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Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, January 28, 1893, Image 9

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TisTABLISHED l l?Cj?'D Wm JJ'l JJ? ffTP WWMtl U T7Z"" - ll ' 1
TRUTfl AND LIBISliTY. ! ' )m
" svrujtnAV, .lA-NUAitv up, i ,.. sAi7r""LKr (Tr"7riTTAii tijhihtThTv. " -" ----- -
pamatie and gpi.
A Trip to Chlnntown.-Doath of Flora Wntsh.-noturn or
Frohman'a Comodlnns. Tho Emplro Advanco
Sale Paul's Suocossor. Noto3.
Iiutn'sbC atidltnce at the Theiter
ihowed only a until falling oil from
the flgurrs of the night bofore, anil ll
Biy la ict down that Ills Trip to
Chinatown hat "caught on." That
ttli ihould be to, dtmonatratea anew
li itreogth of the hold the name of
Hoy t hat on the public Tho Trip ll
Hit very lightest emanation of lilt
pnlut we hare yet aeen, and It It
pinmled by a company rather below
Ibin above the lloyt average, but the
pUlo evidently doein't mind that.
The whittling of Ollfoll and tho dauo
tj ol the McCoy tlitert are the only
Itofieturet that oin be called up to
the old tttndard Mr. lloyt hairatab
DihtJ; Mr. llaverly, Mr. Hoana and
Jilii IllRR-r, while they are clever
prople, do not tucceed In drawing from
tielr parti all that they ere capable of
yielding. The tame play goea tonight.
While bit pltyt aro oolnlnit money
on both aide of the continent, and
Uiouiandl of people are laughing the
tetri out of their eyei over the humor
of bli llnea, Cbarlrt II. lloyt liat lilt
borne bowed to earth under terrible
ilroke from the grim deitroyer. Lett
Bundiy death took from him a loving
tl.t and from the tttge a charming
ornament. Flora Walth wat known
tht whole land OTtr, and before the
untried Mr. lloyt, tho bad made
decided tucceM In teveral of hit
plajr. 8he ll belt remembered
lilt from her thoroughly pretty
dillntallon of the part or Iioaay In a
TeiuHteer. Hhe made a number of
icquilntincet with aoclety poopleon
lit lttt vlall here, and all who met her
areretlruokwllb faerchanulog vivaci
ty anl frankneaaof manner. It wat
noticeable at that time that the wat
iHicted with a bronchial trouble, and
It utiai now to havo lelt her. Hhe
(iMot acute pneumonia, at the I'arker
Uouh In lloalon. Mr. lloyt hat the
fctra aympothy of lilt many frleudt
mjtjmliert in thltclty.
Wurelnformeu ihat the Trtiune
Indulged In a loud howl agalntt thli
rir lor Iti crttlclara of the Hplder and
tht Fly. After tellectloo, we litre de-
cldtd to o on writing and publl'blng
luit tht itme. The Nxwa laid that
Mr. Leirltl'i thameleu production
u Milan down to the level of the
iluine, and It It perhapa natural that
thoorgaoof that ulaaa ihould Itaeut
an attack on Ita I'onklltuvucy. A
lournal whlcli tel(-retioctliig men do
not allow lu their huuttholdi until
alter they have pertontlly In.ptnoii
It, and wtilcli not a weik ago printed
a rewrt of a certain criminal caae In
(.tils city, which would hare mtde
even Illchard K. Fox blutii can not
bo ootcd to liavo very lilgli
notlona of dtcency and pro
priety In publm exhibition.
We rejieit that tliu town lhoul.1
be quarantined agalntt Mr. I.etvlll'i
lutureellorte In Ihu line of the spec
ttcular. It It a matter or regret; that the
weitern tourof FrlenJi flopped thort
at Denver. Judging from the paprri
of that city, where Mr. Itoyle't play
ran n week, It wai the tame ulttln
gulahed eucceia there that It hat teen
everywhere. Heteral of Mr. Itoyle't
rejatlvet are among the leading people
of Denver and the engagement wat
made a blgtookly event.
Mr. l'ecry, the ue manager of the
Ugden Opera Houie,iaya he hat yet to
know what loalng builueaa meatia. Of
rourae. he iiieaua, tluce tnediiyiof
Oardeld teach opera. We are glad to
note that the Ogden houia hat entorrJ
on a new career of prosperity and
Mr. I'eery Itconrldciit that the forth
coming vltlt of the choral tacitly will
not alter the verdict. The plana ut
present are to leave at 0:16; commence
at 8:10, and atari for liomu at 10: (3.
Arrangement, will probably be made
fur a blgexcuralon orty uulalde ol the
chotal, and thoae who dcalre may eat
dinner before the perfurmauce at the
new Heed Hotel.
Jolly ll'tle Fanny Itlce, whole Ja.
vottn In Krrulnle It will remembered
In Halt I,he, comet back to ui aa u ttar
Monday evailug. 11, (J. Ilaruabte,
the popular comedian of The lloiton
lam, wltuewed Mian lllce't perforn
ance In lloalou a few niontha ago. In
tpeaklnguf tliecablnat novelty which
alio Introducei In the tccond not, Mr.
llarnubeu tald, "I taw the cabinet nov
elly In l'arlt laet year, when all l'arlt
wat oraiy over It, hut Mlaa lllce't per
formance In It far auroiaed tho ono I
aw there." In thli addition to the
many novel feature! of A Jolly Hur
prise, Mlat Illce,witli the aid of teveral
doll flgurct, glvot lmirtonatlona,
ilngtcharaclerand come.y tongtand
dancet the"Ta-ra-ra" with a ceil ihtt It
aid to put Lottie Colllna to the bluth.
Thli act It madoctptclally ilrong, and
people who have tctn the perfurruaoco
aevtral timet drop lu'o the theatre luit
tin lit the time the ciulnel rcriirm
aoce 11 on and del ml Immediately alter
lilt orer.
The entlrn performance of A Jolly
SiirnrlM It repl te with mirth nml
muilc. The cadnrt irr,.rniancp It
linuieuti.ly pleitlng to ladlea, and tho
oue-act rperatta The l.llllu llroo.n.fell.
er, Whlriiprrcedet theuouiedy, 1 1 also
(opular with Ihnlalraex.
Next Friday nnn ntturday evening!
Iruhirnu't coumllana, wlm.i. well
known widiiwt, Junior l'Aitnert and
Mettled out of t'ourtt have made them
famoua, duy a ntum ini;tgnnciit
hero, rendirlug lo new ilatt. The
rirumau ami An Arabian Night.
IUhiiaei-ji.ttU.cnd newllli iiicceit
In nin Franclico, atu hatli win t.e
doou here and In Denver tefore belli
tried In New York mid Jo Holland
and M, A. Kennedy areaaldto havt
exccllentoiiportunltkt Ini.ich prodmi
lion, Mre. llirrymore, nt re lert of the
AF.Utmtinware, la no Intitr with the
voniany, having le'l It Hail Fran
cnco lo return liomo y way of the
Iathmui. The ciniedlam will
alternate In New York at the Empire
Theater Willi Frohman't ttcok com
The opening of inv Empire the fu
ture parent theater of our own on
Wednesday evening latt, mmt have
been a tnott dlitlnKiiMied event. The
auction aale lor the inrrechulca ottealt
fur the opening night nette I f 0701.75.
Al Ilaynmi hlmitlf paid .ViO lor flrtl
choloa; A. AL I'almer gave f 2'XJ for
the privilege ol aelectlug lilt bix:
Hronroii Houard $100, and Will J,
Davit $100. The new Ihtatre hat been
drtcrlbed at lengtli In the NKWrt, hut
of tho pity nhlch It lo open II in
added facta will aurely be of Intercut!
TheUIrl I Lett llehlnj Me It a dlt
llnrtlvely orlirlual American drama In
belli lla conception und triatincnt. An
entire year tut been devoted hy the
authort In planning nni wrltluKthu
pliy. The lndlauiuntloula lit theme,
ndlatlncllrely native one, and the nil
thnrt have undortakeu lo eolve the
dllllcult problem of uteatlng a frontier
dramu without lit uiual acoomanl
me nt of lentatlooallim. It may be
fairly ttated lo be a veritable eo'jlely
border drama. The tcene It at a mill,
tary garrl'ou In Ihu Ilia t ooumry,
Montana,andthoilraliin jonielemum
thtu becjmia atrongly end nntuially
In evIJencr; for howover primitive
nud clrcumacrlbed the turruundliigt,
Iherofltumentt of toclety are nowhere
preaervrd and curried on with
ttrlcter puncllllouineai than 111 army
life. Tho tlory dolls with the love
lUfiilr of Ihedaughtiruf thugenenl lu
command of the garrison. The hero
and Die villain of the play are lleutou
null und both are lu luvo with her.
The bravery of the ono and the cow
ardice of the other figure prominently
In the tlory which movet along tlmul
taueouily with an uprltlng of the
Indltni, the bealeglng of the xtt, the
hopelriia peril of the Inmatea aud the
final retcue. The title of tho play It
undoubtedly derived from the aatoolt-
llont which the famlllartuuiin frtiv
lllrl I I-.OH llehlod Me ' lint with
military life, for Hie well-known nif (
tlwayt playod by military baudawhen
evira regiment Ron lu and out cf
The play will be prcaenled by the
(,'lmrlet Fionuian Hui-k compa ly, mi
organization whore valuo atu etlloien
cy hat beta thoroughly aeknowiedged
lu thli city. Thli will be lit drat np
pearanculnNew York thltar.ivj.i and
Ihu viigagemeiit will hnvu an eclal
element of Interett from the fact that,
with the dedication ol the new (neater,
the company will become n Ivrminent
metropolian theatrlcil Inttltutlun,
HoyiiuI valuable und notable nddlllona
have been madu to tint comtuuy alnce
It wat latt teen III Now York, and nt
now couiKised It ran to fairly claimed
lo lo one of thu bt llieulrical com
pnulet In Anicrlci, The uaal of Iheuiw
r lay will Include Mr. William Morna,
Mr, Nelaun Wheitcroll, Air. William
riionii!i, Mr. Frank MorJaunl,
Tiicinti Uherle, Jaiiict llirroui, (Jr.
rlu JohntJii, Oyrlll tioolt, Jueeph
Adcluiao, rtieoduie IIiIkHi, Frank
Iiaihrop, Arthur llaydin, nu I riy.liiry
Arinattuuir. Mill Oletto Tyler, I.dlia
Wallaoe, Kalarlne Florence.
We all rememuer Iioh tho groat
maiiagert of tho country made toper
hunmuillorta to tecuru oeulngt In
(Jhlca,fo during the World't Fair In
view of thla, the following teller from
that city hen t muttilng or a turprltlug
ua wull ua nil amuilng rlugt Ilieatrl
cat tentlmont for once It In accord with
ihurchiuntlraciit on n very Importnui
Chlcigo theiter mani(or, te well
at thcto who have ooulritcttd to topply
the entertainment for tho theittit dur
ing Hie Columbian liuallluii, are
working tooth nud nail to Imvethe Fair
cloiedonrjunday. They do not appear
uu-uly lu the light, but they are never
Iheleri vlgoroualy aocondliu tht pur
t'4it lu their oppoaltlou to tjunday
The inanagera can hardly oQcr to
form an oieii nlllauco with the clerical
proteatora, liccatiao they Would place
Lath themiclrei and their alllci In
rather n rldlculoua pualtlou,
Hundayln Chicago It the greitett
theatrical day lu the week, correainud
Ing with Haturday 111 .Nuiv York.
Atiernoon at well at evening perform
auccaareRlvou at all the theateri.
(Jhurch teiitlment It rabidly oppotad
to Ihltdcaecratlouof Ihoriaubath, mid
any inauagerlal overtures looking to
an alllauce with the clergymen Would
probably be met by a reijueat for tome
KUaranlootuat tlio theatera cloae on
that day.
Tnu maiiagora, Iheroforo, are com
pelled t light In the dark. I'helr op
poiltlou It hardly the lett ellectlve on
that acou nt.
Hut, dctplto all opporltlon, Hit pret
ent outlook poind to a victory In favor
ol a rjoudjy opeulug. Hhuuld (hit
decltlon u arrived at It will wnrk
abaolute dilutee to the Chicago the
alert. The hlatory ol every large etpoaltlon
It Ilbirally puuetured with lllutiralloiii
of local theatrical dlalrcta.
III l'arlt durliiB the cjnltluii th
rerclplantthutheatoMliirJIy tulllcoi
to iay gaa bllla. The criwdi fouim
I the Miow mi tliu ground! and the
uiotley irocitsljnt ulong tliu lunlo
fardtliilliillcly morn nttno'lvu tlnn
any ln;o entertainment man couM
ThhRjndltlou of nir.lri Ini twice
beeu etnnhttUed In Ne,v York. During
the Wnihlugloii celebration lour yeara
agouiid the more recent Columbian
fratlrltloj lhctboaltriHercjwri.tcheJ.
ly attended,
Thu chance are that hletory will
rcuatllelf In Chicago nextiummtr.
l.ven with the oxpoaltUi clofed on
I Hundty mana.en of eteutlve nitric
tlona will have a hard time to make
both en It meet,
I'ho I'.elr grounlt wilt ln open In
tho evening. Thlt will deprive
the theatera ol local tupporl.
The wato earner! of nil claarei,
who uautlly comtltuto thu gren'
mart of Theaterguera, will take full
advantage of the opportunity to vialt
the Kxposllloti Willi their famlllee,
Tlio vlaltlng alghlaeert will endeavor
tn ree thu unateat nmiiiiut lu the
ahorleat Ixiialtilo time, and the chaucet
are that thli element alio will puih Hi
Invertlgatloiia far Into the night.
Altogether, tlio protpeol ahead It not
1 pleaaaut one theatrically.
Who la to tu'c'ed I'attl? hna Juat
been antwered In a dliutch to the
New York JUrallltom Itioliltud ol
Malta. Ilttyrt We have n marvel
tinging In our opcrae Ihit union.
1'kttl It not hertuperlorlu the art of
warbling like a lilrj, and at clearly.
Her nameliCohimbatl. All mualcal
Malta, Including the Kngllth, are al
herfiet. Htrilngliigexcllea tho rapt
nlleiitlon of aud extract! the wlldeat
applauav from large and dleorlmlual
Ing audlencet. Hhe la an Itillan, bom
near lUogna, It only tweiity-llvo
yenrt of ai.-,hai dark, inciting 03111
that can, however, llru ui like light
lilngonda uaud. Iter tinging la like
nn April thower lot to 111111I0. ilviry
nolo It a rainfall ef lUpill molojy.
Xiw Yorkamateura amludulglni: In
Dauver't Home Dmmitlo club It
coming to Ihu front.
Daly'i revival of tho School for
rkaudnl Jul week wai a big tucceit.
Nlblo'i wat cloaed all latt wiek on
nrcount of the acloraitrlklng for talary
ThollaronLtt Illano hat gone Into
the haudt of a rtx-olrer, but tayt iho
will toon to out again.
C. H. Ilurtou la the name of the
mualcal director of Fanny llico. Not
brot litre uo relation.
l'.iderowtkl It conlni: lo Denver.
He will tMtcely exlen I lilt trip lo Hall
Like at bit preient ternll.
Kleanera Duao, the Italian Tcrnta.
rut, opened lu New York latt Monday
night. Hhe haa created a teuratlon by
relualng to be Interviewed.
The Drterot mlnttrela at the Thea
ter and Hlephem Hougt of all Natlnna
at the Tabernacle, will make it vcrj
live holiday 011 February l.'id.
Iiiulao Pomeroy, the wife of Arlhit
Kllloltbf Daniel l'rohmaii'a Charity
Hall Piinpauy, died of pneumonia al
the Hotel Aberdeen, Now York, on
Ihu 7th lust.
Jutla Ihirllett Davit ll n demirc
I'urliau mil leu In the llrat not of The
Knickerbocker, but liter onaaaiimea
the uniform otndathliiji, llrllliliofllcer,
lu which iho It eald t be particularly
"rhoJurenlloHtar Dramttlo C."
hold the Theiter Iwardt Wednetday
evening next. Fifty rente It the
pfloooladinlMlonli all imtt ol the
nouie, anil tliu l.roce-.l. of tlm enter
laliiment gn to lliu Unitarian church.
Mr. John Drew oncluded hit tcixoii
In Tho Mniked lull nt thoHtiudard
Theatre tail ulgtit. At thu end of the
nond act, lu it'imer toctllt, he mtde
etliorttpeecti In which he nil the
artlng waa IndteJ aeweol Borrow. He
apoko ol New York aa acheerful haven
for one biltllng upon theatrlctl teat
and Mild that when ho came luck neat
ravin with n new play he hoped to
, atay longer. He concluded wltli thank
i leg nverylieilv nud waa loudly nil
plauded. Y. 1 '. Herald ml.
Denvor J.tenfe contalnt thlt tome
whatmrprlilug piragrnph: There la
a ohanca of 1'rofeamr Iltlcllire coming
to thli city from Hall l,ake City where
he la the organlit ol the I'lrat Cou
greatloual Cnurch. 1'he rufeiitr'e
application la lie lore tho Central
Church Mil'ln iMinmlltee who will
take uclloii ahortly. He It an
Ktiell'hmtn of lon- retlfeiiot lu lhli
oiiiutry, and wat 11 pupil of Dr. liutt.
At tho dmllratlou ol trio 'rlulty or
gan 1'rof. lltdclllle took n prominent
Denver It fatt Incoming a mutlcnl
city. Thcrn la moro Intent! in that
city than thrru It In any cf lttelce
weat of thu Kicky mountalui. An
oicellent opern company It a feature of
toclety clrolea, and mualcal tolreca nud
recllalaareof almot dally occurrunce,
Han Frunclaco .1uno and Dramn.
The atalcraont regarding Denver'!
prpcixlencu la totally Inoirruct, nud
MuM and Drama ehould know It.
Hall Lake la to far aluai of Deuver In
mualcal lattu, culture and develof mont,
at Denver li nln-.i I of Halt L1U0 In
commercial coterprlte.
The 1'rugrcti It la Making Under l'rof.
Ullar,l lloiir.
lihtor Iknrct Xcwr.
At many of your readert mty be
Interciled In the progreet of the
"Manual Clae" now In teaalun at the
Litter-day Halntt' College, I take thla
opportunity of glvlug them n brief
tketchof tho work being done by the
clan. In rvaponao to the call made I y
'lie prealdency of the Blake, and the iHril
Htake tiiierlntendoncy of Iho Y. M. M, IR
I. A., that each ward lu thliHlnto llBl
aend In o repuiontatlvi a from their re flMl
-pectlve aatoclatlona to take n flvu I i'hI
wtekt'csurtoln tho "Minual," about ' Rfll
llfiyyoiiiigiiienuiapmbledonJanuary ' (jSfl
tilth, at Iho abovo named placo. I j, 8
The olaae It under the able direction il'll I
nf l'rof. WlllirJ Doue, principal of the ' ILh I
college. . ifa I
ThotludenUaticmblo nt 9a, m. an! llrll
take part In the regular theological , jl
cluaaviercleei which occur from 0 lo '', l9
lUn. m, 3 nl
Tho work bolnj done nt pretent It , (11
"Giving the roniont for believing In , 1 fill
the Alt'clea of Fatlh of the Latter-day ! J I
Haliile;"ond every Wednetday Hldcr II
David MoICeusle uccuplea thu llmo I'f I
wltli a lectiiio on tho "Divinity of the ! 1.1
Froin 10.M to 11, the olaat meet! an 1 J 1 1
ulacuaaea Incidental nuittlona handed 1 1
lu by membeia, 111 d nleo reecho. In- L
truitloii In the uee of Ihe "Manual." , III
At 1! p.m. the claaa nieeli nt a rcg. , l
Vi ! y . "'I'u'Md nuociitiou, wiui 1 ia
Will ird Djnuaiprealdent nud H. W. ''
Jenkliieon and Wllford llennlou nt ill
counielon, and Jat. Handera aa aecre. If
tary. 'Ihelollowlng aublecta arerur- 1?
ued: Tlieologr, Old and New Teita- I
meut hlatory, llook of Mormon hlito- I
ry, and eclenoe. Home eron la III
apKlnted to lecture uponeach tubject, 1 I! I
'and the whole clan la uqulrod to i if
I preparo nil the leaaoua, ((nemlona are l; I
I nikeil anl auawered upon each lecture 1
I at It! oloe. Tho boat of feeling pre- '
, valla, aud a morn milted data or work. f
. era In the cjuae of truth would lie dlf- , ll
I flcult to find. j
1'rol. Dnu haa ixpreaaed hit will- ' m
Inguentn hive all thoae liiterenteil In f ,1
luiituilimprovKinentlonltuiiJ, Knch I'll
atudeiitlt pennlltnil to lake two add)- Mil
tlonalttudlttfrnm any couree In the ' 'if I
college free cf charge. 1 I iL I
Thlt claialtttllt 0111 for nny ono ' I T
from any ward lor tho remainder of I I
tho rourae. (
Thlt la an 1 icellont opportunity for I !
young men tuarqulioa knowledgo of
tlioprinclpleanflliuUoapel.niidaliould I
botaktu advautagu of by all who are I
able tod) to. O. II. FncrxK.
Jon. 17. ' -
Hayt the Helena Jlirald Another '
klckli reglaterud agalnattheMoiitaim
Wiirld'a Fair building. A Mlaauula
maiijutt hack from an extended trip , H
lo Ht. Louia.Chlcago and other eaiteru H
liolntali willing to awear It did not cot
flinuii, and tayt hi ompared with
bulldiu .a coitlug $W0D It la not lu it. r
The wife of H, J.Warne.nbrakemaii afl
on the 1'ark City branch of Iho Uulou 1 B
1'nolllc, haa Juit prerenled htm with . H
trlplela, all m-emlngly hialthy. The B
young people have been married three H
yiartatid nuvu live chlldrec twlnt H
ramu to hrlitlitoii tho houiohold wlthlu
two yean afer Hit tr marriage. Mr. M
Warner la Iho baggage man on the : M
l'urk City train who had trouLle with ' S
Jodan laat week. CbalitUe Vlironlete. ! '
lNTos. 1, 3 and 5 MA.IST STREET. -. - I
CASH O-V.IPX'X'-VI-., 200.000. tSHJTM.IUS, 200,000. fl
Depoiltt 187a, 8 lO.MO.filJ Dcpotltt 1HB.I, 0 1(17,280.23 tfli ylZ . ..feliSl r5Sfte '"' ' .... H
U.P.....1H74, tl.07,,.72 le,.o..u IH8,, iaH,o,U famW fftl W.LFORD WOODRUFF, - - Pros.clont.
Dcpotltt 1H7B, 18,ltl.70 Depoiltt 188S, 142,7811.12 ; ' HBS$lT1 hrlWlli CEOROE Q. CANNON, - - Vlco-Proslllotlt. H
llepotiu 1870. to.td8.02 Depoalt. 88(1, 1IW.0II3.88 ' ltWaHFJrff Hiolil Josoph F. Smith, Goorgo Roynolds, I
Dcpotltt 1877. 2l.oa8.8i Depo.lt. 1887. 2(t7.ii:tl.5(l l-H 1 1 ffll Sf ' T. C. Wobbor. Hobor J. Grant. V
Dtpo.lt. 1878. 2U.0I2.71 Dep.i.i. 188. 43H.4Hi.7D 1iHHS 9ft fflf fa I Angus M. Cannon, Loronzo Snow,
DcpoalU 1870, 42,70a.C(l Depoalta 1881), 112(1,700.(52 ' flH jr?U rJJ'llilllt Jnmoa Jack F I M L H
DeZiulr.' ZZl'Z SZ'IuIwh.' ","I!.'n JfSll'ffiSNl( "' B ClaWSn' Leonard G ntdy0" "' LUnt1' '
bepotltt January Oth, 18UJ1, $1,1300,000.40, HtBIBifi: tM 5' Cashlor. M
s i H
tj"PEN an account with us jSTCW. We havo depositors who's first deposit was only a small sum and who's H
account now shows thousands of dollars to their credit. Married Ladies and Minor Children have right to H
deposit in their own name and payable only to their own order. H
Q 0pen Saturday for deposits until S p. m. After getting your wages deposit what you can spare. v
BAI'llTT DEPOSIT QOXJDS lxx our l3TTlC3Hjk.Xl. JTLOOX' Vk.XTXa1 for Xloxit nt . XloiiMounlslo a3lxix-o. H
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