Newspaper Page Text
! II. S DESTJUET EVENING NEWS) miDAT, SEPTE-MTIKK (, imig. Ip ' -PESERET EVENING NEWS. HftK Cntr far AsmtlMtittfttl vUleh art itrttd le M IT"' " Us M" "-J i ER .lfd iiouM b Und4 In t tha btitlnMS dtpart HW BiitneiblartkMl.m, KK llalss tf ASt'tll'Inx fnrrlititj upon pptlnUoa EK r Cm u for aJTfUMunli moat is en ami B2n sua, Hffi tTiinjr, if plmbr .. H-l. H MTICK. w . B The Banal-Annual C'ontcrrnco of tlio 1 Hunday School officers anil workers H will ho hold In llio Tabernacle, Halt H Lake City, Hunday evening, October HB ib, 1692. Urouiir. (J. Caknom, H Oroituc UomiAtiu, flr John Mono an. HH General Hupfrlnteniioncy Dcterct H Hunday School Union. HK kKIIA(13IKMS. K rnicaTiiooD meeting tomorrow at II Uf Tiik City Council will hohl an od- m Journsd so-slnn tonight. B Till, sale or seats lor the "resign" H oj cned at tho box cHliio thn morning. H Til i. annual meeting of lite Centennial Hw I'urcka Mining coinpiinjr will bo held on K Tutsdsy next. HX Tovnnnov will m llio lial itsy In HHH which to ri ulster for tho coming cteetlnn. S Bcetollttmtyour natnolson ihorolla. BK Tim city oroinilorvltbslng built hut Bk unions greuf ensrgy la applied tlm H struiluro wilt not bo completed befors HS Uirlsiina. sHIf A Dr'iociiATin meeting will lA held In RBi Ilia Fourth Ward a.afiiiblv hall Innlslil K (I'rldav) at It n'clmk. ( speakers KK will bo In attondsnee. II. Itlcbsrda, B scereiary. H Tim Denwratlo cojnly roitnnlttrs HK will ineol utlbe U'alkf r I luitno torn irruw H to e loot a churman It la bnlleTed tho HP f lioleo 1'en liftM-neii l'rof. -. 11. '1 orouto S and Attorney Woldstmar Van Colt. L,N Turalt Ijlca biiohillolub waninplay LHS a inntoh same wiih t)i ilnden tfam at H tha Junction city at llirro o'clock Urn K afternoon Ilin diamond Is said lo bo 111 H8 goud condition aud au llllcroitlng game HH U looked 8 THE Y. M. M. I. A nf the Noeond B ward r"-iitnod thftr rnotlliun for the MWS season eiliinndsy night. 1 he following UB olllccra wero elected fur tho ensuing H ytnrl M. II. hlte. prrnMoittl John J. hH I'ttonon and Ou Corlflt, couiinolorat iHHH l.phrlatn HJorklund. kotretary. Meot JH luna will boheld on Tuoidiy ovonlugl at HK too. B haitvici n at IhoJewlth toinplo. Fourth H I l!ail iKtwooll Hacond and 'llllrd Houth, IH ) bfgln this evculnj; promptly at 7 o'clock. B Thlala the befflnnlng of tha urent darof V j alonement( callf.1 In Hebrew. Vonl B Klppurtaud UobirrTiHl by a twenty HJ tour hour fail of total abntalnnnco from MB all manner ol food and drink. To Hn ( morrow morning the acrvlcon lot(ln at nj I , V 10 and rontlnno unlnloruptcdly HUG HI oMooklntho ovouhn. Hfl i Tiikhk wan'Anothor llvoly dt-lnrhunco MfK at the Xalt l.ako llrowcry lat Illgtit aliout j 7 o'clock. Tho principal wero alt tier 9HBJKJ mana. Itlaanid tho loading astiro-or HHJ waNlck llouchfr the big brnwir who HIBMJ citno near kllllnff KcrKant 1 -tlnuer a oouploof month ago. llio cnia will Ihi ISRhm InreHlgaled In Justuo llall'a court to H morrow, the bellKuretiU having bron JB hlarol under arn t today, ll cemnlhnt BHBH the omployera of alt tho hroworlon are BB mixed up In tho afTatr. H Informnlion Wanted. H Wobaru been requeal-U to (lata that Hj lianrr Itojal or Frederick Cook, who IBB labored na roluloiiarlea In Overton, K Kllntihlrr, Notlli Waler, will confer a JfHK favor by corresponding with l.lder KiaW Andrew Jen.tu of Halt Luke City at W an early dale. HEws OnlieUIIe 1'ioJucls. HB Ilrothrr John J. llarrla of Cinlro IjVABj vllle haa ihown u nainplea of mam HWH moth plumi raltnl lu tile Kardon which DHBV nto really tuperb and woul I unln ad HIHR miration at any fair or marktt In thu HWl wotlJ. llrother Karrle I. In hla H lev. nty. nilh viur and hie lamo In WHtw ventloim made lhl year which will UJjSfW le heird from at thu coming TiTtl- HMj torlal Fair, lie haa been n ruhacrlLer HME In the DiarnXT .Nroa elnco 1851, and flHR doti not look over lllty yeait ol ago. Wffi Slmleiilj' Sodct). W The Btudcuu' Society of Iho I. I). B) H. OollcKe will hold Ita regular eenelon ffBffll Friday ovenlog, Siptembor 3Uth, IbOJ, IUw at 71.10, at which tho followluK BV9 lirogramrae will be rrnilermli HHW K rrlracntil Irrture .. Jol n T. Wnoilbury jaaJHR luniletlewM bteura K.trr, anire, Mitlgler Hh anil Wovtlburr. Torlct f t the Tlu ..... IMUirork DBA eouf . Ui Utile trUmoo Hh The fubllo aro Invited. HPBfl 1111 II it A coon, HH) Chairman. MaB1 Anhcil r'l mil 1'aU'slinp. HWfln Wo had thu pleaiuro of moellllg,lalt HHSe evening, Ulder I'ridnlck Dleterle and IBW' vrlfa who havo uil arrived from p Haifa, l'alntlne. Ilrollur Dleterle BKs Ii well known by all the I'.IJin who BUM ''aY Ti,U'"1 luo "ol Iiid during the Hl Uitjfiri, and they will I o pirated to Swiff learn about hla tafe arrival In thin Htf! country, lildor Dleterle acconi anted DHm' llrother r. Hlmmoniou ainlulomry Hn kqr lo Atla Minor, and wai with lilra UHIR at Alntab when hn wae rolrnafd HlPt frera lilt labori by tlealh. Jin HJW luu nlwnjn lim a truo frlond HlK ' to the traveling UJer lu 1'alntli'-, Willi I atdltiK and amhtliig Ihtm In the u ni UIK ' fult work in that nountry. IIh brlnt- BJnW tl nwanflh death ot Mra. lioulnu nil i Jlli.yl, the llrtt lady of Arab i.ckln HiCS I whouter Jilned tLu Church of thr BjjBjTIB Halnle. Shu died faithful notwllh- HH rtandlng much pnraeciitlon. HilW i Tho ilnh or ri.a coma unt do mane QjjIMF L to umlcratand or tako any liiteieat in A H , hoiioraco. "It is already knovtu lo me HC that one horso goon fiiatcrthnn another,'' HC b ho said, and on Hint declaration ho toolt HBk f his ctand and coald not Ihi jtcrau-idt d to HBr y look at n race. He had it subploion Hint BHRBlH r.irilUhineu were a llttlo crazy on this BHIimi point. HElR'L rhlladelplili, too, is going to hnto an IUuJ eleated Rtreit ruilroad Hut let us IHffjjg hoi It will go through Iho inlddlo nf IMHBjjn iho blocks iiun ui dim of solid iuiuonr IB BR tllJ ot bo ttiak upon troatlcwork ttlha SI ImRT iuthouilddlo of tho .tnt, ilarkiulng SS inFl them, filling them W 1 II , uiaking llfoaburdcu to till ho V '( M Uvo along tucnt I '! TRIALS OF PRISONERS, Alleged Brutal Assault Upon a Girl of eleven Years. CIlUtBE OF ilUlSrilltl.AlinU. Short Ordrri llj- lliltf Jii-llce Zaoc. Judeo Anilrraou'i Cour Inilllj. In JuJge Zim.' court thin morning, Joeeph Hedges, a repulsive looking fellow 18 Jeara of am, was plsced on trial on a charge of naaault with Intent to commit a criminal sosull lion I.aura llroirn, an lutelllgetit Kill of eleven years, oil July Ulh. Atlornrv Ularenco w.llall ucicnuiu, Attorney Morrlotieaux Iclngarsoclated with him; the rotecutlon was reple tented by Asslalant County Attorney 1). U. i:ichuor. Tho defense having entered ft plea of not guilty, Attorney Hall that lhoueatlonof the accused's Insanity be made the Drat Issue to be tried by the Jury. J'or this urpoau he had a doctor In attendance. Attorney lllchuor objected lo this, lie stld n pita ot not nullly had nliesdy been entered, aud urged Hint the ijuntlou 6f Inraulty bu not now Died as the roam lue. Afltr some talk the defendant's couniel coliteuted lo tho trial procuwllnit, mid raid lie would call thu rmdlcal wltnessel at a later atagc. The evldonro wint to show that on tho dated tioraoJ, about 1 o'clock, Iliu little gltl was walking along FJrrt North Until, Ifi theBevtntreiilh ward, when the was accented by Ihudofen. clnnt, who caught hold of her and cairled hel lulo Iho rmr of the waru school liouar, Ihruat his lingers lulo her inoulh, nud struck lirr. He ee saytl to commit the crime charged, hut thu child trrranud, und a man named Jtao llurlildgr, who was pa.alng near by at the time, ran up. An he advanced the defendant made ( ir aa ijulukly ns he roulj. Itui. bldge iirsuril kiul overlook him, maiche-j him to a I eUhborlng factory and telephoned for the police patrol. rtiedefuiidant bfgfd lu bo rt leased, salughehad IwosltUrs llvlngluthe olty, and that If they learned wliut had hnj j find It would mil them, nlao that ho "did not know what he was dolug." Iho little gltl gavu her evidence In a very clear and stralghtfurward muii uer, Hhe n.lles in the Sixteenth Ward nnd dosirlbod tho brutal haudl Ing whloh shn rait with at the defend, ant's hands. Wlivu Hedges laid hold of her shu etruimed, and then ho threatened tu choke her to death tin Inasshe keptiUlet. He scratched her, tUl'nt hla llugers lulo her niuulh, which waa laoarated, und from which bluud Honed lively, and draggtil her towards acoalahrd at the back of the schoolbouar. Two of her doublu toeth were loosened. Home men heard htr scrtams, and as they cams up the de fendant ran away. Several willisana were cilled who saw the defendant hurrying away from thu si ot. 'lo Sergeant lUnilolpli thu defeudanl,whsntaken Into cuatoay, mule an admission similar to tno statement of the gill, but aild he "did not know why he did It." He begged tbn ofllcer lo let him go. Counrel for the dele nso muved for the dlsrbargu of the dtfeniant, on the ground that the testimony till not rovo t'luteut" alleged 111 thu Indlot meiit, whloh wana very material In grrdleut lu thoca'e; llimmli It wan nm dtnled that u common asaiult hadbteu oommltttd. Atluriivy Klchnor contended that the brutal conduct uf the man towards thu girl sustuluod the tharge. It was for theury lo Infer and deoldaasto thu question of Intent. The Court tu'ed that the caaemust go to the Jut, hut sal J of course the uefense com. I olkr any toiUmjny II thought jirojier. Thn defendsnt went upon tho wit ntss stand and tt still ml lu hla own be half. He wo born In tho lalu uf Wight, Kilt-land, und haa livid In Iho United Blatte about ten )cars. Ills story was that on the day lu question he was walking around In Match ot work, called at Wagner's hrew cry Willi nnithur man aud drank ttier. After that he met lnurn llrown on the sldu alk "and wanted to kits tier that's all." He wos Intoxicated at the time so Intoxicated that ho did not know whuthe waadnlnz. CruM-examlned by Mr. I'.lrhnor, he said he had solved a term In the coun ty Jail for burglary nnd hnd also been iiiko befuro charged with aisiulttnga little girl. He ha I no recollectbui of thrusting his lingers In the glrl'r mouth or of being arrested. He bail been out of Jail aliuulaiuoutli when thin ha pened, and did not work lu tno intervui. 1'nllce Si rgeant lludolpli recalled I y the roBfcullon, sal J the defendant wsa wrfectly ajber when brought to the police station, Mr. Iluibldgu recalled and testified as to Hedges' sober condition ou tnal dayjsodldOIUcer Ittlelgh. Tne cms was suhmltted without It gal argument, and at uoon the Jury wero still out, All JUKI) IKHIH llllkAKINU. Charles J. I'.irl nsldia near the race traok,ln this city, and ou July 11th his houru wus burglailtfd and a mlr ritr aud n ui.ti pie of rax jrs w rie stolen, riiese iillloln were sioh at.Hriranls found lu the I'O.m.-Ioii uf 1'. I war J Youug, wlm whin nrrtstej snld ho bought Iheui In KomasClty, lluwasplacud on trial before J udguZane and ajury ufter the foregoing cue had been g l rid of, on a chargu of houarbrraklng nnd thtft.' Attorney 0, 11. (Ilii.u deleuded, and tluca-ewaa In rogres hen tlio court uljouruedforthu luuil noon mci. .IMK FVll -Jinu. In tho case of Alex, (iildberg vs. Jonepli Simon, the defendant wat nllowed unlllOctolirr l.Mli to file an i serve statement aul notice for a new ttlsl and oj peal In thu matter of thu in vi ml motions lu raid aUluntost.1 it.tde anil dissolve attachment Is sued hereon. miiuiiT liiFJt'mCB. On motion ol Attorney lltrlow Ferguson, for the plalutltl, the suit ot li. U. HnrJy vs. Joshua llrnutlt, w as dlacmted without pleju llco. nrruitu juiiur amiliwdn. Thosultanf J.O. Smith ot nl vs. A. F. Slopiily 1 1 nl; Jaiuu llluli et al vs. A. !'. Sh perly et al, Helen Syknt 1 1 al vs. V, Slptrly tt al. anJ Joinev A. MoDougal el al vs. A. X. Slpi-wly et al wile all Joined si onu lnuv n trltil ni ono boiIoii betwten (lalntlirs and Inlervenors in Judgo Audition's court this morning. On Monday morning next, at leu o'clock, Judge Aliilcrion will tako up the law nud motion cnletnlsr ou p-r-emjtory call. EW SL'ir. i The Carey Lombard Co. brought suit In the Third Dl.lrlct Court this morning against D. U. lMctlrtror et al with a view uf obululng $M1I S3, bsl antuof sn accoiititlng, with luterttnt ten per tent per annum from prison! dalt, and tests. Tlie U. H. Mninliitlsliip. Contrary lo expocUtloii, thu newly appolutud inatahal, Mr. Irving A. lltnton, will not enter un hlsofllclal dultta on October 1st (tomorrowj. His commission hits not trrled from Washington, an t wheu It does reach here, some days mutt ntcca-ary ils;te before the ItqillaVd bond CIU be use culed and other nereeaarlly prcllnil nniletedjuated. Until such lime as Mr. llenuiu Is rtady to sleplu, Mar l'aiionswlll hold on. Tliejrisuiit forcoot deputy marshals have not yet received an) notlflcaliou, nellherhuvo the enlle Hilary nlcers, an to wlalhcr or not their sersltes will bo further required. It is generally tiehtvtil, howevtr, that cetlaln changtaarucon. lemplaltd. An to the c.fllca of lostnjsiter, that lUtsllou alio hangs flic Jlonlhly Miintcip.i. 1'ny Iloll. The followliif Amounts wore paltl out by City Tieasuter Dukotodij, an designated. I'ltoU-parl-nrnl .. I TU CO salarr ul city uolrlslt Hm. tutu; trsinfiTpV!.''Z."...!rr.r. ."7."'. io n liriuir wairmMierM.MJl-. s-o to PfntPAflED l-OH AN ACCIDENT. I'ii..fiicfr. un a lrr.l.o.l I'm an Ufa I'ra.fnrr. u I rfr-iullmi. Any ono cduMbwi that tht-y wore "l.i, inn nml ran, ' uml that tlili ns tin Ir lirht fcrrjliout trip Tlioy wnlKnl Jmt nliiiul uf mu iuli:(r uji tliuhttw. Tim lint thing ...)' did wn to go nil (rtu- tho Unit nsklng illciit ions of u l .-ylxxl y. 1 ki it tin in in klciit When nt Jint thoy touk H'nta'on tho1 runr kuuiiI 1 sat near tin in By (hit tiliio o uclo Ii.llf tny acruM tho lwy. "LuliuV Wlint 'er ettvnmr ex clnimul ma, loolJiigiit thoMritcliof liter lx.tmi'11 tix mid Oakland. "W'ouliln t Ihj iniicli fun if wo uji net," rumnrkeil tho Hon. ' Omclona! I nocr thouglit uv tli'it," cxilnlmcil ina lu it btuitkel oico "Kcr liov ncciiU'iitaf anked jut, looking toiuml luu. "Not uflfd," I Bftld, "nml If thtro iiouM U tlioy nro nliMtja tlflro " I ljlntiil to tho llfo iircnerMtu Hint i i ro liuiirfinp; nbo o at. Tlwy ull tlnvo lookcil. "What uro tlioy I' nskol ma cu-l-oukly. I explnlncil Tho f tio nrono to get n nearer low Vn took ono of tho lifo jircson en down. "Will, now," oMluiinctl ma, "how cm nlrtli would yir Kit into itl" l'.t nud Iho iiriutod illicctlinis juntiil un tho outsltlo , cry blow ly. "It jlsttry luron," HiigKosk! inn eujurly. "Itviv, aou, Jou turn urutuid liorc " 'llicni wiw it fivlilo rt'innnatmuco onthown'ri iktrt, to wliiili not llio kllghtifit nttcntloii was jiaid. In u fow iiiomnitu liu waianujixl In n llfo juvKcrt or, to UU liaixnta' Intinuo tottUf net Urn "Jist git ilott n another one, ta," nnlil mu, "I II kco if I tail put it on." Afttr n Kf-"1 many struggled alio Euecocilel in tlolncKO. "Now, pn," Bhonald coinplicfnlly, "joutryuno" Nothing lottli pu olxij til, and 1.0011 ho etoud proudly bonido Iior " 'hiicrw w o Jitt keep 'em on till 0 Un," Miggisti-I nm '1 his they ugifed to do "No know in whut'll liaii'n.u," 1 said hlgnlflt jntly. . And thcro they nat until tho bout landed, totally oblivious to omy thluirliut lluli'oiMi KntlAfuctlon no Elad that they wem prciutrod lor mi) thing that might happen. As I left thn firry they wero help luff each olhor tako oft their llfo pro unuu. Now Orleans I'icaj una tlxii. II,. Ilalll.ll.1,1 No. Scruomt Oeurgo Miinruc. of tho polieodiimrtinint, whilo lldlnjtoti n etieit cur eiiBuseil in com crsation Ulion jiolitics w ith 11 ktrnnger, in tho cotirbo of tho n'lgeunt un houncvd lilnwilt ns it IIurriMnn man. "And whj 1' nskiil thv at) anger. "IlocaiKoIfoughtunderllurrison," waj tltonply "Wiro )ou in tho Atlanta cum 'IKiigti, miil.ilo j ou rt mimber tho bat tlo of liruChiu-clii ' naked Hit btian ger with iiiiwhli nihlo eanieatuceti. "Iwuaand I dm tho iiiguRuiueut of my it'Klinint tho Ono Hundred and 1'ourtli Uhlo Volunteer mfantij at that Is inniltedon Iho regt mental IU' in 'lluttloot Utoy Crock They 1110 one nud tho fame " "Will, I ow n tl nt hiittli'tlcld now My nnnio is Stono Dr. blouo and 1 11111 glad tu havo met n man who had. bullets llred tit l;im uu tho eito of my rebidtmce, and by tho w.ty," Mild tho OiK'tor, ' I hiiM.' in my liucket homo uf tho ini'iio bulls which I leeintly uneai liicd near my houwj l'erhapt Nini would li'..o ono at naouvciiii I'llOltls" "llio Mii'iunl took tho piofftred bullet, und If it wn-ogold ho would not uhio it inoro Doston Tutu IIK.TIIIIV lll'Tllf. I1SNMMIC UTAUI.' The History cf the llanuock r-lake. romplloJ by Andrew Jeniou, and liubllBhed lu the UlSKIthT WklT.LV, haa beeu laaued In lainnhlet torm, and Jim ""v. I? t"J at ,n )laki"--i' Naw OlUcostI'5 tents Iercoj.j. I Tl IlllltOlllll. IIIVW1IHI' AS I'ruio, Orl. t"' Special tram conveying I" I'rovo tho Ogden and halt J.ake deleiatu and t thcrs via Itlo (Irnndo Wtstetn leaves Salt Like nl 8 ill a. 111. Iteturus So mluutea after adjournment of conven tion. Fare round trhj. ljilturesT, iii,is denisnd "IIUV. A I. CUVrtTAI, HALT." Dr. Uurrow,Ocullt, Anrlit and Op. Ilclsii. biiccUclM fitted. Coraaiercltl lllocK i'or fine Wall 1'ater and Iloom Moldings, go to the Utah l'alnl und Oil Co., opposite City Hall. coil "HOVAI. ClTvSrAIiSAIiT" aids dlgtsthin. aavf.1 rrem llfath Ilr OnUns Thero hai no duubt Ueu uiuru 11V01 of ohlldren saved from death In Cloup nr whooping cough by (he ut of onions than by any other known lent, e ly. Our mn'hers uied to msku ou. tlocs of Hum, ur a syrup, which was al-tayAeflectuallntrrnklrgupnciugli or cold. Dr. 11111111'. Onion Syiup la m fe by combining a lew simple rem elleawilh II, whirli make it moro rirrctlve as a medicine anl il stros the (ssto 4nd odor of thu onion CUo. Sol J by Z. U. M. I. Diug Dopt. d A, "IlOVAl, CHVoTAI. SAUf Is 10U ircitit. pure. Allrmlui. Inierritla Tor the aiCLinmtdallon of those wlihtng to attend th ierrltotlal Con vention at I'rovo, Oct. Mli. a ijeelal trslnhas Ixen arrariKtu for via the It u (Itaiide Wtstirn loleavo Suit I.iko nt 8:Tii am. The tram will start from Ogden conveying IheOdeii delegates nnd frlendsto this city, where the Hilt Iikko County ilrlegstlon will Join anl rrotttd to l'nvu. It Is hoped that as many as possible will coma with 119. In e will I $1.01) lor round trip, nud iialu will return 30 uiluutts alter ad journment of convention, wbenaver that may I e. Discriminating inlaten demand HOVA D CItVriTAIi SALT " UMl l'Atlllt) HINTS H. kpfrlnt Haifa la anil Ijtlte Illy for Tfrrllnrlnl Snlr anilnlml Nflnt. III. mini lnulrriner, tlflob.r dill lo Sill, 103. Tor the Utah Terrltoilal Kalr, Octo ber 4th to Sib, and the U.'nl Semi-' Annual (,'ouleteuce, Octolir Uth to 9lh, the following rati are authorized for the saluof round trlptlrkil: . JV" vu lUwllha.HM.. H MM.U-oinlnf lis so Crston,...",7nVZ-nrZ " ll 10 Wauaallsr llio III ur intk. .., " irui loint of lloclt " 11 1 j llork Sprlasa M V 71 t.rraa latrr.M " in tlrnBrer......'.....3in! " 7 73 I'ifdinnni ,,,, ... a ro r iiili.ri"',Zr.T7.'n'.. r , Aliny.. ..."..'......... iH Wu.alrli .LllU I IC tiiulls UtKk.... 3 7t w'ainluicZZ' ".'",'.'.."..". " 9 tloaltlllg..... 301 ttfter ... J " t so l'-ler.)a....M. .... . " x 2 Oiden HMM. M I 51 Sjrsfais Jasrtion"...U..t- " 1 IS KaYllur.'.7.7.7...T.!..' " w Ssrmlasloa.... " M lake shore.... . " so I fntremllf .... " 11 Wools iroi .5 Tsrinloas " 110 Stllali Junction .!,.... ..T " to t kambera " sn ITycuilae t CO Mam s'York...... ' J. " V so Uukatille WHM ., ... t) 10 Montiolisr M...T17. Uaho D 80 Ko 'f'"r " n ti Lsurroll - , , ... 7 s, Amiman ralla ..... all slinldika-M. ., ' vvA l.iinatns ,...M luto slioihoag .-. " 1114 1111... , h 11 w iiaii'r " ijsj hett,amMH....HM ... 11 w llsavert'aaoa ... 1190 si'aVi"uiis7.'..;;;;.'.';; , 1. 1! lllnrkfoot " Mso klcOaniniun" ' ....77777.. M I 79 llxfiinl " 3l 1 J;'""''"''-" '-" M 1 rsnklia Z ...........'.. " I 1A Klrliinoo I V'-b 4 33 btnlllitltlj.... ..-.,.. " 4 II Ca.3aJUDCUon ..........,7.7 " 3 41 iiswvr.. ' 7.71717.7 '7.'.7.'.7.' 11 llonsrvlllSMH. " I 73 W,liarjJ7."...'......'...!."7r7 " 1 71 Hot Sprtnsi.... mw " lu Hartis-ulv " l ao rrtieo.. .. . M sot MUtorit M....M " mo Snillti a luocn " 7 CO lilacs Hoi k M 7 uO ua . " a 10 tamincloo. nM " 4 10 banlaqiUr, 7-7777 " t 33 I'araou .. .. .... " 3 31 llcnJamln,...WHM. " s 83 epanulilork " 9 33 !MiTIDlV!ll6.H-.... " X 10 i IkoMaw77.' " 1:0 1 laaianturoT M....mM. " 1 la Amtnoantoik. - " 1U Kin ju7ietlo""777.V.V.777"" i junctioV"77"...7.77.777.7'i a, tloriaoH...r.7.T '..I'.'TJ. ', SO tnria. . ' 3 33 Mi?cruriV-77777J7777. 777777 " sxi JanimoUi. HH.MMM. " 3 11 nor-mni.. M " sin tlutb allvr. -. .... " ISO Ijlrttflit " .31 C. I.r fori.... ...... " lul Bl-LtINO DATl'.a. l'rom iniluti north and east of Ogden aud south uf Juab, Omober 2nd to Olh Inclualvr, aud from all other points October Sid to Olh Inclusive. All tickets good foi retuin.UDlll October Uth, IHf 2 D, V. IIUULRV, dAs Gcniral Agent l'ass. Dsjt. lll'ln Sinlerdiy I tfiilot. Our atore will loclott-l rrom IViday evening, al 5.R0, until Saturday even. Ini Oo i tcr 1st, alt) .1(1, for observance of Vom Klpj ur. I'. A ui mi tun & lino. "HOVAD OIlVSTAii UADT" Is nut and delicious. IMiicate j pnlalua Uemaud7"I10VAI. Cll VB rAD SAI.T." IIAI'1'1 HOt'lt IlKNTtl, CO., 12) SlateSt., opji. Holmes bulldlnti. Itnuia c'ayunJ night. Itcmember the laoe. Do you wish lo borrow money? If so, call on Zlou'a Savings Hank and Tiust Co. We con loan In any amount dislrtd. No 'ommlislons chaiged. Intenst paid on denslt. Wllford Wood ml), 1'resldint, UcorcoM, Can. noli, Cashltr. "110VAI. OltVSTAI.HAIiTwlll niveau ixqiilalte tlnvor. Impurosall In gritty, bitter nnd has acrid, puckery Is. If. ''ItoVAIi OIIVS TAD SAD T" Is lis) rer t ant. I uie nuJ haa sweet delicious flavor. "Ire Von:" It you nro bilious, dull, drowsy, sleepy; have n bad taste In tho moulti on arising In the morning; rustlfss al night, ronttlMtetl aud have indlges tbu, your Uver . out of order an four blood la slowly being polaoned, ferhlno will euro any disorder of the I.Hor, UUmiach or llowels. Hold by Z. C. M. I. Drug DoU. To I'tiyslrtniin anil f ntianiite rn. SI. t hulks Ktn.nratoJ Cream Is for ssle at Iho following drug itores: ScatO'r, V.. ('. M. I., farlow'r, Uclbe 1'IIU Drug Co. and A. Holland r's. It Mill ho found en lalu nt other drug stores throughout the city and Terri tory as fsataathe ttade can I o seen. 2t "HOVAI. C11VSTAI. SALT" Is tho only esltfttu from lime. ItflM.f. Ilerhlne pennnnently cures sick headache. Indication, dyspela, con stlpatloii, bllloiisncne, foul bnath and all diseases produced by disordered Diver. Itl.a lerffCtDivrn inedlcluo. BolJbyZ.CM.l. Drug Dent. "HO. 'Ala UI.YHT.Mj SALT." lively yialn a nrfectcryslal. VremnllTfe Stood, Snrinlnsten, rta Ollvir Wood, an old and highly re Sfrctcd clllsrii uf Parmlngton, Utah, siatitf "Nothing alfords me such great plcieuruas to riconitiicnd to laty friends llsllsrd's Snow Liniment, llefoto trying Itl hut little fslth'In It, but one trial convinced mo It wss a highly tueiltotloui attltle. I rrcenrly nut with st painful accident and was Miirvr lug griat pain. My wife n, piled Snow Ltuluisiitfieely and the pain was Im mediately relieve I nnd the Intlainnvi tjon ratldly subilucd. It has no tqual ns a rollover of ; alii and Inllammstiou. ilawareofall while liniments stibttl. tutrd for Snow Liniment. Sold by Z, C M. I. Drug Dei 1" "It Iscruti tnfeud linpuru salt to it least; it Is very Injurious even In smsllquautltUa In human Ulugs. Salt In so uvtisaary lo health and to chenn that only the l-t shciild lo used It. S. Dhpensntory. "ItOYAL CllYS TAL SALT" Is the only pure salt made. buy your home-made woolen COODS of JOHN C. CUTLER & BOO., Agonta Provo Woolon Mills. Now Goods nocalvoJ Dally. Duy your Wlntur Supply oarly, No. GO Knot Totnplo Stroot. llAltlll I H III. tCll. On nml Alter S.M.I. UJnil. Trains Ictwteii Salt L.ko and Oar Held lit ach will rutins follows' If ate a-tito Iff Artlte Salt Uto. l.atSnIJ. Salt I aks :ilam 'Uan 'lp -l copra 3 10pm "loom t 0m tilgpm Ilally sirfbl tent's. Kale for round trlji only oOc. D. I). llc-liM.-!, General Agent. "liBVAL C'HYSTAL 8AI.T." "The ouly grtsiililed nail." Tltn Mori. I IS llTTlrr for lb The world Is teller betause of such a remedy as Uallard'sSnow Llnlnunt, because this article relieves It of much pain and rulatry, nnd wo are thus fun ded to enjoy Its brighter side. It sl lively cures all forms ot Uhriimatlaui, Neuralgia, Headache, Sick Headache, Lamo Hook, nil hoirs aud Wounds, Cuts, Sprains, lltultrs, Still Joints, Contracted Miifoles, 1'olions, 12rui tlona, Corns, Wrak Hack aud nil jniu aud all Inflammation on min or beast. It's tho but beouure It's the most jiene -rating, lluwaro of all while I,lul mehts wliloh may tie palmed oil on you for llallard's Sootr Liniment, rherelsnoue llkult. Sold by 7.. C. M.I. Drug Dflt. 4.x. sloail IaoIio. Qeod looks aru more than skin drop, dspendltigujon n healthy condition of all the vital organs. If thu Llvi r be Inactive, you hitve a ltlllloun Look, II your Stomach be dlaorderod )ou havo a Diapeptlo Ijook. Secure good health and you will have good looks, Llectrlo Hitters is the gnat ultcratls and Tonic, acta dlteotl) ou these vital organs. Cur Pimples, lllotchee, 1 lolls, and glvrs a good complexion. Sold at A. C. Smith sit Co' Drug Store. 60c, per bottle. Demsiid"-''HOYAL CHYBTAL SALT," It twstn you no more than Inferior silt. Don't It t ycur grotir give you any oilier tr-ml; some will try to do so became It cutis them lets. A bur. lure Tir Ilea. Itching l'lles Hfukuuwn by molaluro llkopersplratlou, causing Intense Itch ing win n warm. This fcim as well an Wind, Weeding or l'rotriullng, jlald ot utile to Dr. llusauko'sl'llelte-nedy, which acts dlreitly en parts nflected, ol sorbs tuiuots, allays Killing und of. feels a permanent cure. CO els. Drug gists or mull. Circulars free. Dr. Iloiauko, l'hlladrli hla, l'o. Sold by S. C. M. I. DrugDrjt. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard "Trade Where Your Dollars Go FarHiesl.' Our Doots anu Shoos nro llio Boat! our Prices tho Lowest. Try our Contlomun's Shoos for - 31 7R Try our noy8. faho08 for . . I Try our Latllou' Shoos for ... 'S Try our Children's Shoes for - - If.' "WE WANT YOUR. TRADE." GEO. A. ALDER & SON, No. CO E. Drat Soutlt, Stroot. E NOW IS THE TIME -gsgi " To Stock Up with School Suppllos: S L. A T P Q Pons, Pencils, Ink, Copy Hooks, Tnb Z.T ? --"-' lots. Noto Books, Ponholdors, Cray ons, oto., otc. ' Everything at Lowest Prices. Blank Books and Offlco Supplies. Utah Book & Stationery Co., 2 Main SI. J2. DUNCAN H. MLLISTER, Hanajtr. COALTER & SNELGROVE CO. jiglPgll WEBER PIANOS, JlH ESTEY PIANOS, M CAMP .Si CO. PIANOS, rbgMSj ESTEY ORGANS. E'S 250,000 IN USE. 74 S. Main St. ox COALTER &. SNELGflOVE ABOUT BARGAINS. - Whon wo atlvortloo (ronulno bargains, wo moan It. Wo offer tills wook Silk Curtains, v lloavy, Plain ChonJIlo Curtains, with Doop rrlngo top and bottom, and Handsomo Dado Chonlllo Curtains, oanh lot at $4,00 por pair. Thoso aoods nro nil of first-class quality nnd pattorn, and nro Rood enough for any ono. Wo don't offer as bargains Roods that wo can't glvo away. Ploaso ro mombor this. H. DINWOODEY PURNITURE CO. A, (.'. HmlthA Co.,Drui-fthiti,ai:eati clltolx'lts' liestierlan Tonlo. Are you llllloua, Conitliiatint or trouhleJ with Jaundice, Hick Head ache, llail Toalo in M'uth, 1'oul ltrrath, Coated Tongue, Drapenala, Indli;estlon, Hoi Dry H.ln. 1'iiln In Dick and betweuu Ilia rlhouldsrs, Chllliuud Fever, etc.? If you have any I of ttieae symptums, your Liver Is out of order ami your blood Is slowly belnx ulsoned, kreauao your Direr does riot act properly. llmtni.NK will cure any disorder of the Diver, ritom sch or lloweln. It bsa nu equal as a Diver Medicine. Price 74 Cents. Prre trial bottles at Z. C. M. I. DruK Dej t, ! "llOYAlj CUYHTAIj HADT nover tfels hard Intark nr saltcellar. The demand tor Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolernaud Dlnrrhru. lttiuedy la steadily growing, thn fact Hint all who mvu It a trial are pleated with the reiulls and tecomineiid it to their nolichbors. Wo ftel sure that the rem xly cannot be rcrjjjjnineuded toohliih ly. WsRlty & n;'ail, Dmealsls, Iowa, lor sale ly , CM. I, Druir Dent. ilAr "I would lather truat that lnsjlclnu thau auy doctor I knowuf," saysMfs. Ilatllo Moaoo, ot Chlltnu, Caller Co., Ma., lu seaklni; of Chaiuberlslii'a Cholera and Dlarrliun Iteniedy. This inCdiclnucan alwajsLn dr ended u ' ou, uveuln the most severe and dan- , Kerous cases, both for children and adults. 1.5 and oil nut bottles for salo by Z. C. .M. I. Drue Di'pt. d&a A iilnlfor ssu. In view of vrhatllood'aHarsaparllln ban done for olhrrs, Is It not rtasonat le to su pose that It will be nf beneOt to you? '1'nr Hcrofuls, Halt Ithsum nnd all other dlataai s of the blood, for Dys pepsin, Indication, Hlolc Utadache, Doss of ApplUe. That Tired lVfllni!, Catsrrh, Malaria, llhetimiitlsiu, Hood's KsrsajarilUis au unequalled remedy. llooil's I'llli cure Blck lies rachc. S A dual LlTfr Mrillrlur. Dr. Uunn'sIiuiroMnllilMr l'lllsnra rt sure cure for rick headache, bilious complaints, dispeptla, linliiitstloii,ots. tlveutar, torpid llvir, tic. Ibtsn pills Insure jniirct illgisilou, rorrtct the liver nnd stomach, tho bowels, purify undnmlch thu hliol nrd muko thu akin clsar. They a no pruducoa yood appfllte and liivtuor.tto nnd etieurjtlirii llio tntlru systtm ly their toulo action. They oulf lepilie Unt Till a llii'O and nnvi-r ilpionl(k eu. Hold at a cents n box by Z, C. M.I. Ilniu DonU ilis rtaflilfn's Arntfa Salve. Tun lltM' Halve lu tho worM for Cuts, llrulsts, HoreB, Ulcers, Rait lthrum, 1 over Bores, letter, ChsipeJ Hands, Chllulalua, Coma nnd all ritlii l.ruptlous, and Iwolllvely cures l'iloi, or no (ny rtniulrvd. It Is guaranteed to nlve)erfect Mtlsractlon or money re funded, l'rlce t. cents pur bor. Fsr tale by A, C.tJmiUt 4 Co. The demand lor Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Dlarrliira Ittniedy 1) steadily gfowlnu, trum tho (act that all who idve It a trial nro pleased with the results nud reroiumund It to their luluhbors. We feel suru that Iho tint edy cannot Le reconiint tided too hlch lj. WaRley A Hmtad, Dnigiiltts, Iowa, lor silo by ... CM. I, Druir Dett. cts 'I n burin.? a rough medicine for child reu,'inysll. A. Walker, a prora luenttlfugi;latot O.dfn, Utah, "uevrr b e n'rald lu buy Chanibt t Lin's Cough IlcmeJy. Thetulsuo danutr from it. and relief Is alwas sure to follow. I parllculsriy lecomniend Cbnntbor Iain's becausel have found Ittobesafe and rrllablr; IS nnd 60 cent Iwlllrn for sale by '.. C. M. I. Drug; Dept, dAs "Thore has tui a ctinttnutd ten clenoyto bowel here this srs sou,'' siyn a. W Hhlvell, tlruiMltt, Wlckllfle, Ky., "and an unusual ile niuiidforChamheilaln'n Colic, Choi era and Dlnrrhtca Ittmedy. I bars sold fcur toltlfH gf It this rnoiiilnt'. rlomo rtmarknble cures have Itea tirrctej by It, and In nil rases II kss proved succt ssful." For ssfle I y 7. C. M. I. DruBjU.jjt. i)4s A Clsnr IJMuiiilf slua. A clear complexion Is always ahio. lute rroof of ttiu jrffol action ol las Liver. You neversaw bilious prnon with a clear, ruddy complexion. "A sound Liver mallei a well man." Hiu rt!M. will give ou u perfect Liver sod nirfect dlgeitlon. Hold by Z. C M. I. Diug Dert lllfllonnrr nrtlip Ilo.U or llniDien. This vtry useful work, compllod by Klder George Iteynolds, whose fainlh uilty with tho subjtct Is a strong gusr autyos tolU reliabllltv, Is for sals at Hie DlJllliETNtweOUlcf, ut tl.SS In plain cloth or J1.76 lu cloth gilt. Lv cry student of tho Ilnok of Mormon shouliflmvoacopy. dAs THE NEW YORK BOARD OF HEALTH BUYS THE ST, CHARLES CflAND OF ' EVAPORATED CREAM I And It lo recommended by loadlnir physicians becauso It is tho only milk otcrlllzod Jut;. to tho proper point In tho world. A Porfoot rood for Infanta and Invalids. A boon to tho tablo and 'good cool.tncr. Your Crocor soils It, lllso Iwlso your Drucc-st