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PTHB DE-ERCT NEWS " ' i iitidn eltlie cWi.tein m. (). 78. i CELEBRATION. Anniversary Banquet on Wash ington's Birthday. f SLXVTOU HK.OINS Sl'EI C. England's Hold on Cinada a Menace lo Our Peace, He Thinks. TIIL IIUI-V F Till. IHItlt Tilt ll.nubllrnil firlr imln H'B AH.r " OlflllM DrtnoiT, JIlcli , Fob. 22. Tlio Michigan club tonight gave lla eighth anniversary bnoquol lu ceicbrsllou of the blttbJoy ol Wuahlngton. Over 1000 persons wcro present In tho audi lotltim, wblcb was tiaud.omcly deco rated. Among tlie guests uf Hie evening wero Hon. Chnrlea T. (Jar dun, ii milliliter to tbo Hague; Hon. Hoiwell O. Horr, General V. II. Ulb tou of Ohio, General Alger ot Dotrolt, 'oloucl John Atkinson, tonslnissler, ijovrrnor lllcti of Michigan, Henator llgglua ol Delaware, Hon. Btephou . Dougluia of Illinois nud Jumee nut Is llurke, rtslJiut of the American Oollego League. A large lumber of prominent won sent letters i( regret, among whom wcro Mr. Har rison and othrre. Houator Anthony Hlgglna ot Delu Tare replied to tho eoiillment, "Our Manifest Destlu), Annexation " ll ml J under the Inuvltablu law con trolling our develoi rueut, all our ioe srerlons, which wcro once the rort) of several other natloiui, Iiavobiooiiio untied under title government. Tlio taker ventured tho btllef that lbs time It not lar tllitant when Canada vruulii uulto her destiny with u, be. eiuto It li (or her Interest to do no. "As long at Canada remains u de psndency of Uroit llrltaln," thuaena torsald, "wo aru liable tu bo involved lithe exigencies ol a Luropenuwnr. At long as England retains her bold uton Cuuada the remains tho military power on, and so loug u Ureal llrltaln a continuing threat tialnit our luacc. lhus wn aru ttrowu Into o radical alliance with ttJiiland'a fore. Ily reason of her an tagonism with lluaslu and 1 rauco hugUnd le today n elluut miner with tb Drelbuud made up of Uirmany, Austria und Italy, Ily reason of Isnel'a retention of Canada we aru ttund III common Intertet with Hub. Is and I ranco as against Luglaud and las Dretbund. Willi lliu departure of ruio from tho continent will tuno tho union ngalu ol tho two tranches into which the Lngllsh raco unfortunately hasbteii divide! " Hon. lloswellU. Htrr of Michigan Itapi udtd to tho loan, "Tho Duty of Ike Hour." He said Ibo country for Its I) rat tlrao In thirty-two years Is lUeed in tho bauds ol tho Democrats, lie would have uvcry lte ublloun ilsud by bis guns when any law shall lie roieed that ho feels turu would lturo the uouulry. Thero would ba tin ambiguous worlc on his part. His titleraucu would Instantly bo onuof varnlngnnd Ueflnnca and whenever ti Democratlo parly shall ruposu a Sood muuiure turu In sad help them pass It slid (how that wu uio patriots Brst and 1 animus afterwards Blc hen A. Douglass ol Illlnloa ro IPouUed to Ibo sentiment "Bland by tour (June " He said ho had seen Ibo power of the lUpubllcuu I "My dwindle away for nearly a quarter of iceulur). 'lhu curious tjiciaclo was rteutod of tho trlumili of lltbdoc tllne of tho parly and tho drealeuce ol the arly Itself. One of tho reuious, le believed, wus that there was uu element high In tho councils of tho Ileiubllcuu arly and loteullal lulls Jul lanco who rover have been ltepub leans lu convictions orwhohaiu not tad tl e courugu of tbolr conviction, la closing, ho said. "Him rlncl lis el I ho llopublicnu l arly aro not dead nor Is I ho I arly Itself, I ut oven If what Hosiers say be true nud tho Iletubll fiiurtyiuuitdlc,llieii for Uod's sake, lei It die with lis boots on, lighting for that It believes to tie) right, consistent lili Its record and with Itself, It lhii Word lo lay down Its life, but It tan u tallorel to glvo up Its principles " lu loiponsu to thutouit, "Our IUu CeriainlOur Dutlee," James I ramls llurke, I resident of tho American Keiubllcau College League, paid a Eliwlng ttllulo lu lliu UtHJamtsU. llialne, tnumeratol the dangers Into i tit the lUiiublicmiB were liab'e tu tH and (poke of Ibelr duly In the Stand old jiittj. Ho closed with an Mleal to give lliu young men who te Ibo life and luio of Ibo republic a llisnce. coyaui:nis. HI Mil. Waeiiihion, I). c ivh. 21 Tim "cltuilttls ol William V. Alien cs jeostor from the state of obralks1 "0" 'b illi of llurelinexl, In plate oi i addook were presume 1 In the rion tetoday and i laced on llle. 'be consideration of tho sundry ?.',! 'PP'oiilatlon bill wos prooeoilt I I In '. . I"""1'"! aiiieiidiuonti being 1 J""a l0 ,l", ,ll fr ' new t;ov. ""f"6,"' I timing tfllco building I be &am.lnt". w" voluJ diwii. thus I el.,,8' ,..r.lho rriotnt at loast, all Si tauiiS; I""c"tt" "' ' '" fot " I tri! ,u,?,r ""Jvoa t0 Inwuso Ibo .. I LomL ",02 ,ot tt 'lltr's national I &";ill0n bl" Ui U "l Ptopru- I tea"!uou"l'l JIIH.001IU0U. As I Si!J.Jrx"r("a 813.000.0011 to $15,. C - I'll S II iNliK 11, I Hi, V I I tJi-rT II W WS.-AS.t.'i.-'lilV.- : f 1.41 . iJ-ILibJlLl liJLi i Hi ) liJi 1 11 1 J 1 1 JlifVkJo ,,'rfrguf-zi. : II TRUTH AND HBfc-KTx, II 'jiitjii)ay, n:niL uy i;:j. iho:i. hAL'i i ki; (itv, dtaii rjntiiiioitv. " vol. xxvi." m halt nil I woul I ray tbei mailer of pf n ames should ternilusto at swnu pilot rhnrt of tbuulfolutubanktuitcy of thu lUwiey elpcUravI ho would farce ll with nil his iwr. (Jjrm.iu, la rsfilliu ti Hawlay, sal I thtro stemed lo bo nuc-tlro on the oilier side t,f the chamber lo pile up the Ob iKnilom of the government until the Democratic I arty woul I have no firMpotiom having la Utliitrotied luleiOll tho pejplu Alter further dls cu'tlou Hawley's hidi Inm'ii was ngri ril n so Were lliu amend iiiants Inctotiiup; appropriations for tuUlera' tioines, Vilas oHVrcd nn nnieadmenl appro prbitloK$12S,Oilii(orti)witirvey of pub lic laiiis lylur wllliln railroad find grnntf, tho costs lo bo reimbursed I) Ihnrallroiidtnni miles. Aureal to An nmen Inient oircrc-1 by 1) H In reganlla timber culiura laws gave rleeilu a dry legal, unluterestlug ells ronton, which lasted for neatlj Ihreo hours. As n vole wa slnut to be, taken by yras an I najs v.hlcll would probably hnvu ravealeil tho ntisoncei of ii quorum, .Mr. AIIUOll t'opowj that all aontested amonlnicnts sboulj go over till tomorrow. Agrenlto, Wolcclt imvoJ torojuco tlie appro priation for tho oipemes of protecting timber on publlo lands Irooi j-iO.iWJ tu $1 i.UOJ. ARteodtJ. H.ulrniiiooJ tolncfi-nso tho appro I rltlion for the surveys or publlo Unds troni JIUO.OUI) to JIW.OW. Agree Ho 1'owerollt.tud nu iiineiidaient fixing tho limit of tboeott for n mllllsr) ut at Helena, Mont, at $11), UK J, but It was txcludid uu n point of order. rilewnrt ollrrrd mi aimndmeut ap iroprlatlng $II(I,UUI ti reimburse lliu statu of reval for msiiey expeultl in tho sJiptei.lou of the rebellion. Agreed to, A I HI was th on reported to the Benito from the commlltcu of thu wholu mid nllthonuieudmeiils unreserved iireed to. rho I 111 Is to bo open lorn irrow tu new amoudtnonts. lhu risiinle then at 10 0 Mil. adjourned till tomorrow noon. Wabiiimiton, I), O , Feb. 2J The Heimle lu txecutlvusuuliu toll uj i sldered lhu Hawaiian treaty. Mouan made a stroug plea lor nntiexstlou. Mill) of Texas was opposed to the plei ont ratlfl atlou of the treaty. He 111 slsliltbal tho ipjestlon wj of null lmuirtaucs thet it should not bs lis cuesed behind closed doors but ebdiil 1 bo fully und freely dlicuued by tbu I ten nnd people. When tho doors re opened tbu rjctialn adjourned. Till II1HN1. Wasiiisotus, I'eb 21. Tho House toda lu tsmmllte of tbu whole, re sumed oinslderallon of the ostolllou apt roprlatlon bill. Ko'hlu,; of Imporl auco wus ucooinpll"htd. When tho hour lixed for considera tion of tbo car-coupler bill had arrived, lbs commltleo rose, and Who movuJ that tho Henalu amoiidiiiunti theretu I o coucurrvdln. I illbutterluglbru began and, nller various dilatory motion, a vote was ordered on tho motion lo ad journ until fhureda). No iUotum appearing, there were several attem Is made lu rciicli a com promise. Hatch said h was auro the friends of tbn bill would lone nothing If the House adjourned now. Wlio said. "The gentleman from Missouri l un deavorlugta leriuadu lhu friends of Ibubllllt Is safeloadourn, and I say to them It Is not safe " Tbu chair de clined to declJo lhu question before It came up In regularorder. Inn short time tbo House bucame almost hopelessly entangled In u luaco of motloni, U'liiiturmotlona nud other evidences of llllburterlug. No iUorumap taring lliu surgeant at anus was sent to bring in tbu ab sentees, and for i.n hour or tuorulhu House waited for his return. An all night sestlou wai then seen tu bo at hand, and tho usunl iceues weru en acted. Tbcru were several amusing e Uodcr, Uhortly after midnight It was stated that the sergeant was unable to exu cutu the order of the Houiu lo urresl absenleis, and It was moved lu udjouru but tho motion was defeated. Cummlugs charged that tbu oj pon ents of the bill Uheld railroads, a charge whlth Itlchaidsou Indlgnaiitly dented. At 2 o'clock this (Weduesda) ) morn ing Hill untiling Is continuing with no Immedltte J rosiects of adjournment, lberu has been nu brtak In lliu llnuon i liber aide, and there Is no prospect ot any within n riaaouibln tlino. lhu deudlotk In tbu Houte over tho tar-eou ler bill continued throughout the night, with the usual scenes, humorous nud Ill-humored, of all night stulons, and without anything what ever having been accotut, lulled. 1 ho Homo at 0 Ji) a. in. adjourned. Theru wus n private agreement that Wise should be. rtuogulzed Mouda to move to suspend tho rules and pass the bill. About two dozen luemliers weru I resent nt tbu o ponlug of tbu House Ibis morning. Henderson of North Caro lina moved that tho Huutegu Into committee of lhu wholu for the ton aiderullon of tbu po.tolllcu ai pro) rla llonlill. Hatch ut oncounlugonlzud the motion with bis anil ot Hon bill. I he House, however, 111 In 04, deolded to take up the postolllco apt roprlatlon till and It wus luisid. lhu House fcrokulnlon roar of laughter whenthu bpeaker called Hutch lu tbu chair as presiding cllltor. Tho general debate was limited to three Injurs and l'cel, cliulrmau of tho tommlttie, sfoku In explauallon of the bill, A largo part of l'etl'a speech was devoted to tho argument of thuudvutacy ut a reluctlou ot Ihn territory ullotol lo Inllaus nudluf tvurof Ihupaoagoof u bill lu rutlty thungreomeiit for Ibo ojitiilng of thu Cherok, u atrip, Tliu ineml trsof lhu Housu weroworu out from last night's sis. lull. Many left the bull Hug after tho general de bate and Ibosu who reiuslnul took languid interest lu the proceeding When thu debate cloiod Outhwullu fubinlllo I tho couferenco report uu tho ami appropriation bill In order that It might bo protected. After Hooker mistictoufuliy endeavored tu get unanlnmuh content to puis Ibo bill to llu relief of lhu Mltsltsl) plan and au nouueed bis purpose to bn n thorn In the side of every member who wanto 1 uuy li filiation until his bill was ussed, tbu llouio then adoiirneJ, II, nil. el ill lllernleue Haihw.N. H, leb. 2.' I'lerou Hlevens Hamilton, the well-known litterateur oi Ibis illy who jrsterday atltinj ted suicide by tnklug laudanum, died this morning. IN WASHINGTON.! , Monetary Coaferfliw Report Sent to the Senate. THE LST im-. OF I iNUItRiiS. The Pnildinl's Oplnloi about tin PrtJtot Uisiaad for Gild tin nu hi i.i, i:ihi- riiniv. I)nl.hle r Hie tiusrleen Itetu- Hun lis. I In a Hernial Clause VHMi.oroK, Kalh .'1 President llar.uou tods) si nt In thu Uvuatu tho ruportof fio Amtrloin delvgitM to tbu International moil lary oonf.ri'iior. Alter referring lu the ragram of the L'nllodbtatiT, whl h Is llMwmed lu nil Its bares, tbo delegates refer lo the report uf the oom ultteu of to!vo which repirtol uMrmttlvely upon Ihn one reposition that It was wliu lo withdraw from money circula tion all geld uolm and nil paier money rouee naWu In gold of lets denomina tion limn one pi mil, twenty francs or tu only marks an I substitute, silver for them In thedlicupilinof various proposi tions the attitude of n.trly allgottru ments Is dlscloiuJ, The recognition was general in tbu eonfireiiei. that thu monetary evil require a remoly. Altur citing Oloj.l from the scecbei ma Jo, thu delegites say tho conference li to re uuvei u on thu Jtli of May, IDJi Itilho iiieantlmo Ills eipiclel Hiut lhu i ro okltlous and plans nlrenly submitted aulsueb oth ers as luiy bj submittal to the presl deiitol the coiiieutlou aid by hlui tranimllled to thu severilgjverunieuti through thelt delegates, will be con slJered. It Is kiitlclptted that thu dcligutts, upm thu rei semblliu of tbo conle'reuc ,'wlll be. ablet) statu dclliiltelj the view of their leipeotivu governmrnts as ti whit Id ins ate I ractlu to secure tliu gruilcr me of illveras pittof tbemetalllo miuey uf the world. In concluding tbu report, tbo dele gatoissy they uro triad to bear testi mony of the tamut wldi of the cm fereucu that u plan for lhu enlarge I uiu of silver miuey acceptable to uitlons and adequate to the monetary situation may remit from Its delibera tions. No reeummsnJatloas or sug gestions of any kind are nitle. IN II UI BIIAl K 1011 CbUSIVU. Matters are gc'ling luti pretty bud shape for lhu closing days ot lhu session In nJJItlon t) thu light to he made to defeat the sundry civil bill, there Is going to be a hard light ma lu ugulntttbe Iiillau ipj roprlatlon bill. Hit, whole pollc) of InJUa education established by Comuilsilouer Morgan Is going lo besuljected toutpiok It Is understood tint tome of lhu strongest men on Ibo nipru rlullom committee aru going lo olu In the light ngulutt lhu meiisure. Hlher men In lhe Homo claim they will have strength enough tuirevent the piuagu of the sundry civil bill under uuy arllainentury tactic Hint may bu ndo led tu gel it through. They say their l liua nru nil laid, und tbu force of lliu illibustercis sgaluittho bill will bu almost us strong as Is sllvur lu the House, lliey will light It by ever) means known tu atllameulary I roeedure, nnd they e lalm It will be lin posill lo to I ais II under thu rules to get signatures oticugh to secure tloture. lu lict, they regard it an certain that they will defeat the bill. This, of uuurte, would make an extra aeisluu nbsilulel) ceitaln. ONLV NINE DAI U UKMAININd, Waiiiiinutov, 1). C , I'eb, 22. Counting lhu 1th of March as u full du), thero remains only nine more days betora thu expiration of this Con gross, and tho umouut of worhtefore the two houses Is not nt all olu erlng to thoto legislator who sou lhu hours ill) plug by nnd little lelugdoue. Up to tbo present time thero is but ono of the thirteen regular appropriation bills tbu formications that has passed both houses, and tint Is not yet a law, for It has not received lhu slguatureof thu 1'realdcnt. M Ntl 1) 10 ISSUC 1UINI13. 1 1 Is said that I'reildent liirrl.on is oonvluoel that no necessity will nrlsu for Ihomluof louds lo maintain the parity of tho two.melals. Ho reeatedly declared that he would maintain their parity by every means In his power, 'lhu President Is credited with tbe belief that tho demand for gold for export Is not only, but II Is part of a scheme, International In scopo, having for Its object thu lnuo of bonds. When It becomes apparent tb U no binds will bo IsiuuJ, his opin ion is sill! to bu that thu heavy drafts upon tho Ireisury gil 1 will ccuso kosti it V, I LI, in stay, Beoretary of Utile I'oitorwlll tomor row retire from l'rtsldont Harrison's cablu. t for tbu urpotu of niiuuiliig tbu miiue.cmeutol tliu cam of thu United Htatesbifori. lhu International Tribu nal tu nsiemblo In Piris for thu tnrbl tratlon of tho llorliioi matter. rillXS () OiNADUN VK33LLS UK. 1UI.HJ. The Preillentiiiueln proolanulion tmlav revolilm: thu tills on Canadian vessels und curgoea In the Haul! Hlu Mario canal, lu tonieq leucu of the Dominion govern mint iidoitlng un urder lu council rcmo lug the discrim inations njulnst Amerltun veastla I asiliig through Cauu ilau tauals. Till nil -ilOLMMI. I'Alilt, Tbu President und Ihoiu who ao oiuiuiiled him to Now Vork this morning returned lo the illy at 10 o'clock tonight. Postlnailer dermal Wannmakerletl tl tatty nt Philadel phia, hulexptcts to tome to Washing, tou in the morning. IMUIIITriUCJt 1I!K!ll I j Tnpeccofil contluonlnl , r, u tbe national suiloty id D.u , i. of the American lttvolu'ljn t this morning far Iho first gensrs on in inn nuiltotluin of tbu ( hur I Our I'ulbir. A "ifnutlful wreaii, mm. ory of Mrs. litojamlll Urn - i who nt the lime ot her death i muonl nf tbu general ejtlcty. reetr i ,Kiii the ptesiuenl's vacant chair. Mis ( sln.ll, vlc resident general, calb 1 II, e eon-ri-M to orJir nnd lutroduc I Mrs Hamlin, cba lain general, i irajtr. A nunilxr of sdi i s were then in iUf. lhu rcjort of Mr llyn. luu, vleo pretldeiiliteniral li 1 1, arse oflimorgaiiltatlou uf ilia) e .bowed Hut Ibo rocuiy hks now a t tal mem bership of 2UII0. Murium v Miiiiei I hey I'rfseiil llrmauils I r lllctite u.. Lllltiaeiu, Keb. 1 lhe v. i ( liuieii aiu tulliui tenders on Ibiili i agonnl Wattcru I mil utn road went o slrlhu tonight. As thu road is 1 1 I It on which the l.jllliTllh , New tuny ft I hicsgi, WaUib; Clitoaio 1 i.urn lllluoi., Cblosftii eb 1. eirand rrunk, and Atchison, 1 qeut A Hum 1 o oilier the city i t ii train i. e r thoeu rtaJi Is alio to leave Uie city lui igl I. 1 lie strlki ra thli morning i lewmted deinindslur uu Increase ol . irtelit In wages t) Presdeiit U mi and Hiiperluteudcnt Wnrntr oi tne licit lltivnul a loug roulrrence Ipsulleel. Iho initials vt era nut ready t. grunt lhu mill's oeninuJs luimelialei) nnl mother mrellugwasarrui,L,id or liter In Itiueiuj. As laid as 4 o'clock Prollcnt Thuiuas declared thero w ull I no strlkuanl Iho swltchiuin lata tbo same. Two hours later, w 1 h ml warn Ingnud with no futllur duv Uimeula lu the negotiation thu moil quit work und biislners wus at a slau JbuiI No'hlug waskuownof thenriVouu III a suburbs i train Jnoh bain I at rilxterbtb street by nu 0ea switch. Hlguuls wete given the engineer lo comonheil, but us he cjuiJ jl.ilnly sin tho swlteli cqeu uhuJ of htm be decline I lo 1 1 jvr, nud lhu ien gum wuru co il filed to alllit mil seel, other means of reaching their homes. Ihoitrlkersdo not ixceed SOU, but theru Is n probability that tliu slrlko may 1 1 read to other rals. Iho k)1!oo were ut uuce uolllled mid u largu lorcu u men lent tu the jarJs to quell uuy possible dltlurbuiiee, but su far tbe men have shown u esreatle dls losltlou. Thu ullcu wcralator reinforced by a detachment of l'inkerlou moo mil u fnrcuuf detecllienniid waiihmcn em ploy eel by lhu road, lhe latter tegau work ull the switches, and belated trains Mere nude up and tliu lust of them sont out b nildulgbt. Proipects for Iho eellltmect of the diniciill) aru nut bright, as President lhuiuas declares the nicu acted lu bsl faith with him and uld not keep Ibelrujtee niaut as to lhu lenglli of lime ho was tu have lo couslder their drqiauds. Ho was ell. posed, hu rays, lo ranl an) thing reasonable, but slates that thu men's action has release I him from II obligations or romlirs he may have male. SAN1A tl. JIltlllSlUTS UU OUT. Hatun, N. M., teb. 22. Tbo niuolilulsls eui lay ul by Ibe Hanta 1 e ltullway at ltatoii an I I.h. Vegas wect out on u atrlku nt 4 o'oiock this niter-noon. Jiiiionni Niuileij luiii,.,iiernlli,.r Hi. llrall. tir Jan.. U. Ill.lnr. HALIIASIL.N1U, Col, 1'tll. 22. Memorial servlcei weru held lu thu aescmbl) thamber today couiraumor ullvu ol tho death of James (J. llialne. Tne desks ot the assembly room bad been removed and re, luted by chair., which weto octuileJ long bolore the hour set for tbe tierolsrsto begin, lhu room was dracd In mourning lu tlie form of nu areb, In tbe center of whloh hung n wreath of lauril. Memorial rrtolulluiis which were draw n up by a Joint lommltteu of both houses weru read and adojted. A male oholr of thirl) voices sung 'ot Dead, butHheplug." Aftir uu Invo cation by Itov. J. 1,. I.eary, a memorial poem vcut read, nnotber selection reudered hy tbe choir ni.d lhe memorial uddressdellveiel by Henstor U. U. Uouoher. Mr. Blaine's rubllo career was reviewed In terms uf highest eulogy, and In closing the speaker said that II was filling tu lay thu wreith whloh was plucked from thelieuitof thepeotlo uun tbo grave ol Juiiua U. Illume on the annlveriury of him who was first In war, ilret lu (eaco and first lu the hurls of bis tountryiuen. Tho choir rang again und tho lentdlctlou was jrououueed Alinti iiiniiiuAUiiY, Coiiilltliili. I'ruilil br Ike lullllllll. lee on 11,0 MMIer. WAblllsuroN, I) 0 , I'eb. 2.'. Thu commlltcu uu Immigration today sub tnlltolto the tienalo a rtpnrl on lhu bill tltablltllilig ad Jlllouat regulations concerning Imiiilgratlou to tbu Unite I Htales, by lucreailng by three lhu numler of exclude! classes of aliens. 1 ho tint aru the Illiterate aver twelve yeats of uge, nn I cpeaklug of these, lhu report su)s, lu view ol tbo alarm lug change taklug 1 lacu In lhu charac ter of immigrants Into the United HUtc. thu measure li not u harsh oui. Aged 1 1 mom, however, uru lermlttcd lo coma und Join their fuuillles. Iho ttcoud class nn Hi oersous lurtlally or wholly dltubled from nunual labor. Iheyuru lo be mado tbu subject of special li qulr), uud the proof mutt bo I rocurod. that they will not betomu publlo charges, lhu third class vru er.oiis belonging to societies which fuvororjuitlf) the unlawful destruo lion of I ropurly r life. Under Iho proteut law, su)S lhu reiorl, lliey can enter thu UnlluJSUtoi, but tbo meas ure iropottd will remedy tbu condition of utlHlrs. AgnlMsMllai 's llai ule Iisi)j, I eb -I riiotlrand I.odgu of llellsrteeiiteu a vehement luanl lest, today agslutl tlladitoue's houiu rule bill. lue inunlluslo demands either union with Creat llrllalu or comilitu separation Iroin llrltaln. The maiiliesto iiameu March 2nd as thu date of tho great Unionist denumtratloulu Ul.ler hall. OUR OWN FLAG. ' file Stars and Stripes Over an Ocean Greyhound IIOI3rn ON TI1K M-.W Y0I1K. A liw Cm Icaaguratfld In Americin J Shipping History. f Tun HiiILr AiiiutllinlK 1)1.1 lll.rr li.lileleil-llnilliilna ' 4 lauun Hlil.lllnr null llsll Illl.illiE Nnv York, Feb. 32 For the first thito lu a generation the stars mil strijes taday lloat over an ocean grey hound, Iho peer of nuy ctall sllost Per lUufltil time tines till, country has lioisled ofn inrrcautllu navy of cllpt sblpr, wb o sails have whitened every quarter of tliu globe, In fact, for lliu II lit tlmu lu tho history of the nation Its IWg will guard p modern, well e.iulpd, liiconi arable steemtbll, mil II I. filiigultilly appropriate, loo, that lhu ll igsboiil I havu been linlurled on Wmhlngluii's blnhdai. Had weilhir ull much to illmiiilsh tbu crouds that llne.1 Iho llittery nnd nelghlorlng shore. 'Oil (J lor)" was I nil I from lb stern ol IheNutv York anil I Ibo shrieking of luiitimcmbla shrill v. hl.llus from nrlous rive r craft, thu roar or raniuu from lhe United Htatesmau uf-wur C'lileiko, re-ichned by the guns of the fori, and the cheer ing of hundreds uf nnlooki rs Ibo event insgurated u new era In American shipping history. All pat rlotlo Aiiiirliaus havuhnd thu deejeit Interest lu the transferring of thu msjesllo ateumthlps Ull) of New York anl City of Pari from the llrltlsli to the Amerlosu Hag, and the ship was crowded with guests favored wlib invitations to witness the ttre niony, riio ceremony ol ralalog Ibo American ll on thosteanii'ilp New lurk whs marled ty Iho Inclement Weather, nn m:uiM..ii u in sioiim were mado latoby thu delay of tbo Preiidcnt owing to the storm, l.ver) thing was lu ruallnn b) 12 a'elock, the New York having taken a potllliu niar tho buttery, thu United Hiatus orulfer Chic ire. being the re alio. Along 0-e river lhu dockn and vends who gnyly decoralrel. All tbu big trims ntlunflu liners In port wen llylugllags at elit) ieak, nnd long lines of streamers weru stretched from mast to inait. OuthuNu Yorktwo lattallona of tho nsial reserve weru on dut). Hho loikcd spick oud sjnn with all her silloti lu new uniforms. (Jultu u crowd was In tbu Pe nusyl vnuU depot when tho President's train nt last Urow lit. About 2 o'clock the President walked down tne ilalform leaning on lhe arm of Mu)orUllro). Becritarles 1 Iklus, Wanamiiker and Husk and Central J. A. Dumuiit fol lowed Immedlitely ullor, and with thu rest of the j art) hurried on bonrd lhu Haiutilounr, nud lmol Immediately aftorn'camedoll forNew York. Ukjii receipt of Ibe news of the arrival of thu Presidential arty the filed n President's salute, nnd followed It up ten minutes hterwlth nuotberlu honor of Secretary Trno). Pre.ldeul Hnrriaon cimo alioard the Nuw York shorlly nfltr 2 o'clock, l'ne naval reservn druw up lu doublu rank on tho hurricane deck, with the bin 1 corps In lhu rear. The presidential I arty were given n hearty cheer. Pretldeut Harrison wasiicortod to thu (tern ot tbo ship by Cstalu John C. Jamlsou, the commander, fallowed ty four members ol Ibo cabinet who wero preKiit, and Clement A. (Irlscom, rtsldentof Ibo Auierloiu llnu nil I a director uf the company. Cuugress mau W. llourke Coekrau, lo whom was given the honor ul formally invit ing President Harrison lo raise tbe Hag, itepi-od forward nnd said. "My frleuls 1 havobeeu uked by the olllitra of lliu compiny whoso hotltullt) we enjoy to open the lire monies, riiom ceri monies iconiltt uf replacing n foreign Hag by our Hag. It Is a magnificent ocoulon nnd It murks a (eaciful lotisequeuce, Iho feast of Clvlllzatlou which wu celebratu when wu untax Ihh s lenJIJ sK.clmou of marine archltecturu to lhu Amrricntl me reliant marine. I turn, sir, to you (turning to President Harrlioii) who stands beforo thu world to lay a high l)u of lhe citizenship of this country, nherolo defender of Its Integrity, mil commit to your hands the I atrlotlo task of unfurling from the nmtlicud the Hag which lypllles Amerlc-iu liberty ami eullghlened progresi " HIsuddrcMi wasrecelied with great uppluun. HIUlilUNT HAIIItllOM UAH) "Mr. Coekrau and gentlemen- It gives me pleaiuretucotiiummalu here 10 day by thu fact of lifting n Hag, leglshtluu lu whloh I gave ni) liearly support I fultusuitlizim and 1're.l dent Ilia mortification whloh every American must feel who examines Into Iho slau ling of the United Hlales lu tbe merchant mirlneofthe world. I believe wo havu reached au epoch Incur doielupmeiit when the great work of International ileveloj merit Istolartousuinmate 1 that wu might successfully lake up tho work of ru cove ring our fair share In the currying Iracuol Ibo world. (Appluuse Wu lilt lhu llsg today nir one alup, an ovent InlereHIng In Itself. .Hut its Inliristlumu Is In tbo faol that this ship Is Ibe I) pi mi 1 1 recursor of many others that me to lloat this llsg. Ap ilau.i 1 Idetm It uu tuthily pro. irlileluncllon Ilia! the Presl lent of 11 e United Blutes should lift tho America i Hut " ... . . Immedlaiely tbo silk liars nnd slrhea were mn ill, and the string ul Uruiimcrs uuliirled extending uver tbe mistbua Is to the I ow and thu stern ol Hit. blglluer. Blmultuueouily with tbo appearance uf "(il,IOIor),"lhEUnaif ih. 'Chi euro" Hie I n national sati u eiegtiir. I'be nV) )anl in l!nokl)il also rinmitd Willi twelit) o auin", and thsn fbllowtd n pnnoomonluni nl whlslllmrnrd bell rlnglnir from ersfi In lhe harbor, lb trip down the bay was c ii ulei on account of Uie storm At the e.uuiulon of lliu nrrrr.otles. President Hatrlsou retired t) tbu malii salran, where h held ti reception He mat nnd shook hands wllh leveral hundred gueiu. At XII 111 Prrsl ilihtlsl pari) went on hoard a HUr 1,1) e tits irer, viblcb drportsd at onci for Jerss-y (Jit), wl ere they look the 1 o'clook train far Washington. MM III At I Ull NTS Nerlonalyli,re.l I,, a Hue llugliM. nr.eli. I, moot K, 1'tb.SJ Twi Ivo stockmen were seriously Injured In n wieok on lhu Ilunlngton near litre, today, rtioy wi ru ihllug In the uulnosr, the third svotloiiof tho enslbound stock train was walling nt Havel) for the weal bound extra, lhu engineer of the txlrufalledlohtnl In on the switch, anil, fearing n collision, the engineer of thu sunk train I c versed Ins engine and uuied Tbo trains came to gether, nnd t e si oik train slatted backwards wlllieiit anyone In the cab lo guide tho engine. A mil" and n Imlf wistol Havel) the runaway train cratbel Into lit luu lib section ot tbi train, killing man) entile and ilumol UhliiglhueahocHu lu which the tlocl. men weiu riding fwilvu of them weru pilnfully hurl, but ll la not lluught that any ol them will die. AN ll IlkOS I I I1A1I HI). 1'oliT WMi, Illd, Fob. 22. The Pittsburg A 1 urt Wayne . xprets tralu, ea.tluund. was derailed ni It passeo, ove r n llltlo river bridge, ono nillo vail r Columbia lit), today lhe two lear ooachis tuned on their l lis nnd rolled down tin llllbatikluent. Ore man was klllid und Iwenly tursons Injured. Killed. J, W. Paramouruof Hibron, Ind. Woundul J W. Young of Fort Wnyne, Dr. Wlntu of l.aujo, Ind; Hnsiuf lra)iT of Detroit, Ind.; I.oulse Kocber ol lIuutlDgloll, lLU ', llllle child of Mrs W. Poor of Plqun, ()., Miss Hun, l.tiiudreeu, Itev. C. W. Howeruf North Webster, Ind , J. A. P. Iirsonof Warsaw, lud., mall clerk, Mrs. Honafer i f Colunibli Cll). Mrs JarilM A. Paugh of Chlcsati, C. P. John, on of Vauwiil, O , Mrs J. P. Collins of Yalparals.., Iuj , John Net sruberger of Vnnwirl, O, M)tllu Ilr)cuef Fort Wn)iie. Hllgbtl) InlureJ: Mrs. John A. Drown nl Houui Whllle), C. A. Itao llllle of Princeton, Ind, F. 0. Ilariir ol Itsihtster, In I; Conductor C. W. Hell, Amanda Noble, resldencu un known; Coniuctor louoll of Fort Wnyui , Ihuwoundinl were brought to I'Jtt W n) lie, wheiu tiny will be cared for. It IsfearoJ that two or three of Ihoio moit serlouily hurt will die. eoi I isiun Plllt Alil.llllll, lib. 22. The Boulberu vx rees on tho Penuiylvauln loud this morning collided with nu accommodation train In Hunt l'hlll. dellila, lhu accident wna dun to the ellpei) oudlllun of Iho tracks inuklug ll Impossible for Iho inglneer uf the iipins lu tunlrol tho train. PeurruUH wero killed mid ten In jured, but uouo daugerou.l), Tho killed are Mr, nnd Mrs. P.. I. Meuzer, of Me dia; Mary Held, of Media; Itav. James Walker, of l.unric. A rumorqulcklyspread that It was President llurrlson'a sclii), I lit this proved untitle m lhu seolsl lud al ready lassed on the way to New ork. rhosu lillloj wero Hi thu last oirof theucoominodatlon train, which was erossltig thu track of thu Houthcru exreMiiul was hit full lu the. lulddlo by tbuenglnu of that train, smushlnn ll to leces. Tliu piusengers uu tbu ex reus train wero uninjured. nil ll.lrsMltl llulillora.i I li.le. AU Ull, lud , leb. 2.'. lhe Yu ler will visual Heattlu has deetloiieil six heirs who will make a light for n sham lu lliu istate. Tbo heirs aro nieces and nephews of tbo millionaire. Atlorno) will be em lo) ed to go to tbo coast uud lepreient them. lllll., I ll,,bl,rr. lot A, ICuu. Feb. I.' At 4 o'clock this morulug an nrmed man eamulntu Iho dining ruom nt lhu Hauta I e dcKjt, suinihe I u glias nnd laid to thu night o orator, William Tyler, "lnrow up ytur hands," lhu opurator Jumei for I revolver and shot tho mau lu lhu head, mottully wounllng him. ll. II r lit limes iMHASAi'iii is, lud , Feb. 2J The Loyal I.igluu udopteil u loog memorial nu the latu lluthorford II Hayui, Its (oinmander In chief. Man) iilloules were 1 runouueed, the prluoltal one being by l.x-Uovoruor Ira J. Chaie. II I UMMI1. I HUM I rlin l-resblMil-el.el Auiioiliirea lis "' sll biMWcnu, N. J., Feb. 22 Mr Cleveland uuuoiinced this evening that be. bad completed III . cabinet by thu tele ctlouot lllcbard Oil ly ol lion luu for attorney general nud Hilary A Herbert of Alabama for secreliry of tlie nav) . lllcbard Olne) Is olio of tho lea ling practitioners of Iho Mauailiuielts bir, lie has not hot I any political po.llloln or been 1 romlnont III political matters, but Is known as onuof Iho leading law yers un I substantial uliueus of llutlon Mr. Cleveland's ciliirs today wuro Daniel B Dimont and Mrs. I..iiiiout, lather I.irklu anl Caplalu P. (I. Cuuuliighaui of Washington. Thu tails weru snld to bu uroly patriotic vUlls lo the President elect ou Wash ington's birthday, Mr. Cleveland re mained ut Lome all da). Ill SIllt'llllN IN IIMIM) lanilue all I Melts Amanx llie In li.till mis. Ht. Pkiiiwiuku, Feb. 21. In ton seiueiiCHOf the diMtructlou of imps by Irost last slimmer, famlnu mid tll.issu ure now revatoiit throughout 111) 1ml. More than .Ol.UJd enoiu un deeiideul upon charlt), lhu towns uud villages uru IhroiiHUd wllh beggurs At least 600,000 luisuuls ure burcly nble to Hud means of subsls'enco They huvu eaten must of their druft autiiialsnnd domesllo let. lvpmie fever Is carrying oU hundreds duliy. HAWJUIAHHEWS - I 1 ' Story of a Fight Between ,V I Americans and Eui op cans ;l AOAIJiST TIIK ASSPAATIOV. W I The Opponents Galninrj Slrengtb. V I Neutnan Kot Idl. 111 I OKI Tu lllltllil rill. TIIMTl. H 1'i'Hiei -it il,e limst.ill in I on, H ..llMllill lM. olll, H .IkI. H Br. Pa n I Minn., Fob. SI Thu f I CMolutha morning will publish an H interview wills K. J. Klmbeily of H Honolulu, who wus there during tho H riiwut chsuge of guvernmint, which H oontiilDs ronildirslile new dsltlls. i H Kimberly li en roulu tor lioglsn J, and H will deliver to the l.ngllth govern. inent snms Iruporliut I spers giving . H ronio new facta Inooiineotlou wllh tbo I H new government at Hawaii from tbu ' H llrltlsh re resentallvo nl Hawaii. Ha J explained that l.nglund has been H making ntlempts to get Osciilon ot ' H lhe Islands fur siuio tlmo nud would I H hnvoBUoceedoaliallluot been for tho H uuexeclel exeoutlou of American sH plan. M Huaa)aoutbu day of tho declara- . H lion of tbo new government there ' M wcro not moro than a doien men who i H demanded the chani,e. Ho further i B ninerta that the IJermaii planters, who f B for several )ears have Ieeii trying lu I BJ have Iho Islands annuxnl tu Hull HJ government, aru very angry at thu M orgaulzillou of the new guvcrnmeut. M About 100 Ucrmans and nallMs started M tu drive tbu "American oluuticm" ' M uway from tho pollcu stnllon and M pal tic. Mr. Klmberi) continue.. . M 'There wcrun number of l.ngllth t H n ho sided wllh Ibo Uermaui, In view ,H of lliu hlgb-huiided irocoedlngs ot lhu J. H Americans To show how strong was A H (wiulur sentiment ugulmt Americans H men nrmed from (ieriuau nnd l.ugllih fa c insulates, moved up to tbo palace H nt midnight In a solid bod). They H madeu deuianl for thu surrinder of H the Americans, and when they refund H to enni 1) tbey shot lit them lhe H Americans ran at them with loaded f H guns and deliberate!) allot batk ut . H them. Four Oermans were killed. rl H The Americans threatened to shoot 1 H them nil If they continued lo Interfere, 1 H mil lliu men discreetly retired, D LH though Ibo Aiuerloin. nllowed llieni 9 H to carry on ay the bodies of tho men If H who wero shot. Wo had alterwaros H bal n consultation ovor the matter, 'H but thu (lermsii uud l.ngllih consuls iH declined to tiku uuy further slei In H tbo matter. Tho Americans claimed ' ,H Unit Iho men weru killed lu a street l tH fight with encb oilier, nnd no olllclal IH report of the mailer was made. 1 do PH not sii ioso tbo Americans would glvo H Ibo I. Ian Is up to 1. upland now, but ifH there will be protest against their ion- H llnulug In possession." H OI1MSIVU ANNfcXATIOS. f H WAblllNUTOv, Feb.21, riiechirio. H ler of tbo light devclojed against tho H Hawaltau treaty has caused Its friends H couildernblo liuesslntis, and the un- H elentmidlng Is that they Intend to 1 maku an attenq t to hasten through, as H the Opoltlon Is gaining strength. Be ill ir Allison U counted among lhu 1 oil, nenls of lhu treaty, aud Ihosu who M uruflghllugltsjy today It will bo lm- tosslbluloget n two thirds vote for It in lliu Henat 1 B ringer u! Illinois mid other mem- 1 bers propored to get n resolution through 1 tbu Housu to nwerlaln wby n treaty y M whloh will Invulvo the government In eiendlturiaand reijulretbe railing H uf levetiueH, was submlttel tu thu H Heuatu without being submitted to thu 1 Home also. The c Hurt to defeat lhu H treaty Is ver) carneit. H This ulleruoou Paul Neumau, thu M deposed iiureu'a euvoy, called ut tbo JH statu dfparliu,-ut nud Ind u confer- H eucu with Becretary Foster. An ad- H dlllonal b Hull of correspondence relat- M lug to Hawaii was sent to tho Beuata M this ufternooii under i xeoullvn seal. M Messrs Cattle anl Wilder, members M of lhu Hawal an annexation tommls- H slon, left Washington thlsuvenlng eu H routu to Han 1 rauelsoo. H Phurslon, the head commissioner, ' M uxiclstoliavo Ihursdny, Joining his M UMoclalislnChlcagoBiturdaiwhcncu M they will go to Ban Frnuclsao together. H Carter will remain toveral days M longer, possibly until alter thu Inaugu. 1 M ration of Clovelaud, M M A iiuoiuno.N IN Till Iluusii. H WAitlltNuTUV, D. C, Feb. 22. M ToJay Bprluger o! Illinois introduced M lu the Houiu ii resolutlGii for referencu H to tbo coiumlttco ou ways and mean', H setting forty that the treaty of annex- , M ntlon of the Hawaiian Islands, If I M flually rallllod, will requlru the United I M Htatis tu in) thu euhllo debt of M Hawaii and tlienmouiitdueideposltors , H In lhu Hawaiian postnl savings banks, H which aggregate Ihreu and n quarter iH millions of dollars, beslJes f20,IIJ0 er M annum to the latequteti nud the lump H sum of SloD.OiM tu Princess Kululaiil M nud will obligate this government lo v H I my the Inhabitants of slid Islands a H bounty upon lhu sugar produced in H sold liluuds mid requesting the FrcM. H dent to liirnlili the. House with tu H forniilloti showing the uuiounl tfinid H Isistnldeiewltsaud IhudeLt of Hawull, H the ratu of Inteiest, e a Also uuy H Information about the umouut of sui ur H minually priidiiced lu Hawaii nnd the H nmoiiut ol luuuey required to pay lhu H bounty lu ensvuf nunexalloii, besldej H the I robablu amount of other obllgu. H tlonu this government will assumu ns H n uices.ary cou.equcuce ot such an- H MtUtMSM UTAIDIKM. H BccreUry of rilntu b osier sent today H tu tbuihulrmauol tin. Benoto commit H teu ou fotilgu relations tho itulttuo , H 1