Newspaper Page Text
r 4 DirnnT evening Kr.wa: stihday, jsOArMitnu r,, isos. DESERET EVENING HEWS. Bif DCSCnCT NCW9 PUDLI3HINQ HI' COMPANY, LCSSCrS. Hjll 'miliirtlay jliiiiwlnrn. Km. Hfj 10 fill. UMI.ItS. Bf; Tl nt llio I)tniiT Nn8l not "In Blti jxlitlci," ai tbelcrin ltuiually iimlrr Hi I, iti J, mid I not anybody' IHIoI i organ, III nuy tvtieo whalnvir, cuntll- Hl lutti no icnton why this et limy M not, from time to tluif, enter tlin field 1 famnough tOKlvsu word of iclillcal f udtloeU III reader. ItdMlret In K Hi tbat Tar Ufoii U'ta occuiIoh, f! TheiilofaoamnlRo, irobbty thii H( oi flMUtr anil tentatlonal, nU'l ctr- H. , tin ly the molt ixclllni;, lliat thla H r ilt .ry hut tiler cxiierhincol, la H Ur uIiir mar itaclnM. Various nuct- H , tl.ii utile and In aotne Ins inoei dl- Bt reputable raelhwli have tutu rreorlnl BJ to with Ilia ob) act i( li.lluiMRlnir BJ 1 voters In ftoruf, or arouilnjc their pie- H'i Judlcoagalnit, one or theotlur of tliw Bjij palKloil imllm or thu ojiiidlJates t H' tore tlm I'Ubllc. N'jm o( reputable BJ ' and honored mm In the community, H' now and 111 ail tlma, hir been hail- BE tiled alijnt with a flifirniKV that la H aln'ul ti overy tober minded mm, B end charges en J rountrr-iliiiritn havu H followed urn each other with nsalft H mat and n vlrulenco that woulJ be H rnororntoiilaliliiglf they wtru li-etdlt- H gutting. The Uhuich lltelf lne not B ttoapwl lllna (mm nil qn irtirm not B only from nppoiniitt, Itit alan from B auppsted frlanda. All Mil U M know ii to tho ul lie. cud nerd not lit H. rtfirrtd to In dtlull. The au'Jtot l B uuplrarautand Mllliil at lull, and to Bl dignify It wlili nillc B now would bo tut to lutriitly tin- B lonow which every truo Hulul n.ui-l BBB liavoalrcaJj txpcrltrieeJ. BBf Wlat tlm Knil wlilira to ndd, BBai therefore, la lutrrly thin 1 1 trader. BBB i aro tnullontd nzulnit tho aniens tu Br I rrjitdlttf and thu falaehcoJ. that mo BBB In circulation, and am urged tu bold BBBl tlumtelvts lu calmnutt aul honor BBB! during the czcltimmi thit It raitlnc, BBBj tobetruo to Iherottdvos, uud to Unit HBB pledRca nud covcninti; to citroltr BBk that manhood which It alll.u BBB proof ai;aluit tho auctri pf tin BBV r oi lilit nud tho thrcati cf tho honalvr; BBW to aland uwu their rights at Irrtmeu BBV and Amtilcana and tu tirolie their BBvf autTrajcons luch; to rrt Uiuchariiw BBh ajBliisltliu Church of whluh thy uiu BBVJ tucmbctp, whlali aro In tllect chargea BBVJ agilnat thtmiolvc.jAii I Dually, to Ton. BBbj accordliiR tu Ihilr rollllral reft iidcm BBbj cri'inlilcLtloiiF, iintrnuimolid hyuiiy BBvj Inlhiaiico that may h Improjvrl BBVJ brought to hear. I,t cvtry man lui-U BBVJ carefully to Ills ticket, nnd ten that It BBVJ ronlnlui the imnua ol lhi til' u of hi BBVJ chulc. Jt inch oiiu to mi lit, cuorJ a aguloattrlcl.aoli.very l.lud, and l B lino that ho acta lutilllgeiitl). Ilia BBVJ word, tlm Ki-ua Imprnwwi ii-)n Ita BBVJ rindcra tbroughuiit thu wholo Iiril- BBvj lory Iho uetd o( tho utmost mi, (an BBpJ lion nud IntrKtlly liithKunJoymaiitor BBVJ tho rojal rlr,htnnd tho aawod dutj BJ uhlchoiiTiimdny luxt Mill to ttiilrr 1 l'llOllsMIUS IN lUI.IIIUi. BBBJ Tho faculty of romu uf thi t:aUrii BBBJ rolUMinra landing out Unity In fit BBBt inHtttro(ooulni;aollvly lit polltlm BBBb nnd whllothlimay not In nailed nn BBB Innovation nltoiiethir, It la a nulhlii. BBB 111 tho nature (.f uu iiuuVinliiK audi. BBBJi not wlthtiitalKiillloaLO. It liihlmul BBBJ to hr, nnd doubtluM la, isratl'jlnj Kin BBBJ innri who aru y irnfiilon tialueu BBBJ; thtnltera liaa conoludul to ant an x BBC ampin In tlii mttttrof pnitlolpulliiK lh BBBJ thu praotkal J haau or politic, o thai BBBJ olheri, whomiy haillhtr thinkliii; or BBBb ontliliililuK, can hno tho tvaitltnl BBBb thtlr rrnoulnit an 1 their cunoliiii it t H " lliillllaaiaoliown,nnllitotlitrheiiJ, BBBJ that It would to hi, lily ruarctnhlo Ii BBBb uy of tho Inilltutlona khuulj U BBBl onme, liowevti Indirectly, tho nitiiu BBBB lar friend or rtpteM-nUllvu of unj BBBfl party, tt would Injtira thchiuli BBBM porhajaoTentuully uulllfi thuelln tu BBB taaprofoHor'a irenpt. Iu Hid n pom BBBl mv circulated It Ii tinted, fur Iniiatue, BBBB that Treiideut l.llot an 1 four-llulm ol BBBB thHurnrd faoultj nrofor Ulnolnnd BBBB lnd that u majority ol thv Conn II BBBB faculty nro for llnrrlwu. Alro wt BBBB Irarnthat tho proportion ofUqulll. BBBB cam to Uemocnita In Dartmouth la a BBBB aeven to one, that twiniy.tnreei of the BBBB thirty tbtco proroMura at Amhertt nn BBBB for Clovehnd, und that tho "Clavehnd BBBB men on tho family of Vale cutuuniuu BBBB! ah JUrilNM men four to ono." BBBB Tho nourco from whiuoo thli conn BBBB thlukr, howovtr, It would hu Rrlev BBBB oua enough If tlm rofcixora BBBj weru to clolikr tlunutUm In BBBJ their etulloa mid rofuta to take BBBB) tho lutereat which all clllzmn ihould BBBJ feel iu a polltlunl (ontoat, nud wo nre BBBt dliiomil toooncur. ''Hut unlet thtj BBBr remaiu Tory ttoadfait to Ihoturpoooot BBBB! atlcklog to piluclple nud lijuorlng BBBt lartliuiiihlp," It j)f, "thera l BBBt Onngir that tho nlmn muter will ho BBBJ drained Into politic na nu liiatrument BBBJ tactical maneuiera," BBBJ Koliu of ua deilrta eo Incongruoua u BBBJ '"ult from tho faculty'a participation BBBJ ' In forithadowud by tho foregoing It bWbI' ' BBBBJ ' '',"tb BbBS ' iJL 1 1 jBbV BBBBCrBB. &BBBl BBBBbbbBb , JBBBBBBBBBiaZZSiV1 roncluilon, hut certainly If ttiro fewort i nult their minda to bo drawn out lnrd polltlcn nt nil, thoy will naturally oiiiuith Iw them elrua drawn timanl thu IiiMllnua nnd the 1 allot box aa the lowly nwakcut I fnterrtll. tmatrongernnd itroimir, anJ tin ru woulJ nem to bo no turrit lent nawn why It tin uht to olherwlfc. The r mlt w uld teem to he Inevitable, h .w ever, tlmt nu active, ajcglOMlvt abara In imttlaan dltlca la lnconitHln Willi Ihe calm, nrKumentatlvc, ttudt. out uulln n iulred uf collcgo pro'utairt. (UMiIlitllH lllltin. In nuolhir part of this Imuo tin N i mi preteutu to Hi rentcn n hrlci l'lKthlol thttih of the roveral oin tliuatui fnr Delegato lo UointrtM freni Utah. In tlm mieof the IWpubllonn aul Ihe I.iltral nimlmia, thu mallir w I loh Ii iililalied won kindly fur nta ted ly frlaudt telooto J mpeetlvoly by tho cauUIJalm llieintalvft, Ihla In riapuiitn to a rifjiieat of the Ntwnanmo djvngu. lnlhu tnio of the Otnii uratlo nunilijte, n reiurter of thli PMir lua ha I lu iruiio the Hutch from tuch Information at ho ooilll obtain rltmhere. II lnirf tlona or Inaoiiirailen tliall lo Ion ud In what It and ooncwu i nn Mr. (Jai.nun or Mr. Allei, the A itxdiwlnlm all retHu aililllty aive thai of ii'.llcatloN. If iliaio are errura In what o aiy cunoerulna Mr. ltiw lie, tliaj are diiufo fnulta In mem r n i lint uiiatakiaof theheait; aul t .lull be willing tu aa ii'iie. In the latlir laae, il.n k.urdiri if I lamo nnd ti make u-iiilliutliii. IIui. may be etferod m mi uuu.r, loo, beraute until thli mornlnic weexpeited, and lu Itml primhrd, that our nint for Midi a iiotkiietahtbM bvnoiejtablo to him, MoullloOJinillel with. Ir lltt If thu Anna fi tli that inch of tho three iiomlote twfuru the rnminu lilly ln KHitliuKli n ho M ijilillllu J by i.atlxe ability and educitloiial ntlnlu. moiila to n relent tho Tirrltory with lilrth honor In tho lutlonal Cotigrctt. (If ixuito only oiio will bo eleiteil, an I theilioloo cf that onu iracllotlly llct blrlwiiu two. Tuiedty'a vole will df lenclue who he It In bu. Ml I HI. tMl l.l.tllN. We keip nu luarnlnK tomothliig aliout tin. Iinil wo live In.whUh gwi I h w tint II will beaoinotlmayet U for i w know It nil rcgjrllnt America, if Untied tuch n aule uf Information It at all iiooflilr. TLo Columbian I'alr luolcatlon nt Chlcngo doubtlovi did more Kood thin will ovtr be recorded ormkiiowltJ,cd, (hlrlly In the way of earning Ihuvi who thought themtelvot oiodlo hum aomo now Ihlnga by lurtl(,atlou nnd "liiuhlns lip,"ar.d tlioae who weru not to find out how vtr) Ignorant they reilly wurij while to all clttiea nud among ovtiy condition aomo new "olnlort" wcro Hopillcd hy the force of ejapail. tun nud flMuclatljn of 1 feat. lu thitu ijumlru ccnti imlul dnyt, eaja ntotunpornry, It It Worth while lu u mil the (act that the continent niw named Amvrlca hnj gono nt oio llnio or niiother hy s Kit at unn namei. The notion that Columbut hold of ilndltiRn nittwnrdaMiio to ludniby nay of thu Allintlo t r. i rltl ly Ihu liuluvN ol New Inula nud Indl lOtcldeutal, founJ ujxiu old mil ut lu llcntlug Ihn land illicni red by L'uliiiiihut. America Mexicuua win nu olJ name of North America, aa Anuria I'aMvlani wat uf Hjiilh America, riieu Ilratllwai for u time Ihu nnuio appllod to tho aoutherii con Hneut. 1 Inally, toja tho tamo nuthorll), ihu uiU 111 uf Ihu nimo Aim riot hat leeu giavel) dliiited, Ihuugh the wtlghtif titlmouy leave jrait'ciilly no doubt that It count from the I liriatlfcli nuuioof Amoilo Vwjuiil. djiuit larlj authoritlei, however, 4rnily uonliml that Ihe name camu from the rriiMuii word Amaru, uoiiiilii Ihu incrrd ijiuool of thv itutt, mniluof n eeroiit mil n atlik anUulllx i a, nuanluK uoiiuto. Thu, Amerlu.1 muuia thu land of i In. holy unluial. If Itioiu who humud it Unit u uld in ly iiiurn fn m the khsleauiid wlliiio onu of nir g'ent imlllhul cuiiimIkih, tlie would turtly credit thenitlM wlih muro foreelglu mil uouurred 1 1 them at the time. Till M M.IIIHII. til UIOIK Jtiiiua John (urbett, u filing mm imllliig from Cullloriili, and ulo re. muty ncipilred uoiulJeruhle fdmeiin I in Immune uuiouut of uaah ly latter inn and Iwutiug in other limner who had lici been treated that ) b I t, la loll on the tlago ni..i uiiklnR muru money lu a weL than to ovtr midu m n bjokUeiptir In u year. W hat u tnneity on rofeiiluual ithlca nil thli 1I Of courte Corbilt la not nn nctor, doe not, rliupt, under klaud Ihe ruJIminta uf thoiirlo il himl me, jet ho commnndi n lart,trln i .. tun thnu nuy uf lht ureal I lolriililmla uou Jctlvolj iigigiliu their uilllnn. Willi John McCul luuiih nud Iiiwriucu Uiiroil, Iliun n American nctora of Ihla i,ent ration, deal, mid 1-dwln Iloolh, of Ihe tntue iiliool, itoltitf tho inmo way very fait, It Ii uaturil tliut wo aeek now Idoli In tho temple of I'liij.!., and whit moru reatonnble than that tho Choi ul nculrementaniidln elhctunl culture of the ago ahould otuee in to lurnouroyra lovingly to John I, Hul llvau und lilt uuuiUoroil I'htlcil culture and oen the ability to alug right nud lift aro not nt ull detrimental to tho makeup of a great actor, In fait, thoy would bo mora likely nu ntilitaneu to him, and n uood nliyaliiu It unite lndlieiuabl, but wuca t n niui lute for dramatic h mura and i r flts tin no ther ijiinllflcnllont whatovor nnd can Mill nuke mote money thnu thou wdo have tolled up the ladder nnd rtochod Ita top through the force of tnlaiit fully cultivate.! nn I merit prop u!y n lied, It la enough lo engender "that tired feeling" ni a, chronls ailment. nwiiits or mi; in if. Itlionn of the urluui facll lint here lu Utah, where we have rail com munication nnJ cheip with every lnt of the compaw nnJ whero wo ate within two dayt' travel of the mighty Pacific, there lire grjwa up, mdlle iijwl nnl K'll oil men who have nover teen confront 1 by n biiy of water whloti they c mid not o n ri I To tn nt of Ihete tho VAttneil of tho otiuii contain! no moru of nctutl Im preMlveum thai the Yulneii of time, being In either cm praollcilly Itioompfehenr'hle, luw ciull It bo otherwhowheii their knowltdgo of Ihe vatly deep an 1 the I in la btyonllt nrii till may In miny one amount to more than In that of aomo who hava "been there" It leirued from inapt, chtrla, bwX, ncwap ipert nnl con ermtlon? Tiny ruiy nnd ceuerally do Ktjoiv m a m.tter of nhitrniit knowMgo nil aluit theie tblnj mil to may they In like niinuir know nil ntijut tin World' I'alr bulldlui at Ulileisu, but It I alt it that rtnlliilloh Hint romta Ihrougli tha orgnna of eight nn I touoti to fully real ize their gfenliica' nnd grandeur. riioautn whom tho ocean Ii u'tlma lime would doutttrm kenaitirnly Im irewed with tho nueirnnce of a mouiter In.bir a with the minoton out (hlghway of iittloiit" acroti which theauiomellmes go. At certain eiu.otiiollhoyiar,nilawellknuwn,tl)o Atlmtlo route tu Htiropu lacrottoil by grent proeettlona of Icebergi. Theio wrroit9olnlly uiimerout In ISOJ, an 1 one that wai pattol on July It), In -If degreet uorth, til decreet wett, litup titd to fitvn mado thu nearest np- roach to llrlllilithorea of nny Iceberg tluio tho glacial rlod. fewer I it cra than uual wcie teen In May nnd Juno of thli yenr. They were, howevor, rejiortoj to Wmhlugton hy -V) veitolt; and one of ttioni teen from a Uermin vetiel, In I I decree north, af doreel woit wna tin) feet hlli and four mllei longl In tho Antaritlowaterathli'aeeniatohave lueu n maximum year of lloitlni; Ice. riiira tho Icebtrg nro alwaya mare numoroua and formidable Ihnn In the north, yet It l not often that navlga tort have tho experience of nu Aber ilceti captain who, about tho middle of May, lu -O degreeaaouth, S) weit, uar rawly oicapod runuliii( Inti an Iceberg I Olll) fiel lilnti, nod on the next day tailed nlolir, nu Imaienio Ice Itlind 8 00 tu HW) fcit hlsjh for ndlituncu of forty ml let. Oilier roforti a extraordinary at the foregoing have been made; to nclte them would not, eihap,buthuiueana of tending n chill through the reader who nevtr looked Ufon an Iceberg In an) more meniclnj attitude than can bu taken Uonwblto paper by meant of prlnter'a Ink, hut If he colli J once teo onu we guarautuo the aeutatlon woulJ bo dlllerent, e. peel Ally If it wat "healou" Inn heavy foaud the ahlp from which the lkatlng monaio waa teou wat nuking twenty kuola an hour or thereabout. A cuncuiilo i tatweon tl u two In view of the fact that only about oue third of the Iceberg project! nlove the water would haveubout the tame i Meet ii on the ahlp that ltobert ritevinton explained lo a tommltteo of Parliament tilt looomotlvo woul I have ilin n cow that came Uk)U thu track "it would be tad for the coo." Wn has i; no remurka to mako about Hilt Ittueofthe NiMH, i referring to ktltefink fur ltrelf and It rtudera tptak for It. Olio word, however, to nil uur intromit II would bu manlfettly ImtHiilt lu to publlth an Index to thu wholu Hit of lur ndMrtltomente, lieiicu we hnte ontintid ouraelvea wllli noting by name only thotu which wiroteclnlly inprcdfor thla piwr. In our columni will be found tho rea itillveHiiiiouuctinent of thoto rtgu lar ulrotin wluto frloudthlp It to vulued, nud whon. lutluin IhuNfWe It Impiy to iiJvertlni day aftir da), lu thiie lu tnueral limit wo call the nndir'anllrntlou, 111 even the iiuallcai uud liatt ihowy nmoii limn, we lillevu every oue will II ud lomelhlug worthy hlionnilderntu n, A I il.n I HAN Itlilil ln been dlj covcml ly (Juptalu John ItloburJao' Ihu llrillah thlp, Cambrian Mon arch. It (the I. hill) It ulna feet , iiuriwe and It tri upward from the wnlir lu lyrninldnl form. It Ii tllu olid In liitliiiju It) durem 2 mlnutia north, luigltule 137 digreea CJ mill ilea will. iiih tlueat of I.llllnri Ilutwll Hint tho woul I novor ltlt or eiiignrnct In theUriot Wett agnln, n iittloii which the thlnka la totally licking In culture, ii dltcernlng cailurn octeiuiornry glvt thltndvke, " That's right, niadame; help Ihu poor Went along nil you tan." Till Cliiuvuu man who tloed nllh thrro lele hone glrli nt once ! ipioUd na it tlilllng i roof of tho roud boast of a Lake City cotomporary that "Hie builneeu men of Chicago never do thliigabyhalvoi." It Id raid that four million people nno graried the champion oiugger C'orUU'a lmnJ, One man did ao a f ew wieka ago who now wltliea he ho I lieeu lomewhero elte at tho lime; hit uame la John Ii. rjalllvau. A CARD. In dally papera ibllthed In Ihla Territory vettloot of rtmarka made at I'rovo, on Tuetdiy cvcnlLg ltd, by Mr. J, I,. Kawllnt, the Democratic candldato for Delegalo to Coogtcn, haveoipeareil lu which he la crcdlltd with making certain alalemcnla con cerning rnytelf of a nioet grave char, acter. One of Ihettitementa llbllihed la In relation to the boudi of $C,,OC0 which were forfellod when 1 did not ap I car In couiton thel7ibofMarcli,lSSIl. Two of thoie bjndt of 10,000 each were net pnld, tut were carrlrd hy "Ipeil of my turelloa to the U, H. Hupremo Court, and bit rprlng I aucceuled In tflectlng a rompromlie by which I wat rtlleved, for a iraall coutlderatlon, from the necoitlly of piylng them. Concerning this compromtie Mr. ltiw lint la ciedltid with toying: "It II whltpercd that a compromlte had been illectiel, nnJ It It nild JJO.WW uf the tiunda were remitted, aud It ha been fuither talil that the rellu'i jliliment of tho T.'U.OOO bondt was In couildernllou of Ihe Mormi n vole being given to the ltipublhuu." Afler ninkliiri Hi a alatemeut It I tald that Mr. ltiwllui coullnuedl "Whatdjyou think when I tell you tint lu rontllerallon of his bond tiling re lucid $M,0 0, tho Mor mon peoplo are to be told Into thurauka of tho Itepublliin art)7" Upon these tUtc .icuta being brought to my attintlon, 1 addntiul a 'into t Mr. Itiivllnt, in which I nikud him If he lad mado I ho to ilatemo t-; If Im had not, I asked that ho woul 1 bo j kind, If he had mado any nlluibu tu me upon Hint oioa.lon, lo give mo hit venlou of that which ho did tny. In rely lo thli, I have reetlvol a loiter thli morning from him, In whlih ho tlalet: "I nil not ihtrgu lu ruy I'rovnt eich that In conildeiallou of thurimltlameof llief.ll.lKW you hid hargnlnel noy Ihe volet of the Mor mon oo le."IIe doca m t,howovt r,iiiiil ply with my rupiitttiid tlato whtthe did lay upon Hilt i inject, lut binnchia ill tu Inform mo white my honor tin been aitalled III other dlrtctlont, ctulti Irrelevant l) thupolutntluuebelwicu hlmtell nnd inc. The aimonflernoon Hint I ndJrttsed thli Utter tu Mr. ltiwllui, I receivol from Dx-Uovernor Wist nu extratt from Mr. Itawllnt' minutcrli t of the tpieoh which h hai reparul for de livery at I'rovo, nu J concerning wl I h the Uoveruor aaya that It wat "fur nil lied hy hlmielf (Mr. ltiwllui) Irom the original manncilt rejnruo prevloua lo deliver) ." That Mr. ltiwllm did not stick h lilt wrltton nnd memorlztd tjieecli It very evident If tho ihitemiuti ul those who were I loiout at the miellnn which ho nldrerse.1 inn be relied uon. t am Informed by a gentleman of high iharaclir and uuiUetlloncd viraill', who was retcut, nnd who w rote dcwi thewordt that Mr. ltawllut ullini', Hint ho did nyl"Ulnt do )ou think when I tell you that In cjniMirain n nf III bond hllllg reduced f .'U.UJO il Mormon eol are to l tolj Into II u rankiol tho Republican pirl)7" Ihi ttaleiuei I, written onthetiot,iiuplo)rt I am aieureil, "hi ex-ut worn, u u at the llmoof dellvel); It In vnhillm it literatim," nud lull ngrtee with other statemt nta which were niadu I ) icrtuut who were preiiut. It apt ear iherefore, to bonimtoilon uf vertclt) between Mr. JUwIlna nnd his henrrra, nud Into the dlicutiljn of wh th 1 need not enter. Hut whether Mr. Iliwllns mile tul statement or not, It hat gone out a coming from hliu, und It Ii duu tu II peoplo uf Utah 'territory Hut I nhniil I make tome explanation luncciulug ti i iulluiulihnientof thu bund. I happened to be III Shliigtci lait ring, nud In convcrtailon win hlghonicialal found limy fill thul a tcrrlblo Injuttlco had lieu done mi li Ihe matter uf llnio holiJr, nud one nt the Mftlenion In whuiu power It war uudeilhelaw to ricomnuiid n tillli. menl, inlntud out lo me Hie wn) b) which It ccull to done, und to nnd othtli tvlnced a wlllliiginn o do everything III their (owir to nl I me. ,V tottleiiient win lii'lJe, nut nut u word wat sild by nny ouuiouniitiu Willi the biiilneMruiiiirnlug Vutet fir tlm lteiibllinu party. 1 nui .lire Hint Ihuto who know me woul 1 uol telluvu mo iaj able if an) suet) o uluct aa lurgaliilng vim lu hrlug adviiutage tu ni)iilf Hot lu or ir that Iheiu may bu in ilonlt lu any mllid cumolllliiH tills, I uiih tu tlntu lu tin molt emplatlo H'i I en u piehontlve mMiutr tnnt tluru Is no I the ilighlitt fiiuii lallon In truth loi such n marge. It It ut'piallflotily nud attoluiely inlie. Ill nil my emocln Ham lu Wntlitimtou, thee m in, . (raiitsctlon that ever KM' me to li uch lleaturu at ilih; tut liiuu.o of tho money ciiiialderatljn (and Jit that won considerable, nu oiiulliii, with Inttroit, to about JHi.icni) but hecautu of the deip lutifuit thai wa taken In tho ca'i, ly Prisldunl Harri son nnd thu dllli rent luemlers of his fulliui to whoao knowieju,, the rn-e wa brought, nnl who ha J not forgot ten my former lusooiattoii with Hum lu HuhallaofCougrcis. In thu manuscilt (f the spitch which Mr. ltiwllui prirtl fur delivery nt l'rovu, ho ni)t: "In my oilnluii, they (the In ndt) could nut have been niadu to high us to Imluce ti I tu lo come up nud fuco the iinlsli uint which Iim eapectwl would lo IMliilid ujionhlm." Ha I thla oipru.ibll beun utler d by Mr, ltiwllui in lliohiutof debits, It would not perhapi be worthy of notice, alihoiigh un eairaor Unary statement under any cltiunielaiicis from an at torney concerning no who had leen his i Ik nt. Hut It was dtlibetnuly ntared by him lu Ida chamber, nud without provocation. How such lan guage can he reconciled it appropriate or proftetloual, apart trim every other consideration, I leave to nil men nf hoiuir In Zls rotation nnd the pu&llc at lurge to Judge. (iiMiioil Q, Cannon. Halt Iiaku Cm', fiov. C, 18JJ. Salt Ukb Theatre tun. e. tiinrov, . tliKtoia. rniRiusiTBiiy,Mi.u MjllneeJJilurdiy. PnODIQIOUS PnESCNTATION tittof it or no irsrs TISTOIII! W Hti k!l iti Snnrnln 9enio reatore. iMlalnir lb NEW $13,000 YACHT SCENE! Iltadtomtai start Mrlara erer shown- Tnt all eonuttloK eiiteinoncei Incouiparnhle Actnri nnil Aclrette SWT- SOUL-STiniThNQ SAFE-nLOWINQ lly the Kmlntnt Ilerormed Hare lira, -i.tlift" ll..eaer m,I Itld tlrr. Who will1 click a It'll salt It tba l-aliil Afprort.! llelbodi. CSPrtesalirrTlcet. ectlt new onutt. NHXT ATrttACrllONM Abbo'l fi T3le's Cocedy Company to "NIOBF," trHaftaJ h InrJtj, r-OTemter 11th and IStli r Trftnna, e-l e?Ml?xtCoj5ll HTCL I nm g incut I lirnordlntrj of Ihe Columbian QjirtetU and the Forett City Trio. il?u.u!i.'tU Snndeen ft Sampson. XOo. UMIMIOV XOO. WANTKI1. A mas TOTNhr Avorrrrr ANnRKi rrnt mn Ucturrr fio pr wefk; ni)l rii ml rciitr! AUrri wnh aUinpt luuU. inter 1 ox TO, Wftt Aclon, !, wli lOOli HALMIT (liniMNTrKI) TO I.. KJ ilif Mritinirtnr nentlhrir hornet il i r in In nn Imnfiurilinir. with tumitf 1 rn.rl to Mint MiNal 1-nn Tilt-, l-)ulti Ifftft In t iniprkiur nt ib Umoai (jloru Un erf r th com) Irilin. MAIJw IIHM WAMKIK" ' C!,r THHlHt D Al IIC1MK BKIMSO OO I ui tnifiK llMcrmt I Utinit Jewflry, Uuhf, iUttr rlf. Hate t Cntl of Jrwelry t f on all kinds of nicUl witti (vnM, i xtr tl nirUJ oci,t?rlrhre, sn chiiikI I tirr touro hi emitii nceOiimrUI " " K l'MM UO.loluiniiu.U ii t i iM lone H)i:.r. B IIMI AN At.Lim.KMrNT OF y nrrir tn-a-riclin Ih iHTEonLOTif w. UOii frr (it.UanCD,CawortJ or Irii ftOe ii jervtui rtlilion Hitn i nlltdfrn cr wtt tli&v uh ivrrtl ttnnt lftcrinl indni uumbr winch win U rt If leeemtr Ktb. EHEimD UIME (0. LAi'iiAi em.oun.oou, C. II. Colby, Manager, Denver, Colo. F.W.OIastead, Clly A&L.SiIt Lake.ULah J. I DaDlevy, - Special Agent Ikt . ti UlUUttnpel Stt-urra IcttyfrtSt cm"i- IumI unHfirotrtt in r property 1 1D 1 1 1 nn i TftluM loinPiur hat rAtttil of H, 4 0 Mi n l Hooeor Uiflin liu!jfltiMil liurn r r i imnkn in tie world Their (inn pi It mt-ilif to r tin pinrn thcin nu nviiliriiitht tnt I bur uttlluj- anldit iniAilMin t 1 1 r hji Mn e)U lihl be)ronl ifonuttltou ol a il ulitia nil uuirtin ot thn gl... at WASHBURN JJ - Oeltlii, bfinltilni b. Iithtit J?lViMJt It I Nki tu4Q4a ur btlotetrt KrTjT ' ',,, I !i ' Il ttr ellnult. Tft. 111 I F IllttlrtiaO auQlrnlr Cat. 3?' a i ., wiiiboMaiisurncE. f.YO:i l. HEALY, CHICAGO. I'MorrsiiurtAij. "youm?, young i moyleT ATtOSNCV AT-LV;. ; i i r rt i j nii t tit am tOIH H. (ANhOH, ipuiu rEBGusoir, fl)t(t AT-LAW. rv; Iwhi "; 7 am'llmllm lUUlJ II ..(... li ilotl ,. SMITH, A TTOHNfY. IT-LAW. (...! Hi Uitnht Ult, Sail Ul4 CVi, ii it w u nous, t r- NrV.AT.LAV. Al Ii fet Iklulm PICIIAnDS & HOYLE, TTnNCV AT LAW Of!- a ('., (tH.ii. Ml , SI a ilutn lllltl, ealt L.kt itly DW1EL HAKRIRGTON. ATToNY HT'IHW Ivtm 319 f 313 Cm i i. 4lh i Ajf Jin j J vary titbltc tn tfc S. 7. DARKE, ATTOnritY AND COIINSCLOn. tlKftr HIiKt tall Ull Cll 1Tb. PA1IKIH50II, H.D., PHYSICIAN ANDOURGCON, );! :iWcm r 47 A in il Sitk It nl Il tlkwlVXJ DR. J. B. KEISOR & BRO., orriTisTS. rtwii OuaJ fit Setl Awludl RuVitfia fi It (tcr, HI JUIt atrxl DR. J. THOUAS, EUnOCON DENTIST NO. 10 MAIN GT, Uttuark ffuarattttt Jna$thtit$ aJnttiUttrtd. EXCELSIOR BAKERY No 10, Euct Tomplo Gt FnnsH oncAD, DUNS, CAKCS, AND CRACKERS. PURE CAHDIES, GROCERIES, ETC. ButtercupCrackere a Specialty CDWAnD SCRACE, VfetriJTffc, ALWAYsnEL,ESDPOHUloI'aDIES sf a v 4nd tbelr attention Is called (o thj folloivlDg o S1AS0NABLE GOODS! ; 1st. Our Elegant Line of Dress Goods, all weights. ; 2nd. Onr Hew Trimmings, Feather, Far and Persian, ! 3rd. Onr Immense Line of Ladies' and Misses' Garment.! ' 4th. Our Choice Laces, including Flounce Skirting. I ', 5th. Our This Season's Fnrs in Great Yariely, 6th. Our Rare and Choice Hew Style Blankets, ! 7th. Onr Useful and Assorted Hosiery-all colou f 8th. Our Kid GIoyc Counter for Opera and Street Sto j Fitted by CleYer Attendants. 9th. Our Millinery Department for Home Trimmed Ha:, at Popular Prices, 10th. Our Woolen and Knit Stock, including Fas injicr, Hoods, Shawls and Skirts. 11th. Our Remnant Counters, which are never witbonl Bargains. 12th. Our Entire Establishment, where Ho.elly, Beany, Usefulnesss, Variety, Price, Quality d Quantity are so Harmoniously and Inidi, gently Commingled. j T. O. WEBBEll, StiDt. " 1 JF. HUEBBACiH! & BR0. Special . of Specials I l)u jou MOMlKHitliy uur ttors la utiriiji Cromleil lvlth Ciiitomtrif Hero tt tlm ireret! Ily IciIiir onl) tlio VKItV IjArithL" SI M.KS, uul) tll 3IOSI ItKllAIII.K (IflUI)H from tho MUST Ithl.lAIILh. .11 ANUKACl lIUKItS nnil SellltiR Kucli unit Kicry I'lcco ut iiik vKitv Lowitar fossiiu.i: ritoKii't BOYS' CLOTHING. Jloyi' I.oiik l'tnti Hull, nil wool, for. $1 SO IlojV I.011K I'adUSuII, agra 13 to 17, tioliby, tlntk atrlpoil for .1 1 ' lloyt Loiik l'aiit. Bull, intra 13 to 17, all wool, flnu olicckt, for... 5 00 lluyi' Loru I'.ntt, na i ItRitit lluo, for tl 00, JM), IS) llo) ICIlt Hultt, 6m line for ft 83, 2 25, 3 (.0 (Worth 31 pel cunt, moru.) llojt' Knee I'tula Built, plo atrlir, for. 0) lloj a' Kino I'antt, beavy weight Hcliool Bultt, for 1 0 lloja'Knte l'mtt, faucy plalUil wool, brown lii'ivy wclgbt, for S II lloya' ltlactc all woolBookli Ctiovlot Bulla for.... 1 Z lloia'Jertry Bultt, all wool, heavy wolnlit, for.,,., 3 00 j BLANKETS T COMFORTS T (J toy Illniiketa for. tl 00 1 I.lno of Comfort! for 00 JCortey 6 lb. lllonktta for 2 M 1 l.luo of Cotnforla for 75 White 4 lb. lUankoti for 1 83 , I.lno of Cotnforla for ......... 1 15 Whltell.4 Illauketafor 1 75 1 I.lno , of Comlorll for 1 M Ilnl 10 4 Illanketa for 2 00 1 l.luu of Comfort) for 1 63 ' Moi'i Kolurnl Wool (Irty Unilerwoir for. 70a. tult Men' Heavy Weight Natural WoolOroy UnJerwcar for 90c. a tult Mon'tl.itra Heavy 8trlieil Woolen UnJernear Cr tl OOniult A Full antt Coiuplcte I.lno ot lloya' Clrcy nnil Scarlet Uiiilerirenr. DonH Inia a ltoj'a Overcoat until yuu litte teeu our Coatt aoit Trlcet. NOTIONS. We nro l)i:TKKMINICI to .MA1NTAIV OUH ItKI'UrAriOM for SKMitNn OMit HIIS1-CUS3 (lOt)DS AT I.OWKST t'HICKS IN lllli DICfAItlMlCNT. Cut to 80c, Lndli'i' Illack I'lecioJ Cotton Hote ........worth 80a Cut to 30c, liadlca' Illack ItlbbeJ Cathmere lloio,,,.,. iwortliEOo Cut to tOt, , LaOIca' Illack Caibmoro lloio , worth 7So Cut to 40c, a lot of Muuufaoturera1 Bimplra tn Children'! Cadi, rntro lloio. Cut to Mo , l.a.lltt Merino Voitt an J Tanta worth 60o CutloBOc, Iiailira' Bupurlor White Murlno Vials Rnd l'anta, worth 73o Cut to 00c, Iiiillei' flan Klbbo! Wool 1'auU ami VeaU ......... worth 85o Cut to $1 B0, 1.iJlfi Illack r.iiiettrluunu Tlglila worth $2 00 1S4 dczeti Illack and Colored Bilk Loops at 18c. doc US dczeu Illack and Colored Bilk Loopi, worth 00c, nt. So. dozen Solo Asonts for Duttorlck'a Pattorns nnd Hall's DazarFortnei I