Newspaper Page Text
DESEltliT -CVENTNO yjTWS: TIIUKSDAY, IJ.nitUATlY 2.J, 1803. 8 f 1,5 S THAT RATE CONFERENCE. in instance of How 11 Operates oa a Car Load of Glass. HOW UTAH IS M.MHTEI1. I Conntgnco Mho Condndi Hie Cltlitnt' tommllliB SliuiiIJ llaro IllctaUtl Hio Ttrim. Kor many days lt October n secret cooferonco was carried on In the Knutsford llotul ol tills city. The pcojloof Hio clly and Territory rer" Milted by Halt Lake luilness ii fiirmua one sldo of tho Kt getlierlmr, the railway kins" "t tlio country the othrr. Tho ..uestlon th.t brounlil them logellur vra an lroottnnt one. It w nothing mote not less '' "'' of mijuit discrimination In Ilia mutter ol Uuh rallnay fielahl rates. TlnTallalr Urmln.Ud In r. com ; re mlw. Thojubllo IwpeJ U;at llsit. tlemonl would to a Ju.t and aaa lilac tory one, tut had no o twilutiity to iuu-cu ! thunnlTM until recently. Now that Hit. new iclitdul., of rale, lias Lono Into Ule-ct, inlroiia of tho mllwaydlicoTirtliallnsoiiio Instances the "conn romlso" lias wormd a. hard .bin on tlitm they norct H etli ucwl nor drtaniul of UuiIiir tho time they wtteliluKillHrlmlnalei nsalnit nuil Itoni which Ihey nought relief. , Iniuiiotlol tills statement tlio fol lowlnn la given for coiiilderallon by Ihe I "lillc: A. carload of ttlass weigh luc H7.SU0 twunds was recently re celTed in llili city. The oil rale from the Missouri llor to Bolt Laliewail lis ler hundred, hut under the coiiiruiulsu till rato was rcdiicid to $1.00 tier hundred. Tho manipulation In the I reduction waa a mot iluvcr out, m the railways now ircelto a greater comiieniatlon than liefore. Under the old schedule common window glan came III alios ai Urge as 80x7 1 Inches, I ul Ihe railway comanli mado tho rate io that external nioasunmonla of eighty-six united Indies only could tw I nit tiled, or, say. glass ineasurliie SUxlO Inches. All alili mania In the car over these sine aro labeled at $ I UJ rr 100 jwunds. Tho reiull Is that ou the slilt merit III iuitlou tlio on-ilk-ueo paid 0.5 OS mora that ho was ojmi oiled to under tho old exorbitant rate. lIosa)elliot when ho culled the attention of thu railway ujiilo to llilo fact he was amwired a follow: "Well, you lellowa aided for an amende I tchedule, didn't you?" Vm, wailM." "Well, you'vM got It, haven't you?" Now this gentleman talus the elatid that the cltlxsna' lommltti oshould not ' lnvoleUedtoncoiniircmlne, but that ltihculd have dictated the turns uud ttiu) saved mlllloni of mouiy for Utah Jtarh. CUAHUE OP 1'CItJUIlY. Trial cf Uiarles Mhllln? In Hie Third lllitrlct lourt Today. ' Chirles Whiting, a ycung man of very gentlimanly address, li Indicted for,.rlury. Ilia trial tegau In Judge Zine's court lato on TuoaJay afternoon, od this morning the hearing was re lumed. Asilatant District Attorney Stephens prosecuted) Judgo l'owers aud Attorney C. 12. Allen defonled. The case aroso out of a civil action which was tried In U. B. C'ommlailouer Norrcll'a court In fcjeptember of la.t year. It would uppiar that Sirs. Whiting had ixtculcd two notes to II. K. Modi A. Co , wlno and spirit inerihanta of C'ommtrclal street, lu this city, ouo of thoie bell g for $lo(l und tho nlhir fcr t.H). Dion tho former falling Cue Whiting, husband of thu woman, called upon Miwrs. lllocti at thtlr llacoof builnissaud IvuderoJ a cluck for $.uu In pajnunt of tho $150 note, rtcelvlog neuily $JU lu cu,h lu return, lloth notei wtio then together, but luUequeiitly tho Merits, lllooh learned tbat tlie $:00 nolo w as mlilug,ctiargeU tbedelendautwltli having Ukm It, and lu-tltuttd civil iroteedlngs astlnit him and his wlfo to recover pouculon of thu note or Its value, aud oUalced judgment. Whllo not de nying Hut lie had had thu note, Whit logswoioosltlvely that.hogavu thu firm a chick for thu j:oo note and look uo the onu for UO by a lain payment Wlillln has intend nn appeal ngal-" tho couimluloner's Judgment I' '"" Third district court, anJ that ow lauding, l'erlury procudW "' iojLr,,i lilllug. -'" "u Wh" nJlcteil by tho grand li-y. Tho iaio was procer'nK "l J ' ra counT'OT,J, Attorney K, H Crltohlow has gono to 1'rovo ou l)U"t, Tho grand'"'7 llRV0 lmi another iiiilon tooa- Tho oAlU manslaughter cseu Is ntectijA) bo called ou lato this alter- noon. Job Connor has been released from the punty Jail ufter serving -OS days f.fwull Willi a Uiadly weapon. ,, W'gto-olect(Altoruey)J. I,, ltaw- lini Is "ilesrlnu up" hlshiiol alUlrs If'or to Icurnojlng to Washington. 1 He rxptcts to start away Bunday. Evrrjlwdy doing Luslnesa lu and arounaiha Third district court today iMloj ts though recovery from yeeter- i'V holiday was not iiultu oompletc. Tblogi muved slowly, , W,r, Aldrlih, tho young alleged nritr, his bien arrestua nw! charged "wing linnne. Ho will remain at I fe county Jail pending anoxamlna- jj0 before tho commissioners of a JJl? "r''ch dlvorco caio Ins been ,J1IJ', olijosea of. Tho $11100 jer L ,. i nll,no,iy allowed JIr, FrIUcli I Hi,11 "an n urlnlu of tin. de 1 S? ?14 J"Irty und tho dioua ihi ... V Jud8" UMlcn, bcloro whom 9 "' I'lsl took laie. I H?.0.0 caM.t M. J. Weeks vi. Ij. G. 1 , ?',c.0,1,cU,ri " beloro Judgo a on Tut s isy upun tho appll. I ;" "'" rluliillll foVau Injiiui- Lim ,"'" . deleudant to piovent Si ' 'ojlhng urlalu propuly for I iriS". i . "u,t of li'Juuctlou WHS l'Mt lndlug a llnal hearing. I Ulrff?."Uo.r,".8fr,l""' 'ho Third lit iS .0,ur,' w,' ' r """'y month I !,.'," ".nnn'd lo his bod by a I Uib It. ."Ck 1' imi'iumatory rheunia I Uti"? ' ;'l'l ' " "o far rrooveio I PI dout. ii ouIb t0 resumo his otllclal I "M. u uimu 0 Ueclt m attulDS for I In' D'st tlmu alnco tho rultuie, but 11)1 locking very sick an I lieb r Governor Thomas his recilvid a let ter from Couuty Vh)ilclau Wotlhlng ton, who calls attintlon to the fi't lha' William Irwin, who was co, llnel In Iheoiunly all September !t) li, I-M, for larceny, ha duvelopeJ c Jii-niai.-Ilou. Ill' term Is six months, bit the doctor thlnVa Irwin oinnol live out his sentence. Ke therefore reiomiiiitids hlmtorxecullvo clomsney. Attorney O. I Allen'i rmlden i Hurt at the bir was lu tho Charles Whiting rury enw, trlod beforu Judgo sue today, lio having hem r,soclited with JuJgo Towers as coun stl for Ilia defense, Mr. Allen will reiuemberoJ as ill" la'u clerk of the County court, In wlilr-H at ho wis sucoiidetby .Mr. II. V. Meby. IiabellaMcKlbbeulias fllelamltfn idlvnrcooaliistChsrlcs 1,. MolCILben in the Third district rotirt. Tlo nrtlts were married lu ISftil, and havu lie ohlld, 2 years of ngc l'Ulntlfl al lego that tho dtfcndaat lim tuuted her In ncrnrlaudluhuinan inannir, aDdtiran ouo occasion thrialeui-O to kill her and thon commit suicide. Ulie ake for attornoys' fees In tho sum of $100 an 1 temporary alimony ol $10 per month pending tho final hearing, and further ra)i for n reilralulug order to prevent tho defendant front dltpiidnj of irojerly valued at $700. Judge llartch lias Issued tho order. HKI'Oi.K .lUHUi: HAItTCII. ClTll Jury t'aiif Mrro lalm I'p lo Judgo llarlrh'a Court this) Jloruliig. Thu case of A. V. I,awon it nl. vs. Alfred Thompion was first called on. It arose out of nn alleged breach ol contract ou n real vstato trauuctlon,aud was In progress at noon. l'hllpot vs. rhllHit. In this suit thu answer was withdrawn by thu dtfou nut's attorneys. J.U.Hmltli otnl.vs. A. 1'. Hlpperly et al. 1 nc motion for nu order tJ loin (el tho receiver t) py over certain ueds In Ihlstnso was (.ranted. Tho case of David 1'iarl vs. J. W. Jlltcholl was, this nltirnoou, ojnllnued for tho torm. jm SUEII run $20,000. In Action llronglit hj Jauirs llnirmn JtgaluU I'nllrd Mules Jlnnlml 1 CHICHI. James dowanj, (through Ills at torneys, Hawlloe A. Crltchlou) lstu on Tuuday afternoon flltd a suit In tho Third district court against Irving A. Itanton, U. B. Marshal, to recover $J1,0 10.92, with Into rut from Illh l'ebruary, ISO I, und toils of ac tion. Tho complaint Is very brief. It states thaton l'ebruary lllh, lust., the Uileudant wrougfully took and con verted to his own uiu the following proerty belonging to plalntlir. A ktock of merchaiiilliiu storid lu tin biillillug nt the corner of Main und Vino streets, In thu olty of Tooele, of thevaluo of $),4(ll.L'u; also bills re ceivable, account, shares of stock lu thu looelo Co-oiiratlve Mercantile Institution, of thevaluo of $11,7 I7..1H; and cesli to thu amount cf $M.'.o', ag gregating tho sum ubove claimed. Scuiidlii.ttinu Dcuificials. The Bcandluavlan Democratic Bocl ety held a melting a few ulghts ago In tho Hoclal Hull. Tho hcuio was well llllcd and tho groatett enlhuilasm ri valled. Musri. I.utidiulit and Iloltou favored tho society with somo excellont music. Tnitdint C. M. Nellteu delivered a lccluro on Blutehood for Utah, which was listened to with marked attention. Tho way ho handled tho subject showed that be was thoroughly familiar wlthU MlMiKmma Jorgenrcn wai loudly ap lauded as she was Introduced for a solo. Ml-s l'enrxo held Ihe audience spell bourn! wiwioshureuderudnmoil Inter, isttng notation. I'roC G. Iljorkhoel aud sou gave two vlopn solos, wliloli were most ixcel- "Mcsirs. Charlm I'.IIU and O'llriin weru called up by I'nsliltut Null.un aud coin) llmented tho society for thilr will arranged program and wished them mcie.ii lu their endiuvors to obtain kuonleeliTP. II. M. II. I.u.Nii, Bocrelary, OODKN llAl'l'KMNUS. Tholiurlli llltrlct Court cslcrday, Tlio lluslncai Men's Plain, Lie. UljJm J. Thu rourlh district court was In sirslon ull djy islorday nnd two hours last night, ungated 111 thu hear ing of thu caso ot tho Merchants National bank of Kausns Cliy . llieodoru Itotlnson, continued from luehilay, Thu nrgumvuts wuru llu Uhed at thu nUht session and tho caso will go to thu Jury this morning. Al thu former hearings lloblnsoii sucurod n Mrdlit lu his favor, butthoiaso went up i the Hupremu court nud wus tent biok for n rehearing. Tlu suit grew out ol n transaction botuueii J, 1. Harbour, former cashier of tho Clllxius bank und thu Merchants Na tional hank. Tlio cashier raised fWOO nu bank stook pliuul In hU hands by Hoi luson, vlco prcsldunt of tho bink, I'ho loslllutlon hail not nt thu time been ltoKrly organized, but tho vlcu president Is litld risiunslbk, Iniumueh at thu stock was signed by litm. Tho octal commltloo nppolntej at Ihe meeting of thu business men lu formulates jlon of urgunlzstlou nn sufgistillloersfor thuassoclatun, hold u three hour's suasion ytslerda) nltur noon. Thu com mitten thotougul) went over and ellicuoed thu oljutsin the proKiiod organlzttloii. Ai n result of lis libor ueonii telle nslve i Ian was evolved, nlllicra wcru namiil and u committee of throe nppoluluil to draft loiisllliitlon and by-laws. A full ro port will be mado ul tho meeting callid for Tuesday neit. Deputy Marilial Clark,of l'rovo.uas In Ugden yesterda) nltoinouu and ru lurnid liabt iviulng with Jniephlnt Hteggell, who Is wanlui b foru the grand Juryjof thelKlistill.trkt. Ihuplrl has been 111 thu lltforui school lor uviral wciki. Thu Columbus nlub organlxsil some tlmoago by Ubnillo Clark aud Joseph Wallace ha- gone bj tho wall for tho laik of fliiaucal support from tho lneml i rr. Thu lurnlture, carpet) nnd Icluroi liavo been dlspinU of at rlvatB Belt-. Thu Increato In freight buslnui,bth till an I wist bound, has heen very markiil, mid rallrou 1 tnou aru again westing smiles. The Hjulheru l'aelllo Is now sending four westbound trains nut ilally. At In 1'rldsy nlghl's meeting tho loard of education will bo notlllej that the Grant iiveuuu school building la completed aud ready for their accept, mice. Tho rcilcslaillcal organisation of the Fir, I ward ofIlrlglinm Clly met l'ues dsy night nnu tleclJeu t" r,i thu ward mietlng house to thu Fourth school ul, trlu for f3IUO. nu: TUhnnoiiAS. "Only n I real of Human Naluro liter AII'-Mluit They Did Lal Mglit. Powers' Tuirarorm met In IlioG. A. It. halt last night. J. I). Chasonai elected wendlgo; James lhguey, chlelj MauBulllvan, first big bravi; Harney MoMammou, second big brave, and M. Marks, icout. Tho Installation of tho following ofllcere then occurred: l.ncullvo committee O.W.I'owers, grind sachem, chairman ux ofllclo; MorrliBomtncr, Martin I.anuan, C. M. Ilrowu, II. T. II ill, J, M. Denny. Tho itandlng committees are: Hhiiicu A. M. Wood, Henry Harms, I). 1'. Tariie), Iliury Wuguer, M. Marks. Ill -olullous Ogdon lilies, 1'. J. Mo ran, 1.. U. lloge, C. W. Hall, C. M. JacHsou. Printing Morris Hommcr, II. T. Duki.B. II. Luwli, William McQueen, W. l.riliiltou. NatuHlttatton William II. Ityan, Jacob Mollis, J. Kutouspeger, A. I'lsher, Harry l.dwards. rtioiueitlou ot whether thu society should takuan) decisive sleis and if so lu what direction nnd how lurgt they should be In tho matter of bond ing Bait Ijiko counly was discus sed at leuglli und tin n laid ou ii side slilu shelf until March 1st, at which tlmu Musis. Tarpey, Woods, Dimes an I P.i weirs will tell thilr brottur braves what they had letter do In thu rendu s. Thu re markable lute rtst the society manifests III the county bonding mil other I ruposltlons Is exilalned In tho title to Bam Park's latist song: "It's only n friak ot human naturu arter alt." W. A.Hluntou, li. II. Imwlsand J. M. Deuu), as appointed to exlind a volo of thanks to thu chairman of clvlo organltitlou of tho Cleveland In augural parade at Washington, March 1th, for assigning n ositloti lu the rjctasloii to thu luscaroraa that they cannot occupy. Alter uti exhaustive wrestle with Iheiiueslloi. as to whether tho club would endorse uiiy rcisou for u federal position tho mutter was laid oil tho taololudillultely. AJlUSsKJILNTS. Bait Lakoouco mora demonitrated thu force of her claim to being n gilt edged show town, and demonstrated thu fact that her peo le will pay for amusements In splloof hard times, by tlio crformiincoa given nt thu Taber hide yesterday, aud at tho Theater on the ove, afternoon nnd night of Wash ington's Birthday. The crowds at both plscea were very heavy. Thu fabcrnaclo receipts In the afternoon, displto the cheap ratoi, wero f.101, In tho evening tluy ran to $1000. Tho three perforuiance.1 at ttiu Thea ter dlew veryiloie to nnothir $1(00, thu matlneu being well attended a very unuitial olrcimsUuce. Dust of all, tho money was all paid out lu tup. ortcf home talent, which not only encourages thu native nrtlole, but kiepa thu circulating medium lu thu community. AT TUP TAllHlNACU- It was a most uniijuu uud original irogram with which Prof. Blojuens ste cd before thu publlo yestoruay afternoon and evening. His ihlldron'e chorus of 11.011 voices, backed up In the whole weit end of thoTabernaili.,makca at all tlmoaau Inspiring sight and sound but for tho birthday of the Father of his Country his preparations took a wider raugutuan usunl. Ihlrtoou of tho principal nationalities of tho curtli weru repretiinted In tableaux by chil dren Willi thu colors of each nation, Ihuiotitof uims, or tho costumus, with intislouiproprlatotolho nntlou repre sented. Ah u oonstimcncu there weru thlrltuii hush uuvts of patriotic in thusluim, dlllerluglu cxleut as thosu In thu audience belonged to onu nation or thu other. People of all nntlonalltlea wero there, Amorluin, English, Hoan illuiivlaii nnd Bcotch predominating, but Italy, trance, Ireland, Walts ami Ueruuiy biiug well represented, nnd It wai amuilug as well us Interesting to stand at tho door fa thu aiUiincs dlsir,ed audlieirlhu various iiithutlutiu remarks malu In lliu various tliikues. l.verylhlng n, liuiuei pt-ly applauded. 01 all the strlk lug nuiiitivn, lurhnpF, thu mos'alrl lug woiu tho Amcricuu uatlounl sirs by llui full chorus, with Illllu Corlm o HairNastliu UodJemif l.lhsrty, unit Clarlro riiatchur under an edeclria sign resdlng "Utah;" thu lolltiso o by little Anton Pidirsou, njod fotr uud o half ycarr, who repm-iiitm Norway, wia u iiuivel. During thu runoltlon if tho Welsh selection, Prof. Hlcjhons, himself a nutlvu Welshman, una presented Willi a hundsomu ollerlngof flowers, which swolludtho ullausu still more. Thu elections by llioso ro resenting other nitloiulllles were ull clover aud credit utile, nod Hioiuocim of thu wlioluwaa most marbo I nod grallf j lug. Blophous deitorviii nil tho prusllgu nnd money hu not cut of It. AT Till! TltrAll'lt. I ho IHserot mlmtrols had decldud miens ot bi th an aillstlu and flnaucli! kind, aid .SntM. llrlghain husj uucu nmro wrllton hlnisclf down us a Nu mlion of umuteur uiiuagurs, lliu strongest su ieof tho reprHnltlrn lay In thu flrt' nrls whiro Jlrlglmm'u nimlcsl hand had full eway.uu i , iho various couiillllve iiinunurii u wero "sprung," and In tho lt(,i rJ . malnactof Mr I.llaMins Hit" iss, ,t oncu out of lliodomim of m ur won. into that ol I rofu on il, aiu It Is no llitlory to Mr.KllasJii to aay tint hu Is pieUtily as good as many of tlio 4 ru- lidlgllalcurs who havu drawn crowds nt tho Theater III thu I asl Iho mu.lo was oil exrellent.tho first 1 1 uto hi lnK Mr. llrlgliim lilmtslf In his "Little elrl don't cij" selcctlo Hu wm mavlly encore I olid givu till alwajs clurmliig "I.luden tier Mr. Hiulres, Mr. Hampton nu i Mr. Hob luionall sang excelli ntl) aud alt not recalls. Pat Dunbar Is h c mcdliiii lo tho manor bori , who unly wan a oino coaching to maku n 1 1 i sslouol, the various mil mm nl) one, aim Maltese csrtclally. The 'Vanishing l.ady" wa very, erj lumy. n, Nesiolllaii quartette si -u well, tho llnain regoriling Coluinl ui- wis ruth, r hopeless trash, nnd Hum l'atlt, as Ibt author, was not so liai p as in stuiio of the other ellorls of tins iik-ht which had his uaino nttached t II i m lllAMC 1MNIIU oen it tlie thea ter lu Doctor (Ju Id this u. ini,B, Sciioi Mnli) "tUa. t s rre. Thuf(Uitirly a nferen oof the He vlor Blako closed last v. i nnd n good time was unJoyeJ by tin rtslnts III attciilnuoj. Elder John II Smith, ol ttiooouucll of thu Apostles nnd Hey mour 11. Voung, of the .shencyot the Bsventlis, wero with u i. Kldi rs W. 11. Bcogiiilller, G. Jl in and W II. CUrk, ojniprlsln- ti, Btako I usldcncy, the members of the High Council uud many IIIhos uud their counselors wi ru olsj lu attendance. Tim Btako Aoidrmy hall .ui llllpd to lis ntinoit capacity, notw islanding thu Baluls from the wards of G m wood and Moiirou wuro debarred from nt tendance owing to dlintiuila aud othorslckmss being preva lit Intlioso lice t. I.lderBeegmlller report d tie gene ral condition of tho Btako as lulug (rojretslvu In Gjipel prlu Iplei ant tho feeling towarJs the tally comple tion ot tlio Ball Dike Timp c as very good, although money maters with very stringent In tills 1m illly, Hu was coulldiiit tho Baluls wculd do thilr art nobly. The plain, practical feiihligs of r.lderaBmltli aud Voung weru much a predated by the uwemlled Bsliiti; and all seemed will sulsllid n'ju strengthened by thu tistlinoulis and inltilidr-llotis ol thu brulhnn. l'he former lllstiops of Aunibullu and Jcie Il wards having retired, they were succeeded by new unis, Ms. Jos. V. 1'ulrbanlis ot thu forruui, und George Gharlesworlh of the inter wuru, were sustained, and they with their counselors wcru ordslried and set upnit for their nsectlve dullcs under tlieliauds ot Kldir Bmllh, assltted by the BUku residency. 1 our rievunlles weru ordained by l.lder B. II. Voung, nud several older brethreu wire or dollied lllKll Priests by l.Ucr rimlth and Btaku nresldiucy. Uto. U.llFAf, Btaku Clerk. Wotlilell.lllil. This Is thu last day lu sea lliu excel. lint drama Lost In Imidou, at Won dcrlaud, as an entire change of bill occurs tomorrow, Thu beautiful so ciety drama, Peril, or l.oroal Long llrunch, will bo presented with thu entire) eiiH of thu iniular stock com- an. Mlln and llojli's All Btar Bpsilally compiuy, will alsjapjuar, Ilia led py velnltllu black flee rsiinedlaus, audeuugaiiJ dunce artists. The Ugden Triplets uud Twins will also remain another week, also Mha Halo Kooua will continue to glu exhibitions of bor rajdd skill oa an artist lu oil and water colors. WITHIN OUt UATI.S. Hon II. j;idroJ,o la nue of the l'roo people who gel up this way now and then toimbjtk on our streets uud sen what Is to te seen. Hu did io todaj for the th tlmo this year, VnuDyke, formerly of Ogden but lately ot Butt I. Ac, wont up to tho tceutsot his former prollts aud loa is on legul luslmsr, and canto bnul, glad lobe here aud Hilling to remain. HuirhB. Gowaus, whoso lieadquarl irsarolooplo couuiyginurally and thu bristling burg of tha. name particularly, found nls way lu nnd was around among friends and acquaintances during the day, U. R. Helnap, wno tills will! ability nnd satisfaction t j a largo and discrim inating conitlltienc tho shrievalty of tho commonwealth af Wibur, ennui down this inaruliig"looklug after somo fellows," OB lie ex recoil II, t lit Up to I :Jt the "fellows" were still In the lead. H.J. Fault, Jr.. the chief ougluerr of tho Netherlands dally of l,elil, uomia this way every now and then, nnd did to this morning. Ho la tndlg. imnt overreientoliotusrgurlnu tievi oimenta and dedans that no respect nolo dialer would commit such n libel ou the homelike mil honest tow. A very pleasant visitor to thu Nnvt olllco today was ooe "Mr. Durum of Bult Lake City," lommonly ratio I "thai Mormon," Huch Is the title of n bright looking uul well-rending little volume. It unslslj of 3JI pagoe, Is ubly written, outerUliiIng In Ha mat ter nud manner, Iresh lu ttylu and diction, uud a credit uo leas to ltl author tlmu to Its r I liters. iioivr ii.imAi.i Tut LltthNU w. alioamsVcr, 1 uttn Mont i II. II. Ul suit ur i It s oa, Imild Kruti, ll.ll Ulesel,tarsui 111' , hureks, J si, I i 'y.J. 11 lUrtyuiku, Ms. II, r mail. l III 11 llennoii anlso, lawClr. : ' . I'eaiori kuw. Ilysn, Uorriusoll. i illlo, I tllriuu J In, )si)uier, eolsetirlks- liks lio, ilicktr.) lieu It ltd , bicei cr M Uorroll, . H . Corrvii. U W Hi rr It m Sleel. 1 u e,ll) , Y,J lln)o, llioj ii M 1 1 eu.KiDsaslily; J Iliursanl II i nt I i n )1kiiii Ills., Ileuter, J( s V I o mi, IIUI irils Ml.l amry linuktiuo, Iti lld. I II Mleu. .J eneer.s' sclirrvlli.llirltii IrsnXJ Ursle, llssrt kit I l-i ii Join sin "ir - "r 1 II Liswsuii, IfLralin.Jolmpli i I W Corker. Ilu.imi, Ai .s.AnKl.ille.l l eurelis., Alex Wise. Nor , Juhn r Jlerr ''''"s J ,A Aaler Usui, Jaiiiss II nu 1 idl. AJ0U Du.tau, lilf Kiuiilonli -J U II llrseksn.lieo Held Dun. J B II ' l i villo.Colo Jullsn II Mij.r.Sow 1 ti s, laies Pom. r, Lut)iK,A 1 lir l rs. ,J 11. Curlls, I on Ian 1 1 J W . I wr u i I """. rank il lam. Miy ork I "il sabsiwer, I elm il.ll hi., Ij.iMuIM ' Hsi I Col J llaiv. moil l.lm. Ir, I ai , nemsnil Joo a (Inner, tllnniel ' losslty sal wife, lliis.tiljW I i srn niul srirt, tta.u Inju.u, I" el , II II llikl.oaii, Mill Mm i, . '. f J II sr asi'ifi.' ii imiV,',.g!,oj n,!ar.,w,,-,.!i,.'.""ab'nuri,.k,i'1,!n, "nii.on. KraiVl ' ln isi Ynli Ji. w &UIU!,!la nation r. Uolinson, Oidsa Moiiiuk lliitsi ' IB Mar ael elfj, rri-n. t I kl ' o Siuilslt llsn llsrk. I, ciso till n I nl IMiS'isllil t ."alioVl J ' ' l'Mllyi Hs. II a, lrsiin JIUSN Vi ir n 1' arinslion mi mis Jsiiih K ii 'I" Milhonr, Cuts I ells I sui, Is Il io. .icn.f)..lo ( Win elwan Ot i liBlnrsra trooai, 1 ievo Lluoraace,Uoi TllKTsmiurii J tl nnth rfarl. Rock SI noil) Hill l . r in an I i lis, An lesson In I i Vim II Iji.ton, Irs loi , J llcrrauu llrenraia, New lerk llmltil Ueratn. c nsfesns Jl- II llrssn sail who Us uiTss Ualilornit, X'rs limns t Isnl modsaih ISIS II .111 I.T.l.UeT li. .1 II "irrlilfcpli" o. ii ii, n M , i,v,l";;1 J I. llfMnssr.lSrrre B I. y t t(,, ,,' II wit, iti j- n. i. iiii ,i,Y(iii llolnsslrvl I . . tinoto II ln S Tl ,sl II, llr sittirsj M n mi. . r, Id r, II. I! Il.llu Ml.. iMln,, ',, M,ir..l Vk ristisu Ni.tou'll (llltlrn I riloseo ft.",? ,K'"i- ! MV " " 1M. Vlli IVsllet- Kr.nk lllnl.l. it n .siuni,,' Ion II I . ggr nnd stirs, tlilrollg l". u l,r. lon,nt,l f I SrMlr. II t Unir, Mb Ji hoseiibur.lisislii TllliniiiiK llitisu n Kshln. Msnilou J J Slur, it jn I ttii, M ,. i lUj.lm I l. Oiek 1 1 irllnKs M nros.arvlsr Ike iHiln insn ran, 1 I lln. bi, It Sliiiitt ii; if, lllninsm M Moslol er nnd ll tsmon In.n II f. hmilr, HI Kits', c I inennilir "inilf I nm. Mll.t, MoKIOSI W li rinnt,.ri "eiplo W J Irtlno l to tlcsl lionvcr Uolo Hescrcl Mills I'.iislittcrcs. JXitcr Detent Atmr A several articles liavo appeared In thu Unlly ii-ipon, conveying the Idea that thu ontlro itock of eaMlmert manulacturuj by tho Dcieret Woolon mills had boun purchate 1 by the l.m ilrumatiulaaturlug company, wu bn; to stj that up to this dalu Meiojru. llucklo .S. Bona have lind control of these caislmerei for tho retail trade and that tluy uto untitled to the credit for liavnu Introduced thtso goods to I'm genirnl Tho cloths luriiisliej lo tho first arly we ro goo Is manufacture 1 1 y the mills tor the uniforms of thu cajvts if the dlllerelit military schools of tin Territory, uud cloth for tho tiollru uniforms, rii.ynru now negotiating for tliupurchiisouf a ic'tnlll iplantlty ofclothsfor wholesale uimu an tire. BltlON HlllTIII If, Agents lieseret Wcolin Mills. Bait I.aukUitv, Utah, l'ebruary 23rd, lStlt. UTAH SUGAR CO. UNISSUED STOCK. At tho Inst mootlnp; of tho Board of DIroclora of tho Utnh Sugar Company. It was ilookl ocl to I'j3ttu to mibcrlbors, for stock, Cortlflcatos to tho amount of tholr pnymonts up to tha prosont tlmo, oxcopt whoro such paymonts nmount to loss than onu shnro. All partlos, thoroforo, who hnvo paid for onosharo($IOiorovor can socuro cortlMcitos by Bonding In tholr original sub scription rocelpts to tho un clorelKiiucI, nnd all who havo pukl for fractional parts of n shnro aro reiquostotl to com ploto tholr pnymonts Immocll atolynnd soctirn cortlflcatos. HOnACC C. WHITNEY. Socrotary nnd Troasuror, with Hobor J. Grant & Co.. OO Main Stroot, Salt Lake City. J W. CURR1E, Ass:iy(jr, 150 Main Slroot.Snlt Lako City. I rompt sttiotlon then lo ill orders ty mill orciirrss tbanss uuUonn snd icssossMs. W. A. HODGES, CliPinlst and Assaycr. No. 113 SOUTH, MAIN STREET. urdira by Mall 1 roni tly Altende-J lo LEQALNOTICE. In tlio t'rnl ato I uri m And for Pilt take i ontiij.'iorritt rjr r Vuh In thu tiiittvr of tft f -min of w iihtm a. l i VTOTICF 0 iK JlMi'l I ( K HHtTlIP Ll I of rtIlilii:lorHs1intlun tu lru Uto nt will lurxuanitoiuoid ( Irouri la si J rnsttur, n tue ti hrr I y ftirti ttt I lliur t. (lie Jlhtl of XArri.A li .wi, m in udoik Kin nl Uie( unit urt liouaa in nit MkuUtjr 1 1 ilt rrrriir. in iho nun ronm Dtlill vtitt. Mi I at n M njlntrt u I (nuDilltioKriliohf iriiiirnt irtillon f lsUrittlA rhur)r. r ux fur tha r)iiiiiun tsirobt or A ru n drt-umfiii itierewuu I rc'cnlcJ, lurixriintt t lm lh it Hill An 1 trtUiii... rf WillUui Nttmirjffr, tlfrt?cij, vltPU AtiJ where nil i er ni tnieicitel mar p Jir 01 P ttifl rubllD fif or it n yrontH k uf iciur ivt Anient try to lunula it cvr, a rajihl fur in atiii 1 In witiirr-i whereof I lum I rrunto tot n j lisitlAi I nl niiiopatf Allcurt,thu.Jr4 ilAj-of reirunrf . 1 iwj. ir"(Hf Llfrknr ll 1 ml it Court. tofixi nviujHNKJr l'i' D.Mk. J,m nnT..i.tvaniui GTIJRB AMYMirMtytsakatTttUMiL ,m4,t a a,r Rasrttsirifti W .i. kt (, iJtiti Ctusu t.lkU Ibl Msssas4Vf OaVftAl-asf, TkU AiastMp sM rsjsj ! IMM klu II f -t. (W ft MM f tMil. Tt, (kit trif tl ) ok tM.B anM I nans M ttt I'MfSta. Oivmm Iww4 . IhITN B CO Vaala 4 sMUtti illAiUH, AM t IfUsk, R READY EFEfHCEp. Tlio Hucioml Killlton, (Lilimsd snJ Improysd, of this raws xoellant work, his Mlsly bssa ptibllilierl ind li not, l-or --Silo si tha OCSEnET HEWS OFFICE. II U Alssoil ladlipisssbls to 117 Home and Foreign Missionary, And la a doslrails acquisition also ta srarr fftatlenl of Tlmolozy snil otrtsr iwn who Tsluoa Hid iiimiis of a"0 tutloE soil dcfouitlnK Ri.riiitorall7 and Hlstorloslly th rrlnclilss of Ilia llosr.'L Tts wish of tlw oompllors. ilul ths work bo publlshe.1 wlthaut prntlt so aa U bo within ths reach cf every rwq do slrlni It, hue boen stadll In this as wsll as lh tlratlltlon, and therefore no dloniintuospliJrcitof poslsija U al lowcxl lo dealers. lo book Is bound lo four dtrrersnl styles an I ont posiplld to any addrsas nHheMlowhiil DPIPCQs 45 oontn, OBoonts, nuliM. 4C osnta. t;id 3I.IU. 0 S3 wisMweT1,Mivi- i , ffm trYd I YflrtDsMe brw-ey, ! V WIRETTE S0e Rce ihd j ' K3ailf NEVR MIND ',' ' AtiD REmEmBER SoMf! I ' J, N.K.!XlRBlrtr8t;Qs5t.IsUl5,MKKE If: k ALL GROCERS KEEP IT: -ri jAYO.WBMPLEOOMFY i tiiS'igr.XEWYORK. I Wt,,Il,aWY.CIIICAGO. ' 1 WINDOW SHADESaSPRIHG ROLLERS ARE THE BEST MilDE. Hold l all Vsulcrs. Thcto QooiU aro all Jlaati 2Zade. I j PRACTICAL GUNSMITHS. Ii-(.,.il(liijr, ltm-liiir mill :..n.rtil Ije-ptllliinj. '' T MocIoIb nnd Koys of nil Kindt Mndo. Safos Ropalrod, jj j r,n LOMMKIKMI, HIIII'.I'.I, HW,I I.IKK CII. .j , Hianr oy- is tc- ji.ji'v. A Sportsmen's PTondgriartors ! r BBOWNING'.'iBBOS., ' 165 S. riJln St', Salt Lake Clly, Utah. 2461 Washington A?e.,0$deD, Utib. )t i ihotOum.niflei, jBJTtgr!""TTrrt-'.'T -,i itS alllne of Fishing, Plitoli.Amriunl-oj-aSSS5 SportlnnsnJ tlonsnda oener- Vg' Alhlcllo Qoodis taT THOMSON WATERPROOF DOOTS AND SHOES, ito; .Amenta for Mtrn l'nwdrr, Cat and 1 use, I)u l'nnt Iporllnj and Masting I'ow- dersn 1 ?,ailnnet Typewriters. 31hadm Herri tap. fEAji ton ovn iLLVsriuTkn cutjlvovc. rnir. to jli. ' , - - " FOIl ALL KINDS OF-s- i' BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULINO x , ook. and.-.job.-.printinK ) I - - - AND STEREOTYPING ' XM TO Tilt: i DESERET HEWS PUBLISH1H0 COHPAHY, Silt Lako City, Utah. I A E. JH. OTjUTIS, - M.'inaQvi', , Diiivmt tmt. co VII III I I V FIHE FAMILY GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. Ti ui ti7 jub. MAIN STtlECT. -THE ONLY FIRST-CLASS GROCERY.- I.N I TAII MllHll. kAMILIKB CAN lll'l V I2V33JS .-. .A.IVJ .-. LfUOItS ami Al inn hami: inn. en I irin.a'r-oiiA.sia oxa-oosnxtrxirsi. FOR THE mNE FOR THE MILL Tea Villi, A'atls, Vcltlnn, Jloae, Vacklnu, Jlnuillc-i, " "A" Comiiauntl, Tnol &lfrlf JtritKH Wort,; I'mc, L'uits, SjickI fndtriitoyH, J'owder, hubrlcathtti Oil, Candle Slicks, 1'ljia and I'lm nttlng, lUllmvn, 1'uwci' Jh'tllH, i'itfiic'era' Tool, ' Jlluwvi'H, Machinist' 'l'ools, Onlmn, ' Anvil, Vliicktnnlth Tallin, Cuanldc, UntMlnij TacUlc, Tavn-'J'aldo Slid, Sledges Machine Jlolln, Wattle, iJf liKf Striking Hammers, Curdme, Cant Washers, s Merchant Iron, Shovels, Lag Screws, J'lcl.s, l'Uk Sticl, Scalo Venturer ill J'revenler, Candles. Asbestos Preparations. E.C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO - vizooiar:-!-. uiriLuirs'G. . JM1ES-SPEKCER-BATEMAN CO." PLUMBEMS, TINNERS, !' Stonm aud Gas .liMHers. Wu rarry a Complata Lino cf j GEM AND PENINSULAR ST0YBS AND RANGES, C-esolIno and Oil Stovea. Tlnwara, Uranltu Ironware nnd llousa Furnlshlnir Cloods hi No. G7 JLA.CN &rIJ.ZI:jlrJO.-&- I l!