Newspaper Page Text
nrqrurr rrrvivn virwa- cATttt. w. "NrATcCTr VR. 180,1. 3 M TELEGRAPHIC7 COLONEL SHEPARD DEAD. The Editor ot the Hew York "Halt and Eipress" Lays Down Ills Pea. i'HYSirilNS A1I31IMSTLII LTItUl. The l'ttllrnt llecmiies Uncoiiloiii Ilio llrmii crr Sudden. His lame or II. Nrw Voitlf, Mareli 21 Colonel l.lllot I'ltcli HlKrari, editor ol Ilio Matland Izpttu, illcil tuelelenlj this nlternoou t till Home Ms death loU lowed nti administration ot etlier by l)r. L'liarlca Mollurnoy and the family doctor, I)r. MoLaln, who were about to make nil examination to aiccrtaln If the colonel' mil) lolorutliat lieauaorctl from a ttona In tho bladder wcru cor rcct. Last erenlng ho moroly told Man ager A. II. I)o I rrecn that ho wmld rirohsbly not be down on Friday but Ho would bo them Baturday afternoon. Jlefore tho arrival of tho doctor lio oomplalneil of etere I alna and called uptltoJait and rpreit auelgnfua number of InitructlonaaUiiit the luturo conduct of the uowtpaier In cuoany thing elioulU happen to him. i.aler tho dlitrtis hii euflered lolt film and when the hyilclani and tiunea caino bo waa lu good pplrlti. Ho Induced his wife and jeiungoat daUKhtera Marguerite and Alice, who weio at honit, to so out calling for tho day. llliiou, l.lllott I. Hhepard, Jr , was at homo. About 1 o'clock (Jolonel Bhiparl (aid ho waa ready for tbu auri(eoua, and they, Willi tho nunm, Legaii tho work of uttlnR him under etlier. Ho In lialeel tlio drug but two or tlirie tlmta M hen tho hyalclana doteoted danger, oua lyuiptoma and stopi ed tho lulmlu t loll. Colonel Hhepard tank rapidly and for tome time It uaa fiarel ho could not bo rallied. 1'owerlul ttatora. Uvea wire admlnlatered and at tho end of an hour's work with ox) gen hu waa letloreid to partial couaclouaiitts, and lontlnued apparently to rally until 4 o'clock. Then wllhout warning anil for no aj pan nt rvaaon ho began raj Id ly to sluk. '1 ho oxygen treatment was iraumed, but It waa of no atall. At 4 20 o'clock ho died, lie waa uuconacl. bus and hla death was caceful. Tho cauao of tho death, aa glron by tho (hyalclanr, was euJtma of tho lungs. Immediately befero Colonel Butpard'e death messages were sent to Mr". Bhepurd announcing that hu waa cry low and might not live. Bho reacbtd the houso at U o'clock, lm. lutdlato frlenda of tho family soon be gan to arrlvr, and n string ol carrlogts was continually at Ilio ilfth avtnue side all the evening. At a late hour no arrangements had Lceu mudo for tho lumral. 1IAMAUI. Ill inr in cum.. 3J 11 ore IU.lrtirllc.ii at riral ll..,.r..l Keily, Miss, March 24 Thle mtirulng a thorough Investigation was made regarding tho damages done by tho cyclone yeatcrday, which ahowed luattera worse than expected. At far na can bo learned, not a house liaa been left standing within tho aoope of tho cyclone which ranged from a 'luarler to a mllo In width. Tho bouses were blown down at though a scythe had cllod them. KllleJ Harriet Bmlth, oolorej. Injured 1'aynr, a negro, badly bruised, belugoiLthed undir hlscablo; Mrs I'ayue, crippled and lrternslly Injured, small baby, foot smashed; eighteen-year-old glrl.hiad cruahed In, will die, the other two children es caped: Chris Itiufiirl, colored, head tmaalied, Hill probably die; 12 ph Mc Laughllu, colored; Jim layne, skull irusttod, eight-year-old boy, Inter nally Injured; child, cut, irobably fatally. Beveral othert aro reported Injured, Lut full particulars could not be learned. Tiu.ta amii iM.njioii. runs ui- iiuoini). Nabumlm , Tenn., March 24 Ono of the moat terrlDa wind and ralu storms In the history of Isuilivllio swept over tho city last night, uproot. Ing trees and telephone poles In var ious (aria of tho cltj. hie greatest lorto of tho storm was felt In thu noith. nil part of the city, whero suvtral liour-es were unrooted, Ono occur lot by W. K. Dradford was completely laced to tho ground. Dradford waa taken from thu rulna In badly bruised shape. McNeil Uiumrlghl, aged 11, who boarded with Dradford. waa taken from tho debrla lu a mangled condit ion and cannot live. J.ugene Drum right, agod 13 and n brother to Mo ISell, was horribly mangled and dead when found. It la feared that other leoplewwe killed or Injured lu tho building. IV NIII11IIAV 1'ItIrillMN. A Kullur'a I iiierlaiiro Amour Ilnr ttarlo llusslitiis. Ban I'hancisco, March 24. Louis A. I'aradloe, u sullor who arrived from China on the Uatllc, tells a horrible story of hla treatment In Blberlau I rhuins. Hu was a tullor on the sealing schooner Mary II. riiotnas, and with unother tailor named Wllaon went aahore on tho toaat of Kamschatka to llll their water uoskt. A hurricane drove tho tchooncr oil and theiuon were Jeit aahore. They had no pro vlelona and traveled Inland to a camp or lluaslan soldlerr-. Thoro they were Mixed and uccuaed of being spies liiey were sent to (larasock oonvlot station. I'aradlco tulla of the horrible cruelly Inlllcted ou tho I rlsoneri there. rtwro wero about OOnj couvlo s at the atatlou, and every Wednesday thoiuwhodlroboyol rules during the week were glvnu flit laihes with a knout. Of thu (1000 convicts In oiinp 1SP0 wore a bull and chain. Many men who too eeblo to walk and were drugged along by their com, anion... The aoldlers would prod tiioin with bayonets and make them move more HUlckly. Die lonvloli wore ltd with black bread and raw salt nnut. i iually, 1'aiudlou aud Wllaon wero taken to Vladlvoatock, i'roni there they wero tent to Ilio Kara gold fluids, nil l( tin dajt' Journey, fhey Milleud rightfully from hunger and fatlgut. Wllaon e.ave nut and nad to lo carried lu wagon. Tho United Biatesthlii Marlon urrlvid at Vladlvoitook, and tho oIIIcuib wero Informed by a mor chant aiamed Bmlth nt l'tradico aud Wilson's fate, lhoooinmaulerof tho Marlou demanded that tuo prisoners Lin given up, and Blur cmsiueiat ie dolay this was done. They were taken lo Bhanghal on tho Mario and placod Ina host Hal. At soon na I'aradlco was able to travel lie wai at lit ou the (Julio and then came here. ino'i Tni wirti. Ml. Jnllnil lannrrfooe llrrniiir Am frm.i I natnnil . Washington, I). O, March !l Tho BlBto Ue ailment lint no-lved (fllclil Information that Quean Vlrtn rlahat laired tho tank of Blr Julian l'auuccfoot, her lc reaeutatlve In Washington, from that ot envoy extraordinary and minister pleii. Ipotentlary to that of imbi.tilor, and hla credentials aaauch are on tho way here. Undir tho I rovlilona ot the dlplomatlo nnd consular appro) rla.ll m bill, Maioh 1, 1693, 1'rcslJeut Clove land la authorize 1 to conler tl o tamo rank u; on our rcptcsentatUa at Lon don. HO inolltAOTID HOHT It TltR BI.S Ml , Tho Indications nt ) resent do not point to a protracted light In tho Ben. to over the reorgauliatlon ul th eltctlvoolllcets. Certain well known Beuatora liavo laid they luttnd to leave the clt regnrdleia of tho fact of whether there shall ben riotgan t Hon or not. Tho lteUbllcana say tiny will Insist upon astrltt following of recedtnts. WILL lltPOUTOSTIII. NM SI-NATUIta Mr. Vanir, chaliuian ofthucim mltleo on y rlviligei and elections who Is prc arlug the majority rcput on tho caietofthottnatora npiiolntod by the governors of Montana, Waahlugton aud Wjoniliig, will finish It tomorrow. It will not belong, but will present tho rcnions why tho majority of th oommjltio do not bsllevo tho certifi cates of thco govomora aro sulllrltnt authority upon which to Stat tbu sena tors luiUtstlou. SFtlll-TAllV OAUL13LI. HUM, Beldom has moio persistent and eirn est rcrriiro been brought to Ltar than that to which Bteretary Carlisle lias been suljscled within thu ait fun da) a, since hu hat Iilcii obliged lo cut down tho forco of cleiks In his depart ment Beuators. ltipreacntatlvts nnd othtrmenof tnlluenco hnvo lm lor d him (o reinstate tills ono or that. Mr. Catllslo thua far, however, has not yielded to any of those Importunities lie remaned to ono who deslrod the retention of n cleiki "My dear sir, It Is not n matter ol choice on my part, but a cue of iitcinslty. I not only liavo ui money with which to pay theso employ is, but I have no work for them to do '' Till HAM All UN HATI-l It. Neiiitllilnix rw hnlil lu Have lleen I iirarll.r.1 Kiw Yuiik, March 25. A morning paper claims to liavo unearthed stmt thing new lu the Jlnwallau matter. A tunosed dlstatch from l'rlnceas Kalulsul's guardian lo her father, Mr. Cleghoru, aa discovered In tho lire ooitllouae. rnomeasago leadi: To Cleghoru, llrltlah consul at Hono lulu. Buggeat Vlo to lllouol, talk Vankee greed aud augar. JUviks Ou Wednesday oveulng, while Wm. Awl of I'lttaburg was u ruing lu ono of tbe general rooms of tho hole), ho ob lorved a telegraph form slicking be tween tho disk and tho wall. On examination It proved to bo the Uls I atcu above quoted. An Ink blot had fallen acrois thu words "ltrltlsli con sulate," which uia) havu teen tho reason why thu form was discarded. Awl showed the meesago tj tbu hold cleik, but declined to let It go cut of his iioBieBsloii, Tho clerks were lu cllnedto treat tho matter as a Jirt, although tiny wore forced to aumlt that the handwriting bore a s'rlklug resemblance to thai of Mr. Davlea. The hotel telegraph operator deollned to say whether ho had dispatched any tuch message. Awi today forwarded tlin illt atcti wlih ixplaiiatory nolo to Becrstury Ureahum. llrcslirr. K HAITI 1, Wash , March 24 Angus, nBentllebauker, and Titos l.srle, a number of thu Dominion larllamint and railroad contractor, both minority stockholders lu the Biattle, l.ako Bhoro c l.aslcrn rail road, today filed lu the suireme court a elltlon for tho at poliiliilent ot u receiver for that road, uud lor nu ac counting from thu Northern Pacific, which ojtralcs It. ol In Nureeeil (larh Ouaiia, Noli , March 24, A. A. Hobiuson, late generul managtr of the Banta 1 e, when asked If there was any truth lu the lumor that ho was lo succeed B. II, II, Clark at president of tho Union l'uclllu, soldi "Tiiero Is no truth whatever lu thu rumor." Ashed to ItratiEii. Omaha, Net) . March 21 Tho Jlcc't Lincoln special piaye tbnt It was learntd toulght from uu absolutely rellahlu sourcu that tho governor has demanded the resignation of Attorney Utntral Hastings, charged with frauds nt various statu Institutions Tl 1,1 (Jit VMS COMIIAMD. Tho baking powder establishment of J. C, Uruut, Chicago, was completely destroyed by fire last night. The Macon V Northern Hallway, leased by thu Central of (Jeorula, was yttlcrdy laced lu thu hands of u re ceiver. Au catthipiakn shock biting thirty seconds was felt ut Helena, Mont,, ycaterda) ut 0 15 I. ui. io dumago la repotted. An attempt WU9 ruado last night to wreck apasseuger IruluonthiiAuu Ar bor road. iManuiter Ashley has lirued u notice oflerlug $l,uvu for thu aipro. heutlcuof tbu cull rile. Caplalu Wlltsu has Just relurnrd from Honolulu, Hu commanded thu United Hiatus ttcamcr Huston nt tho time of the overthrow of thu Hawaiian monarch), Hu declined to bo Inter vlovted. About 2 o'elook yesterday afternoon, In nceordaucu with a resolution adopt ed by the Car Drivers' Unlou,thu moil beuu lo leuve tho electrio curs, and by 4 p. lu there were no cars running ou tho Cuirolltou lice. Ominous blue iinvcloiee have I eon rieelvedby six conductors nt the New Yolk Central railway, five of the Home, Wulertowu A, Odeutburg nnd two ot tho Writ Bhori, The envelopes llieon that thu reclilcnts liavo belli Olsuilsse I from tho tervlce of the rail, r jad. 1 hey are charged with defraud ing tbe couipau). LUnDUN PArtAduAl'lla. Baron Hastings Aml0neu In a Police Court and Final 50. In llielniniiiniis-llii iiers of li.umr- nitnl.-llii. I l.lrr (ullnlloii leltia"lu Inr, Iiuiuos, Match 21 Oeotgo Man ners Aitlry, who liss a test lu the Houio of Lords ns It-iron Hastlnps, wis orrolgLcd at Marie) bono iollco (JUtt today, ou n chargo of having acted Indemnity tiward nglrllnUf genls I'atk. Hla Iurdahl, who la about .13 yean of nge, looked ery much ashamed of lilmstlf aa ho wns called up lo answer tho charge, l.vl dence of Ills disgraceful conduct waa so clear the court foun I him Riillly, aud sentenced him to ay n flnuof J5j) or la lni rlfionid for three months. Tho cam caused n letaMlon, na Asblry move I lu tho l'rlncoof Walts aet and tin) I'll i cool Wtltsetood ajonsor for his daughter. i tur COMMON In tho commons today, Olbion Howies asked whetlurthe nrbllratlou I etwten Uicat llrltaln nud tho United Blatea regarding Ilio Hi ring tea would be allected by thu alleged light of Itusslato Interfero Willi tho sealels westward of all Imaginary lino as suniej tobodratvuucrolhuoi b)1lhe Husslau.Aincrlcun treaty ol lt07. UU the Boveriiment, Mr. Howies naked, Intend to nrbllrateon Ursdai claims? Blr 1 dwaid (Ira) , irllamoutary under secretary of lorelgn olllce, re (lied that tlic honoruble member mis ie resented the Husslau claims. Blr Ldward aided that ho could not com municate to the houso tho correspaud unco ulicloslnjr tho position ot the llllllili govt rninnit ou tho su! Ject mi tllareiy txiiectid from Huibu was received. Ilio commont tonight aed by a vole ot L70 to 9 a tceolutlou that In futuruall members shall be luld for their services In parliament. I-OMI II0SII1E1H ANIl tlllNnS JlAlII). Nfh oiii, March :i. Thu Jltrud'4 Loudon correspondent ss)a that he Is cnubled, li au thu most to llable! authority, I) foieshailow a innrtlsge that la likely to cxclto wide Interest. According to hU lufi riuaul, thu aj preaching lermal onueuiieo mentol tho engskciueiit of thu Duku ut York to l'rluccus May will bu no compauied wltu that uf the engage ment of l'rlnceia Maud, of Wales, to Lard Hosenbery. UI.ST1 u iiecumimi loo null). LoNtKiM, March Jl II u Ulster agitation Is Bssuiiilng n form (ailing scrlousl) for thu Intervention ol thu government. uMsr e tiiMir iMiiuAr. I lie dun r III.. I rrurll I'reolileiil lit Into it I'aiiis, March II Although Presi de ulCaruot baa kcttsilent under nil tbe charges and Insinuations cou ling his nuiiio with Ilio ranama toandal, inemtera of hla family are not Inclined tobotiually patient. J most, ton of 1'rcsldent Carnot, has written to Kclalre, complalnlug of thu imotaltoii lublished In that Journal, from u Uermau uewspatel, to tbo cllect that bu (Lrnest) received money In lsBS from ttiu l'unamu canal bribery fuud. Lrnest antes that at thu lime men tioned hu wusouly 21 )eurs of age and a student In thv Bclioul of Mines', nu I iiitlrcl) unknown lu olltlcul circles. He, therefore, deuouucee us an lu famoua falsehood tho ttalonsnt that he received any l'auemn mone). iiinii itioi i in Aril, A 1'rHlr " I niin.l llrn.l in i Itunr.lliiK llui.sp Urn Yum., March 21 There was n ni) atcr Lns dtutlt at it Iheililcal 1 oar ling houso here tonight. A preit) woman was found dead lu bed nnd tbu left letters behind hur which ro veal n palnlul history ef bad trejtmont, love aud eulcldt. At S o'clock tonight u measouger canto to tltu liouae wltn n telegram, It was addressed to Mra C. I , Bluvena mid lhe landlady took It to lliuncw tenant's loom, t-iiu was lu bed and seemed ttu ld,aa though uu lc r the Intluencu of drink or dtugs Later thu made another call at tho room and was startled to tliu tho )ouug woman deal, Ou n I lecu of aper was colli bled! "Letlert whlcn wero wiltlou by mc, all lo be dellvelud as uddteited, 1 kuow you will load them and tea what Is lu them I am calmly and deliber ately taking mr own life, No ono Is to be accused of such except 1'rod A, Ahmett. (Signed) I IIK Wilton." Tho dead womau'a bsdy la marked nil over with bruises as though thu had been I adty bcatou. Thu ollcu was notified and Immediately slo s were taken to urrctt Ahmutt, If such u fierson existed at tltu address given on one of the letters the woman led. Karly this morning n cyclono p vised onu mllo north of Bhutiitta, Mlai , e,olng southwest. At Alllsta John's pluce n house containing soma ne groes was leveled and twit negroes killed and thrco Injuiul, len miles litrlher east three tenement houses weru destroyed, ISooLowas hurt lu tho liouatH Keop 1 ostod ou I rices nnd styles lu footwear by watching our ihow.wludowt. Lverythlng warranted, bpencsr i. Lynch Co, Thu Ltaders lu Footwear. New stock Men's, Luellct' and ( hlldren's Bhotu ut Kaiter Prices. Ass Yotk Cash btore, Opjoslle Poll, olllce. Bcatll ve ants your ttauo (Jet our butler, milk and cream from tl v Acthtrluiid I ind htcck A. Dairy ( o ,tho largest nml I tat Unify In tho tho west P O Hox fin. .Nothing but . . BIlUB. Bioncer &. Lynch Cj, UI Main, ( 43r, ew York Cush Htorr, ojpoalte foilolllce. Bca ir layaurfrlml. Bchool Bhoea. Bf tncer &. Lynch Co. Beam will treat )ou right. HOTICE. I ttrtllTSTAlIOV or Till CMK IJ aonlsnclul.ef mil Ijilo ij .nmt.n I on Is I arel T tailed In tease n ilio c iril a Clmmlts,atsp m , Spin i' . f Ilia n trh Irnpleet ehelerrlloryef I tsh rtltrnit of Isklntr nnlletl anion Is t .e Nil vter rrlTssrnlsltonnt Itie frnlrli r In. r L tstl AlVtetoliiinllsn lxolition h , n r neck Osrotc I lu eeollish tttnea d n .eirrnts Julr lllhli July Slit. IWU 1- a latlinr trir, use iortillirsare ren u ..tinl selcrt rriitieiilsilfss, an l lut i ik 1 oiilCle so II at a thorouai i i r . ti o i iiaslelai. I el lha trslo - iji .1 It iroplenrin nneoniuere I lav mile 1.1(1 liters ol Ittitrtr and tltlllsalli AoUl Call Ion sulci aiirnof l e, Vnlbdll eetanstnsni i .1 r Anility lak lha srnsrli- is J I at Irlss to dlmvaar I lr Lnnonlitere.!, 7et for I M r ( trsla, Krse eeltsau or frao 1 a i. Writ trust ye still total ly nrnln Athomaer InUiitaml 11AM1I Mil 'OS Lhalnnan of Coim ilteo Inilisrso. E G.LAUH3M2 , ' PORTRAIT ART STUDIO. HintH i Ictord ? nitrite 1 to injr i a nti I In any tytof nork TaDB I ike?k-ii.i aiukthh Mndw tonn 1 1 m ' "( itli Mitn at Mftii ordtri romptlT ftttende 1 to 1 w. cunRiE, Assurer, ISO Main Stiuot.SaULaKo City 1 roiapl atttatlonxhaa to all orders by rnsll oreirrsss ctarfts uniform sail tsaaoneule. W. A. HODGES, Chemist and Assayer, No. 115 SOUTH, MAIN STREET. ttr Ordcti Ly inU j roiurtlj attcDded to ill v'!l3) dn- how Much i.lll 3mi lttslc for Ono Cent? -Till illffrnm1ntrlMiiMvPii lh ltTTA)f I NAlbstiuttilM,r Uftntiiftmouutalooncniii tn full hotifiiboil A re you vlltli 1 1 um tbt rhMp ml l-rol)M ai rhaMrtxitftili wfth till tholr mitniftit diudiit. UUxi IttoMcrtoMveihatoNf tut? rim taemn of llifir nwitiirnfinrd It Malitft tl fiu. I ho r 1 1 1 r . ,Mt,U gttM the Irou lrtiuti It inform in yra m thM ftf lh4 t- 1 1 1 tl t.r-a nl tin rail I (lMn liitolbfl r i uji cit r,.t ,iy itm i t spin jkntt roin tv a.. unblii hortt Hut ye At if $nrttt yor ml . N w l Ml lllli y am Mtn tho two of tbrfhUfHiri InlUrijnti wuiill t to totyfof ilrtvJ Lorw tint you wool 1 hot tlto your etnit. Use the i'uinam Nail. ltd tlntt orgM from tho bfitRirrdUl. Iron rob, wbllo At a wilding Iictt j It action M" Ilaiuinria klon. absl tbtn lUmmih rolntcU. Ths, tho old htnd process !: folded hk rut hit forglpg ra'ls uidtr hiftnntt and hjiinitr FOtalirtg Wm bj lha ilioer, colJ, 'lhoi,t inj oHp t'ln or thurlnj? nhiUta:, m The f,AlL CANNOT SPUT. Hat It will oott you am emt mm for cn liortotlKHl Tho tbwt will tty on loajf ubA your rrvttv (lou will tstfthtartbytDdrvtuo At i van ovrc :t. Ecul far ttmpl TIib ?Hw Nail Co., NJJI'OiSbLi, ii0ilOJIiUJ3S. xn:333Mjc.-r Tr.a3vriisnartt CALliiOiSERY. LAOIR DBBIt, ALB AND POnTBR. VnielsMtn Kstil BsesU rrt. m Bjsr. iiur toarn trotwr. FMiWHtBl OPENING The Largest and- Best Bought Stock of New and Elegant Spring Goods ever shown in this City. CASH AND QUAM1Y MAKE PRICE. WE 0ET TIIE LOWEST PRICE AND ALWAYS SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Eviilonco ol our Suiioriorlty in Va'tuvglvinrj i3 mauifost ou ovor counter. SILKS AMI linESS GOODS. Opening Sale of SI'ItlAU AO. Kf TIKS Sroclal Prices ior (Lis Sale I Mo rioas to trltr 1030 yards of Ittack Capes, Jaoltls, Sowiimlcli, Fults, Waists, Cllksat inrrs Ll lismullia konrsllk lc "rsiicn, tie Neurit t ring tlftrts. llun- srlmcnl with tazirliujars tnahe tlirsa elrolsof sljles. I vrryll Inn new at d dsslra tklraordlnsry low rlros lur tills wrtk only ' ,c I'r ' "H known low rlrcs wo tan to rtilutoour Iniirmo slork Hear In n mil suit all In II ortisai est loll a I Until k'sninnt.. Uoods otfersl In lhl silo aro ttioOncillin. Sco our II X Ills k or TanOaits with bow lonodsllks-sllkalli twill sy you to liuy and ot rll I m.wcrllillM u.'.VoMn,? " """ '"" ""' D """'1,""e' ' rsasbrol I roll 0, ea, worth ) M At II 7 yard, ll '0, Slyltih new Laics with derby collar, la lllack I silts trio uiir, 31 In wide, our 11X0 UlarkcrTan 1slitr Our lino of Cuts and Jsckcislnll a icry niut inasi.i.lrk..ii . lalest stiles, aa li.rby lollsrs Willi or wlllout ii.?.a. facad.tood 1 1 i,t nw.or salils liutt.iltr tolhrs or la T '" MH-O, allolltl ot tlolh aiiMali.l Itoiabioallona (lios Cram, II In wlle.aofl a '"'rtssllsallkllaiuiiaenlltaa larlety barealnforllMi ' nWtnala and shades Is lLo IsriMl su.l At 'It, ttiesicsltntfaoclly lllstk lurnlt Silk, for a smlccsUe ft rlog AllUl lioul lo llresiled JackeU, w Hi larao dress, worlli II 2V 1 carl lluttons.a laryaln 1 tinted decoration silks, fully tl In wide . Wo ' alflwring a Hoo Hi o or lltllo aant to worlltUOc. Jackets for ihlldrenfrnn aace I lo I! ninth M 90c, canuot bo beaten from fl loui. and waists, worlli ll ll ,,, N,urrV(1 , ,rrruuh,r,U( ... - . . ..,, . . lalylea fioutolola.i lllaclt TaflctiaSllli. Ircnch luillo, tho best1 , , ... . . allk aklrllnir, SI m. w rllt II ao In llolrra Jackets o are si owlDtaomojreat AKranlanorlslsalo of rino lllack Herman j ",g"10' Hoi rletlss bnujlit ty lis at a aacnllco, tobo! Our I Mill MAM" tIT and MIIAllrll aol I at rl lleutouily low prices I to H In wids I !M artment Is now Uinir slocked with an Im Hon l tall to s.l tor 11 coi ,u,.c larlety of Vcw t rltic tljlos. V7 TflEYLLHAVETO PRINT , ,1 Wffl svtJ v fn-THE latcst rAD &&$iv iMk C? ISNOTAniCHDAD. WVAV W &fWAsTvmslm daysof yore.A cWoV W.r "iV BUT AMAIDEN FAIR, ISA Vn'o2-,M U : ' i V ''Ml J TREASURE RAnE w '"' i'l' , it N0NE CAN HER CHARHS V JTi Mi ' t- &kT, AS SHE COOKS WITH SKILL ptfA'v n&iJ3 hvfVj- i 7) -.r With its virc CAuzt door so fine. - iron nAi.n nv 2. C. M. I., - Solo Agonts In Salt Lako City. jas for pael. I Gas at $2.00 per 1,000 Feet II IS CHEAPER THM COAL I AT $5.00 PER TON. I See Exhibit Gas Stove De B partment, 22 Commercial Street, H Salt Lake City. I SLilPPEHS! I LDIES' FEIT SLIPPERS FOR 75c, WAS SI.OO and SI 23 H CHILDREN'S FELT SLIPPERS TOR 23c, - WAS 40c H MIS3E3' FELT SLIPPERS FOROc, - VMS G0a H LADIES' FELT SLIPPERS FOR 50c, - - VAS 70 a H IIJBBEH BOOTS I Ladies' Rubber Boots - for $1.25 H Misses' Rubber Boots - for 1.00 H Children's Rubber Boots - for 1.00 H Speeial'tJat on I Pom Poms, Feathers, Velvets. Ladies' H Underwear and Ladies' Coats. H TEflSDEIi'S. I J" HOPTHJE I f jrtrf PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. f. LoJ '"lial Hanks In llcuter, l.u McCornlck A lo. H SDK fi , Ii'MllrtlaoorioiitlitsJ ..Written Tiiersala to abso. H SML C lutelicuronJIklnl. f UVJIi 111 n?, with. H gBJL ) 1"llu.u:KMlLOHSUllMJL,iiiiuu.roft.ow H fls&a luliif siauutii4 fgagSgagSgaj m EXAMINATION mZC. H fk THE O.E. MILLER COMPANY, !v"Wjl e,! "m r! "7rMd C, """t' I1 Bait takt WB .iior'lLJlIl'lLc'llUB