OCR Interpretation

Deseret evening news. [volume] (Great Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1867-1920, March 25, 1893, Image 12

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045555/1893-03-25/ed-1/seq-12/

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,, ' ig prsnnrr BVjsNiyq- yjcwg: satukdat. a.ATicn: as; isos;
I ,
J 'w I Interesting IeW fnoig toeden, jktoBil end Denmark;
i I ' Anew thurdi will be built In Utile-
i j Had, not far from Llnltoplng
ST, J j The oldest of Swedish clerKjmcn Is
W j J 1'cv Nyman, of Tegene, who wasborn
Ell ln ,8o
? J j Tlie city of 1 ule And Ofotcn, Norway,
I I will probably toon be connected by a
I railroad.
f Influenza Is raging epidemically In
1 j I Inkoplng The public schools have
fbeen closed.
, J The new royal theater, which is now
, I being built In Stockholm, will be one of
ij j the finest ln 1 uropc.
i i flic Urge mercantile firm of S nndl
I Lamm, of Stockholm, has been forced
f' to mako an assignment.
I The Crown Prince Itussar Regiment
R , 1 will have a new building In Malmo
The lot alone costs fjooooo crowns.
j ! Several buildings nt Vlntrosa, not fir
from Orchro, were burned to the (.round
Tvventy-sevcii cittlo were roasted to
j. I v !'
f I Olof Alfred Ikckman, one of the most
l prominent lawyers of Stockholm, died
( at tho advanced age of sevcntyelght
. It Is n peculiar fact tint Stockholm,
i which has only ajoooo Inhabitants, has
j- I j n larger number of telephones thin any
f ! v other city In the world, not even London
, excepted.
I j A new bishop will be elected In the
t Llnkoplng stilt. The most prominent
v . ' bishop ot that district was Kev Jacob
j ; i Asel Undblom, who lived In the begin
fef r nine l this century.
J f Consul Aaplund, of I ulea his sold
' , I the giant Iron mines of Kuollvaara anil
j ' I Sllbotjokko and the silver mines of
li I Alkavaari and Vallatj to Count 1. A.
j Ji 1 Posse. The price Is not known.
i O Anderson member of the lower
' I house of the riksdag, has Introduce J a
i I bill making confinement Injail for minor
' I olfenses conditional, that Is, the offender
J 1 shall not be Incinerated at once but
I ! only after the lipse of a certain period
I i of time, provided he commits a second
I ? crime during that period If, however,
1 1 he behaves well (luring that period he
j I shall not be Imprisoned at all.
i I Captain I(. Schcnstrom delUercd n
! f peculiar lecture before the students of
t the Upsila university Its first part was
, i devoted to n sweeping criticism of the
' ; social, moril and economical evils
throughout the clvillied world Towird
I the close the speaker proposed that the
i i students of Sweden rise in the dignity
, of their splendid manhood, trimple old
habits and preiudlces under their feet
, , and lead a healthy, mtural life in every
I respect. As an entering wedge he
t I would start a society whose members
if. should pledge to be chaste, and frugal in
! their habits and not to Indulge hi strong
drinks gambling etc. The proposition
was received with Intense applause, and
a committee wasIniniedlatelippolntcd
to draft n constitution for n soclct),
which It was proposed to call "Sweden
Great Once More ".
A new large Lutheran church will be
built In Ilergcn
krogh, the author and artist, Is writ
ing a new book
The weather was ery unfavorable
when the "Viking" was towed from
Sindeljord to Cliristlanla. and nt times
it looked nt If It would lie crushed by
Ice. At Chrlstlanla, It was moored lie rr
' Pipers ' vlcks brvggcn, where It Ins
been on exhibition, the admission King
5 ore, (H cents
The union question wilt evidently
soon be brought up fur discussion in the
storthing. 1 he oificlals uf the nnlional
Fiovcrmncnt and the speakers of the two
louses have had Joint meetings, and the
other day the liberal members of the
storthing held a caucus, the results nre
as yet unknown
The new "centre" or moderate pirty
finds it difficult to formulate n plitform
on which any lirgc number of Intelligent
people can stand. The list break In
attempts nt plartform linking Is the
following plank: ' Thoroughly convinc
ed that any Norwegian government In
the future negotiations with Sweden
relating to the union will milntain that
Norway his the sime rights as Sweden
we arc of the opinion tint It is now
time lor ncgotlillons " Several num
bers hive nlrenly left the organization
representing the "centre," on the
S round that n parts which Is convinced,
lit any paity will do whit ought to bo
done thereby declares that there Is no
rcison for its existence
Tho "I hlngvalli steamer I Ickli" Ins
been ready to leave for America for
over n month. This steamer Is to carry
the exhibits of Denmark to New York
but it cannot get away on account of
tlie Ice. Severil thousand passengers
nro also waiting for a chance to cross
the ocelli.
In commenting on the attempt of the
conservatives to cxcludo the reporter of
the Jblitilrn from the sessions of the
Klksdig, tint paper sa)S ' Danish poll
tics consists very lirgcly in a fight
against the liberal press. The press of
I urope cv en tho conscrv atlvo papers
has sided with the lUititen In this ridi
culous mess
Tho recommendation has liccn initio
that ox presidents bo senators of tho
United Btntca nt largo for life Why
should they? They already get nearly
as much holor an I n.good. deal inoro fun
out of being I residents of humane, scleu
ttfio and social sociotlcs. One of onr
1 rest lcnts showed his tmo greatness by
accepting tho oftlco of justlco of tho
peaces among his neighbors oftir his
term In tho . hlto IIouso was ended
They Cause tbe San Franciscans Con
siderable Worry.
iilml the Police or tlie (loldin (late
Illy are lloiug to Suppress tho
loi nict.
The frequent murders committed by
Chinese upon their fellow countrymen
InSanl ranclscoare causing considerable
agltitlon among Ilia people of the
Pacific coist metropolis
There li una phase of the war being
wiged between the rivil highbinders
societies in Chlmtown which threatens a
dinger more far reaching and fir more
serious In its effect on the city, the St Ho
and the nillon than the death of half a
dozen Chinese, more or less, or the
stirring up of n local turbulence which
the Hllce find it no easy task to control,
savsthe ChronUtt
The cv cnts of the last week must have
emphislzcd In the minds of every news
paper rcider tlie fact tint any chance
pedestrian through the Chinese quarter
of San I ranclsco lias to run no small
risk of his life. Prudent residents of
the city keep amy from Chinatown un
less they have business there, but not a
diy nor might goes by that one or more
parties of strangers do not make the
tour of the Mongol quarter for the sake
of 'seeing the sights" Suppose, for
tho sako of the argument, that some
prominent stranger, thus sightseeing in
Lliimtown, should fill n victim to the
stray bullet of a murderous highbinder,
what would bo tho result to thecit)?
Surely nueirort would he mule to listen
tho responsibility for such an occurrence
onilic municipal authorities who per
nutted a condition of affairs whero an
accident like tint could occur. Suppose,
agiln, that tlie stringer who might thus
be shot was the accredited represent
tlvs of a foreign government Who
shall say what International complica
tions would follow?
In direct evidence of the reasonable
ness of this suggestion, It need only bo
said that the very risk here suggested
was run in Chlmtown list week. It so
happened that ozino Harrow, I ho lira
zilati World si air commissioner, and
hpeci.it envoy from llrard for the study
of the Chinese question In this city, wit
cscortctl to Chlmtown hy i police
olhcer detailed by chief Cronley, and
that the development of n serious pliaso
of ihc hthblndcr u ir nudu It necessity
lor the commissioner to abandon his trip
II was iletectivu Glennon whu wis
escorting Mr lluroso, nnd they hid
penetrated Into the Chinese quant rs as
far as lickson nnd Dupont streets when
detective Cox signaled Glennon from a
dark iloorwi) , nnd said ' ou had
better tike ) our friend out of here, part
ner e nrc watching lorn highbinder
duel that Is scheduled for hereabouts,
nnd he might sec more of Chinatown
ll an lie wants to ' The distinguished
foreigner at once manifested his desire
to get out of the rcicli of any such dm
gcr, and the continuance of the official
excursion was temporarily postponed as
. The Police sometimes receive Informa
tion of Projected highbinder conflicts, as
In the case referred to but no one
knows when two murderous highbinders
may not begin firing upon each In broad
diy light and in streets which are crowd
cd with people It will be noticed that
In the case of the murderer last arrested
In connection with the present war the
police Imo a lively hope of sccurhg
corvictlon, since there were anumber of
white witnesses to the shooting the
very presence of these witnesses Is In
further confirmitlon of the danger that
threatens the pul lie safely. Two Chi
nese meet on thesllewilk One draws
a revolver and fires at the other. In this
case fivo bullets are I urled in tlie body
of the highbinder who hid no pistol,
but the records of the police nre full of
Instances where a k.iril fuslllide has
liken place In tlie streets, and not n few
white people hive felt the force of the
stray bullets thus scillcred abroad
At least three police officers have
been killed by highbinders during the
list six vents I he death of OllWr
Osgood and Officer Nicholson will bo re
callcd in this connti t on and it will also
be remembered lint Officer Gllien
a brother of tlie piescnt sergemt of
police of the same name, also met his
deith at tho hands of a highbinder
whom he sought to rescue from the
pranks of n lot of Iks Iwo of these
ofliccrs werctmiirdcreil, and the other,
though perhaps not killed intentionally,
was not the victim of n stray bullet
exactly, but there hue been other
dcittis nnd some nirrow escipcs in
direct Illustration of the danger under
special consideration
About ten years n,o a merchant met
his death by n sli ly title bill inay
down on tlio rorntrof 1 ront nndjick
son Itwas proven I evondn doubt that
the bullet ciuio fro n n highbinder rlllc
fired up on tho liij.lar part of Washing
ton street in Clunito vn A ino-e recent
Instance was the killing of Kellchcr,
Iwo yens ago, at tl corner of Dupont
and Jackson streets. I y Chin ung, who
after several trials, w now serving n life
sentence In Sin ' ucntin It was
claimed thatkcllth rs taking ofl wis
nccidcntil, though it was contended In
court that the highbinder was (.ullty of
murderous intent
Another danger which threatens the
peace of the kmcril community must
hive been lorclbly suggested by the
foregoing ficts Only let one of a pirty
of the tougher clement of whites come
within thu range of a highbinder s bullet
and the police woul I be of no avail In
stemming the tide of revenge that would
sweep through Chlmtown It is povsible
tint the cooler counsel of the better
class of people would prevail against n
proposition of public vengeance In thu
case of the death of a single citizen
from such a cause, but n second fatality
in quick succession would surely result
in n riot Sil I ranclscint nrc n law
abiding people, but their irlevmec
ngauvstlthc Chinese Is ofso long standing
nnd their aggravations havu been so
minynnd so various, tint it would tiku
only n few straws In the way of hle.li
binder murders ct whites to break the
back of publ c patience
As regards the number of murders
openly committed the present high
binder war beats tho record Three
Chinese killed and another badly
wounded within eight davs Is n little
better, or worse, thin has previously
been accomplished, but there have been
mora bitter battles than any that hive
yet tiken place this time About ten
years ago when two other tongswere at
war with each other there were a nun
berof pitched battles engaged ln on the
streets in which n great mary Chinese
took tpart on both sides, but it Is not
known that anybody was killed
There Is undoubtedly a small clement
of comparatively Innocent denizens of
Chinatown wlinareln feir of their own
lives on account of highbinders, and the
history of the societies warrants them In
their fear. Tluce years and a half ago,
In September, 18S9 Tung Wing, a
Chinese girl, 19 years of age. wis killed
on Dupont street because she filled to
piy tribute to tho tongs. She w as going
homo from a restaurant with 1 com
panion when an unknown highbinder
cime out of ndoorwav, shot her twice
and then made good his escape. It
transpired that she had been persecuted
by highbinder ngcnui to pay tribute,
tint alio hid lacked up her refusil with
a complaint to the police nnd had been
killed In revenue for her obstlnicy.
Iwo years later, In November, 1S91 the
bod of a murdered Chinese w is found
111 n clothes basket in Dull Hun alley.
There wis no evidence forthcoming
tint he was a hlshbjnder, and It wis
supposed tint he w is murdered simply
beciuse he lnd become possessed of
some dingerous Information On the
very diy following this discovery nn
other Chinese wns known to have been
killed by the Sue) Sing Tories, one of
the societies now nt war again, but the
body did not fall Into tho hands of the
police. At about the same time Ah 1 o).
n Chinese miner at Auburn was killed
by highbinders nnd Chief Crowley
traced the authority for the crime to a
Sin 1 ranclsco long I here was also 11
highbinder w ir In Los Angeles in 111,
and severil murderers received life sen
fences. In the same yeir John Gibbs,
a white man, was butchered b) n Chinese
hatchet mm In Cum Cook alley for no
apparent reason
The crimes herein before referred to
arc by no means all that are attributable
to tlie highbinders. A book ma) be
written about their murderous oper
ations The police hiva from time to
lime unearthed highbinder conspiracies
when they least expected to do so On
one occasion a Chinese nrrested for a
trivial ollense was found clothed ln n
coit of mail, and under this coat were
found documents which, being triiis
litcd, afforded some my Important
clews On nnother occasion a implclous
looking Chinese wis arrested w Idle read
ing n highbinder bulletin board at a
street corner, nnd on his person was
found a copy of highbinder rules which
proved to lie very useful to the author
ities As a rule, however, lie clever
hljlibinder carries nothing compromis
ing on his person It U onlynoncei
who nrc thus caught nipping. The
different societies hive 1 regular system
of spies They hive Innocent looking
p'ekets stationed at given points to
guard against surprise, and it Is this
svstem which Ins put tho coolies on
their guard agiinst the alley raids, as
shown In Ihe accompanying Illustration
It has frequently been remirkcd tint
I the highbinders seem to prefer the pistol
as n means of assassination Tl o ex
planation of this Is that the highbinder
It theatrical bc)oml anything. Ihc
quiet cutting of n throat hi a dark cor
ner hit no (.lory In it, but If he makes a
great noise and Is seen by a big crowd
assassinating nn enemy in the street ho
Is it nndo highbinder. If he escapes he
Is 1 hero. If he Is caught he is a martyr.
And it liny be stated Just here that
there hive been developed some really
ludicrous Instincts of mirtyrdom In 11
jiuall way during the last few da) s tn
Chinatown The police have been
exercising the privilege of stopping nnd
searching cverv Chinese they care to In
terfcre with In this way dozens of Hie
heathen have been searched, and It Is
almost laughable to see the meekness
w ill which liicy submit to the operitlon
If nothing Le found on them the biggest
policeman In the parly usually holds the
iellow oir nt arm's length nnd bids him
farewell with a terrible kick on the pos
terior, ns a warning against misdoing
nnd as a reminder of the majesty of Hie
law, but the coolie makes not a move
ment In retaliation, says not n word, and
betrays no emotion of any sort what
ever, though he will probably be unable
to sit down for hours.
These vigorous measures hive been
lesorted to on the part of the police as
part of their policy of letting the Chin
cse know that there Is 10 be no trifling
with them, and Chief Crow ley Is Inclined
to bclicvo that Hits policy lias already
hid some good effect lie also cuter
tains the hope that the present outbreak
is now practically sut rested, notwith
standing the fact that the llop Sing
Pongs have killed one mora man thin
thesucy Sings Tlie officers hive so
lnrissed the highbinders by breaking
up their quarters and arresting minyol
tlie ' Intchet men ' that they are pretty
w ell scattered and nre hv Ing singly or In
pairs in ' family ' houses The ' chattels "
who are the main support of the high
binders, Invo also been driven from
their brothels, and, tike the men, nre
spread all over Chinatown in twos and
Iho police officers are being con
stantly blamed for not securing con
victions It i not their f suit The) Iry
hard enough, but the very pco le who
who condemn them for neglect of duty
ill not obtaining a conviction w III aciiuit
Ihc mist villainous looking hlj,hblndi r,
no matter vvh.it evidence the police may
submit If the Chinese only manage to
get In n little conflicting testimony, and
tlicy cannlu i)t do tint 1 ven if one
ho convicted ho can obtain n new trhl
by some technicality of the hw This
mikes Ihcm bold, and they don't fear
the law. As one Chinese raid once:
China hw number one, Lnglisli law
number two, Mcllcan liw go to hellce."
Tint was the strongest way In which he
could exprest his contempt for our In
still lions lint bight Inders are not only
gamblers and hoodlums J tills four
fifths of the cooks in private houses be
long to highbinder societies They Join
lioth for protection and to be 'bid,' anil
in many coses they mako themselves so
well liked hy their employers that a
strong pull I made to keep them from
conviction when Ihe) arc caught in a
II Tuult TriMiM", lllll llr Hill II
About two or three months mo t
j urchwrd Irani you a bottlu of Chun,
icrlaln's Cough ltcimnly, ut tip In
DisMoIno, Iowa. Hucligool result
wcro obtain 1 from IU use that I
enclo'o nno dollar and ask that you
send nao two battles I y t-xpri si J A.
HcmE, 18 1 . 16th bt, rw Vork
City. Ii H. II. Lnue, Druggist,
Ptebsklll, N. V. Mr. rJcrlvrn Is resi
dent of vi a nf too lamest thlrt faclorlts
In New Vork, mil widely known In
ItitlnoMclrchs When trout In I Kith
11 rold glv this remedy n trial and,
like Mr Hcrlveii, you will want li
wleu again in need of such n modi
cine Alcent bottles for sain by . O,
M. I. Drug Dei t. d.Vs
Cheap but gonl. Tho (InlJ Hand
(nffefl ll low nn tho high road to I o.
come tho iwople's fasorltv.
Italia and Arr.ni.mtnl -llloljj.nd.
Western llnllny.
Hates same as list year and are at
least one faro for the round trip to rialt
l.ski; from far points rates nre lower,
rs nearest ticket a,pnt II U W. lty.
for exact rates. A Conference special
will leave Ogden dall) from April Srd
toQlhattill a 111; leans Halt lake
011 return trip nt 8 TO p. m Tho run
w III bn insdu In both directions In ono
hour, and train will stop l all Inter
mediate points. Train formerly leav
ing Hllver City at ll 65 a m , ptrslng
l'ayson, Bitvnlih I ork, HprlngvilleV
Provo, American ork, Leul and
other lotermedlate points will, com
meiiclnrr, April lit, run at an earlier
hour so aa to arrive at Halt Lake
rom)tlyatlOn m Itxturulug, tralu
wlllleavuBalt LikenlS p. m. Imtetd
of 4 03 p. m as heretofore. All other
trains will run on rcieut icliedulri
rickets at the greatly reduiod rates
limited to At rll IStli will bo sold I re in
Aprlltrd to lull Inoluilvofrom Ogltu,
Hllver Clly, Hprliigvllle, llliighatuand
Intermedial, station, from all other
points llckots will bo 011 sals from
A rll 2nd to 9th, limited to A rll Uth.
Htreet cars mala connections at Hlo
(Iraudo Wntern depot for tho hotels
and the TcmploHqiiare
J. H. IHnnitt."
Tho Gold Him I lutr 0 u always unl
form ln strength an I IliTorocd full
A Houo.1 1 lv, r Untie, n itrll Man.
Am you lllll ms, Couslliated or
troubled with Jaundice, Hick Hold
ache, Dad taste In Mouth, Koul
llroath, Coatel Tonguo, Drsoensln.
Inllgesllou, Hot Diy Bklu, 1'afn In
Hack and between tlii, tihoullrri.
Chills and lover, etc? If jou have
any of these symptoms, your Liver Is
out of order, and our blood is slowly
Utng (olAoncI, Ucsuiu your Liver
dois not act tropvily. lleiblm. will
1 tiro any disorder of tho Liver,
Htomseh or Dowels It liss no tqual
as a Liver Medicine. Price 75 cents.
I re trial bottle, at Z. O. M. I. Drug
DIt. ly
(Hie (Jnl 1 Hand li IIVo 11 trill. It Is
Iho birtt of all jackigo coMeee. til)
SA iv 1 Att
silt Mul nil, tl I VVI le II. 1 Mint nil
CVtmcU llHft tora, AonparM.
Chatnlciliiiii MtdleliiK Co , of D01
Mnlnir, Is mi Iowa DinnuUctutluj
Institution and one In which thu riil
dcntii of tho statu look upon with r ride.
Chamberlain's Cough IttmuJy Ims
bccoinu national In reputation mills
nown In marly evory household In
tho state and throughout the great
west. Its merits nru leoomlng eatab
llihed In all irs of America. lor
lalo by A C. M. 1. Drug Pent, d As
If jour grocer uuia not keep lill
llai d Li ffo Jog Ills memory till be dooa
I tip It.
I I eg to Inform my friends and tlie
politic generally that I am located nt
H Weil, UrstHouth Htreet (In 1. O.
Holding's electrical uily stort )
Hollclt orders for lnllng, graining,
pa I or hanging, paper cleaning, ralco.
mining, glsxlng, etc. My aim will ba
to give lh twit of satisfaction ly my
lorionnlrupervUlou over all work In
tiuitid to my care
Very Itespedfully,
W11. r. Kvaitun.
Hen the handsome 1 11 luies contained
In each package of (lull Hand (nITrc.
.' 'I ifejfi e o lotfaincr ep't.
1 1 ill
I J OUR display or 9 ml I STOCK OF
!i -MILLINERY.- L clothing, hats,
', ' AND
, . I hats wmimm P Gents' Finishing Goods;
I ' 'Am UNTSIMM-BD- Hi - :'
In tho I.ittest Stjlcs,
H'X'JiiH iiicliitlo sill (lie XjiittjMt IVovelLlew ilint
vrill l,o Worn 1.- WlSlC Tt3ElI!r M
Ci 13IV'X,X-.JL3ij:j31V.
I Fitted by Experienced Assistants.
Dress Goods 1 1N CREAT VAR1ETy.
! on.Moimllo 3Tn,liioH tind 3CHiiiH.
tt ttt t i. in. fiflllifr T- G' WEBBER, SiiporlntciKlcnl.
, ( Hosiery, Underwear, Notions, Etc. jffi m?
i iH.ri.r"1-

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