Newspaper Page Text
DKSEIIKT KVliNIKG KKWn. .MOlfDAY. XOVKM ItKU 21. IS!)'-'.' 7, 1 8 J Iesierh hews items. 11 at rark CHj. lU,rriNTiiBrcnosiNM'.i. f (clout " Thrt, I. now onljr one mllltrjr com- T Id SjBl 1 Th..f '"'' c of Ulphlh-tU ltT3Sptl- W,ml..B. ' outr and 1 ronton, Colorado, "JbWI ovf r an .mliaiikraeiil '"J.Ulh lit..b"y "'JU"D a num tiftf ftOf'"' dhMpnien art- formdalnln: that Ilia ,w.riBliiir '"" ',"!,l M Dia,ly "J h. it""". and IMI'I '"..I owr. Km. iowitr, U plenty ,DJmln lo mtllh'-vt.illlr.o( tht tf-ti"'ont,,;!'0)u,u'''u' lit" ' repottnl tiatlnir trot uV.J fr I """I" nuliir, on Mr. rf.brt woeti, concuinlDg lulrty eri' jftol l',u"" '' "." 1,""ttmH Sul Mr. HDlHi llofotrau. liiruulil IlJdouW liaTt. ,uuaunid Hit. Biillro Ih Uro. lu 'hln"o Jt,M SmV oni. er Wilton and pl.ocJ on ffl tlio China ttrftinor, lilJ rrleiula iVtIdc iIiJ tnoimli money lo Jf mmihi Th tlUofM wort, much Jfc&IOTrr u-iuuu H.I uf tho lunar. ' viicr(IJl'o)rilHl A burriiln iJdrltl W iviiaunllllaUJ lull K.I la) KrtJbl Tl" MMI lllaek llak mlnv. rt liirl. iwii.l by 111- Marl, niltf Jm SStuy,crb..iilr.l lor $11.. iclli fr roi"lny v. rolura.lo railtallati Timi iiilnw art. Hit. mom wlutbto in 'be dutrlcl. The H"trd ol World'. I'ulf (onjnila ttoocra At I'l x, Atlnna, relu.d lu 1Djf Mlalc-iSttM Uf"Miry lu at cure li9Ji)il otltred ly JUtiltTi. aclcnllrti. lo mako artlld map uf thf Mich 111 ratnlirf thoii-irilory, tbui lo.ln,: '" IWoD.ard lhy aro "K-'T,1"! ""'r!' nature in dinniiicnc'. William . iiv.ii. i,r.Iilfiii of the board, let)- iltrcd lilt rclgullon Ucjuiio ol Ibn Itck ol mterpruo mtiilhittail by lila IMClllo. IntbK f.ont window of Ctniptwll idJ Mo..oll' plc l)i!u may I ifiiiorararooldrllp In Ihr li of flint lock Mi"1" uml In Ibr "Mormon r." TbiMOlJlliunaK)i'if war. fire wen inailn In I'-'' a Ihn lalo ttimriiton Ilia rtoik ilalnly ibof. Mr Motiell rewnlly bioufibt Hum runt up Irom Hilt UU l'y nd iboy ire now rrnnileJ Willi ronildomblu turloiily by raoir ly-lAC "' Jur ml, Tbo foreman of the I'aulyJall com iiny lehtnlbln werkrnittlnir In llio tlnil check and Iron work for Ibo new county I'll. About twelvu men are at woik tnli raornlnir nml tbv wi rk 1 belnj juihedaloDKai rapidly ni ii libit. Tut Interior of tho Jill U Iiemit eiltd up with Hie inot liuprovtd ii.iratui and rajea anil wlitiu enni. uctnl we will hnv e tlifc itrniir,i"il an I ft Jill In tliu Territory. AVAi (lumr. A number of rnteofUI!ithcrla barn U.oreinttvlln Iblacll) tbla uek. a fir, bowercr, nouvtcrniliutlm; fatally. Theli'yiarrijldtouof Mi. Mary Ann Melton, In the nouthrrii lotllju ol towi li perhripi Ilia molt HTlout aie, but It li not urrnarlly a fatal one. Tlio lo jounytit lout of Mrr. .N'ol n, lute it Jloronl.iro iiilto III Willi ibo ulllc lloo. Mln Uraco Vtit of Clicitcr, Mlioliu Uen alli'udiut; tbo ivuilnary lite, It down Willi au attack of tbo almio at the reilduniaol ICImber liar. ton. I'liyiljlioi report teveral lli;bter ciai .lA.uf.1 Jttaiant fyrurnxd. Lander .Voinfufiieer I Wyomlti;)iaf: ):. UllttleltoI Ibo Ulamond Devil. 1 1 meat company at Mlueta' DollQbl, IntbeHoutli 1'aMuiuntry, camvln on tbeitigerltinday. lfeli very enttiuil. ultaoTerblicotiipiny'arlchproipeL'l , ind l n?w oi tils way cut to mi u; iiitril ri Ibtllili who deilro to luv rt. Tbe Wyonilui; Irumporiatlou com iby will ililp forty or fifty rarloadi of lutthlnrry In that plaooln tboeprlm;, itwblch lime dKVetopmonbi will be HiiheJ wltli even more vigor tbau berttofoie. A lingular accident t.npi enoii to a young lily ou Mam ntrcot, opiwltv toi cilbtdril, cue day hit smi k. Hbe Dj n conianl'iti wero chewlmc tome tblogwbnli mint have beeii very itlcky. Wlille worltluir lier Juwn like in alllcatur'i mouth, lit r ttelli Rot tuck together, and the 1119m ehn tried to nitttloute the leu the oDUl J. Hhe rr t Irettlilug HiMueli Iter nom for all the wti worth, when a gentleman came along who Ucnme horrified at her Inrful anllct. When he graiped Hie iltuttlon bo btirtt out laugblnif, and Lotwlthitandlng brr embarniMliiK condition, tbewai ilructt with the liuraor l-f the thing that alio heiaelf tuatwed, and H1I1 broke tbu iivll. ii Angela J.rjxtn. A terrible rulifottuun Ik Id Hie family nt John It. llllo'i, a raoobtr near Klbkey, forty mllen mil of Ureit'Kalla, Montana, lilt hoiiie.wltli all Itacviileute, anJ till tw.i little bova, the oldeat ttireo jean if age and the youngeit cnly ti 11 iiiontha, wi re burned, Mr. Illtch wai away Irom 1 ome and H10 m tber wan In tbe g.lJen tey.jml a lolut of Inn I at out 200 ytrda away when tbe itlirot 1 r.l Hint Hie bouie wan lu a bUre, but deaplto hrr errrr ellort aheuat imabln In uve H10 children. Thu nelgbboilii mncbert (nine to lift abl uud dually ncjvmel Hie reniilnnnf thechlldreu. Thebaby aa found lylns on what had been ftllow, and tlio bonea of tb oldeet boy Cenr b,ihowlng that the brave HUI.i fellow bad tried lo rcrcue lila brother. Ihe family lutt all tbey had lu the orll. The dividing of Ada rouuly bin liven tile to eimelnti ruling compll citlont which will probably nqulru probing by thu aupreiua curt le'ore tbey are tatlifactorllv atttled, TIiii.b who fought the proiosltlontuformUuu. joucouutyoutof aportlonof Ada,aru O'tlbequl vlve to eeouru evidence of all def.ota or ihorl-comlngi lu the limine of conducting the reieut elco Hon, and lliy hive recureil what they finilder lultlcletit groundifor a eon et. They claim alan that the law re lath g to tbo formation of Cniijon toiiniylaunconatltulluiiol, and, If Hint li iiotiilllclent gruuml tu nullify the lUiitlm regbcdluj; thu dlvnluu uislttr tbey will emdrtrnr to bav llilown out tiro prerlnctt In I'anyon county white they rlnlm Ihe election waa ninduiM Illegally. They are In j,otinlnn of many other facia which tbey are not. iteMroiltuf making nublls it relent which will 111 doubt enhance Hit Ir prupcctl In tlienniiiui,-hiAu HtaU tcr. I'arlt Oily UcojriH Nov Id). An ac cident Impi eiitd In Hie Anchor tunntl laat night whin the So'clolk ablfiwai coming from work tint will lay Andy Vounic up for aome dtya. At 11 o'( link un. Hie 3 o'clock ablfi itirti . lo leave tho tunnel, Andy Voting and rive otliiiH riding on a trolly, Amiy bad a teat 011 Ibo front of the ear and rode with lilt Irga hanging over, a dinger outioaltlon at all limit. Tim trolly watnllowudlo attain a tilgti rale of teed,iitid when about holl the d a tancoof Ihu tuiiuid haj been traverae.1 the car the rn.111 were rldlur. (nlllJe.1 with a car cf ore that baJ lell the track, and thereaub wat Andy waa frightfully bnilied and tut up. Ilia no waa broken; libi lega were caught between the Iwu enra, ami whllii 111 1 broktu were frightfully uruihel thu II11I1 being preyed Int j tho bouel and ground to 11 itili. Dr. (Ireg.renji hit Injurlei aru ofa terl m nature anil will luy him up for eouin cik. Nu blame altachea t" any one but Hie men themaelvta, r they bal no eo caaloh lo travel through the tunnel at atiyrucb tatoofi(ed. Monday night laat for Ihu flrat lime In the hhlory ol l'irlit II nileran uubtldlod lUente vitiullng uver It e lerlnd ol Talk Ctt)'a t xb.lem.e-the Rimet mil gambit ra were "pulled." riiua will, a mi- I'ark ( Ity A altuuilaiiinua lief cent waa lumu upon nvery houae In town by thu lolloe tb iillUu'clockaul tho reeult an that tweiity-lwu knight of tbe green c'otli waregatbertd into Hiantlletnlnet and lauded at city had. Hill waa i;tvtnby each man for hit appeiranat tur trial lucidity morning at lUu'tloik mid ill allswml to g'i frit . I'n.m lly 011 time all appealed anl plead guilt to the ciiuir.euf g!imWln-t mnl wen lined $21 encli, with the exuepllouol rid Ul., Ill ', though be luailMlie llttlt elaeltit gaiublo for Djine yeara, aibl he Ji uot gullly uud demnndrd a trial He wn. put 111 Ihu "hole" and lila trial tut lor L'tuii., but before Hi' hour arrived howeikeuuil nlilolmm-l hla plra ti guilty nnl wnatiie!$21,tlie extra Hve belntr eiicatij tn pay for extra triuble In entitling Ihu rco-iida. The total mniUiilof llncaaia reault of the raid wot J 1 15 1 1 telly goml day'a wnrk. Krutfl MaAtthur and hKtwo-year-old diughlirof Oreex hua lied a narruw tacat- from aerl 11a If net laid Injury. Mr. MoArlhur waa milking a cow while the child 1I00I near him, Mr. MoArthur oamenut to the corral and told the child toenmeto her. The llltfo one rlarted lo oliey, paitlug near ly In front of Hie row. At alio did ro Ihe animal made n luiiirn at her, one ol thu eow'a horna catching In her dtc-a, tear ing It badly, but not hurling thechllJ. Die father I1111111 llalely epraug to hla daughtor'a rceouv. Thu c-iw thuii iiihiIh a plunge at htm, aul one born Hiking hla eye and ladly laora'lng It, but not lijiirlng the eight. II 10 al-o all uek htm eu Ihu leg, tear Jug hla ebtlilii" and kuioklug him down. Mra. McArthiir. whllo the cow waa attacking her hutbauil, ran In lu getting Ihe child to a place of rufety, Thu cow'a yoiiug ealfnt tliU Juncltire began Iniklng nroun I the corral. Till attracted the tnothcr'a attention and ahe left the victim of her aei lull to follow It, Ihui giving Mr. McArtbur an npi-ortuuliy to make hlaeacape, which he did. Tho cow waa ailerwarua lautihl up and de linriiii.1. .luufif rteait ttit fyrum'd mnd-t U lilt. luwrtrdid Jf'U, lit) TUBUS CORDAGB COJIPAXY, yiHLrtctuaiai or itx ama or MANILA AND SISAL HOPE. niwaia Twisa. 1 eu .a-eis iront at., Vllili',U",',' I AN FHNCI6CO. -r, Qijclttua. Iitilim jamt ASSESSMENT NOTICE. I.urke IUIIllBl(!i.lrpiav. loiatlonof 1'lln r .it I lie er l.u.lnr... I'lrk t lly, i-uminll foimlT. Utah. I nraiioa or mine. ..rata Urcrl. iein Hairiel, ivaalrai ooniy.l uh. XTUIICI It HKIII.III (lle IIIA1 AT XS uiret'aii'riliallolMnllruMrra lirl.l ..n I60 dar of kL.iamtirr, l-U.allAll IJ.U Cltr, Lull, an a-eaainani Nuiebtrkiv ( alia.o wai lenat .u the rui Ittt ltok 1 1 lh eo ).3ralloo, eatable la ibe teneuirr Uilrlv eaya rrom tha abota late, lira I hill cur, Lllb .Ibyiloek i.m HOiratMaatimnincit rrmalna Dnpai.t on Ilia jB.lttaror etrmbr. IMiJ.wlll be 1llqiianl at.illllrrllt4ri.rial at itublltf nurtiou, and uulrta f'tTiiiCPIIt mida l.elnre.wllll.a aol.lfn inalJlli .far "' lleeewlar. IIW, at the lonrfir tJorlotknt (ooonl, at lie roil ani a oiUre, No Slltobttilullou nnlldlnr. Halt Ijika I'llr. I'lati, le par oellbfiueat at,a.aititnt. totlttliar atlli the eott of aateniiiax an etrecle of aalc. No r-J Iturton'a I ourt. lietwern Herend and IbiM VTett itrcetl. bocond eoulli ilrett, halt hue Cur . J. HUliroV, B.eialatr, NeTCmtier lllli, UK lr ""' "' tl Hoard of .l Ihe I oikr lull MImik Lorn, eanr, inaoe lh. otr, Ibo tuna for declaring lie lcik deMu.iatiit It attended to tballrd dar o( N terntr, lCli.atid If piTnianl la not Innda I11 (or ,wiiliiitilnlM tiadar of January. Ito'elock ( room Nn 3IH oniti lulion lluildinr, tall I-aka City. I'lali. lo lav dillii'intnt aiaHatuiiBta toacttitr wlia com or Idtctutlngan.trleeu.u ol aah. Vt. J. lU'llTOV, fecrctatr DEt.lNQIJENr NOTICE. Tlio llimalnra Comrtor. Ideation e. erliKifal blaco of I'Utlnta.. nail 1 ike Uily. Iliali Ii.catlc.uef itanea, Ulnlab liutrlrt, euMiuil toualr. Utah. -VTUTICK-TIIKUK AUK iHCLIMjlKM lN unthefollualaadetcriUe.1 intek ua an ruuatof a-.tnnnl .So. II, levied Oct. titrlth, l-.4,lbnieiaralamonnlt enmlta lbs namaa of tba rcrreetivo aioillioldcra. at follonrli I artiD S.ino. finale, fharci. Ami, IUutMmm. VI . iu II so I. f. Andcraon. ........ .. IOT.1U7 IMS l ( KBl.taiao l IK" J."l K.J.Ur.ala.0- '-- ,' fJJ fs ' !....TH.... lit b"0 8 "I u ,,., SOJ 10 .W .. , 3VJ lomi BM .. ., sr 1:0 sit -.... y i .u r. O. Tboropicin.... bv W J Auiu.l I'tt-nti!-..... P'a jj JJ hui 11 i n t arlomtl "I S7 l;f u. 11. Ilalllitrg..... ..... i -i J" ?'3issSEH is k4 .-k iu mo IV) a J.Joliaoitn....; Jk. fj at 11 1. ii'msm.".". .'.'."" wi tw ! u, t u"oruoa . .J aoo 10 " .'!.'.'".'." U M 0.1 uk.liwMir ;... BJ J') g ".' V,i i! .!is " ..'.".T,.... i 10 A " ......... t Id " ........ ". M M " -..... 531 l " ..-.... VI lift SIJ .. air toi 11a ." ....JH..t. in n i IZ. au tici,' tiU And In accordance Vi lit) the taw and ordarot ttiotoardoldirtclcil, mada .Sot. VJ, 11. ao inanv ibarat of tarh parcel of tori. tl'L aa i,iirii.fftiar7 will ! acid at the oflleoof Iba Ireililenl nl aald ceuiMer.a I.Hpeacir t.ioin 1). No. to It etenud isnnth Alrixl, on ..rfASrt'asSKvVA ,, , ceil o, "WtI";, rt'- tfflmM a aiUii. ttieti NOTIUF OF SALE Ot RrAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE BYGUATmiAN t Mm it Atiiif'ttii) r n imiirii nr i min in'tate 1 iti it !" &'' l'f' T" t urtrti,ii 1-i- ff.Mr. l'li 7rtfv?j in in i-mUtm 1 tt Mini mi1 cttttr4i.i)liip "f MrihimC H rttirtilf iTtnndM l onlmff. 0'l Mtr Knorlruil,1tf1 'h lw I will 11 sr imit' "il toiifwinc rlCtxritliil It HI tMHl litwit in uimIivMpiI llirre fUII I mitrriiUniWwitbJtttrioi ot) w nt lftf s nml n nniiTlrt"i Hires MfdiiU a f) miiiriiiii Atlot lut ii.rii ii) mid )i(, eufi't ricm from hi1 lot i (i) nfcnir(i fommtticinit at xt-e nathwrat rornfrof PMtlAt inn ntnl rnpnihr Ilirnt-nillliun1rei1 aft'l niMf l1 fro, arni-ii t.otiii fhur fiior (t; ttt. ihrnc ft inn ini&tiil nu t mif (Mr) tcv, ilionod touUi ciRtilf - four (40 Iffl In Uh ll of lrrinnibrt .UIifHi InU .ir.njr In Ihih 1 llilrtcrii (IS), lll "A." fltv Rfre I'l LtM uriv'T, iti 4Nl Uk Uocbtr.t'Mh IrrrilufV ThMl Willi t miH on or tlirr tl1lla tarl d-r f NovrmWr, I'M. (HTllnUwill-flffrflrM il ihe nmrrnf Wail nrlt.t Artfttnl, nm f,fn)mrrcial iml titiiu hank lmi.dinff,n,rt. MrPl ooih iircti, rlt U.etttr, tun, ui. lu r.itj dull. Urratuf ule, nu Im.f ranii anl nn litlt fruri'J by moitni in nntr, bfsnnf lblrrfltel tirf tCDl itr aiibi in trii t'vneni ui wmpiny bltl, and ibalal ui. a aiuit. ir. lint at1 on conflrn turn an I ilrllTtry ft ilcctt, anil itbjl to con llrmaiioniit Uf t rbt rourl A Mil t, II MDOIHttlM'. Uuftnlian of ti.e twtrwiui ' eiu ot Atrtham . Utatrrr.1 H,ni Mary A. .iw.trurt. 1 Mir it .Norcinltr tlh, 11. SUMMONS. In tl f MMrkt Coui I In An 1 for Hi 9 Third Juih cikllMlrtctor L'Uh Trrritor, L'nnly r alltaka. Jlir uiurT, l'Ulatlff, Vthnk tlarrUe'CQiUtiU It.fl I'ropI of (ho Territory of Utah renit irtralinjrt To frank fturr, tfen Unl -TiiV AUK IlrlttllY Kl.OUUtt l TO At X. 'aria an anion larobii in airaioav you hj ino aiotu iiaiucit i uitttis in m hnn-m Uoari of Hie TLimJutlifial liniriri or itt I tnliirr or Ulan, and inaninrr tht lomfUHn file I it.ntin witiitutci. J)a (rxt luiivfj of the Jay tit ifhicet alter tro r ico on jrou t uu i.m n.ora If aerteU witLm tl.t innoty, or, It arrvtJoutot ilii counlr. but In Uil d!tnci, witbln vvTDuty Oaif l oiliernifw within fori? , r Jmiiciiicnt if (Ufaull will b taken itiainttt )uu, acconlln to th 1 rarer of aail rum flair t. Ibii1 arilot. it trout Mtu baA atlocreoof till court iiMtvuivifjff tt o tiutKla ot matilntotiv ciuunf tctwrtn ).aintllt and itaftOilart, an 1 Itraolinr a rirt-r in ilaiotrt. atluOalnf itl urifcu rt far Into ourt a itiiniitMin or rlof uuaftitmuniv fee, ami thai iUlu till tc hI itltnuih ibrlher minii aliinonr a a In Do nurt mat em Jat,an1 rrknln brr otlur reiiuf travrl i.n two rrauo'l. a fotiimp, tj wh rirat that for tit year laat pant do fcixUit ittt filled l (.HMriifl forpiainuff the coihiintn nrrteaarua ot nr, alitmuti aim m lu itniM tain i, tlti t for mora Vianity aura Uit ii at tcrrn unit lia. iraatm M mtirl mth c trrme trurlty.caumic her groat pain and dla AD'l foil ir hereby botlCcd that K you tall lo .'.pear am ani-Aer t!.o ail I rompUmt abova nijiilTrd ihe tail plaintiff wn at ply to Witiiuaa, ilia lion. Chr t Is Aunt. JjJa. annim fr at of tb lniril Court or iholh.rd Jit tictal Iniirnt.iii anil lor tint Territory of Uiaiijlili "id Uay of Alii uil. In tho )var nf our lAid oim tlouaii'l aitfbl bandiadaad Dinty "liiM 1IKNKY U MCMIILW.CIerk. Iiydko. 1 leUOMH, Iiepu yl lerk l LEGAL NOTICLT, Id lla Fret at" LVutt if ih County or Bait ijaiLlerritoryot Llaii. lb ihiAltfr of tba raiatiof Haih llarrlion, mte,r. Order toahow canto why order ot lalootraal catato ihouid not bo ruaJa. 'lllAHLKtl, LlWl'tt", HIT AllMIMMIU fruithe ein of Uaim nmin, ! e -nl, Ikwut ni4 t.l rtlitmn lereln, ciulr teiltiid, I raytnit fr an ordar of aile if all II real mi-Ik Of aald dbdrut, for tbe turpoaea ueieln act forth, H l bereW orrlirot by Ilia Ju iso f -ail vurt lint nil pvraona interrotel l lie ntaie fit raid u t maid app ar btfvielt. ald 1'rotata tourt.oti lntniay.llial tUda) nt N. tinier, rt,l lu o'clock In the f if r.M.B uf mi I day at th luurt ltmiinof aid I mbato ourt, at li Court Home, in tba city and aouniy of hailLako.l'tab Tc rrtury. to ahu caue why au or Jar timid not It arantcd to ibo tit i aiiiiin i-tiator toaeil an much or tbbiral eatata of Itiaeald lUcra.od at rll a.a a aball be i.rrehaaiy,ai)d ibat a copy ol tbja rrdcr t pm.ii.hrd at lea I tnrraauceeniTa wreaa mile biamiT rvKMnu .M hi. avewipeprrprint td and piiltlirbed m laid tiuand ouunt, LEGAL NOTICE. la thi l'rotlo Court tn and fir 3at.Uta loiinty, Icrritnryof I tab In tbe mailer of tbo r auto of l.oUrt i:o-Utl, deccaicd. Notice of time and pUco for tho liearlncof pcuiion for aJiobatonto I'roiittaof win. 1I7IUANT TO AJ.ltril r HAtH X Court in Aid niRttrr, notira hereby Kiien lltil Hilay, lv tnd day of lictambrr, A. Ik lw . at 10 o'clock A M., at tbo OuUl 1) Coirt llttuaa iu blt IVa Clt. litAti luntury ti tl c. ourt r-M ol ai 1 Court, In been ap pointed iho Mmo and vUt-o tor hi-arlnr-tf a petition t fliabetu Jan 1 iioriiUia, pra) n for tb admUaton l probata tf li ertu u dm it Lieut tUrrewith roacntrd. l nriHirtloK to ho the Uaiwlland tnUineiil i. Hi.f.iTl linkottdd pacd, when and wlirc all poraonatnirrratud mar apprtr and ppo tlio probate of ll wlil, iirthnrraiilirivoi leiur ttnaiiieLtary to brr a prayed fur loaaid tUtLoii In Wltncaawhrrortf, I halo hereunto act my band abd aflUud tin aeal uf aald Court, tbia ,Mjo.,,t,b.A.u.;T.AUKV 1 Clet k of the I'robato Co art. llyCUiaTri lUpM:,JiL, Deputy Clerk. NOTICE. Well Antile Minlnt anJ llillllns Cj. Trlaclpfel I lire of tuinun rait Uk, Utah. XTOUCK IS linil.ll fill hN.1 HAT J.T X aii.ceitmr of the Iioard of lilroctora tiqidontbeinthday of trptember, A. I leltt, ty audit lib iho eonaeitt of thoatockaoideri.aa a mniOo. 1 of elx (tt) cruia per abaro waa Ictud ou ire capital atock of tbommpany payalilttodeurro ftwrau, Trcaaurrr, at room So. e, Dcarrrt NHtionai Kauk Lutldiar. bait 1-aac Utr, Vtah, beforo Noieinbtr lit, t'Vi, Any atock upon which thu aaaut mriit may i e train unpaid on th lit day ot .November, XM, a aforetaid will bo Oelin pie ot, and a I teniirri loraair, alpublio auction, and uult I aynieotla toado tioro.wlil tnauluon Ihura dav. tho SUlh dar of .Nfiteniber.ll.t. At t o'clock n mi. m uay drltogueot aaifiriitanta, tocthir with the c' p Advertiainr end iroteof Mlc. JOHN 1. M-UI KV.K.cretarr. Dated fait Uk Uttr, fceplcmbrr WUi it".. Ibodatoof dellno,ueiicy In tho abo? r uotlco ot aaariaiLOut la hirrbf exlcndr 1 K ljcetii ber l.litvs.anl tbudai of aale of dnlluuenl atock to lneadar, lccoiber Iwh, t lly order of tli Iioard ot Duectori male Uctwbur Slat, tea, JOHN U IlKK).R, VccrcUry. NOTICE NOTIC-ti 19 HIKKIIa (IIEN, THAT IS rur-uaoce of an order or tho Probata ourt of tbe Luuotr ot Natl I ake. Territory of Utah, made ou the Utb day of .o,ombur, ', lit tho matter or tba rata to of Ann Oi coahiw, dnnaatid, tho undaraMncd, tho adutlnliiraUir of tho aaid eatalu, will aoll n pubhi) aut-iion. tutbt. b'xhoat bluJar for catti, lawful moorr nl tba United Malta tf Aliciicn and aubji-i-t to confirmation braa'd I'n bats Cocrt.on rrl day, the Oth dvy uf Docembrr.lf'S.At t J u chttK in. at tie Irnoi iltxir of He ttoiiuty Ciuiri Hiijie, i.f aaltl att Lake County, Utah Terrl lory all Ihe Petit, title, intira, Rnd eatatt ot thu aald Ann opcnahAw at the iltnoof berileath, and uit the rijfti' tit aoj iiittretl that tho aald caiaio hua l optrali in ol tna law vr other wiib i.r.jLi r 1 oter or In A Mi Hon to that ifiuoeiU Ann tipenvhaw Atthe tnuaot bcr if u iuli, to anl tat nil that certain real and pel tonal property di.acrltud a followa, to-wit libit mo rt. brr. Itcinit the aouibuaai quarter of ths nortbcAit quarivr.nud tho weal biiif of tio noriboaat iiuarltr and tbo aoutbeaet iaarterol eecii n kvroOn.Au) tbe tiorlheaat ijunrta nt tbe uottbvaat quarter of aeciiou roiirtrru ill, all in lo.vinlilii oio(l) aouth of llanjte lhta.( I) wrat of Salt ! incrllian, ruDtainlm 130 1.1 tea ot Ian I, aodbriiiRaittiaiad In the County ot salt UVe, Territory ut Ltab rkimuHAi, iimrKKTr billy aharce of the apiui atock of the Utah aed Hi1t Mao Canal coiapany, naid real and perfunal iroirtr will baaoii 0) arate 'lermi and cooditiona ot aalei Caih, liwiiilinoneyur tbe Hulled Klatea ot Aluenoj. ton per cent. M Hie arrhaae money to be paid td the kdudiilatrarrr On Ibo tlay of al, nod laUifii on (onflrmatlnn or laieby eail 1'ro batoCiiurt. lHdAl unpenioct hurOianrr. Junr-l'll ih'knsiiaw. Adminlatrilor ot tho catate ot Ann Oieo abavi.dci-raneil. Dated t&U lth dar ot gie3)ber, 1IJ1 ! Il i WMTltSEETHEMEII1 OF SVLT LAKH DUKSS ' As Well as the Women! WE'LL GIVE YOUR TAILOR A POINT j or two, If you'll tako 'am to him. j Comu In our storo, look tlirouch . OUR WINTER OVERCOATS, j Notlco tho stylo thoy nru cut In (try 'om ! on of courHo), mako up your nil nil wliothor I you prolor n closo or onay fit, what ttort I of cloth you Witnt and what urntlo-you I can toll bettor from a inado-up Ovorcoat than from loose clolh. If you havo nny ( doubts HOttlo thorn nil boforu you lonvu us. Ask all tho quoatlona you liko about I fnbrlcs, prlco or anything olati. Add n j third or hnlf to our prlco, or doublo It to got tallorf.' ratos for tho aamo irarmont. Our SUITS aro aa correct as our Ovor conts. Satisfactory Clothing for oBoys and Children. o Dotiblo-broaatod Suits, Slnnlo-bronstod Suits, Kilt Suits, Jornoy Suits, Chlklrun'a Capo Ovorco.ltn, Boys' Ulstors, Ooyo' Hoof ers, ChllUron's Novoltloo. (jOLMffl & CO.. a j, tut, or, ma rx stiu:kt. I . il il PROTECTION IB .Nr.OiaHAUV 1'JIOM Till. COM), HO TBASDBL orrurt koii thi: ritudUNr month BLANKETS from $1.00 upwards. HEN'S SUITS from $4.00 (o $20.00. MEN'S CAPS from 50c. to $1.60. MEN'S OVERCOATS from $4.00 to $20.00. MEN'S UNDERWEAR, Bottom Prices. Felt Boots, Rubbcis, Shoes, Umbrellas, etc. Ladies' Plush Coats from $12.00 to $20.00. Ladies' Newmarkets from $3.00 to $10.00. Ladies' Underwear from 26c. to $2.00. Ladies' Boas and MulTs, full stock, Of all clauai. OOIl I'lUCIM WII.I, 1IU AH 1..0W AH IV j X li-rfl t n a i. k lXJ , now itm.i:u. cFor BINDERS $ PRINTERS rjlIK KOIaK KLASTIO TAllLKTI.Na COHI'OUTION, TIIK K1NKST arttclo la tbo irlj far uiaklux tbo itruitf eat, moat rtaitlo, durAole and baudaome bliirttne; fur 11111 UeHtlt .SUtfUirnti, Kallroud DUuke, etc. At lcait on-tial( thvavpar tlmit tbe old method of mtrrliiK tba tdjjfi ultb colored paper. lUa no oCemtTO or unbenllby odor, and on ptuud wilt do more tbii ttvopouuda ot any of tbe liquid prep artloii, t innrb Irii coit. lut up tu two-pound boxet uud aold Mfioufacturere' irlcui, 43 Ctnta per pound u tbe oDESERET - NEWS - OFFICE PRACTiirilLORS ijr uv. WOOlKN ttllAl'EHH. WM"B MM k SI, r- r,hlon' ' Ord.r. Economy. 235 S. MAIN STREET, j28,0o. - Ofpoiltt talker llouir, - hilt Lake tllj. j- I I I'.Tauniua Ugilc..DU.I iQLtcirau. ' 4CW iSai?) V ' B 'it 311: "'W- i i l HI $ sSlfi m 5fitL . i r i . . T-Vitw l ' IrlT Twayi5weHI(now7 WOh !3 Ml LAN !t ,?a n'roufl,, tytto,.$ h$$f 3 " m lftk"l -avfryBoodplanJ ' ,1 ' H VTiill n f5o flood maul, I'll, mcjrry you foff,f:!i M J m nl If you II give me a home, .. V '''itllU In Ivtr -Wilt; A CHARTER OAK in if. (71 fuf'Wii-l It II .U.2vU I" bake And III brew, ' '!$-tl I W $M& I II boil and III fW j-'V Rl '& Jf iW AnrJrjp(J(Nlnfieiwe'lffeajfo7y.J:.lj p i, f I Sf shall neverbpfet ft.;.-r. . rC it'll K for P fopd that waj ruined f''V-'DS Si', I fcKc And lojthcreioforeV.,;:.;iltoj,W vvam kr Trjpr? can be no excise. tvw."" w .Will tej vvilifjatWintOAuztDocl'jSiitti lISBltl ron nAi.r. nr 'flwS 2. C. M. I., Solo Agonts In Salt Lake City. ; ,jmt jsro-w I3r ixi3na. ' aU i j B THE U. 8j Mediation and atonement ' jf! il Dy tho Lato PnESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR. ' Dl j . fH Pull Paper, r.Oo.i rull Cloth, 7Bc. Full Laathar, Sl.OOl Fu ; llill Lcnthur Gilt, $l,GO, poitiiultt. A vIM -r.FOIl ALL KINDS ora-- MM B BOOK BINDING, PAPER RUL1NQ I ' ooic. and.-.job.-.printin! (j Am - - - AND STEREOTYPY U ' ill DESERET MEWS PUBLISHING COMPAQ, Salt Lake Clly, Utah. 'i' J Sportamen's I-1'eadqtiai'lei'S ! V m ' BROWNING. BEOS., ill1 1S5 S. Mala St-, Salt Late City, Utah. 2461 Wasfa(atoa AtcOgdeo, Utab. H W 6hotGuna,fllflat, tfrjyBatsilriiliilwr,l tlllnt olFlahlna, 'ili'il riitolj. AniMunl-araSWt'8TCn Snortlnj and .Bill M lion and t senar- JFJP Alhltllo Oooifi. ffi? ' lor THOMSON WATCRPnOOF UOOTS AND SHOE8. -tat ' jl Au.l.U for Mtru I'owdrr, Ul aud 1- utr, Ilu Vnut Strtluit and llliatiBK 1'ow- ,i: 11 Jar and KailonalTjrwrlLra. KTTnaBi! Si.rrLmi. r if Rl ion uvn jiLVamjTkn caialoovs, 10 ah, j jl II InMing. v GRANITE IRONWARE U more than , .1ft -j t Bakina aV. luxury it It a unreality. It I clean, licaltliy, fM Rjffl SrS&i.S&f linJy "nil neat t there la much clllfcreitM ''fail It li I .2fTTr3n"Ov. between it am' lltiw are, Bihi tween n china W:mm jr 'jr-grJ'S& " a "n C"P- It It cheap, liccatttc it 4S313I Sr- WrS??ltW CTS 'a3ts- anl " alwajt nice. Hmy wNltlfl $1 VB&AjW J& r Koml houienife thould use it, anil :m lJlj t8fVS3aC '10,c u'10 otlcc tr' 'l won'' l""e "iiy ' 'f Ulll Q?(hrifiC$kSS-f' ,1,mB rl'c- It it the best ware tnade lor 'l RIBI "rr "10 klKhcn Co"u Uook ",,a 1rice Li,t in Hisl n ... "V?Wf'Atf rree on aripiicaiian. ajc sure iu wenwn ui nil (Soiling. yr Mjfjftr. Manuhctuicl only by tb. Sjljl Pmrmng. st. LOUIS STAMPING CO., st. louis, mo. , -m Mm I BEING IN A POSITION Nj To nnpply tHe vrants ol eterf gardener, or any one urn I -i ," J may be engaged In gardening just now, and nearly OTerybody ! "Mm jjjt ia-attention is called to oar stock ol ; i GARDEN TOOLS, GARDEN AND LAWN HOSE, LAWN MOW- ,! J 11 ERS AND LAWN SPRINKLERS, ; 1 11 ot the Elost Improvod Mako and Standard Grades. Va are n ' ' propared to otter a email line ol ' f !i j Refrigerators, Ico Cream Freezors, Gasolino Stoves 1 1 j j And Block oi CUTLERY tt Prices ranch nndor tbo markel ) , MO IXlWOIiatJIXTS TO liVILDJZRS AND f 1 ll ) COXTJCACTOJtS. Itflilf E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE COMPANY ill