Newspaper Page Text
1!iJ5MED,D(- 1 R iJ W ij 13 ij I ill lW-1 8 1 k m w 1 f - SnSwomh -;-rc,Ss JM VM : 1BEBN MMJM H0MESi -, J JO W Oi i-i I- JO ? JllI III J! 1 M JJ f V k J 9 L!" "17 w .' ,UiaSj '( H TKU'ill AND MbllUY, - - jK ! - 'I JIOM-M. XM,.Mmijil iMIgUT I MM' U'l'V.' TI Ml 'I I ...tlTOI. V. VOL. XgVI. fl j PRIBLECRIE ccmtthmg Exceptional in the Criminal Annals. 0 K ' A MMT,P- i, nils His Falter and Mother-tn- l,i asd WcueiIs Ills VlJe- ,,, ! rln""' """l '""" " IMA" '"" I race" J. ri.icioo, v- -' c,Im "", ..Sn"11""0'""::'; ,L. eilm. nor un. .ccomiW y w-Hoiml detail.. Ihn Ihrt Si Tbl -oinlDS brought U-U. tVi. the botnu ol Human Brlgler, n '? 'H,f i with hi. lfonJ !' Xn" br..lUuc8..fl.l. wife'. ' .... ll.n.y "l CuIIdo Mlaa, 723 Cft. HrK,.hrtl.l. !!, hrf llthlM tliu dlCU Wet Bl lo Kilcui", totelhcr wllli fllleeu tot -fj5 "ni I'tutn.J fjlil; vn ml J,D ll "nt P""'1 Ibu (.uu lit a tart In Hi" fcller.r but ";"J ' .font ImrnedlMoly and went Into Ibo iMtof wUh Ibe The weapon k ".in brought Mi. HI". " " ' Ml" lb. room BclnJ'f ' V,..':i to ralte the Run H 10 iliwl " bh.Yuibtd up to hlni, threw her .arm ttcut W cl. a tiled lo take the alio me," bouttd Btlgler, at ho tuitiri tbo iltJ womu vlolnitly ulJ Then lnlloit th KUti .galnM UiWltrul,lnirt, ni.J .''nil Utb.Uoonlrnu. Mil. Hclgrr, he.t. Ice lbs (bot, tan outcallluii (or kmUI mco nuJ taklDtc br chllJt.n wl Ui ... .. .t.. tikk..ttl Ihreuuli tin. hlH LtstluB lbDi lu lb cr of l(or irliiidi bo tttutueJ to lb Louw, onil M ibo rnttteJ hr hutlu4 BtrU ikMb. Bonio of Ibe bulItU itrur her. One nttml btrrlhlctr, auothar Iirr la t im, ioiI nuolbtr litr rlht biMit. cntof th woudJi mo mUl. ihr ttnnotlon rouitil 41 r, HIIm, nJ ni U ounnilrit tbo ttnlia H llr mot Mo, ml, MUlnil luo nun, which ho nloi.'tJ, flint. Win Mind hlnitrui to trolict hU tin mill rccelTctt tha follcbiiio. ThoUnhwta lorn from tllUni ud numbrrofihoU vuUinl Hi iljbt ilJr. It la bolloroil that Mgloi Oltcbaigta tho other UrrrI'fcc, m or. tioo el tbi Ltck and right ilu-ik wtre tern itrojr. Tbiibootlnir occurred whllo e. Iirno consrtjillou u Icavlnit o ilii) cloiobjr, end toon n Itigo ciowit iur uucleUtbo bou.eoud ucill waaicut lit the colics UlflceM footl artlrrd mid intcird Ibo front door of tbo h.uiv, d01d ibo bod) of Mr. Hllai. Hauler siutmdlinjln tho dluliiKiooui, and iitouw tliedllcfri, ralitd till 5"u, bulilld not l for they hurriedly ticked ouMjelglcrfolloYed cloiclj and uttulo rrecbod tho door thiete It tieawlile. rolo who collrctcd (ell ittk nj Ullloir Hlmcnion drew hie KTolttr ho ordered tielglor to iur riuJtr. The reply nai a iliot from til UD, which fortunatily went hlitli, nJurlDK no ono. bltnontoii relumid the Hie, iuJ rieliiler ilnnnuroil hack with a Ulltllu hie right eldt. Other oIIUim Lit irrlTed by thlt tluio and au ad ncco mui iiindeon the houn. rhey tried to force onen the dvorwutcti cWI(lir locked wheubo itanvrtd baik, U they were irrteted Willi n dlecbarge froBi hli guu. Olllcer Uonohue reielvud UlUbt wound lu hie face. All ww Ibtn ijuitt for u few momenta ta tieUlcr opened th door tlciiue out ailll boldlnir hli gun, ltd Hatted up faulmi alreet aM Ji'e.tly In n ud condition. The ofllnri Inimnllately leued hint and tuybaddltllcully lu placing lilm In a patrol wairon, ni tb crowd wai Uoroughly lulurialed, and uue man Kidi a vlcloua atunit toalrlkn tho llboner, riireuta of vloleniu wero beard on evury baud, and a uuiuher ol 'iiKera wire drawn by tillieni. bueactloinlndlcuttd that Ihry wrru anloui to J uulltl Ibu murderer Willi ulnaitlugforlhoCJUiaeDt law, lie HiOly helgler wua (truck, but at luit jeaaiileced lu the wagon mid tho liiritawblpicdlutoaeiiliui. Hit vnt jrluu Into the it Chicago Avenue Huilon and u nl ouc lalien Into UUlu ltl le) 'a private olllcv. There I a male aetatemeiit which wa brier, iDcuhireutaud Indicative of luianlly. He laid i "Thla morning I wmt to my JrUbn'ohoUMitn get Ibe nun in I WJtj in our Lord togogit it. Die urdiilllome, iriHlay latliu day uf HimeiitHiiJyoiilmvoKottoliethtli ' traugbt tho tun home imJ my "" ber In law, who le u witch, mid o ttl, 'ou'vunot to die," mm 1 aaid, I'll not go uhete you want to mil "'' I ahotherund theold mall came Ugvuiuirt, and u I waa coulured 1 'red at tliu old man, unl then wont oulonthu front alet and the ifttrol Oo camo up. Then I wa confuted J togtther. 1 have bien blclt and hnve bsl trouble." Htlfiler'e voui.d did not teem to pain Mm, but It blid irolimlj, mid H wai bought but tniuid hlui lo tbo comity nul, where thodoctora prououuetd li a wcuud not f&UI, Tho trageJy look I'l'cc while aervicea Mere being hi-Id In a adjoliilii i church, mi I the iholt mtteii audi uxtllrment thnl It ateiued r,a moniuiit u if theru Aonll li I'ltbtful aulo aniniiK the cougren ''.'J iThli evening Heigler oem lalkwl the abootlug, eayli Ki "Why did 1 klUtbuuf WUJT llecauial was told Idilfll. A nitoage came from aUive anil cculdlut reliiMi to ..ley It. 1 caitmtrom tjernmiy anl there etlrlU ureiltulell lue what li.iiu. I null UIJ what the rprlie ti Id, unl when 1K. out of lint! theie'Kuiiii t, l-u cniitlur big fight." till II tll IM imii, tl.eilillil nl .i.,ilu (helling tilth I .illr.1 HI,,!.-.. San I'h vm.ii.cxj, o. I.M. ttiu ha amiKMumuiroMr will lulniiu a uue pJK mllclnull the UbjHtullli. mi. iitxulloiiuf the llanmitii InlamJelu Ihe Ul.lUJ tilnlir. ll eaulune ll le Uliduitood that ibo !! Ui eriluehl at aii.iiigtou f, r a nil lliu. 1.., u-m lolnlli ling th" titmiitiu uf aiikexa. lion Oiiil iMbal Inuhlu cornipoiniti te ou th tUuttluu In. tuaanl with ti,r llawnl hit niluliler, Auiiiili Hiui IiiUuIu lutliuiiiiiK ti.louk liilutlin until r whllo ho it atllono lul. The iMiUM' lurietiuvJenl liblllil thu lUoll.ltl lulllaiiiei.l, mid of lolly-two rei'ardej nuiuialtou aa puulblo nnd ciilrablr, ard tlilrty-twu uppoud It, uiu imllti-1 liuavurof tlm HnwalUu klug. loiii. It aa atnltd that tlieiiierii fao(id Kugllali auiiexatluiilii ie ur enie to AmirkaL, Lut thla la not au. tlou.K treei.r llillj. Cli or Mn tcu, Nov. i) Tho new coutetaluu lor bonded warthoum el Uuaj ma, which (oc;illy werngranUd, hate Uva ratified. II 111 rovlllvlu on nil I alter Al III lit, 16Vi, lliirclial. Ulielilubealiiilltcd Irom Ihe Unl ed Hlatta at Nnhnlta duty freo for imoa portallou uvtr tbo b.nora Mllrvad to tlunjmai.wlii-IC It uiaj illhtrloatoteJ In landed walehouKa or forwarded by thlptuany l'clrlo iuri. liiportLiitlia U.lng clleiled at the final rtul in. try. I no concinlou la of itnat value lo tb Honora railway, enabling It ti. atrvo n wl lentil trade nnd rjturea coualderableehare uf tl.p txleuilvo lm lort trade uf Ibo Mexican t'atlllo ojaal which hitherto bai aupplluJ Itielf with American t,o;da by eUauur illrttt from the Uniii-d blater. Conalderablv tlmulua will alao he given national ihllnK Inlcuala engaged lu cent Hlietradt. A Yililow Jtnrderlit. llllADIUhl', l'a , Iov. 2d Mil. I.ucille(lionialernf I armera Valley, thla count), waa brutally murdcreu lat night. Hlio went lo milk the cowa and alayliiglongtr than uiuil an In vctllgulori wu madi, and licr bad wai iuii ud twinging from u crou beam at a roru'a end. l'hyalclaia wire ralle-1 and they found Iur noie cruibed by a blow from a club, bealdea other biulita on her bead and lace. On her netk thu irliitaof a nugerurdur which tbo tleih wae dliculorud ihow ed that rlie bad tucn ubectod to a frightful ordeal belule death camo tii her relief. Hie murdered woman wai fifty-two jeara old and n widow. Hbo wua known to bo vttulthv. Jlinilie.l the Tenet.. MouiLr, Ala , Nov. 'JO The awtb. bull ti J train on tho Mobile lllruilug. ham railway lumped the track Thla mornlug near Jaikion aud wout down a bauk Into a dllrb. Thoamokerand pairencer car took fire. 'Ihe) wereex llugulabed with dlllkuty. Of tho thirty raMengera 111 the car all eaciprd with alight liiiurltt except lMwarJ Adamr, a traveling aalcimau, who received aerloua Internal Injurlet. IIIILAI1I.II WAH. The I'xllr Inleilrre Willi lllglibln. tire Nurlellia. Han Kiianckco, Nov, 1M Two Chliiea highbinder aoclttlea In thla city have declared war, aud the police tonar checked what might have been n bloody battle, l'lle On Veko aud riiDi Up iocletlta .(uarrelel oer the dlvlilon of blackmail ubtalued from rtaldenta of numeroua liouica of III lamoln Chinatown, ntid during the paat two llua two dilutee wnru killed by lilghbliidera. Thu On Veko tent -formal challenge to the HamUtlo m.-t at Jackaonatreut and tlirhttoa tlnlib. Tho fight waa to occur at noon today, tut the police heard of the challenge and arretted tlx meniben of the On lekit'a who had already tr rived at the aceno of the hattie and were waiting for their rlvala The) were all heavily armed with bin revol vera and knlvea, and twoof them wore coula of mall under their t louna nude of aleol rlnga. Olbera wore protectlvo coata of thick pater. Thu walla In Chinatown were cohered with placard" put up by the rival aoclttlia defying each other, and further trouble la au tlclpatvd. Il.10llltl0lll.rr JIOTCIllfllt. VALIAUAI8U, Nov. 20 A u elabo rate plot waa discovered latelaat night to I urn down many I romlRenl houira In Hautlagv, aack Monclda, telle Cap lain Uoiilu and a number of other naval oflloi-rt, aud If olblo Inaugu rate a revolutionary movement. I ho plot originated apareully In aoveu rtglmtula of Ihe Hue, many of Ihe ofll cera of which are known lobe lue) in patii) with llalmaonda'a follower At aoon aa the lot was dlaooverod, tbe rlugleadera weie pit under arrtat. Carvallo Ovra, coiiiiinudlng the filth dlvlnlon undir lUiliucidn, who haa btcn III Jail for the i att three montlm, waa hurriedly taken from all. ut aboard n train aud brought to Valfa ralio, where be waa laieil for tale keeping iihoirl the corvette Abato, A uuiiiberofotheririiuluenl llalmacod lata will he plated uuiier arntt at unru. The grenmllera and Ural oriiuery which am atalloued at rtantlaifO are iicrlctlly lo)ol, aud while thu tlwaov ery ol the plot wai lie t at ijulet a politlblii ty theL,nvuruiiieiit theru la n i rthaun to feir nfj further trouble. Chile baa had tniuiu revoluthn ml la not likely tu loin In any Inaurreo tlouur) movement. I nmlifr lliirueit. AnlCAMl Cliv, Ark , Nov. 20. Tho lart, plant of tho Daihuliner A. I'lantln tiiiniauy burnod thli after, noon. AH Ibe lumber lu tho tut roundlnirjarde waa dettroyed. The plant was worth fUM.OUl) Tlve million feet of hardwood lumlotwete burned, worth halfn million dollara. Urn Ijl Clilen.n. Ciiioauo, Nov. 20 Thirty thedi ooutaliilnK SOUiJO bnrrele of talt t.o. longing to the Mirhlgau Hall pjmiiany wero alraoat totally diatioyed by llro InChloag. today, Tho lota It esti mated at t-Mfiw. BERLIN BITS. Party Groups in the Domain of Kaiser William. IIIVISIONS AMI Mill IllVISHIN". The Emperor's Spsicj Will Rigalaie Ids Policy ot Groups iticint t iirniNi. iitiimti iiu n.i.t iii- t.iinc .r s.n.n.r . Ita.liitlniiri.l ulllllli llntf !, Nov. 10. Tho Ite'clnUi will oeu Mouday wlth tin pally group In aiich a etitu of varlauce that It will bn lullle to nUenipt to predict bow they will arriugutbeiutrlver. Tbet'eutrltta are, lu thu uieeutlme, tplll Into two etclljui, nut. of which l uucoiui lutnltlngly opMied lo the mil mty bill, while thuctheruitnlyiup porta the Bovernmtut. If It can ob lau cuucenloiia widening Calliobo prlVllegea, out of IhelDljCtfUtliala tbe guerumeut la ailll liofuluf Kitting iliu iu porl ol nni'Joili) bf lliam. Tliu CoUKrvatlvta are divided over Ihe army bill, and ll will require tklbul imuittctlel tiau lllnc; t) luduct them tu tupiott them with the whole itrengtit of thu LToilp. the rollth group ronllnuta lo btallate lu It nl Irglaucatothuguvcrntnent. Oul) the Itelchilag ari will gu a)lld. 'llic aiiterofaeitechojeUlugthellclcbalaK nud the tultttjijeut atultmoiit nl Ihe chautellar on alia now loam to cover military uxcudltuni, will be tho earlltailacloraluriguiatlng thu polity t f lliu greui. A pciiaaliou haa beencauielb) tho abiui tdr allure cf the luu ot dix. uny Irom l'ol.dam, wnne he m vlutluz l.mperor William. Too aud dcu oudlug ot tho vult caued tu bu circulated n rort that tho Lniporor and ICIng ba 1 tpiarrelcd over Hie uiiu) meaiutc. Hamu Hidden rulure uu douh'ully occurred betwtcn tbo Der. ilgnt,buiialheKovernmiutol Haxouy ioiub lima ago atienlrd tu tnllllary leorgnnUallvli. tbu rupluiu could nut have haj tned over tho army bill Mi mlieri ot tho dl loimulc c Icle tftedlt the ttiiort that n dllleteute aruae over Ihe l.rulroi' proalng lo roiecut 1'rlnco lllimank, whota lalrat levtla tu how ho iecipllatel war with Fnnn by la'ulylug Um fainoua, hma olapatch, are fell lu ortltltu.uar. tert tojuitlly auy mtuurothal nfjliv nJ.lleil nilleuco hlui, The klnKOf Haxouy, II I' aald, not unl oppoaed 1'rlnco lliimtrck'a proiecullon, but urged Ihe l.mptror to maku thu Ural ndvantvtonard a reconciliation with lllimarck. The Incident will not abato thu determination of tbe King ol Haxouy tu prevent tho l-uiltror from iruecullng btin. AN UNUeUAL OASU A lathtr tonaalloual and uniiiuil cat bat jiut been tettUil b) the coiirte lu l.lniinatt, llavarla. A l'rolotlant woman named llerx began action for lander agalual ft Catliollo prleit, bather Aurellau, whom the accuied of tieltlng that iuebad,by tbuugenoy of wllcbcralt, Imbued ber Ixiy Willi the devil. In defeme Saltier Aurellau calle I teveral Catliollo clergymen. He UatlfUd that h exorcltei the devil from tbu bo) and tupported tbe evl dente by tiuolalloiia from the wrllluge utrathera. The bay hlin.rlf depoied .... !..-L.ihiA (iiitlit.iff nf tlm nll.fffrd exorclim, Thowomau wai aaardod irntll Uamtgea. iiaii iiitAim AuurL. A ( Amln.l ll.e I'nloi. 1-nrlllr. Ciiicaoo, Nov. IV. Ofllclata of the Atcblaou, llurllcglon, Hock, Itlaud, Colorado Mldlan I, lllo (Irindn Will, eru and Denver JL lllo Uiando roadt, after n couferonce of nearly it week, have at laat decided on a method of dealing with tbu Uulou lVclflo ou account of Ita lallurotodlvldubiiilneit with them at Dener aud Ogdcu In itead of at tho Mltaoutl river. An ugreement waa reached till afternoon which reeulted lu thu l.auanco of the following Joint cllcular, tlgned by the general I ai-aenger ageuta of averyone of the above-named roadi: To Connecting I.lner. Tbo Union 1'aclHo Hallway aytlem lilt by lla current nnd txlitlUK regula tloua iroblblttd tho lue ol auy one nay and round trip tlcktta reading In part uver Ibe uuderalgued lluia, or hua made Ihe tale of audi llckela practic ally luioaltle, tliui cloilng to our llnta mid our varloua conuectlona lm lrtaut gatewiiya tbat wore lormerly pen to ua, and ini lying by lla acta li dulru lo decrenau tho Intercliangu of butlnraa Willi tbucompany. In vluw of them lactt, you are rrcllully rtiiuebled to rem v from aale all round Inn llcketa, or order fur thu tame, reading over tl.u uudertlgned llntauu) irtlon of which reada uvrr tliu Union lMoillo rallwa), aa lucli tlcktlewlil uut h to eted by the uiidertluuetl roida If told iMix Novembt r Rdtn, IbUi While thla l not a Ihj)ojU,U la u lorm uf lelallatluii that la en lulaied tu in. be Ibu Union racltlo wince. A coiwluer. able iorlluuof the California butlneM la dune with round trip tlckela nud nut one In n bundled of theae tlcktta la made lu read over Ibe time lino doing nud ooinlu. I'aerengoit have tliu prl lleRo of (.olng one routu and re turning by rtnotber, tuuiittuutly the Union raclllu ho tbarei very largely lu Ibu protlla uf thl butlniti. 1 be now agreement will deprive Hot any lot lion of audi tralllc, which will now lm given to the Hauihern l'aclllo, the Kb) tlraude Weateru, mid thu Denver & lllo llrando and Colorado Midland. I wo or thieo yean agu,when the boom mlu at lit height III tbe Notthweit and thcuaanda of people were llucllug to Oregon, Wiiahliiglou and l'uget 1H unl ioluta, the Union l'acllld eu leiod lulu ft butlueea flgbt wllb Ibe Sorlheru I'iciflti uver Iji'l um. It ,llclte.l Ibu aid of I if lL.tlfiiiilr, I Ci.lutado Midland uml DnHir .V Illu I Orai di, uivlJliulbvMtrt wll . I' em li nil trtlllo IMdeti. I.itt Jai.uat), without irrvluu. nolict, ll iMied o tlrrilar tu Ihe til ret thai ll would l.etjitf er I; in Ua full local rata mi tialTIc dellvrnl I.) ItatOgdeu 1-r I'jclnu cui-i p luta. nuc-etiiieiill) It do Hut I ti ar.-.t throinjii titkela by y ' " "".". u, "' lalerltanimuiiie-l thai It . ui I dlvk.ii ceriain weat tun I butlntM Willi lu coiintclUu. at DnV. r, I ui "in n I et uuundlitieliica It welt Id Intlit nn i haul lo tlm MUiirl U1M At ihle .liitlhotrtm-Mb'Uri lint, leaching Cubralo lailnu uictme ehiiued mrt trier) lo jrevall tllllllil III ill r. till, tnuoiny Itaurler. In tn.i tht) falle.l, ai d the actl "i tnoj to R today, tm claim, we illerilly ItiiiI tn.ti llienl Hie Union I'atlfll rill anl lu livid O egiinuiiU Waalilug oiilu-lmti Willi thetn nt count niuw p-iln's wcil ui Um v. ..jurl river, uu 1 now i ey will reliiw ti tluru tbo r Call on la b jilnea. llli thu Union I'aeldu t taraa the) araittlelooiulrub lll)' Inebn'MnalMnln. IHlUf.Hii.a, Nev. 10 D.l.gilet to Ihulultrnalioual monelat) e ufrleuce whole nn lit Ibo Latin union held n meeting lo lay I niiicuii euv iiupujiM Olllalyc.) cetnltu IliuclltuUlliu el rur i-ulnt llvretn nation it lung, lug to the union ultli a view to ri.uipii)lti;thv InroiiTiiilabtu felt by riatoiiut Italy V lack if mull com Thu deliberation ou thlt tubji-ct hat no htailog uu thu f oneial o uferencc. PrnlrleHen NlWIUItl, Neb., NilV.2u Oil" ot Iho worai pairlu Una lUik cunt) eerwllu.aedalarlJ toda) while the wlulvtai blowing u liurncanr. Ihe fire tlarled uu mile eon uf llaitett, I ret ling three or four iiiIIm In cither uirccllm and twee lug everything riio damage nt tbltwillliu la Imioailble to eallmile. The laimera, aided by 200 peop'e, by harj llgi ling, raved ihuueaiida of ilollnia wollb ol iropcrty. Heveral famlllei were coin Idled toteek fields Ijkee, Weill and cavra to aavo their Uvea. 1'ourorflv farnihouaca nlili biina and granarlte were Lurne I, Aa near aa ciu bu Itnrned tin Uvea were loat. The llro la allllburnlur: Inn atulhwctt dltettlou. IV IIIIMIII til tllllOl It. I ernillall nu1 llnmlitM l.r Ilia Man lintlxti till'. Nl w VtiMC, Nov. II). Dlitlngulihtd Intuit Horn all paitt uf Ihe nation weru e,attieied nround tho fculvo board at tbe Manhattan club tonlgbt. It waa a rccllouaud bamjuet given Jhy Ihe t lob In honor of 1'rral Jenl elect (lover Cleveland, nud vine a tpleiidld tucceu. Over 12U lirinocrata reapondrd lo lav. latloar, amoni; them (.uva-raori, ex guveruorr, United rttalca Heiialnra, cougrrjauiun and pollllolaiii of gtual and tmall deglcea. It wu after 11 u'clock when ino dinner waa conclud ed. Mr. l'lcdtrlrk It Co&dtrl Intro duced Ml. Clavtland In a hlghl) tou pllmcntaryaieccb. It waa more than a mlnuln alter Cleveland lia J iIkii that he got an opiwrlunlly to be beard, tu grrtt Waa tue applauat. Mr. Cleveland aatured hli fellow membonof Ibe club nnd tbclr itueita that It waa good lor hlui to bo Hit re. llutelelled to Ibe rtceitlon tendered him Ion ) eara ago whan he waa aleolid goveruol ot Ibo elate. "rilnce then," bu continued, "pollll cal eventa have urtally change), l'uople bavo become mom political, molu thoughtful and mora walchlul than Ihey weru ten ) eara ago. The) are comldcrlug vojlly greater o,uti. tlonatbau thuy were then. rbe are giving Importance tu puny jwllcy rather than toiait foll." H caking lu ft loft tone, Mr. Cleve land conlluueddtllUra'tlyi "I would not litMi It otherwlt;l am willing that the Democratic I arty ahoulU only tut ceed I y meeting Hie tltuallun fairly aud tqunrcly, by being abjwluli ly mid patriotically tiuo to lu principle and profciMoni. lhla It tbu atiured kuaraulcu of aucceai. 1 know of no At the oonclutlou of Mr. Cleveland' remaika eupper waa terved. Mr. Cleve land ant ou the rlLht ol Mr. Coudert. On thu left tat 1.. O. Ilenedlcl. At Iho table atllolulug over which lieu. amlu Wooda prttlded were Waller Ulldon, Judc.o liuo, Ucorge Martlu, Kx.Minlttcrto l.ugland I'liolpi, Coin, mlltoeinau llaojamlii T. Cable, (Jot. ernor lturtell ot MAuaobueette, and otbert. l'lealdenl-Kltct Cleveland baa dla cuiied Inloimally tbo cabinet altuatlou with auveral Demucralt during tho paat few da) a. It may be elated uu excellent authority that Cleveland baa I radically atLed Mr. Harrlty tuao cet ft cabinet porlMlo. He baa alio lent nn ear to complimentary exprea aloni on behalf of CongroMtiian Cable anl hit claim. MltKAriOIAl. MllllMlt. lleteiialua rlnwi iulllt.l Nine. Dam ah, T.x , Nov. IV No murder waa ever commuted 111 Ttxaa which I reduced ft more r rolouuu aenaiitloii than that of W. 11. Vo.lo li) Dr. II. II. Jouea, during the Cullfedoratu reuulon hern Hi Oololr. Cntalu Veale waa thotdowuby Dr. Jouea while anting at tho table turrouuded by hit army atioclatet and w Itbout a word ot warn ing. Dr. Jouea todoy wae brought be. torn Judgu Tucker upon u writ of habcut oorpua atklng for ball. Hear ing waa not concluded at ft late hour tonlubt. The cauao ot ahnotlng wu Vea t'a outrage upon Mra. Jouea nlnu leen yean agu. Htio told hor butbaud uf Hie nil .It year ago nud huoil louedtho tbooliiig uulllIaiiOolober. rt toiTitin. itirTOT. An LUI.urnle TI"" ..r letnbliie lorm. Ml u ills, Tenn, Nov. 10, An elaborate Ian olrotnbluu waa forniu latid by thu I uruitra' AlllnncomiJ luduttrlal Union befoie tit udjouru in. ut b) which tt baatougbt tuoou. trol thu cotton builnea of thu Houtb. I lm i-cbemu lacked lliu tu Kirt ot lliu Noilheru member, mid BJiut of them claim that It tttd not leeclvu auction ul Iho order. Huwerr, thla nvenlng delegalee from moat of IheHouthtru Htateaboldu inettlug at thu tjayctt Hotel aud elected H. J. Hledge of iluxnairttldent, Uenenil A.M. Weil ut Mlulaali 1 1 vice retldi ul and J, It. Maxwell olAlabtmo lluauclal agunl. It I ropotei to make Ha headiuatlera In Mernphl, whlebwlllbe lu charge ol Utuenl Writ. THEEVlfCOMET It is Hot (Identical with that of Biela. wiu, xot nn: m.vk VAm ccordlDg (o Rectal Citcolillons ty Professor Boss. !' jitiviirrH. IMerma I . l.e I Aall..nei..tra Jill.' Have llreu nl..lll AI tut , N. , Nov. 2d -Calcu'a tlcua nudont Dudlty il.wrvalury by Trofrreur I.eirlai Itoio InJIeal" clearly that the nMnit'a comet I nut Identical Willi llifecjmet of lllela nul It will not come iitnr tbo oattb. A week ago the coinnt ba I ulmoit tuaclly tliu wl tlonttblcli Dlela'a etimet would bau bad 1 ad .1 Ittu tern ooniing ou tbe nicuioued truck. Huhiit'ac uielalaj aprariil In be uiovltu ai-roso the lace ul thutk) III urarl) the time dlrrcllu Hint Hlela'e c imel w. uld havu nuvrd, ho.llliettirueil lo vnrr ullhltllme. Hit nltn tbulapieof llniullilougli tx. iiL-tuticitatloiiauflla uiolloualluliui'a vometapreirati bu Itirmialalent lib Ibu Idea Hint It laldonllc.l with Ulela'a. lliddlUireiiculii mutlou la not grtat lut It I enuiijh. l'roleieor llaia aiatut ouucouunlul tho very alow upient motion 6r the uumet Itla Imui.aible lo ublalu cry exact matbemitlcal reiulta Iroul thu obtettutloua thua lar Hindu Wicka ruual ohie brforo thoruukbly rcllub a luiulu t tu bo obmlned. Via', lloaa Cimputed Ibo orbit of llie Holmte cornel lltat outhuupotlllon that tt moved lu a tnrabobo path, aud M-eundly Ihil Ita nrbll waa ill( Ileal. On the Ilrtl auppetltlon lliu dhlanco uf the comet comet out greater than ono hundtud million nl mil.. On Ibu rocoud thu dlttaurunpiKaratobii ubout out bun. died nud mty mlllluut of rullci. W bile theio llguiua nro llablu lo bu try creotly inodlflod hereatttr, there appcaii tu bu uver) rotuLlliiy thai Una comet la Very far be) oud t .noibit ol tbotiumet tt Hi la. It alao u eara almott certain that Hied alanceof Ihe Holmea comet fnai the uailli la lucrcailug rather tbuii tllmlnliblug. Why It w at not till- . ..L...M.I ui,b. nf mnflltii IilD liU iriW. tery, for It tlipull bavelmua brighter lu October than now. I bu ivteeitauicd lacta lu regaiU to Hit. tonicl will fame n c3llAtu ut public Intetuit lu the matter. Uut to attrouomera It will continue lu l.e of great tlucv It pteauula prcb'euu of much luterea. both from u mathematical nud a h) il eal point uf view. iumi'i itLi-itiir. Ih.lWrlt or ll.e of Atrl eulliire ll.llri.t.l. WAllloTu, Nuv. 2d Ibuannual rip in ol the tecrelary ol Uiirleulture Itojllll Willi a couiparlwu ul lliu export traluuf Uib I nit tlicil year vtlttithv lonuir year, and cuihixca the fact Uut of inorn than ouu billion dollar, rrpnfeiilliig Itie exporla of dorucitlu I mIuoj durlug tbe put )tar, uoarl) eight per Coul cout atd el agricultural I induct, lliu uol only iiiuklng thu United tnt the credliorof tbu world lor a turn exceeding iwu huudred mlllloii dollar inexoerivl oureiorla oer Import, lut relluvlng the homo niarketa of ft aur lut product which would otberwliu rvjuuu the prlcut lo a polot below col oi ruuuetioo In regard lo luipurla tbu ttcrttnry find vueutirageiutut for farmer, lu Iho fact Itatt while In thu rltoil )tar endeil In lBbtl flit -four or tout uf the lm. jairta conmlel wllb American ro eluclr,lor the pat flcnl ) ear ouly forty four t er cent uld u compete. He never their regarded thu liupona compet ing Willi tno rodocUul uuruwu aoll far too g leal. Korty tulllloii (wunda of jwrk havo found n market ai road owing to tbe In. mcrlton lo which tbu Anitrlcau product haa btenauljcctcd. Tbo eXiort ot live catllu In 1SS0 amounlud to 2U),UtU head, whereai Hi IbOJ wo eiorlea )W I nun. Oneof Ihe fatuteaof uur agricultural luduatry lm beu thu reduction In tbu cotton area. Theitcrelary ta)t. " Willi n view t diet king the Import of fonlgu coltonvwpeclally 1 gyi tlau, I havu taken meat iree to undertake wllb tbu co-operation of aome excrl ineuttlatlonilii cotton ttntta uxtrl meuta with u Mew to 1 roduelng cotton of bomukroulb wblcU thall eertu tea an elllclrut eubtlltulu for the i:y Han. I tiuit In thla v. o ri t o tucctaiiul lw. fore tbo import of ttiu cotton tradu III ereaita to tdcli an ixteut e will ml uutly aflVttnurowniultun grower." W Ith rtfrreucu to uur eertulr, ha at. trlbul.t the exctailte nntlcl utlona formed regarding tbo price for wheat IhrcUfchout tho crop year Df ISO.' to it failure lo nppreclato tbo ohaiu,ed con dlllotiaiiow turroundliig the iroaluo. lion and marketing of tl o world' wheat crop, liencu trie Ainericau fanner nilut leduco the wheat acreaio uu I will an bring tho roduollon down to it normal demand Of barley, he tayithedoniettla market which here tufore nbaorbed leu million Luanda ol foreign I arluy la now ruerveJ lor thu donuttlo product and our I roductlon lucreteed and baa been ill noted ol at good l rice. After further reviewing tbe work of hit detriment ho brlelly leleratnthn rain making experiment not in. tlrclyruociinliil, nnd ho concliuUa by dei 'urlng that the work of Iho dtpari muut haa hllbrrlu been but it founda tion work. He will I intuitu atlalled If In the future, bluharn of thu credit, In thu hlitory of tho department will to that ho wat liiatrumental lu laying a broad and lotting foundation. Tl... Maltnll.ui Army Nuw Voitu, Nov. 10. lhoBiilva. tlou Army la inobtlltlng here leady lu take part ill tbu Clratid Congreaa of the United Btalei', which will bein Uon . m ij i .lijjiwij l. au-j; day t . leal llueu dJ. All Iho S,la Hell Aim) nulalliaarti here, Including uuiiimiidor llallliMlon Hfolh uni wlfo and Mia llm.lh I'llllairn, coin nnnder of tht attuy In I'ranc. Jlrllliilrj'. inilor lit. Ci it li and O , Nov 19 (lovornor McKmley waa calle I lu Cailtlh Inlt nlahtoiiueooiintot theatrioiu llliit'.a of hit lather, n b(wajtlghty.nve)iar of ago tail v. tik, II. .i,li.rl.i l.itrallinlluit Ciiiiauo, Nov. Ill The luveitlga tlou ol ibu I'luRurlon ayattui ,b r-oiintcr Prtr.ranl tlalltshorbud W. 1. ltauii, n coal inlnur, a Ibu flr.t wilheta loday, list d declared that bo waa tiiaitcd ti IdmkI arlttratloii a lea ling lArcmmuiilnii and mialchlm. Coiiclllallou nud voluntary arbitration Wlll.lilaJtmrUle. Iluvweli Miller, pretldunt of tho Chicago. Mtlwaiiktu arid HI Paul llillnty, tal I bu ltlllo)ld I lukei Ion uieii during tbo tttUe for a inert time, but dlachargtd them ai trfpon alv tnd futile. H tlallit I'.J. Morrill uf Chit ;o made n i.elnral tlaleiut nt eonviriilng tb eiiilu)iutnl of dcteo ttea by corivral on. Till A ll.ltltll IV. (hlna liar lial l lu b Ueirr etilait. WahiimiiOs, D. Ui Nov. 2i There villi be nut hltirie vtwela nt t ju gltnt nnal rovltw In tlierilng. Mlnliler Drilby traumlllcl t) the Chlntaii B'lvernnit nl n cordial Invltf Hon from t ur gnvirnmunl to Kill aotno vtaitlaritiulnllv of the Cblntte mvy tuthorovlew, tut aecorllngloa report mclve.1 from bint at the navy iliinrtunrit tedty Vmnon rcplloillhai t'lilinbadlut recintly nddtd alctm veatelj to Iter tmvy nnd thu otllceri iiiibcuutliil.t. Willi the iiavl;n tli.n ofillttant wtattrtiiiat. Ho many dllllciiltle wtru Hktly lo 1 1 met wltii It v, oul 1 maku ll iiecetiary to decline ibulntltatlun. rlintlrU 111. Waiiinoii)N, 1), C, Nov. 0. Hrcretiry Kenna wa contldurably taalcr toda). 'the Henalor'a gturral rondlllou teemi lu be unchanged. Jill. ntAINK. Alter n romfoilalilu night l.i htcrular) llliluu wai tutlor tuuny and according to the atalemciit of hli ilijilolnu he I liuprovlug Vtry rapldl). Till Itri't III It CN 111 I I CT. lllrll.iiKil lir Um w 1rU "rrli. Ni.w Voiu., Nov. 20 Iho TWSimc Iwllliuy toiuoirowi A cefrftled pall) la auppoeuJ tu accept with I hlloavi hlcnl rualguutluu thu trjiolloii of Ita ml i)llolea nud ulti the lalinnrta ul u laiauti ton iiaen i 'lt waa lu have been." lliu leaiona given for tho reaull of tlm recent eluo. tluii aiuai numeroua na thudlUtraiitta lu the two peril. Tu blm that lookt tiouuaHi thuiutfaco theru I uvldrnco that tbo defeat of Hie IlVpublleiiii I ally wni not mainly due lo uuy ijultttly auMai.J tu. Thu chief catiioul lleubllcau defeat nud Demo crallatlclur) li Ihumoltru leudeiity toward eocialuui. Ihl ttalemriit by no mean luipllo that n lojnl litis prurtgaiida baa takuit n firm hold oil tbu clHieu of III" Untied Htnlea. lla Ulicla havu but tu Iwrowt.d In American Hill to benr uu nbuud tut harvml. I hem la thu allghteat do alrutu uterlurn tliu exlallug govern mrhl. lliuravluga ol itnarcnltUthoy lei udlale ultigrlbor, bul alntu 1H73. on lllaek 1 ilda),thiiallllcliuaiiud aoelal cuudltloiit In the United Htalot have been thougbl of u t tliuijulrt aud there I an been dltcouleut uiuuLg certain thoutauda. Greeubtcka then bod thtlr origin. It la within thu lut decade, however, that Ibu aoelal discontent hi maulfettod llaelf molu manud'y In lliu formalicu uf politic! parllrr, nil of w I cording lo thu luadera ul them, aredotlnudloglorloua lulurr when tbn Demucrallo uui HtpJbllcau par He auall have brcn wlvd uut of ex lalonce. Till tineclllel ttatu uf niraln iliowidllitlf III Ibe formation of thu Urt cnbaok arty, thu 1. tbur party, thu Hoclihillo tatty, the Tanner' AID. mice, and Dually tho People' arty. Alllal.V VIIN lie IliliiU ll.e Itutitlary ..uleraliee mil l.e n Mirr Uiwi, Nov. JO Senitor Alllion nud I art) en routu to the Monetary cuuleieiim at llruavela, arrived ut Houlhomplon thorlly I efore 5 o'clock lhla evening and kl up lu l.on Ion nt Hu'eUck. All of lliu American dole, galea will atari for Hruiada at 11 u'clocL tomorrow forenoon. Thu ten alor eald bu could not dltcloiu the In. itructlon t,lven tlm American dele gate b) thu atnlu department, but bit oi riilD,- ilnlimeut would conlit largo )y of teltlug forth the reatona of the American govirnmeiit for rjpjlug nn International confi reuce. Ho ox preil the belief that thu outcuuiu uf thu confert nt e would Juillfy thu action of thu United rilalui III obtaining It. Thu lironfofc't correijioudcnt at Vienna tn)t It I tt tied tnat the llltt niirtlng of Hi coulurenco uf Italian delegate wllUlve nutlciof the tecov olouof Italy Irom the I.atlu uulou. The tttinilaril't cornapoudenl at Ilruiilta)H iiiKVonlirviin will prob. ably all unill Januar) . King Leopold will givu n fete In their honor 111 lie-cember. I,' I All I till. llr.lrr lltalorhig n I ra Irael lu I'.lb- III. I "I"- WasiiiM'TON, N'uv. 10 Tho 1'reil. dent today levied mi executive oldtr rratorlug to tbupublludomalu nil lliu lauda deacrltwd In thu execullciu of May, 16SI, ly l'rtaldeiit Arthur, lying wet of 1 10 degrrt w t it loiigtltidi,mid within thu 'lerrllory of Utnb. Iho order of l'rcaldtnt Arthur uieutlouid w Ithhel 1 from tale mid tettlemunt nnd tct ni art for "Indian iuruotea'' a vt ry uiurh larger trii I that, btildea luulud lug the land now rutored, extondtd east Into Coloralo and toulh Into Art sona, and tu thu north line of the Muuul reaurvatlou' The laudu now rcatoreil nro mil Iho eileru half of a tmall pirt lying In Ibu 'lerrllory of Utah, and ihero li elrong renon to hollevu tho teotlou It vet) ilcli lu I mineral, gold mid copper. AT HOMESTEAD. I The Strike Finally Declared Oil J' by the Hen. ' A IIITTUt hTUIKHILK KXIU'I). , 039 Mors Victory hi Capital Oier - OtauIitd Labor. ' If I r J i in Mini ns mi iirarmri. I .t I f t.... Jllllloi. ll.llni. I o.l In Max j n,l l.ui.hl-II..I t.nonnl I a-l t by the llrtu. j - I Hum rail ID, To., Nov. 20. The ( great etrlLn a. Curnc jie'a llcmeatead tin I work wa declared oil lujiiy attei 1 1 . n live muiilhe' atrungle, which for bit i H trnmt probably waa uavor ftjuallal In lhla country. Thu army uf atrlktra M I ' niullyduoldol today tu glvu up Ibo J ij i fight. Tho acllou wa taken at ft I I meeting of the lodgca of tbo Amalga- ' 1 mated Atioolatlou at Homettead thla J nltirnfon, Ihe vole atnndlng 101 In 1)1 favjr ut declaring tbo atrlkecil aud HI I, ngalnttlt. Thu olllclnlanddicaiuJ thu mcniberr, and lu lain word told ' ' thtiuthe ttrlke wait loit nud adtlted I Hit in tulnkuittp it better their con f illllon Ihu rt mark met wllb uouilJ 111 ernblooptoaltloti, but wheu a vote wa I . y taken It ehowad that a majority of ten i ' ll were lu favor of declaring tho atrlka i l if utl. A muuiber uf tliu ndvbory 1 I I toard tald today that bu bad ' J breti trying tu get the atrlka 1 j j declare 1 oir fur aomu weeka na h f knew It waa loat and It wouldi betlcr ' I for tbo mui aa n grral many more .IB would bavu gotten their old placea ! lack, rboao who canuot get back are I In a bad fix, a Hie relief lunJa will bu J I tolled mid man) hundred of them , , H bate nothing to lite on. VB, riie ioplo lu Homeatead, eeclally ',' ! huiiniM meu,ntd highly tlaled uver 1 H, il ihndeluratloutu rail the atrlku oil, for I . Jr U, If It had liren conllnued much longer i t i M It would haveniliiifJ Iho towu. Many f tk bualneat houiea bavu fallon Into Ihu 1 ' B batida nf llm aheilll ilucn Ihu alrlko II hua Ueli mi. Thu ttnkuatouu tlmu li Invoheel neatly 10,000 nun, and ihu JU Io. In wavj will re.cli, ll la talJ, lu M thu nrlilitorliooj nf f d tuxi.oilj. rneu IM Ihcro la au linuieu. lom tu thu firm ( IK which t annol tai trallmaleJ, but which M eomervatlvu puupla lut nt lead at J double tbu nmounl lull by Ihe men lu I tm wtke. Tu till eiin be added nearly 4 lull a million dollara paid tf tute I , I'M troc und the tost lu tnu touiityof (, 'jH Allegheny for lh llali Ireatdli hiiiI flB tlher cattat grnwliig out of the ttrlke. I .OK At Irnatthlrty.flve death were direct- , W ly orlndlrtctly cautcd by tbutttlbu. lit tM I1 m nixti.Ar riAin, j r the I .ti.rr ttanla In tin Hark la H III riu AteadU i n 1'llllAiirl.llllA, Nov. LO Uaneial , U l.uacJ. Wl.ler, president of tbe Acad- 1'f .Tj criiynf Nnlural Hdeucee, today Con- lar W tlrme.1 thu report lhal Heorelary Tracy l.jv w granted I.lcuieuantil'eary thren yeara1 ! i M Itnvuof ntieucu. l'he teoond expt- ' it tlltlon will I eiualu undertlm Academy " .( of Hcltuou'j auinlcoi 'Theru are t ) three objrtta," ald Uenural Witter, 2 l "III teiidlmt Ihu exdltlon, which ,1. f inn) be brlelly tinted aa follow bint, ' I detlnllely to iletermlnu Ibu nortlirru ; j toait Huh of Oneulaud; tc-ond, nter- I lain If an) land exlenut tu thu nortli I of Greenland, mid third, to reach Ibu l S .Minrn. lid ftl Inpatln.l of ttin north Data I or get ui near to It aa poiilble. The t; .', journey will te attrm led over Ihu ; iroirn turfneu uf tbe l'olar aea. I t J , tniaglnu thu ex edition will of uecea- (I n ttty bu a tmall one. The Journey over I j f, n frozen tea will be madu by I'eary 'lS Si wllb Lutoneuomianlon. )Vi A Auulher llect from Oreenland tailed ,f Ti Into ort todty, bearing marka ol hard , at (j bullrllng In iho itorm and Ice. Tho ' (tt vttel wat tbe htrk C. H. Clark, .T i (i from Ivlguft. Tho arrival of Ihe lf-tl Clntl. establlahea beyond doubt thu , Xf f lt of tho bark I'latlna, together with . ai ll Citaln Jamet l.awrtnco anl tbo T at entire crew ol thirteen men. t'aptalu 1 II Mnnion taw nothing of the I'latlna j, .11 li nor did be luavu an) vewulaat Ivlguft. di, jllf A lnmrr a.llrlile tW j'jl Cinctuu, N v .d. John Irvlu W Jill VioUrr, a wullluowii luw)ecaf till B Hli clt), commltleil tul.ldu today by Ijll', ahuoltug. Tho tauiuiauuknuivu. A M j If linlNTMAI, IltlltIN 11 '1 JlllF l-roiiiluatil rel.nllal tlri.iul. la -1 T? iitjl Inrry "ul iIim "..inlin I'latruriu. ' II I i MU1IIII8, renu , Nov. 10 Auor. J jl 'flflJ ganltitluii tlyled tho ludualrla! J ' ' ll legion of the United Blalti" hat been il fiJlL formed here to lay by romlneiit lead- M.All er of the l'eople'a imriy; whonroalto lliHI i) prominent In thu Kurmera' Alliance, n H ' -U tho tlject of whloli la to carry uut I Jjl ; ili tolltlcully tltu inuature embodltd lu I i j J Ihu decliratlon uf rlnclj lm ot Ihu I'll riinnhn ntatfurm or ,hu I'eonle'a nartv. 'fli It together with frcu ta.ecl, n free till- 'i lotuudn fair count. The Induitrlal H I Legion I cumpud of tlirto claaaea, I' I I ijj lliu flret to conalat of mnlu mouibera ', ') 1. 1 ovtr Jl )i4iracfnge,voteMlu bekuown 'I 4 , n Hie einlor elan, tho aneond will bu )'! 1 2 11 I the Junior tlm, which will conaldot Ij t I male member uuder 21 mid over U H Ti ' f )tara ul nto.wbo tbulltu .-Ul catrd r I I I nnd trained tubecoiuu memtura uf thu 1 It leuplu'a tart), and thu thlnl ula will 1, Kit bu known aa Iho "Woman's Aldo ' ' I ih f Cor," whlcltl luUudodninuauxll- 1 J li j lary tu thoeeuloi lolou. Tho Legion i L 'At' la mideled mucli after tho Urund I'fi il fi Arm), and partakoof oiecrotorjui. , . S l f Ixillou character, whllo thu moetinga 1 1 if il ) ma) butt cret or open at the option of l ll ti, thu liiemburB, 1 11 ? , u jl Thu fuuudera of tbu legion are prom ! 3R ,. I luout leaden uf tliu aevcu (.teat imlu.- I wl li I trial organization compodui; tlm vKSSU l'eople'a putty member. Amung 1 1. I fSfWK j 11 barter member nro Hon II. R 'mlJPI . rnulcueck of Illluol, chnlrinn 1 0 ifillT ( Ihl oxecultvucomiuilteuol tliul'eu ile'a llll i A lurtyjd. K, Waahburuu, cbalnauu ol Wl U & iiM m