Newspaper Page Text
: I j. DESERET EVENING. IMS, H DCSEHET NEWS PUDLISHINb 1 COMPANY, LESSEES. Vt lrlnr. ' ' rehr.wrr 3 s. latll H1 1 1.T TIII.H ,110 Till IU iiOUST. fl! I Tha treasury ccaitmcnt though at Us Hi wilt' end to keep up the unl.t roervo, la ll cn.-iiffllwl in eo on piircl.lnf Uvr H 'I which it .Iocs not wink anil which only H i mil, to l unbarrassinente. Hll Bo rpuoht the Huston Tranter, a H( unullilu, wrsk-mluJcJ, senile lortof VB . inert Hint li dear only on the ml)- HHt Jrct of liquor prohlbltlon-and not HH I very practical oven t tlil while B j .llltiillj ImlpU an I drooling "'"'J BHt other question botore tho world today. ( Bllll. It supplies a liit that l worthy HH of tome comment. H i Thedlspnlctitihave told us all kinds H . ot nlotlrt r,Kirdlni ! iu ' km i tonJs by the treatury de ailment, Hie l 1 oli'ectol which ahmiU bo to preserve l InUncleHini's vaults comfortable i KolJ r. serve analnst heavy foreign R I shipments. Tho report , flt. l' H' tucli bondi would bo luurJ, nJ, sec- ond, that they would not. Thenutme H lbs De tlt Heiretary Foster H I resolved Uwii that plan ot rneellnu H I the strain end the I'resldent was con. l I tent to leavo It to hit UUcfellon; auJ l right upon tho IimIs it thli annoutico- H I raenlcame a denial, to tin IIot that B llioalmlnlstrallonliadrciolvedlomeao B no inch Issue and would try to meet H all financial demands until Iho 4th of H March, alter which the dllllcully ,1 cou'd not corao too oon for those who Hi had ai narrowly escaped It. In H tain mlndi of cooler temperament there H j hat arisen grave queitlon whether or H not tho iitcrttary of tho treasury had H the authority to Issue audi bouda with- H ' out congressional permission, and to H I lemoTB all ellilo doubt It hat been H j urged that Ilia bill of HenatorHberman I troThllng for a three per cent abort H I term bind ibould be liaateued to Hi H , All of till ground and lolly turn. H bllng excites inoro or leu of a imlle H among westeru people who decline H to bo bambooileJ by financier. H I lng acroballci, and whoso Intel- H llgence up to dalo permlti them to H distinguish, at least at accurately aa H the average l'.oiterorr, between hawk a H If thero It a putillo man In B country today who doei not know how H r Important a part illrer played In rnumptlon of iecls paymenla when H; there waa not nearly gold enough ou j hand to redeem the outitandlng H greenback! or even tho nntloml bank H note,; If there li a publlo man who B doea net know that what made rciump. B tlon lucccaa wan not tho , prtience of tho yellow coin, but tho B? nulitanca of tho while metal and H above the declaration the Hl government that the aper could be B.' exchanged on demand for the coin; J, If there la auctt a larticubrly J among thoio whn now pomjwuily Jl undertake to dliouia financial leglila. VSHbHj' tlon, he ought to go to achool again j and devote diligent atudy to the jit J bellum money lilitory of hli country, BJBbBL What waa done In thoae dayi can and ought to be done again. One word CVBbJ from the government today would HjSbBJ plncu gold and allver on an iual HVIbM footing and da away with gold hoarding BBSM! and gold ahlpment. That tho gov ernmenl hai a right to eay that word BJBbBV nu on wl" 'luet,n . there li a discrimination agalnit fr , hu been debated; the gold Jl bug! aaiert that ltioolna(e and clrcu- J latlon will be to put a premium on HBhBbM! gold, juitin the lame gentry predicted BflBflBf j the holder! of gold nt tho dute BBUflft fixed for aptcln resumption would J I have the money market In their coil H S trol. Their prediction! came to naughl, HHJ for proof wai given that "the way to irriume wai lo reiume," and that Uncle Hm' word waa good. They would lie proven Juit m falie today, for one ; bold word from the United Btatil ff; treatury deiurluieul, vxerclilug Ha Dft . undoubted right to piy "lli debtor In BpKl coin," either gold or silver, would jVj)! tolvetheHholodiniculty. rKj 81111, no uch courage li to bo fl- pelted fromlhopriiontailmlulitratloii, V.' ' and probably uot from tho next. Wo BHH!( ileipulr ot any aid from vxocullvu BBsBJl' tourcei, und havo little ho from the WlVft-' leglilatlve liraucli as at prtaont con. nHbBvj itltutid. What, thon, lhall be done Hsjl; to relieve the 1 remuro "poll the glided "jl braluof Wallatnet aud iti ejcophanli, HHM i amlu)n thedellcalo Intellect ofpajn 'IHBh! Hko the lloituu Triucler, which We 'HBhJI have (juoloaV ''(Jo on purchailng jHH9S tilvcr, which the government doi-i not VflBj want aud which only ajdi to Hi em JHBBb' barrallmentfeT,' TvHBJ We are ready to give tho answer, 'IMBsT Not If thoaJmlulitratlon wautiabit TsVJB.! of Wetlern advice, here It Is. Quit tBHI' purcha.lug silver; rrreal tbeHhtruian oShJSJ! w; relieve the Imbecile treasury d HVl' pnrtment of Us cmbarrussuuuts jSSJBJ mid Wall atreet ot Us anx- 'fljll letles; force this Issue, and do Ml j, It at uncel We of the West would HB puller for perhaps 00 da!,perhapii oven HBj Biij but after thut tho boot would SbHBJIi on th" uiher foot, ltesldut, our but JH9JH I Interests are being at present alnught. 3kH ered by Inches. Can they more lhau MM die If the worst be preclplluted Instead HHI postpjned? IBBJH' The Nlwj is a friend of silver. Wu HHj bellevoln Ha rojully, Its purchasing and debt paying power. Wu bellovu HHJR It hai buon ehsmefully treated, nt Bj the oaprlco If not us tho crime of BBVBJii a certain element 111 our nation. We BBSBJl ardently desire Its restoration to power, HwBWHi, aud bslleve III such notion, and IHBJi only such, Is theru security BBJI! for sections of tho country, lint BBVBBBJl we ato tired of pleading Hi uiious BBBBlVAMaaBw BTm. ' , though It were a mendlcsnl, and wr are willing to hive ill ebemlei do their worst. We are not only ready t Invite them to this course, but are latlsfled of Ibo wisdom of forcing them to IL If all the frlenlso! silver, In and out of Congress would unite In thliplanof cimralgu, victory would be ours within twelvemonth, and the gaping monometatllsbi would be left without a leg to stand on. SIAATOK liAUHl VS SUtLIASOII. (lovernor Osborne of Wyoming yes leplsy appointed A. O. lleckwllh, the I'.vanstou millionaire, Untied Blatea senator to suiceel Mr. Warren, whose term explrra with the present adminis tration. The nppolnti e Is almost If not altogether untried as to olllclil life hut a hustof people can testify to Ills sterling business qualifications, his hlgbmloded deportment and Ills all round ability. He li distinctly and altogether a western man, Imbued with western Instincts and over on the lookout for western Interests. Aa such he will diiibtlrn le a valuable man In the halts of national legislation. Ho Is a stalwart Democrat and hli tern will be two years, or until tho liglilature meela again. This la the first aipotntmcnt oocailoned by n failure to elect, and It revives Ihedlicusslon as to whether or uot tho governor has the appointing lower In such cues. A number of the Hcuate committee ou elections hold that he tins such power, and others Ithathu hai not, tiat he run only appoint when n term Is Interrupted by tho death or resignation of the Incutnbont, mid uot when thero Is no ncuipnnoy of the efllco In the first Instance. The Con itltullon sermi to bo as pi J III on that sutlectailt Is on any othur, It pro- vldralhst whoun vacancy thill hap ten by death, resignation or tficruiie the governor may npKlnt. In Wyo ming's caiu It happen! "ttherwlse" through falluro of tho legislature to elect; and while there li no vacancy yet and thus no appointment that uuld now bo recognliof, this can easily l mnedled by slgulng and delivering the commis sion alter the present Congress explm. l'erhapa that Is what Governor Osborne Intends lo do, the announcement as to whom tho appointee Is being merely another development of that Uleve laudlo regard tor the Inipilrlug put Ho which might become general without Injury to the country. IMI.UI.1TIMI IIIMOUi. Among the papers recently sub mitted by the VrteUent to Congress on Hawaiian adalrs was tbe annex ation treaty negotiated In 1B1I Ulween the representative ol the United mates and King Kamehameha HI, together with the correspondence re lating thereto. That treaty provide I for tho cession to the UnlUd Htatri of all territory, publlo buildings, 1 roperty and loveuuea of the Islands, and the Incorporation of the Islands Into the Union as a state m soon as consistent, on a perfect iipiallty with other stater The king ot the Islands and all his sub. Juts wero to continue In the injoy mentof all tlulr existing personal and private rights, and t foruver enjoy all tbe rights ot clllteuililn In the United Hliles on terms of perfect equality Hi all risicU with other American cltlzsui; all contract! In cumbent upon tho kind's government wero lo be executed by the Unite 1 HtAter; Ihu publlo lands were to be treated as paltof the publlo demaln of the United Htates, and the laws ot the kingdom, ao far as they wuro com. I etlbla with rerubllcvi Institutions, were to be temporarily retained. In consideration of the cession made and as coniwnsallon lo all erons who might sutler loss thereby, the United Htates was to pay the sum ot $1U0,O0D annually to the members of the royal family, the chiefs and other persons whom Ihu king might wish to com) en sate or reward, and was further to ay tho sum ol $75,000 a) ear for a term if ton J oars for the support of a college or university and of couimiu school. The treaty was dialled by tho United Htates minister, Mr. (regg,aud theklng'nonulnet. Tho slgulng of the treitybythe king was delayed ou ac count ot ilckniss and other reasous of one kind or another, aud llually (ho king died towards tho closu ot tho year without slgnlug the tnatj. The new klug, Kamehameha IV, as It turned oul, was Indisposed to give up Jhe iuJerendent eovetilgnty of the islands, aud fliully thodraltof the treaty sub. milled by the United BUtis miuUter Has dlsoj proved by tho ntirttary ol atste, who objected to the article pro viding for the Imiutdlate lnoorioratlon of the Islands Into the United Hlstis asanlndet'iident statu and fixing tho amount of the annuities to, bu paid to the rojal family aud the chiefs. One of the documents accompaii) lng the proposed truly was uleltirof in structloiiK, written by the so relary of state, Win. h. Msrcy, In which the sioretary satdi In jourgoneral Instruetiomiou nore funilihod with Iho WoHiof thUgou'ru uisnt In regird lo any ehaiije In Hi political atrtlrs of thehindwlch Iilsnds. lio l'roldont iai amiro, when tlioto Instructions wero preparoil, Hint too question of transferring Iho soiertluu ly of Iboso lalsuds tu Urn Vliheil riiates hat boen rilod an I tniorsblr roiolwHl by miiuy liiltueotliil liidlvldiiiu residing Hierrln. It i loreooii tlml at sumo period not far distant such a change would Uko pluco, an I ttultlie lUuailmi IiUnds would couirt uri lor the protector ainufor lo lrni rr I in oinnrorikii poxior You mre infurmo I tUatltMn not Iho policy or Ilia Unliol aid to so eloralo -noli a iliiniie, bat if, in tho cour-eof event'. H liocutiio uiimolilablo, this goicruuieui wuld much prcfor lo acquire Iho sovereignly ot those lilsuds firthottnltrtlMstM rilhrr full I SM If trsmfmM in any other rni" ,r,w.,r forelcn eounectlon Is lo he I innil the gOErsprdctl position if in is islsnds indlrauii llnl II slioui I be with us lur enuunerre with liisui fsr xceods Ihnl if all mher countries iur elili-n-hsvo embiirkeil In most Iniimrtnnl buslnei onncorns in thai cnuutry, and smno r tiinm liold Important oiltioni. In vloer ol the large A merles ti Intoreits Ihcre ea ablbheil, and tho Intimate com. inorclal rcUHnns cxliiing at tint llnio. It might well be regarded as the duly of this gOTsrnuient to prolont the Islands from becoming the atwudage of anv other foreign powtr. No intimation hi evor bseu given to this government a to tho terms or con ditions nhlcli wlllbollkely to Le annexed lolhe lender of the aoverelguty. It Is presuineiltliowever,thal something tnoro tlisii a mero pro eoiorato is contemplated A pro erUirate tendered lo and acrepte t tiy tho United Mates would not i hatigo llio sovereignty of tbe couutry, In that rase this government would take uon ItiuiU heavy ami rooonilble dullos, f r which It lisnlly could oxpeel compenss tlngallsntsgcs 1 understand that tho measuro nro poseil by Ibo people. and Hist 1st which tho prcenl ru'ers are dlspo.od In conetir, Is annexation as distinguished from pro tec Ion, and tint Ills llulr Inlontlon that these Islands shsll iwcotno a part nt our lerrltorios and bo under the control of this Koiirnineuiailiilly as any otherof I a Inrrlloilal ioicislona. In any con vent Ion you in ly make it li ox pecul hat tho rights lo be acquired bv iho Untied Hta es shutlld beclearlv ttollned. Hnoiild tho soverelgnte or lhe,o Idanda lie Iramrerred to ilia United "late, tho present givcrnment would, as a In i er ot course, ta allersedc I by, or at leait bs atilijmttftt to, tho fedorst au liorny ofthts country. In Ihu convention you miy rnakn you aroauluorlxod lo provide, In Iho ainplost manner, for tho iHouriiy of In livl luat prnerty ai hoi I at tho Unto ot tlio tinnsfer ot Iho sovereignly, but tho reservation of iiolliloat right, or prlvi loirei In behalf of In llvlduaU woultl be Ineomlitetit with Iho polltloil imwer which li la propoicd to vest In the United Hlalea. I Itaio gnol reason to lielleve tint some of the leading ioworat,f I'.urolio would ho very unwilling to see thci Mndwloh Islandl Ivcomo a pirt of Ibe Uullid M alia, an I, If an oiqiortunliy occarred, would endeavor to defeat any ueg illation rr thai ptirKM. 'I hli c ii.iderallon and others mako II linporlant that you ahould tiring It to a cluso asoxeditluuly as liosslble. Hecrebtry Marcy aald, Hi ills letter dlsipprovlng tils treaty, that the United Htates would receive the trans fer of the aovsrelgntr of the lalanls, with all the usual nod proper pro visions relating to the exlitlug rights and Intereitiot the people, but would not goai far In Iho milter of nnnultUs and Inorporotlou as a ila'u as the treaty lovlded. This b t of dlplomi'.la lilitory Is In. toreitlng as showing the vlowi of an nbluslatinmaiiof Ills day on tho llcy of annexation n opposed to a ) rotuc torste for the lUn Is, and the theory of preventing Hawaii from becoming an npaiiilugH of uny government other III in Urn Unite I Hiatal. Front prison! ludlcatloiuthese views are shirol by Ihu foremost ct our ustlonal leaders toJay. IliMllltNlA MIII-0li:t. During n recent vjyairo from Japan toHan I'raniltjo, the itoimer City ot l'ekliumet wllli an ncclJent which csuiej her to tois ah, ill on the waste of waters lor saviral days, having no other means of golnt; aheil than her alls, aud the winds wire not always propltlou. Tho rot which connect! thoicrew propeller with tho piston, by a ime uoaccountab'o means had broken where it toulJ not be nacbed, In tho "alcove" or sheath In which It moves forward and backward Into and out ot the wator, aud which Is nomsarlly watertight. These events aru hsconlng quite common of late and are the cause ot no little dlscuisloti. All l'.ngllsh electri cal loiirual pduts out that the accident which ncently be'ell the steamship Umbrla through the aracklii; u! her propeller abaft, and the heroic oflorts on the part of her englneors, led to the conclusion that the Atlantic liners are not milllclenlly equipped will, appllamos for grappling Willi such coutlugeui'lis, and It Is probable that toola will honcefortli come Into general mo on board ocean steam ers. It Is pronounool Iniposiiblu to carry a well-wiulppe I engineer's shop on bjsrd such veisels, aud, moieover, ordinary machine tools otntiot roidlly hu moved about and applied In rou tined spaces. Hince every large steamer Is now supplied with olcctrlo light machinery It would bo easy to carry thucurnnt lo any corner of the ship, no mailer how remote or cramped It might be, and utilize It for actuating tools run by electric mo tors. It lalurlhir shown that a porta ble electric drill could easily have been used for boring the hoka In the Urn brU's shall and that tills ooull have been dono In one-flflhof the time that was occupied In making the ri pairs The utility and readlmi of Ihise drills lilullyaud luleristlitgly shown and cirtalnly the matter Is well worthy of rotitpt attention. The Hpree accident was Ibe most serious one of recent date. As until Iho limit broke and being released Irom the restraining power of the impeller went lo pounding the bottom of the ship so furiously that a big hole u a, soon made and tho wuter rushed In Hi torrents. Wry few leoplr, Including thuio who have seen It, rellxo wlut u mighty strain theru li upon that p ice of mechanism which transmits the power of the euglue to the means of lo coinotlon Hi the riarj and wheu eiiJ. tlouly dlsconnoctel lu the midst of Its work by bnakajo or otherwise, It mint besooiithllK terrible, something that can be described only as tho furies un leashed and holding destructive sway. If Titnudvlco to boll the drluklu water biforo using It cuu be followed, It constitute! n lull compliment tu lln water. In soruo localities instead ot bring boiled em J water Uisern-s to be Irled, Is Tiim strict wluur going to ktip up all summer? The Hotel Temnletnn i. opjiwl Temrleflqtiarr, Tilhlne O ftlces, Ugle tDlnU of Interest In Hslt Lake t lly. 1 Tiik CULI.rv, rl. C I.wH'.f rrrIt!" lor. Half blockirom 1-..1 Ofllce. 4 doors from I'ullman ticket i file, Main Ht Itatei $X(W ir day. Vpccfnf Ixal Haiti. Hilt lrtkt'i blv, now hotel l The Kntiliford. Homelike, iloiaut, ceu tral and reasonsl le Till! WiiitK Hofar. Again under good msusgeinrnt, Jlr. '. ' rodlech having returned irom California aud aken charge, with ulir holelnisn M, V, Uermo as msnsger. To my frlemli and acquaintances, I have lolten charge of the Arcade Ilea (limit, No. in Main Hlnet, and will le pleated lu mi el all my old friends. Jawii lll.swoolil . To Hie lAiUta Onlr. Wo have an immeme Hue of ladles' skirls from 01 cents f) It icb. Will make tremendoui reduction on any you select. I'ioi le'h L-(i itaiii n Co or, ; an I U, Main street. Webtr(Uraaa('rMk)C at, IMS. Main. All kinds ot Coil, IS9H. Main. Jin klnr ll..rl.l MM- llemilal li. Cosaelt tin, impiriel ChamlcrUlu Midlclnn Cu,of I)i Moines, Is an Iowa manufacturing institution and one In which tho mi ll i nb, of the Hate look iiihih with ride. Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy has Ucomu national In reputation niit now u in nearly every houieholl I ) the statu an 1 throughout the great west, Iti merits are beriming estab lished In all Kirta of Amirlca. Tor ale by V.. C. M. I. Drug Dept. d&i ,,;a These figures present the numle I'hollliaot Dr. lilin'a New Dlscuvnj fur Consumption, C'oujlis and ColJ which were tola In tne United Htatei Irom Marih, '01, or Match, 'OS. T. Million, rwoHunlred and Iweuly Light Thottsaud Hlx Hundred au Kovinty-Twobollleaaolt In hub yenr, ttttJiacliand every Iwlllo was solJ oi a positive guarintie that money woul uenfuiidid If satl.fsctory rrsulti tli ot lollow Its use. The secrtt of lb ucceisli plain. It never dlsspiolitii ud can iiluajn le defended on as Hit ery best remedy lor Coughs, ColJs tr. Irlrr.oiit! and $1.11). At A ( 'iiiitli &(' Drug Hi irn fl II Tnoli Tretlble, Hut He l.el.ll. Ataiut two or three months no I purchased from you a tiottle of Chain lerlaln'a (,'ough Itemedy, ut up In Dea Moines, Iowa, Hurli good results wero obtained from Ha u,e that I enrlote one dollsr and nik Hut you send tne twn Umiesby ixpre-s J, A. Hckivk. 18 U Mill HI., New Vork City. To 11. II., Drugttlst, I'reksklll, K. Y. Mr. Hcrlven Is l res). drill of in e of tho lirgeststilrt factories In New Vork, and wltely known lu business tlrcles. When trouble I with n coM kImi this remedy n trial and, like Mr. Hcrlven, you will want It ehenagtln In need of such a moll, cine. M cent loltlia for sale by 7. C. M. I. DruirDeit d'1" SaltUkbTiieatreI tilts. 8. lit ttrnv - Two Perfornincet only. Tliurtday and Friday, K13U. j: and -j i. 'Ilrrsliel, nm." 1 be funoteil of our tin 0 " "Ant. Ibtrv's enlr a few et Itieui left." 1 lie Herrrll nruti ot llo-tcra Kareo Comedf, MR. !. FRANK Sb. DANIELS '.--AND HIS BIG GOMEOY CDMPA14Y.Z4 PLAYEHS (U hlch in 1n if Mi Itilo frtioot n 1 Ih i Jitirn um n I ttt dunrcTiTi I to Miicrs lulf) lOHM 2lb)fuonItbf aiii-annyftin-ci, JDJEZ.. lAVSJ" Ur-rtt HllliiHa l Inualile,! Nl.oiil.l l-l'-l llr. ltill.n-l t Mhlelnliiil r in, r, Hu, ml flarllliiir en rlnltleel liimi, ili,elilenll lll vltiiiM liemlu n rlsliiul lil'Ul I xlrlif mil u,,ir,i. 1 rtee , j, TS, 1 CO. 8sl of tests beg at Tnetilsr, tropin. irrn i iiwi stut. ihimam . J. Our I i or stoi a 1 onipatiy to ibo society PERIL, or.Lovont Long Brnnoh The !'. lea Trltitelt. Hits Kata Keonl, an,J JlilaJt llyle. All etar M ecltllr o In Cum lien XO o lllaIOv 1 O o . J fix RYJO, Xj A X roll Tr.HAI. HITUIIITY, At lies-oil ,1 a llatis. l'arllei dfslrlosr la Imp. r iw miiiuy tan tin su wllliout publicity lluil. m is tlnvily i rivslo. t II. W. I UI.M'lt, No. 7 I.'.. Novond KoulU ht I UK ham:. iTi",ir"r,il'rr'.iiiiiM lANnnetr ()f I rwliam City. Ilniler Lullletlion V.IIH, ilealapxllniswita 1 i er eem lnterel, or ex lianae li r tlsll 1 real estate, la lolt lo ,un I u,. l..r A. 1o , Hriliaut lily, inn est TAMt. E.B.SCHTO WHO 00S i GENERALVDANKINO DnSWESS AT HO., UO MAIN STHKKT, lOfpotUt ll Co co ), smf PAV8 INTEREST ON DEPOSITSo tlSUUI ISO! aCCOUIl. STATE BANK OF UTAH, Ceeseee 1fli and fmtk Ttmplt ilrlitl, S ill Lot! ll'r OMieltnl, - gttlOO,000 Mur,,l,.., - Bd,000 llfnta J (lilir, I'remlsBt. wx H l niMin, lies rl4aL II turn M wsus, isttusr, DintcTORs: r.auiT it, AaaaHAH II I aasov. his e. Ilnanis. raevttr. TUUI It II line a seascsallLAwsov. Mirnitv. i Lamm I'll I LOT. rtaainoaru, ants StOSftll, r . Uanaa, nasnr A. wooini, r Osisterelal tklc tnotttti trKW, Jtonhti lottfiHJ, loro aa.l,ao. l J UTAH COMMERCIAL AVU Savings Bank, LAKH CITT. Onnltat, - - $200,000 Surplus, - $40,000 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. His Pir Cent. Inlsrstt Paid on Ssvlngi fJtpotlli, Compounded Four Tlmsi a Year. siCKrt, ejvriMi amirs ion hub AT TIIM IUSK OH AST CUT ITM AOt.fTS. ssxxs.zna'x'csars.a rsiscu AsttsTaoao, r. W. Uiesia, lis Jos. a. ItloaaaDl, T. XT. Xlusbsci. UuLlvaa Boosars, Tnos W Jaas aus, Ctcta II. liitnr, nitcii uclaiiaa. At, C. OCMHlhOS tllRfUL iiilM BUk, - "i"' Snlt Lnko City -, - -A immm tm I mmm IxTruriT 1'AIU l TlMK DklOlt DiuruTUHi. 1 II AmrUrh Jdhn J 1i't, O J.pnl burT.liodt'nO tai II'- Mrlifl, l. K nltOii-rtosl ltaivnvr Jobnn.Uon 1 pflUDifdnin htinl-tl John w. UoHiti-'AV, Cnbir. yELLS, FARGMJQS BANK, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. J itob'tihrj, .' -!? nl ,!' KxrhstiEe, mwe THrjrrai hln trr,.frionibf).riLctiilci ici cf llif 1 mini Matei tin 1 Mjm,.(t. nti.1 at) l-ninU nn tr. lrl(lo (oL Uinekttrrof rnttit rvh.UUIv In the prianptlrititss o( tht World. Si erul atlcn ilnK ten totht t linn or urei md Idi Iwm. Adrincta idkiIo tn con tiff am etna fct lom.t rit, I ttirultr tlcnt on rlrtn in thrfluci'oui luii nctiiJ. tnd mJJomirj lerri tcrtv. JVccoBDta iulintd J, K. Doolt, Ctihltr. TritroRn iroomurr, ceoiom civvo. rtr,r.rn.t im nT 1 oo (W Cat 'ri- titifl f 9 MS SAlGS BANE TKUST COMPANY, Nos. I and 3 Cast Tempi Stret BJLT LAKKTtTr, UTAH, Ebtaduiiicd1S7S. JnoortroniTSDlBSS DinKOTOUO. WUrnmi v outmvr r, rwtltnt ClEokOK g,0i.o)(, He IruUtnU JO III-H r, Fulfil, UKiKtiB HrfXOLDI, Aatl M, tAHHO-1, Hkuim J, Gut IT, JAUK1 JiCK, Lt K(IO fc.OVT, T. (1 WKH1IIM, ruiSCl M lAUkri. II, U. CUvtlOV, AkTOM II lDH', Iroitnn Q HiuuT. nidrit HKvlnc Itank In I lti. wttfc dpaj4lt Krlr lli Mil otLoti rm blMd. -6lTETr UK TO I IT llOIII tOM CllTT. t ttloi t Pc rout i a i IB? lan.froBi MM if, 1 rtrf tvad a4 Inlrraal alio wad l S preot par nnuin,coDipoBi.dail Unt Uroattyaar. Cor rcipondanM iollcted,and any aama forwardal tf eonniry drpoiiioia twafaU atuadad lo. Deseret National Banli SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raid as capital, ' aoo.oao 0! aarulus, (aoo.ooasv, DinEoronai u a. HILLS, rriudtnl llotasTiuicaia, W JVssHsr.' W. H . mrt a, 1, IL llaaam J. T. LtTILB. J U. UnLSa. Jikss Slltsr. JIK9BV lUMIVOODaT rx H. iiaay, T. w. jiseiaos. uinaoa Uousar. J. U. Wlaosa. B. U. ELPasPoa. U a. Tooao, Coima- Rtctlies Deposits Payibla on Domiil, fuylnaJ jrillt Extnangt a A'es J0, 5s aa.4e, Chitoic SI teals. OatoU, IVeesja eiall UsI'ilarljial IVIimI CUIm. Han- lais Dssosii vasitj, tb,oiu: bo. (Iss aa Crsrrool. UtaUP lolusirjltr. F mmm k rro. I sS S O 0) O QI9e -o'"s"" R nw"ii.n . Special Drives in H Novelties of. i inri. H NEW SPRING SILKS I nxxci 233roQ Groods. H TO-MORnOW WE PLACE ON SALE A LARGE INVOICE H OP SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. H Our Own Importations. Enclusivc Dcsigna. H Prices Lower than ever bclorc for EquaJ Hj Qualities. B lor Xtic yanl Cnlorrtl 1'onsres, Wnsh Mhi, T," ilri s,lit nil lite Irml- H luff sirrel ninl cltltlns: colors H for T.-.fl jnr.l llrocmloil S itim In '11 altitiles, tvort'i it !', Hl I 'or T.Vjurct tiiniiery llke, iiot'inlllitiil n.-orliiienl, .HI lu, nltlc, Hl Koatl talnr for tl.l. U Colored l rrie ilc Chine for cirttltiK ueir. lliilnbiw MiaillliK) Hie 19 KllistKml. At l-pecltl I'llerallila utrlt. KM for 70c nt Check Sitttliiga, lulu, I,I,-, iott t (I.I.-.. H I lorjl (Mljiir.lClmiMeul.leN, rKr, t'J In ul.le, north !l ..I".. fH for i 1,0,1 yirtl l'ln I ot it Oonl, I'JIn utile, worth tl.,-,0. H I Wo tiro bIiowIiik tho Most Clognnt Assortment of Importod eH I Slnglo DhESS PATTERNS over brounht to this city. H j Now Spring Suits In tho Lntost Stylos, iBI Kor 1 0(1, .. "(I, )7.D1, Noieltlca In l.inllis' Wolitt ami Umiipen, 83 i.rritinaiiiiii). mim Tor .t .-,0 Lit. lies' I Incil nllk, unrlli 4.1,7.",. jHH lor i:.-.c 1-eillr-. I liiutieleltc Hulit., north ode. HH Tho tialanco or our WINTER CLOAKS nro titlll bolng cloaoo HI out rorrnrdluss of cast or v.iluu. 'iHI BOVS" JIOTl-lJTV TriVl'V. H Don't ml 33 this opportunity of buying Boys' Suits at tho fol- 1081 lowing Spoclnl Prlcos: Xfln AI l nojloja' Stills, cholre ot II nitlcrm, itoreaulil from f.'.BO lo iflV Al 'J ill llu)a' Hulls, cltolro of I I'.itteni-, were tolil from i.l 'JS to SaB Mi'l.K'i Hois' .kiilla, choice of ll iiitlirm, eie aotil from tel.OI) to aiBi ir, oo lB AU.I III) llti)a' Hnlla, cltolie of II iniltcmi, Mere tolil from 91 SO lo 7aH MI..-.Q. " IffS SHOE l121'uVl.''J'Mlr::rX lloducoil from $4 oO to S2.C0. 11 t!.'0iiilril,iiillri'l'rineli Dnntnli, 1(1,1 Iltittoti Mtoet, In Upcm unl ilH Coiiimoii Senee Uials, 11,11. I) ulilllia, till sires. 'ijH Vlttrh'llloolllora tlel)lll 11 Hoc, I'JitiiS, tl.00 Al IhllilrrnSMioes.ales.'tii H,7o. . ilfaB II,),' Coif eo-.l linn on shoes, aires Hlo 1 1, it '-.,, Vlto'l, )l ,"() ,R1 . F.AUERBACH A lJR.' ffl MUST HAVE ROQI i . FOR K Hem Spring Goods, B In consoquonco of which wo shall contlnuo iBfl1 to soil our tfljK MR WLB COST, I -.OUR BOYS' and CHILDREN'S DEPT-- 3 Is Ovorstockotl with OVERCOATS ULSTERS anil REEFERS H and would rathor havo tho monoy at thl3 tlmo -1 of tho yoar than tho coocls, so shall H SELL THEM AT COST. jH milM GIvi'M Inn nu Ojii-tniilt,v o hnv is 3Iuoy. tB A Boy's Fine Cape Overcoat sold formerly for $7.80, fl ---J?ppyJQW $3.87. fl CHIliDUES'S KILT SUITS AY YOUR OWN l'KIOE. H Children's Jersey Suits Below Cost. H tor N. B.- Ladlos who havo novor takon advantago of purchasing Clothing for tholr Chldron from us, wo opoclally WM Invito to call and Inspoct our lino and got prlcos and wo will H mako a customor of you. 01, 0.7, OS 3d' I n Street. H