Newspaper Page Text
NOTil)SAPiOIfSYAItN A STORV OF HARDSHIP AND DEATH IK THE ANTARCTIC OCCAM. A Tlosl Crew of Stren Mm I ft on nil atitt hot Clint I or III of tlio Lnfortoiisl's I luallj Lost Tli.lf LUei. torn. lde of 'I'" lore. Captain Eldrldge, of tho steinier dire- srino Wliltln,, U ono of thoso lireeiy, old time tan who owl to start oil from tome Now riiRlinil iwrt In n willing vts- ,tl which oulil return onljr ter a o iijoof toorllirco jenri. During thovi length) smil t iniK-Atnoiu biUTetliiKS with tho son Ciiptnlu KMridgn iw much Hint wiuof Intorrtt. Soiiioof tlilnlioliaiitolil with a nunlnt msrluo candor worthy of being exactly reproduced. Iiusnysi I mw In Tlio A orld wliero tlirco mcrf were left on mi lsliuid In tliu Arctic 1 hit remind' inoof ahont crew that win left on an Island In UieAntarctlcocean In 1871 by the schooner franklin, of New Lonlon, Captain Jainci Holmes, master. They vera Ian lid on CnrnBhcrltl to kill wlmt teals they could whllo tho schooner tt rat on n protracting to) ngo that li to my. looking for rookeries or plates where lenls travel upon the teach to nir their young. Well, they wero to stay thero nntll tho achoouer rctiimod, which would bo In ten daya ot most. So ten da) ' ro Tlilons wero giren them, and when ten days hail eiplrcd tho men did not know but the Tetsel wna lent. Ho they took In their 1oat tho carcasses of cells nnd started for Potter's cot c, 250 miles u way, whero they exjiectoj to find tho bark Kile, for It was uJiieclcd tho would rail en the 13th dny of March for Now I.on. don They arrired thero on tholtth,nud she had allied on tho llth,nsltnppcnrcd. Now what wero they to do without clothes or fuel, no provisions or shelter, and a s.or), cold winter of nlno long, dark months? As It is to fur south tlio summer Is short say thruo months, nnd winter nino months and summer Is as cold ui onr winter here, but has tho ml rantago of lieing all diy, w hito tlio w In ter is nil night. They uro in CJ digs, latitude, south. Well, tho season was to far goio that the few teals, or t lephants, or other ani mals that Inhabit tills part ot tho globo had gone Into tho sen for winter. Hut, however, they did manago to get n few Kail and elephants nnl secured their ell, and on this they lived until spring. For a shelter they got nn old try works Uch had been left thero by soino ship snd covered this with snow to kot p out that cold possible, nnd w 1th mow for blanket they lived thu winter through. In tho spring they concluded tu gi lick tu Capo bhcriir mid hill nil tho Mis they could lieforo tho easels lw ran to arrive. Thou they would innko tome bargain to tako homo tho skins. So, without nny provisions, they started back, but on going out tho strait they Slit jammed ill tho ico mid had to go lock over tho Ico to i'orter a io e. 1 lay vcnld haul their boat f rum ono cako or UocJ of ice to nuothcr, and launch wtto sectssar). Well, they got luck tt lut whero they started from nearly frijfrom cold and exposure. Itot, howc er, another trial. Fonr re fused to go, bnt thrco at them took an othsrr bout which had lieen left by tomo ether ship ami ttarted ugaln without my food, for thero was nonoto beget tt so early in thu spring. Novirtheloss theyurrived then at Capo Sheriff. After ward thoy killed S.SOO seals andepreid their skins on tho mow to keep them from heatln;, but w hat becaino of them willnoverboknuwn. It was supiswl that they undertook to cross tho straits, but could not manago tho boat. How ver, they wero lost. Now about thoso four that tta)cdnt thoCovo I renum ber twoof thtlr numct, but linvo for gotten tho others. Ono was nn Indian lrom Long Island, soiuo placo near Hon task his last Jiamo was Onrb and ono by the name of J lines Klug, w ho was eventually tho only minlvor of tho listen, and his tale of surTcring was ter tllle. He had to kill nnd tat tho other threo men. They wero nothing but kla and bones an) way, and bo could not have survived moro than ono day more had w o not found him rut w o did. We bnrltd tho remains of the others la the snow . King then w ent on board of tho Kirk Nile, nnd from her ho went on board of tho rchooncr '.. I1. Simons snd camo to Now London, whoro ho ailed from. lie tmed tho compiny, but finally ho gav o It up and cleared out no vio knows where. Now, IwiUgivo)ouall tho informa son I can as to w hy they w ero left there, it was lata in tho season and tho winds ironld not penult of tho schooner gottlng wick to them. So sho sailed for home. n hat aro sev en men's Uvea to somo men? Now, I will give ) on somo idea of tho pee. It is In from 01 to 0J tlegs. south latitudo and tho laud ia of volcanlo erlgln, ,ptung uu 01lt ot Uno walcr UIll Wdlng In tho clouds with thousands of "tt of snow on top. Tho rocks nro of JiItono appearance. Thero is not this '"t sign of egttntIon on them not even moss will grow on tho rocks. es, thero is a sign of vt gctatloni what J" known as crimson snow, JJutifyou wsea handful and look nt It without tlio aid of a mlcroscopo you w 111 si o not h-u-i bnt a Utile red on tho enow, but with tlio all of a mlcroscopo ) ou can seo tho ane roots In tho enow, So It Is a tgeta- Thero nro no thelltlsli on the rocks-It u perfect desolation. But in the summer IH birds of all klnds-that is, birds of wgh latitudo-aro hero to breed thtlr jooug, xiure aro tho sen hen, tho Motht r 'ys chicken, which is fouul ullovir tlio world, and penguin, Bournl species "them, And to seo theso lunguin us ' inarch from their nests to the set "1 b-iek in slnglo file and stand so orcctl 27 ?,"ot "- TI'J " ."- '" "nail (In to swim with whllo In (ho i, . Thcjr "" ""a" n llol '" "' SM, l'l ?' .tW0 W aVA Blt 0' ''"' n' trmi i ' rlsllt " ,hu ,now- u,lt "uro nojldcsawayout of nil thero ter ipea, tot. t ".' T"011, ' Bf-S n OKooil substl. ""for hen's eggs -New Vork World. T. "'"Jy..l. lsaIomrf!rn".CT Wlmt ""rent umo 'Ct1"'" Wl" -"'"Bunt. w.SuiHv'' Vfho 1"'M"'il to bo 'a"mycrkrpmid,i'rwto WT0,f'iIaaun;tIhc"1 1''0 h" 1,aa flcUi a THE ADUSE OP HYPNOTISM rjnuks nn.l tlisrlitins Him 'Islie (,. nf It to (lull Hie rul.llr. Whili tho benefits from h)pnotlim thus fir hive licen few and small, tho evils li ivo been many nnd great. Its eleepllko stnto is not n normal th ep, bringing hmlth an I ttrength tu tho slumberer, but ft morbid condition 1 nr. dering upon dlsense It Irtltnt. sll en tire nervous organisation and tempora rily If not crgauleuliy vv i-aUns the n s tern. This drawb-ick Is serious eiiungh Uirker nnd moro terrible t ffeets lie in tho suppression of tho object s vv ill for tho tlmo being, mid tho substitution therefor of tho oirntor's lu this re tard It opens avenues to crlmoondcrlml nnl) sutli ns has never been t-mnl d heretofore. Alnady so man) dlcrt lit nblo nttions, not tu uso n stronger w ird, Iiivo len coimnlltirl In r,uroK by means of hypnotlrm that In Ilnl) , Ann tro-llungnr), parts of Bwltjirlind to pcuhagen and other inuulcliialities I ins havo been enacted prohibiting its pulilio jractkob) niy eictpt ph)tiilaii Ho, ou tho other hand, tho police, without any statute ou the subject, hnvo trrnted traveling mesmerists n disorderly char acters. ThusDonitowatospell d from Italy, and Hansen, nuothcr li)puotM, from Austria, was uotlheil never to re turn under penalty of arrest, tlno mil imprisonment. This Donato (whoo real nunc, by tho way, is Dhont) hypnotised nu Itnlhii nr tllh ry ofllctr, who ImmtHllately beeumo half crasy. l'rom tlmo to tlmo ho would go Into somnambulism at tho tight of n bright object. Ho would follow cnrrlago lamps, an I unless prevented would walk tovvnrd locomotlvo or steamer lights. An architectural student was mesmer by ttariinf nt his compasses, after which It was Imposslblo furhltu to draw w Ithout going to sleep. A)ounggirl of Jlllan, of beauty and character, w as h) pnotlzed mid Impresse 1 with tho notion that sho was married tu a man sho had ncv er seen but onco, nnd then in the darkness, bhowent crnzy aud died In it hospital, Another )oung girl (of Paris, this time) wua put under n similar tpcll nnd was mined. Sho finally entered thu Saltpctrlero hoepllnl, whero, ufter n long and pninful remedy, what was left of her former self was prouounied cured. In New York n hypnotized person was mado to liellcvo that ho had taken slow poison. Ho fell tick nnd wasted away to n shadow. Not until tho attending physician discovered tho tmo mituroot tho hallucination and reh)pnotlziil tho tnbjcct was thero any ) mptum of con valescence. In Turin, nt n terli s nf hjpnotlo lec tures nml public ejieriuients, n hrge proiwrtion of thosowho attended wero taken tick with headache, insomnia and other nervous iiilments. A few of thoso who wero of n h)storicnl temperament remained ill for n long time. In thu fort going eases tho h) l uotlzing wnsiloiiowithiio evil Intent, but thero nroliuudreilsof recorded Instances whero it was dono w Ith i,ntcut of cv 11. l'JiUu-delphliilimes It Worked to I rtfrclloo. Two ) oung women stood by tho cash ier's window tho other da). Ono vvusun ambitious vv rlter ot erso vv hose effusions hadbocn icrslttently rejected by tton) editors, nnd the other was a teacher out of a position unit sorcl) lu debt. They wero mgogod, just then, in commiserat ing each other, when suddenly n little brow ndvvnrf with nhumpnndn mourn fully patient faco pushed her way up to tho pa) ing place. "M) dtar girl, now's ) our ov erlnstlng chance," whispered tho poetess excitedly. ' (let right tip bo liind her, whero sho can't seo )ou, and touch her hump. Then I II follow cult. It's bound to bring us ,ood luck; better than n rabbit's foot; never Knew it to fall " "What nonsensel I won't lw such n goose! ' dtmurrcd tho teacher girl, "lint gu ahead ) ourself ," and sho stood ntldo for tho other io get Into n securo jkisI tlou; tho uholo charm deiHiiding of course upon doing It unknown to the humpbacked ono. It U only necessary to add that the ex periment was entirely successful, and that the poetess went straight homo and wrote "Loving nnd Losing," which tho sold today tot butthat is another ttory, I can't tell it. Now York Hi cordcr Mo.lo ll-oiii), Mt.Ll. Joseph Moore, of Birmingham, n dlo sinker, inndo his reputation by u medal lu broiuo four inches in diameter, of which fow copies wero struck. On ono sido ho showed in pretty high relief tho "Salvntor Mundl" of Loonurdo da Vinci and on tho other tho "Christus Con eolator" of Ary SchelTcr. Tho latter wroto in thanks for a copy of tho work, "Your medal has Immortalized my pic ture; it will outlivo tho canvas,' Xcw VnrV Tlio. WE KNOW OF NOTHING THAT CAN COMPARE WITH THE GRAEFENBERG PILLS as A FAMILY PILL. THEY ARE NOT ONLY MILD BUT EXCEED. INQLY EFFEOTIVE. THE BEST HEADACHE PILL, THESE PILLS CURE ALL TORMS OF MALARIAL DISEASES, BIL I0USNESS, LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. THE BEST PILL -ron-Yt'ElKRESS ADD NERVOUSNESS. Sold by All Druggist). GRAEFENBERG CO., tUI Chamber., N.Y. id" vSk m S Wc Heredy Promise 'lo refuntl all im.i v ,id ut for Haller's Remedies !.L50lL"rc ,inl I'SrriTED by their USE, Tin so prep 1 1 t , intuUtuf SUAE CU&3 CCU5B 8W.U?. AUSTRALIAN SALVE, SLH3 FuiUFliS, imnwm, EAE3&FA1UUA tsi SUP.KCIS (CmsnsA) HDIIK3 PWIDEH3. msMusiaaiT, mvaz, LilllS CEMSAtr PUIS. and nro AD30MTEl,r OUAnASTEED by . 0 CURE, K0 T Y. im tako lw liinctt Sold by nil Drugglits. EXCELSIOR BAKERY No 10, East Tomplo St FRCSli DREAD, DUNS, CAKE9, AND CRACKERS. PURE CARDIES, GROCERIES, ETC. ButtcrcupCrackers a Specialty EDWARD SCRACE, rs.prtsttrj, OHUROH ORGANS. fytCr'ti OUTt-Tfnirt lll irovalil uf 2lurftH.A.Vl " s-tftnnilxlUOU K.l,lltltl tinfASrlfy irrn will m ii lt -Uir Jy?3"" rgm tl((1 i iriowildni of ft PELOUBET CHUnCH ORGAN. tunir nttrl in fm nsln. r rim tr i ml io twill tin h Jrws i f r nll-iKv. Tie luttrumrni" f re Ihv fn nuB f-iiirj f k mwlrrn tinni t lul l In B'jrl nt ntatctl tb woolwork, rllf r Ji-nUtBttntt irtevs, LYON & HEALY, Stato and Monroo Sts. CHICAGO. VtiTr -Oir fwioris-ti i rmiiiru ui wnnl cf luvuut ciiuilcsU InAiniiiifiiti isDnuallir XKC3 Thomson &TaylQrSpiceCo., Isaporurs ss4 If ssoscltirsrs of t&s Finest Spiostj PUHVOirlC EXTRACTS mown TO THE TRioe. rrstrlstet, of tis rsmou Drssa of RED V OROSS V LYE.) Michigan Avonuo, Cor. Lake,, oxEiajLaa. ; lM)EItTAl(lI!8. MSTJBLI3II1D, lUt, Pionoor Dndonaker of Utah. COFFINS AND CASKETS. I ull Lino orcoriii I nrnUhlngs krpt rousln.itljr on linnO. Tttiphant mntt Ttl grap Or tterl tronjltf tltrd. r niSIr, pressm 1 In thsir Mstorst Coodl lion w llioul curs cUri OPCN DAY AND NIQUT. UrrXXo.1 Ho. 253 E. Flr?t Sontb, Uot i s hslt blscl, ti,l of Thtsut. TSLLriJO.YS A j. TO, Joseph William Taylor UHDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Carry th Lvgtit and Hat CmnpMt Steci nf OOPPINS, . GASKETS, And UndcrtiVeiVGoodi In Ulih. mUtl and Jtttait ( Ivmtnttlv JWufJ frt tt, than wrr tttr eftrtd tu n tA. Jtl orJtriJll tJ My r A ight in tk Shertul itfinVt lint oificfl in wiusnooui hktbr oujiko No.2l ind 23 WEST TEMPLE GTREET. r.o. iiux a. xiijk94t ui , Jyyhbv cditionl Lattttr day Stttnti Vl HYKNBOOK J V Doierst News Olllco Y fritiil aiitoitts JJ It (fc fin '' v 'sM isW sTaOfctw-'isT " n A v II li-' (l BKliV X 'XZjZ-jJZ.uiXXttWi 111 I ipvt- -JZ2Miam mLfi . ftyn drymai J froUjAnJdoul:. ' 'ft VWasMtly ia IrouUs and rJoutJ; " iscgffi her icsl counleppines rBl"njH some very black alii 113 nt'ClITTE-SQAftooklhcni out CLAIHETTE SOAP caia caljf tj N. K. FA1RBANX & CO., St. Leils. "CORTICBLLI." ROPE SILK, g m Wash, Embroidery Silk, (h Xleie set ttie ("JCcJl, In blse sal In reJ, M y Msde lor tbe isiootsett, tirongttt ol tirclJ w VH Tbc (Uien tbrtsd, tlit es'rr one ttili y) O Wts worthy the MlUi q "CortlccUl1' built. m J C. H. SAMPSON, Acena) j$ HUPTUHE mmjSm?' permanently cured or no pay. EfeVlisVAt. fX ,IOMl "1" '" ,,'". ' Jltlorolek A Co 11 llEi 'A. UHtfSmn,!! ktrSS' CXAMINATI0N rRZC' 'MteM. THE - E- M,LLER COIHPAHY. fRtfficJMWi?yj ' ''ituStitor, "tm"i)"ruii iKculau SOLOMON BROTHERQ Tho Mo3t Succo3BfuI of all of our I -r HOMEvINDUSTRIES ! I"!- lotho mnnufaoturo of Doota and Shooo, Jj, Unoxcollod by any nro thoao f- of OUR MAKE. Z. WE USE THE BEST OF LEATHER AND MATERUtS. u $i, Our work Is dono by hand nnd warrantad. TH " Wo carry also Comptoto Linos of J"J 8Ladlos' Fins Footwoar and . Men's Olovos. fj OLOMON BROTHEE.0 FOR THE MIIME FOR ThE JVHLL Tco Jtfill, i'i, JMtlna, Jrosc, l'acklniii MtmtUes, !t "A" Camiiountt, Tool Steel, Jlrans Work, J''itc, Cults, Sliced Intllcatovs, Powder, JiUbt'lcatliuj Oil, Caudle Sticks, J'lpo and Ptw I'lltlitff, Jtellows, Power Drills, Vnulneers Tools, Mowers, Machinist' Tools, Oakum, Anvils, Macksmlth Tools, Ctanlde, Jlolsttiiff Tackle, Tarn-Table Steel, Sleduea Machine Holts, Waste, And Strlklna Jfammers, Cordaie, Cast Washers, Merchant Iron, Shovels, Lay Screws, Picks, Pick SUcl, Scale Jleniorer tC Preventer, Candles. Asbestos Preparations, E.C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO mtoajtrMH ijvuvijijvcj. f It R H Tllsl, WhistJor from tho bid etTeeltot M I I ' H ' LOrlN.UiM link MJer mil List, n nil H J Ill.nio, lltirumsu.m. iDdfie.HOD llj.vp. 11 t I'-i V. A lis, ir imit ofHSisoesi or other ills. 0 B f 1 H ts.e., hf 11 I'leelrlrlir mil euio yoo suit H H I U lteproilsbnlih tiitsiistbs relief nt is 11 U I J H 1 oos niinols.) Toproielbis, IwlHsesJ le DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. Irlces,tta,llss4lll,lf istlitstl. Alio r of irlo Trones soil Uol Iltllere, Culls oolhlos to irr Ihem. C bo rfunlilcd to .all. sod ssirsnlse t to Isst fur sir, A Ilolt sod lltllsrr oomUord ind rro lore. tulCclenl Flctrrilr 10 sbocb rrf e Ucdlfsl sdf leo. Wrllolol.r. t.lftwsiitmtsiuro.prleoisdfulllisrtleolsrs Aimii. wsslnl DM. JUOD. Detroit. Mloh. , iwiiiiiiiiwim i i him wniiiiwiiiirriiiMii ' 1S50' 180Mi m Deseret News. ' 1 1 1 Pioneer rapor of the Rocky Mountain Country, I EISEfflliiMMS I EJQHT PACES. SEVEN COLUMN3 EACH. . SOID ITIST BAT, XZCIR IOrDAT. Has m& ExtonBlvo nnd Inoroaalng OlrouUtlou, ' Ant is Kswrnrsu tad ABTsxTisia Uidicm H ITHAS-NO-SUPBRIOR, I i B -rrs oourian mxtaiji. "Btt, vxusinApiiio ntronri, H UAiiu local iTrnu, H UOUK ClIUIILIPOSniMCB, H sTUMKiaa coaursroDtitc. H BBCCATIOIAL, AUmcCLTTTBli, H hailitat Ami i H UOMUTia sTBTTt jM DESERET SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. I wgui' l'AGrjs, riGirr ooLTrarNs ea.oix. H Publlshod Evory Tuoday and Friday. Aa rtjs-. H MRGSf CIRCULATION III Uf.K !l " CU AdololiB Sltlsi ssn Tsrrllerlee if say ftst milbkKL H A8 Ua sdTMUjM sf hleh mraminit It t. U who otmot stTerd or era aawttSB. ssH eaUTsUustedforUsOiutlwirvspsr. Iloontsin. tnwr,4 Ike H Hrm f the Week, I Dja,,,!, ! H reletrapUe, I t,rtgn3nrh M lMl' Uilorlsl IrtidM H liulluietni, J I7pn Tru,Irfe; Imtej M Ain re nt aramr vasticvlab H A STANDARD HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL! jH DESEREf WEEKLY I XCsjtnlillssliad Jiistss 15, liScxy. M U pabllsfcoA TSI7 Hnlurjij, ss 91 to 40 pit If iidne, sad ss s CUTlRsTXT TOS't KH XQY OK T1IK UIIURCH, soil of tlio Interesting soenns Uuoagfc M ifliloji the iople cif this regloa sre now pissing; H Is without s riKl. The voluton, whe H bound, ire H INVALUABLE AB A WORK OF EBFBEENOB, H TERMS FOR THE DAILYl a eTeer - m.......CI. M ' siimnoaiht .M .ee H ft , Itir.. Jloulbip -........ sue H TERMS FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLYl H Oce ITSSpsr, One T..r SH M h sit nmii. - s.7( H I nmlttullii -w . bV H TERMS FOR THE WEEKLYl H SI0CP7, OnTfr (fiutf f lo T Telausj) .. sue H ft U Uimttu ....i .. MS H 1X133 rTDETTS H Book abd Job Iwnm Office I u oki or H The IVIost Complete in the tllestT M B4n( well eolppM with the T.itist akd Hist Bmu or TtT lm H 1'busss, snd either flrst.rlsM msterlsl, s sro H prepared Ui do ALL KINDS of JOB PRINTING in tho BEST STYLES, H With rnolirTNESS snd DISrATOU, snd st lUUSOSADUl v H KATEa M CQ5IEM Car ILL SIXES, fron the Smsllut nsnililll ti Us TstruHlxnrt ' H J?! tlit as1 u S11 H