Newspaper Page Text
- TRUTH AND LIBERTY. 't NO. 100 ' T1 BDAY. IMA.fC'H VL?TmM. .SAT I LAK1! CITY, U'l'AJT. VOlTxXvT. " 1 AGAINST ORGAHIZED LABOR. A Judicial Decision Dealing With (be Rights of Labor Unions. OHM MM! NIItlMH llM.UtUI.. According lo an Act of longrMt Pro hibiting' louiblnalloni In llcttralct of Trade. Km; Otu.EANfl, March B. Judgo Hillings In the United Btalcs court this morning rendered n decision In a lull against Ilia amalgamated council of vathus labor orRanliallonB which ordered lbs strike of all labor ing organisations latt Not ember. The suit nskid for an Injunction against these bodies under uti net of Congress prohibiting combi nations In restraint of trade. In an elaborate opinion, far reaching In Its HVcls, lliu court dcclarn the acta torn plained of unlawful and tlio morch anta entitled to lnunctlon and order of relief. ThediclstonfullydlscuBsiatho rights of labor unions. Ana reault of thu dtclilon, ctlmlnal rosecullon against tlio defendants woilld rubably lie, but It It not known whither tlio authorities will proceed any further.! tor. l,llllll 9I Hill III II. Till. Jinn Nuppoai.l Mute foniinll Iril 11,0 Crime. I.ittli llbCic, Ark., March 25 A telegram was received soveral days ago (torn A.J. Wermr, Hullo, Mont , staling that ho had tosltlve i roof of Identity of thu man who assassinated Col. John M. Clayton at l'lummcr. vllle, Ark. Thu telegram to thu state's attorney at llutto or corroboraliro particulars brought n reply substan tially corrotwratlug Winter's statement. It alio slaloJ that a man named Frank lllcke), the party charged with the crime, has t een lodged In Jail (JoTiruor I lahbaok w Ired thu sherltl of Huttc that ho would liumodlately Issuo nqulsltlou pipers forlllckey. Hlckeywatn resident of rjuinmervlllo when Colonel Clayton was killed, and was always regarded as a tnlllng and worthless fellow. The reward for tha assassin has uevsr bein withdrawn. AIsMXlTltlX I'IMIMIirrilH. Hie Nclieino I'rorrxr.l l,r irenrh taixeillann. aNew Yoiii;, March li A Montreal special to tbu Jttti statis that French Cauadlan promoters of annexation to the United Utiles Intend to organize regular committees In all Trench-Canadian ceutira of thu Uulled Blutea wltlin view to Induce the Canadians -. there to correspond regularly with their frlenda mid relatives hen, Ini " I rcsslng upon them the advantages to tf be derived from living under thu tilors i and Stripes. llllllll 111.1 Airi,CIIIM-IL. A Measure liilrmli,cvl In the Slluue suim IruUlHlure. br. l'AUI, March 25 lleprceenta live Bkloiskl today Introduced a bill In the houso I rohlblilng Chinamen hero alter "Irom wearing thelrsblrta outside of their lante," icqulrlng them to "drees thu same as other citizens " Violations of the ait will lie puulihid by a tine ol $1 to III) and forlelturo of the pig tall, Itefirred to thu commit tee on health and sanitation. Jrir.cxii, llntL' Kriimlii-. Nfw Ohleans, March C.i Mayor l-llysou, of ItlobmouJ, V , Is hero consulting with the Confederate vet erans as to tha details of the removal of the remains of Jetlersou Davis to ltlchmond. Tho Interment will take rlsco In tha Hollywood MaySOlh. Villi Hlrlkeou .Monday. Boston, Maroh U The Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers association has decided not to accede to the de mand of tbo Carriage Workers union for nluu hours a day and other con cessions, and oa a result a gumral strike will bu Inaugurated on Monday. U11TI U STA1I H till iNlllll 1C Urates Hiita He liua m, l-rlvals Ail sieve, us lulliellnllcr. Bkattll, Wash , March 3 IJ. U. Craves, i resident of the Washington National bank, and of the chamber of commerce, mentioned as the nee'er led candidate for tho United Hlates tnoaurer, says he has no i rlvale ad vim as to thu matter, Bomu of his friends bavo becu urging his name for the place, though ha Is not certain he wlllacccitltlf tendered. Hi. was for twenty J ears connectel with the treasury detriment aud two yuars as 1 Biilstant Ireaiurer. ToThe lliinkur I mtinasy, a'aiub, March 15. President Cornot has algned a deoreu raising thu 1'rench ltkstlon at Washington to tho milt of embassy, Ioniiun, March 25 -It Is odlclally an nounced Blr Julian 1'nuucelotu minis ter to the Unite 1 Htotts hna boon raised to ti.- rank of ambassador. entrm! ei.,1,1 llrrllierel Ban i I HANOI800, Mauh 15 Assist nnt United rjtates Treasurer Jackson aayslhuBan 1 rouclsco banks ester d",y "Ue'ed thu exchange neaily u mill on of dollars In gold for notes ro , lelvlngtho att.rot New York at no rxiensuto lliu govirnmint. Jackson feUgruibmlllliu tinder to bocretary Carlisle who replied that It would bu fdecllaid, m no dearth of gold now t'rrnillled hlnr.r. lu I al. Wabiiinoiov, March 1.5. A telu gram was leieivcd at thu truuury I from Chinese Iuector Coblintx at Portland, Oregon, stating that Defuty Collector C'orLoll and In spector Armstrong, nt midnight on Thursday, ermltted Blxlj -seven Chlnrso to laud Irom the steamer llay tlen Republic. Thu Chinese uro said toLoioolles Orders havu been ttu.l j lusrenJIug thu two otllclals aud dl- tectlng a thorough luveatlgatlon. Thai ( J rollictor was alttnt at tr-1 tin o fhu triiisiir) Is also advised ui the arrist at Dimlng, N. M., or five Chlueso who ramefrom Mixli Thetu Chlnanieu will, m pun cunvlctlon, lu dipotled lo China. Uluco thu henl. nltigof thu (lesent fiscal rar 1.17 Lhlnameti have been nluinel tu China. I.att )enr 175 Chluauiin weiu returned. Tin. iiorniMi i in iin llmlliniilrnl Mriinlll lis I.ofln.l (Hil liiiln-. Ni w Yoiii;, March 25 Tho t ro posed loikoutul rlolblng cutti is by the nmnufjuiiri rtf I eglns today. 1 hit aft r nooiiSui) cutlirs will lolalJ ull". Thu garment workers will intet touMht to dlscuM Ihuadvltablllt of riuueUliig thu execullvu loird to call uul tin Iradu of tailors, numUilug lunim, Heinlary While mid this morning that If herniary to win thu fight, tho gar ment workers would paralyre tho wholu clothing iradu ol thu illy by calling out 2OU0 cutters working for firms not In thu inauufailuiors' associ ation at,riitr,la 1 mieral Nr Ymiic. Marc i i5. Tho fun rial of Colonel J.IIIjI I'. Bhefard will lake laie from the risldencuon run day. It will be rondurtid by Itiv. John Hall, of the l'lltli Avenue l'rej bylirlau ihurch, of winch Bhipard wss a romlnent luomber; I robably aislstod by tovrral other uiluMert, n thu colonel bad Jews In half a dozen churihes The death lertlflcale sont lo thu board of htallh today said th ca jsi i f thu death was Inhalation of other Thu lighter of vital statistics dccllni d toaicelltasorded, anl rtfusidlo grant a lurlnl permit. He tint thu iirtlflcatetnlhoioroiier with orJcfs to makuan Investigation. M VA1III1U, Mir. Anl (uiierraaiiiKH I Itilrace Mauls n III t, tree, Ciiicauo, March '.5, A sensational bill was tiled this altcriionn by ex Cangrebsmau It. W, Dunham, a leading board of Irade man and once iresldmt ol that bodj, praying for divorce from his wife on Ihogroundof adultery cd iiiiulnu a prominent baukrr ot this illy ca. rc( ondent. l.argo propoity rights nru Involved and Injunotlou la i rayed tor aud minted resiralngtha wife aud one or two otlurs from dlspodiigof It. lliu whole roceedlug Is conducted with thu utmost secrecy an J thu exact facts are not oulalnuble,but It Is uudorstocd that another suit for $50,IMi tor alienating the wile's iiircitlobswlllbu commenced agalust tho banker. It Is said that thu banker's name Is Alton nnd that ho Is connected with one of the most I rom limit banking Institutions lu the city . Dunham deoilnis to talk of the matter. FOR CHIEFS OF DIVISION. About a Hundred Applications (or Appointments on File. laaiiilnallun lu lie I'aisril lu Lslali. Hall 111" riliirour Hie Aiilleaul Wasiiinutov, March 25. Thero oreonflluln thu treasury department nearly onu hundred applications for ajpotiilinontsasohltfof division. Bo far no appointments of this class havo been made. Many applicants havu been surprise I to learn that evin this class of losltlons is within thu civil servlco rules or iartlally so. Tho latest treasury department regulations coutalu the following: "Hireafter no person shall be appointed chief of division lu this dciartment unless bo shall have first satisfied the board of exaiulmrs of his fltnias for that position; provided that the chief ol the division of speilal ngeuts, the chief of the secret servlco division and the chief of the mall division may In the discretion of the secritary be ap polntid as at tbo J resent time without exuinluallou. Tlio examination for this lurposewlll be oouietlllve aud not technical, and shall be practical In Its character and ao far as may be shall relate to matters which fairly test the caj ability and illness of thu person examined as to thu discharge of the dutlisof IhoolUce to which be Is to lu appointed. tho board of examlmrs for thu ix amluatlon of suih persons shall ho oomtltutid as follows I Assistant secretary In chargo of tho appoint ments, the chief of thu bureau In which tho rrson Is to bu appointed or the chief clerk of the department wueriln such persou Is to bo appointed, the chief of thu division In the secre tary's olilceandlho triasury exam iner. United Hlates special agents too have touudoit,oan examination be fore their appointments to determine their uuall tliallons, thu rulo reidi. "Hcroailer no p rtou shall be appoint ed special agent of the treasury depart ment unless his Illness hsa been asctr. talued by suitable tests." rhoso who apply for these psltlons will therefore be Huljctted to suih examination as may be ncitsaary to asoertalu whether they are pouiiued ot the requisite qualifications. lhuapolntrainis will bu oonfimd irobatlonary for six months, with thu iintloyiumt for thu luturu to depend upou thu illness of the n polntee for thuwoik usilgued, lhe examination board of the spiolsl agentB will bu constituted as follows. Thu assistant secretary lu chargo ot euetomi, thu chief of thu division of special agents unj thu treaiury ex umlnur." . in. Ill nKlln.. ii, WaeiiikutuN, March 1.5 Tho l'res Ident has drclded to a point Allen 1. Mors, Michigan, consul at Ulas gou. His prluilpal oi pouent for thu I lace was Owsley of Illinois, who for merly hild the (tact. etilniae far llie Met Imllrs Monihui, March 'Ji. Canadian Parlllo olllclals here she that a big tralllu Is about tu spring up In tbo trunspottatlou of Chlnesu from Van couver to Halifax, on routo to thu West I'ldlen. The Chlurse are al lowed to enter thu Wist Indies free and are beginning to go foiwuid lu largo numbers. . ... . RbMOVIHG THE OLD PORCH. It Awdiens Intirestlii0 Recollections ot Early Days In U,aa. MlltllUMs OI'IOIIM II. 1Kb .llltl. Meniotltor llajs llffor tln Mient or lcligraplM and llallreali lito , Ucitrrn Vnierlca. "I worked at tutting up tlio ornlcj on thai building forty two yeirs ago," ld(ieorgeltoiiitiej,of Taylor, Horn niy .. Arraslrong Cj , as he glanced up nt the workmen eugacd In remov ing lhe tioioli lu front of tlio N i u a bullilug, which irutents sjcslto a ehange I a peirnnce today, That was lu 185)," continued Mr. Homney, In response to nu Uqulry, "when I first came to Ulali. '. Is a longtlmeno, aud theru have been n good many changes bIiio then All f the wcikmen except two or three engaged on that bull ling are dead now, 1 remember I was one ot lhe icULfce-ttlioru Thu circumstance of w orklug at thu cotnlio was deeply Im-premi-1 1 n my mind by an Incident at thutlme. My fatlur was forcniju of thu carpenters, audi drcamoJ that bu fell from the sialloldlug aud was hilled. This driam Blaitlod mo bo that I shall never forget It. Of oourse my father did not meet with any aooldeul, but a little thing like that will sjms . times msku a drep lini rcajlon. "When thu I ulldlng was comploled It was occupied bj a Church store, with I,dwlu I). Wuolloy In charge. 1 uasuugaged by him to haul umt ol thu crockery for the statu acroia the plains, and got bait ot It for my pay. That la whero I got ray dishes for housekeeping when I came bile. The lurch was not (hero till stout tilu yiars liter, when! put It up, being then foreman of tho i arpentirs an the ubllo wolks. Wo loverud oertheuld stis that weru In front. 1 rom lb5l) until '02 there were n num ber of chuiiKieln tlio onui anta of tho building. Or oof lhestortkiirB was John Needham, who crossed tho sea from I.lveriKiol at the samo time I did, la ltUI. His name wast alulod on the stele, with others, uud may robably be seen there yet " A search behind the debris for the auggistud names Irought to view more that was reminiscent of early dasln Utan and of mtu many of wbom have sssid Into the great be yond. Ileutnth tho wooden stets of thu porch, which have stood so many i ears' wear uud tear, was broad lllght of red ssndstoue steps which lead to the main door of the building. 1'alnted on the stone bilustrades on eaih sldo of thisu steps may now be seen tho nameit John M. Huiini ii, Tiiod. B. Wn l iams, Wi. H. Huuiiii, J NO. Nl F111IA.M, J.NU. It. HOIIIIINd. Of tbeco Ave gentlemen, three aiu dead. Mr. Neednam Is now a resldeut of Logaii, aud Mr. Homer Uvea on the HanJwIch Islands. Thu occasion of their nsinis tielug laeed lu the situa tion desirlbud was their Joint uccu paocyof the building as n It nil of gen eral cnoiohandltedealerB. riiej started business ou thut remises lul&51 At that time the Nivtg building held Its placu as onu of thu (artist In thu city. In views of tho town taken In 1853 It an oars, next to the Taber nacle, as tho most I romlnent, Wbeu first erected It was occupied as a store, tho first consignment of hoods that wire sold in It having been purchased by thu late l.dwutd Hunter and J.dw lu I). Woolley, ho went back to the states for that I urposu In the autumn ol lb 19. l'rovlauslo 1S52 the NhWB occupied a small lullJlug east of Its (resent quarters, but In that year It took pos session of part of tha resent remises, audromalued thorofiru considerable period. It was lu 163J that tbo build iiigwaahlcrcd, and thu manner of work shows tho couiaratlve valuu of labor and some classes of materials In Utah at that early lay. Thamcansof holding Iho plaster lo tha walls was attained by boring holes Into tho adobes with an augur. This wss no light task 111 a three story bulldlnr, lut nails were not to be tuought of. Ihey ha I to be haulod by ox team over n thousand milts, and enough for the urposu would have cost a smill fortune. A msu with an augur, at from I J to $1 per day,wos good deal cheartbau ual's. One of the kuiuitucn who will bore immberud In thu store of Hornur, Williams, Hooier&Co.lsHamucl W, Hlchardsor this city, lleforu the firm started lu business, the portion of the building theysulsequently camo Into possession of woj onupluJ partly by thosturo which had been originally Instituted lu It, and pertly b) the post olHw. This latter luilllullon lu those daya haJ u more I rclentlous ni proach In comparison with thu BurrouudlugB than It has had at uny tlmu since, for n broad lllght of neatly cut stone steps makes quite a resuntnblu u i earsneo. lleforu Mr. Williams embarked In his enterprise with the llrm named, ho was one of thu I roi rlotors of a general merchandise store loratod where thu Deseiel I unk building now stands, aud whom the storu backyard took In the wlioluofu oily lot "ire lolling twenty rods east from the corner nnd ten rods tu thu north lhe udverllsoniint,of Williams A. lllalr, at that place, ap pears lu the early luues of tnu Hpeaklng of Mr. Wllllsms, an old resident of this city said todayi "I remember hlra quite well, and bow hi got broke aud alter. wurds liiuJo n raleu and started In Willi Mr. Hooper and otlurs In the Nkhd corner. Hack lu '51 and '52 be did a good buslnus. At that time thero was ii heavy Hale east In the pelts or wolves anJ other wild animals, aud Ihcsu were I leulllul here. Ihoy weru hauled to tha frontier by teams, and uhliped from there to New York, Mr. Williams I aid for them out oflni Index to This Paper. I aob 1 -I jl.t 1msI an I Telr.i In News lauK s-Olljltoutitlt. I enx S a Mstit s llhpslrhe I me l -Lit isrUls-TiaipIs Im alios. lank Illsroarssbff HJer ling smleunir- l)eil reek llefiwsr. t Aea ii- irimstleantMrrt Oglsn Items leir ; rlrnNss llsais 1 A S.-.;UM Nets I Aur a. Tfiry virrs bora In Ohio Prsnk 11 (Ttreeuur). Ma s savlnffs llsnk all Iaoe tc-In Uaouii's stibere )eung Dsman s Jinrnsl rileL l'lOR II Wakewtan s trsndellas latarlo riors lorlunf. ele. leubl lhs lar Nertb- hine lllgn btsilers. ,. . p M I a4rl slon, and of mtirso took Inn big lot. Hu snipped a laigu conslgnruent east, ninl aiiileli attcl gulling n goo I price. Hut when the pells got tin ru they weio down In tbo msrket He could not realize anything Irnm them, so ho left llieui on Iho commission niont's hands. That broke up Wllllamt' justness at tho bank corner, "Ho then went to California to make a ralie. With Win. H. UoJ u- ho en gaged In haullugsuiilles lo the mines In the (lolieii Btatp. Ab.ut llireu years after Wllliaiut' failure, ho got word tint tho 1 articular varieties ot ells that hu had lu wfisl had been eoii'UcroJ n valueless alook had goue up In the market, nnd thu furs wiro all the ragi. Ills commlston agent sold them for n big irlci, and informed Wllllitni that bit bad some thousands of dollars to bla credit at tho bank. "Williams did no mora In California than to get ready uud sail for Nuw York. Down tow aril the I minus, tlio vessel on whlib bo emiiatkid was wrecked. He was Instruiusulal lu saving tho llvis of n numlier of lis. sengirr, nnl whunhugotto New oik and thu ileus was published, bo was tho Hun of thu hour. Huhal money aud fame. It was not long before he was lu lhe 1 arluershlp referred to " Mr. 11 oper, one of Iho llrm with Mr. Williams, afterwards I cranio Utah's delegutu In Congtess and Is still well known In tint ounectlou, as well as with the flrui of Hooper A. I.llrejge and luauy of Utah's leading lluanulal Institution.. Mr. Ilobbius died imny years ago. Hmio of his deccndauUi live In Cache Valley. Mr. Humor Is now a wealthy planta tion owner on thu Hawaiian I. lands, and reelJes at Honolulu, He Is one ot tbo subscribers to the Nl wo. Joseph Dull, Ben , of Dili clly, who had an extensive acquaintance with men on the I'aclflcCiiustlnearl) uays, salt today of Mr. Horueu "1 know him well He was n partner with Horner, Williams ,k iloo, ir, In 1S5), though he n ver ws la Utih. He ha 1 a beautiful homestead In Califor nia, midway along thu coast between Ban Joau nuj the bay of Han 1'raucbco, "Mr. Iluruer went to Hsu I ranclsoo from Nuw turk, lu IS "I, lu the ship lltooVjn, and soon luadi agood atari. At onu lime be was tr wealthiest man oil the coast. H'ot un old Bpanlsh grants aud onuei all along the toast Irom Han Jo to thu bay uf ban Frauolaco, ubout flftr miles. In those times lu California John M. Itnrtiftr'a finmn wnalM-llMrlltaiin t.nnlr Men would red r depositing money with him to i uttlug II In n bank. His signature was good for any amount he chose to draw, "Hut hu was too accsmniodatlng for his own eiood. When thu Ilnauelnl puulo ot lb5J camu on the coast, he en dorsed paper for others, believing that tbey would lull through. Hut they did not, and lie lost his property. He struggled on. und wss uoulldeut that he would redeu u all, but ho did not. riiesu endorsements, with his own speculations, were too much for him. When ruomas H Williams started In business hire, Mr Horner luvisted some money lu the etjru as a sort of nest-egg, but ha afterwards aold out. He always used to be saying that bu was coming to Utah, bat bu never got here, "Mr. Horner was an Inventor, too, Hu Invented one of the best washing tiiBculuis I evir saw, I have bad onu at my bouie for 25 years " Many other momorlessre called forth by reference to those days and times, when It took more months to cross from "tbo frontier," or where Omahu now Is, than It does das at present, lhe, railway and numberless other features, theu unknown In thu Itocky Mountains, are now lu such com mon use that we could not well gut aloiigwlthouttlum. With the Inlluxuf foiuJBtlon has oouiu tho transforma tion of this once desert plaoo lutu h fruitful garden, nnd a, new generation has ei rung up, to whom the tolls and hardships of the floater settlers aru but un echo of the past. Yet, 'tis music's sound tolhe broad an Jsymia Ihetlo hearts that beat within thu bissms of Utah's sous und daughters. Temilu tomciili. Thu Union Tactile has Just lesucd a very neat souvenir I smpblet to be dis tributed to bo ou Its trains during Conference. It Is tailed the Urest temple and Its l'redecessors. It con tains brief sketches and tolored cuts if all of the Utah Unifies. 3iillfl.ll hlllics. The following mineral patents have been received st the land tlllco from Washington aud aru now awaiting tbilruwners' No. lbjtl, to David D. Hrwln, for tlio flolden (late lo lo mining ulalm In Uintah mining district, Hummlt ooiuity. No 1607, to Henry Newell, John Judgu ana William M.Curtis, for the Curtis lodu claim In Illuo Ledge dis trict, Wasatch count. No, 653, tuHarah A. (Ireen, Henry N. Clreen and 1' 1 . Williams, fur the lted ltose mining claim In flnllo dls ttlot, Juatioounl) No. 14(10, to ( hsrles Mcl'alls uud O (J. Tall, for the U U. loll minim; claim in Uintah district, Hummlt county. No. 1857, lo lc u V. Hamberger, I-ugenuW, Whitney, W, It. Wollacu una John C. tjuillvsii, or theHix Hhooter Icdo clslm In Id, Juabcount). llrrlarril I nd illulln,,nl, jFirmcHuN Clii, Mu , March 25 Thueuircuiu court Jil declared tin. statu law iroblbltlng tbo ayniuut ot employes through tha medium of "Irurk" stores uuionstltutlonal, a STILL ON TIOAG31D EDGE Mybj the Trustets Will S'da tbe Contr.ct Ibis hmn. liFTUISUjr TO UK MlltVMiril. Hie MnniiUclurrre' 1 tcliingc ami Cliuinlur of liiiiiniirv. Minor Maltrrs. Tlio conclusloa ol tha cop( or roflnery contract Is still beyond teach, and may Jit povoanuvent of the dim dlstanl lutiiri.althiiugli.the promise Is tbatlhe document will bo signed at this e en log's meeting uf the Irutlivs. Judgo Loolboiirow, who Is noting as counsel for Ihocltliens' lommltteu In tha matter, finally tassel upon the tltto today, Hucunoiu led that bu wai satlilled with It If Mr. (Ireeti woulJ be, The apers were thru turned over to Cliss. C. Dey, Mr. (Jresn'a attorney. Mr. Dey niadenrarefulrxamlnatioii, and came lo tbo conclusliu that there was some, doubt as lo the til u nt a small tuition of tho tratt, lliu deed tu which had not beuu reconJuJ when a former transfer was made, but which was I laci-l on Hcord when the NoitliHalt Lakers' comtultlee ellieuv irud the omission, l'tm defect lies been remedied; 1 ui In order to 1 ruvl lu against any pcxslblu cuiitliikincy, Mr, Dey requlrtd that n smell baud be given Insuring bis client from any ex ensi In lliu matter. "This bond is to be given this afternoon," raid Mr. Dry at IM5 p. tu. today, "and If It Is forth coming I will i ass thu title as all right." When this Is done there Is not any thing suggested at ptesont In thu way ol a cauiu for further delay. Judko irfinfbourow wss eallcd oil at threoo'cloek this afternoon, and salt, "It Isn't fixed yel, but 1 mi )o,u Ii will berotiit-d tlnsufternoon. I under stand that the title la all Died." At i o'clock. HuilDii Hmllh, who Is siting with the North Hall I.akirs, a Id, "lhlugs looked a itllu uiirurtali, Ibis morning, but this nit. i noon nrs favoralile. 1 tindpistand that every thing Is llxed U, thouah I do not be lieve the contiaut will be signed be loin tomorrow." At tho lait hour slateJ Mr. l'etllt and uthe rs weru In loufsreii for a lliul arrangement of nllalrs connected Willi Ibertlluiry site. VOIt IIUMl. MAMllAttUfll. At a social meeting of tbe lioard of directors of the ChaiubirofCommerir, hel J j ester day afternoon, the following resolution was awad! "Whereas, The time has arrive 1 lu the hlstor) of ourrcmineri lal ilivclo ment when all puhllo splrltisl rll tens should uulla lu favor nt the lulluy of supimrtlug and develoilng home In duilrles, therefore, holt "Itusolvcd, by the Clumber of Com menu of Halt IiakuClty, Hint we urge ui on tho citizens of lhe lenltory tho ,11,1'viinuiu ut uii'unning euo projucis of home msuufacturers In refereucu to (hose which nru Imported, and of aiding In thu duve lo ment uf our Im measurable material resources, ard recommend that lu every part of Utah lenltory thu cllliens organize for this purpose." l'lie board also o pointed a lomrull tee of three to milt with u similar commiltea from tha Mauulatlurers' vxchangutoiirraugufor a maim meet ing lor uucourarlug the use of home nnuufacliires I,. 1. ICelsey, 1', W. Madsen and It. 1. U. Cuatts compose the committee. This notion was occa sioned by u communication from the Manufacturers' exihangr, signed ty l'resldeht l.ll.ii Morris and Hecretary Cutler of that organlsstlou.saylng! "At u'miellng of thu Manufacturers' ox ohangi, March "JJlli, thu following reaoltitlon was unanimously udutedi That a communication be addreesed to thupresldoutuud board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce, asking them to call a mass meeting at their tarllest convenience at a suitable place In this lit)-, for tho urpose of urging our cltlzeus to I atroniso homo Indus tries ' KOI Ml Tho llulllon-lleck mine began ship ments of oru today, A good strike of oru Is rcjiortid Irom the No-you Dou't mine at Htoiklon. Things aiherally lu that enmp uru looking up, aud with thooiuulciK of spring ugoou I minus is looked for. Jack MtCarly and Titer Baud-, two minors working lu thu Ulay mine, near l,aku City, Colorado, wtru lu stantly killed yisterday by an cxjlo slou whloh Is stq posed to havo been due to a missed shot, whloh wuut oil alter a blast had bien tired. HAI1IA1C1 CLKAIIIMI IIOISI . ToJuj'a clearing bousu exchanges amounted t $27U,7.7, aaiiui dny last year, $29. ',(1 0 Decrease, 5,11., 1 Jiu amount for tho wr-k was il,lUU,aii,sanauweik last )inr,?l,5S , 010. Decreiwe,! UJ.U7. luiiAY'd ijUiirAiiosn. NtwA'ork Slher.hD ,lcaJ,$3U;j, London Silver, .17 U lod. III1L AMI UU1IION. Wells, IVargo A. Co reoolvud today, Mlntc bullion, tSK. & Co. reoelved today I Bullion, f 41 W, ores, 15000. Total, IIMIOO. W. A. Hodges bad In today for assay onu Jot of Hiillloii-Heck ore, bS tone, oi u lot of Utah ore, II tons, onu lot ot Horn Hllver ore, lbit tons, ana urn tlierronlrol. W. U. M. Btoward had In loda for assa) nuu I it uf Old Jor lau aud Ualenu in, 4 1 1 sue, onu lot of llulllon-lltck ore, hi tuns, and a I t of speclmeus. I KAI L'WK T1UH4IKUS ritt I II nf ' 'ouUt r. orjsr o SM laKt teu if " J.1"- vui'Til in 0 (l Hoy rt ux lit I oberl Parley, latlvl till llo HI iatA -. 3,7MCO A.J HsuerlHctit alao elUen Mat interval In Msry lu Is, YVv.l M tunttln llnma Uialrlil ... 100 a. J lymielux. u Msrltislersuauu, Srlilliloia.J nanlr .. UO 00 Joaeih IMIkm. uttal by llsrstisl, u n ui K v i art or Ion j and a ii ii a is 1 1st ii . 2J.&OQ oo letnr aisliii.triii and Mint Ion N Main ilmm 1 an ot aeon n ', Wwiiel tti 4 aoum ranse 1 wsst 1 00 lets' ilalnitlroin anil who to Ms ii.iJ)Jmuua n usitil auollon an, losrrilllauildi renin I .! 1 00 letsr Slslni.lruiu suil eeiloli lllen e. Uattiman I art or aoctiou H), uiientli y, xaouth.ranae leal Ida It l.sriollnn io losepri M llpslsy, I I ,rl i r serliiin SI, enahatili i seelb, rasie 3 sresi. ... M7 0) uallsil Mates or eniertra loalrkksel A 11 Isna, j alsel i srt el see . tinhs In sad 1, loa sanlt, 1 seulti, I . rags'- i wtat. Mn . .. UnllsM suiss at itsertca In Usorse l aaainf slsat earl or sseuona I sM J, taarinliln lsonlh, ranaos W I Datura Co lUaur II illiwrl',""""" "" liarl ol ssellan J livn.ninlsoatli. , rsnss esl . StO 00 John Hesdkaenlu l w mmerflan, pari nr eeliAn as, toanslelp I I aauih raaas I west ... 100 OB Frank H Unas anil wile n hluaWCH e Kullsk parle-lloin. Ueatk A, I lal A ... 1 00 1. c Kuliak to Matrsl Bsniss, iart nl iKIS.IIurkll wlsl e. .. lass (Isnrss M i annon to jnaeuti nallJr, pari I il s, block ins nial e ..... 100 Jamsa I linali n lo Ms Johnston lots , in an I II lines, 1 Mlla I ark. lose OB Jostpli II Tmoslo lo A t elondts. tartnrinin, bloee I eislJ Ilea 00 i J. Ktsirahaiy to J II loTunusnait ol liil l h'oekll ilsl ) .... 17M M i Sail laike I lly Horp raliun la Klla M. Blrlisr, n hall ioi J, blork M .lal . , - . IN eoiihloa Bhsrn to Sarah s.Jsaaiairs. , p. II loll, f.locktr, i.lalll 10B I John aitarj, ot si U ssrab a Jsnninsa Mrl if lol u, block St. 1 . Imam Plat ... . In , John ai an ol al lo Mary nharn l ail or lot s, blork SI 1n eets I list. t ro Jobn Share, ICatsle I i-arsh N Jsn 1 tilua. ail low l.l"'k 10 plain loo , J ha ehsrti talat. eo Msrr ahsrp, part lot l block lo a l,i it . 1 no Sua! II Molllialot In Joseph I' i ll.rlo part lot a b irk tl pistil 100 ! A lollia anl wife Ii e f, and M I lock I Is.lU'alir lo . 1 (0 I .V I. Walrrnan and vie InJamoa W searls. lot IT anil part of IS, block I, Weal llou'rvanl .... SCO S I I elorson In Olur Johnaun part I I tefllon II lownah p J emltn, ransslsiesu ... .... is , saw tiiaa srocaa hso toil. March 2atli, aon ! leooimni ....11 Nov loreLsocra! S lariBesi... s nr layication ?a Alrhison . ss( I anno Mail .... II. I Central I anion sss Kork lalatal ... a Uurlinston in . sul anl Alimaba 61', Hioliranlsild M, Isassl seise... ". ' Norlhvrn 1 aeion II Union 1 enOn. 3tt , IretrnH ... Ii raia.i Kn ri. la Nnrniwratarn II ITsilsrn UolnnM OS', VorthAinern'sn ll . van limn Mar li r.-AIi. r II itsrowaaa mnarrato tsallna in aloi-ka on aalea en realue I rottia 1 nl a tavoralilr bmk atnioineal rt vek e.1 Ihadownwarl ni intent anl a senrral rillyuoci rrvl to the hishsat Sa irvs ,1 Ilia day Iho msrket clil atibtly easier ua rcstlastlons ltSIBUliAY S CLIMtxo rollnwlns srs the i Inali c innlalions sealer clayeeenlns or the seearllloa In wl let, loflal rea Irra srs nioal likely lo la, nitsraslej A r .s i as ii ei w ........ ... si eenlrallaeilki ', I rnlarreil ... l It k II II .. IS. rirala ....... ;n Vorthrri, I acin !', Mclla lariio. IM I rvlrrre-l . 4la 1 calera Uuloa W i lira Mori IJno IS UHieAou msaar USisaso, Usreli2llh Wtnal-Slmly.caali 'i May, -laiwrr, raeh 111, Mar I ',. elala May ia-h,au llay.ttl1, .aali I-nil May, lIBJt,. lairl-Ceya raah II Jo Mar At lllba I aayi raab.o JB lay, 10.1a llyn-la llarley Hz. lni-IIS , 1liiiolliy-4WIO, A BIG BUSINESS FAILURE. Tbe ColUn Hardware Company Closes lis Doors. lira I' Ir ill lolll , ll.o I rnall U. lliioli.tliesrrillinyalrui liulvbliiliiraa, SlII.Oilll. The I'.. C. Collin Hardware com (any, carrying on buslueis In thu Progress bloik on J-ast Teni lu street, this nlternouii confessed judgment III Iho sum or 3 1,000 to thu National Hank of thu Republic, and iiltuaut to a writ of execution Issued from tho Third district court, Marshal He nton at oncu took possession. Ihoiarers IlleJ lu thu Third dis trict mutt show that lhe sum of $:0, 651 10 with Interest at S ) e r tent. Is duo on romlsaory uotis discounted by lliu Hank ulthu Hcpubllo on the in dorsement of thu defendants, and $411 41, with legal Interest, for money 1 aid by the bank at thu defendant's request, on overdrafts. Bhortly niter J o'clock this afternoon the doors were olosid and the blinds drawn. On thu I Ig i late glass ot thu front door the folio lug was posted: Closed under execution I. A. Ill Mnv, Unite IHtntcs Marshal. Hy A. (1. lnili, Deputy. A iN 1 H te porlur Immediately called at thu coin) any 'a i lacn of business und was received by M. II. Collin, vice, irestdutitot the stranded loiieeru. He said Iraukly: "W aru owing about $.111,00) Our stock amounts to bt twetlil,UUVaud $15,000. We havu been In deep financial dlstriss far somu time. Wu havu tein tanking with thuti'ntloaal Hank of tlio Kriutlic, to whom wo weru owing at tut f3.',000, uud weru coniel!ed to tonters Judgment tu Its favor for that amount. Our Indebtednirs lu the J.stt will not ixeeel fl7,OUO. Thu two largest blllsarettUu) aud fGOOresoi llvely, lhe others are verj small." "Io what do you attribute your fall ire , Mr. Colllu?" usked thu re orter, "lhe credit sysle in lias been the rulntlloii of our business," ho re s pohdcl. "When did you commeuua running bebludf" "About two years ogo. Wo bavo made nothing nt ull for at least tlgh lull months. Originally our llnanus weru In good oouditlou, but wu lost SM.OOOIn lliu I Ik tlrunt Halle), Idaho, on thu Sod of July, ISSt). Blucu thai lime ours has U un u very hard lot, lut wo struggled on hoj lug for thu best. 1.. C. Collin, my brother, who U presi dent of tbo coni any, recently went Last with a view ot inlslug money tu brldgu us ovir, but falling, wo weru comjiclied to close down. I., C. Is now on bla way home somowheio between here and Chicago. "Isthete any prospect of your re. sinning business?" ".Nime whatever. Wu have abso lutely nothing to resume on " The Collin Hardware oouipiuy was luiorporatid about three years ugo Willi a capital stork of fUflIM Thu prlnclal stoikholdera were K. C, I'elllii, who was preslileui, M. II. Collin, vice, president, anl George W, Conrer, etiretary uud treasurer. The company has always been re tarded by thu publlo as unu of Iho soundest concerns ot Its kind In the Territory and the announcement that It has failed will bu a general surprise. DONEM TILL MONDAY When Ids Argnments In tbe Commis- ' sloncra' Casi Will Begin. ; 3IOTI ll'S MOST I Ml'IlllIC III MAI. ! llrolli tillfs TcilliiKUij. I I'Jali Marshall u.ii an Im ' porlanl Mlliirai. When tbo luvestlgatluj commlttco a lourne 1 at 0 o'clock last evening tha Inquiry as lo the Msrtln-Moyer case was nt an end until Monday, When Ibo arguments of counsel will be com moiced. i Bubseiuent lo tbe IS'fub rcK)lt of yesterday's froceedlngs, Attorney Ceorgo A. llurgon was callod to tho witness stand. Ho testified thst Mr. Mayer told him bo had solicited ac counts from merchants for collection with the Understanding that they should not ay the costs unless tbo i bills Were collected. J. W. Bnell, Jr , Mr, llurgon'. pirtnsr, was preient when tbo convoiaallon occurrej, and testified as lo Ibu ssmo statement ot facts. I. D. Parsons ststed that be had brought two esses In Mr. .Moytr's court, but had not pal I the fees yrU There was no agreement that bo should not charge fees unless collections were made. Hu did not gst ay for serving summonses unless tbu money was paid In. Mr. Blbley, ro colloJ, testified that Mojcrgavuhliu a certain ercentagu on tho business bo took to him. Hu furthi r staled that Mr. Moyer agreed lo (ay him half of tlio sums which bu might reallte out of caics In which be a iieared an ultaruey. 1 lionins II, Connolly said ho brought a suit In Mover's court, nnd paid no testa until Iho money was collided B. It. Marks said that Moyer called at his stole about rs year au ami said be would like to get some accounts for collection. He also ollVltd to buy any accounts that wlluess might desire to sill If the prlco suited him. l.manuel Cohu luitllleJ that Iboth, Dee & Cray, who have 4J3 on Mr. Moyei's uoclet, had some ot bis claims tor nollriilou. I lie understand ing had with the attorneys was that he should not ay costs until tho claims were tollecled. l.lljah Marshall said lie brought a ref levin suit for another party In the tummieslonei's court to recover the k),cIoii of a horse. Mr. Wheeler il row up the pit ers for hlni.un 1 as soon us Ilia horsu was recovered Wheeler sued hi in for attorney's In fees the sum of $.0 und Mr. Moyer rendered a Judg ment In favor uf thu llaliitll!. Mr. Marshall nisi stated that hu bad en deavored to apeal thu case, but his sureties weru not aocepiaoie to lliu lommlislouer. Hu objected to the first two sureties broiuse they resided In Davis count, and to one of bis Bait liskesuretlmlu the secoud Instance on the the ground that be was not l-oaaessed ol sutllilint nieaus Mrs. M.J. Hardin was tailed and said that Moyer had brought somu suits tor hsr and tollrttud some m iney, but shu dlJu'l remember how much bu ru tallied. Thu prosocutlon here risted and JudkeJudd asked to be sworn. His rn,uest was granted, aud tho udge made a stutcment relative to a replevin suit which ha I been testltlid toby Marshall, that there wai nothing ubout the transaction. Marshall era iloyod Wheeler to beln thu suit unu wbeu another attorney got thu uese away ftoiu tliem Wheeler Lrought suit fur his fees, uul gut u Judgment Mr. Moyer, it called by Judge Judd, tesiilled with relerente to thu failuru f thu defendant lu perfecting an ap ical Hefu Hid that the sureties were nut worth the needed amount, and be refused to acu pt the bond. Mr. Moy or was also usamlnud as to tho utildavlt of Hurguu ,V riiioll to tbo cUVct that he bad sullcltea business from merihants audallowel suits to be tiled without demanding the costs In ndvauos, Ue testllled that bo did not tell Ibim that be allowed thu costs to be waived un less they could be reoovered Irom thu defendant, but did tell them that If ba fill like the matter of a fow dollars costs In a case could preludlce hliu, hu would never try auothirtaie. To .Mr. Varlau, witness said he never, lu any Instance, agreed with lersonsthatho would not charge for his services unless the amount could bu collected from the defendant. Mr. Mo) er then made a statement In hli own behalf, denying every chargo that bad teen al tged against him. .Neil, 11. I.. Hootu swore positively that he ha I never mado any arraugu mint with Moyer about the uou pay ment of costs and that his llrm was responsible for the costs lu every case brought I efore thu commissioner. 0. 1.. testlllud similarly, and after somu further questioning uf wit nesses who had been previously exam ined the commltteo adjouruod till Monday, as abovu stated. Sieiilvue sd lu Miitrliiioiiy, A young man nnd a young woman wure e outestlug possession of a leoo of p-operly, tho one claiming under nu old loess, the other under un old will. "It strikes me," said the Justice, "that there Is a pleasant und easy way to terminate this law suit Tho plain Ill! seems to bu ii respeotable younir man, mid this li a very nice young woman. They can both get married and live uiou tliularm. If luoyi.oou evllb the Jaw proceedings tbe roj eity will all bu fritted away among the lawyers, who, I nm sure, are not un gallant euougb to wish tbo marriage not to tomo oil." rtiu ludy I lushed and tha young; man stammered that tbey "liked euch other it little 111," so avordlotwaa tendered for tho lalntlll on thu con dition of bla iromlsu to marry tbu defiudant within two months a stay of execution lelng put to the verdict till thu marriagu ceremony should bo competed. Phis Is about thu first couple ever sentenced to matrimony In a coutt of law. (Jripmck, i