Newspaper Page Text
111 w L w pesekxt r;raxnTo iraw8 rniPAY, BKi'Tr.Mi.CT no, lsoa. tt J DESERET EYEN1NG NEWS. Bv ' ?H foMUhd nttj Uy art Mitff Hr" Itt. 91 Si J utacHiJn prk. In athaiwe. 110.00 ir jf tf, II OJ IB 5 tl t,r n9nth u "u i"' vnk i14 uTrj k r1 B Jt T carrlar I : . J! jy HMERCT KSHrFKfcT eNFttJ 1 P si-err Ttnliy at FrVUy fatTlp fV ! i J tfen rrtc. In a4ra.ue, jr jtaf 100. eUtootithi H ; v 1 5'' l H 1 lhM WBb' ,! 0O,tPt,,i "' "BmwJ J2 : st " Ik Vl f the Dcstiirr mKLr. ID '. r If H,j A IS to 10 f Hf -riot, lh tliaapcai aihl Urtln IK P 3 fw' (Ucvonlr fjHl!y valiubla m ft nOoKf mrrnf sul 1 . Mitftry. Wee, pf ttuu ct M buiuWn, ILM j nSwflftl KANAUNEE .HEIGH f:8. I lr TOe YankawLaJudlnronJcrsUn. fllkJ ' I M!j Ara2f0 coloin(rHtKt4ionI 'ittlf . R At 4 Juat hare the trook loapa. b-bblloff thrill, Miln 1 K fcuwn from the heUhiefKanaouahmt iLfl;, IS. Atidmp)!cbUglftmrl jHi 3 rj Weary mdiptnt, forlora antl wul HI ll ll ' ,v r 14I" ttttrab and w I llr r U 1, Jaw kl m T Iftlntlnr wtthhnniferknJiorovprM, Wfl H Chi 1hT Ouorltelrfontliirrgoml IK I W TO '' THI daylight Uatatd. nK 1 a JV' Vp id dnira ibt pickets trod. I OB t J M tpanddonn theiWttt grvttiaod, HIT, I nith watchful .latter evtrktl llH V Wit Tuward ituuubae Lalgbts where the British JB 1 "( , lpt JlH Ml -Willi Addranifdtf dfath jKl SEjT V Down ft&it up. bllt tbt tlrd ramp tfLErt Mil '' f'llrittlay la lhdtmkftnd(Imts KSl HP if have new ak I thD dreamer iwliVd Hi 'Hi 1 AbaciJl0donnioUirbrirbrcbUl ) H jRKi i llh uioJ brTil 9n lBm' rpmldoiailhrontb Ki&nutiMUwo, i HH S1 V? L'l' Ld JoWD n" th wori(ln.Uti, i IBM Jfflrf IbfDiiWlttaprftliiftbckoldlrr,itattliiiulffrftr SflH P i 1 gmat tb uq ao 1 tb tmllU frr HI 3r WlthonIrltll HFl' iH BouUof !! d1 mntwftf inlgbt, i B ljirOirftrtbrwbonblfortltor)lit, HI R, , orUod Inr lorn. for Aiarrkl M r tbecrl crtalll esurt -lurrb,burrLl jyij, Ljfc,! Tb (o )ill rt!" fnH W 2 AnJrt1tbrdId! In t.crlmiin floal l9K !Al T Tba brtuul tun bill 1 1 tbat hljM-ln btoodl W Vni 5 niillrltbltttrd,rorflKlaownbftbd fffl ' Iffi To.kuptbeiorJf noulralUia H'SLy TOi' K Abdbb(lnlHtttn flilt Boti i ftbrftllir 1 U Ivoilir oW trtaat, nw rawTa t'vrtubk tbt mu down, Ktntuneurrrt. I3HLT I. jHPi Thuugtt brra Iw ftwmau mid alruug tif lliib, fMB, 3&1 V h1 hn " n,,cn u,n1 "l"1" "UU Llm7 iSWi MB iV well wT ktn. !AuJ tbo pal tooun craw tuora pta ftnl gray Tbat bifbl M kbt gatod brr tba ! r Un Tbfl alMi en tbat iltpt to Mrangrty at HI Oa tbo crlmion griua of KMaauiit-o bill Abd&tvrratlrredl 1 Hot down In tbo Tallf y tnolbar rump 11 nvdrowta In tba dak ftitd dtrnpt And ho and tban a drtaiucr atnllel. And calbM ou mother ir wfo r cUId Tlia t ila bioon bcanl -IU 1 ttlyn l"bloary In I outb Cutnpa. Ht m ' A SPRING TC A AVATCU mV BSei 5s i AN IMPORTANT DIT OF STEEL THAT nan ikii frcquchtly breaks. UHtl Wnifl ITnlcliAllikrn Kar TlKt HniliUn Clianc'i MM 'ij ' 'lr Aro D.nj.iou. la !.. V iKj I'.icrl.lci 1 Itcra of 31rclinliiu V Wl ; ,) iprlnga In J ipenilr It alcliai. iUH 'ft, "illnaprliiit w rcrjr much llko ixo. Jla Jl ple.M raUl & Ilroulwji) walchtnal cr tlio nBr H ! t othorda. ''Thoyiiroaitusceptlblfl ti) IrKi yft. ij oxtronto tlegrrcs of lient find cold a MR fM& 11 lumun t lugs. When th9 tlirniouiete r iQt SB'i ft 1' Uut i ring rrouml the f rcotliig point or jVu "'uB'i4 4 dancing nwivtupta thonlnotUstltvllt- H Ri' j tlo lualruprlnff will kIto up In ilUiut 11 'fii ntl uncoil lticlf ami die, Juatniuicu fwaS auccunib to freezing or untruko." wK$ ' 1'1 11ncol'1Iu I'lt'co of inoclianlam la IKawi iESlif atippoaod to lw adjnitnl to lurat tho lani l!9lw:ff various degree! of temperature, but MB ISH85 i5 vlien tli cliaujo h cry great ami jPjE ,J(l(lfl comoa nlth abort uotlco it notlilng 1 SMf ifljajfr ' uot ca" I'rorent tbem from anailug. j IBJ ff"B'i' Tluynre uuulo iu hwltitrlanJ of tbo H Hh ffitt Tcryfinrat qnalltjr of atcil, nlMnlutul 6 aflfwIrS I Uawlefa. Very often tho watibmalitr 1 ItIi ln T cau ctlct u aprluic buforo putting 9 WRl ' si'l't "ln "' n"Ub, iltbrr b) its mlnr or H nMH I r( It ' kna ,0"',i!!,'1' tempered in tbo tnnlilne, HilUllalr tr'ilr I andliutwwlof KlngBubjeLtiilto moril B alialvl a! abj J u rc 'l0u w liru 'ms u ronKbt to Bn9aw Tn a vbltobeat, thuaueulceuln,; tbotrenzth HUMm 'H 3 oflboiuetuL Tbollues'twutcboithataro IHi ; ' handled by rcllablo dealt rs aro put H iiV'' through a "cooHng and frilling" proo. B IBIfl if l V tu 'o'0 th?jr art ld, for tbo puriioao SlinlM' Mir of teatlag tbclr rcltablllt) Iu all temper- BliUWi J! I uluru IJfJHt .i J Tbo watch la lint laced Inn little jlflRJHil Md tiittal box, uhUii la made airtight. BfltjBrfiMa Jt Then a strong gaa flauio U turned on fljCajt Vi thuuuderautfacoof the boxauduktpt i4UB W&9 tboroftr two or tbrtubuura, aothat the luffrffliWl' ttliUlo hot at tho end of Hut time 9 taUl'l III Hi that It coul 1 not bo touched lilt the nKiIII irfiL aro llu"' foiu thla It li IiuuuhII fa nln'fiaT "''? ta,u" "'"' 1"" Intu auotlar ine- Jl IS It tfflll. tallioboxnhlchltburltdlnlce. Tin. re II Il4tlw(a!' ""' cu'"y " la allow ul to frtize (I Btflr' iW.a for an equal Ungth of time, ubm Hi H M' iliiv. torture ciatea nud the exauilnatlon 11 gw .jRlB made If during tbla ixceaalvu It it tho 2 BK -II i watch Hpiara to hate tlikml lmrrily R HR3 1 on without dotlatlng a fractional part II Hh 51 1.5 of aaecoudltlaplaced baikln theenao IWaa I) pa und inarled"KuaranU,'dfortnocara' ', Tho uialuaprlug U the llrt ileio of ' lnecbunlam that auccumbd to the tiat If it survlt ea nothing ilui needlw fraud wrmf til t I Jloiuaiirlnga ure, huneter, nbout the li nfi' ifc) 1 l only part of n watch tint the jouelcr Uj IHlru f cannot aucceaif nil) dlngnoao, Thoyinu II bBkhS I gunruuteo any of the uumborlesa little m MIJI IfJ I wheels or phots or lulani 111 that go to w aBHBttl r make up the auatoiny of the v atch, but n BaKllIl i "" '"'''"'Prin.- has us it linflhil the jv H'l 11 ' noat killed makers of watchis of all IB BH i countrhs. It Isuot so tutuh thesotern it BBi'ij I if ' cxtremss of thowiathertliat jroto fatal II HaBtfi I i ' to the airing ns it Is the urimi of m HE'iI' I'j than.lng from hot to tol I, or li o tru m IHHin 1 ' Like the human frumu, If the rlbbonllke 1 Hfltal 1 1.' little coll of sUol cunwlthttanl the if HMfl! I 'Ml fettaof this ch tuge it ins) bocouihUred ffBHDHl 4 1 I roof ngaluatbretklng when the change HHil- !!j I i to normal wtatber comes HM "' ! ig Muuyp vple who have been Haesors K HWlfci II R of lewwutihis but n abort time route M iMtlil 1.1 ' I b lutothedoalorawlthblooilluthelriji's, lHCi:H j'f dtclarlu that tin y luto paid nut nor- ImiMMIl' I uioui price for tho tlmoplico und the 111 )HSaii& k M ualuaprlug has utter onlj u nawttlS ill ii I "'" Ukl'' KltClaVM It I ' 'TlmtUiiothlrx,"reuinrkeilthoowcl. BIKVsuHslE ' er i,'u,utf them snap In our taw H UBMlrlii'tiihr' before the watch has over buiti shown ErllHsKi'' li I r"r "e" ot,";" Imnglue that they kA HVjt 1 I V I might bat o wound tho u atch too tight fllBsV It 1I& but thla doua not barm it. It is lather M VSllli I 4t I ' ""' i"'' hurried wludlng that will MM S 1 tveutiutll) toll ou the tuuiiwr of the 'pflHasUin 111 ueUl. Krcrygooil ttua wlmler htn t IitMBMiH 111 j top placeil In the stem, which preteuta ilHlRiytll'l the viudluj too tight. ,9jlntuR HI Damp weather haa an 111 iffect 01 w HI MR' fl ir 1 mnluf I lings, and In England they do ra iS !W ' ' aot as a rule last as long us In this urau ig iM? 'II I I tr' A '""" thundtr uud lightning I IB, J'l "or'n also frintntly proves dIutrou It?', I V) tho durability of tho spring, A dealer Mi J who took Iu acrenty ntno watches on one day Mid that nno .utuimcr on it da) Ha tnedlitely following e lerrlfioclectrlnl utonu there wero tweiity)no walilies brongbt into tcje etnto within fit o hour, for new mainsprings Tho cost of Jinew malnipring la the small ptrt of making such repair It Is the putting them In, the labor eiindd, that coits It costs from twelve to flfletti .dollar to put u mainspring In tho Jurgenaen watch and a little less in a TaUk Phllliripo while Iu a cheipcr American mtko It mty cost only lifty nnta or a dollar A man purchaaed a $3UU Jurgenaen from a leading dealer several ) t ars ngo, und ahorlly after he bit for a tour nronnd tbo world. He was gone a ) ear, and when ho relumed be went back to the denier with his watch and coin jililneil "Iliro's ft watch I n.d you (XJ for ft )rar ngo, und while I wna traveling abroad It Inst two inlnntc. You gnarantoeil it, nnd I want you to make it good " Tlie watrh was placed In the window with Ibis card In side It! Tills watch lost only two minutes In a )tnr ln n tripnrtmn I the world l'rlio fJOQ" It sold within an luur It Is said that one Uir of iron coaling f"i will produce "J.'W.CiOO worth of mnlu springs, ticmo springs nro made ln thla country b) the lunnufACtiin rs of cheap w ah lite These tprlug urn sew rtl ft lonmid take nearly two minutes to wlud up, Now Yiirk Worhl Ills I traif. Patient llrelit Hcott, doctor, that's a frightful Uil you've inwenteil Dottor (with dignlt)) Not so large, air, when )ticoroe to think that His my lirat iao and I hadtoatud) upon haltnllbrir) full of authorities De troit Trie l'reu lallr Anrrr.t. Uentleman lildlng a bicycle tip sin.1i a sltei hill as this Is n gn nt dual harder than walking Mh) don t jouit off and pntdi ltf lloy-I jucl got It -flood News. A story Is told of ft ixilltlcnl deluto In a certain iart of this couulr) , no nuttt r wl ere, which thoro must bosotno mlv lake about. It was ixictcd to bo u great fie! 1 day, being a Joint dsUito be tween two candidate! for n prouiiucut oflce. One of tho candt i ttei cause.1 It to lo prlute"! on thu circulars containing Invitations to Ihe inciting that his ad dress was to li do,l erail only toiniu Tlie rtoson of this was that he wl died to aplco It with anecdote which UJ woman coul 1 lUUn to. Tor thoiredlt of political iampul.(ni In Ainericii ne liopea the story Is not tnu. Thecardl date who. In a publlo addi ess t uriiorllng to i ullghlcn his audience on the iulit!" M lours of the da), will rentier brondcaxt storks offcnilt e to gentlemen or to mi) lodyof n mined, clean mliid, desern i to Ito boote.1 out of decent society. A Iiolitlcal meeting is not u ptthoum g t'h ering. Tlio Moat HUitgrfcalilo Aiiierlcnin. "Tho ltlnu who si Its on thfj floor ibiea not expect torato ns n Kentlcunu,l4a sign that is said to bo iKistcd consp! ti ously In a certain oflUo Tlio l'hllud. I phU Press, whose editor bis been rin ister iu ft foreign comt mil observed that gentlemen In Huropo do not lndnlgi In tho lust) habit of exiHctoratlng U fore folk, sa)s on this subject soue words thst will lind n-i tvho ln it cry clcin man's soul It Is cucnuraUng meanwhile to know that the Pittabtirg crsaro such nice intn. Tho Press re market Tbs snllii liters eritsidtstlnn, formfd la I lltatmrir a llttlo ever n ) (ir ag". Las uiailaea. r.ll"i liaUt ( iplltlr.K lu Ui.nli srailla. IIajihI all over tleeliraudultoiliatlshlnla lo lliiMvilie aia lucllneil to rlald loan old lrcoliiu. It la at llljrtltat Iharo laiiutauino ucb itrsauliallon lu 1 1 llaarli aliv Thalrcl sf It Iwromea aiery day inara apparant, Tlie boras cara liars mate Hfuablo rfTurt loatnp the liulaanrcbut lbs I rehlMttnn ik I Iu MapU on ttio !lMr tr thta carlutM)iNlinlr wlan mta tan exicn.rala out of thu wltidnwr, Aa tou as tin Mrlu tdwa ars rluav.1 licmiiirs a "trad letter Tbs frr-iuaucr of aide walk aplltlne la alio unplraaantlr nutlLrable, There la be mura tiauaaaltnif altftit tban a imixjth riisatono eiariicurril b)r ireiintut tlotelieauf aplt Tbaruaa vrlioeannotalcple lbs curb anil alt IntetbnifUttertlvaartea tu Lo puahn! tulo IU If II irs la imeillier ar lo nop thla ItnblttboHDnicnabuuUawsebathi Ouince tber can exert. CiMiperntltn I'niiii Hoi In In. Successful co-ojerutlo sixlellei among farmers, though rare, ) ct qxlat. set e ral of them The grnngo inorcuu nt that promised so much soon afttr the war was. not a failure, for from Its mis takes the agriculturist learned how to conduct co-operatHo e ntcrprlaea that havo not tnrned out wrong, Co-oiier-atito creameries and checto factories 11111011,4 farmers nro lict uncommon Iho Phlloilelphh JIU'c Producers' Sup pi) coinpati) Is another Instance of hotr farmers can climb on top, milling their resources nud Ideas, Tho most com) lenous example of tho success of it genulnocc-opcrntlto agri cultural store Is "crhap to lo f jund In tho Johnson Count) (Kan )CoAperatlvi association. In 1ST0. r.oiao tlmo after Iho griat grnuge'r wnto hil reaehoil (IinvI tide nnd sulisided, this roclety was organized. Sixty memlwrs joined mil al 1 lu f.'00, uud that was tho cajiiUl with which tho Johnou county organ Izntlon st irtcd on its career. .Now, sixteen ) cars later, tho paid uti capital Is (100,000 uud the incniUnhlp Is 700 There Is n sinking fund or fJO 000, show. Ing that fitriners can le irn nnd tlie but I niss irlncltles as well as bunkers nud manufacturer can when tin) Ht their hinds to it At tho headquarters li. Johnson county tho coinpato's building Is worth $S0,U0Q, nud tbo stock of goods It Loutuins Is largo uud tnluiblc. lie lidos this these fanners who mian hualness lute six branch stores uud own and run n nemsjiaper Under tho s)atuu pi raurd In Johnson count) tbo stockholdi rs patronlro thclt tore, pa)lngta'h for what the) get nt Iho usual retail price At Iho i ml 'f taclijear they dltide Ihe irohts that bate accrued This, on Iho wholo, I leans the S)ttem beat adapted to the eo ojratlvo comiuunlt) I,art eor tho net priillta were a llttlo Iras th in tj.'O.OW ! In the Johuion county soelct). I Tho Texas Co ove rath oasboclatlon or tanlzcdin In, 8, baa tiern fullvrui sue -eisful The famous Hirers! h I rult (.rowers' association, of California, is an illustration of what co-oieratioii among rnrallsls will do. Ho Is the Trait (Jrow irs' union, of southern New Jersey This organization markets Its own products tnd ckcis nil tho profits The 1st! ,-ustoin among farmers of buying goods m credit Is the woiat obstacle to tho niccesa ot co-operative stottsa among them. f l.rdn.lnf Ilanaa for lerllllrrr. A alinple p'an for dissolving bones Hint vctminlate about tho farm, with out tho mo of aci 1, Is as follows! Crush Ihe lwue as, thorough.) ns eatbl, and lirovlde n biirrel of fresh lmrned lime nnd three Kirreli of strung, hnnt wood itslioe for c cry barrel ef cnldiwl bone, Uaeasabnsnof mixing I earth n light floor or n level layer ef I amy soli abtnt tit Inches thick Upon this red a i lacrrel t f nshes In n similar laynri then, In a thinner layer, half n barrel of bone, scatter through tho bono t 1111 the sce, and s j read vipoii It n half liarrl of lime, i ulrertzeil. but not slake-l On this trail ii second birril of lubes. Wet this pile grnduall) with n sprlnk lrr, using nlsmt leu gallons of water, or enough to lnolatcn nil, Irut havo nono run out Ad) in llko manner n half Isirrelof U.iie, n half larrel of lime, n lurrel of ashes and ten gallons inoro of water, Ovir nil scatter nlsmt ono bushel of Ian 1 1 Lister, nnd cot t r tho ontlro pllo w ith dry loam llxninlne the pile onco n week if needed und add a.a'er to keep oil moist, but not wit. In fonr or Iho weeks shovel oter and thoronghl) mix, moistiei Bn 1 i flu ngtin, cover with soil and ft little mora plaster, and loavo two two or three weeks longer If pieces of Isine then remain undccomiiost-.l, sift thctniml, tto lu next comiioat, ormbl more n,ulckllino and ashes to giru f utther time, Jlarylan 1 Agricultural College. lire on li.-U. Doily llco c n fowls nro bard to destroy and must li kept d inn s)stemattcnll) Panders' Monthh sa)s idi single prrtn arution will entirely cxtinnlnuto them nnd nd vise the follow Ingi Provide bir Is with good dust Imtb ln w hie b tobacco dust, aslusi, till bur, rt" , have Utn mixed Occasionally giro them a thorough isjwderlng wt li btihacli. Tlio main l"olnt Is to keep tho roosts, nest boies nnd house entirely freo from acmln, mil if then gheu n gol dust bath the fowls will hup the mseltwi comparatively free from lice l'or llco en the head-, of tho thlckum powder them well with tobacco dust buhach or any good Insect imdir. Komo breeders use uil or grease, but wo consider sucbn reined) worso titan the disease i dry luwdcr Is the only tiling Hint tboiill lio ni plied to Mr) am ill chickens Largo gray llcoeomu from the hens. If l mi onco til thechlcLeui ef such tetniln uud thereaftir justr projier uttenthin to tho coops )ott will cxiKileuccno further trouble from that source. Asrlrutlmal Nlr.. , Acconllug to llgures f uruhhe.1 by tho dei"artment at Washington, the aggre gate nore igo of tobacco is smaller than 1 ist ) oar, the returns showing V? J tier cent, of tbat area Tho fulling off Is en tirely In the shlpj Ing dlatrlcts, tho see 1 leaf dlatrlcts showing uu Increased acre age The rctun.J Indicate n decl led ro vita! ln tobacco j hinting in the Con necticut valley O Ik Potter, prealdont, and W. J. Btnlth, secretary of tho Now York btato Agricultural society, hold a conference recently with tho officers of tho statu World's fair'bouril to itrraugo for New York's agricultural exhibit. It Is pro posed to make tho exhibit one of uu rh alcd merit nnd premiums it 111 prob ably bo offered. Mrs. Maililuslun'a ll..u..lir.plnc. Ilwant I.verstt lltda says Mrs. (Irorus uahlngton was n mexlrl houarlieeper lu asetof books krilexprtahly forlhat pur poao Mrs. Wnalilnglon utado entry f t Itoitaekieplug duties iiccouijiIInIuiI from d ly to dujr, nnd noted bow she auperlu tcudvd the 1 reimrlng uf the ati ply uf amokeil meats for the plantation, how with hi r own hands alio cut out Ikocteilh lug ot the slat i-i aud so on Utters of Lady Wueblngton's dsughtrr aud others teitlfy thst after the dentil ot I er hlleb md the beuiltullly of the Mount Veruou Lorue was kept ut". Mrs. Inulrjf'a Hot IUIIi. I cannot rrcjniuieiid ta atroni,ly the uie of tlie hot bnth The great biauty or Mr a. laiugtry waa her flue akin, and 1 oupla who 111 not kuiwcredltrd herwlth taking u told bath ever) moruhig, wheresa ths truth w at that alio look one ao hot that fur u few moments she could scarcely atsud putting her foot In It, but Into which alio eventually got, ami from which alieuent liuek to bed, when) ale tuck u ctlpot te 1 on I n bit i f ton.t, w lilch formed livr I ruakfaal -Mrs. M illen lu I-adW Home louru Ulcssed be the mail who lut cnti 1 bull Hug assoclatlnisl Tin re are ltutv O.tKXI or them lu this cuuutr) , uud tin li) lipJIeO.l-OO.OOOe )eur. Tlilr lt ileielopmtiit j probtblyto bo found In Phila lel bla, Iu that ell) MI.UOO fnml Ilea hate Is-en cnableal by ineuus of the building Aksoclatlou to buy aud iay foi homes of their own. n 'RbaccQ l'HOl Kk-IIONAIi. I.ICHARD W. YOUNG," ATTORNCVAT-tAW lntlrJ 'eor, Ctiaa-lafliH totllJlnf, tppeili Z CHI orahFh. sunn, LAWYER. ; t icra. J Matt, ten J CnH Stmt. filcIlARDlfi UOTLE, ATTORN CVtt T LAW Cfu In CuultitlliM, J, I Jm di S ila Sltitt. sal; t,ala ' l DnKIEL 1IARRISGT0H. ATTOflNtYTI.AW I Sit f.JIJ QttUmttcn ttl dmff .tWirjr fb le in tf. S. W. DARKE, ATTORNCY AND C0t'Nl"'lO' Hnptr Weta, - - Sail ItU ait T. D. LEWIS, ATTOnNCV T LAW. i7ru 313 S13 taV"u"M f'ff' t. E. PmT ATTORNrV AT-LAW. 'acta 4 Ittoptr flvltjitf, Salt tall City DRmrKETSOR S BRO DCNTI9T4 i?MMt ami a It fieU Arltk tluiUtnff.JI $1 oft tCa Umim Stmt DR. J. THOMAS, SUHQrOM nCNTIDT N0 10MAINAT. Jtt tterk gunfnUt I Anattkttlei dmttt1trt. EZRA 0. TAYLOR, DENTIST. Tee n SIC ariciTalcl rtxk WOLFE BROS. & CO. LIMITED, ltantfm1urtrt und nortin i BnUSHtO jiiiav utUUrJi SOI AlcodMne's l'lITSUllllll, l'a. l8j;unLEBEWJJf;5.0pScM!ir5I.OO sax sme :w.iestr' !.s 3ii ? Mjos a iT-htaM t1svH.Nlj 1?. sf evil 1U, llIS r. . Addrt-a, CHIC 141) tit M liiOa, Ih.wsit. Unliko tiie Dulch Procass Qffik No Vlkallos Q) Other Clicmicnli 5,yV45r' I rei aratlen of fffpreakfastGocoa Flil i llll "AIW if nliotutttlf li'Il ill Prt tw4 nlmbt rh i ft l l(hMrfAi( thrnttmf IX M 111 t'trrnjth of Lucua luliod rV, M with totarcti, Anunruot or !at, tuirar, a I u far wort cco otnlcal tvtttny Ictt than ona cnt a rup. It la dflklout, iMurtthlng, and uajtr PI0K4TKU . SoU byUrararairrrwIitn. W. BAKER & CtPJrchcitcr.II&ic TIXU Thomson cTaylorSpioeGe-, laporun and Maattaeturtra of tha Finest Spices FUnVORirG EXTRACTS MOWN TO THC THIDE. Prorrtrlota of tba Famooa urasd of RED V OI1QS3 V LYE. MtohlRan Avonuo, Cor. Lako, oniajt-ao. W Star Horse Mis, fr Polished eir lllued, Illata bean aold lir 7. C U I. for ovarlljoara Thar aro lbs BEST NAILS MALE, as I iu.riM.ed le sns lbs ta.t of aaliafaetton. Will bold s abos oa losxor tban as j olber, Hal n nr tub u mm HORSE NAIL CO., I Olilunifo. III. II tF- Tor lUa by Z. O. U. L ana Lu tfA i c raa: :s?.s i .- j'v ka si:. . n v.inunwn t That wo atlll carry a CompltHa Lint of BkstQiis' Celebrated Saws, co ti t it t ?f a IK rtnr or rrota Cut, I-rntr, 31 nut t'prlclir, Slltl, IIauiI, Itli-, autl, Tfiiou, l'mitlnp, (tiiiiiK. tlntrlirrt Vitil iCryliuIr, elr hIo Clrcalar.bothSolld&ChtsclPoIntTootli And TRIUMPH, ror Tall vg Trrra ulih, aod ars Solllnf al ivirrr, ruicKS tiuvhiii Alao a full Stucl of tbair Jfrncwiirif RASPS snd FILES eh. srica Hans' id. o. zex, , WESTERN COMPANY. (nersr jfi.) Tho Only Dill Pootorn, Diotributors Rail- rond Advertising Acnta in Utah. ot.'tui crr:::t i itiu; crn.'it it ti BI:.u!i .te.1, CiJAFicuiukBlj 5olf Inlt Cl't. I And LOUA.t. S. IT. AXIiKllHOX, WE KNOW OF NOTHING THAT CAN COMPARE WITH THE GRAEFEKBERG PILLS AS A FAMILY PILL. THEY ARE r.OT ONLY MILD GUT CXCHED- INQLY EFFECTIVt. THE BEST HEADACHE PILL. THESE PILLS CURE ALL F0RM3 OF MALARIAL DISEASES, UIL- lOUSNEbS, LIVtn AM) KIDNEY TROUBLES. THE BEST PILL -rou-ViEAKKESS AKD HERYOUSNESS. Sold by All Druggliti. GRAEFENBERG CO., Ill Chambers Street, N. Y. WHY THE DESERET KEWSSHOUTD BE SUBSCRIBED FOR IN PREFER EHCE TO AMY OTHER PAPER. 1 It ! tha nrcn of tho Church ot Jean.1 Chiiftt of Xe4itre1ay Minlt and (ho authorized milium throusti which tho vlowa, wlhtM uml liiilructlona uf tho (hurcli Authorllloa aro expruaacd hud bUcn to the SalnU. 2, It may ahvnyn bo rolled upon ai tivhociitinif or t.pfenillML; tho rluht ahlo of ovorrquoAtlci. prutr for publlo JournoU iu (ruat uhii. 3. 1 1 it daroted to tho latere of the !eattrday Saints, und hi, from lu In roptlun, ulUntly dofonded thotr rlshta Mud advfxatwl Iho principled fri hkli thoy hdtovof aud rvtr Lattor-doy Nilnt ahouKl thurefuro fi.ol ttinlvr nhllpmlouj to do bit iurt In holplnif tu autlalu It. 4 It U not publUhrtl for fpcculntlon, and novr ht Wtn but lor tho (.. whkh ItU capable ot aocomptUbltiRt thu I lollta, If any tUr to derlvod fiuinlt, bdnK devoted locxlcndlnc !( apbrro cf uttfulnoi and loucilttlng tlio coiumu mUj. S It la do I iic tin utmost to fitablfah home lnilufttri'ti. a in on i; which nro paper maktnir Rtid t fouixtlwr, atcnotplns and ilcrtroplatl0 brunqhp neooaiary to tho do (flopincnt an 1 Indepon lenco uf tho community, but which, during thrlr Infiucy In thin Torrltory they hat o uot ifl pmtvl), cm ouly bo carried ou nt n pocunlary lo, ll Thiro la no djnerr of any a lib. arlbr lothflNrWrefnltluit tout what ho aiibairHHrtfur ihroiitiltf iilnrt of thubua liuua uud a auj cnvhitt f tlio pul lltnitlon -rt roiult In tho Mutt of ImiMlrvda of newnpi. i r m nlur ocry Tear. 7 It In printed In ro.i lablu trpe, ao thatoon tho nuutl run poriDtii It without dltQculty or danger t ) their oytlht. 6- It la free from otjoctlonabtoudvor tUoinfnta, do that mi ) art-nt nerd fear that bla children will havo ihelruittidi rorruplotl from lilting acxMiax to Iti In fact. It refuseri IhoutHiuU of dot Urn worth uf tho beat paying n IvcitUciiiontii nnnu nlly, bcinuaolt la devoted to tho moral and .spiritual lutore ts or Ita renders In atendof to gelling aln at their expense, D, In tono l not icculA.ed by publlo opinion nor tho hope of KAiulngstibacrlb etsDrmhertliiinouu. It ad.ocaltia that Hhlchlsrltht and con Umiu that whkh U wrong, regardless of result, IlnnnUal or othorwlat. jp 10 It noor naufontea ItirraiUr by palming utT oolumus of suit pralo fur ucualiemt U ThoJtKWit practlcoi no deception nud reor(n to no suttLrfngoa to Induce jwcple to subscribe i but on tho contrary, preft i lo Hand on lis os i mot Its, at tho peoplo'e nowapiii er, with a i romlno only to do Us utuio.t to glo lis rotroni the ftill yaluo of thtlr money n promise will oh It hai oudeaiored tu faithfully keep ln tho oiL 12. Ita conclusion, If n IsAtter dny Bdliit tan afford to subscribe for only ono newspaper, thst paper should be the DitKiiiT Kkm aud If mora than one, tho M'Wiiihould Invariably to tho flrat, HtttoCIUPTIOS llATPfll J Ir a Mo, 3 ito. J ito flatij .... flo 00 iK. 0 '2.1,0 ffiuo Vhh Wfeit'J 3 0) 173 100 ..0 v (,(( lUf.'v ..eo i t.o AddroM Ml communications lo Till'; DLSJ'RUT M5W8 CO, eVAlt I If ft I'ltv llt WHOLESALE AND KETAH," A Foil Stock of Everything Usually Found in a Hrst-Clasi Wholosalo nnd notall Drun Stcro. Call and Sao Uo. EH J0H1TS0N-PHATT DRUG CO., PJTJ1 Jrf7fl OO MAIN UTltnfflT. B-irfl ffiBAWTE ironware. light jsk mum handsome AsStU) X BOILING DURABLE SPW11111"1'111 ' ei fTclwV Tho BEST Ware CT. L0UI3 STAMPING CO. g uL , ,,! ,f ! For.a1.?,Ti;,,L1,?oJ,if;,.rew iWc'M:!;,'?,B;tr,1' Houeo FurnliMna Dealers r irtiiufUMukUUMM $ JAfflES-SPENCER-BATEllAticO, (Surfttoitto VatiJ Jatnr & Oa ,) mmmMMwwm Wo carry n Comp oto Lino of GEU AND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES, Cisollno and OllStovea. TInwnro, Grnnlto Ironwnro nnd Housci Furnlshlnu Goads. J' TTllnARRIACcLICENStPvl HHEYLLHAVETO PRINT ftl fa . "SOME MORE. WBV?' i iIiSiT.THE LATEST FAD. cJ'oo' , A &? ISNOTARICHDAD, V4f eof V ' LASITWAS.INDAYSOFYORE.A 0$'oVy- BuTAmiDENFAIRJSA X$- - - -.''P TREASURE RARE V ;""' r, - V-ll'Vk OUTSHINE -R? MiiiLj$Ek As shp- cooks wi s pjy .? ,i. .(. , . i j ON thu rTm v I 'Qi-r-prT With its wirc gauze door so fine. pon HAf.K nr 2. C. M. I - Solo Agents In Salt Lako City. sime in aeositioh To aupply tho wants of every gudener, or aay ono 7hs may bo ciiyagctl iu rjardcnlng just now, and nearly everybody ts-altontlon is called to our stock ot uMUblt 1UULS, UAliUttl MIU MY.H UUSC, MiYIt tl'JU- ERS AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, All ot Iho Host Improvod Kako and Stanihrd Grades. Wa ars Q prepared to ollor a small line of Refrigerators, Ico Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoves And Stock oi CUTLERY at Prices ranch under tlio msrieL IlIO IXDVCVMEZia TO JIUIZVEJIS AtfJ) COXTJtACXOIlS. E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE COMPAKY, GREAT i REMOVAL SALE of Summer and E-irly Fall Goods at:, teasdel's. See Our Line of 50c. and $1.00 SHOES A Great Clearance Sale of Odds & Ends I ASF rJPl2jL.t!$TiJSi. OUR CHALL1ES AT 5c. And Burman Dress Goods Closing Out at 10. BARGAIN HUNTERS can be fully satisfied by seeing our ELEGANT LACES in Cream, White and Colored, at REDUCED RATES from Summer Prices. RIBBONS, 10 to 20 por conl. Lobo than ovor You will Savo Monoy by Comparing Prlceo. . MEN'S STRAW HATS At Half Prlco. Our Small Protlt Saloo and Tompta- tlpns OffeiroU willfully Satlofy You. . T'..JI Comao from nil Pnrt3 of tho I Jill I IVnR Torrltoryi for Prlcot aro tho uui l l CJWf Attractions that draw AT TEASDEL'S. gssss