Newspaper Page Text
I 1 desrhet evening MEW8t nan at. asOTruiren is, isng. 1. ( i ' OGDEN HAPPENINGS, tii illrd DanaSUTll of $85,000 Is Still Beforfl the Court lMi,ll.B.iidUlilliothmb.ror "Znrc,-HK.rlc M(hll.. -The "Illj" iB,n- Ityifen Standard J .a. nnlr cuo bcfuro JuJgo Miner I',J?'nt"rou,l.. Jimlctcoutt niS .1 al.V. 'Halt ! Uity. wblcU AWii.n!nttll ilnc rueaday nttor. S&wntlna. threo daya mow, at fftalnUBi etlll i ' wllnei '"j'Ji 0n i lh -land. Xhe attorns. B?Kdlnwiwof the oiiluloti llint "'Vwenuilooof their tide, will not 7m.ell..ii ono day. The turn . J, Mlwltal Vltn.s. ywtarJay, oud ' S if eYilmony wai of i-iiUtsui ally KsVmt nature as Hie claims ra J lu g SSPWt. rJ,"rVH1!a,,,Mg ,.ntuMtthatprvloiialo.Iuly,18Sll, " ,bV itam wbldiiliwrd tlirouitti tlio I,?.lnitlieri..rvolr Into lie canal .ailare. enough to IrrlKata ttie entlro flr esu t . inout, the .prime whloli i Jthe wcrvoir failed una tnu water i' net. "inc. .lUlncd de, Hi .uffl "nt to canso It ti lliw out Intu ft, canal. Alotit the .511, of Bob. Siui lb. city well were riprod and loiailltlely the uprln on tin. Allred SS to flow .gain, allliouitli IUi but one iLlrd of lit utual volume. This the Allrrdsi lalmed was due to the At that too wedls could not be ror. yilnitoiT.nndsoVcral of tliuoi broke iutonlbeurfceof IhegroniiJ, while (bera Iiatpd and the water liubliltd up .round the plr". Hnmt Impoitant "tld.nco will mo.l likely bo Intro ducoJ by the ilelente tocU 1'ro j.uor ltlrichluf, n cxr ot con. iliierallu note, will be the rlQclnal allures. Tlie rafeof all(Kd malicious eltslruo. tlonof properly uiialiiit William Wll llimi, Arthur l.leon an J William White, inemters of lb" llemocratlc drum corps wsa tailed lor liearln jrsltrJar ntlcruooii before (Join nils Jlontr wardleljh. I hu defsnJanlndo. mtnJeJa Jury trial and oaneldcrablii lime win e-oniutnsil In socurluK tlx Jurors. When ut last nil was in mall, nets the trial was tiroctuJcil with mid iu Mine to an unJ, the deleuilanta all lns discharged by the c juit atter the jury had reiidereitl u v, rdlot llndliiK no csuio f.r action. Tlio j rosn utlun noil tended for a costlnuance.oii tho (round thit n Important witness wat absent anJ could not be ot talned. Die re quest irat diu'od. From thu evldunco Hi! pi art J that thu Democratic mil llriubllcan drum corpS ol baijly titjltj up near tlio corner of Wali lojton atenue anil Twenly-fuurili Urtt and when the baltlu amoke tltartdaway It wat loiind that time drum, the proieilyuf tlio Utter or gulixtlon, bail been broken lu tho llltlfllC. Captain II. C. de I.lvron, late com miuOit of tlio I'.uulan c:ulr .thlaka, vhlch itlted and oonlltcnted the Ataiflctn xaltr U. II. Wltltu lu ailjl lioaloanumburof lltltllb vuue'a lait lummtr while they wete poachluif lu Kurilin W4ltn near Copper laland 1 1 iJtrto tei, wan a paiier uu lael nljht'a Central I'aclllo Iralu and went hiitortrlhe Union l'acll'c. lie la sa bit way lo Ht. l'eteribuiK anil linilelln Han l'aliclfni laal riuuilay from the City of IVklnit. Iliotaplalu UtiU l.tiglliti ijulte lluently. Oy Itobluiuu, known aniaiiK th tojiMthe"lliby,"aud wholiaa ttei iIoIde tlmo In the city Jail for druokiu neip, wai yeatcrlay arraigned bufure CeuiuiIfl4louer tlulaultkl on a com jlilnt iMorn to liy John Mrtlritli, cliarglni; bltn with lacoudlarlim. He lleiaeil uotRulltyand will bo glveu a heailoit lull mornlnj, 'liiu com I lalnt atlrcra that on or about No mi ur ,11th 11 ill un ll let lira to three large atacka ol bay on Mcdrath'a farm, which It tltuatei aoulUweatof the city on Hutch creek. Captain Ttiomoi Couch, eut erlulen dtnt of the Huhtou aui loutana Hmeltlne (.onipiny of llutte, wat nil Ogtlen vlaltor yeaterday. The ca tain buKreat lultli in Oiftlun' future and li Intereiluil lu real ittato at I'lve l'olcu, having mailuaoveral thoimanl ilollatl' liitiitinaut tberothrouuli II. F. Itraoy, uud contemplulie luaklug tev tral important lull rovemeiua lu the tarly rrl iij. Ilecauao nothlmr hat been tald of lito regarillni; the Klo.dfanil WeiUrn hopa and rouudhuurt, tho HupIe ol OfEJen tnuit not think that lirnject hat been abamloued, Tho rallroaJ baa lurrhaieil from tho Colorado Coke, Coal and Iron company Hie oM irou worki lite BNil thu condemnation null now emllnij will be dlsmliwoil. Work will lonimnuio on thu muaiwy bullj. lull In lb m ring. The gtar Irunt for the Ohio and Utah Natural (Jia rompaii) a itaa well outfit itioulj reach Og.lcn by Mouilay, liav lost been ahlpped from Tin Hay, Ohio, otrrlemlijaugo, Iinmetllately urou their arrival the derrlcki will bo cou. Irucltilandatllvo work i.omuieuccd. rhe exact location of the flrtt well to beiutUownliai not yet been decided Ufon. TheOgilenChambtr of Conimorce, which haa been alhwed, through lack of lutertat, torun down and die n Uu string death, will bu roorgaulied and bate new llfn Infuted Into II. A com. raltteo hat teen appointed to draft a few tot of bylawa mid comtltulloii nnd at an early date n public meeting will Lecallnltodlicuta their adoption, i The Itlo Grande Wtitern wcitbound Pcn,er did lint reach Ogden tllU Morning until L' LO n'clook, the delay I alng oicaloned by a freight wrttk ut Holdler tSumiult. Tb damaun to the frelghttialuwaabutalighl. The damage cnao of William Driver Lo. ve. lbomaa J.Htaymre'.nl , whlrh nna decided two daya ago In thu l-ounli ulitnct cjurt In favor of Ilia HalntllT, may lu appealed to the upremo court of the Territory. The mreting of thu ail Itratlon com. mltteo which will try nnd aeltlu tlio xlillngiliractilUea between the Tipo. raphlcnl Union nnd thu Jtut has eonnoitpoued until Monday on ao fount of the enforced nuaouce of ono of the cummltttomou. On Monday, Novembor th, the per ;onal eftrcta of Manager Hlaughtor of the defunct Utah Natural Uaa com. fany will beaoldat auction to aalUfy a judgment obtained ngalnit bliu by Col. Locla ol the Iteed, Work on tke new fewer dlttrlot li progrtaalug very favorably and the I Ipu It going down with gnat rapldliy. I he contractor la eiitrlemlng Inn umal trouble with water and nulck. tan I. rim eleclrto lighting contract li Iween tho city and the OjJrn (lai, lilght and Kuol company wna algnud yetterday and fllel with tho city if (.order. Tho etectrlo cara liats all lion equipped with ttovea nnd Ihn enter prlto of Captain Hpltey It, (hill fore tlalllng winter It muc'i appreciate J by the patrons of tho road. John Udwardi.of I.ogan,bat brought ault agalntt Hyrum Klwaidr, l.uu Kdwarda nnd flllitn other reltllvct to ijulto tho tlllo of a certain piece of real estate situated lu Logan, A. meeting ol tho Wolcr County World'a I'air atoclatlon lias len called for Tuesday night lu the county court rooms. The annual charity ball will bo Riven tonight in the grand opera house by ladle a of thu Charitable association. There will lie a boilng exhibition at the Athletic olub noitbtturday night. WINTCH WHEAT. Ti Mfajs el rrulertlng ls TTIisal Horn Injur' lijr Inrli nirnt Urallir Tbero lire two wnyt m u In the most eisel Countrj of aaliig joung whcit from lh wirst lnjuri Ij tlie ullitr aci onlliiz to Aiucrli an L'nltl talur On ' It In iimke tlio anil rich, Hie otm r it like to it mid that la to tu mnnitge the ,r p anili'iii of a Med 11 ilwt inot of tiu ferlllily will In ii'iiril" turfme tnii" IrMirlng ii tpnviiliiig lialilt of grjwlh IriIIi of null i hi. ! tup It l ft ii mild that uhcat nccils in gut n large top t piutcl Itself ilnrlliK the winter Hill thilmrn tc "f the top is miiio Inpi r taitt than litaize. If wliml i-tHowmtiu Inliul wcathirnnil spirit up t nli ut spiralling, nt it will in am It i u-. It Mill Kill out in wlnttr v.urwi ihau win it sown hi lnte that It acartily liu I nuy top Tho latter luuliiKiri n t tluiii tup Tim llrst ba 1 more top Ouin iiad Sonu of tint worst fiillurit nr niiiurwliut luiio rcwtllliil In pliit that to tlm ini'x IKricnci'd eelooluil W.ttliu full l.futv. Pruc-llc nl giiiuera ngrte tliut tlm liiml for seeiliiig with wheat aliuubl lm well lomikirteil, with ucvl ta.l innile uiutst nnd liu How neir tliesiufii(.e. At inost w licit It now grow n (m nubbin ground of aprlng grain there nre oul) n ft w wcilitpouibliilii Willi li to jirepira tin penllml Wbitonii b-i ilunu to bring such Inn l under tin mo't finuriibleiou ilitlim:fiirfeliugir I'in.t.)loniiighlii uld follow tlio liaftt-stlng of tlio grain a soon at jtoisihle Kitpiitlnigiiud roller in tlio U Id as tho atuliblo It turtittl uu dcr, aul laili da toward nUlit drug ntul roll ilounall tiinthisljeiii tlowinl that d.l). There Ik t,tinrall aoinu iiiuisturu in newl tiininl fnrnis It Jim wait until tin. whule Hit I Is 1 toned b foro drugging nil 1 rolling down, moit of thu moisture hat driiil out of tlio hi turii'il furrow. Oiku out tin r miij not cumo rain iiiongh Isfuru the proper tioding tlmo to gerniinntu tho grnm There it ulwayt some green herbage wieila if lot lion r In (.rain stubble when Itltpluni-ilimler. If oolliteim paetcil uliout tblt (.reen licrhago it rots at olid, nut onl) gl iug out all tho fir tlllt) it contains, but initblliig tho soli to lio much better roiuiuicted tlitn it woniilotlitrwiiolK. Muistiirolittll im jairtunt fur completing Hill It presses clostr togitli'r the turtlclot of tartii, but without jri i nitlng progress of the roots througli them, but ml In rnlillng it. "iiro alionl I bo taliru nut to work li at) hud while tir et, as this inu make it elo.ll). '1 lio uuthority imoted in tho foregoing ea)a on tho Mibjei tof fertilizing! ".'Ink lug thu anrfaco sjII rleh it lust dono liy mini ral manure. T heir i fleet is ulo to liurdt u thu aoil, na toiuo part of the lulu erol soon unlti s with its smd nn 1 tlitn bfcomeenallielte, ft is, liuwetr,sulu. lio in thu tarhohlu arid gitwliich is lilwrus jrcsiut In laud v. lioru nam show, is lino lirouglit uiuiturodouu. All 1 now buw soft nonl) fnlliu rain .uttr Is, ami liuwiii'lh it remowtillrt from tlio i rson. TliU is iluu tu tho t nr Iwiilo acid gta it curiiatus, which It has abiurlieil in putting llirough tlio nlr. 'Jills larboulc acid gas it i f tlio gri utist luipuit inco In making any Llul it a nl start ttgorousl). Tin) tproulitig socl fnrnlaliiH KOinu cnrhoiilu nt 1 1 gas, bit i cr) farmer l.nou a tli it a aui i essluii of liglit riliH, inoiigli towet ilownouuoi two iiiihos deep, is ot tlio 'ri ntest im purtnnto notonl) tuneuly conn wlicrtt, but to nowlyi l.ititcil seeds of any kind." tliM for Mrk liiml. Apples are not n lining food for lite s fuck, nnd tho lack of "itungth" luuy Iw shown by a short tablo of lotn'uirl on. 'J lio b idlug coiniiounds for w lileh nfishUr ltialued ttru tho nlhninluoids rind inrboh)drutcr, Tho former coif taint tho anlctnnco (or tlio miking of tho ltal juici-f, inutile, etc , white tl c littirnro todo tlio work of tho animal uuLhlniM, Hie fuel fur tlio ingliio, so tu aoak, Of Huso grouiit of foo I elements tho following familiar fond stnlls cou tain tlio averages nt gli ru ufter cnclii Alb nut CAtiHilir nul ll. lllUtl-S ISilatoes, ir crnt Ml H-t 'lilliilis, i.r rent OH Wl ruiupkin. irmit i;u ri llrclslllrUl IIKI I Atiksllreslil 1 II till 1 ot mie ,..,, MS 1 litis fur wo haw Mill nothing nt to tho lld.ltho A linn of tlio albuminoids uud curbol) drills, hut when it Is tin dcratnml tlut I ho foimor urn luueli more iiniorlaut, tluroforo cxjieiHlie, it fnl Ions that froi-hnpi lis ui a nwuik I. oil Tho lMiuucu ft much better bei ause Hieui hut lit cu aeoiiiUnsatlou of Hiu iillmiiii nuids. Unt ut the nlbuiiiliioitiri aru moall) lu tho skin anil acids nnd thesu ntu .lie le ist digestible, tho nctual feeding aim it not what Hie Ublo would otheiwln' represent, Apjltt nro a poor food uu less "norm)' and the wish It lo dislioy Huso insects b) feuding them, Aluirl tan Agriculturist. NIJllVOL'S DKUIWTY. it- & -fe?y t ft c trH xuvk ntk iikitj "" -- JiWI 1,4. -JAPANESE ' "llsttl tU, 4ft u a.lf'fs of I r CM! M.sM fa. U f a t !. -. wWWsmp nTnxf,FOn C0UG,,S' JJiS3 ANO CROUP. A REMEDY TOR CHILDREN. WsshllassJn, ralli rnsSst -ul .1 tfrrottfb'-.Mtiant' wlCro'lp II h"" n" T Sfr I -KI n U Urij, r-Ml StOr. Ill . t '. C. M. I. DiiUci Dtrt,, Aui. nt. w- jpytB fWlrir). ri .rTTi1isVB ilk I rm. r?M A LAUhDW SOAP, PdHE AKO SAhlTARY DUSKY DIMAOKD TAR SOM. HEALTHFUL, AGIEEAOLE, CLEANSING. Curss CusppsA llsndi, Wtfands, lJuraa, XIO. llinTts asl l-rsisus 3.Oil "Look out ron the hand book republIca'msm. A Full Rocord of tho History Prlnclptas and Policy of tlio Republican Party, with a Rd vlow of tlio Caroor nnd Prin ciples of tho Oomocratlo Party. lasuod undor tho auaplcoa of tho Ropubllcan Party of Utah, llondy noxt Wadnosday. IOO Pacoa. nPrice. 25 Cents. 3333Krn.Tr xrvt3e.a,sjn, sslt taaa citc. CALIFORNIAJiltfiWERY. LAGBR DCan, ALU ANO POItTUR. VfbalraaU and atalall. ma ijst, riaar iovtm itiimt. We Hereby Promise 'J'u n fiinil nil moroy julil u 1 for HALLER'S Remcdies If otl uro not DZNEFIThD bv thflr U3L'. Thcsu pii iMruthuit consist of SfJUE CUP.S COUSK 5YP.UP. AVaMUXSAlR BLOOD FUIUFIER. pain nwm, SARSAPARIllA id EUP.D0CH (Csaicui) C5HDH15H mum, ' ba1 to likimsk7, cos!! cure, iitils c:?,-:a:i pills, and nro ABSOLDTELr OOARAMrED lij ut. K0 CURE, HO PAY. nu t.iku lia ClUtlH i l'or tulo liy all Druggists, CHURCH BLANKS Printed and for Gala at THE DESERET NEWS OFFICE, HALT LAKE CITY. Uk Report! t.s..,,.. tte. (wfi Ward Kxru , , , Rtll.t BoUwl; tUjKirii ate. lTlnisry AiKUUno lUpoiU ,,,, " t L.M I k. It port i , ,, Y.M U I A ll-M-ifl v-. " fldr' OtrtifttMlM ,t (isfe llihoH) Rooaiion I Inotf of H, ivV t of 1(1 TM, Itlamry AsWKlitttoii halV ind Rioord Uios IUV1 tUUt.A. Hall Mel Hird Uaoka, II U, Vud lVoorda, 1 qr , MOO; 1 4r l&o&t i V-, HUI IIt4t lrlsxjU'lUatrtltiUadtfcjiOrst, r ftstrwu1 Bswarib XM tt Ovtak ' StmJ' '- ". 1 C p)MAHA l ( J&RaoisSaKfr.'W 9UAHA. MI. DogsK Dogs! Dogs! ; ftsiiniini oiinnri'. aioimvii, tov akii I nilrbPoasalotjl nlistd lorruT3 bsa-ssecsrlelliiolaatis'islas otuirni , Llewellyn Sellers, 5 8.00 snd t 0 00 jr,h " -13 00 tnd 10.00 Ur.yhcuncts, - J-00 nd 5-00 ' Slitjlioundt, 7.50 and 8.00 v, oalr carrr thcrenttiVre d at l asa ilo est . sic snr 't"r prlcsi. a- "otutu as I repraasnted I GEISLER'S DIRD STORE, , IIIIAIIA, .ILIk OUNPOYiTDER. IM Mm ntV aaosf vha nnrr iK.t It m dd Ann w I unreal iA?l nov I , IA wwe IIA7SIII'H "ksDluclj I ICs" II tza mi's -Trsri tooiint liazaiiii'M uackiauuiior', lltttUli'H -Ulomrasdlllnunj II AKIIIIfis braids llisuoil rsusllt inlbsmatltl aiiiii;rACiunin nr IDB HAZARD POWDER COHPAKY, , llaurdvllls, Conn. n.....t.dt.para & Lyne.Jju'j. Rj- l3i i 1 ofsstsss fsj 6 J S 555 321 s f3aaa .;.!; u CO lllll ' 5 JStar Horse Mis, l'olltlicd or Itlucil, Hats brea sold t; Z. t M. I, tot ctsrll ssrs Tlitrsis His BEST NAILS MADE, sod (osrscma m tl ihe tsat ol sstiracnsiu SL1 to d a sbos oa Instcrthaa snf otter DinON HORSE NAIL CO., Clalcntfu, 111. mr rorass b; Z.0 M.L aid trsBcaatoisi. TUB Thomson & Taylor Spice Co., Importers sad Usaslselorersof Its Finest Spices FJJHVORiriC EXTRACTS MfOH'A' TO THE THtDC, rrotrlslcis of lis rsnons Urssl of HED V OHOSS '. LYE. Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Laka, oxzxajxao. ROAD CArSJSIJLYSIO fcfe5RsSv"i?!.'i'"'i ':V"M "' G!AI,rHlpKo'':'e'af'eie'M iTj i:a s v. '. ii mrv.M ni:n t That we still carry a Complets Llns ol Betas' Celebrated Saws, coiitiri'o iv rinr or Cross rnt, Ursa, eini- Ulnn, tlprlcttf, lllll, llanil, llll', I'miol, Trnou, I'rillilna.-, loiii.s., Ilulrh.r, Oouk, Urjliolr, rlc, ulst Clrcular.both Solid SChlstl Point Tooth And TRIUMPH, Tor re'lantreMillti.sal sra etllnt;at LOIMKMiriS TUJS'XIM Also a ruM Stork of tlieir Itoinrnril ftASPS and FILC3 anioieo aad sa. J. la.1. z. CHINESE BAZAR. CIllJlhTMAS GOODS. tliliirsr iiimI .Inpinrsri orninriiiilul mill f ii III uods l stork of (roods lil.t arrived (rum lllun uinl ,lupii. ' Everything new first clan and cheap. (IIOMI (HUM) 11 1 M.'. B4C. Second South. -tSALT.-.LAKE-i- STMDTEMKS THUS. McKKIjMIC, l'roiirlrtur. Ladtos' Clolhos Clranod and DyotL Gents' Clothes Cleanod, Dyoa and Ropaired. tuTiuns iutAr.i iimnf ctvrirA Cnue 4 TB nlKlTsTTm Templs Lilians CulDls LIiiij llttils, " laliukscuy. $& mm I KM PA&FG BSYSTEM, THE THROUGH GAR LIKE. iiiLcint: hit. l.'iit, iso.'. 3IIIH Jllliriil IMftrtnl Jl UU Cllr i'al r, M.'tom Anntrc Ftom sltrs-tcra poml , ot a ra riuw nulls 1 orllaad acd Has Iran. tlsflo . . t)5s rs Ironil'sik rityinltteha Vsllr; .IIUlis From all Eailcrn foints Ml3il0rim Iron rarho sllt todomsB - ' 10 i ni Ulum flllford sod tatstasdtsls lolcts , 10.1) s ra t rum Just, snd mtrls.. ... e l p re 'retniTsrtrlBSBSBtlTnorls ....M auOliui UtTAKT rir siitsatsratioiiiu I casta ru (Jiil.u an I iBlstiasdlslo ,oliiti. C 11 a id tori ullo, lorttsnd, Ran rrsocievu aid Lselio ta try ,,,,. lo S9a ra for Carlo alloy and Itlk Cllr V M sorallEaalfra ruinu sudrsaVraj tiro. . IJJsm irurltireks,JoabaudMllird J 10a m forjusu snd Intrrms lists polals - etlluin 'rorluolrsnllerminas . Uau r sily.MiBdsrs crfciilsl. 'Trslss tslHlta Juab aad Ui ford dd not run lucdsys. sin iluu r uu ie r, am siiv ir n I uttl.l ri.iicni mii. i'air uetik Lit II ruaa.Irsi aadUsn.Ur. f. UicalKsox Asas l.enlll.r L. I. IIKH, II 1'. A r. Altai. jjglfilm RIO GRANDE &S VESH' ERJLWAr.M Slandird Outgi. SttstSaB CimtHf Tlllt TAOU In lltirl Anuiisl 5S.ISUJ. iratrs siiTianr. Vo.:-rirln.i eirsiilJuoiwnsiid Ulioiturs.i ... IMs-to. o,llor I roro llrand Junction sod slllolBIs I asl . . . t 11 1, lie No S tor I n,eu, 1 ayaon.h uiraa d -u.irl.iir . . tl.a o.rrir I isitnu, limn, iisbii, aul-aiu-.R iloarn. N i e.tors'onari I tennis Mi si s so icm. No.-torlvlsnandirl . Iltspai. J.u. I-Kril(lnail UnUi.t 11 ll.ui jnftvts sser iak No.t-rroin I rovu llrsnd Jui,ti n undlho ril . tjara, ol rrom Iritit ijisal Juaiilon sbJ ll Ksat, llll pin. ho '-lioin Irotii, lajsoa rurrss Bllil Ntlvrrt III .....,10lIOA,ta. No s-rroinlllsslisra, frur Msnti, nl fs los .4llem Nti, renin eifdf n and Ihs Wrat Hb I'letn.! o.elrt, lirfi-j, Ntillhi- lint VilSicm. riillnan latsro alrricrs on all IhtojaU trsina Sorhsncs doaocoons Uonl. bsfsly l pen! snd rott tin. Ilrl. Illlll . - i X) I. l'IUUC,A.K.nKLIIt, JILlirvvUTT btluiiaiaier. Utn. luC CiIb.1' It Ail, I "WESTERN mnmm COMPANY. (ntirfn)rtirst) Tho Only Bill Poatero, Distributors 3 Hail- roud Advcrtioinrj AijcntB in Utah. otiziAi cn:::i t imtn crrcu a? .0 Rltiiih atietl, Oiia,Fri!S,h?kWj tall Lull Ot. Jnj ioo I V. B. '. AXJilillSOX, e ax tit j t ujxjucx mom: y v o jl. o wV iv WATCHES anil JEWELRY Of all kinds onlontror snort tlmo M rssaODSbls terms snl In auinn In ault New kork lot. latsrsl tlaak,:., T a.sat hsroud Uoolh slrssL II IV, rULLEU. lloDilclor. ' UM)i:itTAifi:itB. tSTJttLiantu, tfl. " 2m E. JI!&!lIoi, Pioneer UndenakoroJ Ulah. J.'snuacnwr sad nin trtnl Klt t JrrrsJ lic, UJ auJ CIM CVisrrJ COFFINS AND CASKETS. lull I In. iiM.Htln tnriiUlilucslirpl tiiiislniilly tin IihiiiI rlj Hose l Til (rif k (Irrfrrl rrowptli f!!iX a llisln i rraened In lltslr Nslurst Condi. Iluu wuhoul salrs rharcr OPEN DAVANP NIOHT. l'.'o'.H.m Ho. 253 E. First Soalh, Ooetndiihilf 1lrlititor Thoirsj rkttntoM 7a Joseph William Taylor UTAH B LlillMU- UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Carry t la g itnn4Vi,i Lempttt St9 ief COFFINS. .. GASKETS, Ard Undertakers' Goods In Ulsh. lraetld l;,iU ( rwiianh XtJutlt Jr, ra. Uki IftmtK.rsrrer rrt.illi CfA LOTS MD CflUES '"WrtW" JIIhJkmJIU , or AltlllnltsASrilril lul.lti. li-if, orrica avu sriaiuoout Nasan ceoisn Not. 21 and J3 WE31 TEMPLE STHCET. I'.o.VnAVji, v auisbaMnsdai, ' 1M0. 189& ' 'J 1 DeseretNews. jj Pioneer Paper of the Rocky Mountain Country. II Jj isiffllii& mm 1 1 BIGHT PAGES, SEVEN COLUMNS EACH. 'ij raCBD ivanr dat, rcrr ichdat. j i t Has taa Extonslvo ana Increasing Circulation, . I And as a Kntrnaraa axd Anvxamixa Mnnitm IT-HAS -NO- SUPERIOR, ,1 nt oolubxi ooxtaix 9 nu. rat-caBipino nri-onr. 4 iW isUAOtE iiiiai. iTrjoa, x i uous iniiHijirokTSEirrM, ' ' ' W roKEiun conuEnroiBEirix, fl COCCATIOVAI, AUKIcrLTTTZAX; ll AltTTAT AMD ' ll DfflET SEMI-WEEKLY MS. 1 1 EIQUT I'AOUS, EIGHT COLUMNS KAOH. I Publlahotl Evory Tuoiday and Friday. KAA TKkV- pj imesi ciRctiLAnoN in ot ah I Cat Adjoining Sttlta and Tarrltorllt at any riir:fub!leha fl Aa3 tzn advanUtsa sshlch eMmmand II ta all whs nsnnot afford or ara not ennvea 9 aatl situated for talcLiu a "tlj- papcy. II ooctalns a suiaiauirj of las H tToni of Ilia TTeek, I DotaeiUc ana XelegTaplilo, fi rorelpi Htna, Lot1' ldllorlal IrtlclM fl ana it avnar rAanan.An IJ k 13TANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL I I DESERET WEEKLY I liitn1ilIlioa Juno 1C IStfS. H If pufcUf TiM Ttjrj StturJaj, ai 82 to 40riff9 M Ktrlns, tn& tt a CtJRRKT BI& ji TOUT OF TUi: CHUIICII, nnd or thu luttrettlQtf tceat tkioufitk 'iH whloli tti eo 1 of thin region mr now paulsg, jH U witLout a rTL Th valuta!, wbm H buand, u i M INVALUABLE AB A WORE OF REFERENOE.' , I TERMS FOR THE DAILYl I M Oao CTOi OnsTssr tiklttilia. SH t au Months .. H ,; Tksronoullis. .... suit H TERMS FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLYl M Oaa nr, Ono Toar t M III Moultls . l7t H ss lli,..aouUis.. -c....--..- LAt M TERMS TOR THE WEEKLY! H Osso) 0)97t ontTsnr (oiabrarlua Tisa Tolnsuos) Ma fixvi rJ''j es sua Ugaltes..., - m ha. ILiIbbbbI h aTKB JXDE'WrS ' 1H Book and Job Printing Office , u la oki or ' Jj The Most Complete in the IXlestI I f IH ill bbbbbI Daias well etinlnpcHl with tho Latest Ann lltsT KTTLrs or Tira Aje n IH l'ULaaca, and other flrst-cUss material, w art ' jH j rcj ared ty do t H ALL KINDS of JOB PHINTI1TG in tiig BEST STYLES fl With l'ltOMlTNlUS and DLTATC1I, and at ItEASOXAULB 'Al t'OSTCRS 03 Itl SIZES, from tba Smallait Ilanilbtll t ao IrjtfJ SJAiinS IH j VTs rtrrjrcl ta ,'tlrA )AbbbbbbbbI