Newspaper Page Text
I DCTBmST EVENING .K33W8. rillPAT. .TAVrABY 10, ISO.'?, f1 ,:-' " DKSERET EVENING NEWS. H . OESEnET NEWS PUDLI3HINO 1 COMPANV. LC39EEB. H Till'. 01.1) AMI Till. JiMs. m ' Tlie Chamber of Commerce starts H the jrnr of grace, 1801, under condl- 1 lion more auspicious lhn any tli-t H have surrounded It In nil 111 previous B history. It li only necessary to r H use the lepotli n ad atthe annual mtct- Ing last nlghl, and published In mother part ol tbh paper, to find B ample rroof of tills statement. The M Indebtedness has heen materially re- Uuced, tho finance! have bien handled Willi economy mid skill, ond with tho 1 receipts from tho forlhcomlnir ball tho old obligation! will he wl(d tut completely. Thou tho rellrlnx ofllolals, ono and all, " M IroiiRht to tho duties lm B posed upon theni singular fidelity B and earnestnrts, and under Ihilr wise B gutJancetho oriranUitton has taken a H firm and exalted rlnco In publlo esteem H and confldence. Col Donnellan piys M a dcsotTid trlbuto to his ouoclates, aud M Is In turn tho recl lent of compllrnui B taty eiprrsslons from them which H every clllten can endorse. Tho com M merclsl lutrre-sta of no town were over M more faithfully sorvod by a hoard of B trajo president than have those of m Halt Lske City been cared for by htm. B Tho Chamber Is to ho congratulated H on the ahowltiK It lit" made, and upon H tho teal and onllnu lasm, as manifesto I M In tho election last night, with which B the yoir Is opened. The now olllj-ts H aromen of energyand aigaclty, and M they liavothe opportunity to make a H great rrcord for themselves aud the H body at whose heaJ they stand. We B believe they will fulfill river excctn B tlon; and In tho Inauguration and H prosecution of ilansthat ehalt aim at H tho geniral good, tho promotion of H business harmony and Uiu legltlmalo H accomplishment of tho community's H material n tranocnient, tho NrwS H pledgrt them In adtanco Its htartleit HH support. m Tin: hjiii.i jhh'. H Not everybody knows that tho full B name of tho l'n sldeul.elnct Is Stephen B drover Cleveland, nod that tils wife at HH her ln tltm was given the name of HH i-'raukle (not Frames) Clara Folsom. HH Continuing the brief I lograrhy thus HHu ttattllngly Introduced, It may be stated HJHH that Mr. Cleveland was born In Cald- HHU well, Kwcx county, N. J., on Match HHVJ 18, 1837. Ills father was tho Kev. HHHj Itlchntil Falling Cleveland, n l'ree- HHJ hytirlau cltrgymaii. Tho latter was HHHJ lorn at Norwich, Coun , on June 10, HHJ 1801, and died at Holland l'atenl, HHHJ twelve mllta north of Utlca, N. V., on HHHJ Octottr 1, IBM. The l'rrsldent eltot's HHHJ mother wus the daughter of Abncr HJHH Neil, n llaltlmoro merchant. Hir HHHJ Christian name was Anule. Her mar- HHHJ llago took placu in 1629, uud her diath HJHH occurred nt Holland l'ateut July IP, JHHj 18S2, at tho ago of 78 years, 'lhuwlfo HJHH I of tho Frcildent-elcct was a daugh- HHHJ) IcrofMr. aod Mrs. Cicar Folsam of HHHJ Iluflalo, N. V. Her birth occurred at HHHJ 1US Kdward slrett, Iluflalo, on July l'l, HHHJ 180laud inr marriage look placo In HHHJ the White House on Junu L'.lSbtl. Hat HHH Jtuth Cleveland waa born ut 810 Macll- HJHJR roa avenue, New Vork City, oil Ucto HP ber 8,1601. B THE LLISI MAlli: (fltl'ATlSr. HJH The Ban Juan I endulum swings the HJH other way now, the reports from that HJH sectlou bilng inoro rose colond, ur HJH rather gold-colortd, than evir. HJHj Nuggela as big tn aitrldgu tgf aro HJH found, but tho majority Is much lluer, HJH; eomoot it so much sj that but llttlu HJ: , If any of it can ho reclaimed from thu HJH , sand or toll In which It riposis; but HJHp tho latest conionsut of rtpurtx Is to thu HJH cOect that there is Jiluily of It aud HJH those who fall to (,et auy ore HHt the oms who have got on thu HJHj wrong grouod or have none of HHrn" any kind. Atlcr giving out re. HJH i forts, tho appended advlcu to poor HHJ men to stay away sounds str ingo If not absuib; they aru tho vtryouiswho HJH will bo meet cllectid by suuh Aladdlu'a HH lampatoilia whether true or fulse, aud HJH will not In ft majority of cases stop to HJH consider how or whero thiy get their HJH first intal on nirlval at tho diggings so HJH they do get theiu. Ah a coustijuuuco HJH tberelsboundtoLuagioatdealof iuIRi- HJH lug and for awhile ut least crimes of HJH all kinds aro likely to hold high tarul- HJH HJH The rush to that coinir of the Tutl HJH tory Is described as something uttirly HJH beyond precedent. It la eald there ale HJHJ 8000 men now on thu ground aud they HJHj aro pouring lu at thu into of several HJH hundred a daj. If only one.hnlf of HJH thosu who go shall reuulu till tho next HJH general election wu shall huvo to flgun HJH on aneutlrtly now lads, in Hiiro will HJH not only bu unough to outvotu un) HJH party lu the Territory, but probably all HJH of I htm combined If things continue HJH as at present. Of course they will be HJH mixed pulltlcnlly uud ho will be HJH unablo to decide which of tho orguu HJH ixatlons will havo a J iLpjnderuucu ul HJH their votes null 1 tt conns to a Us'; but HJH thatlhey will be nolo to nuy HJH gtuoral olllcer they pltaso audbeui. HJH titled to a large If not the largir portion HJH oftuo legislature, la as certain as that HJH things go on asut present for a feu HJH months longir. Thu Kglstativu ap. HJH porttonmint will havo to bu revlted HJH aud radically changid so as to conform HJH to thu lucrrased voting power of tho HJH ounty a county which uutll now HJH probably never cast over 100 votts nil HJH tol I und which has never J et had any. HJH thing but ludliect representation lu the HJHJJHJHH . . . , itfuassyi lawmaking body' Wo might as well begin thoconiUerattonof thole ques tions now as any time. Bin Juan Is aloiost large enough for utetillory by Itself, being by far the largest county In this Torrltory. It contains 0078 rquato miles, thus being twice as Isrgn as thu state of Con ned cut (lil'l, almtst the sits nf Maryland (980), and a trlllo hrgcr than oflher New Hampthlre or Ver mont; it Is mire than I ireo tlmoi ai largo as Dehware and Ithode IslattJ combined, S3 that In tho mallir of territory it itauJs well tn the front; while In itgarJ t populstljii aud wealth, from a month or sj ha-lt to tho beginning It has never ImJ lo ixcoed 80) people whoso possesions haveol necvislty hem limited. II it all this Is changed I ow and we must wait n short season befors saying to what extent It Is changed this wmt niLt'cmcE. Except for her srtlvo parllclatlon In tho manlagu and divorce mills, tbu occaslousl toss of her diamonds by burglars, and her candidacy for tho honor of inodil for this, that or the othi r leco of statutory, Ihu cxlstenco of tho average prlmt donna or KadliiK tsge lady Is so humdrum and uuovent ful that one heartily dislikes lo nocture Ihu little legends In which shoia now nnd nral i introduced as a heroine In leal life. Nevertheless it bccouiivin publlo duty lo n ply the re strslnlng lotich of truth when too hliili a tllght of fancy In behalf of the ait es In uuistloti is rssaved. huch is tho case ust now, whin east, ern paers nru widely copying and llsuntlngly publishing tho following: Two weeks ajn, whlln tho Imir ilperii company wa en routo from Sail lao to l)ener, the train stoijHHl at u e-oeling slution A small hoy uuacliod his sletl tu llio marceuiti, pre-tetidiiig that ho wan latiiilug Ills liur.o lo u hliohlng poa'. '1 he tmtu starlet! and tho boy's sled was carried with It. Altir IcuMiig the next station Ml- liirtram'rtioiiipiitlutit uiUed her from tho ear. theru wan a hurried suiitch, wlilrh was rowantel tu their moiitoiiary horrur by the illcuvory of llio young prima ilouna tchetl Uou that lliilualnl ami belngdrairged ntrribo siiiincoered tio at ihu inioof thirty tlvoorfony miteaan hour. Her situation wa pcrlliHis, in lleo miuutis tho trotn nsKtoped,anl Ml-a llonrrtin mIo hut sintllng at her II ely excrlcnce, wui carrlol Into llio isr, lhawei out and talked lo Ilka a uuugliiy iilnwt girl. A ili'cent regard for tho facts com pels the contradiction of this romanco intoto, file NlUd regards it as a distinct llliult lo Its very good Mends the rsllraads to inilmatu that their rule of speed Is so slow and tho nature of their roadbed an straight and unbroken that it tough boy's sled, much less n Iragllo opera coimany'a chief singer, louldllvo two minutes attached to thu riar of Ihu Halt Lako-Dcuver ex proas. IUII.iAN IlltUUUIir 10 TL1UIS. Himu time slnco tho Luslneie men of Hi Is city era Jarge Lumber of thorn tookittuo with thu railways centering hero btrauMi of uojiut dlsirluiluatlons lltthomattir of freight, and thu mm mr in which thu Iron shod corpor ations wvru brought to terms was us rspldaslt tusirjvod tu bj otlootuil. Ihu Cham tr of Commerce, which ongagid tu thuctuiu on bilialfof ttiu cotumuulty at largo as well as those Immediately conierned, tool: hold of tbu iLatlir in it tuslmss'llke, deter mined way, with tho ruiult or bring ing about nn urMiigiruint lh good results of whlih uru uvirywhiro u pirehl; It nccomi lishud lis work with ueatnetauuJ dlspatih. A railroad company la not esioutlnl'y worsouii general linea or more grasp ing than othcra; but It has lettir op iortunitlca aud being ludulgeJ uud tinted Willi u haudsiilf olloy by tho eoplo from whom It derives Hist support uud then for. urn, It would bu lies than huniau, or nuro, It It did not becemo utrogant, Insolent nnd grasp. lug; It only needs un ocoisloiial appll lotloucf law or n doso or aoof mild ntallatioii to bring such a company back to Its aousea on the dju blu qulik, and this has been do no in n great many placia of late, now that tho iiople havo found out that the question Is no longer oilu sided und that they i in nicouipllsh ull that is iiiiessary whiu they tr). Jlruii trttl'i reports a esse in which thu bouid if tradu of Ch etlanooga, Teuiiestvie, took similar uolou'o our Chamber of Commune, li Iron (lit a complaint befjru tho ItitiMatu Com nitron Commission aalmt the Ksst renuemr, Virginia A Ueorgla ltitl way cjiiivauy nnd others, ulliglug, imioiigothir things, that thu rates ou trolllo from New Vurk and other At Initio seaboard points lo Chattanooga wiroiiuriaionalj'u lu themselves and relatively us unoiurid with rates ou IlLu property to Memphis and Noah villi', a d tint rates ou such tralllo wire greater fir tho shorlir dhdrtuiu to LfiutUiiocga than for thu lougir Uls. tauco ever Ihu eon o line In thu ennu luoilou to Memilils unJXu.liMI , fliu lomrulssluu Ins lendetedade icn lu which It I olds thai II e defunj nuts are Junlltlod by the existence of water roniel!l!on of controlling urru lu iharglug lots on such tlatllo for thu longer dlataucu lo Mimphls, but thutuosu It competition iilalsforsuih tralllo to Naihvlllv, and that uny greater charge for the trans. poitatlou of llko property Irorathuaui board points for tho shorter ills tauco to Chattanooga than for the longer Iralllo through Chattanooga lu Nashville Is 111 M"o!ailuu of the liurth intlon of the act to rit,uln(o torn mcrce. Wheieuou tho diftindants wetu ordered to dislst from tho dis crimination complained of, which undoubtedly tiny did without unnec essary delay, lie-fore us ore a number of printed -jjjKtnLirijM8MKl reports of the c mimlsaion, 111 which the foregoing doctrine In other wor Is and having i somewhat elillereot ap plication, together with the demand for retuniMe transportation rates are upheld throughout. One relates to tha rates ohirgoi on the shlpnunt of melons unJ Is against n dojiMiormoreSsulhirn railway com panies; another Is on tile suojeil of lower charges for longer hsiil", and a third relates lorelatlverateion finished nnd unfinished (u nlturr.llio ruling he ing In favor ol the coia lalniutln e.ich cane, thus showing thu railways generally are illsposoi to "llvo up to thclrrlvlleges"untll Interfered with. Wis can all get along wltls thom very well when they are nude, to under stand that their I oslllon relative to the public Is that of servant rathor than of nias'ir. IN IMIllM.iHliM I'ltllKUlM'. Hon. Julius ( lu nr Ilurruwr, n mini-b-r of Cougruss from Michigan, is quote J In a special tu the Jriuno us saying thu If Con jresi weru w duvoto every working day lu t of tho present session to the consideration of the aiproprhtloii bills nnd glvu to each tho tune II ilumsnis, there woull not bu an hour left on il e (our li of Msro i. If tho gentleman cx rej the situa tion com illy, an I there Is no apparent reason for doubting lr,one of two con 11 tlons IslrtoWtabhi-that genual legis lation will have to hi neglected, or Congress called togither Immediately after the new aJmlulstrallon takes holJ. The q lestlon of appropriations gives rlsotomee. j"inuti'. ropoiltbn of honr well Hie treasury Is equipped for meeting the drills wild'i Uangrsss Is troparlng upon it. It Is claimed by is good many Dsmocrits an I ilotiloJ by n corri-oiidlng number' of Rspuli leans that thtru Is now n doflilt In that dcr ailment, uud that this circum stance aloue woulJ bu enough to make an extra aosslun lnieratlvo. It It suggestoj that the new otllclils will b) alio to make ends meet In somo way until December next, when tho regular session woulJ convene, evou should there be lusulllciint tail! tj intet the demands created hy present legislation, lut Just how Hilt lould In ucoom pllshe I Is not uadu plain. When thu iharge la made that tberu Is not only no money ou hand hut thu govern ment Is In debt, icrtalnly thoso who inalusuclichirgu tool III the whole situation, notutily the possessions hut thu available ussits and various moans of raising rovvutie in nu emerguuci; and unlisa their Information or con iluslous worn wrou, tho unusual spectuoloofa utw Cougnsi conven ing lu thu early rprlngtluo will most likely bu preiented to thecou ntry. Accomil.Mi tu n Chicago paper, tho Illinois tlejslora of l'roildont aud Vico rnsldeiit votid viva voce. As the Lame of tech was called by tho chair matt thu response wai gluu, "Clevo laud and Stevenson." II this wu the only way tho otu talon It isn bu Ihruwn cut, as the Constitution was violated lu two reacitr; the otiug must I e hy ballot arid the Vice l'risl diut volid for separately. A chili, of horror, for what might havu bieu, has Lien caused by thu re port Hist thu will of Cloorgu Washing ton lay lu a I urglarlted taoluVlr glula, boino of the contents of whlili were atoleti and others burnud by thu lowdir used to blow orou ttio ricoj ta lk, l'or tuih a i uclous rello thu guv uruaieulounht to be nolo to furnish room lu He riatu strong-box. UxAli'a AsausKio aluallon In 1650 waa1l,773l'J70. lu ISOolt hail mount id to J10f,7o3,7&0. Wu niv far uud uwuy ulieud of WjomliiiT, Idaho, Arizona, Niw Mixico mil North Dakota; mi 1 Ills', utioiu ubroatt ut Uru'.oii, Muiitnua nnd Biutli Djl.ota. In till jears more we Mill lead ull ol them, us well us Wu-lil.gtou and Colorado. It 13 woruy of nutiie tha' the nui j oi ut suverul nort iwisurn it Ur, uflirluvistlKutluj, havu deo dud tlu. thu muiiiiialitlea which uwu ana oj irate tlulr own i light plauta gel their tlluuitiiatiou, on this uVeragu, for It hi than o u half what I. costs thu cities wllll.'l aru IlKhtid u r.. n i n traita ma lu with pr v u CO 11 utile . M. C'LI mim t..iu, wluao rerout 01. loll un thu "Held of houoi"wllllu remembired, Is thulierouf u hunjioj fights uul his iiotir lost u drop i: blood. I. uully nuiiiblo la the fact that uonu of nU ndvervarlia has, vlthtr. Wl u warm Invitation and exeuiife guaiuuleud lo tho Long Is land man who thu other day shot uta hawk and hr.ught down u burglir. Hu wouldn't do our huwksauy harm, mid might holp dm burglar. Bl SATOIlh I M Mil's prediction that a l'jUllst will be elected l'resideut lu ISBd smacks sonmwhai of thu lltvor of thu chestnut; four jisrs ago (lenerul Wtaveriredlilel the same thlnf for 1802. A Nr ionic girl has latily Income I.ady l'hlllp Hoiry llrjaa Un)-Kd-girton. Tho rest of It will bu aloog un tho nixt train, I'M IBS inn thiater hat bu reduced uttory or two in hilgLt, the mcesslt) for elovatltg tie stagu will Itiomc irjlrig. CillCAUio lies marly 7000 saloons. Thu wonder Is that thu burglars find anything lelttoslial. Irnm 'Ssssl.sesr C I" Mo re I '.promlmnt irug of any other kind. l'',11,'n,'? modlclnet nil gte, Booelsatlsh lion rorsalnbyZ ( M. Drug Dep't. d.s Traier A thshnerV, manufacturers of machinery, eeiie toannouic "ai they have move I Ihslr Ullce o o. 1U0 es.t, Third Houlli Streil, Kuutt ford Hotel bulldlnir M. KoiTrnTaniimilurer ol Fine Candles, ol West, Heiond Houth Htreet. Cheap Hxeurslo'is for ten days to Deuvi rand all return points, at Hhl ley'a Til kit oniee, No. 11 W. r-ecoud Houlh street. Tusellltsllread iiohet.oill on W U. Kl li, Walker Hime. am mats rele 1'lfly dollirsls oirrod by tho Utah Hoap Company for tho name bent alajled to n toilet snap Klvo dollars for taoli other name which may l useel. Conitll on cIohh January w, 1801. Hncloau nap wrapjwr ot tho Utah Soap Comionv. Halt l.aku CltJ. A asan.1 Lf tr sjlattea n wets matt. Aru you lllllou-, Constlpale-t ot troubled with Jaundice, Ulck Head ache, Had Taste In Mouth, Foul llreath, Coated Tongue. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry Mkln. l'aln la Hack and between the Hhouldere, Chlllsand Fever, eto-7 Ifyou have say of them symptoms, yiur Liver Is out of ordir anl yeur blood Is slowly bclog inlsoned, lersuse your Liver does not act properly. HuinixK will cure uny dlsonlcrol tho Liver, rjtom ach or Dowels. It has no equal as a Liver Medicine, Trice 78 cents. Tree trial bottles at Z. C. M. I. Drug Dei U All tho c'ul In the country now Clipcmo Drown l'slare IVrfectos. ,1 Thu New tear will o ell with n big cut lu talis to D iver and all east ern poltita, nt Hhlley's Ittllroad Ticket Olllif, No. 11 tV.Heond Houth bt. A Nisrs Inre roe l'l In. Itching l'l lea arekmiwu by mol'liire like lersplratlon, reusing tnicuie Itch jug when warm. This film as will as Illlnd, Jlliedlng or IVotriidln, yield atnnreto Dr. itosanko'al'ilolteniedy, which acts dlttctly ou arts aflnted, nha ires turn ra, alia) a Itching andef fecolmaneutrtire SOcte. Drug- Jlste or mill. Circulars free. Dr. lo.HUko, 1'hlladelphla, 1'a. bold liy 7.. C. M. I. Drug D'pt. mJkr Your" If yen aro bllloui, dull, drowsy, sleepy; havo u I ad tate inthomiuUs on arising In the morning; revdiYra tl night, constipated and have InJIgee tlon, your Liver Is out of order and you? blood It slowly being lolsoned. Herbln will cure any disorder of tha Live r, Htomacb or Ilowela. Hold by Z. CM. I. Drug Dcil To Hal- Hoo I's Hsrsaparllla stands at the neail In the inedKiuo worll, uuulrid lu P'tsjrlly nnd euviel In merit by tticiHsiids of wnuld-be compelilefa It lua a largor sale than any other medicine. Such success coold not lo won without positive merit. Ilncil'a lllls cur.s constipation hy riM-irlrigthe peristaltic rici-o i of Ihe a'Jmenlar canal-- lhey oro the beat family cathurllc. ' 3 Cheap Tickets to Denver nnd Chi cago today. W. (1, K1MI1, Walker House. rinoat Duttor In Utah at C. VV. Davis', Mnrkot Row. . L'. I. Uolllrtl llolifnilnu llaar. Madu by Ihu Anierliau Iltewlng Company ifHU t.oulsls brewed of the list barley nud itohemlan hops, It has n tx-unllful ambir color, a delicious hop flavir and spirkha like Chain lagne. H. llAimi. 41 l'.nst, I'lr.t Boutli Htreet, Hilt Lako City, Ageut. llrni. Inur lltili lonelualon Mr. J. O. Davenport, mauuger ut llio Fort llragg I to J woo J Co., Ft. Ilraga, Cal his this to sav of Chamberlain' Cough Iteinedyi "I usid It for a s e rs rold and coupli nnd oldalned Immiifi ate relief. In tho I'ort llragg lted wood Co. ' store we havo sold largo quantities of Chrcmhorlaln' mi'dl fines." I'd sale by Z, C. M. I. Drug Drp't. dAs A Clsur Coniplaaldn A clear completion la always also lute 1 roof of trie icrtVct action of the Llvir. Youuaverraw n bilious person with u eleir, ruddy complexion. "A sound Liver makes a well man," 1 1 til bin 1 will glvu you lertert LIVLrnnd ii-rfect lilge-tlon. 8ild hy VS. C. M. I. Drug Dept. Bsthtae. IIcrMno permanently cures sick headache, Indigestion, dytpe pali, con etlpotlon, hlllousnets, foul triath nnd sill diseases prmlueoil hy disordered Liver. It tea I erfm tLtixii medicine. Hold by Z. ('. M. I. Drug Doid. Dr. Hurrows, Oculist, Aurlit andOp llcian. Biiccyicloa fitted. Commercial Wick. liiiiulierlnlii'a nllr, luitera ami lllirrllii-i lleiilruo. I huvosold and used In my family fir several J ears, Chanilcrlalu's Colic, (Inlera und Dlarrhim ltemedy nnd lievo found It ono of (ho most useful uud natla iclorv rsmedlis I over handled C. II. Lewis, Druggist, Halt Lake City, "Utah. I'orea u by Z. C. M. I, Drug Uep'r. dis nuer irr llilv It will rest ;oii nothing and will surely do yiu good, If you hac a Cou.h, Cold, or any trcuble with 1 hrust, Chet or Lungp, Dr. Kind's New Dlscovtry for Coutumi tl.n, Ceugta and Colds is guaranteed to give teller, or money will be aid Lack. Hullerers frcm LaOrlppe found it just the lulu.?, and under its use had a ajeedy uul perfect rrooverji Try a samile bolt o atour txpensunnd liaru for yourtilf Just hoer good la thlrgll Is. Trial boltlo free at A, C. Hmtln A Co'a Drug Htore. Large site Doc. nnd ll.W. 8" nirrnalii mill iimiIiii. If jmi aru not felling strong nnd healthy, try I leitrlo Hitters. If "La Ur!ppe"haslo(tycu wiakand wiary, use Llectrlo Hitlers. Thla remedy acts directly un Liver, Htomach and Kid. ueys, gently aiding thisu organs to lietform their functions. If you aru sflllcted with Hick Headache, you will II ud speedy nnd permanent relief l'l laklug Uiottlo Hitters. One trial will convince you that this Is thu remedy jounced. Lariru bottle only 60o at A, C.HmllbACii'aUrugHtoro. U V.t (ram 1. I Inaiirlnl Man.l...liil ' I dn notiecornroendf iiaiubcrlaiu'a ('ougli Dcruedy Irom n financial stand point, for wu havo others in stock on whlrti wo makun larger profll," says AI. Macglul, n prominent druggist of Hraddonk, I'enn,, "hut Lcause many of our ciistoniers have tpnken nt It In the highest praise, Wesell more of It than uf any similar prijaratlon wo havu In tho store." For sale hy Z. C. M. I. Drug DeJt. d&s Tor Itillrnsd Ilckela cill on W. O Kims, Walker House; ho can s-ivoyou Irom yJ.OJ to S21 "u. Collina Codi e Is umqualed for I'urlly and Flavor. Tie KINO OF (HLACK) DIA MOMW. Oil Allen Coal. IChjisuio lieu , Ooneral Agenla. r.ntkl.n'a Arntea noire. Tlic Durr Halvk In the worll for I uta, Utilises, rVores, Ufoera, Bait Iihiuni, loierHcres, leltor, Chapptl Hauds, Chilblains, Corns and all rikln ruptlons, and positively cures I'll, or no pay leqiilrvd. It Is gutrantr-l to glveerfect satisfaction or money re funded. rrlee5oenU per box. Far sale Ly A. C.Hmllh i Co. This irarlj la tutor lor II. I The world Is belle r I ecnute ol suth a remedy as Dullard's Hnow Liniment, brrause this ortlilo relieves It of much . ialuand nilnry, nnd we are thus ena bled to enjoy Its brighter side. It I oil lively cuirs all forms or llheti mutism, Niuralgla, HcadacLe, Hick Heidache, 1 Lamo Hack, nil Horta nnd Wounds, Cuts Hpralne. Hrulsrs, Htlll Joints, Contracted Miiscles, 1'olsons, Irrup tions, Corns, Wr&k llsckiend all pain I and all Intlammttlon em mtn nr heist. It's the best I o-uuro It's the most pene trating, llewara of all whtlo Llul inci.ti which may Iw palmed otT on you for Hillard'a Snow Liniment, There Is none llko II. Hold by Z. C. M. I. Drug Deot 4xx Tilde o tbu west, Hrowu lVaoe 1'irfeitcs j . MI'UMIS Tin, Copper and Klieet Iron Worker. Only first ilnss work done. Itctalrlng iromitly attended to. 182 west, Hec oud Houth stle-el. 1 reali Slrnl.. Juhn Dwis, 107 K. First Houlh Hlreet (epposllu City Hall), dealer In nil kin Is ot Fretli Meats Ulvu men call. stparimore t aaea. 8. II. Ollirbrd, New Caasell, Wis . wia trout led with Neuralgia aid Itheumatliui, hlaH'omaeli was dlsor 1I1 re J, hie Liver wsa sQectod tonn alarming degree, a-etll lell awa), ami hrt was terribly reduced In lla-li anlstlougth. Thren lictllts of Licit I HUters cured him. !dwarl Hhepherd, Harrtshurg, III., Iiad n running amn on his leg f cljlit Jeais'ettndltg. Used tliree bollletof r.lrrtrlo llltteni nnl sovm lexre of lltirklen's Arnica Palve,and his leg Is sound nnd well. John Heakrr, Cat awhi,0,hnd five luigu Fever rons nn his Ii-v, iloclois snhl hu was Incurs lili. One hotllo I'.lectric Hlttera nod one lux Huiklen's Aruh a Halv cured him entirely. Holl at A. C. hmlthA Co'a Drug Htore. ." SALTLAKliTnEATuE TWO NJGHTsS. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, oirvntviiMca K-ato Putnam At DOS CHIRK, i 111a visti nt ot i C(LI1I) G.1ESS PAtKACE. tsioar Mom. siTunoir Maur Ijiat itaraacs -DAD'S .. GIRL Tt IiATIb IN tllNOS I IvVtiriv insciai K1TIK IS IIWJO 61 LOSt nr a llxu lourair. IYIcaiIW.,Cn. 7 e, II no, Silo ol stats LierlaaWedneailar.Jan. lllh, .KT ATTIlUril)S-MouLrin I Tucsdsr January inn in linn THE SPIDER AND THE TLY. SMo of sells lejins IrlJar, January litis. loiumrprirca 0!r 2-Sw.l, j7tCumaJ rioTC- Tirl'l Weg'v VI Ih lit JAM 11)1 U "ftMlOPO'MYTilill Ourstoik Company In "MY TURN NEXT." 3.0 o. AUJilasiof XOo. I OK Itl.NT. mllLMIIOlE Ht PlttT CK llOUbF o X tint, Hr.ltooimiroet four noma anil suinmer alu ben Witn ur erltliu 11 st.ble. I-11 pure ot t. lieuney, Naevsonti.0 wan rrn. Al.Olltl OIIll. port lit MItlAL IIOVsl Mirk Laiiulro 1.7 li MreeL 11ITI1' MAMM1 IOT licrt!l8 l 1 sn or tbn anlarslntr mini anlaa ur hnlt i ..It imvirmJ.n ntiiiHHr I'.n 11.11 J. 1, salt I aU Illy lor Informatlifureirarillnxaaine. IIM.K OLK AM) IIICHI., 7.1c., ATO I', MAT'ON'1 sitm: ItePlIltlNO Miop, lis C Becomt toulh tlicel lOSTOIt HIOI.KN, OM- ItllllHN IIOItJK, SOUiaN 1 1 TT lilp, 1 h inky tifll tl, Jersey entire) tinap. liuoliay I ot, nloiits years mi will puj (j lor return otssnie. ollryxa (nitre DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. Conformable) to latest Torrltorlal Statuto for salo at tho DESERET MEW3 OFFICE. Thowoil dronsod Inclloiof Salt Lako will bo do llslitod with thu prices which wo offor for two wooks In our Shoo Dopartmont: A. J. Johnson & Co.'s $3.00 Kid Re duced to $2.50. A. J. Johnson Si Co.'s Kid Goodyer Welt Turns for $3.25. E. P. Reed & Co.'s $3.25 Kid and Goat Shoes at $2.50. Pingroo & Smith's All Styles and Quali ties 25 per cent off. 200 Pair Ladies' and Children's Differ ent Manufacturers, at One-half Re gular Price. Thoso Makaa of Shoos aro too woll known for tholr STYLISH APPEARANCE, COMPORT AND DURABILITY TO DE QUESTIONED. TEASBIIS JMES-SPEKCER-BATEMAI1C0.' CJi3:os'orslo DavlJ Jsmct.kCo and -ipeuiir-llynatorCo.,) I PLUMBERS, TINNERS, Sicuii tuLcl G.ns Fillers. Wo carry a Comploto Lino of GEM AND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES, Oasollno unci OllStovoo, Tlnwnro, Crantto Ironwares nnd Hnucj rurnlalilnn Uooela, -.IN"o. Or JS&AJKIX tSrJC'Itl33TErX'.-i F. AUERBACH & BRO SLAUGHTEtfCLEARlNG SALE Oir ALL VINrriJIt r.OODH. INo imittir liow, noinittcr how coolly oMryitilnz m liKludM In thin Our AT hi Al (illTi'u Hai i rrliHnnallKoiwoiMbloIrxKU cut Itlifti nu 1 Iit. Uo will KIto I)jit7line lliru'ittiT tlitt ro Itrnlltltx. lrAinondo m lttslucilotu nmjo tocloiui out 1.11 Winter (J.khN Welnirn I IliUSiloahall IwlheHil oririoHintoii. lUrtfulni not cm) v In onn iltpirtmont. itmt all nvor Iho htitic. V Mill nuku (ho mott ablonliililiit;, llio u)iittsiM'tHiittixl'rlrnhiiln imt nUcmi twl LINENS I LIS'ESQll LINENS U! Huuslkilii ai, AnrMtiu-e CLEAIIANCC SAL OF LINENS. t liaso luormODs cjiaallica of CJiHiJa la tlila Dtp.itnifnl li. (li.u ur wltlm si aha o laalallaiirkcaso aaluhave llioia Kdlleolr a-M iro 1 man. ran ti bouglit hi Ilia r-Aia loi use lulur ttiau siara cscr murpi la tils ur I flora. For 13c. LOOM DAMAHK.all I.iucn, unrlliU-. Tor :5c, I'ltUAM DAMAHK, all Mr on, uuriti 40i. Tor Mc.onr reuhr fide. OltllAM TAJIIsi: DAMASK, l'or Me., slxt)-tlx lucli CUE AM DAMASK. Xover aoli fur leas limn BSc. Tor Mc, II.r.AOHi:iJ TAIIIiE IjINj.N, nurWUi. iuallly. For r,e. 5h.i:achi:i) taiiiji: 1.1 M:S, uur 05i, iin!lty. rorOScstaly-d-urlictillljIlACJIKD rAIIIil. IiINi;N,our75ociuallly. Kor iSo, llliLAUill.D 'lAIIIsi: 1.1 M.N, our UUo. ijuallty. i'crT'ic, nlari;iiliilir unuUollar, IM- 1'Oltfl.DHAriS' DAMAHK. For 40c , a ilcrrn 5 S IILKAUHUD NAIMCINS. l'or Silo, n uirsn, 5 8 I1LEACHED iNAl'KINS. I'ur uor. a elotuo, S S llLEAC'Ul'.D NAIMCINS, worm UJo. For 1.15 ii ilciou, 3 8 ilLEACIIKD NAl'KINHi our rcRUlir $1.51) Napkins, ror$ is iloitn, .VI llt.HAOUED NAt'KtH, wortli$J73, For 8',o, u arJ, 18 luoli LilKKN (JltAHIl, Ijnncr firlc lL'Jo. For 10c. n jard, our 15ct UI.AH3 LI M.N For I.1. Our lino C'ltOOHI.T 8lMti:AUS, north $1..J). For JlfiJ, ijouulnu Imiittil Marseilles bpuadr, slightly solliel, worth $0. 100 REMNANTS 0FTABLE LINEN FOR HALF PRICE. DOMESTICS. 1 jilt. L. Ii. Hhiitlni; for $1 00. 0 i llleachicl dlitrllni; lor liics yarel, Shaker Flannel lor So. a yard. Irish 1'rleza, In ;ilnk only, for lS)c. a ) aril. Our inc. ejuallty Canton Flan Del only Jio. nyard. TOWELS. TOWELS. SPECIAL BAnQAINS IN TOWELS. Turkish Towels for So. each, 'iurklsh 'rowrl,15c.iiuallly,for lOc.oa. liirklsle Towtlt,t!3c.iuallty,for l&o. oa. illicit Towils, 19x4(1 inihus.forl.'ic.ta. Damask Towels, 15c.iUallty,for llio e a iluclc rowels, ioc,iuallly, (or lSctra One lot of oelilsj anil end In Huck und Damask towels, tluiutl soiled, sold Irom 30c, to 43r.j to close at "S. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Great Saorlfloinrj Salo of HOSIERY and UHOEftWEAn. It Moscr Kmcl la Moncjr larnot Frcr luljr'.l.irlli Ion lluy Thla Urck at I AVItllls.CH A IIII05. WIU. Maki luu IllllltU For Mo n i Mr, Ladlia' lilsck Beamiest Wool Ilo.e. For -)0i n ialr, Lidlss' lilsck llltibecl h. atnliis Hose, for SUc, n fair, Ladles' ltlaclc and L'lilure-iK.'ailiuiuIo lloi-. (Jheaii at 7V. oialr. Fur line, n tialr, Mltsm' lllack Itlhboil Wool linni., double heel uud toe, worth Me. u air. For -Hie. n i air. Missus' Mack and Colored Cislmiore llcso, worth (21). a pair. For IDc. lach, Ladies' Camels Hair Vesta nud I'utita, reduced from UOc, INFANTS' :: WEAR. At Ono-Thlrd Actual OOSa'. For Ur, .lie, IJj , Infants' Knit Biikr. For bSc, Infiintt' Flume) Skirts. l'or $l.'.'5, Iutanti' Flannel Skirts, J'luliruldered. Fur Sic, lufan Flannel Wrappers in l'liic. Foril.llU.itra Flno Iufauta' Flannel Wrapi e rr. For $1.0"., Infants' Embroidered Flan nel Wrappers. For $.'.10, 1 munis' Extra Heavy Era hrollered Flauiicl Wrappors,nortli rsoo. For "Uc, IV., 40a., Infant's plain I'lanncl Sacks. For G3c Infants' Backs, Scalloped F.uibroidirod l.iUe. For 3I.0H, Heavy l.mbrolderoil Cash. mere Sacks. CAHPET3. CARPETS. A Ela Drop In OAUPBTS. e lilace cm Bato Tins Meok llio urcatei! snluealii rurpala ail I Kufs oor oriereu In tins cur New anii v Hi uniiti i: v Clooia A&J at aarli prices sa will make ruu MoaJcr buw ve u emi ilu le. Smyrna Mata for S5c. Lxtra Fliiuljutllty Smyrna Mata lot $1.10 Hmyinu Hugs, :t(lx"2 Indus, for $1.83. Smyrna Hues, f!(lx7.!, for SJ M. Sni) rua Uuks, our 10.011 i;riiUe,U7 It , for (l.ou. Union luiimln Carpets at 20c, "Co , 43c. Thoso are greatly nducod. All Wool Inijralii Canals at UUc, aud TUi;. Coiuu send see theni. Tlireo-ply Ingrain Cai its ut tl3o. and Moiurtlia at 65o., $1.00, 31.30. Sol I oTerjwIierofor.S pirccnt mole Velvets at (Wo. Bold evirj wlieto for $1.21. Tapestry Ilrutsola nt 60c, Clio , 70c.