Newspaper Page Text
'ToMCTION CITY NEWS. Dinitle Tnroh Taking a Youag YToman's Jewelry. jttlOlirHlAFnO UEMOItVMZEIt. Break Uwaon Ilia Clly Tramuar. -DcAth of ItMIroait Couiluc " lor n. county olllclali elect liavr nil Ju.dtuolr c.rtlllotof .lee Ion $ '.! hw W " '"I"1"111 '"to'. trustee of lhei:Jon, Hooper A. nlSStllU Irrigation comi.anlo jrwtcr. SjnW bond. Willi tho county Th.rltT Iramwajr was not wotklng J n of one of Wo locomotives. ""rations will U reeumeu tomorrow, 'maladies ol tho Christian church m.i ii Chrlelmas tmaar In aomo TJuT.Ay.KrM.ynnJBalurd.y (I ibli Tbibody of John Uilogneip.tlio un i.innato Itallau "ho was klllwl In n ESSIto" KlUy. HI" "I" ' "" S,"ulTiwlllD ti.0 MtlV.I Of thO Si who lire t NamPa, Idaho. Drnotr Marshal Italohor yesterday JkJ.l'.Jonosto th iKnllutlry a ffii Ltko to await trial at thouoit iHffl. Jones' londa were rlareil at tho , low um of MM but to. Jiouiit could not bo ralaoi bjr him. The Union Taclllo and theHouthern PiclOo frelsht platforms nil J houses aro brfajequlppml with aro nnd .ncati Wm. Tho Improvement will Jwitolli nelly f thotmn.f.r jean carrying lantern whou on uluht doty. Tbo ibp men ar" nioclnu their dicks west onto Iho dwert lor tho inter, yesterday aoToral largo herds iSvl throJSh Ogdeu. IJoouglii .now 1,4 fallen on tho desert, It In rrpnrlol, la Innore sjilllcloiit water for tho sheep jorliu; tlio winter. FreUhtlramootl tha Union raclllo ,,aiicraorallx.ljelcnlay on account (f Uniterm which have .wiiitoycr IS. Wyoming and Nebraska llJni Curloitlie few day. o trains rcicbwl Onden on tliua and yen abandoned. The seacrlcoiilnclors havo been Untl to put two team pumpi at work o keep the water dowu in thu trenches Ulm dug on Orant nvonuo between T.coty-wTruth awl Tweiity-lbth lIMCI. The wurK le proiremliig "lowly mil will not be completed for several Tttki. J. I', Bpnint yesterday rowlvfd n ilj.tohnnncunoliiB tho timtli liiTur tin Ure, Pa., of J. H. McUaully, former leildeutof Ojdon and heavy iroiwrty owner here. Tho dwaHJ wiaproailnontOJd Fillow nnd Ma nnandmemtcrof Waialch Dlrlslon, U.K.C. Ynterday waa rejular law and m tloailiylii tho Kj'jrth Ulttrlct court id confcqiiontly no Jury oe wero t(W. The cone or the owner or tno llnud Opera home agalni! Mona;er lljwtt tor damage and ioBeilon of tlio UullJInu went over until Wcduon. day iiinmiu0', wueu It lll bo called for trial. Sob Milton, former lllo Orando Wtitcrn conductor runnlnt! out of OjrJtn, but liter of tha Idaho division oflho Uulon 1'acinc, dll yenterday In tbo railroad lioapltil at Pocatclloof pctuinoula. Waaatcli Dlvlilon, kiln a body thin mornlni; atll'iUS o'clock for l'oivtlella to attend the luneral which will bo held to Jay. The km well di rrlolf, oiikIiio liouir, lull wneeland all the nrcnotry LullJ. Icti wern completed lkt night and tTtrjtblng la now In rea llnein for thu mictilnery which li ex eolod to nrrivn laaboutlhrio wechs, Imvlnu boeu de hjcl In thlpment. Mr. Hlophona doei toteipect toatort lilt drills beforo tho mUdleof Janucry. Tbe (ifllcera, newly rlcotnl, of the Huntavlllo Inii;itloii maoolatlon filed Itidt bondi Willi Cuuuty dlork Lol. IJge yettorday. They aro I.. M. Xtl.oD, prealdeni; Will. a. Hmltb, vlce-preildent Jnn llantcu, an 1:tioi, Albert II. Oarner, dlrcctorii; Ammon Allen, troimrer; Lira l'eter. a ecrclnry; and Win. O, Moyii, a lutiotticietary. Oiputy Bherllf Kmmett roturned ynterday from lluutivlllu where he muted iMward L'upp on a c)nre of nullcloui mlaohlef and threatening to HUT. M. Ferrln. DurlnR tho patt hv week) Cupp lias been making blmsolf Kenerally obnoxlomto tho ro litnti of Huntavlllo nml la actiiiod of IjitIdj deitroted vontlderablo personal iropeny which belonged to Ferrln. lie will make tho county all Ills bead itUirtera uutll his arraignment. At a result of ollorlug In pledgo loaeono else's probity Kvo ilooru lodge. last utKbt 111 tho elty J ill where in will lomalii until tomorrow morn. Iczand theubo arraigned before Jus JIceKllrjerald, charged with obtain In? money under falao pretemis. Moora has for aomo tlmo pott been era. Iloyed as a waiter at tho Uuroiosu boteland during her stay thero became icqualnted with Floronoo Helma, a cuamUrmald. Heveral days ago whllo t work, she nave her watch nod llug;, wlch sho valuea at $S0, Into thu cam (f Moore. Using- rather hard up for "th the latter pledged tbe watoh, rtaln and ring, liatersho told Miss Helma what shu had dono and was as. lured, o clio olalms, lliotlt wau"all "int." It semis however, that such u not thu case, as Florence, wont wore CJomnil-aloner l'errln nud ob U ned a writ of repluvln, by virtue of Vulcbsheairalngaluedpocsoailonoflier I loperty. Hiio claims that Mooru atolo loejewelry from hir room. Ilroker 'roidowhz, after being compellod to Cite up the watoh nud ring, swore out a complaint, charging Moore with ob. lalolng money uuder falio pretensoa tudttie stated result was thu eumeuco. It Would Mfr Ilr. JtlasEl.lcr-'Wcll, I maintain tlmt women can Jo nnytliiiii; that incu can " Mr. Gazzam-Oli, no. Tlio nuo tioncor a Inulncan ia onu woman can "ot go into. lIuvinnier-NonscnBo. Sho'ilmnlio fTcry bit ra good an auctioneer aa a H ,lnn' I 1, ftzn-Mn Just Imnglno an tin. "wrricil omnn ncltiiig up licforo n "0Wll anJ exclaiming, "Now, kw wmea.allIwautbuuoflVrl" " ccr. DiAnnncA. A rrofnln'tit lle-kerMr ripr-Rirs (lple. Ii IlMd oa tntf Kierlrece. , lle illorrhfu clltn occnra qnlto early In tlio winter, to tho confttrlon of tho amatinr nplarlsti. Urro Is what nn old and experienced beckeeprr r-naontbo subject In "Gleanings In l);o Culturoi" If tlio lc urp In tho cell-- and tbo tcinpcratnro of tl-o celbr I above At ilegi, 1'., I would try cooling tho cellar. On tho other hand, If tho temperature la 0 doc, or cooler, 1 wonld Iry warming It up to tho teuiratura lint Riven, or a little higher. When tho tcuipcrntniM of a cellar Is jnt right It may bo known by tho imlctness uf lh Iwen. Tho air of any loom Isn1rn)s warmest at the top v.hcro any warmth producing material Is In the room, nnd for this roavm I nlnu)s put tho strongest colonies In tho bottom tier when putting them In tho cellar, tho colonies of medium strength as to nnmbcro In the next tier, whllo nil of tlio colonlM hai lug the smallest nnm Iwr of bees nro ploced In tho upicr tier. I havo found by J earn of exierlenco lliatltnstroiu rolony becomes uneasy whllo in tho top tier It luny 1 epileted by setting It on tho cellar bottom, and that n small colony which ll In a roar of disturbance can bo earned to becomo an "still as death" by rnlilng It from tlio bottom of the collar up to tho top; also closing most of tho ventilation from tlio lilvo having tho small colony will causo It to become quiet, and rimoing n wholo lop from an uneasy strong colony w ill caiuo them to ijtlli't down and cl in ter coinp.n.t!y togetlur for tlio rut of tho winter, lint all this should ,bo at tended to when tho liees aro set In tho tellar by putting them In their proicr places In the (i liar nnd ventilating each hlvo ns It may require. If, In rpllo of all this precaution, soma of tin m begin to ipottho hive, I will ray that, nflertrjlng nllplnnsnf cure, I now let them uloue, for 1 contider It li wnstn of tiino to fuss with them. If tho reader dens not ngnc, ho can try filling them a flight Inn warm room. I'll n liox to ret on top of tlio hive, tho Flint) haling a glass top; or, nhouldn warm day occur, carry tho liees out for a flight; but after all this has been dono tho bus will generally bo dead beforo Juno If they lime tho diarrhea Kid enough to sput their combs nnd the In tide of tho hiio during midwinter ur earlier. Ono thing ihlch Is alnajs ngilnst this f uitlu w ith elnglo colonies of bees which li-iiolncomo (Ideated is that by doctoring th(to thodltturluince required Is apt to got other colonies ureuty and cauto them to liecomo dheim-d, whllo otherwlso tliey would hao gone through tho winter quiet and all right, A chnngo of fiKj.1 Is sometimes beneficiil: but, ns I Mid U-fore, tho greatest suc cess cornea by letting them aloiio nttir pluilng thrm In tho cellar, prm Idlng tho tcinH'rntuni of tl.u cellar can bo con trolled ro It shall not go above 43 nor loiur than 4i dr-ft. 1 A Straw Itnot I'll. In tho accompanying cut Is shown nn arrangementinadeb) a Maryland farmer to form n room under n straw rick in which to store turnips and potatoes. f!nmernn7 this novel root tilt the In- Miitor writes as follows in tho Philadel phia Tami Journal i 1 havo kept with great ratlifacllon turnips nnd jaUitocs, and think It nn-f-wcrs as well us n root collar. I know It is far better than kilns, as tho con tents aro accesullo at all times. - . -.. . lta-rf-a;MrT'jcw HOOT ltOOlt UNUEIl A STRAW' KICK. Tlio cost Is lury small, I cut tliroo ph1 sized jiosts. with forks nt one i nd, length about nino feot, put them in ground doep enough to bo linn, then took two heavy poles about sixteen fret long nnd placed them in forks of tip rights. Then I placed on each sido good sized poles closo logothor, tho ends rett ing on gronnd set a llttla below Mirfaco to keep them from slipping. Against tlio -mull "end post" I nailed an old door frame, with door, so w hen lllled could ke, p under lock nnd key, I built this ekcloton room just beforo thrashing whent and placed It ro straw in coining from machine wonld full oi cr tho joles, I also inada a skeleton scitihulo to door and had It covered v. itli straw, dr.... l-nriulnc. Jtr. Denlse, of New Jernoy, tella In Thu Hural New Yorker that ho soeds wheat with both clover and and" timo thy. Tho llrst jear'a hay Is all cloier. This ho feeds to his own stock, felling ouly tho second iiar'a cutting, which Is nearly puro timothy. Tho stable ma nure Is all uteil on tho soil for com. Thero Is ono euro thing nbout gros fanning. AH should grow clover, but no ono should sell It If ho can possibly mold It. Timothy Is tho grans to sell, l'eed cloier and sell timothy Is sound rnhlco to ono who keeps stock. Agricultural !.. Tlio last crop rewrt limed by tho de partment of iigrlculturo indicates that this J car's cotton crop Is very light, with short Btaplo, gathered generally In good condition. Tho leld of corn avi raged by Novem ber returns 22.1 bushels per ncro nud promises an nggrcgato produetlon of a little mora than 1 ,(100,000,000 buthels. BlalittlcIanDodgopntstho total wheat production nt about 600,000,000 buthels. Tho jlold of tobacco Is Icks than latt ear, thonverago being reported at (W jiouuds ir ncro of oil kinds against "1 last j ear. Thonverago jlold of hay Is 1.17 tons per acre, nearly tho aarao as In 1301. Tho futuro of tho raraloladnttryln America depends tqion n careful under standing of tho situation-culture, strip ping of tho llbor nnd tho preparation of tbe fiber for manufacture. . ViSS. JAPANESE? HsUswlfJ -in atexanartEiaiA & CCTRB 4 l4lnsal, ta s-ftal. 1 taxi r tUesllt.llal C7fcC M aj tJMs4IUr7 niMll attar ' 1tTIll"1'' r SrsMttl ssTsrtf "5'tJ BttsUalll fntt.M " 2?J Mttlta IUIi MtMtn twrM, TWR'a"t.V (Til Wm ! Hkli. 11 f.1 , M I'jJ,',!!."" $500 Howard T VtK will r r tho J-otft ttmlrd for ftnr Mil rf I xttr CoiBvliint, 1tppi, -ik 'lfHch, iBdiftsHloa, 1 ton ti ration or CotUVrtifM cannot rtir with At rrt't rjrMAMe Llr llll. rr f n tha (llreclionH ars nr.LlIr com pi led with. Itior r tiarcl tctitle nl netfr fail to (it tilifartion. PDKiirUoktrtl. Latrft tote, s rrnta Hcwart of raunift-MU and inma Aloha. 1 hf nolne aold tj JoliNf OV, I'll ATX to., 11 aod ti lialk ealt 1 U City. yg$? DR. GUNN'S mmsnup lT,- COUGHS, $j$&l& C0LDS iQSQrS' AND CH0UP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. Whim etilM at horn, mfi'haf mft n tik a It 55. C. M. I, Duua, Aue:tb. IjPfPsji CM' We Hereby Promise To rcfunil all money paid ul for Haller's Remedies If ott nro not BENEFITED by their USE. Tlicso preparations consist uU URS CURE CCUSn SYRUP, AUnRALMSALVH, BM3D rUaiFIER, PAIN FABALYZB, 5AP.SAFAPJL1A jni WMt (CckjkJ) ccHomcsr ifim BAS3 M UKIXSKT, M CUES, LITTLE 6E3HAK FILLS. and nro ABSOLDTELV 0UAP.ANTEED by us. 110 CURE, K0 l'AY. Von tuku m .banc '. Vor talo by nllUruggltts. . aLt una cinr. CALIFORNiymVERV. LAOBR DCEn, ALB AND PORTER. Yfbttltaal. nnd Blall. ga, m '1J''S iodtb araqjr. frKl EDITION , II or urn ,i)t ti lattttr rffly E .tufi l " I HYMN BOOK Hfe II roa nn iz it v. , Vi DeteretNcwsOffleo ll V. rricm SSclollta J o. n. TtrioB, a. r.. noxssr, rs.rfnl. tfia. .si syias. TAYLOR, R0HHEY,: ARMSTRONG CO., KLUIVIBER! Sish, Doors, Moaldlngs, Etc S71alr Kill ml Yard, Ob. Baal or V. r. n.pnl.ft.ll Lk HIT, lllah. io, j, Ktcana uTn.nou.vnT fXsr-Aeet.t. allceitt.rotideLcti lei.sua aonii.uilii.uiiir..i "loo"k6ut port THE HAND BOOK OF REPUBLICANS!. A Full Rooord of tho History Prlnolplos anil Policy, of tho Ropubllctxn Party, with a Ro vlow of tho Caroor and Prin ciples of tho Domocrntlo Party. Isauad undor tho ausplco3 of tho Republican Party of Utah, Roady noxt Wadnosday. 4GO Pages. Price. 25 Cents.rz; WESTERN ILL WIH COMPANY.. I (ACarfMfii) Tho Only Bill Footcro, DlstriLutoro 0 Rail road Advertising iigontolnUtah. etstiu cincn . tsuiaemajit .0 Hb.uli (bai, 02h?o,FirUitj floll ol. ai, uj LOOA.Y. B. ir. Axnrnisox, t3MWi KtHAWl,, OETTIIIO OVER A DIFFICULTY l soiiittlme. ' puwl'na! irohlrni. Vim ii iti uvea dinlrully lis RrUltitt rlolhM to lit jou at PrIc within jour nil art. You may oihl us ii put.llo liiillitlnt that illOn't cot more than (tin original appropriation ii n't your resources us slemler us 11 rait, we can uiefl ou H tho same. uil kuoiv yuur llgl'rr, ot hoitr nml purhet.hootll wo will hnow It, too, ith tn jou tell in, litst eien now iihni J on haieu't, we'll alrlho nut In tha tarl ami linger that wo'texottlo suit thut'll hit tho liilllirye In elery nine. Ilojou iIoiiM It'-' Well, thow jour l3nre wo'll do tho reit. ONM lKIOK. J. P. GARDNER. 1.1 1 JIA-IN HT. ITd SMAPMPPER, Etc." M III rr II" (ollolni rrtera la Prr.o t'opr.r...T sad s r ml. p.r poos t 110 lira., IM, nulllj, .nit 1,.riound No. I llroosht ron.llz.iuso' (luu.1 llbu.e 1I.K... .-. Itouj'.r Kxl aiind. Alto ll rl iKld lor eld Inc. u I, etc. CAST IRON"FOR SAIE rromlllioii.r toa upward. AIiuoMrsllator lulMlliK iurKi.... nsrli lll par roa to t in. ttroro l'u;laa or ..llioir Frfi Rooerls, 524 W. Second Sonth St. -SALT.LAKEt4v SHMHS TIIOS. SlcKKt.VIK, l'roprletor. Lidios' Clolho3 CIcanod nod DjctL Goats' CI0U103 Cloanod, Dyod and Repaired. TtJTHMttS CLJtJKCO. DTXDf CCSltO. Cfflce & M u.r. 3 . Vi est Itapia Opi-Oll. CUBlUTtIJ tttlls, a i i STo Till Y 'X' 0Ji, O 7v N WATCHES and JEWELRY nt all on Inci or ibort Um at ni.tu.U. trrnia ana to .uni. to okt. ew Tork I el htsrsll!sak,No.7 1'st s.rond eonia ltr.t. U. . ffLLEU. ftotil.toi. Ml THE DESERET HEWS SHOULD BE SUBSCRIBED FOR IN PREFER. ENCB TO AM OTHER PAPER. k.1. It Is the organ of the Church ot 'Jeans Chrlat or LatUr-ilar BalnU, anil '(hi authorised moillom throush which .'Bo views, wlthea and loa'uctlons ot Iho 'Church Anthorltloa aro ezprecacd and given to tho Balnta. 2. It may always bo rolled upon as advocating or defending ttia right atdo of ot cry question proper for public Journals to troat upon. 3. Ills devoted In thslnteraata of the Latter-day ejslnts, and ha., from tla !u. coptlon, valiantly defended their rights aud advocatod tho prlDolple. In which Ihcy kellevei and every Latter-day Saint should therefore feel undor obltgallona to do his part In helping to auataln It. l.Illa not puhliabrd for apeoulatlen, and nevor has been, but for, Iho good which It la capable ot accoinpltahlugi th. profit, If any there bo tlerliod from It, belnif devoted to cxtendlog lis sphera of uaefulneas and benefitting th. cominu nit). C II la doing Its otraoit to .atsbllsh home Induatrlaa, sinong ivhloh aro psjHir making and type-fcundlnir, atcreolj ping and olectroplstlog branches noco.iarv to tho development and Independence of tha community, bnt tihlch, during their Infancy (which In this Territory they havo not J ct patted), can only h. carried on at a pecuniary loaa. 0, Thero la no danger of any sub ecrlher to the Km a falling to get what he subscribe for through falluro of tho bua. Inois and a suspension of tho publication a roanlt In Iho caaa ot hundreds of cewapapor venturea orcry year. 7. It la printed In rsadabl. type, so that oven tbo sged can peniao U without dlfUculty or danger to tlislr oyealght, 0,-11 It ftee from objectionable adver tlaemenls, so last no psrent noed fear Hist his children will have their mlmls corrnptod from having acceas to ll j in f set, II rclusea thousands of dollara wotth of tho best paying advettlaomcnta annti ally, because It Is dsrotod to tho moral and spiritual intcreata of Ita readers In. stoadof to Bolting gain at tholrejpenae. 0. lis lone la not itgalated by public opinion nor tbe hops of paining aubterlb era or ailverllaeuienta, Zt advocates that which la right and condemns that which Is wrong, regardless of results, financial or olhorwl.o. 10. It never moieties Ita reader by palming off columns of aolf-pralse for news Items. II. Tho Nn vi a prsellces no dcoptlon and resorts to no sutterfiigos to Induce pooplo to subscribe but on tbo contrary, profera Io aland on lis own merits, a the peoplo'a newspaper, with a promtsa only) to do Us utmost to 'give lis patrons tho full valuo of their money a promise which It hi ondcavored to faithfully Leep In tho patt. 12. In conclnalon, If a Lsttor-day Saint cm aDbrd to sukacribo for only on. notvspapcr, thst paper should b the Dr.sB.nrr Newb and if more than one, tho Xitna should Inrsrlably be tho Ur.t. Bnrncninio.i ItATrn I )r. t it o Uo. 1 Uo. Duffy J1000 1C0 ito Jl.uo emf-HWly 8 00 1.75 LOO ,10 JX.trrl )IVay... S.W 1.W Addroas all commonleatlon to SUE DISKHCT KHWS CO., bait IaU City, Utah. TXMRS rTREET!N6T jj HOLIDAY BOOBS I HOLIBAY PRESENTS ! :1 frm Our Various Dopartmonta aro Stockod to tholr utmost capacity with such (P i njjbiM Goods as buyors of Christmas Gilts doslro. : - tw . 7 m NOVELTIES IN r( I Smoking Jackets, Sleeve Buttons, Dress Slices, "'' ,il Bath Robes, SlirtSlBuS, Dancing; romps, k -M Silk Umbrellas, Fancy Unflerwear, Evenioi Ms, M Silk Handkercljiefs, Dress Shirts, Neckties aid - 4 "H Mufflers, Nieht Shirts, Bows, ).; - Elegant Neckwear, Fancy Snspentlers, Latest Style Hats, K . Kid Gloves, Fancy Vests, Collars anQ Cufls, ; N Gents' Slippers, Fonr-in-Haifls, Nenlipe Shirts, W Scarf Pins, Gents' Hosiery, Etc., Etc. ii . H W FINE CL0THI1TG for Men, Boys $ Children ;;B Children's Fancy Suits Young Men's Cutaway Suits t ' N Children's Doutle-hreasted Suits Young Men's Sack Suits If. ' li Children's Vesteo Suits Young Men's Nohby Trousers I ''W Children's Blouses Young Men's Stylish Hats !- M Children's Knee Pants Young Men's Prince Alhert Suits i M Children's Shoes Young Men's Full Dress Suits. 'W? r PZEA Si:. '. 11 EMJMlimt I That aim carry a Complet Lla of him UkM k conaianao n rinr or Frot Cnl, Drr. Ono Jlnui Unrlctil, Mill. Il.nrt, Kip, I'a.rl, Trn.o, rmnlnir. n,p.., Hnti-ti.r, (oka Urjholr, tr nit. Clrcalar.bothSolIdA Chisel PolnLTooth And TRIUMPH, rar TtWnt Tma with, asit aia Stilus at xoiijrn rnicr.s rn.ivjtrra aim a rail Stork ot tnmi HASPS and FILES "I"!"" . m. o. as. x. CHINESE BAZAR. OintlSTMAS GOODS. Clilnrao nml Janiurie orlimrnatu and (iiitry ooila. cw stuck ot Roods mturrlvcil from CliluuituilJaian. Everything new, first clan and cheap. (jl'O.MI IIIOMI MIMI, 84 E. Second Soulh. t'MlEItTAKlCItS. tSTjiiianxD, int. JobpS B. TfiJIoif, Pionoox Uodertaker ol UtaL Uamifi rir " Dmler in At XM$ if Utiml ti-., iriwtl and Clot CVrr4 COFFINS AND CASKETS. I nil Lin. or olllil Inrnl.lill.e. kopl ruiislaullr on lir.u.1. rlfm,.l Tl'trif OTtmtnnpt'y fllii. as- Dj1lea praicrred la their Natoral Coadl lion witaoal aalra ttaria. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. wJ.".'.' Ho. 263 E. First Sooti, Oas sad s asit UacVi sail ot TLaatia. TSIEPUOXI A. 7ft Joseph William Taylor rmn'a taiBina UNDERTAKER AND EWER. Oirrjf lt Wit ""J "' CowaWa COPIES, .-. GASKETS, And Undertakers Qooda In Utah. LOISW0EBISrrVi'.,.".,c",lr.c'"-- Ml rJr.l 1 1 "'" '' ,U ""'"' orricn iu warlike kstss ctoieo. Nos.3l.nd23 WEST TEMPLE STREET. r.o, J. a,Lama ft m DELINQUENT TAX LIST OF TOOELE COUNTY. U Cl 1 THQ3. WILLIAMS, Aiicnr and Collector, Tooola Counly, '! TiiOEr.K. Dec. 1,1602. ' I ill , DATCSVILLC. Tarr. aeloot , I 'J' (!'."'''nf,5(0acrtaiersnsjlowo.liif3rinMt (,a UUl: ' i , ill iurii(r-ciiiiu,iacrcaaeaIilotioali!plrasiat 3 a, ifi n. iltl'io'o Srs'Wioe!"" ""' '" ii Bmlia isirii 1, ji) scrca acca 3J M towmlilp I ranis t tat an ij ', 1.... ., ..... CLOVER. Terr. elmo I lana Iiatld i: jj.i' sn ll plM'flWSllU. .' ?,5i? Vi ll ouiiouiri, 3-1 "j m "i l ,,, DEEP CREEK. , jorr. ScLo. if llau.llll, ',ti , IIOHtllJll, 1U, 1 f caicrJauica,:osrresae9ltoirailiip9ranial9 la (v ':' LAKE VIEV. Terr. Pfhoo1 , ll i( rtmaniiFdwaril.tlaeraaacctlltown.liliiIraniial II CO a JI I 1 Jbiwclt Clisrlva a', Hit acna aw seel 4 towolil. a rant i 3 uo 73 . a r..v ,. . , . MILL PRECINCT. Terr. School 'j . ,fl Clark Jo.eitliW, a 30 lit'. 11 1 fl CrvxalMlsrrlE.acreaaiSa.oltotrnililiiSranaal.iOserea Diraaa9totTBSuIp3 ", i 1 raoKl.luaeioisaawaocVlJlowu.tiliirKux4 B 00 1 23 ) 1 11 Hiltoo Itilliais, no is I 1 h horU'iulit 1 net J, ICO acroa 110 aefl It w are 13 tuwniblp 3 ranje 3 3 70 7aE M 11 uliluioiMJfcerrakrasi',naihli3raiiiro( 6 : 1 ilv; , , H li.lllairrroiiipan;,ClMairF.eii,altaslori3tloTaablilraatai 7130 IT T) Hi rraU3Uaodo,8'a.ioaacca3l333l(,wiiihi3ranKe4 sooa 7 bo A M . . . , .. OPHIR PRECINCT. Terr. Sctiool . 1 ll MarlerFrenJotS ta it Mooro A . lota In Ophlr IU It Nortlirro I.IU M Og 10.1 I Mulllncr 1 1 nrslm, leu Ml arrobaiilaiAallalaiiCo, loo 01 . 1 UaiiMDKSW, 1JW , I.l Tender Mloe. STOCKTON PRECINCT. .m Sehool I J'luuoJ n.l.ii. itblockn ut H I Watarihaabuicllor, 8 oj 133 ' TOOELE PRECINCT. Terr. Scliool ..; HeanrreaMf barlea 1 03 1 oj I lislaauroJnet,iottLlorktttdaiAS'sersaeo33towaarJprasial boa a w i lie l.a MaioAKUta, lotl3'iairo 4 CO 4 il 1 filler .Mary s 73 3 73 I Iraman lVilllain,1otafl, 7, sblurk40lat ASi. arreaaaeSHownablnSraoiai a ou A OJ 1 ,1 HankaUl.llrflscrraaoaoMlowuabl.3raa44 SI 10 311a ' ltoliaokU,i,loi3Hocklll.t ADaac'eesioaiowaablpSraofaa 00 3 Ul V VERNON Tarr. Arbool 'i Adam.Af a.nnu,a JI 73 4 13 3 llrlni Ju.t. 1 M JI . rrederlckaon Tetrr HO screa Do It BB329torroablp0 ranreS Vb3 1MlS.3 I Boaip Adam hat, a.O rna lll la I . , I clil.oii.Si.nnmv, wiacrraieoll. tllonn.lilplOraoml 43 on 7 bo 'I 1 rlrkaon Jamea T, 410 scrca aeo 30, rl, 33 lnwn.uil. lg ratf 0 7 li CO S al A S Lcddor Joba, IbM scrca aeoCTtowuahtp 10 rapgo. Sou 1 S3 3d TRANSCIENT. Terr. Bebool Jonas T, 111 south Temploatreet abeei, 37 S3 j, llama Jib bad l (lUoualor) aiwu 3173 J( hundrlek'l ll alicil, kJ 73 hlrk Hubert alxcu 13 73 J liar J tl ahecu VI) f HurcrnlJWW lh"'l f 71 K I'ailcrliroa ebccn SI 73 I M rialit tleorno ahrvp 1 73 .1 Mvvena ndrif abee,, 3J 73 ,1, kendrlek J IJ iliua II" , ' (j Iltclr Jt U.rll.Io abein ml 73 j 1boiuaouJainee Lor.ea 40 (M I ' n i practIljSlors -& f o?o. WOOLEN DKAPERS. o,. lf T. BUCKLE k Si, -rr Tsihlon, Cfder. Eoonomr. 235 S. MAIN STREET, ,3B.00. ' OppoiIU Walker Hooje, - Salt LaVa Cllr. 7ST- '. i 'S I rtTcoaioa lisiractoitr Doucirsis ' ' - 1