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) KM I IHEBEST ADVERTISING HE01UH H 1 1J 'J J ' 8JP K " N ' 8j ' 4 J1 1 U P& I PIl W suoac-"p"' ": J! 1 ,NK0RH0N HOMES jj B 1 1 il 1 1 l ft , I 1 B , W H I 1 1 J P S 1 I W W k I S" "- " $' ' - ' il TRUTH AND LIBEKU, " ' ffl ""yo. SS. 3tOXl)AY, .lAKUTl? : 0, 1MI.I. bAJ.T JjAjM, ( 1TY UTAH TJJIIKITOK JT. ' ' VOL. XXV I. ' WB VARIOUS VIEWS. Aanexatlon Talk at Home and Abroad. SERIOUSNESS OK TUCMATTEll. Hjard Refasis to Talk lor the Hew Administration. BCMIM MEN IMIHIJtrri). Ctniutenls lir leaillinr I-oitdoii ,,,,,-leiropn Al.i, toil' ceeneil. Wasiiisoton, I). C.i Jn. 20. Tbo Haasllati revolution liu been the ab lotting toplo of discussion nil Jjr. d Ibo fc of general rottsts will to buelceu lint by tbo deposed queen decistlng tliot clio yielded only to Mm sorerlor ''co ' "10 United Hlnt-, ami it pealing lo thn United Btates to reverse Its action And reinstate her In authority, It waa expected that the Bnctslly chattered stearnerthat brought Itatiea-s of tlio revolution would alao tfiniadiiiatcb from MlulalcrBtevous trlunaul lienors! beverauce. It waa iIm exuded Hint tho commander of ma notion would transmit to the navy dsiailmeut some detailed repoit of liia tlioioua action. Nothing baa been received, and tho Inference la that de tilled report front thcao ulUcers aro on it way by mall. 1011 AN.NI V.AT10N. In tha tneontlnio aomo morabora ot tin comniltteu on foreign relations, teforowhom tlis matter will eventual ly come, aro el reusing sentiments with remarkable frcodorn. Benator Mtrgsu makes no secret of his desire to acquiesce In tho riquest of the com bIiim and annex Ihe islands. More alRclOcant Iban tbla, however, ll tbo statement that Senator Sherman, chair rasa of the committee on foreign ro lstloni, In executive aeaalon yestords , rets to the tame purport. Mr. Duller ol Booth Carolina, who la alao u mem ber ot the tame committee, said to a iioortei. I "01 course there can be no question ollhi pest desirability of the lalauda u i station. Unlets tbey are lurrbueJ, aa were Alsska and Loglilsu, It will bo necessary for Vcift ta pas a r gular act of aunox alba, as was the caso Willi the repub IloifTcxaa. Hawaii would then bo raid a territory, but not, I Imaglnt, lli a regular territorial govern, oial." JCIX1K CHI1MAN, OF JllCltiaAV, tromlnant mimbir of thu Ilouao ccmmltteo on foreign ndalra, openly lirita annexation. '! favored It In tlio Flfly.flrat Con imi," ho iald,"lu ft roport and apeech oa tha Hawaiian cable. I conalder It sotooly poulblr, but highly dealrablo. Tim Banuwlch lalauda are extremely fertile. The Intelligent onoi among IU Icofle eirnMtly favor union with tho Utilled HloUa Aa a naval action and tolnt of eommercUl nilvantuRo In tho lvclDo they aru vital to ua. We would M them In war nud wo need them la pence, rholr Melon would go far wwarJi enabllDi: ua to control thobiigar illuatlon of the world. Of cour.o a roateil with England would not te toiJed, but Hut ahould not affect the mtttr one way or Ibe other. Tbo country will nevirnmount to anyllilng more tban a econij-claoa jiowerao long u It whlika around the corner when It tea a fotmau approaching. Kngland tuea whatever alio wanta wherever It nyl. I don't belluve In a bullying pollc),but Americana mint know their 'Utiti, and maintain them at all omrii. "I hope to aee the llmlta of till wintry extend northward to tho arotlo ''lon 1 hope to aee It with natron 'fecalve aud ollenalvoalatlon In tho );f'""dlti be It In cuba or another I toot. lalauda, or anyone of almllar ticOKlb and uiofulneaa In thu l'acllk. ia time baa come when thu govern lUalf" Un"oa H't mual aaaert til 1-OSJinLC BH110USMFE3 Of THE M ATI III "Involving rclatlona with England ii ll," a,!u Jrct "i1" which no member m the dlplumatlo corf a In thla city felt l.T",J! .t0l today. An Intereat Siln.cU"u "' IMlbly allowing eiilno'a attitude towards the aubjeoi L l i ,,,IIleMlon of the llawuilan Si! rfC,lll"d' "t thla time. When rui 4u-.Amrlcau congreea met In fffl"isl, or about that time, MUMiul.oovered that Hawaii had not o Incluilctl In tboiountrlea Invllini t'.0m! vonlt.of theconitreea about omilou. illut Hawaii 1. uotun M i c,,l'.',Pu1lln, ho wa. told. He jPMl "Hut It will bo biforelong." lolroff,'! tbl''ore, a reaolutlon waa ""oloced in tongroa, by IU, roaenla lhai;:,.Mjwu' l""l aulhorlilug Il!i.iVWer?1 !orenl Invitation to ll Th- ti " 'n'ltatlon waa accepted rflnM.r i. .alln Kovernraent and M cSl!' ,C"rtr. w tleailBUnleU to act Whl , m" "J. "I0 Congreea. lubllww.i" ".'f,4;' "' American H. ' ' delTl.r2 a,,ll"1":u , ll'o reault of 'na lM,rru,'?l,J '". ,'" congroa.. lacludI.iSCl! ,utwH "hould "iral Uri"J'l'J one of tllu lMlW:uti.u:l,,,,,,,bool bAVAiio'a auAiiuKi) tali:, iltI1J"t"ylyardwaa aeeu tbla H'i.UanuZ" " h" "I'lnlon of outllr,, ti?.?1 '?. f""1 Particularly lo ""InlitrM on ,ihl0 1,0l,0y ' ",a ow U HeclfnM , 0,ovt':Kl to dli oau i f LlVlan tirrMk ln a"y wy'r Uloar,aLc,,'.,i,,lm,,,,",r''n o to'' !ln- "engardod Wl, Piu,'i?,,ll""1lbo natural ro- "" '' which linvo teen operating for n bni; tltim In tho Hawaiian Nlanda, un I th-rel.irn not untxpectpil, Ttic roierou4 cou llllon of tho Itlandn Iiq nictlbea to their tommerilal Intirwtanml thu ceugrapli. Icil telatlou which thu lalaadi hul I to thu United Hlntej inaltii Atrurlcm liiterenta vaatly au rrlor to tbota of any other nation. fAILin Full IIONOtUtU. HAN I'HANCltCJ, Jan. 13. Thu United blatea lluKllilp Mohloiu, Hear AdmlialBkerrltt, railed fur Houolu'it early thla niomlip;. 1 hu llingi r la oxpiclcd to kovu tomorrow mil the Adaiua will learu Maro Ialan I ruin dny. riurola thogrtate-t activity ul the navy yard. Thn morning latere today divolu grcot e ncii lo the Hawaiian matur, Interview tilth builuiaa men, etc. ' Vlewa dlllir, but tlio preai idltorl ila ure n unit In urging it ditemlnul K)llci on the part tf llio Unhui Hlfttea guvrrnmnnt which will run nt rttiy blhirforeli'ii uergalulug poaitailou of thu lalauda. At n ronfirtncu lait nllit between the Hawaiian tommlulouert an I Ilia rtpreicutatlrca of lovoral firm lr teitwtutl In Hawaiian trade the com mluloniraexplaluoj Tilt lunrtsi.s Of Till, iiixuluiiov. All Uu til I.ST In delull, an I declared that on the day thu (jutm wis overthrown Ibo only tlilug Ibnt prnviuted an outbriuk among tho natlvca wm the landing of aallorannd tnnrluta from tint Unite I HtMia oteanier Jloaton. Alter u full diacuaiion tho bualneta men leunt nitrmd totako loucerted nctlci tnurg lug Congreea to mint x the lilinda, 1111- I MII.I8II llll.V. LoMUjv,Jni;a rboWulyOroiifo eayavf IhuHuwull revolution: Jleyond illiute thtro haa beoumla government in Hawaii, but except the lurid alorlui told In Ban Piamlico nothing hna occurred ti our knowledge to Initio thetjueou'a depoiltlou The revolution aeima to be purely tlio work of aaectlonot Immigrant numbering ttheoutalde 16M. llio fact tnal the rovoiutluulata wiro In ao great a hurry to atk the United Blatea to annex them wear an ugly look. The Shrniny Voil Tbo annexation of Hawaii by the UulleJ States might bo regarded aa n counter move to forti fying the l.equlmault. The bulk of Hawaiian truJo being with the United Htatia, we aio not aurprliod that there ahould bo a dealto for coaer uulou with tho riower. The lAilty Tclejrarhl Tho nllalr weara au M ect of n aucccuful attempt by American Intrlgucra toobvert tho exlatlog order of thlnga 111 favor flrat of thtmaelvui, next, of what U lm imailble auuexntlou. W'u tould not allow the Uulted Bules to annex the lilandi, even If tho tatabllalied policy at Waahlngloii ) ermlttid tha Idea to lie entirtalued. The uitlvo goern montought to bo reatored, for tlio revo lution la the work of dlaoontvnted aelflah foreigners, cblclly Vauaoea. The DaVj Chronicle. huroHj haa not any gnat couvtrn with Hawaii. Keverlbeleiu the queen haa rblt which aeem to have received scant re spect from the Jeadora of the move ment. The vvonta had not given to a aecllonof the foreign population right to ouil the lawful sovereign. Anxiety for tbo Welfaroof natlvia ret ma to have been leta of a motive with the Ameri can arty than a dualru lo furtbor their own Interest. Tho Slantlanl. It Is not IlLely that thttf,ood senaoof the American pcoplo will iwrmlt tbeoi to aaiumo thla re sponsibility, which would be found onoroua and uu rentable, or to claim extension Inllutncc, which would b opposed and reaeuted by other powers having iquat Intertill at stake. It is true tho United Btates cannot allow, another power to aunex the Islands, but none haasucliaunuibltlou. Justice requires that tho Constitution be restored with such reforms na aru nocmsary. the lowers molt Interested agreeing In re spect to guarantee. Nolther the United Btateainor (lermany nor CIrtat Hrllaln has sulllclent motive for making a aelflah arrangement. The Timet It Isdltlloiiltto see how n lompllsueo with Mr. Dole's requeit can he reooncllod with the exlatliig American Institutions. It seems plain, how over, tnit the state of things that existed lately cannot ontlnua any longer. Homethlng must be done. The question U what and by whom? The tiamoau prerodent Is uotallogether encouraging. Noverlheleas It seems possible that aomo such schools may bo executed ultimately, riiotaiiAewi. The overthrow of tho Queen seemi to be An American coup, Hawaii belug Hie key to tho whole group. Americana once the poisesior of It would not flnddliUtuliy In making thumaelvea ranters of the others l.urope, however, has nicess lllea In the eamo quarter. cim:i.Mi r. Onljr Two tl-n. rerl.liil I lllril. IjAKGwooii, N. J., Jnn 20 It waa learned today thai Cleveland baa filled only two positions In his cabinet with certain! Carllele for tbe treatury and Laiuout for tbe navy. It was under stood here last week thalHatard hud accepted thu state portfolio, but It now 'tun that the rejwrt waa premature. From ouo In cloeo touch with Cleve land It waalorruod that the President elect would probably select his farmer partner, V. r. Wllion of lluflalo for the utioruey generalahlp. Among others whom It la said ate being con aldered fur cabinet positions far Mr. Cleveland aro (Jovernor Cray of In diana, Benator Morgw of Alabama, (lavernurltuesellof Maasaohueetts, II. Hmlth of (leorglu, Patrick Collins of Mnsancbusetla ami Don M. Dlcklntoii. In an Interview loJuy Cluvelaud said Tho data Is now at naud when I muit have more tlrau to tujaelf than tlnco election. Meat of my lime has I ecu devoted to intervlewsgWhlch wcro not unKaiaut and not unirofltablf. but othtr things are now iiesalug which requlru my unlnttrrurted at tention. Bay for me through the i rest that I shall lent my ollltu In Iew York uvery day, with perhapa one ex. ceplloo, durlnglbu wttk commtnelng January (Will, and uftor I ebrunr) llli 1 shall remain at liakewuod, where I hoiutobe undisturbed In work which will lni erutlvely demand my atten tion. I alao especially desire that Horn now until tbe 4th of Maroh letters be addrtssed to moat the Mills building, New Vork, THE COUP D'ETAT Ate in the Hawaiian Is lands, A lO.tJ.ISSili.SKil FXPLUS'S. Tbey Want to Join tbi Baton as a Territory or D.S'ncL iiisiu,i i it irtHiiiMrov iual llilla-rs I iillin.Uslls tlrar tin ete. Iruiii the I acini. lillw .,.,. Hiv 1'iiAscisOi), Jan. 28. Willi nm C. Wilder, one of tie commlralon era, explained tho altuatlon of atralra to ituAtaiclated I'rrti repreNnntatlve. Mr.Ult ler fs urtalilentortliti llawall-in Inter Island Htoitnabli miupauy, and bos large lnteteils In Haunllaii prop ty. He said "If the United Hates wants the Han jllan lilanJo It can havo them now nud on lermi moro f-vornblo than over beforo oik re I or will ever bo c In red nalu. All llio AmcrlCAtii on the is. lauds aro a unit for annexation an the new rovlslonal government rind lt alms are tupporled lo marl) nil thu l.ugllih there uuJ all uf the Uomnti. Die foreign Inttleits In Hawaii hiiiou nt to nbout J I I.IKJO.OOO, $.10,Ud l,(JiJ0 of which nruln theliaudi of Atuerl cans, Honolulu Is as muo an Ameri can city as Bin I raiiclsci llaolf " "If the United Btates government should retime to annex the lalauda, do you think Ureal Hrllaln woulJ step In and toku pollution,'" was aaked. "That question I cannot answer," said Commlaaloiicr Wilder, "tut this I do know. Thu queen Is etiondy In favor of llrltlih rub, and If allowed u ould, I havo no doubt, ni ly to (Jrcut Iliitalu for protection." "Why was the llrltlih government Iheonli onu of the owera repreaeuted In Hooolulu that did not recogulae thu trovlaiouul goierunietit?" "That I uo not know. Qjoen LU liuokallul," contluuel Wilder, "if allowed to carry out her plana, would have become an absolute diaot of tho lelauds. No whites weretobeullowed to vote; the ueiblei would havo been ubollshed; the aupremu court Judgtif, who aru now Rppoiuted fur life, would have been apiolntud for A six years' term only, mid wquIjU KVi. to mib Ject lo ulsuilasal at any whim of the queen Wu were gl'J to have tbo United Htntes ship the lloiton In Honolulu harbor, rlhe was the only man-of-war there, and she did nothing bee on J landing armed sailors und marines who patrolled the street, yet the moral effect was good and probably quelled an dlaiKialtlon to fight ou thu I art of the natlvua." Thu commlailoners this morning re ceived an Invitation from tbe Ban Frauclico Chamber of Commerce to meet thu directors of t.iut body and dltciiM the situation of allalra with thu merchanto, Tho invitation waa accttod. and the Chamber of Com merce will irobably odoLt rtiolutlons asking tho United Blatea government TO AN.-UK HAWAII. IiorrlnaThuriton, chairman of the Hawaiian commission, said this even. Ingt Thlugsaru In such a position now that no party or data of residents ore fully cat nblo of establishing n stable government, Tbe mult look outside, nud naturally come to the United Btates ibo condltiou of allulrj is much moru threatening than Indicated by the publishui statements In tho Hawaiian uera. It waa the declared Intention of thu queen to ultimately expel all forolguori,froui thu Islands. The dlalranchlieineut of All except native horn was to bo tho flrat step, tliero wnulJ have beuu blooisbed und destruction of projerly, und after ux lulling nil foreigners their I roperly would have been oonllic-itod " Tho old treaty between Trance and England, made m ISU, recognizee! thu lndt endeuce of thu lilanda and bound esch nation not lo lake jioaaeaslon of the Islands. It Is clear In the view of those well posted that Kuglaud under the Unity cannot annex nor can i-ranee. The United Btates at tho llmo tho treaty was negotiated refused to be bound by or Join In tbo treaty, or In other words It refused to pledge Itself not to take J oastsslon of tho Islands, but almtly recognized the independ ence of tlio government. bollowlng Is tho lersonnel of the Hawaiian commission: iiorrln A, Ihurstoii, chairman, was iremlerof of the first revolutionary cabinet of Hawaii in lbs;. He is a leading law yer of Honolulu. Ho waa bir.i at Hawaii, Ids parents being American itilaslonarlis. He has been uouiiectei with the goi eminent In some eni uolty for years. William C. Wilder la the head uf tho Wlldtr Htiiuislilp com pany, which does ii transportation iiislneis among the Islam., Jlti had not held n political ponltlou until re culillywhen ho btcamu amemleruf the legislature. William it. Cuatluls n lawjtrund largely Interested In real estate In tbo Iilauda, Is onu ot the prluclpal owners of the Oabu rallroad which runs down to I'tarl river harbor. He is a native of Hawaii. Joseph Miirsdeu I ii eue,nr lanter In Hawaii. He la an Hngll.hmau and has lived lu Hawaii about Jilteen ear. Charles J, Carli r I a eon of u former Hawai ian mlulsterto Washington. He Is a lawjer. Comlislouer Thurston ssld this ctvun. luglhutliu had preat hows Unit this vountry woull accept the Island!. "If they do not," raid lie, "cur mlsalou la done, but the people lu thou vent of refusal will surely reliirn to J.ugland, who will be only too i,lad to take us," Charles L. Carter, one of thu com rals.louers to Wiulilni'ton, npoluted by the irovislonul government nt Hnwnll tonight made the following I statemeuttotheAst'Oolated Irena: "Ibo object of our visit to Wuihlng. ton Is to havo the UnlUtl Hiaiti t.t,, instisioti of tint Hawaiian Mmja Wu MAST TO Jotf TUB IIMO'., lint ai a sta'r, howovor, h it un n r tlio territorial or iIMrlct form ot n virn lucit, n govtrnmtut llkellin D etlict of I'uluinbla, Willi tint nddltln , f n roeriioriioluleil by the I rtaiiieul, liirtfirabluformiuy renanrs. rhere liiuch a larto number of Llilm so and t titer cheap Itbor on tho lillnJi, who I annot lai trustrel to vote lutellUi nil, that If universal lUll'rae w.l iielireel, th.nhltt who re ruent alnn ,: the 'jtltp I uslnits Interests ot Ihetountry would 1) outvnti J and powirles . The ciitlro lew sialem nl guven laenl la mlxe-1 upnnd tbeuiily wnynt liava tl u united Blntes take charge. It must rnmu b) this or the whites mu t It avu the Islands. Their Interests nte ton Rreat, however, for tho n to give up withuut n struggl" u ' nrrvi lutlou was the reiull. Tho mw coiistllullou whlrli was Iruugbt out by tho queru granti 1 ner nlmoit naaoluti power and dl fun cblard tho while voters. The latlvea themstlVL', as a rule, are not lit (jvu of thu ex.queon's plans, riho la eel polled by a certain clique r about twenty who Are anxious lur th politi cal K)eter. riie queen Is Jsaleiuiut the lower of the whiles and Is nil ntubl Ileus, iihcmlug womaif. llieliy uf. vised under tho old regime, she ha I no caune lo ronqhiln. Bbo enjiytd m ntinuat Income of tirtwet n unvenly Ih'n an. I a hundred thousand dollars with no rrionitl lilt, but thu under took to mix lu politics and got the wortt ot It. "Ibe queen was luppottod by her favorlti, It. 11. Wilson, mtrslal of ho klngelom mid government lr i ipi. The queer's Ian Was clover, but sbu lacked tne uervo to curry It out. Thu rorolutlon was almost n bloil lee one, Tbe only olio man hurt was n native olli email, who was shot by Mr, flood. Uood was In chargu of n wagon containing aup.-Iics uf aminunl tlon for the revolutionists an I the police ntttmi tod to capture It U oj, whu Is a man of great llrnines', shot down uno of the policemen and took the aintiiunlllon to a jlscu where It would do the moat service to the miu rislatliigtlioqueen. Forlunstely there was no necessity for resort to arms,and further bloodshed wa avoided." Iho oommlisloncra will havo tomor row for Washington and will reach there I'rlelay next. Tin. ankiAatiun iciiriii: discl'sskii AT tA8lll.aiON. WasIII.nuixin, I). C , Jan 23. The Interview between Becrelary of H trite Foster and MottBinllh continued for some time. At thtt cloae Btcretary toiler llent over to tho Whltu House and had a conferocco with l'resldcnt Harrison. While of course no state ment or the ullcy to be pursued by tbo United BUtes In thu inciter will be made at least until tho arrival of thu commissioners from Hawaii, it may be raid that the visit of tha IlawolUus will hardly be suoceaiful II tbe pur port thoreot haa Let n correctly slated. Aside from the Innovation upon Ibe .polio.1 J&T HhP C'2tiliS t since IU nrinnlzatlnti. irlileti nniinyillniiivniil.l be, the Interests of other countries in tbo Bandwlch Islands aro too large to permit on the part of thu governments of those nations to acquiescence to such annexation. It would lnvolvo const quenoes that tbo Uulted Blatea would not care for, and which Its long settled polio forbids it to assume. lu executive sel.lou today tho Honalu dlscusae I the revolution. Gen erally, the speeches seemed to favor annexation or llio establishment of a protectorate. In oi position to these views II was asaertidlhst tho debt of J In wall amounlid to morel than ?J,UeM,0Ul), which wns sulllclent to cauie this government to halt before arsumtug the load. It w as also stated by other Houston tint when wo secured our coaling station at I'earl river years ago tboio was an agree ment undor which England, Her man, the United htates aud other great powers agreed to keep hands oil and permit Hawaiian to run her own alTulrs. In controverting this state ment, It I claimed that while there may Have been a tacit understanding ln that direction, there was uo such contract tietween the iowers as would preclude tho states lu thu event of a request from the government of Hawaii from exorcising the power of annexation If Inclined. lu support of thu presumption that there Is no agree ment, It was shown that England had been for a tar or so quietly but indus triously making InroaJslutbu Islands nud creating a feeling among the peo ple that the country which was harm ful nnd extremely irejeidlolsl toher Interest waa llio United BUtes and Iter citizens who had Invested their money lu the Islands, and wiro Increasing their trade and commerce. in the House ot Representatives n strong feeling was exjressel by lead ing Democrats AUAINnT ANN! XATIOS, At the same timo there was an equally unanimous opinion that no othtr nation alioult le crmlttrU lo step lu and control the destinies of tbe Islands. It was said by several con gressmen that the coursu Hawaii la Adoitlug In seeking annexation Is practically tho same as that taken by Texas wheu It became (art of the United Bute. Naval olllcera are enthusiastic over the news from Hawaii. One cflluer who has an lutliuato uiqualutaucu Willi Btovoua, our minister to Hawaii, said ho wus present when Btevens pre sented his credentials to the Loveru merit formed ou the accession of the queon to tho throne, btuveua read to the queen au address In which hu vir tually outlined her I alloy. The queen did uotrollslilhosut.gestlonsofHluvuus nud became very angry. "If she had uiihore I to what he aild," remarked tbo otlleer, "she woull bo ou liur throne today," In rifiroute to annexa tion another otllotrsslJ "If the United Btaten poesmMil Hawaii we would msku It tbo Gibraltar of the Pacific." Tiir iiuiMaioNii, liiusirnvr. Nl w Yum.-. Jau. JS -S. 11. Dole, thu new proi lent of the provisional rovcrumeut of Hawaii, Is o son of the late American mlislouary to Hawull, u graduate of Williams college, nnd has been iccond asaorlato Justlco of thu supreme court of Hawaii, He 1 a schn'arly man ef aokuowloeiged legal nud judicial nblllly. Portsmouth, O , Jnn. 29. The mam moth plant of the Portsmouth Wheel Worka burned till evening. Loss, $100,1)00, Insurance uuknown. HOMERMLL Synopsis of Gladstone's Meas ure for Ireland. TI1K MOISIjyTIVK iioiiy, Its roum and Privileges. Religion? Llberly Second, I'ltl IllltlVTIir. til Till ql 1 1 V. Itln l'imcr-llie Jmlirlarj Cmler the teiiilrnl t III., linperlal llittirmiient.j London, Jan. a. Following Is n 1 noj ila of the newlrlsh home rule bill It declare '.hat there ahall be tstab. lished In Ireland a IigMalure consist ing of tliu Queen nud n Irish leglsla tle body empowt red lu nuke, amend, eiulrecal laws for the peace, order and food governinentof Ireland. Pow er to exact laws on n number of sub jects ooucciuluj llio kingdom at largo Is retained by the Imperial I'arllaraint. A sub-clause retains lo the Imperial I arlhinent control for iivo c.arauvtr land legislation. Thu Irish I.eglsla tutu Is rulilcloel imoi ssslug an laws respecting the eslal lielimeut of a rtllglou or prohibiting the freo exer cise theituf, or luposli g unj rlvl legu or cou'errlug any ilUibllley nu account of npy religious heller, or ini tailing without either the leave uf Her Majesty In coun II or tho consent or Ihucori oration Interested, the rights of property or privilege! of any exist Ins corporation incorporate! by royal charter or general act of Parliament, or from enacting any legislation chang ing Ibu terms of thu home rule net, excel t so far as the uct Is declared to be alterable by the Irish legislature. The queen retains the same prerog ative with rciicct to tho Irish iigts latlve boJy us the imperial parliament llio Irish legislative nudy cancintlnue llvuyeara atil no longer fromthuday It is n pointed to meet. Thuexecutlvn government of Irtlind contluuea vested In her inajeal, aul shall be carried ou by a lord lieutenant with tho aid of such olllcera aud coun sel as her majesty may from time to time seu III. Thu ninth olauso of Hits bill, relating lo thocunslltutlon of tho lrlih legis lative boJ),dllIers lu one Important respect from tbe bill of 1S85, It t ro. vldesthat llio legislative body shall consist of A first aud aecond order, but Instead ot deliberating together, as In tho bill of 1690, the bill provides that tbey shall alt And volostpnrately, thus constituting two distinct bojses of the legislature. If the result of tho voting brlugatbu two order Into collision, thun thequestlun at Issue shall ba re ferred to a Joint commlllee of both houses. If the oolnmltteo caunot agree thn question may ba reforrej to thOoople. The new bill thus pro viders for popul ir reference. The Upper House or the first or ler Includes 103 members, seven! .flvo electlie aul twent)-ele,ht Iterant) member. The ulocttvu me libers are to bu possessed of prorty brl glug In nn Income ot at lesstX.Oln ear. 1 lie term of an elective member of the flrat order shall bo ten years, thlrty-seVdii or thirl eight lo rellroevery fifth The curs will be tbo twenty. eight Irish representative, the leeragera I resuotatlou In the first order to last for not longer Ihari thirty years from the n pointed day of organization wben the I lacrs of all eerage members shall be vacate! or filled by elective memb ers. The dissolution of the Initiative bjdy does not vacate the olllces uf tbo members of thn llrst order. The secmnj Iiogtalatlve body shall consist uf iH members tj be chosen by tbe existing constituencies In Ireland, two by each ooustltusucy with the ex cel tlon of tho city of Cork, which Is divided 111 two ellvlslons and two members shall be chosen by each Qlvlsion. An Important new clause trovldrs that the 103 member of the luirll Parliament may also sit lu tlio legislative boly If elected thereto ns well ns lu tho Impt rial Parliament. Thu annual contribution of Ireland on account of the national debt, tinny nn 1 navy I mi erlal civil ex eudltures, thu Iloyal Irish constabulary, tho Dub lin Melroolltau police and the reduc tion of the national debt Is reduced to 2,1101,000. This reduction Is exactly half from the bill of 1890, whlnh ro vlJtd that Ireland should ay 1,002, UOOnunually. II Is madethn duty of the Irish legislature to Imposo all such tuxes, duties aud Imposts as may be neCi siury to raise sutuolent revenue to mtetall of the sums t barged fr thu time being on tbe Irish consolidate! fund. Inls fuuj la to meet the uJ vniices towards the expentea of the Irish government, the debts luciirrel by tho Irish govtriimeui; the talarlia of the Judhtn of any court, mil nil pa merits for the Irlrli servlies excel t the salary of the lor I lieutenant. Hie Irish laud lomuilsslon shall re main 111 exlsteuou until all the charges iaablo out of the church prorty lu Irelandaud guaranteed tythelreiue lit are fully ald. Buljtcl lo(Aiiy iiiistlug charges un church prprly, such properly shall belong to llio Irish government Iftbeqnen signifies to Ibo Irish leglilature that n state of warexltts, the Irish legislature may make extra ni I ro riutlons for tbe army iind nav , and lo 1 i In the defense of thu realm. It shall not bo lawful for the Irish legislative body to udopt or imi uuy mtaiure for raising or upproiriatlug for ntiy 1 urpoee of any art ef the publio revenue of Ireland, or any tax, duty or Impost, exct tin) ur.uaiicu of the rOLOuimeudatlou from her majesty, sluillled through the lord lieutenant. The Exchequer Davison of high Jus tice Is to continue lo bo the court of exchequer for revenue urpon, and ni vacancy centring In the court shall bu filled by lit r majesty on llio Jolut recommendation uf the lord llcutiuintof IrelauJand Ibulord lilgh ciinucellor nl (Ileal llrllalii, Dublin mtlro uliiau iollce continue auljrcttu the lore) lleiitinanl for live ears nr until lint Irish nilmlnletratloii will kuaranlre nu nJtquate It gal iollct sl tern I bo royal Irish couslnbular wlillc 11 ixlsls Is to continue Hlbltct In llio tonttel of tho lord lieutenant, but Iho Irish lesislaturn may irovldo for Hit. isbiblltliment nnd imilntaliianco of n pollti. force lu cuiintlcs ami bor oughs In Irelanl under thn ootitrol of lot nl authorities, and nil nrmngemont may be betwrtti llio tteasiiry nui Ibo Irish gtivtrnment lor thu is tabli.huientaudinalntoiianeoof pollcu r serves There Is nn entirely new clause, JS'o. 12, which gives the erown the light lo vtio nil bills ot the Irish legislature ant glim the Irish itttioeitative pecraa to sit in Ibe homo of lords at Wt-ttmlniti r and vote on ail lm (trial qucs loti. Thojudloary re main for lite ears under (ho control ( f II olmtrlll government and then m under the control ot the Irish goverumehU tiii. I'lvtin ai i Aim. iiksIiiiIoii tatlittt r,r nu Iniesi- lOtlhitl l-nxeil. Wabiinuios, D (., Jan. 26. Tlio resolution for the liivesllgallun of the 1 ntiitrm nllslrs rovlded that a .cli commlllee ef llie shall beappululol to Iniestlgato nud rtort what inula o moue, It any, wrrecxpenlol by thu Panama Canal Conq an or Its romot trs, directly or Inilreclly, tor the urKuot irevmliuk . posltie n In this eoiintry to thelanstif saldcompaii, or securing In America thereto, nnd what disposition was niido ot audi sums, and gencrall as t) the situation of ulhtlra upon the Isllimus ns fares Anutlctu cuinmeice seeking transit across the tame was concerned, unl u'si ns tu the. culilrncts nud relations between the Paclllc Mall Company und Iho hoiilhern Pacilln Transcon tinental Hiltrotd Assoulation and as low) atcoutrnctaoruiraugimenbi were made by raid cumpanlta whereby trafllo b thu way ot the Isthmus was su prcssoel or dlinlnlehed,Aiid whither the Inducts which It was the design of this (Juvtinmeiit lo foster by Iho rums granted to Slid steamship comiunlia through mall contracts or otherwise, hnl I ecu thereby diver tod from the Isthmus nud I'auann Ilallroad Compauy lo suoh transcontinental couq su es, and as to whether such ucl tveiu detrimental to the Interests cf American maritime compinle and Iho iroduiers, miuulacturers nnd meriliauts of llio Uulted Btlato,nnd If such abusts should U- found tu exist by what me ens thu samu can or about I besupreiiitl, and as to whether fur ther grant it sums to sat J steamship uomt arilnt should bu withdrawn. Thu Houae lit coinmltteo of the wuuiu procreueu to llio conn lerallon of the sundry civil bill. Hut little pour, is was ma Jo before nu Adjourn ment to Mou lay was taken. lleprtienlatlve Bprluger today Intro duce I a bill to repeal thu clauie In the MclClntoy act Increasing nitir Janu ary 1st, 1S0I, the duly ou manufac tures nt linen containing moro than 100 threads to the Inch. The Inijortcrsask tlio repeal of this revi sion before It takia ellect,alleging that It failed lu ilsolect, which waste foster the tine linen Industry lu tho Uulted Btates. Practically tlio whole day's session wasulby theBenate behind closed doors, the executive session laitlu. from 12 10 tu 1 3 J p in , wbt n the Beuato nJJourueel until J o'clock Monday, thu cliuulu of hour being ma loin order to give the senators an n porlunlty to alien 1 lllalne' fuueiul. Ill the inoiulug tho army pproria lion bill wai renorte I Irom Iho com rnltteit on li propriatlous and place I on the calendar. Phis Is llio first general aiiroprlullon bill reported lei tho Beuato during the prescntseaaslon. IV IJIHlltM, II. Oslo on Hi. Annr lllll.-ller Slunej' lop Itie v,ejr. IIliiiiv, Jan. 2S. Tliu Itelchstag committee ou tho army bill conclujed the geueral debate. The closing de bate, showed an luoiuisej dUusltlon to accept the government's proposals, the only msterlal opposition bolng ollsred bynlactiouof tho center jarty, led by Dr. Eelber. Chancellor Vou Caprlvl once more n peared before tho committeo and fiioko lu favor or the bill, urging that it be approved in IU entirety. Tho measure, ho said, was not Inteudol to Avert Iho momentary ilanir.r of matlllnn. It t- ...nku suitable revision for thoslatuor thlnis which he must describe us presenting erriianenl danger. The member uf the cjinmlltcu In uouversutlon lu thu lobbies eubttqueut to thocbancelloi's speech concurred lu the opinion that his word menaced nu appeal to the country If Ihu bill were not I asoJ. Hie Itulcbstng budget commission Is now ra Idly voting new credits for the navy under thu Imiulseof Chancellor t'nprlvl'n declaration that there is daugerofn coalition of the fleets of 1 ranoe, itiissla and Denmark, He rr Huhti, a member ot tlio lUlcli etng, maJu a powerful Impression upon tliu commission by the state ineunt that tles( Itu thu declaration I (hit Danish lirelgn minister In thu fulUlhhig, ihe (Jeimau guvernmtut ha I reiuvii to btllevu that Deuiuark In tbo event of war would iiiitko common cause with Iluisla. lhoughtho rerentlon of the Czaro wlloli tierola not likely lo modify llio gruupliig ot jiowtrs or reverse Ihe tnlluy of Itueila, it la tlicldtdly a lemiorary Chech tl tliu I reucli part). At Ihu Czar' court Ihe Imprctatlou Ihe Czarowltoh creatud on the diplo mats is Ihu reverse of what la recorded ! Iheseml olllolat irtss. 1 Jiu closest observers say the usr llullty was all Ion tha Bide of Emperor Williuui. I lie I'rngriiiii nr I imtcresa, Wahiinui-uv, Jan. III. Ihe most notable event ol the w.elc lu Cougrea will probably lie the disposition of the null option bill lu thu riolmte. lly ugr emuiit thu llual vote uuon the bill will le taken ut 2 o'clock Tuesday, It then, lu till robiblllty, will bo tent baek to tho House with its many amendments The llrst tiro regulat apliiopriutloii bills are now on the reluii'lur of the Beuato and It Is expect ed that thu managers will also call up Ihu Cullom bill amendments to Ihe Interstate uommercejaw, Ihelluute leaders Intend to keep at work on llio appropriation bills to Ibo exclusion ol All oilier business. I A" LAST LOOK, .11 I Hosts of Friends View the U Remains of Blaine. i I M ' ' l SriHCTIiV I'KIVATKJ .SKIIVICFS. ' II , m A Hocntntnt for the Illustrious Deal lo Chicago ' i H 'MiM, HiiMAMiMr, ill in i ritiv.1 H Alt I li.lnn.llim niieeenlnsT tlio llltr H etmtU Ineliteiit l,y lie, IB Mel, time, ' Waiiiinqton, D, C, Jan. 2D Tho H lioJy of ex Secretary lllalne was le- movoil Ibis uvculng lo the pirlor ou , )VJ Ihn north sllc of the stoond llwrof Ut tho residence. During the afteruooii Ut and evening n number of ftlends called aul took n last loolc Uon the Bjl laeoof thodepaiteJ. The exprcsilop M of tbo face la peaceful and the lines. Ut nieiits of the well known counleninco U show few truces of the ravngos of the (VjJ dlicase that carried him oil. The casket is almost burle I un ler a mass of VJ llorattrlbulus recelveil, ninny of them ' froruu distance. It Ilea In the room w here tlio lint rayers of the fuurrat service aru to bo said by thu Itev. Dr. Hamlin of tlio Church of Ihu Coil- J vent, nt 11 o'clock tomorrow. Notwllhstaiidlng thu lad that the funeral will be n private one, the nt- teudants upon the services will be as truly national lu their re reseutatlvu chsractcr ni It a resident was being flB bulled. The state ol Maine will solid a delegation of fouitoeu,headod by Oov- HJ ernor Cleeves; .Massauhusetta will flB have n detct,atlou of five members; the HJ Union I, fugue club of New York will HjB send twenty. tl vo meml era to rei resent BH the urganUntloii nud theUnlon Leaguu club of Philadelphia twent), 1-roui BH vsrlous other point in Pennsylvania I BB will comei several delegations. Alto- ( gethirnhuiidretlor more of Iheaorep- BBJ resrutallvcM will I e resent. Personal BBJ filends to thu number of slxtj-tlvo BBJ havu notllled tho family of their Inlen- BB tlon lo bu resent from various i arts of BB uie country. sjah The services at the church as well as BH at tbe house will be strictly private, BB and iioonewlll bo aJuiltteJ who has BJ not received an Invllatlou. Thefauilly BH regret this, lut thu limited seating .BBJ cupsolty ot the church and the large ISBJ number of delegations and otlclal lu BH be I rovlded for leaves no room. Tho SHJ pall bearers will bu Henalors Fryu and iHH Hale of Maine and Morgan of Ala- HH lams; llee lesontallves Keed and JJou- BH Maine. Hill of Illinois And HJ lllngham of Peuusylvuuln; General Thuniaa Ewlng of Ohio, John Hay of BBJ Washington, Josej ll II. Manley of BB1 Maine, Almet F. Jinks of llrooklyu , BB1 aud P. V. P. Elyof lloslou. iHBj A Ill.AIM! MONUMINT. I'BVJ ClIICVOU, Jan. 20 At the meeting (BBb ot tho Chicago lllalne club last night iHBj npj ro rlato reaolutlons In relorenco to BBf. Mr. Illalutt were uJopted, aud a com- 'BBl tultlea npolnled to uo ojieratu wl"t BBJI committees u! Ihe various olltlcal lid BBl social clubs of the city lu calling o BBl memorial meeting. It was also ilea d- BJ ed to take stejsi towards the colUo un 'BBl of luuls for the election of a lllalno BBJ monument ln Chlcac.0. BBJ nni ii. iBB During the mt etlng one of the mem- BBl bera who was intimately acquainted BBl with the deal statesmuu, read an JBB1 interesting letter recelveil from him BBJ at veral weeks baforo tbe last election. BBl In It, referrleg lo the question asked, BBsl Mr. Illalue said that slllce tbe death of flBf bis sou Emmons, he had felt quite HJH Bull. lied with thu action of the Minus- HH upolla convention. HJ Tilt KAll I AMI I) lllllLi; ll'd. HH Niw Venue, Jan. 29 At Cavalry jil Ilajllst Church tills evening llev. Dr. BBl MoAitbur In a dlscournu on lllalno aBH Heferred to the llurchard "Hum, Ho- BB maiiiaui and ltobelllon" Incldenl, BBl saying that many thought llurchard BBl dellberaterly tittered the words with jBBl Inttnt to Injure Illalnn'a cauce. Mc- BBJ Arthur said nothing was further from JBB thu truth, llurchard did not know up JBBl to live minutes before that ho was to aBH speak. It had bet ii arranged that Dr. BBl Armltagu should speak, but nt thu last BBJH minute the oommlttee was notllled BBH thatholiaJ bieu detained In Phlla- BB dtlhln, ami Mr, llurchard was called BBas! upon. "As thn III chosen words fell BBH tremblingly from his lips," said Mo- BBB Arthur, "1 watched Mr. ll'alui, but hu BBB seemed absorbed lu deep thought nnd BH not to uotlce them, though ho must BBJ have teeu tha first to appreciate their BBsai iinporlauco BB IAIIMI1II Al'LAKH. BH He splnln-l Ills lllleer.t In Ihe BBH llllitesltnil VViitU.. BBB PiriHiitiitu, Pa, Jan. 20. For tbo H first time since his return Irom Europn BBB Andrew Carnegie today e onseuteel to BBB talk regarding Ihu llumtsteid nllalr, BBB and spoke freely to an Associated Preen BBB ooirtspiudtnl. Ho salt hu dteirei lo BBB maku one Hilut clear nt the beginning. BBB Four years ago he retired from aotlve BBB budness au 1 no consideration in the BB worll would Induce hbil to return to BBH It. rhu great error ot American I BBH that they undiiro tbo harassing care BBB Incident to tuiluca until tiny break BBH down whim they should lulu their BBBJ prime. He believed In retiring and BBBJ hiving ounger men n chance, lie had BBBJ sold portion of hi Interest and I BBBJ gradually selling more to suoh young BBBJ men In their service ashls ortntr BBBJ find iioasessed of ability, Hu la not an BBBJ lu the coniauy, but only a BBB shareholder, and to the numerous np- BBBJ a.als that he received urklng him to BBBJ clvn Instructions In regard to the re- HBBa oeiittroubtu he says hu had uo power BBBJ to Instruct atolaidy connected with BBBJ tho compaii). The bilkers are elected BBBJ fir a year, aud no one could interfere BBB1 with them. Even ut thu next election I BHH