Newspaper Page Text
I . PttSHIlttT EVENING ITEWBt -VT!'rsTAY PECEMHKK 1-1, 3801!. ' l DESERKT EYEM1HCMEW8. fwi' DESERET NEWS PUDLISHINO PS.; COMPANY, LE6SBES. y nJrtnr.dar, lieeember II. ". r all nut Tim msr. $ Those who aro glean to or ol neon s' illy Jo their mln early Ihrso morn. fj, Jmi don't need to consult a thirmom- I tier to reallzo llitl the w'nt" kloK holds high Bud undlsputcl iway, Hio degree Indicated hovcrlnircloiely about the roro murk all tho lime ami tea lonally lWn dip llo- 1J" thlnibtoin he frown la Iroten.tlin gr und for i foot In derail at leant looluJed. This with the repeal! nowfalli we haro bail of lata and the comparatively moderate temperature at all tinea before midnight and ofltr j innrlar, raakea the finest ilclijhlnir, to 1j found anywhere In the land. ' Tboae who ban no lrlli, or liatluu thatharo nothing to lraw It wllli, or bating neither and can't wall an hour i or thereabout for a atreet car a Tery common occurrence of late can use ' the imam provl led by nature and , walk; anJ thoso who ilo but Ultlo ol tbla don't know how inuoli they are mining. The air la io condemed and apure these morulnja limits few In. lialtlloni, deep and prolonged, are the mnt bracing and healthful tonic that cter entered the bumin eyatem; while tho mural cfUct of a good long wallt Immediately after breakfast, unleja Hie walker la too unwell Kenerally to itand It, Imparla to one the rigor of n iteam engine, and ' ( one of the belt remedlci for weak lungs, Iraperloclclrculatlon and there foro UlsjrJcrcd llrors, that could be drilrcd. Nature li constantly doing ome i thing for ui that we do not apprcolate, f, If wo could only realize liow Rood Iho ; unlrerul mother ti, oten when ahe frowns and leomi perverie au t oten forbidding, there would notlwaominy oompiatnti. (The keen an I howling Hull which the aometlruea toiuli acrosi Iho north and east Iwnchei make tho house! tremblo ai well aa the people Inildeoflheni, If thry areat all oeiToui, and many can lee, or rather bear. In aucb tlslulloua ouly ft lource f barm, annoyance aud fear; that the winds do produce thine tixatlomcon dltlcmli undeniable, and thoio who bare experienced them nre not nux ioua for a repetition, no matter how hardy they may heorallect lobe, llul there li a illrer lining to even tlili dark cloud. If thcro aroany lingering Im purltlci or eeedi of dliease lu the air pervading element, llaeemireaaouiblo toauppoiethatlf It be put lu motion ' violently inch Rerini will bo icatttred If not driven away; whllo It tiM true ol air a of water that It rv iiulroa action to become ure and free ltielf from obnoxious element); ctr ' talnly no Impurities can be vlilled upon ui through tho breeiri which aro brewed In Iho very mountain tops, perhapt amid the never-ending mowi and are tillered through crevlcei and forests where tbo enervating band of clvlllittlou Im uevor keen. We have been vliltcd with rather DH more than the uiual quantity of auow IHJ for tlili lime of the year, and for H Iiedottrlam raaile more numeroui by H reason ot the disappointments prevl- IH ouily ipoken of It becoiuee u very EMt ' tlreiomenottoiay Irkiome talk to gol from point to point at liinui; while n WM heavy euowtall coming with au In- fM dilution of a lew degree! In thu op- I poiltu direction muses uupleaiaut HI feehngi and Klrearlw) nt timet to uu- 1 pleasant thought, Vet, ai between Vt auch annoyauce and paying double J prlco for the nrciaaarka of Ufa next Ml year, wo should not licilUlo very long In making choice of tho aunoynucu. HI Tho mow does not accumulate very II fiituortoa great extont down here HI among the babltatloui of man; but up HI among tho natural reservoirs, where HI It can never bo roaoued by ui, It re- H malm steadfastly aud each enowfall MJr meani 10 much more added tu the )MM 'und upon which wo can draw at our It K greatest need, during tho huutoJ I J atmonphere of another lumnier aud I I when, the growing crou muit have I 'i nnolsture wltuat leaslioml-regularlty, li erperlih, I I It bat been wliely and truly laid 'K I """ I H J Tlili world li not so U.I a world IB 1 jtssoroetvouM inlVlltl i B Hut wbctlirricO'Xl or whether Lid ffl Ucitco It oq how wo Uko It. Ml 11HAT S HUIMI AT IIUUhSlLS, jF There li more golug on at the ml ; Jlruiteli conference than we, who nr 151 io fur away, know of. Tbetelegrapblo iroporU nre morn meager than uiual much more io than would ha tho c' If It were tho account of aoiuo grefct icandal or preparation for a "itar" prize fight (hat win tulng rout. We have to rely more largely upon the HUH prtaa and tho milli than uauil, Just ai HI though the IlruiueU gathering were Ufll notoueofthu most Important Inter. j national allklra over called lulo exist. Iiy mce, jlfjl At a recent titling, l'rof. Androwi, III 'II one of thodilcgatei from the United Ljlll BUten, made attrong appeal torillver, 'II I! I "u thlnki we havo not, ant uro Ifllll ' Ml ' '"'"'"' Hkely to have, Jllfll a dollar In illver beyoud our neodi lllrlr ln tl0 Unltftl Hiatus. Wk havo !' 1 no Idea of eollcltlug any ftvor from the jeoploof Kurope, What we deilra Is ai much to Kuropt'a Inttrekb aitooun. We wish to multiply our t' a trade Willi the world. Tlili cuu nevtr 1 luoceirfully accomplished long ji a 'wo great grou uf natloui continue ammfiJ to ilrlU u,mrt. We will not forev r HUll' cout nue alone the Ink Of ouiUlulog HIlLsiaSixk. 1 1: ii prlco of fllvnr. l lurope la not enoujh Intereatvl inlhemttter to ? operate with ui, wo will toon dicrense our annuil purchase of illver, and begin to provldo by rocrulllnt ur cur rpney by Inuet of per. The next C'oogrtis la nearly certain to open pro celurolutliatdlreotlon. We will not gltoupourgolJ." Thcro Is lomo atlsfctlon, beciuse o m thing dlrrct, explicit and to the lui, In that kind ol language. And there waa n goo J deal more of thn lame kind at the lame time, all of which we onthlieldo of the water nud In tbla part of the western world can readily understand, Heuator Joncibal thefboryeilerjay. Whnt ho rnya or bsa ailJ trill bo looked for with Interest over here. rntmcii'i.nci: in Tr.xts. The nwf ill bugaboo of church Inter ference In at.ito alTsIra, phantasm ai It is, Is trotted out ao frequently hero In Utah that aenilblo people have ctaaid to take any notice of It, and icirctly anybody' Interest ci.i lonwakentd for any phase of the aubjtrl, evm whero It may be au actuality, Wu note, for Instance, that Texas, whose eccentricities aeldom eiotpe the lbta aud criticisms of the nrgua-eyod prrii ofthn reitot theo.unlry, has a well developed actndal In tlili line, con cernlngwhlch hardly n word has been lid. U npeara that a colore J preuoher Inthat vast oininnuwealth his como forward with a complaint to tho effect that (Jovernor 1IM refuses to reim burse hint for rterttln electlou expeu aca InnjrroJ In the givernot'a Inter eat. Huch a complaint must of course be bsied on a confession aa to wbstctuiel tho expense; and Iho dusky biotliar mskoi It without hesitation. Ilo uot only uied bla ministerial InllJinco to got votes for Mr, Iloggbut he engaged In a mer cautllo Irannctlou with aundry thrllly memberaof his lljclc by wulnli they. In consideration ot a aunt of money ringing from 75 centa In aome Inttinoca toJIjDIil others, were t deposit the billots auppllel thsm by the putor. Ho prepared the tlcke'-a ant bla fot hwera volel ttiom proceeding which, acoor ling to Ilia tonus of the agreement hereinbefore atateJ, cost lilm the tiniest Bum of OUUU. Tills Uivcrnor Higg now refuses to pay; whether because ho lluJs bo did not nood tho votes, or booviso he dis claims previous kuosrleJgo of nny hiioIi bargain, deponent ultli not. If the former, mtlce-lovlug ieople uvery where will aay bo la acting real mean; If tho latter, tho xealoua preacher ought to bo thaukful If bis enthusiasm costs blm no more than thoJOJ.ounlreaiy inldout. In either caie, tiowovor, tho iriestly buyer and atllerof ballot! would ecem tu bouOii the dtlcrauu'a pointed born; rind In view of bli holy provisions, would be cot play tho part of conslsteucy and dlicrctlou by prying tho beam out of bli own ryo before! bewailing tho visual obstruction of Mr. Hogg? in: ui'.vr in; mtaici.x. Tliero nro few minln Ihtallfowbo ataud higher lu public esteem or aro frtvrfrom partisan aaaaullatliau Ueorge Washington (,'hllda, founder nod tidltor ot the Philadelphia Ltilyer. He It waa whoso tatabllabmeut waa nearly de stroyed by flro recently aud whose pajier appeared aa uiual, not a number belngntasod; bowevur, tbla la noun usual thing In American Journalism and la only ipoken of lucldeutally. The thing moro tbau anything else Hut atrlkea the general renter la tho propo sition of bow II la that a man of Sir. Uhlldi' well-known beneflceuco und good feeling toward all luauMnd could tlud It In bla heart to aay that Iho tire will thu dellbeinto work of an Incondl ury, when there Is no evidence eup iorllng audi n sUtl-lueut. He abould rumember that llro In Urge buildings uro oftener than otherwise of very mysterious origin, probably becauao thu bulldera left a flaw aomewhere or because ot ono or moro ot u myriad of possible thliiji wo know not of. And be abould not no un derrate blmiolf, tho proud position tits hai gained by merit atone, nor the ucord of good be has Uono for othera ni totay or bellevo that there li,any one lu the world who would knowing ly cause him such lots und barm. Cer tainly there aro no grounds for venge ful feelings toward him; nuarchlita aro not numeroui In Philadelphia, uud If they were there aro other turgoti for their mlachlef much more Inviting Ihau tbo ixkfier or Its benevolent pro prietor; ami if It bad beou tho work of au luraue perisn detection woull have been' taay aud certain. Ou seroud thoughts, Mr. C'hIIJi will hardly crslt In that atattment, we think; It was not like blm u aty It In the first pl.l.'e, and utter tho lu,o of ao much time with no evldenuo to ptr till lu It would lis unbecoming. Till: HtLVVIlllX AUMV. Whatover nny b thought by aiber ioupleoiuceriilng the methods of the late pbaao of militant C'hrUllanlty that msrctios undor the banner of thu rUlvittlou Army, no one will deny that the mslivos actiutlig Us ex;iouiiili aul the reiulti aiieetiln Its members are uilculatud to Imprsvu tho condi tion of tho moat fallen of manklu 1. Aim agency for good It li thireforo entitled to respectful consideration; aud ao fur ai It ucoomr llsbei reform by entering Heidi at wboie coiiltmo others ahilnk, and rescuing to u letter llfe a class wbuau tnterelt could not be moused by a leu demonilratlvo form of worship, It merits the uld, ut least the sympathy, of every bumamtarUu Who iJmii at tho iler.ralall.ifi In I'e worll Is nit d minllhij by tbo fart that bo has no remoly for II. We rosy have our doubts as U tho accept ability of auo i form of worship to Iho lowly Teaoher whose walk and talk among man were an example of godll nnsi and perfootlon, an I w bo gat e II Is life that wo might live. Ida waa not the tnniballve spirit, nor were bli fol lowers deslgnatal by nny larai or fsihlon In mimicry or caricature of war. Htlll, thn ellult that would lead and does lad a fellow inorlll to n heller life may not ba dwplsed, no mat ter what Itaaouroej Itctn be praised for thtamiohlf forno'.h n( more, that It atleastllfielti beneficiary to n piano where furllnr progreia toward a Irue, pure Ideal la not ai hopeless an under taking. 1'or oursolves, speaking now of all the ipeta, which, 'havlu( a form of godliness, deny the wor thereof," whoso creeds are man-madaan I whose observances are a mora matter of con venlence, we cannot seo that the Hll vatlon Army Is leu entitled to con aldtrallon, toleration and reaped tbau tho most pretentious among Hum. It at least goes at tho business of aoul raving In an ear neit, practical wa y; and Iho lilfletcuco between Hi methods and thoio of the avcrajo Christian, even as viewed by news pof er orgaoa of the latter, la tus cou aplcuouatibealtogelliarlguorol. We quote fr im one of thtas organs,tho New Vorlt Olscricn Tho averaco Christian giro a hungry mail on Iho street u iltmo foraaupporor n nlght'a loilglhg. Ho cannnt allord to pay lor a lodging at a reapevlahle hotel, and Iho man would no: gu home with lilmlf lin waa aiknl. flat lillilnernsesout of ton ho buyaa tlrlnk with thodlmo, for every thoap rosuurant has n aaloon nt-tachineni- Tlie Halration Army lakes trio snuio man to n warm room, glvca htm a aupfier, and thou provide occupation for hla mlml and heari. It has a prayer meeting. In which brass horns and tAuibourlnoe take a prominent uirt, and tho hymns aro aung to ttiuoa which he bus often heard used to othor words. lint It la only In that way that a rctiirtoiia emotion rati bo excited In hla at nfot heart It would not bo Iho way or Iho average Christian, but It la tho way In which tbo pnopio thn bitlvallou Army U trying an Hiiooessfolly in roach c-tu bo most oaally tunc lied, it la not irue to aay, ol her, that lite feeling thus aroused la only liiiiinoitUry In Ita action, for In a asi miinbar ol case tho gcnttlmnoM of tho conversions ninnol bo ipuslloneO. AlUf which, being lrue,canatltutea, aa atatod already, at least ouo reiaou why Iho work of the Armj, with all Ita dissonance and jngeanlry, can be sympathized with and In a uiraiuro encouraged and app'audod by ull aave tho bigoted anil tho hmlialcal. ltOlllll.ltV IS ltHX. Tin World'a Fair city li having n hard time of It w lib the lawleia gangs which make It their heal quarters thus far lu adviuco of tho big show, an 1 thu question now Is where It will end and boar. In aldltlon to the open an I nefarious work of tho highwaymen It seems naif roblmrloi of various kinds were life and nolxs dy li safe, not even the pollcumen. Tbo para cry out ngalnat It, call on tbo olllceri for In creased vigilance and treat tho iubtct editorially In all manner of ways deuuiiclatlon, reproach, ridicule, ex Kilulatlon and calm reasoning, but all to no purpose; tho bold burglar still "burgles," the footpad make! bli nil but regular nocturnal calls, tha real agent la na audacious as ever, and uvou tho varloue departments of ineak thieving accm to be doing a nourish ing business. A recent Isiuo of tbo Chicago A'cu'i A'ccortf, aflor momlltlng ou tho last named branch of tho iubJoct,iiya luoli rsllectloni nro called up by the report of an alleged attempt ou thu part of an "Investment company" to beguile young women clerking In big ttona on a weekly wngo Into placing their money In a lotttry scheme, l.lke ull lottery schemes, this one, It ti said, has but ana prllo drawing and that li made by tho company. Money disap pear! In Hi "Inveslmonti" ai water vanishes tbrougb a sieve. Yet nro theromauy mon as well as women who cannot realst the ipocluua promlsi a of quick wealth by any echinus what never. If, ai la aald, aovtral of Chi cago's young saleswomen have been cheated out of ihvlr dollars It la be cauao they did not pause to think that ''luvtilraent coinpanlea" aro nut lying awako nights thinking bow tu make other people rich, Thu antidote fur tho specific com plaint hirtlnoutlluod Is contained In tho last few Hues; If people, would only uia audi Judgment aa they base, or at least not rely exclusively upon that of people who bau n scheme ou hand, the design of which Is to fecuro thotn something for noth ing, there would bo less of that class of robbery committed. There are too many of our race who nre as barmliia ai n dovo without being ns wlso aa a erpenl. M'.n UlltU U.M.Y I.MIIIt'.NTAU The winner III the presidential race tbla Jmr wai nut elected against the vote of Ktw York, though ho could have been,evi n aa bo wai tiomluated lu Iho face of thu Kioplre itaUiM) rottat. It de.ervis to bo noted that five I'-esl-denti have been Inducted Into the While House without thu aid or Now York in the electoral college! George Washington In 1787, who was not de prived uf the vole through opposition, but because the Huiplro etatu did not I artlclpate In tha ell ctlon; James Madl son JnlSlO, James Buchanan In lS.'d.U. H.Grant In 1SGS and 11. II. Hayei In 167o; uud it will bu a happy day for Aim rlcan politics when the machine domination In that great etalo ceaiei toixert the all-overpowering luiluriico on tho national ruiult which ilia I is es and a great many of Iho pool lu havo thought ...ctasarytMieM " ,n "'" worili,lln.oon.i vv ' -'l '" be Iho pivotal ltatwh, viiW catlKi national trlumpu loth -inJUaii r.. celvlng It, lb, Utter I r purity of election methods aod fii tho country at larse. ,. Tun Canada bk d' '" matHmonl ally Inclined iimi'sI"1 ,0 K" not only tho young lV ui '"". Crou,' oinientbut tint of his employe" ai woll. A Montreal Tit" R look keeper III oce of lhlB of "'elly waa rcnenlly unebirad lenauto be took unto hlmwlf a wife without tbo consent of tbo oDVU!. This leudi a humoiuua time lo in etberwllo lol cam ;crformanci. Tiir. TiiouuniHi. n"4" m,y h known thue in .rnlogi bli poaiee lion and employment " Mr-mutr, uu: "' t'"' (Sutcessot lo r I --"l.) 30 :ni lust aitl Mlreel. W. H. tlodU, IVesI ail, (Jeorgo Crlamoo, Vlee-lT'ildnt, Murray O. OoJbe, Hee an I Tlou. Helier Young, I . Jehu N. Tlialf, Dlnctora. John O. Taylc, I Fred, W. Heard, va lager. lor lh Hinl. On December: in .tin, Will anil .list, also January 1st, the ltlo (Iraiidei Western will sell ei ursloTi llfketa be tween nil iolnis on ihctrbnuat one elnglo fare for the round trip. Iti.ine l.rlhrlli.i. An npixirluiilly io vln miy point on tha Illo (Iranoe Wrflern railway during Ibe ItollJaya la afrordid by tlielrannouncomfht to u ncurslon tlckiti on Dec, :trJ, 1 h, 25th, nlat and Jan. lit, atone Hmrl" file fur the round trip. The It U. W. li thn test line for Ogden, I.M, l'mvo, Hpanlsh Fork, l'ayaou, l.urtka nud all Inter mediate itatbna. irrora the Itttttg ft tie VHislrcra, Vish.l "I. C. liurueit.iiieileiiiocrhtloa.iu. dldutaforaherift, was taken violently 111 at Clenrbrouk. He ba I all the ey in terna of Allelic Cholera, und lor au hour or two II was reared he would die. They Dually gsvu nun a Uose of Cham l.orloln'a Colic, ( lu bra and Dlairhint llemtdy, whloii itvivej blm until n I hj sit lau arrived That Is precisely what the niatiufai luri rs o mat medi cine recommend forotn lera. Hand for n bialulaii, but glvo their iiirdlclma until a physician arrlvw. If cholera Ucomea previlrutln thl- ciunlry next rummer tbls preparation will li- lu great demand beeatisu It can nlwaya ! iiepruded iion. tor sate by Z. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dia S lerlral l-erinlla. Clergymen wlihlinr half-fare rer mlls mer the llUltlilNtJTOX ItUUTHIInra for the juirl3M, wil pltaaoapply at onru to W. V. McMillan, Uonernl Agent. Hill l,ike City, Utah. In any qnnntlly. Crosby it Crosby, 32 HlcharJa Street. " "Are Ton?- If yea aro, dull, drowsy, sleepy; havo a bad last In the moutb on arising In tins mornlnn; restlrsi at night, constipated and have Indlite lion, your l.lvr Is out of ordrr and four blood la (lowly being poisoned, erhlno will cure any disorder of tha I.lver, Htomach or Ilowela. Hold by Z. P.M. I. Drug Pert, TUellenuloo Jletll Of Hood's Baraaparllla wlna frlendi wherever It Is fairly nud bontitly tried. Ita proprlit iri ate highly gratified at tho letters which come entirely unso licited from men and women lu the learned profession! warmly commend ing llood'iriarsaparllla for what It bat dooe for them. Hood' I'llli cure liver Ills, Jaundice, tllluustteti, lick headache, constipa tion. " A Clour Cnuiploxltfss. A oltir complexion la always also, lute proof of tue twrfeot action ot tho Liver. You never law a bilious perann with a clear, ruddy complexion. "A sound I.lier mskes a well man." IIkr. VINK will give you a perfect I.lver aud S'lfect illsmtloo. Bold by , C. M. I. rug Deit. Harblae, Herblne permanently cnrei lick headache. Indigestion, dyspepali, con atlpatlon, blllouaneue, foul breath and all dletasei produced by disordered Liver. It lia perfect Livkii medicine. lioIJ by 2. C. M. I. Drug Dipt. lii'elrita Iholerii. Ill a recrot letter to the manufactur ers, Jtr. A. W. Ilalbrldge, Mllleravllle, III., eojrt "ChauiUrlaln'a Cough Itemedy glvee tha best satisfaction uf nny c wgh medicine I handle, nud na u seller, leads all other rej aiatlons ln this market. I n commend It l-ecause It li ttiubestmedlclno I ever handle I for coughs, rolds und croup." For ia!e by '.. C. M. I. Drug I)... ilAa Btrlctly lu It "Drown 1'alaco Per. fectoa." 3 Dr. llurrowa, Ociillit, Aurlst and Op tician. Bpcctaclfti flttod. Commercial Week. Vrens Oliver Wood. larsulnBlou.tTUCa, Oliver Wood, au old and highly re al ected rltllen of Farmlugtou, Utah, HaUa: ".Nothing aflorifl me such ureal pleasure u to recommend torayfrleudi ilollarJ'a Hoow Liniment, ltefore trying It I bad Mltllo foitb' In It, but one trial convinced roe It wag a highly meritorious article I recently met with a paln'ul accident and waa Buffer ing great pain. My wlfd applied rjnow Llulmrnt freely and tho pain wan Im moduli ly relluYed and Iho Inflamma tion rariuly subdued. It has no equal ns a reliever of pain and Inflammation, llenareofall white liniment lubstl tuteil for Know LlnliucnU Bold by . CM, I. Drug Doit. Us I I UsKIN II 11 It. la Inlan tWlllr, t lirlsliiina ami .New Ver. On December ;:trd, ailli, Mh,.11l and January 1st, llin Union Paciho will soil I.x union Ticket! to all points within int) uilin, at u-o fare for Iho round trip. All tiokita good for return until January eth, IS0.1. arr.ui erioNAi. ihNrirtlir. Sura lur Llii,or lliilill, Mori blue, Cocaluo and Tobacco habit, riirinniu nt cure guaranteed or no pay. Oil, , 1,5 West, First Houtli Html. Otbco huura irolu 1 p.m. lo 10 Is, i ItrNMUGKa & I'AIJIFIt, 111. Il a ml fihTTeBlb Willi, ut pulu." Luloiallonal JJiuk building, Holiday (lo.J. No clapelMp--no pr no flee. Inncb, (iomlg wla. fair prlcei. Joiikso.n, I'llAOT DllUOOll. r.orbltn-e Arnlra ISitlre. Tit liii HalVu In the worH for Cuts, Bores, Ulcers, Bait llheuru, over Bore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Come and all Hkln -ru( tlona, and positively cure fjli-., er no pay required. It la guarantee-! to (live )erfsrt satisfaction or money re funded. Price .3 cants par box. ttr sale by A. C.Hmith A Co, netirie susiera. This remedy li becoming ao well known and eo popular aa lo need no special mention. All wbpbavo used Hloctrlolllttrraelug the same long 1 1 pralsc-A purer medicine doea not exist, aud It li guarantesd to do all that Is claimed. Ktettrlo Hitlers will cure nil diseases of tbo Liver and Kldueyi, will remove) l'lmpltl, Hulls. Halt ltheum and other reductions caused by Impure blood. Will dilvo Malaria from tho ayslem anil revent aa well oa euro al Malarial Fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indlges Hon, try 1. cctrlo ltlttrn. Unllre sat Isfactlon (.uaianttcd, or money refund ml. Price, o('o. nud $1.1.0 er bottle nt A C. Huilth.V Co' DruirHlore. A ssand x-lver make is wall snare. Are you Hlllou-, Constipated or troubled with Jaundice, Hick Head ache, Had Taste la Mouth, Foul llnulli, Coated Tongue. Dyspeinlr, Indigestion, Hot Dry Bkln. l'aln la Hack and between tha Hhouldera, Chlllannd Fever, etc.? Ifymi faava any of there symptoms, your Liver li out of ordrr and your blood la alowly 11 ng pdsoned, lcause your Liver lueanotact properly. Hi-uniNB will cure any disorder of tho Liver, Htom ach or Ilowela. It baa no equal ai a Liver Medicine. Prlco 75 cents. Free trial buttle! at Z. 0. M. I. Drug Dept. A Kara I'nr- fur riles. Itching Pllea are known by moisture like inspiration, causing Intense Itch ing when warm. Tills Mm as well as llllnd, llltcdlng or Protruding, yield at mire to l)r lloeiuko'a File Itemedy, which acta directly en parts affected, abaorbi tumors, niloya Itching uud el fecti a permanent cure. oOuli. Drug glsta or mail. Circular! free. Dr. lloaanko, Philadelphia, l'a. Bold bjr 2. (J. M. I. Drug Dept. A.C Bmlthdb CoDruggliti,ago3ts cflloberta' Heaperlan Tonlo. THOSE ANTICIPATING TO MARRY WILL DO WELL to go to NEVE & CHILD, 07. 39 & 41 E. First South Stroot, and buy their Furnlturo, Carpots and Cur tains, ato. Dy doing so thoy will ot tholr Photos EnlnrRod Llfo-slzo, with Boa u tl fit I Frames, froo of cost. Call and soo oamplu. Holiday Prevent! Fair rlcea for gooil go..l. Full value for jour nionry. No cla trap no planoa glveu nwiiy nolrialuiicli. Juiinsun, Piiait Dura Co. Cim nnla-e. TiJtwre-i WECIC OT DEOCMBHt. IQTIt Houctoiuir LoTrljr lmiri C O LLEEN -:- BAWN. lug Aitracllonl In ft!) I'rpartinftiti, Kvery XOo. AUMIMIOS XOo. WAXrKI). Dlt ItOXKIU urrciMHTivc IIHONIO liUeatc. hqnUbllli(Hk,(l w. Ut&ontb J" AIilbVklTKfclMA EKKfllO WntTK j forua at hnma No tniiDif. Ilrpiy m lid ni'drCMiHl ftad tianitHfU t nrclmio. Vimani u operaUtt Toilet Co, IoconoraV cU), Ina. ITOItHKH TO WIVTNII. AlTLY TO V. 1 Arlej, Jr.,., W. Hflh.Norlh. TSlHnUI.VTFLY A IIIJOII MAIH SVHH', unj ctior barm uxiCbKT lIusriTAU Oil J. i ou'kai.kT REI 1NHPIl ) BTOUiror'ltOOTH AM) Mtorc, Mielvuir, HUurr. Hn 1 liNrJ wool ltcik.l-i lo oirtoin-isn no hat hm houiti, o. It. 1'AUUINbU.S, Aninnce. rpwa roB. AircY at vii kt X Tblrl Hiutb Strotit. nj K. ItKI.MW, rpKACIIIEK OP VIOUN, HANO AND OR. X jt-u turrn.6tiii,uity, " KOTICC. WAKtrn, BnoiihAi)kAmiso ami co two yctrDiatfrri to l it t.uil kq) diiireicilt ther la tbtrir vrecnt riiisn. vr at J.intf, (MrflcU Cnuaty, (o!orilo t maj im aifrccil upon) uvtUti-r itun Jnlr la I. Only iitwth Kootl t r-tdo oattlu wnalajj, n riuUit iiiirtuattiiile taken. A hliml atlkanroot thn irko will to paij at mon w ihm uKrrti upon aod roo trait Iam Iiy both bui er nU eilr Aditnfl J T McIPW vlSAIt Etrtet, Denicr.tttiorjtl I' OKKSSIOWATi. ' YOUNG, YOST MOYLbT ATTORNCYS-AT-LAW. JUttrH XaUot al flank JluiUHag Suit Lai CV-y JOHN H. CAhKOn, BARLOW FERGUSON, ATTOHMEVB-AT-LAW II. R. YATR0U3. " ATTqnNCY.AT.lAW. rj at. ti iraiitts &,, 7 RICHARDS 4 HOIK, ATTOriNEYH-AT LAW sVMt0lairl,eMAsr)aSIn3 US JA.( Slnrt. tmULtt tirv. S. W.- DARKE, ATTORNCY AND COUNSTLOri. Iltoptr iVc, Salt L ikt tlf. DinriTmSMA BSD., OtNTISTO. Stoma SonilSiH Rttttl-Aitirbit nudlta.Jtirl DR. J. THOUAS, SUHGLriN OtNTIBT NO.IMINRT. Uttutik fuSMtlMj. Jtnaitkttkl aaninUUriJ. fl GEiTLEli'S OPPORTUNITY! I Moat Lndlea enn appreciate a H Christmas Present I Ami fruin Ita Seeaonahloand Varied Stock H t - . m Biissests in eminently iteilrnMoiiiiy uttho iiiidcrmriilloncd nrtlclial A Nice Silk UMBRELLA. A SILK DRESS, Black or Colored A Handsome Silk Neck SCARF. A Recherche Duchess Handkerchief. A Box Fine Cambric Handcherchiefs A Pair or A doz. Kid Gloves, Assorted. A Cosy Set of FURS. A Warm, Dressy Beaver SHAWL A Useful WALKING COAT. A Lovely TEA GOWN. A Set of Hemstitched Table Linen A Silk Quilt or Pair of PILLOWS. A Pair of Fine White BLANKETS ar ThofO iifo tVom Ono Dopurtmont, but Kvoi-v OHior cuu Supply Somotlilit Unplhl or Vulitublo ua ti iMummito ol'AlUjullonuto Olll-ylvliia: CHRISTMAS I t. a. mat nn it, suj.t. FI0ERB1HIBRD GRAND OPENING OF- floiiiDAY Goods i Como to lloadrmnrtera, pick fiom tlio (iramlost, Lowest Pricctl Uolidty Stock. It is a known fact tlmt wo liuvo not room enough. Wo havo mnJo up unr mind to Close Out Our Holiday Stock at Once! To blindfold our eyoi nfjaitist Cot, Vnlno, Scllini; l'rlco, every thing oxcopt tho Ulg, Only Important Object to Sell tho Stock nt once. C2TBUY AT ONCE! DON'T DELAY! ti Tollrt Hula lu 1'lusti, KatiiMl Horn, Hllvir, l'nncy Wunl, eto. To) a, Muilo Hints, l'ancy Ilruslira, Manicure Hits, rimokln Huts, Us. rstolrt'i, Hat lUolia uud 1UIKI ullivr illlliriut Niivulllia. Albums ln lalust ami I cat styles. HollJ 1'iUlll J-'rulll", l'lusli uud JIflal Kronta, Kugratol Metal Kmnti, 1'ollslirJ Wiui.1 Fronts. Handkerchiefs for Holiday Presents lUOOUuiniiuf Hllk, Lluun and Uuttou Handkerchief. For to I.nlloi' WliltB Hemitltclied I anil kerchiefs. 10c, l.aillra' ColoreJ Bilk Japanoau HauOkorchle'a. 16e, 1. allies' IJmtrolJrraJ, Hcallopcil i:dt' HaiiUkerclilola. Me, four alylea n( Ijatllea' Whllp Ham. atllcheU Kmbrolilereil llaliJler. chlifs. Our assortrnvnt In Duolusa, I'olntuuU ValencleniK! !cu la t;muJ, from Sl.UOInflS.OH. Lace Boarla and Flachui, ipeclally ao leolfil lor C'brlatruas fradt, null ut iirlcei the loweat eror mtnud. liluciiTablaBtti for Christinas Pres ents, lltavy Batln Uamaak Table Clotlia aud ouu dozen Napkins In inatoliforSS.OSand $1.11, In col ored borders, woilh f-1.00 ami $D.UU. lleaiilllul Uhenlllo labln Ojvtrs, nt 83 ami W."- CLOAKS Nothing llk '' Ulu't or Jacket for ii Chrlstrnaa I're-ent. Otr entire etook ot Iiidlrl' and C'nlldreu'a (lonlta haa bren rnarktil down to Mica that aru below nnytblni; V ever Huovrn befure. r.aillt' Fur-rrlmmed JacketatorSI 75 4t 00 $I"W hJ Jit"", r.iluceu Itiia fi.W, S12.0I'. IH.tW nud l'lniV8Jketi fur $0.73, SU.20. $11.00 nd $12 W- Thise am the grealiat bargain! eserslm li. CHILDREN'S COATS To be Closed Out Iltsgnrdlc of Cost. For $1.50, UO Children'! Coati, nil WUS-. For $.'.73, one. lino uf Children'! Cloaks, nil alzai. For $1U0, Children'! Blyllili Cji,b Ciiala. ' For $J 00, Chlldreii'a Blyllili Coata, In all (he nenr atylei, worth from JO 00 Insula'), Our Chlldrou'a Oata that ml I froai $12 60 to $10 OJ, now $3.00, $0 00 nnd $10.00. Boys' Ovjrcca's f r Clirlstiais, In tholiuaMe, 4, 0 and S, for $2.15, worth $5.10; Hin aid, is, H, or $2 03. Tin-Hwarea irnoil hirialn. PRESES1S FOR GEmEHEY. fleiiti' Finn MullUrs, lunll ttiu newest doslans, 'rum O5o lo $1.80. Gents' Kid U over, plain and fur ton, from Oliitu $1.73. Ganti'Tlei, Ituslcry, Blilrli, Buspend. tu, i la, lu largo and rplondld assortment, SILKS by tho Pattera for Christ mas Prosente. rtM0ll.For $0.00, lllack .droa Grain Dreaa I'nlterus. Bieclal.-$9 05,lllack Ilrocade Dross l'attern, new, Hprclal.-$I0 20, illack l'eau ileSila I)re! l'attern. Dross Pallor js fo r Holiday Praaeits Bclal. For $7.S3, n lino ot Nuw Bulla, ruiluiMid Ironi $12.30. Bpeclal 1' ir $(,20, a line of all Wool Hulla r 'ilurcd frrm IkJ" MAlb OHDalLI Ul.OEIVl: 1'jtOMIT Am'NIIUN. u4 AOENTd POK BUTTEUIOIv'S PATTIisHNS. i