Newspaper Page Text
I H 1 nr.?r.nv.T "EVENING NEWS: TUVTIPDAY. .TA -NT Aire W, 1800. ' ; t..! ip DESERET EVfiHIHG MEWS. H DESEHET NEWS PUDLISHINO H " COMPANY. -ES9glJ. H "ihnroilar. l. " B Til VT I.IHLI, SUIT. H I Of course Witts was n surprise lo H Ju.Iko 1'owers, hi altorncjs, the Dim B i nt i JCi ws ti mpany, lis atloni'yr. or H any hody else, lu the elirl'lon of JuiIko H Zno yteterilay with refsltnoe t ''" H libel tuit Inttltuleil ly the elmi-ilitr B TuicarorsclilelUln aualrul the former H proprietor! of th! (apsr; the tlilw, M & terminated ot In a.l Jusllcs It cutilil to H g terminate awl as oTeryboJy of some H H exprctcil It would. H H NeTertlielen Judgo Zno ilestrT" H t the thanks of ttio newspaper fraternity H l! ami of erery frre community for his H 12 uposlllonof tho le'jltlmato scop end H , character of Journallstlo crlllcltro. H lj His decision Is In the nature ot a will- H R tlrueJ rebuke to the ttiln-tklnned or sH U 1..11.1 ii.nt ulm rxterlenio jiukiuub iu, ..-. "-- H IE no shrinking arerslon to ijcttliij prom- H fj Inenlly before the ubllc.but who hkve M m u unconquerable fett of putilla lines- B ij ligation end Just couture, lie elucl- H dates the mtanlog of fne peocli and m H f,c prrn m nuaranteel by the B (B Constitution, which nro the surest H H safeguards cf poiutar rlulitf, an I h H H makti clear the nice point at which H ij the suiceptlbllltles of a plalntlir III a H caieofthli kind aro apt t take pot- K set. Ion of bin sotair JudKnient. Korthe B future we Imagine llio owner of a H tender cuticle will think twlc. btfuro B flylnx to the lueflectual halm that n PES frlvoloui suit for libel may alDrd P&VI against tho ahafla of honorable orlll- PEV oltm. BpcakliiK for the Nuttrf, wo PEV take pleasuro In promising thai when. PES erer It afaall be fount necessiry to PftV chargo ofllclal corruption, inlacoiiiluit PftV or anything of the aort, the Uiikuieo P&V employed will nut be amblguoui PftVJ enough to unit Judlchl Interprelatlon; PftV thoio whom we may liava to anlagoii- ftVJ he In thli manner will be given at PftV leait tho aitlalactlon of fcollnR that Pftff only by itupldlty on their own tart PftV aro they In Uauiier of being knocked out HBV by a demurrer. H A lltIMI PEVf Tho aitonlihlni; prevalence of thu PftV teuiolrM vice of profanity hat doubt- HBV Iraa caunod every thoughlful ivraon to EVJ wllh that tho law might ikp In wllh HEVJ penaltlea where Christian periuatlon HEVJ haa foiled lo tflVtrt cure. One might PftVJ nlmoit welcome wllh Joy tho rcenict- PBVJ nient and enforcement of the rlgoroui P&VJ "blue laws" of hnllowe.l memory 10 HHH outrageoua and ihameluai ha the HBH iractico become; and It la with no PBVj mult pleaauro that one lieara of the !' revival In lnglanJ of an old atatute P&VJ of Ueorgo III, according to which a HBpj t laborer muit pay a thllllng for PBVJ fivery oalh uttered In public, n ! roan above the grado of laborer ! ruuit pay two, and a "gentleman" fl ve. PKVJ llecent report go to ahow that theto HBV l punaltlea are being entrgetlcally lm. PftVM I lnwl, and that the choice ixpretilom PBPj io frequently dropping from the "gen ! tlemen'a" llpaaru Iwlng converted Into PEVM coin at a rata that la likely lo make P&VM iiulte a material addition to tho ubllo PBPJ rovenuca. If the effect ahall alio bo to PftVJ check the practice and extlnulah It PftVJ altogether, the final result will be HEVJ worth nil that It haa cont aud n great ! deal more. ! l'rofaulty Is the national vlco of P&VM America, and It Is growing with a rap- KVJ Ulty that Is positively painful. Our PBV own community, free oa It was for PBW a long tlmu from tho Infection, Is PBW dow mont grievously ollllcluj. The PPP city ordluancua on the subject PBV are a dead letter, far thone PPPJ who ought to eDforcu them are them- PPP, selves vloUton. Tho busier streets PPPJ cansoarcely Iwtraveriedat any hour PPPJ when coarse, brutal oiths do not fill PPPJ tho air. On some of the sunnier our. PPPJ tiers, crowds of loafers cougregate nnd PPPJ utter forth In common conversation PPPJ Imprecations that are shocking to the PPPJ car. Old und young vlu with each PPPJ other In tho variety uud liiiremilty of PPPJ their swearing, uud tho sucroi name PPPJ ol Deity Is hourly profanid by mouths PPPJ too foul to bo permitted lu dtoelit PPPJ society. For the etke of clvlllntlon PPPJ and Christianity, for Ihesikoof re PPPJ fined womanhood nnd pure childhood, PPPJ for the sake of tho law of both (Jod aud PPPJ man, a sharp lesion shoul I bo taught PPPJ tbewrvtohiidwho thus glvooUense. P lI()lll.N01.hl.ltN hUlUOl.OIOl. PPPJ The helr-appareut (o the imperial PPPJ throne of Germany and the royal PPPJ throne of 1'rustla Is an eleveu.year.old PPPJ lad who has Just onlored thu nubile PPPJ aohool ut Kiel. Thero Is n flavor of PPPJ democracy about this providing that PPPJ ouo vtould hardly expttt from eouutu- PPPJ i ratio uud austere aruleraa the yuunir PPPJ crown prince's fathir during hit abort PPPJ reign has shown him. ill to bi, Vttlu PPPJ causing his sou to urtklnata In ths PPPJ dally ixirchu Impoiul ujou all tbu PPPJ ohlldren lu his realm mid lu Inalttliu PPPJ tint he mingle 111 chhulih sorit umi PPPJ studies with thorn horn he ex clU to PPPJ rule, Kalitr Wlllluui has but dune PPPJ with hlx heir that which tils father PPPJ Frederick William did with him. Tho PPPJ jroimt ninror was thu first of his PPPJ race lo seek knowledge at tliu conimoii PPPJ fount (rovlded for thu humblost Uer. PPPJ man ihlld. Ills tutor tugifietod that PPPJ tho future sovereign shoulJ lint he PPPJ diulud the benetlts of Intimate contact PPPJj with Ihosu who wero to be hli tuturu PPPJ suljects. Iron old William I oppoied PPPJ thu Innovation as subversive of preced. PJPJB snt and lu vloUtlonofnll lloheiujlluri. PPPJ notions of court procedure, Hut thu PPPJ then crown inuce, progruislve, ami. able Frederick, and his wife, tho English ptlu:eM, secon leJ the tutjr'j demand, and tho Innovation wis made. Whether or not William II rccslvid any hints during the expsrlenoo that msy be useful lo hhn on the throne, It Is clear that huholleoi ho sulltred i o harm, otherwise ha w iiihl scirooly require that his successor p'"i throuh It, There have been few proofs Inleel that he has aban I lut I any of tin prclouflonsandiriruitlv' of ryi' y. inlul lieestwin Hi mi-- lilltd lo gr.aier u n i a i i formerly at his lu i Is. Ilu iiikObii r.tle haven works w y ill ii," tlous moulded In rujaloK , and in ir lhan one generation will r n ny nr nicrisiry toglve It n ltr ciiiuou f development. Mianwmle the new school-boy nnJ his iracllcal-mliued airs aro to be cungratulitod on the lm pitui their recont notion Is likely to glvo to one of tho ubllo schools of uninteresting and non progreislve Kiel. Tilt: M.MTOKIil- MllJllIt. One of tho senatorial cluteila to which the ryes of the whole ojiinlry havo Isisn turned for eeveral wieks nt wji tile I yesterday, California being the slato anl Htepheu M Whlto uf I,o Angeloi the succestlul man. lhe result was acto iipllshed ussoonasattnmp.ol, contrary t the oxpectallinsof neirly uvurylKiiy tbtt kuiw a ythlng nbiut the elimtlju, nud with no other dUotdir thin n charge uf briber.' one mumbir of the Irglslatura and Oo retort violent Immediately following It. There aro forty seaaUrt and eighty represents Uvea In the OillfonU legislature and It thorefors re I ilred alxty.ono votsi to i leut ou Jilut billot; tho Dam) rats hid flfiy-nlne, the Kspabllaiiu fifty two, tho I 'op illits el jht an J theru was onelnJeptnJiint, wh), with oueof the roputlst), votelfor White, giving him the necessary nu nlisr uud a majority of two, there being ono Hepublloau abivnl. Ut. White Is a Democrat of the moit pronounce I character an t u mm of great ability. Ho Is n native Callfornlau, we believe, anl Is there- forsmiuy rainvei frjii an oU mil. Ho Is a lawyer by pMfeiilou mil Is inilerately wealthy. Ills election narrows tho smill gap he.weeu thu Democratlo and Ilipubllcaii strength In tho United rltiloi rismto by six votes, tlinu beln ttkeu from the milorlty mil given ti the minority, the oilier two umi n from New Vnrk nud Wisconsin. In thofoimur Kdwnrd Murj hy, Jr., has been chosen, but thero has luen no cholou yet In the other, although It Is at goxl as sallied, the only iiutstlon being as to what Democrat It will be, tiiat arty halng a declJed majority In the legislature. ThuBenate stands up to ilato He publlcius forty-four, Djmcrati fori) thru', l'opullsts uiig. lu this state ment, Kylo uf Uouth Dakota, eleotod at en Independent Is olai I with thu Democrats became he hat so far acted with them and list lately lu formal terms announced his Intention of con tinuing lo do so; und bliewart of NevaJa Is put down at a Republican although elected at a I'urullst, for the reoion that liu ft n Republican uf pronounce I procllvltlis and on n votenibotwuunlliu two great partite would be most likely In act wlththoouu to which ho hit bcun attached during the whole of his politi cal career. Tho Democrats have uow tooled but one imre senator t? ba In abioluto con trol of every lira nob, uf the govern ment after tho fourth of next Much; they would then havo forty-four or lusthilf, which, with tho cisliug vote of Vhe-rreildeiitBtoveiiiin, would bo sufllcleut for all practical purposes. Howover, Teller of Kan-ni, thu one 1'opuli.t, will votu with tin in on all suuh cueitloin at tarlll ro luctlon, at probably any other lu hit class who may yet bochossn would; so that, we may eay, on the greitnst Issues biforo thu people tho administration will be strictly Democratlo anyway. A .SD1T1U rlVslU. The Irish question thriatens to bo tho rock upon which tho Uladstotilnu ministry In Ureal llrltaln shall again split. The premier's majority It only slsndcr at butt, uu I Its C0JiOnunt parte aro so dlwriooud dlsihullar upon the leading Issues that ore liktlyto come before pirllauiuut that his luld upon the otllce hat all nlon seumed III the highest de,iruu pncarlout. Tno outline ot the Irish hone ru'j bill, which ufter much coutlderutlon uud huslUillug p vparstlou It ut last Infor mally divulged, glvia small hops hit ItisdestluuJ to bo adopts I. A sum mary of tho propiBiid mtariire shows It lo poieess tho pillowing features. I Irst ltervlng to p.irllauiont the nolo rlifhi f tiglta ion in rifuroiico lo ilio liitul qui siloii lor a Hint nl tliuo. S. toml in llio retoiiilou of Irish xIU roba I1I7 ndopt Mr. 1' ir mil's eui:i:eU n lo Miht settle the quosil 111 uf tho do to bo 1 tie d niton llio lor I lloiitou m . lhirdApHlntel Ju.Uvb will bo re talno I by ho KiHimmm lor the itae.1 luruiuf live 5 oars. 1 mirth 1 lie sumo term Mill bo llxcd tor the lomplee iniusloruulloii of Ibo IHillceluloaclMl lull. 1 llih lrihiml will have no lower to Imposo protective dudes. It ectins nlmoil amuiliig that ro much time uud Mud) ehoul 1 huvu been devoted to n matter that promts j no better solution of tho great dltllculty than this. Ou the one haul It will appear to many llntllahmeu that the bill promises u great deal to Ireland, whllo lo many Irishmen II will come far short of that which oven moderate home rulers thought they ha 1 u rUht to expect. In u word, It lacks the boldneis that woul I common I It to the alvaucsd thinkers on elthr aids "f St. tfeorge'schanuol.aal ata hall wty, tinkering sort ot measure that arouses enlhutlatm In no qu triers It bsars evi dence o' hiving he-en born only to go dow n to early death. Till. iiOltl.ll'S Mil', When lhe scltnllfln gooloijlit has nothing el-o lo liok alter or wheu, like x deuitor liuall., helsiut of u Job, n itiuner tlitiiothersrisn tiirni Ills at in ii ii II un n( ut tim ae if the r irl i C, isili-riiu lie ai-l that we r 11 well acq I lintel w t'l tile HiJeC, of sprOJIlli tl, liy reason ot en hi mi u irini'liur its ct hi 111, u t nun tin glance nt tho lib we ought ill to kiwar aiuisthln reirdlu the lon.tti of tlnl i eliiLO It Wat f'athloue I atii sot un Itstrlumpial iinrch nbiut tueblalii loaf, lut w do i'i ; ns u mitterof fictworllly wlslun In this liittaucocoiKltttof niiiati of theories Interwoven wllh a network of con lecturst, out of which a ifoduot It evolvclnnl pirilel bjforo tbs lu. tellucluat ubllo as a "oooclutlon," the author uf wliloh It nil always at wise si the rosier. We are uitr a J vine I hy a (iviut (bit tho amount of lime calls In water which conies at iltaluajo fnro districts imda up of granttet ml has ills It fuund by n cimparliou of dlllersnt analtoi to ho on an nvcrago of 3 71 pirls lu 11)1,1)1.) parts of water. Tnuto who adopt Inls mode of reckoning asiume that "the uxce-s areas of Igneous rocks, taken on an avenge throughout all geological lime, will bear to tho exKiuret of sedimentary rooks a ratio of one to nine, and from these nnd other abitrusuiitti It Is Inferred that thu elimination ol th oiloirooui mil. tor now fuuul In all the rudimentary strata" mint havo been goin? on for u I olio J of OliyWJVU) yuinl There will ho a few If not a good many to whom the ipn'.oj pimo will tie nbout equivalent to so much Biutcrlt, nines every one hit tiotaaolcutllli) bout of mind; but moit of ut can gather In the oucluilon and hold fast thureti with but Utile trouble. It Is till lint evon nuiibori are usually ajutt object of suspicion, and III thlsoase they aro especially so. If thoplillosphor,avaut,or whalcer olso he msy be hal liisertul n fraction romowhotc amidst that long chain cf clphrrr, or had broken up Its freight- train appciranoo by the Introduction of ono or moru of the other numerals, It would "go ilown"enuewhat (aslor, and It would have boon no harder to d i thlt, either, ilucolt ooull have beeu at woll ar ranged n) the exlitlu; result ty the same prooets ot thou (lit and reasoning. 1'or Instance, ho mlg it have shown thai the cilciroout sedi ment ol thu sllurlan strata and the poeolllllc systems undergo n deteriorat ing abrasion uf OoXl.l corresindlng with a cycle of Oil yean, nnd tills Bill Joined to the mtxlrnaofiletorloratlon precollated by the coucitenalliui of ujdrottutloand hydro-carbonlo prcis ureexhlblta remiludur of 7,001 ler cent, thus making up thu sum total uf the earth's existence 0Jl,S91,3Ut years. If ntiy reixicrls dltpjted lo doubt that our systtiu Is lest tclttilina ami methodical than tho other, II Is a sufu guari)iit(e that none of them will qui tlou that the result last arrived ut It as lorrect as thu pruooJIug une; at least he (or she) will tie unable to show that It Isn't. r.irriis which resorted lo varloua devices last j oar to inaku tuemtelvta conspicuous, thus Increailng tholr cir culation, have paid tut ur aro lo pay tut enormous suras. The Cuuner Journal hat JU,W) In gold coin to distribute lo flection guesrers as booii as the elllclul returns from ull tho stiles aro In, $10,WI going to thotlosist guess un tho presidential figures and IUd ou each of the states. TlwNew York Herd recently distrib ute! several hundred dollars to the I eit guisiers as to HsnveM;i dally u refla tion tor 1S01, and tliu.' i oiittr of that city Is paying a hlnu c,trl Iho d illan n Mtek for life beciuae uf In r luck 111 guessln,; nuariet the vote of New York statu In the lute election. Ouii rsikiMiu unrnltij otempor arhs who In Iho matter of court lo porter glvo contra llctl it ti the motto of Kentucky lu that they aro able lo say "Unltol we stanl, unite 1 wo tumbh,," Insist this morning on mak lug thu lni.iu-i Neuu 1'uhi Company the d-foolaut lu Judu Powers' llbol suit which w.nyoitirday I aitcd upon lu the Thirl district court, lhe company they name hat the pre out uiitift jeniutit uf the Nllwe aud list not jot lull the goid fortune togetluto thu courts b ivu ns a chronicler, not n manufacturer, uf law suits. A iiAMHusii. engraving uf tho Utah World's l'alr building nt Chicago hat brim ricelved from thu ofllcu of the L'ommlstlnn In thlsclty. Thu building aud Itssurroundlintr, as shown In thla artistic repro tuition of them, nro such at to cause patriotic pride lu uvery Utahcltl'tn, Thu courtesy of rJutre tury K. A. McDanlel ennblis the NlMs to glvo Its riaders A iiduced representation of tho picture. It ap pears uu arother page. fin: rLi.ortox of some epcclmcns of thlt year's crop of ecuators, and tho scandals alien laiit upon thu attempt to elect others, aonttltute the best kind of argument for the taking of the bust neis from the state legislatures entirely i and giving It lo the people. . I ollr. J 'l " ' I liavonoiu iiu i.tid in my family for several yesrf, charober sin's tone. Cholera and Dlarrh Hemedynn I have found It erne cf Iho most ufui an I iatls'aclory rfmedli I iv hanllH fj. II. I'swl". I)rutjW.BaIl I.akf (Jlly, I.Utah. I or sa'e by .. i. . Jl I. Ding !) p'l. . U4" M. Km p. irnnuacturir of line Candles. C4 WH. Hecond H mill lllriet. Cheap Hxcural .. s I r ten day; to Denver and all return Hlil. leJ'.TIikel()ince, .No. 11 W. Heoond Houth stlrel, Tii ll lUllma I rickett olll on W U, Hisu, Walk.r II u-e. Sill ! I "' T fly tlull rs Is utrerod by the Utah Boap CotuiAuy lor lhe name lust a nptcil lo a loth t so ip. Five dollais for each uthir mime which may lie, Comirtltiincl 'isJnnunry 11, 1K01. Kiiclose soap wrnir ot the UtahHonp('ominn), fait hake City. Mlll lltltnlerj It Is this. If jou have o Couah or n Cold, a tickling In lhe Throat, which keersynu con.iantly coughing, or If you aro ICIIcled with airy ChH, rhront or l.ung Troub'c, W hooping Couirh ftc, and you mo Hullard'M orrnotmtmruiasillricted, giving It a fair trial, and no beceflt Is experl enced, we nnlhorlie our ndverlleel age nt to rotund your innney on return nllwttlo. It never falls to elvu attla faction. It pMinilly relieves Ilron chilis. .. . . Bold ty '.. O M. I. Drug Dept. 1 Finest In America, Brown 1'nlaru l'erftctos. " Tho New Tear will open wllh n big cut In rates to Denaer nnd all east ern points, at Hhlloy's ltallruad Ticket Olllce, Nu. 11 .V.Hm'MmI H mill Bt. Ilriiw l,,i,r umi (.nrliintnii. Mr. J, O, Davenp .it, manager of the Port Ilrngg IU-lwood ('o , I'l. llrnrir, Cal., lint this to say ot Chamberlain's ('muli Kemeily; "I used It for n severe cold and oougti and obtulncl liumedl. aln relief. In the Fort llragg Itud. wood Co.'a stora wo havo Hold largo quantities of Chamberlain's modi- lues." rot sale by '.. C. M. I. Drug Dep't. dAs tmo.l l..ic.n. Qaod looks are nioro than skin deep, del ending ujion u heilthy condition uf all the vital oritana. If the I.lver bo Inactlvu you have a IHIloua look, and II yi ur stomach bcdlsordered you have aDopeptlolook, anl If your Kidneys boulIVcted you have n Inched look. Becurogood health and you will lialu goo I looks. jUlectrla Hitters Is the great alterative and ronlc.acta din ctly ou thesu vital orgaut. Cures rirarles, lltotohet, HolN, and glvts a good com Ikxlon. Bold at A. C. Hmllh A Co's DrugBlore. OJc. turlwttle. 4 A Nuee nr foe riles. Itching l'llesarukuown by raoliluro like teitjlratlun, causing Intense Itch lug wliun warm. Tills fim as well at Hllnd, Illesdlng or Protruding, yield at nine to Dr. llosanko'sl'llelleine.Jy, which acta directly on parts sflicted, absorbs tumors, allays Itching and et ftclsaiieriuaneincuro SOols. Drug glate or mail. Circulars free. Dr. Vlosaiiko, l'hlladelihla, Pa. Bold lay Z. C. M. X. Drug Deft. "Are Tout" If you ara bilious, dull, drowsy, steopy; havo a bad taste In the mouth on arising In lhe mornliur; rentiers a) night, constipated an I have Indiges tion, your lAver Is out of order aul Jour blood Is slowly being polionwl. ferhlne will cure any disorder of the I.lver, Btnrnach or llowelt. Bold by Z. 0. 11. 1. Drug Dent, Tn rrrvriiltlieflrlit Or any other similar epldimlo, lhe blood nud ttie whole system should bo ke t In healthy oundlilon. If you feel worn out or have "that Ural fiullng" In the morning, do not be guilty of neglect, (live Immediate iilletitloii lo yourself. Toko lluod'e Banai arlllu ti give atrongth, purify tho blood ui d previutdUesae. Ilfiol't I'lllt rure liver Ills, Jaundice, bllliuiueit, tlok headache, conitlia tlcn i I rout .Mbrrir. C. I. Moore d. Co., prominout drug Rials of Ni wltrg, Ore., says: "'.Since uurcuslcmershavelecoiueacqualntol with tho gool qualities of Chamber lalu'a Cuugh llemedy, we si II I ut little uf any nthir kind. Chlulierlaln' nwllclnrs ull give good salltfactlon." I'orsalobyZ C. M. Drug Dep't. dAs Flnost Duttor In Utah at C. VV. Davis', Mnrkot How. 1. U. ('. llatlleil llesr. Madu by Iho American llrewlng Coiii aby of BU liuls Is I rewed of the list barley anl Jloliimlau hoi, It hata UuntlluUmlcr lolor, ailellclout hop flavor mil sarkls like Cham tagne. I'lilJi H. llAliHA, 41 Kilt, Klr.t Houlh Htriet, halt l.ako City, Agent. A dene Cotuplxl.ju A clear complexion h always abso lute prnif of the erfect action cf tho Llvrr. You never saw n bilious person with a clejr, ruddy complexion. "A sound I.lver rasket a well man." Urn lll.Ni will give you n perfect Liver and B'lfect dilution. Bold by Z. 0. M. I. rug Deit Xlesslaiw Herblns rsrmanently cures sick headache, IndU-estlou, dyspepsia, con stipation, biliousness, foul brenlh and all disease1! produced by disordered Liver. It tin orfitrtlilTitrt modiolus. Bold by . O. M. 1. Drug Dei t. Dr. Jiurrows, Oculist, Alirltt andOp. Ilcluu, bicctaclca fitted. Commercial lllock. X. M I I.IMIS Tin, Copper and hheet Iron Worker. Duly llrst clots work done. Hepnlrlng promptly nltended to. 102 west, Beo ond Bouth ttrrat, Kxcurtlon Tickets to all parts of r.urono. l.rst than regular rates. W. (I. Kind, Walker House. All Trie. These who havo uted Dr. King's 5iw Discovery fcuow Its value, and Ihoee who have not liavu now the opportunity to try It Free. Call on the nilveitlied Druggist and get a Trial llillle, Free. Bond our name and address tu II. U. llucklen A, Co , Chi euro, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Difo Pills Free, as well ns a uopv of Uuldo lo Health and House boll Inslruolor, Free. Allot which It guaranteed to do you good and cost you Viothlnj. A. O. Bmlth A Co's Drug ui. ' The jieople aru going eild over Urowu l'alice Perfectvs, Irnli llr.H. John Davis, 107 1.. l-irst Houlh Btreet (opposlto City Hall), dealer In all kin Is of Fresh Meats, (live me a call, Collma CnUee, nectar ol Iho gods, at Harlow Thompson Orccery Co. .ol Iroin n tliisiirlal Mini Ipolnl. "I do notiicoinnnndChamlrrlaln't ( ourIi llemedy Irom a financial stand p'dnl, for wu have others In stock on whim wo malcn largrprollt,"aaja Al. Magglni, n prominent ilrugRlit of Iliaddook, l'enu , "but lirciuso many of cur customers havn spokiu or It In thohlglustiralM, We sell more of It lhan of any similar pninrntlon we hiv In lhe store." For sain I y Z. C. M. I. Drug I), i'l. elit Itaefcten's Arnlea aalrs. Tin Hurt Balvi- In ne world far Cuts, Urultrs, Bores, Ulcera, Hilt lthtum, huver Sores, letter, ChapiI Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Bkln liu lions, aud positively cures Pilot cr no pay required, Itis guaranteel to glveerfsct sallsfaollon or rnonoy r funded. Pries as cants nor box, ref late ty A. CBmlth Co. A.U Bmlth ds Co., Drug(liti,a2oriti tlltobcrta' Hespsrlen Tonla Cousrli and lluarsrnps. The Irrtri tlou which Indiirea coughing Inimrdl alely relieved by use of "Lrmin'l llrmDhlat TTochei." Bold only In I luxes. For Ilallroad Tlckels call on W. (1 Kind, Walker IIoiim; he can tavoynu irom $5 03 to $2Q.0i. Collma Cofleo Is uuequaled for Purity und Flavor. Frater A. Chalmer's, maniifaclurert of machtniry, Detlie tiannnuuee that they havo movol their ulllcn In No. 1(19 east, Third Bouth Btrecl, Knutt ord lloul biilldlmr. SLTLAKETnEATilE Cult B. Ilciirnv staxaoriu Friday and Saturday, January 20, 21. The l.Tiltitnt lonux Couicillan, Mr. Chas. Dickson AnJ fits onn rompanr of mtrry i tjn la Mia ttonmilJo lrttcco IfiGQG All Kura. 1 Mghu In Nan Tork. inicKnto ur THE SALT CELLAR, d uarg yolk THE MAI? ABOUT TOWN Hr. DICKSON IO0TH DOUBLE BILLS s." l-ness-i r., see , ; e , II M. (ste ol leal, bcfitnl cilaeiday, Jsausry l-lh. VKXT ATTHICrioV Ttirco Mlli, rommeLcInt Tenrsdar.dan ct, IX CD-Sf1El A Trip to Ghinatowii. V ft? F i I WSE) J-GM e;lmixtCul,l.rjJHoTtL irhthoh Jim mi ; rjiopiriTiiBJiii Our fnvorlU Stork ompany In flrroamiotr farce, "TWO MODERN DROM10S." XOo.- ADUISSIOS XOO. AN I Kl. MI!. M COW, Of CIUOAUU tt IIXTF ( It the foiiDUloa Tar tor iji ii of I htm i utiintt frea ! r iu da)- cuinnii uu iitf on lon 1W a(, Hilt Btiult' Miect. irANTHl-OIUu AIKHIT 14, TU III I P V tnaamal fainlr. tloaiautlome Call Ult.TJ. tilth tli-rat. I OUM). A I VMV, CONTAIS1NU tVAI I. fVH n motif j tiwmr Lai an) jay for thia nJit. and pet urif. If i cm ou hioijcx, OM- mums iioiisF. boa it is urr plli.rlmhkjbuUd, Jer.wT otlnred uoiit. liuo Lay Co t, ainmtn yeara L Will pay 19 for return ot aimu, .Notify X.v Uitire. BJVOM & MEALY,, 4 JSTji B 164tOl000llBi,ChtC(Uro. jjl VF (4ULilrf Ut)4 rUt-t't I ( jfTWf 1 1 Viw m h4 Iw.m'mIh'7 WltM j jjfl SUMMONS. Io th Dhtrirt Court in nu 1 for tho Thlnl hull- clftl Untrtctof Utah lirrltorj, touoty ot HaUlJiic. Harriet Cook, I Jalntnr, va. Jcijo W. Cook, Utftndant Tlio porple ot the Territory of Utah a end trrcfliinK To Joi W Ooolt, Defendant, rou itt: ut-un in icEQUiiirii to a r L. l car in an arllun brougtit aca nit i ou I y U ualoe inine Ii tho luiirtciUuirt oriholhirl .mlkUl litrirtut llio Itrntory f blah, and to anaurr llio ropiplaint iu I tlifro u Mitluii Kit liny (oxilualo f tliu iiuy ot enlrc) aftir Hip acmoa im yon or tins iictmonaif arrrrl vtltriln till rouniy or. If aonodontut Una rouuiy.but in tlta dutrfct, within twenty iu, utntrtviaa within forty daya-or Jmicmetit by dttiult will la tnkn K-ilntt you, a(.Lor ding tu tboirayrr of aaid i ba aai (fiction Ii IrmiRlit to hmo a decree of thla Court diaaulTiiijr the tmnd of i lairinifiLy rUtiitR iHtHem iitaiotitf and dotcu lint W4rdiinitoiUlntitf ttio rare au I c a study of iho mli or mild, Wuootaaii nurrnffl. and FMnunjciUiiiUitj! nerI relis-f, jirayoil un tho loMnwitiir irmunU, tu Mlt thut on ur alout July, Ivt, deicorfant wlllully and win out eausie Ujtrttd auj abtsOdonrd ttila plairtlll anl bft cur almo coutinuud o to wilfully and without rauva drt anl nliatxlon her, attlnt her will and without her innaent that inro Heir aald intrrlaxodcfrn lint haa trritt r 1 lalnliir In a irunl anl inhuman inannir, rauaiuirl erKront bodily liarui and in nut Oil tret that fur uo o iMn one yi-Ar Jai pat riUenlant liaa fa led to i run lit for I Ulniilt Itia Lommon nci.ctarK of life, aliliouxh alilo ao to do Ail jouarrbcrcbr nolillc I that If )ou fall t) apitar anl nnawcr Iho aattcomiHut ai l)vurrUircllnouil iilaintm mil m i'ty to thn Court rrth rtlicf fcmatideil Ihorcln ltuii tho Hon Clutlea 1 Mt, Judjic. an 1 the teal of the Hi tin 1 1 ourt of tit thlnl Judtial liutrkt lu no I fur tho Tirntoryof Utah thH6thdayif ttLicrln the y far of cur t or 1 niio tliouaaod oisjht bundrtd nnd mnty.iMi URNlY ((SIcJIf j AK,CIk. 11 Oku I). Luguit, !" ic POPULAR e jr Cslabllthml V. Aont I May, tf (, Doserol H 1870. Vj Vj Woo,n rv W rSj C20 0O. 'i- V TAILORS jv JAfflES-SPENGER-BATEMAHCO, (Sjs:esiors lo HavlJ James ,t Uo an.l psueer-llyivater Co,,) PLUllBEKS, TINNERS, S ( earn and G as .Killers. Wo carry a Comploto Una of GEM AND PENINSULAR STOVES AND RANGES, J Gtsollna and OllStovss, Tlnwnro, Granlto Ironwara ii and Houta Furnlahlns Goods. B -jVo. 07 BXS-IIV rX,XtHJlLrXV-i QOLOMON BROTHERO l J Tho Most Successful of all of our ( J HOME-.-INDUSTRIES Z, iX Istlio manufjoturo of Doota ond Shoos. Jtj, I Unoxcollod by any nro those f S- of OUR MAKE. f !. Z. VE USE IDE BEST OF LE1TIIER AXD aiATEHLlESL U Our work Is dono by hand nnd wnrrantod. Ii " Wo carry nlso Comploto Linos of " 8LadloB' Fln Footwoar and ; Mon's Clovos. Cf J OLOMON EHOTHERO -- ' RtaON-M II CO, WHOLESAT.E and RBONAILJ CARRY EYERYTHIKG USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRSMLASS DRUG STORE. tw Glvo Them a Call. E- Mall Orders Solicited. BOYS' anil CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT or jjn 1 1 n hi i FiTTiT i rrn ittttut i inm GOLDSMITH I Gil njj t i n 1 1 rii m 1 1 am im i m n mm: At this oonoon of tho yoar Is nonrly as woll StoclioU with n varlod assortmont of SUITS, OVERCOATS, ULSTERS AND REEFERS, Ao could bo found In any largo first class CLOTHING STOfE In tho East. In ordor to mako Room for our Now Spring Involco wo havo greatly REDUCED THE PRICES And now Ii your opportunity to buy your boy a first class suit at a larRO discount, a FINE CAPE OVERCOAT, ULSTER OR REEFER HT-COST m All IT ITS 10W DOST. (U, (UI, (in Main Street.