Newspaper Page Text
rr MQfOTT ffiVENING NEWS -- I ' N tlORHON HOMES f fH W 1'jk J fj UN hi . fr U Si -1 U G Ffi ' i! H 'Q Q i ' r i Vf W k . o.w . . 3 1 TIUIl'H AND LIUBM'Y, H 1 - Nn(!57 " " l'Hl DAY. ()IMlli:U 1, IMI'J. SALT LAM, (I'lY, UTAH TKIMMTOHY. vol XKV. I j THE JABPAWH. I Hill Eulogizes Cleveland's Ad- ministration, COCKKAX OX IlKl'sTUOCITV. m considerable Excitement In Various K Farts ot Kansas. H 1IABD a " "'!" "'- l,r.lrM r I'nuprre -Tninmanr jU.olllllnna -AillnOll I lilcnuu -Uiiltsa n Irjiiiuenls. I C'ASADAiaUA, N. V., Nov. 3,-Sell- I tor Hill addressed nn Immense meet n log hero this afternoon. Hu raid, In I jail: "It Is not aucti n lotiK tiinu ago f I tbtt wo used to tirur no much about jjl Hie Tamtuaoy tlgtr rrom the lttpub- llcans. Now It l nil wildcats. Tiny H are always going arounil with a great H fer on tholr shoulders. ThoJioBalblllty H of something dreadful that we Demo B cralsraayUo disturbs thein to llio ut I lermost. Tint ) ouo of tlio ltipub- H llcau tricks to scaru pcoplo that don't kcowany betttrtbau tola aiarcd. In ISSt they wont crying about If tbo Democratlo party got the Prisidency theoouutry would wither tip under ft succession of fiartul calamities. Instead we had ouo of Inn brat adinluUttatlont of the government In tho hlitory of tlio country. I , Hill eulogized Cleveland's adminis tration In tho lilntirat terms, l'roni hero to Syracuse Senator Hill waa re cclrrd at overy atatlou with rousing cheers. At tho Alliaintrn rink lu Syracuse ho addressed a largo crowd au I saidIt waa not u campaign of can didate, but of prlncHIes. "Do Jour duty sol trus Democrats," ho raid, "and when next Tuesday Is ovor wo till have tbla stato and a Rood old fashioned Domucratlo victory for Cleveland and Htovonaon.Ooly rcraem ler this It no tlmo for silovancca. If )ou havo any thla Is. no time lo show them. If I had any I should not show them now." 'OOCICIIAN BIKAK. TrtciY, N. V., Nov. 3. Bourko Cookrau dcllvurod two political Ispecchcfi In this city tonight ou tho tarlOi rrocll ruclty and forco bill. No fico trade, he declared, waa poselblo underthis government, and It Is not a question In the present campaign. Ileclproclty, Cockrnn aald, wna the meat lclou achemo In the country. With ono stroke of Ills pen, llenjamlu Harrison can put on a tarlf! or shut up overy ehoe shop lu America. It aur rendera Into tho handa of the I'rtaldent tho power of taxation. ThaaiHaker aatd the advocacy of tbo lorco bill waa anattomit toatranglo liberty, and by the enforcement of suoh moasuna CoogTcM would bo beyond thurtach of tho people forovcr. John It, l'ellowi also addressed tho innetlnus. atlXLO TICICr.TS. Tot r.KA, Kan., Nov, 3. The Dcmo cratloatato central commltteo claims to havo received dispatches from vari ous parts of tho statu conllrmlnp; the rvports of tho distribution ot mixed ticket!. It la claimed that tho tlcktta can bo thrown out, and considerable eicllemout prevalla In consequence. Tho Democratlo and l'opullst oommlt ttia have sent Instructions to all orgau lrtia and county chairmen warning them against votluc; auythlnK exoept etralght tlckota. Tho antl-fuslun Dcm iicratlo state central commltteo Ixgan eindlng out tlokcU tbla niornlnR. They urn very complicated, but aecrelary Crouch raid he had carefully uxamln id the law. and therowsa nocUctlon nf tbo IrKallty of tho tickets. -Should the election turn ou 'these tickets con tista wlllensuv. DXUuClUIIO IIAU.V IS lll.OOICI.VN. NlW yoitt;, Nov. 3 Wayno Sic- Vcagh and vx-Oovoriior Campbell of Ohio nddreaaert tho last Rrand rally of ftho Demotraoy ot JCInga county at tho llrooklyn Academy of Muslo to night. In the course of lila tpeech . MuVingh nld tho MolClnley lllll wai tho moat Inlamoua blot on tho lojlsla tlvo hlitory of tho countiy. Jiy It Ithnroarntwoprlcta for sugar, one for the MoKlnley bill and ono for tho fuuar trust, which rotted on tho Mo Klnley bill. Ho It wan throughout the whole list of tho m oesaarka of llfu. Kx UovernorCami boll, after u few laudatory remarkanboutMaoVeagh and' Jtidce Oreshaiii, quotinl a papsagefrom MoKInley'a (iili ami auswcrnl It, Tlieapeaktruld he challenged Major Mililnley In debate to find a man whore wagca hnd bctu Inoreasud under the bill, and although the moaauruhad bron In frrco two yeara and n month a ruin has not yot bicn pro luced. iilkjai, nuiisrnAiios ori-AUinis. Considerable excitement waa cautod ktuoor tho Democratlo f olltlciana thla uliernoon by the announcement that Coramlssloiiein I'd. C. Blitehy and Charlea C, Hlmiuona of tho Iwurd of cliorlths and correction hailbein ar n.tod by United Htalra authorltlea lor Inducing rau era on Word nud Illack well's Islanda to register llli-gallj. wnentliBtwo commlssoiiera wiruar ralgnidbelpre United Htaloa Cominls. elontr Bhlelds, they eaoh pleaded net I iifiV.?.11 "!"" ,"'1 ' '" &m UJ ' ' examination tomorrow. Tiibmhuw&uii lu tbo lot edition atalea that the United Htali. ornn I lury returned Indlctnunla ngln.t i j , right rau era on Ilandall'a ia, r I regaterlug Illegally. Warrant,' for their arrest weru Issued bv Unlioi btatesCoinmlaaloiierlhiell. y j adoiiino nneoi UTiu.Ns. .nA5i "'?. ,Tu'um'"'y ll executive meeting this afternoon Hlcbard Croker I etlcred a atrlea of ruiolutlona, which jv ere adopted. Hiey a, k 0, ,',,"' ii trary orio.t of oltlien, to I it mldate W them, an I provide for Ih. p, , " n.e ," of a eommllt. o to oall upon the nollo. K Uard and ask fur protection tot vol"". BPjMMBMiSZr"a an I rcpii-nt llio aitr tr to mpoUl n number of deputes u iee mat the right of lrinchln liny b luriiro 1 1 nil tlllreiie on eleclljn day un I lev nud order tualntiliied. A reaolu ion waa pjiwd od.lliiK a re'iranl 1 1 .VJd for any one aecurbij tbu artcstand conviction of brllw gtvere btivfnsoV is uniatao. ClIIOAilc, Nov. S The Irmpnle cfjb, a Uuuioctntlu ur,tni.ll itlau, in Id Hgieatdeiiionlrntloti at liiu Auditori um IrioUht. The rpo ike rs nf tlie eve n Ing Were ea-one I by a toiclillht in comIoii to the cliiblioiiio nil l irou street, whuro Ih" uiib ,;ithereJ In farce, and with ranks .tirngtlienu I by ileleeatlone fmu other Democratic ni. gau.Kttloti the llnu of maroli wa.1 taUu up for til" Auditorium I'l o. stage nf the Amlltotlum uiatntte fully dcooratul mil rronded with rrire eiitntleo Demoirtte of llio clt and stitoatltrge, wMlf tho hall Infrmt of It wa packed from lloor to roof. (! im greaiiuiu W. M. Hprlmur wai lnlro dueod ua chairman of tho e .eiilug an 1 apokebrlilly oiilholuura of the cam algii. Mr. Hj tinker, nfter tbooin elusion nf his rcimrka, IntroJuciil Hon Adlal 1.. Hleveuiu, the Men presidential candidate. In tbu couriu ot hlapoecliheailJ. "During t'levelaud'a term at cfllco no additional burdeua weru lall uj m tho woplu forthnbenellt of tbu mo nopollsln and rallroail 1. irons Ho left behind him it Luudrud millions lu tho troiaury, and thu question was, what to do with thu turjilus rnvenuo. Now, alter threu and a half years nf He) ubll can rule, thu question Is, Whereehall money como Irom to run tho govern mentf Thla le duo to Iho MoKlnley bill nnd Her ubilcan rule. Tho Demo cratlo parly real Ilea that euftlclont money must he collected from Import duties lopiy the expense of the gov nromeut, but, wheu mom thun that la collectoJ, It le no less robbery I e cause It la done under thu name of legtelatlon." Ihuepcaker continued with romarka on tbo trull! an 1 other Issuer, nnd waa followed by tbo (Jubcrnatortul candi date, Altgold, and others. Will. MIT lie WirilDltAW.N, roiiii.AiD.Or., Nov. 3, Tho Demo cratlo atalo centra osuimltteu lsnued nu nddrcsa this altcrnoaii saying that tbu Demccratlo electoral ticket would not be withdrawn. Tbo tleket Is now composed ol threo Domocrats nud onu I'opullsU BIIAtll- AttauurNTS. IlIltMlNuiIAM, Ala , Nov. 3. At Lafajetlu today, It. I'. Kolbo and It. (I. Jlowmao, 'lhlrd pnrty leaderaapoku to 300 Jieoplc. During thu speech ltowman la eald to have used very bitter language to a largu number of Democrats, lhoremarka so Incensed them that they closed lu on llowmau with knlvea nnd plitoliaud would have killed him had hu not retracted. Uni cere arrived and dispersed thu crowd, ltowman and iarly Immediately left town. ItKaiSTIIATIO.N laws is aujuaiA. Macoi, Oa , Nov. 3. Acting for Judge Den I'ardee, Judguripeerofthu United Htatca District court totlay ren dered n'diclslon declaring all reglstra tion lawa In Ueorcla Inoperative, Ho assert! that a law in order to be consti tutional must bo uniform. Aa thei present lawa are all local, they aro thereforo unconstitutional. Thu effect of tliudcolslon la to mako overy man In the state eligible upon taking the oath that be pay taxea. ATTE.MITI.NCI TO llllllli: A VeiTEll. HlllMliMLLi:, Iud., Nov. 8. Local politicians were greatly excited today when It waa learned that tho attorneys for John Hurry of Morrlston had Hied complaints against Henry Cordon, llobert Huidllns, J, Phillip, Justhu Thomas Anderson, Franlc Hinltli, Thornton Uraham and Marshal llus ael for $300 damagoa nnd $101) atlornej a fecaoneach cine under tho MoCabei bribery law, which gives thu Voter tbo right to bring attlou ngalnst nuy icr sen wboaltomptatolilrulilm to vote or refrain from voting. It la charged that tho defeudauta tuado un rt puree, bought Hurry a ticket to ludlauajwlla, and gave him iloto buy n gun, with the understanding that he wua to go huutlug on election day and not re turn In tlmo to vote DNpiil. Otre llll,,ar lie hi. Oitaa, Nov. 3. Conforenria bo twren 1'remler Davla of Brllleli Colum bia und a committee of thu privy council hnve terminated satisfactorily to tlio (reuiler. Thu dispute ovirtha railway debt will bo aetlled by leglala tlon to bo proposed by thu federal gov ernment at tho next aeealon, under whtoh the titlca granted by thu prov ince, and recently repudiated by thu department of tho Interior, will be declared nlhl from thu beginning. It has also been determined toacctduto Davis' request to ut thu l'aclHo quar antine station atAlbert Head In a statu of elllclenoy, iqulppplug It with tho latest modern ap!Uucea and appoint I UK a special medhal suj orlntendeut. Mine, .1.1.., Iletenae. Olivkii Hlllisoj, Tenu , Nov. S. A crowd of mil era marched Into town Isat night and set lire to tbu houso nf Mm. J.cwlt, who vusiry kind to thu aotdlera when they were here. Tiio house waacomp'etely deatroed. Co taln Itoeho ealled for volunteers, and u Hundred men are ready to inarch at a m m-nt' notice If further troublu In thrratencd. Illphllieela In rhl!itt!rlililo. rniLAliruiiiA, Nov. 3. l'roni January 1st to Uotober Stat out of imi mwi of illphlneria luOS woru fatal, Tho disease contlmiis ltd rav l.e. Tweutj.slx new eaaea were ruiorted toduy nud na many ruoro jea terday. Arrest or llnlijr I itritiera. Hvdnlv, N. H. W., Nov. 8. Tho bodice of faeven Infnnte woroiineatttied today In a back garden houauat Mnc donald, south of here. I'he Ince la occupied b) n family nauied Maklu, who undoubtedly had n b-lby faroi. the principal members of tho family weru arretted, lliirnnl lu llralli. Honoma, Cal , Nov. S Tho city Jail waa burned otrly thla morning. Twotrampa arrested for drunkenness, wero burned lo death. Tholr immoM nru unknown. One woo on Kngllsh man, aged S, and tbo otfecr Irish, agd30. It la supposed that the prla oneraeet lire to thu lull tbeuMblvu. XJ i - jTAMMAHY HALL. Another Mass Meeting to Ratify Cleveland, AN llllll.NSK IMIKIMI (UTI!i:it Struts Ablaza wilb Gas, Eltcttlcily aad FlHWoris. tin MiiiiMii sun i riir.niui.i t teller Irjui Vender l.nriiiie.-lcu. Hue. I ii.ll. mill ( llio S'rliHlplt NpenLere. Nni Vuiii;, Nov. 3 riioaunounce' nient ttiat Tammany Hall won't holt another ma'-s meitlng Inoljlitto ratify tho nomination nf Cleveland nnd Hie veuson, attracted an liniueiiso throng ol people to the lclnlty of tho wig wam. The tamo scenes witnessed nt Tiimnunj's rally lattweek were re- eated thla uvonlog. lleforu 7 o'clock oilubegnu to gather, anj' before tbo speaking U-jan tho Mock from TnlrJ tu Kourth uveuuea aul from I'oiir lecnth to l'lfteeiith struct", wae tloc'ie I wlthooplu. The streeta weru ablate with gas, electricity nnl fireworks. I'ractlcilly, tbero wero ten meetings going on nt ouee. Heiiator 1 u-tla and Carllalo were the prlueljal s inkers nt Iho main meeting. Joseth J. O'Doneliuc, as chairman, opened thu meeting with a brief epeech. A letter from Hcnator (Jormin to Ulcunrd Croker was lead. Tho ten utor expresses regret at his Inablllt to bo present ut thu meeting, but aa)a hu eau not ermlt tbu ncemlou tu aas without so) Ink "that the oomploteiiesa of uur union and tho manly and eloquent uttinncta ot Hoaa'.or Hill havo madu It ah rolutely certain that thu eh ctoral voto of New Vorlt will Lo east for tho nom inees of thu Democr-itlc purt. U.ber atates, heretofore considered doubt, ful, hao takeii courage from your eltbrta, and will allow upon tho day of election that they havu learned Irom you how to iu bin vu victory, Thu people of this country who llvu by tbo labor of their hauls an J brains and whoso only ower consists of a freu ballot, will not bu over powered ly tho methods practiced at tbo Jiolla by the bcuellclarlea ol any yatom ot legislation Tuey will over throw the party which ere itod that system. They will In a epltlt of per fect fnlrnm modify the syateiu Itself until tho gritUitt (;oiid. of tho greatest number la secured, unJ will drive bnbera and their cundldatos from the Held of lollllca." In conclusion Gorman (ays "Thu people aro turning to (Jrovcr Cleveland lutuch iiutubera that all thu wealth controlled!! tho members of thu lie. publican arty, cannot, I bullove, alter the result, If you and I and all the earneet Democrats glvu ourele up from now to tho closo of the day ul election to support tbu candidates of the great Demucratlu arty." Heiiator llmtli waa iben Introduced and apoko for eoniu time. Iho evidence waa uumletakable, slid he, that the Democratic masses were determined t) win thla fight. ltegardlugtlio.MaUln. Ii y bill, tbu epuakor callej It a "mis carriage device tu aid the Itupubllciu jiarly to peretustu Itself lu wer by I ro idlng Itself v. llli a gigantic corrup tion fund to bo drawu frum the pro tected manufacUrets, Uhuiunnwho denounced It ino.t scathingly wlieu It waa prejiarud waa James U. illalne. Then reciprocity wai put on. The party's policy Locarno reciprocity lu thu Weetand protection ill the Kent." Hpcaklng ol the force bill, Hoiutor Kuatlitald It waa Impucslble todescrllw the alarm and excltcmout It had cre ated In the Houth. Its paiuie would euslad thu Amerlcun eoplo and dig the grao of American liberty, Tho next speaker waa Senator Car llalo of Kentucky. Ho was received with enthusiastic applause nuj said that Iho only question now confront ing thu people was whether tho presi dency waa to bo purchased; wbcthor thu peoplo wero to bu bribed with their uwn money. I he question of taxation, he snld, was thu moat important that oould bu submitted to thu inoplc. I hu stinker had no prejudice agaloat theso ungagod In irotected Industrie-'. They weru men who contributed largely to thu growth of tbu country. He want ed to seo them succuod on their own merltaand not at thuexicmuof other rnrinbeta of tlio lonnminlty. Hu thought that Maior MoKlnley should not monkey with etnllellos but thou! I continue lighting wild cat banks. After tbo dlacusrlon from n Democrat la point of view of tho lorco bill, Cur lisle closed with an eulogy on thu DemoL ratio candidal! s. A. W. llnuini cf Ucorglu followed 111 a d a nurse-liiu tuittd with storioi. CongieMintii John D. Warner, and Htarr, Hoyt, Nichols nnd Walling nlsoapoke. HAitsiivif.' nitrim. I'. H Maralinl llnalrr'a I Mler or 111. IriiellniiH i:i.JH!t., N. Y., Nov. 8 Iii reply to tho ilrcular Issued by William 1'. Hhochoii of the Democratlo I.xecutlvo comnltliu regarding thu rights and duties ul deputy United Htatcs mar shala rtt the polU ou election do, United Hlatea Miirahnl Ilaxter has lamed a letter of Instrtictloua to the dt-rutlrs ot tbu nortlieiu district of New Vorlt, which hu declare! to bo equally applicable uNerywheru. In It ho saw: William I'. Hhcchan, chairman of the Democratlo statu campaign com mittee li" Issued n circular In which hu km u mull to statu tbu rights and dutka of a tclal deputy marshals. Aa the circular la calculated lo mislead you lu tho dlachargu of your duties, and aa Its statements am contrary to tho cliorly defined provisions of tho 1 ederal atntutes, It seems advisable for me tu add lo thu Instructions already gUonyou, Hint Inn In his 7 Undo! Htum iiir-hnla litvu in imrericit linn any i thee n--r lu I" iihi i .,. Miinruil or i lling ho.s, aid In iii't "I Ihls n.tiniuul e Hi mien-dill In a i-eitim ou by J i-tn. lliiwer ol tl.w Hui renin iMiiri ln i'iwi liw I la Hearty not In n r, a- it wis in ii wberu tin rn Wire no i. nlle.1 Htlte-l tueivl.iira cf I In llnu i-t thu lulling laces. It hi. n, tearing in n eid-u wher- tiuru it UnitiM SUtw sii erelsor- " i nip ssilli-d III llin illiainarjii ni the r luiiu by neTl il duly niarslmls. H w 1 1 nu 2ulDuf the U-M,.-.! Hlailte., I, man ihnilulyu Uiiltul Stmi s ei r Inn i.l eih ii euu tu ti veitviipitiii; in I n. main in ni It lo-llluii from tipiM 1 1 II lie, i htlher iieforu or la-i.i it t it. Uillut tmxe-, lis will In thblr Jit. m-nt ts. en iiileun in In n eoui jiriam rlltirlng hliiMi-lf for irgi- rait i r olllsrltig tn vute," on I by secli n ji s it Ismali. the .buy it n mamln nil general ile iiilesn i lsi.eclil.l.i.uU. t "kia-ii the p j mini mptiilmi I pn tect lliosujervl.irsof u'euttuu in the dlliarguiir their duties." It cleirly follows that n drpi!) can oecupy any jsoaltln In urnti ut u sill lug lacu that n nlrv.,r nuj oicup, whether before r Imliiud the ballot lii.xis, or whether ulliilu or oul-.lili lite uuard lllll. l'arl or the marshal'.! cnty l.itoti-o that Hi state (latuelapotupilet with tllut sniuiea lo the ijlui prlMey within tlio h ith whlln - reparlng bis ballot, nr. I which I rohlblta oiletlii4 or giving ivers to a voter Wliiilnthurillltls Un hit) of n marshal bienfonv all of tliu I ru visions of n Male law tut In c oil 1 1 with thufcleral li, nt to what sin I or shall not bu done- within the gm . rail. It U his lawful ib-hi vl a iiiictsiry tuo-oujiyn pulttuu within thecuirl rail, and It Is bin nut; tn arrest nuy person, no matter what his oflli lit Kition may be, alio Interferes with that runt. Hrctlonu'iJJ proelJia (hit oil nru txemiite I from arrest while lo thu die. charge ot your duties by any ultl..r or niithorlty whatever, with or witlmut proee-s, ixce ting at thi niithorlty of mi olllcer or court of tho Uul eJ Htatee, Any pirson, whether sherlu' polite clllcoror cjuslab e, ao Interfering Willi you In tliu pirformance of your duty la llablu tu nrrust and punishment by thu United dlalea courts by loins niuiuut lor two years, or a lino of $tiu, or both. IllllllTH 111' U. P. SIM I n 130113. Itooic, Ark,, Nov. 3. Tho Democratlo state commltteo hu lnuej lo Arkansas onicurs circulars defining the rights of United Htatca aiiperMsuis and deputy marshals at uleillon. After aclrir uxpodttou of their rlijhla aul duties, the circular says retarding thu uiliitmeiituf United Btites deputy marshals to take charge of elections l" at Ihcrn It no aulhorltatluu In the ledtial atalutes for thla except In cities of. 0,00 1 InliabltauUor more. The only place allected la I.llttu lVock. I here foru If any marshal should be appoint ed elsowneru It wool t bo without Itie authority of llio law and c-iusequently thu duly ot thu reacu enjeere. of tho county to uphold and maintain tho sta'u law In kteplug watch nt voting priclncta and United Hiatus deputy marshals can uxerclsu nu authority at diction precincts or voting places other than nuy other citizen. Il they shuuld attempt to taku t htrgu of a IkjoHi or otlleially do anything 111 con trolling or lunucnclng election, or vio late In any manlier tbu ttntuetututte they should bu arretted by thu eherlll. IbeclrcuUr closes with a caution tu do nothing rashly or outsldu of tbu law. A III It lllll. lollUInn of teaerls on Vew a'urk lll. Ni Yom., Nuv. 3. A heavy fog whlcn gathered over Iho ultyyesln day aud spread over both rivers and city last lilfht Increasing In thlckntrs during thu night, still Impelled travel luday. riuru were several narrow escaie-u from serious colllalons, Ibe lug boat Djmont oillltod with u scow and Bank, thu crew eac'a lug, The North Utrman l.loyd ttiamcr rijrie, Irom llrenieii, this nllernoju reorls a viry lough voyage. Ills lam. .e. riiTSiiuiiu, Nov. 3. Ilrlgadler General Wiley litlllled tills nfleruoou tliat au olllcer had authority to Inillct summary punlihniiiit. Colonel Hmlth lu his listlmouy said that lams' con duct was mutiny, aud thu punishment hu considered mud. After further lis. Ilmony of a similar nature, thu de fense rente l,uud the irostcutloii com menced rebuttal. Nothing Important was addui ed, and the attorneys for tbo defeum resented a iietltlon In be half of their clients, n.klng ihat cer tain lnstructlona tegiveu the Jury, thu algnlllcaime cf which was that they weru not guilty. Iho court took thu matter under advisement, und thu aJdrces un bchall of the defeudauta was comtuo cod by Attorney ilrad dock. When court aljourued hu had not concluduj, but II is expected that thu catu will go to thu Jury und u er diet bv rendered tomorruu. Ili. slellae, Ht. I'j-Tnuntiiui, Nov. J, -While thu nlleu weiu seuriblug the housuuf n suipt ilud smuggler today lu thu dli. trlctuf TjoJIsky, I'oland, ihey dlscov ured Iho dciemponed bodies of nine teen men, women aul children. It is not known whitlur thu arsons wire muiderud or whether tho ctdlar In which they were found was used as a secret btiuallaie. Tim aluiiry luiilflreiire. Niw Vtuic, ov, I, Tho United Blahs dehgatu to thu liih rnatlunal monetary conlireace will meet heru tbmurrow, ireurstory lo their de- arture for thu meuo of tho convention at Jlrussels early next week, llio delegates who uru eeeted to attend todav 'a conference are, Lx-Comptrol-lerli. V. Cannon, resident of tbo Chase National lank; Hcnatnr WIN Ham II. Allison of Iowa. Senator John II. Joniu of Nevada; itetireeentatlvu McCreary of Kentucky ; 1.. llenjauiln Andrews, pneUent ol tho llrown unltersity of Providence, It I., and IMward 0. I.oich, dlrtctor of Iho mint. After their eoiifirenoo today tho deligatea will go ou to Washing. toiifortheiurioseof consulting with tho Preside nt, Iho tecretary of statu and the secretary of tho treasury with regard to their duties and pow era be. foro llio cougriss. After reaching Liverpool the parly will proceed Im mediately to llruisels whiru tho con feriuic" will hold Its opvulug session Nov, 2-'. iJ.piM-2Jafflaafi 1 REPUBLICAN ISM. Channcey M. Dcpew is Joking Pleasantly at BuiTilo. I IIITrr.'lir ,V, HI) U AMI OTIIFKS Htli TblnkVluj nsmblltias Will Gil -I Lirje IiiJjorlly, SrilUtltMU IN It ll.lll 7lln V !n.i ii v i ttiittUt Itep ikilrnii 'ni.i.ala.i in 1-enii.ylt nit. -t Hu Mie In IIlWAUi, Not. 8 Hon. f haiinoey M. Dew n I IreiseU a IsrjaaiiJIincu In Muslo Hill tonUht. aul liter nu cMrllun minting In nn adjulnliig hull HsbesyaD by uiklng ol lluiraluae umutig thuotdtfft lesssout of (he teni llls protuctlou nu I iiiereno I proi erlty undir thu Mel vluh y iiw. Damn omtln victory ueulil muau the ur nlya'aofladunry and thu withdrawal nf timid capital from lni jtuitnts Wnybu Mai Vengh waa ruferrello na one uf tho ablest Jaw eers ami piorest iulltlelausllilhii Ulillud Htatei, While CarlHenuir, uhu wna loiklng fir n pirty that ii'Virns-essel olllce holders or iiiimt ratio I inuuty for i II tic el purposes, win ndvltid nil Into seen among ths asturca lu Ner Vork tubuiiu where Ibucows ot tills s-num aretnlluirupuveiy grein thing. After extolling tbu pulley of ruclprsclty the siealierionileiiiin j the freu trilu no liou. Hsplylug to thu taunt nf the Democratic any that he, lu ISOJ.tuud i 1 1 leveland ut i parly dinner n. thu Tyj leal American," Dejew said hi was asked by his host to siy pntty Hilly, nbout the illstliigulshuii men preseut. Houudertuok to tstty und tiesco Ibe ciuiv I nn la week Utir n Democratic PhlUJeiphla .sr tame out iltliusa.icliwrltlinbyoutof thu (;iuvilmid literary bunaus, in which thu writer with much skill miuinged lo lake all II utsil'y and fresco and ul II ou llrolher Cletelnud. "Six weeks from now there la going to bo adluiurat Hilninnlco's ChiM. land will be there aud so w 111 I," con tinned the spcaki r. "lly that I lino be will bu able logo about. It takes six woekatu recuvir from tumu lnurles, and then I u order tn comausatu at u ruabiiu Ills good feeling I will pour un amount ut taffy over Jlruther Cluvu land that III ut to shame my former sreech so that Democrats shall say when ho dice, Thu last speich ol Dcrcw ou Cleveland ttinll bo his epllnrh.'" Duewc'osed Willi n touc'ilng re fereuce-ta tho Prisldent and his s til le lion, nud predlclid his re election. I I'll 11LICIN on AT ono. Niw Viiiiu, Nov. 3. I.argucrowda filled the streets and el luwulks lu Iruut nud about liiu ml treasury loJay and llateued lo ltepubllcaii orators, 1,. H. Chlttuidcii wnalhe llrst spinker, He devoletl his remarks lu thu hencllte arising frum tliu policy of thu It putll. ran uoinlnlstrallon. l'.x CongtiMimiii II P. Hoar next made nclmracterl.tlo . l I'll. Cnlincl Llllot I'. Shiherd fell me I aud said lleiiamlu Harrison was Ihe only national candidal" run ning for Prealdclit, lecuusu Clee I mil's party had surrendered Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Kcbraski, North Dikota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Mluuesols, having withdrawn their electoril tiiliuttriiruluthe Inleresluf tho Weaver ally nudcoull not there lure tu accej ted as a nittoual arty. Assistant Treasurer l.llla II. ltolairln next spoke. Ho said If the fusion scbemu worked tho Populists maybe como mis'cra of thu Domocrullu arty In all Its polity. A vic tory for Cleveland would lot the PorulUls ou lop und would bu tbo mosWcaiid ilousoombluu lu American politics. Whin tho Chicago couven llun pasted thu resolutions to re) ml tho prohlbitlvu lax on atatu bank notes It wiut tuwurda it ground ulllautu and If ilcctod Clevelaud cannot well help signing a bill to which his parly Is already pledged. Thealllaucesolieme ot notes and I use I ou foreign products would follow lu more than ouo stall. IN OAllNlllli: 3IUII0 HAW,. Tho lluilut as Men's ltrj ubilcan As sociation held a meeting lu Cirmglo Muslo Hall tonight. Hon. Whltclnw Held was thu rluclpal ejamker. Hu enumerated thu benefits accruing to thu country under thu ltepubllcaii ad mlulatratloii, and sail thu Itepublloau party stands by tlio brat currency Ibis or any ctber country ever had, aud now tlio Democratlo i arty (ought t dietrny Ituud riluni to stile tanks and shin plasters. Ho thought the Hi publican tliki I Would get twlcu tbu majority II did four ye ira u.-o. A COSH'AIUSON. Kaiavauo, Mich , Nov. 1. IIx Hnater Hel I wul met at tho depot Ibis afternoon by n throng ufentliusl astlo people uuJ esoorttd lo tlio Wig wam, which was crow do! to lto ut moktojpaclty. riiestrcels Wcreover llowlng wllh thousands who came many miles to hear Held, Whintho stiskir apicared upon tbo plnlfoim bu wai cuthuilaitlcilly rueelvod. Hu I egau by uouii ailug the r cords of tho two partite. Hu characteilied tho He lubliran (arty as progrnsslvc, whllu tbu Democrats ho diclarud to bon ri tardlng element. Hu then rcvloiied ut eomu length thu i nrty ricoid In Congress, contrasting it with thu work of tho Democrats of thu luteueelnn. Tonight u big n publican piradu was partlilpatod Hi by clubs frum all over tho Immediate fiction of thu tlati. Fol lowing Ibo paradu nuothir meeting waa held at thu wigwam and 1.. II. Hamilton spoke. During tho even, lug oilier local Itepubllian Icadc'ra madu addresies, IN II NVSV. I VAMA. PlIUADLIIIIIA, Nov. 3. Tho He. publican campaign hero practlially cliaed toulght With a masa meeting nt IhifArndiiii .' Mislouoder Iho sin i ie of u." It -laibl nan ulub of the I Uulv, rsl'y r I' imseWanl-. ('titlin li.nry riiulili ut uiliilsier lu lliissla, iiilln u -lirrniK sali 10 Iho lulle sit '. H, r I rreil hum ir iu-lj to thu del riloii "1 Wiyiieuud MeViaghand .lmil wit lint tbu ulmiiilatrallnii uf llanl-ou ii).cui-l ii iuwiineli fur the nmniry a-nt inula u In w il jivrluiu tiudiir lliejoiniiiwritloii'ir the prlucl I lositf riTiprnellv nnd priteettnti. Sen n ii- lllirlnsj of Dataware wutamiinp; tliu speak r. t lutein iii.pi.ti. lllst'lMilnliiii l.iflh. i.UO Irlehrn ( iiaiii niTeiv.rj. C , Nov 3 I'orly thousand ttaqto wltiiursfid that griat lomlraMmi-iitui !' .itrtillKsn toollit, uhlun was the mcM i tatiorate nnd itio cveilul pyntrcnlcdl-play i ver even tn thu mum. I un Isimi ar Itneiit win tlio ,r. at feature o gull wiea. IhlaaiUr tiotiii tin iliy Mm itiptrtmiiit gnvn n lelldld paluJi, all I luaui or (,'berokno In liantpiaved la cro o befuru a Uri(o c-wil. (ntlitrs ill tho Dtlphlli aul Vtsialua uru I ilug IttuJ on every tide. I-IIIMR nisllVlKli lie Halm, lu Hat- trerKul n Mile In 11-1 l.MCitti, Nov '1 Dr Jlliim recently llal 111 inn InlirvieW nltli Priuon Ills 'march it Varseiu, ni nai nut o' whh h is uWMie.l In the Aeae.fs AnclirHshlm nf tins iliy. I'll ni" Ilia iiaiek sou) nut I mil n tnu new utlltcarv bill and (Icimiuy'sruntloii wilts 1 rnucu and ltlls-lt, Hullelilel tlmtlioililelldedlo ciiiiiishI u wsrou Traiice In li75, uuii. teimlugun th" uuutriry Hill liu lair, sua led I. iu ror llllam t lurl.ld his .lull mil Imperial Cunt Von M illkt-, wiiu wi in nuxloiia to rovogo a war, tu Inlerfeu ivilh forilgn illllc. thu ex-eliaiu-Bllor dlMtuted untlrily Irom iho gov, rnmi nl'a silicon of tlio mili tary I III Hu sold hu thought thu U-r man uriuy quite strong enough to laoo uveu n war uil twoltonts. lie bollovi Hut neither brnuru uorltu.sla de-Ires war, and that no war Ii likely lo break out at loa.l lor years to come, Mir. over, eukl the prince, victory lists Willi that I'owir which wins the llr.t billies, aud thosu Uttloj will bo 'ought, nit null millions uf men, but wll'infew hundred thousands "rile main thing," bu continued, "la that Ihey will I u lid. l'lm military bill has thu greatest defect 111 its luadeqliltu I ruvislou for commlsitoiie I aad niu etimmhsloiied bllleirs " Heoindetnued Iho irjpcsal ta main the third yiar of survlcu solely Inr men who incurred luiiultha, believing this rovlsiou would diatroy ail rieaiitfor thu thirl leur plan, llrqaoted er ir Williaui I, Cotiut Von Mjltku ttulCeniral Von It ou ni against the two y i ars' ay stem, lluthouglit the lest thing Hie Itelcbs la,t could do was n.t to nject thu hill us a while, but tu declare Haelf realy to remedy all defecis when thu guv eminent ehowoJ how to cover tho in ortaaed ixpcuie With regard tu Hutkia Prtucu ltlsmarclr said only iieaspni'ei, .I'oles nut Jews iteslruj war iaitweon tho Hui.lam nud Ger mans. ' lilaJ.lQueaii.l Kuril. Iisiuv, Nov. ! Hi" rofusal of hiding mliilsteri ti attend tlio In augural ba quel of l,rd Mayar Kuell Islnlerpreteiinsnii In llcatluuufa new nttsek ou thucorporatlm of Iho city of I.oud in whh h it la lellaved will bo euiaicoludluaJmlulstraliviifuucllons by thu lionionoouiity council Ulsdslom, lu a I.'tur to Kuell an nouncing Ins Inallllly to aituiut thu lord mayor's batiqm t, says thu dot Islou la due tu liiu advau ul his byslclau who lnsi s Ihat he shsll iiUtaiu Irom all public biiiqurle. In concluding Otalstono cotwrntiilitis Knoll ou the spirit and success with which liusus (allied tbu irluclpiu of rullglousfrie dum. Uitavva, Nov. it Thu total number uf C tilniso who entired Canuda nud pal I tliu poll tax, if-'il inch, during the llsenl yiur lulling June U, lbU.', was 1.70 as agalusl .1 H during tho revleut year. Ileelliu I minis. Ni w Yoiti.-, Nov, 3, Tho prellml nary ixamlnatiouuf about liny oilun Izud votirs Is to take luce tomorrow hefoto United btates Commlssloiier Hhlells, It 1j bellovel that strong csics will hu undo out agalnat all of thorn, nnd m tiny reprtsenl Hum. sclvta tu belong to tilth parties lu thoko rosicullous. Thu built of those arristed como Irom thu notorious Plglilli Assembly district, which Is filled with cheap lodging house, all of wedih havu beau filling up exti nslvelv for tho ait few wteka with thorllT rail of neighboring cities, 'liaise men como to Now Vork during every campaign, believing that ttieru Is money lu bu made cut of both political turtles. Almost all of tnoso arrested aro charged both with Illegally regis tcrlug and Willi ii eating, Hue. Nut I eplnlli. Ottawa, Nov, 3 It Is osierlaliiBd on good authority that no answer has yet been received Irom tho Huselan goveriimiut lu explanation of the silzure of Cauadiati sealers In tho North Pud IK. t ii.itieralllo Meet I'laiil. HoMiJiriAD, Pa, Nov, 3, Hands' sihemn for building a cooperative sieel plant nuir Houioilcal Is being d siusied by tlio lockol out nun, al though the plan for co opt ration Is not unfolded to the mill. Mr. Hands re turns ill thu morning from his homo, Several number! uf tliu alvisory hoard wbuu Interviewed replied that Hands wus lo Invu shown a bona lido plan of co operation nnl Hint hi, repru. Sims a largumnount of money for thu irctioii of Iho steil j lain, tut no nctualmgotluHuiiiliad been gonolubi and until thty were the advisory loin mlttiu weru plu lit I tusrtrciy. In an iuleivliw Mr, Hands staled Hint lilt Sfhcmu wae to radically colonize tho Homcitu id strikers. llilenaiiNlthlillril ClIIOAUu, .Sov. .1 l,vldonce9 of seeming IrrtKularltha of thu grocsest sort wiroiiueiirlhid today In the city water office. It Is said that thu city haabu nswlndlid out of thoutandauf dollars, lhoalligtdculi rltanro chief ilerk P. A. llrokoskoskl, ex-asKisaor Win. I.ortmor and nmiissor I r, Dwyer. ItrokoaUosktand Dwyer wtro thla afternoon n moved from idllce by tbu mayor pending uu lnvetlj.ntlou. WHITELAW REID I Given a Reception by Gennac I Republicans. I AN I:TIIL'ISIVSTIIJ AUItlENcn. H Th) yite-Pesldenllal Candidate Haijs I a SfcecL H mill i. nisiiMT in i uiots, M I I sldenl u,.. I,,.,r0. M Ills In. Ill r Ilia H al M Nrvv Vork, Nov. 1 The. Gcrmso litpclilloiius uf New York gave Wulte- M law Itald a rousing rtceptlju nt a snail M lutillugat Cooper Union tnnl ht Ths M uudlcnceshonuJ ontbuslasm out Iho cvoiiln, and lliuspctleis win M chicrnl mauy tiuie-f. Tho a ago wai M decorated with American Una und M portraits uf ilarriaau nud H id wore hung lu many prominent placer. M Judgu Chtrui Maler mtio a short M SH.echon thu currency and then Mr. M Hel I was Introduced and rnelroj wilt giiut applause. In tlio courso of hit M SMr0lll tin Ball! JH "Uermaii.Auierlcaus constltiito n bH laru clan uf lutein -cot pumile doe dy aaH connected w Ith tbo nl.tory or tho Am- M erliuu riqubllo from tbetlmauf ihu M Kuvulutmii tu Iho resent day . Thuro H haa been lioirlns la war, nu crisis In H piaci, no crisis in thu hiiiori uf tho sH Hu,iiiilieaii parly when thuUermans H have not gone to tbo front. Iiiurunro aH llirecquesiloua of paramount H Impuriaucii In thla campaign tliu fH lanir, ruclpriclly and mo- M :iry. Thu Democrats nn, nud havu H been for yi us howling abuut iH Ihu great calamities luircnuliig over aaH Ihh country. belungUu party that Ll Is not howling for calamities and dues H uot cAljinnlatu our country. Oir al country has advanced lu rosperlty H and wuiklng iraplu havo increasml H their ileiHishs In raving Ina'.iiullona H during Hie last thrueyrarr. Kurtlatlog H IhesufictsHie Democriillo artytrlid iH loput lu rliun olllclals giving those jtB facta to tbo public; but they found the H glid tidings of prosperity coming from iH soinvoy sources that ihey a mil not H put all of thein lu prison. H "No tiass uf cltlisns has shown such H a sturdy purpotu fur bunest government H su t houist inuuey as our Gerinou- JjJH Amerlcaucltliena. Who haa heard una iH word Ihut Cleveland has raid lu con- H dimuatlouof thuilalform ot 111" Chi- Lj csgu convention In regard lu t-ulu- iH plaster currcucy, an I wrieru haa ha H said ouo in dtfeneu of the best bH currency this country has ever stcn? H Aruyousiekliig turn mm who dodfes . LjH vital questions of thu tiouiV ur onu who H liiu i -lly ui dares his conviction,',"' H Mr.Hcldskuliisupiort uf Ibolte- H ubilcan I oslllon on too lull mil ru- H cipioclly, and sat I lu couchulou. "No H lUinliililratlou Irom tbu time uf Wash- H lui,tou down has placed Ibe credit of H thu country so high as has Ihu admluls- H tratlon nf President II an Isun." Several H other sjeakers were heard. M II III! )lUll,t. H Wasiiimiiun, D. C.,Nov. 3 After H a dry sjell of mauy weeks thla city LaaH caumit n light rrln last ithrhtaa the H ulltged ruultof a eerha of uxlosluna H aud reioria which thu agricultural H ilrartmint hat been causing near I ort Myer; but thu nervu ranking pH nclses ha 1 such a bad illcct U-on the residents in the vicinity, that Ihu ex. H l-erlments wero illioontlliuid this alter- H noon and su Ihu utility of tho ciplo- H tlons wero nut dcmoiutrated. Ills, ill.llcil Mill! llla.l.lone. H I.ONHON, Nov. 3 At a milting of a II ii .North r Kngland Liberal asiucla. H lluiiuelgiilllcantdeiiionslratlon of ills- content ut Gladstone's homo rule aH policy ss made, Dord Palhtleld, who H jnesided, uuoouncid that hu had re- LH signed tho presldimy of thu oseocla- M lion, saying that Ihu merit Cuustrva- H Hvu victories In thu by. elections wero 1 due to the objeotlout many Liberals M uuteilalued for homo rulu. H Hon. Charles Tulton tlatuj that lio M wo ild not contest his si at again or ajH conduct thu Liberal leudira' meeting. M It wot decided to sent u strong protest M lo tho national Liberal federation. M Nilppaseil llllrfes ahol, H Cahi i ii, Wy., Nov, .1. Hepoila havs H Just reached hero ol a fight between B cfllcers and supposed horsu thieves In thu oxiremu northern jurt of I remonl SBl county. Utlleers were in search of a J muii named loore, whu hud allot a comtable, Mooru know of their ap- BBl I roach uud laid for them, shootlu;: HBjl down threu of their party. One of tbo J klllol nun la known ua"rillck," whose (HH reul numo la Nnro, of Ni braaka. HjB A liiuiil. H Nivv Yom;, Nov, S Ono of tho M youngest criminals whu over stood be. fljSJ lorn a New York Judge to bo sentenced HjVJ for murder will tomorrow receive his ininlly from llio lips of Judge Marline. 49H John McCaun Is tlio 1U y car-old slayer of Hlchurd Mateiier and will bo Hl sentenced tu lifts Imprisonment. Mc- .HjSJ Caun was Jointly Inulctel with lllguy jVJ Mcl.lvamy for tbu killing of Mateuer ou Aug, 27 in front of nu oast l'urly- Hja seventh striet saloon. The troublu waa HBB over thu possession of u pail of beer. jl .Mcl.lvniiey Is now being tried as an uiceesor. Hjl I TlieMeeelert'aae. H -t'olvnio, Nov. 8. Arguments In Uiti Mercer caso closed today, counsel ! fur the defouso holding that his clients thould bo released without tho oaiu HjB going to tho Jury. Judge Wurtlo re- served his diclslon until tomorrow. Hja BBV Ni.w YuiiK, Nov. 1. W, r, Mor- ! lerun eV.(o, manufactureis of brass H bedsteads, "le , failed today with Ha. bbB bllltlcB of $11.0,000 and assets of I'U.OOO. H