Newspaper Page Text
I'M tj 2 dksi.kkt jnr.xixo ynwst timdat. rnimrATtr g-t, .sos; - Hj SCHOOL llOAltn MATTERS. j'f Imnrance ArmcIh Mho flanl to lit jj ItenKiulitrf.t.-Mm Vi ho Waut to H(J lie Janitors."- "' ft',$ The city ecliool board met In rritu- V ii far weekly ttielon lut tilthl, 1'rcaldenl H Nelson ecoupylng Hie otiolr. The H M numbers werei nil iretent eicept Mr. IH & Djoly. TharoaUcrt.dlsposeil of were H S at follow: M i' ItuJoH Iluttkofer ind 1'roJ Bealt M I j asked for potttloni at Janitor. Com- 11 ; mltlee on furniture anil auppllet. ?, V. l Johnson aekel to be employed EH L aa engineer at one of the now build' JJ ft Idrh. Committee on furniture an I ("" H supplies. ? II. II. WlnJuor & company, Insur er ance agents, Bprague .ts Hliarp, ale I i'lt Imurance ajcnir, aikcd that at the (V next Imurance distribution they be HU$ kindly rcmemberol by tho board. KflKic Committee on sites and tullJliiKs. The contnilttoo on tetohere fanl HBj m icbool work recommended that thry K te granted authority to I iirclieeo nriy HH B dozen blackboard erasers and Ml) copies Kfl, :i of llaioca' complete irefgrapliy (ro- fj Tided tbe books eo ordered contain tho ,U tuauutcrlpt furnished by tho Uard; j that Mrs. Hutle lloot lie employed for Y the balanoe of the year at J 10') per ' jb month to teach physical (U turn to . f! leachersand euperlse their wurk; that i their action In lntructlnHuwrlnten tm dent Mlllipauxh to lurcliasealoto pen. Kf ;, ; die I approTed. AOnptvd. , The committee ou llnaiice reported B a adTrrielyon tbuclalmof llulldluii In- J epeitor Hamlin for J1M.30 for thu In I ail tprcllonofichoul buildings. Adoplod. fThe clerk of the trJ wat Intruded for a tldewalk bIoik Hecnud Boulli bsjsjj . street from Fifth Writ tlreel w.t. H f lletlilet illspoalnir of a number of Kfnl other mattere of minor Importance tho H ji following appropriation! were made: HJ I MssoeACo., Iamlr .... .. I W It 1 i Jmee-seerr llaletnaa Uo.. moke ll eteekror JacUoo ael.oll 231.1 M (Hell Alton, room al II a - te PPB Jlm,. r,,rnrir llalsnian o, smote- PPpM I aurk Jor Vihinelonehool . .. 3191. i 3, 11. IlkuiMn. vrklema enlnuce doors .tlnroln.choo! .... ... 1100 II oler Oor. ilulerln( illllUoni l rcnlrtl hooio oo niiih urtel. 10 09 IL Kleiner, ereeilert, ercliilerltral if r Tlre4ktlohlntlc,nirboolt... . W 00 II, kKtllnr, anhneci, airliilecMral eer TKcaet ljiwetUrlioot.,.f.Mw..... 411 M 7. CM, 1. for moo ilildci lop tawrlt irtiool, Mw M Ill it Viui a ui, loril Uliltiloruieia rl horhooU . tO ILlftlVintlr.for ltulnr edlillon and PPPM S nuditliion, eiily.tillUiuicl-,-. 11 W 1 Ltrof erhulrr, nttenal ami Ulior tna Hvlt Aba lt,lilns"VoB)jlil'nr"rrir'u 'for PPH aurrrmlrDdcnt. nreinonlna... . wl 00 Kt ti Oeerrel oaeoa eoai,reamllejal w HH 9 Trlbona I' I o.r"'ml... ..'... 19 IU PJpH A K.atomn HarUwareto. bouaa bun PPH I era en,l llirrmomrtcra SI IS a v MsllLakelJlliorreililDKli.trfSJurcr,a HH iff tlaa K Melkeraee.VeViircVu'teara'or H fit elBlktrailia Olatmt .... Its w H J Came A lloirao, aarrlraa aa Kactier PPPX A atetilr,aulhilutrlrt w H 103 CO iAIn Colouboun. rent or kulldtnz eiatr klltU iliamcu. -.. .... JO U) Carrie A. tlorran, aartlcca aa liachor al emy alkth oUlrlct 13 09 O. II Weeks, taller isnauaeutr-anlli Vaner 1'erkin pVrricea aaieaijer at eiilyiilhftiatnct 173 09 (leorre A. Ilarron, asrrlcsa aa Iraatee st eulr siklh dutrirt -.-. M oO 09 eamuclJ. raat.aerrtres at BUIf'Stun district, alao laauraore -. M n Mldrlar eoea La., healloc so I notll alius 1iwfll school 7X1 13 p---- Total ,!l 31 Slllncliry and Wnuless. Mr. W.ll. Itlncbey It desirous of learning the whereabout of Ills brother Ilenjamln I'. lllucbey, who HHL', c,m ""' ' tbe fall of 1839, and HJB traveled In Utah, Idaho aud Montane. HB The last letter received from him waa HP written at Ilutte. Montana, and stated HH'C "",t nn w" ftolKK l0 return to In- HH Jj dlan Territory. This wae penned HH'it about March, 1BS0, since which time HH ii he baa not been heard from. Any HH)1 person knowlni; of hla whorcabouu HH'4 wl" confer a favor by wrltlnK to W. K',, II. lllnchey, Palmer, Chlckaiaw Na. II tloa, I.T. HHti Information Ii also alked regardluic HHiD tna whereaboula of John U. aud Kllen HaL" Wanltaa Tho oame to Utah from Knic- H land about 1660, aooompanlo by their HKj mother. Jly callluu upon or writing HH1 to W. W. Williams, No. ICO K etriwt, HHfl BaltLakoUlty, they will learn tome- HI' thing to their advantauu. H (l.tllllslllllflltt. HH I Tbe victory by Councilman I.awaou HH ' In the matter of securing a muulilpal Li garnishment haa apparently Inspired a HJBj number of business men to muku aim- M'z liar attsmpta and In view thereof a HH!C numerously signed petition of which . tbefollowluglaacopy will beprtaented ( to the couucll tonight: K Tolho llonorabloMaynr amlCouncllluon K ot Salt Iike City, Uluh: K , lentlemeii-'ef Die undorslened HV ' morohabU and boatnosa men of Hall HB Lake Uity, do imt rcspectfullr urge H yourbouorablolHHlytopaasanordlnaiK'O H I oumpelllnK thoclly Irtaiurorof saldrity Hi to honorallirarnlalieeettiatuiayboMirted i upon htm for debts contracted by cin- j plnrea or said city. M Keeling that aa buatnoaa men and tax- i jAyen wo ere entitled to thle jirotoctlvn W t at your bauds. HHir Wcnllicr llurctu Hrpoil. HH't Halt hiicuUiTV, Utah, February HJHh VHW' Tho chief of the weather bureau dl H reotathe publication of the following H data, compiled from thu record of H observations for the month of March, HH taken at this atatlon during a j erlod ol HE9 eighteen jnara. f Ills believed that tho facta tliua sat HHU forth will prove of lutereat to thu iih. HH lie, aa well ns the special student, HVa' ahowlng aa they do the average aud Hflj extreme coudltluua of the inoro 1m Hn portantinUeorologlcalelemu liaudtho HI 1 range within which euoh vurlnlloua HHV' may be exueufui to keep during auy HHHJ Loirttpoudlug mouth. Hl Hill'tllAlUIIE. StH, Mean or normal temperature, K. de. EflVH grite. 'Ihe waruitat Marin vtas thai I uilblD, with uu average uHUtddvrw-k, fl The coldest Maroh waa ihai ot lt7o, HH with nu aveiageuf SJ.i! degrees, ,lhe uiguesl temperalura uurluf any Mann Hi wu 77 Oerees, on Maruu Sd.h, 1S7H HHH Tho Ion ist teuiptruture Uuciik any H March wus aro, on March l.t, lblw. V AverugoUateou wulon list "aullu.t,'' HlH Irosl occurred (luetrleg) about April I HMHl Vltrnil'lTATlU).-. (RAIN AND MLI.TtC HHHJil Hi Aveiajefor the month, I.UJ iDchta HBHH, Avkraae number or uav with .lit ui nn Ineli or i,7?, ID Tbe urentsat monthly precipitation wu 4 (ID Incbn In 1091. The least monthly tueclplta tlou was 0M Inches In 1557. The greatttt amount of prtclpllallon le rorded In any 24 consci titlvu hours was 1,17 Inches on March 3m h, 1B74. The grtatral amount of anowfill recorded In 24 lonsscutlve hours (reord extending to winter of 1854 fi only) was Inches on March iOlh, 169 1. CIJUVM ANU tKATIIKIt. Average number of oloudhai days, 11. Average number of pirtly cloudy days, II, Average number of cloudy day a, P. MINI). The prevailing winds have been from the northwest. The hlghsat velocity of the wind during anv March was 49 inlltann March 7th, 1S77. (I Mi. M. rlAM liunv. Observer, Weather JIureau. rillAIKUIXli: SllllKTV. llielrrlsailonof Anrlrnt l'fjpt and lis Modern Itrstnrallnn. Oihrr III- ttrrstlng ToplcH. The regular monthly meeting will behelJatthe aocltly rooms, I'rugrira building, FrlJay, February SI, 1603, at 8 o'clock p. In, Topics for discussion, "Tho Irrlga tloa of Ancient lgyptend Its Modern lleatoratlon," by Admiral Selwyn. "Thollou'evard." "The Utility of Folligo In Our City Htrnls." The paper by Admiral Helwyn of the llnilsli navy will bn one of un usual Intereat to all our member and tutheeclcnllflo worlJ, at It tends to tbe solution of questions alTcctlug agrl culture In the hlgheal degree, at well at mining and manufactures. To this meeting I ho puidloaro In vited, ladleaaa well aagenlleiuull. There will he present several visiting englnsere anil others Interested, and a lull eltenuanue of the members It re quested. Dullness meeting of dlrectora at 7:30 o'clock. T. (J. IIaii.iy, tiecrttary. llulUlii;; l'l-rmitn. The following bull ling pwmllthave been Issued by Inspeotor Uamllii dur ing the present wjak: Mrs. A. It llamllti, for a one and nco-half atory brlckroltageat Kleveuth Kasl and l'rluoelon avenue, to cut $l,l0U. ICIpple & Hoblnson, for a one-story addition to simp at 209 West Bocoud Houth street, to cost 300. IMward Hachburg, for a one-ttory aldltlon at M2 iUst Hecond Houth street, tu coit 313, F. lloran, for a one-ttory frame In Kensington addition to coat $100. II. I). MIIIM, for a une-story brick dwelling at 219 Mouth Third l.ait street, tu cost 1,U0U. Albert Xodeiiulst, for a one-story brick dwelling al 31!0 Houth West Temilfl street, tocost l,:.'i). Hwedlih Iiutheran church, for a two-story Irsuie parsonage at Fuurth Kast and Hecond Houtii streets, to cost J.'.OOO. M. It. lleardaley, for a one-story frame addition at 03 M. atreet, to cost 1.U0J. A. It. Carter, for repairs at o33 West First Houth street, to cost f l.oOti. II. F. Ilapgood, for a two-story brick at U3.1 II atreet, to coat $1,000. I). I. O'Mahoney, for a one-story blacksmith thop at 60 Market ttreet, tu cost $300. Sail Lake. .Slake Conference. The seml-auuual ('onlerence of the Halt Lake Htako of Zlon will convene In the Assembly Hall, Halt Lake City, on Hilurday, March 4th, lb03. Meet tiirt will to held as follows! Saturday at 10 a.m., and 2 p.m., and Huudsy at 10 a.m , mid 7UI'J p.m. A general attendance of tho l'rlesl hood and teuplo Isdeslred. The Htake organisations of tho Itellef Hocletles, Habhath Holiools, Vouu,' Meu'annd Young l.ajius' Mutiul tm pruvement Associations, and the l'fiui ary organlaatlouaarerriueated to have their reiotU ready In tluiu for the con ference. An cum M, Cannon, Jimn'ii i:. Tayuhi, UiiAiarst W. 1'KNituur. Htake Presidency. Notice to Siimlay Si'liuol Olllcers. We very much regret ttio delay oc casioned by not having the statistical reorta all In by ttie time requested February 1st, 1')3 and trust no time Hill In Jut In forwarding the samo to cur general seiretury, rso. 3SI (loustl tutlou building, Halt l.iko City, Utah. This applies la llio.o Htaket which have fallal to forward them. l'Jeaau do so al once. I)hi m:r Hunuav School Union IIoaiiu. N'ollce lo Seu'ulirs. Thero aru seMral of the quorums which liavu failed to send In their yiarly reporta with changes during tbe year as requested, l'loaae forward the aaineatoucu to No. 331 Constitution biillJing, Halt Lake City, mL; Is Mr, Chan. .N. Ifuiier Of rrcilcm k, MJ . sugared terribly far over tso ars uttli ubii'Ljes nut runnluz sorei ou 1,1s left Ice Ho ated asy, crew eik aud thin, ami tas ohtlgeil to ins n cans and rrut, i,. I v rt tlilni; which i outd be ihouirlit ot ft as dune Itliout good result, until be bojfan ullug Hood's Sars&parilla wlilch ffffftfil it jwrfi-ct euro Mr llinrr I nuvviiiMii Imit iIlirMtti 1 n'l imiUeulars vt till t-aij UMit!itaU linutlruif C I lltfiiii A tti . Isowrll, M11. HOOO 8 PiLLBtrlitlitKntrfI1utssrl.lli, ...i.ii,..tUo.cutlia..h..-.liJiinu.u.., Mi n's Hhoea Lace and Congress, . SI.SS. HpencerrV Lynch Co., n III Main. 'I hat o lirciiafllli tid with nn affec tion of tho 'lliiuat from childhood, caused by diphtheria, and have used various remedies, hut tiave never found anythlug rqunl to ItitnwN'A lluov C1MAJ. Tmciira." Jim. U. JI '. Jlamilon, Jticton.Ay. Hold only In bona. Imialll llllhellall)' 110111111 l'. In all our uanderlngt to gatni r fresh and neway llims, we cannot lielp mitf tlonlugthn following seasonable tooJi now on aaiet Ten pieces hoiro mvln white Limey at S2ia per yard, reduced from ,10c. Thlily pieces e-xtm heavy napteil t latdt at loo er yar f, former price 0c, at l'rul'I.K'3 l.ljflTAIII.K Co ur, 7 end 0, Malu, Col I ma Cndeo It uniqualod for I'urlty and Flavor. Ilrlml Mil-. We offer great reduction In cut glati, dinner, tea and chamber tele, latntsi, decoratuil nrnt white china, etc. Will remove tn 101 Main Hb Cai i.away, IIoock ,tc Co., M W. Flnt Houth. I Union, lllaanlirl. Mr. A, L. Armstrong, an old drug gist, and a pri'inlnent clllieii of Ihla enlerprlalng town, says: "1 fell seme forty different kinds ot cough raedl oliire, but nave never In my expert etui) sold so much of any one ertlrl-, as I have of lMUud't llotchouud Syrup. All who u It ssy Ii la Ihe moil prfect remedy for Cough, Cold, Consumption, an I all iltteoeea of the throat and Lunge, Ihty have ever tried." It Is a tvclflo for Croup nod Whooping Cough. It will relieved a Cough In one minute. Contains no nutates. H)ld by 7.. C. M. I. Drug Deit -1 Coal, Coi:k and J. H, Mmiit: A Huns, Jtemnved to to'J Main. I Mllileea n.l tenlraeloea. 010,000 flrsl-claia llrlck for sale by I'roiect l'ark Itrlrk Co. Ofllco 00) tast, Hecond Houth Htreel. ' Hcluol Hhuis 1 1. mi 011. Hnlld drain. Hfncer iV Lvnrh Co., 121 Malo. A ruee rnr l-llea. Itching I'ilea orekuown by mol'ture like ieiat Irallon, causing Intense Itch ing when warm. This form as well as llllnd, Illeedlng or I'rolrudliit;, yield at onie to Dr. Ilosanko's l'lleltemody, which acta directly on part atli-cted, ataiorba tumors, allaye Itching andtf fecita permanent cure. 60 eta. Drug. plats or mall. Circulate free. Dr. Ilosatiko, l'liiladtlphla, 1'a. Bold tar Z. O. M. I. Drug Drpt. tniiielu.lnalrr. Thero Is no excusu for supporting eailern maiiufocturers. W quoto home made red and whlto riannrls at Soc I it yard, reduced from 35o. Wu havo only forty pines. Htlze thil op portunity, (let tile goods at rtOI'LK'rf KltUITAIlI.K Co-OI', 7 and B .Main atreet. A SJonuil flier llakea n Stall Stan. Are you Hill us, Conallailed or troubled with Jaundice, Hick Held ache, Had tatta In Mouth, Foul Itreath, Coaled Tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry Bkln, fain In Hack and between tho HhouUcrs, Chills and Vitvtr, ttc? If you have any of three symptomi, your Llvtr Is outof order, and your blond it slowly being poleoncd, because your Liver doea not act properly, llerblt.e will cure any disorder of the Liver, htotukch or Ilowels It hit no equal as a Llvir Medicine, l'rlco 73 cents. I'reu trial bullies at Z. C. M, I. Drug Deit. , ly llalUeil'a anon I Inlmenl. This wouderlul Llulmeul It known from the Atlantla to I ho l'aflll -, and Irom the Laket to thu Uulf. It it thu most enetratlng Liniment In Ihe world. It will euro Hbcumatlim, Neuralgia, Cuts, Hpralns, llrulses, WounUa, Old Hores, (turns, Hciatlca, HoreThrcal, Horn Cheat and all Inllam matlon, alter all others have lallet. It will cure Darted Wire Cuts and heal allwounde where proud llssli bat set In, It la equally efllclent Inanimate. Try II and you will not be without It, Trice SO cents. Hold by X. C. M.I, drug department. Nnllre. O. L. l'.llaaon hat removnd to No. SO Malu Ht., oppoiltii .. C. M. I. lluga and carriage robei at half price or SO cents on thn doll tr. l'lAirbfa IIijUitaiilk Uo-Ul'i 7 an 10 Main ilnot. Hay, Oraln, Flour and Orocerlea, on tliii. v Hi au-utlty, at caih prloei.llrsn 70r,riour$l,6iitoJJ.0Ocwt., OtisJIiO. llaisford's, 101 100 W, Houth Temi Id Ht. 8. II. ClltTorJ, New Caseell, Wis . waa troubled with Neuralgia and ltheuruatlem, hlaHloniaoh was dlsor dered, his Liver wss sflected loan alarming degree, l elite fell away, and he wsa terribly reduced In fleh and strength. Three bottlee of l.leiltla Unlets cured him. F.dwarl Hhepherd, llarr sl.tirg, II I., hada running tore oil hie lea- f tlthl j sale" standing. Used Ihreei bottles of Kleotrlc Hitters and seven luxes of llucklen's Arnica Halve.and his leg is sound and well. John Hpeeker, Cat awln,0.,hnl live latge Frver sons on his leg: doctois said he waa Inoura. ble. One hitllo Kl.clrlo Hlttere and one box lliuklen'a Arnica Halve cured lilni entirely. Hold al A. C. HnillhJi Co'a Drug Htnre. " Men's Hhnit Lace aud Congress, $I.M. , Htmicer A Lyuclt Co., U Main. ' new rrj I Hla. It will co.t you milling and wll, uiely do yiu good, If you havo a Coutin, Cold, or any Uoub'e. with rnrosl.Ohe.1 or Lungs. Dr. U tig's Sew b'scovery for Cousumptl n, i 'ought and Coldt It guatanteed to give eeliaf, or money will be jtldtaok autlerera from La Grippe fot-nd It )u.l be tulng, and mdt IU use) had a Itedy and perfect rioosery, .;y a ami fe. boll atourexpenenanl learn for ynnraell Just how good la thli g ll Is. Trial bottle free al A. C. Ilmltll A IVs Drug Bturv. Knee le he lloflee I'lll- y C . t-H' "" -Manyadoctol'a mil ' '" 'aTe' by, the ute of ChamUrlalu't Uugh Jtemedy. The name ta a household word lu many parts of the county. Chamberlalh'e medicines have an ex tensive talti In Ihe W irld'a Fair City and many re 'pie testify to Ihe merits of their dlllerent rimedle I nr ado by '.. O. M. I. Drut Kept. dAt Thlt remedy It becoming to wen known and so popular aa to need no special mention. All who havo mod Klectrlc Hilton ling Lie lametoiigif pralie. A purer meJIclne ilira not exltt, and It Is guaranteed to do all that lsclalmo-1. i:u-ctrlo Hlttert will cure all diseases or the Ltver and kldnryi, will nmove l'lmplet, Holla. Halt Itbcum and other allectlont caused by Impure blood. Will drlvo Malaria from the system and revtnt at well at rure al Malarial Fevers. Fur euro of Headache, Constipation and Indiges tion, try li'cclrlo Hitters. Ln Ire sat isfaction kuarantted, or money refund-ed.-M'rlcei, 6"e. and $1.00 per hotllo at A CHnillluV Co'a Druir Hlore. 6" WE CLOTUE THE WORLD ! that la) ree're willing to, unit bine Ihe iiintrrlala to do It with. It's Ihe STorlil'a misfortune If vie ilnii'l supply Its oulllls, mid you're it loser If Joii're rtutheil rlstehrre. Those velio do n triune to us, pay higher prlrra for Interior goods. It's u little Ute to be tilling nut for-ti tussle Willi Vlllltrr, but better bite than never, summer la n long tvuy off, mil Jini'll tie derliledlya'ort" If ou uttempt tu drill nn r iss the Interval of tlinetillhoiil in llliigitpentialoflltou nut fur that o)aae. Comfortilble clothing is it ueccrsslty uf life, omk I'nroi:. J. P. GAF?DHEr,, 141 VtaA.XTT ST, WHY THE DESERET HEWS SHOULD BE SUBSCRIBED FOR IN PREFER. EHCEJOJM OTHER PAPER. . 1. It Is the orgsn of tbe Cbtirob ot Jesus Christ of Latter-dsy CUInU, and tbe aulhorlaod lucdhim through which 11,0 vlears, v. libes and tns'ruotlons of Ibe (' Aatliorltles are expressed and given to Hie taslnta. 1 It insy alaeaya be relied upon as adviK atlng or defending the right sltlo of osery quosllon proper for pobllo Journals In treat upon. 3. It Is devoted to the Inleros a of tbe Latter-day Salnta, and he, from lis In ception, valiantly defended tbelr rlghta and atlrocAtod tbo irinclplea In wjilch Ibey believe; and every Latter-day balnt tboul 1 therefore fool under obllgatlona lo do hla part In helping to tualalu It. 4. It Is not published for speculation, tnd naver has beon, but for tbe good which It la capable ot accomplishing Ibe iroltta, If any tbsre Le derived from it, being devoted tooxtendlng lla ahen, ef usefulness and btucLtllng tbo comma nit. 6. It Is doing Its ulinnst to establish home lodusllies, among which are piper making and type-foundliir, stereotyping and electroplating branches necesaary lo the dsvelopment and Indspeudsnce of the community, bat which, durlug their Infancy (which In this Tsrrltory they have not yet paiaod), can only be carried on at a pecuniary loss. fl.- There la no danger of any sub- scrllwr lolheNaws falling to get what ho ' aubacrlbes for through failure of the but- tnsea and a suspension of tbe publication a result in tbe case of hundreds o newspaper ventures every year. 7. It Is printed In readable type, so thai even the aged can peruse II without dltUrulty or danger to their eyesight, .- It la freo from otjoctlouibte adver tisements, so that no parent need fear that hla children will have their minds corrup ed from having acceaa to H In fait, II refutes thoueends of dollars worth I or the brat paying adverllsementa annu- . ally, becanse It la devoted to the tnoial and spiritual Intercata oflta readers In stead of to getting gain al tbelr eipenaa, II. Its tone la not irgulaled by publlo opinion nor the hope of gaining aubscilb. era or advertisements. It adroealia that whli-h la right and condemns that which Is wrong, rcgardloss of results, financial or other lao. 10. It never nauseates lta readsra by paluilog oil oolumna of aslf-pralae for ucvfBpems II. ThtNawa prtollcet no deception and renorlt lo no eilbtrrfdges to Induce people to subacrlboj but on the contrary, prefers lo elsnd nn lie own merits, aa the I coplo'a nsospaper, wlih a promise only to do Its utmoat to give lie patrons the full valoo of tbelr moncy-a promise nblch It has eadtavored to faithfully keep In tbe past. li-In cnnoluslon, It a Latter-day faint i an afford lo subscribe for only one nesir, that paper should be the lliaaniT Nawi and If more than one, the .N iwi should Invariably be the that. Boiuciiirriov lUirtt j rr. mall's J U flmly $10.00 two fiW H.U0 itm, IffHfy ... 3.00 1.73 1 W .3 B.irrrt ICy... 160 1.60 Aildro-s all commnnlcatloot to TUB DUSHlll'.T NCWH CO., lull Ijiko City. Utah. ,atat - it L l, , . e . -.ja oC I' a. ,.',., A Kapoleo9g-a . hntl ltfo lotiu focrotsa for hla ruhli uhiiacombnt ut Ua tprloO'- - -I3C3C3: Out those u!io have engaged and are still engaging building Iot3 n East WatprIoo-gs3.s, purchases. TliU Subdivision liu KING DWELLINGS, cement walks., good stater, good car service, lotcly surroundmgt. Within TIIKHn YIIeMtS tlicsoloti tliould bring each. Tlie threw dest builneji men are bujinj them, and lob of them. Price now $323 andnpvrema Easy Payments. XIX. E. HUBBARD, 41 WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET, t 1 'Inlillfnrlnrea nll.l Itepalea MIU, Mill nnil Moll Hal.. as vR SCt Matt St , Jirooli Mrcttt, tjpettU KntUford CONWAY CABIKEP CO'S CILkBUTtD Hardwood mantelS tut tstr ijrjui mould WATSON BROS.. Sffft .S.VS.EK li.en.lilf Hall, tall Lasa Lily, rtuLL AULIl-l IIIH sjiau. SALT LAKE GRAI1T CO. holciate and Itellll llealera la m- SEEDS 32 Wert Flrat South Stroot, 7Woe lir Salt I alt CVy. WALTER I. l'HKE i DIM, 04 S. Main Stroot, Iiijs ami airlla, Haulers In nnillrj I roll, anil 1 ra'lalil". Illabesl l'rlre-i ial.l lor roullry anil I'm lues. tile lor I'rlrr.. ,,. te liieneiloil llerrlpl lit Hants niE(ii cteui nun unsnnr . Iliemlrnla I.eiL line lliirll ami anllsr.rtlim (luiteitnlerri 11, tmollov, Maoaicr, K, PiiarKK, fupt 34 S. WEST TCMPLE STREET. Vein knur 414. XJ.jiijjn.Tr -rxrA.cy3jjaYt. - sstr Lata cirr. CALlltNIOlffl'lY. 1 LAQKR DBBR, ALE AND POHTBH. WnsleS.I. aaa IUI.IL trt. u MjiT.jrmsT gouTtt trtMMr. a. n. Taitos. a. i. nonst?, tvuiin. It asj Trff. TAYLOR, R0MNEY,. , ARMSTRONG CO., oLUlvi"BER !o Sisb, Doors, Mouldings, Etc sTIeeilis still Tard, eina mask Kaal r 17. r. Dspel. Ball Ijaks HIT, t'lala. t V, l(fc)l), lamia CjUIiOMNEt a i. iirni lit. AiaLalaaaaor oaa. Aocieis s.-eclieiteececesi Plltllll V.asnl.leiiislrl FtunilJ la 11)1. awreaealeJ JrM, 1SSI TUBUS CORDAGB COJIPASY, utacMcmaias or au. tuts of MANILA AND SISAL ROPE. Ursuia Twtsa, all eta rreat, L, Wait.',Ll!'l,, J N rilANCISCO. . t7eseAe0ta. Ilttldmt Jtml. DEST OAK TANNED LeatherBelting. A. O. COOK aC SOX, 41S Market St., SAX ritAKClsCU, CM. ur x. a u. i. Qol3 URN'S PURE OLIVE OIL. Hnlpreaiuiy guaroedeed. Pcrtetly lrt COUUUX, TEVI8 & CO., ' Aaenli, Sin Frtnelioo. safiHHSsaMlliai AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, 1 - - --OP SAIVr LAICIC city. --- Capital "$250,000. Surplus $60,000. Organized October, 1800. W Bts- iXTtnnsT FAin ov savixos ami tiuk Dirosirs.'&a IjH tiisactiiss,-Jtms II, llscoe. I'reatdeati II L Iiaron, lire l'rsildsnti I' I. Ho'lisl, mm Caelueei II llullae.1. Aaatatanl (, A l.l.rai.t,M J llrar. U. Jaitll, J M'.JuilJ, U U. . LuetWuroie, ' W. Itoas, KNan eelle, H. II. Tnnnic.llt, I). A. I.aela. jFH COALTRI, & SXELOHOYR On. g f'5 I Will Sell You a NANO. ORGAN, VIOLIN. GUITAR, MANDOLIN, BANJO, 3p CLARIONET; In fscl anything In tho Muilcal Llnel at Lower Prloet and on f JM Oeller Terms thin any other firm In the Western Statet. jHH C0ALTER 5c " SNELGR0VE7 lbs SiFTalto MUSIC DEALERS. H FOIl ALL KINDS 0Fs-- 1 BOOK BINDING, PAPER RULlNf) ' . ook.-. and.job.-.printinK I - - - AND STEREOTYPING se.vt) to tub DESERET HEWS F0BL1SMKG COHPANIf, Salt Laio Clly, Ulai. ifoA ROSE GARDEN t 07 ' Vi J?J 1 O HSU KOSn PLANTS. Your idcctloti from loo Rlffl B H fCyf SlnnJird arlcllei. pcil-polJ. VUg? U vSi VS. V ur CttaloBn of rianti au J Floral Notelttca for '91 U now rcaJjr, alio V Xfi llool(It lellJnjr lio to Lc ucccuful with Qartlcn ami Houm I UuU. ft fir U jT TMI0 DOOKLtT TCLL8 HOW TO RAISE DIO CRV8ANTHtMUM8. ! M Jf&. so c....-oU... SOUTH DEKVER FLORAL CO. fV ' , AO, OOO ao.fT. Class e.aaaoaH.OviMwo,a. Ntvji(f,rttft e a oo esi. toutH eiavia, ooio. Eoooti i3iWm Hom" South. SSSIIggS inctuatry. . JULIUS GAUER, Manufacturer. THE IEA$0N ' W' A r 'WHEREOF (' 7 I will-'tellU 4 I'lT 1$ NOT BECAUSE OKHER BEAUTIFUL J ( i'e rrri CLOTHES, I W rjuf SHELfAftO T0-C00K on TH05E ' y& " CHARTER OAK ST0VEJ JThats HOW SHE BECAME Q rtmV ctoJL SUCH A BELLE.1 ron hams nr Z. C. M. I - Solo Agonta In Salt Loko City. 1 lraiSHttMHMHaMiiMM.iM