, ffCTfiUir, Pklt Ul Clly, tii t-i. l-)- STOCK PIVIDENJ. AT a irrrin or Tin nnici o Inrotlnraof (liflUrll Annie Mlninv Bud MiHInjtUo 111 Aujrutt Mnl l,llo follow init rmolittmn wn iiiiinim ulr kJui ted "ltcao1rc4 I hot ttit Iretturr lor it of ttm roiiiiai.r. Mi. a 0W iliarr. reirrva i for " uifsnnl purpokoi of ilia con oration tt dl tribute 1 1 ro Mia aimipic U trkl 1 1 lr Aojr citun liolJinjt rrrililt itci of atoel In ;ai rtiniaur. ma)u4ii k , Ui Ut h lo John I Stlwbrr amret4rr. at So tt or W twh Main Mrcrt Malt Uho (,ttjr, liuli, ;t tbtir I roiortionrf midsi. OaUrriiirtmiiifrk JOHN I. NKHHa n,horrftarr. Iiulrd Calt Iswlt Lut.hrtiUmt tr . latfj, 0TICE. U ell Annie Mmlnit an I Mil! lint Co nnclral I lart of Liirinc, Halt Ud C lj, tlnli, XjlJr,Lt I8HIUHI (JUfN.HIATAT i.V aiuorttnif if tltlluarl of Uircrun licldnnthotlidav of Vrpi-imhtr, 1. Iv br in 1 with tiit com nit of II o Mm kbo der. ao MtMmciitiNih I) of aix ((Jrc-iiu er ahart waateriBdonile m it I ft ira f then iiinnnr tttjattlnlideorr wot Ircaturer, a room hu 8, licurct .Mtmoul lUDk Luiidtnir alt Lv Our, Hub, I rtore Nor. mber M. 1 Vi Any ttotk Uoii wblili (Ma airment mar rcicalnunpallon tho ut dar ot November, lM'ia-f ,rrmd, will t dclinuoat,anJad tcriUt-dl raie at i null am lion, bod uttkM latuiaatla niaJtbelurtf, hI ILaolt.onll nra dajr, the Sutli ijj- or , at o clot k 1 in topar deliniaenta4ipinianu, tntrether wlthtaa roat of R-lvrrtuinr and cirenieof aale JulIN I NKItl KM Hccraiarr 1-alid Salt Uko Uit, set trmbcr SJth wt. d304 NOTICE. ' StAtHMitDii iriLt, in: moLMri) in U 9 under)Kncdt at room J City Jlall. salt I La City, Utnli Territory u to lJo'cloik nixMi, Monday 8t, ion bur ITili 16J2, for tl o sale of 7i7iliaria of iiookot lit -ultUkottty (. Lam, anr.Acorpuratloonrifanlied ant riuurtr undir tittlawa f ibo larrlloryof tHali.aaU tock iwiog the ro crly of Bait Lake tiiy cor I oration Ka h lll shall to aeromnanla II y a depoalt of nt Itatt tail r rent, of the piifchiio i mc, whl nmouni shall Ihi fur.cln-i m Halt Lake City if Iho 1 1 ldr fai'a to i omi ly with tt o trrina of In bid ailrr tbt award la Niatlt lo lilm 1 pnua or aale i ah,ui on ronllrmatun of iklc ly iritdiy Count il Tttrijtbi urcaorvodto rtcl any ami all My orler-fOt tho City Council rffnltUko City luudtlueaday, fcfi Icinbcr J th un O. r MtMON ".od fJiiy It teenier NQfTUE 38 IICItEltl (iIIN TO Tltn RTOfIC tot J er of Ilia North tolntConaoIilatlon lrrlitation Compauy, thai tlit annual rneetlnjr if the Block holdinirof ttto paid locnuitny ill ta hell nt 2 orlork m , on triday, the aowiith dsy of October uett, at tha Callen 1! id, ("alt Lake i Ity. to ilert a Hoard of Director., for tho cnaulnfr year and to adopt a ilan for I he r ju.tabla dutnbution and aale if lli wateraof tnnranal tel nslnx toaaid com paoy ant lor tha ur, oao of inrroaainir the Capital P'ock tirrreby rhantrinK Hfclion 4 of thu Artirlea at Jncorporatmn alio imtnd in Arnoles of Iprurj orailon, rhanin day if annual mcetlnir and luch oilier tuainans I crtainifitr In Ibo laiureat of tbo company aa may to trotinht tercn it J n lVIIlTEHtAl) Jit, Silt lake Pity, U'ah.Sej tatnUr H lstt d CHURCH BLAIiKS Prlntod and for Sal nt THE DESERET HEWS Oi'FICI SALT LAKE CITY. Cukr, Rtpnrti - SOthpsedar. ri Urporw . K, " lWtlrt aocUtf ItcrMtrta Vo. Trlmarj AM,wlsuar. UcporU 23. I LaLCH.urU 311. T U V L, A lUKrU. Ur. " rdsrt Osrt Boalsa , , ,., gao. M limps' llrrominrndr, tryiil of SO, Soci of ISO. TSa rrtlutrr AuogliUvi Unll aa4 UtooM fioohs, ILM. iLa i i nditid xscort n mti, n so. -Suit lUeardi, 1 qr , l.W 3 qr UUOi S m UM) Ultl IVrtU' nMutdl Usds Sn Onlsx. SsrsaUM k4ora k;A U OnlMk SEALED PMOPQSALS Ot mcs or tna hnaan or fund tt oaas, all Use I ut lian eerlt IT, IsM Tt lMraHn,f tlr,,l re,M S ii.?.lJ.l.I.0.P0'l W-h -" " iwAt.. f;"!' .,0"eS pm of Henoar, IiS!?,' ."." ""' sieas HorSsanJ as ESI.l"?.!.' .' " lea pi. Bltsrl.t.l.esn rS? I.TJ-.'1'. !"" f"ni seoia aiVeef, in f..I.n. I,"'.l"t""' . ai sli tiri (ouia rue. i net. era rvrst Teispl an4 Mats J!"". !" ' i liislilri si. SI aad atcoad Jl ,.!1'.' 'eleeea Weil ismpls etrrrl J?. i." flrMl- ' 'asioir Ulsiri'l o Sol !,, .!r'"! '" wan he aboni sued J!Ji?.I,,,i,' TsdlB, li oeo llsrar feel er Sli?' .Is "H 'I""" Vas-ls ol stons I lota t..! !" " eeal rs'OOrqgaia yarns of ail naltnm raveoarnt to t. laid Su..,".l,c,,l0,l, " ,orns ' esnlrsel aad bon 1 inetltMir .lib lull larirurtloai I. bltMsrs, t II I r--t,,I ea eppliral on Adrrt Hot,, of Inane Works o ltt ri ..' ""e.1. Ball Usatltr.luh tld? rascrt.d le rejeef aa and all ,""!f'' ta.Bosrd. A. I UOtltMLS, C U HAINES, inr Knimser. iriiiroan. fE YON A ttEALY, Km lB4lOl0aBut.BU CBIrsira 1 MONUY 'X'O riOv.IV waiuml.3 ana jl.wki.hy Of all kinds en Ion t or short ttm. si rrainaab. trims anil In noir In sail .rw lotl t ol lateral llaakn. 7 Jtait nrrsd Boatli slrest, li. W. rULLtu, IrcHl.lor. jp- Quong Clioiig Wing, fi-f hlnese, Japanese mill Or- 2Tf laiiienlnl Puncy tlooda. Vj? rape Mltntvls. iflle a3S kerralefs, I'oncee Fmlirold VL. ereil Hood., l'oreel.ln afg llrouiea.Kto., JSC VEllY OHEAP, Tf? B4 E. SECOND SOUTH ST., v, SsltLskeClty. T'. O. JIOJC OU7. c IomahaH vunm an- COMMERCIAL SOAP GO'S SOAP re Rale e ttir. loll. ard Co ll,rrallT. M.rcai t l:ll.l,tlt7..,i,liv.v,. J.ekr.u.Asutilt. u loik, lull Count;. Souihern Whits Lead Works mi'. XiOtricj. Minvfctrtrt tf STSY WHITE LEAD J feCI l?l tr NSgjjsj- m rriiB HonTiiritu whitk lead -- Is manufactured entire! from U beat refine 1 h; lread and la ground U Pnre Lloseed Oil, and as the eomjianj manufacture only HTniCTLT ronit, pax, ties buTlnc White Iad branded "SouUe tn jCoiopoj" are ahaolutelj sure car otainlug; a rmrccTLY I'cair Ahtioui. For Salt ii 111 Diiliis lo White Li Desepetpems Company PIONEER SooIbmdEi,3 OF THE WEST. C8TAUUSIICD ISSO. Bookbinding and Paper Ruling IK ACL ITS BOANCHIl 'ABSTRACTS, COUXTY WORK, BLANK BOOK'S, las irscULTfia COUNTY BLANKS. W1CBS JUBNIIBtD oa irruoiTio DAt PY TAH BOARD nnd- Rett flrndy of tatorlala Used to mf.Ve our work durable. 'M.L WORK GUARANTECD. Mm PACIFIC Wtotem. THE THROUGH CAR UU nncrnnsiiT. un,, is-J2. Iisim Jinnnd tp,rt SU iji, n, '. orroMi AritlTt rem sllrailera eomi". , Trem nnltr.,1 orUsnd and (an Trio '" else. . . w .. i m Trom lark til; aad atlis Vsllt," to ,' rrom all rsitsra rolili . t. ..I flora Car!,, T.llel and 0d7a ,,',' 2 tltooi Jturord. nr.kaand lalsr P" mediate J0lnts..... ., Trem Join and Itt-rtka. si5 JmrTsrrnlnosandTo.,rl , JJ ,. UllPAIlT 'er an asslsrn i,inu ,,,,., ,fl J.JJ"""Mei.JlaU polni". eolu lorlir.ii,, lortund. Baa rrauelt u Tor Ciena 1 all,, ! VuVo!"" i'l' " eralla.ailernjKiitiaandBanr,sa eUeo trcrlnika,J0abaadJHIforl..""." jiol!; Tor Knrtka. .1 ,.b and lalemsdlals remu for Tooele sad Terralnns , , '" f aily, fnndars excepted. rSa'," l""" J"1' "4 M ! in, i". T""r"'s-iriant Mtiv r P a,ci..'JV .ll If. CtABit, rris and O.n. U,-. ' L,I1cimo, in t tlsnlltir E. L. Ixiyti, u. i. a T. iItl. IPrSS m GRAHD3 fAWAJ Standirtf Gmos. R,.'.rorwSaHH tmm Tim 1Uil '" I mel A,...,.t jq. q,x U Ko.3 rerfrueuuiand Junctiouanl bV all po nla a.l . . u . 9M o.l Tor linen llrsnd Jancuon sad H all points Ksit.,.. H (a,. ! o. a-k-or l-iese, 1 assra.kiirta .Tri '""-' ( c,f-ror''ll"S7n;.iTo,oi3snn,,",'',, Noa-rnftKlraandmlalanesI s?iS H l.o.-.rortitl.nsndllr.i ... n-spm. o.l roros-deaand IhsMsst llills.w., rH . iitsirra sate la H o.lrrotn Irom flrsnd JnniUun jM ho. -rront I io o 'u't.nd Jnnelloo"" ,tt H ... aan " t-ait-. . li t. ,.m ho. J-,1 rom 1 rove, I a.o. iTrTsa Km- No. t-rre.Vi.ln'.'.i.n,: -,iniu"" " JjJ-yromOitdrnandtli.rii' lltu H sriJtas'miS!ei"""l,l,W'"1 "" H Irsus rloenanMsieloi.eonnocUoni.eti R spe I and comfort. n j.UWIUUK.A.C.HELnT. jV-I'lUENMETI H Ci.n. alanessr dim etiL xl Arc El TUB LIIKLCr TllltuUtill LDR B iOjlTTo!a.QOJ. I AND AIL POINTS CAST. H Ebbs rast Teititiala Trains w U Ttrer-a H aieaairs aad limine Uari, enaasetlsi wna -H rsrou.aTts na for Vllw.ol.r Mad.isa aad Ulpolaura iseonilosaduioktiaa. TBrojsli ntseneis to 81. rant aad Mlsasisa- H r.'.1u".d "."u1"'" '" '""U " ",:vp';v.'a.y.'iv.,';,'',o.'," " 1 uiaolirhTA'AU,,, G,D"1 Aieal. (all H -.v,.;,r.T".r.via:vffll; rr,""" r- 1 TITE FAVORITE ltOUTE Tar All rolnts Fast aad Seats II MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY I ONLY ONK CIIANOH OF OAKS, UTAH Tl) UT IfltltS, and tksl la rials U H Ibsdajlliasaadlaatalonliepot. H LtONTRtCllNINO CHAIR CABSj H Trae lo holJin ot rif nlar tram Ucksu. rrA lraitl-elf,allisrfiisss 0. V. IIICHltAtl, Ooratasralat ASBL H UICU r KBlH.OBlrMMB.ABM. Ircsisainalldioi, FaitLaka Car-; BH U 0 Tim.NSl.NU, U r.AX.A. nt, Lean, ha LOOK OUT 1 THE' HAND BOOK REPUBLICANISM. A Full nocord of tho History Prlnolplo3 and Policy of tho Ropubllcan Party, with a Ro view of tho Careor nnd Prin ciples of tho Domocratlo Party. Issuod undor tho nusplcos ol tho Ropubllcan Party of Utah Roady noxt Wodnosday. l"1 Pa bob. z.Price, 25 Cents