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S IBS BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM J fflilJ'WPUiJM U 1 U if U J'lRK1 " """"'"on hatco: g IR ,,, MORMON HOMES. B ) U , ffl , HT M I 1 1 f Bl J 1 M 1 i V H WW . ? 8"- "?.8S 8 S B . .. j v tVIrffcaaiTv'BVS4.'ttraVtYa M H '1 RUTH AND XJ3TY. vJl M) " tim:si)ay. i)3 (Otimn i;, asoa. salt i vki: city i TAir'rj:nnrioKY. : " """ vol.xV I REV. CORRIGAN. I 1,1a of tiie Prelate for I Insubordination, I EEGINS'N" UP l'UOCEEDISGS. j .tidaat Refuses to BlalHImseU to It ' Keep tbo Trial Secret, i r nci'iniiNUi.H Aisimii u ii.Tn.n. I Ct r ! IM.clmrrnl III B Houtal IXilr ! toulilrj- mid tit bt,reh. Jfew yomc, Deo. 1J Vlcir General 0 Conner of lllsliop Wlgger'a official houtehokl was nude presiding ofllcer. The ftrat quostlou brought boforu the In U vai ai t. llio secrecy of the pro nealngi. It w,s ",0 w,', ' 11I,ICP Wlgsec thul lo statement ho g'vou cut for ptibllcnllor, anil that persona i reient pledge themselves to tllencr, butwhriitbe oath wa administered tosll cxcit 1'atlier Corrlgan, ho re futed to bind hlmtelf, claiming that ns 1st drttndant In tli trial of litis lm rerttnee ho I ad right lo express hU Tlewa ntid make known tho mult ol (be trial. Dr. JIuiUult, In bolialf of the dsendant, cbjected to the trial heforo Vt O't onner, on tho ground that the latter, ai member of Ihu bishop's house hoU, wMblaioil. Alter much illicui iloo.llwaa agreed that Manager Donne, who wai alio a member ot Wlggor's bruteholJ, ben oluled to confer wll'i 0' lo bear tho evidence of the vltuit-es Wednesday, nuil report to thertgularccurt Thursday. Wbeu tbo tension was conclude J, Father Corrlgan ex rctacd hlmaell a greatly satisfied with tho progriss. Trill evening ho govu out far publics lion a ltlcr to Illihop Winger, in which bo triors to tho lalter't various charts, etc. Ho si) a In Ills letter tint lit referred to Ihu Newark German coiicma a n body, and not a I nil I ilduali, anJ lie tlilnti, as nu Amorl ctn lTltt, lm had n right toeipriti lila Tlcwi on what tecnied to him to br Important. Ala national and rvllnlouii quMtlon la rtftnl an Intuit otlered America rrclitti by reel ilaatf, who aatumbltd laaurely KiiKllah rpeaklng dlocen, aaJ la profnvaedly an original ilvnient. Hheythoiild hafolxcn called upon to jjipoloclre. Thero wiu no ollonae iu Uniltd for tho blihop penonally. anJ Ifanyiorencai was maulfeated, it wai 6ncontiuencMof tho tlthop'j olllclal ionncctlonwlth that forulgu organlza Jllon over which ho jrrtldta evory (yiarouuldoof hit own illnctno to the humiliation of bin own lloclc, for It la well known that thli orga Izillou hoi njinlfi'.toJ an antl American uplrlton eoTrratoccaaloripf and cauaudbad blood wleioTirltbtld mcitluca. fiitbtrCortlRauiayi bo did not In lenJaaydlaroapvctto ilio bla'iop, and lelralnod from leplylug ovou when the "lira riprniutui tho blaho) aiiPniklliK of him aaa "crauk." If lalliu dlichargo of what liu iletnud hliboneat duly to his country and chord), ho occnaloncd nnuoyauco to iQhdrtrtiucoor heat ot txpuaMon, h rrgrrli It. Ho la perfectly wllllug tu bubo matter drop, aud hojiui tho llibop may bo pleanid to look at It In the tamo light. Till milll II N fAIII tUJ.Iono Mnrlm ImlloJ lo Nik , llm taprailaitr Ciiicauo, Dec. 12. Ihu commlltet onctremunles of tho World's Talr 1 clloualy conaldorlue tho iiueatiou of JmllluK Uladatono to bo orator ot the laytt tha o oiling of tho l.apoaltlon In May mm. To tho lly City InJua trial Works of Michigan bulougn the honor of Li'log tlio II ml to limtall an actual exhibit at tho World's Fair. It toi aUts of a conrpleta oleotrlo trauafur table, aud tho object of Its conatructlou lit tlila otrly dato Is that It may aealat lo tbo luttallnitut of hiavy uxhlbltr which will Isler cover tho floor of tho Uinipottallon I ulldlng. Yuln Nluilriili In tonrl. New Ham s, Couu , Duo. 12 The rmo( ItlJ m, Wyrahnuaor, a Yule llojcnt charged with broach of the It tec, was called la tho city court till, morning, butonruolloaof i.ouiifol won continued until noxt I'rlJny. l'roto. (utlugAltoruey Dow ld today wai ranla wcro laaucd for toTtral mor rluOenls and they would buaorvud sour. It la now thought that tho police will tarry out llulr tlirwtt ot lovvral dny. o, and arnat nil that participate I in that dliturbauce. This afternoon De. lclltHt:rgeantC'owlsarieled Jame A. MctJns, a member of the Val lootball team, charged with breaohol toMcuaga(nat Adder, ot the Xew lltvtn Uptra Hoimo orchottra The irlijner waaroleatid ou bonds. A Viurprrl tr Ilia tonnlrr. CitctiTTA, Doc. U It la reported rtrotliut.Mniuua Mulk lm defeate I the lorcia of Cher Alxul Knhn, who u;urtdthe thtono alter the murder (I Jiiiini brotheru und ci tured, Chit. ll. Theuvurier Inula lo havo Hod iromthecouutry. Tha llurlt lalnnil fllrlkc. nBj.Joi i ir,MoDec.l2 Tho strike ot the lelrgrai h o ernlors ou tho Jlock la and assumed tt more aerloui njieot il moruluit, wlitu tho real ot the "othtrhoou men left their kojs. The hotatoruiectlng with the lloox rlind imu orders to take no iwrUlmbk "elkht Iran tho road. Tilt AllllllUII INSTITUTE. HirUtinaa (lilt t icnEo Iron, n Mllllomtlrr. AI0A1U' 1)w- 12 -Dr. 1'hllllpD A mour, tb millionaire piickor.starled lunlglHlorw Vork on tho wny to jftw, leaeluz behind his Chrlatmai Kilt ol oir rt million and a half to the t city of Chicago. Absolutely unknown to the public work has been going on for a year past towards tho erection of n magnificent building on Armour avonue, and It is now all but rindy for occuiwuoy. II will bo known m tho Armour Inatllue. and bo to Chicago all that Drexel Institute ii to Phila delphia and I'ratt Institute la lo llroote yn. Tho building Is but a small part pf the girt. In addition to It and for Its support Mr. Armour gives Jl, 400.. 000. All that money and brains can do will to done toward nuking It the criateit Intlllulo for manual training, science and art In the country. Mr. Armour concelvod tho plan yejrs ago. Arlri'a Heal ali,alila I Ibrnrr. Chicauo, Dec. 12. Ily the terms of an agreement just perfected the hen berry Library will bnva one ol tho moat valuable libraries In America and tho developing nuoleua of what will probably become ono of tho largest of tbo kind In the world. Secretary Hamilton, ono of tbo trustees ol the American Medical association, baa an nounced that tho Newberry Library Is to become the custodian olTOJJmollcnl works belonging to the atsoclatlon which are now In tho Hmlthsonlan Institute In Washington, and will als) be the custodian of all additions. I Ior I entlera Con ler. ClIICAUO, Dec. 12. Uraud Chief Hargtnt of the firemen and Urand Chief Olark of the coriduoliira were In the tlty today conferring with tlrnml Chief JUmsay of tho striking Ulo. Kruphers. All thrcedtcllncd to talk ut the conclusion of tun confi rence. The strllu on tho Itock Island scums to have narrowed down tonimeatlon of endurance Tho clUclala declaru there Is mi strlku and 0 erators lay that III the ind tbo road mutt como to tin Ir terms. A Nlteolltiir Allrnx. Hcmita, Ua, Doe. 12. A shooting allray occurred on thn streets here this aftirnoon. Dr. Ulllmon, who wrote Third parly olltloj loiters, killed "Dude" West, ft member of llio legis lature Thnl'miniiiittxiinl Keiiiiital. PAItlit, Doc. 1.' The Tempi rajs the first nomination of the nrualiin ol Jlarou lteluacli proves that ho died froniolsou. The bourse lauiiicttled nulng to rumors that prominent pollt leal prsonajes hentotorii unuurmd aru coni roimaed In the I'auama i.onul scandal. Acrerulth Ntlaltl ltoMP, Dec. 12. riiu tonittur (Is home lubllshes n summary uf four It'll proKltlona ou tho tchohtllc ttie tlon that Mgr. riatolll, tho opal ublcgate,hai submitted tithe rtrunt coulerrnceof urcbbHhorshll In Now Vork. The Pope, Curdlnal ilampillo, paialsiirulnry of state, uu I the con gregatlon of tliu propaganda are In accord with thtsu propoiltlous IlWI.I.It UK imtUIIIIIS. Till' HFJjUIT M!l LMH 1 STIIII'I UI'UNllll. BTATr W ITALIT. It Is strange tho dllliresce tlieruls In (oople about Billing In n draught of Mr. Homoeoploianslt or lie In a draught and nolsuller tho lent Incon venience, whllu others would citcli ttialrdtath ofojlJ In u few iiiluutes, tajsthu ilomu Maker. Why Is tlilt? It lanuot bo wholly due to the nlallto atrtnglh of tho Individual, nor solclj to the conditions of partitultr organs of tho tdy. Judging from olsirvu tlcmlt would stun that, olher thing" helugeipial, thoae who have tho bet e a lllary circulation aro tho outs knit llkily to auirar. Hut this again Ue. penis ujioii Lcrtnlu other toudlllon. A pemou who hati very feeble u'te, allowing low vltallt), cannot have (vo circulation In tbu e llarlet; Ihu turface la eailly uhlllel, heme the langir of taking cold. Hut you will eu another Individual with n strong ule, gooJ vltalllj, who Is ani arently as susceptible udruuglus as the one whole feeble. The cutaneous circulation Is sluggish, owing to ah normal conditions. It nuy lie due to an error In diet or sunethlng which luterlorcs with tho surface clrc ilatlon Ono who lives largely on oily foods may havo ii skin so torplJ that the e.a illanca In It cannot do their work properly; or, It thtre Is an excias of olio in the blood, this Mild ma) bo no Ihlck that the Hue network olciill. larlts cannot carry It. Iho sur'ucu circulation will be slugilsh aud tl u skin tuilly chilled. CAIcoyo Acwt Itteanl. MS 111.115 It Is thought by Warden Jrnno that Dr. Uillatian, an Inmutu of the ten!, tentlary nt Idaho Is koing crazy. I.'alla. hou wns tent up from Illinium county lin jears ogu for life, rouvlctcd of uiurJjr. Ho Is iiotvloleut,butiuiaglnoa ho hln conetnntdaiiger of receiving bodily Injury. If lie does uotgetbctler Innfuwdaya ho will bo sent to tho atylum at Illackfoot for trcatoient. AfuiesMaii. Detuty Bherlir II. It, Mcl'aul, of I'liet nix, Arizona, arrived III Holornou. vllleufuw day ago, and aoeuiupuuled by l)oUly lien Oluey irocetded lo 1 inn, und arrested Dymau rollet.ou warrant for murder Iho murder was committed no tr MesiCily Iu Ihu month of January li't, and It la re. ported that the murdered mill wit Jack Ore en, wliololt l'lmit about that tluionud was supposed to havo ruu uwuy. I'olltt was seen lit ro In Jail yesterday and sali ho knew nothing (f the charge ogaluat hlni llo win taken lu I'hconlx by tho olllcer Uraliam Vuuutj JluUctln. To weeks ago the SCoclmm bu nouuccdlhe finding of the boJyofa man, tuppoied to bo that of l'rid Wtlcli, af'Deid Man' Crostlog'' or tied river, near Ihu Lackey ranch. Mr. Ira Oale, who la Juat up from Llberl) , says the dead man's remalua ero Idenlllltil by the gold tilling In the leelh 08 thnt of Welch. Thero Is a hlttoryconneotiil with llm ease. II will be romomborel that about a year tgoalxtyhiadtir thoroughbred lallle were stolen from near Uladttone, III this county. The caltlo belonged to Mr. Kllcheu. Welch wassurP wJ be implleato 1 111 their theft on 1 ! to (Jalltgos. The cattle were afterwards found killed, mil alwut that tlmo Welch dlt tpneated from human view. Springer BATTLE OH MOW Contest about the Speakership in the House. THE RKFOUSI 1MJH IXl'IDKXT. Supposed to Be tho Opining of Hostilities against Crisp, the itiimir ivriMiovii- Tlie llnnsa tltatitla tlie lii.llinllr and Ula Ilia aiMnhar on llrnllnu. WAslltMirov, Dec. 12 Tho flrit gun In thoHpeakcrshlp contest of the rifty-thlrd Coogreis bas bosii fired ly tho Iteform club uf New York, and Ihebatllulsngw on. Whllu the He. lofn club doubtless was Iu enllro lj. uorsncoln ndtnnon of Iho plilllplo which ltopruteuta I to Johnsin uf Ohio pronounced against the Spoiker nkd Chairman Hirinjur ol tho wiys nnJ meal s eommlttee, tho disposition ot Iho tougrtasmeu H to outlier Jnliuson'a utterances und discourtesy iilIcrulHptaV'riJ'ltp by Ills hosts a, only part uf it plan which bas Its origin out lit Congress, and which Isau ill timpt of tho club tu dictate the Speakership of tho I'.ftj -llilr I (Jon gresj 1'or the first time there wis n uutlrocxreued rorlhollstof uiember ship ol the "Iteform ilub," and Cockran and others, who succoedel In examining such II, I, ntturt that ut nil tlmts MugwutD s ami Itoruhlltain aru oblu to control tho eliitlnlts and poll chaoftnu club, and that therefore It Is not niuuu of a Demo ratio clubufter ull. Tlieru It n generil ImpreMlon 111 coiigritslonnl circles Unit CluNcland and Crisp have n thorjuh uudel. standltignt totho tarlll reform course tu I u pursued In thu flfty.thlrd Uoti. gns, and tho I'resldeut elect was in entire Igtioianca of thu lntunded slight to lm plitcn! upon H taker Crisp. ripcakcr Cthp's sjieceh, had It been delivered Hilurday nlL,ht, woull havu shonu while In tliu present Congress with ii Itcj ubllcan rieuatu, ho favored a to illative plan of (eoiratu bill), his ojlulou of the coureu tu ho juibui! inter next Msrcb, whin the Dauij. cralscomrol not only both brauchesuf Conirtts, but tho l'reildumy as well, la that thu tarlll should buroviaod by general bills. lhonnrnlng papers to lay confirm thu previous lejairt of the slight lm kuj upm riealer Crisp, an J airuugtbuii Iho luiprrsalou that It was Intention, 1 and desltfuejfur loi-u lir ellect throughout theeountrj. The Houso Itself took early aud ultectuil means lo resent the Indignity which hal been otleroi tho presldiugolTl. cer, and ns thu apt aker entered li rap thu iloututoorler thero was a demon, stritluu amounting tu nu ovation. When sllencu was Dually restored nut alter thu chaplain's rayer the mtm bers mounted Ihu rjttrum, aud tr ap ing the ipeaker by the hand, congratu lated lilm upon theesteenilu which he ltuIdently held by the iiotite. ThU, duuhtleas, was a matter of great grati fication to ri caki r Crisp, that aiuon.t thote who moit etui hatloallj condemn tha luhosltallty of tho Iteform club aru many members who were never hlaauiporlrrslii thu least l'o lljurko Cotkran of "Jew York the Incident It thoeuljcot of considerable mcrrlmunt. "I told you all about thetu people," seld lie, "when we looked up the man. ngemtnt ot thu campaign Iu .New York, We refused to give them u single appointment or chance t? s eak. they would havu rulnuj uverytnlng. Yet, now, when uvurything is ovur aud wo have won the battle, thuie 000 mugwumps come, forward an I want tu read 0U),UUi regular Dcmucrats out of thojartj." Till. I'lMlll t IV tl. rile linings r Hie u,i,my tu be Tlioruiiuhtr liltrallhalril. l'Aitis. Doc. 1J. Iii tbu Honato to day M. J.acombo questioned thu gov ernment aa to Its attlttiduln thu I'ltnt. malntatlgatlon. llourgeols, mini. ler of Justice, declared, amid Ihu cheers ol the supporters uf the government, thnt bu dtslredthat a conditio aud msrchlng light bu thrown upou I ho alTalrs ot the couipuny. Ho ndded, howuvtr, that ho and his eolleagutj would o poau thu iatsaiu of any epeciul law that threatened to lav live a Ho coulllct betwiuu tlie exeoulivt. legislative and JtuKlul authority. Iho chamber of deputies today adopted the proposal made by M. Dfj Jljlastrlu to Invest the I'auama Iu. Vcstlgutlon ojnnullteu Willi judicial lowers, nils action was taken Ueapltu the oi . laaltlouuf M. ilourgeula.mlulster ufjustlco. A blllpruvldlngforitlux un eoutracts for the futuru delivery of stocks and bonds was i oaaod, by u ma jority of thirty, the chamber of del u tics todaj. Itjuvler.nilulaterof fins uue, al,.U,e'jJlluie. L'"' lUt ""' ',',"l"u" Hllleil br liar I-owr. ll?eT.I,0'3,".""0 l'n ,)0 '-' -Anna llojtr, of Caiiadeniij ,roko uu un gagementwlth I'eter llouder beeausa ills conduct dl.pltased her. Today ho trniu,duhrir,ywouud,,ju"' loill.l1. Mm, Nr-w Yoitic, Dec. 12. A will con. ,a,".'!i'f l0,,!Jwur.J' " "! K " 7J,0iW ouu worn, f tu. trty wa. rlinl V, i,!f, WM ''' o' Jay Cljuld JuduoDl Ion atated that ttii, origin" dllluimit'a T11 'Olhlug new id! Probate Lie 'k TU " ' ""hJ. 1 rouaio Clerk liuruay at once issued were nude relurnab u tho latter nart of Ibis month. Ihu ailldavlts of'iho ex,, til ir, (ieorge J. (I'"'1 ', ll'''-" V (1 lilt, l.tUlu an I How i r (lould, Wurulllnlwlth Prolate . Ink Ilunty. nu I shows that Ih" Muu or llo rial tatu whleli Mr.OWIJ Ml In Iho Hlate, tit, 3.VM,W'i a"'1 ,l" valuuof hlsursonal iruierlt I" Iht-Htaiu left lO him to be')", in t Ileal llatlll"eorj At e t ota, Oa , Dec. li.' V mott re volting story comrt from 1 fgtfWhl eouiily, 4. O , of nelirj w man whn kllinl Hut eotked h.rlwoy,nr.oM biliunti I actve, portion u I a llrth to frlordi atut itty. lllllcil lour Illll'lojla. Cil"tiiiniv,H. 0, lec. I.'. The foreman of tha llorinhou I'll tphtlu mines, mar Jntkaonbjro, t .day killed four of lilt einloJ fheru It id lulgm;hl,tlorilnthe vlclnlly nud II is Impossible tu learn Ihu oilite of the trsged, A sso Is afttr thu nun. I iilrlite r n llaiit n.hlrr. IllullmNli, Vo , Dec. 1. Caplalu (leorgu N Woodlrllge, caiblerui the Havings Hank of ltichuionj, ono of the best known club men in the ell), committed sulchlu till- evening nl hit rra done ou Kitt J-'ran.llu street. Cuute unknown. I. old fur Millimeiil. .Nl iukk, Dec. 12 Hcldelbieli Ickelhelmer .t. Co. have ordered I.WW.UOU, tend Ladenburhh riialnun SoUJ,OUOgold fur shipment tomirrow. I'einir I'oiltielur tlrset rrltnli, IiUNUOS, Dtc. 12. A ttitomcnt Is piibilsuul tint thu g'lvurnoient has practically declJi'd to nJ0 t Ino eun) imtiguthrtugboutthtimplii. Illillntllellrr nurillnc. WisiusuTON, Den, 12 tt was said at lllitlnu's hoiitu this morning tuiil lllalub'seoiidltloii had Improved vary much since tho telou last neck, and that ho was bolter this injrnlu than ctterdny. Natluiml totilrtae (onilmnr. Aiiinv, N.Y., Dos. 12 Thu Na tional Cjrdageojmpany II Ir 1 acerllll-t-ute of Incrutso uf live millions In tho capital stu-'i, intklng a total of tweulj-llvo millions. tlill Irru Niillaritleit Yum;, H.II.Dio, 12 During thu abaeuie cf tho parents, some paer took llro In the humu of O. It Alnrrt ain, and twochlMrou were mlljca el. Mrs. Alberttau li njw a rsilug me lilac. r.ilrel Hal I I nerl roiiiarruw. New Yonu Doe. li Tho total gold export fir uji irrjw. tut 1 o'clock reached SI.CM.UOO. KVMttN 1 1 1 (Tenia. tretllft Mrntrr ttei, I azallr (luiaen; Toi'FlCA, Kt , Dec. U A statement was published this morning to the tlluct that It Is a sitlcut, ijuiatlou whether tho Weivcr'cleceira lu this state aru legally chosen for tho reason that of JUgUOO Democrats who voted for them a nisjoil voted u ticket headed "Doi.iocratlo Ticket." If this point Is sustained It would give the Harrison eleolors n mtjorll). Iho l'opull.t leaders he re I uterviewed on tlio eutjuct till morning scout tbu Idia. They tny tbeso eleetors uru i.h much lljnucrotlo eluttorJ ss Wuuver uleclorf, huvlng been reiularlj nomi nated by thu Deniocrttt, that the l'uole's arly ilo not loalruct the electors how tncy shall vote, aud the fact that tho Dtmocratlu lloket boro thu names of Cleveland and Htevenaou for President and Vice President cuts uu figure. The electors choien. If they so desire, cin vote for Clevulaud and Btoveusou. The vulr., have been tan Yarned nn J tin, oul) way to make the m stuf tho matter iuw would bo by a ourt Injunction. liiii.ila-ralliH, ArrniiEamvnla. 1,osion. Dsc. 1 J Peters, secre tary nflliu Nirlh Alltntlo dteaniahlp ussic'Utlon, has given out the state mtiit that In view ot the American regulations lu regard to Immlgrinls, the association today decided lu carry on lis vetsclt only saloon and second class lusengers from January 1st next. It wusnlsidecUed to materially reduce the number of silllnga during 1B01, and rtlru thu saljoti aud seooud eabln rates lu order li nuke up for thu loisthat will I e Incurred through the abandoning the sleerago trallle. All Bcclal excursion rates fur thu Lolumt Ian l.xhlbltlon have been Willi drawn ly tho association nud no doubt this action will rmult lu a largo falling oil lu the number of foreign visitors I the l,ilrralir labor. PlIILADKIl'IIM, lire. 12 Tho twelfth annual c invention of the federation of labor convenes hero to day, riinlibortltuallin of the untlru country will I o eanvised thorough!) nnd stuia looking to the organization of an untlru Hindu uf irocedure in labor matters will be taken. President (Jouier called the con vention to order, Clcorgu Chanco d, llvared thualdreaa of weli'omu In b. liulf of thu Unltut Libr League. A cuiiimlltueoiicredcullaltwusappilnted nud the couvciillon tojU rccesu until this uftertipou, A Nleaiurr llurnrd Maiiqui vti., .Mlcli , Dec. 12 The stoamer Noilhurnurwai buruel tu Ihu water's edge this morning at I, mm... The boat aud cargo tru u total loss. New inrk Muek Mutkal, New Yuiiic, De. 12 The stocks beeumu comparatlvelt quiet ufiur 11 o'clock wlih uarrotv lluciuatluns nud a downward tendency I Iib selling was duo partly to thu rcjort thut the gold ehlpmeuti tomorrow might reaoh J.3.. Udd.UIIU. Atnooiilhesieiulutlou was steady at fractional recovery. All .111.(1 11 Hliiilti "ln llnrnril, Bai iija, Col., Dec. U At 0 o'clock title) morning the Denver .V Ulo (JranJo Ittllroad rouudlioutii mi burned. Ihu llamea spread to the muchluu thoja which tututhur nllh thu valuable plant wtru also dtslrojed. Seventeen engluus weru biirneJ In tho round house. Thu lost un theouglnes, thu machinery In thu roundhousu and thu Bhopa Is estimated by railroad olllclals atJIO),Udci, but lust how much Intur anco tlieru Is li uotkuowu at irtseut LABOR LEAGUE. Annual Convention of Federat ed Trades. AX Ai'l'i:,!, Kill MOItK UNION. A Rtsointlo, ConceralDij the World's Filr Catalogue, I'liitiniM tuiMi'i it's ut pour. llrtlMsel ii,. It,,-,,,, ,,, ,),, Ittllor I tlMir falnllallca ml llgiiraa. l'lllIAtlLllltA, Dtc. 12. At the Bltrrnoon station Iho delegates were enlerlalucO for half an hour I y John Hwluton, a New 1'orU Jouruslltt, In n savngu nttack ou "llluck-ligglng Plnkerlonsanl Irloker." Iho lulwr of thetountry, he said, lm I been (aid million of dollars this year which It would havo surely lost without tho help of sinking btelliren at dllltreut points. Thu o.kcr ooncluled with an noal fur thu union ol all Ialur organizations on fundamental rrlncl ht Hie commllteo on crelentlsls re ported thnt efghljono delegates were untitled tu numhralou, and the reiiurt wasndottel, A resolution was Intro hied at the, riHuetl of TyjograpUteal Union -o. 1(1 of t'hlcaju, denouncing tho propotcdnwarllngof thu contract for the Worl's I air catalogue to a nun union btui,,unl Uoiuun Hug that the work go to u up jn bouse Alter contllernble I'tbate the resolution, somewhat modified, was udoited. I'rtildcnt (Joriij trs real hit annual reorl. 11a said lu an: "Kvtnts luvu transpire I on the Held ot labor ilurlug thu I it six month, which linvo aroiitej public attention, becaiifu tho Incidents connected with them wire more or less of nt uuutusl character. In each uf Iheliboritnif gles tho tnilovis, corioratlout, slm I ly made a rcu,uusr, aud tbu anno I forces uf tbu statu und tboUiillid Blatia Were at thtlr bidding. AtCeuur U'Alone, at the bl Idlng o! the mliiu owners. United Htslea troos wtro brought up toCenjrd'Aleneand thu men overawe 1 and subdued, tlie com manding geuural ol the United rjlatet forces Isvulug an order that au em plotur who would operatulilimlu.s wltli union men would lut bu allawed to (ontlnue work. A Unltod rJtatea judgoLsuediiu order prohibiting tbu union miiicrs from holding mecl lukt lu other words, Iho constitu tional right of free nsseuih ngowat vio lated ly the United Hlales uJt.u nnd geiieril of our army declarlnguud enforcing the e-llct that nu em tio er shall not csrrj uu butlutia becaiite hu dared tj employ union men. Tbu at tlon of the Judges and olllcersuf thu Uulled Htatui werulla. grantly 111 violation of ltw,and 1 be lieve II Is cur duly to demand that thu Congriss of tbu United Hluli s Instltule nn luitt'gatlou. It llilnly ivldent thatlhaiullltlaof our several states Is never utilized except f jr an oslenla Ituus show ur as au element In lab r strugghs. Thrru Isuoteveiin iretense t nt they should they wen originally Intended for. Instead of lelDgaio ular crsanlzitloli lu defense of our homes a d Ilfcjldof, they hate dellected Into maihiuesut mouopjlli. tic ojpritslon ngulntt labor, toilers need utthla time to answer the bitter ness and vlndlctlveuessof their oppies tors w lib otfeanlr at Ion. "Willi the otjectef llmnclal aid In view, Dicemlrr I lib, thla year, Is detlguated aa Mloraeaiead Di,' unl all lire requested to ooutritiute u portion of their earnings ou Hut day lor the purpose stated. It Is Idle to tny that became wu have not been entirely suceestful iu the enforcement of the tight hour movement for nil orders lu thu pa, til Is utelres for ut again to inuku au effort to ei.tabl,li n limitation ofthsdill) hoursoflilior. Ilnne. can beuouuottlou bnt that uiireatrlclel lmmic,ratlon Is working great injury to theiieuplu uf uurouniry. "Sotwlthttsuling the Ktlllon and ourirolests Cougrraa haa praitloally doted tho World's l'alr upou tho day limit readlle at the disposal of thu work, r Wu should urge Congru.s tu repeal the law, ' Cougrts, romri time ogo granted iiibsldhsto the I'sclllo Mall riteiitii ship cjmpany, and Incorporated i, pro vltfon tint Iho eeamen employed by the comjauy should be American citizen. The coin any In question has since violated this ruv slou of the law by imployluChlntfo tailors. 1 would recommend that the contention inter a meat emphatic protest agulntt thu supplanting of cur American tailors by Cnlnese, aud call Uh)ii thu President of the United Mates either to compel til j company In quetlhii to they Iho provisions of the law, or withdraw the subsidy grants-!" The report of Hecretur) l.vuus was then submitted. Kvaussuld "Dirlug toujour commencing No venil tr 1, Ib9l, nn 1 ending Octobe r 31, 1 S9J, ii7 choriei B were ls,uod I n thirl) two tn'esoftho Union III addition lo Ihu above. elht charters were Issued lo national unions, making n total of r5 fir the jear. lhenatlouul uulJisulllllateJnlao received through theolllioofthe Aineihaii edernlloii of Libit thirty aeven chatter appllea. tlous " III it comparative sUlement as to re cul la and ,Xiiii, be said the re. cehts for list year were J.5,'JSU and the expenditures 18,3.1, na compared with J.l.lldrei tived the jear before audJll.lUUexiJondoJ. thociuventloii then adjourned until tomorrow. tJUUt Ml JIIIIIH loity ot llaudlla Htalil t Unto tlrtmilsn I"'" I'1" """'" Laiihu, lex, Die. 1. -Again the air It full of rumors eouceiiilug the Uaita revolution. Thla time tho rumors are more reliable than tho-o of aytarngu i o doubt n largo lody of biudlts, thntemnant uf tlarza's men, lnvu organize i for the rurfo.o of lluudtrnnd fright on the Mexican sliIr.nriotlleHau Ignailo. Itlalenrniel that Cajlalti Ilolllli Hequern anil tho first lleuitnant nnd eight solJlers of thu Mexican army have be, n killed or wounded ly the bandits, riiu loss uf the landlls Is rot known. Mexican tn,swtrn sunt down the rlvirfrom .New Larido, but none of thu United Hlntis troops left I ort Mclntoth. l.vtrythlhg Is lu Kadlneis when n courier srrlvts Willi one. or more runict, of thu urllcl ants to atildavlts can lo made again, t Ihuui. llusrMuraNlrltir, lUi.Ml , Ua., Die. 12 Thu telegraph operators un thu (leorgla C, ntrsl rood went on a slrlka nt noon tola). The on!, r was Issued by Chief Itaimay, b) le!tglab,'a Miter Mlalite. CiltCAoti, Dec. 1 Hcitlt tor It. II. Park of this cl y has coinlstcd the model In ctsj of thu Montana silver ttttuo lo bo Mhlbllnl at the World's Fair, for which Mlra Ada Ilchtiu pried. It will be exhibited tn several thoussnd Invited guests next ftiusda). Colonel J. O. Harvey tayaall thu talk about other actresses balng asked tu pcee nnd ay for thu irivlltgu relitud lothottatuo for folambui which pro ject was nllerwariN dropied. nn, inn iiiititiniii toil no un. I New llrisaUl,i In the llilatrat ol llriiioernrT. iNiiiAtAtonr, Dee. ln Articles ot ntaoiialloniif the national "Itrolhcr hood of rialdlera'' were tiled with the sicieUr) of siato today. I ha organize lion It Democrntlc,au 1 thu mbonllctitu I riuctutiiru tu tit, schools of Dtm u rncy. Doth Union and Confide tale Democratic soldiers nre tllgllle In Inenil erahlp, and In thu event of Ihu death ot a mi mber hit oldtat son, If a voter, Is eligible, to tbu vacnncy. Uf thumtmltr uf thu national council Hire,, nru ex. Union soldiers and two aio ex Confederate . l Mar Itrrnll Mnlelll. Nl Yeiiti., Dec. 12 Humors have reached thla city that Mgr. rjitolll will be recalled by the Po e I ecautu of his recent address ou the school que. Hon Thu text uf the document ur the tulllihlinroritcr both, It Is said, dlt j le t,ed Leo. I lilentf., t ollitxea I Ineitrd Ciiicauii, Dtc. 1. Widespread da niiee wns caused by thu bursting el tho larc w ater main ou 1 Iflh A venue and Charles Place thla morning Two I locks or cotlagts brljw Ihu grade were II wled. All the inhabltnuunre timprarlly homeless. It Isniimnu facturlriKuud stnragu district and thu firms therein lotuaniounto raging from one lliciitind to twenty thoutnnd each, amounting lu the aggregnte to a large, sum, hprlua t wmpniiy. Cl tvn.ANIl, I),, Doc. 12 Tilt, Columbia Hiring company, tapllal stock (?,V0U,U!i), hat Just been formed, wltliheudquarlora In this city. lllMVi I (lit 1 1 01,1(1. ins o in at OAiti. eivi n thu lunrrni una a illicit. Mnt. It, nan Is directed ly thu will tn revlm uiul auiierlutcn 1 thu publica tion of tho two remaining vulurnta of lhu"lIlttolre du Plplud'Itrael,"thu mauutcrllit uf which la complete. Heiian ulsj leaves h mast uf other manuscripts of soniu Importance, hut no tingle one uf sulllcient length lo form a volume, saya the Paris corns undent cf thu London Krict, They aru detached urtli luj, short lecet, and notes made at various rrluds. riome of thesu notes, lnqueutly In puucll, nreconteuiporaneiiut wltlinr even an terior to hla "Vie de Joiua " riiere is In parlloular u largu iortfollo. which Iteuau style I the wrttollo of 1315, for It diitea I ack to that ), ar, when he was only Iw enty-two ) ears of ute. Hunan set gre at storu ou tills portfolln.nnd kept ItwithhlKias much ut possible. U e night ho lencmbered that it was inn closet t.oir tli (Ipoof n llur, an! he was so strongly lmpresel Willi the Idea thut It might hsr, ton tire that hi, wnki, up Mine. Henan uud haj Iho portfolio Immedlattlr pliced lu a room over his bedroom. len then hu was uuzioUB about Ha safety, aud had It put Hi it sscuru clotct, other portfolios bo lug also ut there. This ortfollo of ISO tumalucd hit chief anxlet), and ho told Mine. Italian "If, at Is robt bit, I illu before you, wu havo liei n eu agreed upon Imiortant sublecls that I have entire euulldunculu the sagacity with which you will deal with what I loavo behind me, but luparlltular III examining thu portfolio id 1113, fur there nre thlni'S In It which appear to bu (rood mil worthy or preservation," He added, "I cannot bu modest, for 1 feel forced In tommlttlug the manu script to you lo lay stress on Iho value of soniu uf thu contents of that port folic " It ma), therefore, bo presumed and roped th it Mmu. Iteuiin will tx amino thrsn nniiutcrlp't wlih thu care worthy of such a trust, and that r ranch literature will be enrlcbid by n pt. humous work euhauclug lteuuu's great reputation. Moilcm Ibhorruiienf Hells. The wholu Moalein rncu desplaes and abhors thu sound cf bells, which th, y sa) causes the evil sjlrlu ta nasi rube together. They do not use them on their mo ques or churches, hit have lustra 1 men called muezzins atatloued iu the inluurctt,who call out live Hints each day for the peiple to a.suuible for I rayer, 'the cry la " Tin re Is uu (led but Clod, mil Mchaniniel la his roi het." if uf Kepui 13. A Sciulhlti rgiiuiniit. The llndlugof remains ol thomound. bull ii la In Now Joraey Is an Import ant addition to our scant ltuowlciigu cf thotutarly inhabitants, roving na It dcet thai the mouni lullders wore clothes Nu garments have b en dis covered, but ueen the unicleullllo will readily leu that no unclothe I human telng wnullnver have selected lVw Jersey es ft lac, uf r silence, tiuiuae thu muiq ilt Is a modem Invention Mw uri Hera cf CAPITAL NOTES. J 1 To lie Repaid for Money i Illegally Collected. J "OUTIMOE 1IYTIIK l'OSTOFFItL" 1 i Risolotlon Offered la the House Hell- ; lite to a "Son" Article. iiitiuirN AiiiMNr tiii (irnitn. ,V A Hill rur II,. lll.,, r A1. " loiml llllllarr Itearrtalluniia ' lit 7o,i,,e. Waiiiimoiox, Dee. 12 Alter n i I rlef debate In tin, Houioloda), Dclo- ( gate Hmlth of Arizona sucreedej In v securing the ratsago of Ills bill dlrtcl- v lug tho tccrclary of tho trtatiiry to repays, tilers iu thu Tucson land dlt- , trlct lor nil nioneja Illegally collecleef 4 from Hum ly the Iccelver of ultllc moneys Mr. Cummlngs of New Yotkollered for reference n resoltitloii n viewing an editorial In Iho hew y0tk Ami ot Ihu Wilt nil., heaJel 'Outrage by tbo I'o.lctllce," charging that tbu clerks lu the derailment M Wnshlngloii nre In the habit nl excluding nuwsiaieis M fr mtheprivllikeof btlng carrlei In HI the mall second class matter without asal irevloua notice to the lulll.lier, nud H that it haa been dltcovered thai then, B are Mraons tetlJIn lu tho tiatlunal cailial who will attempt thu adjust- mentofilllllciiltlea of this sort for a H money consideration. It Is furthei H slated thnt thu osteuslllu reason for H Interference with the dlslrlbiitlou or Irndo Journals Is n desliu In keen the M mails from being lotded down with WM ndurtlslng mailer tor which thu pu i lu havu nut subscribed; yet dur- JH lilt: thu months preceding thu ore- fl Hon many million (nmpalgn docu- aHj mints werucsnled In the malls at a Bj rate nut allowed ru. Ilcatlons Issued for jjH bualuert urpixes, ol In the Interest of M temparaiiceurrollgltii, lilt us,erttd M that the lottmasitr-gcueral and the H superintendent of census have each W tal i li personal advantage of their HI 0portunlly to tun (be malls In tilt manner the dopartn out ronounct W lllrgalforotberclllzeni. Ihocemmltteu J)B un ottotllcrs was directed to limit!- H gate tbu charges Hf A lilt was asred for the disposition ' B9 ol certain abaudotieel military itterva- 'tsH tlontln W)omlng. ;Mj ltu teaentlvo hcott, ot llllnns, In- H Irodticedlu tha Iloueu a bill providing islasaal hoiealler n lax un distilled tr lillsj lJ'sasl to be fixed at $1.24 er gallon. dH IIIIDIAN Hill W. I tllilnnrill ,, l-rnliablr Itlctil After A.,. Ill ill is, Dec. 1 J Notwithstanding the conviction of llecturs Ahlwordl nud rlemltr, who accused tho Hebrew gun making firm of Luwe.lCo. of lurnlthlng the army with ilcficlhe ntlus, there seems some doubt tu the regarding the quality of arms liorne by Iho Infantry. At tbu session of tin, homo today several questions yitreaikedon tbu subject. Chancellor vuu Caprlvl said tho quality ot the rlllcs In utu by thu army la thoroughly t,uod both as regards I atttru au I execution, nnd, he added, the weapous wero fully tqual to tbu requirements of the I resent condition uf war. Ho Include) 1 in lilt descrip tion Ihu soldiers' arms nil I weapons manufactured by Ixuwe A. Co. The Mil I II, Trial. Cincinnati, Dec-. 1J ThoClncln. natl presbytery I u seen t session vuluj , lalu this alteriioon iiOti the second t uud third charges nnlutt Professor Henry II. timltli uf thu Lano Theo logical aemlnnry nud he was foiinu i,ullty uf Imtli charges. The charges liertslu lo his vlewt uu inspiration A nimniltlee was npuliilol tu consider In nud rcrt the iHinnlly at a meeting to. mmt morrow. Iu view of thoclosu volu It WKl Is ttirmlsed that Ihu ieualty ot ex- Wmi comniunlcntloii will not be commend. MW eiland iioailbly not even more than II iidmonltioiis, at the committee at rundu HJ up Includes several tupiorlera of the IH accused. KU Milclila ir llaruu, JBI VllSNA, Dec. 1.'. Huron I'rodtrlck MaaM l.vergeltrerg, aJJuttut to l.nieior "H 1 rands Joseph, committed suicide to- .cssbH i ay. MKa lira. Ilnshrlrlt. 'Hi LOMkis, Dec. 1J Advices from UK Weuklng prison show that the Condi- H Hon of Mrs. Maybrlok It Improved, Two Sorters. H Ijndon, Deo. 12. U. W. Hobb.,tb H great London builder, aud U, 11, B Wright, solicitor, were arraigned nnd JJfl nmaiidel for liesriugou n charge of 1 forging a bill for $1000. Other charges M ol u similar naturu weru made agalust Mm th, in, and thu total of their frauds nmotint ton large turn. Hio forkerles weruconnucteil with Un) recent falluru II uf the Liberal Perm meat Hull Hug .H nud Investment Hoclety, the Land Vill Investment fruit and, Hobbs .t Co, H limited, builders and contractors. It JH is exoctud the trial will result lu ten- II ratiouulduvelopmentsluregarj t) tbu II mothods followed by laud aud building H societies, a number of which failed H recently. U Itrporleil Uul.l 1 Inil H, Ariz, Dec. 12. Hxclle. ,H liientltat fuvcr heat over a gold ilnd M lu tbu lacir ground In 8au Juan river. u rraliinien and telugra) h uperators aru H deserting thu railroad, urlppllug It, U Lveu olllclala of thu Atlantic. L Pacl- U flo havu caught thu Infection, and yet- full terduy a parly left Canyon Diablo en flifl routu to tho mines. Iluslnots Is aerl- fRitl outly Interfere 1 with. I'rlday une liWli man wathed out $700 and another re- Jfl ported $2tMd at a result of tblity-tlx II.) I Hours' woxk. w 1 h I j,i !