Newspaper Page Text
' ''I ni:sTr:in:r i;vexivo ncts; ATi'itnAV. aiAJtcn -j5, isn.x ! ' DESERET EYEIUMG MEWS, I J! DtSEPET NEWS PUDLI9IIINQ I jl COMPANY, LESSEES. I ' 1 arilnr tar siaeeli Jl iwl. s lONrfcHPAlh MJTKE. j, 1 Tho fiUly third Annual Conference ' of Hie Church of Jems Chrlitef I.t tor Jay Halnts will contcne la llio ! Tabernacle, Bait I ake CUT, at ID V o'clock ou Tuesday morning, April ! 41b, 1601 ! v The officers and rnembsrt of the I j Church generally nrn corJIallr Intlted f J to attend (bo meeting ol Itio Con J ference j Wilfoiui WoonnUFr, ( f OionaM Cannon, i JusKrii KHMinr, I Pint l'mldencr, f 3 TIIL lUl'S OHM UUNCE. i 9 At thl hour (liftOiun ) few it port fV liifo been received from the Hards ' ol till city l to the attend Ifl ance lit the fait meetings Inilllut A ed (or today, of court It Is i too eirly to eipect any word t from the wards of tha oouuly, and from any of tlio outside Blakes Hut r-uch news as hat been received It of a character to Justllythn Isms In con gratulating the Halnla and In exrui lug the great Joy which the occatlon 4 hat furnished to nil th co le Many if of the stores an 1 workshops have been fa oloted during tlio csrller part of the L day In order to giro the employe! a IS chance, to alien I their ward meetings, S thetu latter, to far at wo havo learned, 7 jjjj hatched an almost un recedented at- ' 1 tendance The spirit, loo, which f J hat pervaded the auemblagtr, ' kg has been rich In tlio element! ol iJB rlghteoutneM, full of ( rotui tlnga j to Rood workt, and strong In thoanir- J auce that Cod It near unto Ilia people r Tha brethren and tlttert hare telzed ' with gladness and alacrity the oppor tunity to make their pencu one with an other, to forglvo and bo forgiven, to confett erron and rccolvo ncknowl edgeroenta. The letting apart of thli day for the purpoie named wanu rely un Intplratlon, the benefits of III ob I ' eerranco will bo felt throughout the length and breadth of Ion and will reach high unto an a roving Heaven ' I HUTU 01 CPU Mltl'tUD. k I Thealtoielberuiiexpectcdaunounco. f ment of the diath of Colonel Llllolt S j Filch fjhepard cams over the wlrce J latt evening lie was a fow months f I Ices than sixty yean of age, which to i j a man ol regular and temperate hnblti ' like hlmielf meant that he waa about at life's meridian, certainly not much beyond It, and ha eremed to be In tho ' j beat of health, to the newi wai a great j surprtee The colonel had been editor I f the New ork MM and trprcH lot I leveral yeari audit mutt be laid to f bli credit that he made It much raoro i ' of a newipaper than It waa before he '' took hold of It Ono lecu liar and quite original tnnova J , 1 lion of hit wai the publication iJSs l of a few llnea from tho Hcrli lures at l" 1 tho head of tho editorial oolumna S every evening, not ai a toil or course nHK buttolmpatt nualr of revcrenco and w sanctity to the paper. Ho was u son- Jr In law of the late Cornellua Vaudcr- Jf ' bill, waa a Ilepubllcan of tho moit ex treme vlewa and osseeaed of consider able wealth, that he was itrlclly moral , and dlsiosed to be charitable goea a 3 long way toward making hli record " v aa a whole a good one. 1IILTIUVJ.J1ISNIV.IUI lOMIItFiS 1 Tho :ilh of A) rll next will be a great I, day for Ugden ai well aaiomethlogof , in occasion for tlio Territory at large K On that.dato dilegatts from all the R trans-Mlsslsslppl states will niaemble 1 j theroasacongretaand confer togelher I regarding matluri arTecting the welfare of the whole dlitrlct aud each art c thereof The governora have eicb tho J appointment of ten delegate and are IB theruselvoe ex ojjloto mumbtra of the V, osugriu, while tuch county la entitled to ouedelrgato to be toileted (In Utah) by tho telectrnen, and the mayor of ( each illy hai authority to appoint oue for each S00) luhalltnnti or fraction (thereof, no that rlalt 1 ako houIj have about IS, Ogleu 4 Iot,S and 1'rovo and l erlupi rrlT City and Hjnaltli I ork two lach and all othert ono inch In I ddltlou to tbla all oonimerclal bodlui, aa chamber! of counutrci, boardi of trodi, etc i linve the rl,ht to appoint aa many dele,atoa aa their reepeitlve tnayora havo and all trantporutlou com anlce may lend ono iach r f Hull theie ahull bo appointed and . '. attend aud certainly tho griAt majority will the gathering will be an immeuio oni That due caro will be tuken to Fund cblo and ri' re ' aentallvo u en we nro will niiurud uud i that from thilr deliberation! much f goodwill i ome can be rouill) uudir i ttood Lit our Ttrrltory, ae the ' one In which I ho Congrese ' will alt, eeo to It that not Uff n man out of the number to wlilih ihu E, la entitled In that I ody, la mining, wu havo gnat Interests at atake, and 1) . thlicommlngllngof Ideaa and aiioul f Hon of aflalri having n tlmllar origin r- and a oommon nlm, our own mid our I nelghbori' welfare tau but receive a mighty Impetut I Ot,den U I reparlng to receive tho P deleatif aa alio usually doei tuch fe' lliluc trandly riiero It r ot a moro ihoi Itablu or wide awako idly lu the Weit. That the reception of aud caru for the Trana Mliihalppt Congren will not he the If aft of her many credit mark! we may tako for srante I l'AIIIONU.'t AS A llt.lKNMS It lounda aloioat tos atrnuge to be true, but truo It It nnvertheleait, that there are Democrala nnd Democratic paten who actually mourn ai a mb forlunr, If not a calamity the dlitrlbu tlon of I cdtral tatronage In their articular localltlrt, I oldlng that then I y tho local party organlfitlon It weakened and an It Jury la really done tlio arty at large. Thli development ofoflnlon cornea ty near being nn anomaly that It iultodtaervia the In terestanddlicuiilon It haa txclted In tho artlaan ren on both tide The matter cannot lu belter 1 1 Inn Irated than by quoting n leading Man acliuirlti paper ou the 0 polutment of Joilah 1 ilucy to beafileUnt ttoretary of ttate It li jointed out that Mr Uulncy ha Leen n remark ably nrvlccnble man In tho ranKi or tho Dcmicracy or the Old liny itttc for n number of jariait. During eome portion ot that lime hla work aa an organizer and director of campaign! Im lien 111 valueblc It would be difficult, In. deed, aaya n aper that griatly admlrei him, to olnt to a man who can glvo the tlmo and ability, aud especially tho clear hiaded Judgment, that ho haa brought to Uar upon tills nork Mr (Julncy li now taken out of It, to malu an excellent aailitant ii-crttary of itale, without qutatlau The publlo lervlco galna by hltelcctlon,and there ahould bentlt faction tboreal, but, ailde from the gcoi rt uUllon that couiei Irom mak ing n credltablo appointment, tlio Democratic arty actually looi In do I riving n closely confuted ttate, like the atato of Maiaachuielti, of ono of the moit illlclcut Democratic viotkera It hat There laoomlderable tenio and logic In thli view, and yet It It a confcailou ( f tho very tort of partliamhlp that I u tho belt lolltlcal clrclit la con demned It la not In any danger of Immediate aud unlvernal adop tion, however, for thu reaion that an olltlclana aru now I ullt, thcro are few of Ihem io devoted to ) irly tucceia lu their own narrow localities that they will itay there at the tacrine of an olTerred petition of honor, truit and f-omlortable emolument una Iro-idor and moro coniplcuoui itage 11UUH 1UK IIIKUMIItl IllOIhS In the wettern or Houlh Atlantic torder of the Ihirk Continent, like a ickof bluo sky toen throijh a rift lngloomycloudt,lsa rupubllomodeled after our own It la Liberia and la an Afrlianai any other art of Africa except aa to tho government aud the colo'a modo of living It la the amalleit nation lu thewirld to whUli tho UnlteJHtateaiandiamlnliter, an I Is tho smallest oue geora; hliallj with wo 1 olleve but ono exception Andorra, which la between Pruuce and Hpaln and Is alio a ri ubllc Li beria conilitt of n narrow atrip of about W0 mllH In extent aud of Indefinite width Ihe po illation, like tho bouu darlci of tho country, la uu unknown or rather Indefinite quantity an J Ik estimated ly varloua authorities at from 1,000,000 to 8,013)00) There publlo wru founded lu 1810 by Amcrl cin cmlgracta, under the nuij Icrt of the American Colonlzitlon aocUty, whote aim wan to ritabllih a ref ige for free negroet and liberated aluvoa from tho United H atei. II booiuiu au Indcjendeut reubllo lu Is 17 and I ai tteadlly grown Tho cllmato of Liberia li neceiaailly of audi a nature that only certain temperaments can survive the ellectt of the mutuant cout fever that o valla there Thla droad dlteait, at tlmis III tho early hlatory of the re I ubllc, swept away whole town!, and tboio who uicatol with their llvei returuel to America with tich tales of aullerlng and duath that emlgu tlon was ,reatly retarded for yiars file irogrni of civilization, lioweer, haanot I eon without Kb ef fecta on Liberia Thoso who survived the enervating Inllueuce of the climate have not neglected the op.wnunlty for wialtli oOured by a country rich In tburoductsof nature Trallng towns ofiomo Importance havo sprung up along thu ooaef, and many of thoiu who Hod from American it ivory havo won wealth and dlitlnitlon for them eolvei In Liberia The foreign population Is estimated at between .0 UOd and 3d UJ0 Native, speak thrlr own llntuate, but all otlurs n ink 1 ngllih Thu capital I Monrovia, mid lu tho absence of ii com is bureau Its popula tion la alio (.ueind at i robably fiOUO, rnikliu It tho mitropolla as ell If nuy moro sorluui race troubln occur In thu Houlh It would loom to be lniratlve tint tho blickiiietidlsj I isr to a great i xteul, and thura It no I lace more linltliu thai Llbirla Indted, It Is quite rubablo that many at leait will t,o, whether mittura 1m I roe for them In this country or uul Pin rutin would bu qultu homoapue ens from lh begluhlii,,, would have lm roved oiporluultlri and Mould b In coiiitatitotllolal mil other commu nlcatlou with tlio laud they It It behlud I hen) Till oliiiAN it tlio any t) which Hiierlutu del t of Waterworkt ltiau I rlougs atteni ta no other dilonee of him than that uudir soriu other a I. mlnlitratlon In thu dim and nilily jatt tomu other otllclali huiu not nt emr (.etlo ni tl ey illicit li v,- I ten It ii hardly nicessiry to aa) that It li Mr Hian mil his men nud methodi, not certain llguns ofaitluilty, that the I ubllo Is looking nfler Juit now. gBMiijl W By aij Ex-Lditor. The man whis'arlsoutaia reform or and endeavon to teach his fellows I elter ways always hat a hard roal to travel atl has very maoli to enntind with It may Im that ho hai n divine I Ian to Introduce, a system of excel lence, In i vera roej eel supirlor 1 1 any of the existing si'lemi around him, yet ho will find tint ni( u uroneddtd to Ihe ol I wys,and huwover defestlve theymsy be, tralllbu sane I lira an I makrithem tacreJIn the ojis of tholr adhoreuti and they cling to them with in ylel ling tcnaclli. The moitttrlk lug and prominent example which manklnl liai of thli li the cau ef Jitus C'hrlit, tho Hon uf Clod He taught tho peoplu the moat sublime tiuths In thu moit slmuU Isuguage. and He rrsctlcel Ihe rlucll es and doctrines which He taught There wai an entire corruqondorice between llle teachings and llle life The mlracl-a which Ho wrought weru alio evldeecca oflilsdlvlneorigln Vet He beisms a victim f popularfory arid waa cruclrled as a criminal With such anllluitra tlon before us uf mans bigotry and feroo'ly, ran wo wonder that other teacho sof dlvlnetruthsshoulj be per soiutid aud klllid? When error and falie systemi re vail It lakes lime for truth to get a loot hold Ita truo value Is not Im mediately recognised Homo nuy ac cejtlt as soon as thiy hear and can underslsnd it, and to them It may stem to I eautlful and simple that they null oil and communicate that which II ey havo learned to friends, oolytoltud themselves rotailted, and perhaps rl llculod and aooUed at It might bo thought that ever one who oiiined tho ordinary faculties f man would Inline llatily stlze uul believe lua truth wheuevtr It would to in stated and ixplalned to him Jlut eXerleucurovcslunt thl-.ll not Men aro slow at ercelvlng an J acknowledgliih tho truth HUH, truth, whin It la comlitently ractlced and advuca ud, does gain ground and doei have nn oQect upon ull who come within the circle of Its Inllas ice riie sixty thnejears during which IhoChurilirf Jems Chrlitof Litter day H.ilnts has bem organized, have given roof of thla file teaching of tho Chun h havo not I ten loit upon tlio world Let laoee who aru oil enough or who havo oxamlnaJ and ilveii tho subject thought, contrast the belle s of today upon the tublect uf t Irltua! communications and jwe and gifts with thoie which I retailed filly orslxtyeara ago At that tlmo so luteme wai the general unbelief upon these points that to ralso mobs to drive the Latter day Balnls from thulr homes It wai only utceitary to stute, as oue charge aaluit them, that they believod lu prophets, In spiritual gifts and III tho laying ou of hands for Ihu healing of Ihu sick ,ow there uretheUbrlitlau tlcleutliti nud other organizations which ro.'en to heal thu sick through the rayer of faith und the laying on of bauds. Thore aro others who believe sj lrltual commuul ottlouacan be obtained They point to the Illble for I roo s of the oorrsct uiwi of their petition Thu Latteliy Hal tits have been teaching for il wards of lift) years that the preaching of thu U-epelol Christ was not confined to this statu ol exUloucr, but that after diath the irlncljlta ot salvation will bo taught to those who died Ignorant of them uud they would havo thu rlvlltge of be Moving In Jesus aa their Hivlor aud Itedeemeraud of repenting of their tlus Imagination cannot conoelvu of a doctrlnu moro phlloiophlo or more kodliko nnd oouslateut with thu be ulgully and Juitlco of tho Ureal Creator thau thli, and lis groat beauty und valuu couilet In Its being true aud liavliik been revealed b) the J,ord, yet for long years It wai scouted and dirldedJ Hut now, however, It It tlowl) working Its way Into favor and lellef, and Ihe day doei uotaioar to be far distant when It will meet with Immoral acceptance 1 very litllu.ul tariau whoau atteutbu hai been called to this sutject, mutt InvAell that theru lias beeu aouiothln s lacklu; ill the siiliuu of theology Uou this point, Thu lllblo teachui that the name of Jeaiii It thouuly na ne given under luaveu whereby men can b paved, hut uucountod mllllont of human belus havu died who never i) much aa heard his name Thu man of lu iiilrlng mind aikt, ' What It their f ituru fate?" Ibo nply uf theologians general! Has beeu, "They aru damnoJ " Whut a harrlblo conolmlo 1 Hu Diaujuillos revolts at tha thought oi any lolug reculvlug iuulehm ul for not one) lug liws of which hu liau never hoar 1, but huw utterly Irrtcou ollabh with llvlue Juitlco la the Idta of remlvlu oturusl piuwlminr. io lgnoranuo of this char icteil Will tlio orcein) i of tern ilei and th work tr ormej thcrilu tj the Liter ila Balnls Invu no elleet llon the tnluklug world? Will Uieae not be object liseoi a 1 1 manklnl? Alrtsdy I have heard tho remark made mai j llniie, when the doctrine of preaching IhoUospelto tlnae who havu inuid uiiy ant thu i)o)(blllty of thu dead liehib batlzol for vicariously hai been exlaiiiod, "What a beautiful doctrlml Aril how cuniollnt to tin llvint, who btl ovo In It must be the ojportuulty vthlih they havi of ufllol atlugfor their diceaiid rilatlNe and frleu who weru not In a juiltlon to receive theie ordinate a when they weiuon Ihe eartl I ' Theie doctrines I elng true they will lfarthettrlctcstscrutlny They sup llyalongfellwaut Tleyarfslln tho strongest and moit sympathetic mam er to every I call which enter talnsalovo for mankind lbey uplift thoiu who ttllovs In and act upon them nearer to Ood, for tlcy furnlih the o porlunity for men and women to become saviors In tlulr spheres, to (artake of the spirit which IhoUonof (lod cxhlbltel In dying for u, nnd to be oi-vr rkers with our Lord In the great work of human re demption. In no pyeleni of theology extant, excel t tbat revealed by the Lord to His Church, do tho liqulrln of the human mind concerning the fat ot the 1 ettben and of Ihcso who died never having heard thu Ooi el ol Jeiua lu Us fullneis mil I laliiucie, find satisfactory siiweri Hut In the revelations of tho Luru,theie duclilnes, which havu for beeu such ire tcrlee, are revealid In tlrnpllclty and lain una and oxcuiu, anled by thu tritlmony of tho Holy tiplrlt that thiy are true Tl u ropoiod dedication of the Tim pie at Halt Lake City hit attracted the attention ot n great raauy pooplu out aide ol Utah rhe fact that Ills build lug Itself haa been In tbu course of reellou for forty years, tbu fouuJallon having been laid so soon after the settlement of the plooters lu this aallei, makes tbu building somenhat remarkable C'omtant lu ilrlm have beeu aud will still bo made as to thu uiea Io which thu lemls will hu tut, fir visltois er celve thst Ills not aa well ada ted for coiregatloual worihli ui thu Tabor uacli, aud all aru curious to I uow wl y uch u cuitly i tructuro ibould be erect ed when the Tuberose u already n swtrs all tho ordinary y irposea ot pub lio worship. When explanations aru klvoii lu rej ly to these lu -ulrlcs, there can b but oue conclusion reaihrd con corning the I eo lu who havu coutrlbut ed of their uieaos for Its i'om lelloi , aud that la thst the) aru slccsru mm that their faith inuit laiuf athoiotighiy earliest character to prompt them to luakuthu aaiililces wulch havu been madufur Iblibulldlug To the Littor day rjaluta it must be ncauiu of satisfaction to ecu tills idl flee, urun whloh their hoe am anticipation! havo bem centered f r si many years, at hit comjletcd Isaiah and Mlcth both tpeak uf "the Ljrd's house which thallbuistabliihiu In tho top of the mountains, anil shall be exalted abovo tbo hills, au 1 all nations mall How unto It." 1 rom thu day that tho foun Jatlon was !ul 1, A rll 0, 1 Sit, until tbo rcicnt time, there has been a feellur cnterlali ud ly tho Latter day Halnls that this hoiiko was the reallntlon of the visions of thie lusplrud men All thu clrcumstancrs whloh tl ey describe 1 havo nclually oocurnd, the peoilu have gathered Irom the diller ent nations end In tbu esacl way that theio proiheU havu predicted, aud the peolo lu gathcrlug havo uied the exact language In describing their reasons for coming to the mountain, that theiu men rodlcted they wouU use h rom tho dsy that the feu udatlou etonoof this building was laid up to tin resent tlmo theru has leeu a stialy stream, varjlng in size tome tlmis, flowlnr from tho varlout na tlons to these mountalui, and tho Lat terdtyBatnta vtho havu rome have donosofor theturpoio described hy time ancient men of Ood Wo ire beforo ur,lherefori, a direct fulllllnieut of I rophee) ropluclcs uttered thous andsofyiaringo Moaessayt "When arohetPpcaketh lu the name of Ihu Lord, If tho thing follow not, nor come to lull, thst li the thing which the I ord listh not spoken, but the ropbet hath spoken return) tuouily thou halt not be atral 1 uf him " Thli was tho rule which ho gave for distinguish lug a true from a false j roj bet On the Slllt dny of July, IS 17, l'reil dent Urobilin Vouu came Into Halt Liku Vallej with a company of b nctra As soon after thu camp had beon formol as wss conveutent, he, with a number of others, walked up to 1 mlgnl'iak us till uow called Un the way they pasted what la now known ni thu Teraile lllock, an I while walklug over thu grou u 1 l'reil dent oung tlo pod and struck the trouli I with hlaiane nod said, "Hero no will irictthoTimuleuf our Clod " The laud round about vt as covrred with agtbruih, a more uninviting pros I ret proUbly mvir met tbo gaze of civilized man for tho erection of a tern I Io or the bulldlug of n city, desolallon reigned ou every hand, not a trie was to lie lieu ixci 1 1 111 thu distant moun tains or souio htllu clumps of willows aud lomu cottonvtools and birch which Hue I the sir earns In tho valley. The country uasio dry und jarcltd tha. it had n j abearance, of ferllllt) exieptltig thu dry buuih Brass which grew 111 patchei beru aud theru amoug ho taebruih i et, under tbete ( ecu llnr clrcunietaucis, 1 retidiut llrluhum V jung v, as lei to make this statemeut, nil to lay the I atter-day Halntsiee Ihe realization of his prediction Nearlj forty six Jura lavu laeted slncohe uttered It, but on the identical spot which he then struck vllh his cuno and said should bu tbu, situ for the Temp u, thu TuMll pal btcn reared and stands In 'pjojiri' Ktuiideur at a wlttiiu that (io 111 able to 'speak and llvu romiiei through Ills servants In tin io daji ut in jtys(of old., 1 reel dent ouuh's iroJIctlou hai beenai n marUbly fulfilled ui the rcdlctloiii of thu other r0 lieli,Isalah and Mlcsh, o ncernlog tho houio of Hod whloh should bo reared lu thu mountalui Cirtaluly thu world, If they would only be willing to receive a testimony ron cernlng tm I's power an I wllllnin" to reveal Ihe future unto mm, roull perceive the evIJcntu which Is fur i lihed In thli an I other loitances that (Jo 1 does have Insjlrel men lu thli ago as well at lu past times MiunukQ Cannon TEMPLE DEDICATION. itmei ami ApoMma U of Aum'tri to doitrn tie Adnimlon of tit talnttuftHdjJmnt StakuofHon hollowing Is a italement of apjor llcnmenti of the limes when the Halnts uf the several Htakia of Ion will be ndmltttd to witness tho dedication of tlo Teraile of the 1 ord III Halt Lake City, also tho allotments as to the numbers of oop!o to hu admitted at thedltlerenticstlone This arrangement Is I aie I on reports received from the Presidents t f Hlakts, and has Uen made with a view to, so far as i rsctlrablv, suit Ihe convenience ot tno wnole peop't If additions to the numbers olreadj at band aru hereafter reporled, such utra contingents will le (laced at tl u foot of thu Hit Thli must luces intlly bodoiio lucates of this nature, as additions could not bo Introduce i Into the body of the program wlthont deranging tho whole Ian Tho a rlloiiments aro bsied numerically upon tl o capacity of thu Assembly Itoom nf tbo Tem le The first service which will bo con ducle lou tie morning of April (Ph is not I rovlded for lu this slate ment 1 hat lestlon will bo subject to a special arrangement Tiiuniiur.Ai'iiit. Cm AnuiiNoot Sliltn Alberta S3 Hnmllake .1.1 si Jul na '.'I Mrleoa - 2. lUnink 5.M Hau Juan C Cals . 1 i M (lot l go --l 1 ai g lltcb .'00 1 niery .lu 1 ar wan HKJ Heaver ISU thntnb I'd Mala I 37j Choir fjslt Idke) U) To nl jitd liunAT, MnlL Tin Monilvii Mexico , to rswr alley .. .. 10 Kan l lis .- .. Ml h Jo. lib X) Mill sr I SOM Morgan . IMi h linn It t.U Hear lake UK) Sevier IM hancte (Including choir) ItL, Total .13 I nil IT, M nil "Til VlTHIVOOV (VkI lOPO asm h ... .. JW) Tuewlo - I ) Juab . 100 Clolr(aiipsleJ - , W foal 2K0 Hat urn at, Vinu 8m Moiinini Utah 2100 Cbulr fanptlo) t.3 Total -IjO Hatuiidat, riiir.rii itkiinuov Dasla 2I0.) Lbolr (Sinpele) SO Total 2bio HUNnaT, piur Urii-OloitNiNn Salt Uke SuoO at U Lbolr (Malt Luko) . M Tital, SloO KltNl 11 MlllL OTII AmnioON Salt Uke .. .. 10..0 I'iMielo H 400 Jnsea 60 CI otr (ball I.akc) W ToUl . Slod M 1NUAT, A I'll in lOrn Moiinino Itoar Iiko Z-'O Webor (Including choir) UU) Total 2IoO Moniiai, Alum lOru Vitkiinoov Utah laio Onel la ... r0 Cboir(Uebur) DO Total . . 21o0 Tusnvv, Mnil llTii-MonMini Millard inn Morgan .in "uininlt ion Cache (Includlt g choir) VM Hao elo A50 Total Jiw Tl 1XDAT, rilll IITII AlTKHNOOV Keller . 3)0 Joah sv) Nalttaiko ljji Choir (Caotio). 60 Tolal 2I50 WanvtsDAV.Ainrr 12-Monitvo Wseiteh 300 Davis. isf.) Ilnx 1 I lor KV) Choir (Cache) W Tolal . 21 a innrsDAT,iiiiL 12 rrniNuov ber. .2100 Cbolr (Uelio). . 60 Tolsl 2160 rutinsnAT, Armr U Mouvivii Kail Like .. 2100 tholr (ball Uke) 00 lotal .6J fiiuiiiiAT, Ai int. 13 irrmitoov Salt Uko. .100 Choir (Salt Uke .. 60 Total . .. Xo 1 ninav i nn. llrn Moiiiinu Cache 1170 Nail lake 70J Cholr(Ulsb) . 60 Total 2U 1 IIIIIAT, rilll llril AtTMlVOON Utah (Inolullng iholr) . I.'.rf) Iloi I Idor .. wo Potal .. 2160 Sv iuiiuv, rnil IITII Mi iimvo Onel la BOO hanpelo u Nevler Jin Nail Uke. ;) I niery ... ik) Choir (Salt Uke) . 60 Total 2113 NATIIiniT, llltb IDril AlTKIIVI IN Millar I hi Itaiatih H JM) Silt I nke .. Itcxi caolr (att Uke) .. .. 60 Total 2IM) Nun n it, A I nil lorn Mi iivivii Sail Uke ........ ., "loo Cbolr (Salt l.iko) 60 Tobil ji Huaint, riin ioni rti.noox Salt Uke , sioo Choir (Sill Uko) .. to Total .2150 Moll AY, Mllll. IITII JIuilNINO Sail lake . -CO Ulah 113J Cbdr (Salt Uke) . 60 Total . s Miiviiat Aran l"ru W-ti-hnoov Ilox I I ler 600 Sa t I ake icno Clolr (hall Uke) mi Total ,10 Tuliuat, Unit, lsrit Muuiixo Salt Uko . 2100 Choir tSalt Uke) 60 1 Hal .. Jl J) lie following have been ncolved all ce tl u foreg li k a porllonmint waa undo ui, and will be astlgned here afler, robably to le admitted ou III afteruoi ii ur lutidsy, A rll IStl Morgan Httke, 10(, larowanHtako CO Thu Houlh Catu and the Wist (late ol thu ienilu lllock havu beeu selected as the plaotsof ontratiCu for the services Those who upply for admission sbo lid resent themselves utbam for tbu morning session, arid 12 1) p in for the atluriioon ttsilou, ou the days Itslgiuteu ni they inuuot be admitted ou other days, nor at uoy oil erieailou than herelu Indicated It will be necessity for tscli pll canttoihowhltor I er recommend to tl u gatekeei er In order to ass The reiommenl will I e taken up I y a ticket man Inslduthe gate AojK.rtiiu.Ulte admitted uUtoit a rtoumi un f, on any en aslon 1 sell Hhako President Is expected to make the dlvltloriof the iiofluuuder hliiiipcrvlilouaccordlngto tl e figures Hnddateiglveu above lhisltof i,reat lraortauce If II Is not iroinptle uul I ro erly otlended to, cotuui ou will be thoreeult Wnt-oitn Wooinurr, (Iix w (J (AN NUN, JOtllJI I hMllll, 1 list 1 resldeno ll.lei. The fin! , ii. ,nd trip rate to i.'j,R0J,lh Ro""i!e Western Is JJJ-V) Tickets on sale ovsry dpy Two through fast trains dallj at 8 01 am and 0 .4 p,m P Inest egulpmmt Oo to HcaifTsfor le ' imes siiii i ,.1. hiP" Tho traveling ubllo ro now fully a!lvitiltieractlliatthClilcngo,Uii!on laclllc t North Wtitern Llnu oflers tho vi ry best accommodations to tie lulllo from nnd to hlcai.0, Omaha and liittrmodlalelnu, not only dur ing the World's ralr, but all tho year round Oo to Hcstll's for I aleut Medicines 2o packae, collee has atlraeted so much nf the coueunier's slteutlon as tho (.ol I lints I Try It A.i lnr lllmiee The solid MstlnuloJ trains nf tho ( hlroi,o, Union laclflo & iSorth Wisttrn I Ine distance sll companion with use It his tho shortest line, fastist lime, Union iloroli an I no char gu or delay al thu Missouri ltlver an I It the) .pilar World's 1 alt route Oo to doaill's for Diuge J. C. Jensen wishes to Inform his men la nnd utrons that he has assumed the management cf tho Inter Mount aln Abstract Co , will guarantee all al stract work entrusted I us to t o ac urate aril romjlete Ulllce Itoonn 61 and 67 ( ommetclal lllock N.ll.r () L 1 llison has remove I loNo 10 Main HI , oi twllu A. C. M I. Meter I, nl le n III I I l.urrl. nine Al J, H Morse A. Hont, remove I to 159 H Main Pt, In Wuter i Union Tele grah Ofll re Hcatlll Ho ill! Hiarlll Hcitlin A Nnre lues rtr llle. Helling Piles arekuuwn by moisture like eis Iratlon, causing Intense Itch Ingwlenwurm This form as well aa llllnd, Illeedlng or I rotrudlng, yield at on etuDr Hi sanko's Pile lie nedy, which acta dlnclly rn arts effected als rbslunors a lays Itching and ef fects a permai ent cure 60 ots. Drug. gists ir mill Clrc ilars free Ur llosanko, 1 hlladelphla, l'a. Bola bje Z.C. M I Drug De t, AMMir llehl,, I lag all tomtelltors with the Chlcaio t ulon I aclfli C Nnrlh Wistom Line This Is the oiilar mutforiassngeis de.lln i lithe World's I air gALT LAKE THEATER. una s, nunioi, Slisioea Hontlay, Tnesfay & Wednesday Mgbts, MARCH 27, 28, 29. ledfClncatofUr K. If SOTHERW. o o (UaJrlfavminiittf uentof Mr Uaa 1 Kruh nan Ftrl tint here tt h new Co me J, CAPT. LETTARBLAIR. nr aiat csuiti. uraiNOTiv And fibril recinlf ran tares inonll at th Tyecuai Tt eater ew ora ' 111 Sccterj- tad A olnl neoll same ss la Se ore. I rleee 1 1. J tl 01 ice 39e fcsle ot sssti bo March Jl h NEXT ATTltACTIONl lelee Js hs n In ' tnela Toms Cabin lsn I 9 11 tn I pr 1 1st I rlres at, lor, : e IIP) sslebcilns 11 arch ih ir K ot tiii 1 sua 1 xi men ssj. Our 1 opn sr kloc Oisny la it e Oreit THE OALLEY SLAVE. II ns. Nalald ana 1 s troul s of 1 reform na ess tnllh A Inl er 11 lost sr Its, John II II !. rlli 1 u k ai4 Wise linear I eel er A Madeline hkelrh I no ant IMie n I ate I In h si usloal sVrtrl. Ill 1 aud I Ittraciloi s in curio Hall IO O. AIlMISSUIX XOo. Off Stock of Laflies', Misses' nil Clilrei's six SPMfiG HOSE sJBLk HAS ARRIVED, fflW And Hie assortment is complete and unexcelled, We carry nglMfM none but the Onyx, Ethiopian and .other reliable dyes, as ve arc Wwm sure they will give satisfaction to cyery buyer. lOlL We have secured the "sole agency" for the wonderfully popular black, drab and white Equipoise, and the Compromise Waists, which are everywhere now in such large demand, recommended as they are byJenness Miller and other influential Dress Reformers. tin still coitiM to carry tie ,Jfo WBllknown C.B. anil P.D. Corsets, Wm as we have done for years; their 4wwtir reputation for style, comfoit and 7Tfffif service is unequalled. ' nJ T. C WEBBER, SopL XjT""