Newspaper Page Text
I Di:siain:T :vt:xino Niru'Si tjiviidav, lrmtrATiv i!u, iso:i. - w I WESTBKH NEWS ITEMS. Sow Interesting Packings from Around RlchOeld, Sevlir Co. 001ILM Ill'MMM JinMOHVl. i, Important Will Mill In California -lonilcli Wan 1 !" Uc The I'omotio Vrogrtu liaa elitcroi lliulnlli ear. Th. Uaniua IUIm ara y rldluK J ibe raluuf ruorulhaii JI.WW.Wi) I" itinum In Kfld. A rtnionilrauce to the l.tKl.lutuie .calual rrdiuluK tl Iniwwl ul ali land! It ualnu elrculated In Nevada. Nevada will make no .tntoexrilblt nt the World'a I'alr. l'rlvete eol.clMi. el mlnral will l ent, however. ' Brim., C.I . will rut. "!", qur.llun of InojrporallUjt We low Toon, lli penile there uavlug bun granted the rlvllogo. Too buelncr. doue at tuo little Will cox ralliuad elation, A. p., tziiinii that of rueeoti. and futaon'a ruuuluiy Irt-lght li coiub 1. tlO.UW. " The mouutaln road to Malad, .ilalio, Iim bn-u oim till tlm ,uuw etorm of the Will. It now Ini pjttaulv ixci t on enow .hot.. rwo clltimn of Trau r liavu taken JHUWO contract to lan.trucl thirty. Julie dllch UKlnnlax o rule river, tir Portervlllo In Irrigating dlitrlct. During1 tlio wetk lorao lieavy ehlp imiiU ol cattle will tu madu from Jkevadn and Idalio to Ulilcairo. )" lursdaylfii caroade wire eent ea.l over the Ubl in 1'ailMc lueaatern Linn county, Or., Mon ccll.u ilieeaanui aro to liu found In ureal b.nde, ewarinliiK around barm and iiejaUcke for rood. Die cold weather dota not agreei wltli tin m. Bomo time during tlio lint wiok ol Airll, 1 rotnt ly tlio third of that month, a niw.uii,f ol tlio teacher.' nocl.llon of Idalio will lo held In llolio (Jlty.nt lilcli time It la e 1 1 ecti d b IraJluK olucatlotial llnt of Idabo will be gathered In Ihu capital. M. Cnveny, who n Injured In a tlait at tli" Ituth mine, HitvirCllj, Idaho, naultlnn In the luiauf Ilia ejo. light, It'll recently lor l'ortlaml to u n ,ult ccullite to nacertaln II there a poulblllty of movcrlng hli elitlit. lie returned, bla UlDfltulllcM. tll.aald that netieipliordcr ha dli ooeercd rich placer inliira In a aninll crirk eight Wilts we.t of 1'aradlte, 2 llutto county, if tlio claim, tlncu taken up roko to be .a rich a the ground llret pntmoj tlicro will be con. iiderablo development In tint vicinity nhen the enow iwriulla work. It It thought that Itlla rlnhmlra enmo to her death by taking-atrychnlnt. HIih bought 10 renla worth ol alryelinlno at 1'roaell'a drug atoro the day lofore bar dtatb, laying that elie wanted to lolwn CO) ottv. Jack 1'lcrct', tlio man amiteil, waa relisted on $1000 bondi. rite vat dcepotideut on uccount of a broken engagement. Too Deliver lteal Kitalo exchange bu endol.od re.olutlona romltmulng Ibe action ol thegoveruiucnt anlillecta la Ictllu contract, to marblo frrtbo new cougreailoual library to Ibrelgn nuarrirv. No lee. than SOW,. WO worth of forilgn marble la to bo end, while lettir marble ran be found la Colorado and other atatca than any Ibat can I lmortrd. Die roiolutlou will Le forwarded to Cougrere. Veiterday, aaya a Carton (Nevada) ixcliange, a rlnouer tipped Warden bill a wink and alioweU litui wliern a rachitic w rioted capable ol boring h tacnty.two Inch holo In n titles wall. tjjma convict, from Djjrton In. I anueU a brenk, and It wa. nipped In lie bud. The machine la a very elm rr cotitrlnuci,nud cajable of geltliu a bole tluougli n wall quicker ihau ttfthlngyet turned out by thoojn Tiai Atararetlng of tlio Idalio cliamlur 'licuiuerco tuo prtaldontH a. author. ldljapolut a tommlltiu ol flvo to t'jrandiecure the amno IreUht rate. I 1'ocatello that are being Iven lllllin and llulti, nearly 'M) mile. Iirlber north. The chamber decided bit it wa. not proiur for tlitni to Iniunurato any re.trlctlon.on Clilmie, ma decided that If thedlllerent labor ersmliitmn. wl.hcd to bo)iotthem, Itwiithclr prlvllegi, but they n. the cbmUrof oomiiiercoUld not wIbIi to Ut.auy action In tlio mutter what. er. An entbutlantlo meollng was held aliieajay night In lliomly liall at jrblch Hit. ilt.t atepa were taken look. 'ft tovard tlio organization ol a Ilu.lntK ilen'a avaociatloii, tlio ob J'lUol which are to be the inalulcu. ace of Ugilen'a commercial and nmufactutlng lnUuitry, the ttlmula. oenol home munufactunra and Hie lUucimeni of ouuldocapliul to luvc.t JMie. The hull wna crodeU Willi Wen', ino.t prominent builtim men. "u motion ol Mr. bpencor the oliulr aid a coniiiiliieu of leu to forum. meiome plan of organliatlon to be ru. loiteil at a ruecllug to be lit Id on Tina. "X BUM next. I ho mini a prcucuted J'"!, ". H.Hrcnier, John tiuimaii, John Wat.on, (j. A. UniurltiivnUi, j;. T.Woo ey, I II. jtlnifj l)aTm Jv'By T ";"""" A. II. I'atton aud Angiii IbalV la)r Luudyw.p made ldlllll, win wailn the ooutily Jail S'"11"'' A- r-i awaiting ha. en. t.lHM'i'iiedliiga biluru U lug taken W oberll Luturum to Wlmlcom, raoM,.,T"u1"' '' wanteil for the U.i '.'"'''Humuiera In Novymber iffllnt e,'1 I'l",") ttued of hor.e Tall. 5 ihB, l'Mlu "' U" ue" i I T.,'Vriitow"'Tonlo 1U K l.ilenr? iV ' a? xtn I'fener. utui til Jtlle o n H"m,'to tlreiuly I bw ou?.',1"' """ wlu- luon'iwait 1 w WlV'S Y- Mlirf "r "'" m lii'.ti.u St &. J'"y, lu JuJ B lJaai,.i. u,Mhi,1'iuiicUco. Mur. 1 u'U.Wr SuVfi"" r m"" w'io Uhd o wh "" Li1wUiia th. bunt ol 1.1. prorerty to Ills niece, Julia Hoy In, and her children. A limiting ilaerwai given only $uO, an I 000 wua be nutatheJ to tlio children ol William I'luukeil, the tiltnrmy who drew the will, llelntlvia II ko a contitt, alu-v Ing that Muriliy wa. of nniund mill J at the tlmv lie maJo the will an I that be wa. unduly Influence I by Ihu Iloylcs. reiilmouy wa. nl'o Intro. Uucel to ahow that the te.tatcr wa. unable to hold the eu Willi which 111. tr.atk wo.lnidoattlinrndof the will. The jury fuuud, frjm tlio ttailuuuy, that Murphy illd not tnaku the mark, that he wai not of Ul." o.lng mlud an that the will waa not extcutej by iiny trioii at hi. direction All of tin Imieelu thocaio Welti decided In favor of thocoutt.lanla arlUeiiomu llnuluu that no unuue liitlntiico wa. cienid over tbo teitatur, either by Julia lluj it or ber hu.baiid. All ul the Jurori tuuiurreU In the Verdict t-xrtlhe fulcuian, who voted loau.talii the will. Tin to fiaimonUnio from the Itich. IlilJ 1iIi'oc(e: OnriJniay aluinoon Apinio Joun Henry rimltli orialutd Jiaepli I'ullbuuk. to the clllio ol iil.hop of Auuabella, an I tie rge Cliarletworth, lll.liop of Jurh. The laxpaycra of the Joiej h uliuol dlitrlct will bold an eltctlou next Saturday to veto on tlio roo.lllou to bond the Ulitrlct tor JI.00O. lliey hate voted a tax of 1) er cent, to boalj m at year which, with the Bale nl the lioud. wlllglvothoni SA' Uwltli which to build. Tlio Democratic ccntinl com mlltevinot again on Monday to decluo ou whoahoulil lie ot'ervUly the Demo. rrataoftlil. county lor robateudge and the Hnol ballot niulte.) In alx vnu. fur V. II. ItoolllM.ii ul ri.llna, aud live forU. T. Ileuuof lllolilleld, 1. J Htiw art lmvlni;prevloup withdrawn from the race, in tllgglug for water lait week near III. rcecrvoir ltwren Annv luilla and Monree-, Mr. LoreiKi iS'leN lunatrucka alream of water ulllcl eutly largo to water forty ucrea ol laud anil itili ncct to get more. Nlel. Anderaou, of Itlchllild, tiaa been over at Annabella for luvcrnl daja boring well. Ill that place. An nbuu ilont eup ly of water lina been the remit In every Imtauce. Kilty mm with thirty tranii are at work on Hie Hevler Valley cuual, aud tula aeatoii they a III get the water a. far a Wllow Cnek, Hiruimtle.lK.loK Ill.hrlnl. Justus von Liebig, 'llio great chemist, nftcr jenrs u( Kicntifio iincati. gntiimninl ricarcli, itucnt ctl tlio now wnrlil fauicil Liebig Compans lixtiact of Beef, i;mng to tlio world in n coinjiact form n ilchcioua niul itn igonting product of mro Ltcf, wliicli n now rrgnnlcil as indi-poiunLlo not onlj in tlio tick room lmt nlo in tlio Mtclien. Acknottleilgcil Ly all com. intent authorities to Lu The Best Extract of Beef. til imuia i::i ti;::7i:::j sj::t cr t:: ti:t. BECKTOLD & CO., Book Manufacturersr-izz--- -and Book Binders. 202-2I2 Pino Stroot, ST. LOUIS. Kirtii, . tii run. riuim. ll' .uiti it, rutin, U - . tstmtct I r Ui tain. TY5 '' Inll tlstlta. ""M't ' Vm, III lilut. , ''' '''''. 1! OiIiiii, H tlH III. irrcimiti BISD ECIIIDSS !1 fLOTH. SHEEP, CALF Dl WDRiJCCO U nt no 1 BUmu ( no for 1 rlniPM in 1 IVjIUhcrt ftt (MiUnre, rurtf n lar tuioritnvnt of Ixxujiii, Drfiftmenti, letter idxi, &d a tuck nf nuieruj ciouil to ooblu (tie toutm? TlNtT Cl LwW0RN M0( A SrtCIALTV. fitiraatei Ctieerfutlr Olren loLl-Ordcri Pol kit nl WASHBURN -. C.iUn.Miac'tillBiiZiikwi GljYQysJ lOtoluwf A&4 Qtimlltr bf tun. .r FrJTrj n.iea l w..r la ur cllm.lh UrJs. 8 M I Tall Iradloc i!ealr lle.U' J-J?i ii'iir iiiu.i,.t.d .ou,i.air e- l"ljrr k,.u win, of r.mnu. - .'".li will bo mil, C-lfOM & HEALY. CHICACO. liT DR. GUNti'S rF0R covens, wOHif C0LDS ASSs AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICC. kj ft aw t rrirVfrii Hrtttt thn I)r Vi nt 7,( M, I. Dnta But., Aointo. CHINESE AMD JAPANESE, BAZAlT HOLIDAY GOODS. ChlnoQo and Jnpanoso Orna- montal nnd Taney Goods. Lowoftl Prlcos. l. J mTIIIMlM mil MltSTC'MSs QUONG CHONGWIHG, D4 FAST SECOND SOUTH NOTICE. " rrf TUF STOrMIOl .K!t OK TIIM SATT 1 Uko f itv (tn lomtknr apiiciM loofltmirif llai otkli 'Icoritif llio bait tike ( Hr U ( HiipunT will t IitM nt Itiu oiKto ol tta wmiiiny in bMl U.k ( ily. So A wrt Mr.t -outti t-trcet, in UsturtJur, Martli Ul), I'm nt II oolirk R m , fir I lie lunixu ft ratifrmc artdconOrmititf tlio actum or iiia lor I ol ulrcrtort in eiiinirhnil roiiifyins All tlie mpcriy rlht a unn itiiicaof tlmtoti apy, to ttu taH lke a m J in Wufinr I ibIKo. iny nnl lo Irnpra nry n I a'l fu h uther buiincia an nay t btougtitbcfuro ihi mfirtmr JAJILSMUlKVr. bttir trr. Fcbr nry Mli, b 'J. DELINQUENT NOTICE. ToTbomailt Twiux l. indf to ma In ilia num i f thrf hunir I 2 ..r" J. " ,or 'tl' r Worm 1 mr you in tlio Mf.a wiro la Dry tanjon lhtr IiniiBf liuul. t Toii oanlr, f'tah Miimina a About half ft ml it rr m thn llMtlrn Tr,urf pilna in a anotbwrftivrly llM"tin an i a nut tcir m mile from tha lona trina tn a on lirrir tlirrrl on. and l jAlnvrl nn th ty inn rourtli or July mino hit wor w nrrirm d aaaMtittntni work for ym for i ho )ar li l ard W nn untew J..n i ,r ih0 ina wnhin ninaty (') tT ftom the data nrrror, yar Iftierfft Will If UUlnl to m an c rliaciol w, UAlrU IKM .lbruary I W. frl LEOALNOTICE. In the l ral ate (onrt in ami for SaJt LaLe Uiuntjr.lctniorroi I uti tn the Wtter o( the tuta of li m mmcn tanvrtaKd. XT trtii i n itrliTiTv u fv tii t Xl John M toiler ftlmlniotraior or I he rotated Uliliam Ammcnnx ilr-M,r.l haa r. n irra t for ntnmtot at I II a i tn at I ioor 11'Hnaliirp'juntnf hia a tinihttifa i m of am J ; ui0 an t enrjan fr nnai diatn i at n or the rridiiii u( aai I mi t atrnnir the I enon anilil d tlirrelo, an I tl at I u-ortar. the UlhOaynrMarrli i sl,ai Hurlook itn itttioi nnr omor aald . mtt in thoUminty curt II u Mil I ke t ity h I uniy, Li,ii Tt-rrt.ry, im h,n duly pr m id U tbe t idfi ur aatdrnurt for iieiti i nt of nail liiianilrariniaal'l p mil n n.ruMtribu. ti n at AMh tinman I iti -t n v pr.n lntr tntPdtn aaid rittte mnjr an ar ant ahow iim if any llrrobe whv ll onntilnnld rot I i l.rt and ii tinned and una) dlttnbn lion made aa'l tor 1'aiedkib 17 im. tl . vrttw, t Irrk of tha i r ! Cwirt UrCvoaui I'n.twM. iti Hfiiny LEGAL NOTICE. In the Irohata Uouri, in an I for Salt Uke (ooatjr, territory of Uth la the matter of tbn tatateof atklna, deeeaffvL Order to howuo why rdarofaaltot real eatata thoull n lit made, TOHS T niPKli' Tllr AliMIS!TII M trr of the rata le of n rah vth.lne, .l eaed ha.ltiff II e-i lie it in h. relit d4 T vitrl II i irtTiinrtoraiiirlt-r of -H i f llta r. at i ft to or Hid drrp lem, tor U.o t iiriioaea llifr in aet H nh it ! then fun- mtlrnd ,y llm ti1n u of aai 1 rourt ll Ht a l i rrvoiia in erraud In tt u caiaic of aai I tin n-t-d tuiioir 1-cMro II o al 1 1 n i ate niurt n in ay, Ut l.llniar of lsu et U o Utok In tht fomiomi i r am I day, t the Ouurt llimm 1 1 aaid I robaln Court at llio I uUM L.iurt lloutn in tie my ,h mm ly of fait Uke, M Tvrrnory, in thtw auae why an Older ht ui1 hot I NHranir 1 1 1 the aai 1 adminiatrator tiaellnjiiui-liiir ihoieal t-la o of aald do roaakd at p nato aeln aa ahall lr;iina aary and that a oj.y -r llita ordtr bo ub Hlrl ailciai f nr Vurreue wtana tit tt o (IMCHIT l-VRMKH Sttt, a liewMpof tiriniM ao 1 1 hIiIIpIiikI m mM tdty nr H count r Dated rebruary hlh, IrVX. JXtUll U II Mil. I robate Jadfo. V. It Jack itnrnry LEGAL NOTICE! Inilelrohatatottrt m an I for Fait Lako Count), Tirntory of Luh. In the a alter of lh r ainte or John No roan, "VTOIILB IS IIMlFiii lllr-S THAT X thra-tlin vforlfuacii ft1minttratnr ol I ho .tale of John Norman de eai d ha ran dwred for atlll luent an I tl din aaid loon, hU Una! accoui t of in. a I run atrat on of rail ratate and tut t un for llnal riiair but on of the tctiiun rr m f.nti umanar lh lraoiii entitle I thrto an 1 that Ilm jay, tho Hih dar nf Mir li l lm al 10 i. not-kU m ,t tle(k..,u if afildOiUU. In thoOonnly tlnuilll ue Jalt I ftU l I y ami tunty LlahTcrrlttrj i - I run duly a; itiot idby lleJblo if aidl mrt fir th. aetile inaniif aadarrountaotlh nrlnunf aail 1 1 rtl lion f r dutr button, at hiMi tune aud j Inre any rum inti mtod ID ai I rlnte ivayap (car ftod ahmr mur II Miy thrrn 1 1 why aiid account ahoul-. not im .vtllrd and to.ed an I llnal d otributioo ion lu aa i rayed for. Mated robruary 11, IWJ Cirri 1 1 the I r ihaie UourU HvOAtraTrs IHiuwkc. Jit . hrputy LEOAL NQTICeT In the IVobaio Lou tt iu an I for alt Lake Uuntr. 1 rrrKi ry of t lah Imhe matter of thai atata of liichard I J rower, VTOTICL 19 lit II id, It UlVFN THAT XI I ruiii I elm, adinioUir-iior of th. ea tale of lilcl art llruMcr, dci card hi rendered for tttlctncut, ant riled In al li ourt Ma dnal arroQiil nt hia a Iiulniair4tin or mil CM ate. and Hi Hon tor fin il diminution of tho rrai lue if aaid caiale auona tie i eraona entitle I tl ret i, nl that Uadmi lay the nth d-y of .Match. A l li Ml iucnxk a. in , at tl o c. urlruoin oftld court In ih County Lourt Ilottao fait 1 ake city an 1 coun r, I lh Urn tnry, hmUffin duly apiiiitol by the Judjre of tut I rourt fur tlo aeillenent of aai I acriiunt ant heailntt aai I rltlioo lur diitr buliun, at wtl It time and laco any cron inicrttd In aald citato may apt ear ni d almw rauae, ir any thirubo.uly aau arr unt almul I not I e aet lie I and ( i and Uaal diatribntion made aai rayid mr lijtet lcl uiryM, KU II V. alLMir. (terkof the I rohatu ( ourt. Hy OaciTBN llHOHNt Jit.lutyK LEGAL NOTICE. In the I roUto i art in and for SaJt Lako OonntytTirriiuryof Ltah. In the mttterof theratato of 1 dulnftLray, ilrreaacd Notice of time an 1 1 tare for the hoirlnft or 1 ctllMju for admumon to rubato ot will. IJLItaUANT TH AN OlUiKU OP Still nurt I aid ma iter nouola Krely i;ncnlhtednea4ay tho I th day cit Urch a H 1M at li o clock a m at lie t ouutjr Court IIoum) lu !alt tJiao City, Uuh icrritori, Intlieciur room of aai 1 tuurt liaa ben ap I ointcd Ibtf nine and ) laco for tho 1 canoK ol a 1 el lion (if Ul liftm 1 llndwtill.i ra)iuC lur the admiaaion t rubatu if a it run. document therewith pic'i-ntrl urtoillDff to heltelnit Will ait I liMiaiuint ot twin c tiny, de cumid, wl man i uhnio nil craona nmruilu I may aiieer and 1 1 mo th irul le or aald will, or (heiriant ni ot Icttira icttimciilary to Wilnaui 1. lirldncU, u iratdforln MidieO tlon In vTltneia whereof, I hare licreunti act my han I and anivil the aval ( aald tourt, Una lUttilayit rvbruary.A, 1 t-wi, KAU II MFIO), Clerk of the I mbkie ( utirl, HyCAtaTKH IliioM m., Jn, I'ejuty lera LEGAL NOTICE! ' In the 1 rob ie Cn irt lu and for Halt Lake (J miiiy, lirntorrur Utah, In Do inathr or t'leeauto of Charlotte llavwiuii.doteaaul, .Notice ot tune and j lco for tho hearlnr of po titlou lor ad in n hi lo robate or will DUtlftUANT TO AN OlMlDt Ot BVII) 1 court in ajld niAiter, nouro u 1 crtby viventhu lueidny.tue btli day of lebiuary, A li ikuc at lu (clock am , at the louitiy Court llouae in ra t Uao my, tiah nrrlory, In tho court room or aald tourl. baa becnaii I oi i to 1 the lime an I flat e fur lue hi arn a or a I iiit on u Kirttolliv.ain , tnynn rorthual ii laaion to i rubatu of a tirlain docmnoui li eriKllhj rvacttt d, !urj nrt n to be the lait til an I Ivataintlit or Chnrlotie llaw km, de coated whi n an I wh re a I onont. mtcreitcd may acar and o)kiu the j to into or aait wl I or the granting ol Icltera ivatamentiry to IIiKu llawhinn aatrarel (or IniaiiV'titu n In wHiiraNwicre f i hare loieunlo act my hand and aniir 1 tho aul of i aid tourt, thla Itili r;ii.i.nurx.lMNU1V wUli Clrrk of tna I roiiatu Court lljf C'AHTM lUiu.. a. J 11 lMUly, LEOAL NOTICE. la the Jrobnti t urt in n I f r Halt I alo couutjr, 1 ernWrjr of L uh lu tho matter of the eUt of Ito rrt 1 atlcraon. Notice of time an) jdaoo for the hearing or 1 iiition for n iiiil"ion to I'robnte of Vlil, 13UIW"AST TO N OIIUKU Or" Mill tourt in aai 1 mntirr nuthela herrbr Kieu Miat . eduoaday Ihu Ural nayi f Mnn,n, A l 11 , at l a m atlteCotintyrourLlionae in Unit Uko liy Utahlcrrltorj, In tlieiourt ro m oi aai I court naa hctii ai ooh led the tl ei ah t t lace fur Iho hrurmir ct . t etition of Aa-iice I utieraon r inyiric f t tho art minion to inmate r a cert am documtut therewith trcieulcl.l urtioriin to bo tho lait U ill an t 1 raiamint of ttol rrt 1'nttrrion, deceaiod w hen anlulrro all rrona interencd innyn tr auliHo lie j rebate f aai I will ur the irrtniliHir Irlleiaor i dmlnlnlrailou Willi lhn mil iintiexo 1 to Annua 8 1 atturaon. aa royed rirlnPftllieliilii. lownnim wlnrcof hare t eretinto ael my hqndatil afllxel tlm at tl of aald tourt, thla j,d.1,.nei,u..4i.i; MKUni 1 Llurkof 1 robate ( ourt. I)v (McerBN HuowAL.Jre, l'Cutr Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. ,n lUf countr. Terrltorf ol Utau In the matter bt th rume of AVibi w Ju1 $oi , dr eaicd otiee of Umo 1 1 lai for the 1 1 )r n nf I etnlon for aJmlaalon to 1 rooati l n tlUUANT TO AS 0lllril Ol Kltl X Court in aald matler, rio ii a hen by pTen that Jriday, I a lilt day id i ir nry A I) lHt at 0 o clock ft to . at t e ( od t I ourt llVuMiinflalt Uke CHr.Vt rnwy. In the Ooun Itoom of aaM v. urt lai ivn at inlrd tte Mm and t laco lur I mn r in III ion if hmllyO Judm n t W iitim 1 II Motter piayinl for tl o al n to tTohalenr ce tain florwnr-tit the w ii )Tc aintid. puriMinlnir to !. Ino ' ' x " and Tritamititur HtnalowJn laun, dr a l when am wlit-roaU e ' na inline! wl a .ar n I oi iMiae the prolinlo or aai l w r tho rant Vi of Idler tcitameniary i H iir 0. Ju lion and Allium l H Mutti r, 1 1 r id for In wuneaa whereof I h!o hmuni mr hand and alUPl tho eal or aald Ci t t lltfi dayof trlmary, l I'-, i t.c. 4 1 J (lerkof ihelmui i ,, UrCAUarKV IIHOWNl . J . I'f tl th liootll IKl A tHUT, Attorne) t r Ittl SUMMONS. In the Diitrlrl Court I'n1 f r tin Tl Ird Judicial I'Uinet of OUti r i j. County or Mill J.olc r F tlif re, lUintlff William J llartey Nrtlle Iti x Mn Mary T hell ami J tm ,li . an Jirlcndaute The liopto of Do Territory of I uh aenl eroitlPg ti Uiiliam J. Mann MttieV TlartiyT lra Maiy T. ett ai i i0nn U. imnneilan (leHodanta. y-ov itt imuHir uFoiimn th ap 1 j-ear In an act on l-ruut ut i r 11 by llvateniincdiainlllf, in tlo n i t mrt oi lie Inn IJurtl Hiitrifioftl l inr r I HhanitiiatiRwerihoi'nmpUl tn u mn, wuhinlrn da rirlaMTO i r th im t irr .ice) afterllea rrueonyonot mi m , na trained wnhin ihta c-nnty if Miinl outt-t th County hit III tin di i niiiih twmitydayi o lerwlia wl hin f it d ,n-or Judffiurnl by di fault w II I takei m -t j ou, ftcionilnuli tlotrayeroraalti t it I he aai I act i n la I routtht In I. Ifmeht aaaiiatiierrndAt t m J llanry t i iHin.witn tm mr enerat tM ai I lutlyil.iotill tor UkMM M y nut n alter 'ifnaeritwl lr ll ftllnm i an 1 roauolauit allege! 1 1 be tine on rt.nn liTOui lory nnttra execulM Iriml I u jam tionnA UoeMe Marrlilfd, 1 mi rfW, the Other lor limn, both baarh t i it iu irr cent i er minuni fn ai oftit u init ill e and uni aid, ave inirrvet I ! er Id, 1 t, and & rlncipal on aai t note i r aid noifH aet m t by a mnrlrar ot e e il' e on I rrinUae hemnafler dot riled aai 1 1 tt and iiioniriffo liame I ren aaaia-nr 1 t iimtil, win la now to I oltier II error, i hue the tmiAl decrrn f III court t r it naio it Mil ireiuKea) lhat inec U ll en liu ai lttlinpitni.ii nr aiunliuia hit u ainiTei th.u tieTridantH and all craon . i ni un Irr them le barrtu andfureci a .f all r aimnroiii tynf r item ti n In at it( rm n that) alutlflhatn lu lament f&r m i 1 un y an I for nil i r relief hald I ren c nm de arrtlrlK-foll'.w', tiwiti Oomtt i m ic at a (olniion la I of N I roncnf I t Mock H l iftt r ralt Ukn Ity turtrr ll tt e , rod, tl nice W 4 r da tWnno N In. !. ti en.-e I lOroiiato betr i lining, a luale it lt iJikt Cntyaulrouniy.l tah in l you ii c hrieby nolirl that if ym (all tonpf (Aram! annrr the aald i a nl ua nl-o.o ri quired ll eatd) taintilT u I .n yt lie, unforiler lei dvmandrlti ten Ullneaa ll n lion IharlciKae Ju Ir an ltheralf lit !iatril t uurtot iu ll r I J d rial Ilir.rC in and fir the Irrniory f t tali thlalltlidayof Novciuirr lntlt)rarof ur lArt one ihouaand ctjrtit I an Ire I an! 'm1!1 iirm u mcmiiian, t c)k .iy ll iJmMK.Iictu yt krk II I lilMHir, Altnrnryfnr 1 lamtllT, tanj 9 I otumenlal Ittock, nalt Uka it j d a SUMMONS. In ll-c Dl.tikt Tourt In an 1 for tie Thirl Judicial Iditrlrtof Utah Itrr tory, couuty of fait l.Me lannle mUinlUliiilll. re rdwardll 1H11 oy, I'efvnlAnk Tlo le t'e of tie Territory or luh tend rrectina To Kdwenfl! Itllllnr. dcfeniHnL -rt)V K IIFU III lir-lJL'll.MI TO AP L lor In an action hrought aca nl you by li alum namiil tain ill. in uelutirl tUoort ol lie hlrUulicial liiarrrtoi t'eleriiury or titan, an t in anawar tho roi lah I n o I Herein within ten daya (cxUnme of the day ot fenlre) atur the aem m you or Uu aun innna-M acrcl within ihu r eerreluitif thUrounty. but m thi dliln t, within iHentv dayat otl crwiae withlu fort dya-oriudtDcnt by dciault will le taken aaaint)ou,ac.or llutt to tho iraycr of aald rotn laml 1 bo am I action U brourt I to bare ft decree nf Hue- urtd aioivinr tlo t ji i oi mutriraqny esittimr between pUtnurt and ilerenuanti a ward i nit t idalnilll the cure, euito tr and eruvinot of iho minor ! d, lnueof ) I tnaraitv, an I Kraultna t ft IR other reliet, tiaindnnllir fo'l iwitur nr i di.iowlt lhat inMay iT.lerJl, aaid drf ndani wilfully aud without cauie dcarried au 1 fcl an lone t I laint if am haa iin o continue I and tiow rontmuealo lire art irale and apart from her. without auniolrnl or any rsuir, and uR-alnallier willj an I ibat I r m ro lhan ono i ear aatpaitiUrendant I at I uliy reitlecicd I iroille for plaint If ai I lait chid tlo common Dflceaatnea of lift although able go to do. n 1 )ou are Lerrl not flr 1 1 hit If you fail ti a i ar anl an.wer ti - H eomj laintaa above reUtred the a ll mn itt will at ly to the ( omt for ibereilif uennnded therein VNltluaa, tho n Cbarlr nne, Jurtf e, anitheneaUr ihAlHun tt. urt or lie Ihirl JnduUt lntrtri, in anl r r tn Irrniory of Utah, thla KMli day ol th-K rr in the yvr vt our Urd one tnotiaand r xht I undrrd and ninety two III-Null M Mil 1 AN, tUrk. HyUEii Ii Ixumi, JKidiydcrk. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE, VT O TICK IS IIHtlUi UeN TIIT IN N lunuaucv or au rl r of tho lmtaia Cuuitui rait Ijiko coudi , Ulati territory made rcbruarr itth ski. iiounienijrned, la minit-itori t tl e Unito of lotir Hutinnee iiiKaei, will on I rid Ho third day of lanh,JJi at the law etll r t joha M Can t on, room A3, Conaliiutl Hud litijf bait I ake U ty, Ulah al 12 u oloi a n f mid day, r alter aaidt mo to wl kti t o ia1o may bacon tinned toll at i rliato aj'o ID tl e hifrheat 1 Id urloroah,ftnJ eutect to thecouflrmation by aald i ourt alltioriaht ti ir, mtireit aud ntateotlhn aul Utrr 11 ' nra.l lie time ot lua death, or nllern it of lu and to the follow Itifdeacribel r i etiate, alluated lu tho city ami ounty i f ea t lkt J urntory of Utah Iteslnnimtliw ami o In f (t roOa loilhot iloaiulhenalio n r of lot (lj(hl (b), I lock forty uht(8) j lat U, a t IjiLo C'tty auriey, nud lurmini; ti c north three ait I one ha I (P, rod., tl weil twtutf (W) rooa, tlemu ai utli tt r ul one hilt (j,) rod, thence omt tweutj t ju to the plato of leinulnfc 111 ! In wril lift will lo r ( el on the aLoto deicrtUd laiideilhcfht .n rillco or ly the adminiiiratirof aaideaint upti iim tiuio if i lit di ale. JilltN M CANNON. Aduiinlirat( r of the 1 utatcoi I eter llulbinca, Dauihw rim cox Att rnry for Fitate, ASSESSMENT NOTICE. I utLy Hill Mining c&tui t , (.oration of nrln ill rtl blace of iQki i larK City, Ltih, LwihIh n or Mine al (rccksiininK lua trict, MaiatcnCouiiy LUlu XT01ILH IS HI UKIl. lll V THAT ATA i.1 licetlnit ot the II ird tt Truatiee, he) outhelJihdayottvhru r t mi Halt Uko i Ity, Uth an aneminni nurator aaten, of inoieiuierahnrow In 1 on the capital Block of tferarjKraiioi 1 ai to to the ncrc lary within thirty day rr in ahuio daio at tail I alo City, Utah d ock tion whirli Ihia nam men i rauwl t n iid on tho JVtli tltyoi Manh 11 will ' d I n )uent and al tcrtntd 1 nbli "i Hon, an lunleea j mo nt la made bu or ' aold on the btti day l( May. lu at tl lour or 12 o o nu non at room No 3141 at tution lluildlur. tuitliiiecniy irtab,top j i t lueutniieaa nent t'tetinr with roai ot iidirtiin,r anl Oi) coao ot aalo " J HUHTUN, , , itecrriarr No.TJlitirton'aronrt ml "outh itrcot, betwton Heevf d and 1 rd Itcat, alt Lake City. Utah NOTICE. To the Storkholdera" of tie Itulllon.lleck ,t Champion M nmx( a m iration T0UAU1 lUllrlla N'triUI DTIIATTIIK L reeuUr annual mrrl g f Ibealockl oldira oi aaltrorioralituwull I ai I at Km nice of lhqroiin aiiy.f oeatitutmu ituildifitf, r aat rum llu Htreei.nali ULe tit, U'rllory it Utah, on Monday, iim mill t f Maiiii irnvitm. at the hour nf 1 1 n 1 1 foi the I urpoiv ol tuw tinffoflicoraf ir iho eniuiux our, and or llm trantauiou of u i oil t Iuiiulih aa lna 1 rnperly cinuUfore in m t jr. Ity ordtr of Iho Hoar If I'1'10" l j IU M1K Heircttur. bait I aka tltr. tohruary Jttb. K-3. NOTICE. Un Annie Mmioc at 1 M lima ,, I rionj il place of buiinen ea t Laku Cn NOIICK.-THERE All! DELlNgLir upon the folowinit do n i at tn aiiatitef Aeatrteal N 1 lenel nt i- in oay nf 6piffAtief, ) imi, in nrd atouhU let opnait tho namta of tiiq re. a cc lire abartho'dcri. aa fodowa Na o( ., I trti No. of uiAJB.ii i OMto. Bfcftiet. Amount, Hml.N Alien, Jr, ll 3: It , Yniliiirle, Itn .o m Hm ner.e, lew ii ij. ,, Wmlitirfce. 1 o lluo n M lohnlieek m till tn (itonwt-tiriy ii o i.dim U'lfiimifr icm i (j JJ Mavuru iaj (0Q m u rUJlftiiaen, & JU f MlaaMotra, lw & lluaHorna, M in na lien.Vayhir, I v tie.. Wl.. i i ,i AIM I'allereot., fM M 3d to AiMWwt, 4r B 4 It JJ 1 llcfcftrwa. M M ton, Joasilirhartfft, M ao i hi Jiani.irhaMe, MS la AnnltUmyOer, W tM lion Inuie Lftbrdtr til 7 U imnitMoV ii n leuo I hra 1 eHtnw 1t ft Am Nathan Mftr M Ittm Hiu Nalhanrar 3 4 lit a tit John libiett laj M John lihiwtt IU Mill tl U John rtihmt fm Mt it.n i i-rtt til na is oi laymr Moeiaey Ann MrtMie On 1M 900 11 On Tajler Itownw Ann ., atrofeffio ? J 111 lJole Van n or no in aui t ll r tola tli I lot Ml H 10 A Kio an norae IH n 4 in Mole ati Home TO 1 itn 1 1 Yuqur 9 W.WO CCu uo A iMotiii I vi aft. Ainunnr It anu I. Aliloanir 11 'too i . A IMonair M to iu ii AIM. a. .5 11 We" id to A IMniinir It I.OrO m wl llMiHuitf l iftt II 4 A IMoURK 41 M.IU M7161 i ioumt is aoo aoui AIMOUOK lid M 3f on AiMuenir ni tjm i :i A II .OBRR l OB UN ill Am., 3ii m i)ii Ivotena-t l lonrpJr H l i u lrtnan U uutis Jr SM all U tl Iji rn aol oui)K Jr til al am Miian rt louiyt ft IOno Ml ou fctHauS otian tN HI ual Alro wn lM Mi a,o llonanttwDB H Ml aW Ot AloofooutaT lM lva) tbua Aloaio ouof rtl l.vrl M ti iiaiolU oanr m i,hm miu Miatoll. .ounif f III h(i7 lltur Icjunc U uo u iv HrVrrYotiM t U 111 lUr. lowea rns aaii si o It b. .ona.( 111 Wi t)bo II h, .oumr 1 nt 4 03 Hwrrnii ll Yonnr ai tai ru hi I awteiie ll liuna at oiu Ju fn Uwmtcell )iuok i ill iUT indin acordan with law an I tl notder or the Hoard of lire lor ntadonu thelTthday of pl ember, liu, eo many aharva of each trerl of iucIi took e may bo urce aaiy will be a. Id at llooma No all and lit I omt tution ltuildihir. halt Ule t Ity, Utah on t lUiay, tie lith da) it rebruary. A H inu, hi i o'clock pro r ) eythe dtllu (iienl aaieaainenl theirob loitrthir w till tbo uoat Of ftdtcrtiaiujf andcaitnao id aale JOHN U M I1K1 IL e cere lary Salt Ukc Ulty, Jamnry lo. 1 hd daln of Hie a e, I f deMniiirnl atnrk a aboT0l4htrclyetmMui Jlanh lo, lu, at tho aatnn place and hour Ily order of tbo Imar I of dirrriora ma lo itla Ot J. I. ni lithri:, iwtctary Haled tclniiry V, jwn. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT. HclU'iucnt Notice-Sarier Minliand Mminjr Com) any, location of irinrl) al ilare of La laeri, Halt l.aUl ity, Llali Ideation of worka, I mte County, Ulah -VTtiriCl TIIHlfTTm IHIIMjUr-T i upon Ho followlm ileiorl ed ak on anouut of auriiuienl levied cn the Tin day or January, lMJ, tne aetcral amo nta aet opiroii e II u natiea of the ruccute ahircholdcn, a orccrt. slaret mu Uabl.n.L At tm )41M IU m 1 W.M llolJen.A F ,tiultollJ WaM mW And In at cord an re with taw an I the order or the hairdo! dnci torn, iu ado ou the Ilhitayof January, lrAo many aharta of each arcl nf stock ii ink be i ectaaary w II U aold at the ifU eoi Oouittiutionbuiidlit halt I ahe City, t tali, on the tn I day of March, Hit, at Id a m ,tiay tlo ilelln ment aeaa mint lofccther with the cot la of ftdvertliioK andeiiuuae of aale W J IIFITII .frcrctary Dfure, ronmMi Uonilitution lluildip,, oalt Ijkdt ity Utah Mill I jn 1IT, t'tlh eb. 13,1V i NOTICE. rpO THK flTOOKIItlUilltl Ol Till 8MT L Lake r wer Udht and Heat tm I ompauy r-ie ml neitirir ot the atuikln d ra i r Hie haliUkeluwrr.llihtatidlltatliir Ointany will im held at tfie nrnreof He mini invinhalt likaClty, N t wtal, rirat h i it reet on haiur lay, March 4ih bat. aiium bin for the I urpoin if rauhtn an! onilnnti ar the ar tl o of the board of dire urt in aellinft nn 1 roMoyiiiE all Iho rotrty. r Rhl anl Iran hia a of tho rompinr, lo the na t l.aia and uiei tiaaa&d rteeirml iit ti u) any, an 1 to tramact any an t ail inch other I unineaa ai may be bruughiluloro Ibe morning JAMis MOM T, fci ere wry relrnary lath, lk NOTICE. 4 MrrTlSaOFTIIr T ' Mini IlKIM tlf J.X. llio,c ira un I Jrremy imupanr H hi rchy ral n 1 au 1 w Die hel 1 on Saturday llio ldlh day or Mar li, I M at IU ft m., at the ciniiiny'i rlUie, NiO luiharlaitrtil datUkeciiy iu Halt Kile c uniy luh lorr.t ry for the ur loieof nenti g nrtiHo " of tho articlea of Incori oration f iftl I mnany 1 y reducing ll e numl cr of director! thernn i rm i lo 1 for InllU hKMtrt IrciUcnt Halo I February 1 Ih l9J "" NOTICE. NtiTif r ih nt- i.rm tin rv that Hiiro will le ft nieeilnc of tho hi k hoilrrn or tin Utilt Htoro A liar Iware Horn i any at it m N a tl vl I at ttri Hiuth I reel Halt hkn i ity, U nh, at i m , on Tutelar I rnin til, A H 1-3 fur Iho rh rt on i r ortl ire at d the traneach iq of each blacr bunincoa i may rumn I efor il JUI1S1L UIMlbl. Jll he reiary. STOCKHOLDERS' WEETlNO "VTOTH 1 H IlKltnik dlIN THAT J. HiBtnn ulmeclttic or tho atorkh I lera f inn hall lako llulld n and bun laaoelt 11 in ot I l tl will I o ho 1 nt tl o o li fl ot aald roriorau n.Mi liwui Niul hnth atreut, -all Ijui ' tv m lritu,ihu bih diy of March, If t pm,t ilnoie om era of aaltftri) tl mrnrtheoiiui K Y art ftlao in roiialdir tr loMtmnioroilae thu lylanaor """"""""""""'"r'j THOM4. rwnurr. liilcl Id ruerr Kin n. STOCKHOlDEnti' MEETINOT"" tirTMKainr lruarrlk,liM, riMIl UK .11 ll WMIAI MKK1IMI Iir X Iho tin lur. in Iln I mill U.rlluui IVr snl lluiiu I Ml ia mill 1 1 lil la tlo Tulh nl I iim.llliit hull, on lun.U.y licnll. M.r h liu IUU,ul I HI orlone l.,r II o Mi II ii t il r. r. iv a Iho ar ro t.r) rrt l I ikinK il iirluiiiil ll o rot .lllilli i t in r ...thonunl irofilln tor. aiiirortl. irnll. Ilnnir .1. ll llnrlulnu . iu V cm n""',' , i (J " f " "M i rollout, w I liis'liM o mui) NOTICE TO CHLDIT0R3. E.talo ct Jul n 1 owlbl, Dwoali A. NOTIIL H liTiTillH (IIIEV IIV llio uiiJ,inMl, llral (l II liiwlka, xlmulrnlor r lh mmw ol John lnlka, lilh.irortiior. ol. aul all iiorxma liavlnir claloia aaam.l tho .ai I ItraiMil, 1 1 ra lubll linn wim ll r n r..ry omh i Milhin Icninuollaalltr ll o llr.l l ul I anon or llila i on, i lu IU nil Airrnl ll II ronlka at llooni Un c, In Iho IJI.Ii I oiniui nl nn I 8a inc. Haul llm ill nn No ! raai t r.l Houlft Muot, oiiUUkit ity, l lah, lu tlu Coualy ol ball Ijik UI-IH-DO H rOWIH. Admluiitrator or the citato ot J t tt rowili decerned HaUdJaauarr mh U , dm lAE Hehedy Promise 'Ju rifunil oil mim nl I ik r r Haller's Remedies if mmi tiro ma BSNEriTED In tli Ir USE, Tin an mui ill -, r n iiur SUM CURS C5..HOT. AUaTSALUK SALTE, BLKD ITFJllIIt, mu?MMtdSIIDXK(tond) mm mini mimnmiK mm, Lint: iimn nns, mil nro ADSOLUTStY GUARANTIES I i KO CORE NO F'Y. m I ik. i, mini" tulil l.j- all DriijtKlil., CHURCH BLANKS Prlnlnd anil for Sala at THE DESERET HEWS OFFICE. OALT LAKE CITY, "take R'porl , oner t nerd lv)ott ,. , aa t1f BucM; Faporta , , aft lupairW We. " ruMit rupam 4 T M M I A KiirOrU. ktaw nttaia Cartiaeiil , Dabepa KMommqi1, Uvtltnf B Wei ol lncl! tTiraarr Ai'MlkUMi Koll aad llaourd lliMki, Ufk t LU I A HrHI aad lUmrd IhMls ia Ward lUmrJa, 1 qr t4.t lWWl , IJutq Ulffh Ir1ew ttaoarda UtU tn Ovoea, laMaaj OneU VM U 0d WHY THE DESERET HEWS SHODLD BE SUBSCRIBED FOR IN PREFER ENCE TO ANY OTHER PAPER. I It I. Ilia nnian of Iho thureli di Joan. Clirlat nr Ullor.Jaj- Malm., mij ilia aiilhorlxoil niiHllum tliruusli udloN llie vl.wa, wNhr. auel Ina'ruellon. of tlio Aulliorltle. aro expreanetl and IClVfrtl to tho hallila. i II may nlvr.v. t,o rellnl upon a. adviiratlliK ur dolm llni; Iho rlgUl ililo nl orerj iimmlou jiropor tor public Journal, in Ural upon. t. Il la il.rolMl tn tha Inl.rot a ol Hi. IitliT-day Salnla, and ha, fniln It. In. option, vallanlly drrrnda.1 lliolr rlchia and alroralcd Iho irlnelplo. In Klilcli Ihty lolloic; and otrry Iitlor day rialnl hoilld llioroloro fool undorobllirailona to .Id Ida part lu Iiolpluir In ana nlu It, t Il I. not puhllahcd for ciilllnn, tint uev.r haa lmn but for tho Kood which It la capalilo nl arcompllahlni tha I rollta, If any llirro be iIciItihI fmin It, Iwlnic d.rolrd . nlrnilli g ll. a hero ol u.efuln.a. and Itiiiflllllitf tha eoiuinu. nil. 6, It I. dolni: It. lioino Indllktrlrr, .luonjl which ar. par makltir and type foutt Una, al.rrotyplne and otr.tniplalltr. hranolir nacra.ary iolhod.vrloiurnland Ind.pend.uca of llio community but which, durlim Infancy (which In Hi la T rrltory they liaionot Jilpiinoj), cauoily t oarilcd on at a pecuniary lo.a, 0 Thorn la nn danger of any aub crilr lo Iho Nen a falllnit to urt what ho aubacrlbr. for through falluro nf Iho blia. India .ml a au.jienaluu i f tho publication a remit In the caau of hundred, of 111 w apapi r vi nlure. o ory yoar, 7.-11 la 1 rlutod lu rued. bla typo, an that ovrn Iho .Rnl ran lortino It without dlillcully or danrior In their eyoalghi, B, Il l f n 0 from objectionable ml re,, tlioimnla, an Hint nn nrrut nrrd frar that lila children will lmo their mind. rorrupiKl from having ore.a tu It t In facl, It relu.ea thouianda ufdollara worth or tho I pit 1 a) Ititf advertisement, alilni ally, becauao II la derated to the mural nil aplrllual Inlcrott. nf It. reader. In tt.a I ol to KlllDR ealu at their eipenar, V Iialonala not icuiilated by publlo olnIon nor Ibe hupoof Kalnlniraiibacrlb. era nr mlvertlaenieuia. It advocalm that which I. rlxht aud windeinii. that which la w ronir, reKardlea. of rraulta, financial or utherwlae, 1011 nerrr nauanalei It. readeri by palinlui oil column, of i.lNpral.e for rowa I cm II. The Mi wa praollrea no decepllon atidroMi'ta lo nn aulterfncea lo Induce ji pie to aul acrlbei bul ou the contrary, prrfera lo aland on 1 a nwn inoilla, a. the pinplo'a nowapajer, with tk rumlae only In do It. uliiiiait tn slto Ita patron, the full value nf their money a pn inlao which II la. tiidwMirod to fallhfull keep lu tbo past IJk In concluaion, If a I,n!tor day Kllntoan nfloid loiillbecrlbo for only one tiewaapvr, lhat per ahould bo the Iliatnir Newng end If more than nnr, tlio Nun ahould Invariably be the flr.t. hi'liaciilrrios lUmai I Ir 0 M 3 ita. 1 tic Dally , J I aoo fsio fiw i f Vim Htrklji 3 011 ITS 100 ,IJ ll.unt Wtilly . 50 1 W Adilrwe nil coluliiuulratlona to TUB DUSUKKT M:WH CO, halt Ijikn City, Utah. DEEDS APMOMGAGES." Conformablo to latoat Torrltorlal Statute) for salo at tho 0CBF.nCT NEWS OFFIOEL I f , $tarjdard bur;b UorKs. Ifl Dak el Marraon. la aominl el tke jial analaal tiuaUUau el tm Imaneaa Ooott. '' i H Mat, vruura Ir U baoi o( Uoruaa apn B H taalaa takao rmm Ida t.l.l-. ol Kr.kl, Iowa j J faaj nar Maachaiitar Oaurld Oo,Na York, ael IH uaaalaU.1 I f u TntUt I apn amm. It, I ' H dill, IMtl rull 114, It HO, rail Iknn, Ittl) I fH Full luxk (.mall, 1 1 Mi rail LeaUnv, nUm I, 1, H tl Ul rail OlnUi, atabnMa.1 It n, MM Jeok r Jtorinoii. (Uip, runt.) Uonxea. H tun dill, U 7I Uakbar, Uill, tl OOi Uaiaar, H 111 CIoiIiILti IjjI Uvelrluo anil lallnum of ft, etiorta al H eUlrt of LaUariUr Halnut euoulaln ILa lt.ialaU.Hi. irlTao la Jowraialth,Jr,,efce ft H rmpliii,lrUnlilllia(iialuaaKlatlaraof f H nt ta u, u.i ,1,,., dm, :s, r.iii b., . H lllMiralllluaalUS, rail Hook (auull). It U H roll Laaiai-r, aubu.irl, ILUi rull Cloth, eia. H IxmhJ l.kT neelrlne anl OoienaoU. (L.u. ni.ll, A H Uiroaas ntea lllll, U1J Laaek.r, OU IJjjV H tl no lalaar.llMl laUi,t Tl W H (riMii eha Itai.lauoa., Traarlalloaa, anj Kar. JR mH ration, of Jewf aulta, n.t iToeti.t, Raae My H aad llerlu ul eba tinufca ol J.raa narm al 1 H UUaf-o'ir Halou. Maroas u.ll, ll.Mi I aH Ualbar, lllll, 11.0)1 H-aui Taa, Kto aia H Key llio aeleneo of Theolenr. Ca jjS aliroaJ aa an InlwliMllou t.1 Urt Vlffat frtnej. H Flea ol apilloal l(Jlo,.hr 11100. U H aad UuTunael, aa IMltered 1 Urt Ao. H alanM, ae4 a. ll.lorad id tta. aifa l.l Iha and JH towaflrta TT rarler r. rratl. rell noaw M ...Ik-.I, 7Jm rut elh, ambeao. IM. H olee or Unrnlnc an letreaaeeuu to ua H raiia aoU Imeuun of tin I tares of Jeaaa H i anil of UuerVv aaleia. ti rerhr 1-, H Irate, rail It .an aratarMad aa. kulIUnUi, M mboaaal.Cle! Uupelaa,Ua. H lieiirrr a llleta. r.aibiua tka roo. proo. ' aH laaftt itorvina. . t 11m VtMnk of Jam. lbr.l UM o Uraw-J. H.iuU, k, oraao Baae, A. H, , H to hi a 1. alar, o4iM Ja IMtae u r.uu H Mhirt ih-ow, n rariy an Um he? Wiluara alfH (lronl A M , bialora, kl.M. ran Ha, en- H i, 1 1 nn ran otota, wuaM, in, j fjjjH ll aOj lllll, f 1 00 H I J lllll llooh, Taealleta UllMl. (ta.k.'IrXI H run Juan, H.i rail la.lh.r, II CO, Uaebar, H lira Hou4v.HH, 1,,, HU1.IIM. H .lerlil.m lor Uill.lrrn. tnbllltiif ua I H MalMnl a.KUIaaa or Ike ewaeab ml 1um I faJB tatl.1 a lnardaf eeiel. I j Jean Jeoaas ,B lalbar, a.l Ulatk, V UluJ., M jH I ar Oxer lea. H I lamiiHtmlliiin ot eha dclnnix t Ua H llnafaa, b IVaoklln 1). HIilMtU and iu. A I H UlUa. Ualkw, (Hll, llWi Imioh, w, BH ln.ll.lln U.IAar, IIM, (Jloih, H.W, H leaily llererenrM, HelaraUiUarraecn JH II a itjaellva ornae, 1lh ti!.brleal ra ka aatk. jV eta., aka. aud II otf, acojf dlait lo ttadlao taffl t Ti6GelIai7eou5 Uors. ', H llrvoii I'tall m lorhat a wrtMot pasipblata t H iu ta itodriota uf U vpl a toot ot IU f jH tlnml'llovil. nf llererfne ti Bin tttvrjy 7 i H Jiriiwlrwr, nmjrioo an 1 en; of tha Utta l r flalnu frrr Balnto and atrexira, Ua H f'ant ITirrllnn Kerord. 1 fjulra, tlJ i M qilrfttatna l4irM,ja. M Rnliibmiidftlnuera. It j t Ul. tloblnaofi 7 M Tli 1 hU r lh .ral He iki telle. 11 Mi M lIvurjfllAitllaliOoTnrtlale, Mti. H Ularljrdom of JomjU MauUlne;, Uj jf H 4 4m McIwImd, 3S& H lleuta on 1'r leal hood, tij Iraaltlaat ieaa ft H lajlur, 10c. I M Tli Hook of Jnabert Cltfh out, tiK. 1 H Uatlttf OHI.UTS, 1 H Temilra. rrrlilfe and kUWUal akttrbM (4 H a iPDlandm'Nlfrn aMre4 edit.?. VlUl an H acinar,,. , alftn an aeemint ot tha lajtRaj; of . if Ua fart"na of Iha Hat Lake Cllj Tfrtplf, jiH Alll,.'n lapar, 10a. 1 IH rilftlonnr of Vim Hook of 31 irana, M CI iiit, 11.15, (1UI.I1 ii. M lllatorj of tit Uoriiiona.a. ITIIIIenitluI MirUck t4uhHalnoMrk. H 4oarui of lllieum) kak tuliuiaa ILM H 11i niartjras aa aratnal n( the tnaitTrtma e H Joar h aiul HrromBmlib, wtlh aia! t-rvxraviafa H ( lhaaa Bible man. by L, O, LlltlaftM t, too. H ;a.kt I'lllloaopbj, ahovin,. Uia lUttMlt) M ot InSJellir aJ Um barnnoj ef ibe wvl H wllhaclntiooant, btttorf T5c Ilia Hnnd of 'rotlilenr(a bovn In th H lilatory f i Uatiia anl, ttittn li JH tcr Mt ai-tar 1 1 tha riftatratlun or Uw gnavt, H an III -i atl toil er 31 3 lrtuj uiv 1 Ioriu..i,t Ilorlrlnr, ailaluanit .ImrJa ea. M ft ui n it the 1-riudplr-i (f tU MI. la H tav-lretarael; vnutvtn U,ilra, will. aftk,wit H KtflOf aertituraU relvrancaa, b Cbarlaa H, M lonrrrva Mo. M tlUlomiM unil Itcrllnlloiit, No. M axmuiiia iAieo aatlablaror 1 u Llio an J private i ritUrUlnrcoi I au H Hhj He I'rrl(ro I 'lit rnl llnrrlac, H by a U -runM, wife an4 nuiUiar-Ilalau Uu bllntr, Clota eorer. Ua. jH laRlnvf nil .lmljIiAtloii. ronUintn lb re- H niaikaUttrullLtfaf JuU'O. H lane in ttab H Turrltiirr on U.I irajH riant iidtMiton . H Clifl Ieitniaa nnaaarro atiit IU caoatMt. a j lecture by John MrUolaou, 30c. H Tim TluiintNln Mndow .llaAanrrr and Hliitlrineul uita a tall ait-mut of Hue H Iraviolr, anj 4te tt 1 lame rhare It , Hrlj jH bet iri,l0 W. refiroae, V, H illMod Aiiteiiieiii. by a w ream. B lylaloa u a tiKUiti. aa anjaratouj I7 Laitrr-4ar fUlitU, JKs. jH lUudlMKunnil llerltnllona. aecond axlltlnti, M a b 1 1 Mtt PV.M, otalnlntl a vraat varlel ff cbnlce ltoaJI Ka ftnj tiwiuiooj, eoiuplla4 ' bjI by 1 n r &,), M tn I till) room, by llaautafc UKSaa. reic bbbbbbbbbI U aasbt, aloUi tu oraMa. )H llio Lire aud UbvraerutaaH. SaaaTar L H ftaiHli, HU a Ml acoounl uf m fawarai ( " H fttafVia , HWIiUil, HO. tH Doea the HlbU Htiellon rljraMjt jH a iltfc imlon Uttwo Eltlur Uraon 1 rati and Pr, i, I ISevman, U vLleb 1 aJJad Ua dl. jH enuraaa ou eelnatUl Marrlaj by U ltra Oraoo H rralt, Ueor., A. finiilb aiul UtM Q Uaaoon, Joaeiih hiiillh-WiM Uu m lroi!irl oj I H Otll liy J, II BjevUU. vrlea, 1 apur . H 1 lletlew or L UvKifloo of the Supratae H Court or the tf. tM tn the eae oi Uaorce Iynwl li, by (laor Q Oaxuion, Me. r (look of Ibruttttiit, Ito auUtaatlelry eeulj UabMl, by (!. lUyuolda, SSa. H k Im I'rrcejiior, by JoLn Kith alarm, toe, , (Ut Aiiituldlui; Morjr, or Mftiiaacrij.1 r UOj llpWr.Mj CUrUa.W! Oltlall 00. JH lliarl or the rralrltt or a Dreej. W Ibe jH I ulure, py V V rralt, IOj, (lie Hot-moil (tuvatluii. liy lota Taylor, jJH t'eeiue. lUltinua, lllatorlral and rollUcaL. l'y )H lllaa H. htww Tot. LcaUter, 11 l Tol 3. H ciutii, iiivt Vol 1, uoth, urn, id.t Vol 1. jjH 0 Ul,6aJC H lfurt uf lou. I-ocrma by John Lyon. Girth, H UUt 7ae.i Cloth, UK. j .ear or Jubtleo DiaeountM dallrerel at, anl H ttneral )rtKallnr o( tha lITUakb JUuiual H c nffraacr, lie tealorttlluil of thnllverUallnc Jatfl Ily On 1 k Tt aa Ulu, le. H luteitttHTuiirv, to, H 1 olfe from the .TKiuiilaliia 10c iH lh lleaiirrffll.u. Uy rrealde&l rrUkaaa H i unn, 10c H Ciildt) to hall Lavkv ttlj aaid Um m 1 jjH MH