Newspaper Page Text
fl t P BR ' T H ESEBET BYBNINO EWB W T.T)TsTVM". DrciaiBER M, aSog. I M ! A WINTCR POULTnY HOUSE. H I A 1-isellrsl lliillilln lor IjlK H.n. He. H sitlbed by rounlrr (Ifnil.msii. H j The tnilMIng shown In Pig 1 1 neat Hg i ind practical for tliffl needs or poultry B t leqvrs ll constructed cither of B mnthorboardlni; outside or plnnr.l H I boards, ns preferred nti 1 ran Iw afforded. H 1 fho Imlldlni Is llnol Ith still straw 0- Bi per on tli lnsldo, or tar piper Kill do, Hi 'l??i Hh a rmrn not. r iro I tuvo iipa. m mil It "Hi I ilp In k'-qi nun) crinln, H imwcrinitnopnrpw. This mnltcsa H irarm rood, frre (rom chill or wintry H 1 winds, nnil with the nlil of the cook H J itovc, In which a f tnall lire inn lio B! krptinrnlng on extremely cold dajs. It H nlll always 1m comfortable. Tim on- Hj, Iranccs to tho mm nro closed uptight, H j sudonlydurlniithoinldilieof thodiyls B sno entrance opened to let tho fowls out B If they choose to Mild n llttln fresh air, ' which they often will Jo. Tor rrntllv Hon tho upper window In front cf the KB tull.llnjj above tho door Is u ned nt tlin ! lop enough to pi-milt n frro circulation J tf ptiro nlr throughout tho liulldlnr. BBB1! Uelnjr higher up thin tho rest of tho Bflf windows atnl out of tho resell of tho I birds, thero Is no pmslbllltyof their Ink In? cohl from drafts This is n point r. orth consiilerliiic, for colds mi in roup, j) mil winter Is just the H'.tom when the BH, most trouUo Is tiicounteri d BBB Fig. 3 flows arrangement of Interior. BBS Tlio units nro placed In rn in tho center BBBi 5f tho building; the luck of t-vch row or BBBu tier, beinrf three or four nests high, Ii BBBL boarded up so as to inako tho nest luck BBBj' u dark as jirmllile. This InilMIng Is i EBB trot long, SI) ftot wldo and 15 frit high, BBBj ind will accommodate fifty hens, or forty BBB hens would bo plenty if you find tin in BBBJ, tha least crowded Tho crowded condl- BBB lion of many poultry house keeps tho BBB bens from doing as well nt bring us liny BBB otherwise would BBB Tbe store or heater (11) Is separated BBBr frointhohen'fl.usrtcrbyHWlro tutting BBH partition. Tho room is 10 liy SOfiot.gir. Ht tng ainplo space for fud bins (T), work- H H 1 " MB 1 vo 1 1 1 n i h i rnn HH 1 1 1 1 ii im i ibh B ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 m i BBBj I I I ci n i n Q BBBj t (. I I: BB AimssauiEM or iitctior. BBB eench (W I)) and nil necessary llttlngt BBB snd tools that nro kept handy when BBB noedoil about tho building. U It nro the HBB roosts, D D dust lmxis, i: 11 windons. B This houso can bo ruled at a rost not BBH rxceedlng $1C0 tinlevif j on put in extra BBH lumber and fit It up finely! then fi'A) can BBH be easily put into it. It Is substantial, BBBI oot tho lllinsy sort thnt soino erett at BBBI ntty or (ovtnty-llvo dollars. Tho runs BBBI Datsldo can bo mado with wire netting BBV when yon desiro to uso tho peutlutho BBBU krecding season. pBBH- niln rn. BBBJ Itshonld bo reletled while hnsklng, BBBJ before serere freexlug tikes place. Corn BHjd Intended for aeeil ought to bo thoroughly BBH iried and seasoned through and placed BHJ whera It will not bo exposed tojnolstnro BBJ or extremo cold. ThUlstliolicst tiinuof HBB the ) ear to change seed, if thoklnd)oti BWB tre crowing Is not suitcj to your locality, BJflj A. cliaugo of soil i Important (from BBY7S heavy to light soils, and lea 1 ersa), but BHrjS not a change of cllinaln, unlcu perhaiu yBlja fromacoldsr to u wanner IjHjN Asnrnle, sato out) such earsns nro Hfl If nearly tnio ta t) pe, w ell tilled nt tips HtHnl knd butts and fully uiatun d Aluajs Hjr lave the best ear from stalks tearing IHtI two or more, when tho ears are largo Ifljlf ind jierfecti otherwln thero Is doubtful jUKil beni lit in it, as like roiluut llko ofuu BVm rnough to dumunttralo that one good. Bill big, well tilled ear on it stalk Is bi tier llSjitl than two or thrue small, lmporfei t uuest IB besldeasn much depends on thomelhoils BBmC of the grower, Wlitrn thin seeding is Jflil the practice, prnllflo habits are liest, 1HB riiniuoroiarstholxUcr. Wheroinueh nHHj lto;erl allow vl to grow, if the stalks uHt Millproiluco one ,ikk1 ear the grower MM Ihoui I li satisfied HllH The old fashloneil wa) ot lent lug a HHXI tow husks on tbo ear and hanging up by liDfel nrln A KOjd, mfo wa). All oitcr- HHjSJ prl&lng Yunkt o has im enteil it win cn llJrlll tcrow to turn Into thoplthntthebiittn llJIiiy nd then stilng on u small wire, thin Ellij) hangiug them ui. Any one can cut jHI'jn Ihort pieces ot wlro mid 1 nd into such il form us will make them stay in tho cob xud hung up in oarno tvu), Ohio I farmer. Hw The Mule I1Li.ii.ImI. jTli Dr. J.P Stelloiia) In the l'ort Worth Ul Jl Qatettu that ho h t nttvn)A been able to vua dritemolcanttn) from hU gurdcu by n IJl K nrf 'l"1Pl"""'lhoil,uowtoliiliwtrilil. Ill r) lK" M1U" holes in the tunnels here mid 13lri thero and )our in a little iliiaiimoIniiMii. I'll I: Tim inohiKOii gums t h i fur of tho animal, III K engenders illsgnst and (.amis it to trail- fllflil fer itsoiieratlons tomoro ileanl) 1(h.ii1- I jy j y, Itle. Coal I ir ould probably li l III r nlHl l itln moluves, though luoro OTi-usltu il'llfl ami lest totieuleiit One good uj plica- fliiitii tiou of tho molasi s has usually driven Bull! theinolciawnj for tho neakou. BhI jl ' lists rr His Hraion, (nit "My hatter" (o try well drosfiltinn 9 nil! "" " '"tttr) nM luVei nbout milts IMyH hats. hat was to bo tho thing and so jl fi ou, for theso urn things nbout which 11 k won vant to kiiot,und tho women ure lljl just as nuxiowi nbout the subject. Kg ll woman who carcan rap nbout lur hus rjli Utud Is unlnti rostiil Inthotortof hat Hit he wears Uo can wiar nny tiort ol j m eollar, and slio won t notice thoilifftr U j i enco, lait tt hen It eomcii down to hats It i must Ihj in uccordaneu with her ld( tat flj least she thinks fo 'IhltUwiat the Ml huttcrof ono limn told hlmi mil Of com mi ton will hnio it dciby, II rill wont I ii tho tamo old ilerb), but It will Mil bduderb) Tlio fushloii ineltrbhs Is In Ujl tho height or tho low ncss of the crow n if 1 1 or In tho brim Otherwise it Is Ihoutiui HHlylii oldderby, Thottiaw hat hal Us daj, HMlMl for the season Isotor. luotersollui BBgnl few whlto plug hats in my lire as 1 hate BBBhllJ thUseason. Usually it i residential j e it BBBOM brlnts out soiuo tort of eainpatgn lint BBH 111 I It hutut been to this summer 'llino BBB 1; was in a priwidciitlul )cir when )ou BBHJBMHJ could tell it man a nlltles by tho hat lie BBQklQ wore, but it can t lio dono uny inoru ut BHRII leait not tbb) cuuipalgu. How innii) black silk lints havo)'" seen worn uj well drewcl nun tin , jeor? Of cotirno thero wll nUiys ! silk hats, but 1 nut almost (lersuaded that the hatinakcrs are Just now limlta lug The time Is rlpo for something new in men's headgear. I hardly I now wh tl to ndvlso on to buy that is, If oil art going to conlino jourself to ono hit Thero will be a hat for tho rinso-i, see, Dut tt won't Ik) alarmingly new. It it too bad, for in oilier ii spfcts tho Ainer lean frontlemati Is Iho bolt limn in tho world U Icagu Tribune. A (lnK'1 Time lii a nine John Hummel, Iho noted gunner and tiirrntor of wonderful tales was In town on Monday He was full or thox big gunning stories aliojt himself, an I wherover lie topil he drew crowd el bo) s nn 1 men. who listened t(j his aw f il tulc. In ustoiibihnieut. John has a brand tetvlwok vrtlh till )oar record In It anil it contains figure! that are astound lug Ills greatest game Hits Mimriet has lieen groundhogs, nnd ncconlhig tc his figures 1 e has klllM reternl freight cars fall ot thru. He lias also given cousiderible attention to butterflies lioos ants, elo. lie was sorry that he had to come tc town on' 1aeliiHS. for ho woull hnvi killed thirty-fix grmiudliegs had ho re mained nt home, lie said that ho went out ganning tlio other day and ground lings were so (Untlful tint tho barrels of his gun became hot from shooting Ills coat tlenvo took lira from the gun and it almost biir,ietl off. Ho then set the gun ngnlnsUn fence nnd n post took flrofroni Ii. Ho says that ho hasn new way (f shooting tnrke)i when pcorl rniuent lilin to slaughter suclt fowls III shoots n load of shot ugninst a cuw'i horn nnd when they striko the) glance off nu I kill turkeja n inllooff. Lou easier (Pa ) Intelligencer, A llsniect ll.h.i. llio Sea. 8omo titties ago tho tabor of ilcept nine the harbor ot Clotat waieomplctoil Oi tliat occasu the contractor gave to th' memliers cf his staff mi 1 the rtprew nta tlves of the press n lumpiet unpreco ilenleil for its origlnalit). The tabic was eeiMglit meters UIow tho level ol tho tea, at Iho very bottom of thohirbor, Inslla the caImou In which iho ex envatora had been at work, and only the l,nrrotv walla of this caisson eemratntl the guests from tho enormous lim-snl water around and nbotu their heads I The now fashioned lmnquctlug hall wat iplendldl) ilworaleil and lighted, an 1 but for n ci rtalu bulling in tlio ears I caused by tho pressure of nlr, kept uj I lit tho clumber in order to ireveut the inrush of tho water, nobody would li n suspected Hint tlio slightest Interruption I In tho working of tlio nlrpunip w mid havo suiUceil to ftiph) xlute the whole ' jmrty After the banriuetnu iinprotisctl concert prolonged tho fostltit) forsev eral hours, after which the guests reas ceiulod into tho open ulr. Vita Che bi Vive. Mule Ills Ktntlri. Etephen Honaal, tho )oung American nowspiiicr man whoso story of the piarrtl nt I'ex lietween tho Ilritlsh Mln 1 liter nnd tlio Bultan was recently the sensation of tho day In Unnland, has an extenitvorodluplvkietor 1' HopUnson hmlth. Mr. M)s tint ho met Mr, itinlth on tho Uiilgurlaii fronller, nnd nat up nil night telling him stories of travel nud udteuturcs In the Interior nt the country, Oreat tviu his surprise whon he found tint tho niithoc had initio these Incidents tho basis of n magazine article written as If from the ttuiidK!nt of Mr bmith's personal ex perience and observation. London Letter. Tlirri Mils nf Calico. Three pUiea of the first calico printed In the llii'ted States will lm prusenteil ta thoWorll's f tlr eooMniselomrs fur ex hibition through Commodore llrilliy ono of tho best known men In liorthi rn New York, who got thcut from Judge Waldroii, of North Crock, Tho callio whs printed at Johiisburg, Wnrrincoun ty, nnd ono of the pltcen Is from the wedding ilrce of tho llrst lady marrlcil In that town Albany Argus. Criimls l a I net's (Irstn. Bo great Into Wen tho cron.lj (hat Iiiimi lulled Whlltler's grate since urday that it has lieen liocesssr) to put n epcclil police gu ird uroutid tho lot lltvry ono who (Oiues wants to carry n ny n hnf or us n mum nlo. ninl if this weroiillomd the grate would bo uillitl) ktrlxd of mi) thing nt Iho I Ind. bund ly between 1,700 and 1,H0 Itrsonsou foot nnd lSUtoainst lilted the trute. Lxehnuge. t.ul,h,a(Jrl.,.. I Aiiotrltyln eounierfeitlng appeared In hlouxCit), win rou )otttig man took new silt er itiartcrs, int out Ilia "flu ir" ami i h inyiil the last Ii to N, mnkiiig it read "leu (lollms," nnd idateil tho icliis ' nently with gold. Jin bought lite or ten j cent nitidis to set tho i banco till he as caught HI. Icliis lispublic. Tim Iliilnoiniw fltlc. Thero uuterttas unoent mi solemn or nu occasion so ilolsfnl that it ill I not linte n fuliii) eld to It Aftirdtiori gard has bint mld to tho proprlutiin., look nlunys for the fun In it thing oten if ) our Ixst girl iHiisnvt ay with unot her iiiiiuniid luairleshluioii Hie eve of ) our wtihllug iln) In the most lo times of sour llfo keen this hiimuruiis siloliefoie)ou Itwlll iiiiio lifo Ilghti r nud mora prutpcrous It will help )oil throw off the blues soonir, mid its soon its ) ou can throw off Iho blues courage and hope will come book to )ou Willi eonrugo mid hope junwlll boroid) to face Iho Mends ot ill luck nnd try agiln A tenso of humor has iiiulu uiiuy it nans fortune, and kept both men mil women ft ot i madness und tiilcide A nemo of humor is eoniluclte to good illgistlou, nnd wu am told now b) tho doctors that It Is theehronlo d)speplles who mo most npt to"enteb" cholera A sento of humor will thciiforu l.eepdl tlio cholera. I'ate I as not dono her worst for a mnn as long as ho is gifted with it funny bump. There Is fun in Iho world, mid ho will nlwnjs eco It, no lnitter what happens, ami will nlunjs gather friends about him becnuto ot this merry, sunn) disposition. If )ou hit o not tlio huso of humor, culUuitolt. If )0U will not dothat, gonad shut) our Kit uway from jour fellow man und Ilto in a cofflu, for Lobody wuuti )ou I around. , ' "I t Star Horse Mis, jfi l'ollshed or Illued, Ii lisit sol I lit 7. I HI for 3 eier, 1b-r's ihs DC ST A NAIL MADE, ssJ sssr.sttrt w Il tits the test ot sitiUeties. Wi;l I Itf soils shoe oo lofiierlssassf etter. 1 uiDssr iss MONHORSENAILCO, II Olilontfo, III. If rvu- ror nis by z.o.u.1 sx4 I V trfsoilotss. GUNPOWDER. XM htm tiw lhnt4 ieN tin rf IA04 tynrt AA Aim ir As a!rc A)I ems liesl IAS mr ii a r s it ! "h tnm.-tr uiu IIAlll"l'TreRboellsr IIAZS.UII fCDs'Sslmiillss', IIAXAItti's "lHomiiKl niitdsc If AZAntl'JS tirindt. Ihs rnoll rslubls inlbsmsissl. THE HWAnrPOWDER'waPAIlY, llsisnivllls, Conn. ,,....! c,Palno & Lyno.ljtJli, ? , mi. W S 2 EbFb Gw5 5 SftsS 5 8553 !2rS UnllftO fiii) Rnlci. Process f Kc Alltulics Other Cliumlcnls f fpreakfastGocoa I fcl t I lift e-Mri la flbflslwlefy IV I l 111 1'ier mi 1 sorwt's. (S I I jt"lnSMor'(iiii(rMllrifS Cf f ll .frmifSor (voros lullsa e4elf J lojfl witti M nb, Arruwront ur . . ;ti iifisr, sou is -r mareeco .omlesl c liny Itu Ihnn on reus a tup Ii Is ot! ioui, tiiiaiutiiiia, sad sisar XIIOCSTKU N.I4 bjllr.r.r. ...rrnl.r.. I W.BAKE24.C07D5rchMter,lIa:t. r .OMAHA? ifj,m ot man CJ OUAMA. !. I TSIB , Tflomeon&TaylorSpisBBo., Finest Spices FimVORIflG EXTRACTS moan TO Till TRtDC. Proprlstots of uts rsuoos iirasA e( nnr v oitoss v lye. Michigan Avanuo, Cor. Lako, Dogs? Dogs! Dogs! f imonooniinltpp. sroitTita, tot audi X Wslealloissieeis oenaeil. U.loruJ men nger followlsi lisisslas is purplcsi llsnellyn Sellers, 5 8,00 anil S 0 00 ,,h " -15 00 and 10 OO Crsvhoundi, - 7.00 and 3,00 Msghounils. 7.B0 snd 6.00 tt oslr csrrr Iheroui hhred strx-s sad do eel s.s ssr fsney prints. Lssr; dec sisnsslsd s revmebtrd CEISLCn'3 DinD STORE, OMAHA. 11.11- OEST OAK TANNED Leather Belting. A. O. COOK iO soy, 4151IorletM., SV( UtASCIsCU.UL jt r. c. u i. C0N7AT CABINET CO'Q GELkl)UlTSD- Hahdwood kantelS rut mar vrriix worm VriTON PfiiV! nuiaer eooih sod Ws.i liniOUll UllUJ,, Tsirlo ttresls.epvotlM Aswielilr lull, fill Lais Utr, I.OLU AULA IH I tilt tl All. OOBUnN'S PURE OLIVE OIL. XTrifjireufnjpuarniileeif IKrftcU'j l'ure. UOliUItX, TKVIS & CO., Agenl), San Francltco. rnnttl In 1333. Incorporate! JprO, IMS TUBUS CORDAGE C0J1IMSV, uAKLne-rcasss or itx mu or MANILA AND SISAL ROPE. jinosaTwms. i all Aon riant ni iisiixiNii eiAiiLJi, f ' Vfiuuiuss. ) san rnANciaco. t r. Cnaiian, 1 ulJtnl Jurj. FOR THE MINE FOR THE MILL 'J'ro Jlatl, yulto, lMUnu, J tote. litct:hi, JlimitU, !t "'1" Coiitimnwt, Tool NU rl, limn mvh; Vine, Uti8, Sliced IiuUrutora, J'owtlci', J'tthrtciithiti Oil, CtimUc Stick, Vivo nnd 1'ljw Vltllo, IttUmea, Power J)rMt ?iii'ficitti' Tool, Jlluweiv, JtdcltlnlHtH' Tool, Oakum, I Anvil. Jllackumttli tool, Vimildc, Jtolsllnu T.tcUU; Titni'Titlili) Sttct, SUitllcn Mttchlnti JloltH, Wttate, And fitvtklnu Ifinnmera, Contain; Caul 1Vttltci, Men html Iron, bhui'ela, Tjitf) Screw, Plekt, Pick Sticl, Scnlo Jlvnvivcr .C Preventer, Vntullca. Aaheatoa I'rcpttiuilon. E.CX0FFIN HARDWARE CO lMtO(iItns!-. 1IUIL111VCJ. Sportsmen's I-Teadgnax-ters ! BB0WNINGV.BE0S., 155 S. Uala St-, Si t Lake Clly, Ulab. 2101 Washington ATS.,0deo, Utali. "lotduni.riflss, tjSCSS3iin!',vyt'r''a nl line of f llnlnp. Pistol. Amrionl- TrStStSZC' ' ilDorllno tni lionanJo gensr- Vijgf? Alhlctlo Coodi. IS- THOMSON WATERPnOOr DOOTS AND SHOES. "ViJ AKCliU for Mini l'owd. r, tir" sn.l 1 use, Do lnnt Hoorllnr nnl Illsitloil l'ow eleroml NstimslTjtewrltsrs. 3r'fiiAiu uuirricn. is ion ovn iilisiiutlu c.iTjtvaur. itlk 10 ah. fhrriz Annie Foonie pDONT.TAKE HER FOR ML ALOONIE) yT0LD HERWEETHEARTj S3 CHARTER OAK STOVE 93 WITH A WIRE 't oauze door i au$t be"my"leoac before Ve we:d-or we must part. For Salo by Z. C. M. T Solo Aycnla in Salt Znko Cllu. ! ' JAMES-SPENGER-BATEfflM CO. (Savts ers to l'avll Jamos A Uo, anil Hpoiiccr-Uywu'.cr Co ,1 PLUfflBEKS, TINNERS, SLcam nncl Gas 3-ilLors. Wo carry a Comploto Lino of GEM AIID PEHINSOLAR STOVES AND RANGES, Oasollna nnd Oil Stoves, Tinware, Grsnlto Ironware and Hotica rurnlshlnff Ooods, J .1 &-1So. G7 BX.IIV SLI2,JTrX,.-i iW(S'TAI-DRste Msv 1KD low. WOOL13N DKAPERS, v,"" Kills. tr fill k 80S, 'st Eonnomy. 235 B. MAIN STHEET, $ O0 Oniutlts lURfr llousi, - bait Lako ll'X. - 'N I rsrsoiios luirseijoui soucirip. I 1850. 1S0M, I Deseret News. I it I' Pioneer Paper of tho Rocky Mountain Country. It BIlITIYIIlffll CIUHT PAQES. SEVEN COLUMNS EACH. It ISSCSD IVSJI DAT, KXCII-T SlKDAT. Il Ilea 02X Etonslvo and Inoroaslng airolatIons It AnJ ss a Kswritrsn ul Aosllilia Usoioil IT-HAS -NO- SUPERIOR. ITS COLVKn COltTlIV rou, TEiXGotfino nriMinr. USUiui.r uur, irrnn, uuuk i iiuituii.osnrsire, souLteiB coniiLsroiDrnca. CaOCATIONil, AUIIKCITOUXr. IS1LITAT AMI nouuiric NEWS MM SEMI-WEEKLY IIS. EIOUT VAGUS, WGIIT COLUMNS CXOH. Publlshod Every Tuouday nnd Trlday. nss Tn WGgST GfRCULAflOM 11 Of AH l3 Adjoining Slllss snd Tsrrllarlss "I sny Piptr ruMlshsA Axil tct ndvsntsses wlileh oommeo 1 ft to all wnn einnot nrord or are not eonvow. ull sllustsil for uklni; nUy pspir. It coutalns a .uuiui., f Us Roves of tb ITfft, P Domnllo and Trlicrnplilp, I lenlr;n !Itn, Xcal, j l.dllr.ral Artlclu nilltllsasocT, l'ioo Trsnsplr!? l-'icila Ann is lis srsir fsnTlcCLin A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL I DESERET WEEKLY l.MtitllltUot2 June IC, ItiDu, ! r-V.!sliM ttrory HVunla-, mi 1 32 to 40 pC Maazlio, nj n CUnnCT til Eh TOUX OP Till; UUUUCn. nud of tho liuernlliij eiit tLUh wtilcb tho peoplofif tliU reuton nrn uow jajluy, U without u riTs.1. Tbo olutnoi, wLu bjund, ar IKVALTIABLE AS A W011K OF REFERENCE, 1 , i TEHHS FOH THE DAILYl Cas OI07, osaTisr. ,.... .,,,. .Olo.eo alt Jlonlli B os O Ttir.elloutbs .... m CS TEHM3 FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLYi O3o ewyy, one Tr 08 0 M HI lloettn - 1.71 m lljreeUoiiins. ...,,... U00 TERMS TOn THE WEEKLYi OsieCy, (emhrnsius; Vwe Tolnmc.) ie q El tins 111! ..... IMS - t l?-!-- NEWS Book ad Job Prihting Office is oui or The yIosfc Complete in the OCiestl Bttnf well aulPrpd wlth tb ITirr xkd Tut Bttt r or Trr - 1'ai-ucJ. tod other flnOcIau m.rUI, mu lut prepared to do ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTI1TG in to BEST STYLES, With rnOMITNEEa sod DISPATCH, snd st nnASOSADL J1A1E3. rOSTEES C3T AUi fOSSi, from the Smolltit nnbUl to llio ImaCHi W sis prf mid to (rial.