Newspaper Page Text
H .. mcnnCT EVENING .NWS. FRIDAY. .TAyiTATtY J 3, 18D... M tj H CHILDJtKN'S COLUMN. H A (Juttr llrnlltl. H A tfrjrquctrilMillni, ItNHiuHine. Ho H hover atudlnl nt A ilmml cnlbga, Helm H no illploqui thai f Inoir of. ilaitoMtwt H I loim to nny iimiIImI noclrt jr, tlbr t not H aiiuiuk. TliatlianiemlKlit lararalMloa) H ilu.k.l.ittnoltniitiirlle Ai ilentlat. h H 1- pirhitm n lltllnlr.lmt lit lor Ml M u.irkwril. At Imst l. can pull n tooth H out. Wl.etl.rr lie toulJ put ouo In ornot H isnnotiirr mattrr H Tlit. little lu.j-wlio owns llila turtle H H ' Philip. TliAt totalis "lorrr of . H liorsrs." A turtlo Is liotohoraealiilcan H nut trnicl nwrljr ns tint, l.ut lie lias mmt H attraction for Philip, ami 1 think that Hi tlmt Uijr niiul.t liecathxt a lovtruttiirtl.-s. HH forLeiiotYliiisfuurof tbcai. 1 One ilajr this summer Ihlll font,.! I on., of Lit twth was Ktttlnit Ions. Ha lias HH nevi r lia.l l.ttt nm Nit, nii.1 n aorftn.1 t ru cf I twill It Utjllinlllif In lauli tlw lint imi I out Philip's iiiotlier win .iwajr. Ilctoul.l a not waltfnr her to mm lawk. HMI.niiitl.l HHfl It n Important this Iron toutli tliotil t cntne int At imrr 8u lie "Wit to HH Die SMinttrnsi nn.1 nkl to bars n tlirrn.l m tld anmnil ltl luoaa tooth Sb ilbl nt-t HHI nuh tu ilo It At first, l.titntlateilinlHl. Then 1'lilllpfMirnnl lliontlirrmiluf tl.e I tlirratl to nliol III Ifar ulirll of one of turtles. Tlii. turtle wnlke.1 (.IT Int.) the ' B Krnn. Philip brawl himself iin.1 stout J slock mill. In n minute tlie iitr little i lrlitlt l.J.i I.llltcl tla' tooth (.Mt HH InmiiorrYiomrtl.ntlbla .IcntUt turtle I ha since illnl, InivIiik n f.imlljrof fmir. HHB HeiTAi Imrlnl under '.bo itrnpttlnr, nltli H On ono ocoji.Ioii tlilsltirlloiientoiit for A little In n h.'luliWr'n jarJ. Tho H rinnntliiulplnint uponlirr buck stoop a illklif.filbiil.iiiitfattncnr.l. Tl.o.I.nll-t, 1 f: to l.lmelf, oitlnlr trlkr.l H rowljr ctcttplnu; nn untimely elcAlh. lloivnt B rrtcticil, and uliitr n ileal of lsithlnit nnd E vlpintt waa rvstorisl to hi fortni-r self. HM Phlllp'a liirt.ia nro i.ftrii takin In n B small nil velici llwrniw to the i-ointnon H K.n.l liter nn nllonnt (o Hj imtlieleintli(.t tlii'lrHtrliiKi nmltbeii H LroiiRlit Lome, looking freftb nn.l Imppr. llieilrath of tl.e ilentUt Imtlu M-t H mnitrrtotl.lnt.lni.-. Tl.o turtle nnnnllrnt UforDl.Uiltntliniul lini lien elleiit ivi-r Hi elnce. I itp.Tt Hint l'lilllp' tonxuo ll not often hi oil nt rui tint of tl.o turtle. It B mny linrelieeii tbUfnct.or It mnyU'.lilf ll.lnke, lie l.ennl tl.e test B KlK)iltIlenreliilieAitn for I.aU hu l.otir. vililcb prompteil litin toek tl.uijuenlion, HHm "Mamma, If 1 nlinuM ill.. tnlklliK, voul.l 1 HHHH ln) kirp on tnlklng!" Clirlitlan lit-.-' BHU HftBH lb" Uueen Her Imi.iltl.ll.lreii. H A t-orreiKinilrnt from tl.e Mo of Wlpjit H write: "l'i rb.ip ono of tlio intuit cbnrin HHI Inclilrntn of the life of tlioijmm U lur B Krtin.lelilltlrrn. l'rltitto llrntrltotook lur il.lnUiojr, n line, mntily little filloir, uilh H to Uijreittli, aii.1 the three Toiinuer H clillilrrn vfcro Uft prnttlrnlly in tl.o t hnri;o of thrlr roynltfrAiiitmother. Morning ufter H liiornliiKl.ljriiiAjetlyliA tnkeu them out H Into the Krouuili, mill vomellliujl lviii to iltiiilnt llttlo WhlppliiKlmiii, they rMInu In H their IlltluinirlakeUriiwn I.) hirmajei.ty, H Ut pixmnt, ti enntu coloml iKinyfAinl H tho iitieeiiihlinKiti htr romforuhle ilon. krychAle. Tlio i liter of the llttlo one ll H rjnltopnitlilof lhofiU(enrnre. nnd Iioav H utiiruitUHlnt Air of ilUrrretniHAinl Ie- H' corum. Jhr imijekty iniUt on tho oh! H lluulltll tltlooftfrau.lniother,nnilMerntil Anonlhellttln i.tKiulll Iml.l.lo out tonto H rwiuesi tnher, w hlcli U of tourbo Invatl H nbly urAuttU.1' HHn i ....... Hl One utitd ionic ntiiiithtr nonli T to uitinitim. llo t.Alil"fthut up " .Mitmiiiii H ptititihtil him, nti.l tol.t him ho limit not B lue tliobo vionli itttnln. 'Iho next ilny It HH Ivan rAluy, iiml lulpli rnme lumio fn.ui H school with 1.U un.lmllA ItlK 'lho (AteU H iKtihirctl Lil llttlo nuKun, nntl hovniiitnl H to ukk iiiAintt.ti In Miui uii hU utnbnlht for H him. m.Muuiii.a, Mou't )oti I ilou'l mean H the nuiiuhly uorili, iiuiuu.a, but uou't H ) oil- pull the k'.kk down " Voutfre Com ffafafr Hlio I Iko Tint lvln.l of ( rarkera. ' UuAtlicroiirtlii.fJuly A llttlo mli I Mm tol.l tu t.iVo her nfurnouii imp, iiu.l thllit.huKl.oul.1 lt(t up Alul natch tho bo) put oil thilr nncrnckem. BVBVM l'rctty tajou n hiavy thuiulcr al.ouir H CAtuoon, ami Aunt Mary unt up tiiM-olf Mlw ItacUl irna. Irltl.timil. KWiknlly H kite uai, for 1.e calleU out nt uiuet HHb "Aunt Mary, 1 iton'l mint to lnr uuy H moru Vinttr cnickira," U.ib)luuil. HafAfli H Kt hcl I knoir i hy they .A) lUh Are cooil H Lrnln B rntber Vhy,myileiirv B l.lliel lk-cnuiu theyuro thiniKhes uell A l.lhil They Iiavo a taito for uoltu; In J fexl.ooU, on Knott . riiAruiACLiitlcul l.ra. MBpMl Iifarnnret the i.euit, M Whin Mnruaret, Juet thnu )inn oM, BVaVBH lieHtll nloLiut lncfor tho llrnt time onu iviirm ilny, ho caIIiiI exrlteUly, "llurr' BHAvMpi up, mnuinii, nti.l heur thU Ltcnlho." Niw nrkTtll Hl I'lralea, H Jlccfnt (lcrltiratlona of tho Greek I HHH noKKpntwrs n reKulur plriillcal or H ganlz-ittoM Ktill httrlM InMmouf the H out of tlioMny purtaof tlio Mill HEVfl itcrrnn.'au reociru it cittkln ntnount r HEVaB loiillriiiallon from Ihocoufewlnmiof tun HBaB ""-'ti nrreatul In tlio rirmuaoncliuiKM B i.f piracy nut lone ui;d. Tlio hi'iul PBmWM ijuurti'ra.jf tin) ban.l l khU to bo Aiviill BmIHj "'" to dozen fclilpit nrotnl.l to born- BBaffi l'uge.1 In tho business Tlio scenu nt BV their ojiorntioni, it h further, Is HftHH tlio co.ikt of Ahin Minor titul tlio IkIiiihU HaVaffj l( tlio Archli!ngo, ntul by nicatis or H tnUa pupera tho booty In Inlulc.l in HftVaffi Urieco free of iluty. BH (.'iittio Moallni: is tlio chief pirt of tlio enterprise, but It la eulil tint d-oli hi e nlw) uttackoil, In.lceil tlio prHonira BbtHj iiduilt tlmt ll cry eltort titno njrothey in company Mith othcra, nttnckdl n H. Onik tho const of KphiMiis wlioeo crow liuil Kono ashore for Muter ! hllkd tin) ciiitalu, who linil rctimlunl BMfAV on bonnl, turrit tl ulT tho nirco, cousUt- BBfAVJ i"K tl llrtcen oun, nn.l old tlio liuiuls J on hlgli J Tlio plan of tlio pirates wan to rob oulilJo of Oicilc waters, liml within tlu'tu to lii lis honest intrchanta 'lint HBSJ J-i V. hy thej liitvoUin ublo to priuticu tin Ir trail., in ttcnrlty umlir the lory PBhBJ jivf tljuuutioritlu, Tjio piracy ol- ilextly line Urn on u mull ec ! in. I of t intvt nnroinnnllo iliiun.h n tho pxlsttnroof Jt was nusUfMt .m.l ii thorough lniMllitAllon has bun Kt on foot. Detroit rrco 1'rfw. An llilrltli -tlnair. Afrlrana. Kews lull it rraclmi Lirerp.K.1 of the nrrivnl nt Slerrn Lenun, west Africa, of n remarkable sjK-riineii of the fMrii h trllie, wlib lithe jwopln of tint colony Iiavo eet'ti for tho flmt time Tliemtrleli, which li ten feet lilitli, lino cntne fnnn central Afrlcn, ntvl walkeil n illatoni'e of ; nt lenit 000 miles to the IMtlih colon;. Tho Mnl waa writ by tho ttri'nt MoIiaiii tneiUii ihlef , Allmniny Hum i.ioti, In Mr. Altreil 1. June, nf Liverpool, who l.ns lho coaling (Wtnl.llihni. nt nt flerrn Leone, ll cntneibmn with n cnm.nti of the Allniamy's Itmilmen nn.l trail, ni. whiiArrlieil in the IlritMi eettli'ineiit with tlielr iirodnce. Ivory, s-nM, etc It la n moat lmuaiinl clrciiinstittti' for nn fMtiirli to be fimn.l In centrnl Afrlcn. nn.l win n it r."ii'lie.l riii'rmlju.tio the whole pop turned nut to sen it The traffic of tho strut win l.)i'.l, nnd the (foeernor had to erntl n swH il ciitnpnnjr of nattre police to incurt It to tho Sierra Leon 1'o.illnif iuinnny'a lireinlsef. Aa the Allmntu) riniundoii Is n great ilnhnuuneilnn. It ii thiiitjrlit Unit tlie bird mny be leitardcd in sotnii le llglonscontiPftlon. KnanriiiK Hi" ureal roicrenro tho All tnami han f r (jueen Vlitorla nn.l the l.nirllsli Jii'l'le. it Is tho Intention of Mr. Ji.liee to offer the bird to In r innj (ty aa n proaenJroin the grent Mnltoin inclnn chief. SSo ostllch, it i ml. I, will m sent oWr by iho next African teniner to Live)ol. Lundou Htund- I urd. A Aretrh Tel. nil's (irltTanrri. ' Mr. Hope .Johnstone, of Annnlnlnle, , who own i rni" of tlio hrgcet i-etut In I the Minth of Bcotl ind, lini rnlwd nn nc ) tloti In tho Dumfriea i-lierlfTs court j AKAinst one of Ida bill tenanta which ft excltltiK rreat lntcnt In tin. north. Mr. I Hope Johnstone suae tho tenant for a- I Hunt of the hat half rear'arcut Btuuutit- ins to em. Tho tenant plead tint ho is entitled torrtilnlhesuindiiobecauso thu Intnl. lonl has Iohtrd theAKrtciiient concern Itiu tho l.iinilint i.f heather, Mills the ject of prorldlne; additional cmtr for jniine, the result lsiarln that thu It n mil's sheep liAtt no yonni; heather to cat. Ilo ulso pleads that ho lias mffonvl I iieitro losses in consciincncn i.f tho I hndlord'a leei.r luTlnir l lllnl down I w ensles, haw ks, owls nnd rimilli r birds, nwlnff to which there lias bti n a plaguo of roles, which haro ratrn up tho - tttrin. Tho case is regarded thri.tiplnmt Hcotl.ind ns n teat a. lion, nnd if tho t. if lint is tho winner, Ihen lutidlords who jierinc.iever.itliltiK to lho prew rvnllon of KAinn nn likely to lial o a lutd tluu if It, Loudon Tmlli, A .!.! Ksir, Tho Inlroductloii of n now saw for Intnlxr is to bo noted nit upright impli ntrnt, thin liken batitlsnw mid hailtiit dln'ct steam nttsrhtnent, nt cacIi cud of itnstenm c) Under, en. 1. of Mlikli lnl but ii tlugte rloum I.rt. 11m lipiHT piilou draws thu saw nnd tho lower piston up nnd tho lower j.latnn draws the saw and thouppi r piston down, eneli piston drawing the saw, but mlllitr of tin in puililin; it, this cattsliii: tho wtw nt nil tlmm to 1 rljrl.l, so that u tiry thin law can lxi emplo oil. lktloir theloiurcjllndcr nron licivy pair of balanco wheels, theso Khliu u Heady ns well us titilforin motion tu tho saw, nnd to theso bulauco whctls nru conticrtiHl n pair of rods, tlio ujipcr i nds of whltdi connect with n knuckle joint nt tlio lower end uf lho saw, thus thtow U'g tl.o Ion er i nd uf thu Haw out ns It H KoIiir tip nnd uiMliut tho Io- ns it is coming down. Tho lo,r cnrrlijtola oi eratnl by the sauio ensino that runs tho raw. New Vorlt Sim, 1 1.. I rid III Itrilli.l fioui ll-ltli. A curious nccl.lent has hapiH'iied nt Konljniberir ton workman riuplojetl nt tho town clt-itriciil lyorks. Ho n oc (upledln failiiinj;aoinoi.ttlocondiict Inii MirM, when Ids head must luuo come in contact M Ith soino of tho up.r Ml roe. Ho leceluil such it shock that ho frit scnseleM iiiuoiik tho net i.f con ductors, nnd instlucllicly held nn Mltli his hands. They remained h itulni; an fust that later on they liml to bu torn Inowi, Ills coniininlonbcllcedtliat ho was nlrcndy dead when they leleiued Mill, but n doctor who was mlliM succeeded ill bringing him buck to life, Tho llesh nf Iho Hum's left hand was entirely linritiil o(T, und ho bud ixi.olud liijiil'Ii-a i.n Ids fate, 1 ut it is Ullevid that they will not Id fatal -London Xcws. Ilaule.l Out lho I'lili lr llorseponer, AKinllcinan who reside in Ik.lirnr rt'iwrts' that n InrRo sanllili win cup Hired n few da) a uk ikht llolluvvr which lueusurwl 18 fwt in lcnutli, 3 feet tllnclioiileiirtliotsnw,Gritt Mide nnd J thkk from dorsal to lentral tin. ltKutlusldo tho bar that runs parallel with tlio peulintilii, nnd nut Mug ttl.lo tuctctutit wnamuglit, nml after being iiuido fast with It llAMscT it tooktno and four nun to pull thu lUli iislioro, Clali ostoti News. Treasury diiurtimnt stallsllca for tho jeareiidul with Julio 30, lbilj, shnwdl thatuur country oxi.rti il iiiarly thrco time itH inui h win nt iu it did during tlio preilous jwir in round numbers loO.IXW.WO bushels in pint o ut oO.UUO.OOO. A child born nt Wauconilt, In., on tho lDtlt of fc'cpietubcr has n smooth, round liolo lu ita liuck nenr where tho Hints uf lho ehoulder blades conn, together, through which tho action uf thu lungs can bo thinly observed. ( niton lllovei, Now that lenllu r forms so Imimrtnut an eluiiuitof decoratiiework the Moman wilt, In her day nnd i,. u. ration sate up her oldglou's of all lluhl lint , e ium. she knows that l.v tipping thu wila nndutlihlliK theltl till tngniollneshecnn linko the diilnt leal card cum s, Imok tin it' photogrflpU frn-ntj und tol. in o iui lies I ll.ull.t It 111) lie. .Is n few stitches 1, the clever lieedleM omati, ll few strokes of the bruih by thu ikllliil nrtlst. to tinn. form tlie eui'nlt gloio into n thing of be uuty. If not n luv fore. er Ami litre mtiihl 1m some otio ftK.llhli enouuii to into nit tl.omorefortb. t ift pin. lit becAllso It WAS made ul the 111 l. 1 v.tu hml worn soimtch seutlnii ill has eve. I i n Attached to ll woiiuiu'euluv. It was for ll woman' i eilove tint tin. loier 111 t to rUki.l'.lilifnlntliullnusiiue and it bus hem uMuinati's i.loie tluu tinny u kiilitht ha- ' uii.l up u hit sp ir for tidininii inlhu lUUol huuorundtlur),' vtffi DR. GUM'S M SYRUP &&fip$niFon COUGHS, HROjfl' COLDS C&? AND cnoup. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. In rtklM t..t.l1r -f Bli ohtldrM, mr tnlf r-m tAfttt Catch CjI1i-1 Croup wm ! T OHIM u ' " TteUtl totVI Z. C. M. 1. J)huo Uf.jt., Auira. w Star Horse Nails, El'ollshrd or lllueil, Itsve beta told hy 7. t' If. I. rer eterll tesrt. They sit the UCST NAILS MADC, sn.l aasrsnlesd tl lit lbs not er istittselien. Will j4 toldasaoseoloestrlbsnscyotttr. i DiIIohhIsehailco,, 1 Oliiontro, 111. nv lottsis by Z.O.U.L ut 7 brsBcailorsi. GUNPOWDER. el s In eee tsnol tin er I M lur. Jnd Mm uA0uis!i)siAtnoiiAWlAt mn, IIAX t ttll' "Ktslarky Ullt " 11 A Z It tl' "llip etcetlat. IIAr.ami'eflia sBaootlns', IlsT.ssenw -liiDisf i4 lil.iUtr IIAZAIIIi'N brsadi, lha moil rsllstils A Ihs eiailtl -Mixcricicssb ar- TUB limRD POWDER C0UPAR7, lltitrdvllle, Conn. "i,,,::V7'u Paine & Lyno.l'tili, EOMAHTva K ISSWl P OMAHA. Uii). COHWAT CABINET CO'S OKLKDBUID- Hardwood mahtelS urn hcst i.v nit iror.t.D. V7ATS0H BROS., KSftSSfirSK! AMirolly Itsll, sill Ls City, fcULll AUI..H lit lllll DrAU. Dogs? Dogs! Dogs! rniinRncnniiBPH. ironnvii, tot and L Wsleh lor. slwtjs on Land. ln.ortJ tusa ft otfir tollowlor bsrvslns la i applest Llewellyn Setters, I 8.D0 and S 6.09 Irish " 15.00 tnd 10.00 Orsyhoundi, 7.00 and B.OO Staghounds. 7.S0 and COO Wt ottlr rArry stea d doeol sik stir riser priest. Lvery eof wsrisstsd u rrtrctesltd. GCISLCR'3 BIRD STORE, OHAIIA. Mill. DEST OAK TANNED Leather Belting. a. o. cook o soy, 41S Market hU, HIM J IUNCJiCU, Cal. jt jr. o. u. t. OOBUltN'S PURE OLIVE OIL. first rimibip ouamntced. Jrtctiy I'urt. COUUItX, TKVIB Jfc CO., Agents, Sin Frinoltoo. jetunrftj in 8S9. sceretrared JtprO, 1939 TUBUS CORDAGE MXY, UlMLfiCIlKEM OP ALL IISBt Or MANILA AND SISAL ROPE. MOihTwiii, tit I at 013 Front HI., 11)1114.1X11 I AUl.II, MhaLbUiik. CAN FRANCISCO. J. GtMtgn, fitlldtnl JttnL R READY EFEpCEg, Tlio Roiiond 12lltJors, Enlarged and Imnrsvetf, of thla mofl axoellent work, hat hlely biaa publllhtd and ll now For Sala at the OESERET NEWS OFFICE. tl U Almoit lutliipiniAtle In Kt try Home and Foreign Missionary, And la a dmlrasle acquisition alto to erery Mtodeal of Tlieoloujr and other rianton who tbIuos the means of adrcw osUng and defendlne tterl .tnrslly and illsuirloslly lh Vrlnolples nfthe Otwnet. The wishes nt the compiler, that the work he published wlttnuil profit ao as M Unlthlntheroiion of ererj- peraoa de tlilnj It, have been atudle.1 in thts as well as the first edition, and therefore no discount eicept for cut of putUirs Is al lowed to drillers. 'Hie Imolc Is hound In four tt.Tlea an 1 aent oslpald to nor address at the follow lujr DDIPDQi 45 contn, GBconti, 1 lUlmOi uu oenta. (uiU Oi.ia IAMt". STATE" BANK OF UTAH, tVri.e-e W.I" "' il TmpU , llrtrtt, M I 'V 0M,llnt, - 8000,000 I Nnrpl..., - flllO.OOCI ' ll'iiaa J nesat, rresideai. I'm ii. i ntideat llsaauU. Mi cit iahitr, DintoTons: Jonni I sunn. Assni.x II . so. i m ., nratiii, laesa t iiii.iA ll II. II ill srasccAi i ssns, mini I llltil'. I'iiiluT tsuiinostii, Llia!.al . SI. H tit n lunar A ..iu. lwCemmnrll a.tlie lseU trnnrl.t Accmih iJttftlfd, tar, niito.i. iroonttrr, nxoaoaM rAasot. Tr,ll.. Clntbe. Csth ..! t.MWM Ctrf. .rlr. .. J0 ZION'S SAlGS BANK TRUST COMPANY, Not. t And 3 Erut Tempi Btratt. BAIT LAKKCirr, UTAH, CtTAHLiancnlATS. Iwconroiuxxo 1633. mrvEOTOnii. Wltrftiu Wnr.mi rr,tritltnt Jotinr r, Pwint, Oiokuk 1 KTMratii, AKQIfH M. CANhOir, lutnn J. lRitr Jiiiii Jack, t xsw know, T. U. UtmiKH, ria M Lxuin, II. II. CLAnbox, Ahton 11, ICB1-, ItiiMAMhU mnor, OMfii ititfini nnuk In VUh. nl.h dpu3li rta.ltr Cbnn all llr com bUrd. Artkttrt DiroiiT Iioxii foe Eurr. fAtlon I'fpa.til ta any un.fron It 00 p, rttclf ed id lttmi l owfd taprcfnL rr ftnnqra, rompoDt.404 fear tine jetr. Cor reoade&ci olioitcd.tad toy iam forwtrdtd lj ef entry dtpoiitori cuifaUf tiadit1 UK UTAH COMMHCAL AMU Savings Bank, HALT LAKE C1TT. Cnnltnl, - - $200,000 t Surplyo, - - S40.000 CENER4L BANKING DOSINESS. flio Per Cant.lnlerett Paid on SivlnQi Deposits, Compounded Four Times a Yoir. Kicnix sivi.Mi Knurs ron sale ut rat bask on ajtt or ITS JUCXT3. simsotronai. faiacis Aastsiaoaa, r. ttr. IIidisi, tin. Jos. H. Ilioasass, X. T, xtuaaicc, ' lioLirsa itoasart, Taos, ir, Jaa oi, Uicia U. liAMir, muusL tloliiiiaa. II. U. ODumsoa Deseret National Bank SALT UKE CITY. UTAH. Pntal.uB. ccpitai, -i osoo,oea co Surplus ... aioo,o.ov ttlRBOrORBl U , IIILLI J'tul.ftsf ttoatt Tiieicaaa, list FruUxS W, IV.Itnta, J. IU lumit, J. T. Lints, J. U. UlTLSB, Jiura siuur, llasar litxwooocY D. IL tiasr, r. tr, Jastiiaos. ua..Baa ItuHMar. J. n Miai.ia, C. lu ElliAsuoa. It a. Tooao, Cusrie. iltcsl.cs Deposits Payable on hniz ivy $ and SttU Kieknngt 9 Xr JV, Mm JVaikiico, CMeagf, &L hoMit, Otmaha, LecA 4U IX ftiuctptl CVnfitwna! tUU4, EjE" Biffl Depoiit Vfta'u, abialsiIy bu B. H. SGHETTLEfl. WUO POKI A. OENERALvBANKINOvBDSmESS ' AT Na.00 MAIN UTUKKT.CT1 ( Vy) otili l, Co op ), astl PAYB INTCREST ON DEPOSITB, niaiua isea .ococirra, HtADQUAKFEKS FOR LOW PRICES! MALMIII KM UVAIII1.TV. A 1 COD AtlUlM !. lbs WtU.l frlMt. fife Use, ''"'('p "W"! ' fcjt-ll-. liar! Hl, O. It. Tatlov, O. E. Rouiir, TAYLOR, R0MHEY.: ARMSTROKG CO., Sssli, Doors, HonlillDgs, Etc risnli. Mill .,,,1 Yard, tine llleek Keel of I', l, llrpnl. 1.11 Lake Cllr, Vlah. Itl.Ktm, slllTll. ItuilOMNEt iilliii Jl' At.usiajisisr .Rl" Acciitit .cciitircectecei lu.ttiA iitoti.ksuiirisuiiilsBiirael WWf1jBaaaaas1aHB 5taijdard Q;ur;l? Uorls. Bai At Slermou. Aa aemasl of IM Aoelat lohsblUats of tht Amenrsa CtoeU bent, wrllbia b Iks hsad ot Mnrn m spaa rlstts tsssa treia et). plsUt ot Ntt-til, toueA ar Usacbuler, Ocl.rli Co., Kt , aa4 '".'Hi of las TroiAtl Jowpti BmltU. It, rfji, nut raiima, uw. mil lem, iltii roll rocs (uisll, U, Tall LAslbcr, lold, II M ru.1 cioeh, amtniMj It OT, Seohomeriaen. (Larp, rnnt) Uanaiea, Eitra Olll, (I TJi ychr,OUI,lla), Uiliu-, IJ tl-Hl. ll.TI. UiKlrlue mid rotniants of tu Caoreh el lit Outt ot Lsli.rUj ftslaUi toautalna' l llTslsnaiu ctrra to lovpt, Umllh, Jt, las Pmphet, tor las bnlMuitf up ol the Ktaflom ot Omt In lbs tut dirt, nut, !., rail IWKt, UOJt Full IIomIUJi rtllHk (tmnllMI "I Tull Iatasr, laliml, ta, loiiaolL, ....'M Deelrlne mil Cotennnts. (Lnj. rualV. Ueioeco, rsu elili, ujjj lseatr, uuv U.Wi Iatlwr, fl docs, ll n. I'eerl of l.reat lVIc, a. tbotct nltlos Inrn ct,t,U.f.ltliHU, TrsnitatlniM, sad Wee. raUnai ot JoMph emlth, fine I'mpttti, Her and Rttttiur ol Ui. Court!, ( ;u. rartrt of UUor-ls Bilnii. u.rooto, ant, 11,13) I.iw, nut, iLom ia, ;st,i a.A sis. brt.t, Ma. He le lho ettenie cil Tl.toloftj, I sn.4 si sn tnerojsrtlon Ii tk. 1 trl lttnr. Im ot Splnlul llllmp!,;, IMUloo, l. sal, at Ivlntrrd Ir Its An. ItnW, snj as U,torl U Ibli as .r la. fiosl TttoDrBKil tt Bmlvtrttl lfs. Uuth aS snowi go. cj rvt. r, rrtn. rnii no.- roiK..i, TIM Tail CJqIIi, rnabt.t. tM. olee tr M'arnlna;, An InlrmlncU.n In Iks rank loJ Uottrtat ol Ihs Ijiurcll ot Joaat rhthi of Uutrdtj Sitiu ur rsittf t, ITalt. rallUosn,mityHM,l,S0a rull Clulk, tlatioKi1, 3& Lla.pddtti.SSa, tpenrer'aLtllera. KlhlUUaa etia laotl pronv lowit dorUliit. of Mut Church ef iinuj CIuul of Itl.t-Jar Sunt., oj Onoa p.a, A. II , to enlch It tto Mltd hit I.tit.r oa l'.trl. reblsl OtJr, la rJf In ihs Hwr. VritlUm rrowtl, A. It , Hah. rati vnmod, rutl ClolA, a.tKW.d, lit, I.Utr,ll M Olll, 110.1. Ifrnin.lloiilt. Twtautth Fdltn. rlAtB,s.i) rull 7l.n, TS raUUslbtr, ItOOi Leather, tstra firlib. It Vt LtCr, Uue, It to. Calretilkiu for lliltilren. liiLtuag Ihs rutatni.t diictrloei of Ihs Church ef Jmui Ctat.1 ef Lu.fdtr atlots. Cf 'oka is.U.i. U.IU..I, lk.. Cloth, M, Uosidt, 3, l'.r Oortr, lsa, I ruinpenillnm of ths docittntt et u.t U-il, Ir rnuiklln 11. Iltrhtrdt tnl JM.S Unit. LMlhor, Ullt, imii IiiUr, It Ki ImttaUan I.lbr, 11.35) (lolh, 11 CO. leaetjr llefereoees. "erlilurs l.ttt srtsntal In subJteUvt orJ.r, with Ul.torlttl nolM, ilo. Ua,, alt. aaJ 11 to, aeairdtug to tl4cog Tiseella9eou5 UorHs. Dnan 1rnU' TVrU-itriot irophlft oa th dcxtrloM ol tiMtfoapvt, ttbook o( 111 llAii4lllooh of ItefrrfiiM t Um fcitin QhroiuilnffTi rolltftiwi iml ro'inlry ot Urn La.ttM ir Malntav for PaUoti Mid Urtuuirt. S0& fjMl irptllnc; Ilfrord 1 qutr ItJOi i julr, 1 1.7 3 qtl'lTM, 12 IS. ftaliiUnndMiitir. !y thtt. ItobluMa, 71 Tbe l'U of lb Cre IlrputiUc. bf tM lli.rjiivkliitOoTinitt, ivu Clnriynlom of Jotpli Mautllnff. 11 John MebnUnn, 3M. Ilii. nn l'rlralliootl. tf TrcMdvii. Joka lRjIOf, ItV. Th Hook or JnUr Qa1. UUt, IUC, X.ihr01It,ti1?3. TcmtlcM. lipiiTt and hutoritftl AkttfbM tA mitUtX m4 modwa met Mi&ev. With rpfodlf, Klflrvgwincoomtl of tli Ujlrrf ol U ri"tMH of Ui Sill Lftl. City Ttmp!, Dtrllvn'nrjr of io Hook ofMariaiowi n.iMi.ri.out.ina. IIItory of Hi Hoi-inon, fa, Rlllounlal Liek volawM 12.30 euh. Journal vt llUcmif kk rolumoi II U Itia ni rtym, on mvoujiI of th ewityrtn ef Joh b and llyrtui Simtb. wllh ato rt.KrTlti4ia si i..M oqblti ntetn. ty L, 0. 1414 tWl J, Mo, Goiprl TlillfMopbj, bo,nir lb tMunUai of tnflUllty and Uia barmony of tlio goJ with rlne and bltoryt TtV. Tito Ilnnil of I'roiltlftttf?. ualiovD tnC& hltttuy of riBtlont ail I-v.ItUoUi, tta th Bri afafxU'y tit tiia rtxtorailoa of tb nvil, an t.iiiatr4Utd work of 313 f"." Try loUr P'lllf, flsV. 'lorimti" tiortrlnri r1Jn"idUti)pU. HaiMtlrrtl Of tb prtncjpfl Of Ut BOatpol, tS Iwelra toeTwty rltta chatr, 1U unvfnlU tng crtpturoi rfuraari, by CbarlM W 1 1VH, ifl. Ulaloffuoa and Ilvrtlnllona, o. , mnlAlna iImmu miluU for i ubtlu and prtnU i.t(TttnRiiit4l Ko. fhjr o 1'rr.rllro IMurM Tlarrla.-. T a 'itonaon l to ntvl moltar Htlto Uu Wbllnty, Cloth cor. 33o, nlawmi (oIiAbtlntlou, roniMolnjt lh r PiifknUtrulltujof Jt.Jrfa 8. u. In UUb tftrHnrj on Uili lmpriauil qiwitlun. Wo. Hie TvniisjawiPti .MaaMutrramnd iu cahmm. a Itctura by John Nlchfitwn, c. Ilia .MoiintnltiMritdowa naaanrra nd 5niilriifnl ki full account of U. travirmly, ind 4aco thj Uaiuo bara It rttr(y Uluiif, by a V. ltiroa, 33o, lllood AUu?ntfnl, by a W. rtnroiv. et- llft.ln lb lm-uiQ u andmtood by lltaiMl ealuU,Ww ltadlnnnntl Iter Ho lion, MoudeJlUria, a bortk nf 1M vm, ounuinliitx a gr vati4y cf rbolco RsMtiitsttj an I titciUKuas coniUfc4 by I'mf, . If, f aid, flor 4u I.!.f) I'Mm, by UvuuA blla Pi,-r U Maiat, UUt SU Otauta, Ilia I Ifa nnd I.altsra of Mtava. It. Rfl 1 hmltli wltH a full account of bar fuawat i aorvtctos pO'tfMild, 13t . Dora ilia IllMa .(nllon latyc7l a dUcuMlon lanUivn Ddor Oraon aVralt and Vr, J !' Navmao, k wtaliii Id avldaMl thrtw dU coanna on oolafttut niarrUf by tUdori Otmo lraU, Oaorga Ju Smltb w4 Oe. U. Cnoon, 10. oah Rmltb-Wna lie a I'roplirt ol (.odl JJy J.U.BJMhl, price, ftpv, c. A Hat lew of th DffJtloa of tb fiRrtma Court of tlm U, 8, In Uiv cut t Oaoia Hayaoldsi, by Ottorg Q. 0nivxa. Me. Hook of Abraham, iu aatbanUdty aataly Itit'txl, by Oca. Uayoold. SJo, ttlio rraritor, by Jolia Klcholawn, Wa. Ilia Simnldluc BaorJt or afaaaaotf, round. I'a.Hrr.aflj noCt,63faumi.M. Angel of Ilia l'ratrlrat or a Dittja t4 CU ratwtv u; p, i' mtt, toe lho .Mormon (ucatlou By John Taylor. 100. I'otmi. Iteltijloaa, UlaWrlral and rollUcU. V XllM K. ficov, oU3, I.har, U 31 J Tot. 9. noib. UAJ; ol.U Uotb, uut, ici cJ. 1, doth, km llnrp of if Ian, room by John Lyoa. Qolb, 1 1 ll 1,16a. i Outb,lU)c. Vtnr of Jubtlao. IXamuraVM dallTrad At, and KvitnraX rrvoM.l.n ot tba nruvlb XaautX Ifipfurniica, JSo. Uraiorailun of lti lerlaatlnff loajl. liy uorrTMilic, le, liitrinirinfo, to. A ! Trom Ilia Tloiinfalna, I0r. Tim ltrsirrccllou, Uy Vraaldaot HrlcLaai Yountt, 20c Cul.lo lo hull Ixka Cttj tuia iU Km lrau4 x-a I I Dr. SYDNEY FUNGER, Profctior tt Modlelno at UnUcrsilyCallorfiLndoriTI Authcr cf tho Standard ''Handbook of Thcrapculicc," u;Uath write i Inlo i Vtna lit" nroful BiHtl" Mi f A.rnnm nml o('in I nm uithUo'l that VAPJ HOUTEW'S COCOA 'ti rrJiV!':!?.;,;,.'" ?",';. ';:;,!. l1.:.?: 'Clirwa'r'Vr lain e.lieriii mint' I from tratlo rlralsMi , k. n Th;niutl mto.i.iiii lnalniiillng ant. nn..l "II f ai 1 1. I vl ll;.i rri il 1. 1,1 ' iftle nt" r. . ' n. ell N i " iv islkns rffrrhiaiitirlrnlHl nnd ll r ttn attlutrUvrtl'llH, am .' i i'... n r ii ill ). K.c.r. itnr,rur,in,li: frfi- . nlnf i ;;Suc aiol 111 cvow i au,cr.caiK;.Sjorc ; f (I Ijc oiit6-ire, m& uitclcf?tpo a5ct 4 Hivcb all outfor. jjotiDire ooue., J ron HAiiB nr Z. C. M. I., - Solo Agents In Salt Lako City. FASHIONABLE and HEALTHFUL rnoT TUB OCNUINB rSl"V t Jackson j Corset Waist wL supr.iiJ ronn. pnunxr pit. ) AriftclCerttt snJM'.Ut e n n,d, r.ntout ft il iyt, cri cful tymmttrr, tsj httltkfut quailllts, H3 I'MMtJt.t.ij.lSSo. &lflrtiumfofMk ll'alil. RB taku no oTHtj JACKS0N CORSET CO., Jackson, Mich. I IF YOUR DCAIXK 1IA3N T IT, WKITU TO UU. j tfe RU'PTlJPF 1 ?!$' H PERMANENTLY CURED OR HO PAY. 1 t'.rfwiaMjEW '& il'ttnllonfrnm l.o.lnt... . rtf.r yu t.. VWVH'cf , 00l,"ll'll' tta . VwJisSl is. Ac l'"al ltankt In llonirrr, atto lc('tirnlck A Co. H VVWi' J "aaaira, HaHIjtkr. W aV liHrfJf" CXAMIftATION mtC. Sw THE - E M,LLER C0MPflNY. I illCt&?yWi lir,n,"??.V "' s55 V""iitnti. mock, Lsia DStSSStaKff&MJiAJpVil cl,r' ilrlloors,9toHa in . I ... i p. m. K!3mSkNiSMsi 'tJa'ator. W.ND .Oil flllCUUtt "CORTICELLI." 1 ROPE SILK, o m Wash, Embroidery Silk, fcj I h rteie art flK t"yjc!i, la tlss tad In rtd, H . l Utile tor the suootitit, itrontot ot thlltil ri t-i Tbc ttrtail, that cv'ry one IllJt ?J O V.J nortby the MllU J 0"Ccrt!wlll"lm!lt. M D C. H. SAMPSON, Aeon CJ