Newspaper Page Text
U papBr OJ UUdy. -, M Bl Si MM MWT tW K ' M ' HI PM v II H " 4 iPUlU EZL O'clock A moni99 paper is $ W j 1 C W . fk W , fe 01 1 W 3l J i 1 8 TT . SI 1 WW i -' tTt. H 1 TRUTH AND LIBERTY, . MM o ' TnunsiAY. ai wwn a:., ibi).,.SALi laki: city, utaii. vor,.xxvi. " OUT OH THE STORMY OCEAN, The Steamer Pommcranean Disabled aid Adrift at Sea. M1ULMIA A UMUKY HIIll. A Ptng captain lleluiM to Homier " 4nlitiicc A Vcaiiier to Hiarch Tor lltr. Knw YollH, March 23 The Allan (turner PonnneranuaH which left tll port March 18, for Glasgow, la disabled flit oi. Tho news was brought by the Uvi Htar steamer Helgonland, from Antwerp. II Cplln Eliot says bo met tho Poin- 1 raeiancan early In tbu morning on tbo 21st. Tho Allou liner displaying signals ot dlstriss, Ilia count) of the llelgeuland was changed, and as she diew near the Pommeraneintho latter IliDliltd light Indicating "I am not under control" The Holgenland i steamed to wlthtu a quarter of ) b mllo and the Poinmerancan followid Ui tbo original signals Willi the In formation, "llaro n smashed piston," and the query, "Will you aland by and tow u7" ro tho latter tbo llelgouland replied that she could not tako Her In tow. It wis blowing n flercunorlhcastgaluaud there was an ugly ton to the eon. Thu Hclgunland did not remain any longer In tho company ol the disabled crafl. Wheu they juried ioniany iho Pomuaerauoauwaa lying lo with a little head oauveaa set. Bhuwas any thing but steady In thu heavy na. Tho ) oeltlon of the veescl when deserted by Iho Uelgenland wm about Mil miles southeast of Capo Hablu and 700 inllea iat ol Handy Hook, Captain Khoil uya li la reason for not towing the dis abled vcisel Wat that the rulta of hit comj any forbll It, His atntc meut la ridiculed In iblpplng circle. i Thil'onimeranean wu formerly the 1 Ureclan Monarch. This Is her drat i eastward Irlpslnce she was struck by it hurrlralnu on J ebruary 4th, which mulled In the kllliug of her cat tain aud drowning of eleven of hurpasseu- gersand urew.'Hcr commander ou this jl' trip, C plain McCulloch, was tho lint Jli oftlcer when tho latal storm occurred, 1 1 Bhu Is a I lg, stout vessel, aud her M agents here say they have no feir for j!l7 tbo safety of the vessel. Hhe hud an f II nbuudsneo ol sails and Is will I rovldo 1 l with lifeboats. jU A telegram from Halifax says a zil steamer Is to leave that port this after- f(H noon to starch for Ihu vessel. Local 9 ugents of thu Uuo characterize the ac- (, Hon of Cat tain l.litir In declining to jj'i tow tho (hip as cowardly In tho ex. fjjH treme. Thu Pommeroncan carried no 9RI passengers this trip. Thu crow zium- s Dots 75. Ka Information comes from Halifax this fftornoon that tbo l'omeranian arrlrod here all well. I Out ur riiiiilnyiiieiil. Noimi Adams, Mass , March 21 , In conseiiienoti of a partial atrlku In , tbo mills of the Johnson Manufactur. lug conipanj, makers of lluoglng X hams, tho mills huvu betu shut down, throwing SOO hands out of employ- meat. H til AlliroM. Itl tl'tlMI'f. jH Ills I ucuiirnsrinoiil In Hie Mcili Tor M Irluli lluiua llulr. m l'illl.ADl u IIIA, March 23 Colonel in John I. Ilogert, I resident ol thu homo n rule meeting, held at Iho Academy of I Muilo last Monday evening, haa re- colvod thu following response to at able. M gram sent to aiaottonii "I thank you : reapectluHyforthoniisaageeeut Ilinvu i often ex nosed thu entouiagement I wuhavo In our Imjortaut work from the favorable o Inlou not only through- II out Ihu lltllltli emplro but from our I brethren especially lu tho United f Btales. "i I IlltllHl UN IV TUOVlll r. it "Tlio flliiiidftrclim luinimnr lleruaea to (' hrll Oil lo II, nil. A Nrw Yoiuc, March : Shippers li and brokers aro lu trouble became the IK BtandardOII company r fines to sell WX thorn oil or quolo prices to them. The W) brokers hsvo ordtrs I torn abroad bat Hi oanuot fill them. Many oil thl and (Ejj'j tank steamers are waiting to jKlf cargoes It Is laid thu Htaudard Oil n company Intends to monoiollzo the Rj forilgnoll tradu and with that oljecl Wfj Is faat acquiring a lit et of steamers. Wl) Till AS AIIIKIIt aniiKu IR,, I'torraaur lliuilun ll.llxra nil Aililrraa JjtJ the Mlbjrrl f(f New Yoiur, March 23. rresldont ft Guutouof tbertchool of Hoolall.tono- Wk uilcs Itclured ou thu Ann Arbor ;'f railroad strike aud the order of Judge 'i "kits to Chief Arthur to reooll the K boycott and strike. Professor Uunton regards thu order of Judko Kicks os an I act of socialism nun tho logical I sequence tu thu Interstate commerce B law, which fotblds dUcrlmlnatlon In R railroad rates ngalnat any om. This 8 PlB08 ?' l'atiruol legislation, which I handed over thu railroads to the gov. I erumout, It now appeuruj.also haudid over Hie laborers as well and the rail- ( road impUyu Is now rctloally worked for the government. Kdward III of England In 1150 declared every man who Mked more 1 for his labor than he bad doue UT sovoral yeors beforo would bo put Into LI prlioiiaud bo brandod with a red hot 1 1 iron, l'rofeasor Uunton said If matters J went on as they aio Lolng. the rid hot ' Iron would aialn bu brought out to ' brand employes. )ii ltv iii mini. The 1'rlinrc ,ir lli. I'nj. M lall o to Iho 1-oiie. ItojiL, March it I'o e Lto Ravo a osremoulal sudluuiu today to the Princess of Wulu nod her daughters, Prlnceis Victoria ond Maud, and thu , son, Prlncu (Jeorge, nttoiided by suites A The royal vltltors wsro received with N nil the honor due to eovurelgns, and the yh occasion was madu Olio of unusual fj splendor. Tho entire pontifical court 9 was aasinibled In statu array and all ," tb. ICngllsli prelates lu Jlomu were i pititnt. Major llomo, grant al moner, and eUht olhtr ruemlira of the papil court rtclvid thu vliltot nttlin foot of llio rojll stalroiae, am cooducteil them tu tbo ilironii rimin whiretho (xiiu received them Willi thu ccremoulil of n i rlvatu ntidlunc , granting them a moat courteous intir vlev. They alterwur Is vlsltud ( ard Inal Uampolla, papal sccretiry of state. Itrporlnl Ural Afsln I.ONIUV, March 21 A Moscow dli pstclissys that Mayor Alexojcl! win wassholby AdrlonolTat tbu mieling ot tbu city council ou Tuisdj) , died this morning, rnrlcelnfoie Alrxajtil was rt poifuU dtad, but It was ulllnull; stated ) titer JJ alteruoon thul liu iul,;lit recovt r. Pcrllonltlsictln, lion over with tho above result. Kill lllllll Ittll- t llnnalrr Jleellne '" ''''' on SiuiiilHy In eur InrU KtM Voiik, March 21. The com mlttiuou arrangemiuta for amoniter homu rule meeting at the Acaditn of Mutlo on Hunday nunouniea tbu coin ) li Hon of the nrrangemtnts. Hon M. J. O Ilrlen uf the lupremo oourt will pieslde, Hon. V. llouike Cochran will deliver a spctlal oration; Chauu rey M. l)ii ew. Judge Noah I)jvI, Itev. Henry A. llrauii nnd Dr. W. II. Wallnco Mill also seak. l'liu com mittee li In receipt ol communications from governors ol dlllon ut states ex pressing y tntmthy with thu home rulo movemont and n strong deslrn that Iho meeting shall spenk out eluarlj,di mamllng for the Irish peoj lo thu rights which uru Iho tleartsl lierltagu of Amirlcsn freomen. Sot Kiiiinn. Hostov, March !.3. Nothing Is known at the dllces of thu Mtxlcan Central railroad luro us to the City of Mexico dlipstches stating that nil Mexican roads muit lowirtbolr rates or forfeit couctsiloiir. A litlsl flrr. CmriANK, Msrcli S3 Tiro Is raging lu tho Morgan apartment houio on Prospect Unit. It Is tuniorid that four women an I o baby aru burned to death. Call for nlubillancis lias Just been sent In. IinMallinll. PoitTLA-ru, Ore., Maroh 21 Char llu Johuioti of Ht. Paul, Mluu , an I Tommy Welt, of this elty, middle tteliJitr, fought thlity onu rounds last nlirht at Ihu astluie club. Tho light was declsred a draw. Ntlthir was damagid much. FOR THE COLUMBIAN FAIR. Exhibits From China, Japan and Other Oriental Countries. A Jspniteae tlllK0 tilth Inhaullnula Aiuonir tlsn Allrncllie ll.nliir... Han riiAhcuu), March 23 Tho steamer UaeliaurrlveJ lilt night from China and Japn with a large pasaen ger Hat and 1SUQ tons of freight, most u( which was ma lu up of exhibits lor Ihe World's fair from China, Japan, Java, Corea, Uorneoaul other orisu tui couutrlis. Tho Japanutu exhibits wero accompanied by thirty Japanese men nod onu woman, who will remain In Chloagn during Iho exposition. Thu mott Intonating fealuru ot the various exhibits Is a Javanese village accompanied ty over a hundred peaiants from Java. It Is reposed to represent In n realistic manner uvery-tiaj aipcota oflllolnu Javanese village and all thuvarloui useful and ornamental domestic and othiTn HaiKfi will l found tliere. A ejeolal train has been engai.ud to take the exhibits, tbu villagers aod various attendants to Chicago. Harris Tiiken t film Nina, BlNtiHlNti, N. V, Maroh 2d Car lylu W. llurrli, the young medical student, convicted of poisoning his Irlde, lltlrii Polls, and seutetited to I n e lectrocuted, arm ed heru from New York this morning. Hu was placed lu a cell recently occupied by MoKI value, executed for tho murder of tlrocer lu Brooklyn. He looke 1 palu and worn, but took matters quletl, rrolislilr Hurtternl Phoeniy, Ariz., March 21 In a mining dlalrlct twenty milts beyond Wlckenburg the bodies of a Mexleuu named Moutiz aud n bsy fourteen j ears old wero found In thilr cabin norrlbly burned and inulllated, having bien thrown in the tlrepiace. They wiro probably murdered by Mexican robbers. what Tin ai n iTiiitsunn noiiii A Drier I artullvo Ntaslen til Juur eul. Wasiiinutun, 1). C, March 21. Alter ten mlnutts without transacting any business of Interest thu Hemic went Into executive, sieslou. Alter siieudlnglliretMpjartoraof nn hour In executie session the doors weru o eneil tiiul thoHonato ud)ourued till Monda), IU.1 UI1I ICAN CAUCUS. Tho He ubllcan members at onco went Into lauous to consider their course of rrticeduroon tbutiuisllonuf reorganizing tho Beuatoolectlvuoltlits, It Is said a counter 1 rooMtlon of coin promWe will bu msdo to tho Democrats to the i Hut that three ofllcera nomin ated by tliem bu lermlttud to qualify, but that he subordinates bo undls turbed tlllCongrcs9 mtets lu regular aesslou. ' lly a practlrally unanimous yoto tbo Hu ubllcan seuatora decided lo rtjtct all oilers of compromlsa aul contest reorganization to the end. ( I OOMIIIMAIIUNB. The Henste has coullrmpU the fol lowing iiomluntlous ' lheodore Itunjou, Iow Jersey, minister to fit rinany. V. D. Dabnej. Vlrgl9a, solicitor of the dej aitinent of state. IMworJ Whitney, New Yorlr, nsslit ant attorney i.onerul. J. C. Jenkins, Wlrconsln, UnlleJ Htales circuit Judge of the Boveutu Judicial circuit, C. II. Blewart Texas, fudgo of United Btales oourt, Indian lurrltory, I I I AlncrUaMwi, itnrshal uf the east 1 1 tn tllsttli t of Arkanvw. J W llotisf, United BUto attorney ol tliiiiii.tiilslrlfltof Arkiussc. ( .li.JaehsoisUnltvdBuileiullornoy ImllaiiTirrllory. 1 P. Iltllirlu, Maryland, first nil dltnruf thu treasury. 1ho Ilolepinb, Djl , rlflh auditor of tlio treasury. Pustmasteri JoBttlndluliurt, l.l. ngatoti, Moiiiads. Htephen A. D. Ksliier, I,auder, Wysuiliy, itrmius or rtTitnci ttraltrti I iitmi Trlrarnpli onltUla lte It In.) Nm Yoitif, March Ja Wtstern Union lelegiaph clllolili take very calmly the n port ul nn Impending slrlke of tho employes. They do not apiiesr tbe least tlliturbud by thu I reimcwlii this ell) ol John Cuthbtrl son, suptimoili'iuccllirol thu oiirst ois' urginlzitlou. All olllteis have diclsrod that thu rurmn of uxlatlti trouble with tho operators uie untrue, sill expretsed Iguorancu of Iho fuel tnat any emplojes had boeu uls-cbargeJ. llietl tlltlm, liillars'airlkr. Mw oitic, March It There Is little or no change In tho situation among the sinking clothing cutten. lloth silts are qulitly ireparlug for Iho aim Iptied crisis on Haluitlay hi n thu turiatenod lockout by mauu facturersgoeslnlo ilTeel, unless some concessions aru made by thu thu cutters. Ilnllrlnn liiiiiilarmil Ulllnl. Ciucou, March 28 A lody ol Osllclou Immlgiants croislng thu Irolttlt r at Boci ut zya was t ucou sits red by uiiiiMlunfnullerKuard whodmvu thtmbacklo Auitrla. In tho conflict aoniti wiroshot, and others drowned In tho Vlstuln MISN HA sriltTH. The Here Willi 91la llatilltlle (am. liifnreil l'DHl I.AM), March .1 Miss I dlth Day left lure latt ulkht utcr Iho Northern Psclflolorocti against Miss Doollttle, who kit Chliajo last night to nulio thu circuit of thu United Btales by way of Mi ilco. Mlrs J)Ay Roisbj way if Chicago and Washing tou and ex lets to be bsck on A rll Id. Hho will meet Mils Doollttle lu tho Cliy of Mexico. AS TO ritKIItlC LIGHTS. Ircililcnl loollioiinnr sj SM lalo It the lit sit lilumhmtcd City lu II o Uft. Tho Council committee on Improve ments has aliout six!) pelltlons for elictrlo lights In III hands at the present time, and siy they will recom mend tlio grautlng of till that are reasonable Itegardlng the matter Proeldtnt Loolbourow says his advlcu us to tho further uxtemlon ol tho ulectrlo llgb ser let Is that tho city movu slowly Ironi this lime lorlb He siys His' Bait Il.u Is the best Illuminated city In the country; tbateeitalnly nono lu theentliu West can bucomrared Willi It. Thu bill which thu city has to foot for streot lighting annually amounts to about f I ,uuu, and ho nays a halt must soon becallod. Tliero uru members of thu council who aro oppoiud lo thu j resident's remarks. Tueyraylt l-i n mlalakeas to Bait I.ako hiivlng better eleitilo light srrvlio that Its western rivals, l.vcnlfthla wcio correct, tiny contend It Is no argument against grsutlug tho letlllousof irointy ouers uud tax j tyers who reside In remote and dark recesses of thu oily. 3!.ii or 11-mMii Htttirns. Mayor llaakln sudjenly returned homu this forenoon Irom Washington, where, It Is said, he, has been working for Ihe appointment of governor of Utah. It Is understood that his honor la very lu llgnant conct mini: thu lumor that ho wanted to 1 u made chief exec utive of thu Territory. A Nrws riportor tailed at his offlco three times this afternoon Willi n view lo hearing thu denial from Ills own lips but his honor could not hu fouud. Ibo Host Habeas I'oipus, The motion for tho writ of habeas oor us lu tho caieof Henry It. Host, which waaiet down for hiarlog this morning before Chief Justice Zsue,uaa beeu put over until Bsturday limning next. In bcitcmber last Host was couvietuJ In Commissioner Pratt's court of embezzlement antl sentenced to ay a line of $.50 uud costs. In default of puymeul ho was committed to the county Jail, where ho still re mains; and tho couteutlon of his countel(B, P. Arinatriug) la that the defendant could notbelegill dclalued beyond a perlol of six months. Ho Mnj Come tu Silt tiovirnor Thomas this afternoon re ceived a lotlcr Irom Mr. M. J. Webb, ol Wiston, Webster couniy, (Iiorgh, In which ho states! "My limited knowledgu ot your Territory la such us to crtuto the I ml reislou that Utah gives promiau ol bee lining u Meat Bute lu eomlngyesrs J.vtn now, I huvo beeu Informed, It Is a dealrubla locality and makes a good home for the Immigrant from thu ststn. I hove about decided to comuoutiomu time this ytar, nnd now wrllu that yu may furnish me wlthnuy Inforuiollon you can about thu territory, or give my uarauand addriss to others prejand to glvo It.' .Slio Disi'llcJ Illltl. Tho dlvorco suit of Win ', Carey vs. l.lla M. Carey was filed wilh Clerk McMillan of tbo Third district court this afternoon. Tho artles lutermairlel at Ban I rancisco In May, 1599, but n year or so later Mrs Carey abandoued her husband, and absolutely refuses to return, although rtqiustud lo do so. Plalntlll declares that hu govu her no cause whatever for having him. Coad & Coad are his attorneys. NORTH SALT LAKERS WIN. Stmoi Dimbirr Throws illrasill Into the Breach. Ill I1U tit tMI I S 1 1I II. SUM I.KMMI Put Ihe Ileal Is ot tVmplfle.-('iilel at llio lliillloii-llrck Urol 1 1- (nte Slid Mining vMTt. Iho North fait liakcrs Old not get thu amount ntceisir) to rtlivu Iho Pctlltfarm list night. Hut theyuh talnej aomelhlng that srrtot thilr purpose for tho time. Tola was an extension of twenty-two lnurs tnoro In which to get thu money, rl , tho can visilng uomm ttmi kept on rustling, aud by J o'lloek this r.Mcri juu had tut Ihnshortsgudowu loSI-'7u Then Minion ItamiHiiir came to llulr ulio'. Hu null not sttilhuw lit fell, so InadUHioiito thu nntoui t ho had subscribed hn guaran tee I Ihu lutymcnt uf the rimlner. "I will taku chances i n tutting It back," silt hu. "I hope thu sub crl llons.wlll coullnue to oomu In nnd tiie full amount be paid. Hut rather thin sco thu wholo thing tail, I will guarantee tbu 1170 lhat is now shorl." riisn Mr. Klnuo) ruined otr to ste Mr l'ullll, and urrango lortancellng Ibuinoitgsgelmmodialel. Tnls unit lu accuttillshtd beforo 4 o'clock this nftrrnoou, ut at that hour Ihu liuileia intetto sign tbecoutract. At n 1j ihlsalleruuou Mr Kinney bat not returned. Mr. ilnmborgir was aalteJ If thcru wai anythlDg curtain ogrcod ujion. Ho re HeU,HNo, wu are waiting fur Mr. Kinney tj settle wills Mr. Peltlt. Wu have done our share. Ihe money isreaily. Vow If Mr. Klunty has It nil right with Mr. Peltll, tliu whole thing will lo flxtd. Wu haviiunly got till 4 o'click. 1 kuow nothing of thu arran,.imoiiti with Mr. Ptlllt. Hut II la m t our fault If Hunt la a failure. Tbu North Bait Lakt rs havo ke; t tholr ugret ment." Ten mlnulia later John M. Cannon, who Is attornr) for Mr. I'rtttt, was eceu. He saij, "I am now golug Willi Mr. Pctllt to mict tho coinmlllee. Wu have tue tieids all leidy tu turn thu ropcity oer. If tho u mmlttee have the mt)aey,as they ray 11 y him, tbu initlir will Lu cloned up ut once. Wu will tw with Iheiommltttuat 4 o'clock, or shortly uftir, nud utile thu Luiluws" 1.MIJT. At 4 20 , ml Hu com mltltcs wero 111 session, dltansliig the details. u couclmlon hstl been ar livid at and would ut bs for aomu time, but n member of tho committee gavu Itout lhat oil would be fixed this evening, aod lhocontr''iaguud. Till! HUM 1UN IJUIi. Malters at thu HbUlou.Ilecl. have almost nalued a normil condition of quietude, the only ludcatlou left uf n ulsagreumeut butwees tbu company aud thu mluers being lhat thu latter ureoutof emjloyiusst whllu uj ora tions aro ctcadily goluf on ut the mine, there it K.srs tu be no disposition to distort ulalurl ami. Marshul Heulou, who was at l.ureka Tuesday nlghl, says' "I think evir) Ijlng Is golug on all right thuiu uow. Thu union mm Ixiaid trains ut Irontonaud talk to low comers, enduavirlng u i,eruadu them not to go to work liitheraltie. The I rluolpal argument unl Is that men should not ciuielu Hiiro to tsku treat out of Iho niocths if Ihu risldent mluers and llieli families. Hut thcru is no lmproer luterferenco with Ihu men so far as I have heard, 'lhcru ate now ninety lien at work for Iho Hulllon.Heck, fitly of being lu tlio mine " Tbu Clinton OmiollJated gold mluu at Wetland, Call'ornls, pro luct far the (Hit month waa jut Into a gold brlcl. uf ubout fllty poinds weight last wt ek, Thu uoni any hfs tuo isfie, onu in Its storn lu town end the other lu Its cfllcu at thu miie (In Monday night Ihesloro was biltrtd an 1 Its keeier, Otorgu Dunn, coniellul lo u) en thu safi. The bri'k hub lut fount, und Ihu thieves botud Dunn hind und fool, gagged him )y uahliig an ol I sock Into hie moutl, and lilt 1 ortunately for tint owmrs, thu brick had teen loft that nUhtlii Ihe sifo at tho dike, which waa uullhturled, t.OTI.3. Qeorgu lloipsr Is pulling lu salt reduotion wotls at Auuabella, buler louuty. Thu ltlclifhld Admcala uvldently Is an udmlrer 0 inja-ty. Its luuoof yesterday coutilns thla uotlcei "Prof. Hoylo and a yuug man from l.lslnoru huvugonudow) in thu PahrtaucoUL try trosieotlns; where ho euys hu has a wonderful pir mine. l'irhaa hu has, uud c u make good use of soruucoi ler, btt hu surely dooa not neod any inorcjran." itrNin utp.NTAi a uiaxmoi. A corrcsimueut, writing from Illuu valley, ssyi. tnow la viry det p on thu lltnry luuuiiUus, and luconsequeuto no prospccllniis being done, aua none will bo douu fcl some time. Hundreds ot men uru viltlug lor thu suuw to mcltand iu .imp H growing In im portaurui ly lhrcoblgnilueB huvo teeiiruuiilug it it jnjlng ratunll win ter and gaou Irlkts havo liueu madu lately lu sill ollheni. A new read and a good onu bus U t u o intruded from Caatlualley ihlcli liirnlshts u goul uutlel, unl en be traveled ut miy time of thu yea nnd Is nearer by twen ty. Mvo miles thu any other route, a ually mall run to 1 erron, onu half of thu diitauce, lu J ai ull klims or pro ducu cau bu liil at a fair prliu the camp Is great amlited, Thu camp will Ih) alive) onu In thu spring, us theru aru p uily of men uud l llul lierutomnku lei. BAI'l J 1UC1.1 Aiusa llOUol, loJuy's clerlng houio exchanges amounted to l.-ylVJ, imuo day last year jil3,05l. iDscreaae JiJ,lll,j. lllUAfd 1)1, lliriONb. Nuwork-liters j, leod,$3 07. l.oudou Blrir, i unkkNii nun ion. Wells, Pargi it. C s. reoi IvoJ today Mlni,a bullion h'.j 1. T. It JoneaVi ( . reonlvud today t Bullion, J.'iUI, ores, JU'll). Total, $ouuu Amajer Cifrlo had lu ttdiiy, for tcstiug, ono lij of Bloux die. W A lloJVtishaillii totnj fnrassa) 118 lots nl HjrnBllver ore, nnd two ether contr da. W. U. M. Htewarlhal lu today for assay two I, Is tt Old Jordan aim Ua lann ere, Uiuni. Thuoiu ond bullion shlmeiita for the Ueett wtrtios fjll ws 11 osm bullion ..... t; IVJ Ilia. lean eittr Imuran , , se.lili. M ears allter anil lea I ores IfOMUltia ' oars. Tolsl - - J UU 111 Iba usac aiTiTh iHissiana. laW l ISroIra 'l,,eml, rtrnr.l'r tr gall Ink Ctm Is imv3 j w jrwla lag Mil lath II Jo n.r. n llaalnl ISviialer ptrlisrtinnll.lotiaklitn Sauulu.lDasls . I rC4 Jama, wmsn, ti l.ilm llarlrasn, . lot 1, 1.1 sk SI ,lsl i.snlsn i lly SO Ou J tleldvn limlll ti mliall, r, Kimball la I hnalms II Kl ni'ill, Wllail UuKl plat ny IN e. I l.iotbsn ui Jsaute s. Itiiuesll, part hit S, lnork SI al A eilr 1 Oil Jseuti JoIidsos Ui htiae Johnaun part eeciloa II, towoasil Jieutlt ssnss I Ml .. - 900 00 Ellas Morris anil ilet,, II T t sot l. r listllAtn,lloeSIH,lat t rlt) 9SM 00 I llnbliaril to M ilrlnl,.!, id a . Wst, II ,IU'St ka.lVt tcrlnv 410 0 Jamrau ilodwia aiel ,n to K. It t rtlhlow lot II, eiiirk l Hi tier Allonrlie.. .. , ... ntca 11. S K nksitl so llslls selirltier, luu , an 1 1, Moflk I, Main atrsvl pub law (e haitiM llopiuUiCNinul IM llnHH, . earl ol lot li oo St. pint It 1 00 J n l lire siul rille to llseliel a, Mllle loll 0 och I. plat II eity toe ou 1 llledastu let r ii lisnatr, tola latuai. Jtioan I rren ... 1 OS O 31 Uhrinberlsia snil trilo lu I tier II lilnivr 1,1 41 tu SI Ionian linen - . . ... .. .. OS sarr tusk sruoaa Votl March Sir I n) in lonapan 11 No e Tork elsolrsl a Issinoea s ur Nsnsauoa . ?a Ateruann It a I aoiao Mall .1 Usnirallseids xs , ttoek !altl .. 1414 liurlinRtos . N, SI 1 aul A Inaaaa M Kiouranarj lriailaclflc . uc, Northarn 1 jtotuo IS Unloo I aciaa. Ss Irervrrs4 41 larsj rii ran I a. tlnwtiatarii liu, tts-lrr t Oeloa H orlh tmarlesn. V t lonpyrair,i linra lter,Sit. sinks elotr I atoauy FKieka e n 1 alaajr ttltli on'tl frsetlonal elianrss lliotenier ,f lie mstt'l r. I mc luu lunura ol oho meitla or Muouooo ti I II WO nil in no I un salultlsr, la eonallarrl I remarkable iinrrlran auaar fall In 1st. I n raslutlloa 9 i irrlrsreil l Out I 1-, lu sat. Ilia (rnrral li.l traa ilull, I., II etotka ttvre IteMoilly i, nru s tlve after 31, SMumusalel j a bujsnl loos lliirma tiaa larsol) pr leaaunal un Ihe i elict liiat a ,t trnineslleaiittill In tan, uner I al orllr Ills nilrsneea ranireil trum H u i At aeon the inarkit waa atruni. YRirEnutr s cmtivs Followlnx are tho eloatt t mutionl realer tla etsnlns el Ibo coilllra ut wliiei, looal rmt krasra most likely lilainlereetsi AT t 1... ss 11.(1 W . ... JO I entral 1 aeitlo SSs Irelrrrel II A II (I , U ....... 75', Nftriliaru I arllle la Melutarini . 114 I rilrrre,! ... u , Itnurii cTuion -M . Uru aliotl Line Is, cuiiAuu ueaaar Ukieaso, Marebtlrl H biat-8leail) oa.h, "1 ', May 7u , Com Urmi rsb, 41 ,. lay, II , ,.,1-?"!""I," Mr o1 lork-laayieaali TJIH, May 17 Ktf I Jtr J-l say osali nua Slay.llM IIIIH-I say csali, Jj May, lilO. Ilarlry-st. Ilax-lts 1lmolli)-ll). roiaiiui fio. Tom U'Djiinel, u well kuown siort lug man arrested for cuinbllug, forfeit ed SO lu Juatlcudee's court this utter ll ion for fo Hug to uear uud answer lo thu chsri.u against him. AV IMEMIIAUWS WUltlC. A scant luicniiiit llnuan Proxnlril from llnrulug lluwu. Tho tiro department was csllul out about 7 3D this morning, lu rtiouseto mi alarm sent In Irom thu icrner uf Blate uud Hecond Bouth elrtets. A tenement lictito lit that point atandlng at thu rear uf the Turugruen drug slori, owned by Countlhuaii Karrlck, was In llamiv, tlio file originating n lull ran old stairway and was thn wurkuf auuiiknouii Incendiary. Thu lusuruncn on thu lull Hug was can. celed two or Hires dsjs ago, Thu flruineuuld i,ooJ work with ttiuchein. leal eiiglnu and savul thu til shuck btifuruitny great damage was douu. SPRING FLOODS AT HAND. The Weary Waste of Waters Is Already EncroacDlng on tbo City. Many lent .,. Imiiiitnlril No lliauce fur (lie Uittvrs l A considerable iiortlon ot tho section of country at the southwestern art of town Is about to bo submerged, and mauy acres ntu already under water. Ycsleruay'seuowwssquickly molted as far as Iho foothills, uud thu water soon found Its wat to lower levels. lhlsmornliigMjiuuof Ihujeoilu tu thu I litis wurd nwoko ti flud their habitations surrounded, aud thilr yards converted Into extouslvo duck pond). This was the caso down at the Winter block; and fittlur along t the south aud wust thu Hells wero coven d In somu places to a uouslJerablu do th. Altogether four or five blocks are I radically flooled. Tho water haa coveroJ tho lowjlacta, and lias so softened tho earth not submerged that moving about by pojuitrlaus is ex tremtlyililllcull, Thu city ha nnda au attempt on thuBtaturoud to turn tho volume of wall r down lentil Bouth street,! ut the caual tliero Is nlruady full to overllow lug, Uialdcs, when it gets towards the river, tliero Is not sultlcioiit fall, nnd usn remit the water Is buakedupnud si read over thu surrounding country. Ihuuttempt in Ihla, na 111 ono or two other dltihes which the city has out, to luaku water run up hill has irovoii u failure With tho Tenth Boutli atrcot t final llllutl g Its utnio.t cajiacUy, thu excrsa ol water must llud its way somewhere, und this It duos west of Betuud Wust ktreut, by oimlng towardMuth Bouth strict. Thitii Iho canal which former ly existed lias licen rendered useless. In trailing tlio struts, Ihu hank Ins bein cut to low that It allords no harrier to thu Hoof, which, when It Heches n little fur ther nugmcnltlliin from inciting mows, will i resent n serious aspect ul dingir. Many ptol aro already "tanned as tu the safety of llulr dwel lugs. As the matter stands nt I teient it looks us though no adtquaittaleH will bu taken to deal Willi Ihu situation, but that the lower larls of tbu cliy will v leit to their fatu Agiiillvmiii who lias reel leal for mau) years lu thu 1 tills ward, and has lis I conatdirnblu uxjirtenoe In dealing wills n pieutis mailers there lit ratinectl in with thecauuls, ssild tudtji "Theiuwould be iiudangir from Ihu rlverlf the strintus above who token caiu of Ttu chief trouble Is from Parley's iretk, which, when It gola weetuf tho Union l'aclllo trick, i reads over the cuiiutry, uow that Iho .Ninth strrel canal nud all others lor ihn. miltir ixoi'it Ihe Tenth B uth dllih, uru iloeetl uj. Irom fourth Hiel strut, itt, ninlBeveiilli KouUi street, south, will havo llulr llmunt It unless aimetliliig la clone, nnditouo quickly. Thiru la noway for the walir to get out lo thu north of the olty, io ae matters uru uow Ir will haik up ovi r thu lace, na It used to ilo Iwloiu those ailurss were occupied for dwellings," Totlnj's l't(i!iitc Court. Hitatoof Piter HolTnlnes, doecaiod, hearing un return ol sale of real citato. Order madu confirming sale. Litalo of Martin Hutch, deceased, Healing nn executor's account con tinued till A rll 12th. 1 ttaleof Joali I.awreme, deceased, Hiarliigon iHutltlort for final account and distribution. Urdcr mailo nl praye I. 1 statu of W. i:. Johns, tleccaicd. Order madu lu sliiwcauiii wh) order of sale of real estate should not bu made. Lstatu of Ihomas 'Irlbble, Benr., deoeaied Hearing on final amount nud Million fr dlstrlbulloii. Order uialnnsprayef. J.itnlo tit Harhara Hoirulnes, do cewed. Hond of administrator aii provel, l.itatu of William Bkews, diceaed. Hearing on ittltlou uf extcutor. Order madu tu ad I n certain life Insur ance polity to thu Inventory of the estatt, ns prated. Cllallm was Isaued to administrator In tho mattir uf Ihu utalu of J. Comber, dueiucl. DRY EARTH SYSTEM. Health Commissioner Beatty Recom mends Its Adoption. lleNnyall ,, I'rvr aallamelurr Miltillui, ul )l,l trsnllotls I r.ililrtn. City Health Commlialoncr llcatty has Income a strong advocate of the dry earth system uf stnltttion und has I rt arc, I an ordinance for ruagu by tlio council for Itl lobulation and en forcement. Dr. Heutty says ho believes "that Ihu nie.suru will iuvh to bo u thoruugh soluHoii to thn vtxatlous but txtrimcly Important question ol Ihu disposal ot nil fieri iiiontltlous insltcr until tho mwer system can be extended and completed." "Theru can he iiarnlataku In paialug thu measure," says tbu commlsilonur, "as It Is no experiment, thu system I elug in vogue In many stilus and la the host posalblu sub.tlluta fur Bawage; ftirlherinuro theru cau hu no hardahip attached lo thu compliance, with Its provlalous. 'Iho closets now lu uiu may bo utilized, merely substituting a box or other rocoptaclu for tho vault or excavation. Iho removal at Ihu city's exense will nut luvolvu a very great outlay under thu plan uow being considered for the removal of gubuge by contract, and only lu such u manner will It bu r oislblu to roperly and thoroughly regulato Ihu system.'' I lie ordinance makes It unlawful for any ursiu to oonstiuct or uiuku uau uf any closet, vault or excavation, On ill Inhabited prumlses, where sewer tonuectlou cannot bu made there shall bu provided u watertight box or other cloio receptacle of it port ublu uharat ter. This recej taulu shall bu I laced In an outhouse or oilier suitable Ilacoand shall thou bu known ns a ir) earth clobet l.vtry closet shall befuruishtil will) uiu,plj ofdryiuiih ur tubes. All vaults wlthlii thu sani tary dhlrlcta shall be enijtled for a di Ihol not lies than two lie! Itluw Ihu aurruuodlus; surlace.lhu remaining contents shall Utdlslnlecied In uicord aiiouwlth tho regulations of Ihe health de artmunt, uud the pit or vault shall I o tilled lu w 1th earlh and al andoiie i. 1 llu ftutor eiu lylngiuill vaults shall u It exceed twuuiy ccllls er cubic foot, which shall Include tbo work of tilling lu too vault auJ shall bo paid by the owner. All surface closets shall be cleared, dleluficltdnudubiiidoiiud No water or kttohen slops or gar bngu or rubbish of any kind ahull bo dcpoalted lu ull) dry i urth closet. tbu contents ot thu dry eitrlh sys tem shall le remove 1, ut roper Inter vals, ut tho uXcnsoot thuilty, No dry uarth cloeot shall bo con sttuctedur plaud luuso without lint having ol tulncd a Limit In writing from Ihu lualtli derailment. AllpreiulseanbuttliigUoii a stteut or ulio) , whero Bower connection can bu muUt, shull bo connected atunce with tliu sower and ull cusaioola uxlst. Ing nuu In Uau on such premUis shall bu tilled lu and abandoned. Any iirsun failing to comply with, or who violates an) of the roviilous uf thu firikolog stotlonof thlsurdlu uanoe shull bu flnud in any sum not lrss than $3 for uverj twenty four houts of failure or reiusal to comply with thuordluauoi. Thuordiuunco will come up at thu raiding of thu City Council tomorrow nl,lit. YIELDS TO KING ALCOHOL. H Death Ihe Sequel to a Reckless Conu iH o( Dissipation. H in ink mxoii, tiii: mint. H lilt Ileal llody loiim! In Mi Itoom In M One uf tlio galley Houte H Cotlgts Today. H A Illtlo lest than two yeirs ago H I'lunk Nuxoll, a tailor, came to this H city from Columbus, Indiana, lis B sought fur nnd obtained tmbyment In the tailoring tstobliiliment ot F. K. M Wells on lint Bouth strut. Hu M wuil.edoontlnuouily until two weeks H ago, when hu cotn lalued of U lug sick H and left tint shop uad nt once lauucho 1 H foith on a retracted debauch. H His emiloyer was not aware of his M dhupntlon, being under tbe Impreislon H that ho was keeping within doors ou account ol his liidlioittlou. Yes- M ctday morning, however, lis learno I that ho hud been arrested tho night previous wlilta highly Intoilcaled and M taken to Iho pollco station and locked up. Mr.Wells atunce went to tlieC'ltj M Hal, I white tlio ricorJa showed that Nuxoll had Uen nJJudgr.1 guilty and jH llued J5 Hu Intir. M ceded Hi Nuxoll's behalf, and thu 1 siuteiicu pronounced upcii him was JB luvoksd. Later In the day huwml to kH his room, No 1J2 wtat, Koutli Templo laaaaH itltel, at one ul tbo Valley Houio aH cottages, while ho waa a boarder. It aaaaaafl was plaluly vlill lu tl at hu was sudor- H lug irum the tllrcli of his heavy drink- M Ing. H Is eyis wire bloodshot, hlsfaco slH bloated nnu tonguuswolliu. iH Dr. Macl.eau was cilluf lu and H rendered the silent temporary relief. LH llu called n second tlmu latu last night aH and pionouiiced him much better. H hboitly before 8 o'rloik this morning, H however, bla body waa found cold aim B Ilfeleaa In bis room by uuu of the tH Valley Housu portirs, H Cureiiur Taylor was notllled and kl Immediately took rhargu or tbu re- lH nialus. Hu will hold uu Inquest at sLH Bkowea' undcltiklig larlors al 111 H o't l ck tomorrow mornlug, H Dr. MacLcan slid today that Nuxall H tiled ut litart failure auperli ducuj by l)H ulcoholliin and that he was lis alraoit H lholats'.SLuor dlssolullou when he M wns null,! In. sBH Mr. Wells sold that lbs deci aied haa M worked for him fur twelve years hero H and lu Michigan. Hn said alio tbat LH .Nuxoll waa at olio time a heavy H drliikir but that three y ears nno he H lecnnio n totul abataluer nnd uever saaaaal touched liquet until he entered upou H Ihu course of dlsslj utlon which reiuitcd H lu hlsdeuth. H Thu only relative that the deceaiml M baa Is n hirler, who tesldts In Clnclii. H natl, Ohio, uud who has beeu appilsid H b) wire other brother's demise. H Tlio Otlctilh's Aillclcs. ArlMus of incorpotatlon of the Cat- H cutla Uold, Mlulug aud Milling Co. H weru fllid with County Clerk Meloy M this morning Tbo olject of tho M coni any Is to carry on n general buil- M neas In mining aud tho milling of ores, M tho location and duvulojiment of mines, H clc, lartlcularly In Oscela mining M district, While Pine county, Novsds. M Ihu tailtal stock la placed at JGOO,- M 000, divided Into UUO.OOO haraul thu aH ur vnluu of il uarb, uud tbe chief H jlacuof buslniai will be Bait Lake M Olty. M Ihulncorpijratoraall rtslde In this H cliy, und aru aa follows. D. I). John- B son, !'. M. Wrlglil, W. 1-lrmenlcb, Joieh Dederlikp, und A. M. Muuer, ' who havo kulaicriied for UO.OUil shuns BH inch, CM.. Ihomiwon, H. J. Wilgel and J. J. .0,000, John Heck H 15,000, Atirellua Miner 111,000, 1'. J. Drs ir 600(1, and II. H. Bchaufell trger Soou, whllu $203,000 Imi bieu ait apart ostieastiry ktxk, John Heck Is president, D D. John- jl son vlcuinsldent, and thesu with A, M. Muaaer, J. J, I. yon and Joaejh Dedeiloka coustllutu thu bvard of directors, Aurellus Miner la tho secretary and HBfl tiii: tnv auai.v i run it. M JLtls llinca Dumiigo Milt ror)I0,U00 ii llrouglit by Jin. S. H u Last evening, lu the Third district court, bamaiithu Bulllvau lodged n damagnsult for 110,000 ogoluit Halt M Lake City. Bho nllegts that ou Janu- M ary 13th, ISO I, tho defendant was en- gaged In hauling gravel and lurlh from a certain pit, that In so doing It was M necessary to uau und o cratu curs and J their ap tirteuauces, and that her hua- bund waa lu their employ aislstlug lu Iho said work, lhat upon this datu HHjl nienlloued a car which haj beeu loll stun ling on Us said track, not being jH properly blocked, ran oyer him uud lit jurudlilmto such an extent that hu ! died shortly after. Negligence Is nil god ou tho defendant's rt. jjl Blmpson, Urtonbaum .V. Itoiontnal M are suing Qrocsbeok ft Houghton tt DBJ ul lu thu I bird district uoutt to collect JBj $170 -I on u promissory note, jj (1. A. Urauber has began a suit M ngalnat 1. 1 . Hirk etal. lu tint Ihlrd dlsliict coutt lo collect $-500 on n HjVJ 1 romlesory note scoured by a mortgage HHl A hiln'll) ('.ISO, H The senior member of thu 11 rm ot BBl Ostler llrolheri ut No. 4J3 North Bee- , ond West ktrict called ut tho pollio feASJ luadquartcrB this afternoon und relalid H utalu of woo about being victimized by n shariur. It apj ears thu latter turchaied n bill ot goods from Mr. Ostler uud gavu a spurious clieok In payment, rt ceivlog also several dollars' Jl In cash In Ihu Iranractlou. Ihu o Ice aru now at work uu thu cose, iBjBj