,t f i
' i J I
jHj ' Wwlirtl Nnwifttr A, IMT3.
' At tlio l'ntt last ovnintr lull wa-
B plvcn by the Port DonalM tirchfoita.
B ilullo n larco number of cltlrs-iis wore
AHlOnR IllO (moats.
1A I.akk limit r.rt street nt was t.aillt
, dnmatroit y osicrdnv afternoon, cnlllilltiif
. with a Itln (Intmle Woslcrn engine .
1 1 ( I Sixth Went atroct. No cno was tnjurnl.
B j,l ' Jin. AV. W. Tli.i.nfxix, this treneral
H?l J i manager of Uin"Xlobis" comiMity In lh
j town arnuiclnt tlm preliminaries for llio
'l porformanco of that piny next weok.
flflHtL. Tun three gentlemsn natural by Hm
' Uiali cninmlwtiiin as Jntuot of eleiotloii
H ; for Sphulth fork harts itectlnis 1 lh linn-
; or, each lielnrj a oaiuli laie fur office, unci
M olfiora will In chosen to till lliolr i'hk
H Maiit Jlnow, tlio young, woman
H whoao arrest wm moriilnnml hi last
H evening.' Nkwb In oonnioltm vrllli ft
HH robbery ease, was rnleawl fn.tn tti e.ty
:, Jail today on n laind-tf uuo until Mon-
m ilny nt 2 p. in.
' "Sammy" llt.uttnitM, and "Hobby"
H Malionshl, a brews nf atrent erab wlwt
have given tho Killce a ipral ileal of
H troublo the last two Jeers, wrreanealeil
. Iiy the police toduy mi achaiituof steal-
H Injr liunaji.
H 'Koaii, New Mrtlil on an (HI Horr,"
la ltev. Mr. I.'itpr'e enhee for 'nttt'irrow.
- Halt I,ako Tinnier, lln'nloi-k. l'.irrliotly
H welcome, llralimantslil tit tlisl rnllifltiti
H of our Aiictaton villi lo lia Bitlijwt fr
H tlioclaaalnethnloio'.tKlftna.
H ; Orrtrt At. nntlflCHlloii Iiaa ronlil lllr
from CliloagnalMliiKthat thnjiirlwlleiloll
of Mr. J. H. TallMt, opinion ! w r.n
.' (.'Iilrann, MllwanVim i. si. I"iii talhvm
M At Dtnurr. Cot., la aali ml il oyer Ilia ill.
trlct liarotoforo miliar tbe KMiininrHal
1 Agnt In llila city.
B? A I'ntvATK dlpavli from Nnr York
la to tlm MTcot llm UiuMMin hip Suovla
: Willi J'.lclcr IIiirIi J. Oiniiuii ami IMi
' liody of lila htoilmr INviil II. Uimm
on boanl waa izmtnl to arrtta in
m day. KMrr Jobn C. Untlnr, wlioba
I nwaltM tlio Arrival than, MXpoo'a tiaitr
H Willi llio rrtnalnaror l hit rlt.v on McmUr.
B, MAitniAUK lice na wcio ttilN ni'irtiliitf
H. laaunl by Ittfputy (Itwk llrown t" rh.
HHft 11 Winn on of Ctitiiuin. nl .10 tiinl
H Nrlllo llunliM, 'J2. of N.ill UkP to IMur
HH .1. Hamlor. 21, ol Hnotb Co UiomooiI, mt'l
: Janot Dirk, III. of Uylomllb-j to Aiunl
bald TriiiiH-, il. ill Tavlcrolllr, iitmI .Mill-
H tlio Wcliatcr, '.II. of llio aam .m.
K Twoyounjrlillilrpn iloriiilMir to Mr.
' C. Hnlncer, of mi. l'liat Moutli airm,
B wcto rlioppiinr klmllln awl laat evin
m InR. Olio of llirtn wai ihImk Ihc ttv,an.l
H aa llio utlior a lltllo kUIivm who it t'i
' plrk lipnoinoatlrkawlilcli lav aealiui llio
W lilurk, llio an niine ilnwn an I. ul ml-
g tin; lier lioul, o.mplrlulj- wvi.nl two of
' borflnirura, loAVlntr Aiintbar liiatiirliijc hv
j Aplrtviof kill, llr. IVtklllMIII w.a M1III-
i looni'il Anl ftiioatlM to llio iinf.irttitiaio
H culiil'iliijurioa.
B Uctiirurit Kldcr.
H KlJir William rilliT ofri.iiilh tbiiiii.
H llful rolurntHl trim niNaloii to Uuu-
H land, onOolnlier SHlh. llu lift lit lila
H Arid of laliiron Au.il V9. 1UI, Aim
H waa mi liln nrrlv I In I, r . il np.
H pclatfilo travrl tliiln l.uiid n Oiifi-r.
H enco. llowaatun il on niiviii"' o
H ill urnltli, but ullmwlti) liu nijojid
H ' lilt mltilon very twich.
H "Wlial'n In rt Nairn?"
H '. Tlio Natural Autl-IM Ami 1CI 'nij
B Cute Hptlnga coitipaiiy nlnr lllnl li.
H nrllclonof lurariiorntlou Willi llmrl.ik
H uf l.'ioTlilr.l illalrkK'i.uii. Th ot.io
H or tlilactRnlillall m 1" tlmlmyliiir m.il
H nlllnnuf rral rrlAtr for thiir'M'ao
H tlio company, rrrrilm: all inoin.'irj
H lullillDit'i Inttllnif, m IIIiik mi I iiutlii..
B nti thu market mini ral watt-r ,c,iiUiio
H Ingliotrlr, liathluir lii'iu.i., mni ami
Inrlumr. Tim place ul limlnn will be
M Hall IiAko City.
H Tim Incurporalnra arn Jn.-ili M
Btoutl, (leorRO A, lliirKon, D.iiuiai A.
Hlillej, John W. Hurll, Jr., ali'l Joliii
M (J.HIilii)., allcf Halt liko CHy, ami
H inch of whom li.ta auliacribnl l'ir 111,.
H ounaharm.
Tim capllal alocl; nnutuila tn 110, (W),
M dlvldrJ Into WI.OW aimlut tf tlu ut
M Talus of $1 raoti.
H (li'Oir.o V. lluriirm la prtallrnl,
H Douglaa A, Blillvy, vivo rmblont,
H Jowpti M. Htoutl triwaurcr, utul John
H (J. Hhlp;i arrratary.
H Tlio life nf tho t'ompanyli Pxol hi
H fifty Ji'Alr, uiilina r-uu.nr lUnlvj l mi.
cordlDKtu )! and IU pnity b.
H alota of allot lota 1, 2, niul 1 1 In b'.icK
IS In Lak View ' ubidvl.l.iii.roiilaliiud
H In block 1039. At A, .-at I.a'.oOMj
H eunoy,
H . ()u Tlissiby Next.
B The lulltoti vloutlon day (TiiniJay
B nelt) will otaiu At 8 a. hi. mni closo nl
6:1.. m. .
TIioNttwsIa rfqtiraliil to atati- Dial
poll ii for HnRiir ilouto wuri (ikl-b
rcliool illilrltt) will 1m at lliu auliool
Iioueo, Lincoln l'ark addition.
B In I'olloe fiii'lf.s.
HB EUrow Jolinaoii pluud irullly tu
BB vaRrancyln Justice Uw' court llil
BB mornluR. Hrntoucowaaiu'iiUii,
BB W. Aldiardt, thu B.llt l.tkn rtntt
BB rnt m,ui itrlI for iuuuIuk oor a
BB flr lioar, wai fiuo,l $111.
BB H, I)mu wai aunt to Jail for flr
daye for trotiuaa.
BB t'lvo iiclirlatf5 were nut to prlwn
B for five dova.
i x l'oi-i rim ti iu;i,ks.
BB VTIiot lxjc.il 1'artloi nml l'drlUnin are
BB Tho Bcandlnavlati Dcmocrala will
fl hold forth In llio Huolul Hall thu
BB otouIdu.
BB Candldato Caniu n apoko ycattrilay
BB Afternoon At llrlulium City mid In the
B CTunlnK At Uotliitif.
BB There will le a wind-up Democratic)
BS CAthetlni; nt llrnprr tinlKht, nl which
BM "n- -loll" 'r CAiiio, J, II. Moylu And
fl l:. A, Hmllh will dollver aJilreUMi,
B Hon. J. Ij. nwn hold forth nt
BB Bountiful yeaterday uveiiliu;, llewua
Bfli mtit by a prontwalon with music, And
BB i oonMdcritble onthualasui pitvallod
BM I throughout. Al(a!m Vuung nuuj
BB I poke,
BJI Tho Jltnpliam Uuietln oimn lathe
defemu of Mr, A. 1j. Htaetou, the
BK Ucmocratlo candidate lor ehvrlirof title
BB counlj. He woa occiianl of In-
tQlclcncy by the Tfitiunt, mid hla
H fikudj are up In anna becauao of It,
BJ Thu Liberals will train tin-Ir euiib
upon any kind of gainu thut oonWi In
aleht lu tbe Opera llotxe, 0,di(i, to-
nluht. Hpeclal trains are Kolnglfroiii
heresod tnouiih vliltots to the Juno-
BB Uon cll.v "'" expected toiuaW. upu
BH rctpectablo audience, Thu eitakers
K eru to be Judge l'oweri, Catldldnle
V Allen and Judge Uo6dwlu,
B' '
Ibb ' k
WillarJ Yooofidali Loses aa Ear and
Almost His Life.
t Dnnhla llarrrlnl Hint dun I)U-
cliarit'il In Ilie Hindi of a
llriinkni Jlan.
fihotlly liefore 11 o'clock thin fore
noon, (mloar While observed a you lis
man drlvlnjc almit aoutn Main stniil
III n lea I oart, ! was apAtlereti
wllh lilooil and acleil strangely.
Ilo m i iKllunrd by the
uDlrcr, Uit yave clily In oueienl
mid litKaMfsctory Aiiaaera. He wee
under lliulnlliieuoe of ll'juur ami wa
ooiitlilv ably eiutle.1 and mi tiered
iiielhluK About nmii'loly IiuvIiik
tetllabot. He Wita t laoml lli.d.r at
reft and taken tu the ol!c elation
orlierehi itcuftied lihiKellsulllclsnt'y
to (five the oMcrra a due, aijlnif
that he lin I Ueii cut Ulnk
liujllnj wllh Wlllird Voun'IAle, nvir
Jo Aifciid that by one iiiaaus the
ut'lir WMal.nt In the hoail, II' add
tbat V.,"iii(d.lo waableo.il n udealli
a iiurrow .ue-l be'wetn rvy
a I Kk li '.Vol mar K ' '
.. I . (Il tl O I'ollee I'.Ul PI.MII, .,
Iii ii. 'i :nr Dr. Meaeham to K"
ili'Aii an i ntteti i to Hie msu'a In.
IiiiIm. A few minutes allerwrla Dr.
Murium iuviiiio iiel iy I) . 1'luU.r-
on ref 4i..iShi lu llu- call.
A Nkwa iearter villeil YnutiX'Ulo
it Ins leiiietliia Hiivrimoii and loijiid
nun llll.i. In mi e.y fiialr, hlstiuitl
wubui In bundles. Ilo till lUefol.
nwiiuatuo In riaril tu tliu allam
"iMy-ili uui lbiuei ICrounieyer woiu
mil duck liuiiniiit Iliuni"(tiln4 over
Jviiiaii litmt Deekei'a Uke. We left
tio'iie iaMi I i'ol ii k aiiJ weto return
nil( tietn ten iui, ntei eleven lu a roa !
'When wertachel II lliliKloU a dl
ttuu, 1 ti'il (he i.orM and tulit
Kro'ioiyer to get out ami alitvit my
din "II ns 1 ill i n't want to take it
home loaded, lie ilini-l out "lid
Maul the xui) mid a nKiut m (Ire
lid 1 t'.M him to movu oil' some die.
e a u lie wiiuM noifr ubUli my
noise. Jlewuaiifiluklliulania wlthull
oilli thin be Kiexeit hekiU'W what
ho -AAidoitiK. Alter liiut 1 only re
ii'UnUreJ la Iiiik .in ol the carl back
wirjaanU ic"Iiik unuonicl up. When
1 rttovi reu I was tyliu lu the road
i'iv,reil with lilo il Hllil illtuove.ed
that 1 Iiaitl4vll rll I. I Ml Very Hid
nml nsfct-il Kruitiiieyer wbat lie liss-i
done bud why ho I'Ad knot me. Ho
nirnl'l auurn nml tnl I 1 had shit
iiiyielf. I lold him I knew better an I
then lie ooruiueuieil lo cr and ex-iil.iinr-1
thai It mas ouly an aiilJeiit.
HuliieUAailitoil iiiatulo tho Ctrl am
took ma home. 1 don't boheve that tne
ou IniendHl to hurt me."
Vi iiDtrUiilti's right ear wai completely
I'lowii ml nml the aklu turn Hum It I
.'l.ttk Atoi a poril 'ii ufihbtcAlp irum
tbo head. It was a very narrow
seal front death but Younr;'Jale will
reivir with proper vnre. Kroniinyer
.ran Hill In jail alicilui: Hiuudly IhU
I'i'leNtllooil Jlc-lin;,'.
Tlienuii.ir muntnly iueetiii( of the
I'rleatlliMil of the Hill l.ltte Htake 01
.ion luiivemel In the Ansemidy Hull
at II a. in. to lay, Haturday, Nov. S.n.
President Allans M. Uauuou prealdvl.
l'repenlniaouiMjuthuaUiid I'ouuielor
Juaeph i:. Taylor, AKstle Abraham
II, Uaniiuu, I'.itc n oh Wll lam J.
rtnilth, Joseph II rue, nml Atnuii li.
IttlrlRh, I're.lJunl I.tlas II, -Morrs of
iho III its l'rl'MU' (in rum, nu J
other Huh l'rleats anil lild.rs.
All lliu Hurda uf Inu H uiie rtto projier
Iy tepieeentml tacepiuu VVett JorUau.
'the home miasi unity curis .was
(nlrly ri'i ruaeuiiil, aIii the Huventlea
ny atveial ol tbu 1'ttildtiita of the
Ultisou tuuruui4 0l Klhrt were rei
roeuieili tntlr piesldu Jllloera,vli.t
lliu I'lral, Hei inu, Kit., Meveu.ll,
I'enth, I'wrlitu, i'lfleeulh, I'.lthHei.tli,
rCliii'tielilli. Tivuntlftll Mint l'wenlv.
Tho Babbath achuula uf thu Httko
wile repneenleil by tiiioerluteiidenl
t'liomat 0, linn.
Heveiileeii iiiiiir lurli recelveil ter.
(inealoa aiitiiuiKiiu their ordiu itiuii lu
IliuidlU'o ol Kldtir, they haviux biuu
rooonimeiide'i by liitir tttolive
lllhvM nu being worthy of such or.
ill ntttlolt.
lite Usual liitl iiis wai disposed of,
alter which remtike wire lunuo in the
folloum,! nror, by thu brethren
reft'ircil again lu n matur menllonod
liy hlui at last iiisutb'a tnteiln, re
peutliiK lliu t'liciilitlou uiumnt thu
Haluts lu this Hinkiul oerluiu tlieorlea
and ipeuulatlons reluttvulutlie tv tiling
of thu Messiah, an I etitnd lli.il the
uuthur tlutvof, who wasireiem lu this
Hit illi'U.iiil i w riiun iii.ii nu open i. arr
ltiuislluir li'tll lo It Ml tho name tu
tho iiseiiiiiili'ii t'llesthouil, I'li-sl ent
Can nun r Ad thu I. Her In iiiell.ii,
which was it pr.ili-it Against hla n
mitika At thu ,u.i 1'riistnoial meillnii
and a further exp-isitlou of the vn wn
it. d Uiclrlnoa or Die writer. Tne
I'reeldent (hen luniurKel Hut this
nieelliiH was not uourt, nor had any
ntti'inpt been niAdelutrv the ctreuln'.or
of tho Iheotlna inenlloned. He had
ahntily lieen retjuestett to slay nwiy
from tlueo nutllngs uulll lie
should allow proofi of Ids ttand
Ititt In, tho Church, whlolt munytpjes.
Uuned. Thu speaker hail n t declined
that Mr, 't thtorlcA wrro false,
for this was not tho place lo try lit its
or hie itoetrliim. Ho btllevod, hen
evtr, Hint Ihey wero false, nnd had ex
I resKil hluiielf lu Hut clleol. He Mid
lilts much n a muttrr of iiallco to thu
ceLthniun, who sieineJ tu think Hint
he had been trltU nnd coiidoimied by
tho Priesthood meeting, which waa
not thu cute.
1'reaidont Cunniin epoko of tho pic
toiialcaril IMily published by Mr. Jus.
M. Crockwell, containing Iho pottrnlle
of the Church lmtders, living nnd
dead, which publication had
l. it'll sir.ctlomul by the J'lrst
1'resldency, ll thought It n very
Admirable production, well worthy of
the patronage of the people. He ulio
refund to thu "Htnr I'ourto" of Ire
lures that were lo be given in tlio rial!
I. Mm Thealcr under tho direction of
Mr, Charles Kills during thu coming
winter, spnku very favorably of tho
proect and Its promoitr, ami advised
those present lo Attend Iho lectures.
manor- o. v. wiiitnby
askrtl the question, winch he hoped
would not tie dttmttl sii-atlluout, as
to what constituted full fsllowsnlp III
the Church of Jc-us Christ of lutler
dajHalulii. Tho reaaon he cn'iilrel
was Hist two kinds nf recommends
were now being uieJ by the Hbhoie,
.mo for members "In full fellowship,"
tud onu which ttlit not tout. Hi those
words. He wanteJ lo know where the
line should bn drawn, who were
worthy uf n recommend of tho first
cliM Ami who were not?
liitnui' t'MAS uumtt-i
(late.1 that his custom was lo rrcom
ineiitl jenotis as In full fellowship
who faith ully al.l lliclr lllhlng, at
leiiutsi) Ihrlr mtelli'gs and lived up to
the mark of their calling andprufet-
Ion as Iitlln- lay rlalutf. Those who
were notfallhlul In such things might
rtcelvefr in hlin airllflcale uf mem
iwrslilpMr rsmnval, but the words "In
lull fellowship" would Lo umllled.
lilsllOf 8. A, WUUM.r.Y
waa nf tint same opinion as Illshop
Mnirls. Hit coaslJtrei that a man
who win worthy of a cerllflcnle of full
lellow ship for removal to another ward
is as wotlhy of a rcemuiuend to the
House nl the Lord, llu would Issue
or wllhhold one as readily as he would
gave rzprwsloii lo his view as lo what
class of Church members were worthy
of buliig reoiimuirn ltd as In full feb
! w.hhi, which riCitniiionds, he was
rulllle.1, wtru ol tallied at luntw too
re.td Iy. Ho thought that men and
won ou lu full fellowship ahoulJ I at
l-ujue with their nelghl-nra, that Ihey
i.null bekerrao. ItieHaMiath, faith
ful lllhetajers, praytrful, I lire
hearted, tealnua l,atler-day Batuts.
lllshoa oil hi to lie careful about Issu
ing recomtneuds, for they could be
held nccountable Is they rmllted
unworthy persons to enter holy places
ii.ou their certlflcntes. The speaker
also toiichtsl U'Miit the lll-feellug and
illsunloti that were prevalent among
the Balnla, which he deeply deplored,
nml enrutstly exhorleJ those present
In use their Influence to plouiote aco
and klieliieta nmong the people of
their several Hocks.
iCiUMtllllll JOJKl'll p. TAYIOII
re'cired to the aportloninenlof means
votttl for at a si-uclal 1'rletthool meet
ing during tho late general Conference
i,.r Ihf. mtntitetlnn of the Halt Ijaku
riuiple, anil slated that (ending fur
ther ntn! more particular Instructions
lu relation lo the matter which were
ntiout lo If ls'iied, the lllshope should
take time by the lotelock and tie getting
ready to collect rutvcrlptlons lor that
The ni'etlng ailjourncd uutll the first
BtturJiy 1 1 11 coulatr.
"llio NIOH.inay."
The ail Hei os In tho Thtotre last
evening was nu Immense one, espec
ially up slalrs. The third circle waa
fairly running over, nntl the Juvenile
heatls projecting beyond Iho guards
wetu enough to make a nervous per
Kin's llrsh crawl. The howls and
jells proceeding from this quarter
al me were at time somewhat sugges
tive of Pandemonium. Tho play has
leeu tittlced rovcral times In these
columns, and all that. needs to be SAld
now Is tliAtlt arema lo hav. lost none
ol Its drawing piwer. It goes tonight
for thu last lime.
linings In Hie Court. A Wlliiru lu
An Incest Case llfl.l.
a-iet-ltl corrsipondsnce of ttio Ntwst
I'iidvu, Muv, li. The sealed verdict
of the Jury in the James I C'lowhy
malicious mlaohlef esse was ei-sued
yesterday morning And Crowley was
found to ho guilty meroy recommend
ed. He wss seultncetl to pay n fine of
(10 and to onu tii'inth's Imprisonment
lu the I'.mery county fall.
Tim Jury lu the (leorge W. Davis
forgery esse was Instructed by the
court to return a verdict of not guilty.
This ojucluiled the criminal calen
dar, nnd the l-elll lurors were exiused
lor the term.
A notice of nppeal was given In the
Mooch Dtvls murder cure, The rju
lemo court will lm asked to grant n
stuy of execution pending 110 decision
on ii l'Jl.
Waller Whllehesd, prrsecutlng wlt-ht-tslllttip
Mlstvorlh.Wlilt'heiil In
rest CAse.tml fntherol Miss Whitehead,
has been arrested, anil will lm kept In
iii-t.Hly until tho next Itial of tho case,
unletM he gives a satisfactory bund,
lteaders of tliu Nr.wri will temember
that Whltclu'.vl was absent at tlu for
mer trial, and that lliu Jury In the case
tnl In! tongne.
A very plt-asnnt social lerepllon was
teeilereil I'resldeut 11, II. Cluiron
Tliut-Mtny ivenlng. at the itildttieeof
Mr. nml Mrs. J. !'. (latts. President
Chill has Just lell lo take charge of
the Hawaiian colony In Hkull valley.
A very phttsanl putty was given nt
the Opera Ilonso lust litghl by the
Young Men's Hoclal club.
rriifeseor Whltely delivered an Inter
eating t-ducitilontl leoluru at last
night's etssloti of ll.tt llrluhain' Young
AuaJcniy l'ulys iphloal rotiloly.
A Ystlely sir l'aragrspli-i Dealing IVIIIi
(Jci-iirrincra lu Ogiltti.
OllJtn KUiMlmit
The Option Uas, Light nml I'llfl
cmiiiny W'lllloiltiy(Balurilay) tile tliu
r-iulretibondof SJii.oni.nud the con
trait lor thu city's street llghtlLg will
then bo signed,
Msyor Turner yesterday attached his
slgunturu to thu mill; vendor and dairy
llconsu ordinance nnd It will go Into
t lleot at oni-e.
Daring the post week seven horses
have been ciemntod nt thu city crema
tory nnd the refuse front thu lot only
half tilled a crockery bitrel,
I'. C. Hobson, Iho successful bidder
for the contract for the construction of
sewers In tho new district, yesterday
(Friday) filed Ills boud 111 thu sum uf
sfU-.OOO, the ttiretlea being W. W.
Corey, William l-'urrell nnd HoUon ,-c
Wlllurion. Work un the Job will lu
commenced today,
Messrs. Main anil Stevens, tho pro
moters of thu gas enterprise, on rrl
duy accompanied u number of local
and foreign Investors over the great
gas fields west of (he oily where the
first well will be put down. The
machinery necessary tn put down the
well has beon shlpt-ril and work will
be commenced within three woeks,
l;dltli M. Hawkea, agalust whem a
suit for divorce waa filed some ttuio
ago by Walter Hawkcs, has fllttl htr
answer to the complaint, denying
every allegation excel t thu one that
thu married the plalullir at Ihellme
am place mentioned. The complaint
alleged 'that un or about Octobers,
1B9I, thu uefendsnt commuted the
crime nf adultery with 1'. W. Olsen, al
Cokevllle, Wyoming. Tbli the
answer emphatically denies and
In a cross complaint alleges that the
defendant secured a decree uf divorce
from the plaintiff ou August 12, loth.',
In the county court of Uinta coiinly,
Wyoming, by tlelaull,ou Hie grounds
of Adultery, tlssertlou, extreme crilt Ity,
and failure lu provide, and waa given
Ihecustodyol the children who were
theltsueof the marriage. Ami that
the plalullir In October la maitltil
Clara I,te, with whom ho was actual
uf commuting the crime cf adultery,
and ever since Ihey hero lived together
lu Logan as man ami wife. The tie.
fondant asks that the action he ills.
mltae-J and thai alio bu awarded
The coronet's Jury empanelled yes
terday to luvestlgatu Into Iho caueei of
the death of DavlJ llatr who accl
dentAlly killed himself, reiidernl a
verdict In accordance wllh the facte
previously published.
II Is said that Manager lliweaof the
0ra house will bllug a counter suit
fordaraai-es against the owners of Hie
bull Jin? for uou-fullllinrtit uf contract.
At the mtetlngof the loard of edu
cation last nlaht estimates and bills ag
gregating 12593.00 were audits! ami
allowed. The matter of the attend
ance nt tho city schools of non-rraldent
children was taken up on a report from
Professor I'ago and laid on iho table
for two weeks.
The hearing In the case of thu OgJen
Clay comtiiny vs. W. H. Harvey et
al., brought to force Hie defendants lu
pay their promised euttcrlptluna to the
corporation, was coliclil te.1 be'ore
Judgo miner ytstcrday afternoon. The
action as regarda P. A. II. Franklln.T.
A. Harris, it. U Aimsttongand John
II. Hills was dismissed before the rise
went lo Iho Jury. The verdict rend
ered by tho Jury waa lu favor ofltoblii
son, no causo for action, and against
Harvey, Allowing tti3') And Interest,
fSO.OO. Harvey will now lie asked lo
pay Ills subscription.
join: iiiitriui.
As (lues Maw Y.itK so does Ilia
CilluAuo, Nov. 6 As to tha resull
In this state and city, Iho Democrats
ssy llar.laou cannot cuiue down to the
city Uuu from the atate with more than
0.5,000 majority and that Cleveland's
majority In the clly cannot be less thsn
UO.OOO; leaving the Itepubllcan major
ity ouly fi,t)uu to be overcome by thu
votes cf Kings, llurma aud Illcti
niond countlts, which Include llrook
Irnand other Island towns about the
ly. A general estimate of the city vote,
however, Rives Cleveland 70,000
majority. The Hepubllcsu cimmllteu
gives out no llgutes, but the following
rrprtssnl their eictatlons: Cali
fornia V, Colorado a, Connecticut 0,
Delaware ft, Idaho .1, Illinois t, Indi
ana IS, Iowa IS, JCansas 10, Maine 0,
Massachusetts IS, Michigan 10, .Mliiuo
sotatl, Montana 3, Nebraska 8, New
lluuipsUrn 4, New Yolk Rt), North
Dakota .1, Ohio sa, Oregun
t, 1'emisvlvinla .32, ItlioUe Island I,
Boutlt Dakota 4, Vermont t, Washing
ton i, West Virginia , Wisconsin 12,
Wyoming 3, total 277. Necesary to
elect, 23.
Tho Herubllcan state commlltt-f
claim that Harrison will come tu the
city with 00,000 plurality. Fouryeats
ago It was hS,00tl. They claim there
will bu a fa llugoirfromIS,O0J to 20,000
In the Drmucratlo vote In this -city,
this year, compare I with four
sears ago. Bo they claim tliu statu
for Harrlsin and are llitn In the faith
Ihitas gois New Yolk, so goes the
71i.Nlllialli.il III Initial,-..
iNIHANAIiiI.iK, Nov. 6, Il la Im
possible to foreosst the rteult of the
Presidential vlcctluu In this Blotu. It
Is ctrl.il n, however, thut It will not go
as nu avalaliohe for either I arly. Thu
D-mocreU aru claiming It by I2,noo to
13,000. Tho l(eUlilpana eXt'Ct to
carry It by ,000 la 10,000 and gain S to
7 congrssimsii.lThett-sults will largely
depend un llio Populist vnto, which is
nil unkt.nwn quantity. The Popullatr
claim Ji),0tM. Oonservatlvit estimates
put It "I 23,000. Furtlieimire, the
Prohibitionist claim large ncceaslntii
slneo tlu-ycast 12,000 v..tis two years
A New I eiilsee.
Ha FitANCito ), Nov. . Orulsor
N . 0 was surutssfiilly luunchtil at
Union Iron Works this morning nml
niimeil OlympU. A Uvtt gutherlug
of (ooplo wllnesaeil tliecoriliuny.
(haiicalli Hail.".
BroiCAMi, Kas., Nov. 6. Tlie chnlr.
man nt enoh uf tliu three mate central
commlltets express conflJctne lu the
vh-i. ry ol hla p.irly. Jvaeh claim at
ht the I'hctiJii.of eUctiral and
stole tlckits, seven oul of eight Cnn.
grtistr.fii nml a mslority nf the state
legislature. A uon-paithan view, how.
ever, Indicates that at leas' riven
lliu seven Congressional districts Are
Altogetlur uncertain, ullhiugli thu
Iti-IuMli-un statu ranltal commltleu la
ixiutldertt of the success nf tliu leu
t.rsl ticket. Conservative lenlirt
ndmit Hint It Is lu doubt ami the
flwiiit s seuu to favor Weaver. Troll
ing on election day will largely ilo
termlnn Hits fat" of the slato and
notional ticket. Tha I'otilldilicu of thu
fusion C'ltumlttotb lu Iho iucci-s '
their enllre tlckul was alinwn lu tbe
constsnladvlsotutradaiiithliig, T'ti-
Ilepubllcans show tholr cnnfldenco In
their eagerness to secure bets ou the
OUKitic, Nov, ). Merclor was no
qhlttol thisaflernoon, A scorns of tho
wildest excitement in the crowd sur
rounding the court when tho verdict
wss anuounrcil and as thu crowd
felled, f)tir iturily fellaws hearing ex
'remler Merottr on their shoulders sp
penreil And ht-adeti Him piocotslon tn
theresldcn-eof F.N. Iura mix, whelo
Mercier thanktU thu astemblsge for
their spontaneous ovldecco ol friendship.
I'rnliKlilr flnrilereit.
Wichita, Kan., Mov. 3. At Jlloss.
hurg, a stnall mining town near here,
a gsmu of cards between miners broke
un In a row, J oo Murphy shot Law
rence Harly, itlchard Thomas nnd P.
J.Johnson. All three will die. Mur
phy has escacd.
I'annitlana litiHa-nanl.
TotKi.tTii, O.NT., Nov. 5, There was
constt rnatlou In the live slock market
on receiving the ri'iortof the decision
of the llritl.li governuienl prohibiting
tint Importation of live cattlu from
Censda. This Industry has liecotna
one of glgtntlti proi-irllor.s and Us sud
den check will have aerlous ilfect up
on the ImmiHllotn inleiests uf the
Dominion. The shipment" now uu
the oieim will provo an Almost tital
lots to the nwnrrs. Ureal Indignation
at lliu action of the llrltl-h govorn
menl Is felt amongst thu stockmen
whoclalm that the Canadian fanners
are unable to prcJucucorn lu aufllclenl
quantities lo competo with iht Amerl.
can farmers, and aw therefore obliged
n illsrcMt of their stuck bcloru It Is
lilted fur the market.
The Ijtl.or I rouble.
Nr.W YuliK, Nov. 8. The labor
unions ore weakening already, al
though today at noon was fixed for the
sut elision of All trade. Mayor Fltx
Patrick Interested himself In behalf of
the laborers nml asked Hie merchants
if they wodld receive a communlcA.
1 1 3il from the laborers In writing. The
merchants replied In lliu aMrmatlve
aud a communication waa forwarded
to tho arbitration commlltto shortly
before noon. A numlier of organlu
tlons had already declared that they
would notoley Hie nisnilate to strike.
It Is believed that the trouble will be
amicably arranged. Council In sriulon
Ilia asked lalnrers and merchants lo
sond deputations lo the council chsm
Ur to atate their grievances. The
pnlloa reiurves aro ou duty and Ibe
mllllla can bn got together on the
shortest notice, so that If any trouble
arises, there Is ample force to preserve
The roiiaSHrt..
London, Nov. 6. A dispatch from
Home to tho I'allMttll Otcttle says the
Pope is very III. The clerical iapers,
the dispatch says, make every eiTort lu
conceal the fact. A few days ago he
was found motlouless In his room, and
his condition caused a panto In tho
Vatican. Doctors were hastily sum.
raoned and succeeded In restoring him
to consciousness. He Is very fceula
and faints easily. He Is forbidden to
do any wetk.
I'.lsellou I'reparallona.
Nr.w Yimir, Nov. B. The nathnal
campaign committee has practically
conolude.1 their work, and many ol
those engagetl hale have gone home to
United Htntes Commissioner Duel
was busy this moriih g swearing
lu federal deputies to serve at tht
election In this illy. It Is estimate
that fully 40 ) will bo sworn lu by thh
evening. United Hlatet Marshal Jacobt
says ho dues not know how many mil
he will have, but that there will b it
least one for each precinct, of whim
there aru 11.13, besides some to lotk
after the meu Illegally reglsterutl. Tie
preiinntbly ,-t I itepubllcaus. Jactos
says they will lo armed In order to en
force their authority.
It Is rumored thai the federal graid
ury Is considering John It. Davui
port's charges aud about to act In llu
casrsof the Ihrto city oM cere said tnue
accused of abetting false reglttiatliu
aud ouloulsillou.
Tbe Domocr-.Uo committee tod ay es
timate that Cleveland will get224 tiles
from the following slates: The tfclld
H u-h, 150; New Yolk, 30; New Jeney,
10; Indiana, 15; Wisconsin, 12; Con
necticut, 0; MiohUau, 0. The inly
outs Ihey consl Jer doubtful In Iho lis!
arethosuof Uuinectldut. This wiuld
stilt liavu him a mirglu of flltiou iter
Ineiuotssary number.
u au atu as
Wiinli -In Hits city, AusuilJ, 1, ol sum
nnr corri'lslnt, llerllis, il tumbler of teorso
and AJtlaiVo l:lUss WooJ, as id 1 ;utr 'J
tltODlbS SO't ISlliJS.
Kiao.-la Hill rily, Njt. (, oto'J sji.U. II.
hl.i-, S0Sd 7S tears and U tltys
Dsosassititsia iislivs ul tJatUdrbury, EoK'
Un I, "id came lo Uuu la lslt.
Fiiaerslssrsl.-aiat Iks Isle resnlsnts, ear.
ner of r-'oaitli oalliaail rirst Writ, smular,
rtovvin ier s, at i o elock p. tn. f noods rt'siint-t-fully
1IHISTO.V At South Co'toasroiid. Sstt Mks
county, L'uli, Nor. Sad, l-w, of t)Dti.l tster,
her so lluissa ot 'I On)., Jbiry Utiolysllrla.
on, ilsugltorof Bamiiifl and Join Priatuti. Us
eessed wss tu tier sixili ) sir
I'uatrsl smites asm aotvlticU'l at llis fsmi.
Iy buryiaz greand ye isr 'ay
KATr.-In l!.e Nuun-outi waul, SaltUke
I'll), Utah, Notemoir .-. 1 1 , 1st) , st itie ate ol
"tears nad 11 pioitllis, Miohsal Kslt.
Kii. ersl sond" i.i.';i u., al 21 west Tlilrtt
North ittvet. I riend ot the t aiBl.y mi llsd.
Alio. .,n : .tumlon t
On Mini lay, N v. Jill, ut 10.30 a.m.,
nt No. I7 L. l'.lghtl' riiuth Btreet,
Hipi'irn Piauo lu gocd shtipe, Plush
Parlor ritt, good ss now, Hudruom Bets,
lot of Iltnlahtg, D.iuies.iu Bowing Ma
chine, flu lliok Ca'e, two Halting
move, llisiillneBtuve, lot ut Dishes,
Carpo s, etc., tic,
K. A.Amiiikm'B, Auctioneer.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdi r-' o AnimonlajNo Alum.
Used in Millious or Homes .jo Years the Standard
I A l-nlutfoe Tm.
'in view of what Hood's Barsaparllla
has done for others, la It not reasonable
lo supposo that It will be nf benefit to
you? For Bcrofula, Bait Itheuiu and
all other diseases of the blood, for Dys
repsls, Indigestion, Blek Headache,
Loss nf Appetite, That Tired Feeling,
Catarrh, Malaria, llheumatlim,
Hood's Baraaparllla Is an uncqualiej
HoutPi Pills rurn Blek Ilea ache. S
Ton Jlllrh ol a lll.lt.
It Is notunusual for colds contractsxl
In the fall to hang on all winter. In
such cases catarrh or chronlo bronchi
tis ato almost sum lo result. A fifty
cent bottle ol ChsmUrlsln's Couch
Ilemedy will cure any cold. Can you
afford to risk lomuch for so small an
amount? This remedy is Intended
especially for tad colds nnd croup anil
ran always bo dapundeil ution. For
sale by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dspt,
il a 'ion tu lie in livrrr louse.
1. U. Wilson, S7I Clay Btteel.Hharps
ourif. Pn says hu will not bo without
Dr. JCIng's New Discovery for Con
iimptlou, Coughs and Colds; that It
rtired his wlfo who was thicatened
with Pneumonia aftcran attack of "La
Utlppe,"whn various other remedies
and several physicians had tlouo her
no good. Itotcrt Hurler, of Cuoksport,
Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery
lies done him more good than anything
ho ever used fur Lime Trouble. Noth
ing like It. Try It. Free Trial Hollies
at A. C. Bmllh ft Co' Drug Hlore.
Larco bottles. oOc. and Jl.OiJ. 6
"Arts Tests"
If yon are bilious, dull, drowsy,
sleepy; bate a bad lasla In the mouth
on Arising In the morning; restless Al
night, constipated And have Indiges
tion, your l.lver Is out of order and
foor blood Is slowly being iiolsonsd.
lethlne will cure any disorder of lha
l.lver, Blnmsch or Dowels. Bold by 2.
O. M. I. Drug DeuU
"Thu only granulated salt.'"
A (lire foe llitilern.
" There la no uie of any one sufleilng
with the cholera when Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhica Ilemedy
can bu procured. It will give relief In
n few minutes and ouru lu a short
time. I have Hied It anil know." W.
11. Clinton, llelmelta.N.J. The epl.
dtmloat Holmetta wasat first belloted
to bo cholera, but subsequent Investi
gation proved It lo be a violent torn) of
dysentery, almost as dangerous as
Cholera. Thu remedy was r'til there
with great success. Fur sale by '.. C.
M. I. Drug Dept. OAs
1'OKMUI.A Tho Utah Hiking I'ow.
der costs you nothing If not Absolutely
Meweointt Alieail.
I Tickets soil by other galleries In this
i clly for Cabinet Photos aro good at nt
gallery for lliu next sixty days at pi Ices
slated on tickets.
! N. W. NnwcoMH,
I No.l02BtmtliMaln Btrtot.
I a.notv Li.iinr.Ktr al iua ooiatio
I.. UatewooJ, of tho OnUrlo Mine,
l'ark City, raysi llallard'a Bnow
Liniment lured hint ot llheumatlim
of long staudlng after all other
remedlts had failed, lie stales: "I
cheerfully commend It to my friends
as being the best Llnlraeul lu the
world for cuts, sprains, bruises, eld
rores, rheumatism, neuralgia, back
aohe, sick bead-ache. It goes right In
It will eule sprained suckle In twen
ty. four hours. It will euro any old sore
on roan or beast. ItcurcsuU pain aud
all InflsrustloD.
Do not allow any other white lini
ments lo bu nut oQ on you for Bnow
Liniment. There Is no other like It,
Bold by Z.O. M.I. Drug Department.
tho only salt frre from lime.
Inferior salt. Don't let jciir Soc'r .1."
yon any other brand; soma will i,",1!!
doo because It costs them Is,,. ,r' w
A. C. Bmllh A Co.,DruEist. .,..,
illloberls' IlMpsrlanTonjo.'8"1'
never gets hard In sack or aaltcoluT,
llocrilne Cinilldfnce.-Tfiiero i.
artlclo which so richly deio,", thS
enllrii confidence of the oommunllJ
as linovN'fl IlBo.NcitiAL TnooirS
Thoso suiTei ng from Asthmatic. "mi
Hronchlat Diseases, Couehs .nd
Colds, should try Intra. Price ,25 cent,.
digestion, lu
The Testimonials
Published in behalf of Heod'sBariara.
rllla are not extravagant, are not "will,
tsn up," nor aro they from Its am.
ploycs. They are facts, and prove that
Hood's Barsaparllla possesses absolute
merit, and Is worthy tbofullconndence
of the people,
Ilcod's Pills aie putely vegetable
perfectly harmless, cllecttvp, but do n, t
cauto palu or gripe. Do-sure to est
Hood's. J
Impure salt Is gritty, bitter and has
aciltt, ruckeiy taste. "ilOYALCIlYH.
TADHAIiT" Is lOOperceul. poreanj
has sweet delicious flavor.
100 per cent. pure.
The Ox Team and Sailing Vessel
havo given way lo tho Pullman Palics
Car and Hie Ooean Greyhound.
Thetslephone line between Chicago
and Mew York demonstrates the progress
of tho age In which we live.
Scientists hsvo discovered that Milk
even In lis best form Is filled Willi hurt
ful nermt and baneful Impurities,
A sterilized milk Is as much In sit
vance over fluid milk and condensed
milk as steam and electricity are oser
the slow and measured tread of'lhs
laborious ox.
That Is. when II Is sterllllcd JUST
This Is vthero tho fine sldo of Iho
Comes In. True ws have Superior Color;
your eye tells you that. We have Ins
most tempting flavor; your tails Mil
frovo that. Cut Its dlgottlblllty over In
trior rjoodt may not bo tested until
given to aweak stomach or a sick babe.
When put to that test you will hiva
become converted to tho ST. CHARLES
brand, either for Infant (ceding or table
If pooplo only know how choaply thin can ba dono
thoro would bo far more comfortnblo homos and less
unploasantnoss. Wo havo things In such shnpo now
that wo can offor to furnish n Working' Man's houso
throiifihout for n sum of monoy that ton yoars ago
would not ovon furnish a parlor. Wo do not moan
with poor, rlckoty Furnlturo, but with Rood, strong,
tiound, rollablo artlclos. At tho Bamo tlmo thoy com
blno an ologant appoaranco with luxurious comfort.
Of coureo wo havo a bottar class of (poods for thoso
who can afford to pay moro; In fact, CVo claim to
bo nblo to fit out, at short notlco, tlio houso of a
mllllonatro or a laboror.
Solo Proprlotors Utah it Idaho,
This rofors to Swoot'o Common-Sonso Slods,
Rotoll Prlcos for Season of 1801-02 aro as follows!
No. 1 and LalvDS.Clinin Ravo,S15.00 . No. 3, wlthont box, - S55.00
' 2, " " 00.00 " 4, " " - 60.00
" 0, willi polo and bos, 55.00 " D, " " - 70.00
" 2, VHbout box, - 00.00 ' Tor arly ortlr rs n Sprclal Cash Discount
O0"opoi-ntlvo Tjvynpoxx. ts Jtlnoliluo Oo.
MftlSS! CAMP & co' p,anos'
TiiMfil ESTEY rgans-
WiSMPP 250,000 IN USE.
74 S. Main SL " b?ox COALTER & SNELGROVE.