Newspaper Page Text
i; PESTirtET EVENING KJWSi -wtom"-pat. nECtnim. u, isojj; my; KitfiO(itiMtBt ',. . law' salurr, I '5 ft rniea rtepwtmenl ' 1 street ,irlBtlinil A J ' fl SaWiriie fth M ! l aterrrneier-. - JarlS H rirsilerertrnelil jjnii H II allh rlenAHmenl - ,,,, H ; nwrmtMinl .n 1J H rinnrtrr"ltsrimeet .. !",,., (ji- Maa ..!.. .-m.... '9iij; H . iyi.'i n rteirTmtnr ....... L'ii liirtiarili street "irlnl - fn w 1 tibrrtr I nrk - ... -, a.ftn II At.Mrirtrn1llr'ira- "UK Hi lrinlise asd Bdeerllelna. - jjj J 9 .1 ,"r'' ,;;;".'." Z' ....'.. " fill t!Sfin!ii!iiiitnntrrni".' ;;;;; J" E I arler'eo'n'il'iiil..., JJJSij T larl.f rrecsnal g I WrutuM Kg Bt remslory... - - a, j) W:',lEi',;Er si"" Hi ' Tot. .Wl"-i 4 A4J.rse.fu - -ll j To. iriuisil f JjedactaJitmreirMnli ... ... "Wl " I tulsace In Treainry Ml. WMM 'J 1 Nt -Wise Not imih, Hit t"" ,,,,,, ., I orerrrceleadfn.mmee.aln IIIMII ' rBum-aiiiiniiiiTiitloiuo .rrrrT, ) vetnber loili elateiaoul ttvvr i m I Filed, t ( TUB NFVC CITV JAIL. Ilegtrdlng tin erection o( tho now city ll tho corarall'M on prls m 1 reported as lollowsi Votir lommltleo , has given much tlmsntid csre'ul om ' Blleratlnn to th various plana nml designs submitted by tin various nroli Heels lu tMponso lo III A Iver Hi niit oalllna for cumpelltlvo plant, n I while all the propositions rcoilln many retpccls and worthy ol n'ltntlon, vrelhav tiara la lit coiicluloii n I ncommepd'tltsl the plan of Mr. Win Carroll M l ) l I n I jouroommlllM ls authorised loadvnrtieo nt nnrn fir hldaou lil plans nil apeoltloit m W further repirt lint Iho twit of the new Jsll shall nn eitsol the annum pfclficl, Tixi jri.iXD. The report was adot tod on the fob lOWlllIt TOl .. Ami Hear leley, llvsrn, Horn, Kelly, Mown, IttHi.rJIiinnll, Want I in J 3. Knee-Hell, llurJy, Korrlclt, Ii son 4. 1 xoiiroi rnllnl I. Till', oi.ri HdllT oven AOVIN. Tim o inmli on wtirork'i r norinJ In llm iniilfr ol oUrl'lu 1iIJ inr tho nirclu of wlr pIh, nml mibmlltinl tlio MlowltW WiUt lliiwnrlllrriiiinlriiOiinpnr t 'ItM Ilirwd'V l"ro ..."..'".'..".'..". ilttltrlon o ' !' ' Cnrlfll''i'lonFiiiiiinr li'in IO him or iiicbtiHpUiiWlinot 6 uod oait una 1I1J vrrrn aotlc ttrl frnii fur olliir plp coorwrii", Iml Ihy i!oIln-i lo mtkn i prol. Tim onimlllfi rcomimen Jl nml th Him In ir clmnl fruni Itliolci Ilro , in thn wrr tli 1 jtri-nt lil J.lori. HurJy I man tint tho rnatltr he ri'fi-irfl 1 1 Iho lynr. Mornn llioMtjortoll m prrwrn. lly Hint li wnulil InTo nhnQtuii!l nithlni lo lo Willi llio milter llinly I llilnk Hint unllir lmil HOD tli Mayor wllh Ihr rommlllie jnclnti-1, with iwf r ti act W.ii.tlaiil-t think thtt Mr. Iltrlr houl I p rrcltt our tuition. Hutu la no ma at all to mkomioh rfaroso a tli ronimlltt u I llio Miynr can nut ana will lot nrro. Wlinn limy mini lojclbtr them li Uuy trie iluran Thero ! cm- thl.ii; thai alwaynputtliiiuo whru t oimo Int I lila council chamlwr to inrrtlnir ami It Is thU: Any ronnulttra iI1uk the oommlllco on tratrr worka can tlu at It pltMt apjarcnlly, but lat Ilia walerworka curanilltMi ilu a tvgU Ihln an I tho .Mtyor will llntl ftult. Wo tna tint other commuted cm ailvrrllia for LulMlngioTin when f'i'i.Odi) nrn In toHM In tho irmiiaollon all rlnlil. Homrlhlnith wrou auil )ou tliould allundi-rntaiil It. Iiiivraoo Thfto l no nilitnko an to th Major Mm? ojiocd tothsnoik of llipcorunilltee. Hell 1 know that tlmrsl) no n to pomuHwIllillioMiyor ami therrfirn I am now prrpiml to ataml by the conimlttiii In Itiiuiiclualon. Tlis pip liritUnl antlually, ioj. Itlrli HoTtral day ao tli rom rultlefliinwattrworka to whom ponvr waa itlvan to arcurn Md for llio pur rhaaoiif thla pli tnut In tills council rhainbar to o(n tho M t; but th reiollacllon nf (ho ol I fllit canto TltlJIy luforo in. riitn, In orJir to bo on tho Ml aid wo wait ed for nearly Iwo liouri Wfuio f V ojirDluir Ihi li'ili In urJrr Mm 1 J that woik Oiul I lw ilono lu tho pna It unco of tho mor but thtt ulllola do ll V clamJ that b would liavo mllilnf I) I V do with tho mailer and luloriuud tlio i H commlttoo that lr tliay piralatud In j carrying tho work on hu would Trio I , 9 tlio mailer m eoan rh It reached lil Ji. haudi aa ho waiitu 1 m 1 1 uuiuralaud R, I, that wo wi-rii liifrlnjlni on lila rlithu. Q Thlabulnir tlnuitlu wo ahould bnar lu Jill mind that It U uioltai for ui to do an) Hfi thing unliaa we liavo leu votes to car- i i ry It ovrr llio mi oi'a vilo. IJI Hard j 'a motion waa noted down hit ftfler which Him rrpuit was njoufwl on I If ntotnof iiIiihIii tuo, Mnura 1'olliiul ; lit and Honly ioIIob aullmt Hid motion lp lo adopt. P 1IIB tllNWUUilhV URAIIU. 1 'n Henry Dlnwoodey and fonrlceu : fl otheriaiutlu tlio followliii oommuul. K lutlon: I f. We, Ilia umlerslirnM properly owners K of the aontti alilo utl irxt N lultl stroul bo It tviMn.Malii mil Woil '1 i'iii lo utrfiil', , 119 roillully pMllInn Ihal ilia Mnnalk . j )l KraJo lu from of tor pmpnrty be alliiivn.l i-lit to renialu a ulwn i.i Mr. Iilowoodoy 'le nil otublllied by llisolly ooicluiMr In tit; 1M nndthiu nlj ilJeuoH. Infnmtif lib the Jennings Dm ' Inftimiul proiriy (lit and tho l.iulu I tniHiritim i roiwriy bo I If elianjal an bh In i onfbrin with said gn In III anestniilliihelln li0 on 1 that ilm Mild 'II l lowalk no oil.ihu on Uiu north al 1 1 IK anil In front of nal I Jemilui.1 propeitr i Ifl anil the Laele 1 mportnin propor y he I i mail to ctiiitoruuo aalluruluuboiore- ferredtoniilioexpenwofiuit MkuUty. II J I; liolnn Hi it Mr HhiamiI v 'li wIIIhvwi towanl ih reeHdluii and jl i rccouairudlonoftliotiiuiD II The commlllro on slieols renom- I I meintod that th Ktaile be raise lat I ugi;oitiJ, and that tho nntlir be r- I furedlolho city onuloeir with power ' to net. TbercpiKt waasdoited. I IIUNILK'a ICi: l-U.NI) AlllLISlttl) iilS The committee on Jordui canal nml 11 lnlgallon uporled as follows In the II mattirof the communli.alliiu from the I ill wuterma.liirwlihfertrenoiito Uuuter's I V loo iioiid, ana Bikini; tor Inttructlon I t wllh referent to tho damaging of Oily Jill Oieekbj Mr. Humeri "Woliayiooii. I I sldered the nutter and I'jj that iuaauiucli as the Ulglitli Wit 8 ill: slrttt unal lias Uiu pcrmanvntly drmiunl up at J ighlh Houlli streit, that Ihero appears to l" no longer any nasi of the Nlulti ffi-t slrretiuiial from Third Houtt t) North Templo streols, Hie lolbwlnj resolution te uJofted! Itoiolenl, That the alrcel iinnnlior l anillislsberebynntliorlteilan I lnniros i I lomko iiposatarv iirpi t bivtoeaiil r.mnl nn Mntll H'ir.1 a net flllnl up an I and rpmovo all olisiru d n it id o hur a lo open nat 1 nUo f r the public 11-4. AJjpUd. fJDKill Ituitirt fill) Tliesiierhl c mmltUn reKirlel that In the matter of Hie u imiuuiiioi'um Irmi Waiermiitir llarioy mid H reel r)uprviMir lllaol. nihln tint they bu mQipeunatuJ for tho uie ol Iivmi nit 1 oirt at His rate of $1 pr day, ill it liter had raroiitlly coiiild'inl the mittsr mil would rpcomiiisnl that mjii be allowel 1011 tier iinnum ptvalile In uniitlily lustailmf nta ol flu 04 Alter conilJamble diniuH n the matter Wat laid on His lib lor OLe week. AIM'IUI'KI ITIlXS. Tho followlut opprjprlillms were mtdet alt t te IJIbiiri.lil l-uMhlila r lln I Ain "" ."" ""'"" ai Un,iu ALO HTM H riuACV..'.'...".'.'.'.'. i -U.naai4il Ismsiiuj -. W tl H ol.lth..lin A M.rrl. IIS) Salt I ak I or llailroa I (to...... S OS iinr lima ., ., fl a Mr. n.iiiiiiiri ! so i J Hurt ... ... ..,,!. yi at llto tl. l All i ......... I It M I lyiks I' I. A II I .... a t bits lltilillsj A iiiulnrlii li II II l I) rtini. .. H0 HorrlMin Jl.riliim i .... , an n ...riAl ari.r nit Ui .o,J.Ui ... M 1.11. am. A IV .... in 'Inn AUrr.BWH,.l ... .... . 110 h ii loitlnllirlaaraLe .... U U ah r A o i tvi . .. as . o H.OMinAllriiu llio Haiti, tkeiiaal i "..TT. 'ITT..'. -11 III H aalt l.k. tia.iarihlM( Ue4 .... . II ss t lalaaAlo 11 Ulan I'a at A On Co . ... . i SO nut Uti liwar, Uirtit A lleatlsf Co. 0 ilrant liroi . li mi ILJI.Juar.. ......... 4S II M "rll l A ........ tO l ru Unmron. Jr 17 SI lie M m.ii.ujIij in ui .. WW e, Miloralck. ... 117 Ml II w lawreno ... si St It M liul sat uu mo. A J.n ii. IMilofOj Hat Si TrbunaJntllki Ill Inn M.or ... - 0 10 hat bias Man irMpli A Trial nnOl .. ft Si t I .I..AI j 71 nun i'.iiuaoiViii .nn..m.,.,.'u i si I'n.ri U'jrs iirlrkfi -.... ..... 1 1 ai Kiiafuirtir .. HIM nail I ak liar tears I SIM I 'nit n a ruiwaruisa: ito .... li t-i ltirsAl til si Marun Uaaan ... .... l tl Kuala tn-maiery A naniuiy Ue.. law ui Tout U W tu 1'I.aii; tiii: AqtiKiiucr. Il'clnCer.-J tin followlnj motion: TliAltho alrtat aotrelstr b) and la Imob) nil horll l.i lluk In lh full wlilllinflhealrwociill Kjnlona ol North PotllpleNtroot nil0iluct al 111 luteraoo tlnita Ibereof. Adjplid. TU lAIUnit A FLL'IIK. Follaud oflered llio following which whs adopted: 11 anhpil. That the natcr itinitor lower tholliimo nt llio llibneetlon of tioulli leiuplenml rreuili Weat so as lo dram Hevcuth e.i str jut norili. Cite Council then adjourned uu II h'rlday nllil nest. VllUllTlI l'ltfl'INCl' DTATIOS. Properly Oirurri Mini Object lo tlio eir tiro lUnio being rrcclrd on lint vile S lirlnl. Heardtng tho location of llio I'outth precinct llrcstallon 1. tl, Coaller nnJ llflreu others liavo filed otjrctloits with the City Council na lollons: Wo tlie uuderalgued prorty owners and redtleuta of tlio uurllieastern pirt tf tltocit), liertbir irolest analnat llio llrusUilion rtceutly ordered by your lunurable b dy ' tin: 1 filed uu 11 Btrcet in oointmilsted by tho CDtn mil te, and ntk that tlie same be iHatoJ furilur cist for the follow. In reaioni: In Hie section lying aaat on I' slioet between HjiiIIi Temple and l'ourili streets are upwards of lorly li usts mostly frame, npre aeiilliig an outlay ol iuoretliautICO,00() slliiutetl In cliiMi priixiiulty lo euoh other nnd Hist builJIug Is golnx on Ihareatarapld rate. Afire occutliu Hmlo uoulu be two mllis from the tetitral slullou nml nearly oue mile from the situ selected, with uu up Mil run or walk all tho way. Uu the olhor band, lu tho vicinity of llio site teleUed by the cotnniitUe, the bouses uto mostly brick or aJobu ootlsges, wl le apart lu which tlisre would be no daugor of conllagrutlon, nnd to which thero would be n down bill run fr ui M street or nt nny ki1iiI east, I'roprrty In tho vicinity of llio site aelixted can lo amply prolictcd from tho central station aud the lesldeots ol that vicinity bnvo never asked for lire station. Tlie tttltlon on which lb Is II le slntlon waa ordered, waa tlgr i d almost ixcluslvely ly refMeuts and proi rty owners east or l street. The locatl til of tills lire station at 11 strrei would b rnUtcilly uselers lo the lection llrsl named and woull bo en lallluga nuedltsa ixiwttiietu laxpstts of tills city. Wu nk lo be beard through, our cmnilllre. Tlin (ii.itily Senei tijjtom. rAUr tlwnt .Veus I nolle 111 your paper of Mottlay, December 1 i, over a column ol miller louc!iluthn uravlty system, aud by jour leivunoulJ Ilka to make n few suggestions on that subject. In the Interview wltlt the city en. Rluser, wlilcli J uu give, It sestm to mo thai tint geullmi.n, by liuplloillou ut, UoubU Ills ability to decide o uumi'iitout a iiaestlon us this, which bo admits will cost the oily If rarrle I out t iSe.lklJ.eho why tliould lia svsk fur Uiu e.uployment of an expett eiiglsir. ui con II mi his llnJIuji? llefore in. Clly Council dictdea upon so tx ponilvc ui; expi rlmeiit ns Is suggmtu i 1 think mjselStlat It Mould loucll cttip oy Mime engineer of kuowt ab lly lo repnrc Uwn 1 1. I am not n KOodjodgo f vugtneers, perlias, bu Hone niiyjujge of tlio i,ubl lly o tin imglncer who ctitertd uiou n b au 1 ui it slroit as South Tnnl strsi was it few onra ago, nnd cnuvtr I Intitliimudliole that It now li. n ling Im sultly coutludtd that lit tapoly could lo luiproted upon Hut usldo from thl, It oc ur to tun that the expenditure of t large a sum as Mr. Dorerrus names woull be tin Rrcat a piece of eitmvn gauro for Halt Ijake City lo engage III at intent. Whj, (or.lmtaiiri.aliuuld Ihe resent pofuhUloii ol say 0(1,001) fieofle I called upon lo rncrlgae all nielr Imtesiljits In order to borrow lions) to be expended In making priVlitonsfor m,oi yoople who may never come here. Bait l.aVn Clly has been sellled forly. live Iran, during whl h tlmi only 0 1,000 cjila havebicoinelbbabllauis, Minlnimea i hk. ' ipotlljiinf Hum were Induced to pifltn nero under Ihe nuilceff itbmni, wlilcli It la liuprU will never le repeated, It Is not n eaouvbiH, I think, n n in number will be lit r a el liJiinUlfor many Jeurilo cntiv. lliw.vr ill (liable It may lo to make pr v 1 .us for tho health mid oomfirl of Hi no who are now heie, woull seem tu ilLtale uooinmr In the public txpen dlturo of inmey In aiiiiil.ailun of what n il.ubtlul future may btlng fonh. Ciiixb.n line Unniall'. Vtar 1 (iverheord this cunrersalluii 11 we u two wall ilrwsaml ladle oh nu oleratal train yesterday i Yea, I liar len away nil aiiutuit r up lu the country." Tnl j vii Hush j onr burner 'Ko, 1 1st n young couple In." Anybody know"" "So, they were atrangera In the city )oatuj ample from Vermont," I'aus "1 alHHildn t think you mm Id Ilk tu tuti o anybody lu your Ixmso ilnilng j our absence " "Well, HI tell j on " She lowered her vole - ou see the house waa full of of of those dreadful lnaecta tltoso, you know and the onus vt Oman looked as ncnt as it phi " Olggls "1)1.1 sh get tin in oiitT Mt hateu I seen olio slnco 1 sot back." New tork Herald. Aell I're.emli.n nrilniUra. lit irevluus epidende thevali.oof aul rlitilic an 1 ul httrous acids na protett tlves vaadeiiioiietnited nnd iilten dlscotereil Ills comma bnolllus lie nlao notol that Its cnltlvation wnl eiblo only In alkaline moilla that nclds ileslrojed lb In corroboration of these llndlugs, Nlcniejer, who wroU binj lo fore mi) thing of this iiutnro was known, rvcmd that the Ileum, ur loner smalt Intestine, Is the lunln seat or thopiitbo logical thaugos caused by cholenu This luncr small Inteailno la th inostalkii lino and tho farthest from lite normally ncld stomach. Tito large liilestlu, boln j Held, does not suffer ixlence 1'rom Connecticut comes n taloof n )oung woman who ha attained the ago of twenl) two without bdng permitted, to come into contact with any human beluga auto lur unnatural mid perhaps not quite sano jurenla. A inouso starteil ncroea tlie room In ii ?,orth AtLhiaon houao nnd n ,lil ii-riiiuioil so luudly tli.i iiiuitso fell oier. Ilu picking It up It vrna round to kavo lied of fri-ht. MLicbig COMPANY'S J I ExIihI cf E:sf i U itarijnl for purity, lUvor h ij tnj wholfsomoncM. 1U r ft quality naror vnrlot, and It 1 U tho Mmo toiUy at vtbtn r H fint put up by Its Inventor fj tho qrct chain Int, Jutu K M Ton MftblffaWliofte alfiiiuture K tj It bean, thnat PI It tho puro oaienco of jj mrat broth of cc iilcnicil l.BKFTAlfreol'roni fat or f ReUtluo. mil Indltpvutatblo H la fcprcni ml I Ec::;n!:C::!:.:j. HUDUUAKIERS FOR LOW PRICES! hi WIMOI U iii i IIUKTV. AIM! ArtUl.i Uu ! WWtl ttU, UrrliiN, . , !!, MaJflb. Ilswat, hklnw IM UMi, im kfcaitfn, IhnI iMIsn, Uosa . UMHalMs l.-4 rr, lii rf1a HImI kstwri, Mats l imt MUK -. klll,4 Mnvsts, 11. sWa, Mlei w"VJtVI l'ClTlb tirltT VfetltrhrHi' "" !.'" Ms 1rj hi kj. " "t"!., itsisats liC ut i j.e.miit ViooTcALcco"ck,tT.,itL 0AXJTI03ST. Coniumem uro rttprrUlly cnutlnnril nun hut nurchrttlu nnynf thttuurlhlFM Iniltalloni offrretl on the iiiurUrt put ujo lmckKRm rrtriiiblltiK 1'ltlDK OK JAlAN, n1m kaown n XUKK IKA hrc that thi nr tlclo you purtliAtd U genulu uud take no othir rjcsiJJUk oriJtXiaKi fflAffffl I IMPORTED DYI ifiyiiil SANFRANCI3C0J immisT"' 'tmrfin riui siEGrniEo i KMmi BAN IHAhCiaLO, CAbA. wmimam 1 i Mm. alniio i ' 'i 'ami );l.miioi,jmh,l i " lu tbo lift, or Goitre 5C1 , 40 Years great aiiaMfSat. Vft teeMn1.lMt walk lo Llttai wu j Wie ImiX Snood's Sarsapatilla AikI li irlrr free li in i iM has urged many otlnti to Uk " wsaparina ami tliry has also been "IJiiyougaed. HOOOOPlLLO Ws. Isnrtlee, alek hMdasW. aattta .Iwniaab. hamaa. MariP, nm&tfytysm A UURQSir SOaV, FtiHE AHO SKtTittlY HUSKY DlflKOHD Tflil SOAP. IICALTIIFUL, AGflEUOLE, CLEHNCIHO. Carts Caapptd lu lr Wonaaa, nnrnf, rw. IUta.Il. aai rrattan 3aa4re t$DR. GUHH'S j3A IslfaWiVXB M,LIVER If PILLS ' FOUADOSE IS YOUR STOMACH SOUR, Srrft,aailaenawia On.ciihawr -- - "".iSatJi!! , i iiltr-"iii rf o "..rVlSl!"' ' " J' 'f"""' " 2. (1. M, I. Ditiu l)rrr., Auhnts, DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. - Conformnblo to latocf Territorial Statuto far salo at tho DESCRET HBW3 OFFICE. Miiun mma nt mii 'eonriotxmi. ti c b. f unit ificntt imtit, ci cuj ul G1BG pPcH! TnSS1"'" "iiV.VV."" MLlBP-it, irtnelrnmliflOOi V.1 o. PELOUBCT CHURCH' ohoAN," rtkiri.jr ir irfl. V n mim ii itiiTvl tn i u Dtumn i r rtWrnrtt. 'lli tnsvir nif ltM crtmtlint ivtiiv r n tiudorn t i ui tn ir to iiuum tb AOodtsork t iVw on I too, LYONfi. HCALY. Ctata nnd Monro Sta CHICAGO. N n fudiK uwnt I I ratatttsia antiutlit BACK YOLUMES Of 7B DESERET WEEKLY. The eltth velnme of the TICIIinirT WEEKLY In tho present form la now bono). A limited nnmber of cor lea of these six volumes run beob. Ulned at the Desi-iikt Ntwa omeo, Ball Lake City, in bound form nttiOO psr volume. It la lb best hlatory of currant set nts to be obtained, and by far the elieait, olid the lima Is not far distant when Ibsy will be eagerly soeght after by students of hlatory, anxious to be iiitiirmed of tbs stirring events wlilthhavo tranaptrod within Ibe Yiat three years the most InterosU Ine pariiHl nf Ibe history of the Lai ter-dsy tainta. Kvery penon who esn afford It ahould aeeure tbeso lolaram whn they are to b had for future roterence, and epeelaily should Ihsy be obtained for every Sunday School, Improvement Asso ciation and Ward library. Apply early to make aura el gUllus; Ueavtj. i $1 i OiAk acl 1 . ITANK8, state'bank' OF UTAH, rAirsae V !,( ttntf th l.tnjill rrofa 8 ill I ata I .far Cf.llnl, 0000,000 Oueiiln., - 0411,000 llkmR J llsaar, fmideal. m II I ukstiis vice r".IJent lltnr.iiJI It aits, t anliier, oinccroRs: Josatti r. smr Aiisaliaull uassov, tias e. titfirrus. I-iuhk v. ttnua nu li. l(o aiKSCBHOMWSOS erin it uuttns IiiimiT. lAaasnoBTll. htus Mosittt, b M. JlrsHV A. VOOLLKT, nr Oenmrrfl easts la B lr, tr.e r. NaeWi asfteUse), erya umilsdMERciAL a in Savings Bank, HALT LAKE C1TT. CltDltal, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - S40.000 OHNEnAL BAtlKINO BUSntES3. Hv Per Csnl. Inlerett Paid on Stvlnji Depoilla, rompoundsd Tour Tlmst Year. NiCKn, savixo BiJtiii's rott hale AT TUB BASK OB AS1 Of ITS J O SATS. otnnoTonn, rstuctt Aaiitrxoao, r. W. Mtesar, U Jot a inouaus, T. W. Kuaaarcc, Iioliva koaaara, Tnoa w Jaas sol, o.caa 11. iiixur, Hudsi. uclxtias. If U CCHUisoa METTLl GEUElia LVBANKHIO V EDSINES3 AT MJ.I 00I1TA1II f3TltKICT,03 lOluua l. c r ), mr,d PAYO INTEREST ON DnPOSITC. basiaas tsdb aooourta. Deseret National Bank HALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. rnlil op Capital, . .j C300,0ts OS Brarplas. . . aOO,.M Binuaronai u a. tiitLi. riuiifi losaa Tiiatcasa, 1t fvsrUrr vr. w.sirsa. i. It. Ilasris, J. T. lints, 1. n. cittra. Jaiiaa Suasr, likvat Hiseooprr u lb raaai, r. Vi. Jasaisoa. uaonaa 1 oatsar, 4. U. IVtsiiis. . U. Etpaaooa. U. a, Touxo, Gtt'u Hccdies Dtposlts Piyiblj en Dtmn; fayaaaj 5ll aTxrA4a0 aa Ana rara, Bm inn.lw,OAlctfis At. OmaU, laarfaa aaaJetllJUI'ilsWal Clmliiiolal (Miaa. Cr3T" Bala Oipoalttaalla, abaolsllly ss. aU sua criprocf. lusts U to tUearjlsr. wiLnisn wuoi acrr, t xoaoa w iassox, Yrrfreir. CotSiM- Ca.k riru.l .. rm taJi 0riilBl..tlj) s e ZION'S SAlGS BANK TRUST COrPAXT, Hos. t nnd a Cast Tompl Gtroat, tjiir Lnr cin, vtjii. EsTAl.lallinl973. loonn)HATEO lWi X3XItaTOItH wiirnsn Wi, n bih, iv,i im (.suitna ij.Oissuir, lb. in Ural. Jnssni r, smith, usuusa iiatinLin, Aaocs U tamos, iiasaa J i mir, Jim i jics I, atio r- ir, T. O Wiitara, raacis tl Iiuav, II II Ilabiix astov II to;. Laosarn n Haai r OKaat k.vlnie Hank In llah, aim atapMll. aniairr llieu all etaere ... l.lua.1. aa-sirirr I'irosiT noxas toa Btsr. Satlaia litpo.lii ia asj om, from II M ?, riealtta sad later. al abewad at 0 parsssl per saaani, eoiapoasdad roar Umeaayaar Cor. raipaadtaea aolieited,aad aor earns forwarded Ij renstrf depotltore eararally atteaded to. ElTlfTLEfS 910, 914 and $18 Suits, J OH MF.W AND 14) Villi. VTrli ol obc tsdwr will i?nJ jou tin iirtrrnvnn tUaot ro.di a tlf meatrnfmctit I'" . and trp mctiuro 3ffIt3UlE. w max food. led nrstulr woriroaoihia tod tt. Uuj M.llr, tl7. N1 Mint m. ' Iinjli-ir ill rnodi itnniy for rut, nnd tn lArrer qa.ot lira than aay ullur In our lina to fttslei ua lo oflrr mtnj cmb ) irxatna noan pnaehatl ir any Olhir ti ait M jtooria birklHl tn plUB l.KOira On pri to 4i. Jontj rtifBBdtl ai all timti if uo;fa tra ool aaiutactuii Ad tmi A Is. ?wtlj:t4 cot tU US it9n 6trt4CJiXCJQ0 Suoriintonto, O ,t fjcucsn or FRUITS and SALMON ISSaeUvar(taHe..rli.rrrtu,inr ltlefa raiiToraif centrr ( r I rKMiAIHl.ilaiin-iIgm el li n Vlell t?, F. BBCK & CO., General agents, lie&iurtllfornlast., 11AN FIUWI3Q0. OAL, & I f&t tat. TEA8BEL9S Christinas Sale NECKWEAR. 25 per cent DOLLS, The finest line of Tie, 0ffOneSS lu lit clly CO. for Sic, QQors Jranei. Doll., Bailor erjo,TSe.,$I.OU nnd $1.23. wuo Dolls, Dstkey UolN, lllik " " ' Dolli. Wax Dolls, Kid- NEVIIAFiKSISi '"JrCIowuIDolfrnmlls. Ifali Fr.'co. l0 n-"1' Tbo "" ''""" IlANDKnRCHIErS. mcutthatcouULobfught. An excellent airortnirnt . . , , of Gcuta' 811k ilnudkcr. ACCt'lltilDIC chiefs for IBc., fiOc, OOo, 7Sc, DOc, Jl, I1.8D and tl (iif,5 j Unto ef,y and relect the cltoloeat, aoyoii tvlll have l)m Ilm lo embroider Initials """j on litem. .Mlllfe ' Collarettes ""i"- aun'- Uo'u'' Monkojs, Lambs, Musical SHIRTS. Iiistruments, Nlnu l'Ins, '1 llltimilllfii; Jumpii liabblls, Crow. Dress Bhlrte, Negligee, llllllStlllUS Unlaundrlcd, Hllk all at p 11 i; i Hooslers, (Jupsand "' iMKlilt ,, ,. ,, ..fii.iBii;iiiiim . O0UCCSl Halls, Ilaraus, (ilK.S. Cows, Hells, lliltloe, Tops. In fact everything In lb GLOVES. 4 Stores 4"- 1511 iloien Kid, Dogfekln, , ' Duck, Castor, Jersey, Hog KilKSi Hkln. II color,, from K, CHRISTMAS DAY liazar in tint ('!(ir Won't bo of good cheer ' without you buy aomo of OVERCOATS ourdcllclou. Chill Sauce, .,,,,, ,, ., . I i rjlon Cairn Camp Tie, Willi Hi aver. Collars and Cuirs for t23 0i) former ' I, I Hautburg llels In Jelly, rk$ Chltnchlllas JLl ., lor $5 uo, formerly, t WOO. Utile .Ntxk Clams, l'lne Hoy's Overcoat, from A At pic,, Cross A lllack. $J.50to$12 00. - - ii j j vrtlli' Jelllee, Jams, " l'lck lee, Chow Chow and ClIfTfi () Yarmoulli llloatsrs, Clt- ron 1'eel, Lemon I'eel, The best $18.00, $1200 H I ,.,.,, , .,,.n u .. . .. Jlalslns and Curranta and $10 CO Bulla In the r west. I . cleaned ready for use, RAISINS AND CURRANTS CLEANED for USE. FASHIONABLE and HEALTHFUL ont TIIR CICISLIMJ ("V Jacksoe mf WK Corset WalstR HT-- 5UITUU ioim pniuicriir. 7T Al-nHVatLnr! awsl j t nl ret, ft ault (,r f 1 mMn, ,n1 titttihrril iiiu! llt, TA,UNS.?.Tll!,R,1l JACKSON CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich. IP YOUH PtALLIt IIABtlT IT WKItl. TO U3. ar uu muhhteii )MjNoKperhp5youmc.y m&L TQinkif Ajoljce i "OutlljeJ irjhioel-marrteiv 1 an. , , . &refyi ''' V GirlswhoKnowllow'jrt S) ' io'ebokon l WterfW t. ron rami nr ' Z. C. M. I., Solo Apenta In Salt Lako City. SOLOMON BROTHERS The Moat Sucoossful of nil of our ( 5 HOMEvINDUSTRIES TJ Is tho manufaoturo of Doots nnil Shoos. JO, Unoxcollotl by any aru those a. of OUH MAKC f u M USE THE REST OF HITHER m MATE3II1ISL "fTJ Our work lo tlono by hand nntl wnrrantod. "TH J Wo carry also Comploto Lnos of iLadlos' Fine Footwoar nnd - 8Mon'o GIovog. fj OLOMON BROTHERrO