Newspaper Page Text
fiB . Sr'ltH I S Tiittri!T jnVFP.TIIlNC NFMtHl ! oi Si 1 J ' VW I J li J I J 1 M 1 HJ tt 8 S 1& i J 1 m I tj oubbchihtiom (iatcs! $ IIiOU jHEBtaUUJMiUiiiflUHBUJua ,j gj HJ J VcJ OJ H ff.J fl 11 W Hi 1 j IftTT Ml WW i onnVor. . - $1000 e ftiiufi jl - - t . UA . EJ, ..ill A JSL-J? .EL ViJfl, .fl -IX- -X fl V w -V. J -MLi U NX 0 s&WTy?v&fytfV-tyn wvwt BflH I thuTH AND I.IBISKTY. " .HflH ero. m. " ' " m'omjay. pi cEMinnt 12, isg. sAivr JsAkk city i;taii TjnnuToiiy. votxxv. 99M I THE ARMY BILL. I capriis Dinner Preliminary I to tiic Debate. I is tub (H'.umax iikiciistao. I socialists Holl Hestlnis and Protest against tba Heasnra. jHECHANCI 1 1 m-.i'i: " ." n, mil H"ir " " ftrel ItrAilliilT 1T .eieoil IIsorlly, l)rru',DrC.10.-Onlho evoot th nt reading cf "" '" b1"' chu' -lot Von Capilvl 8T0 a Pi)lmun'' krriHoccruDlriuo Id character, bring lo totither tolli incmbcra of tlio jl,chimof nil allies and prosi rep resentatives of nil shades ol opinion lMpt Boslallst. Ilviii memonliU rrcjnlllon ol HiB li.llaouce of Iho hti sud roatked n epoch In Herman lourosllini. Whllo this dltinpr u ii Mcedlne, tbu Hoclallsts worn holding LSsiainry electoral d strict lu Jul Ilcfo'utlons were udoptod tie toa'nelnK nillllarylsni Mid urging the. formation of n people'" mllltla. Tie w nature of tlit. ineetluge wulbi lute attendance ol women, who by feivld enthusiasm gave mote Jubl. 10 the Police tbau their Hoclell.t Irotbrrs dared cause. When the debit" on tho army bill noimd In thullclchstag toaoy tho Louie mi crowded an 1 Ilia Kaliorlei who full ol visitors. Tim tenurof tbu nctchii from all sides dlscloiod no iowrnpromlelng hostility to the bill. Uerr llelcbttllu Ills address tald tho yrelslunlite forty would Krant what aver funds necessary for tuo Introduc tion uf the system ol two years' service, lal tlio chaucillor would have to npp tjaraoro coroplacont Reichstag than thentsentouolo obtain demands bo ton j tl t. Ho contended tint thu bill vould rilm an extraordinary budget to in- ottnt of two uundrod million iuii' chancellor's reply to th iiticbia aealnkt tho bill wai mainly Uncled al llclohUr. Uo laid thu litltr an alio political ilatlitlclau, lutKtrctly In a iwettlou to oilVr u nllili'a opinion on tho dclallt of tho nlliwyejiiteru. Ou lhl lubjctt Iho tUw that wrio authorltatlTu In the Httint inlllutry circle) inuet liavo '04 convinced am 1.' laid tbo rtancellor, "ol Iho uecetjlty of the bill firtbe conttnutd oxlMencuof Urmia cjr that II the ltelchitai; wlihod to ttiow upon me It" own rtspontlblllty, I wiuU trauijullly accept It." Tlila itatenient wan urceteil with cbtert. Continuing, lliu cliancollor tali that under the irovUlom of the bllOU,QOO joung men would be aunu H illjadtlcd to the array, ro that In n H ftw j cat 410,01)0 moiu mon would bo mdjto to tho field agalntt a hcitlln H limy. Till MaUmcni alio ullolted cbetri. The chancellor appealed to M In Iiuuji) not to throw thu country litoconluilon by rejecting tho mini- tit. MiDleutril.ipcaklnr: for tho Conn r. ItiUtm, inld tin party woul I voto for Uc Ulllf It wai providjthut Iho quality tllhurniy would not autler thruugli ttl rroj'O'ud lucreitaeln nunibira unit tt;inlutlou. Tho general opinion Ii liiittbi Mil will pui the llrit leading Irigoodinsjorliy. " thluK HLo popular dcmonitra bill of A.MI'SKUITISJI Unoccumd lu mwral lenten where f lielsilnlgH eliment Ib itronij. Tilcetbli week touilderahlu crowd! Iwed along tho Frlcdrlclmtramo cry bj "Down with tho Jowi," Leading ntuertallvea aro coufldeut that tho imjror In uihamed of thoJow baiting toe ly thu party and havu nrotoilol iilottlncludlogauantl-JewliIi plank la the inform. Tho nntl-Hemltlu Ireriginda In Auitrla received freiti ttitjyby tho action of tho Uoiman CotiuiTatlTei. A largo man miHitliig u iiceutly held In tho Vlennu town Mil, at which l'rlnco Alole l.lcliteu I'to, amid tho plaudlli of tho crowd, Milled Ilium to boj cott Juwlsh trudei- Coining from n man of hla lm ottini.e, tho advloo Ii llkoly to havu n ultEicl. THE rUNCltAL 01' Ult. 8IKMANI7, i veil known electrician, took placo W7 with much imp. Chancollor itnCoprlvl and many other oDlciaN, Ion a gnat trowd of protnlncnt l0(linot In olllclal life, were present, liar tkouiand workmen follunod thu tif. Among tho Moral ollcrlugi "onefromillliou. II HIE KIOKNT CONVBUSATIO.V I4 Lieutenant Kvuiif. n military Jaclieof iho American Logatlon, thu !peireiiod rogrot that beiautu "uidUtanis ho could not vlilt thu J-himjo Columbian Kxponltlou. Thu imrumeot will yraut 270,000 niarka J "hlUti 0 tho l'runlau ichdul MtnaatlhoWorU'iralr, A IIHOIU I.N IT. ' Ur.nn.on Clinraril Willi l..r. lion nril t entity. H" FlUNtuoo, litis. 10,-An Ic. wer dliptieh, relurrlng to tho ult "' JlTorco commencod In theniperlor S,. i,al I'0' Augelca yeiterdoy by 'i-Ilranniou, who of Judgu Anion "'"Mon of that city, eay that thuru M-Jr?fou", ' Ui complaint upon oicn tho prayer for a dtcree Ii bated. 'MBril two are deterllon and ex. Si? M,utltJr! vM'e ln tb" ttrJ couut utriuF " " Stonwnan, wiro of i r.i Ut?rK Ulonomau.ex-govornor "UlitornU Iinaiuid for co-roipond. !. .r,',n."',l Btanemaii haa not boon " iet hla rnldencu In Lou Angelm 1 1 1 i!i, i a ri"r' aua ft'w months ueo j?itI,oi Angiles pruumablylortUo tho causo of hit Uiparluro, as writ an hli ptcrent whirtaboulf, lint Leen tuucli ot a mjitcry. Jujge Ilrannson li u native of l'ort sue county, O., mid n man nf kiiio iTtnlth. 1I came to California In lsul, anj i-ered us ludcu of tlio miivrior rnuet of his Angrlti oounty from 1S!HIo16S7. Mri. ritononmn linn In ttllcclual ttoniinueer -Dytamcf ucc, and rolalnn much or iho beauty that In htrytulh msdo her prouiliiint lu tho toclnl clitlea iif llalllmore. Tim ihargia lostulncd In thu complaint aro Ocnlcd by the rniiondunti lu toto. ltiiiii.,r'l tronhu ,im,i(rlii'lliMii. Uiii-at 'nu, Jlont., Dee. 10 It I riimomd tliut thutn hai bren IMiiblo anions thu Indiana 1-0 inllta tual ul htru, and that Agi-ut Htinuiia wni htt whlln trylmr tu jaclly llnni. It Ii linpoulble to get nuy rullablo In formation from tho agency, Hit enough la known to corrobotatu thu fore going. Tjrili lit In loir Vaih. New Vohk, lite. 111. John Carney, a hburer, dlud ut Itlrinldn huipltnl oil lluilnnX ot the .N'orlll Ilrothori' lilaud todity of typhui fetvr. Carney hsi been living lu thu lodging homo nl 10 1 l'ark llow where h it ib Kit caught Die dlfcain from sl ' ur lodger who died of typhui last week. Jery pre caution wai taken at Dellcvua hoi Hal as Carney had thltly-lwo oni anions Initio alcohotlo ward whllo he was confined there. All tlmo will be ke t In quarantine for thrto wieki. THKNlII'ltHAMIIMrn MIV. ncnalor Trllrr linril lo III! Utiiral r ii. Wasiiimito.v, I), c., 10. Hcnator I'ellir, one of tho worment ohamjons otilher In drcldedly oppomd to tho repeal of tho Ulmrinan illtir law, nnd looks upon tho bill Introduced by 11111 nminenaco to the whltu -netal. Ho Mid until tomilhlng better or more Itrmancntwai glvon ui ullvir men oalurully would ba oppond to tho ro lnalof Iho Hhormaii lai. Tho Hill bill or any nlmllar mcaruru would depreciate silver oven lowtrthau It Ii uow, and lucreaio Iho evil luitnad of rrmedyliu It. "If tho Ilruneli con leruhcodoei liolhln(f," raid lit, "thon ,i! muit." lleferrlng to Iho I'rcaldent'amtiaai;o Teller eali! ho could not uudiritaud what thu l'reildeut meant by saying that wecoull meet thu Kurupean dn. maud for our gold by Icghdallon. "Wo aro n debtor nation," olaervoj thu Henator, "and cannot dictate tern e, muchli-raltglilatu to suit ounelVescn ttiu inattir." II.I 11,1 lvr 'lull Nlilpi, rim.AIitl.llllA, Doc, 10. A visit to Crump's thlpiard today dlaclond Iho fact that tbo kecl-blocka wiru laid for two of Ilia flvo new vtsiols of Aru-Tlesn registry which tho Inman Lonipauy cugagtid to lulld for thu purpoto of carrylug traniatlanllo malli limit r thu imn sulmldyact paused Mtbi-laat ntslon ofCongrcn. They aro lo bo of unormoui size over Sou ftet lone and over i!xty-f-et beam, ac cording to tliioutllntu Indicated by Iho preliminary work. They llu next to Iho battleship Indiana nnd Xo. 1.1. twin sister of the unsrmurud trailer Columbia, whloh nro well ad vanced lu conitruclloii. TllllTEIEllllAl'lllllfl1 NTIIIKC II la Iltclnrid oir nml Ilia Oporatori llaln llinllnr. ClIIOAUO, Dec. 10. At -1 o'clock yeiterduy nfttruoou evury conductor between Chicago and thu Mtiiourl river uu tho Chlcsgo &, Hock Inland road ueot out In sympathy with tuo striking tolejrapheri. Thrro houn later tho slrlko wna declared nil" and all demands mado by tho tuh graph operators wero granted by tho com-lany. rnr. I'Iiii.aiii.i.i-iiia imiui.nt. Ncllleil Id Ike NMUfnclloa ol Iloltl 1'anama, Dec. ID. News has Jul', reached biro from I,a Uuayra that Iho Philadelphia Incident had burn iiatlslactcrlly settled. United Btatei Mlnlitir Hcrugge detormluod to no that the ihlp was not moleitcd, and thu collector and hatlior mailer had lu aliuctloni not to dt ny her tho light! of port. Captain Chamber! steamed lu toportnuddropiied nuchor under tlio gum of the United Htatoi wanhtp Keanarge, and Captain Crownihluld sunt a crowd of murium nboaid her. The cuitoms houto ollloer came on board nnd demanded a new register. Acting under Comul llanna'a advice, Captain Chumbera rcfiibud to accede to thu domand and tho rblladoli hla was forbidden to go to tbo wharf anddt tiled itrmllon to dlichnrgu her cargo. ThlugswiroaiiumlngKierlousabape, hut tho agent uf thu iloilltou Hod I) Line urraifged things satlalactorlly with tho Vuuciuolan autlioritlta di rect. Captain Chambers gave up a now register by tho dlrootlon of the agtut's line, and a flnool 400 franca was paid for thu ship leaving port without a register ou tno last voyage, rho collector of tho port returned the old rrglttir, and tho hutborruattir per mitted tho ship to land. Throughout tho controversy tho best of feeling pre vailed. Hut Venezuela, though men aced by the guua of thu 'Keariirgo," maintained tho claim that foreign merchant ships, when within Veueiu elan waters, mint roapect tho laws and comply with local port regulations, liiilaiueiil AkiiIiihI ri Poller. Nlw Venue, Dec, 10. Tho sherlfl today limed au execution for J2rVJJ agalnit Corn Urquharl l'litter, the nuresi, better known as Mrs. James Drown l'oltur, lu favor of Henry C. Mlutr on ujuilgment obtained on July 11,1)190, for money loaned lulSS7, llUlm'a llrnllli. WASiriNtiroN, V. C, Dec. 11. Hon. JamtaU. Jllalnoia muoll hotter this evening. 1'our dais ago, whllo driving, ho caught slight colJ, which was swiftly followed by a roturu of hU stoniaoh trouble. Ily alvlcca of his physicians and tho f unity ho remslned In bed during tho Inlc-rvenlng pirlod. This ovotitug liu spout In the library In n chtorlul inaunor. Ur rraaou of tho let-back, lllulne's departure for a inoro congenial cllmatu will I o de layed. Tonight It was given out by a member of tho family that It wni not absolutely certain that California would bo thu point of hla destination. Hut ho would go somowhum for a brio! period as soon no ho could travel with out serious Inconvenience. LONDON'S TURK To be Pnt under the Terror of Dynamite. AX ANAIU'MST I'LOT FEAUKl). Ejplo'Ion Expected, tot No One Knows Exactly Where lI'L'llltl 1IIII.IIIM11 Noitrnt Anarrhuu In l.-tmliin iimler Nuiplelon. Tim I'ollci llalUul. Nrw Yoni;, Dec. 10. Tho Sjii'i lioudou cablo says: ",N'ow It It Ijindon'atum to be put under thu terror of dynamite, A glgautlo dynamlln plot Is ou the eve of execution, and the utmost ouerglea of tho Government aro being exerted to avelt tho cutDltrotho. Tho iollce know that tho auarchtsts plannol a frightful rsvongo for tbo xtrac'1tlon,of comraJo l'rancoa, but they do not know Juit whero Iho blow la lo fall, Tho result la that Woalmluster, Downing street, the law courti and other publlo lulldtnjs nro guarJul day aud night by nu army of detectives. All Mt'bilon vraa txpectod to tako placo last night. Threo hundred mm from tjootlaiid Yard guard the l'arllamout building alone. A do toctlvu stood In front of every door, uvory window and every corner and angle. Tho residences o! tliodeteotlvts whuarroatrd rraucci, the maglatrato who heard tho caau and tlio court and Jail whore hu wai contlued, were ilmllarly protected. The met that nothing has ha penod does notplovo the alar u lo ho baeeltis. Tho Information which thoatenta ln ticotlaud Yard iialnad a f w days ago nmong anarchlita Ii said li bo very authentic. Tho plotter! havo au ample supply ofdjnamlto. They licked only a rellatilo detonator or uxplodlng ap paratus. Ihla tho ooufroroa In I'arii ngrend lo iiipply, Tlio strlctoit watch bus been maintained ever alnuu at Dover, I'olkoitonu and other channel ports lo detect thodevlcolulramlt If ioilble. It has not been dlico voted aud thu detctlvoi aro presumably Ignorant of Whether It has toeu de livered. Hevernl anaroblits In lundon aro undtr suspicion, but as nollilnj criminating li known, uo arrests have beeumadv. As soon as tho Inveitlga tlou has progreisod further It Is said thero will bo a plsu to throw out a drag uot suddenly aud uinut many suaprot ud dynamiters In londnn. In Iho meantime the policy of maintaining u special guard ovor Iho government building will bo continued. IMllt)h. Xulmporlant lfallllnit Ilalore IV'ow leur. WAmtl.taTO.V, D. O., Deo. 11. Harely any legislation of praotlcal Im portance Is achieved In Congresi bo lore New Voir, and thliseiilonlsuot likely to prove an exception. Iu both houaiswork la progrtsslug ln a man ner that iudlcutea lack of real earnest- ius. riio prominent features of this wovk's pioctodlngi nro llkoly to be tho nntl-optloublll lu IheHennte, anl an projirlatlon bllli In tho Houao. During the morning hour In tbo blenalo tomor row Henator Mitchell will dlacuu thu Joint resolution proposing an amend ment to thu Conatltutlon providing for thoolectlon of lonators by tho votes at thiualllled elector! of tho status, in tho JIouiu tho debate will begin on the army appropriation bill. Tlio bill lu tho ngregatu shows n reduction from tbu loutl amount ot tbu current year, butllieroaro several Increases In np. proprlntlom under the head of "De partment of Ordnance." Thu appro priation! oommltteu oxpecta to report tho fortlllcntlou bill In tlmu for It to bu takeu up us ioou as the army bill i ones. Ills believed that Iho District of Columbia bill will lm reported to the House tho latter pnrt of the wet. i:a. Ilmitoa for dcflclencltiwlll he received, und Ibeso will bo embodied In thu urgonoy nud deficiency bill to bo re poitod to tbu Houio and taken up nl moat Immt dlately for action, and other bills under dlicufcslou are to temporarily glvowiiy. ThopurpoiootthoinonagerH of thu House. I to get all these bills ovir to tho Henato tie fore tho holiday rectss. Thu nccouipllahmout uf Iho purpoae i largely depends ou the temper of tho House, which, If la a mood, can I rolraot tho consideration of bills over lovtral weeks. Cinlrmnn Outhwntta of tho Houaa military tomiultleo bos prepared a ro portforsubmlsxloutotho llouia with iho army appioiirlnllon hill ngreod upon by tho commltioo. Thu report status sulUclcutly, but clearly tho reason for Iho i hangci made by tho coramltleo lu a numbor of paragraphs as compared with tho bill for tho current fiscal year. Hulitanllally thaonly Incriaaeil appropilallons carried In thu hill aro lu bureau ur ordnance, aud tho reaaoui thero!.r nro atatcd qulto freely by quo tatlona fiom thu tutlmony of General Flagler, before tho committee. M'LAKIIC IIIINI-. InArrltca In llublnrtoa but Mara bill Utile. Wasiiinutu.v, 1). C, Dec 11. Breaker Orliph back lln Washington. He a not Inclined freely to dlacusi for publication somo of tholncldcuta con netted with thu reform club banquet. I u reply to a queation from au Aksooioted 1'ress reporter he said: "Tp.litgln alth.tha preas of thu country Is reitlng under n mlsnppro heua on so far as regards tho fact; I was Invited to n banquet, but was not Invited to speak, but ormod mysolf lu advance In cam I ihouM raluU u. on. It is truo I gavo out to the press one clatbns In aJvauco the nmaiks I Inteti ltd to mslio should I tu islltnl upon to any n few words. It Is not tniet'intl left tho bai quel hall India gracv, Iuii dtrgruutled t-omliiloii nnd Hid not return, n rubllslio.1. I left my tint temporarily to look nltir my clothe In Iho cloakroom. Tula taiacimplo-ol Ireturnoi to thu ban quit hall, nnd was one of tho lest lo leavall. "As regards tho Implied 'aaub' lo mo as has turn charged, I do not cure to dlscius thu sublet for ubllcatlon; nor do I tarn at this tlmo tu dhcuaa tlm slatt meuts by lomu preaont. Clovelaml, In his lemarui, I red tho 0nlng gun lua war that la tu bo wagud o,jainst my reelection to tlm sptakcr'n clmlr sheiild I bo a canJldato beforo thu rifiy-thlrd Congrcs-." , , , llu utluullou balog cillcd to tho fact that time of his friends expreirnl Indignation ut what thsy conceive! to be hi Intenfed slight, he laid tho matur wai uf too dnllcatu n naturo tu discuu lu tho publlo prints. lltlac' HIIUNDd UllTXDRD. New YokKi Dec. 11, Nothing In a lontlni" hau.reatel so much goislp among Now York nlltlolans na the speech tjptaker Crlapdld not deliver at tlm Hefoim Club banquet last night. 1-llery Anderaou, pretldont uf tho ltiform club said! "I am ttxtrtmely sorry Hnker Crisp feels offended. I would like to know how ho got tbo Inipiemlon that hu wai to bo ono of tbo swakera. I havu talked with members of the com mlltci, aid they aro nteu Ignorant. CerUluly no dlacourttsy was Intended. Crisp's namo wo not on tlio Mat of spearttrs, nud thero Is no rcaton why hu should have been naked to speak nt the reform dinner. It was notunuaual that Crlip, ai speakor, should not bo naked for an a Ureas. Tho ltrform club standa for certain things lu tho I atty policy which Cilap does uot represent." Speaker Crlsp'a frlonds rrho remained In tbo city nro furious nt thu Incident In which ho figured and at what they call tlio "cold-blooded" way In which tho members of tho reform club talked about It. JuitbcforoHpcakcrCrlipleft IhuHolTuiin Houio for the llaJlun rjquara aaaemhly rooms Baturday night hu wai aaked If a copy of hit fjcecli could bo purchased. Tho speaker re plied that he waa not certain that ho would becalled upon, but If ho waa Iho Asauclatod l'resa would furnlah a copy, .Mr. llarrett, the speaket'j secretary, waa hunting (or somo Ono connectrl with the dinner committee tarller In theuvuuliiganxloui to learn whtdhtr Iho speaker would bo aakod to make au nddrcii. Ho found no one who could tell him nnd Iho ipeakcr had lo go lo tho ulntier Ignorautof vilielher ho would bo n speaker or limply a listener. Tho whole nubsct ot tlio dinner was greatly workud up by thu Iteform oluu. Hunurs of dlaiatlafao lion lu tho lloform club wlllmaku Itsell manllcat at thu approaching club election. I ilto n movement li on foot to provont Iho ro election of Andsraon ai president. Moat of tho Democratic representatives think tl tVn lncU dent at the reform dlnnor will preolpl tatu a epeaktrihlp right. Tho Sfomlarr Coulertnca. Ilnusai is, Dec. 11. At a meeting of tho monetary conforenco yesterday Hani Forselt of thu rJsredrii nud Nor way delegation aaked the Americans If they would agrcu to a ratio of 0 lo 1, which would be n nearer approxi mate to the prtsent silver value. Henator Alllaou replied that thu Amur loans would prefer a ratio or 10 to 1, hut II agreeablutoluroitanalalsi, tho Americans might accept a dllfsrent ratio. I'or hlmaelf he thought tho silver-using states would moat logically accept a ratio of IS J J to 1, America would acoept no ratiounlesaasulllo'eut number ot governments entered Into the agreement to rnako It elleclual. United Males Delegato Henry Y. Camion, replying to Tlerard of tho French delegation, tald ho was sur prised at the cttltuda of thu Latin unions, as It was suj posed In America that thu I.atln union bolng thu largeit silver holdors, would be very friendly lo Its uao ai money, but It ap peared that they wero not Inclined to olu America lu an agree ment for the uxtenslou of Hi use whllo Great illrltaln, without on Im portant quantity of illver, luggosted In purchaso for uiu as money, ilo denied that the United Hlatts waa unduly lulluencod ou silver leglrlstlou by tho liver produot. Ho thounht thu pro toaed purchaso of 30,000,000 ounces of silver aunually by Kuropo provided it waa In aJdltlou lo tho sliver now naturally used, might bo thu brldgo to Join tbo money initals. If, however, silver was to bo further dishonored and used the same as piper money, without regard to price, America would still bu In au excellent position to profit by the lato of attain as shown In tbo confor enco, Ho Canuly Heal War. LllirilAI., Kss , Deo. 11. There will l.o no county seat war. Thu parly of Iilbcral mon that went to Hprlugtleld yeiterdayjto witness lliocanvaii of tho voto returned last night with nowi that Liberal had bsenclioicn aa tho 'county teat. Thero v, as no disturbance during tho ranvati and the Hprlngfleld people submitted quietly to the Inevi table. ucoimi: timin. He Mar lliir linear anil on tlio Turr. New Yonic, Dec. 11. "It would not surprise me nt all," sil I ono of thu most prominent breeden lu tbu United Htatea to n If'orfd reporter, "If Goorga Gould should toon be ou tho turf with a big stable. George Gould always had n fondness for running horaaa, and at Haraloga a few years ago told mu It waa only his father's opposition which prevented him becoming tho owner of big stable. A friend of) ours Gould's said threo years ngo that his father had positively prohibited him from golug on the turf. Jay Gould cared nothing at all for horses and dared Georgo would negleothla enormous business Interest! tu what ho hlmaelf regarded aa porulclous folly." A 1-le.n lor Help. I'lTTsmjnu, Deo. 11. Tho Citizens' Hellof association of lleineslead has Issued a plea for help for nearly lood persons, embraced In the 213 families, who aro ilestltutu and In Immediate need of food, clothing and fuel, ua n result of tho lato Iron mllli strike. Many are said to bo uclually starving, A FIENDISH PLOT Story of a Plot to Poison Non Union Men AT THE CAKXEdlK STKKL l'LAXT Several Persons Said to Havo Lost Their Lives as a Result. Ai.lliiLit iu.TAii.rt or the I'lnr. A ttxik arreilnl llakra n lull loiilMtluu r tlm lerrlbla rime. rmsrrurtci, l'onn., Deo. 11. A Sunday papar published n ilory today of a conspiracy to polaon by wholesale non-union workmen at tbu Cainuglo steel laut. Aa n result ot th con spiracy It Is all-Crd that lovcral per soniboroloit tiulr Uvea, whllo icorti ofothsri nro still lulIVrlns nt Ihelr homes and In hospitals from the elleot of tho poisonous drugs ndmlnlslcruj to thorn with criminal Intent. Today nlun moro persona, mora ur leas Idrull fled with Iho strike, nro under arrcal ostensibly on leaa terlous charges, but really for tho purpoau of averting suiilclou uuill all thoao wno are claimed to bo ln tho conspiracy ihall bo secured. The detalli of tho murderous plot aro sufllclent to cauie a rhuJdcr. It will be reuittnbered that shortly after thu arrival of the statu inllltla nt Homo stead aud tlm uou union mull com mrnced work In thu mills, catoa of ilrkncia wcro reporle I, but wtnu at tributed to tbu luiiirlty of the water supply aud tro-n other sourcea, and notices vtrro -eled conaplcuoualy about tho mllli warning employ it. Doaplto tho irecautlouary meaauri, the ilckucti contlmie-d mid It soon became current nt Homestead that au epldemlo was prevailing among tlm men In thu lucloture. Iriu ilrst Inti mation that tho nivn wiro tho victims of n conspiracy was ubtalued more than two months since, bjt uot until yesterday waa thoovlJeiicoileemrd to bu kiiMcleutly strong to warrant tho l prehension of at least unnof those Indicated. The price to ho paldwlioti theinllla wercoloaed dou wai $5300. Tbu terrllle lot, according lo In formation obtalnod, Is lulntanllally as followa: Ono of Iho clilrfcooka .at lHMeateaJ'melbliu onndayaul uakel If ho wanted ajobat Homoslead. Ho aid the Informant ould iiiiln bin money If he wuuIJ help lilm. Ho laid he not only waa emplo)od by tlm Csrneglo company, but uui alio In Iho I ay of labor naioclatlorii aid numbers of the striken' committee, and was fust coining money. As ho grow more confidential, nnd questioned nbout tho piy from theuiaoclatliu, he told lit in ot a plaa to polaou tlio food of tho mon cmplo) ed lu thu mill to as to make them tick nnd render thni uuablu to work. Hu detailed the Ian he had boon pur aulnc, and aererted that nearly It not all of the sicklies among Iho men wai caused by Iho polaoni lit placed In their food. Ho said be waa to got $5000 If he succieded In closing tho mill. He urged him to accept a place, and told him It would be utterly Im possible for him to to delicto J, nnd linally left him with tho understand ing that be would mitt him In tho city next day and give the man soma advanco money and take him to Home steaJ with him. Keallzlog Iho helnouaneas of tlio protos!tlouthe man called upon Chair man Frlck aud laid tho nutter beforo him. Upon the advice ol the com pany's attorneys ho met the cook and proceeded lo Homestead with him, aud waa duly Installed lu million by the cook, and tho next day alter tils airlval a number of men wero reported ilok and thu cook told how ho plac-od polaou of colored powder Into their food, and told him to watch forau opportunity lo uao It lu the food. Fearing the man could not be truated, two l'lnkerlom were engaged to keen a close lurvelllance on thu Informant as well as tho rook. Tho latter became tuaplcloui and al onco dlccoutluutd the uie of tbu powder. Orderi wero then given that thu workmen should take their meals at a reitaurnut outside the enoloiure. Later tho mon reported that the cook was be coming very uut-aay and feared that ho might conclude tu leavo the oily In a hurry, Tboy tald thu death! among tho men, eapeclslly Hint of Charles Ulotser, unnerved him, and they be lieved he would make a clean brraat of thu whole plot If placet under arrest, Thlaaaas done, nnd when confronted with the facta aa atatod above tho oook broku down and made a full coofisslou, In which ho gave the narues of thote who employed Mm, Iho amount of money bo received and the manner In which ho carried out Ida part of tho torrlblo crime. HoilsleJ alio that ho frequently visited the eainpa of tho mllltlaaud dosed tho lood prepared In tho cook hour e. Ills vlalts wero always followed by luonaatd slckncsaamoiiif the members or tho national guard. Tho oonfeailon was takon by aiten ographer In tbo presence of several wltntaaas. Ho alio exhibited voucbera for money due him. A reportor called upon Mr. I rlok to learn, If possible, Carnegie's account of the crime ulleged agalntt lltalty, but tho gentleman positively rehired to bo Interviewed. At Homestead Iho story la pronounced rldlculoua. 1:. N. llrook, counsel for the Carno EloHteol company, limited, was soeu tonight aud conllimod the ttory of tho polsSnliig. Ho says hla Informs lonili that nt leait six dsaths reau led Iron tho polsonlnc. A Hointstead d'UMlst and a physician nro Implicated. Thu powder was given to a dog and tbo animal expired In a short time. A number of arreili will be mado in a fuw dan. Coromr McDowell Imi not vet been notified. He will go to Home iiteod tomorrow to nveatlgate he causo of the iliiath o( laaao J. Writs, who dlod luddenly about two wueki njo. J, Wrlus was n wltnets In Iho ( rltchlow case. The coroner Is of tlm opinion that Ills deith was due to alio hl. TAtiitr 111 1 mm, Nparrlita nl lha llliinrr or thn Itsrornl I'lnh, V.w lurk. Nmv Yumc, Dec. lo. Htalcamen dined n statesman tonight ln the con celt hall of thn Madison Hquaro Gar den. It was tho Itoform club's dinner to l'rcstdcnt elect Drover Clovoland. rho prosiH-ct of brilliant oratory nnd wlsuoouuaol filled flu boxes nnd gal lerlrs with men and women, nnd tlio udloiico was not dlsapi-olutcd, A number of lotdlug staltnmun ot tho De-niocratlo patty, and of tho nitlon for that matter, spoke well aud to tho point. 'Ihtislatemen and patriots who spoke, naldu from l'rt-sldenl-rlrctClovp-land, wcrn Carl Hhuii, Henator ltoger tj. Mills of Texas, ex-Oovciiior James K. Campbell of Ohio, General 1'atrlck Colllus of Massachuaotts, Cooglessmnn Thomns Johnion ot Ohio, nnd JU. Kll ery Anderson. MIC CLEVELAND 81-OltU In part ai followa 1 "Wo can contemplate nothing moro grnlllylng In eonntctlou wltn thlt assumblagu than thu roof It ntfords that Iho Anicrlcaii pLoplncau be trust od lo manage Iho government given Into tliclr keeplug. If thero are thoso whobaeliieu 0I0 pointed nnd dla lieatluntd by thutxtcntto which our peo lo havu boon deceived and lul'lnj or who wllh fear havu toon tbu htoJ lemtnt aa of thu duty ol clllzenahlp opt n wldo Iho door of corrupting Inllueucts, or who with tad foreboding beheld popular rule noarlug thu fatal rocks of n di bauchrd suirrnnu,or who m iiirucd because apioiili of telllaluieM nud promlaeaot uutqual advantages Were apparently uiidrrmliilug patrlollam wlili h alone Juilltlts our hops of national irplulty, let thii occitloii nud the ovenla which led lo It telu late laltti nnd coiilldenco In our counlrymeu. If wu have learned that uu oppcal lo tho patriotism uf our coiinirj men and tho honest presentation ot political prlnclrlra lo their Inlvlllgeiice nud JuJgment are uot ln vain, thu thought muit not escape ua tliut while our psojile will In Ibu out n-piy their support to thu lollllcnl parly which aJdreaiej tiulr iindrrstiiidlno; aud reason tuateai nf bruad and selfl-li Interest, they will surely ruvengu themselves upon thoso who dect lie or briny them. Ill order that wu may brglu Willi free hicda wo should vigorously oppuao all which havn their origin In undi mot ratio teachings or lu dimogoglo circles, Tu win the peopln wa should strlvu to rid ouraclvei nml our countiynienof theldel that there Is nny thing shabby or disgraceful In economy whether In publlo ur private life. II exiravagjucu lu publlo ex peiidlturo has piovnlled In thu paal It atlorls nooxcusufor cjntlnuancu and there la 110 breach of duly to iialpabla ai tlm waalu ot publlo money by publlo servants. Tlie cultlvattou nt such a enttiuout Is not only- a high duty uecestary to thu consummation of tho rftftirma urn nro to unter lirion but wo shall utterly nud ditgnuetully fall If wu attempt thrso reformi under tho In fluence of petty pattlain scheulltu ur feur of Jeopardlalug pcraoual iollllcal fortunes. They can only bs acoiu plLhed when unscllttli pitrlollsai guldt-s the niplrntloiis ol ojr peoplu nnd regulates tbu notions uf Ihelr chosen aervauts. Wu who nru to bu charge I with thn rrspomlblllty ot making aud exuzullii- tliel iws aliolil I btglu our proparnllon for tho task by rigid self-examluntlon and self-purgation from all Ignoble and unworthy tendencies threatening to enter Into our tactics ana designs. At frtUout Intervals durlnu; tin speech thu l'rcsldout-olrct waa Inter rupted by hourly applatuo.t He warmoi up 11a he proceeilud, au I spoko wllh suoh warmth thai aim vlnood his hearers that hu meant every word ho said. When lie Mulshed, thu applause lasted several minutes. 110N. oaiii, scnimz. was then Introduced. After Mr. Hchura had finished apeakln, Hon, I', Johnson, a congressman from Ohio, was Introduce.!. At the bpc-nlug uf the dinner Hon. Charles F, Crisp, Hpuaker of the Natlouil House of lisp-Ittse-ntatlvi-s was among tbu prominent gentlemen nt thu speaker's Inbln on thu platform. It waa ex noted by nearly uvery ono present that he would make uu udJrcm, but nt Hit Mr. Crisp roso and left the banquet hall, appar ently very much dlstutbed. It was rsported that ho waa III, but this wai not the case. Hpeaker Crisp was seen by n reportor as ho waa leiving the hall. "Aro you not golug to ipeikj" was naked. "No," ho said, "I wai not Invited to speak. I tvnalnvltedlo thodinner,aud my Invitation waa suoh that 1 under, atood I wai to bu called upon to miko jin addross. I proparud one mulgavn It to tho Aaaociatnd l'resa nt their re quist." Mr. Crlap Ibeu excuaed hlmaelf and left thu hall. An Associated l'roat repren ntatlvetheii askvd;i:x-Hecretary Falrchlld tor lomaosplauotlouof tbu withdrawal of Breaker Criipt and he frankly said tho reason Crlap did not apeak wai that hu was not Invited to speak. Hald Mr. Falrchlld, Willi tomu hesitation, "There weruiouiuuy Dem ocrats of prominence present that wu could not lut thorn all speak, to wo had to limit thouumberof thu speakers." Thero was much disappointment lu thu banquut hill that Crlapdld not ipeak. Ilvrrpotrersil Ilia Miliar! and 1 seaprib, Tunn., De-. 11, Twenty-live Inmates of Knox county workhouse overpowered Iho guard yesterday and escaped. They am mostly colorod. A number of citizens havo boon hel 1 up and robbed lu thu suburbs by outlaws. Ilsnlis Hie tliuraej LouisviM r, Deo. 11, llobort Real ly, In Jail In this olty, ouool the mem bers of tbo poisoning conspiracy at Homestead, denies tbo charge of bolng Implicated In tho polsonlu,; of non union workmen. run llllls Mi ut Down. BoitANTON, l'a , Dec. 11, The upper mills of tho Lackawanna Iron &. nice! Company shut down yesterday on no count of lock of orders. The move munt throws GOO men out of employment. OUR WAR SHIPS, HI Annual Report of the Secre- BH tary of the Navy. 1H THE PAST FOUll YKAIW WONK. 999 nineteen Yessels Constructed Entirely 999 In this Coanlry. IH9m Jimti: I'liiiuaa niiiniNu. flflfl An I poeh hi tk. Ilsrelopiueul laSslaaS ami or lha sHaaalfl Wasiiinciton, D. C Dec.ll.-Tho 19 secretary of the uavy, lu hla annual nHeH report, sets forth thu fact that when H3 the present a tmlulitrallou cimelu on Hill March -fib, ISSJ, bealde tho old and IBVsBI obsolete woodon ihlpt only three modern war vessels wero llioommls. VA1 Ion. Duilngtheadmlnlatiatlounlue- ikVlHI teen uew vessels with au aggregate HBfl tonuago of 619',: tons, mountings VA1 twelve-Inch, U ton Inch, 10 eight-Inch IiBH nnd 8J ilx-luch guns, nil of which, raaRH Willi the exception of II vo of tho HHal oirlltat, havo been manufactured lu HBtSi thla country, Tnree new steel tugi iHHHI havo al,o boon conalruclud and put in service. Theruniu In proctsj of con- BB strucllon tlghtt-rii new vcsiels certain O to be completed ihoul I the nrmour ho saHHl deliterail within the next year of an fjBaSei aggregate tennagu nf 03,1117 tons; flHH nioiinllng altogether, 12 thlrtceu-lnch, rasBHal Utwelve-lnch, 10 leu Inch, 13 llvo-lncli flRB and r!0 four-Inch guns, nil of which HBB havo ln-rtti or nro to be luanufacturud HRH lu this country, rBHH I he development of the put four IHuH years has not been couflned to ships JHHH alone. At tho beginning of this ad- taaaNfll mlnlilratlon, lays tho secretary, thu bBbHbI naval t stabllihuicnt waa enllroly doatl- hBBD lute of certain elements of rfflclency, IkBrlHtl each one of which waa liiduipauiable raHHB to Ha practical employment aa is tilting iBBfl force, and thu abaonte of which, had latHeH It produced a hundrud all lew, would IHM still hivo left H In condition of !H1B1 paralysis. Tin so wrro orrnjr torpe- letUaH does, htavy lapld-flro guns, armor- laHasW piercing shelle, tmokoluai i-owdcrlaud AHBrA hlghexplotlvei. SBJHll The ic-c-retary details at length tho raaMfli noteworthy irogreailn the proluctlon rtHHai ot these thluga, and says the progress SHHarl noted, by which the United Htste. us uBbHH uuicrge I from Its co idltlou of helpless- ' nru at i us and by the emptoymuutuf SHI Ha own reaourc-ui has distance 1 Its B rid', experienced competitors, marks iBBl au epoch in tho nnval development 9HH uuiouly of Hill country, but of tho fHBI w (aHaHl Die lecrulary relates the remendoua iaHHl lest t)hichlhellnrvoylzod,nlnkel steel aWaHai nrmor has been euljectud, dwells ou iHBl thulucruitoof the uavy and ronewa 9MH tho recommendation previously made laaHfl for the bulldlugof tordo boats. The laHl report u osea as follows: BHH "In course of this department's oper- 9jHfl atlons Ihvro have been no suggestion of aflaHl icandiloriuaplclouof Jobbnry. Huch iHlHl a result could only bo accomplished by aHHl ft aervlcu w hh h, like that of thu navy, HaBal admits within its rauki only meu of IHB1 the hUheat honor and Inlegilly, nnd I ttHSI cannot morn lltly t lose tills rep irt than tVaHH by congratulating thu country on thu taHS possoithiu ol inch aachoolfor olllccri iSSa! aa tbo Navy Academy at Anrapolls, IHjnjl nud upon Iho character, ability and laHH loyal devotion of thu msn whom that )HHl Inatllullon auppllea for Ha service." laHH Kstlmsleslii thu report for thu llaoal rH91 year ending Juuu 30, 189l,lor the navy HlH and marine corps, Including tbuio for HH I ubllo worki aud lucreaso In uavy.nro ItaHal ISI, 171,43 1, being $.',715,141 less than laH tUoso for the iuat final year." naHfl a i kIii i in. Minir. rBnl Nuirerlnaa r n Crew uu n strseketl tVH Nlrnmar. JaHall i,NW, Dec. 11. The Ilrltlah iWbJ steamer Dllsberry was wrecked olt IHHl Long Hnd, near Harwich, laatrilght. (BH Tho illo laveri wero unable to board rlaflsi hor until daybreak, when they found IIW a few nraruen tl rowncd below tho deck. iBBjl Others wetu milling and are supposed iMaBI to have perished. IIBI It Is reported that n schooner was 'iflflfl wrecked lu Iho lands In iho vicinity SM and the cruw are mining. iHll Fourteen men belouglng lo tho crew tBjWl ol the wricked steamer Dllaberg were Ifl raved by k tlahlng amuck nnd landed HH9 BtAtnis Oslo last night. The body of tbo captain was also lauded. The BH Dllaburg's mate, who Is among the M saved, sa)s n fearlul night waa spent ' aboard tho steamer after she went HH ashore. To tho vessel's signals of die- H trees lis response scorned to be mado. flfll A particularly heavy wave suddenly ' broke over tho vuasol nt midnight, HH Hooding tho forecastle nnd washing flH raven of tho crew ovorboard, Ono of ' HM tho men waa allerwards washed back, ' and ho wni rescued uninjured, the six BH others were drowned. Tno remainder 19 of the crow wero then compelled to Hai tako to tho rigging, the boats having ' bren destroyed with the oxceptlou ol LHH tho lifeboat, which had n liolo lu the H liottom. Iu the rlgglug the survivors KM iienta fearful night, the captain be- l WM coming paralyzed and Inaane through l exOture. The tide receded at day- IH break, aud thu men then took to the ' H lifeboat, having patched the hole In i Hl the bottom with a piece of tin. They SB reached JCentlah Knot llghthouao at 4 HI o'clock In tho nftornoon. Tho captain sHI died ou tho Journey. WW Aloufflnst. H New YortK, Dec. 11. James Htlll, a H9 oolored Inmate of the Now Jersey re- . WeW form school at Jamesburg, today flu- i BaWl lahed tho sixty-third day of hla (oat IH and continues to show rcmarkablu ' Mri vitality. His digestive orgaus will not III retain nourishment of any sort. It Is 111 positively aaserlod by thu officials of llRT the Institution that the fast Is gunulnu. t f? j Dally external applications of awoet ' oil aru continued and probably furnish j ' somo nourlibment, j ; a