Newspaper Page Text
, nrrjnrr r,vnvrn xr.M' q VTntnAv, .tantativ gs, lsna. 7 I SI WESTERN HEWS ITEMS. I Htilcan Arrested for linrder anil Rolbtry la Dealng. x iiov loiiiii u in unotiviio. Xoiilfr nilJcut Klllul Incoming X (..dirndl ("isl IItcIihhI'h It'll ,rj UlncliMl Lupiuro oro(Juif tf llnisliti. Tho Colorado lUfrljtemtor compaoy hu It cicssed tlio c) llttl stock to iX),000 Wold ! '" 'l d"1 "1B cU 1)ii mint; at WioijilDK aro on The llocky Mountain and l'ueblo nsllwar oompatijr lias botn lucorjMir ,,tdwlihjiyi00i.,llal TU I 1 1' AdvoitiiluK and titanit) Vcadlt K wmi"uyi l0 P-( "' '1": rido S Muni. Ii" L" lucer,oilJ w,thtiOOiw capital. n Ij Thomas, ttm slxtiiiiii ysur-ol 1 ua vt well lo-Uo and n.iiUabl. uttnU o( 1'utUlo, who was chaJ of BicolUtlDK "! cluililwi Etin oi tencml lo twu Jtata nl Itju re lord iclioul LhejeunrSun Thcro Isconsldrraldu ulkol boiulnx a tibllu meellog whlla ih raraiUm ofllie llilatu re ate heir, to like tlc towards llisuriui; M Wtotnintf all IboboD. Ill that la U.tuLB.tcurnllutho way of aiivcp UMiacut at luo World' I "lr. tbn wiatlier llirouiiliuut autheru UUIornla dutlnn tlio last wrefc lias Itro dry and warm Itlu l or lowed Utley, young tree and tuturv Plowlnn mill toulluiRs In lection. Conilderutlr Irrlnutlon Is UIdiE done on account of the Unlit riiniall OrauRU an ilrulii(r (lowly snlllilpmeuts are light A lo jssr-old hoy while rldlvz I one Hbiclt ofr the prairie lu liieHyLlle (Wrorali g) counlry tlio o lisr doy iudJf nly camo upon a uionstur wli ! est that was crouching anion thu luahts aton His route. Instead of trill k' o K' awny from it, tlio Lmto joudI ltd got oil' Ills liur.o and ro cnilsd to lt thu animal Willi rooks, sod finally succedtd In killing It, luL firing$io) Independent p, 0. Kiltlu of lim VanDyko coal company and i J. (Jusaly of the ltuck gprlog Loal coinpauy lelt Wediusdi.y tttnlog for Omana to confer with thu cOelslsof tlio Union 1'acllla relnllro t lbs ratio lu tho freight tarlU on coal Tbs rtlie allecls nil Iho local coni a alts to the sxtint of 25 cents on urery Ion of coil shlncd from ItjckHprltits Information has reachtd HHIe,Colo , Ljtho tflect that nearly 1000 1 rosptcl mlremLindsillaanl Aspen are iul Citine with Iho necessary tooli for riser mlnlnir, with their ultimate ijn Imtlon as tho I our Mile gold del I, aoithweit of ititli It Is stated that a lBllcst of prominent capitalists 111 l Iso towns named his liven formed ind will put up the necessary funds lltlcs from 1 1 l'aio, Tex , states tbittts goTeruor ol Lhlbuahua, Ml iuiI Atnahuda, II as met Messrs. W!ior, Hamilton and Oaylord Logan iljoifti, and dlscuued plans for con uorflon of the proposod Inleroatlonal iimon the Itlo urande rlrer oLoyo 1 1 Tuo, The governor suggested nations! Irglilallon by both governments lo further the scheme And promised aid lo tbo euterprlie A great surprise was creatid In Lull mil circles ou Wednesday evonlu, nam an attachment lor over f 11,000 lu UTorot the American National bank si l'ueblo, Colorado, was lsied on the Hforly of W. It Qrtgg, the most txtenslve coal dealer of ilia city Hoon sllsr an attachment for about $10,000 la favor of W. I). Williams was re ctlred Irom Duncan Mr (Jregg lias Ixtn In business In l'ueblo for several ;rs and was generally au posed to is doing well bays the Ilutte (Mont ) Inter Mmn. fainThe men engaged In retinal erlng tbsihsttuf the Auaconda am break tnu the record In that Hue. riiteu witts ago the first shift of men t rgan work st the SOU foot level and since turn 110 of new timbering have Lion put lu Tee work of rellmberlng the ' sit will be completed lylibruary 2)Ui, whtn It Is Mlevid work at the mine will be resumed with the largest force that was over employed Iartlis who have arrived at Great Falls, Mont , from Darker, bring; news si a rich strike made In the May and Una mine While cross cutting In Ins contact, 000 feet from tho mouth of tbs tunuel, miners broke Into a lead of ttpptrore It wasfounl lobe twenty 'el wide, and when aissyed ran 10 to per cent copper, A laiKU piece of "more, weighing about .100 pouudr, vsslskinout Intsol and will he sun lo tlio World's J air with tho Montana islcsmlixhlbit. This Is thu first cood lesj of copier ever struok lu tho Jlelt uountilue A icheme Is being worked by which "srlysllof the stock of the Work Colorado) Mlnlne coni any will be uven 00 the msiket. A pool his bou Wmid which Includes nil thalargtst scklioldera and under lliu terms of JWchnoienf tho stcck can be sol I Jllhln tlility days. At the ixplrallou Jl tlili time It Is bu1ieed the iroiKir will Ihi paylun Jlvldendf riili, (ttlier v. Ith Ihe fact that the com. J? 'fl'M lately struck a largo bo ly nf ' Hint runs J100 ler ton at tl emlll, th stock to Juinn up to 111 cents, flight II ci nta wn b d . n the street, 'til no cllers Over 10,00(1 shares "i id hands .. .""- ?lf''0 (O'H'ornla) evmlng V f ."r' lu0"'r l'i Uorol tao rt gui mta, east of tho ell , has been i itTem ng a crop or frsm over lod sens niu...'"',1 ",J "o""l Hial will """'I ! trowdtd luaud mme "Ktliit maturity, whetherdry orw.t tn.!f'',.h,,ll.t0,,,J ,0 ul elided on Un lading tmt It wouU tfocvcnlit. Sri ri u lo """'"J ""l " I" maklnK a J,'.'?'?'-,l"oeeii tlieckel by dr to ,i '"' " llB eitlmatt a a ton or see . "too """"""'J to be worth nbouil.00 loanealir01'" M'"lu -""sol Hsluv ft1" "",ri11"' oI M' A- Toemu j . """''fc-Aiw Mexico "rocbu. TV""or obWtv "" " itVs hav 'i ' M ',mu"J"'' I" III ra -month. " M,V,n, ""' " Uut" "v ' victim, f,,f-"!,"') '' ,I,B llllr I au,i ""id " 2,b, i u J1,"Ty, "'H . Hor Linn UI)U I llHVfi o ll IliLt vlnlvtit l""'". sac.ui,a, uJUmX bi soli ItillloteJ, but now there llu suilrlon extant that the , ns well ni Mrs. Har vey, wero victims of foul flay. The crimes were committal at Columbus, a town il ' to the Mi xlcsn houniary line, llittll ituht mlciith Tlirre iiave lieeh ullier mtirdtr durlm: Ihe rutcimr on the limit r, wh in liiiva bun vhawilto KlI'J Apnclu ginL Orate doubts ant uulenalncl s lo whether or not the chnrgis were ro wrly laced f Kid CllyMnrshnI Howt ol Hit n, .Vw Mexico, has f net ei-to.l In cnpiurlnr tho gang of burgltrs win have I tun thotirrorof tloi plsce mil neighbor hood fur the lsAt mouth. lni nuaarn Charles Urnvra of (Itoritla und the tWD I rothets, J-rcl und lltut) I) U(-la, whiicainu wot from Mnssachuttttn riivyaru said to Ui I tuilsh looking de eradoes mid were wi II armed, an I Urnves has liroo foot, cause I by a Istol shot, but Iio reftuei tdsiy wheru or how It occurred. They camo Into New Mexico lr m Coljrado, whire theyirobslly committed ii(ual!y ns mnuy ileprtdatlous at lu Katun The niaielml ran ou tu thim lu n Ion shack lu Dillon ran on, stout twelve mll.s (torn town, and they fo Hid them will I rovliloned with groctrles and fnsh meat, f he i,r cerlea wero stolen fnm l.ttton'saud tho Trlnldal Mercantile com) an) 'a ston, nnl tho Ireih mint they prjiured by killing lings lelotij, Ing to a I utu'ier ninisJ Decider. tra(tn&aT"u23JE!n"s l S LiEtlg COMPANY'S 1 1 Extract of Beef t ion TnKNir HVB iKAitt J I IHE STANDAPO FOR PflBin. B I mm HI ViHOlESCUElSS TRUSTEE'S SALE Wiit-nM "tiu inMii iu or tcbruarr 1; i olm (Ur liter snj Marirarctuirl nrrl vrifo 1 I t iko nnl Uo Uirrti U nun teriljtncij & triulro A rerU i irotl dffl tt tfw irtil cito herein tcr irrtbeil (or tho t ur fw-e or ace irint; to 1- lwir 1 It nwn il a pnyincrt of rcru n i r i uory ttutribteicn uio lhrovlth 1 11J0 nnl Irllt vrnl liiil Kdwarl It urali ( In rt (Jardincr if 1 Marparct liarinfr nnofortlo a hoi tvo Mil ia ono )carklttir litn to lo order uf til J KlnrtJ l riwio with Inttrctt from pisMurity ki oue je rrut pir moniti until lid nl (our fur iho kiim of SlM (.b. urn -o In ttrrr iK ino md iwoUe ioooUi tei ccuvrly, nun Interuit at 1 or int ier monih fm i ii u imr nil ! dcii of trutt it reror lv 1 In UooW t t f m rig? on ac e . b I Laho County Ulan reorili Anl wicrea;, it 1 In aaid drr 1 o( Irnit ex I rrair ilj uUte 1 tl at upon fail ir I y mi 1 , ltolivrl iarl oer and Maritirt iiardinrr, to i iaka any vt 11 i nyn cut In aaid Lbtra r fill ore t ill mil pulnlrd i ro nj ityaa lhaMn tLamfj Ob p. il en ll a on len jru 1 h mi at tie rf(tct nf tcv rtrnl I oldgr ( tall nun fmeff 1 lo c 1 th aald real CaUto at ublic auction tot n htiUet t laJ ler firl xlriuir twenty diy ngl coot auchtaloby advortiiv ncnt Ii a n nowtier i rtnted in He I ng ill laniuaie and i Uul 1 1 in hall I ike Ulty an 1 fro n the I roceeda of n tch aale j if Ibe euara ol aald truii. inrludinir attorney feci and romj ena tl n for said truilee an I Iho amount luUon aid nolo nncl) l an lintrreiiiaud tiera Uefault ba uiieu i a lu In the tayi irntof aal t l olea both rti cipal nnd It Irrrtl and tl o Intal bolder of iai I note I a reiueiie! n totro reed luaellaal l real cilate a luaaddtedof truitatJ) ula ed; Now tt erpforr the tm4crinned 1 ercby trot notice It at on ttur lay lie Mb. my of elruar,lMi t lio clock n on of aald day t the front loor of the I nnoty Court Home vf halt lake Uountr I tah rernton 'C wl I iinde r an 1 1 y tlrtne ol tbe M(er it Ten llti under aalt lrul deed at nucti Iruttee aelt at I ub lo aoct on lo the Iilzbett Didd r fur all cate the proj crly litrcatter lencribcd or ao inneh thereof aa nay bone omary lo fay aald notca wi It latere! col an I attorney a fee Ihe real vataieluaaid truiidcel rui reyei anl toleaoaold la described llrjr nnlntr at theaoutl wcpI corner ot tho aoalt weat lUarter nf aeclon U In towisthlp one (I), norlti of ranKdone(l) wl w I nerldan and run nlnxthenre north 4t rol thei ce cml M roda thoi cearuih 1 i rota and tl tnceeti roda lo tl e lare of brrlnnlnjt Ijlnc in rait lake no inly Territory of Ltah and rynulnini i.aena of land Ijatod January 0 isot, UKANT 8U N Truate ClUBLta H Jack Auoraiy for Triieu NOTICE. Well Annie MlnlnaT and Milllot Contpai y l'rlncii al l la o of lui icta ea t lake cl r. Iib' ' ' VTOU( K THRItr UV lirilMjUKNT L uKnlle foi ow mr deorlujl atoek on ncr uniof AMOisnieut S3 1 leled on tl r 2 th day f (September A U 1UJ, iho aeteral a out ta act op omo tbo namca of tuo rcai eo ttse kharcbo dcra aefo Iowa No of erti No.ot Naub. floato biatta. AmounL Umi n Mlen.Jr i y io nioj Ural N llcn, Jr. II "J 114. Wmlturke 104 tuo UiW) Um llurae M Sxm . iu Atilturke UO mi iooo ni It irkrt l i &.J TJ ll Join Iteck 111 10 oo cw po Jut nlicrk lui mi ie Uonrnc t urly l n 0 1 ni im iiconttii urly 1 I 2U H Jl Un Filler l H'i I no Unrillcr )s 111 tii7 1 U Maoaen d 1 id MM I U Madken, I .'J 111 0 07 MlaaMurra Ipv &)(o Miaa MonU 1-W lit 7 (t Natl r I" "1 1 vi I eiNayl r i 1 1 IJ le lattcrron 11 tm 30(0 Alex I itier.on ff Vi tdi W 1 It rl arda M bio 3u W W 1 Itlcharla M fl XI J a SKI UrU, 10 -ft) I ni Joa rt 1 lei arda VI 1 )i Mnle l-myder, l'i 3- i 15 ui An ue 1 Mi) Ur Sli it I M flora I tt ow l ( skhj Dornl "iov Vi n Jti att an ear X low (.u 10 Naltll bcr S4 111 i f Jol n lluett " M aOl Jol u li tU M Alvi Kj a Jo nl 1 1 cU 5 oi no mi i hninitt m u:;. o tu Join 1 ii it - uvl Jtl7i Join Hi tell "n too anoio lohnTnelt ill 2) OJ lid ry TribO i frjn 3J to Henry Tribe .U H 3 IU iaylurltomnoy Um tron Vo Hi 2(W 11 w Tailf r I ton ney Arm etn into JIT :i l tl HoUunn1lrrno Ml H 2s ll H aull rno Hi 1 o y i-j El uoon trie lVt tn j. h M lean llotuo .'; " 4 to Aloun,t 3 10 al 0.1 w) AIM mnil hi tl ( A moir 1" -" 1 i-) AIMOIIR W UKi AIUI Almiic ll lw tu ki;r U rot Kiiu Ainu U Id 1 HO 141 01 v l una ii il. tuo A1MOU1K II tClH -ITIM Al'iOi k t ahi aoto iMourir " " IC) AliYcutir "VI btft S.I i AIM il if 2M f. M fcn t i All. n- . 241 .V) 1 l Ire . It nnrcJr H6 a I m Urcizilil unJr ?tf V.I Ull lrciin l .oarjf Jr 2H CI a ut Suainrt u it -I 1 kai fl lu hmnn H ninjt "-l IU 07 AlomiA.uu Hi fiJ JIIO Alone Mount IJ ft I Wl 1 1 AluitOi utjr 14U l,fH) Uutnl AU) so)nttitf UI I BVi hi ti ilaiol vukk ui 1 im toio lituli Uuu. 'll ill ut.7 lieur oinit J ro m pu llcWMtuik 2 3 f. 3lt II tf luuii! ItA Vt -i 4) II h. ouiK l4 J-KI ni II H A o nn j 2.1) r.7 4 it Iftrm oil ounjr hi w soiki I -mm o il uijf hi b) so (n U;n oil Vuttf m 111 b(17 i 1 in at c r tanro m Uli law and tho or If r f tt u Hoard of D ret tore niaue m it o I7tn day r f 1 tvi btr li aoi any atartaif each tareel of autl tork a i ny Imi nere latry will be ol liil Ho ima No Kit nnl 113 Co al luiinn HlllOliE J't J l t My Uul oi r 1 1 y ll n It tl li 1 1- ol rti try AUIMl at i inoM ' 1Ay Itodflu ii l ata fit tt ercon i tfi-tt r ithihet4jt of uavtrltaiig ai d Cipci ao nf ) JOHN U SLIM KHL nitnur) KaltUlie(.UrJuuatr23 IbJl, THE ANNUAL MLXTINQ or mr StaclhoWcrt of the Hut ton Oard icr Co, aiy 1 ll ivtt M'ftrMrk n in . at lh rffl "! llf-fatay hi Ilk.Vity ih rati lire 7 clr hm. total r th enio rnr year lone lAltte minualHioii t the i ra iriianJaarreUi-y ei 1 to iranart anr ai r i UFO I triT tMr.urr SUMMONS In tbs t'nltjj Hc I n inv.lonir Lourl C trsntl (nsljr IJtl st snj Tclnwn or .ih 11. fore ( 11 yrtlu I t I'omml. noner I tl UoAliuTniN. Ilililtl A Y (.iotc. snil lit tflu U Urgrrs lis Ifnttsati Ths ru nf ttsh Tfrrtlort itn I srf.t '.".' .V "'"'ssallsslisllall (.rol "Xroll Attr IKRIIII (UllMnVKtlTUItK L Dilaiier lfoto 1 l m nim nrrs Court in ! ll nl I nt. it sail Ukc 1,'fiurr tftl. snl m.wr romnls ni lllf ln.t;oililrlliol ut.l j it nun w Hi ii firs itaritrxrlii.tta f dsrnr Idas sm mons ) rtsl n I km lake ; tijr. hiii nisi ttysu si-ncdoiii (ilnij loi In Mil lako Ijnmr snil with n Inenijr a I a tl n la Ijrmijrhl inn . r Iron ton I an n nl 1IJ1.3J tor la r rtf rn J nn I . n fs'l'n1" A"' '"" I'""1' ''" 'ssaai- u 1)0 1 ars btrcl r solltlr I ihil It rou rill lupirar ni I nnii rf.i,,i ,a ' linril trci .al 1 1 lamtltl mil lako u In Incnl at,lnat yo fur tl e anm or Two I ni drc 1 nr I Iw nlr ton (fral (li .1 dnllaia Mooa 11 1 1 ai I at ti-r. uv si I Loi nlr of fall jican. itrrnorjr of Utah thlarith lr f litrmlr in tin tt.r ot r m I ons thouaand a Kltbusdrrtl and n ntiatwn L II 0IAII1IV J ) I.UIMIR Ummlsiloasr Miorney for 1 latf t IT wed SUM0N3 In lil)llrtf'OUTl it ni r.htThlt! Ii dl cial liitrtctof I) at 1 rriory Uotinly or fall lake Harriet took llantrt v. Jtate Look, Drift tant. Tlo lerpte of tt e Territory of Utah aend (.netit k ToJe M Look, Defendant Xri)l l(. lIMtkll. KFUUIUH TO 1 1 irarmanacti n 1 rouit ttsaimt inn ty lieabo.un melt Umtiti in the li atrittt tin or lie Itrd Jul ihl D.iricultlo lenlt ry of I lau nd lo at attir tl e romi la nt Die I It re i. w tl in ir (ex luihv It tno ay of tnl e afier th antira on i 1 1 1 1 ll la auuino - f ar-M Mlthin thia roun y r if renvdouiuiti toutty, lutin (hi ili.lritt w hin twenty n utttrwau wilt tn tony ttnra-fr u tftmt t lr defntilt will lu taken jtAini you kfr-urfinic in iho I rarer of aa d eon lalul. 1 1 o aat 1 i-ctlon li Woiiglit to Lave a ite rco of tbialJoirt t . ir ur tho md nt i imumy rxutlntT tciwe n j lam tit and refendtnt nward i jr (o i taluiifTti o rnre ml cu txly if (lie ml or I il 1 ii e t u n an ajce an t .rnMin; iReu Mrtll f irtne I n ll o f liwht, fit in In. ti li that in or n it Ju 1 Id ci 'a t wiltully und witto t e uae I rrlM nn t aLan tomd IliU (tamtfl anl la aln o toblinurd ao to Wilfully , an I witl ut raun tleaert and at andoa I er iiAlni I rrwlll in 1 without ler -a um that ainro their aald narrii). lefen In 1 1 aa trtat ill Mint if 1 1 a r n n nt I ml uman ma u er. f ra i ub? I er ureal I odtly I arm and tental dli trena it at f r u o u man ono rear last j rat lefendant I a failed 1 (ro,ido for la nil It iheiom non ueereaatnea of te altloujliable td )ouaro hertW notiflc I that If )ou fall to aprn r an I a owrr tl o aai 1 v i i la nt ea aboiu re U re 1 1 o aa I i lant if will a, t )y to llii o in for U nl ef den nude I it rrem Ultnc.i Ihe Hon tl arle lae Jodne, and Iho teal of ho 1 itr ctt oirtof it e llird Judcal iH-trtrt In anl for tie Territory tf 1 uli tl U Hi lay i f ie tsi I er m ihn ynu of enr lnrd ouo tho nan I e iihi lunJrcd end hiietj.wo mMU u MoMIII AN Clerk Hydro I) 1.00MII Deputy t lerk SUMMONS. In the Hulrtrt Court mtant for the Third Judicial DUtnctor tub t erritory. touoiyifsaltULc, r L ( rexir llamtiff, Miltlant J Ilanvy Nettle Htrrey Mn SlaryT t Jol n .lonncilan Defendant Tho Iropte of ite lrrrtt ry of I uli aen I Lruel rs to William J Harvey Nettle Harvey. Hra Mary T Ned a d Join Honne Un dclendjot TOV IIK 1IK1IMI linjLIUMl TO M 1. icerioaiiattonlroaki teita nat you by ti e alsoronimrd la nllfl la ite DUtriei tourt of ttc Itilrd Judl la I) atrictof it eTeriitorr t ttil anitoanawvrtlocom.mlntlll dtluelu will in ten day trxrlualvo or tho dy of ter iir) aftcre rri conyotiof ll U auiiruooa If ard m-i tin it a c untyi or it arrtel ouiof tt t county I ui In tl u dutnet will in twenty day olferwiao wl I in forty d or JudKi et tty d fault w 11 1 e taken kii t to i ace- r Knit to tl e t rsirr of aal I m latuL It oaaidart on I brouat t loi auudjni ei t ajtnti toefei lai t n J llar.ey in auti rf i it with lite ia, I r cctcral an out t.iali lutlyiU nt tl f r taxeaon roieriylere n a ur uVsiribdl lor SI . attorney lee anl ioMB of au t allCRnJ 1 1 1 fi d io o i two rcrta n 1 rum l aory rt tea ex feme d bv iaJd Oefen laitl toone Hoeblo Marrlt.M I'-Kt ohu I rftuO He other for Hjui liotii bcriijc It tereat at lu lir tent er atmu u from hk.iiki Uin lnianluniald Tf I ierettn Dect inter 2tf 1 0 an I i rlnri) l t n i I note tor lw, al t niira aerurol ty m rtjratto f f een date t n 1 reu Ikt hercinnfter deacrll o I aal I note au I l or Urate ''" tn aiejrned to t Uli in utoianow he I older tl er oft lu Utoilu itiual dcrrto f 1M n urt for Hi salu of anil iieiilnaj tl at l riMftda tt ertor t e llllrlln)i in of a t ui ia luo aa abotei Hat 1cfe la it an 1 atl eraona elan mr uiJirtirit be Laired anl fur U ed of at e a tiorcii lyof r lou.ti lit aall rem teat thai i ntniirt hare u ifri entf runr Uiflneiiry and f r o her relief faldircn.oa aro U Bcriielaafolow!. tn wit (Jom nene vjg at a lolntioroia b of N I ror iruf I t h Id ck h ilatl fait '-"Un itr un y ilrneo p. 4 r i- tl inro U 4 ro ta ll enr i V 4 n la tl eoee I 10 rota 1 1 beg ti lag a toalo in Bait lake L tyaidrojnty, Lla nd you aro 1 ete y notiile t ihl if you fa 1 I I ai liar and an wir Ho aald c tin) lain aa aloie rr imred tl eaal 1 lalninf will ai f y to tl i t m rt lor tl o r t fit in a ded II eroin Ultneaa It i Hon I arlna H fine Ju leo aultleaialuf Hoi latrctiourtor tlo il ril j d cnt I itri t 1 1 at d for tl o Tertttory r I ut , H la IHti day of Noveu ter In tl tt year of oir laurd ono tiouaind eisht hundrel and ''mvi'l " HINIU O :tCM!U N, Ckrk lyiM DM Ml" Deptivt lerk 1! J IHMXM All neylorl ItlnllLf, Band 9 toroncrclallHock Rait 1-ate tity da SUMMONS In Uo Hlitrlct (uurt in anl for the ItlrJ J il cll I Ulrlctof UtRli Territory, louutjof fall lake rannelitll ng Ilauiltf t Ldwardll liltl na; llafeulant II o lo'i a it tho Territory of Utah aend lol-rt Vs.idH.ll lltng dcfetdait. -ro Mil lintHt. ItHlIUIti io Al L leirlian action lr i t ant nat you br t e aIm ve n ii d r ttf In tbe I nirl t Court r the iblrl dull ial Dtnlrctof the Unltory o I tah Milti unncr Horn lalnt U o I U errln vi I n tu i rty (ex tun vu i f tl day of M-rv e) ait r tbe em e u yn i of thu au i na-lf te I wl hi i tl li r umy rr if Miuir tiftll louttr tut in Hi lUln f. wilt i leniy ilayat oil em within for If ly-oru Ig-i am by detalt will bo t4Kti an ntjcu aciord tiff lo lb raycr of aald it u anil ari on la I r final I tolmeadrereenf lhU court I ato virc Hi binda o tnatriuoiy rx tinif let tfc n i Uli tl am dfTcauai tl aMurlintt It llaniltt i ;are eu-io w a J vrurat o i of ll e I nor 1 1 1 d I auu tit a 1 1 uiarr bko ai I irran inx , ft if otfer re itf i aicln niri.r it I. i it Hat on Mir " It I " I lefeblant wi fully a i w ti t ruo ilirH 1 niai lonel ilaintit and I b urr alnro t-orlit e I at d i wn t iralolheauf rale and art fro n lir, l I it at 01 cnt or a y uuae and ocali i 1 1 r w ll, ni Hi at f r 1 1 ro tl nn ui n vr atit I fontani la.wil tilytem-rtel t tiotttu f r ilait If aul an f elt l U ron nounoct rcaof life u1ttoul alto a o U jot AM Imebynotlflellhallf youfail ti am r aid an wer tlo I Ifomj tal it oa alortureJtlo 111 ai llf mil) hi (If lo it 1 1 1 fort! ir) f enmud I ihorei ..llnena tlo n I t arte lirj ipo, ni Hit nualif H I ain t toon of the 'liTri Jul 11 Hi lr ll a d f r the Inrmory of Uial.lrilaXMl day ol H toler in iho year tf o r Url on no m I rrli 1 undred and niely U IIKNI U Mrltllt N tlerk UvllEU Ii Iuimii DuulvUUrk. INOT.CEIOCHLOITOnS FitaU p! Jobn rh ItiMiw I, N the nnderaned Alfred O II Fowtk, a tmi-ira or nf th alt of Job rowiki I hviitaf eUm a af a nal tl a id oft t tiiiii.Viowitniheneef-ry otiel ra with n ten inoDth. ificr H f " I ff . ih' .nil p 1. llm sail Allrrn u 11 101 u at IU . Xt Via ins Ulh L Sr.'i'V, .IVk mm llank lilt tlTS M ' r th "iS"Mlilsklitr.l"l ' l "Mi o' paituiko lriirllo h son Ik Admlnialriwrof lissasisot J lo ki, Tlalf 'l Jnoulira''" '"" notice: to cnEDiTons I .tats of Mlllll.S KMCUIIsnl llcr a.tL XTOTltB !. lIKHKIir (1IEN IIV Title iN in lira I nd In m atinlor f ll e s.lata if Mllllus k. ItcUilaid derail lo tin crsmnrs of and all laona latins rla ma aaa n.tltnasld trrraaed tn rah Mtltietn with the notesaary TOQrbarr w thin t unntht atltr llnltrffpaMlrnllonnflhlali cs t. ho aai I sdn mlatrali r al in i ntco f IVi.t . Si snd ai U i mr trial 11 ock Halt I ak I tt) , lu llncoonlYtl falllJl" lialcd lanuarrSr I l, ,,,,. Klin Aim i JicLn i wn Adi Inl.trator of Ihn r.lals ol 11 l aai K. ilclJllald ilira.irl l NOTICE TO CnEDITOnS r.talo of Llsrl.aa Arno 1 lie i I NOTILP II I1KI(KII (JIM'S UT Till mlcraia-nrl trut r of th r aio i f clnrl.aa Arnold drrra.c I t . 11 rail u ra of an I nil rraons tint n nlalma aaaln.l II 0 raid (licraard lu fl lh I Urt will tl 0 . or na.arr rnurhrra will In trn n nltia stlrr ths first imbllral nt this nollts, lo tu aald rttrutor nl tr.t Jordsn Pall Uk loontr, Utah Tcrrllory " .-'ru. ,, nf t ee i or of the citato of ttr aaa Arnol t dtaeacl . Jill. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. EHate tt Henry .cL N'OTItr H I .HU11 OIVLN V THF undereiKned Jane I r lr almnt. tra rt of tie latate of Henry U r er le reaie I to the eredtlor of a d all j enon lTnff rlaito rlnl llo llde raael to can b I ll em will it o nei eary I err with I f ur moiti alter lie lr iu I eaiion of thu no tee to anil adn iilatratni al Ho law orrro of Harlow FrriiMcn in suit Lake t ly lu loerounivif ialt Uke Hted Ut uary I , iva ' IANI 1 IO.W HI Admlnutralrlxoftatato of Hehryt t wler de eaitd lUrtow iKiotaot Attorney f r enate jicTrbrcpiTonaii r tale vt i 1 wbeth t I ltruo ceae L "VrmHK i tiritKii nun nn J undriffnci an il M Hi traore iceut r if the la, will if 1 a eth I Hhltmnre d e a led t tho em lit ra f and all reraona t avlui? rlai a aralim Ho aall tie eaatsl, toexl i t Hem wuli tbo tereM rpourldi vitbtntiti (1 uoultaatir theflraltul trail Ion of thla tioti e toitoa-tll eieri tor at room No j I onatit mo i I u 1 1 inir n "all lake 0 ty. in tho County of Salt lake Utah lerrltarj Dated Jam are 4 h la hXMtll f M HHtlM(Ht) txi iter of it o laat will of 1 liai nl U b I lui u w l ra Poxanl Juiih V Camov ntturncya for em entor w LEOMjJJOTICL. Id the rrolale tout! lu ant for Salt lake inunty Trim ryott ah. In tie matter of It ratato of earaliHalkina Dcccaacd. Ordertoalowea itowhy or lerof aateot real rrtale auonld oot be i tade TOIIS T UtCMP IHI- ADMIMSTIIA fj tor of the ea ate of tarati Hatkma de ceaie I. t avion lied I pel U n harem dty er fle l ryit for an i rdrr i f aa e of H e real eitato t aa d tleeen tent for tl nri oiea llcr In act f rth it la tt ereiornordircdby ibn Judre of aai 1 tourt tliAt all i eraona intern ted In Ihe citato of raid decern i . aj t ear befrre the aai 1 ITol ete t nrt on Tut I lay the Slat day c t Jauuary. Ins atio o rlnea in the torn non f aa I day at the court IU mot aall I ro a e lourt. at the (ounly iourtrue In the City and County of nt 1-ake llt Territory lo fhow ranee why an ordrrahool hunt beprant r 1 to tl e aal t admlniatrafc r lo aall o inach ot He real eauteof ikeaaiddsireaar lai ornate Ale al a 1 be neees ary. aefl thai a oi y nt tl i order be i ubt tl e I at least four anr -aUe wreka In He HtMiniT t txi-io Nrun n Lewrj ier) rlntedanl i ublul ed la aald City and ounly Hated 1 tec rater? th imr (1 " HAUTtll I rotate Judje LEGAL NOTICE. in the 1 rob at Court in and for Salt Lake County, Territory ot Ltah la tbe matter ot tl e eitate of 1 ctcr Ilofbinc decease I Order to ahotrranao why order of aatoof real uttaio aho ild nolle i alo JOHN M tNNON JUL HMINIS1I torcf ihe cittte of leer Hothlne de eatc I havlna: fl e 1 1 e It ca here u ilu y Tirl lied i ravii (Mor anordor if aio if tie real eatalo of aa d lere It 1 1 tor Ite I ur, oae II ire In aet for ti It I therefor orctere I ly th Judiieof aaidrouri Hal all peraonaln ereated in tl eeataleof aatl dereaied at ) ear before the aald probate rourt no turn Jay He lltliday of Kcl runry 1-m at 10 o rl k in the formaou 1 1 nd Usy, Ht the toutt Itoom of a d 1 rouate tiurt at llo County tourt Home In He illy rnd if fall lake, Hull Territory ti at w ra e why nnl order al out t not I e kranle ) I the ( I adm matrorat toarll bo tnueliof Hierral hitio of aaid le rv&ae I al eiiUeri nbl ori irate aate a thill 1 t nceeiairy, an i it aiaxpyof H n order be i ubltit e t at leaatiour ur oa ve weeka lu the maivHir hM Nina, a nenvjiier 1 nuio I an 1 1 ntjli.l o in i rliy and cuuuty Hated January 1 tb 1 I rot ite Ju Iff LEQALMJTICE. Inlhelrot aieUoutt lu anl ror Palt Uke tounty lnriuryof Utah In tho matter of U ornate of William Am mcrma i dereaied VTOT1CK 14 llf KHlaTin 1 V TH IT JOHV XN M I efUr n lu lontr or of H e eatate of William Atninerman deteatod la r n d re I for aeiiifutent anl iliol in a aid tourt Ida Dial arct int of I a adm i tatra t ou of aai 1 1 alate ai 1 1 rtt n for Una) d atri bun in ot Hi it luecf aa 1 eataie a eon the tera ntontliled tl ereto and that lutaoay it ttdv of let runry A D 1 1 at o o oek a u MtheOiri lloomofaail (lourt In Ibe tout ly Coin llo a na t Uko O ty and t, n ty Uiul I rr t rr baaLeon I itymi oinie tby tie Jidgaof taid t in fortte attuementit aa d aeeount an 1 1 earinff aal 1 1 et tion for dla irlbutlur alwtirlitt e au 1 1 lace any t eraon Interiale I luaa leatiie may i pi Aran 1 alt w rauae it any ihero be why aai I a rouut al out 1 notboicitlel nnd ant rated nod final diatrtbn I r n mate aa t raved for u.ij..bir. ( MHOl rlrrle . f H n lTobatn Oourk HfCAUSTtN III OH'U Ju .Doputr NOTICE TO CUILOERS. SEAL lllll-0AI 1ILIII llttl H I I) I r tho tltf Itrrnr Ur at I la f Hr rno u S tillUI in. I and iu I I n Italncadar 1 cl ruar lit , ! 1 t ll oVt k noon for ll o loialrucllonofanon U ly Ja I 11 o l Isna a 1 r tl m o a for tl U work sronow in ralllll I ai I rs i ho tin i Ins I atihitoltlce iflho u ir llr onlrr, and stoat t commit UtillAii l arroll, Arantott. )lvr canlloUlock tl arty Iji h ir i aal al al Is am nailn ly r'lioall fnllrn.ttrn irrrrnl nl Iho conlrarl I nee whirha mnnt Hal Infirlourl local! 1 ku t! I) if tl n 1 1 1 r Islls I romply w ill tlo tiriua if his alter Iho uwsrd la no loi, I In. llo mill la iirtdlo rrj rt scysnUU Usl'iitirtl lot ly loun f Nll I ,U t ly. Utih Icrrllory n ado lierstnbcr utl ,wJ n nous II I- MA-.. U II IIUIHY, p m Itueontn.oii. V HTihTOH c o Ifr Co operative Ygcp S Ilacblao Co rniir ANNirn'MHTiNuot tiiw i. ato khoirttiratrvh iMirrnunie 1AM llMttlHM , Wll (Ohull on Mondaj, J m r H uw ,at J orloUt i.o ntil nl -of aai 1 torn Ii Mat J,ukQll 1 1 llaiiiriuat for W ch a 1 1 eeti sc taialtilirtj loilerl l ret tors for ll rei irlof li o IT fcldnl a I neerourr, at I to Iran slay u uotur btirint aamaylanullyco eUfore aai 1 1 e I Intr ItUI OS H. W C U S Bcrrctaty fcolt I ako C ly, January 3 Mi d.ta LEOAL NOTILt. Ia the rmteM ( itTln and ffit Ml Ua touatr Ternmry etluh la tbe Mttr of tfce Ciuto ot Rt bard Proter dacei ed NOTIf I llkliTFl uIFV fiHTlO renxo Itiui a imtoinrainr me ea into of hcha't Itroecr de eaa d hat ran dered for aMtlctnent int filed n aald einirt, h a deal are nt I 1 adrr nit ration c f aalt twtaie and t et t on f r fin il riumi 1 1 on of ll e reald ol aad ealMe am nt? He ferfona entitled iherrln ail thai inedty the flat rtayof Jamaiy Anl t nrkUm at thocourtrMn nftijn r the eourlyoourt hiuar fa 1 1 -Le ( It an it nmr Hun Tetrl fory haa I een do y o titnl Ly tf o Ju-laa nt aaiirourt for He aettU e t ot aa I ereMtint and nttulnjc tail oil i n for linn utto .at wh eh time and I xe any i er ou nierrtted In aa 1 ea ate n ay ,. ear an tl ow r aue If ni) there bewly aald aer nit -hoot I n lie aet lei an I Bpt roved anl final ditr 1 ntion i a te a praye! for 1 alel Jai uary tb 19 J II irim ( tetk of rrobate I ourt, lir f ttTia lmwM ir Heiutr ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. NOTItl 1H IIHSII IIUFN TIIT IN 1 1 rat anee of an or ler or the 1 rot ate Uourtof Hi tonuty t f H lake nnd lerr lory of I lai n a le i n u e trtr ray f Hoiem I (r t , i tt o n attir or tl a estate or Ml I H m treaacl Ha Lnderaune I tne ndn i.irni rot ps 1 e-ttte w ll aell all r late rale I y ca ed buU in writ djc t tm lil eat 1 1 1 ter t r i tah and at 1 1 t lo ronttr nat on f ail 1-rnl ate Court t n ihun Ur the 1 tl day ot elruiry. lU at tneie rloek tn al floor, W I f Usiilk I RlldrR nrner Ma i anl riratfouHiPiriei", MU Ikkeilty lt-1 ( all the rut i i ite Iniv et an 1 e-tnto t the aal I Mile. I 1 1 a na at H v llu of 1 1 death and all H o r ihl tl a I Inl t t H nt tl u a I ratal by o erat ou of law or therwlae aeqeirel on ertl an adtuionto that of Ho a I M le L. U I liaina al tl e lime of lla Alt , luandtialllhatrtria i Ut ceo rareclot lanlaiiuate IrluR and be na: in ii I ur and rotnty of ealt lake Irrrtmry of Utah don fed an 1 d arnted aa lolma t wt (Vii itnenelnir at a i int on H o wen i l if ina Mrrcl In aal I rili e l ty 1 1 an t ihre fourtlf"I )lrtnt rthof theaoulh aat r er or lot nine ( itnck (lie ) t lat r tatt Ully turtey anl ruu nr Hot o north for rone and one it nri i (U re I tl en d aouthe ltydesrrer rt) m nt let M wiit one I un tre t and t t 1 lee it enro w uth nineteen deatrtwa (I ea tf ry ne at 1 ne fi rl ll feet ttitnee nnrlti fl a ut 0 ti mitWI i ii rr Kaiio thr jvotil of run ler a nn I r ndlll it or tale Haul ten Vff tentof He p rrhaa i nay t ' te I l I on Ho tiy of 4ie it al m tonrttn ation t ai o lv aail inflate to rt Iced at oi) rt ae of t oj-fl aaer JOHN t IFHIH, Admlulitratnr of it male of Mitra t. UllJU a.ileirn Jiatel January ;i h lJ SUMM0N3. In tt Hutrlrt IJoirt 1 1 an I Mr He Tt Ird J deial Htn t of t lati lirriiury, t mi) f ;mi lake KarrinUlnktertllairt it va Junt Hit llcr Hiteadjnt Tie leofle or He Territory tt tlatt aend Jii HiiUer, rtlV All! IIH Kit ItHjUIItMtTIl 1 X t ear in an a tu i I room i are nat you I r lie aU lenan t 1 1 lainiilT In tie H air ctt ourt of the Tl r 1 luU tal I i iriet of t o Itrr lory of t tah and tonne rrr ihetco la t filed there In wltblnleoitayHfcuelua ton the lay if acr il n) after II c cn ret n you of II It a uninou -faenr I wllh n II a ronrty r it arrtr 1 out of lb a touitv lut In tl d drlrt within luenirdaja) itbrrwUo witl in forty duy r ,n Un mi y default w die uLenataiityou hixxirdinirtottei Ajer faade tn lalnt 11 eaal I aetim I brought to I ateaderreenf lh o urt I o u a he bo 1 1 or i niri nonr ol t ch I eien Talnl ft an I Ittrndai t an I awaift nr lo lalnt H tt e rt ttody of ll n u Inor rlltiren laiue ot 1 marrUie n ir Dp; Ivtet dentin i ay Into rn i r iaoi ai oat n todttray tHei encea nr Ih a an nn an t It 9 att rnev a fee and 1 1 pay 1 1 iitnl tt Heauit of f 1 1 er month aa at i ny d irirjt en leney of h a a Hon an l i takme bu a in nr j rr uantol arantinr llalntirl n I err let i rayt I on tl e to) J wli an nnd a t wwli 1 1 al t re aatd ti arr are delrnlani la tnated l taint tf in a erne) Anl Inl u i nn nat er to tt t ealent if rau Ing I er itreat bt d ly in iry an 1 mental dUtrt a ttitt life lant I i l-een gut ty i f I nl tuat orunkt i nna r r it oro it au tine year Un i an at 1 Hat t r rat ru than l me year laat t al H a tlofei danl I aa willul y l eftvclf d to rnrl le for l la nt tl tl e ron n ou me eaarlcaof tiro Andy uarobcrtby rtntiiHd Hint tf you fa 1 toanearant answer He aall ron i. an t aa ainTerr iuirr IHoaallpUini tf will auyto tt rourt lo Ho relief nrniacded tl t-rcin Hilnena He Hon Cli r t H au , Judie, an I theaeator the U atriet t nri or tlo it r I i n lal Hinrl t li ai l foriholrrr to y of I lal , l Itl a Slit dar of Hn ember in ll year of our lrl ouo Iboutand eittt lundrel and ttioely two l!MI H MtMILMN (lerk Iiy HL u i: 1) 1 1 tuia Deiuiydrrk Jomh M I ta.NO, Mtorneyfortia nttfl 1UIIUNT TU N unn&u nr IK It) me dire tc I by 1 Ihtr I lu I elal H a met tomtit the rrmtoryor ttat Iah1Ie in ae at l ubho aate at H o float lot r i f it e tountyCuurt llo at in ihe e ty of salt Uke rountyr ealt I iLon (Territory f tiah oo thelat lay of relruiry I'll at II le o 0 clork. ui All tl o r a tit tit , claim and ii ler cat ni e 1 an 1 i'o.n ed by Ilirve y liar ty an I r lu II rd h a fe J I n II llu i an at I May 11 nm i hit wire rraneia Mltahoiund it It h I la wile un tno dalu of iioinuti t a t nt alter ii oot one I lo wit on 1 e rewbirrtn l and unrqnent T ir Itr Ueaifili and io ll n lo I w nit leaer be I real etaic aitatte ly ng a d Uin. tn r-all t-ako reunty Utahlerrltory and deaerttcl aa M Uud deicnbed lu tl e tnortaaao art of tt e Crairauin f anion lu U nl fa c plihL.AH of I t r rlr ae?eo to il ty iw et tiiha m bl eklour aailatudli leiklia Hrand lee a U li id halt take i ny, a t 1 ake rouniy, V nb Imr I lory l,an ldraerillln Ihe mortfap tart rf Hie emi d eiuae of aet t In in i tlfla con taint. All ot tola a ateen t twit ty thr o li elua to m 1 1 h-L three aa J I me 1 1 1 I crk na (Iran I ew ad ill on to 9a 1 1 ske ttiy, ft I I ako rounty. Hah I jind tteenled in tt e m urt face t art of the tt rlcauio fartloii l.alinrl. tonplalnt All f 1 utltiy im it flfty ni e lurl iai e In ttocl.Blaaiialtedtn I trkina ilrat I te v n I Ut n u bjIi Uke tity, ralt lakorointy 1 an 1 deterlt ol to tl mnrlitiro part of tl a f urlli cauae nf art n lu pi nt it' u mi la i u IUf lota-Utiriieuiy tereilnl ook an 1 tatted in 1 u kin ( ran I lew ad itlion to Salt Ukott Haiti ilo county Ulat I an 1 ueftcrii td in tl o u ortupo art c f tt o llrtU cauae of af Hun in la 1 1 ila oo tilt t. Ml of klaUne tohUhll tl lock H no aat ItUd In I erkina Hrand lew a 1 1 1 on to call I ake t ty I ml 1 at d Icier ld In ll i mnrliTi.o t art of lth rauae i f nnl i In t la nuila t 6 ) la nt All or loi ai to aetintj o li llo it nix a platted In t erktua (Jriud lew add lion to halt UI uiy halt Uko t uuuty. tun I and u af rib d In He rooriKMre t art or II o cntti ra e ot net ion In i la ui IN ion lleini Allot loia nine i fit to ml) k H reo ut i laite I In 1 crkm (Irani tew a 1 ill lion tu ra 1 1 ike t It) .Hall I Ake ( ounly I Uli I ail 1 erhel li Hen iti,wonrlcf He eljlitl cauie fAennlir nlnlitt a rorn lalnt All of Iota forty tire toilfiy onet lo Laixa 1 1 att i I it I crkit a tlrnnd le v a Idltion to Sill Uket ty halt 1 iko county Utan MnltleirriielinHo n rtpiice (art ot He n uth rat aet faction In a niiiU coin an u Ml 1 1 lota tfetcn t Is to i ut y two In 1 1 rk f a attel In 1 erkina Orua 1 lc r all tlon I Halt I ake ( ity fia 1 1 Ake rou y 1 Ut I an 1 dcairibe I In H o i lot t if ? i art t f tl 0 let Hi raiao if actio i in tint a) lid ro i ila nt MlnrioUrtriylo lorlral lo 1 1 tck f raailalt I In 1 rrklna i rand Vtewa Idltou l eattfakeltty altlAkec utty ttat I at d dearnbr 1 In tho i ripa, t an 1 1 Ihe e even Hi fi io of aeilnn tn lalntlffa ron 1 taint. All ofbl keirnati atle I lu I r k ob Ura IXiiwnlt li n to bait lake city Kr t iJtle ounly I tal 1 i lo a laatheirotertyof Haney Harly anlrha Hardy 1 f a Hire foln H Hinnan ant May Hint an. I taw te Iranrla It It I n iiraliai i i nlto at iho euli of Hlu riritiAConiauy 1 K Mar liaL ly H lit r iwi 'y I ited Unuary ti l tu NOTICE. XToiiti h iikih in (iiun iiit tin i a unl i eel i jt nt tl e ttorkt older of He I aere on t atl oke Am u lurnt end Manurnurnir (anal tore, at y, lll le held at It o o nl at ) ol! r N T I an Ho Hi lini ohiriii Mlllaku ti) ttat oihutur 1-t January H 1 at o lot u 1 1 fr lit Id tl ii t Un lor ll aene Ho enn i bf year nnl for He tranaa li tC aiel oiler ti ttioeaa ai aball it r re ihe u ei I iu I jtilpNITMll Nrtriwr) SiltliLet ty Ja nary I II l NOTICF XTOlItP 1 IIFIIhM Hll N rilAl Till l rtaulHr ann al li i m K the alwk loidera ortloUel ti n .M ( d Mi n ar 'f Lorio"i.V rl " I tuatiii loi00l'n1r Moidaj re r ary t li It at u clock i J(IS u NV(tKi ), si n r trail Uke (Jliy Jamary Ml. 1 J NOTICE OF MARSHALS SALC. I NlJtl r 1 ItrilPRT t.HFN THAT puttt tn to a drerre of ia Third in u at Uiatret tonrt of ltah Tr ttrv and an order of aale ihettuoder dtiai the .tad lay ot Heeemher A Ii liW tn aa art n wherrtn Albert Holt etal were plaintliTa and tnha U fount et at were dMendanta d reel edtoioe Holoitet Plato Marabat tot ltah lerritorr tiaythe aeteral min rrifnilone I lull aalt rt-eand rder i f aAle il ii ta I ere y refer re I t auJ i a iu i i art or H nonce I will aall at jut to au tion to Ha hiil enltdder rorcaah on Ve)ieaday,lhelMh dvof laniary.A H lrH at ti oifoek in At Ho Irnnt dut rot tl o I ouflty I nurt Hoie In nlt 1 ake ttr a 1 1 ike ntr I Uli ler ii try all tto following Jea ribcd iteecor Ar elaot landlo wit iintr twenty and aetenyone ono 1 ondredtha " i ) aereaof and In aection eventcen i.i an I twenty (rt) in townaMp ote annth of m tc one can Halt I ake l en Mn ronveyrd t lUrand)ounr trustee by John H uuec an I w fe uetoi er i Hi l4 an t known at the CHI tear H uae irnicriy. and t angularly d acrll olaafnlln ia llejtlnn nr twelie Ml) in It ao Hi of Ih n nt rant rorntr ot tl e noribca t uarier of aeeilnn twent) (M) townal none fl aoutn it raetetno I) eaat of Kill Ia tneriian thenen touth f riy omo ai I nine tenthi J u 10) mi h u tn er nf canjon creek, tt cnee r ortl er y down and along H center of aaid raayen creek toihocenttnf a four rod trreirunntnx north an lioitlr nonh th rleen flfiy Inot-S) mia theeceao Ui le i (10 rod thei e eaat tl my t rt a, it en e ao i h n () roll thence oatt te i (10) ro a then e lotiti attirtn ir rml io the aoulli line or a roar n I atnet runnlnr eal and writ ihente ea I lout fl) rosla He c touth utrci f) rtla tint re t r t Midcjr r aat ten an t flee htin Iredtl a I o toda Ihente norlti llneen Ik) roUlolhcaomU line utan r tl) r t aireet H anee eaal lw i U) iou lo II e j aee of ber nuin it ntitn n act entrrn and four ti ndrcJ at.d tity Ote o Ih lanndllaflTI ) arrea AIo Heft nmuiT Art rot eaal of the bortl wcat corner bf Ho norlbeatt it titer of ft nlHrtr(t town in ne(l) author run t-ii ono (I). eaat tf Halt iJike inendian run m o ll ei ro eouili twehe li) too tbenre rati iMenty ar I tlreo-ierlU "7 ro la. il rnre north nil c Ire i aad t ir lent (UI) n la to the n rl) bound ary of lot two 1 tlnrk one I ). ito rre lal lit Meld au tey Hiieowcattvenl T,e anl Ihrro lentl a I t ro ia to li e noriiiw ett corner of al 1 If t , ii en -i II a ion an i four tonll (J 4) ro la met cewcaitMo rod to ihe renter or ato r I rndatcet tn tie (lare of ear 1 1 1 tf.ron tti l irlhne nnd in I nn tret a d forty hre aft hut at HI it.) ana U -Teu (lv r da eut frtnt I y n ne 5 r 1 wrMif H l ttur ti unc j iicrrll tU i n lo t four D l Ia tt oatt I ako U ty a trrey ntalnl g rtlntty i ) luare ruda tl rt unl run.itjel lyJ Hallli to I etiran 1 .oun liualri, li rei ber ta l o-nti nthweit ii ui cr nf M four (I , blocks I lat It Hall liael iiyaumy contain inirnity t.o)a ,i are hdn r uroun i rt are) el tyMiutlatm u l liUlirand uuir. Hua lee Noteinber 1th 1 lan-1wo a re or land a block four (I) ttat r na t I tie t ity aurrey looreyl I y IijoraeiJoidarlaulu te n Uunnl ouoif irur.tre Sort ml er 2 t , ! T and ariltularly lecrlltlar loa llcalnnlna al Hi t rlh neat corner M I t f ur I). bieik 1 irO) I lal 1,811 faku Uty ai ney Hence weal eghl(t) ro( itien a touth thirty rotr at) ro la Ibenre eaat twenty on (11) ro I u ore or It at t Ho wcat til e of lau i decied ti fa I take t ty for caiiul urt ae tl vt re) l orlli a eendcirrre wet foLr fl i nIb more orieaato HoBOUlh lleor ble V r ur 11 li.enre r.t tlescn aud eui tiroth ll a io) roda ttenca nor I utl riyt r daioti eplncat r IivIumij; ronta.niD tw 1 a tea oi nr un 1 i torn t r tio-Or.e andaUly hunlirdttiafl an acre of Und in a e aa abote lllock ut 1 1 vi, rot teyel try lat hatnet tartia In Ut nn I lounf. IruaUn, N rti t r IHti HT and ar I cuUriy teacnU I -a r- I wa lo w I H-x n .lis atlteauUlhMealr rnert f I teca loir 4 I lat r Hall IJike Ity aurrey lhrnce vta eleien aid c gt t ten I a fl ) r " Cl e It Hit 1 lejf et Ucnly nine anl aeren tenth (tx'i toU tbcuee nortl flfleeo rtenree an I tt rty tn nute w eat one an 1 four 1 ill I4)r Itinnrnorieaa nlh nwr h line , 1 1 lot h ur (4 tl enee wiat three and f ur tout 1 1(- rodt inurt r eaa ti He weat tine i f I BAifblMh ih nee a uth thitty (W) ro tali lie p are i f beauntiioa; r ntatnlni IMIdo acre f I ,M. .-I -oil urdlin.toct. two (J)rlt H c nta nlnirt ne I ntted (1)0) a are r la ot a rou i lonraiei ty da il tientrrtote uraid .otina truaien N re t lr iTih Itw . Tie north hilt of lloea rine (J) plat V i fat lake I lyanncy lid eat t nlr or I t one I) block ii i(l) Ui tl eall Uke lit) a ney Ttltltt I Tlo i roi crly knuvti athe Ree Hive llonae I an 1 1 ar l wlarly deat r be 1 at foil a lo w t I i oiun anrtne; at a i o nt two (1) roda eaal nf He aoutheaat corner it I t oue (I) 1 1 k e ably riihi . lal Ha l Uke C ty aurrey thenrewvat aU(e)rodt Hen o north Iwelte (I rot Heuceeaaia i(trota ibiurea nth iMelrc (II) rod to H e ilace or I eii a nx i eltualed in lha city at d county or halt take lerriinry of I tilt. it until 1 Ilium anJonn lama ) arret of Unlln which UHranlYouuff I a an iniereat par . HtUrlyderrl d at l Hum , Itti nnli jr at a I i i t twni ty t j ( ;) loot i r li of a (mini on tl e rati aide ot an j en atieet runniutf iron torthncal to tuuthraat. fifteen (III rod ea t In ni the n rti eatt corner ot Mil ecu (ll) Mock ineny thice t) of len Uto ilatA llyrlrld aurev in Mil Uke r unty I tali leirlloryAnl rtni Bjtlt enrecn it e real I no of a 1 1 opn aireel n rth 31 4 levrcca weat iwenlytbno (M) rda aid e even (U) leet it enre i orth ore au I flro leniha (5 i r la 1 1 HertbteroiM III reek Hence inaneaaterly I net on ui lu He center il aald Mill truca atri am lm r K In 11 o bortlt amy one an I oi a half (l ,)t wm roorkaa Hei to norititl ditr laairnnt nu i rla tl ei enter i faaldcieek p sunn Ail I e t nlh(taa)i l the tceaoulh Ibrredek t.ait twenty Uoai dtwo tenth "Xti rott loheniatn iHiiicti aouth weal corner Heire norm eUhty aetendeKrtea mat four aid ote trntli 1 I) ru la noie or Icae to He eaalbu in larytf tl e l oittiHtat matler t f ace t ut iriytl ee(Xl) lo. nil l mo (l) . uth i f rai (to i no tl) eaat it Ml I JtLe i end la n Ih ice touth twenty an and io lenlt .s.3) rul i-J hnllerbl u rtnlnc Hen ewcai to a o 1 1 ot e I ndu I an 1 aiuren (I 0) reel iat of A point on thocatl ai le f f an open airect rut it 1 1 from n nhweat to aoulbeaat I Item (15) roda eaat of tl e i urtt eaat i ruer of I i Mteei (i) Murk twenty thrco i j) Ten Arro Hat 'A ll jr t teld au rey aboie i ant one I tl enco m o ril weaterly airectlo i to a i otnt ar j tno tn) t rt catl if A p let ot bejr i ntuK thence to li o plaeo f annnnttiir coi talnh u m an nrieen anlonelalfd .) acna more or I aa I ittthcr unit ten arreaol ra er rlili drat iUn n it I ottonHOo 1 U ar H reek, wa er tit) it tt t I I ut however a r f hi t f ta ay ror a wann road i iu neoc ntr i n II o uiut Louulary I no ot He i Hlucat luamrof um tt irly titea (U) ton tal ptne (I) aoutn tf roree one (oi e) C4t of bait Uke men ll at al a u 1 1 twi t ty axailiwoteit rod north ot John lleittt north I ne tbeuee wiat tl rte de ao th four aad one teuti (1 I) roda Hence torih line tejr weat lwentr two and two tcntla(fJ) ind to lb Mi 1 ( reek atream thrntu aiooiTtbo bank of M I treek a ro n uciirrlytn He norm vteat orncr o a bote i rnt oned an 1 deacnl r I parcel f in t 1 boaollaaHeirupetlrof J Un lounc etaL AtHeruitoI Mbcrt llutt ctal Irrmi faile raah Ihii A IlkATt v if a Marahak Iiy il. Hick ici uty Martha! taledllccuil rs'lh lru Ilkiiuw Itiu'dii Ait uty for louafiat mire Hank ei d Trutt ( o Ity co tentof all artlra anldeci Inn Iter teu vittlou h veaa via) at, one I tu Ji uary :'i h '3 at li o Mo k t n, nt m ta i ta c 1UMNU lilMt N U . Marahal Iiy A, ll 1'Yt.H Hei ity Marthal Uatcl Janua in IHT. THE LEAMINGTON WATER AND LAND CO Mall Uke tity and (ounty Utah TcrrlUry ThtauNu litotkhtJl rimtrlimtntkU tomtn,, ttitiulurj nt I l VrffcfAst fee i nfiV feJ tj a najer tj tff tcl hut ltl9 N'Olltl IS HHtflli GIrNTlMl Till am ual Moral o kit n irl t roIH oaloo nauet coi t any w II bo lull M lh i flteo of lr T It Iteaiiy aa lo UnlerJiria Mer cadHIu li it M nu c rt er Wd m tn iud .Mnirt li Halt UVol'ty n ltd laty luit IMj at to a m for tl o ckei m of oil cere ai 1 for II traoaact on of an) auch i tl v t uan as aa ah It Uufully r e bef ro ll m I a .o t l ll o t ur luiMotv tn n tl a rojoact a in ment ot Ue art clra of lncorioiai n to mrrcaault raritAi atock Um nu wluiy icretary Halt lake City January 4lb lis k NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING rpllK 8T0CI IIOII1EU OF Till, t O 01 1 I KAI INK t-UUNllt UK (0 will i ctl atlleronice m Hani It Mi In s rcet wa t I ale ttr o i I ebr lary il 1 nt al 7 t clocK I in .tor ll e i urpote ot ilccl r k t li e Hire Ion at d lor am t ille-b alt that at all pr 1 crly to clerorotioi eeilntr o II 1 mir Secretary NOTICE. rpilT ANNttl MrtTlM or nil 1 Bioekl tier of Mjyifrt WeMa cl ni el I toil 1 wilt Ih I ! I in lie t 1 1 an) ao J e fait Ukullir in Muu lay 1 cl r i-ry uh itrm an ne j i (or Hi i uri ae of b art it lie A l u 1 irtort H tie ll in ol oRlrrra f r llu eia ujfteir i d to i lo on II e t n I altlo i lo rt arm He a if Ho lonmratoa to Maj net UUt it T'ANKP. j? I STATE" BANK I : ' OF UTAH, 'i Ccrnif ef Mtiin unit South TtmpU J B Strtrti Salt -ol tly ' H Ontaltrtl, - (iOO.OOO , IstBtatrf.lusa, HBtlO OOO I IIKitn J tlHAwr. Ireaidaat t Wji it lHkrii Mce r-ilJiat , . Ilkuiu U u.Li.ta.liitr, j , OinCCTORS ,, JOSklll AMlTtl ti AHIUHAM II CJAtflOir, I I tnaKK Y TAttoa j f IIIU.T rkMHUBT M IUNIIT A UOOLIKT. r CoMM'rc.o1 iianlUf intUU$ i V i tmnthtt jtcevu ttt tvlicittd targt J ' -'-' i Y wurusi. irni i BOFr. uaoaaR M Oissoi? ltilll 1 CatMtr Cu Carltal , , , ,, a ooM CaUiSo.ptaa . f ZION'S SAVINGS BANK ; TItUfer COMPANY, Nos I and 3 nnst Tnmpl. Otr..t, A hit LAtr i itr vrin I "'1.11.11111 Is-aiMjjnptinatiDliM . f DIllCCTOIIII witmsu .H,ri rr,r..llw I ie si a y oasai a im rrt-Un.1 Jnitni r suiih (l.i.aos lui, uua, iKit.ll tiihiii llkaas J unasr, JauLs Jack L. aasi j n iw, TO 1iiiiih laar:isU 1 (Mas li, II li tt.. asius II leu. liisianu Haaiir V llrtf.l Kailnaa Statak la I lah wllk I at.r.slta cra.lar Ib.n .11 olbara a. f ' s-HTarr I Hois, ros last j Satlntalaps.laiaaar asm fron II 00 as, ' recite, aad Istcraal al onas sl a par east tr 1 ssnnra ronpoasdrd roar timaaajaar Cor rraiHinilrBtis awl c tad a&d anr auo. for.ardai It ronalrj po..loi. cat. mil, sltasdea la. UTAH COMMERCIAL iin Savings Bank, i salt lake cirr. I Cnoltnl. - - $200,000 J ' , Surplus, - - S40.00C f GENERAL BANEINO BDSIKESS. j r Fluo Per Csnl Intersil Psld on living! ' Dspoills, Compounded Four Tlmsi a Yssr. . I KICKEL SAVIM) 8TlJtrS FOB 81L1 M AT TU BJhK on AMT ftT U) ITS lOeXTS. xxxa.3Doa?s3xsiai 9 ' fsiacu Asuataoaa, r w, ilu.i, j Da. Jos. . Rtoasass, T. W llsibsoi. ' ti lursa Koasats, Taos w Jsas sas, j ' U E Cnamsss j Deseret National Bank SALT LAKC CITY, UTAH. j Pal. na Capital, . -) 30S,S)M . ' a.rtil.s, . . aa.o,s)fl f DUlhOTOltai ' L. s. Ilau Fm Jul uons TiitiCBsa, rut rmUuS W W.lttisa. 1 IL luasa 1 T Urum 1 a ILiua. JiM.s biuur, llssar luswuODvr U. IL Ulat, r W Jasaisoa, uaosos liuasar, J a. lYi-iusa ft. H. aLDSKU la. U. B Yocao clu Rtctltes Deposits Payable oo Dmul, tufifitf Stlls Etching 0 Jfm Ttwk 9m 9ttfoex Chicago, St Lvuli OmcXm Mamtdm mmdmU tUPritcifl Oaaliswaiai CUfea W lai Oipoait Vau U abaolateif tat 4aarA4Srprocr lienu IJ toU ir yeaiv jfWj ftJOS SALT LAKL CITY, - UTAH. fit hlUhtlj aMJJ Hut an 1 tatl Kxchaure tnatiea Tctritranbin Iranarera 01 Uio 1 r ucipal cl let of tl 0 I rt f I Plateau IKurou a id all 01 nta on He 1 acuta tfiatt laaiMlettrranr rr I t itvailab e In tho 1 rinctpal rmea or tho Mori I b cclal atten I In 11 11 ten 1 1 11 a ao 1 tut of Orta snl II 1 1 11 (lra ice 1 do on tuntRunenta at I wiat 1 articular attent on rUco 10 rol eetton thn u(l utl)ui SetiJa a d aJJ uiojc lerri tone in out taaol r ted J r I uir taiblcr B. h7scheitle who doss i OENERAL'BANKINQ -.BUSINESS AT MO.a BO MAIM STltKUT.ia (OfjicltatAa is op ) sn4 PAYS INTCnCOT ON DCPO31T0, amass ssdb aococara. CHINESE AND JAPANESE BAZAR HOLIDAY GOODS Chlnoso and Jnpanoso Orna- moiital and Fancy Goods Lowest Pricos f I IU11IIMI MU nn.lllltSI l SS. QUONG CHONG VING. 04 EAST SECOND SOUTH ,