I ill lllSIIOI' SHEETS' IlIUTIIltAY. The fiettntj-Sffond Aimlttrinri llsi pllj telebrttnl isitrU. Ycsttrelsy wu the eerentr second birthday of U. Ii. Blieats, lllshop cl ' lb. eighth ward of lull city. Last Tinlng about forty of hit children, grandchildren nod other re-latlYca hail family galnorlnit lu honor of tlio occasion t tho Hlicst! rnldrnco In Farmers' ward, ud enjoyed moil delightful time. Alter rtaklDC of eumptuoui pred prepared for the occasion, In Itercoon and Tnlng were tijoyawy trnl In pleasant oontenallon and Ilia I singing of sougt The lllttioji ad- dr.ed hli family relating many Initialling oiperloucen throu.ti wlilcu be had pawed. The light of so many children and grandchildren remlndej I him of lilt adranclng j.srs, still ' fait young in splllt. IJ.lt Intoiestliig o 5 nota that whlla lu 181 J lie. '",' and alone, today hie f.uilb, Inc Hidlnj children, grandchlldron, sjus-lli-lavr anddaughlere lu lair, numb; raoenl. JllibopBhetH worked on the founda tion of the Bait L. rampW '"U'J tomaof the flr.t atones usJ In Iteoin structlon, witnessed the laying or the corner ttona and now contemplate! I with unswrsksbl. nl.isiiro ttiii opiwr; tunllyof attending Iti dedication neil In the courte of hit remarks ho gara hit family many wlio counsels and much gooJ advice, olotlug Willi a powerful testimony to the. trull of the tloipel aa revealed to the l'ropnel Joseph ttmlth. The day wat rendered nddlllontlly eventful to theriheelt family lu come nuenroof Itt being Iho fllteonth anuj. Tertary of hit second eon Moroni's wedding with Annie Mutter Hlieati. lilsliopHbasls It well aud hrarly.and the Nc8 will Joli with a uott of friend! In wlihlng thlt tried and fallli. ful vetiran many happy retur-t of lilt jj uatalde). f Inrormitlou Wnulcil. fe Maria Jolinton wlihea to luirn of the i whereabout! of her ton Ctrl William If Johnson, who left Vrtltro!, Bwoden, I with Andert Olteu In 1877, and settled i In lirlguam City, Utah. Bhe hat been I Informed that he lelt Olion five jesre afltr and want tu I'.rallsi.Uaoli county, and worked for Zlna Nichols, j A letter, however, addressed there I reoently railed to llnd hlui. Any lii- formation of him will le gtate ulljr received by addreitlug Maria Johnton, 108 Fourth North street, Bait Lake City, Ulan. Lcfi.il Afttrnutti. Tha following business, besides Ihtl alriady publlihed, wai traniaoted lu I the courla yetterdayi I William J. Ilulterworlli of Kngland I haa boon aJmlltei to oltlieuthlp. i V. U Bohmldt vt. the New Amerl. , cm (it company: Judgment In lavor j of plalnlia fur $91890. William Ulllton et al. vt. John F. Taylor; u. lenient In favor of the plain titfor SJ.803 80. Jacob A. Dupce vt. W. A. Ilughei at al ; eleorea of forecloiuro lu favor of tha plalntlll for $12 J 03. 0. C. Gregory began tult agalntt Butan J. Welgel yetierday to recover fM8 85 on two promlnory notet. J, 1', Dlnwoodey haa recovered a Judgment fer $175 agalntt William .Litter In Commiuloner Moyer't court. lloulahan & arlflllh are tulng Barah . A. llardle In Juttlcu Oee't court to ' collect $41 3D on a promlttory note. BJ. A. Taylor hat begun tult agalntt J, B. Iluuel In Commiuloner Marllu't court to collect on a promlttory unto ! for $111.70. i Uoldtmlth & Co. have filed a tult I agalnit John Mixwell lu Commit. I alontr Martin's oourlolalmlng IS3S.1 on two promlttory notet I Utah A Montana Machinery com. 1 I pany vt. J. l'.Neltonet alijudgment s lor plalntlflt for $131.83, abtiract from Commlttloner Moyer't court. J.W. Miineld et al. vt. Bait Lake Fickle company et al; deftult of Kl'lckle company entered and Judg. inant entered thereon In tha Third District Court the I following ordert have becu euteredi Fred Klug vt. Jennie M. Klug, order shortening II mo to hear motion to flle antwer and crote-complalnt to Halur day, and retlralnlng plalntllT from dltpotlng of hit property. William Conttanttne, butcher, became angry with bit wlfo becaute the refutid to give a revolver which he wanted, took htr by the alioulden and thook her up. Thereupon the rii oUended twore out a warrant agalutt I lilm for attault, In Commiuloner ; ,'' Norrell't court. The commissioner ytttarday alterooon llttened to Iho prot aud com and In the ind called 'j upon the defendant to psyn lino of SU , centt and com. Wonderland. I A new and very Interesting change R of program occurj at thlt house, today. K The Block company will tro.int for R the tint time Tbe LUIhy Blave, a play M abouidlngln strong draraatla situs. E1 tlont, Mr. Crollut appearing In the character of John 1 lit Iee, Mr. John Williams as Dr. llhant, and Mir Jennie Darrngti at Clirly Ulainr, thut Innurlng a t cried production Natalie en I lilt j erformlng I Ig amutlng Jtlrant In tbe curio hall, while on tho Jlljou ttage fine tprclally arlltla a ear. Mr. Kdwln Latell maket hit lint appearance In thlt city In anenterlalng mualcal tfcclally entitled Kill and I. lU.lch lalliu.rn)? A nowtpnjir corrroiwndmt of the alnp ibh, whang hung kind whim vcrj Mrcnttlc ovrr Iho American "Ja from Jaytnwn ' who innVe Hie timr of Koropo on tlio cheap f xcurtlon ticket" that tome lileMcil Indlthlitnl lwaliiTintcil In mod cm timet. Tl o rtirreaijondcii' iIcacrlbM In nio lng term! tlio butternut troiwif tlio liandt "red and knotted " nt If tlw man w ro Jmt from tlw plow And n woman of tliffo rntllotmirltta will no tually walk Ilia l'nrln lionlevnnl'i In n "cheap block (Ilk ilrrw nnd miouth I lack kid glovoii, the nemo of Jajtouu ctpgnncc" Dinr, ilrarl Further, tlio country tclioolteoclicr enn now mnnnge, ecn off lo tr anrlngt to Imvo il lour of two or llireo uiontln In r.uropo, and tlio cointnon livnl are getting It Into their hendi that "tee ing I.uroi li n irt of tlio duty of overy clviliznl Aintrlian " Itvclacly fiwlng rumim Imitrto( Iho dnty of every h tilled Ann rii an It irlrca nt Urn opiurtunlty to tnko In innch Hut Iim Ikh iiHeetarily l ft out of our llui In tlio flerco itriiRxlo t anNIue tin turo and innko hrrf,lont, firtt of nil, fool mil clothing liming ill no tint, tl o nvemgo Ann rlcan Inttlmtirely limit In ii tort of blind, gro; lng way to what he think will iinpnnonndlni'troct him If nquMrapeciinen of our lellow conn Irvintn aoinclliuit tnrut tin in I'nrl lmthy lirnddl rollarletn and with Jcnnj troiucra and handt In pocktU, ntrr mind Hit Mifo ami douhtm will learn from thlt trip (hot thrre nro icoi lo vIhi da not talk llirough tliilrriuMv, nnd that aqnoeting out tlio strains of "Annie ltonpy"from imhcctliig ucicnllun U notuintlc They wllllo lmpnntdnnd colllvuted linniratural ly cin by the few montlit' tour In I tin pe If tho lorrMlwndrnt a uncrnton lull ilnl 1 lu Kurow, they w out 1 ln w rt tclu d, Ignorant iarantt, with no ircwnttnt Itfactlon and no outlook for thu future, lint the) rtimo tu America In tho ttecr age. They workiil hard and iruicnd, and gao their ungrateful deeeendantun education and n rbanro to go to l.nropo aud turn up hit noto at hit bettrrt. In to other country than America can tlio common working itoiIo f,it money enough to make n foreign tour for I leat uro and Instruction, nnd thlt It the liltli mt glory of our republic Tlio fellow who tne-ert lit tin to lionert tourist it himself u tuoli and n toady and the wont kin 1 of n "Jnj " 1.1, Stork lolnH. Tho department of ngrlcultnro canwd n thorough lutettigition of tho initio dlnnibo known as ' lumpy Jaw" to lw mndo Tho e.oui.luilou arrh eil ut It tluit lumiyjaw It not eontuglout, ulto tluit lodl loof Iiotnuluni It t robablyu rcmoil) for it An occasion of great interest will In tho contention of tho Soutlinetlern Cut Ho ltaltert' association at lort Worth Tex, March II. Mr. John J Howard reports lu The llrocdcr'a (lazetlo tho uiso of n free uuirtlu heifer In his lonseiwlon that brwl und luia Uconw tlio mother of kU eah e before tlio It tU )oart old Thlt twin heifer calf herself gaio lilrtli to twins il bull nnd a heifer, in Jnuuury Bu.li u latu It a inott unntual one. Cornstalks aro u hiiatlto food, there foro aliwblo with tho couumtruteil aluds. Thcro It nn Imtauco on record of u inaro tliat pruduevd Hd coltt blm iui alho and doing well ut 43 )ert of ngo Utully marcs bceouio iterilo at from 'U to li) cart oil During tho frceio In Now Yrrk but ter, n:gs nud moat row in rko till the) thrcatencl to bieomo liuuriet. IVrk went up till It wut from 0 tu b cents higher In rko than It was at tho torro pondlng time tho ) enr before Hens should bo inutud not let than 10 ilajs beforo tho eggt aro wanted for hatching Duck rnlstug and I roller raising go well together Hogs do not need o much flit at cat tle After all, blun grass makci tho best luuturage, and It should bo lultiintud where er It will thrive rattening theiep for eastern markett has bceomo ouo of tho moat linortuut Induttrieii of Larimer luunt) , Colo Machlno inalo horse shooa and hnriH thoo nails lunko it pottil lo for ouo black smith to keep tho fue.t of uer ii hundred horses iu order Chll Iron wtteli tho oenlug of etch packtgn of Ihilil II in I ( i IT e to gi t tho handsome loluru lor their scrap beok. IHioocFs Cures mfiSSBmsm Mr: C. Jt. Card Oa.land, CtL Mado Over Anew Chronic Hondacho Curccl-Woalt Lungo Mndo Strong nnd Woll. " Tor yatrt I ha-1 tlclc h'alith'i errry dtr, sad 1 nliol ail Ttrr weak lon. Klnre I liiro .trii tiLlng lloofl j hamparllla I lart I sen rallrrtf turf d of heaitacliri, trd my lunjii are itroDstnl well. lrltiHlieittnity How Well You'ro LooklnQ. I tell Ihrm It II diM to Hood I KempartlLv t am smtll 11 tUlurt nrrrr wl(te4 oTtr llsllHmivllteroTe Uki ig Hood RVintrt tllla. Slid at IIM time I berin laltlii( It I U I run flown to83 tioiialt but now t wrlcU Ill'i. tlyfrlenditlioimhtlwoulllitdra I loan " tut Tan perlr-flly veoll I an uaaUe lo eiprett my iliinkt tor lite goo t Hood's Sarsaparilla ha done mcH Mn. t H. tAun 12IB Adi lln ret,tMlii I. Cal tomli. Hood'nPMla euro ill liver tin rnioni. acn. Ja in Ike tnigntyi iirt Umtiachc. II Itiiik Iriiulile, Iim lie CJot II. About two or thrtn months n?o 1 I uichaseil from you n bottto uf Cham I ! erlaln'! Cougli Ilemedy, put up In Drs Molne, Iowa. Burn good result wero oblalued from lis ma that I enclose one dollar and ask that )nu tend mo two Imltles hy eaprest J. A. tciinrv, IB K. IStti Ht, New Vork City. To II. 11. l.inr, Drugiiltt, reektklll, N. V. Mr. Herlveu Is rr.l. dent uf ii of Hi liridattlilrt factories In New York, ami widely known In tmliiisiclrclis When troubled with a cold give thlt remedy n trial and, like Mr. Borlveu, )OU will want II wleti agsln In need ol such a n )) II cine R'l cent bottles for salo by . U. M. 1. Drug Dei I. U&s a mill in rrusiia. A frltnd In need It a friend Indeed, and not lest than one million rop!e have 'xutidiuoh a frleod lu Dr Klng'tNaw Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colls. If you have never uisj this (Ireat Cough Medicine, one trltl will convlnca you Ihat it hat wonder, ful cuiatlvn iowrt In all dlieaset o' Tlnuat, Chut aud I.ungt Lsoh lotllals guarantied to do all that la claimed or money will t refunded. lrlal lttlet free at A. ). Hinltli A Co't Drug ttore. Large lottliri Mi ultl.ee. h sseasrvlna: rralte. We de tire to say to our cltlitns, thai for years we have been telling Dr. Klog'sNew Dltcovrry for (,'on.ump. tlon, Dr. King's New LU. rills, llurklen't Arnica Balvo and Kleclrlo I JJIttart, and bava never handle I ram. edltttthat tell at well, or that have 5 (veil tuch universal sttlsactlon. Wo o not hesitate to gutranteo thru every time, aid wo stand leidy to refund thaurchaio rlce, If satisfactory re sult! do not follow their ue. Thtea remedies hava won their great popu lirlty lurrly on thalr mertta. A.O. ttnlth e Co drugglsta. ! Help us In help you I y oiling for (lilt llaud (cIT.o when ordering your groceries. (heap lut Mod. The (lull Hand Ci IT e it now on lh lilkli road to In come the peoile'sfusnrlte. IIIMI lux I Italra nml Arraiineiiinil -llliilltamle Vlraleril HnllHar. Haiti tame at lilt year and are at trait one faro for the round trip lo Halt Lake; from far points rates aro lower; see nearest ticket agent It. U. W. II). for eiaot rales. A Con'eience special vlll leave Ugden elall) Irum A rll Ird tudthutbll a.m.; leans ball Ltlio on return trip utS to . m. Theruti will b mado In both dlrictlont In ouo hour, and train will atop at all Inter mediate points). Tralu fonneily leav. lng Hllver City at US') a.m. (ssslug I'ayson, Banlli Fork, Bprlugvlllo, l'rovo, American 1-orU, l.ehl nud other Intermodlate points will, com mencing April 1st, run at an earlier hour to at to arrive at Bait I.ako iromitlyntlOa in Hoiurnlinr, train will havu Halt Like at 6 p. m. Initsad nl 4 (15 ji in ai heretofore. All olhtr trains will run on i reient schedules rickelt at the ureally reilu ed rttes Ilmlle I to Al rll Kith will bo sold In in At rll Ird to Bill lucluilvefiom Ugden Hllvrr Clly, Hprlngvllle, lllngnaiiinuU Intermediate ststli u. irum nil other ivlnls tickets will lo on sale Irom A rll 2ud to Oth, limited to A rll Slili Hlreet cars make coniweiluis at lllo (Iraude Western do;jt fur tho hotels aud tho Tfiup'eHqiure. J II. HKNHS.TT. Tho (loll Hand I IT el always unl form III strength and flavor aid lull wilghl. I BBing--BBaUtifiJ 1 H Is tho lonat of boliiB-that'a all rlRlit for us liarelwaro folk; wo only think of B& bolngfjoocl nntl of how many nails wo can slvofor n. ilollar. Dut with tho m- woman It Is Important to bo too awoot for anything;, and tho MAJESTIC W RANGE or RCLIADLE GASOLINE STOVE will BWouton tho tompor of any M woman. Thoy too havo wound tholr way Into tho hoarts of muny a houbo- K koopor sololy on tholr own morlts. W' Thoy may not boas beautiful as soma, but who looks for boauty In a h rango? It Ib quality and prloj that aro lookocl for, and tho Majostlo Rtngos ftj and Rollablo Gasollno Stovos possoss both, Bomulhlnti novor boforo found. PI Whon not too busy drop In on us and wo will toll you tho llttlo wo ) t know about stool rangos and gasollno otovo3. f; ( SALT LAKE HARDWARE COMPANY, SIGH OF BIG GUN. 42 and 44 W. 2nd South St. ssaaaB uinssMajstt i- 'j-m'zmmmahmtammmmmamm A na.l I hi, Wsliss a Well Wa. Ara you Hill us, 'orsllpaled or troubled with JaiiDdlce, Hick dj ache, Had taste In Mouth, Foul Ilreath, Coated Tongue, Djspepsla, Indigestion, Ut Dry Bkln, I'afn In Jtsck and tietween tha Hhoulders, Chilli and Fever, etc? If jou have auyof tlitte iynitoms. yonr Liver It oui of order, and your blood Is slowly being poisoned, lectuse your Liver doet not act properly. HerllOj will cure any disorder of tbe Liver, Htomsch or Dowels It hst no equal ns a Liver Medicine. Price 75 ceuts, Frea trial bottle! at 7. C. M. I. Diug Doit. IT If your"groeer does not keep lle.ll Hand Ci IT clog his memory till he doet ksep II. lallanl'a now llnlnisnl. This wonderlul Liniment It known from the Allantlo lo the 1'arlfK and Irom the Likes lo the Oulf. It it tha root! lenetrallig Liniment In the world. It will curu Illieumatl-m, Neuralgia, Cuts, H rains, lliillies, Wounds, Oil Holes, llurns, rlolatlca, Hole Threat, HoreCln-st and all Inflam mation, alter all olheri have lallej. II will euro llirled Wire Cult m d heal lallwoundi wlieio iroud llesli has set In. Ills (quallj efficient In animals. Try Itsndyou will not be without It. I I'ricii St) centt. I Hold by Z. C. M. I. drug department. Olvo UnlTl an 1 1 1 ItVe nTrisl. It Is Iho best of all I acktge cotTeet. 80 8AV t f ALl . la tilniia1lnrlil Hide llrniilal nn CVoaeM I " ". N"wr(il I Chamberlain .Midlcluii Co, of Dei Moines, It an Iowa manufacturing Institution and one In which thu retl- 1 dents of tho state took upon with pride, ' Chsml erlaln't Cough Ilemedy has beconio iistlonit In reputation null nuwnln marly every houioboll In the Halo an I throughout thu great west. Its infills are becimlng tttsb- 1 llsheil In nil 1 arts of America. For sale by Z. C. Jt. I. Drug Dent, d&t im 111111 iiiov. I I I eg lo Inform my friend! and the I ubllo generally that 1 nm located at 6 West, First rlouth Btteet (In V.. U. Holding's electrical supply store.) Hollclt ordert for nlnllug, graining, I -1 er hanging, 1 1 er cleaning, ralco. mining, glsiltig. etc. My aim will lo (oglvothe leal of satisfaction by my lerronalstirvrvlslou over all work lu truited to my rare. Very lteeerlfully, Wi. I. Kna no-r. I or llorgaliit In llruirt ami Medicine s, go lo tho hnulsforil I hammer, James O'Connor, 1 101 rletor. llllllOM, llL IIM. Mr. A. Ii. Armstrong, an old drug, gist, and a ; romlnout citlarn of tills enter) tiling town, ts)i: "I sell itmn furl) dlllerent kinds of cough medi cines, but nave uevir In my experi ence told so much of any oue arilrle as I have of Jlalhinl'i llorehouni Syrup. All who up It sty II Is the most perfect remedy for Cough, Cold, Consumption, ami all dlieases of the lliront atsl Lungs, they havo ever tried." It Is a seolllo for Croup nnd Whooping (Jjugh. It will relieved u Cough M unu minute. Contains in mlatet. Slid by Z. C. M. I. Drm Dei t. n Bra the handsome 1 let u res contatnrd In ench pstksge of l.i.M lltnd tofTn. When llnd and you wautsomethln. to help ynu renew your ) outli try Uold I'ntut 1 iiftV, I.OOIC I OK OUlt It.O ur ait.au MOON. OTTXt STOVJ.B n. FULLY GUfliUNTEED.! Auk Your Venter for Them, ran it e. Deseret National Bank BUT LAKE CHY, UTAIL. raid op Capital, V (000,01 utulaa, . . aaoo.oMsv, XjyiKorone I. 0. 1IILU Mlltol 1 uossi Tiiaicasa, ItaiiYuMas,' W. W.UIISa, J. U. Uaasss, 4 T. llTlLa, I (i Ictasa. Jaass siiaar, llsssi UlswooDBl D. IL rust, r w jitsisos. usnsat ItuMsar. J. U. Wisnsa, X. u. iLunuoa. II fl Touao Call Efceltts Deposits Paja! 5 oa Dinufl, Astfand $HU Kttkangt Afas rta, aaa JVatviir CMcsfe, $t tou Owtaka tMUa I aU UU rnnpml Ooliao J 111-, CJ7Xs Dspesllvtalte absolsUIf Int. t)a sat CrtiriKt, Ilsallll ilUesrisu. iyELLS, FARGO &C0S jviv: z, SALT LAKU CITV, - UTAH. lliiei snd sella yarliaoiie. i ei Tf !rnpMi Usn.I rs f n ins i riaeleal cl I tl lbs I u nvl sutsi srnl Kuroi e an I all p ta on the I'mpidq I s.l l.iusi letters ol cri seaitat t Intlio I nn lal r lira ol II oil l srlel stun il n irn l. ths tt I b of ' and llu I on tdvanoas mKdt on ounslsri sills at ii troll rati. larllnlir attest on rl lo cotltrlions the otlioutltiah Nevads an sdjaiulex terri tories accounts solicited , . t1 j n. ) iolt, Cashier Eife WUOOIS GENERAIi-.-BANKIUO DDSINESa AT KO..UO MAlW iTUKKT.U, (OjfoieuMsCasp tad1 PAYS INTEREST ONDCPOSITate ' saiuut isoa aev una. lirul llfo long rotjrotH for hl rriMli oriejCiJiOIit ut - Ua tPrl 00'3si3zsz3ZEr.-: Dut those who lute engaged and arc stilt engigtng budding lots In k ' 1171 I conBrnttilito them- East Waterloo -gas purchun Thlt Subdivision hat I INT. nWTLI.IS'OS, cement alks, goml ittr, good car sen Ice, loely surroundings Within TIIKI!K MiAIeS these tots should bring jiooocich. Tlicshrcudest huslncst ' men archiving them, and Iolt of them Price now . $325 tnipirdi. Easy Payments. Oi. E. HUBBnfD, 41 WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET. i ( . e. l statTbank OF UTAH, Crr ef Hn ant VwfJ, Ttmtl Mrtttt Sill 11.4 CVy OnpIimI, - nnooooo HFifk J Oraxt. rrekitatat. 1 J M II lRKMuj, Off rllllDt IUuibM Wiii.ii.tk-t.tir, DiRccTons: Joikrii r Kinrii Aniilli II A1MO.. MA H. tlllNT.H, TUAXK Y.TA1LOB V)h,ii ((on i KrHI V i U.T lHIUlT fAhrHHOaril, HLIAUOKU1 V 31. UlILkK llEXMt A UUOLI.Br, W Cetnitrril ItaJtiif InrntlVi trnvi Attaint tolintttl, tore and wrotL ffiLrohD iTnot Korr, RBOftas K Vitmot, riihn.ru.i coooa Cttvb Bntplw-,,,,.,.,, ...,.,., ...fafl 0 IN'S SAlCS BANK tiiust cosrrANY, Nop. 1 end 3 Gnat Tempi Straat, balt uxr crr, vtau nrrAHLuaiD.873. iNconroRATKolBSa DtitxioTona. Witmitu Him mtrr, frttlttnt (IttiiuaK aoANoir, IIm irfUtL JOHEfH ", tsMITH UKOSOE KltTKOLIll, AXOClM lAHKOM, llKKKk J GUAM, Jauhi Jack. Li k0 Fmuw, T. O WlPfHH IJIANCHM ITUIK, I! It. (JUWBuff, Ah TOU 11 lUHl, LlOKlKO ti IlAKDT. Oltlral K.Tlni UmmU la lUh.wllft -FIU jrrtaltr thttn all lt.r om. blued - iLrBiiuTt DifoiiT noni wo Hurt, ftstlDgipsiposluiatii tu. from It W cy, tlftliod 4 lilcrtil ftllowcd tA A pr tbt- pt ftanQtn, coiDpo&dd four tiuMfcjiar Cor frtpOs.dtic tieitd and toy lumi (orwfcrtllJ ty couaur diponiori cwefaU aiutsid u. UTAH COMMERCIAL AND Savings Bank, BALT LAKE CUT. Cnmtnl, - - S20O.OOO Surplus, - - 840,000 OENERAL BANKIHO BUSIHESS. Five Ptr C.nl.lnteretl Psld on Btvln.s Dtposlli, Compounded Four Tlmtt 9 Ytar. HICKLL SATIfO BrAlIPS rOB WXE AT TOM 3a!X on"UKT or IT3 AOZNTM DIllMOTOaUl, rsiHcit ABHtraoao, T. w Uaastm. da Joa. a kionaast. T. w. xeiassaca, liuiTia Uogtars, Taot. W, Ja sat, ViCSJl Ii. lUftOT. SAUOBI uoUTraa. U. E. COaalsoa UIKML MTIOUl DIM., ior salt Lake, City ( I Msraisf isiaatst Iaiii o Tiaa Utroiirs lillirOTOis -1.11 jUitrbsea Joho J lislr, O J eslsbuir.Moylsoll.l'ov Ih" alarshift, J IV l,tUe,usoriraU Jiowasr JomiK.Uoa atUta. W'Joy",J'I)011ua1. Citaisa, RT GOSTI ' . My Cntlro Stock of SHOCS AT COST. Cvorylhlnp; Now nnd Stylish. Socuro Dnraalns. FRANK J DUNFORD. 27 W. First South St., flvo doors East of Dlnwooeloy rurnlturo Co. AMERICAN NAraMLBiiiC Ol' SAI71' LAKi: OITY. ' Cailtal $250,CO9. Surplus $50,000. Orjaolztd October, 1890. Dar- jVTxntST rAiD ov stttsns ami tiw. arrosirs -ca rnsicross-Jamslll lucon. I residenl, II M llama. ke I le.ldenti 1- I. Ilolael, CuLleet W II llc.ll.nj A.slstanl Isebtr A SI I rial M ' lllsr U JalTla, J U.JuJJ, l.t lolbourow, I , Iti', i. tlljeli btlla, n u. Tuamclnr, T V Han. 8QLOM03NT BROTHERq Tho Most Sucoossful of nil of our ( J HOMEvINDUSTRIES iJ. la tho mnnufuoturo of Doots and Shoes. xj Unoxcollod by any aro thoso y- of OUR MAKE. y-v Z. U USE HIE BEST OF LEATHER AXD 311TEHIUS. U pj Our work Is dono by hand and warrnntod. T71 " Wo carry also Comploto Linos of -" 8Ladlos' Fine Footwoar and Men's Glovoo. O OLOMON B&OTHERO JAY O. WBMPLE OOMF Y niBIftKV NEW YOIIK. w.,!H,t iVV. CHICAGO. 1 - TP,-KTTTT?,TP, , - -, WINDOW SHADESiSPRING ROLLERS ARE THE BEST MADE. Sold by all Dealers, These Goods are all Hand Made XJf . OAVEOUTP , VA r (lv5v SOME MORE, W& Jlm W.J.THE LATEST FAD V XM, I 0 IS NOTA RICH DAD, W&IWW 1 MVV'PTS IT WAS.I N DAYS OF Y0RF.,. OV'1)" I ! ii'A BUT A MAIDEN FAIR, IS A VcVPIl liMl-'WPx TREASURE RARE ti,'' '"5 W-. 'Va'r'&MoNE CAN HER CHARTS VE I p-SSMWdl OUTSHINE TErV' hU SMBRrk AS SHE COOKS WITH SKILL 0,$ ? .1 I. I iff 0N "-, "(vJ-!i"V,;rvT With its wire gauze door so fine. FOIX RAI,B BT . 2. C. M. I., - Solo Agonta In Salt Lako City. ' POPULAR v iL- "'A. .., QX VsM'V " S E, Sacquo j Punctuality . fyVk VO sulta to F.thlon. ,-OvV Ordor, Economy. V)AvO $20 00. "? V TAILORS