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I -ur-r.T. - nrarnrrr -VlbeS'IlTO Kr.Wfl! ritlDAT, .TXXVATir TO, ISO!,. I MST1IT1I H ft O'CLOCK. I Bret eyenihg hews. H Tililm, January II l-"j H FIUQMLMS. . trm Third district court will bo In B kosslon tomorrow. It Is motion ilay. NoTlino of publlo Importance as 1 dona Initio l'robato court mis morning Till. annual election ol the. lVloraie.i B Trtcnl bailor Council of tluli will M be holiltlilsoecnlng TUB county clerk lias Itsiieilarnarriaee M llcensolo llanat. Hanson n 1 Hopula M Olson, both of Halt Lake. H Tub juvenile choir will resuiiio fe ll I oarsat. tomorrow ot turn oVI icle at mo 1 Aaicmbly Hall. A lull aucnlauco I H requested. 1- S cphena Juikib iloonim wlU "loll"r mi 1 Ires lforo the sin lout of the i Unlrer. eltyr,f Utah tonight, Isirlnirfor his sul leciallTeranl tlionnncl;i",uoillins ur B tho day. Admission frov. Icturo B begins at 7 30. Tut. aipeat In tho nt M. llllh arner,a.linInlstrator (no ilec-ensiil),. th U. S Mutual eclilelil Aaaoclntlon, n dispute n lo a llfo Insurnnco Mllcy, la M being argued In tho rcrrllotlai Su rrmo H Lourtllilsofloinoon. H Till Nbw and tho community gen- erally will Join In Blncore ayrupath with H lliollier ami Mister Arthur Winter of this H olty IntbolOMof tholr Infaut son, notice H or whoso ilonth last ovonlng ipnuara In B another column Tho llitlo follow hna H been a great suiiorcr for anveral woeka H I.Al'HA, tho daughter of Mr. an 1 Mr, H Win llrown, wbnaoileiili eerurrod tlila B mornlnir.wastlio chll I aobrnuily aswult- odlo.ainanayenrgolyaaoiiil demented rapist. Sbo rell a vlcllm to dl hthorta, H nnd wa to bo bulled this ariernoon. H Tho parent arn widely known and hao H tho a) mpatliy of n largo clrclo i f friends, H Jtfcr alter midnight a llro wnedlseov- H eredinttiokllelienufa rour.rooin rramo H dwelling on Mnrrla aeenuo on llurl H WmI between Hrst an 1 Nocond loilth H alreola riio plan, mm cx.iv.Me.! by H Nelaon Mcl-oan. tinlytho kitchen wis H burned All the nirnituro via gotten H ut and tho lom will only In nominal. H Tboorlgln of tho lira la unknon n. H Till llreallo I nlon club nt tho H Tnentyxeond want will th tholr flrat H i-oml-anuual ball In tho Tu enlyaccoli I H War) iiieellnuT Iioiko Ihla oTciilntr. H lleeaely'a full qua.lrlllo Ijan I will fur- K idah tho mualo an l dancing will coin H inoncoat t) 0'clot.k. I ollonlnir li tho H tnlerlalnmrntixuimlttoo MhaJoaenh' lneMolnmon. Mlas Hoi Ida HolmiM, Mr. H (I It. Ilrow, Mr. U J. oo.l, Chaa. 1'. H bolotnoti. "RING OUT THE OLD," ETC. M The Supreme Court Passes Upoa the Bl County Court Difficulty. M TIM: 1TUIT IS DLMLIt. H Legal Argnineuti Till) Morning H JiiJke, 1'oMcri title n UraJIns Iroiu Mihitcr'a lllcllonirjr. ' TM wai tho day ipoclally let apart for tho bearing on the writ of man. H damui, liaued at Iholnatanroof l'ro. j bats Judge Ilartcli ct al.ogalnat Comity H Olark llcloy, calling Uon tho tic H fondant to ihow cauau wliy ho rcfuiea H to Jecognlio tbo ol 1 neleclmeii ol tbo H nuuDt) court Minn, llatlih, llntvcy H JIaidy and John lluttor. H Tbo plalntllle wero reroaonted by Hl Attormyi llrown i. llondoraon (with HR! whom waa Attorney Frank JloiTiiinn), M l'owera V llllaa and lijofbourow and B Katin up eared on tbo other aide. 1 That conaldirablu 1 ubllo Inttreit la K roanlfeated In tho matter waa orljont B from tho unuiually largo nunibtr ol i apootatoraoccupjlug aotta In that por- tlon of tbo court room roitrvcJ. for H apeclatora. K jt, After Homo gemml butlnva ha I boon B dlapoted of (iiionllonod elaowhere In 1 thrau columna), Attorney llrown read 5 tbu complaint upon which tbo ( n tent fj) irocccdliita wero biaud, and thu ij eubttuiico of which liaealrialy boon Bf publlaliej lu UiOiNKB,alaj tho molloii v toquaah tho writ o maiidamua, anl ' tbo anawor thereto. C'aunaul com ' inuntcd iian tbtfe, and thou wont on B to ttata to tho Court tbu legnl aiiaxts or r the ipiratlon at )uu lie atitra Umt ; In lb70, under tbo old atatute, Ilio H county court waa ao organized that n 7 tvlectuian moi eleclid oncu In thriw H yearn. 111 18SS thin wua to a curtain B uxtent changed by txpreaHl euail- B umnt. An act waa then puaod ro. BB vldlngfornunlformeyatemof (ouuty BB courta, JloLlaliuuJ, hawoveri that the B meaning of the 18J1 etatuto which BB he quoltd won alinj ly to chiinge Bfl iloctioni from Auguit lu Kuvomber, BJB and that the leglalaturo naver, In uivy BJB Ijiatuieri deal(inod tu aborteu tho term BB when n n oftlcir had leeii eltoted BIB for a longer period than that which BB waa about to expire; It uovir driamud BB of chanxlui; tlte policy upon whUli BB the count) court had boon organized BB and founded. That waa u policy BB wblcb ran through tbo dIUerent atatoi BB alternation of cilice or tho naton BB that eomebody mUht hvu;e be lu BB otllcowlio knew thu dutleti thoriof. BBS Ho far aa there Ulng any kind of re BB orgaulxlng the counly court, he lualaltd B thero waa not u w ord eald. Pile objeot BB oftliuttatuteof Iblll waamtrely to tlx BB the general tliuo of ilectlou In tbo fall BB luateador Auguat. It never o curled BB to tho liglilature aud by none of Ita BB acta bad It ever shown that a re- BB uiodollm; waa Intended. Thatwnattie BIB aole point In tbla Ucatlou. Wlifle BB tbo laglalatlvo ofllcera might bo BB cliangeil, etill, whin a man BB had been elected for a ttrm of clllco BB thu leglilaturu would not lonttrue tho BB net to dlnilultli lila term II auicvptlble BB tunny other onxlblo construction lo BB do audi n thing would bo like cutting BB lilm ell from n rlriht a vented right tu B aomo extout which lie lawfully eu BB Joyed, Mr. llrown read, among other B I aungea, from "Mcucham on ubllo B unicee" (aecllon SbU), ulo from an BB opinion by Judgo Hutbcrland In tbo BB tame line, and likewise cited n cugu BB from thu 1'acldoKeporUr lorrcll t. BB ringren which Involved thorUbtof IB Ibetreaiurer of Webtr county, (JkiIbii BIB lie uoutinUii that two eelectiuun IB elected luauy counly In 1801 were nut B allectud that their term was to run B fur thettoyca,nud that, aameiaticra BH.Bn l of the County Courl, they with the I'robato Judge would havo the right to tho relief rayed for -to hav the clerk attend the meetlnga of tbo board and pro luce the mlnutee. J u J l, ii l.oolbourow folio wid with n vi ry brief argumeiit on the aide of thu old board, devoting Ida remark to dlacuMlnirthe Interpretation of Ibotcl of 1SU2. 'I his being it county oMce.aud created by tne legli otlve power of the territory, the legislature ha 1 complete control over that olllceaud Itacnnli dates, rim whole argument of .Mr. llrown was predicated uun the con atriiollon uf tho etaliil of 193.', nnd whether or not tho legislature haJ, III I act, nhrlJgnl the linos of the two complalnaiilr, ,Mers. Morris and Dam. Judgo Towers nit plimenlo I Iheob servatlont nf hlaataochle, Judo l,3of bourow and divjted some little lime to a i kiialytitlou of tbo word "exten I" as applying totlmo In this rase. Hie lodge hndarmel liliAsrll Willi a very (at xoluine of Webster' dletlonnry, an I from thll read ti the Clint the author's varlmis dellultloi.a of that mo nosyllable He said this waa Clio of considerable ubllo Importance and one which should bo declduJ upon Its merlls. The Court took the mttlcr under nd vlsement. Till IIIKJIT. Thodlolscait. the anxiously rivalled opinion In the case nf Jude llnrtch and He ict. men Hardy and Duller v County Olork Meloj argued by counsel this morning was made known verbally uponlhuthrroJuJgesor the Territor ial Huprt me court taking their aiala oil the bench this nlUrnoon. Judge lllackburn wo tbu mouth plireof the court. Ills H mftr simply nnnounced that the iclllion fur a errnanent writ would be denied, nnd that n wrlttm oplrlon wuulJ be handej down liter un. Hie JuJgcs were iminlmoua In tho dicliluu. nil la n victory for thu newly eloctcd membeia of tho County court, Measrs llamberger oud Morris. AMUSHIhMS. ICatii. 1'utnam and her company appiarat the rhtater tonight In An Unclaimed Package. Denial Harry Hmery, her husband, was mound town today exchanging greitlng with hi host of old time frlen la. Tim matinee tomorrow ha been wisely called oil". Oir la Mvii l'r.tiulsco. Hecretary Hears of the Chumtxvr of Commerce will Iravo for Htn Fran, claco tomorrow, whllhcr hu goes In res onto to n telegram urging film to accept a well paying position with a firm with which he wss connected for sixteen months during hi rtoldeocoln that city. Air. Hear said today that ho did nut know whether bu ntulJ ncreitthe proposition made lilmnnl that ho would not decide uutll hu had riached thiro and held a consultation with tha ) nrtlcH who telegrabed for him nnd at whose ixpcuse ha makes tho trip. a lAMisunr. An luslna Slracl. hy a Mil jt Hock anil Iuiodid OIT Ilio IrccV.. SpttM Wipjick u n Jim Hhooiiuii, Cob, via (Ilcnwood Hprlngs, Colo, Jan. 1-' A f arful land slide occurred here nt noon today, A hugu rock alruo'c the eogluo of freight train, sending It oir the track down an embankment, csmp'etely burying Knjlneer Djw ml Hitman Allison. They wero retcued from their perilous posltl in III six lioura after the accident, lbtli wero unconscious and cannot survive miny hours. The eislboiind train I dolayed In definitely. A doxmi men are working like beaver clearing uwaytlio debris. SUtlS I1LKII TUDAV. notlirr Against Ilio Mrxamlcrs !?1 j.COJ llaluinl from Mine tlmitrs fur l'crmiial Iiijurks. In the Third District Court this mcriilcgon altachment was tiled lu thu cae of Mureliall, Field t Co vs. I). Aluxandir . Co. on a claim of 118 01 for goods sold mil delivered between October 1st and 10th, ISO.'. Charlca 11, Pish brought suit tolay against the Iletrlbutlon Mlnlug nnd Iteiluctlon Company of Tlullo to re cover 115,00) fur Inlurles alleged to have Leen sustained through thu negll Kenceof thu defendants wlillu work tup; Inn shaft which was being sunk nt their mliiu lu Nuveiuber, 1SJJ. I'jx. ers, lilies, an I Htraup uru tlie ilaln tlll'a attorueyr. Chatles Caldwell, )r , lias today planted an action aRalust Win. David aonnud Janie I'oules to recover $"0U (nnd Interuit) on u prnmlasory note. Itlohard', Moyle A. Itlehards are biliitilfaattorues. Attorney Frank IIoiTnan began a suit today ii;iilnt Win, I., l'lckanl to recover H,1M tot professional services rendered. UiOriKiUIMiW WIMi WIN. The Special toiiunlttio Mill Uiiom ineiid the l'risbliul's I xoucra- tlon by Ilio luuiiill. The special coaimlttee uppolnted to investigate the clurgu) against l'real. dent I.aofbourow c-iucludad their liiiiilsltorlul labors Ust night. More than ii dozen witnesses wore uiamlued durluir, the lnvettlgitlou, nnd their tealimouy was nil reduced to writing by it stiuugraphlu rtiorler. Hie lit most secrecy has been aought lo be malntaltiel but only Willi Indllleront eucctss Councilman llrurdsley has leeiiimadu eustodiau of the uvidtlice Mhlcii Is now hem trau.rlhe! mid put Into the form of u report prepira tor) lor reienlullou to the City t'oun ell, It lull breu asccrtulnej that the committee will rucouimuml that 1'resl. dent l.uutbourow bu exonerated from nil ehuri made by his honor the Mayor. Hume of the sessions of thocommlttuo have been very warm ones uud n ph)loal encounter tetween Major Ilasklu aid n svituull at one .tlnio Bit mi d Inevitable. Thu langiingu lined was very elroiig an i the ijuurrel terminated by thu wmiulttiu abruptly aJJournlug, JTft f BY WIRE TODAY. Ho Notable Change in Blaine's Condition. ntiMi (iiui.s Kin wivrs. Striking Miners In Girnncy Drtvea to Desperation. nil it Miiiiui oiiiiri i. ItieAllrced fiilftanlnc I nira nt It one Irnli liiiilliiiialliili ur Ike Irlnl. WABiifrtmi r, Jau. 13. The symp terns ol dilllcull breathing wlilcli caused tho hasty summon ol the I hyslclans to lllslne'i bsJslJo about midnight did not develop Into au thing alarming. Dr. Hyatt remained till ulter live o'clork, to bu ready In case of a sudJcii mer icncy, I ut none arose, llltlua ja-icd a comlortaLle night auJ there Is no notable cluugu lu his ronlltion this morning Dr. Juhiisou idler his call nt 1 1 this mnrnlng,Btated that lllalne did nut up. ear so well, when inked If lllalne had recovrrel Ills strength, lost frcni thu lelo lost night. Johnson ralJ lllalnodld not have n relapM ,bul simply suUVrtd dlfllculty lu rcii Iratl ju. co.NUicnss. hi III. Wabiiinutuv, Jan. 13. Bherman from the commllteu on foreign rela tion reiortod back his bill to extend to the North 1'acifla ocean thu provisions 111 the statuti for the rotictlon of seals nnd other fur beurlug animals. . The bill passed. Hhermau lu making his report ex plained that lu vlewof liny Judgment which may tumaJe by the tribunal of arbitration next summer In regard tu the it id It would be necessary to authorize the President toprifenl thu law which Is only npj lied lu Deling sea lo thu -Snrlh 1'aclrlL ocean, Morrill of Vermont moved that tho Joint resolution Introduced by Mc I'hortou tu flusptud thu pirchacuul silver bullion bu referred to the com mittee on lltianco. htewnrt, Nevada, opposed tho motion on the i-round thai several Heoator desired to ril to Mol'hersou'rtS)eech ami liumlred whether the motion was oi en to debate. rhu Vlce.l'nsldenUall It was. Hlewurt said lie woulJ like to make a few remarks on the autject. I'rllor ukcd Morrill to withdraw bis motion lu the Interest of a fair discus sion. Morrill said bo bad made tho motion at tbu rruuist of Mcl'hcrron an 1 had no interest in thu matter ersonully. HIM U Wahiiiniiton, Jan. It. llaker, Kansas, Introduced In the House n bill lor thu Iriu coinage of silver, making It unlawful for nny person tomakuany contract, note, dralt or bill ayablu lu nny sjieclflo oolu or currency. imii tne s i vt NiiiMiriiv, llieltriuiirriels hiijr riiejrUIII tllelnle llml Irilloiiol S. r, Ol i Ml ia, Jan. 11 C. W. Urlggs of Faouum received the Democratic cau. rus nomination for United Slates senator hut night. The Democrats say the) wilt dictate the election of senator as thu situation I virtually controlled by them. The Allennnd Turnor forces uru II i in aud lu tha uvent of their re fusal to go Into cauojs, there will ha a deadlock uuhss the Democrats take put. Hime Iteiubllcaua say h dark liorio will bo elected. Tbo ballot oc curs on Puis Jay. Ihrre )lure I jnrlitd. Iuinkiv, Ark, Jan. It, Two moru uunrues aud one whllu nun were Pinched yesterday In thu vicinity of the cotton laut, fur the murder aud cremation ut Atkinson nnd fimlly uu Haturdaj night. Two nigrues wero lynched fur thu same crime on Monday, TlieHlnrm III New lurk. Nsw Yum:, Jan. 11 The storm has ceased hereabouts, t ut the leu hluoknleln the harbor continues The bay Is full of Ice mil the sound Is full as far a the eye can resell. A e.irlnil l.irillrl. Vtnnleil Nl Vomc, Jau 11 Hotel Ivoepor Dlticen of Huron, H D.bit written tu airiest Into saying that bo and m Ighburs want u carload of marriage, able Irish girls shipped to Huron, wbeto huslauds are a (lenty a blackberries In July. tun Imo bj n Nmm rlnii, Iowa, Jau. llKirly (this iiiurul g the snow (low on tbu Do Moines ant Welstcr City liraucli nf the Northern road ran Into the rear of a (Ulli'l i asseuger trulu ueir Htory City. It Is reported that twenty. live were Itijutud. l'hyslcUus havu guue tn the scene. CmiMdJ, Jan. II. OlUclal reports to the Nuilliwesterurillroad hero are lu the elfrct that the uccldent at Htory City, Iowa, was less serious than re port! d Irom !lo)ue The fuols uru that eiirht tersou wore hurt, but none serlouslj. hritlltlM! HIM 111 JlHiiy "nun led h, ., -Hie lender Arnslril 111 m.iv, Jan, 13 Driven to ilespof atluu,tiiesirlklug miners at Dortm ind la'ceiiin rlotoui this morning uud had to lodl m 1 by the tmllce. A num. lerofthem were wounJed unl the lealer nrroteJ, Tin ri ut-riiiv mil. It (nuira n Mir In Hie Illinois I ejl.littiire, Ki itis'unt'i.u, Ills , Jan 13, A stir was e aimed lu thn House tills morning by thu Introduction of u rcailuthiu calling oil the Illlnils members of Congress to work for tbu piil,u uf thu untl option bill. lhu ipies tlon soon bucaiu a psrly nag, , e TheJ)eniocratareinace.orJaueewllh theiiosltloiiol Senator I'". "Pff1; lug II, the Itepubllcans lo fit H'""1" (ullom'n posltloD, "".'',.. Democrals flnallj succeilel 111 rally ing enough Democratic farmers to aid to refer thu reululPn tu the) omnltte" on federal nslatloiis ly 1' !"','. tiB5 Itlsunlerstood the Dsmicrals Intiud to allow the resolution lo sleep III the committee Hie Wl.m.lm llritdloek llroUni Idtoniv, Nee Jan. 13-Thedea lock In tho leulfleturo wa broken Ih morning and the to liouio met In lolnt sisslon canvossln.' votes. 09 trnor Iloyd's mewve will I o reo 1 this afternoon and Uovernor Crouneuwlli bo InnuguratoJ. Illlsairil In Kansas. ICssas Cm, Jan. 1 1 -Iteparts fromsll over Koosss tell of tho wrrst hllzurd of tlmstorniy winter laraglnc. The snow Is drlltlng bolero the Mercs winds nnd tbo thermometer Is twenty bslow. Invllallou lo Hie 1-rlnee of nle Ciiicaii ), Jan 13 - n emlasiry of the World's Fair will leave tomorrow with a special Invitation to the l'rltieo of Wales to visit the r air. IIIKisrl III I""" O'I.-auwsa, Iowa, Jau. 13. A drill lug snow storm has causml nearly all the freight trafllo to be abauilonud. It Is one uf thu worst bllusrda for many yiors. It la 2J degrees below toront some places and growing odder. Ililmco follre nam Inlr I'nr, Cllicuio, Jan. 11. A etltlon lo tho council for Increase of joy during the World' I air yearb) JoVJ iwllccmen 1 Icing circulate J an I generally signed. It Is stated Hut unless granted, they will all strike. lenr I trrulst. ClIistniTim s, Md , Jan. 11. Tho unusual occurrence of u quadruple sxccutlon, whlcn cime very near be lug an octuplo one, took lnce in Jail hero shortly after noon today, 'the history leading up to the t:ujlu end Is as follows. In April last a gang of negnis waylaid Dr J. II, Hill as be was i,olng on a rofesilouul visit, cut bis throat and beat bis brains out with n club. Tlie murder grew out of the testimony of Dr. Hill lu ii case In which another negro was klllei same time lefore. I lllein mgrotrt were arrested for the crime, bulohl) nine wero liidlcted,and ono of thoiu was acuulttoJ. The other light were sentenced to death. Or this uutntor Chas, l.mery, Henry Hunt, Joshua llajnatd, l.uwls Ilaynard, boy only id, and one only 11 J ears old had sentences com muted by the governor to Inigrlsju rueut for life and wro secretly removed by a body of constables, to llilllmore, for fear Ihat the enraged twpulica would storm the Jail and Jilicli them, which thiy undoubtedly would have doue. 'lne remaining four, Fletcher Williams, rrlsby Comgys, Charles llruoks und Moses llrown were hanjei on the same icat loldtoJay. Aside from the fact uf the number the scenes attending the exe cution wero In uv way unusual. Tliu Degrees haJ a season of praier aud praise before the beginning of the march to the rciUulJ. Trlnl r lleiiipser- l'lTTSBRUil, Jan. 13 The court was crowded at tho second day of the trial of Hugh Dempsey for complicity In the Homes tad poisoning. Most of lhu forenoon session was takeu up with examination of the men, taken III while working at Homistead, and their physicians, lliulatUr, all exiresslbe belief that the meu have bein poison ed. The defenso oljected to tho physi cians' testimony. Tho court said the somewhat irriguUr, but If Itcould be proved that tho di fen dsiit was e,ulltyuf furnishing poison, the evidence would be admissible. The district attorney said he would show this fact and Ilio testimony was ad milled. Home from tbo bonlli. Klder Jno. 8., of Tooele, who left for a mission to the Southern Stale on December, 14th, IS1), tailed at this ofllce today, having recently returne 1 borne from lila field of labor. The first three months of bis mission were spent In Georgia arid tho remainder lu Houth Carolina. l.lder Lee did a good work, made many warm frlouds for himself aud the peupto, enjoyed his laburs very much aud returns homo Ju first clans health and excellent spirits. Hcpoils Wanted. The secretaries of BuuJay school, who hau not already scut In their annual statistical reports lor lb'J.', are requested to dosoat aace. Jos! Ill II. l'AKIU, Flake thcrituyo! H. H. 1'. O. IIox OJ. STi.ViINMlYS I.KT1 Kit. (olou'zilloii III Mexico. llcpci ami lllsappuliilmruls In (.olormlo. JMor Detent Acwr Hoon after v. rltlng lo the Nr s from Hosclla, Mexico, I oonclnJuJ to return to Halt I,ako ou Import int huilneas. I would Hko to say n few words more regarding (he hope, wishes and nn tlclpatlons of thu little band of colonists lu tbu dry blllsof northern Chihuahua. They ho. M been strujllng bravely with thu unusual drought a! Mexico, but with Boli'o help have been able to maintain themselves nn 1 notKlvuup. Sly visit to tho Warm Hprlngs was delightful. Thero aro six uf them en closed and one li ft out In nature's own state, whit li la used hy roouei and the poorer classes who do not liavo the Wclic tofall hi Leavening Pcmcr tV - C, vtK tiort. i Powder ABSOLUTELY PifRE tucnly.llvo cents to pay for tboso with rude huts over them. Hio sprltigt c.ush forth frcm under chain of low mountains, and an oval bath I built ly excavation nnd I Ivterod up so that n person silting upon re rock for a stool finds himself burled In thu warm liquid up to bis chin, nnd i lenty of room In hi oval bsslu tu llounce nround until alter live minutes bo begin lo feel weakened, ni Is almost universally tbo case with tbo bathers. No. I la hot. No. ", which ( c'ioso was so hot that I had lu go In by digrces No. 3 Is a Utiles holler than Nts 1 and 2, but No. 4 Is still bolter and the hottest of them all, wbllo 2o. S Is much cooler and Its neighbor No. 0 again Is very warm. In the dirt ttour rooms llieru Is a lurt cf bunk madof.ut board laid ou osls driven into tho ground where by each nne, furnishing his own t lankets and towels, may lake a sweat In thu warm Imtu room. Invallls ollenilosj. riio water la drawn from lhu hath by an opening crovlded, mid again the bath is raised nnd rclllled, ready for S3 cents more1. It Is clalmod that tho warm mineral water has healing qualities and the spring may he ri alter prove u great advantage- to Jlrolber Hlewolls' concession lhu Central railroad Is only three miles distant I Mil tbu a ring. Thero was quite a disappointment among tie eoi In on finding Hint they were unable to get wutersupply by a nine mile ouljut. When the true level was lutcn Itwas found that tbey had to make n twenty miles' canal, which even if luccesslul, will much delay tbo enterprise. Hut it la tu be bored that so good nn opportunity will meet with lufllclent tucouruge ment to carry out tho enterprise. Homo of the) art) will test thu value of the sf II and climate by thn lnl roved Ian of cultivation by American agrteul turlrlo. 1 Illy acres were purchased of tho brs bjltoni land under ample water su ly and seeds aru being put ill while llrother ri. N. luveudahl was looking after seventy. live acres of slmer land to seol with luceru, rye nud other cereals. Our arly have over uno thousand choice iruit In cs, w 1th n supply of strawberries and small fruits. We shall 'villi Intenst watcb thu dueeloj mint of these lu this brautlfu. cllmile. Leaving Hsclit over tho Mexican Central tu 1.1 l'uso, Texas, 33U miles, wo e limine cars to thu rjinta I'e dlvls lon tliruugli a comer of Texas into New .Mexico nnd Into Colorado, nt l,a Junta wbcru n thnngu ol cars Is necessary to ass on to Co orudoHi rings, where another change takes place lu Hall IiihiiClty. Homo may bop emeu lo learn of the van us dlstuuees. The Journey Irom Iljiellu t) l.lnaio Is 3JII milts; from i.l aio to La Junta, Col , Gil; l,a JuuU tu 1'ilebb, (II, 1'ileblo to Cuionwu Hprlngs, 41, Colorado ri rings tu 1 eadvllie, 1.7; l.ojdvlllo to Uruud Junvtlou, no; uiand Junction to Ureeu lllvcr, 10S; Urren ltivcr to Halt Lake, 1811. lotallOIJ. Hloppluover atColcralo Hprlngs c,au us uu opjeir tuiilty ufeetluga lovel) city ul 10,0(111 Inbul Hants. The streets nre wide, clean, and the sandy soil mixed with lluu gravel ueuJa uojavlng, nud then Is Lilt ury little sidewalk laid cl large, iquaie, undnrted, but smooth stone. 'Hiebouth Nevada uvuuliu Is I J yards or ldj feet wide, runs noitli and south, tworowsof shade trect lu center with n Utile tace between them, and u drive smooth and eleau on each side. A row uf trees uilorns each sidewalk, lhu street was Ions, ItNelnud niinilrablu. A cross strtel, running east and wtsl, with electric streetcars was not ao wide but lined with trees on each side and measured 03 (eet. The houses ure HlirouliJol by trees, shrubs nnd (lowers nud not crowded, except In tbu i uslntss i ortlou, anJ what add to thu loveliness cf this healthful I la o Is that It Is situated directly under thu noted I'IIicj 1'uulr, whose nltltudo reaches 11,107 feet 111 the blue iky. lhu Cole, ruuopirlui, ure six mile up north el tho ell), and ut present lhu Manl lous rings, tarrying Iron and sola, havu become lamuus as a he ullli re sort. Hotel furm n tonsi Icuous art tuwu, built lu thu (Muyou uud on thu hill sides, aud In fact away up lu the kulclies. It Is iistoulililiig tu ecu what the love of money nud health will hccom) llsh. TheOaiewa) to the Uur.leu ol the Uoils I uu thu right, with full view of l'lkts Peak, uud while Stan ling on tho elevation uboeu It la a sight su admirable as llll one Willi wundcr nnd nuiuzeuioul. Home ulturiart) visited the Institution for Iheeduiulioiiof thu dear and blind ol Colorado. Tbu lullillnga are situate on a bill Just ait thu sisters hcspllnl and to ik ndnilrably well at u tost, lucludlng thugrounds,of $105,894, with uu enrolment ut 177 iq lis, ami utuuexiwiiHi of !).', KIl.lM lor Ib'Jl. In Ilio blind ilepnrtmeiit ure LO, live yearsnro thoru werj IjuuroeJ. lne bull Hug Is scruiulously tleuu, well lighted, aud aontllalcj, with teachers uiuiidant. Calling at the printing cilice, with pencil and paper, wo bold a conversation rather Interestingly for n short time. Various trades ure car rled on. lu lhu girls' deparlment the various branches cf houiu work, to. nutlurwltt drittiuaklng, needlework, h iiiiniock wenvliitr, embreldcry, Ircud uiiiklngaud baking, etc., are taught. It was with u degree of sorrow that wo took our defarture, content! latlug Ilio large number of unfortunates of Co'orudu. On our way from the B rings HRpPPPpC ' jftaiBaking l!JPowdeK Tl c only 1 me Crcau of Tartar l'owdcr No Ammonia, o Alum Used in Millious of Homes 40 Years the Standard to l.eadville, we went tip nnd through Pike' l'eik, pas.liig llirougli eight tunnels, Cascudn canyon, Uto pnik, Hum. 11 It park, Lko Oeorge, Home Ice caslb with watur spraying through them, whether natural or srtirlilal, lootied romantic. At I.radvllle thero was gnml sleighing. 1 .H-rrvi snv. DATltri, Vf nr-rn -In the Tnealr ei uol ward ef this elly January II, ma Willnril wtn IT son "1 Vnhor an I Ilsuuah inlet, at 1 It inontl s anil 21 dajs I uuersl tomorrow KaturJS), at 1 p ia ,rroin family resilience, ml n Th rJ West at, lluonv -Intlierietrentlinarlor this elly, at IS IS January is lssl ol .til nlhsris, Ijiun. ilacghln of Mlllliin M and Ssrali I lieu llrown aged It years a nonlbt aJd 10 daja. Ilnrlnt today at 4 p m 3-rans nllvar aTood, I ntuiloilon, Class, OIlTer Wood, an old and blgblv re spected citizen of I'armlngton, Utah, stalls! "Nothing allure's me such groat , pleasure jls to recommend to ray friends Jlallard's Hnow Dlnimont. Ilofore I trying it I had 'little faith' In It. hut one trial convinced me It was a highly meritorious article. I rrconrly met with a painful accident and was suUVr ing great rain. My wife applied Huow Liniment freely nnd the pain was Im mediately relieved and tho Inflamma tion rapidly subdued. It has no equal as a reliever of aln and Inflammation. Ilewareofnll white liniments substi tuted for Hnow Llnlmmt, Bold by Z. O. M. I. Drug Di L lxx aitlnrrnm IlieSlemt I undoubtedly n dlseniu of lhu Hon', and as inch (illy re reliable bluoil I rurlhr can ellect it ji-rftcl curt, lined' Harsaparllla Is the btst bloid. purlller, aid It has (tired many very severe esses of ralarrh. It gives nu epietlte nud builds up the whole system, Ilnml' Tills act eqeclally linen II e liver, roii'lng It from torpldpy to In natuialdutles, euro constipation nnd ntslst digestion. - A llllllim I Minus A friend in need Is a frlen I Indeed, acdiiotlessthanonemlllloiiMoplehave 'uundauch a friend In Dr. ICIng'sNow Discovery for Couiumi lion, Coughs, and ColJe. If you have never uiei this Great Coui,li Medicine, one trial will convince you that It has wonder ful curative Jtowers In nil diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Lach lotllnls guarauteed to do ull that la claimed or momy will be rofuuded, '1 rial liottles free at A. C. Hmllh A Co' Drug store. Large bottles 61);. sulJltQ- avow Liiilnrnr a in ouiari. nine. L Ualewood, of the Ontario Mine, Park Oil, says: llallard's Hnow Liniment cured him ol llheumattim of long standing after all ether remedlts had Anted. Ho stalest "I cheerfully commend It to my friends as being lhu best I.lnlmcut lu the world for cuts, sprains, bruises, old sores, rheumatism, neuralgia, back ache, sich head ache. It goes right in and draws out all lnllamatioM." It will cure sprslned anckle In twenty-four hours. It will rureany old sore on man or beast. It cures all tain and all Incarnation. D not allow any other while lini ments to bo put oft on ycu for Hnow Liniment. There Is no othsr like It. Hold by Z.C. M I. Drug Department. 8zx Wo authorize our mlT.iuud druggist i Mill Dr. King's ISew Dlscivery fjr onsumpllon, Cough nnd Colds, iinnm hlscondlllou. Ifyouarosflllclrdwlth . etuh, Cold or any Luuc, 1 hraat or t'lust trcuUi , and will use this reimdj s directed, givlnj It n fair trial, an I xirlrucouobenellr, you may return hu bottle nnd havu your mouej r uiided Wei noiilJ rot make this olio IJ wn not know that Dr. King's New I) scover) could be relied un. It never i appoints. 1 rial I ottlu free at A. C. llll A ( i's I) uc;Hlnri. Aiirllnu tiirllont On Tuesday, January 17th, t n a nt. at No. 'W norlli, Hecund West slreei; lake Warm Hprlngs car, rimi bousehcld of tell rooms, organ, parlor rockers, tbrcubedruom sets nnd Uildlng, lot or car i Is and rugs, llnu I n-o burner etove, table and stands, dining und kitchen furniture and flue lot of goods. Come nud see. K, A, Andiijhs, Auctioneer. "I have been occasionally troubled Willi Couebs, mid In each case havu used Ilrnnn' llrenrliUn riches, which have nover failed, nn I I inuit sav they aro second to none In tho woril." Itllz A. Mai, CaMcr, St. l'aul, Minn, A'.' ?'."!',hA ypiDi-ugilitij.,1! clltoborts Hesperian Ton I a. tiii iiiinni iitini inn ii (u, (Sueec.sor to Tied W eesrlt ) an I .l iir.l noiiiii Nirrci. W. H. tlodl e, i'resldcnl, Oeorgo Crlsmon, Vlce-l'resldenl, Murray ('. Uodbe, Hec, an 1 1 row. He her Yuutiir, John N, risdule, Directors. John C. Tnylor, ) Ircd. W. Hmrlt, Manager. The most pu ulsr Cigar lu Ilio west, Drown l'nlatu l'tr ecto. .1 V JUST RCCCIVCD. NCW DRESS GOODS From PROVO MILLS. JOHN C. CUTLEH & BRO. 30 S. MAIN STREET. NEVER FAILS! ' SUMMONS. In Hie tllitrlel c mrl I an I far Ilio Third Judicial I i( tiehTerrilorr, Count) orea t J aln harrlna Winkler, I lalnlllf, vs Jons K Inkier Hetendsnt. t Tl"srr.iiir "' lao Tcrnlory of Utah send lm s 11 it ,t, vriitr uu- uriiKiu itfijumi t to ap ,-- .I'srlnanarii, i nuam aea nit vnu r ie'ii. i'...".?'-1.1 141.1""1 ,n "' I'Ktriell ourl Sr!1W.J'",to",!,,r " rerniorr ? i!S,i ?J "! answer II rrom lalnl die I Ih n In wlihlnlen ilajs (esrlu.lteol Ihsdsyol .ir m -'s'SS.;?" " ,a I'lsaamm ns will in this euiirtr.or Ir sen 1 i0.?..'" "" '"He Hi s .ti.inel wunin lweniriliy.,,ihtrl.e within rorlrilsr ir Juitai eai it drlaali w II bo l.Un "iln.i vou. "T? Ji".' ' !!' I rrerir sadeimilslnl ii.? ! X1""' ' ' s ansa la lisrn a deer e of this coart 1 no Unit Hi. bonis el inurlnonr eel tinjc Ulween lainllll an 1 rl ten (sue. an I nwarlnr. lo lainlltr u erualndyil II .iiiinoe fi-I'.TJ'. V"" "'. ""' aarruo ruiuirmr Helen lam Into eonrt a rrasontbie .nili ' defrar la e cn.ra or Ihla acti m, an 1 II u 51 ii T.H'f' .V " , rJ " I 'ami li II o .ma ?i ,. l;r'nninas slim ny, Uurlnr I euilenrf ir li. a lion ant main it .uru alVmonr i r r inanenl arjiillnmilalniur Uier rollol; rire I oil ii e lol ou, iirounds. t .li 1 1 it niir. snld inatrlasu delendanl las ireslc I i la Mill In a cruel and Intuman manner, to Ih, extent or rauslBf I er yreat bolilrii Jury nn I menul dl.lreia thsl tilenlant his SUlllror habitual urunlennrss lorinoretl n uino rears lail lain am that lurmor.l an ulnoyiir. Issta.l ih. dermdanllai wilhil r lafi nrslerled to piorldo lor i lalnl II tberoiiiniua W -In I ou aro hereby enured Ihat If ron fail B losiiearant an.ner the salt loniihitt" alKisort inlredthessldllilnlitr will niplrlu lh eonri lor tbo re ist .lemandiilthmin nnsess Iho lion. Charles snr, Jo hro. and Us seal it Iholll.trlel lomlel lUllini l?. '!?'!, ".'.".''?' '? and Inr ilio rerrumy or Ulsh Ihla Jl.l dar ot in Ih yearil our liril ono thoman I eijlt hnndrel and l ninety two. ,, "n McMltlAN (lerl. lly llinsiir II Ijiiimis llrsoljr Ul.ra, fM JoiK Jl Uwm, Allonnyrorplaiaill H THE COMING DOOr I MR.JDDRANT I SALT LAKE CITY. AH EXPOSURE! OF MtMOKldl LOOK OUT FOR IT. COALTER & SNELGROVECO, ffpppgjM WEBER- PIANOS. iHSi ESTEY p,ANOS' $ffi8&k&nb CAMP & CO. PIANOS, 4'iSMlS ESTEY ORGANS. ftiSlr 250'000 IN USE- 74 S. Main St ?ox COALTER &. SNELGROVE.' 'FlRuroa don't llo," nnd flfjuroa say It paya to buy from an old ostabllshod, roliablo Houso notod for fair dealing. All goods markod In plain flguros. H. D1I00DEI FURM. CO.