Newspaper Page Text
nn i '.' I m , g di:si:iu:t i:v3:yiyg yaws, sati'tway. arAnon as, isoa; 1 DOINGS OF THE COUNCIL. Ill The Business lien's Association's Flea f 1 1 or iht Los Angeles Franchise. t I j MY CI1Y JAII. IIIIIS NqUAWllX. II City Olllcei Matt llrrtarie r lio Open Elglit Hours a Ij. Tlio Ilrj 1 Earth Ordinance. U I Th Oily Council met In adjourned V ' Mtilon hit night. In tlio nlinco of , l'rcaldent Loolbaurow, Councilman Sh lllch was called to tlio clialr. The It 1 nitmbc it ptftcnt were! Folland, Kar- ,i 1 tick, Hardy, Horn, Wantland, Law '; mii, Utlat, Kvaris, Moian, lloardslcy, , ' Kelly, llsll. f l'rceldcnt I.ootboutow cams In at 0 o'clock, and Mr. ltlch raoattd tho , 1 1 chair In lili faTor. 4 j I Tha I'rnr nlln. , ' Philip Pugtloy asked for a icrolsilon fl (I of ildovralk tar. Hoard of lublla 1 1 worki. i J AN rLECTMO nam. J The committee on liunroTttnonti rtoommended that an electric light ho placed at the Inttratclloii of J:ihtU i Boulh and Klfth Wottilrccla. Adopted. 81'OOND BOUIlt BTIIEET BIDl.WAUtS. Tho committee on iltetti rcom- mended that tho eitlniate for walkt at OJ ceule per front foot on Hocond Houth etrret lio adopted, and tho recorder Instructed to publish notlcu of Intention to oarer the worki. Adopted. cniiuriiciAi. BTiirnr alleys. , Q, K Uulmer nnd othert tout lu communication calllnKatttinllou to tho condition ol tbe alley ways leading , i through and from the block on either i aldon! Commercial ttreet, and ruked ' Y, the city engineer totstaMlili tho Kiado t I so that the board of public works might contract for and lure them out ' (j down to the established grade at pto , ) 5 Tided by law. Hoard ol publlo workr. (If until Auuusruncr. ' f Tho Harmon oslato ukod that thvy ,' i 1 allowed to pottpoue conitructlon of I ' their tldtiwalk oil decond Houlli strait Jj until August next. Hoard of public ! worki. i Tin: iais ANuiLia hunciiibb. 1 The petition of the Salt Lake A. I.0i 1 I i Augelrt llillway company for a Iran- i t Chile to 0ntn a guje truck 1 ou Houlli lemplu street from the eaat tudof their priteul track on tho wwt Ida of Hlltii Went alrei! to the fast tide of riltli West street, and to lay a curre from mid track Into block HI, ( plat A, waa taken up. The oouitau) ' also petition! for a like frauculao tu I operate a standard gauge track on Filth 1 i Weatatrettlrom Houln Temple ttreet ! to a wlnt on Hlxlli Witt strut near north lino of Htcoud Houth ttreet and to lay a curve at tho luteretcllou of Hlxth Weat and Houth Tem le ttroatt, to at to connect with IU Hoe on rioutU lenile ttreet. what r.NaiNKrn iioiiroius bam, The city engineer, reporting In the matter of the franchise aakvd for, ' thought that while the operation of tint j tald truest would ho practicable, to far )' at ooi coma tbe petitioner', It would at the tame tlmo cauio great luconveul enco and danger to retldenta ou the ' I taldttreets, at theitreete are already occupied by other Irackt. lio thought If arrangement! could be made by L which tho petltloneri couIJ me the trackt already laid he would recom mend that the petition be granted to allow them to uio with the track! lu l common to much of tho centre of the , ttreet a would be embraced by llnea - i i twenty-four feet aiart twelte leelon 1 J each tide uf and parallel with the ctn I tcrllueof the ttrett.aud that the i-otl- ; 1 . tlonert be ulluwed to countrucl Hi I " ttacka upou tuch deacrlbed atrip of 1 grouud along the ttrrolt named and ' tietwieu the polnlt named. Thlt would U ' slTeeaclioftue two comraulea rlglitt K upau tho tame ttriet and ample ruoiu H for a main track. He nliu recommended B that auy.exteneiou bl the rlghtt alrtndy B grauteuahouldlo conditional upon n K rompllanco with thoreijueat tu remove H from riouih Temple ttreet ull bulldlugt and tide tracka aud to till up all plti Bj which have bem dug by thu petition. BJ era. Bj Tilt: 1IU6INUS3 MEN'S I'l.KA. Hi The llutlueia Meu'a aaaoclatlon tent Hi Inthefillowlng: K Atamectlrmoflheeiocutlve commit- BjF t tcoot ihellualneaa Mon'a aaaoclallon of B Halt Ijikel'liy, held tin the Kith day of B V March, IkW, Ii waa unanlnmualy tlocitleu Bl fi to rwiuo.l ) our liunotaiilo holy to grant Bl C the fiauchlio for n right, of way now Bj ' before llwtityloiincll, and aaketl for by Bl tboHall ldknand Angtlea Itailtway Bl com lun). 'I ho lutcreala vt thla railway BV aro lnttparably Idiintlllrd with our cliy. H Apart Imui tlio f.iot that Ilia a purely B lolal onlcrptlao which baa already ox- B rtnded a great deal of monoy, nmt will Bl tipend lamo additional atlllia, nnd Mhlrh Ifl in rout oivu lice, jirolillaea inuth forHalt M Lake, It fa Imp1 runt that It bo aroordrd B tho prli lleea rif.u i.'.oil ao aa lo enable our H eltlrua 1 1 lako auvnntago uttlaexUiemo, BJ IntheJudKinent or tlili awoclallon the BJ ralltiay ictmuny asking lor nothing BJ thatoanno. be reaaonably giantil. A tlio anaaon la well atlran d, to refnre tir ,le av nrlion nn lit re inoat will 0xr a o pn entitle loRd from iioing Imalnoaa dnriug liiaoinlug -eavon, and will aet t otialy erlpploihe r roanciU or tho enter prlaf la Imperative that apeedr action be taken by yntit lionor ablolMhlyto determine tho fioeation of llila franchise. Tor tlioto rctaona the aa aociatlon Iveln warranted in eoniniendlng the Immediate and favorable conaMwra lion c( tLo Sail Lake and lia Angelca railway poiltlon. Mohan's t'Aiuti rt.vti cii'.Nriiosiiv. Mown moved that the company te granted no further conceaalout until they had hulll one hundred mllit of roid towardi Doep Creek. 1.3t. KVANS A)ln-(I1)IC-NT. nni moved as an amendment that thocompanytM permitted to occupy thn aoutli side of south temple ttrtttfroin n Joint near eight wnt ttrett to sixth wrt Uriel In accordancu Willi the rtcoaiinentlatlon inado by the engi neer es lo illatai ce fr til renter of said slrtet on I tu) permitted lo conm ct with the IllotJmnd Wrsltrn nt oruearthu Inttrstcllon of sixth weal ttrett tnd that the tall comj any wnvo all lights to any portion of the north tide ot the strict ami to lurther ngrto to reiuovu theuuglnoliouae from the ttreet and grade thn street from eighth west lo tho river. Ioit. Wautland movt d na a ttittllute that further attlon ho def.rred on tho mat ter until Monday night next and that the officials of the I ttlllonu'j road aud of tho Union 1'nclllo bu Invited to ntet Willi the Council as a commutes of tho whole on that dale. Cariled. Till! ItrW JAIL I'LAND. Tho committee on prlaous reported that they had received a numLof of bids, but all with tho exception of thoau for Iron works v.ern unsatisfac tory, and they therefore aakud for authority to re-auvtttlao for alntlng, plumbing, plaiterlng and misonry. Karilck moved that Hie matter be referred hack tu tho commlttte with Instructions to advertise lor new plana. Lost. l.awion moved that it bn referred lo tho city engineer aud bulldlug inspec tor. Lost. M rau moved that further action be postponed until ono week Ironi next Tueaday night, l.oit. Hardy moved that tho matter bo re ferred back to the committee on rl eons with Instructions to submit speci fications on Tuesday ulght next. Car ried. TU HEAD UFV 1'ltUUMlTlVK COUNCIL MKN. Kvani offered the following rctolu Hon which wat adopted: Whoreaa, Much nf tho work dono In tome ol the departments during tlio year 1WJ haa been iierforinod at the inalaiico of ineuiliere of tho various eonimlileea without proper authority or thla council, and Whereaarholnctirrlngnfexpendlturea lu such Irregular way la conducive to ostravngancooi the publlo f inula and pre judicial to good managoliiont uf tho llacal alfatra of the city, thcreloro lio It Jleaolved, Tlmt hertarter the heads of defiartiiienta bo and tbey are hereby pro blbllotl from taking ordora Iroul luelil beta of tho council to do or .perform any work not auUiorized by action uf tbo council, duly rrcordod lu the olltco or tho recorder, eittpllug in rerlaiu cinergeiiLlea whou tuch rtipilre.1 aeilon of tho tlty council can not bo had and ttio public Intereata la Jeopardlted, In which taana such order ho algneit by tho major ity of a cuintiiitleo and reiiortcil to tho council at Uio noxt acaalou lor approval. DllY UAIITII IASTUI Otlllt.VAhCl The ordlnauco rigulatlni thu me and conatructloii of dry earth closets and tho abandonment of urlvy vaults was rend and relet red to the city at torney, 1 HlllT IlOUltS A DAY, ltlch ollered tho following which created a touiulloiii ltoiolvod, That all oftlcea connected with tho gimirnincnt of tho elty, be opt nod to the public for tho transaction or biialneea from H u'ctock a. lu , until a p. in., and thatulleuiphooa bo riiU0httd io bo at tholr pnal of duty eight Luura lor day, cxtcjtlug Hutidaya aud icgtl liulldaja. Uu motion of Moran the words HS a. m," were substituted ty '!) n. m." Tho rusolutlou thus amended then I aaaed. Thn council then ndlonrned until Tuesday night next at .M. lllils Mniilril At once en excatallng for loko at For ttt Dalu Talk. Hpeclflcatlous aud pla a furnlahed on uipllcalluu. ltlglit to reject any an I all blda reserved. Uruiiui: M, Cannon. $1.01) Bcliool Bboet. Brencer Jr Lynch Co. Hcaiil'cau llx you. Mllllniry uieiilug and Kaileru prlcer, New York Caali Hlore, opposite I'oatolll cc. fluid Hand lolTrii la n iulck teller; this laevlUiuru that It It popiltr with tho consumers. Children watch theoptnlng of etch ackagoof t.'ul.l Hand (nir to get the iiandtome Icturu lor their scrap book. Hon Hcartr about Druggists' Bundllsr, All Kindt of Cenl, 1W H, Main. The (iold llnnd I'nckoge It handsome, but th uuallty of the goods Inside telle the story. We ipiole the following hamalns for Hatiiiday, New Vork Caah Hi re, op polite I'ofttflli-e. Vou will be pleased with linlil llonil I'Atttr. For sale by all flrst-iiaat grocers. Weber (diaas Uriek) Coal,T69H.Maln. J2.00 will buy I.aJlea' FlneBlioe Bjencer A. Lynch Co. I,eadsra III Footwear. Have you tried (ioM Hand Coflcn. If not you have n genuine treat III ttoro. Cnnnolfaeura and K lourta drink (!oldi Hind IV ffee The Hold Hand (oliVc will be always In your hou.cho! I alter one trial. (lodloHcnil!, Hrarir-Uodto all thu time, HI Last, 1st Houth. Wnrlil'a Inlr Irntellera "III Hate II. Thu publlo demand through service when traveling. It It old-fashioned to "Change Cart." Un the through, soli I vesllbultil trains of the Chloago Uulou l'atllla .V North- Wemrii Line from or lot'lilcago, Omaha and Intermedial!, points there la norhargt. This la thu flniat and fasteattervlce be tween thu lolnli r allied Atk your grocer for (.old Hand t nt fir. It Is a winner nnd la dtservodly I lojuljr. i "llrnmi'a llrniirhial Trorhrs" ate I wl Jely known aa an admirable rcmuJy for Jlroiichltla, Hoarsenrft, Coughs, nnd throat In utiles, Sotilunlj tnooret DEDrATiMOrTHETEHPI.E And 03rd Annual Conference. i Thu Union IVuliia will tell excursion tlcktts from all points In Utah, and ' lirluclal points In Idahu and Wtom-1 lug to Halt Ijake and return. Helling tlitf,fr iiiOdiu,r.l;sin,uu I liitenno ' dlaleioluls,liicludlng Utah A Nevada and H. I, A. W. branchea, A rll 3rd In kth Inclusive, good for rtturu until April lojsnd from all other point, April Sud tothiiliiclualve.goodforrulurii uu-, III April )th. Trnlut I etween Ojdan and Halt Lake will run at follows Iroiu April 4lh tu Ulh Incliialve: ( i i rira STATION a Stlliat 111 liUL.111 lull I I Till lltCi a l v Cts '& t l) Awl (I '0 I lluottr - Mil 111 11. a mi, li e,raiuisJcl ' stt lorn II VlAJil 1 10 I Isjum ' UMLXiuvll :.?' Wl Iaysrllle HM 1 ID II iTl M .o KriuloKion iter uijll it Jo ljk0M...ic " all I Hi. I. a o M icnurTitia M eiiu 31 Uontitrou " un loilltjieti 51 Nllnklna " U.1I lOJOIItailS' Halt Ua Cliy Ar V SMM lu SOIJ t 7 I j llrlurulnir llallia will Itave Halt IitVeaalollowi: tor Osiltn an1 iolnta Kaatst s.0) am M M Inloimfilla e tolDI'. eolata norlli an.l Uauie allay 10 01 am I or tu leu, lateroiailialo Klnta Uaclis alley ami Park Ol . lnaJfjj'JJ rorosdee, liilurmadtalatiotnta and loinlt i a,t .... ..WM . so tim ForUsilan aauatl lotirmediala Klula ll.llpia Trains from (Kilnle Houth will run as follows April 4UiJnUthl Ararioai ' trxcitL niucLaa fare 1 kx a I ' Tm 77 ;-.. - 4 SI II tu tiiiiord L. ' "l io Ooau 10 1.1 to Uamlntloa 11 40) 4 Jo Juab ' i ft ! 1 4' I J to Nrehl 0.11 till oo I a. . ' i to J HO am. .1010 7 0a a II 11 InTioii... " 1 lleiilamln 73i : S 40 Ik siiainra re.t 7 w - J ;J J 'i h noKIII 7 44 .. .(..' J I 1) Itora I tie SCO M 4 10 I 00 lks tlew..l J XI .. "1,111 ; llaasanll.mie 7 l ... i-JI ' 4 17 140 AuieHean loin. Ill 10 JJ I M UbJ tit t II 4 II j I 1 1 ur'ia '" I - . - . 1 IW i J J lioramtia . t sa 1 3 eo "anile .f ""Zl- !H ZZZ '.'.'i'.'V Ifi 49 ! s la) l ej Ul.l Jiiucii.iu , siH . a I 4 tS ,l tu Urapcr . sl . 0l J. 7J eaudr ....I ail list ft3i fro Jun.ll.e -.lall.- il W li,t n.l.ln e I Ml . (If I 41 SO tlaima u..WMIa4 wti 1 4S VI rraarliyn .... IU Ml 1 II tt Aiiktt a I AM I . Salt Lata Lily 10 U.30 10 Oil M Iletuinlug trains leave Holt Inke for Kureka, Mllford nnd all (olnta Houth at 7.1(1 a. m., frr Jmb and Inter mediate ) olnta nt -131 p. m , end for l'rovoand Intrrmedlatu points at 0.00 p.m. nnd 0.00 u m. Trains on Utah A Nevada llrancli wM run aa fnllnwa; K I A M. I' l IAHM Trrmlnua.....w a no I A It fro I onele ....... tilt 100 I JO I, d H-rt mi : io Ha mar llou.e J) 1 it 10 Ijikn IMtnt, .... 8 41 IS so l.alllell tu l 71 i imiMii .. o li a is u Jordan v 11 a n to SallYala" ....I It 4J0 lteiurnlni!, trains will ieaiu Halt Lake lit 7.41 a.m. nud 6 Oil p.m. NuiK. Tram leaving Teriuluua nt l:r-"ip.m. and Hill liWe at 7:lia. ru. will not run Huudaj, April Dili. D. i:. iiimiir, (leu, Aut, I'asa. I)e t., H tit I.iku L Ity. The Union Piiclllo Dopot nt Halt l.nke City Is only t ireo blocks frem I tin Ttiuplo and Tolernsclr thlee blocks uoirer than ioni etitui't depot. Html n ri cnniii-ct with all lucomlog mil tiutguiiig tralna. OH on voir ueari tt agent for ono of our Timptu Souvenirs. I- BBing BBaiifill H, Istholonat of bolnn-thnt's all rltjlit for ua hardwaro folk; wo only think of I bolnBBOod nnd of how many nulla wo can bIvo for a dollar. But with tho I womon It 13 Important to bo too swoot for nnythlnu, and tho MAJESTIC H " RANGE or nELIADLC CASOLINC STOVE will swooton tho tompor of any Hjl' woman. Thoy too havo wound tholr way Into tho hourta o? many a houso- K ' Uoopor eololy on tholr own morltu. l Thoy may not bona boaullful nasomo, but who looks for bottity Inn i rango? It la nuallty and prl03 that arolookod for, and tho MnJo3tlo Rangos iVJ' nnd Rollablo CaBOlIno Stovoa po3aoa8 both, aomolhlns novor boforo found. iwJ Whon not too busy drop In on ua and wo will toll you tho llttlo wo know about stool ranrros and cnaollno stovos. I SALT LAKE HARDWARE COMPANY, I SIGH OF BIG GUN. 42 and 44 W. 2nd South St. KBji ).Ba- '" W'fr'"' rr.-We.raww-jJ eLU Ml ffi'WIlWLJWItiif Mi ,J.fW3Ttttr' iiinl, (mill '. '-'?? lalalaHvlalalaJ''-" " ...aMmmmmamammmaamammmm lln. A. iT. Ultn Tiin Willi. 20 IVillos from a Doctor Out Hoocl'o SarGaporllln was Equal to tho CmorRonoy Ifcitrfsu, Cf.ffa (intl rcicr aUIIIj Lrol'iifctt Cure. "After my baby ir i rn f got Into very ssrl ona condition, lini t i- it ) rtillla an.! fever, crailuallr ilereloi milk its. V, allta SO iDllcafremapby i i d tlit not knew bat to do. tlnallya'trrn treat Jelf ntfrr lea I tiegati to l a Hih.i , HaraarHla and beiilniiiui3tl. II. lid bottle I eeuld ace It Woo Doing Mo Cood, I contlnoeit wim ai i rMile. and terorerft toranlilljrUiatriowlaotU -! krulih. t Hood's jr. Cures eoritlalty rceoremn 1 It as a goot me dlr lo. Mils A t. u.t t rr Uathlnslon Hood'i Piiin is all IJrtr Ilia, lilllouv nm, Jaundice, In li j tl n, Hlik llcadwl,.. nallard'a anew Ilnlmaat. Thla wonderful Molinent It k'nown from the Atlantic lo the I'aclfl, and from the I,tkes to the (lulf. It la the most penetrating I.lnlment In the world. It will euro JthtuniatUin, Is.uralgla, Cuts, Hpralns, llrulars, Wounets, Old Hores, llurna, Hclstlca, Hore Threat, More Chest and all Intlam matlon, alter all others have tailed. It will cure Ilarled Wire Cula nnd heal all wounds where nroud lleslibatsel In. It la equally efllclent In animals. Try Hand jou will not lie without It. I'rice in cents. Hold by Z, C. M. I. drug department. For llnrgnlin In Drug and Mcdlrlntt, go lo the Kniiiaforil I'lianiiury. Jamts O'Connor, pioi rlstor IIImIui., )li....uri. Mr. A. I,. Annatrong, un old drug gist, and n prominent cltlaen uf till enterpilalng town, sajn "I tell soim forty dllh rent kinds ol cough lutdl clues, but have neer In my experl enco told so much of Any uoe nrllcl. as I have of Jlallnril't orcAoaiul .Syrup. All whu u-o It say it la tin most perfect remtdy for Cough, Coll, Consumption, and all dl'caies of the Ihroal and I-oui;-, tiny l.avu ever tried." It It a eeclflo forCroupnue Whooping Cough. It will relieved e Cough In ono minute. Contains in oplaltt. Hild by Z. C. M. I. Hill Uett- When tirtltandyou want eomethlni tohelpynu teliew youryoulti try (fold Hand I nlTef, ' dsioBse-sJapanese Bazar. l Kverjlhliif la Nsirtljlcs yJ'5a.Hdortdl-rlcc. UlliNKSHiJAFAMZSKTKAS QUONG CHONG WING, C4 fAET ECCOND SOUTH, l'Mt 9. Deseret National Bank SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raM.uei laiillal, . -. (300,000 sjurplua, aaoo.oea sv, DinnoTonai U . llau fiudinl. stoats Tiitrcaaa, llos JYseUtr.' T7. W.ltlraa. J. IL lUiKas, J. T. LlTILS, i U. CUTLSa, JAKSS tllAKr. litaar InswooDty It. IL I Mar, r. w, jtssisos. t-soaaa hoaaar, J. IL Mots, &. It, gLoaaDOa. U, S. Yoobu, C'aU4. Rtctlits Deposits Payable on Demut, sty, sad Sfft, SMimg aa Tew Tura, 0e sraMiaaco, CHrago, $t. Loutl, Omaht, tmim h4 all Ua ftlaa; al CVhIiimiiJaI ItltM. tSST tUs Dipoall Vstlu, sbiolatolf bo U ana jireI. luuuu taiuptryiu. yELLS, PARGQftCO.,S SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. Itab'UX'J, JSU Par ! 1 ! Exthnnrtf, mikf Trlcirrai hl irintfrraon in pTinriLfttcinei cf Uio I n tJ Htl.t and un i (, anil ill 1 not on t" l'uriflo U.t Imuc ItUrr- or rrrtlit miUWo in (tio pnnfipl ciur of l ho orlJ. 8eua. at(n linn w veu lo Uio re 1 njf of urea nod Uu hod Advnncra piada t,a rontljtntucnu at lowcit rtta. fHrtin1r attention xtrtn to rotlertMna tbriutbuut Utih Neva la and idJoiDi&x lerrl tone. JlcLouuti aoliniett. J. K. Iooly, Caitiler, WHO DOM i CENEnAL-.'BANKIHO V BUSINESS Al IvO.,00 MAIN BTHKKT.W I Cri'eitff 14 O fe ). sa4 PAYO INTBnEST ON UEP031TC aiutas isob auoocaTa, Napoleoi'" - hud llfo lori regrets for hlH 1 runli ungugoment at' Hut tlioso who hate engiged ard arc still engaging building lots In East Uabrlooisi; purchucs. Thla SubJivlaion has DNH DWr.I.I.INT.S, cement walka, good vtaicr, good car sertlce, lovely surroundings. Within THREE YEARS these lots should brinzfl.ooueach. Thehredet butlncss men are bujlng llicm. and lots of lliem. Trice now 4325 sniiupwafd. 12uay Payments. ttl. E. HUBBAHD, l WEST SECOND SOUTH STKEI2T. state'bahkI OF UTAH, Carafe Mil o.l Smlh 1,mpl, itntu. Suit Lnlt CVy, CnpIImI, - 01400,000 n..riliu, - aincOOO llanaa J tlaaar, rrraidanl. u II I i. lit, rnallaol IIISSBAI. Wtus.lulner, DiRtcTons: Joterii r hhitm, AMSAHAM II CAHMOV, iiab i. utaTi.a. ra f. lAltua wu II lio a SrtBltllLtAtl!, )srnllt LiAiruv riiiuii. raasawoBrii, SLiisilosait, t kl. WaiLsu IISMRI A WOOLLST, trCommlreint llaiklno laatll, Sri net', JuwMi totMltii, Urttt aaJ.sisH. witsoan woonaure. naoaos l Cassor. I ruira.r. CaiAI raisrifii.i , op,na CaO.Sl.rnl.. I"" IN'S SAlGS BANK TRUST COMPANT, Not. I and a Eaat T. tuple Streak ait t-AtK ctrr, VTJa. EaTAlmiiADWa. IncunroRAIiD 1331 z3zztzJo7oita. WlLvnsti UiMieatrr, lwill nsnaoa Q.otaai it. IK. ImllnL Jnirni r, (.huh aoua, IKllH lAssoi, llauaa J UHtar, jAtits Jack. Li atssi, exuw, T. (1 tVinniH, ratacit u lvvak, II It ILAwaoK. AeniK II Lorn, Lvoatan u llaanr. tllaral aavlnaa llank In llah, wltk eapeella atrealar than all albert com blne.l. Ava-tAraTT luroiir liossa roa Btsv. tattar Wr-Mlta it any saB.frvm II OS at, raralTtil aadlalarttl alio wad ata ptrcaaLjias aaaan, rorapoaadad roar timstayaar. t-er raipoadaaea solicited aadaoyaaiaalerwardad by ceu&try dreo.ltors carttsUj atlaatae to, UTAH COMMERCIAL 1111 Savings Bank, HALT I.AKi: OITT. Cnnitnl, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 840,000 aUHEIUL BANKING UUSINESS. rivt Per Cent.lnlertit Psld on Stvlngt Dtpoillt, Compounded Four Tlmtss Yesr. HICKEL HATI.0 8rliirS TOU HaU.E at xbm oniatfT 07 IIS JUCNTt-i DIJtmOTOItAl. rstscia Aatisraosa, r. vr. tUatra, Da Jos. a. metises, T. w, Xixaa.iaoi, Itouvaa uoasara, Ioa. W. Ja sot, Uicaa It. liAtor. BAaett uoliiji ta, U. , Ccviaisoa "t (OlilRdU SA1I0.1U W rrr)Of Bolt Loko Clty.i J i tAc ' I mSSm 1'Atn ok Tina tmoiirs InsroloHS.-1. 11 Aiioibscti. John J.Iialr, O J l tluiy, Moylita 43. ox. il" 1"'h". It n l Uo.i.enr.o u, lioaaoy Jobn IV. lion ll.n. 'i,u'1,"v.,-nov.niriv, Ca.Ul.r. AT GOSTI My Entlro Stock of SHOES AT COST. Evorythlntr Now nnil Stylish. Socuro Bargains. FRANK J DUNFOF1D. 27 W. First South St., flvo doora East of Dlnwoocloy Furnlluro Co. AMERICAN NATIONAL "bABKT -" OF SALT IAICU OITY. Capital $250,000. Surplus $60OOOC Organlztd October, 1890. Bast- iSTznrsr faii o.v ai rtur. virostrs. -a IiisrcToss.-Jamea II Inton, I'rraidrDti II M llaron, i IVeellaeti I' U Holland. Caitnen W II Hollaed, Aolilanl I a,hirr A l I. ram l .1 tlmv 11. Jaivle, J. t. Judil, t.t UotOourow, I ,llo,LIIllfll, ll.ll.Toonlclllt.T. A. lutla. SOLOMON BROTHERQ Tho Most Sucoosaful of nil of our ( J ' .p. HOMEvlNDUSTRIES " 1. Is tho manufacture) of Boots nnd Shoos. jtf, Unoxcollod by any aro thoso pv of OUH MAKE. ai. Z. WE USE THE IJEST OF LEATHER AXD aMATERIAIS. U Jjj Our work Is dono by hand and wnrrantod. TH " Wo carry nlno Complolo Llnoo of "' 8iLadlos' Flnts Footwoar and - Mon'a aiovurj. Ct OLOMON BROTHERO TO BUILDERS! W1I1.N YOU WANT I.UMIIllIt, BASlf, DOUIIH, HAnt). WAiti:, foMniNATtox rr.voi: on in tact any. T1IIM1 KI.IT IN A filial -CLASS I.UMIII.It YAItU, III! sum: and cam. on JAMES W. EARDLEY, 625 STATE STREET DECK'S HOT SPRINGS. -FAVORITE BATHING RESORT OF UTAH. Hotel and Bar in Connection. Trains on the Great Salt Lake and Hot Springs every half hour from U. P. Depot. E, Y. TAYLOR, Manager. r ' POPULAR ,rv,.h.d QCvvv Aaen" .si. WN i rA. vtv M""" r . v- s.E.ltlcnu. ' Punctunlltyl, . QV 0 Suit, to Fashion. AVO oretor. Economy. )AO ( $2000. I V TAILORS