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DIMKKET EVENING KKWIi I'lilDW, NOVKMl.KU IS. 1802. y J j " J t EriU ol Fiw Weeks Tails Into a Bell and Is Drowntd. ,Mmu jriiiu n bveiu '"Jw'""1""1-1;" Alb.rt.liw-""" " P' i.itl !" Ca1, y . uulT.rilly UulMliU to bo V'ut'm Wyonilu. U uoiv la ,.1,1 ui mohlnnntef.oln put la e; ,?r"ol b.HWI- Hewulwi; ,', u'txl lu llio milu Horar, and j!i,nlllucl,w' Th. ColomJo City Stale bull wm . Lrtor. dun ruwdv. lo operate. l '"fTnllT 1.1 I'-fOlMU Illy, Willi .'.i .lock o ' ll'tor;: ,..r.Hinllli. S. II. llalnw, !. A. f;'."j I MclVtiihaDl M.rtlu Ural.... fh'bomi atouml Kama., aay llio " ,,j oi adieu., thai luumi i tobo f Stair. Mr. Jl'li Mtlclia.ll I t a l Vlwolhar dV, M $IW. ..which t ' CU"J ,,utu,"K WM Jiml, but to avail. 'tm rrctor and warden at HI. Pttnr'i pniHUDl i:plcoil C'liuroii, Bui K. I..' tltlo.10.J 111 JSr court for urml..l)u to Xthcriuruliiiroriy on Ml. Th.monyUrulrfdtoiay au out- llanJlP noto. ThecUclrlo line at I.n Aurio,CI , v., Uin ratio lli vl-tH' " .Litn ft tlw iur rrct-ntlj. A fftrof ft-urlo". dollar, and ulckha Urn t w d on ixiLtluctuM durliiic cr'vtJtJ conditio-." of tlio car. Till. kUi fl" " .omiK",'J latU'W "' Jead. The remain ol ail old min, a itiKal libera been dead aunio four month, ;,, found a.Tral day. by u party ol hunter In lb" I'ltnliiloiit lilll, California The i-fft lakeu from ll.u Mr tar I!' fno lilrntllllM n lelomtloic tJ aiuiii named Waldrnu. Jl uVllotrd that lit. touiinllleU tulrluu lillo dMHiiidviil. l)vCnuplianotir, one of llie owner cl tin UolJ Hill mill", M IJunrlzburK, irtltnl In Jll"" oily ywlenlO'i vyn lie laibo '(li'y Matitmun. Mr. tuuibiuourlruught Willi lilm a kuU jtlh J'SJOwhlcli lio illiotU ol al tb( Uuliwl Stall' aaniy tlJlcw. Tim tarwulbortaullufatwu wieVn run enOoll Hill ore. Tliu nilne, ha MJf, U lovkinn lltcr Hun It li. fjr aomo tlat. Tha water la now belli puniil Irom lb tLt) foot lovol and work will b coumeuci-d In It lh llrat ol mil mk. Mr. Nellla Cuburu, or Hulllrnn, toiem).lerlouiillAwariicucrmli'd uilaaarnialluii lu a jmrtiuii of Colo radoafvw uiontrinttiti), haibrcii luaard Irqcu. Sno la now in l.oa AiisvIm, l'alla.,liHJgelo o on the uljlil vf In r tnlralbera with h lolmakr, whom alio bll mil on tbe train. William J. t'oluto inlnly rrCrlTed h loiter Iroru bar. 'l)ar Jacob," abu wriltti '1 Iotb you ttlll, but I'l.ain aeud my tiuok," Mr. C'oburn hat not ytt di Mti lo rouiply with Imr reiii'at. 'ft.a wuraiti'n apinaraucx created nu urjrlnili Cl!c illllte. Hl'llaui Mirdonald, a ai'iman on tbeahtllnu bark Aiilrnw llluk, liai trou(btult lu the Unllrd rjUtoa Ula. Irkt louit at Han Frauciaoo hiialii.t' ijrg" Doiiatdvon, hor uiUln, mid William lianla. hvr own. r, to rcoaTer JJOO dauiKi. liu allio that the uj.lim mt lilm In Iron., klokei lilm la th face and trice 1 hlinupfor ntnr I; cUbt houta. Allcrwnrd the captain lutblmln a dark plirvnnd krpt lilm llierv furmx daji. A almllar ult waa lrouifbt against Itie a'una dofeudvita lul wirk by anollnr aallor, who ma lu radically llio aamu uharKfa ujulml tbr ca tnln, Koraomo time mit o, V.. h'rlnk of Iroadnay, nyathu DtnvtrA'twi ha Ltcn dolus a moat prulltablu lultrr luiliioaa. llwaa Ida cuilom to pro curetbc high inntlgned oloomari;arinii, auJ haTliiK nrally reitcked II, to ItildloltalKjiittbe clly na Kill edi;u I'm,.,!. in ruiut, wnjr iiiu aulliorlllra ill.cororud lila trade fcril. and, aa a conriqueiictt hu wua urru.tcd ji-aterday alUrnoon hy Deputy .Mar bal II own and taken bifuru Uriltud Htalta Comnili.lomr Jllimdalu on the iliarKanffuod adulteriillou. lit. pleaded not guilty, but being unabl to fiirnlali a bun I lu SI.OOv), lin went to all to await trial. Oovirnor VIIIy of Idaho on Tur-a-)y I, kind an order ruvuklnit hla rroo Jauiallon or July 13, IStlJ, Uiclarluir hbulioiio county to be uudrr martial law. Die order waa ahrned by lilmaelf n eomuuiiderdn-chtel I, N (I,, and Adjutant Ucneral K. J. (,'uills, an I liad lo tnapictnr (leueral J, K.Curllr. bo la now at Wullnie. The day and uour for lUe older to no Into elicit waa ' MHIank, lu lo lllled by the lnTCtor K'ntrul. In hi order Hie guveniur alilliDwaaaiUiHed ttaft,t a Itulu ol In aurrectlou and rebellion no louijer tx "ted In rihonhono county and thtro Jiainofuither uo for martial law, ua tbe civil aulliorllln could now uidiol I lb diijnlly ( llm law am inilulaln I tace. Dai y Stnlctmun, liialu. Governor Willey of Idaho, hai ru nlTvd a lutillon algued by over 100 uf the Icauiin; rlllom of Ulann'a Furry, a.kloghlm lolieuean order lalllriKtn tbe rt.i rvalluu nil Inllau nhu uru ow hunting or loaflnt! In that locul ty Ihe letltlun eiaten that for nionllia p,t hamta of rodaLlnn, num. lirlci! Irom thirty to fifty, from Fort Hall !tiirvtlon, havu uiuile (llenp relry artdnvoiia, gnatly to the an Ii'Oauce and dulrliui ut uf llio ollUena iribatpltic. Tliu Indlaua are lion, tulhcietlUou itatre, kllllntf deor In larje iuantltlr near (Jloiiu Ferry fortlieiiMeaaud hauw. Many of III., liullanahuve teen no ccoiil Kid (or the greater tortlon ol the tumnier. Tho 1 Kovernur Imiuellately wrolo Inllau , Aiieni Fliiicr lu rail the lroiiblnuio leiliklta tack to the n nervation. I'ark city waa klartlod Thuraday roorulUK When It becumo known Unit Mm.AiiuIo O'Connor, a brlduof live uki, had fallen Into u wtll and drowned, and that tier body had re "allied' In lh well ram hiiim lime nidiiMuiay futenooii until an larly ,,','!'.' Thuiaday inornlnK. Charlea U't.inuor, hllhbund u( the d.cea.eil, 'dbjeoat workTueadiy nud Tuca. PynlBht, audupon retirlbf Woduor- BBEaSa'tMMMaWaWWMIMI lay niornliiK told hla wife to naVe lilm I liitliiiolora luiicMi wlili )i aa to lie I held that day. He nuke al and notUUM that It waa t,.u late fur tho tuneral and aupp at ,jr hla wllo had irnnu without hlui.weiit to alrrp attain. When ha again wnk It waa J u'cloiU rnutaday uiornlnir. Aa hla fe waa mlrIDd hu Uiame alarmed and twiraii a eeardi which tudel hi ll.c lit every of her rininlria In a well (mm unit li a number ol famlltt't dn-u llulr drlnklnu water. Tliu I . mill la m.IiI lu have been tirrlnle to bthold. Jnmct H. Hoe, n biricnuer.fthot Dick miaunoii twice In Market Uriel, Den ver, on rucalay. One bu.lel (uaiml tliroiuh the lltehy pirl ol Hiiaiinvu'a neck, tliootlnf alnllnAl the hiuea lu hla rlxlit wilat. Huu waa mi t-.U.l; Hliannun waa "iit In tbe muuly hot ullullor tre-ilment. tin Mi nday nlRlil UfvrKlet.'iiiroll,ulina IU, in'alrei id jumn Hon, look an over d no uf mil' plilne, which nenrlj ri.ulttd lalally. ShopUtutllUHiJ llmdrUK flntn HllHlil on, whoti l.iun a "Muipnlne Dirk," and la a nulorlom lleiu. Hie heard nf Hhannmi'a put lu tho atlemiled Irattcdytif Monday nllit and early niurnluK Blarled out lu hunt fur lilm with a blir ix.houler In hla uii'kel. He hii aluiuM tflveu up the hunt win u he went Into Kill Mmket alreul, lu llio front romu of tbla lace tit) futin I 111 man. Without aayhu a word Hod drew out hla i,un and cx chimed, "Vuu luorplilue II. nd, 1 ani xultK t" inal.e you hup." A rhot went Willi Mini rnia,rk, but It uilriid ll marK. riliauuon Jiiltlul In hla Icet nud ran for the baoa du r. Ilnfure he cull Id xi'l under cover Hoe fired twlre lit ire, mlklint hla enemy ech time and brlmliut hint tulhe r mill. Only almnal ' ireaiita prtiTritpl hit ilr iiiK t (In "tin wrlthlnir, lu pain be'oru hlni,ani . iu a wirlliba Me ai eaved. It ' made u i cllort tu tecape and riirti-udered tu tho pilin. He la n!iarl--d wllliaa.nult lo kill anUOa rirle lloa la held naan nittraaory. Ikuvtr Aeift. Two iluclaloii were rdndi-rel on tile Nth In. l. at Helena, Montana, by Judge JCnuwInt uf the Ulllled Hlatra dltlnct cuurr, luvulviiii( tnaniii.triio lloti ol tha Nurllieru I'aclllo land Itrullt. rile llrat llerl.lou Riven the railroad poiaiaaiun uf MiH.tan't I'ark aililllbn to Helena, i-uiitlalliif of elmy acre an I valued at t'il.Olil). William Mcl.eiunpuiifd the Ian I lu 111:', but had not p.rfected title lu ISVI, When lie die J. IIUwIIuw made application to enter the honu'itcad of lierhuabaud and hur applloalUu wat -iiataluud tlirjujli the land ullKf, In cludlrn; Ihe tecretary of Ihe lultrlor. The Uvflnllu roulu uf the Nnllhmn I'aoltlo waa AIM In IbSi an I Included the dltputed idecu of land. Judge Kuowlea liolda that the liranl to Ihe railroad curuiauy run veytil to It lend tlllu to the udd aet tleriHbl publlcland that were notmlutr al laudu, to the aiiecllled extent, wher ever theioverrimeutliad title. McLean loat hi title by not perfecting hla prool Leforu 1S8:'. lu theaeroud taaoa reu tlon of land lu Ihe Hitler Hoot valley waa In dlrpulu aince 1ST J. Patent havo been liaueil lur S,'-". acre to Hit FlatheaJ Indiana, who to nc cept the laud, feHllo tueir tribal re lation wnuld Iwaevered, Thtro tract were uot,jlalmed at the time that the railway company filed Ha map ol def inite lucntlou, but were re.erved by tho term 'it a tnaty made lu Ibu. Hoveral -ettlert on the land and ublalutd pateutr. Thty nro CO u firmed In thrlr jioMtaaloii. lain Neli-a. Vlck aatji In hi inunthly that II I no nwliirewt nlil np.irni'ii plnnt. Set nut jninu plaint win m Ilit-j aro wanted mid de.troy the uM In d Iba upplo t rop of l'.iinlutnl It retiortcl veryli?lit; tlmtof rranee la lls'litiind of Hullauil ery iniull llflslnm ha it Komi nop, Oirmaii) punr uut neurl t iioukIi fur it own ute. Kantaa will m.ike at tlm WorM'a fair a notable exhibit ff It naliiu niiluml Th tpuiuicn arc beiuu prcturn by l'rofci-'ur I.. I.. Dytlie. r the Kai.Kaa bliitcunitemtty, naklllful tnildtiiui.t. A Nurlli Cariillulau tell, lu On h.inl and (luldeii t"ui wedtlioiutlre hat of turuli In . . anil riitulOKUO thu laatweek lu Hcpti lulicr, and t ery tmlety made u irctnl trop. Avldc fiom tin. honey atured by lhi bu) la the llhde Il md i tpeuuieut l.illon napivweii tlieUllef lliut llio In fluence tat uud lncia eiurt hi tbe rui-r Itrllllz.itlnn nf Hie lluuri uf fruit mid veirelalilc I uf Krcutii iiiiliurtitnie tli in U iceni'rully nliuwed. nCLINQUCNT NOTICE. Hi itTiiulitr MlmtiB Oomitny. Lncallitn r.f iiniiriual Idare ol I u.lnrai ajtllaletllr I lali 1 trnurr- I licllcin el lolno., Ulnl.U Itl.trict.biiiauilt t'uuotr. NOTiail-TIllllK AIIE llMIMlflST rn tha foltuwlri-i ileaerilied "lutk en a" lountor B..caiiOtit Nil. II, levied June lltlt. 1-t.J, Hie acvrl aiuounu oim,ii llie nam. or lliereieLllta aluillioMera, aalollotvai t'trlin. Name. flcale. lliarea Ami llueirom.. 'l "' I'" I r. Amttr.mi, ...... loii.l; lr. '.vl I llrhlinln.... l l-oi am -S J.Uroidund ,... 1 St" " . .... in iw ill las ii am i li-uo a to " . ,,,. . Joo lo" a'"! m ea v.;1 ...... a i -'J r. O. Tl;oniloa....-. ! IW JJ Aututt l'etrr.eii""TT lot "0 tt eoriu.a-.lnrlau JJI S" I" L-. II. llalll.crit.... I'd JW 111 .. ua Tie a.u II. T. kliuball Ill III .,' a. 3au 1WKI. aal in un "w & -.Jehanata..., IWI'I J"l (!. K. lledtre Ml UO lit lloruun . '31 1-0 " Ill .in I0i 811 1.11 l o.,t..l-ml.o; -- J j ;'. , ' yai lo ,'rt M .... . tu io .oi " ....-.... " io .i1' " ..-..... UM 10 04 tM. '.1.1 tirj, 2U 117 io; so " ....... "I "TO 4 " . .. aia tmi. Li. And In atroidanre ivilli Ibe law and order of tlie tear I f dlrarlota, iade hut 10, UMI, atl luaiir or ' rli inniel "I auili Lk a. n nyXe iitiittaiy t. ill 1-u eoM al llie tjlUi e .it Ills I tal,lant id ealj tuinnv, a I.Hrair, roin 4, No 0' .t.ntruiil a.uth aural, uu M i- Ingailav, .Nov llril, l"V. al I: o'cl.M k, liuon. lhrr-.on lopellter witli;...M.aJ. heeuituy HjrnmiBjr linloKtoii.jii.y, nflicori-tfiiMimiMrecb isoTiCb f5cnEDiTons. Fute ot Kil I) J'raU,ls.eue(t. XTOTU'K IS llEllTttT mVKV, i THh j uudril(iiGil. AOniiulairBtiriif Ibatafittlo ut Uixiet I' I rattt terMad, t tha rretliuir of. ml all ) run ht idt claim BKkl'itt ilia 110 -kri Re-J, lo oxhp it them wtitt llio ntce arr -touitirr v,ituln Ifn monitit aftvr tt u Jlil jHitllmliou of ttiia tiotlro, tn ttta aal 1 AUiiiiuitiratnr at nluwo idej' Kurniiuia Bioru, 37, BJanUit W.FIral uiilh btnrU "U lU IMP lu 1)1 rountr u( fait Ukr, lull. '''"""""""""jWr-iUNnviKK. AJitiinltrati-r gf tba cilatg W Ktix-k 1 IVait, dCLcaaml, f mggigmszssmm NOTICE OF SALF Of KLAL ESTATE AT rniVATC3ALE tYOUAHOIAN , , t tmikii ai ni(iniT) "t w miti i or l.urtt.' mil..Vi O-tunty, (a rcn f -. in' th mititr ji (ha fiai an-l arUiDhip Ai-ralt-aRt 0 UraoJt-ir, Hiflllra-1 n .VodrufT,! aa-IMarrA miruif. mianm. lil th l-? I win lli imaif li tlm fi ti-twiAfx Or ri'f-n-l ' e t-tle lo wil aa onlni-Ji, llirtfl atlfc-iM li.i-r.-l in 1iejMihair itriulM . (t) mil i-suni) ) " att?nlil ' t rtt rr-tfniii i;)intair ia tiof lyi ii.m (Diinilalift n(iir-irrt a yi f rtoui taiil I lot twf. (J) a,rriijfft i- rortJiiii iiJiinf al Uip i ..tuiliwrtittorritrol Mttloi lo anil umiitiiK fha-reaiia .huhdrrU aa'l -ll t-" f r 1 H.t-iM nittth -"(ttny ftar II t'et, i t hence -acot bund it-it ao-i iixit i .ilTO) ftfi, ttiflifr inmtti fihiy ltlf (Kl) fffi 11 lh nlaf -tf l(t nninji Altornittl I lotn MlnK inixHk tlilrtt7on(HMUt"A Cvo I art btjr nrl I rattf-jr m "aU Ui t oiintj-.rian ( If trier Tfenclfwiiltta ii-nria nti or afcr . UftlnfivMr iht Slrd dar ol NiVi-nitxr, I"?:, amlliiaw.'lbrt'ifrl at thr m -"f Umi cell. Xilamt riKiiat,0mmtYW''l ami Hatimra i lliralmilditiK -n.iiM Klr-l onlli Mrf t, halt lAhe-L-llr t.liti, uii to aald data TirnitnH aala. ono half rmh am .ntliai( aNiimi I.f iimTW)f ho-r, lirartni ititi-r at al i -p insr Mi'tmni ten perrrnt tar-n.rpiny lid nd thalialit rr aaatmvf. ti I i-ahIoii c-natlrma tmii mi I iltlitrr nt fd, ani tml.jeci tu uu llm alionof the 1 nltalorouri XHAIIM. II Ml01Hlflt daardlin nt iti-- m n mi 4 tutr uf M ritiam (l UlUfTrrd il,nd laff A. MMdnitl. liataaNmctnlifrna, I-K3 SUMMONS. In 1) c l.llrkt Court tn and fur tho TMnt Judi iialliuifkiut tuhlwntorjr 0imty of Mt 1 akp Marr I.Marr. riamutr, ta. I-tana Hacr, tiefundaul. The lenple of Lite Territory of Otati tend jrrc-jtiii-r To trait lv Utarr. Utfeudant rou auk iii mm iiEtjumro to 1 iear i - an tv lion btoaiit at-Hint )nu i-jr the aTxiTPnai-ird tilcia.ttO.jn lb linirtct 1 urt of theThitdJadittai HietrOi tl. lurninrr of Utah, and tiikinwir the ooinplalm UM tinTt ia wiilim in. daya (cirluahf or tha dnr of fnlf-ciaflcr lie tmt on jruu ( thHaiiui inon-lf aertrd mthlu thi rnnrtly itr if trvmt mtor thu roiirt-r.t-ui to tdi tlUtnrt, wuhln ivrt-flr days, oil mviiH wiitiiii nny Jajit tr ti ijnoenl by ilfauU lit l Ulin tKt'o't )mu, arrvrtlm to the ra)tr of aaid Cotmlttii.L llie Raul action ia I ntiiitlittu liara adcrfrv uf till mutt iiiMlf in Hie iMtnai or in-tiriinony tillnir (ectHffn ineiflUlf ad dafandai I, ahl rtatHJtiirarrrria tu laid n atlo-lrln-r tut drien) nt iar hitot-ourt a tratcnaitlea.Dt or com t.f aiiil aod cout-i fef", ami that 1 lain lilt he allowed aurtilierthcr uoi al alirn-my aa to Iho Court tnai unii luat, ani rrantin hrr other tflif I fraifd on tto cnual.. aj IoUon. tt wit Hr(, ibatfur the year lat rat fit fend ut Ua f-iilrd totrovide (rlainiilf too rittnioon nrrevnarlra ot nr. aithottih alt e -n lodo ond.lli llur inf.retiii il)'M lal iiaat ilefni'i-tnt haa irralnd tl inilR llh ". irewe rrueliy, rantinR her ftrrat ain an 1 dia "'i.ljoQ tuaherH-r n' lifted that If yni tall In nptiear aa enawrf Ilia M complaioi a alHiicr.'inlrel.llieaail ttlilnim ' aj .y tu tna nurt lorlhareilrf Ivinandt'd llirrtiti H llne-ia, the Hon i daru-a Judce, andlier-rat of Iho UiHrl4Ct.uri or tho third Jtidtrul Uiatritt, in and for th-- Ti-iritury tt tiah.lhlt tlli day of Ai-fii', lo tha year r our lArdooMhouundci.-it'i hundred aod moeiy lHarl UKMIY l MOM II I AN.CIerV. iiyUcu. II Lrit'iM n, hfju y Cirri aat LEGAL NOTICE. Jn the rioUto Court if tlw County of Halt Uke, Territory of Ltan. In the initli-r or the Kuie of luli Harrlion, t'frooed Order to how fama hy order of rile of real vatata ihouiu not to ruaJe IMAULbtll LUon. IIIK AHMIM-.TIIA V i la.rottlw fHi M lUlid. Manuiu, rtr re ), hatu-i Hied lilt p(iHHo I rrrtn, duly trilUod, rayitu for an or'lfr of tale if all an real citato of aaid itertl-ni, fir the iurpma tLercm et lortb. H . hcrrbr ordered hr thu Juii n Mil ( url tttat all i-vrii i tle eiate ot aald tie rated at p'jar tbe aald I'm! ate liiiirl.on lurtiittj-.tuo l lUdnj- tf Dtirfinlter, mn,nt u o'riuclc lu the fort hntin of aaid day, at the t oort l(om of -aid I rdte ourt. at tua Coumy Court llouee, in the rvlty and runty of tallUko.l tahlerniory. loabovrraut-e-nhyan orJr r ahould nut be aianted lo llm eat a In. in iniatnrloiell ai much tt lie real rilatti of lie aald rtrreaed aliriiale aale a ehall be otccM-ny and lhai a copy of f bio order be imi'luht d ut h at tone euc rif ea In tho bkriuivr MaMni Mna apewiiaitfritriol cd and itublli.1 rd in aal 1 1 Itr and county. iJBird.Nuriniix-r, Utlt, IsirS. O. W. llAHTtll, I'roUte Judge. LEGAL NOTICE, la tbs I'mhate L'ourt in and tor Pa't I Ale Limitty, lerrltftritt I'tatt In tbematurof llioEiuloot Itutert ttocke't, deceattd. No! Ire of time and i Ur for th Imarlufof petition for atminton to I'robatout win. IlTHMATni AlToHlil I. OK ft 1 txturt mi airt uiaiter. nonce u y -men thai l-nday tu fmi day of Itrntml r, A. tl. lw:,M 10 o cloth A tl., ftl tbt County C.tart llouaolua-till UKe Til), Utaitlerr tury in the tourt room o(ald Court. Iin a) itontlrd tho Units and itntr l r nrarinir f a iHlilionof hliat-cih June Thoruion ray nr Icr the adu ltoii to I rebate of a rrr n n lu-u lurnt therewith bren n ed, tiiiritorlliK io Iw ll,.1 lat i I and leiaim 1 1 oi llof ril I o. kr t . naaed, m hen an I whuri all tcnone iiilcrei'" I idiv anitrar and oiti-o'e mo ) rot ate of M .iltl, or llio craitllnKoi iriur-. tratamcbtary tl ttraitriye1 for In i aid -tllllou In ttitoetiawhrieM have hereunto aet my hand and atUcd ilia ral of aald Court, tbu UthHaynr .Smrmlrr, A. U. Ii.., . v. I.Hill U. KAI.'-KS. 1 Clerk of Ihe rroiBtfl Court. IlyCaiaTUillii'iHM.JK., lemiy Cleik. TSOTICE. Well AotileMinlnir ir.d MllllluO. ITlnclpM lUi e of buklnni t-alt Lakj C.lT. I tali, XTOTIC'K 1 HKIilllV tmrNfTIIATaVT XN a meeetin of tho Hoard f lim-rior In. Id on ihexTtbtlay or CeiiitniUr. A, l. IW, by an I hllli the tonirni or the atot aou dtn, an arit-iment(n I) of l (v)crnli pirrhire una leiird on ie nuilal to k of the roin anr iinyniilfl bi(rorpa bvrtu, licaiurrr, at room So. . heierel National Hank Lull lint-. bait Ijike Cur, I'teh, U fure November lit, 1-uJ. Any atock uon Mliklt bla aaaatoiut nt tnay reuaui uupalJon tho IU day of Notrmtur, Ifji, at- aroreiam will be dciinuot, aud ad untied tor sate, at t ulitio auruon, and unlet payment U made before, wbl Iom1uod I bur diy, the tuth day of No. eiiitrr.l!, at t o'et-xk iw m . to ony deurit-uent aiaeiimeut. tojtetlier wlihttto roil r adfrlUirnr and capenaeot Hit- JOHN U NMIHvHt.Jlrrrfi-.ry. JaU'd!alt UkoCitT.bepieiober .Vtb IrtJ. Tho date of Jetlm-ueuiy In tbe aloienollre of aneiiuivnt la hereby ft tendril i iKcent her I. Isvi, and the dU of aale of dcllnqiitut simk to lueilay, Uitemlvr Toili, lei,at t lie order of lia Hoard ot Hireilora mide October 31t. l'-f. JU11S I- M.I1KKI K, freiretary, NOTICE VToTICK 15 III UCu7f.IKN,THAT IS I mirmarfo of an ordrr "I thp I'roNate l ourtol thu Countr ol 'ell Cake, Terriur of Utah, luaddonlhe Ulti day or aVintmher XWi, In thu mattt-rof thu naUtoof mi u- rimlUvr, drreaivt), tha unilerl(ued, tho adminliirator of tl e imil flitim. will icll at public BUttlou. tothr I. ib hel bltder for cavil, lavtful nmney of tbellmud tlld rf Ameitra.aDd ubrrl io cunbrmaiionbaaiil I'ptliatu Uocrt, ourri day. tho tttli day nr ii-emlier.lrt rt, at l . o'cloca in, at II u in ui door uf the Uoiibty I oiirl Moatf, of Mil r-Rtc Uktj Uounly, Utah'Urrl tory allheriRht,tUl-t,interot aud rettta f tint eai I Ann 0(fnhaw,at the linieof her death, and ail tie ruht, lit o ana mtereat that the aaid rti oli-ii by operation ot the lur or uthcr vr to nrtiu re 1 otber than or In aldlttoi- to that ofthOHttll Ann Ooeiktha nt tho Hment her deatti, la ani tt ail Unit rrrtalt, rel and pcrioual property drarnbol na toilowe, to wit nut. Htm rim. MeitiKlheiriuthfaitnuarirrof the northeait I iho Meat half of ua noriheait iiiarur an J tho touihrait ijuarterit' ofiinu eieirnODtaal tho northrpi tpiarter ot tbe norihcaitiiuarierof aecttriq four ice a (If), all tuluMtiihlit itnt(l) aouih of Ka(nrnOtre(it well of "all Uku mertlian. roulimlnrf fa) a rea of land, an I Lemjf aituaiod In the County or fait J.ule, Urrllry uf Utah . uuaoVAi utrtimrr, Hixty iharea of tha i apital ilock of lit Utah and Alt I at.o Canal rumjny, fatd real and penonal tl .-.fifty will beeoll aei arnto rrrtm and -.-onditiouaot ale I'aih, la-will money of tho United Ntatua of America, ten lirr icnt. ot tbe pariha-i moiiey to Le paid loth alir-lnieirator on tbo aiy of aale, and baUiiffl on roultrmailon bf1eby aall I ru bale Court Octdat ripen in of purchaaer. JO-I I'll DI'hSHMAW. Ad in lul it rat or ot tho uitats ot Ann open haw, iU eBMd Utud (bla Hlh ilk J of N dumber. liW. THE TARIFF iS OFF ! !j Free Trade Knocks Prices 33 1 Per Cent. PMMIIBRO i.kt run piioi'i ; iiai i: tiij: iu:m:vit! iDllKSS 0000S -AXD SILKSi ta placo on Salo THIS WEEK tho QranCcst Valuo in Dies-. Coods and Silks over attorn, ted iu this City. All Now, Stylish and Scasonablo Goods, and at such Prices as will inako you WONDER how wo can do it. - At (lajfc, "'"' HlackSatln l'.hadaiue worth )Clo J" 1-rT At Vr,c, Win. Hlack (Inn drain, olt woith rSI.OO "S- AtH'dc.'.Olu. lllackKatln t.uaor, eacelleut ipullly, worlli l.Vill oJ X'tT At.'Oo, VII lu. Hlack AIIBIIkriurh, line luilre worth HiC viK 'ii-At, --(.-, c, "n In, Hlack lulle Tram-atae worth Hi .1 " " -r At ,c, "0 tiliadea nf is In. China and I'uinoa HIUi. Ureateat HarKalu tvtr ollrrtd. I'd' At (IOc, 2iliadeo( VI In. Jajnum Hllk., lu lovely evenlnjt color, worth r$l. 1 ""wJ tt At !)Oc, 27ln. Crejwde Chine, heavy ipiallly worlli .."1( Ja til At 7 :,e, IS! In. Orepe tie CTiliie worth ,'IT) iim raa" At Til r, 114 In. All Hllk Hurah wurth M,' o io i-vr At ;llu. Hlack Dlaijoiial ..'atlimerc, o'l I worth 1(10 -J 8n" At "l-.r, Hlack lleiirlolla, Sd lu worlh Mie -ini le- At title Black Kreut h Caihuicre, 31 ll worth r(o tu- txir At 75c, Ulucli Hrocaded cltorm Harite, new, guod vtbie, for Hl.'i.. "I txf At Slip, OanirlahalrHulllnr worth .'.r, "im BOYS' CLOTHING. Wo aro showinij a Splendid Assortment ol Boys' Suits and Ovorcoats Wo aim to sell GOOD, STRONG, RELIABLE and WELL-MADE CL0TH1NQ, such as will cjlvo satisfaction, and ll- PRICES BELOW THE LOWEST I - 1 lot Dark Hair I.lno Hull I l()o Hot dark Bpecklrdflitlnet , Ml. (II) 1 tut llruwu 1'lald, heavy l.'.Ti 1 lot Wood llrown l'ln Check 1(1 1 Jut Overcoat In handtomu etrlpe, btnvy welifht, with Cape....').:!') 1 lUtUverroatalu Dark i'lald, with ('aja., hr-avy elvlit I! " .". A few uf tboee heavy Youllir I'latera In alaea 18, HI, 17, at tbe low price of. .'I " ." Hoy' Natural tlrey Mined I uderwear, VI to ,11 allot, for -io a autt One line rf Modloated Mi-arlet Underwear to cloaeat ball price Men' Underwear In Grey Mixed al '(lo. aull Fancy Btrlpcd ot HI .'0 Medium WtlijUt Camelabalr ut.Ml'.'r, a ault Norfolkaud New Ilruinwlck drey Merluo Underwear at !.'!' a ault PROTECTION IB M'.CKBrJAIlV FHOM riU'. C'OI.I), HO TEASDEL WIIil OFK1.K KOIl THU 1'HUrtKNT MONTH BLANKETS from $1.00 upwards. MEN'S SUITS from $1.00 (o $20.00. HEN'S CAPS from 60c. (o $1.50. MEN'S OYERCOATS frm $4.00 to $20.00. MEN'S UNDERWEAR, Bottom Prices, Felt Boots. Rubbers, Shoes, Umbrellas, etc. Ladies' Plush Coats from $12.00 to $20.00. Ladies' Newmarkets from $3.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Underwear from 25c. to $2.00. Ladies' Boas and Muffs, full stock, Of all clatirt. OUIt lKIOIW WIIil. III! AH LOW AH IK FREE .-. TRADE V UL'I.KD. BEING JS A POSITION To supply tho wants ol otery rjardoner, or any ono wh may bo enrji-od iu Qardoning Just now, and nearly everybody is-attontlon is called to our stock oi GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND LAWN 110SE, LAWN MOW ERS AND LAWH SPRINKLERS, All oi tho Host Improved Make and Standard GradoB. Vt tx prepared to olior a small line oi Refrigerators, Ico Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stovos And Stock ol CUTLERY at Prices much nndor the nurkot BIO IXVVCJiMJiXTlt XO JtVTLDEllS AND COXT11ACTOUH. E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY J KMallitfl?aaltaltl.larii.-.,,.aaaitirT-I-':rr'-''-1'J--ila ,,a.''ifrallJI""" "Tj Van Houten's Cocoa;:,. -,::Tr A -j Watson Bros,, ij Contractors & builders. 1 1 3 Vie Zaryeat Stone-Hawing Jlttubllthinent In tho West. 1 DISALVjnU IN B J Mantels, Grates, Art Tiles, Cut Slono and Builders' Supplies, VZIV-taH'Jl NPHjUOO'JMD IKTOOK OW J BRAHITE and MARSLS MOHUMENTS and Statory. ijj tor Wo nro Solo ARonta for 'J-UK CONWAV. tho 1 , ,J Flnost Mantol In tho World. J CORNER WEST AND SOUTH TEMPLE ST., Salt Lake City t : j. IS ?,Ti54,fc5 : QN ItlPAOhrou9t)ltjpornacr).,J Af tf; WaiJ. . -Awry good plan r Mnjtel ,11 '.' fi P Ji Tr .. . just if? a minute Jfl J-oHlll T . ft if1 .Wltr; CHARTER OAK in ifi If i'.l'WA 'i M6A4 III bake and III brfw, ' V!H'fri !o M ill boil and III jf?W i;:-V ll ' Kt mm AndlrjpdAinlic5weirf?asto9!iiW:.j t f;' FSiW . . shall npv?rbPfw tV,.'. . 'fx& . 'ti,. ml ftr.bPfopdtMwasruncd if.-i'f.'M Ap-Tn?ra? can bo no ocue. dh... 'W ffl ' (ig williljatwiRcOAWfDooiiIigtjiW ,V " rem fiAMs Br i Z. C. M. I., - Solo Agonts In Salt Lako City. M ; ll oporiijineivs x i.B;iaquaL'iera 1 ,., bkowningabros.. il 155 S. Hiln Si-, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2161 WashlDjton Av8.,0tD, Utati. j XL hoinuna,Rlllti, tJtePj,1'''!!''" " P alllni. olFlihlna 'tW Piilola, Amniunl .,' Snorting ani ii 3 Wx lion and a gencr- Ea Atrilallo Good. (if'1 ivr THOMSON WATERPROOF DOOTS AND SHOES. To. j "' Auent. for Mtru IViwdtr, i'aiat an,l J- ne, Du Tout Huortln anit lllaallos l'ow t deran.l .National Tjpuwrlterr. j-3-'iimik aji'rruvo. j ff mks'ii ion uvn iiiu.itiuth cttAiouvr. mk 10 ail ' j B I KFor BINDERS tf PRINTERS 1 rpilK KAOI.r: L'IjA3TI(1 TAHI.MINd COMI'OIITIO.f, THE KISK8T Wt artlcia lu Ilia world for makluK 111. elronge.t, moat ,11110, durabl. i and haudioino Mndlne tor Hilt llrad, Mattlutut, Uallroad IllauUe, U rtc, At Icuet ouflialt rlicaprr tbau trie old uiatbod ot lOTcrlna; th, j j dz" with colored a,cr, Ua no ofttmlva or uotiealtliy odor, and I AM uoa p.itod .till do more than ttvo pound, ot any ot ttio liquid prop , ,i anttlona, at inncrt laaa coat I'ut up lu ttvopound boxaa aud aotd I FH at Jlanufactiirare' prlc.a, i.3 Ctnle ptr pound al Ida il o(DE3ERET . MEAS OFFICE. il I ToiTJ.CYii I kill PRACTICALJAILORS JI xov. WOOLEN XJIIAPRRS. Wo"'" uSwH : DU t SI, I .Economy. 235 S. MAIN STREET, jj, "o 111 - Opyotltii ltir lloutt, - Salt LaVo III;, , vfll I I'lTuoiusa lia.ractriri.Li Uoliciiid. I j jP JIH