Newspaper Page Text
Ti:sEnrA' -nvnvixo ki:ws: tjumisday itjuiuaky 2. isnn. Y fl CITY GOUNCIL. " Business Men's Association Outlines a Route FOllTUBlMMIlMIJilMMIOUIiEVAlin . iho Mayor's Veto of the Approprla- lion List Overruled. I mNirAHii!iiinMiiir.,,',:" ruTnrabln Itrriort n lli lml" i nT I'raliclilaa f Hi" mall l.aUn ml iiiOhi Una anil I Ifrlrlr I.llllit l,ini.aiir. Tim regular vtttMy tucetlnu of tUo Clly Council waa liM on Tuesday night. I'resldtlU Loofhourow occu plod tlio chair mil all iiwuilwra wio jirmnt Willi tlio ocr.tlun of Kelly. tTlll I'rMCaUllilia. Julta lsllartli autl olhtra asked for the paving o( Ilia entltu llJtwalk on I.lBoutli Trmpla itftit. The clly euglneer u Instructed to nuko fill' matt) ol tlis coits. J. A. Vnlci and ollie.a protialed agaluat Bright of way using granted to Ilia Haltalr Hallway company on Houlh Templo Btreol. Commlttvo on ttreett. Charles Ullmcr aiki-J (or relief from layniflit of city taxea on ttlu grouud that property was cutilJo ths city. (,'oaimlttes on claims. liarl Axlcl, iloputy waternia.tor, riporliid that one hurio wai nut mill clsnt lor Ilia Hie an I asked that $13 per I mouth Lo allowed him for txtrn bono (red. L'ouimlttiu on Irrigation. David John otltioiivJ fornlraaao' the land and gravel Luda. Coumilltio onpubllOKruuuda. John 1.. Hillings reported that tueru was $7.50 due lilru for a liorao taken up andauld by thn kceorof tbu pound wbllo hn wni absent from the city. Committee on clilnn. D. A. Nelson asked for a tranafcr of unexpired license lo C. it. 1'eteraon. C'ommltteu on license. C W. Ill, ulna mid othora petitioned far u electilo Unlit at the corner of Fourth North unit First Wiat atresia, toimntttte on Itiiprovements. Uustave il. Jlackman uud thirteen otliera protested ngalust the granting ol a franchise for a broad gaugv railroad trick to the Halt Lake A. 1-os Augolta railway company on Hjuth Temple Itrnt ComiuHtre ou atreetr. K.A. Anderson protested against Ue extension of Ibo franchlsoa of the Hill I.sko (,'lty Ua company, or the bill Lake l'uwer, Iilght and ilestlng cumrany, to Hie Hall Lake aud Ugden Uuand Klectrlo Light company, on the grounda that he owned atock In loth coinpai.lra and knew nothing of so aislgnmeutto the Halt Lake aud Olden cumpauy as claimed lu tbo re solution asked for at the laet melting. Lild over to come up under the hcaj tf miscellaneous business. The Mayor annouueed the appoint. tasnt of J. M. Uarey and John Jlumple as pollccmui and asked that his action leroutlrrutd. Committee on police. Tbo suierlnteudenl of waterworks tent in aoommuulcallon Willi refer enoo to the need ol a new wagun In Ills Uerartuieiit, 'vhlch will cost $30. Com. niltieuon water woil.s. 1WI LWH EAST 8TIIKKT UIUIIL'. The city engineer reported the cost of bringing the Intern ctlou of Uecoud Biulh and Twelfth J'.aalitrrrtatto the riiianeiit grade. The estimate was as follows: ft 4 eoiith street H ... . f lflj SI 03 lac Ua gaalslrcsl ..... H ll,insu riils tatlnutu dcuanot Include tlio coil of ma.onary for railroad crossings, blch woull co-t about jJd.W) , and which shuuld bo paid by the railroad. Itiltrred U (he committee ou etroete. Superintendent of Hewers Hheltuu talkj attention lotbe request for an eilenilim of tewera ou West Temple strut Irom lta pnsent terminus uenr ILo center of tlio block, between North and Houth Temple ttrotts, tlio lax having bieu paid. Committee on ewers with power to act. IIUULKVAIIII ItoUTi:. A communication from n commllteo oftliobuslnesiMeu'Aiuocatlon,slgneJ bJUeofKe V. Wallace, A. U. Hani, U. I . tloodepetd. Win. llurlte, Lb (Iruudo lounjrand li. r, Oolburu, wnj auh. loltteu, oulllulng lherout of the pro. Jwd I oulovard, which It as follow: Commencing at the acreplral eenlcrof .ii,1'1 "" """Iheaai corner nrtlio'Iciii. JialiliKk llieneo norlbueslerlv, passing tho l),re. Ui.hor.lty ruare, to Ibo norui (Spring, park, uicnto In a ii.ntli. alerly dlreitloii lo n pulni noar tho ''"nuncitcomorufiliii Capliol urouncU "J a point noar Uliy cnU laiiyon, lnr norihrasiorly.fiillowliiKllie eimr.o if,. "aierinalna eorinea lug t'anliol lllllr s rvolrwIthCupbol 1IIU tank on n west, aide of Ully Creek cnnynui a Il.jyS." ..1!. ab""1 :,.n'' I"", lo uPi '. '," '""'" lh0 u,lk about 'rn.n r ,,''lBl'.''' ",8" ll'u resonolr. tontni? lo ''"wn "", r'""' ' "' t. H 0 "" ifiijon lo a brkk tank liouw, S'c"u;r,"l"trly along iho east aid.. l I1.'""")" ' "wor built nri, ii ."'.,"r1 ,h tin" being at or tr , "'". "'""MIO'i of A and hevtnth liirtiee ,1 'V,"r '. V1" tweniyono foit Ln. " ' ' " '"ltk ""' 1""l Uu, 1ST. '? tbo welorn biiuniliiry of J1!. 'J ""' tery.llience aoiith aiultutt then .. ! """'""'nllltary rCHcrvatloii, U " i""0 """-''erly to mil thlougli ia H f !" "'" eouthwostcrly by in,,,' ?'"nt nilw1 cnmoiery, lo or toIjV,?,Vj,,",,;lon "l" '"'.tlienoo ,.uili t .J l.nrk' r urn ng pin ib ctin. f nd chy building to lh ceutor jt "he l-'uminlttori ou street. ANOTIItu VETO BET ASIDE. toThbHMn MT,'t0 ,"' Ul "PPfoprla. he k'hl.e,.V,efcr,"":0 ''"" 'd liv a l8,0f J "A" J"'.. was tuado '"lieu. "' U ,u unJ i WISOELl ANEUUH, "P'rl?lJl;'"cl,1,,u "tM" ""' "we '"ollu,, ,",?,' ?"p.ou V." "fJlanco "" lr-..i"chlw l0 " Ilacoti """ In ni ,B"".or I 'l " cottalu lultarlum. Adapted, The committee ou slncts reported faeonhly upon tho petltlou ti grant an ixlemloii o franchise to Ihu Hilt Ltke and OJfli (Jji nnd l.lecltlu ompnuy, and reuouiinended that the matter bo ufirred to the council for Oitrtcmout As to dttall to he cousld. vreil Jli Friday eruuliig. Ailople I. Tho conimllteo ou ImpruTements reported favorably upon thn patltl f rellalu pirlleifor an olectrla light at of Ninth nnd I'hlrd atriele fllil Twclllli Uast and Hjuth Temple atreets. Ad ipled. The cnitnnltteu ou Improvemi'tits reported favotaldy upon ilii tltlon forauHeuIr olUhtoil llrst Blutli and KUIilh Weal Uriels. Ailople I. I he cuumltteu on lluauca renin, inoaden tlieuppruval of Haniuel (1 lie ant's bun I ni ilet uly dog lax collector. In the sum ot 13 JO. A lopte.l. The committee un clilms reurtel olvcMely upun the bill of l'MleKiir lllr.chlng for w-rriiiii In attending cull it at Udrii at n wit iwi In the eav of Allred vs. Halt LikeUity, Uiun the ground that the profeor had been paid f Jill, and tile thought tnat was sulll clent. AloptnJ. The coinuilileo nn tewernie n pirled favorably upui thu petltl in or P. 1'. Jlulloy it Hi. lor an exten.lon ol m ilu tower on Filth Hjuth tlreet from Hti'. ond Kit to Hixth I. ist for lhopuroe of ruruishliignii outlet, for the lateral of tbo petitioner!. Ado ted. AI'1'llOI'ltIATIO.NS. Aproprlatlom were madona follows: deorre uoiirt .-. IJ Ue rea M eeott A l'o.... J1 AutrA Muretir -. . .... s w nsieiiiiijiia Vlorris.... ri o "oiUnholmMorrli.. ....... IJI a Sail, ale liar lrr Oo ' i.u u. ma iuniwireo.1 ... an Kail Lake mlmlrr A. MinulaolurlniUe. '' I aaltUkel'iiaicilllrhk Ui.. win T a Cor . .-., 111 t). II. Hut It l-a . 5 "I rati Uli IVwr. Uilil A HeaUn Uo.... I ni U M nelt jtu ...... I arlor, .liiaepa A Lo .-.. mwM 3 .1 ..Uy .lrt...l. ........ 101 M.t. I li-xar ).,... -.- - I fall iJtko I liboxrapliina' to....-...-. t 0 Trllaine Jot, l'o... - VI IflbunnJobCn ....,. it 11 Aluuntala Mope Qj ,... ! si Adjourned until Friday evening nixl,nt7i3U. A Void. ill's UiicitioimS: SuKCsitons Muiv ClTV, Ariz., Fob. 18, lbD.1. JUttor Dcacrct Arvn At tbo dedication of tho Hilt Lako Temple nppcara now hopefully near, there nru thoae who earnestly deslro to know how many are still left of tho ol 1 veterans who u. listed In bullJliig the Temple nt ICIrtlaud and received In It their blesalugt; alto who, If any, nra left that wero lu the Church at Hi or ganlzitlon? It would also be Interest lug to know how many of Klon'jCamp areatlll living? la there yet alive one of tlio first missionary IllJera who were called by revelation? Information upon those aud kludroJ aubjecta would grca'ly lnterost your rinlert. Would not a general reunion, at Coofcrcnco time, of the Klrtland and other aged veterans be worthy of n thought? It la a tlmo of general peace, prosperity and health In IbU wluttrlesa andaunny clime. ler at of old, It. F. JoitNajN, Br. A Family (i.itlieiln niul Surprise. Haturday, February 18th, ISOJ.nt the nsldenco of her daughter, .Mrs. Ollvu Acord, Chester, the ejtliiibln widow lady, Mrs, Mary lleudurron Allred, on her natal day, aged 70 year, waa agreeably bosloged by a number of her children, grandchildren nnl a tow othora at guests, ulleecklng to do liur liouor for a long and useful life at luothor, friend and bene'actor. Jler liumodlato children ara Handferd, Hamuel, Orson and Olive. The covers wlthjoyoua faces, were laden with the tilcetlta of the season laying a a tribute of reapoit nt the feel, ns it were, of ouu who hud adorned every path u! her pleasing ytt ill tutored lue. Of her thirty-one grandchildren the great be ond bus claluie I thrce,and tw u were uuavjldablyditalnol. lliehalf.slster, Mrs, Charlotte Allred, and the widow, Mrs, Kmma Allred lleyward, maoe thu picture of this happy, Jojoui throug a pleasant reminder ol the just, a brilliant augury of Ihe luture. A total of thlrlyiituo eoult partook ol the table aubtlautlala uud ilellcaclea, re hewing nud reviving aweet rtiueni. bruuees and expressing nopia for some more similar occasions. It la thtee gatberlnga that awoelvn Ihe cup ol life, makea ua lire over our llvtsngalu lu our children ami theirs. Cum. rnuvo LKTTi:it. I'll; CoiincU llohig.. Court .Nolei. JuJgo lllnckliuni'j I.kpcclnt I barge. Sptclnl Cormpcrtitcnei o Ilu .r ua l'liuvu, I'eb. SI. At lost nlght'a eel alon of tho city council the following business was transacted: Tho waterm aster submitted lilt schedule for 1603. The water rates were established ua follows: City lotr, $1 each; farm land, 60 cents per acre; l'rovo Woolen mills, flju; Kxcelslor mill', $100; 1'. L. M. &. II. Co., $100; Iloovir i. Woolen Mills Flour mill, fit); Hun Foundry ,1 Machine Co., f.W; Ward & Hon-, VM; Hans I'uuliou, $10. March 10th waa aet ns thu date for hearing complaints of errora In Luournout and petitions for remit tautaMidabtUmeiita of water taxir. The committee nil atreeta nnd alloya rratorderel to havu plated anelectrlu llt-tit ut thu In ersectlou of J uud Twelfth tttiett (II. Y. Academy cor ner). Councilor lbger Farrer waa appoint, ed a commissioner to represent l'rovo illy In tho uommlnloti, the members uf which nru appointed by nix uf tin. tilth a of Utah county, for co-operative wotk In the reviling, compiling aud printing of the clly ordlunntea of tho respective cities, F.lght hundra I dollars wai appropri ated lo thu 1. ii. M. i ll.,C). ou lire inen't hall acoouut, ' NOTfS. ' Andrew C. Uryalnlc, of Codar Fori, nud Julia A. Oray, of l'rovo, are liconkud to wtd. In a thoollng match between the rifle clubaof Amirloan Fork an J l'rovo, the former waa vie orloui on a icore of t '1 to ,191, Thaniixiueralo lull at Ihe 0,el iihiso la,t uuiit wai it hue succesa rotlally, hni the Opera home will be uelted a neat sun). TfitiO, II. T. lull at Hprlnzvllle on the I'Vtnliig of Wathlngton't birthday prnmlsea lo lien very awell alfalr. The rallrotds given two dillar rale from Ogdeii and a one dollar rate from Salt Lake fur the oicanlou. Uv. Mr. Tatutn, of a Clilcun rrieula churoti, has been nniiounced to a Id rim tho ooiii(regatl nt at the meeting homo at 2 p. m. on Hun lay next. Ills tuljrct la "Lluiur and l.uenie, our iiailiiu'a erll, tiieliomo anJ aaluun, and how to rave the buje." The Jordan dam d-nmlaslnn met jester lay and adjnurucj Mlllinut linu'iollugnuy uudneisol nn-joit nice. An ilher meeting will le Imlil March .Jib, when tho claim or Junes Aiken fordanist-eitustalui I by Ino overllnw uftlio lake, ou account of the wator being raited by the Jor'au dam, will becontldercJ, The February term of tho First District court uonvene I yMerlay. A gran 1 Jury waa Impaneled n ful. lows: J, 1, in, A. Hariri eon, Thomas Crusall, iMathlaa Jonfif "n, Jiuia Krlckaeii, Djiinan Mo Arthur, Isaao Snll, Leo L'ptersnr, Joliu II. .Murdock, . A. Lusen, l.lward lleiinett, I.ra Hhumaker, Jimeil.vanr, Altrt Marsh and I'. '1. Cook. Juuaa Ldcksuu waa nppilnttd foreman, lu Instructing the Jury JuJo lllackeum called esituiiil ntleuttuii lu "crliuea growing out of the former practice ol polygamy in this Territory," gambling und violation of the llnuir laws. THE IIULIUAV'rl UIISHIVANCR. Iltt'll' llir.HIA'S IIAVAlltl TIIK 1IAI. hTI.AIl.l'MtllY allUUTINU, rnuvo, Feb. l!.t. Washington! birthday was honored lu thu Oaiden clly by thu gui i ral clotlug of bualne.a bouses. Hervlces wire held In tho forenoon at Ihe II. V. Academy, at which the splendid program waa car ried tint. Hon. Wlllltui 11. King waa orator of tho day, and delineate.! the character of the Intherot our country luoltarand eluijueiit terms. Henll. menla wero given by uf Ihe prolessora of the academy u number of national tongs were ren dered by thoKliool. A II. V, Academy banJ, coual ting of students under the Kaderahlp of I'mfd-or Ullep, furnished the imitlo fur theuccailnn. The Aca demy Is to bo congratulated on the acquisition of Ht brass bund. Td (mole i'rmclpal dull, "Fur the first time lu the History ot the Academy we have ii ban J of nur own, aud I think It Is an excellent our." Ill tho afternoon thu Uviibllcaa aud Drill cratlo dm u corpe, the U. A. It. and 1'. O. H of A. weruoul. The examination of UalsteaJ on tbo charge of assaulting VV. 1. Terry with Intent t murder i cculid the atten tion of Justice Wedi-wood the whole of Tuesday, rhuixaiulimtlon will Lu completed today, Atthelieglnnlngof tho monlli Mr. anu Mr. Winn, of Alpine, lost one of their clillJren from dlphthem. On Huudav last two mote, a,cd rttpecllve lytlitlit and ton year, patted away, audaf urlhohllJlalyln dangerously III. The sympathy of the community Is rxtenlid to the parents In llielr sudden and molt serem allllctlon. lteynoldt' hall of Hj rlngvlllu wai laU night crowded with merry gliders helug tho occa. tlon of tbo O. II. T. ball. Many wire present Irom Halt Lake, Orfdeu and i'rovo. The ichool houses, teachers nnd luplla nere photographed yesterday, the photozrapht will bo tout lo the World's Fair. The II. V, A, choral society will glvo their first festival at thu Hlake Tuner nacle on Ha.urday evening next. The Tabernacle will be healed with the new heating apparatus which baa Just bteu put 111. W, 1!. ferry, who was thot by William mislead last Friday, Is Ilu. proving. It Is repotted that his talk Is very profutu with threats of what he will uo at toon ua liu recovers sufll. cleutly to handle a gun. Jo'cph Stark of Halt Lako la In the cltycunvaulug lor "Iliu 1,'foot John rylor. TDBIIUIIU. Turf. KvrrjthliiK KUo 3Innt!i. Tn llirco Wrrka not n hour or I'lw plf. Curt.! by Cutltiir.!. UI.en my b$Uy a thrcs montlii oM. hU cl cusi Nnd forctiei.1 irnn to lrt?ik out witti wliiltt pitnpiflaoii rfi1 urftc lit h lew j nthinit ro i n e nrcl, wlilrn UrriMn Alter liv would rub It, matter woult m,ta rrom tie ss0V?. lMln(. Ilia iha t thnn Afj iV'"rWt)v. ircBtl nrer tlis lop u( tfYilVA totmti un til u1 kdfrr f fir, ive ut every Wf Ihinrwo rouM Iicar of Irjl . J fornrirlr Ilie iimnltn ,' 5 t li t"w " M -- MlVtJtliDe lnwTourdr iVl ' StlieinelfrihiClitKtl V Cl S HK l'Ki-'i'it in tlio M T r chiHMMWHiTM t JL iJi J hurrha.fll ( CTICtllU tlirea wcrk' tlino t litre wu nut tro or 1 1m (Ic.notorn- tear, on lead r fic, Ilo u nlneiernni-DthioId nuvr, nnd hu nu Kn of tl o tit (!, lluiralp ii t.ealth)r aai tie (. 'i leautiful beftd ot Intra (tee portrait bero W litis J Aim. OSCAR JAStr.9, ooditoo, Kan. Mr lofint, rtaliif fn mnnit otd, waa anictM Ailli aittn frufloni on hU hti Had aorr cauio od vltier imrtf. All remcrtl. a failed until I procured t tiictn, cured ayrtraad no re turnof stiteair hi iti A.M. WtLHIIt, Cwaouvllle.Ua. Cuticura Ilcsolvcnt, Tie nrw It ood l'urifier (turleanse tl.e tlaodrfall lnt unllira and imuonnua clo intnu)s"Dd Cl TKliu, iheitrtat feain Utirr and LUiKDiu voar,kuek(iiutio Mtin Mrantitlvr, rxrrrnailr uo clear Uo kinandiralpanfiro ilnrellK lialr) hareruitd lliuuaanda ot rat wli re ilii rultrlr(t waa almof t Iwrond endur ance liair Mfolen or all rone, di .Inurement trrnMo. hat oihir removiica bare made ibiD inanrloDicura? Cnld everywhere l'rlre Crricrjiu, flon. 5oir, He 1 1EMW.VMT II i. 1'rrpArfd by tl e lOlThK Imt,'. AkllCllkVICAI. t'UIUUIUTlUN, Jloiton. 4erend fsr"Ilow to Cure f Hit IrUceie," rtgv$, MlltuiiriUon, nnd 10U iratimoniaii niDVC fkin and "ralp ixtrldcd and teautmod DflDI 3 dyiumuiu fuar AUolutely pure, m mfmrnmr jfUp lllp, Kl Iney and Ulerlno l'alna and VaKy I'UaUr, the Drat and only jiatcUll ti JWUr. fl YON & HCALY., o Um lM10lOJBUIOtl',Ulla.tvi "g UM twl a aWUct4 nilvl lka4 Itui Wii Humors' SmiMOlH'UOrAMiwul bnr , , tmtyn tvilp namora wltb I " of ' i ... ,. Mher hiiraer, wbelbf' IlrMn. ' , ( araly, rruiiod, -Imply or l-loi h impl, 1 r(wpfnlly,ifrniiv'nuy,anli u rurJ I lytbitrattef all known fcoi ,Ue Resolvent AjriVsnJllomlimrlllrrcfli , , !rP.,Hi i lrirtlleti.iirrr. Ana. i -i.lUs ef w .14 wl.l relobrilr. I n 1 f. Itiniwinl, ami ttnlablu 1 (Ti LTra( snrr. i f skin. ni'P, IMl M ' ' tl n all olhr skin ami I lod rrmeill.. i i . ul a. Kal. er ilir than thft vmMoul . a 1 euW titood an.1 skla rrtmalci. Pull mrrwlirre. lilts, tl I i a Daw And cnsaHakCiinpnnaTliiv I t1f!.B4' for "ITi. Infi lTanora. Cluodllamors.tklallaaiora.l- i ,. " ' T. Siel l l"e IiHi It'gatillng Hood'aHaraaiarllla, ask tbo I entlii who late tills medicine, or ruad the testimonials oltcli published in tills inter. 'Ihey will rctlaii Iv niuvlnco joil Hint Hood'n Harsiisrilia i r,r ui eiimileJ merit, nnd that UOOD'H OUHI.y. Ilnoil'a I'llls curnconsllialliinby re loilntlliiiperhtaltloail ti of tlio nil m nt ry cuial. Tin n, tie .. it f m'ly m hard 'J Dr. Jltirrows, Oculist, Aurlit and Op. Ilclaru r3tolaclia fitted. (Jooimerclal Illeck. lew I., Son lli.rli.r IIIIU. IrvM IMrayo Ittlllj C ' Many u donbji'a bill lias In on ravel by thu use of C'hamtirlalii'a L'ough llemody. The name la a hmiseliold word In many prt of Ihe country. CliamlKTlaln's modlelnrs hnvn nu in. tensive salo In the World'j Fair City nnd mauy roiph' testify to the merit" of llnlr dlllerent remelles, For aale by '.. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dAa II T.ioU Trnulite, lint lie (let II. About two or threu months ago I purihasul from on a bottle (if Chum. Iitrlaln'a Cough ltemo'y, ut up In Ilea Molnev, Iowa. Hucli geod riiulu wero obtained from Ha u-o that I indole, one dollar and ask that inn send ino two Mtlliaby ixpreit J, A. Hcinvp.v. 18 i:. 141b HI., New Vork Clly. To II. II. Lane, Druggls'., l'eeksklll, X. V. Mr. Hcrlveu Is presi dent of u eof tho largest sblrt faclorlia In New York, and widely known In I Uslneea circles. Wtitu truubled with a cold glvo tills remedy a trial aud, like Mr, Hcrlven, you will want It when ngalu lu ured of tuch a mull, clno. oil cent bolllea for salely '. C. M. I. Drug Dept. dii It will cost you notliliig and will otcly do ytu good, If Jiu have a Couch, Cold, or auy trouble with riiroat. Cheat or Lungs. Dr. Klug't New DUcovtry for Uonsumitlm, Couglia and Colda la guaranteed to give relief, or money will I paid taok. riuDeiera from La Orlrt' foi'iid It )U the tnlug, and under lta use) had a jeedy and perfect rtcovery. T?y a .amile bolt'e atcur eiiense and learn for yourself Just how good a thing lt Is. Trial bottle fret it A. C. Hinltn, A Co'a Drug Htore. Largo t Ilu 60c. and 11.00. 8 Tflkeiaeenr V, me hole, lluy homii made woolen aocka at IS centa kt i air, reduced from - ceiila. at I'eople's l:iultablc Co-oj, 7 and 0 Main street, liodle-tMarll Drug Co., successor lo F. W. Htarir. SD L. First Houth Hlreet. For I In mi I n lu Hruiri and Modlelnrs, en to Ihe Kmilshiid I'lurnmry. Jaime O'Connor, prorlelur. Leave our oMcn or all klnda help al Halt Laicb l.nt'ixjvjin.vT Co, un VV, Beeond Houth. Telephone MS. K. 0. lltldgeford, Mgr; l'urn Flavoring Lxtracta at (Jodbe Hcatll Drug Co.. HI L. JhrstHouin HI. .Slit hllllr nt.,r.l VIKIe llriml n Ceundl Wo ' i, Vuiiorlrt. ChauiLerlaiu didtelue Co., of Dis Mnliiis, la nn Iowa manufacturing Institution and rue lu which the resi dent! of the state look upon with ride, Chainberlaln't Cough Hemedy haa becomu mtlona) In reputation null uownlii ntnrly every liouseholl In the atulo and tlirouiluut the great wist, ltt merits are brnomlug ettab Hulled lu all t aria of America. For rale by Z. U. M. I. Drug DepU dii A. II. I'. Il.illlril llnllrllilau Ite.r. Madu by Ihu American Ilrewlng Company of Ht. Louli la browed of the beat oarley and llohi uilati hop. It Iibh n betiatlful amber color. A dellclotit hni flavor anJ ataiklre like Chain lague, Fltl'Ii H. llAIiilA, 41 Kail, First Houth Htnet, halt Lake City, Agent. Collma Codec, nectar of tlio god-), at Harlow Thomisnn Orecnry Co. A. U Hmltfi&Co.,DruirzMti,azoiti clllabarta' llesporlan Toalo. raikliD'i Afnlea Halve. Till. Hist Hai-vb lu the world fr Cutr, Ilrulset, H-jrrs, Uioora, Bait Ilhcum, Fever Horee, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Hkln l.ruptlon, and positively cure Files, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed ti give perfect latlsfaction or money re. funded. I'rlc 23 rents par box. For tale by A. O.Hmilh (Jo. E. C. LAURENZ. MtADINd rOltllt.M I' Attr STUDIO. riclaiis enlsricil In Inilia lak. Crsroa, Waur Colur ana I aalcl. any six tail la any myleol tturs ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LESSONS OIVCN 120 S. MAIN ST. Hollo houri, I tn ' i in. Mail orHars will re. relvo trotnelltlcnl u r. a. niciuiiiii, thus. (. vrannri. rrrsllent Vlrffieslucnt. U, II. IUCK1UN'. "li.'r "J Treti, CECURITY ABSTRACT CO. Offlco In Deaoret National Dank ' Uttlldlng. Salt Lako City, Utah. T'dophons, Id2. ninacrons r S. Ill ' s.Tnos ti trekbir, N, MMIaitiin, Kiltt V BiMK U, K Cum nilnn, Janici II. il l. I M. O. Itnnsiils, A. W.f.rlsgu.J. Ut-Jller. WANTKI). M'iV" ",!-"i 'i"' i uirnivu. Wtiipsyl.lstiealiri e I Ir.nins iTeintf. iwoaltl ami Alterlna I ell, n a n, ailalir, HalalllMnvil, Kslrlmmsil will iMlitnaenlrk ler waaruur ai.panl A I M'iV, Jj ,i, CluaTotiiitSTiiUKTTiitiiriuniir.a J eteaeail nyeil anil itriauM, as llnet. fsereialw. aoml erloea lor iscoaj Imml eioiMmt-onlfra ausai'e i iy mm er ran. WAMUl l()r WF OVN ILVlP. I Jour moner at Hie hlfbeatialMeniesl eeurtti -ee ua. J. M. hrneeAy A Oh, omera lite, v ' FOR SAM'. ikmimi. uuk i n BTTrol'fifiuiN tir V, t t. II hvl II liKAlo. t& U. itvt houth (00 hn ot ltr!RhtaN. I. Oatuil Morki nUutilnliarva North I'uint tun. I nam Co Hoc a. If ath M n, V,J lonUnBtrT. Oxvl wlTii nn fiitmnfion .k 2 9 1 V J IMrd ria.l itt routn and l-iiih oontb I', Kay rirma. . K. jtutil.artl.4l watl, rmimi mm Hi K0UTA1)K. C II.kAU JtT -M). ill .NO lA"l, inii sqallgr la t it. in MnVtatil 111. Hot s H,v, In ai ua 1 Mouth ih "libXKY JHWKKHS 1 1 .Mima a nii.aiis-ri main kthi.i.t. 11 il Hi i p. r reel nn real eaiate hank slorV. iHOnaaires lint all Uriti 1 laeurlnt. Ox l.vltiia. tiT t'ltonitiv .wntul, lateral .V . Josta A lu, lis Con iiilutlen llalldiny MIlM.V fl'l.-T IIATI. AMI l!l Al. .Ulrrlripalll II HnowNea a tli a Main I L'l Nut r., Ilii Vt. KT 1 1 K AMI L'llAT IJ 1'aa laanarnsde J. ni,sn,ttl Slain at AM JNH,MM Mltl.KT. M.Km a Ixiaes on iiersonal anil real I roperly MOVM Til UIV"aT ai( 111 a I'KIt ram llarl.e, eeenaa rlftor. I'noly llloea. MOM V 111 MIAN ATUUIII1KM KATK". J. ii Timmyns.m eeeon I seuih rpitbaT II Mn in uia J. ai 6' , per r, al on Imnnex nreptrlr lMnsiuano oaiealileme tru.erljr aleurrpnl rales II I'. II UA1K, Cc Ulnf rrlal III. .ft, l : AM) 7', I'KIt (KVT (IS IM-lliKIM a, uodelav Jehn J, anyitar. Ii.l IW llmty lilies. TN nt'Ma UllIM II 111 liom" o.Mt TO n... voatl, al, ralaa. Ur.ltr Com tirrrial Satlnaal Hank Jan e I., eliair. AIOMI T(l IIIVN ON lAltMS AMll'ITV ,111 iTgi.uly. ami iiiualrial ll.x.l nules Intus'il -n.irlliiiie li-ana on enderird liotrs ll.irrinan Ilnom I rnlrtl llloea. Mnvrv at v intfYr iivts.u no nn lay. w.J. H A i ' mn'elal IILicA Miim.1 To l.'ivs is vsv AMnuxra en Sarins. lininil,il or unlrapruledeltf truiiiy alar, nn mintcrata J l, heuiedr i.u .yiiBjU01'" j MllNKrvlilNl.vrit(lSr:V, IK IAMS AT Te'ilrieaL ll MearaA Co., roouiaa, u'Jleaiai.oiltine ON 1MIT.OVKU I'll H'KI.TV IS ANV nuanlli). I nutty A t rui j , Jl llleliardaeu II 10U VMall lo llilltlliiw Mnsi.r fall on a.MT IAI.I. t.Mtt.V IJ,N A TIIU81 COJII'AM, eaal, Ural Mutri Mriei. JIISrKI.I.ANKOUS. SI.AIIV OK COMMISSION TO AdKNTH t'p ltD'llo Ilia l'a(nl i hemiral Itih Kraa in rcnoit. lb inmt uiful au-t nowl lnon tiou ot tlio aav. fctaai Ink tkurulil7 in Iwu con In, i.Vmki nle nnmr 210 lit t ir nnt rrofl Attant inaalntr jt wek U e alaonant nirrncralaiiantta ttVocliarioot tar rll irjr. aulapiHiini auii-airenta. A rart'ctianc to tntliaj mnny, run for Irnni an 1 aamiila of craittr Muuroa Mfjr. to.. tWM la 1LU(A 11 1 1 i 1 A'XiTnrr W.7 tan I AHnlnit MaunfactircrMu U lm ma trial ft. l.lroP ' '' ' f TAltHV llAl(ls, KiMlMs li A.NI 1 1 Lailo lllocK, lUtal rvlatf, loam noil lnveitmnta. It Jim 11.0111 iua,neia-imu atm na. Tl W lt)U WAirilTAM-H i A J. J room I') Mott-Amriiark buiMimr. I,OS I'. ACIIlLirS (IOM UN WITH CI.Hl' oittra4dontact Itcturn lo hi lhirv. 1M80FKSS10XAL. "JKO. LU TAYLOR, LAVKYtR mh IX' ' " " ' ' (M r.i . lilSNBV ATTilllSIIV VMI 1 Lis, i 1. 1 urnlrk WW. nor ciionwiv, ntni: . van net. I.I Ally l.en.,.S.Hak. GOODWIN fi YAN PELT, Lawyers, rrafthtinollf tttnt II I S. lt.l 0r J ih mm .'it .) St I m rr htl UluCL' YOUNG, YOUNG & HOYLE. ti cwi nr itiiwiir rit outrir.uvu ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. IMirtl .VdlleaulCaai tIMlv tall lull Clly JOHN H. fAKHOH, BARLOW FERGUSON, ATTOHN rvs- AT-LAW, Tilvnf 4 ' HIJJ anillMfea lit Mlaj, halt Lvkt CUa llldA v H. R. YATROUS, attor My.iMiw. rt,,n u iianiti, imiinm. "icHARDS, HOYLE ft RICHARDsT attobneys-at lav. (Ip.,n ."I M Jrlprurt OTo.e, rrir .., ,r. s, u.i l, oi. S. W. DARKE, ATTOHMCY ANO COUNSKLOn. Uttr Ul, loll X.0I1 CUy "E. L. SHEETS, - ACCIDENT ANO FIHC INSURANCE , "A lUcjT (tTMfco'lnK.f ciirlif." Otte Aiutnwn nitvmal Hnnk. DR. J. B. KEYSOR ft BR0 DENTISTS. tlw SandS It 5iwr AmrbiuK BulMe,flrtf tier, Iti Jlala (lrK. DR. J. THOMAS. QURQCON DENTIST. NO. 10 M Al N QT, Jllwik guarantttJ .inatthttia aJnl Uttrid. " iiii,ojiGtA MvllTWT lll'llfkf COLDCLAseajj. JIV IllliJIa (Syaf-fibt Koom "B Ciuiinicrdtl IfM' '' M '"I0 -'l(J ' (f?- J''l'''"' ""' X'IimM ' MORGAN HOTEL BARBER SHOP, HAIR CUTTING, 25C, CHILDREN'S HAln CUTTING I4C JUHK), 1 R.K THOMAS 'Jl . - 1000 Pieces ', I A J. JlVi. J ' l -, j I 1000 Pieces ' I Dress.'.GoodsI , I 'aaH 500 Pieces 1 H PLUSHES ID UELVEFSI ' I COMMENCING H Saturday, Feb; 4th. I m OLD STOCK, VU I I BUT " M CHOICE NEW GOODS ! H ElLLllUJIJlLLlI 111 IIJILLLLII UljJ R.K THOMAS, il