Newspaper Page Text
PESHTIET EVENING JiWS! MONDAY. yOTEMUCT 21, 1802, B I . THE CANVAS GOING OH, t .v. Board ct Cantassers has Com- -1 pitttd Salt Lake County. TOfHiMiievmow nil users ll Conntlr. liUlHHld .f tJ !" l)orJ np U" lrc,,Bl cj lime.. ,,. county throughout lb. 'hfl. of Saturday, lb. Hit when .J lilt HKI WCT. ltlttllna. L'annon Allen. If"".! Ill " " ,rcl'''- ,", 9 KM r ni rim a ii fi v MM" - 11 II 11 i nrw- :..;:: ? m ' ,wr . t,4 1 4 r.;rJmir.r.. J3 fsasrSfi i jjjm ..... ? ""jifii'lirrnrj 2 W " ijiu."" j; , u n "" . 1lli uu ' CSS I" "i ii ".IB. W W. "i.liBe'iiiaraliii-,,-". The following wiitolhccounlliscau- tiJ this morning! 11101 incur Illrlln..- j JJJ Ciaeea J''utl'Ti I. I iiikhsu. eonrr. ri.iiii . ";;;;;;.Tr.."" uf j,'"t. "".'.'.'' J Tout J riBKnivtir.!" win cioirt. . hiwiih. - " !3 i'""","":;:,::nn;;;:.." ctto"i 5ViiV3rrtiTv"riV""5c ' I IV kU til UILXTI. awlina """"""3; J?J Allan ...'.'.'.""" - "J Total '!'') Ualln.' Inralilr-.. --.. 1' IHCtlkU Ctltatl. JUWllai.... - .'.'."" Ul Toutl.... . art Ullni'mliollir II uciir 101ml , Itlwlliif. Caonan. Allan. ll.rkaioa J " llll. .... I J (lu.aiiUo.. 1 ' " IIJUalMk 51 - . llHUiil 1W 10 1 Wan ..... S" Jif " JaalMon....-- M - alflniloaM ... 3 rl 3 y miiimiie ti si .... Vairlnn U BV J lira-at ' riurtouli 11 0 C birinoDl 1M .l"1 " aatD.IJ.... . Ill 101 jl iliJiiiJe!""" la M - w TdlAl IIU ,v,k IW,. " )U1 m' UK'onlr, l 1 1 luralitjr,.lJ. lUTK llllllt ItiHlma Cannon. Allen, rm nauntilul..... Itu 21 li Unl lumtilul... i 11 1 ftoblhlllltilllul . 41 lanutnill M. 41 ?l 1 rarmiDjttoa-MM. TT 41 6 kVMI"a. til 4 V utti lloovarHmM 14 1 coaiu mcr . II I' ' atrvuia ... Jl " Uiua t; J eiMd ... II Toul -ai m " Uallna miJorlir.SJI. miiir imnii (ll Lacoon .V.'.V.T '.o ' . ". . . . m.V.T. . . 3 liaw im i7uriij''.'"' ai A TOl'dll Tltld. llrcn Jnll IllriU ArrnlRiiol on Tn lliarec4 nf llnrtfliry. Tliy "Mluio 1 niuliialgn." JmtHlim,Vllllnni Miller mul It. Miflmir, llietllo of tough cuttmue-ra at;e.tttl hy Cnill 1)uuobii ii f diyi npo on mipltloii ol IwIiik Itiuln olIJual who burelarlzetl thu Hpry Ki 3-it) liu tallying i lUWlBhmenU a ihott llmu ngo, wtronrrilgiuil bufotu Jiiitlcu lluo un tutli count! thlt ' uornlog. AWUnt Count) Attorney Kkhnor riiiniiilej thu looile. Thu ilffnJ Hwiio without couuml, and wlitn ttio flrtt ciiini lalnt un luad to Hum tliry molnlmnl In itunceit unit 111 it dvcijidly ImKaadicIo unit Kfdou't ram klml uf h iiuniur: "Wo waive" "WiOl, mtm don't vtilvobxnintimtluii In luitlciV niurla In tlila rcrillory," iroimlly'liiUTiiurinl Mr. Klihuur. "Wi, mii ilo," iniihntluilly iv loniliil Hhrm "Wliatoro your ilcn utility or nut ruiltrl" aakr.l thu lotitt. "Wowalvo Humiliation Katttiaild Wfore. lr," rt Hid Hhto. Mr, l.khnor (turnini: to Cltrli Olfiiii) "lt llm riLOnta uliow tint tlin dr ail.iDtatutri il at of livtKQlltJ." I In- l(b ttiou wmt oir until thin alterutoiu TimiUTIl TO A JllSSlOXAltV. l.nolittlnni i.r liiKpitt In Mruiirjr of ut 1 Uor iluir llnui;. Tno,Mlovrn ronlttUni ot riDi)ot f.vwj l,y thu Fotty-aUtlHiuruin of Knvuntlra, at I'jyuoii, In miiiiiiiry ol I Mir A.Jolt IUuk, liivo J ml buuii re- CHT.'iJ VMinriiaa It haa ptiitaiit not) our lliiiTuiilyt'stticr.liiilUIulllilloWlaliiiil, t'Miltnllm6l!mirlmith(T,.ilnlf Hani;, orilinlutlj.alithiiuuriliil uf riuvtiutle-, lilla UUirliiuia uio.uitlT of aultil- II n tu llm 1 fiily I, mul, , NWdttta. 11 h liitliimti- a-aiiclatlnn wild lUlic.tmiiln Mlilili l,o (hilil In llm c 'btUa1 iiuoruui hlul li) ttie iiiiiiiilHin illUyiou wlJ luiku U ii tlUliuuluutu 1I.I.: thi?nreil ' "r ",rt """ "' ,,lm ' II ll lMlr Mrrl Ihn ni.l.l.ii raninral at , h li w, hy man Inun our iniit.i, .. H Ml , r,,, not only In th fiijirnm Inn in llm h.ii of hl irlnila oml "oiiMintni,,., lleioJiil I bat mil lip ympalhy In th wlilow. re Utit.a ami frin la of h ilKWwnl la liiri-tiv M reaael, wllh an eoniMt hom that Hal win Impait Ilia niiuollnp (iifluciic. to il.a rUol In tlila tho hour ol anilcthn. llcolro.l, Tliaiaoopyof ,i1(1M ,,,01,,, tloua bo nrvatt tirt io Uli Ytllow nml lis Iniciteitln tho Hij-riikt Ni w. ant to I laced on tho rccorila nr our nuoruin. I. I- Towt.nrM., K. Wob.mi. noir, I. I. Iimamoti, ,. . , . fuiniDlttoo. 1 ortr-tUlh i icrum of imontln I'iliui, iuv. 17, lli, TOTALLY IlESTHOYKD. A bloro and DaiicIii? Kail llnmi-J to the tlround Snr llb-rlj t'ark, Ihla Jtornln,-. A flro alarm waa aunt In to ths main Itatlon at S 13 tills morning. Tim brigade rolled out on goo 1 time and uiadofttliilckiunto tho a-ane of llm LUli'.whlcll waa nt tho cornet of Ulxtli Katt und Ninth Hiulh atieeta noil Liberty I'arlc, In n onu-itory framu trucluro about "li 1 1 fict In eli. rii bulldlni; waa tho proortyota man named MctCllan, and aa uird a dauoltift hall and confe llunrry aloir. Tho flio hair proitrnaed m fur lo'oin IIih departmeni uaa aiiio lo retell It that th bulUlliic with It noutenla ti a tloouuil. It waa n total loia ant wl 1 reaUilroniillMJ to JliOO. rimr i uolmuraDce "It tauUolutoly lniHialliln fir tho drpitlinetil to aavn nnyinilllln from UlliKilchtrojoiI by llr,"all h wall Idiomii olllini to lay, "that la an lu mole from tho tiro ttallon." Ihutotil ilvatructlon of tlila aloro and daiulu,! hall elioull lion moatroiiflncliu uriiii mint In fnvor of thu branch liru tioutM'anld tho aamu ifentlvuiau, who laitrounly lu favor i, f llm ( ru.tltlmi. AllllHcltU'lit NuliM. The eifotmauce nt tho 'Hunter on Haturday by l'ntll Iloaa aud hur umiu I any wm thoroughly imiJojcJ by u larno uudlonro, Tho alnliij; uud daucllig of the little favorite wore In her utuul orli;lnal alylo and lh varlouamoinbaraof the company did aoine nxcellent work. Particularly If Ihlatrueof Joo Cawthorno and J'dxar llal.lind. NCIIIILIMt'a MINSniKLB. Uharlea 1- HchlllliiK'a lulnatrelt ap onr at tho rLoattr on Tuivdayaud VodnuiJaj, thla iek. tnelr pir foruiiiicta aru hlRlily apokuu of by tho pnaa. Mill, AlAltM. Tho Ttienlur will prolntdy bo pallid Thurrdny nlnht, to wtKoum llm relurn uf Joh Arthur' "Still Alarm," when it will begin n aeaauu of Ihreu nlchta and u Haturdny matlUfu. Tan lny la kuiwnlofcjall Inko thiater roi. Tho lait la ai tlrnni; aa whin louri tiero ou Ha tint vlilt. Thoiiuartetto la lluo, nnd tho aimo J rettj epin of hcrtra, nnd the runlttre aiiKlno are allll lart ol llm entertainment. With "mill Alaim" cornea llitlo luteday, wIicho rpeclalty hua already made her famoui. VHOVO IiKTlKII. .Nuii-rartlziiialilp In Mliool llcctloiu. Lilurullonal and Oilier .ulci. sptttiit C-tmiptn UwftSt tci. l'lvM), Nor. 21. Tho Dimocnthi and ltupubllcaii Uty central commit tut trapictlvely held erailotia ou Hal. urdaynlKht, aiitvuliKinieiitly mot In Joint aet-loii for tho conildeiatlou of thotchuol election on IKcembei 7tli. It waa decldid to make thu election nou-piitUan. Jach of tho llvo ward of tho city will hold a tlmary meetliiK on tho uvenliiicof Uoci inter -ud for thopurpoanuf iioniluatluc n cltln'a landldatofor tho board of vducatlon. Tho ucllon of tho tu o lommlltna uuota with general approval. H.H. Jonoa hat rrturuoj from n vory pliatant Bunday tchool mltsloii to Onohe valliy. lto repoila havliiK vltlted auveial of the Huoduy ethoola of Iionit and tho touthirn I art of the valley,0uJIOKthcmfull abreaatof Ilia tlme. lie will Kavo ajaln In u few ilaja to further proieiutu the work, whan he expect! to be loluod byllruther l.eoof Hear Lake valley. Ihouirsof Iter. Mr.Crowtlier, tho Mithodlat paraon, li lying dangeroualy III. UU fiared that it Kill bo hut a few dy at farthiat before her Ufa will have ebbid away. Hho haa been a gieat fuirtmr. The II. V. A. muslcale on Haturday evening waa n very pleaalng allalr. It waa well atronlieii and thonudleuco hhowed Ita oppnolatlon of thu manner lu which tho projrumiiie waa carried out by iiuatlntu J uppliuie. Tint oaiiula ol the II. V, Academy ratnn out In lull drcea uniform ou Hututday latt. It coualata of a uay blue lual and vtat and up to iiiatou nnd lliiht bluu panti. Thui nttraitml iiialilerallo iittoutlon wlillii march Ijik, countir-niarohlug nnd maneuver liiKUit thu ktriela under the command uf Ihelr ableyoutiKolllier, I.Uulonant Ma'iir. lheyliavo alrruly aulileved it rlgual victory lu cii luring the limit, ut til my of our young ladiea. Itetmii'il ) Lltlcr John Pearson of Huntington, l.tuery lounty, colli 1 at tho Niwh clllu tlila mornlug Imvlug Juat re. turned from n uilwlou to the Houthtrn Italia, tor which part of the worl I he left hla honiu on Nuvimber 1, 1SJ0. lihler t'caraon labored lu Ahihaum uud III wtnterii FJorlJa duilng hla nticnco Ironi thla Wrllory. 1I made many frlenJuiiuiloyed thu beet of luallh aud returnaln Kiolaplrlui. Ho will luavo for hla liuiitoonuu uvenlug train. A Coiltleiiiiicil lltlllillli. I'lre Uhlef Httntoti thla mornln luiidemnel n nortly erectod fiatne building at thenar of the Nutatorliiiu near Urant Urothera' alabloi ou tVt Teniple atnit. Tho Uruotuie waa tu huvubvenuioJfor a tank homo anil waa nl out tun fool wllo und Iwonty feet lu length, It will ba torn down liiiuiidlaUily uui replaced byuhilaa bullJluj. DEATH OF MMN Mil Ml. Nliq l'AM (Jill llj to lint lrlfHlJ Atleri'iinii. Plater Brnwin Snlvely Voung, relict of the late I'mldcnl llriKhatn Voting died at her n aldeiirt The I .Ion Hoiire, Halt Lake City at ittDp. m , Novim berUtb, 1SU2. Deceaaed waa the daughter of Henry and Mary Hulvely, and waa hern lu Bheuandoali county, Virginia, October HUlh, 1515. Bho waa couaeqiiaiitty lu her 7SIU yu4r at th time of her death Tho family moved from Vlrglnl i to lied ford lounty, l'onn , where they re.lded when tho Kldiri of tho Church flrat vlalted that atalo. The Bulvelya re ceived theUotpel UDdirthu mlnlatra lUinofL.raitui Know, who wa then In hla youth. Boon afler tmbrailng the UJapel they lett l'tuiiaylvanla for Muuiour!, whero they expeccJ to Jclu the main body uf tho Bllntl. 1 he Ut ter were, huwevor, drlvin out of ll eourlabjut that tlmo and aoou after otabltahed the city of Nauioj. t'lm Bulvely family 1 iatd for lonm lime at Bprlnglleld, Illluolr, aul rub a ijuently rem,9Ved to Nauvoo, ut which plaoi1, In tho year IS 1 1, the deotaioj naa mauled to l'roildeut Voting. B to, lu Lomnioii with her 10 religloulata, fulttrud tho hnrdfMta luildtu al to tiiu eipulalou from Nuu vuo. buu remained nt Whiter II larteii until 1BIJ, wtieutue iroaMMIIieplalua aud eulired Bait t,akn valley. Biller Young, or ae familiarly called by her aiiiualutancoa, Aunt Huaii,waM olio uf thu uual uinlaoiu uf her anx, nnd waa nn Ideal l.aUor day Hilnl. We do not belluvu that aim ever wilfully neglected Iheperfurmiiicoof a duty iwruilulug. tu her rullglun, which waa ulwaya Uearer to her than life, lluo uf tier leading uharaoierlitlii wa grallmdu tor all beiiullta beiluweduu ntr, wnile thn geutlcueta of her dl puaitiou waa phuiioiuuual. lheh)al ilati vt ho nlleudcd hor In tier laal 111-iie-a rumaikod reconlly that aho waa one ol the "eweeUti irealtirm" lie inn walud UOii lu ttln colir.e ot lite prufiea onal uiecr. Wlillu HiuUblllty waa oiiu uf In r iuua liuou tr ilia, ahu waa itlru riuiaUabie jtor lorco and In duiKindenie of ihirauier, wtilili wire exnlblled throughout her lllo lu lu lulnl mutuant, elm o9nletn laUd the ajpruaiu uf diatli with tlio ut moet comjioauru, and atatud not ljng alnco thai ahe w mlJ bxiii de art. "I am going tu aeo the fulka and I liavu lou to tell them." Iiait Friday alio auddeuly ueld out her haitda, while her face uat Illumin ated Willi a heaveuly atulle na If ahe were lu uu icataiy ot Joy; then ahe changed ant wipt, cou eying theiui prt'iiioit that the veil of eternity had ueeti lilted to Kl her a momautary glltnMt of her tuturu glorioua honiu and then ulored uom u ugaiu. lhueiid of thla gcod woman waa tout. Bho haiRooo lojoln her hua Uiud uud other loved unn In thu I'ltiudltaof Uod, thiro to nwalt tho aountlug of the trump of tho Ural ruauricctlou, whin llm imble aplrlt will ba re-uulted with the Immortalltid body uud hvr rodouiplloii be made vomplele. Tho funeral attvlcu will bo laid to morrow iluuda)) at 11a.m., at tho Lion llouao. Irltilda uf the family are Invited. Wltllill Olir (J.lti'J. HhtlllV llelunp, "onu of the brave, tho Immortal fow ,ho ncru not born to dle'Mu thertoiut diction lu WeUr county, catuedowa from the Junction burglodu, Hon. A'lulllu Vtubekcr, the catte king nnd Demciiallo ILnr ut lounty, afler a fuw day adjourn tiero goea toil III on a liugthy trip tomor row. Thotuai Blight, me rlalng young artlat who lunirlbuted to our an ilr clia hla beautiful picture of lake lllanihe, haa another fully at good eutltltd "Ilie Mouth of Lcho Cauyou." It 1 now on txlilblllon at Marietta Urothera uud will well rei.iy the trouble ol going to o It. When thofamuof Artimui Ward had wuuoJ uud that ot I'atruleutu V. Naaky, Jorh llllllngtund Ilatk Twain ttaanihlevlng recognition, Utah con tributed a humorlrt to tho ft el I who would have rlvalnd any of Ihrui had ho luuJti u builncu of It Inatiad of adotlngn paitorul, placutorlal life on (ho bank! of the Uiar Lake. Hla uiuiu waa aud la yet eo far an known, Joi. (J. ltlch,audhudroddoinouua today, "Jue'Mianloat uooe of hla unctloue I rocllvltlea by lemon uf thu yuara ibat liavu come and gone, and hu alwayi brluga n niomory fnlghtud with the aacied reculleitloil of day! long pwaed to meet with a welcome by laug tyue frleudi. II. 11. Blmmoua, aged '-, a native of Kugland aud uar lui cctur by occupa tion, who cauio fruiuTexaa alx yeara ngo to California, waa eont to tho Nopa aajlum thla morning b) Judge Bhaw. Thu mau'a Imantty I htredltary. Hla father, mother mid nuut huvu all gone Inaane, unl two of lluui commlltud aulclde. Blmmona hut ono child lu un Inaano asylum. Hu thlnka he lain hell nnd tried to oommlt aulclde b drinking vnrulab. He la at'licted with uiiUuihoIla and ha liidlgeallon. Ho haa bceu taking treatment from tint Chrlalliii volviitlate. xia Angttet Plr prtti WINTCfl ItATIOSS FOR tCQS Illrrrlur flllliarl, .( llm Innuillaii hla llliil al IllUnu, Mukra a lll-m(l. Kotuilli-liindln nil that lu lx-ci wtlltdi ou the aubject of winter lnjlnv, the ipiery "How to obtain eggi In win Id) U of fnittctit occttrrciKo. Wltlit vkw to lutUfiictorily nnamrlng tlw 1 rolilem, Director A 11. tlllUrt, of tin (Htuw.i it itlon, liiakia n rojiort n M ln a Auanrr inn Uit toglten bydo acrlblngtho ration fcl laat whiter mil tho rations for luilolu A hot morn lug ration fed ilurlng the winter wiu connioaiil oft ' IHmntla Oune llran J hborla ...,, ,. .. i I urounJ moat . ... .1 l Umtr I.JJ, atranu I and uilnd In liberal (lUHIltttl. ball, t amalliiuanvltr ItMtraoaitl nn I lino ground uittcr alulli mlxa I, al ut Oitt-e 1 iinillul The wlu.lo waa lnlxd with lxilllnt water, lkillcd (totntiiea ami turnip tvett iviavloutll) auliatitiiUil fot thu ilu I haj, for Mtrluty in diet Is beiietlilil Tho heua did nut Mt thu kcnldul clutfl hay to tin in I) Itaelf bit readily did avi wliu ulxod lu tlio suii fnO. f in r mh mul" I al in lull win III' e li lit i i n .liliall ,11 nt I WIMl J I'l ,, I ing lime regulnrlt In i fi fori p ' prtnt the lang of tut, with I'll hlle K D)" aM ling n gptifrmu a lil (nprirent th hen) from b fniliu, . fat an to lav ci? will, aoft ahfll- 4 T" atilt by III' "iilwl n of , it. una l,r or tther loiuliinrtita h liluhlt mitnnlnllng rntl'm. pfiMi llm tamii 'A cggllngiM wllhwfl -lulu urwllh out an) aliolla B To intuit egg till Ing ulililt fnlliiwa thn lt)lug f egg with loft ! ll. ' u the n gnhr fi-eil Ing of imat and lorilng tlicfowla In ailite ixerciw to 1 rit.nt f. ntlut eit lug, gcncrtll) tutoieitli) the uuiia-iuu u( both To prut tut tho u ipilrlng id tho bill r u t'ceaimi nI thomro U mg lti ilintcillt. H. To fiirnMl the hem as marly in In'iiIUo Hh hat Uuj un plikiipfur themstlua when running nt large uulidde, such in itini la In tli ill iw of Jitiiiuil meat grit itu ail dig, a ti -id lu the ahatai of grutrt ami brak, n otaier fl.clli, liuio in tlio shape il (.round nyittcr tiell, gietti stuff hi tin liape uf tluvr r lni) ttniiiHili mi th, rt nnd inlttd In aoft feed, c units, rub bilge, turnlpK.itc. At iitmn, when Kriilnwm kltcn, oatr wcin f.'d lu small iiuatitlt) IW tin afternoon rutlon wheat waa ghm, with Uirlg) ociasloiiatl) Uilxod lu va il ipuii til). WgeUbles. such aa lurrota, man KtlanlidtnrnliM. wiro kept iilwnje uu tlio Hour of tho lm. erv little talc Uvc-wai fed tlurlnir tho winter. Tho rnlliixa. na iifnrelilt.ltloUel. ttirnfeit ttt thu follow In.; stock lii the main build lngi Inltcta. liana llrnuralu Itocka II II llraklima U Imi Ralijna .. , , 4 II II r -Una t Ul.lto I j.rua 10 I W I II I Anilaluilalil C Ainung thla itock will li lollicd iminerim hor.a, sonic of tlieiu old lieti an cillnl lniti tin) wtreimr tw. )nura nnd kipt for breeilira and eittin Turing thu lomln; atasuii. Aa tin re waa no alteriiatlie, th-) wero lacrj w itli tho pullets, n practli o tola) atulded when iHHalblc, fur tho r-.ij.rn that the nil Ion which would 1,0 to tgga in the pnllita would likely luako the hetu toe rut to J). Tlio efftct In eggiof the nilloni on Hie pulleta nnd lieni ia given n follows! I rota Ki-r V Jan leli II ll)tm nth Itock rullala II i -, A I I'l in mtli llork I alia 31 II I' lilte Udiviu I ullata. II III 111 S lil e U norn Lena U 11 i Wianilittapulltta. J HI Hi (NSj.inl ita luna. 11 .j I C Hull lutkln liana .. .It (J t IUnlaiilrna. ; :l r Hlrhll,al,aoa . 4 II II tllouUnlicni .. 3 li It may be Mid that the showing d not a good oiiu for tho number of stut k bul It must be Isirno in mind that the f.i-d ln,r was O-ly expt rltncntal, Tim ro.Ut homtrr, li striking proof ot tho krrui iilne of pullett ut i r uld lit ns aa roi intit I roduccra under tlio sauie i unditlont u to lion-ln, care uud frt ling The ( ou iltiikiua to lie nrrlt wl nt from the cvkt iuitiit arci 1 That uo hen ahuubl lit kept our two )iara. 'J. No tuft sheik I tgs werululd by the ptilli's, showing tin) n n- nut u llli 1) to lay sncli eggs n tho uld slink tl at tlie'elally lull lug ot loareu an J, lino gr it el and rifled inster sheila In unull ipnuiltlva hna n prcl tilth u trndcnc)...! Tint n mga iiiirfeillui hating Ken tatin tuilmi r writing n ii guur sup ly of nou I lilent lnixi-.l in suit fted la to Im irto li mendnl. 1. A small ittiiiitlt) uf a ill wn uitXHil il tilt lu tho hot innriiiiih raliuu, but ai it rtintclleiiweuisa ,t-.uc wna j,ieii up K 1 haft-tiling if In k' ipiiutitt hud then feet tf ktiplng I m lietia lu i in lie il lou.lltloii. ii Nutliriugthe Krulii f al iiuiiug thu ih uT ami straw ulitn)s en thu lliairs of )imktt lliefottla unite This grain food shuuld nut lw fed lu lis gicatipiautltt. tt,u II,',) lK Irrlllllrrs. In a litillttln fruin thu Itluale Iiltml stall m fainurrs an miilloned to In nr lu inliid tliitt the iiuiiiiiciilal talmillon It lint tin unit Hung to bo taken into itiiuuilerutlou lu h'J) tug a fi rtlll -tr. '1 o lllii'lnto Supi that the crop a 1 1 soil iluii.ind lirgil) pli,Mi.lnuk mid nn.l i,tnMi iml liitlu iilirogiu; Hit n it fiTtlllrcr Willi it high i-r(itag uf ni trogen, but low in thu other It incut, would be of little talus to tho farmer, huttittr liLli Us lotmnerilnl till lie might be 'llm ipiestlou It nut lmw liuiti) firtlllzu forlheiiiouc) but how much iotith. pliosi horiu itel I un 1 nltl oin and their form. This que. II. m luiulvts in 'a great lncasme the jin.lltl und los-cs in Itew Kugliiiid faun- XJ XJ JV'J- . "" UstLS-ln (,rin cur, Ssniata ranntr, Llat, tlilotirri9i1i, til.'. IaiuIis lEaanunt Jaa ncrai-it Unas, wire of Miiriu Uraen. 1 1 III oua liter, allrr an lllnata ot Itiria wrrka sua uo ls)a Ilia .treattf I waa burn tl 0 t III of etbtanil r, law, In Ibe iltr nt )Lllrc,Oll the li Tool Ijren. Ilenmsrk Her t.arrnl with UirO wl lie al e wai ,HIU' loun sne II en re laoved lo Aatlma, Jultaud. Iienutark while tieiewaaa Una branch ol the Ul urcli. sn4 tlK-rolhetie aiaa acuuau J ttilh the latter rtar eelniaauo ttaa U)ll a I into the Church In 11 XI. a no following il rmK al a einlitali 1 toltah aho wet luairiei to iwiurua uirarii June mil In i ehe mad aa He Uud anna belleterlu the l,o,el. A hhan-jnd and four rl l ntrn mourn lar oetth . Jtf-ala-i and 4 unJ.aorlaa S'jiint, lcl,u i"M. mmm iotime 10 CAIMlAliWfWOU.OOO. C. H. Colby, Manager, Denver, Colo. F.W.Olmstcad.CltyAjt.SaltLale.UUh J. I. Dnoleyy, Special Agent TAl ItHft.jC'W' Swrt l Polity )-jlt Artf JTeolanJ ont yrotf4 y9ur pn ptrly, 1hloUnr11tlroiiPoir hu ft cMUl ot H vO.mxJ, n I U nul uf lite mtt mbiunilil lDiuriiL ewiu nin In th worlJ fbeir iruiurtiftUlrmtntutlOa.!'! L frtn thein an cntUilorci uuuun tbair ftUlitj koJ di tsoiiuoniotttr hit iJfii cUUi)iti4 tuittl lb iuviU9D ot d att la til qutvricr ot tht fiolm dt V. n Tatlov, O E Romnit. PruUiU, ate and ly. TAYLOR, ROMNEY,: : ARMSTRONG CO., KLUMBER !o Sesli, Doors, Monldlngs, Ltc flsoloa Kill and Taril, On. Iileak ul I'. I'. Helinl, Hall Lake IIU, 1 1 all. Jill. 111.1.11, kktlltk uTuituUNgt j, ,)lt,i lit. ,1,,..-laaaa njuar Anoraii a.lct,iicieQBQai.cei I IwVacaA tt tt.aaulli leiauleaiiaal tarjdard Qlurt;!; UorKs. Vteok ol ?Irmniji At tMweiot rj ft .ilKJMll InJIiMUAM ft tbt AlrtaflMJI CodU- ttau rttm bj Wi Ktn 1 ft Uorvnn npm flMit Ukuo tifn th pU' nt cpW. fnnptl irtiMlttM r W rr-phl (ra 9nt Sr, fut, uui Miin vk unr,ru)i tumii. imj I ul) iWMk nvll, lUrt, T ill UAthf, ftiMw, It i TU Cloth, mnUwM 110. Ilh f Attrition. (Ut nut) Wrtfrw, IiU (MIL, tU Tl , LaMtater, Ollt, W, UlMf, UV (IvUslUI. DaMtrlu Mitd intfnanu f tbt Cfenreft o4 Jliu tlLirirt o( aUlUmUr iUinUt vonUtnfAtf Um ktflUtiU (170 kW.JMilkftn.Us Jr., I!M ln;, fr tL bviiltlifitf Kmi In Us Utt, difl, (.III, U, VbJI lhKt, ti (V) rtkit tutu ii Tit rit nuh (im...), it u, Iktll Xawtbr, icUMvd HU, liaiUvUt. tiv 1 l,ll.) ltJMlrln Mul OiunauU. (Uu nut), Uaruwv, kiti. Uiit, UTlj U4J.f, Out, 13 U) Unh.r, HX) notMMl lerl r (.rthl lrlt. k rhol 1.iUp tiuia U,l tt-UUtM.43, TrMlktlou, Mut N rtUikiM i( jMch Bniih, aj.t iTTfiNt, Btstr wm4 hTiiAr ot tb Cbtudi ut Jn rbrirt of JUui-r-ii KsUnu, Uftutjco, Ollt, l,i aUutf, uui, ii ti lMd n i awUk, UMtd, I to. Ky iu tht, .Vclri.t- IThlfj. V. tnJ ka it UinJucUon ti Ut Tti frlitU Jm vf SpltltiMl lt.tlrtsmvl.jf, hIl4ttn, U ail Ooi turnout, m IMntrM lj U. Am uuU, m 1 u IisMksrd In Ihu 4, (or Us tntX Avtltyjwal nt Mtftml ttkt Irnili u viwwitaic. tii tifj r, mii. rtt iiu 'BtXtMwJ, Tl, rati Olotb, nWaai, h, fler UHrntiic. Aa tnUtliKlua o th 1'uO 4n4 iMKUto or ttv Ctufiii ol Jtu Ulult ot aUttrtUr BklrU Uf TtUj K UUI. rtUI la4JaOt, tMkbOtejmsl, , rul OlOU, txiVMs), tofl tlmp QgU, Xti Rpnr eLsttur. rit.ibiUfmttinMitrvm. tBftt dACtrtaM pf Ui Ckstruh vt Jmm Udlrt tit UlW.l-7 HkloU, Ij VtMi f .tso-r, A U, tu bwb I Us iluU4 hi Uivttr oa Uui. rotUl Ordrt la rt-plf li Ui Lr Ulliiu Oniwtl, A M, BtNtasa.MaM rH l(of.,ra. Urml, llU'i IVitl Chlb, u.UmmmI, Ik, LawUj.f, IJt Ollt, ti 00, Ulinn llouki TuUtb KdlUriu C1tJ4ta,UJ J'ull Uo, Tl ryJUiLr, 1 Mi Uatlbrr, ui Bufh, H i.ilihr, UUMIJO. Clrilani lr (litldrtu ruuuct Us liutii.nisl tttAtrtM of IL Cburrh of JtfiM CtfUt ot lAtUf-Oir ShUU. 1); JuLu JtijutM, lsitUr, Uf.) Uutb, 334.; tig! Jj, j tr Otirr, lie i (Mitondliiin ot U. dtlrlt ot u Oo-jxl, If JfkwiaUa U llltbtutU ud Jm A UtU. lttbM-, UUt, f AtW( UmJvm, 1 W lft.utl.jn Ltba-r, IIJS, CJfrti, Ituu ft1j lltfMt4s Swlftuf UaU arrtngtyl tuutJxtif orJr, villi LMutlctU notaM, lo, Usk. k. 4tid 1 W, Corillb(V U bllatlUktV niscellaijeous UorKs. Urwn lrnl m turkt ft wttM ot Miuphlto OU Ul d KUIUM lat Uw ktXlatlla ft lw Ot IU patVt, 143, llAitd-Ilook wl ltforur to U htrtorr, cluoiioltas.j, rvlUlon Mid ffuwntr ot lb .Ulu 1st HaUft fif L-aattliW Ultt ftlrWstfWC, WaV 11i ?Irlyr " eow it ot lb wVT" iulti in t KPimflmlUi, wtUi (! tuyntliigi I UtM bnbl iun, bf U O. UtUflll, t GMpfl rhlUkObf, Utorf Ut. tsmidjust of ajiil ftad Uw Luunij of u nMjei Wttit MtltA n4 tdlUrf f, TJc 111 llnd r rrHnrftilwalaltM blftttf tt ftfttlimi kbd liidmJiMl, frtjid tho irvkt tUj u U rMlurklloa f Ut (TMr!, ui Uluutd wvik ot ill Hi.,N, iti.,, uflnrinott lo-rlrlaft 4la uj im4 . Jhiihi nf im priAdjl of U uiU U HiWnirriUa fU(lTSHU Btaa.ft Bit itin fitvirtU roftamutxt, tj CAafltti V, ltUluLM .t lUtllMlUna, o, m,u1m iIom tulUb. luUlsttJ firat 4MltaMUtUMiU, S, Why rtlr I'lnml Marrlacv, tf MjnuuH" wtf bj tutjUir-llaa Uu Lib r, Clolt. oopr, 5X. CuUMfUl ib.biUlltfil, cohUtolbtf lb r u.ikU-rJiof JuariU, a JtUtaf m ittk VntUAtj u UtU llAsitu.t t) tMttoti, . Tht. ImutuH H.Mrrod lu cwk. ft ItUnt 1 f JohU NI. holfcW, AK, lb .VuunUIn TlMdofi llMurra o( SU.,.Uiiivul in ft fut .,! vt ,h tns;, U Mu, L. u s.,1, tv ips bf 0 M.I e.nruf, vx tlltMMl lisjuciuonl, bf 0. IaroM . dia Ui ikx-uib u uud.r.lvtVi tf Ulu-'f-Jai t-UoU, r. ltolnK mimI UcrllitlHiUft, mtwnd 4lUoo, UMih ot 1U , v UlIjjIii tftttt Trtt; tyf Clwl ItAftJifiK fti, HaUU9o, BKLI4U4 If Tint. Jlt. rntt V-r. Am hpU . fcr llfth x.KU J.j-r. U owls CaWUi W Mft. Vkl llMllnic "cord. qvir, 1JU Hutu, II III 3.iuit,,l 13. AfttiilajHnrtMuiirrt. H7II1U lUitlitwn, llo. Ibftl'Mil of Hi ia.i llrpubllr. hj en tliarf )in4.ttOif4triU ftw. IHarlyrduut of lrli Aiautdluv Dy JuUli MtiMatKKl, V, lieu o rrlnlboutl Hy Irvtlianl 3tAu iBjrlssr, l(k. Til lloh of Jiultstr, UtoUi UUt, tiu, Uftthbr(tti,t-1tft. luijUri lMaMDi-uv ftni hJitortr-ittkctrbM of kutlKtUiJiUaJKiun. .ur4 ixlt.ii Wiib i VWU-)ll, MlVllatlinftaXaJI Or Ul iMflUtf of Um rHU4 g o Un (i.t Ulift iltr TviuvU, AirllMVJ. !;, 10c. DltlJontiry f lUn lluvk fIortaOH Urtb, 11)1, tliil l"3 lllalorf f lb f ormonft, 10. Mlllaaanlsnl flliv. lark a.J...... . t MluA Jonrukl uf IIUrMraa, bwl vuluu II J Tlio rir aittlLntounifr FlUwll. Um Nulthi vtUi full CTOB..i ot Ur toti taarfU, Iffattlattld, Va. 1V II lllbl aVOSVItO 'ljft4fMjl dlwuMloa tMlmsiii rjdr UrMD 1 tU tUtd lr. J r, isui, lu wbtch U 4JoJ Uuv di euitn 00 cjouU RMajTlaw bf UoUri Urwo l-rwi, Uurv k. HwtUt Md 0u a Cftnnoa, JMph Ninltti-Wft Ti ft lrvpbl l A llvvlew o! Hi lw.UttM of U Buprnut Uiuxt of Dm U ft, in Um om tit Utt ttstrimtd, tf 0orfrQ Casouu, 3ft Hook ut Abrmham, (H RtitbtnUoltr Mtb UlHrJ, bf UuH tf IwWi, . W b I'rvrvplur, bf Jibu NUbwItoa, K, th ttiMUldliic klori or UuncrtfJ roiMMi. rprf , ctuuM numi 00, Anvl f ih rralrUkor Utu i Vb rtiiur. bf 1 I. ITm lua. lit nvruiuu (tultunt I17 Joha Tflor, tw riM Loli,iW(u,UlkJTUftlfta4 oltUcsiL. Vt Jtilift U, Hiiv TO. 3. bM.M.r, ll-i Vpl. 1, CIUi, It JO, Vwl 1, ClotL, UlllftOat YwJ CWtsUakflt, llnrp uf J ton lxnu bf lotxu Lfou. CUitti, uat IM.) cuiui, we. Wr uf Jnbllce dUTrl t, nd Iftfaoikl jiTiAOAdlad 4 ti. nttltftb AuauaU OoafrDr, Ittk ItMtorailuii vr tlio l(vrlftftllav ImiI llf OaWTtl TlMdl, If, latvmpcrv.itr', ftc. A otrolrwuiiLo MuuuHlii idr, lb llMiirrccUou Uf j-ideol Liibi YuutHI. IW, ClllJ I HSU -UtJaa Cll U U left' ,lrui wj 11 . HIIII.I, I I II 1 1 Mlj,AmJh 1 . i,.J5 'A aaaaal R.K THOMAS. THEglLKI-IOUSE 1 1 no, us, no ami ,tj j:. rins'r south ar. 01 ,m LUiniuiMiiJifni ininrii mnTTTTinnnnr II nohism' i - i 1, 1 7.n 1 lTiinntitan Tiic;!-. ol- :H r!lH fasling Reading for Levers of LOW PRICES ! ' ..jjl TKAT'O BVJ3IIYIJODY. j . ' t ! T,'8)t h -I , Tilts is oxk or TiiiM'. . -aMffr ' VuXrjt"'; NEWMARKETS, """If IH FlfTY ailOIOE aAll.MUNTS, . " 18 Ybarj and 'Pflli Lauiks, i9ll Worth from 820.00 to 8.10 OU, going at StO.OO. Think of It. only HS tilll 00 fur n rJJU.UU and S.IO.OII lUrinaut. Ihcre i?4ltr rflB netrr vtaa n Itargatn like It. 1 1 M lufl vKH ALSO, f'lJlLl ?IFTY LADIES' (SAMPLE) PLUSH COATS. fw All .11 Hint 3leaiure, at WKI 00, 912,.,0 and ir. 00, worth ;iHSial I t'JO.OO tu.S 1.1 00. iM lAjB ' A X D AO A I .V, ' W'tfl A LOT OF CHILDREN'S LONG HEAVY COATS ! &m Agesi',8, t.o.O.S, lOnnd li )enn, at$t.T4 to$7.7J, worth $9 OJ OB H Children's Jackets, NEW FALL GOODS, 111 (I, H, 10 and It! jeara. Very Cheap. : 'B MISSES' JACKETS, NEW'FALL GOODS, ;lil. 14, 1(1 anil tH jr.iri.ltt 4 (10 to lt.Ol), tvorllt 37.S0 to flll.SII, j Wf K tt 4 !' Ladlos' and Mlssos' All Wool Jerseys, 75c and Sl.OO, worth doubla Wftl 0 Ladies' and Mtssos' Flannolette Blousos, 50c and 75c, worlh 81.00 ijW? and SI SO. mi ft ladies' Sateen Waists, 7jc and Sl.OO, worth S1.50 and $2.00. m? . Ladies' Winter Skirts at wontlerlully Low Prices. M Ladles' Wool Undorwoar. OREAT JBARGAINS. Ladles' Fronch Knit Drawors at QOc, wortli S2.O0. IK. ' u Ladios' and Mlssos Wool Hose, 25o anil 33 ' 'c. worth 40c and 50c. Mtmt Ladios' LinadKld Gloves, 85c to S2.50. Splendid line. jK-IJ mA PERFECT SLAUGHTER ill In LADIES' NEW JACKETS, to closo beloro tho Holidays. H"jn A Perfect Slauflhter in All Colorod DRESS GOODS. ' ! jil i A Period Slanghtoria BLACK DRESS GOODS. IjlUJ I A Porioct Slaughtor in SILKS and VELVETS. . W.fSf WHITE BLANKETS STiE' m HEAVY FINE GRADE BED COMFORTS, jfftB'j At t 1,0,92.00, und Sl.OO. Kitrn good values. tlBifl J Iramonso Lino ol Beaver Shawls. iBif I A lot oi Infants' Hoods, 25c, 35o and 50c. 'j "H glj An Endloss Variety of Fascinators. !, ll'ltj Tho Largost Lino ol Men's and Boys' Shirts this sldo ol ) iW 'j Chicago. ; jj Men's Fine Camols Hair Socks at 25c per pair. i M Mou's Cork Solod Shoos at S3.50, S4 00 and Sl.OO, worth ! j J J!l Fltty Por Ceut. More. ; 111 M Men's and Boys' Lhiod Loather Gloves, Very Cheap. llj j j j. mHi'Mi'ijuiuiiiuiiuiiiiriiilili llSI " " USS!1 i.I. TH'opfls