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1 m SCULPTURE. Interesting lecture by C, E. Dallin on That Subject. ARThXl'llESSEI) ix scuu'itmr. Han has Ever Been an Artist or a Promoter ot Art. .(iii-ii'Hr. iiiikx in rovrr. Btirlrnlewl Hodfrit tt.ri.n.l Itiinilrtllll rroautllnlia Inilrntl It fly or C. i: Dallln, Utah's rising young rrulrtor, ilellTctsl mot Interesting ,nJ Instructive Iiclutu In tuo Utah (Jiltcrally last nlglit Irfoie Hie stu ilcnli unci faculty of tbt Institution. HID Ircture wn on nnrlent anil modern iniltiUa ml wm Illustrated liy stere option lewa ud rlioweel tho art In In various epochs from the earliest tloietolliuitciit. MrftDftlllti silii- I ho In the counn of my talk thli rfrnlng to enable you lu ualn a slight Urn ot some of the dominant chsriir ttrlstlcaof the grist chools of sculp tine. , . r list let nieluipreta upon your mlocls tbfacttbat art li at ntrestnry and uul Tirlaiany other roJuct nf human tnsri:?. Tnconeluce our of thle we base only to Bluily the tuauneis and ruilonuof prlinlllYti races. Wo hire find the art Initlnct Tory tarly clecl oped; first In teree the urpoau of cam lounicttlon, k lu picture wrltlna,rnd, ircmid, tossllsly the Inuato cleslru for dtcotatloii which l ahnvin In the croanientntlou mi Itui foments anl often on Un hoillra of aavujju. The whole hlttory of the human race hmbown that Hutu nvae Instincts hate neTtrln tost, iiiclthatiut Ilia laaya leen the car plug atonu of ovcry cltilliitlon. Hamerton lu Ills Thoughts Um Art ibjs. Tba almplo trutti Is that wlifrovir nun tMlllrd hla roalilpiieii frtmi Die t(iiitor lo the poles, lie hi always licctl tllhsr snsrll.tora , romeler of art cerutlnly notslwaAliliilily uillUntetl tn llir.ttci rarities, jetaiinielctillyfor tho sailslo tl in of tho arttsilo ania which he tolt a iLsy ilaipliptlieinsellrsMrlllilri him. Ite oplnl in Hint art la to ho found Mature hut In 1 iitniic, end sn In Titrono hardly uulsltlo nt ths Iun raw In modern ttiuea, or tho tlnclan and lloinan races In antiquity, lioiis tit tho trillions which appear toua Its. and less reiisonahlo and n Irnlsssble att (trailually iMlanco lu kutiwIeiUo Our tiioii Kfcuiui IWiod it.lorlaia hate tha njOAt m rhiua admiration for the jier fct eolurlut; of the richly en leiwo.1 ells; our atilc.l draiiL.lilamoil ac Uosleltto tho inai-ultlclciit power or atttiirtlon that waa cllsiilayoei by the mJiumI arlla'a of Japitu, at n fast when 1 uroim end her cul tsrswere tthsoluitly unlit tnl of tlinro -W It It only those hltflily KlllctI uul ancient room who have roduceil art uahloh iioeohltateil European nu ro fuiohlaalmlrattoii fr lutheartofmory roLiitry, oout f tho ui'iitMnagotrllHv aliti tho fxreptlon of tboto raro liikUiuceM btniuiliu ilinily bruial thoaltUllo IdiuUo tluda Hi. tzprevtlou, (nltcu a train.oly Inieriitliu; and beautiful ex (rauion,) lu tho a luriiincnt of thu lhlni.a ibat are feRAntoil with late ami prhtc, or wlla fcellniia of roliL'loua tout ration, In Ilia carThiji of tenijile-plllnr. or war nuiof, In the cinbroldur of tho mantle or ttnt Al il aa we far I ack lu lluio to ancleut lioit mil Atayrla nr lu the btdeat Indluu clrlllzaiion, wo irteho thai ihenn ratca lal art an art fuller inlstitaml iuajetty,whoaoal!cnt languAigo lattlll Intollltlblu to il andomitatii lu a clear couupllonof tholr iiiluil and Ufa We are long paat tbo young Imulornnco of crllklaiii that mi ouly real tho art of tuina latored pih whldi may happen tn ho lu Million. It liMtxMiino plain in tia that o cry art ablcli la thoroughly genuine, evor art wbleh la tlio aKinlalieoua txpreralnnof a peoplu'a latteund leellng h ta In llaoino prrtloua and fneoiniunulcahle riitllty Jrblcli la a pari ur lliu groat mill I of bumanlty tolling liaelf lorih In tbo most )rlatt aba u." Tbcte prefatory remarks liaro ap plied to ait lu i,cucral, aud we will now devott) ouraelvei In alt aa ex. irreied lu aoulplule. It would, no doubt, be luteriHtlrig tu tracu thu utTelupmont of titilpturu from lta flrat crude legluuinga tu in (erfected ix irtailonaa tnibodled lu the Vouuiuf Mllo Huth n liletory would ahow how iculi ture i aa orlgluallya mere udlumt loaichlUtlurt, and bow It g'alually Uqrelojad Into nu lutlipuuei.t uri, lo, how It develotad fruit a truJu Imitation of otjecta In oikkiiIo nature to a noLlo and Ideal exprcmlou of M. Charlti Ulanoaayi: Altar aluilrlng Iho unlTerae, man ?' ,l, contoinplaio lilmxin ho rt-allte.1 tbat ibo human firm la wopicd to tho aplrli, that lta pro pcruun. it, jinmoirv, lta fu.o of "WY'i.ltj auperlor beouty rendcra It "WiVf alllltltt'iorm tariiblo nf fulh toitiUVtloi tbuuglit, lheriforebetoi let inumnu body and atulpiurowaa born. llliloically fpeaklng, sculpture lind " b rib Mo I gyi t. In the urt of any l' I'M founu n exprcialon of lta ielltctul, moral and religious nu "'. Tui loulpture umong the Wtlis had Ua foundation in por K.'""'l L""uietliey liollevedthot the Sh!' ,u"tl;8 1 reserved In all t ttrnltj. ?i.tfit,.lnfnK WM "OtHilllclent It ih.!?' '.he,1 'ywl'boiitdlillgurtmenl sin 'it. . '"ouKetolmagta modi, nf dtokilffi Wn.J' lnu' th'sottereun wtiblsj ly iwrlrailaof the iltod. iJi'V ,.'lolnKlncrltlonofiucli tort i Itstatut, " M? '.""IP""" ,n tho tomb W - ... i." w" ulacoverod wo 1 m kl ,' V ,l"cn,'l aln Ha- t-fui i ni "K'l"""' Imimrtaiao In tho iMlSt ih.u,inl0l."LI""u,-"luuicd Il blcne l?li,iuc "'""' P "iloitdnu co 'koS tornVi,.,r'" I'. "nil on which toutbwl 1 ,Kf V1,r ?,1,lnl "' i"hliig 1'C- i.z ,i ; hr j "'' !'t ch .1. lf aalif jl.t ,.,"., , "'" uioutli lanrd "xil taalon.? .T1"" nl "" tnoaki ''"lirf,lbe...'ib,',,'Je" '" n'uioitdla! 'laiiefwlTi.? '" mrmed Ly i.umi Wh" a,1" ,,'!";'. in tlJ t'e'i'itir I ' "tal tu, rj? ,",'?. II"""1 ' " nr rock achcryaulllullj' Vil l""1" u"'l" u,eJ 'bluing ii w),lclx I In llcitealh Tlaiisl railn anl rhiMs Iheattumslilut an I life Ilk a r. n This slntutn IppreM.nla a typical wulkof an early polio I uf Ilgyntlan tculpluie. inter they ha I fixed forms and t)va which remained unchanged for lluio thoUMin I yeait, so that l'Jatu, In his dor, could justly oltre that lalntlng and 10111111110 prsuticrd lu I ypl for mi man) cenlurns bad pro duced nothing bitter at the end tuau at the beginning. I'll!. rloas KifJIlliwiMl was ly Hie dlctatta ol the rUsts and ravLtttl fromalreesoitansous dere opinint; it had, however, ileniunls uf pinur and noble lm licit j. In the sleliOJtloiii vlewt which t ball ahnrr later, I will olnt out some of tut 1 icharactt rlstlcs tuwnleli I havu alludtd. Aipyrlantculplurenevtr reachel the dlguliy ofstatuts, tut coutrnte.1 lltolf Willi the representation nf hunting ext lolls III low relief. 1 hiilr modeling of nnlmals was very free an I uncoil ventloua) In conlraat lo their treatment of the human form. The ntxt scho il of culjituro that wn have to couslder Is the Urtrk, A Ihougli man) iiulhorltlos t.laiin that it had uu original devclpi me t, )tt the labr tttiarclics In arc! uIogy have proved beyond a ilsulil limt tholrlllst elloits were direct copies uf Che ail uf Kjyptand lliol'-i't. The (lieeka did II I invent sculpture, but we uire In them thu Invention uf the beautiful. I II t.'lilr sculpture we note tho Ireu an I spontanooiis txiresslontd a very lieu and iiintle intellect. This charming freed 111 uf mind added to the Utr abundance of Inventive gaiety and delicacy of pcrce 1 Hon resulud In the Parthenon nnd the OIJI lau JoTe. l'lili last la a riuotatlon from M. lit no. Urcrk ait was Intillectual In oin trasl tn the morl Id sjlrltual lllghta tf Christian art durlug the fouiteenth aud tbo flrat part ur the llfltenth centurlrs. l.veryllilng to the Oreiks was Jo)ous,nnd lutliewarui auushlnu whore they uould txtrclxe theie bodlta and minds, thty ca no to a reallxallun of this truth la biauly, and lireuty Is truth. rim (Irsik mind revolted against the vague urautrncl and heocu it la that In oil their work ifartyuu noteu tnslo for accurate mid deflntd con tours, It was they who tatabllthol the architectural moduli, which according tu the dtatnetvr of n coluinu, deter mines its height, lta shae, lta bare and cirltal, 11 lid hctldie this the distance between thu lolumns, and thu Ktneinl icononi) of Iherdllloe. liny ulsu ettatillshed orlaln defl nllo inessurenieuts fir their statuter. thus their gods wire tltht I eads In hsighl, while their hercia und nurtils ete but seven mid u half. Dili defining ul the moaursements of tho bony led the Uruuks lo maku thtlr itatuts typical men aud wo men, rithir than to make tbi 111 reirctuul the chutnctcrlttlcaet individ ual men nnd women. Thus whllo wu a liulredrttk art lor its jerfectlouof form, we searoli In vain for the immor tal ind Individual a ml of man. Ytu have recognized alread) lu the (Jrtek mind Hie lundamnntal need uf I ure and fixe I forma. Thin It Is that tuelr tunplta are n direct exprtaal m uf their iiailouil Heals, I he (In ek tumuld waa ul 0) placed iipouun tmliieuce and was the first object that attracted attention ou tu lerlugthe city. Il was visible from every point un thu lain and from neighboring hills, vouels greeted It 111 approaihlugtheiurt; aud ititooJ out In not 1 relief lu thu limpid otmospht n. Ills Lot like uielitevnl lulbedrali, clouded and smothered by rows of houses, half-concealod, Inaiceulblutu thuvyesavoiu lta details and upper seitton. Its full 1 roporllons np ear at a ghncr; and lu order that there 111a) be uu lack of distinctness of lm lesalon il la al ways of medium or small dlmomlons. lu this respect It again outers from Iho glgantio cathedrals whoso naves could contain the entlro poi illation of 11 city. Hie Uruek temple la not a place ol aist mbly, bJt the specUl habltatlm uf n Uod, uiioii enclosing lu Its Inner thlli u but n tingle statue. ilcsldolhudelicatoperceptlonof form und dlmutisloii. the llrctk mind poe stsscd tbu beuio of security an 1 tower, riius It lias broil said thalutery temple luUrrecuwuull bslutactntthe present day, if the trutallty or fanaticism of man had not supervened to destroy lllKIII. Finally, lake Into account all their works which plaos leforo men's e)iB 1 erfitt linages of manly force, uf mhleUo perfection, of militant virtue, of uuairVcUd nobility, of uualteruble ruroulty, und you will urrive at the first couceptlan of tholr genius aud tbilrurl. I n fact the love and worship of tills Ille, thotintlraeuisof liuuuu energy, and the ntcesslty of nillillouj nnd gajety, ltd them to uxuciila works t-oni reheuslblu to every racu anj ae, "and which being huinuu ureetirnal." Thu next school uf tuuluturu to inn. tlderlslhe uurly Christian, and that llku the ait of Rretie is louuded ut cuiylng an ujrller ait. Thu eirly Chnttlati, oraslt Is oulnrly styled the sculpture of tbo lleualuance be gan with Ml cola l'iiulio, uud mded with Michael Anglo, l'rovloua to Nlicola lTaauo,sculiluro waa scarcoly rortUyuftbennine.undliideudMcoola lilmsilf did nolliicg worthy of the tiuiiiu iiiil II he saw tome fragments uf the hist period of Gretk scul lure. Ho t ean Immediately lo modliy hit sty lo luioiilurmlly lu thu bnader way uf Ijuklng ut naturr, nnd produced woiks that are considered tboruughly tine. Ills best kuown works are bats relief ranneN on the ulplts at Hlenu and Ira. The next tiulptor uf nolu Is Andrea Usiagi n, a universal artist, n Michael Angelo anltcli ated, and lastly (Jibuti, Donatcllu, DtlU ilobblo, uud Bansoviuo, nil of I lor win. I.orenio (Jllberll la chltll) know n us the tulhur of the celobrand gatt a of the 1U tistory of 1 ioreiict . JIo was not more than tneuty j ears old when the t,reat work oriertd lytho commune wuu awarded to I1I111, and he la raid tuhuvosjoul forty years ol his life on tin 111, Michail Augtlo, lu epraklug of theie gates, suld ' they wire worthy to be thu gules of ar dlso " Uonatello, u oonteiuporaiy uf Ullberll's, has Inilueiiced modern sculpture itiliaps motu than eviu Mlcuail Angelo, nslnsMorlt Is marked by original, uud great sub Hilly of obtirvutloii. Vou can form some Ideu ol his character from the fict that he oould lu the inldst of Hie ft Its (.Iveii at I'adur lu hi honor, write down this profound thought, Ir 1 remain licit, where sitrj onn Hatlus me, I shall too 1 forget what 1 know; but lu my uwn country criticism will luepnie vigilant nnd nonitil me In ndvuuci. Oatt of hla best known works la he itatue of tit, Ueuri.e, which 1 shall show yru later. I.uci dtlla Itolihl.l la supiutul tu havu In. tinted the 1 routs uf eiianiullng teirs ootia, nnuotu( hit itorlia lire glurd lucolois. Ills vuik aru mostly lu base roll I although th.le nre some 111 the full rounl Hn Is ureal 1 1 1 fie. bra'el for his lUures ol chlliieu, whlcn are thoroughly charming and Inranllle, Tneru ate many olbsr Justly tele brateJ sculptors of Ibis aie, tutwe will consllor mreiy certain rerie siutallvn onis. Ills work villi Into elements nf truth, I oatity and power. 1j Igftllov. says "What wn nsll nilrarl a nnd won Jers lu an, are not so lu htm who mated (hem, for tiny were created hy tnu natural movement of hla own git at soul Htatuts, paint ln, churches, icens,ro but shaJuAs of hlmielf; sh loaa lu msrb t, cil is, slnne, words, lloieelsnnd ricognlies Ibelr neauly, tut ho th ughl thrio llinuhla anl proluiel tlie-9-s things as tally as tuferl r mints do thoughts anl things inferior. The I ivers ol art are many. Hut the scllte lntellscl, tho crtatlve lower thu wvr lo put Ihete thaes and Im ugei In art, 10 embody the lu leflnlte ml render perfect Is I1I1 alone." Agiln, n work of nit isn t only the cxiresslonuf tho li.ul I in I taste and charaitirufaii nrll-i, i u an nu ex I r.sibnlniore nr I-m trua aiiurdlug la his greitmns) of the t is e an I thur ncler of tho ago an J iwtintry lu which ha lives. lor listanct. do no need any thing but thu (jretk statues lo till us tint trio (Iretk e have n iw coma (0 the utidls Mited monarch of them all, Michael Angelo, who waa nit only celebrated ainrall lorlnitnliiasn pj,, painter und urchltoct. Indeed It It claimed by some wrltt rs that Ills f n scoea tu tho Blsllne rha el aru his greatest wotks. lilatuititurc, Willi tbouxceptlon of his oirlltsi 1701k, hat csrlaln exagger ations In movement and anatomy that make It n little dlfllcult for ut of the iilueti mth century (0 thoroughly en joy. However, lu nil Hutu he excrtid thogreattat Inlluenroon tlioartof the enud, and e drcldtd wnt thu tllect uf hlaiicullaraitatlo na'ureiipon tils followers, that uu his death he only lift behind him Imitators uf his tljle aud Weil imsos. I.uble v ilil of him Hut whllo Mlchicl Aiuclj deeily sindled the lill'tir wtrksof ami luity, nud create J fr.u.i tilt l.l au Indti indent I J oil style, lu tile Irie, grand trcitmitit of tho auifaces, an I tu the aim isl abitrnct and l)i I, al form uf countenance, tie oiiHioolhirslde w us one of thu tint lu disregard triidltlou, nud, lu the tub Jectarei resented by him, only bciiklit an opportunity for expressing a lutaliy different Ideu belougluz to Himself almu7 Indeed, roiibsululcly tires this now 1 rlnclplouiieirlii I1I111 that lis lighting In thu most touching ixprif alnunlnii Ilea, he tritliid itckleasly with the laws of natural nrganlzitlou, which uu one had more dt 1 ply studltd Ihim lilniBoll; hu makes thcni yield to blsurKsevlolailug truth nnd beaut), whllo nu leeks out coustraluel and even Imtiosaiiilu positions, ixageratcs cerlalu physical formi Into cut ttal size, nud. In Ihu proua 1 u leavor 10 set nalde all alluilug graei, not tinlre tueutly falls Into the reverse. Hence a true estimation nnd griiulna ibloi luunt uf his wurka aru exlreniely Ullll. cull. Ileal!, again, that the luccr.i crltlo wlllaltow that an uniejuillcsd eye Is at flitt ripellvd b) tdise works uf Michael Angelo, but that a my strrlout elemetitary power draws the thought ful nud Intelligent spectator back agalu to the gnat smlltuy msster, that then a deep examination and sellout stud) begin lu which graduall) tbu key tu their unJerstantlng Is fiund. Artists as a rulu are much more liitt r esled lu tnu early period of hla career, as his dealt vt poft er was then pure and naive. His DivlJ, which I shall show )ou a picture uf, belongs tu this early lerlod. After Michael Angelo wo havo no names of any Importance until we coma to Antonio I although lie certainly waa much eutcrlor tu his Immudlatu piedecfrssors,hls works were net thoroughly original. In the repre sentation uf femalu beauty ho utulued toa pinning grace lu monumental cotiif usltluus hetiiuceided lass, uul In herolo LOluposlllu s such aa the twu gladiators nud l'ertu,ha falls comple'.o I) Into a tin itllcal style. Tho nezt tiamaof liuportancs Is tbo Dane, Ihorwaldseu, and he revived with much s 1 tit aud Imagination the beauty id classic arts. Unlnrlunttel), nlthoukh richly endowed, he wits loo uinleul to follow, und, unlike tho artists of lhereualBiaiice,dli not add urlglmil nttarcn to Ilia revelations ol the antluuc. In modem sculpture wo now look to France, as she has certaluly ptuduce-d In the last tlfly years examples that are worthy lu rank with some of thu best of thu renaissance, llaryu as an animal sculptor has nevor been sur- fiiused, uud for subtle study uf tbu uiinau bo ly, the work of tome nf the IIMug French soulptors will clmlluugo coiuj arlsou with nny life. AX AMK'UlliK AIIKA.NUEJIE.NT. Tin- lliinula llclHcrti Ilia lurk mill lMni Mining luiupniilcB M'lllrd. The litigation bttweoa the York Mining cjmiauynr.U Hie l'elro Mining Company at lllugbam hat been quiet ly Buttled, the agreements of the coniiuiulcs laving been filed lu Iho couuty rcuurder's ulllce. Thu 1'jtro, which Is thu defendant, filed a paper signed by the president, (Jlenn It, Ilotliwell, nnJseoMary, H. It. Milner, giving the Vor.t mining company a ou.'-half Interest In the tunnel knuwn at retro .N'o. I, wliloli Is J7I feet lu length, andagrao to run It tu Hie end lines nf tho I'o'.ro till I York mines at thu expense uf the l'elro company lu return for $1, which has been paid. This gives lut 1 com pa ilea the rlgnt to use tbu tunnel 111 cmiuiun. The second laper In an ngreouispt slgusj hy both th Vulj Mining ompziiy, by John A. (Jrooabiok, prod lent, and W. II Andrews, secretary, nud thu l'elro Milling coni an), by (Hum It. lioth well, pres dint, nut H. II Milner, sec retary Ihollimdlvldlugtho Vorknnd I'eUro minis It llxod. It la to run parnll. 1 tu the Vmk end lino as patent, ed, lo iron the Vorlt north aide lineal the pilut wlnretlioupix of the York and l'elro vein cros-ts (he ork elalm to thu I'ttni lululug claim, 1:5 ft norlhiasleily from Iho tllsoivery ahalt uf Ihu York mini, and Ihu dividing Hue ua toon as thu survey oa 11 bu made, slialllndelliiltely lunrkiil hy orma unit monuments nu thu giound. Hit agntd that 11 u I'etru thall joy Hie 1 uik the lull value uf any ure (leas the ixpeiiseof milling hauling und smelt, lug), mined or Hint shall heienfter be inliiel by the l'elro eompa y from grouul wnstof a point vertically un Heraililllrut'OUtluUid north twenty. Hues degnos tt, und the York asters tu ps) he I'etru tho valuo of nil urn(lttsthe txiKiisu tf mining, haul, lug aud BiuvUlug), mined or which may hereilter lie mine 1 east nf a ( olnt vertically under the line agnei upon, coutlnued north iwtnty-three ,le creei west. In this sreen ni thu use of the I'etru tuunel hn. 4 ta to be used by the its,, com I nnlss. Thu tunnel Is to Im run lo Hie enJ Hues uf the York anJ l'elro and equipped, and Hie expenses of repair Ing It are to be borne b) both com I antes qually. Tno Yorkist) have uu llspuled pos session ol M muoh uf the Demooiat lode claim, owned by the l'elr , as they neu J for the en cllon of a leu, ute aru liouie, hoaidlug hollies, black. smllh shop, dump anil runjs. The l'elro Is tu 1 eimlt the lurk tu uie the old Incllneanl luuiicl thertto, which liiadt to Ha pies ut vtv In utc, an I fur ther agrees to rut a level and ui rahn su at lo drain the uld I he line. The York Is to havo tho peri ebul use of a certain spring near thu mouth uf the Dtnioorat tunnel III Ciiutnjti with Ihu i'etru f r culinary iurKes The l'etro further ngreus Hint the air course now I dug constructed 111 tbu l'elro lu usel by ti .111 coaiptnles fur veuilllllng their 1111 Icrgruju I whmIihii rills 1 ills an endti the suits pen ling tu Hut liurd district court bu'.weou the I titles. Jllnr1.1l In nil I'ati'iils. The siilJolueJ Hat of mineral land pittuts bus been received at llu Imid cilice from Watblns,tom M. 1.. No. H107, the I. J, (J. lodo mining claim In Uintah mining die Irlct, Bummlt aiunty, to I'redirlc W. Hoyt. M. I!. No. 037, tho Crown Prime claim In IJIulnii mining dlitrlct, tn Jamts Motfat, KJwarJ Carroll and Jan 01T, ICftlel. M. i: Nu t7J, the Diyllght claim In Uiutati district, to Hie Apox Mining company. M. H. Un 071, tho Little (Irani claim In lllg Cotlouviood mining district, Salt Ijako count), to the ICnlcr mlu I11K compan) . M. 1.. No, 077, the Donerhtrg min lug elalm In Lincoln mining district. Heaver couuty, tu tho Dtccmber (Jold an I rillvi r Mining eiomj any, M. i:. No. ltOl.tho Chester mining claim lu West Maintain mining dlt. irlcl, Halt Lake county, to Charles A. Ualoo. M :. No. 18(13, the Aiotttte Conio JMsted mining claim, com) rising Hu. blar, AKitle, Colbatli uud Apostate claims Hi Uintah district, to Lemuel U.Colbalh un I Charles Shields. M. .. No 001, thu rrlau;le claim In Uititih dlainct to !i. 1. Ferry aud Janue MnLaughlln. M. K. Nu. 11,073, tho Consolidated Kentucky utoup, conslsllug uf Ken tucky N.i 1, 1', a, 1,3, (1,7 nud the John lreailu und namiict c'alnil in Uintah district, tu W. 11. Dodgi, L. I'. berry, A. II. Utchardtou und Martin Mcdratn. M. L. No. 1033, the Consolidated T)pu group, consisting of the Typo, 1")k)wj. s, Typo No. 3, Typo No 4 and Hen Harrison I0J0 claims III Uin tah district, tu llerir) Newell, James 11. Wright and Christlaii Chilsteusen. M. L MS, theltevenemlnlngclalm In rinllaiuliiingdlstrlct, Juab count), toBirah A. Uietu. I'lilcintcel Irailcs At the meeting of the Federated Trades last nlgbblhe committees hav ing In charge the nrrangemento for the ball tu bo given for thu benoflt of Ibo Homestead sufferers, reported that every union In the city halco.o) crated with them, and over nine hundred tickets weru out, Attention was called to thu fact that tlm Saltalr com an) had let n contract for Iron, etc , tu an uait ern manufacturer, nud this matter waa referred tn the legislative commutes, rho condition of trade was reportol. It wss not satisfactory. The labor uuluus aru making a very ttrouir illort ust now tn "euitoln home Industries," and merchants aiy that It Is having an etleot, there lulug a stronger demiud for niticlea of home manufacture than ever before. .Set dt Liberty. William Orrick, who was tentonted ton term of tvvclvu yean In the peni tentiary ou March -'J, lbSO, lit tho Second el strict court, upon conv ctlou of murder lu tho le.oud degree, has beou released uiun Hie expiration of his scutence. (Jrrlck'a victim was Dan Hevorauoo, n miner, then employed In thu Htarr raining district In southern Utah. Urrlok worked for the tame partiea as a blacksmith, and the troublo betwtiou the two arose over u ster daughter of Huverauce'i who was slightly demented and whom Urrlck had takon a great liking tn The dllll cully ended lu (Jrrlck'a killing Sever ancu Willi a revolver. VInt The (umt Win, led. of i:ilza J, Smith vs. Samuel II, Smith, In which Judge Anderson, as referee, recently granted a divorce to the petitioner, with certain other allowances as to alimony and attorneys' coils, there appoars to be a slight hitch. When Iho case was orlirlmlly referred to Judgo Anderson lie was authorized to hear thetcstlmouyanj pass, upou the motion for temporary alimony, costs aud attorney's fees, to make orders thereon nud nporl to Ihe court for It aJo Hon and conllrmtllou; ul,) to pn . lure II tiding, and upon the final (rial ul thu cam and lu rtporl thu decree there on fur the loutlrmatlou or dual action of the court. Acting upon Hits Judge Anderson heard Hie ca e and nndered his Judgment, but whin apillcntlon was niadutn Judge aim by counsel, ) esti rday allernooii tu have the report confirmed, hla Honor stated the referee lint 110 right lu enter n decree, and that the ttstluunyaliould Ui sub. mlltud to Ihecouit for lta notion. Ho directed that Julie Andirson llle hli notes together with his findings aim that the court will then ruudcr udg-inent. Wauls nn liitiiiilIon. Hid esse of Cornelius Mol.aughlln et al. vs. Henry lllrsclimau ut nl , catnu up bofore Chief Justice Zino yisterday afternoon on a tuition for nn Injunction. Mio hlntlifs alltge that they nre the owners and entitled to the possession of the Ilattlodrceu No, lltodo mining claim situated lu the Uintah mining dlitrlct in Summit tounty, dcsrlbed, ar.d that they are entitle I to the posiesslon of all of a curtain vein or lode through Its entire depth, lying Utwun verileul plnnes drawn downward through u cerlalu 1 biundarr line of tlm sal ilalm The) then any that un towmltr 1st, ISW anliouilniiomly Ihcirjfter, ihn tlefeii jnius ty variom dints an I under ground wotklugs eittiidlinr Horn nd Joining irnperiira, exlin led Is me quantities of ore frnnl Itliilll!,' claim, lolhe vulnenf fmou Hence they I ray fur a Judgment against the dsfindanta fur the sum of $UMi I, and that they be riilralnid frm lutther Interfering with plalntlfls' ptoieily, lending a final btarlig, and itipeluully re strained allar such hearing I- ha I, The motion was argued and submitted to the court. JIOXMV IHtOKKHS. t T AI Ilia 1 HIIBUV-m Jl aTlllll I I Uiax an I sliorl rims- uncut I ska Trn.l tunlale Ijai Al lerrcnt in I itilniis rt. srl I nrrriilrstefloii ttiiler, irottilr "J1 llaTrsLio ijiniiji 1 1 I I IMI ,IMlltM ISN INs-llst III V I '1 I rmr 1 1 n pe tlr. irons rn no eelay John 1 anjOtrJInoi l ri Iha It III I IN M t I HUM II M 111 ,u tiMt HI IKsresn alli.anl ral.s Ur 1st cvm inerrnl !t mal Hark lim.K .n USI 1 Til UIS UN IM MII.IU iroirrtjr. a. .1 ei attiat t.on. notes lubkhc shrri lime loses i it es lort I notes W slernisn llrus, H00111 (tulrsl 11 ore MciNM r ( I iniKsr TuTan mi nr iL Is? V. J Mucre I M I oin nl lllm c -tllM Ttl jil IS Wt AMOUNT ill onrsrina linpreirler unlmt ro.c leiiv in I erljr als in . olisl. rait J l krnseo; Mom vrMiiM, noMTrTii u T 7 opTisut. t))ltaraAlo.,rieni, I I Vlasrallilit nt " ' ON Itll Hilt I II 111 'I KIIM IN AS iliismilr l rosby ,. Lro.l y 31 ItlohsMs SI. It tnu hTsii iu nun uitt "i7inm", (Jll en MIT I I.K ALIK I JH . THUS! INltll i, II, tir.l sell, WANTED. "riNTin uiinf - wr on u,ei IV tour moner at II o I Isl rut lali s on I tt securll. Hie u, J M hennedr v Co, Umrra UlneC "WrANTKIl-A IIKSIHNSIIIII, rtillVTTl laCo suta ralis en roil n Urt or eirrv d) eotunirn lee treaat iron nu irwlure 11 Kulnisitcil mil Hear tlUMlnttrteinnllK lion I inlit Hut. II r li any AUreai HislcnlR fall ti, llorld llultllot. ,N, I ett JlKlll I1SUIMI.. OAN HkB 'W VI l r wrck Aildrtii,..r rail al it steal, irt-oitli street T in n H -i i sii7viiN issrii air 1 so.i1a1lrrat Ularal aa'arr sad es is . Al I woly Itrmroent I o-1 on IlltUll N llltoa I ti , Vurtrrf I tn, I'otllsn.l, dr. son U ,t MISCEIiLANKOUS." IOIf-M,l. 100 SI area of lliiebion N, I rsntltlorki alto so liare Noillil imttJoq tsnaKo Hlo. k Ho B.LUI lan V..J Montr mart lOSrillt nlOI.KN, ONI IIIlllttN lltlUr- BCAII JN LI rr Mp, cliunky bui d, Jrrtrr r lorM t u-n. tiielnt cot.aUut years, tl Vt 'ill ay 110 lormlutnol .imp Nt lily Niti s ei-llrr I OK SAIK. I7rs"s CIIKS or rtUMIVU LAM! nrsr .1 Kl ,f Urisl am toy L'l dcr I unit. I., n llls. loaloisuinevtiih 7 errei llntsre.l, or carhsnira I r Ball I alio t-.l rilato In I it. ij" JM I urt liassr A K )ii,llrilainlilf, l'KOFESSlONAli. GOODWIN fi YAK PELT, Lawyers. YOUMG, YOUNG TMOYLiT ltt.rdt ) KkhfiU U. Cfwll Atrjt ATTORNEYS AT-LA. iHttrtt tontimal lenk fiuUtlmg Sett Zalt Ctty johhI. caknoh, barlow ferguson, ATTOBNtV8-T-LW. rtns 0 SSI 3 3 Cut IMIm I s Wl !!. IL WATROUS, ATToiiNiv-aT-taw. ei iroiji h ;aiii.9 RlcHARDSlHOTLEi aTTOHNCVB-AVLAW. Css In CesiriruriON rnl Jmg 04 S itfla SlrttS. fit lali tire S. W. DARKE, ATTORNEY AND COUNStLOn ITHtr Hoc Salt taUlUr L SHEETS, ACCIOCNT AND FIHC INSURANCE A jvoliry f iTf a frcllng of En urlty tUtr tMttrtc in atlo tat tttni HISS GLADYS WOODMANSEE, " TcacHcn or music. CI It In n V l"''l Tr m ityltralt Br K u I fours Mnil. STAHLLY II. CLAYSON, ' DENTIST, roostOKI U CVrnl J yrrert DR J. B. KEYSOR & BRO, DTNTISTS rucifa. SastfJIa Vf Avtrbtk BulUtna Jlrtt r, 1CJ UjI. ilrnt DR. J. THOMAS, CURCEON DCNTIOT NO 10 MAIN IT. URvotk ffvurilslrsj Hatthtlci uilmti ttttrtd. WlpccasMy 1ILIUI1I. CPsSSrl "'""" ' t'liuiirirliil jW tfKjr Tirt Irffrl nl lilratltj JX i il ci I la. TEMPLE BARBLR SHOP, FREU G SANSOME, ("uwcor lo Jinn Jr .Proprietor Ikt nil II ' "'''", 'i ''"' '"" "l 13 W. OOUTH TEMPLE STRCCT. "horgTii hotel BARBER SHOP. HAIR CUTTINO. IOC, CHILDREN S HAIH CUT1IMG, ISC II II I I syl' a li i C, G. LAURENZ I.ICAlUMi I'llltlllMI Alt I ll DIU II lurasealari: I In lad a lit (r.yja "oler Color an I latto.liiaiys an i In any Mylaoi tl re ALLWOIIK QU,nNTLFD LEQB0N8 GIVEN ISO 8 MAIN ST. nut In, l oat. Ilia i m ltd ordns lite cslto iron nt slleoilun. R K. THOMAS. ; 26, 28, 30, 32 East First South Street, ' jll HAI..T Jvicn oity. mm JANUARY, I STWG . GOODS. REDUCED GOODS 1 1 1 .Maiiututuierrt' Ciiiiiigiiintnt W lmto Itodtired a J.luu of ' fl LADIES' WAISTS 33LOUSB WAISTS j At 50c. on the Dollar, About 75 Per Cent., il Aiitltto mo slIHms tJit'iii lint TO CJ.OSI.OIT WITlLOUIl 'M ttV' A'KW SIOCK WAISTS l AnvnuTisni) ix M IMeatctl IIolC Waist, I tiiij 1 I ojci column. i '; I Jin Iio I.uflliMl Waist, , ' l'l mo mmm iilolsgwaists, I Assorted Shies, 3 1 w- Vjuk8Sc. I Toe Stiijieil Jnrbo Waists, I Misses' Illousc Waists, :l i100 so,, IM French Sateen Waists, w, .. Iliatlies' Illousc Waists, J I Small Silk Waists, 50o I So yjj Wi mi Si.Cu. . II 1 ! H Hoys' Assorleil Waists, Ladies' J3Iouso Wnisis I M 75o il Hoj.s' Knee Pants, wuiu sua. ' oj0 fl Misses' sJcisey "Waists, m Habies' Hooils, oo c whik ,i.r.o. Silk Initial llanilltcrcliiets, ,r. , .,,, , . I SOo ' i 7So Ladies' All Wool Drawers wmu $1.23. H wontii Misses' Csipe Cloaks, ,..,,,. ,r , iS.OO I Ladies' Merino Vests, Wuit$8,a 60c wo.un i.w. Misses' Giolclicns, I Ladies' Cliemise, $8.60 60o Woinn 5.1,00. I nn , 1 -r 1 , I 200 Assorted .Tacko ts Ladies' Drawers, ' $5.00 I 60c wuttiuoM to .ir.oo H Woi.Jii $1.00. I j:aoh. -XiV cmAT BMMOIDlY SALBK- I Sc.'tJc and 10c. Yard, I WOIl I'll l'HOM - 10c. to 30o. each. f4eai Spring Iiaees I l.V UNOLr.SS VAltlKTV. B B.E.TH0KA& vl